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Plastic Analysis 567 8.4 Problems: Plastic Analysis — Continuous Beams A series of continuous beams are indicated in which the relative M, values and the applied collapse loadings are given in Problems 8.1 to 8.5. Determine the required value of M to ensure a minimum load factor 4 = 1.7, 202 KN 15a kN Problem 8.1 Problem 8.2 20m 20m 20m | 20m 40m 4.0m 102kNim — 30AKN ISZkN 204k TSM, My 2om_{ 20m { 20m | 20m | 20m eae a i Problem 8.3 6.0m 40m ce D 2om_{ 20m __ 60m Problem 8.5 568 Examples in Structural Analysis 85 Solutions: Plastic Analysis — Continuous Beams Solution Topic: Plastic Analysis - Continuous Beams }.1 — Kinematic Method 4.0m 40m aad Factored loads: Beam ABC 1.7 x 20)=34KN, Beam CDE = (1.7 x 15)=25.5 kN jematic Meth Span ABC 340kN Internal Work = External Work M8) + M+) + My(B) = 34 x20) 4M,0= 680 Internal Work = External Work My(Q) + MOP) + MgB) = (25.5 x 20) 4M,O= 51.00 Plastic Analysis 569 Solution Topic: Plastic Analysis — Continuous Beams Problem Number: 8.1 — Static Method Static Method: Span ABC a 34kN WOAN (170% Free Ber i Fixed Bending Moment Diagram 34.0kNm Combined Bending Moment Diagram (My + My) = 2My = 34.0 kNm Span CDE 25.5KN le 25.5 kNm My Fixed Bending Moment Diagram Combined Bending Moment Diagram (M, + M,) = 2Mp = 25.5 kNm 1. My ‘As before the critical value of M, 570 Examples in Structural Analysis Solution ‘Topic: Plastic Amalysis ~ Continuous Beams Problem Number: 8.2 - Kinematic Method Page No. 1 My e ue fae 40m a=\T Factored loads: Beam ABC = (1.7 x 20)=34KN, Beam CDE = (1.7 x 15)= 25.5 kN Kinematic Method: ‘Span ABC 344N Internal Work = External Work M(8+B)+ My(A = 34 x28) 3M,0= 680 Internal Work = External Work Mg{O) + My(O+B) = 25:5 * 28) 3M,0= 51.08 M, = 17.0 kNm 2.67 KNm Solution Topic: Plastic Analysis — Continuous Beams Problem Number: 8.2 — Static Method Static Method: Span ABC 34kN Free Bending Moment Plastic Analysis 571 Ww (1700%2. 120KN 0)=3404Nm Diagram 0sM om Fixed Bending Moment Diagram Combined Bending Moment Diagram (My + 0.5M,) = 15M, = 34.0 KNm Span CDE = 22.67 kNm 25.5kNm 1 12.78 kN 75 « 2.0)=25.5 kNm Moment Diagram My a Combined Bending Moment Diagram (My + 0.5M,) = 1.5My = 25.5 ‘As before the critical value of M, Fixed Bending Moment Diagram M,=17.0kNm 2.67 kNm 572. Examples in Structural Analysis Solution tic Analysis - Continuous Beams 3 — Kinematic Method Topie: Pk Problem Number: ART Factored loads = (1.7 x 10)= 17.0 kN/m = (1.7 x 20)= 34.0 kN Kinematic Method: Span AB Note: Span AB is effectively a propped cantilever andthe bending moment diagram is asymmetric. The hinge between A and B does not develop st the mid-span point +e rpuld be evaluated in a manner similar to that indicated in Section 8.2.3. The anor should carry-ott this calculation to show that the hinge develops a 8 position tequal to 2.582 m from the free support at A as shown below, (see page 3 of this solution). 15M at B No internal work done 1208 (or py [25m | 348m §=3.418B= 2.5820 -. B= 0.7550 Internal Work = External Work (2.06%, (+ A) + (15Mg6)] = [17 x 6.0) x (05x 8} = (102 «05 * 2.5820) 4,643M,0 = 131 6826 28.36 KNm I Plastic Analysis 573 Solution Topie: Plastic Analysis ~ Continuous Beams Problem Number: 8.3 — Kinematic Method ‘Span BCDE SLOKN 25.5KN S10KN 25.5KN Bec D ¢ [e ey ‘ 20m | 20m | 20 r +(0+ By Pe I +1.5M, a ; 20m| 20m | 20m Internal Work 1.5M, (+ 1.5M, (0+) + My (A) =4.25M)0 External Work (51.0 x 6) + (25.5 x &) = (51.0 x 28) + (25.5 x 2) = 127.58 4.25M,0 = 127.50 My, SLOKN 25.5KN SLOKN 25.5KN {20m | 20m | 20m 6=20 6-28-40 -. B=20 Internal Work 1.5M, (0) + 1.5M, (0+) + My (f= 8.0M,8 External Work (51.0 x 5) + (25.5 x &) = 1. 0 x 20) + (25.5 x 40) = 204.00 8,0M,O= 2040 574 Examples in Structural Analysis: Solution ‘Topic: Plastic Analysis ~ Continuous Beams Problem Number: 8.3 — Static Method 5=28=20 -.B=0 Internal Work = External Work M,(8 +2) + M(B) = G34 x 20) 3M,0= 680 2. Mp = 22.67 kN The critical value of M, = 30.0 kNm Static Method: +ve DEM; (17.0x*2 - 2M, = 0 85x -2M,=0 ©. My=4.25x" 2M, + 1.SMp ~ 17.0(6.0 — xy2=0 M, = 2.429(6.0 - x0 Equate the M, values to determine x: 4.25x2=2.429(36.0- 12x-+x) «. 1-821x° +29.148x- 87.44 =0 2a ~ (21821) My = 4.25x7 = (4.25 * 2 582") Plastic Analysis 575 Solution Topic: Plastic Analysis — Continuous Beams Problem Number: 8.3 — Static Method Span BCDE, SLOKN 25.5kN l Fixed Bending Moment Diagram ‘Combined Bending Moment Diagram (15M, + 1.33M,) = 85.0 kNm 2.83M, = 85.0 kNm SLOKN 25.5kN Bch 0 EA T Xx | | SW fosin 20m | 20m | 20m 34.0 2.0) = 68OKN 60m Fr Moment Diagram LI™M, 117M, L5My ‘Combined Bending Moment Diagram (15M, + 1.17M,) = 68.0 kNm 8.0 kKNm 576 Examples in Structural Analysis Solu Topic: Plastic Analysis - Continuous Beams Problem Number: 8.3 — Static Method (17.0 2.0) = 34.0 kNm Free Bending Moment Diagram Combined Bending Moment Diagram (My +0.5Mj)=25.5 ¢. My=22.67 kNm As before the critical value of My Plastic Analysis 577 Solution Topic: Plastic Analysis — Continuous Beams Problem Number: 8.4 — Kinematic Method D 20M, 20m | 20m 20m | | {2om_{ 20m i som Factored loads: (1.7 x 10) = 17.0 kN (17x 15)=25.5KN (1.730) Kinematic Method: Span ABC Note: The bending moment diagram on span ABC is asymmetric an hinge between A and C does not necessarily develop under the point load. The position should be evaluated in a manner similar to that indicated in Section 8.2.3. The reader should carry-out this calculation to show that the hinge develops at a position equal to 2.333 m from the support at A as shown below, (see page 3 of this solution). ei wae «ft [ism SSE =n! 15M,aA — 340KN AB 340 kN 34.01N) 17.0 kNim- | eB Cl aoe | 2.333m_| 3.667 fas = sie | som + (0+ B) 170m — [23m | 2667 6 = 3.6678 = 2.3330 ». B=0. 6350 5 =2.00 Internal Work = [1.5Mp (6) + 1.5M, (0+ 9 + (1.5M,B)] = 4.91M,0 Extemal Work = ((34 x 5)] + [(17 x 6.0) x (0.5% 5))] 34 x 26) + [(102.0) x (0.5x 2.3330] = 186.980 4.91M,0 = 186.980 M, = 38.08 KNm 578 Examples in Structural Analysis: ‘Span CDEF SLOKN 25.5KN SLOKN —25.5KN c D. i & Internal Work 1.5M, (8) + 2.0M, (8+) + M(B) = [1.5My( (0) +2.0M, (1.50) + M, 0.5) =5.0M0 6 =4B=20 2. B=050 5 =2B-0 External Work (51.0 &) + (25.5 x 5) = [51.0 x20) + 25.5 «291 = [(1020) + (25.50) = 12750 5.0M,0= 127.50 M,=25.5 kNm S1OKN 255KN SLOKN 25.5kN +10 030 [20m | 20m | 20m | 5-20 &=28-40 :. B=20 Internal Work 1.5My (0) +2.0M, (0+) + My (9) L1-5M, (0) + 2.0Mp G. 00) + M, (2.00)] =9.5M,0 External Work (51.0 x &) + 25.5 x 5) = [51.0 20) + 25.5 x 40)] = (1026) + (1020) = 204.00 9,5M,0= 204.00 Plastic Analysis. 579 Solution ‘Topic: Plastic Analysis - Continuous Beams — Kinematic Method ‘Span FG Note: Span FG is effectively a propped cantilever and the bending moment diagram is asymmetric. The hinge between F and G develops at a position 0.41421 from the simply supported end as indicated in Section 8.2.3 (0+) | 238m_| 16s7m | 5= 1.6578 = 2.3430 1.4140 Internal Work = External Work [M, (0) + My (0+ P)] = ((34.0 x 4.0) x (0.5x )] [M(B + M, (2.4148)] = (136 x 0.5 2.3430) 3.414M,0 = 159.320 Static Method: Span ABC B4OKN (—170KNIm A th ch usm, : 15M, ty am_| @0-9m | xm 15M, 60m 34.04N LSM, 580 Examples in Structural Analysis Solution ic: Plastic Analysis - Continuous Beams +ve DEM, =0 = 1.5My + (34 * 2.0) + (17.027/2~ 15My= 0 68.0 + 8.5x - 3.0M, = 0 i. My = 22.667 + 2.8337 ve )IMc = 0 1.5% ~ 17.0(6.0 —x)'/2 + 1.5M,=0 My = 2.833(6.0 - 3)? Equate the M, values to determine x: 20.667 + 2.833x7 = 2.833(36.0 ~ 12x +") 2. 33.996x — 79.321 =0 x=2333 m ‘M, = 2.833(6.0 ~ x)? = 2.833(6.0 — 2.333)? 2. My= 38.09 kNm Span CDEF SLOKN — 25.5KN 85.0kNm. ent Diagram Im as 85.0kNm | Fixed Bending Moment Diagram Combined Bending Moment Diagram (2.0M, + 1.33M,) = 85.0 kNm | 3.33M, = 85.0 KNm c. Mp= 25.5 kN Plastic Analysis 581 Solution ‘Topic: Plastic Analysis - Continuous Beams Problem Number: 8.4 ~ Static Method SLOKN 25.5kN Te (34.0 « 2.0) = 68.0 Nm Bending Moment Diagram 17 Ln Fixed Bending Moment Diagram s Combined Bending Moment Diagram (2.0M, + 1.17M,) = 68.0 kNm 3.17M, = 68.0 kNm c My= 21.47 kN Span FG — M0 kNim M (ite 5 wena |e hs 40m 40KNim G My 5 fio-g |e 4ve DEMp=0 ve) ZMe=0 (34.072 - My - My = 0. My 34.0(4.0-x) 2=0 17.0x? = 2.0 My = 0 My = 17.0(4.0 ~ x)? My = 85x" i 582. Examples in Structural Analysis Solution ‘opie: Plastic Analysis - Continuous Beams Problem Number: 8.4 Static Method Page No. 6 Equate the M, values to determine x: 8.5x° = 17.0(16.0 - 8x +?) 8,5x7 — 136x +272 =0 Eee (4x 8.5 bab? —4ac _ 136+ 136" -(4x8.5 272) aaa 2a (2x85) 5x? = (8.5 x 2.343) (M, = 46.67 KNm As before the critical value of M, = 46.67 kNm Note: Span FG is the same as the standard propped cantilever in Example 8.3 in which the hinge develops at a point 0.414L from the simply supported end and the M, value equals 0.08581", ie. Distance of hinge from support F = [4.0 ~ 0.4141] = [4.0 - (0.414 x 4.0)] = 2.344 m . My = (0.0858 x 34.0 x 4.07) = 46.67 KNm Plastic Analysis 583 Solution Topic: Plastic Analysis - Continuous Beams Problem Number: 8.5 — Kinematic Method 40m 6.0m Factored loads: (1.7 x 15)=25.5kKN (1.7 x 20)= 34.0 kN (1.7 30)=51.0 kN Kinematic Method: Span ABC Note: The bending moment diagram on span ABC is asymmetric and in this ease the hinge between A and C does not necessarily develop under the point load and its position should be evaluated in a manner similar to that indicated in Section 8.2.5 The reader should carry-out this calculation to show that the hinge develops at a position equal to 3.725 m from the support at A as shown below, (see page 2 of this solution). SLOKN 34.0 kNim— 34.0kNim. A B amsm | 4275m_ 80m 220M," (0% A) msm | 2m | & = 4.275B= 3.7250 :. B= 0.8718; a 208 Internal Work = [2.0M, (8+ 9) + (1.5M,()] = 5.05My@ External Work = [(51 x &)] + (34 x 8.0) x (0.5 51)] = [51 x 1.7420)] + (272.0) x (0.5 x 3.7250)] = 595.440 5.05M,0 = 595.440 117.91 kNm 984 Examples in Structural Analysis Solution Analysis - Continuous Beams 6-48-26 +. B=050 Internal Work = External Work 15M, (@) + 1.5M, (0+) + 1.5M, (9) = (51.0 x 6) = (51.0 x 20) 4.5M,0= 1020 2. My= 22.67 kNm Span EF 25.5 kN Internal Work = External Work 1.5M, (8) = (25.5 x 5) = (25.5 x 20) = 51.00 “My The critical value of M,, 117.91 kNm Static Method: Span ABC S1oKN 34.0 kim A B c & Plastic Analysis 585 Solution Topic: Plastic Analysis — Continuous Beams Problem Number: 8.5 ~ Static Method Page No. 3 (34.072 - 2M, =0 2M, ~ 34,0(8.0 ~ x)?/2— (51.0 * 2.0) + 1.5My= 0 17.0x7 = 2M, ‘My = 4.857(8.0 - x) ~ 29.143 M,= 8.5" Equate the M, values to determine x: 8.517 = 4,857(64.0 - 16x + x*) - 29.143 1. 3.643x? - 77.712x + 339.991= 0 _ 2 -71. 77.712? + (43.643 x 339.991 _ —b tv? - 4ac TIMI. 2? + (4 rer 2a (23.643) M, = 8.5x? = (8.5 * 3.725?) . My = 117.94 KNm Span CDE S1OKN 4.0 « 2.0) = 68.0 KN Free Bending Moment Diagram 15Mp A Fixed Rending Moment Diagram Combined Bending Moment Diggram (15M, + 1.5M,) = 68.0 kNm = 22.67 kNm Span EF 25.5KN E F PL ; a | + 15M, = PL = (25.5 x 2.0)= 51.0 kNm

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