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1 Introduction to Valves 1.1 The Valve L.A Dettnition of « Valve By definition, nuloes ate mechanical devices det stat stop, min or regulate the fone 8 proces fuid Valves can be designed te By nature of thee design, function, an application, valvescomein¢ wide variety of sles sizes apd pressure esses The anelinn ee tral valves can weigh as lite a5 1 Ip (04 kg) and ft eooieenat tie human band, while the tnges can weigh up 10 one Oop lo) and extend in eight to over 24 (51 a ek be used in pipeline sizes fom 0° in Tot beyond 48 (DN Taio, although overdo otis systems ave installed i piping that din (DN 100 wade nae Valves canbe used in pressures ftom vaswom to Soe eae Ps (897 ban, An example of haw proces valves can ware es Shown in Fig 12 Today's specirum of availabe valves extends rom simple water faucet to contol valves equipped with crproceooe aie Yide single loop conta ofthe process The mon comaace type, ball utterly. check, presureele. rot gee aves can be manufactured from a sutnber of mates, with most valves made from sted, ion, plastic, brass brome ae omen peslalalloys Ti cure of i Majosuer Aston farmers, to contol valves equipped with microprocessors for single Toop control. According tothe Valve Manufactarers Assocation {YMA eave manactring in 953 was a USH2 hl dusty Ae shown in Fig 13 and 1 contol valves ae the fastest growing see ‘ent ofthe valve industry, indicating the quickening pace of automa ey neh act va bs ee ee uteri, Pig Iroc Ves 7 1.3 Valve Classification According to Function By the nature of thei design and function in handing processus, ‘lves canbe categorized into thee asta af sults oak honk the function of blocking the flow or allowing tte pene ‘els hich only llow flow t travel in one ieton ond ting xfs, which allow for segulation of the flow at any port aeteees fay open ofall closed ne confusing aspect of defining valves by function is that specific valve body designs-such as globe, gate, plas, Ball Suttehge ed ch styles—may fit into one twa, oral tee classca fxample, a plug valve may be used for n-olf service of enh suition of actuation, may be vsed as 4 tinotling contol dee ‘Another ramp isthe globesyle body, witch, depending on he lateral design, may be an on-off, nanreturn or teotting ohn Therefore, the user should be carcel when equating s hatter valve beady style with a parila elsificaton 1.3.2 omomtVatres Sometimes referred to a8 bok sas, on-f valves aro use to stator top the flow of the medium thnough the process Conon wat aves include gte plug, bal, prssive-eies ond tank teen he 15), Amajoriy of on-off valves are hand operat soe tay ‘be automated with the addition of an actastes api On-off valves are commonly ned in applications where the flo nus be diverted around an aren in which mantnance's Seng fo formed or where workers must be preteced from potential sing foe ards They ar aso helpful in mixing applications who a aeeoer a {elds are combined fora predetermined amour of ne aod eg ‘at measuremenis are not reuized. Safety management syne en Fequire automated on-off valves to immediatly Sal the aang when an emergency station ose Pressure valves are selfactated on-off valves that open oaly oben preset pressure i surpassed (Fig 17) Sach valves ant dvtoes eto to fares: ele valves and safely elven. Rill snes ee ea ssuadagaiotoverpresurzation of tiguit sevite On the ote fag Safety valves are appli In gar applications whore overeea er ‘he system presents safety ox press hard and must ese on sytem, which provide greter thrust and postin = eotomati contol Fig. 19), throting valves that vary the valv's position mst pressure dovinsteam (Fig 1.10) If the presse lee that speiic moment 18.8 Fina Conrl Elements within Jementreles tothe high-performance equipment I 2 cmecom | cede 9 provide the power and accuracy to conte the flowing ined tothe desired service conditions Other conte elements include metering pumps, towers, dampers sarap fan des | snd lec comenentl devices ‘Asal conta ment the cot valves part ofthe conto ip wick usually consist! to other elements besides the coe ‘oles the ting lament andthe cota The sensing eterno | ses messi roses odio fuck he fd fe | sure evel or tanperare, The sensing eles ues a uancmiter ‘end wigs with information about te proces enon toe one troller ora much lager distributive contol sytem, The coma receives the in om he sensor ad compate it othe se posh oy ihedesied vale ceded for that potion ote proces By coping the actual input against the st point, the consoles can ake oa ‘needed corections tothe process by sending «signa the fil coe ‘gloat Reh el ey a Te aes ‘lange acodng to the sgn fom the contol, whichs measere | Sn tered bythe sensing element campeon te een a ‘Hows a diagram ofe common contol lop, which Unk a cate Nandy sn pent ee Sheth cntelcr une conttl Wale Coarse 9 Mak lc Iroc tes aa {ith the fow (ED, pressure (PD, and temperatce transmits and control valve re ” Zioush valves ar often clasiied according to function they ae ako grouped according tothe application which often dees he oe 1.4.2 General Service Valves Several service valves ae hose valves that are designed forthe alo of commnenpisce applications that have wa eee Inge between American National Stands nstute Chat fed eo (een PN 1 and PN 100) moderate emp aires ee qitand 650 (between “46 and 34°C) force Benet om presure drops that dona veri im casos ot fea General service valves have some degree of atest ng Aenbliy bul it the design walle hem he ees a = ‘erayer nef t 1.5 Classification According to Motion 1.5.1. Introuction to Motion Claseifiestions gas FITZ. Ds tow schonnte sheng no ip es. rte of Wek 2.2.0 Tlow Charactriti Example A iwithoot Piping Etec) Figo 28 shows schematic of proces pte hat ncades 4 ene tslugal pun and 9 valve wich used ain everest por 8 tar For stnon pape a Soa ‘dese paps latoohip between Ne poe oe oP fo e/a Fett peng sinned otras avg 22 mn 737 irs is egured ye mana From Fg 29,3200 gal/min, the pump doshas ao foun be 1p ta patna ea see ag $s eguiredovnsteam ow ther nm gs EES ow guia Sr er tag! PMP arc rue drop Using the szng formula for C, (Se, 2.12, we date: ln the Cy equ for hs applition wie & 7 60 = 200 fas Assuming thatthe C, of 45 isthe maximum C, several values of fom. cn 200 be eimai along wih the aid ane Coad Fen of maxium © the valve mus have conal hc ‘hese low data are inciaded in Tate 21 {ling th defisitions ofboth equal-percenage and linear characte dalled chara can be plone ona graph aoe oe ita ble? which found in Fg 210 Th ture phen, ‘ists the fect the instalation has onthe inerens hae nee {Bie ‘he linear characteristic moves away fom the deg ee pommmahe giccoren charac: On the ee han the eq perenage characteristic maves toward the ial linea five aes ‘ample cher characteristic would provide good twoling eno 2.2.7 Flow Characteristic Example B (with Piping Etteets) Ee lustration purposes, Example A was simplified with a conatant “ Tan ft Mow Rate, Cand Rump Pressure Athout Piping lasses 2, rump enue] Az [6] Pomme Poe) ramp tionce| “ace” | reciwa] PTR gn] meen ve Car 7 | sf © a) =p =| {eo Perm cone ove ure 2-10 neat ner aod eg percentage doe REREEes(weout pang lonet ketene ant alter passing trough the watnetioe eowuse ofthe restriction, the pressure drop must be distributed CSSeag he Yale and the retin (For ihs exami eee Gishan Premute drop across the valves rqued st fg cote RUCRR G07 Mersin Usiag he, equton te mexomae the valves Q—> TEES Pe Ow tent ewig pg en thet of Wor Seton Cetera a Tmean tM Ree. and Pump Pressure (Without Piping Losses ea] pty [ances] ap] coer : Fumo, | Resticton | acoes | nectia re 300 | Ducharge ‘ave Mota ve j Preaure ne sin =) ee = a) «|e [oe 2 fo =) a 2 | «| a = ‘Bate Wh rw nme so gn ea! aw (0 = RV he press drop scoss the valve’sretiction wil voy se mhewhat, Te, using te Cataract the avaible peste drop scone a {stad which is shown in Tae 3 e212 shows the installed “ne ond installed qual percentage chatacertic ioe hee "wet ewe 2.28 tale ness ad sal percentage Dow RENE etn oping lee ean toe tence tat he ping ass fom the estrton have mained sclera aa! penis character oan infor inherent eee he installed linear characters he eae cy ca oPeycareric Behe of tha ea a Seay sore ae Of Hea: characterise woud ere age RE System with» very smal On the other dua onge in it at the beginning of hea ‘sn equa percentage chance wea s moTE constant sensi hgheuttheetnen a © Choosing the Correct Flow Characterietie lear ae ug Ylvs tre selected, «choice must be made bxtween tori caua percentage charactersca Tes tere sae apply Sete smlly i cc. Fis i mest of he pa a a Spates ReOmMENded Flow Characters fr Liquid Level ed Vite Seeatin Cetera 33 seen a 526 th Ustream rare conon ser ean capone eB cont However soak ME {Pilly considering the conn line Blowetr i insalled inthe spoken stream equipment provide sige qua percentage cnractonen Syd ‘de wth most proces systems ane Slew have equalpercenage charecrren chante also used ta ating seo ae tse recommended ther sehen: A Second the pein ae Md be chosen. Theis unally $e here a muon of al thrdting he equal perentage Pressure drope wis one of crea ae Ow Ps ips wih igh Sea ge ts oversized a3 precaution Bateeniage characteristic i Tbe 25,24 95 and eee Decnuse limited data ane sy "le more specie recommensata cr able, he eu Gant aanesae—ned Flow Characters or Preasre Control Spstemser ‘Application Recommended inherent Flow Constant Valve Pressure Grop | Recommended nhoreat | Characteratc Flow Characterale ai roe | EavaiPorerage consant a ear Bae alvure em | Ege porenage Decreasing AP wih nereasing oa Tinear rccien sree coe | ab cena th eet batwoon cont vane ene vahe iim oad | Decreasing OF wih inereasing oad Equal Percomtage: oes oe “ene P atmanmum oad < 20% Syste or wansmson ie minim ad 3 SEU e | volume) deweasng a> nn Increasing &P wih noeasing oad Uinear (paeashg lad aP atmaximum | AP at maximum ad 200% of nad > 20% of item oad a ‘num toad 3 as rocose, ge voume Eval Percentage Increasing 4 P wih inceaang baa ‘Quick Open teresting dP with neous log, | AP atmaxinum load» 200% 9! Aidt mez oad < 20% of inna oa 2 rina fad aP ! Rovaaect | Aomutateet coy Inreatg aad esr [Ea Pompe a eee | oe esr) Pegs Sree | Egan | eqatoconons “hace mn ein ene Table 2.6 Recommended Flow Characteristics for Miscelanects Syetemat ation Recommended ae Inert iw Charectriete ‘Thice way valves and wo-way vaves used near asthvooway vavestcharclenane ollones ar ued thy must be abate bythe vate manutatre) (Gas compressor eyca con vave rear Constant pressure arp aerice ser Tecate contl wher coriravake | equ Pecanage AP 50% of Sytem oP pH contrl where contol vale aP 60% of | Equal Pawenage Sys aP tL 1H cowl wave convl valves AP > Soh Thee ‘yom aP ie Seton Crea 35, ‘pening on whether the system is for liquid level, pressure conta ow conta or another type of sytem, eee oe Fr the mos: pat, todays contol nstunetalion can make satisay {By sisal adustments tothe throttling valve dexpte he ng ote Heats Homever if manual conta sever requted hate eer fove charactesiticllows such changes ee nade ehh 22.9 Rangoabitity ‘rpenatity can bea problem duct the sal cleaners Seat leakage, can also affect rangeabtiny: fan cause instability ax the valve Ife ot fg: This sue primarily to the effec oe Fosloning sping, histereis changing sea othe drphonge ie Beg wellata trae actor up totes ator eee be diaphragm actuator. Thus, a throwing valve couip ec fae eis olinder actuator would have a higher angele mee same valve with adisphraginacunton “Taking into account theese ofthe valve geometry and the actuator, rangebity cn te cased ns vile manger For ample issue ipa hen pet fae thn eget {ig percent divided by5 percent Asx common ue fr Common te Hing wales, Vache ball valves usualy have the highest rangesbaty up to 2003, followed by ecenee plug valves (U,plobe valves SD an ry aes say ates wi he get ‘anges re thee wth the low ses a the regulating element teal ott serait tbe ave Sens Bese ‘aun perentage flow character promote incrnrad eri ‘lve Opens iis usualy chosen for most throtlag applications The erm ‘fron flow i used a designate any lw that Oxcutebeeen the oer ‘rdf the valves rengeabity and the atl closed pesiton 1A Standard S751 (Inherent Flow Characeric and Rangebity Control Valves”) establishes guidelines fr rangeabity, sensitiv Sd lint of deviation, 2.9 Shutoff Requirements 2.3.1 Shutoff Standards Industry standards have been established for the contol valve indus try regatcing the amount of permissible leakage of the proves Hud "ough a valve's seat or sel. Usually this standerd is appied fo thot ling valves, but may be applicable fo ether types of valves aso Specifically, ANSI Standard 702-1976 (reaiemed in 982) provides ‘btn oe lasfcalions of shut. 2.9.2 Shutoff Classifeations Shutoff clasifeations are determined by a percenlage of a test fluid (usually water or ai that passes Uhough the valve, 38 pert ofthe valves rated eapacty. This must take into account the predetermined Pressure, temperature and time limits. Shuto classifications range From ANSI Clas 1, where the valve does aot rejuire tight shutot 10 ANSI Clas Vi, hee stot! must be complete of nary bubble igh “The folowing briefly describes each shutoff lasfcstion and man. ‘mum Bakage rates fr esc. “The ANSI Clas I shutoff is an open classification that does nat require a tes, while allowing fora speatied agreement betveeh the User and tho value manalaruror a8 the reqs leakage: The ANSL {Clos shutoff 05 percent of the rated valve capacity and fs sss We Seetn xen a sted wih doubiepored sets of presurbslanced tins where mal Piston ngs and shtal-to-meal tt ssfces are aed The AOE Cen Ushutots01 perce’ ef tes vale capac ons seoenad ah the same types of valves sted in Claw Hrbutis Wed or apelicnee ‘Rat requte improved sta The ANSI Clase IV sho ithe industry standard for single-seat vales wih setalsoetal sing sites which cl ore ee Permissible eat leakage of 01 percent of rated valve ce chit thi higher casfeation wath mealtvmetlwesing eae the loed appli othe surfaces fom the tana operon ae sms rac en vla Table 27 proves astra pled sad seu ods for Cases VV and VI wih nets andoce ake ee Both ANSI Classes V and VI were developed for thrtling saves ete hut ia primary fc The ANSI Cass V shut ala 48 Q0005en/min per inch of once ameter pet pooner inch gu dierent. Class Vsruniguen hatte cook dete fon where th allowable seat lesa clowed fo rao’ eens {Beatie disineter andthe ferent pressure (prssare deg) She hsifation is necessary for thse ppt were Wotan ‘Qual valve ie used asa blocking salve that a gee ene nee nr engty periods aguns a high presure drop its apd nee sleset valves wih ether ett or ah seating race cath ‘uebalinced ri that gus extaordnay tightens The ANSI Class VI shut ie commonly tlemed to os Bubletight off andi associated with metal latomer Sa sentig sees (ud ab sing an easton insert the seat de te ake ea hough wth extremely igh seating lnc on show nies poset achieve Chass Vi shut with e metaheoncul eae Wiis independent of the presute diferente ut Soe kets scan liter per minute of leakage versus the seats Hac {ee That means tat vale th ange sa come spel ee ce wi Tow pressure drop cn have» lst eakast sven than Class V. Figure 219 shows this restonship cen Cases fe tli ito account the presure dierent lor Clas Wand ‘ela pss difernil for Case V1 2.4 Body End Connections ‘21 Introduction to End Connections A.nunber of different end connections ate available that allow the "lve obe joined tothe systems piping In most casey, the valves ced 38 Chapter Too ‘Table 2.7 Typical Seat Loads vs ANSI Clasaiestion for Shutoti™ connection is designed or specified to match the piping connection an eal stution, end connections aad natrials been the valve nd the piping would be dental however thi snot allways the case The general rule is that smallersizedvalver~sealer than 2in (ON 50) valves-can tse threaded connections (Fig. 238), while lager ry eonecs ofh Somme proces ystems Whee ‘ea Sures | ARSSRAA | Va Sime] Rogar nr een a i Ta Tea Biome —P Worewnashe | ‘ow crea) onisiorea | soleus Seen (DN 50) and targer—se Nonged connections Fig. 215) The ial eat Te tGan—|Sopanaaina | fF teining industry uss suche satecd es ee le Soemission mandates agaist lenhage = = ieee seis 1B fogaveemisons or proses leakages note ethos earns = a - ‘lems wil ase heeded connetion insist td iMDN 10 on sior0 | eojosee Mont process system applications ree both sad ofthe valve to oa Gas [een antaeow | Wopameataa | have ental connections: On sme serlcnines ar = Tae | Gina | Rp Le —_—— Pig 2.4 Tend eo enn Mien aa Pigare 2.18 Jere ange end connection (Stray tte ra rain valves, one end may require one type of connection on the ‘upstream port and a eifforent conection onthe dowacteam por 2.4.2 ‘Threaded End Connections ‘As noted above, threaded connections ae used in smaller sizas—1.3 8 (DN 40) and smaller The standard end conection for valves small: than Tin (DN 25) a theaded connection. Ii leskage Is no sconces yeoded connections canbe uted in sae upto # in DN 1) ‘The valve’ end connection is designed with s female Nations Pipe ‘Thread (NPT, which mates with the piping thot uses » male NPE thread, Because ofthe leakage and presture limitations of tended fends, they ate only rated up thvougt ANSI Class 600, Abo, tended fends should not be used with corosive procemes since the Urea ‘anther fail or become lnseprabie. ‘ANatlonal Pipe Thread isthe most cotamonplace tread joint. One ‘yception ifr lite management systems, which regi te tae of te National Mose Thread (NH, which matches connections wae by foe departments. Another thread ccasionally sen in «proces system 8 ‘the ondinary Yin Garden Hose Thread (GH), Threads can be either ‘ator molded in place, especialy when precision moldings ane used ‘The molded treads donot have sharp edges (which ore produced by machining), but are mere rounded at fhe peak of te heal {aie the Pipe tng wil require piping lape a compound occ gh sel epee sepa Becruse the threaded design zequires litle siachining and ic com ‘onplace among most valve manufactures i othe lang caper spect. 24.3 Flanged End Connecto anges are commooly require on values larger than 2 in (ON 0, anges are easter to install than threaded connections tects te Yalve's face i ached up with piping and Poked teeta ahs Pipe or valve Hangs can be applic in at ha estres, from absolute zero to 1500 F WIS"), hte eae {nceases, some linations ae placed on high pessree Forse generated by the fange bolting’ coupled with te gasket betwen he Manges, i used to eal the cotton Hangea ee aha the ANSI Standard BIG. (or API GA or similar tondeedd, mat dress desig cites for tho lt face, the hegat ad eee theraied fae standard hole pattems, and the necsety drone for ven raj, such a tongue and grote,ond sale eat ee desgn, anges are rated seconing tothe pe of vie es ‘ehtement,maisium sevice tempers, ond posses Alea the main advantage of flanges is ht the valve cnc emoved nek fom te line, flanges are sje to thermal atone tee femperatuse cytes vary signieay then welded comeon nat beconsderedasanslrnsive nhie.8PE" of Mleage designs exit. ota sng asthe name ie toon integra part of thy body Hii ioe Hae fang ole fatter in etor machined orcas ito te bod eee egal anges are communplace since hay ar salon sah ean ai anuiectrers an have ben used fom te cnvon degre Ce the other hand sow ngs have been aay nen aeons zetconnection desigh.Separable flanges ave indies tines te de over the hb ens ofthe body ond reed pace by hein, Integal fangs con be provided mit fit ue ig, Soe ea lows fl contct betwen the two matching anges ind he Ft fakes Mat ‘ace Manges are commonplace wih lupreses ane fone 4 wells bras and easton valves. Bocas he fanaa empl contact with chor. this design minimian ag ens Cras Tw ae seecton Cetera 4s Ri 217 Re-ype ont rnd comes, (Cuneny of as well as possible bending ofthe flange asthe bolting is tightened Fowever the fang fces mst be completely flat totes onceealet lwough the entire Mange. When fatiaced flanges ar apecta gee ameter gaskets (same asthe Mange) reused pvioe thee Which concentric with the valve port. sot Pore Ast met al gasket (commonly Manel or to, but any soft metal on ‘ . {hs Boove which is wedged in pace ee lange oe rane ss at yay cp er F215, hex Fg ur Gh ne Pressure appistions—up f 1500 cry nat sap nen are es Phere s lia sed fr high pe mperture appations nly slahtstep. The msde diameter of te rased ave dete i 8 . accepted 8 mentions eal eps honpes ig oe sa ant bl et anarchist ee tr pra ng inegriManges Ben ein am harem aie Md ice BF flansmr Sera aera in te produced from simple tte ASCs NTS Nan OS nee Be el wed he tmp: proton, whch ns inna preening ny aa geri nge try a 8 Pet Bromine ‘oy bad Te sp. rn deca pic tema nen cnet roy ge eles the boy hab To fasten he ‘ulin deena gasket sng presueaoug eiee Ma ay ‘ Giage in place, two halfsings are inserted ina gms a ae | say be ced hth ing heed argsinpeshegeicacs Weta os mechanical tape whee Polting is tightened, | spokane cel ran wen ng ie hee ga ot Fi ges lack agnnst the ngs, holding the vale hy eae | ing isaac pnd cows which ae PRE AIBOUGh carbon sel athe mot comma in poe | igen te ern ps ae eo whch x East el the steel Hanges are neces for | “regents eye ait inpace revetingblowa) an topone PHS femperatare-high presse apeieenne oe Sona cet wate nee peidon ANSI ins 250sonalva MBtfemperatn advantage of separable flanges ver integra! Banges is iets valves fis recommendd in presse hugh 600 ood REL ANBE of mation when desing with misigned pipe ange ea SaPCE an ata pie is edn pcr a rol ue ees Salam oth dense pips the misalignment fee Se tnvatin of valve with inegel anger utes ent e bse and in emperties to 500" GIO) ‘The ring-iype jin also known as RID) 19 « modification ofthe "aisle design Fg. 217)-A Ushaped groove i it late the fae a uper0 Pigs 2.18 Searle Brgy ent commen (Sires ate acmae ‘ole hole patterns are mouifod to align the holes, On the other hen, with seperabe anges, he flange an ether en ofthe valve canbe rota ced slighty to compensate for the misalignment. This ality to modify ‘he algment ofthe flanges als allows the valve tbe ote an fed ina chiferent position especialy fs spac coat erst) Sepavable flanges canbe designed tobe interchangenble among, ow reosure classes, They are rated f9 ANSI Classes 150-600 (PN T6-PN 10) in sizes of in (DN 100) and smaller With ANSI Clases 180-309 AON TPN 40), ages ate avaiable in & and Sin ies (DN 180 an [DN 200). Separate flanges can also be used With ANSI Class 150 PN 1W) in sizes larger than 10in (DN 250, Atough the separable dange design i les expensive and mare vet satie-one drawhacks that if te ange boing no propery igen {he valve could ott accidently because of fravtaton forces re ‘ve fine vibation—especaly ithe valve has a hey actuator oe other ‘op-words, Following installation, this problem may be remedied by sing ack welds to heep the Mange or body frm ott 2.4.4 Welded End Connections When zero leakage is requied—for environmental, safety, sanitary ce cifciency easons—the pping canbe welded to the valve, proving ‘one-piece construction. Many users inset that high-pressure apolen YionsANSI Cass 90 (PN 160} and gher=-reuie permanent end (er Sita connection, especially if they involve high temperatures, Nessy all steam and weer services in the power indus cl fr weloce a, rections, Th to most common welded eoneectons ae socehcod nd buteveld connections The secheteld connection (Fig. 2.19) is specified in high Presoure-higiviemperature Mids sizes in (DN A and emai She {ecletwed design fora valve involves boring int the valves oy eed to. predetermined depth (aconding #9 ANSI Standard B16), The Piping is then mated or inserted inta the bore, and a weld tee apliod between the pipe outside damseter and the fce ofthe boay ‘The welding tana for socherweld connection te piping wid ‘speticatons according fo the foal or ANSI codes R31 Fay For larger valve sizes 3 in (DN 80) and lagers uttosldcomection (Wg. 220) is specified for high-presune-high-temporsute apple Meare (oer ot hag ions. Bettweld en the Pipe. Fellow Aloudiengle bev 8 Hhevel or User use but easier tn i (0 ANST Standard Bt okies upton 22 “kins compound ws ineolve ip that but ing the ip, both the pope to create a V-shaped but jn ta up against sini tp on ly. Most butweld ends 625, which calls fora 7 sum) Ifthe wall weld Of 375" and 1 user may also designate «apecal bo intions, For esate, pe ing, which must be ton Dg rings are inserted thickness exceeds weld design aeconding o porated into the 0 exste proper slignment of the pipe and val ‘When considering socketweld and compat between ensure propor weld satton alos or highs shouldbe avoided for buttweld connections, material Piping mast be» con othe valve tothe py home steel have a tendency oan 24.6 Other End Connections Nonmetallic valves, of equipped with other types of eed oe Plastic valve t paste piping a put that can be threaded onto >nnestions. Sal plastic valvee cog mmectons, which reused to in te ich end ofthe valve tan ae the pipe to make a solid con ation allo the vale ‘esa sinpie at pac to he bate se curly between the The outede tamer a7 flanges and ofthe body hub mah nslon, asthe longr olin Small paste or me ith an Oring jon, from polyvinylehter (CVE) see a male-te “in eewum service can beeaalped IE eth tage teak To ise Inc ide (PVC) and chlorinated nen or short se polysinytehonde raskel,respecively Then ed! by using 9 et xcept that a solvent eo hod used to band plant ip fen there are no fi this detiga is expand, causing ing ard valves is ste and allows the can be comer heat fusion in which an outside heating sone ee ‘fire thermal exp, no pars to fuse m ase the baling ‘roves ekage that may ose 2.5 Pressure Classes 2.5.1 Introduction to Preseu aves designed to bodyahich by connections, where the valve rotary design has short ecto ee Fandle a certain ange of internal pressure up ta “etoeen two pipe Bangs, which then tite ne aa ink which calle te The higher i i i jo aaa the pressure rating fra valve the thicker the wall thickness must be 0 tat the valve Body subassembly wil not raptre, The poesute sat Jing sale by the temperature ofthe service alc: the Righr the process temperature, theless presse can be hare by the tay Subsssembiy, as shown in ig. 222, ANSI Standard B16 is ssca'G setermne the presure-temperatoe relationship, ss well as apple wall thicness snd end comectons ‘an understanding of common pressure clans ratings and pressure designated ap a banda eas x apecal dass onde eetitceas 2.5.2 Standard Classification The most common presse ase standar it ANS 1634, whch spc hes sx star lates: Cass 15,50, 60, 90,150, or 290) See le 2.2 for nominal pressure designations) These classes apply to valves With NPT headed, danged,socketeld and bull icone 2.5.8 Speciat Classification Seca cass ratings ate available when nondestructive examination eauirements ae me! for vals with butch end consesenne anes Standard B16-34 allows buteweld valves ta he upmeadea ne ane Spi Clsses 15,30, 50,90), 1500, 250 and 0d 2.5.€ Intermediate Classification This ANSI standard also permits the use of rere ratings or saves with butted ene Conncions, sich ANG ne ae Gas 30, Using thi cass requires aon ene eee dees low s special sevice valve We edaced ee ek {28 For cumple a carbostel valve yn sg OE Survie a psi 450 tan, Normally i tings Semrenneasd oe dd or special prssure elas the talve wid ene ne Ae Spec Class 4510 pressure rating which woul interes MeN Meghan cost ofthe valve. However ifthe ANG Inches Ce 3300s ‘hosen, «smaller valve could then We ine. One Soa ea be remembered, however Unies the valve mantionae Renae eee his intermediate cas special sgn and sen na be regu which may icons the cot te wane Tees ise engineering sla be wg aang ale desig The ANSI intraedatecssfietion can ao be wed to designate resure clase intger than ANSI Spe Chas 1500 akan ee should not confuse a 6500 pa (450 ba) cours see ee AR Iemedste Chas so wich hs ssn peas SEN roids st he cost ofthe agen 2.6 Face-to-Face Criteria 2.6.1 Introduction te Face-to-Face The dimension betwesh one pipe mating surface of the valve wo the frface onthe opposite end is cll the jocrsiofce dnmearren Te Piya dimension is always determined by the sulacctocartng ‘measurement regardless of the type of end comnecton Une ta Aanged or welded), Most vals facetonfce determined Ly the industry tendon 2towgh some custom designs, such ss V body valve an da by the manufacturer rected by the mittens of eae ne casey the ears proces system lajout may derma ee facetoac, For example, sme valves designed or ta ne eae {5 ome with butted end connections et an dong ee tom facetorfces, ‘A question often arises about the rngjoint end connection. whee he mslingsurace isthe end ofthe ting aad ote ee ea raiSend ethan the ce he so be the vale's face sure, 2.6.2 Common Face-to-Face Standards Sel andar for facet fce valves ae commonly sed troup flthe process industry as outlined in Table 28 These stareac ne, been set by the lowing organizations American Netenclans ee Srzaniation (ANSD, instrument Society of Ameios to ae Sag of Mechanical Engineers (ASME, Brak Sinsiogis ASD, and Manufacturers Standardization Society of Velen Fitinge industry MSS) 2.7 Body Material Selection 2.7.1 Introduction to Body Materias gra Fase lls forthe contc-valve wr io spect the dy mate PLSRSY wh specal service or severe servic ater Maye aleve valves are spected with commonly lund mene oe, Seton ot sinless tee In moat cases he reguled holy ran ame a the pipe matela—which moa likely is choos ae ae “ett me molybdenum tel comsony eed ene ni {Carbon ste is probably the most common materel ytd fy ‘alvss Overall its the del materia for nonconcetee febes nest {felis also widely used for steam and condenses eon ee ‘ceptonally wall i bigh temperatures upto SIO" aS ae ERUE seve or even up to 1600 (35° in nonconinnzet saat Catton stel is readily available in most common sence eee {elves and genealy inexpensive, especally when conrored see commonly word metals Stuns tel x very corrosion resistant, extremely strong, and commonly spesicd for high-temperstresppleatons- ete 31 Tab mmon Face-to-Face Standards ‘Standera Valve Type PSUR 57505 | Ge vanes 1a Pessasa 7506 [Pangea itavanes [as ten a80 Soe iP prensa 5.08 [Fargatss gob vanes eed ao A¥snSA s5.08 [angedcimeeepnenParcmraor }owsns7512 [Sosa ana neaand | 5p son SOTO TG erage aes 2505 aisusasra re 6 orcs 150,900 6, oo, Ta #506 }siet6s0 Yan teraun pte un, Panama be vaves aszone Sechavesweinne [araaase uss 9-27 [ary vanes Acams Se os Alcs Jwss8r-42 | Sanies sw vanes ga atcaoar Sea ahasen 2 Nghe Is cos is sone higher shan envbon Come molybdenum stl eer Characteristics of carbon ste! snd See though les than eter sts alogs, aerial ha falls between the ess steel can Randle hiss Frans aatmecatres tha eon se, ong ht a Dresture steam or flashing condone pases carbon steal and fe neu oy However, chrome-molyindens sic Sides set pplictions lt strength er Wl to that of staintes see Special alloys are specified for special service or severe sevice aves For example Hastelloy Band'C or titanium may be eles Avoid Aud incompatiby, uch asa highly acdc fea i artes «9s, Monel or bronze body may be sled for & pure onypen et Table 29 lists numberof common valve material and thes to Pett ints Valve bodes are manulacared foun cesngs tncnas Sr brsock, or can be fabriented from piping tes an fae. Coe are the leat expensive choice becnse of fe process 20 the Mote, lume ron by the manufacturer Forgings are required for +S sateriels anor higher pressure ratings, sch as ANS! Closes 150) PN 25,2509 (PN 40), oF 300 (PN 70, Bastsk Sods ate eld for etal detivces wir a castor forged body i ot fey eal. able, or when structural Integy is essential. Fabicted bodies oe reuired for lange angle valves Ase gone ile Eonet or bonnet caps which rast seal te 'pper Portion ofthe body subassembly) are med from the rane ater asthe body, although mest are hanufactredlnom barton instend of casings. One exception to this ule ina low prestere shronte-molybdenem valve, witch fen requineessaions eee eta the standard for sizes 6m ON 180) and cain 2.7.2 Materia Selection Standards Since several pars of valve ar exposed o pressure proces id or rosin, and othe effects ofthe service, thse prs arc required rope Intion tn be manufactured fom approved metals These parte ae ra 1y specified asthe body, bonne, bonnet blting hig bal dak, wedge, and/or drainage plug. Although a plug stom er rolary shaft extnte ‘tom the pressure vessel they are nat considered to be Premiere ing arts bythe leading quality and alty-relateonganations ‘The American National Standard Isttte pubtenessptetic pre sure and temperature limits for specified mattis Standard BIG ‘his standard should be reviewed before any mater is elected to ensure tht it wil fall within the correct presture-tempertare hate “Materials wed inthe construction of pressure-reaiing pars a des ignated by codes formalized by the American Society foe Tsong aad Materials (ASTMD. ASTM provides spectcations for tater they ‘are subjected to that organization's standard testing prosedines well as acceptance criteria. ASTM codes ao crea in at they ear, {at a materia is duplicated time snd tine apn acording fo conte speiflation, regardless ofthe manfactrer tthe matali ae ‘ve Seton chert ‘Table 2.9 Temperature Limits for Boy Materials Wateral ‘Upper | Upper | tower | Lower Limit | cimit | Lime | ‘Lint cain 410_[ a0] 0 Deter eo] sa xen Sel fGaan woe | toe] “9s a ator Sere 105) CE Cate ay @50_| 55] a 166 vento Gre wOH_| 1000 | ea5 | 0 ce Tee Gace wes)_| 1050] s05 To Scr Weo(Gar 5 a 87-1 Gade 100 | s98 | a0 Tie (roe CF) 1500 | e15 | aes ee Gace cr 600 | 16 | aes i318 (or CR sso [ais | aos renee 50 | oes) 750 a 400_| as aos Bowe 50 | 265 | aes non jeoo_| e809 | aes i 300460 | aos raster 700_[ 370 | aes aly Too} 2 acan 200_[ 315 | Wa rr 200 225 [160 sore [2001030] 10 ‘et ems Ober phe Sameer frm manger a oes ‘Table 2.20 Common ASTM Matera for Bodies and Bonnetst Boop Type] Nara | ouy Sanderd_| Sova Sanaa cose | Sanese Sea restora | Avresie Caton Sat Teens [Aare Gronemey | AWS Bates ‘Grorenay | SeeFognes | See Fong ‘materials listed in See. carry the saane numerical designation as ASME although ASTM uses «specification pelt °S” betes the nis be, ASME also rogulats procedures for welding, hetreating, sna preheating. Another organization, the Ameticen Welding Society (AW) oversees procedutes and regulations for welding td sud wine, 2.7.3. Material Testing Methods ‘aive materia are often examined to verify that the material in ques on ited the material specified by the User ot that pat nok fawed by small crack, vos, laminations, or porosity. Poreity 1 sharacterized by small bubs inthe meal fortne during the caso, ooes. In many cases, valve users equity such testing to balats thee Confidence that the manulactarer’s valve is crrosion festa a as the required hardness or pressnersnining abt Inthe cae of con led or nuclear-certtied valves, examination using ettain wstng retbods sa requlrement bythe saer and/or ty be sujet to ou ‘ment regulations. Larger valves or valves denge fos Maher gee sure dass, ANSI Class 900 (PN 160) and higher, ave cxamsed for Ass in the metal curaces that may msl in lessor + hast vessel hgh pressures. Such examinations and the procures and mucho fae stabliched by ASME snd AS, The term exminetion refers to any test performed by tho machinist or technician producing the part, a quality assurance engineer ot Inspector, the end ser, or a representative ofthe user On seer and, the term inspection i used when that some test condcted snd/or witnessed, and approved or rejected by an authorised tepe Peotatve of the user othe user's insurance carer, overly any metal alfoy thats nat carbon-based, an cry spe trometer can be used (Fig. 228) In most cases, however cotfied eri est report can be procaced forthe mate, eich aces the sory ofthe metal back to its heat nutnber at bleh mnie frm efoundsy, Five examinations ao commenly us to verify 4 materiel and 8 testis integrity and abiity to poor ay tequine’ vinta sgt ite, iguid penetant,radotogy, and ltosone The most commonplace examination is sina (coded VT by the AS). which involves looking closely atthe pt for any defect ste ss ack, surface porosity ete—outside those aceped by writen relerence photograph ar illustration. Visual exatination may sco inchde looking st the surface finish ce overall quality worknan ship. Pigs 2:9 Kern specter (Suey ef Ve raat smal cracks or porosity inthe surface of the meta thal canna be Seen With 2 visual examination. I orks best with ferrous castings sh Torgings Generally iti an easy procedure that con be accomplished quickly with ite setup. However special electronic equlpanent 8 ‘eure and it sony lfecve with ferous material, sich ae carbon ‘eel and certain ferous alloys. Ie cannat be teed ith nonmagnetic fay ic sais sel, The magnet paste Gannon Involves sprinkling irom filings ora sin grata ferrous materi cover the metal sttace to be tee and then passing an ler cu Fent through the metal part. As the electrical current generates tog netic lines of force onthe metal sree the ion aie ll user tong those Liner. the metal von of eracke or porosity the ies wl Fema uninterrupted. However ia crack or pore evsts the fot lings will duster round that area and reveal the aw fo the exami ex ost eases, « magnetic partic examination i oly used for su face Naw, although 2 large void fist under the surface may also Be tected “The liquid penetra! exumianion also used to find mninste surface cvacks or poronity that may not be a8 evident sha magnetic partie amination Tie osed with cst prt with goet deal curved sr faces, such as valve bodies, or with machined rounded surfaces, However, by virtue of its methodology itis women het more nivohed tod tineconsuming than a magnetic pac examination, Howeven because it doesnot rely upon ary special equipment or power sappy itean be done ness anywhere. In» lid penetra’ caminaton y red lgui is sprayed onto the metal surace Alter lhe dye dle, ony ‘cs wiped frm the surface A developer i then speayed ove Suface, which leaves a white fl ater dejng. Ths hic Fm ho tendency to draw out eny red dye tho ay Bled from the ence or sly Another option with qu penetant examination wee 2 forescent dye, which involves examining the prt ino dated ‘bam witha blak tight. aigropy i similar to an xray procedure and is used to check fr amy cracks of voids under the surice ofthe pur. alma al cane, S0eh testing nequres «certified technician and prudent set mee sur. Ay taditon source is placed om one side a the pat onl nes ose fim onthe opposite sie. The radiation source emo tah tad container for a certain amount af time which exposes the fie Te fim i then processed, and using a penctrameter antenvasag sacks and vids can be discovered. (A penerameter tol plese behind the fin to help determine the scual sve and Jepth of the Faw) Although adiograpny is usually thorough some cache tet are unl o tho plane of the unexposed film nny how she Up wince Akelope. In this ase an ulraonic examination cous Be od te dk uch cach. ‘The las examination commonly used is ulrasonic. An wltraonic ‘amination involves generating + high-iequency wavelength he firected toward the metal surface. By loaking athe relcion ofthe ‘uring waves in an oscllscope, any cracks ot lnmanations i the nestor ofthe metal pat can besten. Although ultrasonic amines ‘ota well with nding cracks or Iitnaions I tay hove seeion vith fing small voids oF porosity, For this renscm,ulraseie se ‘digraph festings are conte atthe same tne ass safest ‘uns missing both cracks and voids, ‘The term hans refers to the ality ofa metal to resist penetration, ie atoaphet se we ss. soronine ean cotag on he mer srtace.f th buy il topos ihe rave ngs poses Sop op, eh ne ay be te oper gv they ae sondern ss enpenie than seuning Fosionesstat metals, Ar with sot “ormgn estan ati Be ting ecole ie nt mpemeaie Te see avanng ied waive i ht the plsticonplatc sal proves» ger bre “oallow forte const quarter tun motion without over: or und sucking of» pig valve tocar nrangemat used. The sep Seles eget ts oer he tte op e pog ek is tur the pg sem Aton he spel s Besa Sith quareesum'Pth which Storrs aed bey onthe Beet ‘ap gh ange Ate png stan novel the fd ey Lee Ske sop slat tad te log fs moving suse te quer rmnge 3.2.8 Manual-Ping-Valve Operation [When the opening in the plg isin ne withthe inlet and outlet pons flow contintesunishibited trough the valve, aking» pressure crop UUyough the reduced area ofthe plug port—aithough witha fallane eylindsicalplag the pressure dro i tina ‘When the hand operate i turned t the fll quartertarn poston (00% he plugs opening i tarued perpenicula to the low sean, wth the eges ofthe pg tating through the sealing device (ere Tbrisnts ete). When the all quavter-aen rotation i reached, the pot is completely perpendicular to the flow stream, eccating complete Jutoft In voting situations, whece the pg te placed le lars Position, the plug takes a double pressure drop. The inlet port's ow Brea is reduced By the turning of the plog sway Irom the fall-por position, taking a pressure deop a that point, The flow then move Int the ful-port aren inside the pig, where a pressure recovery the Place followed by anatherresticton atthe oatle! pore. Leakage 3 [Prevented though the sent by the comprsrson ofthe pug agate Sleeve or other sealing mechantsay, while the packing or the Cellae-diophragm assembly prevents leakage through tne stern, With thteeway valve afrangenentereuiring diverting fom lowe enters atthe inet and moves through the plug which channels the flow to ene ofthe other two outlets. When the plug is mowed 9, he flow i channeled tothe other tlt, Ata midway potion, How ay ‘be equally diverted to both outlets. With combining flow, Row dicted from two inlets to single oullet. Tn ander fF some ofthese israngemenis to acu, the plug mie be turned by Falltuen 60) lose ofthe typical guarterturh ston. With larger plug-valve sizes (3 in (ON 86) or larger, the torque reauted for sel breakout may becoine somevie! excesive, Ts ie ‘used by the larger contact surface belween the plug and senting device as well as any adverse operating condition, sich ass high proces pressure temperature extreme, corosion deposit ein te fas handlevers are typically placed with geared henavhel, hich reduce the torque reirement significa Tale 1 shows the ene dng torque reuitements for «typical pg vate for both handover and genropersted handvwhocs (The wer should note that these name ber are torque values for tng the Plug and Go not Indicate ie igherbreskout torque) 92.4 Manual-Plug-Valve Installation ‘elo the valve is installed, the user should check that room ex for the fre movement of the wrench, handlever, or gear operator nso: cases where high breakout torque ls expected, the wheel hander Say be of lengths om 210 6 in Gh 9 et roe alae to accommodate the wide quate-tum ae f the spartan Some plug vaves can bo universally installed, meaning that ether sac wuld be te inlet this isthe eave, the ay defining valve orientation ‘old be the location of the operator andthe awieg ae Wak other plug vlves—such a thieeway, anteater flow theres {erste—the flow direction i rita to the eperetion of te waloe tx ‘sense, 9 ow arrow is atache fo the Boy to ensure thatthe vane is comecty inal. In this case, the operator may ned te berroreet fo ensure free movemant by instaling the valve upside own or Assembling the leverstop-collar mechanism and changing the eve fore the plug valve is installed inthe proces ln, thease hou lake cae to remove any foreign material Hom inside the piping eh 1 acs not bacome caught betven the plug andthe boa tor lero, The gust surfaces ofthe end connsctions of BOA te vale aa te Piping should be thoroughly cloaned to ensure an adequate seg Whe ntaling the valve Between flanges, new age pasts should ‘etme and tightened 1o she core! tongue value ‘Table 3.1 Average Run Torques for Maral Plug a vie Sa ite vei welded inthe ine. speci pray shoul be oe poe then ons ending ine ampere eae a ee i cme, tile te vlve such ser hat mmce anew (G0°F o 95°C) or polytetrallaorothglene (00°F ot 304°C), To prevent ise Tote ‘tulip of ht see ave itahold eet coos Fee ons ‘0jales dating weling. Any skort or ft connections eae ened 8 During star ny pote leak pats sos be examined to on20 des xs that no lesageecerring ie Mange oe a Toren Totes age occaring the fnge bling tons Sing se ous Sates fing ong shalt gene unl the akane ee hee ; age dosnt stop, the guokes dapaym ete ey be a ‘Sine B00be ‘requites disassembly. The valve should be opened and closed several Love 2.9 les des ensuring that the anual operon oe hale oes an cians, especialy at beat, and eutog Wat he ce ous en ‘emt ni ovrcmprened Prenat b bot cece eee te ‘30-inch 18.0 thibs valve ‘ * pen th oveo | _oss,eues Ihe valve egies rubriation ish tke place betore the fon] semen ee om eae oxo _| as Zt ‘ny aurter of paces on te pup ive ution aoe sony | “aoatibs | ashe Seertecnr at eso ofthe pg smart oe ana eee ovist__ | ree0jaies | soajoume sone | aosatbe | Toombe ry ova | aisoinies | ztejouse_| Troublesnosce a oa Alter the valve has Sen inservice for sometime, protic wo on2s0 | reaoiedes | 473jaes Sistema be cine doe tie wie pegs 7s so Tipe | and fling fs sens expe ine ne vale dnb S100 hs 16.0 Rebs checked for signs of process leakage, including the potential leak paths: ON 300, 827.0 joes, 21,6 joules atthe flanges, between the bonnet cap and the body, at the plug Stem, a soda any dln or consetn pigs lobege nee creat | Meer coo (eeersed igang he ting sal ighned ee x it ES es crs even manner~one et ot tien te ebro Va Tesch 11700 Res ae ‘gp contnaes even afer ightoning the Mange gasket sy ove fae oueo_| tssrajeies | aeaseue Griese satace may Seve bets domapel an ean Toren | Trr0a ibe | Tec ae mae | aan | sates tard na ncn el iin md bonnet cap, the most comman cause isa leak path caused by theraret sn hs yea, the valve shouldbe depresurzed before the bonnet ap Sig pene. Tew sol etl nt vein e ating eyo industry stondsrdtrgus aus labage rors Mier eightening the bonnet cp Bolom the vale il reed tobe die Semi to veloc the dnphagn or gsi and to exomne the gar ietsuracesf the oes exp and boy i eakge is ocusring a he ver, he sos key cases ge 9 por sett tty the body sed plugs worn phvagm side dame et tonldatd or worn packing applicable the pag uses eb hata seal acon abrcatio should be added tothe pag ‘Sve the plug wate O ings to provides ns he Oings reo ihcly worn br damoged and wil ood replacement. The correstne Sait fora poor sees seal eo tighten the topwars, which pubs ihe upered plig fre nto he sleeve This compression provident feito slate and sleeve pl sel Tightening the sand Hage Silas apply oval force wo the aphrgm snd pecking, providing Texter cont with the pg stem. I eskage persists the pg vale tril ned to be cisassembled fo replace the soft goods and eae $e mnge te mt prt ht may have te reson oF he ih i leahage is occurring tough the Goose element more {Stn is ecessny fr nated png waves rte O-rings wl neat tobe veplaced wih concent page With tapered Pugs the ger Inga he land-ange and/or onet-eap ling may sie ee te geod seal. The user should note, when fightening the Boling thatthe brekout and turning tongue il cea tthe bling ‘rerghtoned not ony wl the nema pet weno sts bat he perating trae will dramatically increase Thetetore, afer ech ‘Efsiment the vale sbould Be operated fo encue ht torque sa fgeable At some point however continued Uahtening of Se plug i ‘he seat wil prodece » wor sleeve ia wll wo longee respond to com nocd tightening. At Hat point the sleeve will need to be replaced Manual-Plog-Valve Servicing The general servicing guidelines in this section are not intended | Supersede any plugetalve manafacturers specific maintenance and Sefvcing instructions insted, they ae provided as general guide lines. The manufactarer' instructions should be followed exactly at thoy ae intended ‘fo disasseinble and reassemble the plug valve for servicing ‘separ the valve and line abould be depressurized and drained o Process ud the vrvee fe enusi corrosive, the valve shouldbe contaminated to prevent fatah to personnel or nestby equipment [igure 3 provides an exploded viet of typical tpn pug valve letzten purpose ‘Before the fopvorks are removed fom the plug valve, the manus ‘operate (tench, handlever or gear operate) should be removed. To ‘roue correct orientation ofthe operator during fsesemdly place temporary alignment marks on the plug stem and the operator. This ‘shoud ot be scratch mark, Boca tet could eause a leak path on te sealing portion ofthe pl stem. ‘Once the operator = removed, the stop coll and any associate masher can be semoved from th top works The gland. flange bling Shald be slowly Toasened before removing the bonnet-cap bolt to gland ange ests, the bonnet-ap bolting shouldbe lsecnes. With the bling Iosened, the plug shovld be tures and sigly ase vet any Bappad process fluid inthe valve Ifa mechanical deve Is ted 1 ft the pl the ser shoul ake sue the plug stem and end te protected fo avold damaging ertcal surfaces, Ae the bolting f= or pressure: Once the bolting hes ben onthveaded, the topvorke co be femoved fom th bod At this point the gland ange and bolting fn be disnssombled from the bonnet cap. The plog should be Hed alght up from the body followed by ispestion for any scoring oF cess damage, such as erosion or cavitation. I the plug ses Oring ithe primary sealing mechanism, the O-ring should be removed te pluses Ibrican a 2 rosa, move any ese A number of pars may be attached to the plug ste, such a8 8 diaphiogm,speig ashes trast col, packing rings, ex These shold be rms by Piting sight off te plug ster, taking care not to domage the Us [stem If the plug valve is equipped with an slastoners sleeve the wl eed to be cut from the boy taking cre no to score the sternal bore of the body. The ugested meth isto cat the sleeve he apt the ane ofthe prt epenings eng a screwdriver and ie After his cu is made poi of plier can be ued 0 grasp ct mand twist the sleeve fom the body This may take some efor? the seve has ben pressed into the body and the aaded force of phsg compression reinforces the sleeve-to-body ft all csasembld parts should be cleaned sharsgbly and the vs ly inspected for damage or wear. All parts with significant damage Ld be replace a well 3 al sft goad (gaskes,daphrags, © sleeve, ete) The body shouldbe exnmined carefully For damm, any extemal areas of xidation show be repaid ad wept dy Using the pushing rod the sleeve is pushed int th hey tone nt iis firmly seated in he body (ig 35) A tis pos factrers recommend using a specal sizing plug to size laste of the sleeve as well to provide rial owe to 100 on 101 Tart force will reposition the plug farther into the sleeve unt the Bers shouldbe aligned correc. The stop-collar secenbiy ne Banual operator are now reinstalled. The wae should sks sone slgnent matks made eter match up to enrure ore ernie i the valve was removed from the linet should ean ie, Mant new flange gaskets, and relghteed tothe comme ong ee ‘et te valve fly aserbled, should be checked ware ee ovedure outlined in Sec. 324 befon the vale aac sa 8.3 Manual Ball Valves 8.8.1 Introduction Valves Rete indesign to the pg atv, the man lh tum, straightcheough flow valve hee won ith matching rounded elastomer ‘to Manat Batt steve to the boxy (ig. 3.4, Lubcnt may be spread over thes Of the sizing pl tallow for easy removal ofthe plop roe sing new soft goods, the O-ring, the daphragm, and/or packing shouldbe replaced. Bolore pacing he doheags ond pach ok ver hep stem must be sherk foray sutace truss a could damage the soft goods daring instalation. Any minor rele tes in the plug stem should be light polished Uf maar scoring een the plg should be replaced. The diaphragm, packing pong she thrust lest shoul be restate plug seen ne oe order a hey were remaved. The assembled plug then placed ‘he body a othe sleeve nade he body Is sleeves we, tea ofthe plug stem shouldbe ighly tapped wth mullet ee gin the esr The bonnet caps then replaced making sure that the diaphragin shes in place to provide a sel between te boy and tonne op fhe bonne-ap boing can then be sed eal ee flange assembly. At this point the Bonne-cp and pland- sng tag should be fingertght. na tist-coss manor the bonnet bole ‘ould be evenly tightened to th torque alu povise by tea nacre ate the bonet-ap bali has bee ceinalea de pg should he rated several testo entre smeoihsuoking se nal Correct oretaten of the boy seve and pl ports The a shall Sete that withthe tapered dig roti he pg wl cue ‘ise sigh, whic il case stne misalignment wi the nse Can be frectod by tightening the glan-fange boing to fe age "ales provided by the manufacturer ith tapered plage, th Jone around closure dement ic Sets that permit uniform seating fms The ball as lw-through port ands eed oe te ge ‘meron manssi-tul-velve design’ is shown in Fig 39. Bessa the dese of manual bl valves ar some dere thes ee comin, the bl! contol valve, the designs asocan wanna contol valve are covered in Chaya 102 caper oe “Manual ball valves are best sed for otf service as well as mod erate trotlingstoatons that ree minimal sccuacy. In static high pressure-drop throttling situations, where the ball’ inlet port woalt be off rom the seal ora long period of time veithout moving, he ‘elciy may cause the sal 10 col flow into the Fort csaing some inverferonce betwen the port edge of he ball andthe deformed ela tomer This situation can be rectified when the manual ball valve sutomated so thatthe ball moves more frequenty i response fo ‘hanging poston signal. Bal vlver are used in both liguid and is Services although the revice must be nonabrasive innate, They eon slsobe sed in vacuum and cxpogeni src Because of the wiping rotary motion of ball valves, they ar elo sturies or procesea wath particles, since the all port has 2 tender to sepatate o shear the partilates upon lating. Ocastonal, lengthy thin particulates can foul of wrap around tal eaasing® highemaintentnce situation ‘When ball valves are applied in hight corrosive chem service such as hydrochloric acd sulfur al, waste a, or ac bine ested surfaces ofthe body and ball ate completely lined with ply tatluoroethylne, which inert and smpermesb. and in owerpressire clasts of ANSI Clases 150 trough 6, 8.8.2. Manual-Ball-Valve Design ‘The ballvalve ody fentures a straight-through style allowing une ite low with snimal presse deop. A number 0 body confige ‘ations are avilable although the most common ase the pit ba ‘again refer to Fig. 37), slid bedy with side entry (Fig. 3, o sob ody with top entry (ig. 39). Tae defining factor for determining be ody design isthe compiexty of installing the ball inside the Body While the split body offers the easiest dsssoernly and ressemiy ‘may present problems with an aditional jin that canbe affected ping stresses as well a¢ another potential lak path, Face-tofa {imensions for ball valves ate established by ANSI Standard Be although with some peessure assifistions or special designs mare facture may use the gate valve face-to-face standard. Face limensions ate usually spectied according toa short pattern (ANSL lass 10) or long pater for higher presuteclasitcions The ma common end connection used ith manual ball valves he ite flange design Neen 29 op, pn 108 per ee “The bal itself canbe either round or tapered, depending on & lateral set design The flow through por sa reduced rea from he tay pore approinatey 75 perent of the valve’ fll are. Pull ore be aetqvaate when minimal presure drop is needed 4 wah oof sevice or when a pigs ned to Srape the inside dim ler ofthe pipe and afro low retin nthe fine would prevet SN" Uaie Be oe pee lg flog as wiae et {Bega prt of the plug the ball separate fom the stem in aca Tallvalves, Akoy sot machined o east io the top ofthe al io this hey stachined int the bottem portion of he tem it TaNhough «ball port is normally produced ina round fow pit sage, with eter full or recued an, characterizable ball ea Stlable Fg. 210) with fhe inet port ofthe ball shaped to provide the core lot position lationship for tat ow characteristic C ‘Shaped all av als available for eimnating dead spot ig 91 When te round sets are fixed onthe upstream and downstrean side ofthe ely thsi commonly called due sting. Tho wo 208 = aan ves 108 Iie 3.11 C3 ow ting dead ss (eet tein Been Cs tr designed conform withthe als sealing sure Wh deste presure drops and elastomeric senting intel, tubbletght shoe! Dpossle with double seated balsaves Sever! otter seating acngrmets te ie wih al aes Ones the soe eos agent is th sting alin whch the ball nt fd oe tadis allowed sme feedom of movement tg the key os Hh he fat athe utes Mel presut wat he Sa eshing the ball back gana he rar ot dows seat Ath, sangeet tveles Patni which he bl seed ed trun mounted ba) tte pita pln and the poe route pushes he upset sat aga he balls sean Sse ering schon, Ths Seign apis continous prose spaces jt mounted bal ater the bal isle, while te op works py shh ev cue cm et seats are made rom PTFE, which provides excellent bobble et eling anda temperate range ta covers ost gener so vices, Bunscand nylon materials are also specified, but maybe ain presure ranges and process compatty For higher temper tres, eta seals od carbon-based bueials ae specie, although igherfeskage rte re common ‘ih bllaive deig, the semi usually sealed by packing ings wth a packing follower snd gand flange applying compresion, Wik Split dies an sole Douies with side entry, te stem pinta Frough the body and De aching installed above the body. Bees the keyed lr, the ball cn be turned so thatthe Key and the lo pall with hel passage slowing he Ello ener rom the se ha the ster ostrsct with he tem he. With copentry bal Valves that use runnlon-mounted balls and springtoatd seats the bail has ether an ineal or separate lve that ceed nthe boom ofthe body. The sets ae paced fot sce of the ball and the ene assembly is placed inthe body. he toporio“consting ofa Donne xp, packing box land fang tnd separate senate intaledsbove the Ell When the Boracay Song igtened the reslng compression energaes the seat. The isnt heween te ant capa the bodys seated unig gasket ‘Mlultion to PTFE, linings can be produced from PVDF, PVDG polyethylene, and polypropytene. Besse ofthe corosve natured the service ined bal valves are painted with corrosion-rensa eating on ie exterior surface of he body Although ined valves ma Semone expensive than normal pig sles, they are considerably et Expensive fan requesting corrosion-essant meta, The one dis Stage of hned valves ie that the plasiecon-plastic seal provides Tighe brealout torque than the meta-on-astomer sa “pease quarter-tirn motion without over: or understoking Be valve stopcollar arrangement is sed, The sop collar designe {Mow ony 90 ave ofthe wrench orhanleve. tough the seat When the fall qurtertuen i reached he pot

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