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MVAD Lab Challenges

Overarching Challenges:!
1. Develop exhibitions of your art and design work in a variety of digital and physical formats.!
2. Explore objects, materials, tools, and techniques to create professional quality works.!
3. Exhibit your work in the 3D and virtual model of a theme park (all grades), present work to
potential investors (7th-8th grades), and in the 1st Annual RMS Student Trade Show and
Arts Exhibit (8th grade). Top five 8th grade projects will be displayed at iMAGINE Upstate in
the Spring.!

GEM Lab:!
1. Develop a new computer user interface system that requires full body movement (no touch
screen or mice).!
2. Develop a new drive propulsion system that in not based on fossil fuel and can be self
sustained for 24hours of continuous use.!
3. Develop a new device which allows users to communicate with a global audience using
sound, smell, vision, and touch through projection into a real or virtual space.!
4. Develop a machine, program, or service to!

MIT Lab:!
1. Develop a virtual museum space in SketchUp to exhibit history, arts, or media and share it
on the web in a variety of formats.!
2. Develop a short story and convert it into a digital game via Scratch.!
3. Develop a short, interactive video, comic book, or graphic novel series using iMovie,
MovieMaker, or graphic illustration programs to immerse your audience/viewer in a topic or
4. Develop a space, product, or user interface to!

VAD Lab:!
1. Develop an image which both emulates and critiques one work of art by a chosen artist.!
2. Develop a 3D artwork which is interactive, mobile, and partially electronic based on the work
of a chosen artist.!
3. Develop an exhibit space which can be used to display 2D, 3D and media/electronic
4. Develop a style of 2D or 3D visual art which represents your generation.!

SoPoTech Lab:!
1. Develop an interactive timeline which incorporates the history of the democratic process,
military action, or infrastructure with the visual arts.!
2. Develop an interactive map of the city of the future to include transportation routes,
residential areas, schools, industry, governmental organizations, hospitals, and recreation
3. Develop a new system of housing, transportation or communication for socio-economically
depressed regions or groups of citizens.!
4. Develop a new residential and industrial zone infrastructure to!

CPE Lab:!
1. Develop a museum or other exhibition space to educate your audience on a chosen culture
or subculture from the past, present, or future in SketchUp to educate an audience.!
2. Develop an interactive media presentation about one of the choices above to share with
your audience as they experience the exhibit in CPE Lab Challenge #1.!
3. Create one real artifact which represents a specific group within a specific culture or
subculture (past or present). Write an educational paragraph about that group and an
educational paragraph about your artifact. Exhibit your artifact electronically and physically
in multiple ways.!
4. Develop a media/visual art exhibit to!

StEMS Lab:!
1. Develop orthographic projections and isometric drawings of an existing product or work of
architecture on paper and in SketchUp.!
2. Develop orthographic projections and isometric drawings of a product that can assist elderly
or physically impaired people in one or two specific ways on paper and in SketchUp.!
3. Develop a prototype of your product and label each part of your prototype with the material it
is made of and why you chose that material.!
4. Develop a technique to build or transport!

BioOps Lab:!
1. Develop an interactive medical illustration of an organism and display it on the web.!
2. Develop a working model of an organism in its natural environment to educate viewers on
that specific ecosystem to include augmented reality displays of information from writing to
sound and video.!
3. Develop a packaging system for food and products to display health, source, and
manufacturing information to promote healthy decision making about nutrition, health care,
recreational activity, and global networks dealing with health and wellness.!
4. Develop a new health tracking user interface to!

All Lab Challenge #4 will require student input into what the purpose of the challenge is.

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