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The school for scandle

School for scandle essay critical essay

The school for scandal is a play that written by Richard Brinstey

Sheridan , it was first performed in London at Drury Lane theatre
on 8 may 1777.
School for scandle is an excellent example of typical 18 th century
drama , it is one of the famous drama in England and , English
literature , it talks about different problems in society specially
(scandal ). The writer got many characters and , every characters
have their own roles , the famous characters is tow brothers ,
their name is ( Joseph surface ) and (Charles surface ) and , one of
tow brothers is ( Charles )who is very good , honest but , people
think that he is very bad person because , he is victim of
scandal , another one is (Joseph) who is very bad bad person
but , he is loved by people because, people do not know her real
face .
Joseph is a young bachelor show him-self to be an honorable
gentleman but he is really double-dealing scoundrel , he making
plan against people , he blow-out speech behind people , he
cheated his brother , sir pitter Teazle and lady Teazle . He can trick
every one by appearance because, people do not know real face
of Joseph , just sir Oliver know him , Joseph is in love with Maria ,
he loves Maria because , she has a lot of money that remain by
his father , while Joseph know that his brother and Maria in love
with each other , but he tried to make plan to destroy their
relationship , so , he plot with Lady Sneerwel to break up Charls
and Maria , Lady Sneerwl accepted with this plan because she
loves charls , their plan is destroying reputation of charls and ,
blow-out bad speech against charls , so as to Maria leave charls
but , their plan was not successful because Maria is a wise girl ,
however she feel unhappy with those news that spread , and ,
some time she fight with charls but , she could not leave charls ,

sir pitter tizle loves Joseph and , hates Charles , and , he told
Joseph ( the man of sentiment ) , but , Joseph does not
successful , he appear real face , while lady Teazl go to Joseph
house , she talks his husband to Joseph , she said that his
husband is very bad , and do not give money , Joseph try to cheat
him , but , Sir Pitter come to there , and , he saw his husband that
hide her self behind screen, at that time sir pitter know that who
is Joseph , and Charles was there , and he make fun of sir pitter
and , he understood that Charles is real person .
Charles is brother of Joseph , he is smaller than Joseph , he is
victim of gossip , he is extravagant person , he do not care about
money , he likes recreation ,he drinks alcohol a lot , but , he is
good and generous person , he helps poor people , he loves Maria
, they are in love with each-other , but , his brother and Lady
Sneerwel do not let live in happiness , because Lady sneerwel
loves him , Lady Sneerwel wants him , however she knew that
Charles will not accept her . However people thought that Charles
is not good person but , his uncle knew that Charles is honest
man , Oliver decide to make plan for them , the plan is selling the
picture of Charles family , in that auction , Charles did not sell the
picture of his uncle , his uncle was happy to this action , on the
other hand , his uncle ( sir Oliver) tried to test Charles in another
way , his uncle change himself to some one else , his uncle acted
like poor man, the aim of his uncle is he want to know Charles will
help him or not , fortunately , Charles could successful , and at
the end of drama , sir Pitter Tezl knew that Charles is very good
man .
This drama tell us about scandal and , affective of gossip in
society , gossip can destroy relationship of the families , Charles
and Joseph are tow brothers that they have different roles in this
drama , Joseph made plan to his brother. Joseph loved by people
because they do not know him , he do not show his self , Charles

hated by people because , people thought that , he is bad

man , .but , at the end of drama the real face would appear .

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