ICT Lesson Plan 1

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Appendix 1


Year Level:


Time: 9:30am

Date: 16th March 2015

Students Prior Knowledge:

Earths surface changes over time as a result
of natural processes and human activity

Learning Area: Science Year Six

The Earth is part of a system of planets

orbiting around a star (the sun) (ACSSU078)

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum

Sudden geological changes or extreme weather conditions can affect
Earths surface (ACSSU096)
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Critical and creative



Personal and


Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Research a variety of different Volcanic Eruptions and record the cause, process and effect that the particular
eruption had on its surrounding environment.
Demonstrate competence in using the internet as a search engine to source information about a particular
Volcanic Eruption
Create a diorama, which represents your chosen Volcanic Eruption using a variety of different resources
provided by the teacher.
Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:

Choose a variety of Volcanic Eruptions for students to study

Ensure that there is a wide range of information about each

Volcano for children to search

Create a Google Docs page for students to upload their

chosen Volcano onto to ensure that no student chooses the

Collect resources for children to use to start the design of

their diorama

Provision for students at educational risk:

Students with hearing impairment:
Students with an hearing impairment will be
needed to be seated as close as possible to
the front of the classroom to ensure that they
are gaining as much information as they can.
Students with vision impairment: Students
living with a vision impairment will need to
work with an aid to allow them to understand
what is being presented to them on the
computer screen. This will also help them in

the creation of their diorama.


Check to make sure that all computers are in working


LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)


Motivation and Introduction:


Start by asking all students to face the front of the classroom (or to
face where the teacher is standing.)

Introduce the main focus of the lesson by having the introduction

page of the Weebly website on the projector at the front of the

Computers for students to
work on

Ok students, today we are going to be starting our major task all about
Volcanoes! How exciting! Essentially, there are three tasks that we are going
to be completing across a number of weeks all about Volcanoes and the
cause, process and effect that they have on our environment. At the
completion of the tasks, you will be showcasing your work in an exhibition for
the National Museum of Natural Disasters that your parents will be able to
come and see. Today, we are going to be focusing on Task 1, which is a
great place to start becoming familiar with Volcanoes and the different types
of Volcanoes that have erupted around the world. First you are going to be
choosing a Volcano to study over the next few weeks. This is done by
searching this website, (science6nd@weebly.com) and clicking on this button
here to continue onto choosing your Volcano you are going to be researching.
Lets get started!

Students are given time to search the Weebly address and chose
their particular volcanic eruption.

Weebly Web Address

Once students have picked the Volcanic Eruption they will be

studying, ask all students to upload the name, location and date of
their Volcano to a Google Docs page to allow for no double ups on

Google Docs Page


Students will then face the front of the classroom to wait for further
instructions about the next step in Task 1.

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):


The teacher will then move onto introducing the main task for the
lesson; researching your Volcano and creating a replica through a
Diorama of what it looks like and its surrounds.

Everyone watching me please. So, now that you have chosen your Volcano
that you are going to research the next few weeks, we are going to move onto
researching information about it using Google. The main topics of information
we are looking for is; the cause of Volcanoes, the Process of Volcanoes and
the effects that Volcanic Eruptions can have on an environment. You are
going to be documenting your information onto our usual documenting
application, Bubbl.us. This will allow for me to see what information you have
found and allow for you to become more familiar with that Volcano. If you
need any help, please raise your hand, but I want to see how much
information you can find on your own. Off you go!


The teacher will give the students an adequate amount of time to

research information about the Volcano. Students should be flicking
back and forward from Google.com and Bubbl.Us to ensure that they
are getting as much information as possible.

The teacher will be walking around throughout the research stage of

the lesson to make sure the children are on the right track. The
teacher is also assessing the students ability to source information
online so they need to ensure that they are giving the students a
chance to do this first before the teacher assists.

When the research time has finished, the teacher will ask students to
face the front of the classroom again.

Accessible Internet

Ok, who can tell me some interesting information they found out about their
chosen Volcano?
Ask students:
What Volcano are you studying?
Where is it located?
Has it erupted more then once?

After the teacher has received information from at least five students
in the classroom, they will then be moved onto the creating stage of
the lesson.

The teacher will bring out an example of a Diorama that the students
will be making in second half of the lesson.

Diorama Example

This is an example of a Diorama that a student created last year when

completing this task. As you can see, they have made great use of different
materials to create a masterpiece! What I want to see from you all, is a
detailed 3D illustration showing your Volcano and its surrounding
environment. You should all be aware of what your Volcano looks like from
pictures on the internet. I have collected a huge range of resources for you to

use so I would love to see lots of colour and detail! If you do not get this
finished today, we will be continuing them in second half of each lesson to be
showcased at the parent presentation day following the completion of all the
Half a shoe box each

Students will each be given half of a shoebox to create their diorama


Students will be given to the end of the lesson to work on their


Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)
- Students will be asked to pack away their dioramas and clear away
any mess that they have made whilst designing and creating them.

After all students desks are clear, the teacher will ask students a few
questions and provide them with a checklist.

All right Year 6 Scientists, who can tell me what they have learnt in todays
lesson? What are some interesting facts that you might like to share with the
class about your chosen Volcano? Would anyone like to share with the class
the start of their Diorama? Why have you chosen those colours? What
surrounds the Volcano?
Task One Checklist


The teacher will then hand out a checklist of what students should
have completed in todays lesson. Students will be provided with a
checklist at the end of each class to ensure that they have completed
all the given tasks.

After students have made sure they have finished all that is required,
they will then be asked to wait for further instructions.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)


The teacher will then dismiss students to recess.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)

The teacher will assess the students competency in using a search

engine when they are researching their chosen Volcanic Eruption.
The teacher will give limited assistance to the students to watch who
is capable of searching for the correct information.

The teacher will be able to log onto the students Bubbl.Us to review
the students findings. The teacher will also make comments on what
information they may add and what information is not relevant at the
start of the next lesson when they are creating their newspaper

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