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March 2015

Prayer household
of the month
Each month, we pray for a
specific unit. This month
we focus on the Philippi
unit. Please pray for:
Kyle Good
Henry Jantzen
Cody Reber
Andy Schumacher
Talia & Tyler Faber

Meet the Philippi unit!

Each month, we will use this newsletter as a way to learn more about
whats going on throughout Service Adventure, and get to know
people in a specific location. This month we are focusing on the
Philippi unit. Enjoy getting to know a bit about who they are and
what they are doing this year.

Prayer requests
Pray for persons who
are considering Service
Adventure for next

March birthdays
8 Rebecca Schrag,
13 Diana Cook, MMN
15 Alex Navari,
17 Ken Regier, MMN

Left to right: Tyler Faber, Kyle Good, Andy Schumacher,

Cody Reber, Henry Jantzen and Talia Faber

Vine Videos!
Just a reminder that Service Adventure Vine videos are due by this
Friday, March 13. Send them to

Philippi Video
The Philippi unit created a video to take on their recruitment trip.
Check it out here!

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Service Adventure News

I'm Kyle Good from Harrisonburg, Virginia. I have two younger sisters. I work
at two different places in Philippi. One of these is a Garden Market where I
make doughnuts Tuesday through Thursday. The other is a private Christian
School where I help with third, fourth, and fifth grade. I enjoy reading, playing
games, Frisbee, and soccer. I really like to cook healthy, local meals and I am
excited for Heart & Hand to open the restaurant so I can volunteer there. My
favorite trips this year have been visiting Blackwater Falls and going to Mount
Gilead, North Carolina with the Johnstown unit. I liked Blackwater Falls because
we went on a large hike where we got super lost and it was a great adventure! I
liked North Carolina because it was full of variety! We played Frisbee, scramball,
fish bowl, and monopoly. We did the polar bear plunge, watched movies, had
worship, and spent a lot of time connecting with our hosts and the other unit.

Hi, it's Henry here, from Newton, Kansas. I'm a fan of good books and a cappella singing, and in the last
couple years I've gotten into hiking and canoeing as well. I work in registration at the Myers Clinic, which
involves a lot clerical work but is a fairly diverse job over all. I
have really enjoyed getting to know the church here - its really
small, and meets in a house, but it is full of really fantastic
people. We've gone on a lot of awesome trips this year, and my
favorite ones have been the ones that really showcased how
awesome the landscape in West Virginia is, like Blackwater Falls
or the New River Gorge Bridge, or those that involved really
cool people, like Harrisonburg or North Carolina. The house we
live is great, in its own weird little way. About half the light
switches are in totally illogical places, and we have a little
dungeon. Anyway, I can scarcely believe that the term is almost over...

Hello Friends of Service Adventure! My name is Cody Lawrence Reber. I am from

Newton, Kansas. I am participating in Service Adventure because I found that
college was not a thing for me after high school. I was pondering what would be
an interest for me for the year. Some friends and my parents told me maybe try
doing voluntary service. I thought maybe I could really get something out of it, so
I finally came to my senses and got signed up for the year to do Service Adventure
in Philippi, West Virginia. I am living with three other boys, they are great guys to
live with and easy to get along with. My roommate is Andy, it is cool to get to
share a room with a German. I think it is really great to get that chance to realize
what living with someone is like. I work at World Vision five days a week. I work
with lots of different equipment. I keep the store house organized and clean, as
well as assist shoppers with finding things and carrying heavy stuff out to their car.

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Service Adventure News

Hey everyone! This is Andy and I'm the German here in Service Adventure
Philippi. I am 19 years old and I graduated last summer. Long before that, the
time around eighth grade, I pretty much decided that I want to do a gap year in
the U.S. after high school. I am not a Mennonite, but for some reason, when I
was looking for an organization in 2013, I came to Christliche Dienste who sent
me to Service Adventure - and here I am and I really enjoy the Mennonite
community, our unit, our great church, my host family and all the amazing
people I can share this year with! If there were worries before I came here, it
would be about my service. What if I don't like my job, my co-workers or what
if I'm bored most of the time and I just can't serve with all my heart? Well,
guess what, my two job placements exceeded my expectations by far! Working
as a teacher assistant in a private Christian school as well as in a thrift store, a
food pantry and a farmers market with Donut shop and cafe is the perfect mix
of everything! I feel very blessed and I enjoy most of it. :D
And now there are just 16 weeks left, time passed so quickly. We have to enjoy every day we have together!
Hey everyone! We are the Fearless Fabers (taking on an all-male
unit!). We came to West Virginia from Kansas, but Talia is
originally from Arizona and Tyler from Nebraska. It has been an
amazing year for us living with this crazy crew as we all learn how
to live in community with love, patience, grace, and growth. Talia
works at Heart and Hand as Garden Market manager with Andy
and Kyle. Tyler works as an administrative assistant at CT Assist
as well as at World Vision.

Highlights of our unit

1. We have tech-no night weekly where we turn off our phones, computers, iPods, and television
for 12 hours.
2. We play games weekly ranging from Settlers of Catan to Dominion to a variety of card games.
3. We did the polar bear plunge at night!
4. We went the wrong direction several times during one trip. But we got to go on a VERY long
hike and later we got to see a bear!
5. Finding a calling card for an FBI agent and Talia thinking it is a prank turns out the FBI really
does have email addresses that end in and not some sort of .gov.
6. We learned how to butcher a rooster.
7. We get people to play volleyball in the rain at church retreat.
8. We live right next to a river.
9. We sing most of our prayers for dinner.
10. We actually sing all the time when we are in the van, when we are in the living room reading,
when we are washing dishes we always break out in song and/or whistling.

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Service Adventure News

Photos from Philippi

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