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Category Archives: 1. Section Health Care

JANUARY 27, 2015 8:29 PM / 1 COMMENT

Since the simplicity of the method is its big advantage, I used this approach when I wrote the handbook for recovery from
any illnesses.
This book has been written already. It is called Restoration of Human Organism by Concentration on Numbers. It
includes more than a hundred pages. There are about a thousand of disease names with corresponding number series of
seven, eight or nine numbers for each disease. Being tuned to any particular number series you cure yourselves from the
corresponding disease.
The question arises: why such simple procedure as concentration on a specific number series, proves to be so effective
for recovery from diseases? What is the matter here?
Here is the thing. Each disease is a deviation from the norm. This is a deviation from the norm in the work of separate cells, organs, or entire organism as a whole. Recovery from
any disease means return to the norm. So the number series provided by me just ensure return to the norm. By concentration on a particular sequence of numbers, by being tuned
to this number series, you are setting your organism to the state that is the norm. As a result everything is fixed as the recovery from the disease.
For the explanation of the essence of this treatment I would like to give some information about the vibratory structure of numbers.
Our life is pierced with rhythm. Planets periodically rotate around the Sun. For the Earth this means recurrent alternation of winter and summer. The Earth revolves around its axis
and the regular change of day and night occurs.
And at the micro-level the picture is the same. Electrons in the atom make regular movements around the nucleus.
Each cell in our organism has its rhythm. And the totality of the cells has its rhythm although a different one. And the big totality that is at the level of an organ has another one.
There is a specific rhythm at the level of connection between organs.
Organism in this respect can be compared with an orchestra. Orchestra when performs a work should not play falsely. The same refers to organism. Organism sounding should be
harmonious. And if some organ or some connection in its work deviates from the norm, in other words it begins to play falsely; this is an exact indication of the beginning of a
disease. And then you as the conductor of your orchestra have to wave your conductors stick and restore its harmonious sounding.
Now let us return to my handbook. The book consists of 27 chapters. Each chapter includes a collection of specific diseases. The first 25 chapters actually include all known
diseases. The 26th chapter provides concentrations for recovery from unknown diseases and conditions.
Following the name of each chapter there is a restoring number series, which applies to all diseases together placed in this chapter. It is always possible to use it and especially
when the exact diagnosis is not known, when it is just known that the disease relates to this chapter. If the diagnosis is known the number series that follows just after the name of
the concrete illness should be used. It is also possible to use additionally the general number of the chapter, as Ive mentioned before.
The content of the book presents the names of diseases each followed by a number series that cures this disease.
As an example here is the beginning of the first chapter.
ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE 1257814 pathologic state of the organism when maintenance of the normal gas composition of blood is not provided or is achieved by the
effort of compensating mechanisms of external respiration and is characterized by:

- Decrease of 2 of arterial blood (2) below 50 mm Hg when breathing air;

- Increase of 2 of arterial blood (2) above 50 mm Hg;
- Disorder of mechanics and rhythm of respiration;
- decrease (7.35).
ACUTE CARDIOVASCULAR FAILURE (CONGESTIVE CARDIAC FAILURE) 1895678 lost ability of heart to provide adequate blood supply to organs and systems, break of
capacities of heart and needs of tissues for oxygen, is characterized by low blood pressure, reduction of blood flow in tissues.
CARDIAC ARREST (clinical death) 8915678 transient condition between life and death: this is not death yet, but it is not life already. It begins from the moment of termination of
activity of the central nervous system, blood circulation and breathing.
TRAUMATIC SHOCK, SHOCK AND SHOCKLIKE CONDITIONS 1895132 grave condition caused by an injury, which is accompanied by the expressed disturbances of functions
of vitally important organs, first of all blood circulation and respiration.

Protection from Ebola virus and normalization of the situation by concentration on number series created by Grigori Grabovoi for this purpose
OCTOBER 25, 2014 2:53 PM / 4 COMMENTS

For protection against Ebola virus, it is necessary to concentrate on the three number series following the image of Ebola virus:

The first series: 7897418;

The second series: 589061 59487 918 32;
The third series: 89888.
When working with the third series it is necessary to imagine that figure 8, which finalizes the third series, creates a glowing silvery metal color beam aimed up endlessly.
For normalization of the situation in general, in relation to the activity of Ebola virus, the following series can be used:
894691 718 14.
When working with this series it is also necessary to reduce the impact of the increase of radioactivity of the virus in approximately a third part of the mass of Ebola virus, reduce the
processes of accelerated mutation of the virus.

: 7897418;
: 589061 59487 918 32;
: 89888.
, 8, , -
894691 718 14.

The Numerical Atlas of creation of Man and Eternal Life


In the works created by me the numerical series exist in the consciousness of the one perceiving the series, and in the information of the entire world. In the absolute coordinates of
the sphere of all information of the world each numerical series, like any other information element, has a specific location. The information of those bonded with love is
interconnected, and is in the same area. The Creator, who organized consciousness with love for eternal life, has designated the places where the information of consciousness and
the information area which is external in relation to consciousness adjoin. The numerical series determine their position in the brain region in correspondence with both the brain
tissues, and the tissues of the entire body. The substance of consciousness in the form of a numerical series, upon coming into contact with specific physical matter, provides a
means to learn how the soul creates physical matter. A numerical series signifies a specific technology of creating specific matter of the physical body by the soul. Thus, by assigning
numerical series to the physical matter of a persons body it is possible to have a method of building a physical body and at the same time of the soul restoration from the body. This
is a fundamental provision in absolute space of information. The mystery of the creation of humankind is thus solved and becomes the knowledge available to all. God, who created
humankind, has given the knowledge of how man through the work of his consciousness and soul can self-create his physical body. From His eternity God has imparted the
knowledge that makes it possible for all people and other life forms in the world to live eternally in their physical bodies. By looking at the numerical series given in the book, by
moving from top to bottom from one numerical sequence to another, it is possible to create mans body, and in this way also to rejuvenate, make healthier, ensure eternal life to ones
own physical body and to all others. When you work for yourself, before starting the concentration make state that you work for yourself. You may also visualize yourself within a
conical surface comprised of the numerical series, or behind the vertical surface comprised of the numerical series, that are as if in midair. Visualizing this way somebody else
means you work for that person. You may skim or read series by series. You may take a break and then continue reading them from where you stopped. You may as well intuitively
find the right series or the pages in the book and perceive them. If instead of simply looking at the numerical series you work with them in your mind using the methods described in
my works, then the result can be attained faster. This same method of concentration on the series of the numerical atlas can be used for resurrection. Aside from being applied in
relation to man, the series can also be used with regard to animals, other living organisms, the events to be normalized by visualizing them behind the series. Events are connected
with life in the same way life is connected with them, and the connecting link is eternal self-evolution. When using such series of high concentration of eternity to ensure non-dying,
eternal life, focus your attention on the fact that the higher it is, the fewer numerical sequences there are. Maximally beyond the finite quantity of numbers there emerges absolute
space of eternal man and other life forms the space where the living are independent of numbers or any other finite quantities. That is, when consciousness reaches this area
through concentration on the numerical series given in the book, and by knowing of the existence of this space, then the consciousness of the living one ensures eternal life to the
physical body it dwells in, and to all others.
Each numerical sequence is reproduced by the consciousness of the body, and is aimed to be mastered by the consciousness of others, that is, to impart the knowledge of
emergence of information to others.
When you take notice the numerical series from which books are positioned close to each other next to each numerical series, you may find the initial letters of the book title the
series is taken from you acquire knowledge from life itself, moreover, from eternal life itself. You may feel that these series, being in close proximity to each other, are filled with life.
As though you are bathing in life and its energy, and you realize that life is eternal, as it is always around you, within you and within all others. The Creator unites you this way with
all those living on a spiritual basis, and you realize that intrinsically life is eternal, because the spirit, once manifested, is explicitly eternal, and you live eternally even for that reason.
The atlas contains the numerical series taken from the following of my works, with the abbreviations corresponding to these works:
1. Concentration on the Numbers of Plants for the Organism Recovery. (1).
2. Concentration on the Numbers of Plants for the Organism Recovery. (2).
3. Concentration on the Numbers of Plants for the Organism Recovery. (3).
4. Control in Sports ().
5. The Recovery of Human Organism through Concentration on Numbers ()
6. Stone Numbers for Eternal Development (1)
7. Stone Numbers for Eternal Development (2)
8. Stone Numbers for Eternal Development (3)
9. The Numbers of Stars for Eternal Life ().
10. The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality! ().
11. Normalization of Composition of Chemical Elements through Concentration on Numbers ().
12. Recovery of Mans Matter by Concentration on Number Rows, Book 1 (1).
13. Recovery of Mans Matter by Concentration on Number Rows, Book 2 (2).
14. Number Series for Psychological Normalization, Part 1(1).
15. Number Series for Psychological Normalization, Part 2(2).
16. Concentration on Numbers for the Recovery of the Organism of Farm Animals and Birds ()
17. Numbers for Successful Business ()
18. Numerical Concentrations Related to Food Products ().
19. Concentration on Numbers for the Recovery of Dogs Organism ()
20. Concentration on Numbers for the Recovery of Cats Organism ()
21. The Methods of Promotion of Grigori Grabovois Works in Social Networks ().
22. The Control Numerical Series for Protection of Constitutional Rights ()



When working with food products for the purpose of eternal life and eternal development it is necessary to consider the following: the external flow of matter and information
contributes to the technologies of eternal development based on: the principle of saturation in biological terms, the principle of training of technologies of eternal development, and
the principle of interaction between the spiritual and material.
Thus, when it comes to food entering the organism of man and, generally speaking, food products used by living creatures, in this case, first of all, you need to consider the overall
task and ideology of eternal development, aimed at formation of the technologies of eternal development on the basis of nutrition. You have to perceive the structure of the soul
manifested in the form of physical body. Food products that, among other things, are information system of the world, interact with the soul when enter the human organism.

The actions of the food products should be realized at the level of the spirit that builds the body according to the biological
principle and according to the principle of spiritual control. The transition from the biological functioning of the body to the level of
spiritual control of physical matter can also be implemented with the use of food products.
On this basis, the number series, which correspond to food products, guide the used by man food products to the area of
knowledge of eternal development and simultaneously realize the eternal life of man.
You need to take into account the element of development of control that is quite many of interactions in the organism occur at
the level of combination of products. At the chemical and biological level, at the level of metabolism, the absorption of food takes
place in the process of various subsequent actions of products. When studying food products with the use of logic of eternal
development and eternal life of man you need to control the result of interaction of the used products. Consider also the unknown
processes of interaction that are often important in terms of interaction with the soul of man, with the spirit in terms of action on
the structure of cognition of the world.
The Creator, creating all the living and having created all the living, directed the interaction of the living with the consumed in such a way as to materialize the principle of eternal life
of the alive. Therefore, in this case we have to consider that structure of mans development, which is in many respects connected with internal thinking at the level of the deep
structures of the soul where the organization of human body takes place. Because the human body is organized at the same time by the soul at a certain level of spiritual control.
Therefore, interaction with the divine level occurs in terms of the targets of control towards the eternal development, i.e., divine purpose of control. Through the awareness of this,
you can find the system technologies of eternal development, through the perception of food products.
The first element of the geometric level of control in the area of human perception is that food products can be considered at the level of reflection to a certain semi-sphere. You
visualize that from the side of the heart, at a distance of about 15-20 cm from the body, there is a semi-sphere that is concave from you. You project to the inner surface of this
sphere a variety of food products that you consume, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and they interact in such a way, that an impulse of human life takes place. The soul, in
such a way examines the process of interaction of your food products at a certain level of information and gives access to some elements and directs them towards the eternal
development, while corrects some others. Since originally the soul is uniquely aimed in its ideology and according to the structure of its creation and development towards the
eternal life of the physical body of man.
Therefore, you can also consider the elements of resurrection of man on the basis of a number of food products that are more preferred. For example, if we are talking about the
strengthening and accelerating of the systems of resurrection of the gone, then, first of all, you need to consider milk, water, and substances that are of certain reddish hues.
Combining these three elements, we get acceleration in the process of resurrection. The person, who is carrying out resurrection, respectively having at the time of resurrecting
control milk, water or, for example, a plum or a cherry with red shade, is able to accelerate the process of resurrection. Since the transmission of information to the soul of the
person, who is being resurrected, is quicker and more efficient.
You can learn technologies when the person who is being resurrected, using the minimum amount of food products, can quicker restore his physical matter by means of organization
of a connection between the physically manifested matter and various non-manifested substances that exist at the level of information.
A developed person begins to perceive this and sees that the person, who is being resurrected, for example, using just evaporation from dairy products, can speed up the
resurrection when his soul remembers about milk. When this information is transmitted to the soul it perceives many elements of the physical life, and the process of resurrection is
rapidly growing in terms of visualization of the resurrected person in normal physical world.
Food products in terms of technologies of eternal development are of integrated value first of all realized in the connection of various positions of control and constant interactions
with the food products. Therefore, they are also a certain level of training of eternal development. Man, by laying the system of eternal development in the information of
consumption of food products, first and foremost, finds the most benefit products for the current state of health and control of future events in eternal development, and at the same
time implements the training of spiritual control, in which the person, who initially organizes his body by physical level, passes to the level of spiritual control of the body through his
Any physical element of development, the physical body of man, by this logic can be transformed into a system of spiritual control through concentration of spiritual level, through the
state of consciousness that can organize the body, for example, with minimal use of products without emaciation of the body. When a person moves to these spiritual techniques of
control of his physical matter in his organism, it is necessary first to implement the first indicated principle of non-emaciation, in line with which the person should be completely
healthy. If in the case of reduction of food products the spiritual control has not reached the desired level, that is, the person loses the weight corresponding to his constitution, then it
is necessary to bring the control in line with consumption of more food products. The transition to the spiritual control of biological processes is, first of all, at the same time the

transition associated with the ability of all people to control their physical bodies due to the spiritual control. Therefore, you should always think about transfer of this knowledge to
Individuals who can do it and perfect themselves in term of spiritual control of the body, respectively, can be sure that their eternal development could be really justified and infinite in
that case when all can do this. People who for a long time can saturate their body by means of spiritual control with minimal use of food products or, for example, without eating food
for some period, first have to extend the action of such knowledge at all.
The knowledge of the spiritual control of biological processes can take place in the periods between eating food. During this period, you can study the control mechanism, in which
the spirit controls the physical body. During this period, you can work out and see that there is a spiritual control of the organism, i.e. control of the physical processes of the
organism, due to the spirit, but not due to biological systems.
Using food products, this process can be developed to such extent that, without feeling hunger, you can have accurate knowledge about the spiritual control of biological processes.
This knowledge is also the reserve level of the organism in any situations.
In the future, when all humanity will be able to develop so due to the spiritual control, it will be easier to implement, respectively, the structure of eternal development without using
the usual 21-century products. At the same time the spirit transfers control to the level of creation of food products that come into the organism, and the creation of elements, which
are useful for the organism and can also be consumed within the normal process of consumption as people do now, takes place.
Thus, the next level of development is the creation of food products by the spirit due to concentration. This is also one of the elements that is laid in the control system while
concentrating on numbers. The whole system of the future development must be necessarily laid during concentrations because food products interact with man for a long time, for
example during the day; and in the infinite time you also need to know the mechanism of replenishing of food products even in that case when they are not available.
Reproduction of food products by physical and spiritual effort is the following: either the food products appear as a result of event control, or people are able to create information
level, resulting in the material substance or the concentrate of information, which as if replaces the food product at some point; this is also a certain level of control. Therefore,
turning directly to number series, you have to keep in mind the entire complex, which is incorporated in these number series.
Next, in the chapters, there is a list of food products with the corresponding to the chapter concentration on formation of eternal life with the use of the products. Then, in the table,
there are details for each chapter on the food products with the corresponding numerical concentrations for the purpose of achieving eternal life through the use of the food products.

Concentration on Numbers for the Recovery of Dogs Organism


When you carry out concentrations related to dogs it is important that you explore information of dogs connection with the future events. In general, the form of this information can
be imagined in the shape of two cones conjoint at the base. In this form on the left side you can perceive the information of the past more related to dogs, and on the right side is the
future related to all.
The structure of the information in the widest area of the figure corresponds to the current present time where dogs can develop the ability of applying information of the past and
forecasting, and improving the future events related at the same time to many volumes of information, objects and people. When you carry out concentrations on the number series
for the recovery of a dogs organism, you can perceive the beginning of the series placed above the tail and the end of the series somewhere in the area of the dogs head.
The first numbers of the series in this case will correspond to the past events; numbers at the end of the series will correspond to the future. With this perception, mentally
approaching the series closer to the physical body or the image of the dog, try to understand the thinking process of the dog. Develop its thought so as if it perceives you both at the
distant and near vision simultaneously. Then try to view the spread of the dogs thought, which is going to that place in the physical space where you are.
You will see the transition from the substance of thought to the matter of physical space. In the place of this transition pass with your
thinking to the space of the transition, which is of bright shades color. Look at it from aside mentally. Consider and perceive profoundly
the process of relationship of dogs as a biological species. Try to understand the mental connection and communication between the
dogs at the level of their spirit and soul. See how the dogs soul interacts with your soul and asks to develop it to the contact with the
image of man. The future has the form of man that makes it possible to receive the norm by the actions of man. Eternal life is based,
among all, on the ability of people to find the ways of interaction with any living organisms.
Applying this knowledge, enter the area of the information objectives of the eternal life of dogs and, through the information area of your
eternal life, mentally begin actively interact with the dog. Eternal life unites all. Try, at the emotional level of cheerful contact with the
dog, to teach your dog to understand numbers. Juxtapose the past events of the dog with the initial numbers in the tail area by deleting
them with the help of your thought from the past. Fix this mentally, telling the dog about this correspondence. Then go to the current
time of the dogs events and you will see that the access to the information of current events is identical, in term of speed, for man, dog,
and generally all living organisms.
In practice, this fact is explained by the fact that, for example, man and dog can walk the same distance to the required place on the
physical level for the same time. It follows from the principle of equal possibilities of information control for all, that other living
organisms can have at the level of information the same access speed to the same as described in the example place.
This way you can understand the law of eternal life that all living with the same force can participate in ensuring eternal life. Just those who know how to realize consciously the

eternal life have to train all. When you state the aim for the dog to learn such aim, you can perceive in the current time how at once the channels of perception of the dog related to
the future events and particularly to man will open.
You can see that dogs perceive at the level of the information of the future, first, the organ of the man they are interested in that is to be normalized for good health in the future. At
the same time, the dogs have such connection with the organism of man that from the norm of health of man they can earn back the norm of their health. Man in a similar way can
also get the norm of his health through the normal functioning of organisms of other creatures. At the level of information, you can perceive this as a spiral-like shape of
macromolecule of DNA, where each next spiral turn means an organism through which any living organism ensures eternal life for itself.
This way the eternal connection of one living organism with all others is ensured, and an infinite increase of living organisms is achieved. Information of any living organism that has
appeared infinitely in term of time can be found in all other living. The use of eternal time of live means mastering the infinite space. As is well known, DNA provides the realization of
the genetic program of development of living organisms, in other words, it contains in its material form the mechanism of interaction with the information form of the future events.
The mechanism of cognition, that has perceived the information spiral form of mutual normalization of living organisms towards eternity, superimposed on the physical form of the
DNA for the purpose of eternal life of the living organism, fixes in consciousness the eternity of life as the only possible form of life.
Such perception of dogs is strongly developed, therefore they often try to warn people about a possible deviation from this form, they save people. Learning through the use of
number series, given in this book the glow of the norm and then, using this mechanism, you can learn how to bypass the information of aging and events dangerous to human life,
and therefore live forever. The light of eternal life is visible with spiritual vision at any distance, and, focusing on it, dogs can return to people who love them, even if they were taken
away for tens of kilometers by car. In the world, there are many monuments to the dogs, which had been waiting for years for people, with whom they had lived.
Therefore, it follows that dogs perceive people always alive. Dogs, in fact, perceive resurrected people as always living and remove from them their information about their
resurrection experience, bringing by that the information of the resurrected to the information of those always living without interruption. Here you can observe that all nature in
general, all living in one way or another are involved in the erasing of informational differences between the resurrected and always living. This eventually leads to the development
processes in which not only living organisms, but also the natural phenomena will ensure eternal life for all. The force of reason, which is based on adherence to the laws of eternal
life, will come out to the first level of interactions. Dogs have already perceived this reality now at the beginning of the third millennium.
To recover the organism of dogs it is necessary, in accordance with the taken into account their described modern perception, to enter mentally the information area of your eternal
life, and through this area to combine mentally the end of the number series and the future events. You will feel that you implement actions from your status of eternal life, which
allows you to work steadily with simultaneous recovery of your organism or the organism of another person, and other people whom you perceive forever living. You can thus
consider that dogs information can contribute to cognition of the world through the friendly level of dogs. Profound knowledge of the world ensures eternal life. Focusing mentally on
the field of information corresponding to the friendly attitude of dogs to man, you can protect yourself if necessary from possible aggression of animals. Through this area, you can
also restore organisms of any other representatives of the animal world.

The numbers of dreams

JULY 31, 2014 5:55 AM / LEAVE A COMMENT

Dream is perceived as an event that directly concerns person. Appears a desire to understand the meaning of the dream, take into account what you have seen for the future. For
events control, you can imagine how sleep enters your organism through the mouth. Try to play mentally a feeling, which happens when you catch with your tongue a drop of rain.
You feel a storm and the sea in it, the entire water element. Everything is perceived in one. Thus, the dream comes in contact with your consciousness, bringing into it everything
that you do not even perceive and do not realize immediately. Eternity contains all the phenomena of the world. Becoming aware through a dream contacts eternity. The Creator
sees eternity in himself. See the dynamics of eternity in your dream, and you will learn that the physical body is indestructible in this flow.
The numbers of dreams are in eternity. They are from any information perceived in dreams, and provide eternal life to you and all. This is a manifestation of the law of eternal life that
is as follows: with respect to each event, the following efforts should be directed at eternity. A number can be pronounced, thus you can direct the dream to provide eternal life by a
mental movement of the tongue. The organism can be perceived as an autonomous, when information enters through the mouth. Then in the area of esophagus, you will be able to
perceive things happening in the dream. You will understand the symbols of the dream. Why you saw certain images in the dream, how they influence, what they warn you about,
and how you can apply this information.
Any action seen through a dream informs about the work of the brain in correlation with the organism cells. Thus, you can raise to the level of consciousness that allows recreating
organism cells in a controlled way through a coordinating center, for example, through the brain. Mental shift of the line of eternity dynamics in a dream to the pole of the events of
the future shows that the soul can also create centrally physical cells of the organism. In the study of the dream information with the help of consciousness, you can see that the soul
is always present in the future; therefore, this is a proof of the eternity of the soul. Based on this, you can see the method of achieving eternal life in the mental connection of the
physical body and the soul in the infinite future. Spiritual aspiration to achieve eternal life makes it possible for the soul to restore or create faster the cells of the organism. When you
visualize the images of food entering the stomach through the mouth, you will be able, in the flow of the information of the dream, to increase autonomous functioning of the
organism without emaciation when you do not have nutrition. It is also one of the ways to normalize weight. The norm of life taking into account all its information. Dream often allows
you to perceive all the information in separate images.
In a dream, information of the soul overlays the image of spirit, further there is information of the body. Therefore, you can
determine where the spirit touches the eternal soul. In the places of such touches, the eternal physical body of man is
shown. If you determining, based on the dream information, such places and imagine yourself or others in them, you can
reach eternal life. Through these layers, you can perceive another persons dream.

In practice, there were cases when someone wanted to tell me about his dream, but I told that there was no need,
because I would tell about the events of the dream with the recommendations for the future. In all cases of such requests,
I carried out exact description of the events of the dream; people confirmed it. Thus, a dream can be described as any
other information if to use the ability of controlling clairvoyance. The principle of the controlling part of clairvoyance is that
actions should be aimed at providing man with individual knowledge of eternal life. Strict adherence to this principle
allows all to master controlling clairvoyance by using what they saw in the dream.
The first method is as follows: you move to the surface of your body the light of the image seen in the dream.
The second is to penetrate with your mind into the phenomenon seen in the dream for its full understanding.
The third method is based on the tactics and strategy; you should detail the events of the dream for the present and
combine them systemically for understanding of the behavior in the future.
This way you can learn how to create the cells and organs for yourself and others, since the technology of controlling
clairvoyance of eternal life is a substructure of forecasting control based on the norm of the future. There is always a normal healthy physical image of the body in the future, for God
is always there. When you control your desire for eternal life, you can connect it to the eternal norm of the future, thus you will be creating always, i.e., all the eternal time healthy
organism for yourself or others.
Dream is one of the variants of internal communications among all people. In a dream, there might be links to other peoples levels of information and the exchange of information in
a more active phase. When in a dream you see some images, imagine that you are watching with your natural eyesight. Then through your consciousness simulate the process of
photons of light from your physical eyes to the image in the dream. With this perception, you transfer the control of physical reality into your consciousness. When you place the
desired event in the center of eternity, which is available in any sphere of consciousness, you accelerate the implementation of events in such a way that you assert eternal life for
The places to meet the resurrected and the technologies of resurrection of all can be determined in a dream.
Dream on the intuitive organic level is linked to all of the phenomena of reality. The implementation of the law of non-dying of the living is carried out through dream by becoming
aware that dream events occur in the space of reality that has the functions of eternity. Dream as a constant contact system with eternity objectivizes eternal life.
All living organisms have contact with eternity systematically through dream or such a state that is similar to dream. Dream expresses the principle of equality before the Creator of
all life. When using this principle, you will be able to access the information of dream of living organisms and effectively assist them in attaining eternal life by all.
Under certain circumstances, you can face the fact that a person who sees a dream, realizes that this is a dream. If you develop this ability by concentration on numbers 891048,
you will be able immediately in the dream to control the situation by inclining the events for the better. When, in such a dream, you incline by a volition effort the plane of the dream to
the right, you will be able to improve the events up to the required level. In this case, you would better understand in the dream that you have to perform the full action, as if you have
solved the problem while you are awake. The ability to direct events so consciously gives you the opportunity to learn quickly the technologies of eternal life. Application of the
controlled dream can improve the controllability of any situation by orders of magnitude. Because the speed of achieving the result in the technology of control of reality through
thinking is closely linked to the amount of conscious continuous time of thinking on the problem.
During such lucid dreaming, you can see that in the space of the events of the dream on the right side there is a huge sphere, which is perceived as a living tissue of consciousness.
People always thought of what was there behind the endless physical space. When you examine the greatness of the world through the consciousness element, which is moving to
infinity, you can see that some bright spheres of concentration of information gradually transform into objects of brownish tint resembling uplands. There are no light spheres in the
area of these objects, since near the objects the information is only beginning to be organized. With a sharp increase of the speed of movement of consciousness, you can see
yourself. This means that the quickest way to know the surrounding world is through your physical body and that the world comes to it. In a certain way, the whole world is tied on
one physical body.
If you slowly move the part of consciousness, which is learning the endless world, you can see a wave of light over the uplands that is coming from God, His image, and you can talk
wondrously with God feeling His friendliness. Behind the uplands where the information is created, you can see the golden light, the future eternal world with forever-living people
and other living organisms. Dream information is substantially formed as the reverse movement to man from the golden light of eternity and from the Divine light. When man
perceives it, he is filled with the energy needed for the eternal activity in which he aims at the realization of eternal life. In a lucid dream this infinite energy can be directed to
ensuring eternal life to everyone who is seen in the dream, and to all those who are outside the plot of the dream. Clear boundary separating reality allows us to understand that man
has always perceived the infinity of the world. Cognition of the infinity of the world is one of the sources of joy of eternal life.
It is known that dolphins and birds can sleep with one hemisphere wakeful, and birds are even able to sleep this way in
flight. At a time when there is a switch of the waking hemisphere, and the sleeping hemisphere becomes awake, energy
powerfully fills the body. During the work on the diagnosis of aircrafts at the Uzbekistan airlines because of the large amount
of work due to the large fleet, when I often had to diagnose for days without sleep, I applied the method of change of the
activity of the cerebral hemispheres. To do this, you need to concentrate on one hemisphere for it to work actively, and the
other hemisphere with the help of thoughts should enter into a state similar to sleep with less activity and then you should
periodically change the activity of the hemispheres. At the time of such a change of activity, you perceive the light of eternity
coming from many areas of physical space; when this light is flowing in the body, you can become aware of the permanent
reachability of eternal life.
Before going to bed, you can attune yourself through concentration to take into account the stages of sleep at realization of
eternal life. For the stage of slow sleep, which occurs immediately after falling asleep, you can concentrate on words and
numbers the hypothalamus of brain 881. For the subsequent stage of rapid eye movement sleep, concentrate on the following numbers and words: 847 medulla.
When using number series related to the included in the book images and events, initially it is preferable to concentrate more or longer on the first three numbers of the series. To
increase the anti-aging effect you can concentrate harder or longer on the first and fourth numbers of the series. For more health effect on the second and fifth numbers of the

Concentration on Numbers for the Recovery of the Organism of Domestic Animals and Birds
JULY 28, 2014 12:12 PM / LEAVE A COMMENT

This book discusses several types of animals that can live at home. Try to be in mental contact with the pet, and you will see that they can send you information about the events,
which form eternal life. Animals instinctively direct themselves toward the events of eternal development, because all master the laws of eternal life; such is the world structure.
Domestic rabbits perceive, in the control area of consciousness, the first wave of any outside information: first to the information area corresponding to the left ear, then to the right.
Here, you can see that the principle of control of events is as follows: the control area of consciousness contains the reflection of physical organs. The ray, which connects the thread
of thinking with the images of the physical body, at the same time, creates new body. Listen to yourself, how your thought is organized, and find high frequencies at the beginning of
the thought, in the root of the thought, and lower frequencies in the development of the thought.
The beginning of a thought is perceived as information that is more concentrated and a developing thought as information that is more spread. However, when the thought is spread
to the future other thoughts of current time might emerge in it. This means that the degree of concentration of information in the development of the thought actually increases, it
becomes multi-pole. However, consciousness gets used to the first thought and the following thoughts in the development of the first thought may be perceived as background ones.
Thus, consciousness takes control of the process of thinking.
Thought, similar to consciousness, as it is a part of it, can this way take control of all information and physical reality. To know the source of emergence of thought, the Divine nature
of man should be turned through thought to himself. In creating yourself, you can understand the process of the emergence of thought in the soul. Spiritually moving deep into your
soul, you can see the light, which covers all the living and is shown as a universal knowledge of eternal life for all. Passing with your consciousness along the rays of light of the soul,
you can see that the image of a pet is already in the soul, and in the world. By mastering eternal life, you develop the soul and the world simultaneously. Internally the movement of
the soul can change the image and the world. The movement of reality happens when you strongly, in your soul, want something.
With the concentration on numbers for organism recovery, numbers help to direct the movement of reality to the systemic level of healthy and happy life. You should transfer to the
pets mentally this knowledge in that field of information, in which they are able to perceive your thoughts, and you will open a communicative channel of communication with animals.
This area is before the first wave of any new information, perceived by animals; the domestic rabbit has it near the left ear. From it, you should perceive the process of creating the
physical body of the rabbit and its first thought. The first thought differs from the following thoughts in that that it is tightly connected with the body and it appears the next moment
after the body has appeared, for example, the following moment after conception. This is the thought of the first self-perception and the most controlling thought in relation to the
physical body. Have you perceived it; you will be able to learn how to create quickly the body of man and other living organisms that realize eternal life for themselves and all.

Guinea pigs perceive an approaching man as light coming at them and at the same time, the bright irradiation of light of
the soul begins from their eyes. When a person does not move, they perceive the image of man, just as man himself
perceives his physical body but of greenish-grey color. Approach to animals and birds disturbs them, they try to quickly
understand the possible action of the approaching and work out the sequence of their action. At this point you need to
insert mentally the number series of concentration between the ray of light coming from the animals eyes and the light
coming from you towards the animal.
Chinchillas are feeling the light coming from mans eyes along the spine, so the number series can be imagined along the
back of chinchilla.
Hamsters perceive human thinking as a beam, spreading at a great speed in the direction of their head. For transfer of
the restoring information through the number series you should slow down the speed of spread of your thoughts in the
direction the hamsters location. At the time of slowing down you should imagine that another thought contains the
numbers that you have read in the book, and put this idea in the form of a sphere near the hamster.
While restoring the organism of animals, try to remember which of your actions have the greatest effect, and how in this
case the behavior of the animals changes. This way you can complement the recovery technique with the methods
derived from your personal experience. The more different ways you learn, the faster you will master the technologies of eternal life. Because the ability to control in the area of
ensuring eternal life to all, according to the law of uniformity of knowledge, immediately becomes the ability to ensure eternal life to yourself.
When dormice move physically, they perceive the thought of man best between their paws and the surface on which they step. Imagine that the dormouse walks on the number
series, and you will be able to observe that the level of reasonableness of its actions increases. It can begin to respond to the slightest movements of your thoughts. Some of the
number series increase the dormouses evolutionary abilities.
Decorative rats can actively perceive all information located near their physical body and differentiate human thought. The way of transferring the recovering information to
decorative rats is the increase of intensity of the glow of information of your thought containing the number series near them.
Decorative mice perceive information as if with great understanding, but mostly do not bring it into the corresponding to the situation knowledge and practical application. Therefore,
it is advisable to place the number, which restores the decorative mouse, in the units of the mouses thinking, which lead it to correct actions in terms of achieving eternal life.
Competent actions on ensuring eternal life lead to it.
Hedgehogs perceive the greatest activity of information in the area where their needles end. You can imagine that a number, located in a sphere, corresponds to each figure of the
number series, then the form of the thought might look like a garland of such spheres. You should put by an effort of will this thought in a way that a sphere is located in the end of a
needle of the hedgehog, then the same way you have to place all other spheres with the numbers, thus you give the knowledge of eternal life to the hedgehog.
Decorative pigs try to think just the same way, like those geometric forms of light, as man thinks. This is reflected in their internal mimicry that is passed to the muscles of the head
and some internal organs. Place mentally the recovering number in the area of those muscles and organs, and you hereby will transfer the knowledge of eternal life, which contain

the restoring function as a necessary element. Having imagined the situation in the form of an animated film, you can see that in the information reality the decorative pigs constantly
try to look into the face of a man, understand him and, perhaps, follow his instructions. Using this construction of information, you can imagine that you hold in front of the decorative
pig a poster with a number series. The light from the numbers is transferred while being transformed into the universal knowledge of eternal life.
Ferrets try to catch the controlling human thought approximately at a distance of ten centimeters from the eye of man. For transfer of the knowledge of eternal life to ferrets through
the number series you should imagine the figures of the series at the specified distance from the eyes.
Mongooses at a greater extent perceive information from the area, located on the end of their tail. You should mentally send the number series to this area imagining that it curled up
in a glowing sphere from the book, and moved to the area of the tail of the mongoose. Then, the light of this sphere is absorbed by the body of the mongoose. The knowledge of
eternal life is transferred through the combination of figures in the number series. You should try to perceive, with this kind of transfer of information through the sphere, which figures
in the book glow more. Having looked at the number series, corresponding to the mongoose in the book, simultaneously with the image of the mongoose, try, using spiritual vision or
the ability of clairvoyance, to see how the light from the number series reaches specific areas of the body the mongoose. Sense in this manner the dynamics of the information,
which transfers the knowledge of eternal life, while looking at the image of the mongoose and corresponding to the image number series. Mastering this kind of perception of
dynamics of information enables you, based on images and in general any audio, visual and other information, see where the information that provides eternal life spreads, and
direct the original information for connection with it.
You can, this way, direct information mentally or by decisions on action at the physical level. This way you can learn to see what is behind the words, what the results of the words
are. For the formation of eternal life through words it is required that the situation arising behind the words has been aimed in the direction of eternity by imagining that some of the
letters in the words shine stronger than other letters. Exchange of light between the letters with different glow intensities lets you feel the inner dynamics of the statics of words. A
word denotes a certain meaning and the dynamics of light seen within the word, through adding the light of the thought, can always develop the meaning of the word in the direction
of eternity. All phenomena can be described in words exactly or approximately; it means that any phenomenon can be directed to the area of actions ensuring eternal life. Besides
the fact that eternal life is inevitable by operation of the law of eternal development of the world, it can always be ensured by self-development that includes the objective of eternal
life to all. It is visible in the realization of this law that ensuring eternal life for yourself is achieved by the target actions in this for yourself and all.
The reptiles information of internal connections between them is strongly developed. Turtle perceives the signal of information from man simultaneously with the signal from other
turtles. For transfer of the information of the number to a tortoise you should imagine that the number series is transferred not only towards the turtle but also to other turtles at the
same time. This technique allows one to develop an intuitive level that, when it comes to one event, you can intuitively feel which other influence and from whom is exerted on the
event. The development of such abilities is important in carrying out investigations, in scientific research and in many other fields of activity. You can decipher the intuitive information
area based on the cause-effect areas by practical actions at the physical level, or by using the ability of clairvoyance.
Freshwater turtle perceives the human thought information not only from different sources, but also as a signal reflected from water. You should mentally place the number series
near the freshwater turtle, imagining that they are in the water. The specificity of the perception of information with the use water is shaped by the circumstances of life of turtles. If
you reflect about the fact that only a certain number of varieties of live is known and why there is no any variety, you will be able to see the law of the universe denoting the particular
forms of living organisms. To receive other forms you have to extend the influence of the thinking to the area of collective consciousness. Freshwater turtle expands its controlling
information form due to the mental inclusion of part of the water near the body into the action of the physical body. This method enables man to develop controlling clairvoyance by
introducing into the image of his thinking the information about what is beyond the capability of human physical eyesight.
Green iguana perceives more information with the internal receptors in the body. You should visualize that you place the number series within each cell the green iguana. Such a
practice of thought training allows you to apply it to normalize the cells of the entire human body, to remember this state in order to learn through spiritual state to ensure eternal life
of the physical body. With a strong concentration of thought, physical matter can be organized, and thus consciousness, trained through the mentioned way of thinking, can create
the cells of the organism. Moreover, you have to train yourself to be able to create the cells of your organism through any other cell and even through an image that you remember.
By creation of a set of images, through which you will learn to create the physical matter of your organism or others, you will be able to develop consciousness to the level when
physical body is indestructible, since your consciousness through the images fixed in the consciousness, will always be able to maintain the organism indestructible. In this case, you
can use the method of creation of the organism at each instant of the future that itself provides the indestructibility of the organism for indefinite time due to the timely control of
events of the future.
There are images, which are formed in the lens and cellular tissue located in the parietal area of the third eye of green iguana, enabling it to recover its body. You to have place the
number series inside the third eye for the images of consciousness, which restore the body, to move to the outside of the body. You can pin them, in the general information of the
collective consciousness or by a volition effort, to specific places of the physical space. If there is a problem in the body of the green iguana, its organism, in order to avoid significant
disorder in its work, will be able to receive normalization from the information of these places.
Works of fine art, created to ensure eternal life to all, contain images, allowing infinite time to restore the physical body and develop the spiritual level of those who perceive them.
When people perceive paintings of many artists regenerative effects in one way or another take place. The effect from the paintings manifests itself as a source of images, allowing
you to recover and develop. A person, looking at the works of fine art perceives the idea of the creator of the work and gains access to all of the authors technologies for the
realization of the idea. Ensuring eternal life through art quicker realizes eternal life for all. Information of works of art is generalized to be perceived by all.
Mental imagination that gecko can perceive from the actual environment only images clear to it, allows you to find internal connections of the systems of life. For gecko,
concentration on numbers of its recovery is in the lines of life, flowing to it through visualization. Perception of the deeper meanings of life fills consciousness with vital forces. Makes
it recognizable to other holders of the mind of eternal life. Thus enables to transfer more intensively the knowledge of acquisition of skills of eternal life. The acquisition of such skills
is useful because, forever living man will do a lot automatically, without spending large resources of consciousness.
Bearded dragon is able to understand the movements of people, which are done without much effort. Send to it the number series so that they, compressed in a sphere, do not
reach it in the space your of thinking. Exactly at the same place, you will feel that the bearded dragon absorbed with greed the information about eternal life. The field of your
consciousness, in which this action takes place, becomes lighter, and the speed of thinking increases. Eternal life can have situations when the speed of thinking must be very high
for simultaneous estimation of many options of events immediately. The way out of this situation is an urgent transfer of information of eternal life simultaneously to many.
Blue-tongued skink may lose a part of the tail and then try to grow it, focusing on the current of time. To avoid loss of the physical matter, you can move through the lines and weave
of time, without touching them. You have to transfer to blue-tongued skink number series by a thought for it to stop its aging and loss of matter. To do this you have to see in its body
the areas of the most active channels of time and place the numbers mentally outside the channels of time. The time of life is induced simultaneously in all organisms. When one is
able to live forever, he at once through the time conveys this experience to all.
California king snake is in the state that is similar to the deep understanding of the world. When it crawls, in its perception, the space is absorbed through the mouth cavity, and when
it does not move, it feels the pressure of space. The movement of the mind dispels negative events. Imagine the number series simultaneously inside and outside a California King
snake; this way you will pass it the knowledge of eternal life that restores it. The knowledge of eternal life is an ideal tool for recovery, because it acts infinitely. When you mentally
look at the internal surface of the snakes skin, you will be able, like in an old movie, to see the life of human society or wildlife. Skin sensitivity to events complements the ability to
regulate them.
The corn snake has an ability to grow its own mind up to the increase of the corresponding cells of the organism. You have to place mentally the numbers for recovery right next to
the corn snake for the process of growing of its mind to allow the snake to master faster the life in the eternal physical body.

Decorative and songbirds perceive the happiness of eternal life before the keel. The possibility to live forever captures them, because
then they can do anything they want and create an infinite number of new wishes that will come true too. Birds, from understanding of
this, become so happy that they fly up. They chose for themselves one more degree of freedom upwards. A species defines the
consciousness; however the consciousness defines the species. Birds consciousness was created prior to the creation of its physical
body. This consciousness formed the bird. For the transfer of knowledge of the eternal recovery of health to bird the number series
should be placed in its primary consciousness, the lifetime of which is before the appearance of the body of bird. The Creator, who
transferred consciousness to bird, immediately gave it the mechanism of eternal development through consciousness.
Fish perceive the future as the present. The time of the future and current events equally fills the body of the fish. The beginning of the
recovering number series should be placed in the area of current time, and the numbers of the middle of the series are simultaneously
mentally transferred into the future.
Each of the technologies of the development of abilities of eternal life enables to live forever. Learn to practice the methods of eternal
life by contact with domestic animals, birds, and in general with different systems of life and you will determine that eternal life is
attainable by all.

Concentration on Numbers for the Recovery of the Organism of Farm Animals and Birds
JULY 18, 2014 6:25 AM / LEAVE A COMMENT

The technology of eternal life and eternal development related to farm animals and birds is realized first on the basis that farm animals and birds in the process of eternal
development will attain eternal life. Starting from the current time of the 21st century, we have to carry out concentrations and form the collective consciousness in the specified
First, you should understand that the inside spiritual and biological structure of people reacts to the destruction of animal organisms. Any destruction in the environment of animals or
birds is quite exactly perceived at the cellular level. Therefore, concentrations on the numbers for the recovery of the organism of farm animals and birds are carried out through the
strengthening of the cellular and molecular level of man. Since, at the level of event control any information can be linked to any other, in order to withdraw from the collective
consciousness the component of destruction, which results from the mass destruction of animal organisms, you need to use the algorithm for solving the most complex problems. In
the case of modern civilization, this algorithm must always work towards ensuring eternal life of people and all living things, even against the background of ongoing systematic
destruction of animals for food. We have to look for such niches in the corridors of information, where the information about the destruction of the organism of animals is not
There is information from the history of corrida that the original destruction of bulls was ritualistic. After corrida had been introduced into collective consciousness, the bull that
survived the battle was kept for breeding and was not allowed any more to enter the arena. There is a law in collective consciousness according to which the provision of a real
chance to survive to an animal or a bird significantly increases, for tens of years, life expectancy of all people. Based on this law, protection against destruction of cows in Hinduism
participated not merely in the collective consciousness of humanitys life extension for many dozens of years, but in some cases, according to the laws of hidden world, ensured the
survival of the civilization as a whole.
As a child, I picked up an unusually beautiful large bird with a broken wing. When I cured it and it flew away, there was a favorable effect in general, a number of events improved.
Moreover, the line of directing the events to a favorable direction is visible on the light level now. When we help the less protected and those who are more in need, the more
favorable events are generated for us. The world is such that when we ensure life opportunity to any living organism, we form such a reaction of the world in relation to us, in which
all external environment gives us the same opportunity. The Creator created the world eternal, and with this kind of attitude to the living, the logical idea of the Creator is not
Thus, by concentrations on the numbers for the recovery of the organism of farm animals and birds, you strengthen, above all, your molecular structure and make it indestructible,
eternal, and simultaneously you form such events, which in the future provide eternal life to animals and even more so to people.
To enhance information transfer to animals when they can, based on their spiritual substance, fully restore their former body, you can orientate yourself at the overall task of the
eternal life of all living beings. Through the increase of the level of wisdom of animals and birds, the destruction of animals and birds decreases. Therefore, when you carry out
concentrations on the numbers that restore animals and birds, the intellect of animals and birds should be increased at the same time; that will allow them to live in the human
society without destroying them including for human nutrition. Modern science allows synthesizing food, thus there is no need to destroy animals and birds. When working with the
number series given in the book, you have to embed in the collective consciousness this idea and develop it up to creation of specific technologies for the protection of animals and
birds from destruction.
Through the number series, you can develop communication with animals using spiritual action and transfer of your thoughts. Using number series 891497 894981, you can send to
a pet or a bird up to 10 words that form a thought. You can first write down these 10 words and imagine that the phrase that contains up to 10 words moves through the space
between numbers 7 and 8 of this number series. Then this phrase, through any part of the body of the animal or bird (first, you can do it through the head) turns into the state of light
and is absorbed by the animal or bird. You can start with simple and easy-to-understand phrases for animals or birds to respond quicker to your words.
After a while, when animals or birds will actively respond to your contacts with them when you use this method, you can pass to longer phrases and sentences in mental
communication with animals or birds. Try to communicate mentally with animals or birds about what is happening around you rather than just giving them commands to fulfil any
basic physical actions. An intellectual animal or bird is able, at the level of mental communication, to inform you about events, including the future that will be reconfirmed in practice,

but at the same time, it will not perform all commands one after another. Since more intellect results in a greater freedom of action. In this intercourse through the transfer of
thoughts, animals or birds feel equal interlocutors who help you, or ask you to help. In view of the difficult situation of animals and birds and dependence on the human actions, the
intercourse by means of thoughts is a very important and strained for animals and birds. At the time of such communication through thoughts, it is recommended to support animals
or birds spiritually.
Some animals can take the initiative to communicate with you. At the time of my study at the University, when I came home, a goose
used to come up to me immediately and cuddled his head to my foot. This continued year after year and all the years with my arrival,
the goose expressed his joy, which eventually changed for the inner request of the goose to ensure endless life for him. In fact this was
how emerged the task of ensuring continuous life to all farm animals and birds, which should be solved by the observance of the
ideology and practice of ensuring eternal life to everyone who was created alive.
You have to take into account that this task, based on the law of continuity of life of eternal development, from the beginning of
occurrence of life, also implies the realization of resurrection of all ever existing farm animals and birds, as well as of all living beings.
The outside space more consists of inorganic matter and to implement the way of the infinite development of life in the whole space
large amounts of living organisms are required; their starting level is reached by the universal resurrection of all life. Then the time of
eternal life of all the living will come, this time will differ in the following: it will be possible to convert any color by thinking into gold and
silver colors, and by metal connection of the areas of different colors, it will be possible to create any physical matter that will not
counteract eternal life. Animals and birds perceive well the waves of this future time. The light of their thinking has many golden
elements because the behavioral pattern of animals and birds is more oriented towards perception of the future events due to the
extended instinct. In the described future, the processes of the future time are tightly joined, at the level of information, with the
processes of the past and the current time due to the need to take into account all the future when creating any physical object from a
thought. Therefore, animals and birds as well as other living beings, which perceive such future time, can receive in real-time
information about possible problems in the future, earthquakes, disasters. The behavior of some representatives of the animal world reflects this at the physical level, for example,
before an earthquake. There are many known facts where animals and birds by their conduct helped people to solve a problem or to be saved from a disaster, the effects of an
earthquake. When you send a thread of thinking toward the golden color of animals or birds thinking, you can, through the reflected signal, see your thinking in a static phase; by
the use of this thinking you can accurately respond to the situation that requires a rapid response. In the static phase of thought, you would normally keep on thinking, but no
changes of the form of thought occur in the thinking space. This approach allows you to explore quietly your thought, look at its internal structure and immediately perceive by the
spirit the development of the future events that are associated with the thought. This is one way to better orientate yourself in the information of the world. The knowledge of the
static phase of thinking is important to counteract aging. When looking for the location of the light of thought in the static phase you can see, for example, that the Galapagos
tortoises that live for more than 200 years have this light in the head area. If you, with the help of a volitional effort, by spiritual action move out the static phase of the thought over
your head, you thus stop aging. Among living organisms, you can learn many technologies that contribute to eternal life. Antarctic sponge, which lives in the Arctic waters at a depth
of about 200 meters, due to the reduction of the metabolic process lives up to 15 thousand years. Man can reduce the dynamics of thought in the space of thinking by way of
retaining by volitional effort the static phase of thought that spreads all over the organism. At the control level of the collective consciousness, this process is similar to the process of
lower metabolism. Human thinking in this case remains the same because the static phase of thought is the area of that part of thinking, the location of which is explicitly or implicitly
defined by man. But if man retains correctly the static phase of thought on his organism his life can be unlimited in terms of duration. Hydroid jellyfishes do not age, and therefore do
not die of natural causes. Hydroid jellyfishes have the light, correlated functionality with mans thinking, at an exactly determined distance outside their physical body. If you act the
same way you will be able, by spiritual and volitional effort and control on the part of the soul, to keep at a fixed distance from the body, better overhead, the glow that corresponds to
the dynamic phase of thinking. In this way, you can realize one of the numerous methods of eternal life, which can be observed and mastered in contact with living nature. Flexibility
of human thinking enables man to get knowledge about the methods of eternal life from almost any environment, including the matter of the thought, thus the thought of man
becomes the source of eternal life. This allows you to define the law of primordial eternity of all alive, which is maintained by those who promptly recognize and master the law, or not
immediately, but is still mastered by those who had ceased to exist.
Please note that by concentrating on numbers for the recovery of the organism of animals and birds you can have a significant recovery of your organism in response. Moreover, you
can receive the knowledge of how the recovery of the organism of animals and birds takes place through concentration on the numbers very quickly and in big volume. Intensive
obtaining of knowledge is always helpful when you realize eternal life for yourself and all.

Normalization of Composition of Chemical Elements through Concentration on Numbers

JULY 15, 2014 7:27 AM / 1 COMMENT

Thinking, which normalizes the composition of chemical elements, should be carried out from the position that concentration on numbers normalizes the composition of chemical
elements for the norm of health and ensuring eternal life. At the same time, you should include into the thinking information about the following: when you concentrate on the
numbers, corresponding to chemical elements, you normalize of the state of physical reality. This normalization takes place because irradiation of your thoughts can affect the wave
systems of atoms of chemical elements that interact with the physical reality.
In order to understand why the substance that you observe is created exactly so, as you see, but not any other way, you have to attempt to connect, inside your consciousness, the
form of information, which corresponds to the substance and to the physical reality which surrounds the substance and yourself.

Therefore, you can understand the place of chemical elements that make up the object observed by you in the absolute, that is, from the
perspective of the Creator, and the structure of the world.
The perception of such location of the chemical element within your consciousness allows you to experience the profound beauty of the world and
harmoniously control the properties of chemical elements in the direction of ensuring the norm of health and events in eternal life of yourself and all
Chemical element is a complex of atoms with the same nuclear charge and number of protons, matching the ordinal (atomic) number in the table of
Mendeleev. Each chemical element has its own name and symbol, which are given in the Periodic system of elements of Mendeleev.
Simple substances (also called one-element) are the form of existence of chemical elements in the free state.
Currently there are 117 known elements, 89 of them were found in nature (on the Earth), and the rest were obtained by artificial means.
In accordance with the list of the chemical elements of the periodic table of Mendeleev the normalization can be held in the following way: when
considering the interaction of a chemical element with macro environment you should normalize all the macro environment through the chemical
element. Therefore, the atomic weight, which has documented and measured characteristics, is the control system in this case. If we consider the
external system of connections of information that corresponds to atomic weight, at some level of intersection of the atomic weight information with
the external environment information, certain changes take place in the structure of information. This information corresponds to the following:
concentration on a number, which in the system of connections is lined up so that it normalizes the situation around the chemical element, results in normalization of the situation in
In other words, the principle of control in this case is the principle of using the distant field of consciousness when concentration on other values in consciousness results in
normalization of both in the value and around it.
You can imagine that some information exists in the space of perception, corresponding to a chemical element, and there is an area, which corresponds to the connection of this
chemical element with external events, and, within the current system of concentrations, exactly concentration on this area through the atomic mass will be carried out.
In order to connect the control to the atomic mass you will have to imagine either increase or decrease of the atomic mass. Thus, normalization across the external environment and
normalization in the characteristics of the chemical element will take place.

Concentration on Numbers for the Recovery of Cats Organism

JULY 11, 2014 8:48 PM / LEAVE A COMMENT

Cats realize the principle of internal contemplation of information in their spiritual world and reflection of this information to the outside environment. Try first to understand what the
cat will do, and then perceive the course of its thoughts. You will see a laconic structure of thoughts, in which the lower area corresponds to the cats reaction to the future events.
Leaning against this part of the thought, the cat performs distribution of the information inside its organism and controls the movement. This may explain the rapid response of cats
and increased survival abilities. If man follows this method of response to information, man can also increase his ability to survive right up to securing himself and others eternal life.
Nature teaches eternity not only by its existence but also by thinking about it.
In the number series, which restore the cats organism, first it is necessary to determine the numbers that ensure eternal life for the cat, and therefore, by the law of universal
connections, for you and all the rest. The cat feels such numbers; you need to teach it to be aware of these numbers. Show the cat mentally the center of its thought and quickly
draw its attention to the lower share of the thought. This share of the thought is generated inside the cats organism by the pineal gland, shown in Figure 24 (Sections of the brain).
Outside of the organism, this share of the thought arises from the combined activity of the spirit and soul of the cat near the head of the cat or near the right hand of man. This is the
effect of the law of availability of thought forms of all living things near the human body. Man thus since birth has been accustomed to the information of permanent availability near
him of all life of the world. The Creator, having such things near himself, always controls and eternally develops life. Man and any living being can do the same through the mental
perception of the form of man.
It is clear that the cat should be informed that it should mentally pay attention to those numbers of the number series, which are closer to the man. Thus, the pulse of life in the form
of the cats thought is directed to man, and thus contributes to the eternal life of man. Then it goes back to the cat and transfers the cats pineal gland to the area of eternity creating
the cells that have eternal life in the organism of the cat. The cognitive reaction of mans perception to such emergence of the eternal cells makes it possible, through consciousness
based on the principle of similarity, to saturate the human organism with eternally living cells. To create from them, through a certain practice, connections, organs and systems.
Further, you need to develop actively the principle of interaction at the level of information with the cat, in which the acceleration of self-development due to the use of experience of
achieving the eternal life by others takes place.
Cats in continuing their education by passing the thoughts, which contain the knowledge on the achievement of eternal life, increase
the force of their mind, which eventually will bring the cats to the level of information hierarchy where man is. Strong mind equalizes
everyone. Next, the cat begins to work over its body. This work, if cats retain their appearance in the form as is, is to ensure eternal
life to cats. Anyone living needs to understand that eternal life is the inevitability to which everyone will come. It is better when this
way is shorter and more understandable. When the thought of the cat moves to the future, you should superpose on it your thought
with this knowledge.
Try to find in the information the image of cat that is perceived positively by all cats. From this basic level, pass, in the information, to mastering the methods of communication with

The first method: think that the cat treats you well, as a good man, and then this will be organized due to the force of your thinking.
Try to understand the law of life, namely, that a deep understanding of you by another creature allows you to live forever on the basis
of spiritual force and interconnection with those who understand you.
The second method: understand others the way you would like to understand yourself through every 100, and then every 1000 years
and so on. Ask yourself if you remember yourself exactly in the distant past. Cats look concentrated, because they almost always ask
themselves a similar question and look for the right answer at the current time. Note that the appearance of any animal, of any living
being is determined by its way of thinking about itself. Listening to yourself, to your spiritual world, you can get such a spiritual
development that creates the physical body of the living. Life and the idea about it are closely linked and intertwined in the physical
body. Everyone as a sculptor sculpts himself his physical body. That is, each living organism makes the body in line with its ideas.
Further unification of living organisms by species takes place, which means that there is perception and thinking of the same type.
But you can singularly perceive God, who gives the impulse to build the body and simultaneously creates Himself. That is, anyone
living, through his physical matter, contacts God, and thus touches eternity, since God is eternally alive.
The lines of love of cats are revealed along the cells connected between themselves along the spinal column. These cells most
actively irradiate love into the surrounding world. Love harmoniously converts the world going back to its source. Thus cats, like all
living things, are involved in building the world by love. Knowing the expression of that principle in material terms you can concentrate
your attention along the spinal column of the cat and try to understand if it is possible to perceive the numbers with love. By the logic,
you can perceive this way the infinity sign that resembles number 8 located horizontally. Because this sign connected with the word life in the context of infinite life quite
probably means the presence of love, because love in it is eternal. Love is reflected in the sign of infinity and may symbolically be pictured as life. Eternal life contains endless
love. Thinking, which contains number invented by man, is formed through the possibility of eternal life, that is, with the presence of love.
On this basis, you can imagine that the number series that has been put mentally into the sphere of love could be transferred to the cat by directing the sphere into the area of the
cats spine.
Love forms the universal way of knowledge of the entire world. In love, you harmoniously and happily perceive the world and you develop with it at the same time. Life with love is
one of the principal means of ensuring eternal life.
By the use of the method of placing a number series or any other information into the sphere of love, and transfer of this information to the necessary area, you can quickly educate
and inform any object of reality. Such action is creative for all and oriented to development towards eternal life, which is achieved not by coercion but by the freedom of choice based
on knowledge. You can use this method for self-study of a foreign language. To do this, you should mentally place the words you have to study into the sphere of love, imagine that
this sphere is approximately 5 cm above the head, and then the organism absorbs the light of the sphere. A kind of absorption of the knowledge you want to master quickly takes
place. This way through love, you can transmit information of healing to your organs and organism, to other people, and to all in general. This way you can learn healthy, harmonious
and happy eternal life.

The Numbers of Stars for Eternal Life

JULY 3, 2014 12:41 PM / 1 COMMENT

Distant stars, which can be perceive by physical eyesight just as light, have subtle connections with the Soul of man. Man can perceive by physical eyesight the light of his Soul,
which is blended with the color of the human body. With that understanding, you can consider that at a certain distance from the body of man and on the body of man, the light of
stars at the physical level intersects and merges with the light of the Soul. The light of stars in a certain way is an element of eternity in terms of that this light reaches man often in
millions of light years, and simultaneously it is the gateway to the world, which from the other side of the star is endless as well. The eternal Soul, touching the eternal light of stars,
can influence, through the will of man, surrounding physical and informational reality that includes everything that relates to information.
The eternal life of man is achieved through concentrations on the areas of interaction of the light of stars and the Soul of man. These interaction areas are represented in the form of
number series.
Method of work with such number series is as follows: to see with spiritual vision, or to imagine how a number series, starting near the human body is laid on a silvery-white line,
which is rounded at the other end from the body. The series finishes at the end of this line, and through the last number, you should merge it with the light of the star. The last
number that is at the ends of the series acquires the property of infinity. Through this last number of the series, the person connects himself with eternity, a particular case of which is
eternal life of man, of all people and everything alive.
Eternal energy reserves enable person to control objects of the physical world, for example, reduce the weight of a physical object or by an effort of will, combined with
concentration, to deflect an asteroid flying to the Earth. It is necessary to use these capabilities, because the guarantee of eternal life is secure and protected from threatening
asteroids or other problems surrounding space, which is the physical media in the Universe where people live. In order to influence such physical bodies to ensure eternal life of man
you should concentrate on the first number of the series corresponding to the star.
Based on the name of the star, you can determine in which part of the Universe some problems might occur. In this case, by the Spiritual vision, you can see that if there is a
problem in a ray of light coming from the star; then the series, referring to the star, first starts to glow a greenish color, which helps a person to correct the situation quickly; then a
reddish color, if the problem is growing; and a yellowish if the problem requires urgent resolution.

To normalize the situation and resolve the identified in such a way problem of external space you should imagine the series as silvery-white and, by a
force of will, focus on this control for a while. Often just milliseconds are required to normalize the information, but in some cases, more time is
required. When resolving the problem, the series corresponding to the star, can emit for some time a blue or other light colors, other than yellow. In the
structure of the world organization, it is often can be seen that those or other processes are not fortuitous. For example, yellowish shades of the Sun
as if remind man latently the necessity to develop Spiritual powers and Consciousness to control the external space.
The Sun in this sense, is also a training level of reality, moreover with objective characteristics of impact on mans matter. Looking at the Sun for long
time may impair the eyesight that justifies the anxiety of yellowish hues, and encouraged person to find protection against events following the yellow
color. At the same time, the Sun makes humanity to think about the life on the Earth if the energy of the Sun begins to dry up. This is again the task of
control of the external space macro objects. To collect from the little Earth as much energy as to restore the function of the Sun seems quite
problematic, even if man-made systems are strongly developed. So, the objective reality is such that any sane person in order to ensure the conditions
of his living is forced to develop something that is always with him, i.e., his Spirit, Soul and Consciousness to the level of ensuring the absolute
controllability of the entire external space.
If in the area of one star, emitting the alarm, other nearby stars begin to emit green and then red disturbing light or yellow light, then according to the
laws of optics you can understand that the object is approaching the Earth, so you should normalize the luminous range for several stars. Many of the
objects have been approaching the Earth for decades or millennia, but in a certain place, usually a few tens of light years away from the Earth, in the
case of a dangerous object, the protection of life on Earth works and the object passes by or deflects without hitting the Earth.
The Creator, providing people with the knowledge of eternal life, provided for enough time for people to learn to control the entire external space to ensure eternal life of all, and of
everything alive in general. Even if it takes millennia for a dangerous object moving toward Earth to come closer to the Earth, it is desirable to carry out now normalization of the
situation by the number series, since the will of many people, which is for a long time aimed for ensuring normal conditions of eternal life, which is expressed in the form of
concentrations on the number series, the prayers, the talking of the Soul of man with God, is accumulated and will normalize the events for sure.
Actions for the normalization of external space can bring a great benefit to the organism, as they make the human organism stronger and able accordingly to secure quickly for itself
and all other the necessary conditions for eternal healthy and harmonious life. To draw an analogy with the physical world, the work on the control of the object of external space
resembles a workout with weights training apparatus.
For the level of thinking this work results in stronger mental activity, the brain matter is quickly restored. By the use of the increasing in that way the brains resource on integration of
the various processes to ensure eternal life, you can quickly bring the reality to the guarantee of eternal life to all. With such increased brain activity in the direction of the eternal
development, the clarity of consciousness, which is not affected by external circumstances increases, and internally man becomes able to stand the line of eternal life more steadily
in various cases.
The possibility of reproduction of thoughts more often starts to happen around the human body, and not just be perceived as the emergence of thoughts in the head area. Man
begins to perceive that his entire body is thinking, and this perception is accepted by man as a happy worldview. The thought generated by the whole human body creates the reality
of creativity, through which the eternal life of man is naturally ensured, as it is possible to solve any problem in a creative way. Thus, a subjective approach, which depends on man
and ensures eternal life of the individual and of all other people, is formed through concentrations on the numbers of stars.
Over time, eternal life becomes natural for man. This eternal life implements non-dying, since the technology of non-dying does not depend on external space in connection with the
possibility of controlling control. Methods of concentrations on the numbers of stars, which use explicitly only information of the entire infinite external space, realize completely the
technology of resurrection, since the infinite space means the endless amount of information that is obviously for the infinite time could be mutually placed so, that everyone will be
resurrected. All the external infinite space, containing stars, makes it possible to comprehensively perceive the eternal life, which consists of non-dying of the living, and, without fail,
of the resurrection of those passed away, since the infinite space is a fact of reality. This fact of reality according to the law of similarity in universal connections provides the event of
spread of infinity, i.e., eternity to man. The infinity of the number of stars, composed of the perception of the infinite space behind stars, makes it possible to understand the
methodology of control of the future events outside the current time, and thus ensure the future of eternal life.
In this book, the numerical concentrations are carried out for constellations and specifically for each star. The intersection of concentrations occurs in such a way that all the stars in
a constellation, can be mutually compatible at concentrations on constellations. In other words, you should first carry out a concentration on the numbers corresponding to the
constellation, and then concentration on the numbers corresponding to the star. In this case you can use the method of such concentration, at which the numbers of the
constellations are followed by concentrations on three selected by you stars, on the numbers corresponding to these stars, to ensure eternal life.
When working with the numbers of stars you can take into account that some devices determined radiation from the location of the star in the outer space of the star, which it had
occupied in the past, has in the present and will have in the future. Thus, in cases when you control with the use of the numbers of stars you should consider the availability of
information in the collective consciousness that the radiation of the events not only of the present but also of the past and the future time affects physical bodies in the present.
Astronomical observations confirming this were implemented in 1970-ies at 125-cm mirror telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. A resistor (resistance) was installed
in the focal plane of the telescope as a receiving device (sensor). The observations showed that the change (increase) of the conductivity of the resistor takes place when the
telescope is directed at one of the three points of the sky, matched with three positions of any observable space object (stars, galaxies), which correspond to the positions of this
object in the past, present and future.
The past image coincides with the visible position of the object in the sky. The present, you can say the true image of the object, corresponds to the
position of the object at the present moment of time on the clock of the observer, that is the observers own time. The future image of the object
corresponds to the position, which the object will occupy when the signal sent from the Earth at the time of observation and spreading at the speed of light
(c = 300000 km/sec) comes to it. All the three images are located along the trajectory of the own movement of the object: the true (present) position is in
the center, and the past and the future are located symmetrically on the both sides of the present.
The visible position of a distant space object is the observable from the Earth its past image in the optical range of electromagnetic radiation. However,
in fact, that object is no longer in that place of the sky because while the stream of photons flies from it to the Earth, it shifts along the trajectory of its own
movement. Moreover, the more it is remote from us, the longer its light (or any other electromagnetic) signal flies to the Earth. For example, there are
millions of years from the nearest Andromeda Galaxy. Using the known in astronomy data about the speed and direction of movement of the observed
object, you can define the point in the sky where it must be at the time of observation, and direct at that point the mirror telescope-reflector. This tool is
equipped with the resistor included in the device instead of the eyepiece; the equilibrium of the device depends on the electrical conductivity of the
resistor. It turns out, the device responds to not only the visible, but also the true position of the object. Therefore, the observer on the Earth can obtain
information about the status of that or another formation of the Universe for the present time by his clock and record its true position.
Assembled in such a way telescope makes it possible to obtain information also about the future state of the object, because it registers the position,

which the object will occupy when the signal sent from the Earth at the speed of light at the time of observation comes to it. In addition, it is found regarding these devices that the
rays of the detected radiation do not deviate in the Earths atmosphere like the rays of light and even affect the resistor in that case when the lens of the telescope is closed with a
duralumin lid 2 mm thick.
These results were fully confirmed afterwards by the Institute of Mathematics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The observations were carried out in the same place at the same
tool and with the same astronomical objects. They also observed the Sun. The scientists along with the metal-film resistor (physical sensor) used bacteria, which possessed a
property to form colonies on a solid nutrient medium (biological sensor). The observation with the help of the physical sensor fully reaffirmed the results of the 1970-ies. When they
used the biological sensor, it was found that bacteria formed colonies more actively under the influence of the radiation than without it.
This proves that there is a universal interaction in the universe, which establishes instant connection of the observer with any object of the Universe and affects the physical and
biological receivers.
Then, in a general sense, the absorption or perception of the information of the future events contributes to the vital functions and development of life. Based on this we can make a
sequent conclusion that any form of life, including life of man, when interacting with the radiation of the future increases its life resource. For man, whose radiation from physical
body, thoughts, Spirit and Soul instantly interact with one another and with all the events of any time, the constant interaction with the radiation of the future takes place when man
realizes the aim of eternal life in the physical body for himself and all life, because the information of the eternal life is always combined with the information of the infinite future.
The principle of instant interaction, extended through mathematical postulates and calculations in my scientific work Applied structures of the creating field of information to all the
reality of phenomena, including radiation from a thought and generation of bio-signals, I used when I created inventions Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and Device for its
Realization and Information-Carrying System.
Practically it proves scientifically that by means of your consciousness you make instant interaction with all the objects of reality, including the information of the future of all objects.
Consequently, all objects of reality get radiation of interaction with you. Since the future is not rigidly fixed in the space of information, and a simple example of this is that in a second
a man can go either to the left or to the right, you can shape the corresponding information of the future by radiation from your thoughts on realization of the eternal life, which then,
in the form of radiation, saturates you with life. This way you can independently create through your thoughts eternal life for yourself and all. You get the eternal process of life
through thinking. After all, the radiation of the information of the future, as it was proven by the results of the observations on 125-cm mirror telescope, develops life.
Since everyone should live forever, everyones knowledge of the Soul for ensuring eternal life can work instantly, and the law of transition from quantity to quality can help to transfer
the accumulation of knowledge about the methods of eternal life into more effective provision of events of eternal life. Therefore mastering the methods of eternal life even though
the direct radiation from the thoughts, which emerge for the realization of these methods through the revealed instant interaction with all objects of reality, creates the world, in which
life in the physical body is eternal.
In the book, the letters the Greek and the Latin alphabet denote the stars in the constellation in the descending order of their luster (from alpha to omega, then from a to z and
from A to Z). The stars, which do not have letter symbols, numbered in the increasing order of their direct ascension. Multiple stars are marked with the superscript index, for
example 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Orion. A multiple star consists of three or more stars that look from the Earth close to each other. Capital letters, which follow the symbol of the
star, denote the components of double or multiple systems, for example, c of the Swan A and c of the Swan B. Star systems of two stars are called double star systems.
To ensure eternal life to yourself and all through concentrations on the numbers of stars, you can use the text and images provided in this book. If you wish, you can also look at the
stars in the physical space and carry out concentrations on the numbers of stars. Then it will be realization of another way of concentration that includes the light of stars from the
physical space of the cosmos.
To find the North point on the horizon and to begin searching all other constellations you should know the constellation of Ursa Major. Looking at the stars of Ursa Major you can
quickly understand the surrounding stellar systems. By the location of its seven brightest stars constellation Ursa Major resembles a big dipper. Ursa Major can be easily seen in the
sky at any time of the night. Only at different times of the night and at different times of the year this constellation is visible low in the early evening in autumn, high in summer, in the
eastern side of the sky in spring, and in the western part of the sky late summer. It is possible to find the North Pole Star with the help of this constellation. To do this, you should
draw a straight line through the two last stars on the side of the constellation farthest away from the handle of the Big Dipper. This line will indicate the North Pole Star. The North
point is always under the North Pole Star on the horizon. If you look at the North Pole Star, you will face the North, the South will be behind you, the East is to the right, and the West
is to the left.
There are more than 100 billion stars in our galaxy. About 1% of them are listed in the astronomic catalogues, which means these stars have received individual symbols. The rest of
the stars of the Milky Way are still unnamed and not even counted. The stars of the other galaxies are far less calculated. When you concentrate on the numbers of the series, you
can perceive the light of all the other stars through the third number of the series and thus carry out filling with the energy of this light and at the same time of the light of the star or
constellation, related to the series.

When you mentally pronounce the fifth number of a series and simultaneously visually perceive the whole number series, you can see by

spiritual vision another star or constellation. This star or constellation may be located outside the observed physical cosmic space and, simultaneously with the star or constellation
related to the number, transmit to you the knowledge ensuring eternal life.
All the bright stars of the firmament, and even many weak stars, in addition to the scientific symbol have proper names; they received the names, as a rule, in ancient times. These
are navigational stars, which have always been used to guide travelers. Normally, the names of the stars are very ancient, e.g., Sirius, Aldebaran, Vega, Betelgeuse and so on.

THE QUOTES FROM GRIGORI GRABOVOIS BOOK Numerical Concentrations Related to Food Products
JUNE 24, 2014 11:17 AM / LEAVE A COMMENT

1. The food, being, among other things, an information world system, on entering the human body interacts with the sole.
2. The Creator, creating all that lives, and having created all that lives has steered the interaction between the consumer and the consumed in such a way that the principle of
eternal life of all that lives should be realized.
3. When performing control by food categories: meat, poultry, fish, seafood the objective of eternal development, as with all cases related to the functioning of living organisms, is

to create eternal life for all that lives without causing harm to anybody.
4. Considering such food categories as fish and seafood, we can perform control through consciousness toward inviolability of all that lives in terms of eternal development of any
living thing control, when your consciousness helps reproduce virtually the same structure that, for example, has been eaten. It can be reproduced based on the principles of
complete information recoverability.
5. When different animal and plant speciesinhabiting the planet consume certain foods, eventually there emerges acertain absolutely sustainable level a source of certain energy
which later can become a universal source of eternal development for all systems.
6. By enshrining the system of eternal development in the information of food consumption the food becomes most beneficial both for a persons current state of health and for
control of future events in terms of eternal development; and at the same time a person practices spiritual control wherein a man who initially was organizing his body through the
physical level now shifts to the level of spiritual control of the body by means of his consciousness.
7. The numerical series which correspond to the food products orient the food products used by man towards the area of cognition of eternal development, and at the same time
actualize eternal life of man.
8. During concentration the entire system of future development must be considered, since the food interacts with a man for a long time, say, for twenty-four hours; and in the future,
in infinite time, one has also to know how the food products replenishment mechanism works even when they are not available.
9. The spiritual state, necessary to actualize the objective of eternal life, must be so high that any information, including the information created by a spiritual act, can be a basis for
creation of the physical body by the spirit.
10. By means of consciousness it is possible to affect food products, alter their structural system, steer them towards the system of eternal development.
11. The highest consumption of food products happens when a product carries information of eternal development.
12. A certain level of informationthat ensures eternal life, the level that has been inherent in a givenfood product from the beginning, this level is contained in the properties of each
food product.
13. Every food product is a source of eternal development if we follow this principle, then a product can be considered in terms of eternal development, in terms of its potential for
14. Development of gustatory qualities is a distinctive structure of eternal development, too.
15. Love that motivates people determines such behavior, which uses food products based on the ideological principle of realization of a persons primary objectives; and control of
eternal life by means of the numerical sequences for food products should be organized accordingly.
16. The spirit can be realized, and can acquire useful information through your consciousness, through your perception in the sense that availability of a food product at all times is
an important characteristic of eternal development.
17. A finite number as well as an infinitudeof combinations of food products create also a system of eternal development; this is one of the important principles of food consumption
which forms eternity in the collective consciousness.
18. The food products are consumed in such a way that in whole in its natural surroundings you do not destroy this food product, and moreover, you may, to further the development
of the species undamageability on the planet environmental movement, extend your consciousness towards the reproduction of any food products.
19. If we take all food products and consider all possible combinations of their development, then identification of a certain chain of internal events that leads to eternal development
means a certain personality state, a certain state of the body, and a certain view on the space of the future in mans consciousness, the state when a person realizes that food
products create eternal life for him inside his physical body, satiating it.
20. The objective of eternal development means that everything that can lead to life must be preserved and brought to the level of eternal life.
21. Through spirit you can control the properties of food products that lead to eternal life, and at the same time develop your consciousness towards eternal development;
constantly increase your resources and the technologies of your consciousness.
22. You can practically by means of the technologies of your consciousness, by means of development of your spirit, soul, and your pursuit of eternal life, control food products, and
also pass on this knowledge through recipes, through control numerical series, which transmit the control system in terms of eternal development in a fairly straightforward way.
23. You, through your practical interaction with food products, develop a certain system of eternal development which is always with you; and you can extend this system to other
phenomena by mastering the experience of the spiritual state, by understanding the interaction structure between a number, a word, and a food product.
24. It is important to use not only the methods of a particular direct control through the numerical series, but also the methods of perception, and understanding of the connections
within food products, aimed to attain and ensure eternal life to man as early as today.

Stone numbers for eternal development

JUNE 20, 2014 12:54 PM / LEAVE A COMMENT

The reaction of consciousness to stones can be considered as shrinking perception, similar to the fact that dense stones indicate compression of the substance. Interaction at the

level of consciousness of the stone and the airspace means in many ways the interaction of opposite structures in consciousness. When this interaction is perceived it becomes
obvious that when consciousness gets inside the stone, you can feel how the space is growing around it, and it is growing rapidly. The sooner your consciousness enters the internal
structure of the stone, the more you feel powerful ultra-fast movement of the external environment. A creative sense of fullness with joy and energy arises.
If you suspend your consciousness movement slightly, you can perceive how the energy coming from the stone fills you. Stone is a static substance for consciousness, and the inner
area of consciousness that is suspended in movement over the question of how the stone, local in space, has so much energy. At this point one of the laws of the structure of
consciousness uncovers itself, the law lies in the following: consciousness as a substance has its own logic, consciousness can think. Essentially the idea is often perceived as
originating in the mind. One aspect of perception and understanding of the world is consciousness seen as derived from person; and quite another aspect is consciousness
interacting with the stone information, in this case, consciousness is perceived as a life form reproducing the thought.
When you concentrate on stone numbers, you fix your attention on this and you acquire eternity and a tool for development in eternity. You can see that all external eternity at the
physical level in the structure of the stone, which corresponds to human consciousness, contains you and you are eternal
there. You should be imbued with such an element of reality in the stone, and you will be able to find that your own
consciousness organizes everything within this element. If you question how consciousness works, you can see that it
works through organization of spheres of life, which are formed in man and, extending, spread matter for building events
to the outside world. Getting deeper into the center of the spheres source, you can see the Creators consciousness, the
man himself, but so as God looks at him in amazingly beautiful white color and radiance while laying the purity of
That is why many of the stones are so appealing and beautiful, so, sometimes it is hard to turn away eyes due to
admiring. Many of the stones at the level of information on reaction to the world have rapid dynamics of light, and at such
a speed, their information at the micro level does not differ from the information of life. The Creator perceives everything
alive, and there is no life termination in this perception. Try to perceive like this to ensure eternal life to yourself and all.
By concentration on numbers of stones and minerals, you get the knowledge of the eternal development, which
guarantees eternal life. Use the dynamic systems of concentrations when the speed of perception of the first three figures
of a ten-figure number is higher than the following seven figures. The first three numbers allow you to penetrate through the hard shell of the stone, teaching to pass without losing
your way through any density events. The following seven figures contain the knowledge of the harmony of eternal life; this knowledge allows having eternal development in a
natural way, which follows from the nature of life.
When you concentrate on stone numbers, you fix your attention on this and you acquire eternity and a tool for development in eternity. You can see that all external eternity at the
physical level in the structure of the stone, which corresponds to human consciousness, contains you and you are eternal there. You should be imbued with such an element of
reality in the stone, and you will be able to find that your own consciousness organizes everything within this element. If you question how consciousness works, you can see that it
works through organization of spheres of life, which are formed in man and, extending, spread matter for building events to the outside world. Getting deeper into the center of the
spheres source, you can see the Creators consciousness, the man himself, but so as God looks at him in amazingly beautiful white color and radiance while laying the purity of
That is why many of the stones are so appealing and beautiful, so, sometimes it is hard to turn away eyes due to admiring. Many of the stones at the level of information on reaction
to the world have rapid dynamics of light, and at such a speed, their information at the micro level does not differ from the information of life. The Creator perceives everything alive,
and there is no life termination in this perception. Try to perceive like this to ensure eternal life to yourself and all. By concentration on numbers of stones and minerals, you get the
knowledge of the eternal development, which guarantees eternal life. Use the dynamic systems of concentrations when the speed of perception of the first three figures of a tenfigure number is higher than the following seven figures. The first three numbers allow you to penetrate through the hard shell of the stone, teaching to pass without losing your way
through any density events. The following seven figures contain the knowledge of the harmony of eternal life; this knowledge allows having eternal development in a natural way,
which follows from the nature of life.
The book includes definitions well known in mineralogy.
Mineral is a natural body, relatively homogeneous in composition and properties, with a certain chemical composition and crystalline structure resulting from natural physicalchemical processes occurring on the surface and in the depths of the Earth and other planets, which is an integral part of rocks, ores and meteorites.
Most of the minerals are crystal substances or were previously in the crystalline state, but lost it because of a metamict decomposition, that is, without changes of chemical structure.
In nature minerals are found mainly in the form of grains of irregular forms without any lattice shapes, but regardless of this, most of them have internal crystalline structure.
Any natural mineral has information about when and where it appeared, under what conditions it evolved, what it was influenced by, what individual features it acquired, how it
interacted with neighboring minerals and other objects of the space.
Stone is a solid body consisting of one and two, and more minerals.
Chemical formula of mineral
Mineral chemical formula shows its chemical composition as a sequence of characters of chemical elements with subscripted stochiometric indexes, indicating the relative numbers
of atoms of various kinds included in its composition.
Crystallographic properties
System in crystallography is a group of types of symmetry that includes crystals with similar elements of symmetry that are characterized by certain geometrical constants.
Some physical properties of minerals.
The color of the mineral is the ability to reflect or pass through any part of the visible spectrum.
Internal reflexes (translucence). Study of internal reflexes gives you an idea of properties of the minerals to be translucent (translucence).
Scratch color (color of powder).
When minerals with hardness less than 6 based Mohs scale scratch unglazed porcelain plate (a sponge), they leave a line on the plate. Therefore, the color of the line is also called
the color of powder. In other words, after a line is scratched on the plate, a trace of the mineral remains there in the form of fine powder. If the hardness of a mineral is bigger than 6,
to determine this index the mineral is crushed in a mortar, then the color of the powder is defined on the background of white paper.
Scratch color or color of mineral powder can be different from the color of the mineral and is a permanent feature of the mineral, the more exact diagnostic indicator.
Transparency is the ability of mineral to pass light through itself.
Glitter of minerals is a characteristic of reflecting ability of the substance surface, i.e. light effect caused by the reflection of a part of a luminous flux shining on the mineral.
The hardness of mineral is the ability of a mineral to resist mechanical stress, scratching with sharp tool or other mineral. The empirical scale of hardness proposed at the

beginning of the 19th century by the Austrian mineralogist Mohs is used for practical purposes.
The scale of Mohs (the list of the minerals that are standards of hardness, to determine the hardness of other minerals by comparing with minerals included in the scale)
1. talc
2. plaster
3. calcite
4. Fluorite (fluorspar)
5. apatite
6. feldspar
7. quartz
8. topaz
9. corundum
10. diamond
The specific gravities of minerals are mainly determined in two ways:
Fluid displacement method, i.e. by weighing the sample and measuring the amount of water it displaced in the vessel. The so-called weighting method.
By determining the loss in weight of a mineral, steeped in water (the absolute weight of the sample is divided by its loss of weight in water), that is, under the law of
Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of substance P to the volume V occupied by it.
= P/V
Strength characterizes the resistance of the mineral material to mechanical deformation or breakage.
Fragility of minerals is reveled at mechanical splitting. Fragility does not depend on the mineral hardness. For example, diamond, the hardest mineral, is fragile. Minerals also have
malleability and flexibility.

Concentration on the Numbers of Plants for the Organism Recovery

JUNE 16, 2014 5:26 PM / 2 COMMENTS

When concentrating one should make allowance for it is reference to focusing on number corresponding to a plant in position of eternal life and eternal evolution of a man. Events of
the world towards including unlimited future eternal evolution make projection on the plant in a way that quantity of their combinations always equals a concrete figure. Thus a figure
itself may be considered as a replaced beyond events area. An independent from events object refers to eternity processes because an eternity is a value embodied all events and
simultaneously placed beyond them as a separate object. Described numerical series and eternity consequently stay in one and the same field of human beings perception.
Therefore a number and an eternity possess mutual properties which may be used in a way to get eternal life through a number.
Application of these properties may be completed through the use of own conscience since identifying a place in the space within conscience where contained a number and eternity
information area, which could be named numerical eternity or eternity of a number scope of information, belongs. Actually product of human beings thinking for instance a number at
the level of consciousness is not connected to a man after passing of thinking moment because information reproduced by thinking remains in time when the thought started up. The
man may only remind the thought from the standpoint of the interaction with this information. Thus mechanism of thoughtfulness functioning opens when a man at present time
interacts with thought which is just in the area of eternity being not dependent from further events. In the sense all past is independent from further events as well as one may
manage through the use of past information only in the area of own consciousness. At that information of known past on the basis of which the management is to be fulfilled will be
kept as separate part of information.
So reminiscence of a person about himself at the moment when in time past any thought come into mind allows a man to come into contact with himself when he is independent
from events that is he remains along the same line of numerical eternity in eternity information. In the field of this information one may observe a man being independent from a
number. Because whether he is dependant it would be impossible to separate a numerical eternity from a mans information. The conclusion is forced upon when being deepened in
analysis of this information construction that a man does not correspond to a number thus wise because a man himself creates or reproduces it. It was confirmed practically having
in mind that numbers which are consequent objects of perceived reality do not refer to physical objects. The fact that reproduced once number was created some when is to be an
important element in comparison of words on creation and reproduction of a number.
The Author who was first to create a number messaged about it by means of a word. Therefore a field of space of conscious where numerical eternity and an eternal man present is
located in the same place where a words information is. It is comprehensible that when a man is pronouncing mentally numerical series when doing this he creates sympathetic
vibration of the numerical eternity. Waves of numerical eternity according to the laws of light propagation propagate towards a man who is situated in the same field of eternity and at
that create a human beings eternity. Numerical series of number eternity is 289380891498 which may conduct action of eternity with each figure not only with a series on the whole.
Consequently this observation may be carried into each element of the real object as well as the object on the whole. A conclusion may be deducted that human being resurrection
could be fulfilled not only by action of all the body but of one single sell.
People have inner spiritual connection to own image in the past and through this connection may get a real eternity of human beings organism. Noted connection shows that spirit
and soul of a man are eternal not only because it has been created this way and rather because of the laws of universal evolution. The point is that in proposed way it may be
created the eternity of soul and a spirit which is notwithstanding the eternity of a body. The principle of full self-resurrection of a man, when a human being is able to make its body,

spirit and soul to be eternal, implies that. Especially the method is to be effective either based on the image of a person in the past or based on an image in the future because one
of the properties of eternity is that it exists beyond the time. One may imagine his/her gestalt in the future and may apply concentration on the numbers. Thus by the way future
events are improved towards eternal evolution as well.
Described method for management of eternal life securing is supported by plants numbers so as optical processes of a mans conscience which are observed in this study are
based on static objects. Plants are fixed in one physical place whereas image of a man is situated in a certain location of conscience of a man. In comparison to this according to
static principle dynamic shows up a movement of eternity space which covered a person while using concentration on plants numbers. Recovery of a persons organism takes place
because function of any objects norm from point of view of eternity is founded in properties of eternity space.
Plant is a source of oxygen necessary for life of a man. Space is also vital for life. One may put a question what is a source of the space. The question may be studied when
searching plants structure. Water enhances by plants capillar and overwhelms closed spaces. Whether to search human beings thinking structure relatively the way how a thought
organizes one of many actions of a man. It may be watched a certain order. A thought is appeared and then by means of any response to it by all personality of a man the thought
forces some acting or an absence of acting. Water in plants as well is perceived by that part of a plant where it passes and through mediate tissues of a plant may influence on those
tissues of the plant where it does not pass. Possibility of water action is effective only through matter of a plant. Meanwhile conscious action of a man is possible for instance by
means of limbs. A man could touch its body by its hand and a plants branch may only because of wind impact or another reason make contact with the other.
Human beings perception of the fact that such a limited by the extent of dynamics within space life system as a plant may live what
refers to few species more than one hundred years allows mobilizing of resources of an organism, conscience and a spirit of a person
for securing for him of eternal life. Intuitively and logically comprehensive is concept of a space being a source of information. Plants
being within one field of space receive a necessary quantity of information for a long life. A question emerges how plants achieve that
whether to suppose a presence of certain structure comparing to human beings consciousness in every form of life. The answer will be
that plants react otherwise towards space in the structure which is similar to perception of a human. When a man thinks about plants he
perceives a plant as a source of his life because of accumulated knowledge of modern civilization about photosynthesis. Therefore a
man perceives a positive light wave at the level of conscience during such perception. A light wave as well is perceived from a space. It
is so while in logic systematically along with plant given oxygen through the use of photosynthesis space is also source of life. When
man looks at plant he could study phenomena of time dilatation because time in mens conscious is connected to some quantity of
actions while plant is practically immovable. It is spiritually obvious from this reasoning that time as a substance of in the context of
perception influences on plant. Then by swift movement of thinking one may drift to mans image by means of inner vision and discover
that when you look at how time influences on a mans image substance of time sharply put off its resembled root system of plants
tentacles from you.
That way you may get to know how to live beyond time information that is perceived by your conscience and as a matter stands it is a
method of eternal life securing. One may discover also that when training like this you catch yourself. Water similarly being filtered by
capillars of plants is still inside a plant. A space where filtering within plants water resembles closed space of mentality a little difference is that thought has infinite characteristics at
the level of touching on spirit and soul. Combined spiritual qualities of a man and soul the Creator forms space where a man is located. So a place for a man to dwell in a space is
not largely casual so as is conditioned by inner links of spirit and soul with his consciousness conjoint with aims of a man and a society at large. It may be deducted that initial
structure of the world according to the idea of eternal development creates a space. Thoughts on eternal evolution enhance space of life not only when reasoning and also in
physical reality from houses development to evolving to space control well grounded by spiritual abilities. Like water coming through capillars of a plant expands a space of plants
living a mans thought from space of thinking by virtue of own infinity and connection to a mans spirit creates unlimited spaces for a man to dwell.
The phrase Cogito, ergosum (Latin I am thinking it follows that I exist) is well-known from which it follows that if thought is so it should be a space where a man lives. By virtue of
infinity of space and a persons concepts on conduction of information fields corresponded to these notions it may be found a method of infinite life consisting in the fact that infinite
space is to naturally touch an eternal man. Research through the use of own conscience and spirit of space allows to show up fields of space from which resurrected one return into
physical reality. One may expose space forms while receiving which a person does not die for these forms may be evident also as numerical series which are essentially one of the
varieties of forms if they may be received not as figures but pictures. However this picture may be understood also as a number series which could include a lot of information.
Therefore a person namely makes a numerical series in form of a picture a dynamic one through the use of perception of series information and comprehension. It means a man is
able to create by his own comprehension of dynamic form through the use of reflection towards what means a static object. A dynamic from then always may help to find out a form
which secures an infinite life of a person.
Thus you get by your consciousness to a space possessed a property to hand out to you eternity qualities through unique address corresponded to each plant when concentrated on
plans numbers. You enhance your presence with your knowledge of eternal life in common collective conscious through numbers corresponded to each plant.
Methods of not-dying, resurrection, juvenation, recovery of an organism, eternal healthy and harmony life may be performed through the use of concentration on plants numbers
quoted in the book.
Methods were fixed by concrete coordinates corresponded to the plant in the cooperative conscious what allows to accelerate an access to information of the methods at the level of
Each plant corresponds to a number of eternal evolutions of the world. One may get knowledge allowed to realize self-consistently a method of definition of a number of eternity in
an subject as well as in every object of reality, every piece of information through the use of consideration of plants numbers in the book. Another number is located in information
about number. Consequences of figures are often not that simple as it seems. A skill to receive an essence of concrete number in events by means of realizing of interlinks
concerning events allows to develop a conscious up to the level of coupling of conscience and spirit activities. This accelerates a control of events towards eternal development.
Development of concentration on plants numbers by means of methodology given in methods brings to such spiritual perceptions of information which creates conscious of a man
securing eternal life.
Expression of one number by means of another and in a way of corresponding to a number events direction may be compared to photosynthesis. It allows to realize that information
of all macro world surrounded any alive object is presented inside the object. Described data may be given in the form of illuminated sphere to replace this sphere to area of the
plant location for being presented in practice. Then a special saturation with intellectualism of plants which follows to enhancement of survivability of the plant. Similar scenario may
be applied to all alive eternally through the use of handing over of life information. Therefore the more alive in a space the faster eternal life will happen for all vivacious systems.
When applying methods given in the book one may concentrate on numbers by means of mental articulation of numbers for reception of recovery result related to organism which
plants themselves possess. The procedure allowed to recover due to environment may be classified as affective method. It is so because a man always contacts to the environment.
You may mentally pronounce numerical series from left to right and vice versa to get to know eternal life technologies.
The aim for usage of numerical series corresponded to plants mast be spiritual condition of a man development up to the level of performance of overall eternal development.
One may attempt to imagine how the world percepts plants and thus to learn to study the world through the system similar to any alive organism. This research gives opportunity to
highlight information vector corresponded to strive towards eternal life of all alive. Thus one may discover that the vector is pointed out to one direction of eternal development for all
alive organisms. When strengthening the directed to the eternal life information by own consciousness one may perform a process similar to give information to plants and to others
alive creatures towards methods of eternal life and to get feedback of eternity for a man. Because there are a lot of plants so control practice of eternal development may be

received in much more bulk.

Restoration of the Human Organism through Concentration on Numbers

JUNE 13, 2014 5:32 PM / 1 COMMENT

This book presents the method of improving conditions of health through concentrating on seven, eight and nine digit numbers, which I have received over the course of my practical
work. The seven digit number sequences form the foundation of the system. For further specific conditions eight and nine digit numbers are given in the Table of Contents and also
throughout the book.
Through immersion in this method of restoring ones health, by concentrating on the number sequences and comparing the various and several number sequences, one can
address all aspects of a medical condition.
The method of concentration on the congruent number sequences after previous and careful diagnosis provides a possibility to heal people or to improve their situation
prophylactically. Furthermore, you can discover the mutual dependencies between several diagnoses. If you take the seven-digit sequence for one disease and another for a
different disease, you can receive information from the meaning of the sequences about what connects these diseases with their respective general methods of treatment.
In this manner you can, through an understanding of the situation and its corresponding mental condition, trace a treatment back to the level of a single impulse. In this case the
concentration focuses on a restoration from specific diseases. You can, however, apply this work to any situation requiring a guidance of events within a persons lifetime as well as
the revivification of a person after his biological death.
The concentration for the maintenance or the restoration of the body or for the guidance of events can be undertaken by the patient himself or herself. One can, for example, focus
upon the number sequence for the appropriate chapter. This is a good method when the disease clearly belongs to this chapter, but the specific diagnosis is missing, for in this
manner all of the forms of illness belonging to this chapter will be covered.
If the diagnosis is known, then you concentrate on the numbers given for that disease. You can use various methods of concentration. You can take the sequence apart and try to
understand how you should order the numbers in order to direct their effect towards best accomplishing a complete restoration of health. Develop your own concentration method!
The approach described here concerns the general system of guidance of events through concentration on number sequences. Do the focus by concentrating on the numbers one
after another: for example, from the first to the last number, or by selecting individual numbers or sections of the sequence. This gives variation to your focus. The method for your
focus can be completely individual according to how you choose to do it.
You can undertake your concentration at any time. Just note the number or write it down or use some other method of remembering it.
It is important to understand the magnitude of the mental component for the development and removal of diseases and how you can apply this knowledge to man and to a system
for the prevention of global catastrophes. The more quickly this knowledge spreads, the faster both individual and collective results will be attained.

The principles of organization of eternal life for all living things, outlined in the book of Grigori Grabovoi Numerical concentrations on food products, in line with
which the numerical concentrations are carried out.
JUNE 10, 2014 6:38 PM / LEAVE A COMMENT

The principles given in the book show that these numerical concentrations are carried out to ensure eternal life to any human being. Consumption of food of animal origin is covered
in the book in accordance with these principles as a temporary phenomenon, which, by means of numerical concentrations, is replaced by consumption of products obtained without
causing harm to animals. The book provides direction of mass salvation and organization of eternal life of animals based on the formation of corresponding collective consciousness
through numerical concentrations. The principle of the inviolability in the eternal development of all the living, any living being and full restoration of all living beings has been
established. The principle of creation of the universal source of eternal development for everything alive is set out for the first time. The principle of use of food products, in
accordance with which man passes to the level of spiritual control of the body through his consciousness, is provided.
The numbers of the book pages with the related quotes are indicated after the quotations that reveal these principles.
1. The principle of interaction between the living and consumed, according to which the principle of eternal life of everything alive is realized: The Creator, creating all
the living and having created all the living, directed the interaction of the living with the consumed in the way to realize the principle of eternal life of everything alive, page 4.

2. The principle of creation of eternal life for everything alive without causing harm: With control on categories of products such as meat, poultry, fish, seafood, the same
as in all the cases related to the activities of living organisms, the task of eternal development is to create eternal life for all living things, without causing harm to anyone ,
page 14.
Considering such products as meat, poultry, you, first of all, should by spiritual action direct control towards the inviolability in the future infinite development of all living beings. And
this development quite uniquely determines also your eternal level of development, page 76.
3. The principle of the inviolability in eternal development of all the living, any living being and full restoration of all living creatures. When you concentrate on this
part, which corresponds to fish and seafood, you should take into account that the proximity of forms of one type of products of the sea and river products makes it possible to
place all marine organisms in a simplified and accelerated manner to the level of eternal development. With this the control is carried out to spread the forms for exactly the
same element to reproduce itself in the system of infinite future events, page 17.
Considering such categories of products as fish and seafood, you can, through consciousness, first of all, carry out, of course, control for integrity of all the living in terms of eternal
development of any living being. This control, therefore, builds you a level of reproducibility of fish and seafood. The control, when your consciousness helps you to reproduce
virtually the same structure that, for example, was eaten, can be reproduced based on the principles of complete restorability of information. That is to say, the element of practically
full restoration of that very carp or that very salmon, those very gobies in the right place, exactly the same ones, indicates that the food products have a certain distinctive level of
need for full restoration until that moment when humanity will learn to synthesize products avoiding destruction of the living creatures.
For nourishment you can assign tasks exactly of getting synthesized substances, which would completely one-for-one substitute products from the living creatures that are used at
present, page 77.
4. The principle of creation of a universal source of eternal development, according to which the eternal development of both people and in the future animals, flora,
and so on, occurs in such a way that none kind of life destroys any other, and at the same time, eternal life is ensured to each living creature. When different
species of animals living on the planet, different plant species use that or another food as nourishment, some quite precisely balanced level finally appears, i.e., a source of
energy that can then be a universal source of eternal development for all systems. In this case, when you consider eternal development of both people and in the future
animals, flora, and so on, you can use number 2948168 to control for the creation of a single level, universal from the point of view of consumption in terms of information,
when none of the species destroys any other, and at the same time eternal development is ensured to everyone.

We consider in this case the creation of exactly such

systems at the level of physical reality, which lead to eternal development, and at the same time this level of information, this source of the original energy is always visible to
everyone, and everyone has the information access at the level of his consciousness, page 50.
5. The principle of substitution of some food products for others for eternal life for everything alive: By products: fats, margarine and butter the control can take place in
the aim of combination of products which, in accordance with the aim of eternal life for all, lead to the substitution of one type of product for another. The control for these
three categories is broken up in the form of three spheres. The interaction between these spheres is at the intersection of information areas where the fats of natural origin,
which were produced from the systems that were not destroyed when the fats were produced, refer to one category, and another category, for example, the fats of animal
origin with the aim of eternal development of animals. This category should be implementable in terms of eternal development, and the category of fats of animal origin should
be minimized in information and moved out. The same way as, for example, the control system relating to margarine should be realized in the system of public consumption at
a bigger extent. Everyone could see, including from the goal of eternal life, that the consumption of such product as butter can be increased, page 59.
6. The principle of eternal development for everything alive, according to which the production of food products does not destroy the source of the products.
Turning to the following product: Vegetable oil, we should consider such type of control, which proceeds from the principle of eternal development for everything alive, and
we need to use control for the production of vegetable oil from that part of vegetation, which generally does not affect the plant itself. When you do such a controlling selection
in the structure of your consciousness, you intuitively and logically, at the level of disclosure of all control systems of this type are aiming to implement this control of eternal
life for all. With this you get the effect from vegetable oil, which corresponds to the task of eternal development, page 60.
7. The principle of use of products, in accordance with which man passes into the level of spiritual control of the body through his consciousness: Food products in
terms of technologies of eternal development are of integrated value, which first of all is realized in connecting various positions of control and constant interactions with food
products. Therefore, they are also a certain level of training of eternal development. When man lays into the information of food consumption the system of eternal
development he, first and foremost, finds both maximum benefit of products for the current state of health and the control of the future events in terms of eternal development,
and at the same time implements training of spiritual control, in which the person, who organizes his body by physical level initially, passes to the level of the spiritual control
of the body through his consciousness, page 5.

MAY 5, 2014 7:23 AM / LEAVE A COMMENT

24.The one being resurrected is resurrected in love.

25.In love the body preserves health.
26.Love is not affected by any external or internal circumstances, it is eternal, and it is eternal life itself.
27.The Creator initially enshrined the level of control which is characterized by eternity for all and by eternity for each person. .
28.The fact of resurrection is a necessary element of eternal life, butdyingof the living must not be allowed.
29.The very Eternity of life is what is composed of the elements of nondying.
30.Mastering the technologies of eternal life is in many ways acquiring eternity and a certain guarantee of eternity even now.

31.Resurrection will take place without fail, because thats how the world is altogether organized, at the level of infinite development all existing negativity will be reflected away, and
only positive processes will stay.
32.You perceive a healthy, and harmonious, and eternal life as the essence of your self.
33.A component element of eternal development is the possibility to restore the body at any time regardless of the circumstances.
34.At a certain level of knowledge any source of information can be transformed to bring about the desired effect, to bring about eternal, healthy, and harmonious life, to bring about
the realization of this goal.
35.A body self-learning system must be introduced; this system will make it possible to move out any negative information from the body, then the body gets restored.
36.Restoration of even one system of the body is also a path towards nondying, and may ensure nondrying once the result in the practice of control has been attained and instantly
extended to the entire body and entire eternal time.

MAY 4, 2014 6:49 AM / LEAVE A COMMENT

13.The restoration of the human body takes place due to the fact that afunction of norm of any object in terms of Eternity is enshrined in the properties of space of eternity.
14.The Creator, combining mans spiritual qualities with his soul, forms the living space for man.
15.To a large extent a persons spatial location is not accidental, as it is determined by the internal ties existing between a persons spirit, a persons soul, and his/her
consciousness, the consciousness united with the goals of a person and society as a whole.
16.The thoughts of eternal development increase life space not only in the mind, but in physical reality as well.
17.Mans thought from the space of thinking in virtue of its endlessness and connection with mans spirit creates infinite living spaces for man.
18.The impetus of consciousness must outpace all future events; then you have a specific system of future events opening up, revealing themselves before the area of your
consciousness and spirit, the system that you fully control.
19.The mechanism of resurrection exists in the soul of every person, and this is a basis for the universal future.
20.Nondying is your concrete, local task to work on.

21.Having restored health in one region ofthe body you need to extend this result as quickly as possible to other parts of the body, other tissues of the body, and at the same time
try to transmit, impart this experience to others.
22.The source of love is love itself.
23.It suffices to have love in order not to die.

MAY 3, 2014 10:20 AM / LEAVE A COMMENT

1. Through the numbers corresponding to each plant you increase your presence with knowledge of eternal life in the overall collective consciousness.
2. Any living object contains information of the entire macro world that surrounds this object.
3. All that lives can develop eternally by imparting information of life.
4. The more living things we have in the environment, the sooner eternal life comes for all living systems.
5. Events that occur in the world towards eternal development, including infinite future, are projected on a plant in such a way that the number of their combinations always
equals a specific number.
6. When concentrating on the numbers of plants you by using the unique address corresponding to each specific plant through your consciousness enter the space that

possesses the capability to impart you characteristics of Eternity.

7. The Creator who was the first to create the number, made it known through the word.
8. The spatial region of consciousness that contains numerical eternity and eternal man has the same location as the information of the word.
9. The thought possesses infinite capabilities at the level of communion with mans spirit and soul.
10. The information produced by thinking remains in the time where the thought first appeared.
11. The past is not dependent on future events, and control through the information of the past can be realized only in the space of ones own consciousness.
12. People have inner spiritual connection with their image in the past and through this connection can attain real eternity of the human body. The said connection shows that
mans soul and spirit are eternal not only because they were created that way, but also due to the law of universal development. Because by using the suggested method in
addition to the eternity of the body the eternity of the soul and spirit can be created as well. This is the principle of complete persons self re-creation, when a person is
capable to create his/ her eternal body, spirit and soul on his/ her own.

QUOTES FROM THE BOOK OF GRIGORI GRABOVOI Recovery of mans matter by concentration on number rows
MAY 1, 2014 6:57 PM / LEAVE A COMMENT
1. Numbers conduce to the attaining of the spiritual state, corresponding to the norm of mans matter.
2. When concentrating on numerical series one develops the spiritual state corresponding to the regeneration and norm of the selected matter. Such state of spirit is life-creating.
3. By extending the spiritual act to the entire matter of the body including external reality one can attain the spiritual state corresponding to eternal development.
4. It is possible to restore, regenerate matter by using a numerical series corresponding to some other matter.
5. The light that creates the matter corresponding to a numerical series permeates, according to optical laws, the rest of the matter of a persons body as well as the environment.
6. It is possible to control events to the level of complete restoration, normalization of the matter of the body regardless of any circumstances.
7. In order to normalize events towards eternal life in certain cases you may take physical actions and in other cases perform a spiritual act.
8.You develop your spirit, soul, and physical body to the level that enables you to create mans matter based on spirit.
9. To make control more effective common knowledge of wave-particle duality of matter can be used, according to which any object can exhibit the behaviors of both waves and
10. By generating the light waves corresponding to the norm of mans matter by means of concentration on numerical series you create normally functioning persons matter.
11. All the methods given in this book of mans matter regeneration by means of concentration on numerical series can be used for prophylactic, recreational purposes, for
rejuvenation, and whenever it is necessary to regenerate matter regardless of its initial state
12.When restoring a persons matter we must seek to develop the spiritual level to the state whereby a persons matter is created and functions by a spiritual act in conjunction with
biological and event principles.

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