Unifine Richardson-Case Study

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Deepak Suhag(4237643)
Professor- Amy Vuong
Date- February 14, 2015

Table of content



Executive summary

Issue identification

Environmental and root cause



Alternative and options


Recommendation(s) and


Monitor and control


Executive Summary

Rob Pincombe, obtaining administrator at unifine Richardson is incharge of acquirement of

honey from its suppliers. Unifine buys one million pounds of honey yearly with at 50:50 mix of
Chinese and Canadian honey which costs him $1.08 every pound. Unifine, aside from in-house
utilization of honey, offers 80% of its honey to one expansive establishment and his clients
request item consistency. With Chinese supply blocked, which is a significant supplier of honey
to world taking care of 20% of honey demand, honey suppliers can request a high cost. Unifine's
obtaining from a solitary source before, uncovered its purchasing methodology to unforeseen
dangers from sudden fall in business sector supply, further more demonstrates that Unifine
Richardson is no more feasible than its production network. With fall popular, Unifine is not in a
position to deal cost. Its primary concern as of now is to guarantee continuous supply so that its
inventory network is not disturbed.

Pincombe ought to choose to bolt a cost for Canadian honey to guarantee smooth supply as a
fleeting methodology. Long haul method ought to incorporate having different supplier base and
regressive joining, purchasing crude honey from neighborhood purchasers and sanitizing to
guarantee honey accessibility if this task meets ROI.

Issue Identification
The center issue Unifine Richardson (UR) countenances is their sole honey supplier, Harrington
Honey (HH), will use up Chinese honey in barely a month on the grounds that the Canadian
Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) as of late discovered hints of chloramphenicol (a banned antimicrobial connected with bringing on an occasionally lethal blood issue) and rejected the sullied
honey. Until China figures out how to recognize tainted honey, Unifine Richardson can't offer
any of its present Chinese-Canadian mix. On account of the CFIA's discoveries, the worldwide
supply of honey will diminish by 20%, in this way creating an increment in cost. Harrington
Honey won't have the capacity to keep up the honey stream.

The cost of honey, universally, has as of now been on an unfaltering slope and the deficiency
will further strengthen this pattern. An alternate issue UR is confronting is that there is
additionally an uneven relationship between the two organizations. Harrington Honey is very
much aware of this and is utilizing this further bolstering its good fortune by not offering better
decisions to UR. Also, 80% of UR's honey operations are fixed to one noteworthy client, and this
client has extreme guidelines. As expressed prior, Unifine Richardson has give or take one month
of honey stock left and it needs to settle on a choice taking into account the accessible
alternatives exhibited by Harrington Honey.

Environmental and root cause analysis :

Applying Porter's five strengths examination for honey market it creates the impression that
purchasers don't have much impact on honey market. As honey supply has lessened by 20% in
world business, suppliers are at high ground and control business cost. Honey business is
impacted by government regulations and controls and CFIA can piece supply of honey from any
nation on the off chance that it doesn't meet quality norms set forth by it. So Unifine is helpless
before honey suppliers for taking care of its store network demand


Unifine Richardson purchases around one million pounds of honey yearly. The world supply of
honey has diminished by around 20%. At present, the organization pays $1.08 every pound for
the Chinese-Canadian mix honey. Harrington Honey gave UR three option sources of honey:
1. Canadian-Argentinean blend
a. Cost: $1.42 million (a 31% cost increase).
b. Customers may reject because flavor is significantly different from current honey
c. Argentina is worlds third-largest honey supplier.
2. 100% Canadian honey
a. Cost: $1.75 million (a 62% cost increase).
3. 100% American honey
a. Cost: $1.79 million (a 66% cost increase).
b. Worlds second-largest honey supplier.

These alternatives all posture extremely huge expense increments for Unifine Richardson.
Considering the strict time allotment that UR is under, it won't be conceivable to build another
association with an alternate supplier; nonetheless, UR has the influence with HH to arrange on
the costs they are at present being advertised. HH proposed UR consider a long haul contract to
secure the value, which recommends UR is a high volume client that HH would not like to lose.

Alternatives and Options

The issue confronting Unifine Richardson is that Harrington Honey, its principle honey supplier
will be out of Chinese honey stock by May 17, 2002 as a result of CFIA assessment issues. For
the present, Unifine will need to search for option hotspots for honey until the Chinese suppliers
make sense of an approach to distinguish and reject debased honey. Its current expense for 50-50
mix of Chinese and Canadian honey is $1.08 Canadian dollars every pound. Harrington Honey
has proposed three principle alternatives: a) 100% unadulterated Canadian honey, which costs
$1.75/lb; b) 100% U.S. honey at $1.10/lb in U.S. dollar ($1.79 Canadian dollar); or c) 50-50
Canadian-Argentinean honey for $1.42/lb. As an aftereffect of the supply lack, costs for nonChinese honey have gone up fundamentally. There are additionally concerns of item accessibility
paying little respect to cost.

Unifine buys one million pounds of honey a year. The normal cost for honey amid the previous
year is $.91 every pound. With the current value, it will cost them $1.08 millions every year.
Nonetheless, on the off chance that they were to purchase the 100% Canadian honey, its going to
cost them $1.75 millions. Similarly, it will cost them $1.79 millions for 100% U.S. Honey. Then
again, utilizing a 50-50 Canadian-Argentinean honey will just cost them $1.42 millions. These
costs are a critical increment from what Unifine used to pay for its honey.

In light of the given truths, it would be savvy for Unified to run with the 100% Canadian honey
for the present. The reason being- -its a tad bit less expensive than the 100% U.S., furthermore
on the grounds that utilizing a 50-50 Canadian-Argentinean would hazardous, for it may be
reviewed by CFIA if discovered to be resistant. Furthermore, the Canadian-Argentinean mix
does not taste comparable to the unadulterated Canadian, and their biggest client would not like
it. On the off chance that they decided to utilize the unadulterated Canadian honey, their client
would need to pay an extra $.67 pennies every pound- -this is a 62% expansion in cost. Their
clients would not be upbeat, particularly the substantial establishment retailer that purchases 80%
of the association's late honey.

In conclusion, to keep such episode from happening once more, they will need to screen their
supplier's suppliers. They need to take a gander at the whole production network to pay special
mind to potential issues before they happen. It will require a ton of managerial push to do as
such, subsequently they would need to ask their suppliers to control their own particular
suppliers. For instance, for this situation, Harrington Honey ought to prompt their Chinese honey

bee agriculturists not to utilize the chloramphenicol anti-infection on their bumble bee populace,
however to utilize something else to cure the virus. Subsequently, Harrington Honey would be
helping its suppliers to keep such episode from happening.

Recommendations and Implimentations

In light of the prompt alternatives accessible, we would not prescribe running with the 50/50
honey mix. There is an inquiry concerning the taste of the Argentinean honey. UR could confront
lavish reviews; U.S.-forced dumping charges, loss of notoriety and an inability to meet client

The 100% U.S.honey is likewise not a practical choice on the grounds that it is the most lavish
honey, and there could be extra issues, for example, eccentric conveyance, transportation
deferrals, delivery costs, and so forth.

The Canadian honey is the best promptly accessible alternative, considering the constrained time
period the acquiring director needs to settle on a choice. Since UR is spotted in Ontario, maybe
there will be a diminishment in charges or transportation costs.

A double supply system ought to be considered so the organization can utilize a supporting
strategy to minimize the expense. Unifine Richardson just utilized one supply source, Harrington
Honey. Depending so vigorously on one supplier left the organization helpless against danger.
"The best supply chains distinguish structural shifts, frequently before they happen, by catching
the most recent information, separating out clamor, and following key examples. They then move
offices, change wellsprings of supplies, and, if conceivable, outsource producing" (Lee, 2004).
The organization needs to search for option suppliers that gain their honey from Mexico. The
source area won't have a noteworthy effect in their operations and UR will keep its conveyance
on time.

It is prudent that the UR buying administrator contact its expansive client to clarify the current
cost build, and comprehend what their needs are. The honey is essentially utilized as a dipping
sauce for chicken wings. How discriminating is this dipping sauce to this client to legitimize the
60% aggregate increment? In the event that the client needs to keep up the honey buys, or
chooses to drop, UR needs to know ASAP. This client speaks to 80% of their honey deals and it
is conceivable that they may need trade the honey for a substitute item. For this client, the honey
could be a noncritical thing, and may be supplanted with mixed greens dressings, which UR can
offer. By making arrangement and trading "data and learning uninhibitedly with merchants and
clients," (Lee, 2004) UR could potentially dodge enormous misfortunes.

Monitor and Control

As a long haul objective, UR ought to take a shot at getting a more manageable inventory
network to avert future interruption in supply and benefit decays.

As a transient technique, Pincombe ought to discover another supplier for 100% Canadian honey
to guarantee steady supply. 100% Canadian honey is less expensive than 100% U.S honey and
meets all quality and security gauges..

In the long haul, UR ought to contribute its energies to build up a different sourcing base with
various sellers so that future vulnerabilities can be dodged. UR ought to likewise put resources
into regressive coordination by including neighborhood/territorial honey agriculturists to
guarantee consistency and less expensive costs.

In spite of the fact that the 100% Canadian honey is all the more expensive then the CanadianChinese mix that UR is right now acquiring and offering, the clients of UR won't be content with
the cost build, which is near to 62%. Consequently, UR ought to retain some of this expense until
a relentless wellspring of honey can be found.


Later on, they may need to utilize two suppliers rather than one sole supplier; on the other hand,
this will diminish their influence of dealing force. They need to make an exchange off in the
middle of value and dangers.

Moreover, if such a circumstance were to emerge later on, HH ought to caution UR of

possibilities issue early before they happen. As opposed to doing this, they advised UR that there
was nothing to stress over on the grounds that CFIA did not have the intends to test for the
chloramphenicol and later asked UR to change to an interchange source with no notice.


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