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Pakistans relations with the U.S. were established and progressed during the rigid
cold war period. In start, Soviet influence on Afghanistan and Iran forced Pakistan's first Prime
Minister Liaqat Ali Khan to cement a pro-American and pro-western policy. Prime Minister Ali
Khan made a tireless effort to establish relations with the Soviet Union, repeatedly asking Joseph
Stalin for military aid, but all attempts were rebuffed by the Soviets.
According to the PIIA, the religious background of Pakistan and the atheist background of the
Soviet Union had created a major divergence after Pakistan noted subservience which was forced
upon the allies of the Soviet Union. In 1949, the Soviet Union directed a farewell message to
Prime Minister Ali Khan, followed by the U.S. invitation in 1950.
In this way P.M Liaqat Ali Khan made his first tour to U.S.A for military aid rather civilian aid
in 1953, United States assessed Pakistan as a volunteer army of 3,000,000. After the signing of
first mutual defense treaty in May 1954, large-scale interaction between U.S. and Pakistani
military started, with hundreds of officers began to sent to U.S. on routine and regular basis,
getting trained shoulder-to-shoulders with U.S.A Army.
Pakistan joined the US-led military alliance SEATO and CENTO. In 1954 the United States
signed a Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement with Pakistan. Under Ayub Khan Pakistan
enjoyed a strong and healthy relationship with the United States. Pakistan had aligned itself with
the United States during the Cold War, rather than with the Soviet Union. Khan's government
also provided a secret military base to United States. This 1960s era, Pakistan and her people
were the most pro-American nation where the U.S. image was more positive than any other
nation at that time. In 1961, Khan paid a state visit to the United State. In 1954, Ayub Khan had

famously told General Henry and the United States that "I didnt come here to look at barracks.
Our army can be your army if you want us. But lets make a decision.

On 17 November 2011, American businessman Mansoor Ijaz publicly accused,
Husain Haqqani of involvement with a secret memo to Admiral Mick Mullen asking for US
intervention in changing Pakistan's military and intelligence agencies.
Ijaz claimed that in May, just after Osama bin Laden was found in Pakistan, Haqqani dictated to
him an explosive memo that he was to deliver to the US military leadership. Haqqani allegedly
told Ijaz that he was acting on the instructions of "the boss", whom Ijaz took to mean president
Zardari .
Ambassador Haqqani denied the accusation, and offered to resign saying, "I do not want this non
issue of an insignificant memo written by a private individual and not considered credible by its
lone recipient to undermine democracy .On 22 November 2011, Ambassador Haqqani officially
resigned saying that "Pakistan and Pakistan's democracy are far more important than any
artificially created crisis over an insignificant memo written by a self-centered businessman. I
have served Pakistan and Pakistani democracy to the best of my ability and will continue to do
so. Then Mick Mullen and James jones confirmed the contents of memorandum.

The Supreme Court accepted Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz
(PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharifs petition on the memo gate issue and set up a judicial
commission . The inquiry commission comprising Balochistan High Court Chief Justice Qazi

Faez Isa, Islamabad High Court Chief Justice Iqbal Hamee-dur-Rehman and Sindh High Court
Chief Justice Mushir Alam was asked to come up with its findings in one month.
The court constituted the commission by exercising its the powers under Article 187 of the
Constitution, Order 32 Rules 1 and 2 read with Order 36 of the Supreme Court Rules, 1980,
coupled with the principle of Civil Procedure Code. Commission gave order for former
ambassador Hussain Haqani not to go abroad until investigations about memo case


The court asked Attorney General Maulvi Anwarul Haq to contact the Canada-based Research in
Motion (RIM) through the Foreign Office for confirmation of the authenticity of electronic
communications exchanged between Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz and Husain
Haqqani. The proceedings were adjourned till the time the commission presented its report.
A nine-member bench of the SC heard the case on July 12. The judicial commission probing the
scandal had found Haqqani guilty of authoring the memo the document delivered to US
officials seeking assistance to overthrow the countrys top military brass. However, the
commission exonerated President Asif Ali Zardari of any charges, saying that Ijaz could not
provide evidence in this regard and had relied only on Haqqanis statement that the latter was
approved by the president.

Media played central role in memo scandal. Foreign media(pentagon)
revealed that Mick Mullen admired that he said for authentic proof of document handed by
Mansoor Ijaz because in past Pakistan had sent such messages. Through media people and came
to know such an important issue for Pakistan defense. Regarding memo scandal, media took this
issue to such a height that there was unrest between civil government and Pakistani military and
defense agencies.

Drone Attacks
History & Beginning:
Drone attacks started in Pakistan in 2006. When the land military operation
of U.S forces was thwarted by the tribes of FATA, the U.S government sought a new way to
eliminate their targets without the risk of human causalities.
According to Pakistani military at least 164 drone attacks have been carried out in the country,
killing over 1000 people. Pakistani statistics suggest of those killed, 793 were locals, and 171
were foreigners. Sources suggest that in 2009 alone, some 44 drone strikes were carried out,
killing over 700 people, out of which just five were reportedly al-Qaeda and Taliban militants.
Most strikes have taken place in North Waziristan.
Objectives & Accomplishments:

One objective of US drone strikes in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of
Pakistan is to reduce the capability of al Qaeda and other militant groups in the region to
conduct campaigns of political violence aimed at seizing or maintaining control over sanctuary areas in the region.
Abu Yahya Al-Libi, a top Al Qaeda operative was killed in a U.S. drone strike.
Baitullah Mehsud, his wife and bodyguards were killed on 5 August 2009 in a U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency drone attack in the Zangar area of South Waziristan.

The drone attacks are a breach of Pakistans sovereignty, they are an utter breach of
international laws, which the superpowers of this world very conveniently impose upon smaller,
weaker nations when they need to, and ignore it when it restricts their policy implementations.

Regarding drone attacks and casualties, New American Foundation pointed out in a
recent report, "when the US drones attack Pakistan's tribal areas, it is not just the 10, or 50
innocent civilians they kill, but it creates the anti-US sentiments among massesthe civilian
killings provide reason to the youngsters for joining terrorist groups waging war against US and
of course Pakistanwhile killing 10 militants, the US has murdered more than 1400 Pakistanis,
not involved in any terrorist activities. Could it not imply that it gave birth to another 1400
Reaction of Parliament:
Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) has demanded
that the United States halt drone strikes and said no compromise will be made on the sovereignty
and integrity of Pakistan.The committee has declared that Pakistan suspend supplies to Nato in
response to ever-increasing drone strikes
Pakistani parliament has passed a unanimous resolution, demanding the United States to stop
strikes from its spy aircraft and tender apology over the killing of 24 Pakistani soldiers in
airstrike on border posts in November.
The 14-point recommendations presented by PCNS chairman Senator Raza Rabbani, say that US
footprint in Pakistan must be reviewed. This would mean an immediate cessation of drone
attacks inside Pakistan cessation of infiltration into Pakistani territory on any pretext including
hot pursuit.

Current Scenario:
Due to the recent crisis, Pakistan has been pushed to the edge to take drastic
actions against the out lawed actions of U.S. The U.S government has not been paying proper &
adequate transportation rent for the Nato supplies and the damage to the network of roads and
transportation is very huge.
The unprovoked attack on Salalah check post and the continuous drone attacks have questioned
the sovereignty of State of Pakistan and in the result Pakistan has suspended the NATO

supplies.This step by the Nato pushed Pak-Ameican relations to the slippery ground. This
scenario has created a hostile atmosphere between Pakistan and U.S. If Pakistan and U.S want to
re-establish healthy relations, they must settle to an agreement that benefits both countries
without the violation of any countrys sovereignty and interests.

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