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Team Name

Please describe briefly what are you studying (or studied) at Uni,
and, if you are working, what kind of professional experience you
Edward is currently in his penultimate year of studies, pursuing a
combined Bachelors degree of Commerce (majoring in Finance) and
Engineering (Mechatronics). He is currently working, in a part time
capacity, at Origin Capital Group, a leading Australian corporate
advisory and investment banking firm. Additionally, Edward was the
cofounder of a social startup that made the finals of the 2013
Genesis challenge and went through the 2013 winter round of the
USUs Incubate program.
CV and/or references can be provided on request.
Angus is in his penultimate year of a combined Bachelors degree in
Commerce (majoring in Finance) and Civil Engineering. He has
recently had professional experience in Civil and Construction
Project Management with McNab Constructions, working in
Queensland over the summer.
Angus has also been working as a Pizza Delivery Guy for an
independent takeaway Pizza restaurant for the past two and a half
years. This work has afforded him first hand experience in dealing
with tips and was instrumental in developing the initial idea.
CV and/or references can be provided on request.
About the team
Angus and I have known each other since primary school, - always
looking for constructive projects to occupy ourselves with, and
spending a great many summers tinkering and building together. As
engineers, we are ever inquisitive about the efficiency of systems
both of a financial nature and engineering inclination and are
continuously looking for room to make improvements. We have both
been actively involved in the start-up sphere, and in doing so have
inadvertently had the fortune of meeting and forming connections
with some well-established entrepreneurs and business people
whom have helped inspire our thoughts.
Our idea only came to us quite recently, and after some excited
discussions of what direction it might take, we decided that Sydney
Genesis would be an ideal first port of call for TipEasy. After first
tabling the broad concept, it was immediately clear that an
opportunity existed to develop a product and service combination
that could be of significant value to the hospitality and other

services based industries. After further thought we also realised that

our business idea could also have a great application for charitable
and other donation-taking organisations.
Please tell us more about your idea, trying to describe the main
aspects of your business: value proposition, customers you are
targeting, key activities and resources, and from what/who are you
going to get the money and how. This proposal has not to be
exhaustive, but brief, attractive and catchy!

The idea is aimed squarely at the services and hospitality

industry. Some examples include cafes, restaurants (in
particular deliveries), hotel services (such as valet attendants
and porters)
TipEasy aims to offer an intuitive product that will automate a
currently cumbersome (word use is wrong insinuating that
the process is currently rather oldschool) process.
This would be done by providing a physical, ergonomic and
aesthetically pleasing (but simple to allow use with various
work uniforms) wristband to tippees (via purchase), and an
app to tippers on their NFC enable mobile phones. At the
point of transaction, the tipper would select a dollar amount
on the app in the phone, and upon activating the tip action,
swipe the wrist band on the tippees wrist which would
automatically transfer the money from the tippers associated
card, or account, to the tippees account.
Allows service providers (tippees) to receive tips that
otherwise may have been missed due to the tippers not
having currency, no physical cash, or cash note amounts too
large for the tipper to justify as a tip. Additionally, provides
the tipper a way to easily provide a gratuity where they may
not have been able to, whilst also partaking in the opportunity
to achieve loyalty points, or give back to the community
through donations.
Currently the market has no direct substitutes for this product,
but there is evidence that a market is forming with similar
products, such as DipJar, which is flawed in its limited tip
amount and requirement for a physical location, and
Starbucks new app feature allowing customers to tip baristas,
which is restricted in scope to Starbucks alone. These two
products are however evidence of the impact of the ever
inclining use of credit and debit cards in exchange of physical
TipEasy would profit in a number of ways:
o Wristband purchase cost (subsidised to encourage
o Transaction fees

o Monthly services fees (applied as small percentage of

These fees would be small enough to justify their imposition
as they would be more than offset for a service user by the
tips foregone if they were to not use TipEasy.

More info
Here you can add or anything you consider interesting for us to see:
your landing page link, a youtube video....

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