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Knowledge Base

Using Robocopy Migrate Data to Oneblox Share



This document explains how to migrate files/directories from Windows file server to OneBlox share
using robocopy to preserve ownership and NTFS file permission.


Migrate data to Oneblox share and preserve ownership and

NTFS permissions
Step 1: Login to OneSystem and setup OneBlox with Active directory.
Step 2: Create a restricted share.
Step 3: Give full control access to domain\administrator
step 4: copy file using robocopy with following options
ROBOCOPY source destination [file [file]...] [options]
Ex : robocopy c:\BackupData_To_Migrate //oneblox-r-v0016/Exablox_Backup *.* /COPY:DATSO /E /V



Prepare files and directories to migrate


Create folder C:\Backupdata_To_Migrate

Create few test directories as follows

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Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 2ACE-64D8
Directory of C:\BackupData_To_Migrate
03/26/2014 02:57 PM <DIR> Chals_Backup
03/26/2014 02:49 PM <DIR> Tad_Backup
03/26/2014 02:57 PM <DIR> Tony_Backup
0 File(s) 0 bytes
5 Dir(s) 240,851,742,720 bytes free


Change ownership of Tad_Backup

Right click on Tad_Backup -> properties->security tab-> Advanced

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Change Owner from Corp\Administrator

To Tad Hunt (

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Then,Click Apply and OK. etc

Do the similar changes to other files and folders in the backup directory.
Now your backup data is ready for migration.

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Create OneBlox Share

Log in to One system and join the OneBlox into Active Directory

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Create a Restricted Share

Click on Shares in the left panel and then click AddShare button
Share name : Exablox_Backup
Description : All Staff Backup Data
Share Access : Select Restricted to Active Directory Users

Click Save button

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3.2.3 Give access right to Domain Administrator (corp\Administrator)

1. Open Oneblox share in Windows file explorer
2. Select Exablox_Backup
3. right click ->properties->security tab -> Add
4. Add corp\Administrator ->Check Names
5. then, click OK.
6. Select Full Control Allow check box

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Migrate Data with Robocopy

Login to Windows file servers as domain\administrator (
Open command prompt and execute following robocopy command

C:\Users\administrator>robocopy c:\BackupData_To_Migrate //oneblox-r-v0016/Exablox_Backup *.* /COPY:DATSO /E


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Verify the Ownership permission of Tad_Backup in Oneblox share

Exablox_backup as specified in section 3.1.3
Tad_Backup directory owner MUST be Tad Hunt (

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