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MCS-032 Object Oriented Modeling and UML

Object Oriented Modeling helps in understanding problems, communication with experts from a distance, modeling enterprises and designing. Like blueprint for
large building of constructions. Modeling passes into following phases- System Analysis: problem is formulated and model is built by the analyst. System
Design: System architected is designed. System divided into subsystem. Object Design: is developed based on the analysis model which already developed in
earlier process. Final Implementation: of class and relationships developed in particular programming language.
Object Models are used for describing the objects in the system and their relationship among each other in the system. The Dynamic model describes interactions
among objects and information flow in the system. The data transformations in the system are described in the functional model.
Class is a collection of things or concepts that have some characteristic. Each these things or concept called Object.
Link and Associations are the basis means used for establishing relationships among objects & classes of the system.
Multiplicity is an association specifies how many objects participated in relationship. 0..1,1,0..*,1..*,n,0..n,1..n (..or)
Aggregation is a spl form of association, which
models the part-whole or a-part-of relationship.
Generalization: is the relationship between a class and it defines ahierarchy
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of abstraction in which subclass inherit from one or more superclass.
Generalization is used to refer to the relationship among classes, and inheritance
is used for sharing attribute and operations using the generalization relationship.
Benefits of Object Oriented Modeling: Faster Dev, Increase Qly, Easier Maint, Reuse, Reduced devl risk & comple.
Encapsulation: separate the interface of and abstraction from its implementation. Eg Car
Abstraction- Car | Interface- Steering, pedals, controls | Implementation- generally we dont know.
Object Identity is a property of and objects that distinguishes the object from all other objects in the application. Modularity as a way of mapping encapsulation
abstraction into real, physical module. Hierarchy is ranking or ordering of abstraction using principle of divide and conquer. Concurrency: idea of handling more
than one task at a time. Stop what doing->Deal with other prob->return to main.
Persistence: is data which has a longer lifetime then the program created it. Must be save and reload at later time and store in permanent storage.
Object oriented analysis is bottom up approach. Structured analysis is bottom up approach.
Object oriented Advantage: standalone comp. Focus on data relation. Disadvantage-not complete methodology. Not for Large as missed requirements.
Communication not easy between objects. Object do not know who is involved. No single diagram shows all analysis.
Structured analysis Advantage: communication between customer and users. In form of simple English language form. Disadvantage: do not support use of
reusable modules. Good for new but not by the use of existing components.
Dynamic Modeling: a way of describing how an individual object respond to events,
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either internal events or triggerd by other object or external events outside the world.
Elaborate further by adding the concept of time. It show the time dependent behavior.
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It show something happen at a point of time.
Process :-> Analysis, Identify object state, Draw dynamic model diagram,
Express each state, Validate model, Concepts.
Unified Modeling Language used to express the construct and the relationship of complex systems. Logical View describes the existence and meaning of the key
abstract and the mechanism that form the problem. Physical model describes the concrete software and how components of the system context or implementation.
Class Diagram
Component Diagram
Use Case Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Activity Diagram
Statechart Diagram

Class name

Software Life Cycle: Requirement, Specification, Design, Implementation, Testing, Maintenance, Retirement.
Decomposition/ Divide and conquer/ Breading into Subsystem. (OOD) dividing a problem to become less complex and easier to overlook.
Process oriented decomposition divide a complex process function task to be executed in parallel or sequence. Object oriented decomposition identifying
autonomies objects that encapsulate both a state and certain behavior.
One way Association: traversal in one direction.
Two ways Association: traversed in both directions.
Design Optimization: Add redundant association to minimum access cost and maximize convenience. Rearrange component for great efficiency. Save derived
attributes to avoid recompilation of complicated expression.
Generalization and specialization are the reverse of each other. Generalization means extracting common properties from a collection of classes, and placing
them higher in the inheritance hierarchy, in a super class. Specialization involves the definition of a new class which inherits all the characters of a higher class
and adds some new ones.
Metadata is such set of data which describe other data. The data used to describe class will be treated as metadata. Keys uniquely identify an object instance.
Referential Integrity is rules should be enforced. Each changes to an instance would result in another instance of the object.
State is a condition during the life of an object or an instance during which it satisfies some condition, perform some actions or waits for some event. A State chat
diagram shows the possible state of an object and the transitions that causes changes in state.
Functional Model: specifies what happens, the dynamic model specifies when it happens, and the object model describes what it happens. The functional model
specifies the results of a computation specify how or when they are computed.
Constraint shows the relationship between two object at the same time or between different value of the some object at different times.
Serialization is a generic term that used for mechanisms that enables objects and object structure to be converted into portable form, removing the volatility
created by object address. Like in java which interfaces defines no method. One this has been done, the method WriteObject and readObject can be used to
transfer object to and from stream. Use when data involved is relatively small.
Mapping Generalization to tables: The superclass and the subclass each map to a table structure.

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