Cyber Cafe Synop

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CyberCafe Management System

Sandip Narayanrao Karale

An Introduction to exiting System

Atnew Cyber cafe is a Cyber cafe located in a premier location
in Pune City. The cyber cafe is well equipped with resources such as computers,
printer, CD-writer, web-cameras, blank CDs, floppy disks , various soft drinks and
snacks items. Mr. Shaikh the owner of the CyberCafe started it in January 2003 . Mr.
Shaikh is well known artists and he organizes various stage shows ,Being a busy
person he has given the responsibility of supervising the CyberCafe , managing it
and collecting cash for the service provided to a person named Mr. Atul . The
supervisor Mr.Atul maintains a register in which he enters the records of customer
name, login time, logout time, items requested, charged amount, total cash available
at the start and end of a day etc. This information is entered manually.
Problem in the existing System
The supervisor find it difficult to maintain all the information
manually as there are a no. of computers and no. of services are provided. The re is no
record of regular customers.
The owner is not satisfied by the profile details provided by the
supervisor. He is afraid that supervisor is generating fake records showing less number of
customers and less profit margins. The owner has no means to see the actual records.
Proposed System
An automated computerized system to manage the CyberCafe is
proposed. This system will record all the details of number of customers logged in, time
duration, services or items requested. The system will provide full right to view the actual

records to the owner only. The supervisor will not be allowed to generate fake reports.
Great care will be taken to ensure customer care and satisfaction.
Feasibility Study
The preliminary investigation revealed that the existing manual
system causes loss of time and money thus a automated computerized system is
1) Operational Feasibility :
The system is beneficial because it provides an information system
to meet the clients business operating requirements. The system can be also provide
useful information about resource planning and cost management.
2) Technical Feasibility :
The system is technically feasible because such technology is
available and the system could be developed and maintained effectively within the
3) Economic feasibility :
The cost of the system is not very high thus making it economically
feasible. The CyberCafe manager can afford such cost . One operator on training
will be able to handle the system.
Requirements Specification
1. Software can be divided in to two categories having different functionalitys
2. Server software must be secured.
3. Users can be divided mainly in to three types
Internet Users
4. Internet users can be further subdivided in to two types
Non members ( For casual Internet users )
5. Members can be further subdivided in to two types
Cash members
Credit members
6. For all members personal information must be stored. For others it is optional.
7. Users or members should not be allowed to access the system without logging in.
8. Client software should be allowed to start a session only on a valid confirmation from
the server. The server should interrupt or indicate that a session on a machine say
XYZ is started or finished.
9. Users or members can request items before starting a session. Items can be a coffee,
Pepsi , color printout, floppy disks etc.
10. Users or members should be charged for using the internet or the system. Charging or
billing should be according to predefined schemes could be
1) 15 minutes
5 Rs.
2) 1 hour
20 Rs.

3) 20 hours
300 Rs.
There should be a provision for changing defination of schemes.

11. Preparation of Bill for each customer.

12. Bill payments by customers should be recorded.
13. Session time must be displayed to the user , Also it must displayed on the server
software . There should not be any time difference between the two.
14. Five minutes reminder id optional .
15. The user should be able to notify the server software about the required session time.
16. Server software should effectively monitor the status of machines prespecified on the
17. Server software should be able to perform certain operation or task on any machine
on the network. The operation could be logging off, suspending or forcing a
shutdown. Task should be automatically starting Antivirus scanning and data
18. There should be a provision for reservation machines for a particular user or member
during a time limit specified. Any other user or member should not be allowed to
access the machine during this time.
19. Swapping of session should be possible.
20. Reports can be accessed from any machine on the network.
a) Date wise Reports.
b) Individual user or members Reports.
c) Multiple user or member Reports.
d) Machine wise Reports.
e) Session wise Reports.
f) Item sale Reports.
g) Internet usage Reports.

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