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Erdi Nindito Rumono

Teknik Elektro / 1206201523

Resume Topik Khusus Teknik Komputer

Big Data
by Ranjan Balachandra
A. Big Data
Big Data is tools and techniques to manage different type of data, in high
volume, in high velocity, with varied requirements to mine them.
B. The characteristics of big data :
Size, scale up and scale out
o Structured
o Unstructured, example : audio, video, text, Geospatial
o Schemaless structured
Stream, torrent of real-time information such as CCTV
Example of stream : mark students attendance with CCTV. CCTV captures
everything that its sees, user can instal face recognation beforehand. The
recognation system use picture captured by CCTV.
Opreation. Massively Parallel Processing (MPP)
C. Big Data means :
Big in terms of size
Big in terms variety of data (Realational database, spreadsheet)
Leveraging (not replacing) on more established data management
technologies (e.g RDBMS)
D.Big data can be used to :
Business operations
Transaction : registers, gateways
Customer Information such as CRM (Customer Ralationship Management)
Product Information
a. Barcodes
b. RFID, using wifi system, if we use it we can be tracked down
a. Pages
b. Web Repositories
Unstructured Information
a. Social Media
b. Signals
c. Mobile
d. GPS, Geospatial
E. Traditional DBMS :
Problem in Database


Data growth
Scalability issues
Performance issues
New type of requirements
Deciding what to analyze, when and how
Cost of chage in the subject area to analyze

F. Big Data in Eductaion

Big data can be used for education to analyze and correlate student and
social media data. Big data integrate data from some different sources ,
Student administration system
Student attendance system
Project system
Equipment loan management
G.Big data in curriculum
Can be used for education to analyze and correlate student and social media
H.Data discovery and mininum
Uncover hidden treasure / secrets within the data, data is fed into machine
learning algorithm. Algorithm learns the data and procedurs model future
data is fed into the model and used to classify for perfect values.
I. Data virtualization
Ways to view data
Graphichal best
Very important for decision making no time for going throught
J. Big data Approach:
Hardware ex: commodity hardware, appliance, dynamic scaling, fault
tolerant, highly available, cloud
Processing models ex : in memory , in database, interface/ adapters,
workload management
Software frame works, open source, proprietary
K. Integrate Data from Another Sources
Student administration system
Student attendance system
Project system
Equipment loan management
Social media
Virtual learning platforms, like 3D application
L. Hadoop Data Flow Example
1. Web service
2. Scribe
3. Network storage
4. Hadoop hive DWH
5. Oracle, MySQL, apps

HDFS Architecture


Google file system (GFS)

Big table

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