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Nomor 1
In my opinion, I think writing had changed our society. Writing had
given a big influence to our life. If we read from the history of writing, there
are so many advancement that make people better. For example, without
writing how we can use a phone. There are some instruction in the writing
that help us to use a phone, make a call, send a message, or other things
that phone can do. Writing will help people to connect others from far
Writing gives knowledge for human. People who had invented
scientific researches needed to write their idea into books. Those books help
us now to study about biology, physics, chemistry, and others. By studying
chemistry, people know how to make dairy or fermented products. Theory
and knowledge that we get from writing will help us to fullfil our needs.
Writing also brings a job for person who wants to work in newspaper
company. Newspaper is one of writings that gives us some information about
lifestyle, health, advertisement, news, and other information.
Nomor 2
Necessity is the mother of invention. This is really applicable to
development of technical writing. It means that if you really need to do
something, you will think of a way of doing it. In the past, people who needed
to communicate with others, led them to discover communication devices
that helped them. Now we call them phones or smartphones or telephones or
other types.

If we talk about the development of technical writing, it

develops because people need it.

Technical writing is a kind of non-fiction writing. It is used for
technical communication and is often associated with help files, procedures,
and user manuals. But it must be easily understood by the users. When
people invented computer, they wrote a technical writing to present
information so users can use it in accurate way. By giving us procedures and
and user manuals, we may use the computer correctly.

Almost all kinds of tool or hardware and software that we need

everyday have user manuals and instructions that present information how
we will use them. When we buy a phone, refrigenerator, radio, car,
motorcycle, laptop, and other tools, were given an instructional book that
leads us to use them perfectly.
Nomor 3
My favorite writing is fiction writing. I love fiction writing because it is
interesting and has amazing idea in the story. It tells about something that is
impossible in reality but possible in fantasy story. There are so many thing
we can learn from fiction. It also gives some advices for us to be a good
person. For example, legend of Tobas Lake. The writer wanted to tell us that
parent must love their childrent, they should not give rough punishment
when their childrent do mistakes. But parents should be patient and give
advice properly.
Nomor 4
I think they had been motivated by their need. They needed to share
their feeling and communicate with others. They used signs and symbols as
communication devices whether they wanted to interact with people or show
that they were sad, angry, or happy. Their writing system actually was used
to measure barley, which was considered the most important commodity at
that time. They used signs and symbols to express and interprete what they
wanted to explain with others. Verbal communication was not enough for
them to tell something clearly, so signs and symbols helped others to
understand more.
Nomor 5
Fiction and non-fiction writing are truly different.

a. Fiction is a kind of writing that delas with ideas or events that are
imaginary or theoretical or not real. Novels, legend story, myth, or
fable are fiction writing. Fiction has different type of writing, when want
to write a fiction writing, there must be a plot, theme, topic, idiom or
special languange style such as poetry, rhyme, or proverb.
Non-fiction is a kind of writing that is based on facts and information.
Major types of non-fiction literature are essays, journals, memoirs,
technical documentation/writing, scientific papers, travel books, blue
prints, and user manuals. Non-fiction writing has been proven from
some researches or experiments. It is real and not imaginary. Every
kinds of non-fiction writing has standard form and rules in making it.
b. Fiction and non-fiction speak with different way to audiences. Fiction
has special rhythm when a reader tells it to listener. Fiction uses all
types of feeling include happy, sad, angry, or feeling guilty when a
reader expresses a fiction writing to audiences. Reader can also
expresses the story with screaming, crying, fizzing, or other actions
that describe the story.
On the other hand, non-fiction writing has standard rhythm when
reader tells to audiences. We explain non-fiction writing to listeners
with clear intonation, and correct information also standard languange.
Most of non-fiction writings show data or table or graph or number to
convince the audiences.

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