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Brittany Jurgemeyer (Nyhus)

Book Lesson Plan

Note: As this book is a chapter book we will be reading it over a period of four weeks. This
lesson details one of the culminating activities that we will do to process the book. The handout
however, will be sent to the parents before the book is read.
Book: When Zachary Beaver Came to Town
Grade: 5th
Subject/Content Area: Self Esteem, Bullying, Friendship (Differences in Others)
Essential Questions: What happens when an unhealthy lifestyle takes over who you are? How
are you limited when you make poor nutrition choices? How can you look beyond your own
lifes troubles to befriend someone who is different than you?
Standards Met:


Describe how family influences personal health practices and behaviors.

Identify the influence of culture on health practices and behaviors.
Identify how peers can influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors

5th grade students will identify at least 6 characteristics and 6 changes in the character of Toby
from the book Zachary Beaver Comes to Town from the beginning of the book to the end, and
identify the cause of those changes by drawing a character map.
Interdisciplinary Connections: Health and Reading
Assessment: In groups of two or three students will complete a character map of Toby. They will
draw a picture of Toby at the beginning of the book and write what his feelings are, what he
thinks of himself, how others view him, including quotes and themes from the book. They will
then draw a picture of Toby at the end of the book and document how he has changed.
This assessment will be one of the culminating activities for this book unit. An example is

Markers/Crayons/Colored Pencils

When Zachary Beaver Came to Town Class Book Set

Sticky Notes


Introduction (3-5 minutes)

o What has happened in the last chapter we read of When Zachary Beaver Came to
o Were almost done with this book, so lets go back to the beginning real quick,
what was Toby like in the beginning of the book? Turn to your partner and share
some examples from the text of Tobys character.
Main Ideas (15 minutes)
o As we finish up reading I want you to think about the path that the characters have
taken and how they have been influenced by those around them.
o Read the last chapter of When Zachary Beaver Came to Town aloud to the
students as they follow along in their own texts.
Discussion (10 minutes)
o What was Toby like in the beginning of the book?
Allow students to answer, make sure to follow up with questions on what
examples from the text they can pull to support their answer.
o How has Toby changed?
o What or who inspired these changes? Turn to your partners and discuss.
Accept answers from the students.
Activity (15 minutes)
o We know that Toby changed throughout the book and that these changes are a
result of people, and his response to various actions. Were going to create a
character map. On one side of the paper were going to draw a picture of Toby at
the beginning of the book (see example).
o Your drawing can look something like this. (While drawing an example on the
board explain the next steps). I have a heart for how Toby feels about himself, a
speaking bubble for quotes on what he says, actions on his arm and legs, and a
thought bubble for what he thinks about himself and others. I also have a thought
and speech bubble coming in from the side for how others view or think about
Toby. All of my examples can be found in the book, and I have page numbers to
back them up.
o On the other side were going to draw another picture and include the same
information but of what Toby looks like at the end of the book. Your example
needs to include at least 6 beginning characteristics, and 6 changes.
Allow students time to complete the activity with the groups of two to
three. Walk around and assess their discussion, how on task they are and
Closing/Wrap-up (6 minutes)

o Have students share their posters with the class. Hang them up around the room
so they can see how a character can change for the better through unlikely
o We see how Toby has changed, has it been for the better?
o As your ticket out the door for recess, I want you to write what positive key
message we can learn from Toby and apply to our own lives, on a sticky note and
put it on the white board.
TOTAL TIME: 56 minutes

References for Lesson and Handout:

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