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1st Term Contents of Oral English in 1st Batxillerat

Session 1

Grammar and functions:

o Introducing yourselves:
 Name
 Age
 Where are you from?
 Where do you live?
 Family
 Likes and dislikes

Session 2

Grammar and functions:

• Talk about routines

o Present simple
o Present simple with question words
o Adverbs of frequency

• Routine activities

Session 3

Grammar and functions:

• Greetings (Revision from last course)

o Informal: Hey Jane! Hi Jane! Alright, Jane! Alright, mate!, It's lovely to see
you again! It's been a long time, hasn't it?
o Formal: Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/ madam/Mr Jones/Mrs
o Asking someone how they are: How are you? How are you doing? How
are things with you? How's it going? You alright?
o Saying you are well: Good, thanks! Fine, thanks! Not bad, not bad!
Alright, thanks! I'm OK!
o Returning the question when someone has asked if you are well: And
you? How about you? What about you?
• Showing interest: Are you? Do you? Were you? Did you? Wow! Really? That's
• Suggestions: Why don’t you…?
• Recommendations:
o You should/could…
o You (might) want…/ you need… /(if I were you) I would…/What I would do
is…/What you want is…/You could try +-ing

• Health: a (bad) cough, a stomach-ache, a headache, a temperature, backache,

a toothache, a broken arm, been stung, a cold/runny nose, burnt himself/his
fingers, a pain in his knee, flu, a sore throat, tonsillitis, measles, chicken-pox,
smallpox, cut himself/his finger, sick.

Session 4

Grammar and functions:

• To ask and reply where places are

o Asking for and giving directions
o Where can I …, please?
o There’s a …
• Directions:
o Asking for them: Can you tell me the way to the (nearest) post office?
Can you tell me how to get to the (nearest) post office? Do you know the
way to the bus stop? Do you know how to get to the bus stop?
o Giving them: go left, turn left, it's on the left, take a left, take the second
(turning) on the left ; go right, turn right, it's on the right, take a right, take
the second (turning) on the right; go ahead, go straight ahead, go straight


• junction, crossroads pedestrian crossing, roundabout, traffic lights

• Prepositions of place: next to, opposite, behind, in front of, between, on the
right/left of…
• Shops and town facilities: cinema, museum, theatre, library, school, leisure
centre, cathedral, church, hotel, café, restaurant, tea shop, pub, nightclub, sweet
shop, greengrocer’s, florist’s, newsagent’s, travel agent’s, ironmonger’s,
grocer’s, baker’s, butcher’s, tobacconist’s, hairdresser’s, department store, car
park, post office, chemist, petrol station, shoe shop, dress shop, book shop,
station, bus station/stop, train/railway station, bank, supermarket, market.

Session 5

Grammar and functions:

• To ask and reply where places are

o Asking for and giving directions
o Where can I …, please?
o There’s a …
• Directions:
o Asking for them: Can you tell me the way to the (nearest) post office?
Can you tell me how to get to the (nearest) post office? Do you know the
way to the bus stop? Do you know how to get to the bus stop?
o Giving them: go left, turn left, it's on the left, take a left, take the second
(turning) on the left ; go right, turn right, it's on the right, take a right, take
the second (turning) on the right; go ahead, go straight ahead, go straight


• junction, crossroads pedestrian crossing, roundabout, traffic lights

• Prepositions of place: next to, opposite, behind, in front of, between, on the
right/left of…
• Shops and town facilities: cinema, museum, theatre, library, school, leisure
centre, cathedral, church, hotel, café, restaurant, tea shop, pub, nightclub, sweet
shop, greengrocer’s, florist’s, newsagent’s, travel agent’s, ironmonger’s,
grocer’s, baker’s, butcher’s, tobacconist’s, hairdresser’s, department store, car
park, post office, chemist, petrol station, shoe shop, dress shop, book shop,
station, bus station/stop, train/railway station, bank, supermarket, market.

Session 6

Grammar and functions:

• To ask and reply where places are

o Asking for and giving directions
o Where can I …, please?
o There’s a …
• Directions:
o Asking for them: Can you tell me the way to the (nearest) post office?
Can you tell me how to get to the (nearest) post office? Do you know the
way to the bus stop? Do you know how to get to the bus stop?
o Giving them: go left, turn left, it's on the left, take a left, take the second
(turning) on the left ; go right, turn right, it's on the right, take a right, take
the second (turning) on the right; go ahead, go straight ahead, go straight

o Left, right, first, second, third, turning, road, station, corner, side,
pavement, road surface

(Session 7: Oral Exam)

(Session 8: gmail address and blog creation)

Session 9

The first section in the blog is London’s history. They will read it. They will choose sites in
London and will send / give the information to the teacher to upload it on the blog. The
information can be a text, video, photos, a voice explanation, etc. They must know, very
clearly, that they will have to read, watch and listen to everything and that the 2 nd term
reading exam will be on section 1.
Useful Links to be able to upload in your/their blog: (they can create accounts using their
gmail address and password)

 Uploading sound:
 Uploading longish or long texts, maybe with photos:
 Uploading video:
 Uploading powerpoint:
o (with sound)
 Uploading your text read by a native:

When they have created their account, and uploaded a document, they must look for the
“EMBED” code. Copy it and paste it in the message being created in your/their blog.

Session 10

Grammar and functions:

• Complaining:
o I’m sorry, I’m afraid
• Apologising
o I’m (very/awfully) sorry
• Responding to apologising
o That’s OK, that’s all right
• Making requests
o Could you + inf, please?, would you mind +ing, please?

• Shopping
o Money
o Clothes
o Music
o Market, etc.
o Food and drink
Session 11

Grammar and functions:

• Offers and requests

o Have you got any/a…, please?
o How much/many would you like?
• Would like
• Asking and saying how much things cost
o How much is/are …, please?


• Restaurants, pubs and teashops

o Food and drink: an ice-cream (strawberry, chocolate), some
(regular/large) French fries, some chips, some crisps, a glass of
(still/sparkling or fizzy) water, a cup of (black, white/latte) coffee, tea,
some/ a piece of apple pie (with single/double cream/ ice-cream), a
burger (with fries/salad), a hamburger, a Coke, a salad (with
vinaigrette/mayonnaise), a sandwich (with white/brown bread), a
(rare/medium/well done) steak

Session 12

Grammar and functions:

o Where does the 45 go from, please?
o Does the 45 stop at High Street, please?
o Which bus goes to High Street, please?
o When/What time is the next bus, please?
o How often does the bus go, please?

• Transport
o Underground/tube, railway, bus, coach, plane + airport
• Numbers
• Times (12-hour clock)
• Bus stop/station, church, hospital, castle, museum, harbour, university.

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