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Pilot episode

Pilot episode The Greatest Air Battles (original air date 9/16/05): US Army Air
Service SPAD S.XIII piloted by Eddie Rickenbacker vs. Luftstreitkrfte Fokker D.VII
and LVG C.VI; US Army Air Force P-51 Mustang piloted by Bud Anderson vs. Luftwaffe
Messerschmitt Bf 109; US Air Force F-86 Sabre piloted by Frederick "Boots" Blesse vs.
North Korean MiG-15; US Navy F-4 Phantom II piloted by Duke Cunningham and Willy
"Irish" Driscoll vs. North Vietnamese MiG-17.

Season one

01. MiG Alley (11/03/06): US Air Force aces Robbie Risner and Ralph Parr fly the F-86
Sabre vs. MiG-15 in the Korean War.

02. Air Ambush (11/10/06): US Army Air Force P-38 Lightning vs. Luftwaffe
Messerschmitt Bf 109. Also, F4 Phantoms trick MiG-21s into a dogfight by disguising
themselves as F-105 Thunderchiefs, natural prey of the MiG-21, in Operation Bolo.

03. Flying Tigers (11/17/06): Flying Tigers squadron; Leading Tiger aces Tex Hill and
John R. Alison's P-40 Tomahawk vs. Imperial Japanese Army Air Service Ki-27 "Nates",
Ki-21 "Sallys", and Ki-43 "Oscars".

04. Guadalcanal (11/24/06): Guadalcanal campaign aces; Captain John Lucian Smith
and Medal of Honor recipients Jefferson J. DeBlanc and James E. Swett pilot the
Grumman F4F Wildcat vs. Mitsubishi Zero, F1M "Pete", D3A "Val", and Ki-43 "Oscar".

05. Hell Over Hanoi (12/01/06): American Fred Olmsted and Dan Cherry, and ace Steve
Ritchie in USAF F-4 Phantoms vs. North Vietnamese MiG-21s.

06. The Zero Killer (12/08/06): Robert Duncan, Hamilton McWhorter and Alex Vraciu
fly the US Navy Grumman F6F Hellcat in battle against Japanese Mitsubishi Zeroes.

07. The Last Gunfighter (12/15/06): US Navy pilots Paul Speer, Phil Wood and
Lieutenant Commander Richard Schaffert in the F-8 Crusader vs. North Vietnamese Air
Force MiG-17s and MiG-21s.

08. Death of the Japanese Navy (12/29/06): The Leyte Gulf attack on Taffy 3, and the
counterattack of destroyers, destroyer escorts and escort carriers against an armored main
battle force in the Battle off Samar. Despite lacking suitable armament except for
torpedoes, destroyers with carrier air support inflicted enough damage and confusion to
send the Japanese force back without it accomplishing its primary goal. The episode also
covers Operation Ten-Go, the last major Japanese naval operation in the Pacific campaign
of World War II, and the sinking of the Japanese battleship Yamato.

09. Hunt for the Bismarck (1/05/07): The HMS Hood is sunk, then Swordfish biplanes
of the British Fleet Air Arm attack the German battleship Bismarck, and help send it to
the sea floor.

10. Long Odds (01/12/07): Showcases survival stories of bomber pilots battling fighter
aircraft. US Navy SBD Dauntless vs. A6M Zero; US Army Air Force B-17 Flying
Fortress vs. A6M Zeroes & a Ki-46 "Dinah"; US Air Force F-105 Thunderchief vs. North
Vietnamese Air Force MiG-17.

11. Dogfights of the Middle East (01/19/07): Israeli Air Force Mirage III vs. Egyptian
Air Force MiG-17 & MiG-19 during the Six-Day War; defection of Munir Redfa with an
Iraqi Air Force MiG-21; Israeli Air Force F-15 Eagle vs. Syrian Air Force MiG-21.

Season two

01. Kamikaze (7/13/07): Towards the end of World War II, Japan sent volunteer pilots on
suicide attacks against American naval targets. Kamikaze attacks covered include those
against the escort carrier USS St. Lo on October 25, 1944, and the destroyer USS Laffey
on April 15, 1945. Also discussed is the use of Japanese Ohka rocket planes.

02. The Luftwaffe' s Deadliest Mission (7/13/07): On April 7, 1945, pilots of the
Sonderkommando Elbe ram their own aircraft into incoming American bombers. Note:
This episode was first released as "Kamikaze Part II", and is sometimes combined with
the previous one and shown as a single, two-hour episode also called "Kamikaze".

03. Jet vs. Jet (7/20/07): In the skies over North Korea, F-86 Sabres battle MiG-15s.
American pilots such as James Jabara, Ralph "Hoot" Gibson, and Ralph Parr are in
pursuit of a previously unknown achievement the title of jet ace.

04. Thunderbolt (7/27/07): The rugged P-47 Thunderbolt, or "Jug" as it was known, was
the largest single-seat fighter plane of World War II. The episode portrays aerial battles
fought by Robert S. Johnson, George Sutcliffe, and Ken Dalhberg against Focke-Wulf
Fw-190s and Messerschmitt Bf-109s .

05. Gun Kills of Vietnam (8/3/07): The era of missiles had arrived, and electronic
warfare was coming of age. But when technology failed, pilots were forced to fight the
old-fashioned way with guns. Clinton Johnson and Charles Hartman down a MiG-17
with propeller-driven A-1 Skyraiders; Robert Titus and Milan Zimer's F-4 Phantom
shoots it out with a gun pod against MiG-21s; Darrell Simmonds and George McKinney's
Phantom fights MiG-17s.

06. Desert Aces (8/10/07): Pilots of the Israeli Air Force. The episode covers combat
missions flown by Ran Ronen and by "ace of aces" Giora Epstein. Ronen used the
French-built Mirage III to engage British-built Hawker Hunters. Epstein flew a Mirage

against Egyptian Sukhoi Su-7s in the Six-Day War, and piloted a Nesher against MiG-21s
in the Yom Kippur War.

07. The First Dogfighters (8/23/07): Dogfighting was invented by the fighter pilots of
World War I. Ernst Udet's Albatros D.III vs. Georges Guynemer's SPAD VII; Werner
Voss, flying a Fokker triplane, battles six S.E.5a pilots, including leading aces James
McCudden, Arthur Rhys Davids, and Richard Maybery; Arthur Raymond Brooks and his
SPAD XIII dogfights with eight Fokker D.VIIs.

08. No Room for Error (8/30/07): Low-altitude dogfights are portrayed. Art Fiedler and
his P-51 Mustang in World War II; James H. Kasler and his F-86 Sabre in the Korean
War; Robin Olds and Steve Croker in their F-4 Phantom II in the Vietnam War.

09. Night Fighters (9/21/07): The history of dogfighting in darkness is covered. Radarequipped F6F Hellcats shoot down A6M2 "Rufe"s, and P-61 Black Widows score kills
against Messerschmitt Me 410's in World War II. The F3D Skyknight downs a faster
MiG-15 in the Korean War. USAF F-15 Eagles and F-117 Nighthawks oppose MiG-29s
in Operation Allied Force.

10. The Bloodiest Day (12/03/07): May 10, 1972, was the bloodiest day of air combat
during the Vietnam War. American F-4 Phantoms, A-6 Intruders, and A-7 Corsairs fought
against North Vietnamese MiG-21s, MiG-19s, and Mig-17s. The episode includes battles
fought by Bob Lodge and Roger Locher and by Steve Ritchie and Charles B. DeBellevue.

11. P-51 Mustang (12/04/07): In the European and Pacific theaters of World War II, the
P-51 Mustang became one of the conflict's most successful and recognizable aircraft. The
episode portrays aerial battles fought by Donald S. Bryan, Robert Scamara, and Richard
Candelaria against German and Japanese aircraft.

12. Dogfights of Desert Storm (12/05/07): An EF-111 Raven is attacked by an Iraqi

Mirage F-1 jet at night and American fighter pilots pit F-15 Eagles against Iraqi MiG-25s,
MiG-23s and advanced MiG-29s during the day as part of Operation Desert Storm.
American aviators James Denton, Brent Brandon, Larry Pitts, Cesar Rodriguez, Craig
Underhill, and Tony "Kimo" Schiavi are interviewed.

13. The Tuskegee Airmen (12/06/07): The Tuskegee Airmen were African-American
pilots of the 332d Fighter Group. They distinguished themselves as one of the most
successful fighter groups of World War II, despite the bigotry and prejudice they faced
from their own countrymen. Piloting P-51 Mustangs, they flew many missions protecting
American bombers from the German Luftwaffe. The episode includes interviews with
pilots Lee Archer, Roscoe Brown, and Charles McGee.

14. MiG Killers of Midway (12/07/07): Recalling Vietnam War battles involving F-4
Phantoms from the USS Midway. This episode portrays dogfights fought by J.C. Smith,

Henry "Bart" Bartholomay, Pat Arwood, Mike "Taco" Bell, Ronald "Mugs" McKeown,
and John C. "Jack" Ensch.

15. Supersonic (2/29/08): Often in a dogfight, the faster plane is at an advantage. The
episode includes aerial combat by James F. "Lou" Luma and his DH.98 Mosquito and
Jerry O'Keefe and his F4U Corsair in World War II; Bruce Hinton and his F-86 Sabre in
the Korean War; and Phil Handley and his F-4 Phantom in the Vietnam War.

16. Legend of Y-29 (3/7/08): The Luftwaffe' s last great offensive, called Operation
Bodenplatte, occurred on January 1, 1945. Bob Brulle, Sanford K. Moats, Alden Rigby,
and Richard Creamer were American pilots of the 352d Fighter Group whose airbase,
known as Y-29, was attacked by fighters. After this day, the Luftwaffe was shattered as an
effective fighting force.

17. Secret Weapons (3/14/08): Secret weapons of World War II, including German Me
163 Komet rocket-powered fighter planes, Japanese kaiten suicide submarines, and the
American remote controlled airplanes of Operation Aphrodite.

18. Dogfights of the Future (5/10/08): Experience five future combat scenarios featuring
modern 4.5 and 5th generation designs. First 4 F-22 Raptors engage Mikoyan MiG-29s,
Sukhoi Su-30s and Dassault Rafales with the B-1R missile truck. The next scenario
involves a group of F-35 Lightning IIs led by Raptors facing SA-23 surface to air
missiles and MiG-35s. Next, Dassault Rafales and F-22s engage Su-30s with a Boeing
767 modified to carry a laser. Then the F-22 fights with the Russian fifth generation Su47 Berkut. The show ends with a "dogfight" in low Earth orbit between two scramjets.

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