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Underline the indirect objects in the sentences below:

A. He taught other the game.
B. I told him the answer several times.
C. A woman in the balcony asked the man a question.
D. He offered me money.
E. He sent his friend flower.
2. Complete the sentences with both direct as well as indirect object.
Direct object
Indirect Object
A. We can have lunch
in the restaurant.
B. She talked
__________ __________________
C. He resembles __________ __________________
D. I want
__________ __________________
E. They went
__________ __________________
F. It rained
__________ __________________
3. Use the following words in sentences as direct object and as well as direct object.
Cage, board, bike, sky, computer
Example: I bought a cage for parrots (direct object)
Kids saw monkeys in the cage (indirect object)
4. Identify only the subject, the direct object and the indirect object in each sentence:
Our teacher gave us some work to do
Subject ____direct object __________indirect object________
He told his parents a lie.
Subject ____direct object __________indirect object________
Father paid the bill for us.
Subject ____direct object __________indirect object________
5. Rewrite following sentences putting the indirect objects before the direct objects.
A. Shazia told a secret to me. ___________________________
B. The principal granted leave for us. ___________________________
C. I promised my support for him. ___________________________
6. Rewrite the following sentences correctly.
A. Some children has red bags
B. Six times five divided by two fifteen.
C. Either my uncle or my parents is going to buy me a toy
7. Tick the correct form of the verb
She has ______ the food.
A. cooks
B. cooking
C. cook
D. cooked

8. Change the subjects into singular and rewrite the sentences correctly.
A. The ladies read the books on the trains.
B. The dentists check the childrens teeth.
C. The babies wear nappies.
9. Correct the underlined verbs.
A. Mera see a colony of bats as she walked along the church.
B. Many days passed before my racing pigeons return home.
C. She was annoy.
D. They saw many roosting bats as they pass through the cave.
10. Put the correct form of the verb.
A. When _______ a button you need a needle and thread (saw, sewing)
B. Nveen _______ on her throne (sit, sits)
C. I dont _______ my new top to shrink in the water (want, wanted)
D. I didnt ________ a tea yesterday. (take, took)
11. Convert each of the sentences into negative and interrogative?
A. Monkeys eat bananas.
B. Children make a noise in the class.
C. I am writing an interesting story.
D. Ali has done his homework.
E. It has been raining since morning.
12. Write the commands that pictures are describing.
Instructions for pictures
A. Student is standing with untied laces
Tie your laces________
B. A child is holding a stick.
C. A person is trying to cross the road while there is a green indication. ____
D. Children are playing in the rain.
E. A person is standing near an open door.


13. Which sentence shows instruction:

A. Dont make a noise in the lass.
B. What a shot it is!
C. What is your name?
D. My teacher advised me.
14. Which sentence shows feelings?
A. Grapes are sour.
B. You are great.
C. How cold it is!
D. Why are you late?
15. Which sentence express the following text best:
Rani is a player of table tennis. She works hard day and night. She won many
models. She also stands first in the class. She is girl guide and best debater
A. Rani is a good student.
B. Rani got many awards.
C. What a successful student Rani is!
D. A lot of awards were got by Rani!
16. Make following sentences into commands
A. He brings vegetable from the shop
B. Do you wash my clothes today?
C. Will you cut your hair tomorrow?
17. Change the following affirmative sentences into negative sentences.
A. I have a lot of friends.
B. She has a big house.
C. I understand you.
D. They work in the morning. __________________
E. I wanted to help you.
18. Identify the affirmative and negative sentences. Write for A in front of affirmative
and N in front of negative sentences.
A. I have all necessary certificates.
B. I cant do this work.
C. I managed to do the work on time.
D. I did not look through the window.
E. They had not paid the bill.
19. Rewrite the sentences correctly.
Example: Ali not watch Tv. Ali does not watch TV.
A. She not get up at 7o clock. ______________________
B. They not want to go home. ______________________
C. We not like Maths.
20. Do you think a monkey would make a good pet? Explain why or why not?
21. You have two friends in the class. One is regular in his work and the other one is
A. State what will be the result at the end of the year?
B. What message do you get for your self?

22. Change the following sentences in interrogative:

A. There are many animals at the zoo.
B. My mom makes delicious cookies.
C. When you finish your homework, go and do the chores.
D. The dog ate the bag of food because it was left open on the floor?
23. Read the poem and make 10 questions?
Holiday Time
Fresh pumpkin pie waiting to be eaten
Our football team just got beaten
Turkey smells oh so yummy
I want this food in my tummy.
The parade is over and it was grand
We had the best seats in the stand
Floats were blowing in the breeze
It was cold and I started to freeze.
The sky is getting somewhat dark
I hear some dogs beginning to bark
Maybe we will get some snow
Maybe we wont I dont know.
The day is over and it was fun
The Thanks giving holiday is number one
Christmas is coming around the bend
I dont like when the holidays end
Example: What were dog doing?
24. Read the following table carefully. In column A questions and in column B there
responses are given. Math the relevant questions with their responses.
How do you do?
Are you a punctual boy?
Who is the talent boy in this class?
How old are you?
What is your hobby?

I got highest score in the class.
I am eleven.
I am fond of cricket.
I have maximum height among the boys of this
I complete all my assignments on time.

Who stood first in the class?

I am quite fine.

25. Which question is most appropriate for the following response/answer?

I am fond of watching drama.
A. How do you do?
B. Which is your favorite drama?
C. What is your hobby?
D. Do you have television?
26. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to make meaningful questions.
A. ______ is coming in your school today?
B. ______ are you going early today?
C. ______ is your school bag?
D. ______ is the name of your father?

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