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Read the text and answer the questions below.

Bill and Jane are planning to go on holiday. They want to travel round Britain, because Bill has not
seen much of the country. Jane doesn't want to go by train and suggests hiring a car but she cannot
drive and, what's more, it is very expensive to hire a car. This gave Bill an idea! Perhaps they can
buy a second-hand van, a big one. He already imagined what a marvellous holiday they vvould have!
Jane is not so enthusiastic because big vans cost a lot of money and there are only the two of them.
However, Bill thinks that they only need to share the price with other four people. They \Viii camp
or stay in hostels, of course they will share everything else . like the petroL the food and the driving.
The question is how they could find four people to spend the holiday together! Since an ad in the
paper is too expensive, Bill decides to put a notice up on the board at the college. ncar the bookshop.
so that a lot of students can see it. And then there is that newsagent' s ncar the record shop which
has ads in the window. They are going to have lots of fun, travelling everywhere and visiting places.
a) Why do Jane and Bill plan to travel round Britain?
b) What plans do they make to spend a cheap holiday?
c) How do you have fun on your holidays?


prof. cxaminatori


Read the text and answer the questions below.

So. it's the end of the holiday once again, and here we are back at school. I must admit, I normally
enjoy school holidays. but I really wish I didn't have to spend them with my parents. They don't
have very modern ideas. In fact , they're really behind the times.
Every year vve go to a boring hotel at the seaside and spend a boring holiday lying in the sun. So,
when my parents began discussing the holidays this year, I suggested doing something different and
exciting. like climbing Mount Everest or crossing the Atlantic in a small boat.
"An adventure holiday! What a great idea! And every day we'll go hiking or fishing. We'll have the
time of our lives. Why don't we go camping again'?" my father said to my surprise.
Camping! What a good idea! But mum wasn't so sure. She needed a rest, too.
oont vvorry." said my father. "We'll help you, won't we son? We'll go fishing every day.''
"Yes. and hunting." I added.
'"That will be a great help," said my mother. It made my day when Mum finally agreed to go.
a) Why docsn 't the boy like to spend the holidays with his parents?
b) What does the author describe as ''an adventure holiday?"
c) What kind of holidays do you like?


prof. examinatori


Read the text and answer the questions below.

In today's fast-moving world, people have less and less time to spend eating and cooking. This is
probably why junk food has become so popular.
But junk food is not the best thing for your health because it is high in saturated fat. which has been
associated with a greater risk of cancer. The best advice then for those who cannot live without their
hamburgers and chocolate bars is to limit the amount ofjunk food they eat
Another alarming thing about people's lifestyles today is that while the amount ofjunk food has
increased, the amount of exercise we do has actually decreased ..
Even though people nowadays are more aware of the importance of exercise and a healthy diet than
they were a few years ago, the new unhealthy way of life is surprisingly popular.
Researchers show that the new generation will suffer from heart and liver diseases.
a) Why is junk food so popular nowadays?
b) Why is this type of food unhealthy?
c) Speak about your regular diet.


prof examinatori

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