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Marketing channels

Unit Guide
Semester 1, 2015

Copyright Monash University 2014. All rights reserved. Except as provided in the Copyright Act 1968,
this work may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the host Faculty and
The information contained in this unit guide is correct at time of publication. The University has the right
to change any of the elements contained in this document at any time.
Last updated: 24 Feb 2015

Table of Contents
MKX3481 Marketing channels - Semester 1, 2015..................................................................................1
Mode of Delivery..............................................................................................................................1
Workload requirements....................................................................................................................1
Additional workload requirements........................................................................................1
Unit Relationships........................................................................................................................................1
Chief Examiner(s)........................................................................................................................................1
Campus Lecturer(s).....................................................................................................................................2
Your feedback to Us....................................................................................................................................2
Previous Student Evaluations of this Unit....................................................................................................3
Academic Overview...................................................................................................................................4
Learning Outcomes.........................................................................................................................4
Unit Schedule.............................................................................................................................................5
Teaching Approach..........................................................................................................................5
Assessment Summary.....................................................................................................................6
Hurdle Requirements...........................................................................................................6
Second marking...................................................................................................................6
Return of final marks............................................................................................................7
Assessment criteria..............................................................................................................7
Assessment Requirements......................................................................................................................8
Assessment Tasks...........................................................................................................................8
Assessment task 1...............................................................................................................8
Assessment task 2...............................................................................................................9
Assessment task 3.............................................................................................................11
Assessment task 4.............................................................................................................12
Examination 1................................................................................................................................12
Learning resources....................................................................................................................................13
Feedback to you........................................................................................................................................13
Extensions and penalties...........................................................................................................................13
Assignment submission.............................................................................................................................13
Online submission.........................................................................................................................13
Required Resources..................................................................................................................................13
Prescribed text(s) and readings.....................................................................................................13
Recommended Resources........................................................................................................................14
Other Information....................................................................................................................................15
Graduate Attributes Policy.................................................................................................15
Student Charter.........................................................................................................................................15
Student services........................................................................................................................................15
Monash University Library.........................................................................................................................15
Moodle 2....................................................................................................................................................15
Disability Liaison Unit................................................................................................................................16

MKX3481 Marketing channels - Semester 1, 2015

The marketing task is not complete until customers receive their goods. Distribution is the process that
makes that happen. The primary aim of this unit is the development and management of distribution
channels in order to meet your marketing objectives. The unit is designed to help you systematically
analyse the various channel functions and strategies. Mastering the principles that will be discussed in
this unit will also help you in understanding Supply Chain issues. It is important to note however, that this
unit is NOT about supply chain management but rather about the role of channels as a marketing
strategic element. Some topics of supply chain management of course will be discussed from a
marketing perspective. In order to better understand the theory in the context of the business world
actual business cases are used throughout the lectures and tutorials.

Mode of Delivery
Caulfield (Day)
Clayton (Day)

Workload requirements
Minimum total expected workload to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per
semester typically comprising a mixture of scheduled learning activities and independent study.
Independent study may include associated readings, assessment and preparation for scheduled
activities. The unit requires on average three/four hours of scheduled activities per week. Scheduled
activities may include a combination of teacher directed learning, peer directed learning and online
See also Unit timetable information

Additional workload requirements

Three hours class contact or equivalent per week. (6 Credit Points)
You will need approximately nine further hours of home study each week for this unit. The total time
commitment required for this unit is therefore a minimum of 144 hours. This includes time spent in the
preparation for and completion of tutorial and assessment tasks, together with time spent in general
study, revision, and exam preparation.

Unit Relationships
Students must have passed one of the following: MKC1200, MKF1120, MKG1120 or MKW1120 before
undertaking this unit.

Chief Examiner(s)
Dr Sophie Feng

MKX3481 Marketing channels - Semester 1, 2015

Campus Lecturer(s)
Dr Shanfei Feng
Campus: Caulfield
Phone: +61 3 990 31459
Contact hours: Thursday 2:30-3:30pm (by appointment), S6.17

Dr Shanfei Feng
Campus: Caulfield
Phone: +61 3 990 31459
Contact hours: Friday 2:30-3:30pm (by appointment), Menzies Building W1026

Dr Shanfei Feng
Campus: Caulfield
Phone: +61 3 990 31459
Dr. Ming Juan Ding
Contact hours: TBA contact

Dr Shanfei Feng
Campus: Caulfield
Phone: +61 3 990 31459
Dr. Ming Juan Ding
Contact hours: TBA contact

Your feedback to Us
Monash is committed to excellence in education and regularly seeks feedback from students, employers
and staff. One of the key formal ways students have to provide feedback is through the Student
Evaluation of Teaching and Units (SETU) survey. The Universitys student evaluation policy requires that
every unit is evaluated each year. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the surveys. The
feedback is anonymous and provides the Faculty with evidence of aspects that students are satisfied
and areas for improvement.
For more information on Monashs educational strategy, see:

MKX3481 Marketing channels - Semester 1, 2015 and on student evaluations, see:

Previous Student Evaluations of this Unit

If you wish to view how previous students rated this unit, please go to

Academic Overview
Learning Outcomes
The learning goals associated with this unit are to:
1. recognise the importance of marketing channels, as a strategic element of marketing
2. understand the elements and work flows in marketing channels
3. appreciate the issues involved in designing and coordinating marketing channels from a channel
manager's perspective
4. explain how effective marketing channels contribute to customer value and assess the
performance of channel management.

Unit Schedule


No formal assessment or activities are
undertaken in week 0

Course overview & Introduction to Marketing

Channels.(Chapter 1)

Tutorial administration; pair assignment

and topic allocation for case

Channel Flows and Major Members (Chapter 2)

Weekly submission; Case presentation

Channel Members (Chapter 2 & 16)

Weekly submission; Case presentation

Channel Conflicts & Power (Chapter 4)

Weekly submission; Case presentation

Channel Environment (Chapter 3 & 18)

No submission this week. Tutorial class

discussion only.

Channel Strategy & Target Markets (Chapter 5 & 8)

Weekly submission; Case presentation

Channel Design & Member Selection (Chapter 6 & 7)

Weekly submission; Case presentation

Motivating Channel Members (Chapter 9)

Mid-semester quiz (in lecture); Weekly

submission; Case presentation

Product & Pricing (Chapter 10 & 11)

Weekly submission; Case presentation


Promotion & performance evaluation (Chapter 12 &


Assignment 2 DUE in tutorial; Weekly

submission; Case presentation


Logistics (Chapter 13)

Weekly submission; Case presentation


Unit Revision and Exam Briefing

Weekly submission; Case presentation


No formal assessment is undertaken


Examination period

LINK to Assessment Policy:

Teaching Approach
Lecture and tutorials or problem classes
This unit will be taught as a 2-hour lecture and a 1-hour tutorial over 12 weeks. Tutorials start in week 1
of semester.
The lecture program will present one perspective of the fundamentals of channel management. The
lectures will complement the perspective obtained from the text book.
The tutorial program will consist of student case study presentations/analysis and class discussion. ALL
students will be expected to have read the cases and exercises for the tutorial. A team of students will be
required to present the case study to the tutorial group and lead a discussion of the issues and the case
analysis. The rest of the class is expected to actively participate in the discussion. ALL topics covered in
the tutes are in support of the lectures and can therefore be potentially examinable.
It is expected that ALL students will read relevant chapters of the text and prepare the cases and
exercises before tutorials and lectures.

Unit Schedule
This is a very practical unit, and so students should keep abreast of the business news in the
newspapers and be able to discuss the impact of news items on the channel activities of firms.
Slides used in the lectures will be made available through Blackboard Learning System (MUSO, Monash
University Studies Online) at Note that the slides
alone are not sufficient to gain an understanding of the material.
Additional readings might be assigned from time to time. These will be made available through
Blackboard (MUSO).

Assessment Summary
Within semester assessment: 50%
Examination: 50%
Assessment Task


Due Date

Case Presentation:


Scheduled during tutorials

Analysis on Marketing
Channels Issues:


Week 10 Tutorial.

Mid-Semester Quiz:


Week 8 lecture

Tutorial Participation


Due at start of allocated tutorial sessions from weeks 2 to 12 inclusive

(except week 5). Students are required to submit a hardcopy of their
answers to the tutor and keep one copy with them for discussion in
the tutorial.

Examination 1


To be advised

Hurdle Requirements
There is a hurdle requirement in this unit.
The learning outcomes in this unit require students to demonstrate in the individual summative
assessment task a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered in the unit. This is demonstrated
by the requirement that the student must attain a mark of at least 50% in the final summative
assessment task.
A students final mark is normally the sum of the marks obtained in all of the individual assessment items
in the unit. Where a student fails the unit solely because of failure to satisfy the hurdle requirement a
mark of 48 will be returned for the unit.
The individual summative assessment task is the final exam.

Second marking
Where an assessment task is given a fail grade by an examiner, that piece of work will be marked again
by a second examiner who will independently evaluate the work, and consult with the first marker. No

Unit Schedule
student will be awarded a fail grade for an assessment task or unit without a second examiner confirming
the result.
Note: Exceptions to this are individual pieces of assessment contributing 10% or less of the final mark,
unless the total of such pieces exceeds 30% of the final mark.

Return of final marks

Faculty policy states that 'the final mark that a student receives for a unit will be determined by the Board
of Examiners on the recommendation of the Chief Examiner taking into account all aspects of
The final mark for this unit will be released by the Board of Examiners on the date nominated in the
Faculty Calendar. Student results will be accessible through the portal.

Assessment criteria
Assessment Criteria Grading Descriptors available at:

Assessment Requirements
Assessment Tasks

Assessment task 1
Case Presentation: Group
Due date:
Scheduled during tutorials
Details of task:
This assignment consists of the analysis and presentation of an allocated case study from
the prescribed textbook. The cases are listed in the tutorial program in the Unit Outline (in
the section of "Other Information"). Should there be more student teams than the number
of cases, special arrangement will be made by the tutor (this will be articulated in the first
tutorial). You MUST attend your allocated tutorial to receive a grade for this piece of
During the first tutorial (Week 1) case studies will be allocated to pairs of students for
presentation in tutorials during the semester. Case presentations are to be made in
groups of two, with one presentation to be made in each week. Your tutor will allocate
cases and partners to those students without partners.
Once decided, dates of presentations CANNOT be changed, except for medical reasons
with appropriate documentation. This is very important, as the cases flow in topic order
and are designed to enhance learning of lecture materials.
It is therefore very important NOT to miss the first tutorial, held in Week 1.
The only written work required for this assignment is the visual material (e.g. powerpoint
slides) used during the presentation. Your visual presentation material and overall
professionalism during this presentation will be graded. Marks will be assigned for
understanding and explanation of the underlying theory/framework, quality of analysis of
the case/exercise, ability to link theory to industry examples, quality of the presentation
(including timeliness), degree of class participation generated. Note that although the
visual material of the presentation is required it will not be marked as an individual piece
of work.
Instructions to students
Students are expected to base their case analysis on appropriate theory or conceptual
frameworks. This supporting material must form part of the presentation. A professional
presentation using overhead or computer projection is expected. BOTH students must
participate in the presentation.
The overall case should be introduced and summarised for the class. Findings should be
presented providing critical evaluation and conclusions for the specific case issues.
The presentation will start promptly at the start of the tutorial and should take no more
than 25 minutes in total, including class discussion. A suggested structure for your
case presentation could be:

Assessment Requirements
Introduction/summary of the case (max. 2 slides);
Class involvement (for example: exercise, role play, activity, debate);
Discussion and analysis of the questions (listed at the end of each case in
Innovative, use of relevant real world examples and evidence, as well as additional
relevant readings are generally well rewarded, provided that the requirements are met! It
is important that your presentation involves the other members of the class (questions,
activities, role-plays, active participation of some sort).
This is a group learning exercise. It is therefore most effective if ALL students read ALL
cases and come to ALL tutorials with cases and exercises prepared.
Marks available
Each student in the group will be given the same mark. This assignment represents 10%
of the total marks for the Unit.
Marks will be assigned for understanding and explanation of the underlying
theory/framework, quality of analysis of the case/exercise, quality of the presentation
(including timeliness), extent of class participation generated.
Word limit:
Not more than 15-20 Power Point slides
Estimated return date:
Marks for the case presentation will be available to individual groups a week after the
presentation. Students are also encouraged to see the tutor after the presentation to get
more detailed verbal feedback.
Criteria for marking:
Submission details:
Hard copy assignment submissions
You must submit both a hard copy and a soft copy (email to tutor) of your assignment to
your Tutor. All assignments will be scanned by University-approved Plagiarism software.
Failure to submit a soft copy will result in your assignment not being graded.

Students: You must keep a copy of your assignment in electronic format. We suggest you
keep a print out also.
Penalties for late lodgement:
Late lodgement (e.g. failed to present the case in the scheduled tutorial) without approval
in advance will receive zero mark for this assignment.

Assessment task 2
Analysis on Marketing Channels Issues: Individual
Due date:
Week 10 Tutorial.
Details of task:
This assignment consists of a report-style analysis on real-life marketing channels
issues. The report combines theoretical discussion with data collection and a discussion
of findings of your analysis.

Assessment Requirements
This is an INDIVIDUAL task.
Marks available
This assignment contributes 20% of the marks for this Unit.
The overall grade for this assignment will depend on your understanding of the issue at
hand, your theoretical knowledge and practical application of marketing channels, your
ability to collect and analyse appropriate and high quality data, the overall professionalism
of your report and the use of appropriate sources.
Specific Topic Instructions to students
Select a major retailer. Describe its marketing channels design and/or management
relevant to its Australian operations. Evaluate the companys situation, find out one
problem/issue in their channel-related operation, and propose your solutions.
As a recommendation, you may use a 5-point approach as follows. However, you may
apply any other formats you feel comfortable with. The 5-point approach is:
1. Situation Analysis. A brief summary of information you collected (e.g. discussion
on the environment, or a SWOT analysis).
2. Statement of the Problem. Please be as specific as possible. Frequently several
issues may co-exist. A good analysis should show the readers clearly why the
problem stated is interesting to study. A logic discussion should refer back to the
information in your situation analysis part.
3. Alternative Solutions to the Problem. Identify major realistic alternative courses of
4. Evaluation of Alternatives. Weigh the pros and cons of each alternative solution.
Apply relevant theories to support your evaluation. (Please note that you may
combine Point 3 and 4 to discuss them in a single section.)
5. Final Decision and conclusion. Justify your final course of action. Do not simply
repeat the pros and cons stated in point 4. You should tell clearly why certain
actions are chosen, e.g. the focus of the companys channel strategy makes one
option more appealing, or the most urgent issues faced by the company favors a
certain option, etc.
General Instructions to Students
Your data collection should be from public domain materials such as peer reviewed
academic journals, trade publications, newspapers, and company publications such as
annual reports and company reports to analysts or the stock exchange. NOTE: you are
expressly forbidden from making direct contact with any company.
Use at least 5 peer reviewed journal articles beyond the course textbook in your reference
list. Some companies will have more data available in the public domain than others. It is
therefore essential that you start early to ensure that you find sufficient data for your
You will have significant problems if you discover the lack of public data late in the
semester. You will not be given an extension of time because you cannot find enough
information about your chosen firm. You are encouraged to discuss your choice of topic
and subsequent analysis with your tutor during their consultation hours.


Assessment Requirements
The library provides electronic databases of scholarly journals, newspapers and general
sources from which to draw for an understanding of your topic. Ask your Facultys librarian
for help in finding appropriate material.
Word limit:
The report word limit is 2000 words. A 10% penalty applies for assignments that exceed
the word limit by greater than 10%. It is highly recommended that students use tables,
diagrams, graphs to display key findings and results whenever relevant. Bibliography and
references are separate to the word count.
Estimated return date:
Graded assignments will be returned by the tutor during a tutorial, or will be available for
collection from the reception desk of the Department of Marketing, two weeks after the
submission date.
Criteria for marking:
Submission details:
Hard copy assignment submissions
You must submit both a hard copy and a soft copy (upload to Moodle) of your
assignment to your Tutor. All assignments will be scanned by University-approved
Plagiarism software. Failure to submit a soft copy on time will result in your assignment
not being graded. Submissions by email will not be accepted.
Students: You must keep a copy of your assignment in electronic format. We suggest you
keep a print out of the assignment until yu have received the final grade for the Unit.

Late submission: A penalty of 10% of the mark allocated to this assessment task will be
deducted for each day that the submission is late.
Penalties for late lodgement:
Assessment coversheet:
The assignment is required to be submitted with an assignment coversheet. The
coversheet is accessible via the Faculty specific forms page at:

Assessment task 3
Mid-Semester Quiz: Individual
Due date:
Week 8 lecture
Details of task:
The quiz consists of 20 multiple choice questions.
This is an open book test. You can refer to textbooks and lecture notes during the
The duration of the quiz is 40 minutes.
The quiz will cover the lectures and tutorials in the first 7 weeks, as well as the
following chapters of the textbook: Chapter 1-8, and Chapter 16 & 18.
Samples of the style of questions will be available on the unit's Moodle site during
Estimated return date:
Marks will be available to students on Moodle a week after the quiz.

Assessment Requirements

Assessment task 4
Tutorial Participation
Due date:
Due at start of allocated tutorial sessions from weeks 2 to 12 inclusive (except week 5).
Students are required to submit a hardcopy of their answers to the tutor and keep one
copy with them for discussion in the tutorial.
Details of task:
We will discuss 1-2 questions from textbook every week in tutorial class (check tutorial
program at the end of this Unit Guide for the allocated questions). Students will prepare a
short answer of these questions. Please bring a hardcopy of your answer and submit it to
your tutor before the start of the tutorial (10 submissions). Bring a second copy to work on
in class.
Any student in the class may be called upon to lead a discussion on the questions. Each
week the participation mark is worth 1% of the marks for this unit. Participation marks will
only be awarded to students who (1) submit their short answers on time; AND (2) actively
participate in tutorial class discussions. Feedback will be given through the discussions in
A summary of the questions will be given in week 12 of the tutorial program.
Word limit:
100 words for each question
Estimated return date:
Marks achieved for this task will be available upon request in week 13.

Examination 1
3 hours
Type (open/closed book):
Closed book
Hurdle requirements:
Passing the final examination is a hurdle requirement for this Unit. You must achieve at
least (50%) in the final examination to pass this unit. Where you achieve between 40%
and 50% in the final examination your maximum final mark will be 48%. Where you
achieve less than 40% in the final examination your maximum final mark will be 43%.
Electronic devices allowed in the exam:
The final exam represents 50% of total marks for the Unit.


Assessment Requirements

Learning resources
Monash Library Unit Reading List (if applicable to the unit)

Feedback to you
Types of feedback you can expect to receive in this unit are:
Informal feedback on progress in labs/tutes
Graded assignments with comments
Quiz results

Extensions and penalties

Submissions for an extension of time for the completion of assignments (including the mid semester
quiz) must be presented in writing and approved by the lecturer (extensions will not be granted by your
tutor). Extensions will only be granted with current and legitimate proof current medical certificate,
counsellors certificate or other appropriate documented evidence. You should refer to the following
website for detail information concerning special consideration.
The lecturer reserves the right to deny an extension if proof of incapacitation is not sufficient. Extensions
will not be granted for difficulties incurred on the due date of the assessment task.
Students should back-up their work on both a hard drive and floppy disk to ensure issues of disk
corruption and loss of work are minimised. Extensions will not be granted for loss of work, disk
corruption, or printer problems.

Assignment submission
Online submission
If Electronic Submission has been approved for your unit, please submit your work via the VLE site for
this unit, which you can access via links in the portal.

Required Resources
Rosenbloom, Bert (2012) Marketing Channels: A Management View. 8th edition. Cengage Learning.

Prescribed text(s) and readings

Rosenbloom, Bert (2013) Marketing Channels: A Management View. 8th edition. Cengage Learning.


Assessment Requirements

Recommended Resources
Coughlan, Anne T., Erin Anderson, Louis W. Stern, and Adel I. El-Ansary, Marketing Channels. 7th
edition. Pearson Education Inc.
Coyle,J. Bardi, E. and Langley, J. (2006) The Management of Business Logistics: A Supply Chain
Perspective. Thompson Learning.
You are expected to read widely and to prepare topics before they are presented in either the lectures or
the tutorials, especially those related to the major assignment. Students may obtain a listing of
recommended references and readings via the Library link on the unit Moodle site.


Other Information
Monash has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that staff and
students are aware of the Universitys academic standards, and to provide advice on how they might
uphold them. You can find Monashs Education Policies at:
Key educational policies include:
Student Academic Integrity Policy and Student Academic Integrity: Managing Plagiarism and
Collusion Procedures ;
Assessment in Coursework Programs;
Special Consideration;
Grading Scale;
Discipline: Student Policy;
Academic Calendar and Semesters;
Orientation and Transition; and
Academic and Administrative Complaints and Grievances Policy.

Graduate Attributes Policy

Student Charter

Student services
The University provides many different kinds of support services for you. Contact your tutor if you need
advice and see the range of services available at

Monash University Library

The Monash University Library provides a range of services, resources and programs that enable you to
save time and be more effective in your learning and research. Go to or the
library tab in portal for more information.

Moodle 2
All unit and lecture materials, plus other information of importance to students, are available through the
virtual learning environment Moodle site. You can access Moodle via the portal.
Where to go for help
If you're stuck, confused or simply not sure how to approach Moodle, there are a number of Moodle
resources that you can tap into.

Other Information

Disability Liaison Unit

Students who have a disability or medical condition are welcome to contact the Disability Liaison Unit to
discuss academic support services. Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) visit all Victorian campuses on a
regular basis.
Telephone: 03 9905 5704 to book an appointment with a DLO;
Drop In: Equity and Diversity Centre, Level 1, Building 55, Clayton Campus.


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