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Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
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ery and development
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Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri

gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro

vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.

Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom

eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).

In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo

untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png

(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar

e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%

identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa

cement and protection crisis.

Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]
Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su
r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion


Electricity supply
The Mindanao Question
See also
External links

An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss
The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.

After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co
ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser

ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).
Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion

of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.
From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.

The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie

s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140
Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro

vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of

different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has
committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border
of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional

and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people
Islam in the Philippines
Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.

Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines

Administrative divisions of the Philippines

Islands of the Philippines
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mindanao Mindanao Red.png
Mindanao mainland in red;
its associated islands in maroon
Southeast Asia
800'N 12500'ECoordinates: 800'N 12500'E
Major islands Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo
104,530 km2 (40,360 sq mi)
Area rank
Highest elevation
2,954 m (9,692 ft)
Highest point Mount Apo
Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao Region, Au
tonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), SOCCSKSARGEN
Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Suri
gao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental,
Davao Occidental, Compostela Valley, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukid
non, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Saranggani,
Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
Largest settlement
Davao City (pop. 1,449,296)
21,968,174 (Mindanao island group)
25,281,545 (Mindanao Island itself) (as of 2010)[1]
243 /km2 (629 /sq mi)
Ethnic groups Bajao, Visayan, Subanon, Hiligaynon, Cebuano, Waray, Karay-a, Bu
tuanon, Surigaonon, Sangirese, Lumad Kamayo, Manobo, Tasaday, T'boli, Moro, Magu
indanao, Maranao, Zamboangueo
Mindanao (/m?nd?'na?/ min-d?-NOW) is the second largest and southernmost major i
sland in the Philippines. It is also the name of one of the three island groups
in the country (the other two being Luzon and the Visayas), consisting of the is
land of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands. Davao City is the largest city in
Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 p
eople, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants.[1]

Parts of south-western Mindanao, particularly Maguindanao Province, Lanao del Su

r, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi provinces (part of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan
ao (ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island the only
area of the Philippines with significant Muslim presence. Due to widespread pov
erty and religious differences, the island has seen a communist insurgency as we
ll as armed Moro separatist movements.
Mindanao is considered the agricultural basin of the Philippines. Eight of the t
op 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here.[2]
1 History
2 Geography
2.1 Mountains and plateaus
2.2 Plains
2.3 Political divisions
3 Culture
4 Religion
5 Electricity supply
6 The Mindanao Question
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
An old Spanish map of Mindanao island.
Mindanao is named after the Maguindanaons who constituted the largest Sultanate
historically, and evidence from maps made during the 17th and 18th centuries sug
gests that the name was used to refer to the island by the powerful natives at t
he time. Evidence of human occupation dates back tens of thousands of years. In
prehistoric times the Negrito people arrived. Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesi
an peoples spread throughout the Philippines and far beyond. Native people of th
e Maluku Islands refer the island as Maluku Besar (Great Moluccas).
Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest non-M
uslim and Subanon Tribe; the aborigine of the Zamboanga Peninsula s Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Island of Basilan, and northern pro
vinces of Misamis Occidental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Oriental.
Subanon is believed to have established in Mindanao Island during the Neolithic
Era, or New Stone Age where the period in the development of human technology ta
ken place beginning 10,000 BC according to the ASPRO chronology (between 4,500 a
nd 2,000 BC).[3] The evidence of old stone tools in Zamboanga del Norte may indi
cate a late Neolithic presence. Burial jars, both earthen and glazed, as well as
Chinese celadons, have been found in caves, together with shell bracelets, bead
s, and gold ornaments. Many of the ceramic wares are from the Yuan and Ming peri
ods. Evidently, there was a long history of trade between the Subanon and the Ch
inese long before the latter s contact with Islam.
Islam first spread to the region during the 2nd millennium through Arab traders
from present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
of the area were primarily animists living in small autonomous communities.[4] M
ost of the indigenous population of Tausug, Maranao and Maguindanaon are quickly
converted into Islam except the elusive Subanon, Talaandig, Higaonon and some o
ther small tribes who resisted and avoided contact with the Arabian Islamic miss

The first mosque in the Philippines was built in the mid 14th century in the tow
n of Simunul.[4] The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao were subseque
ntly in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. In the late 16th to early 17t
h centuries, the first contact with Spain occurred. By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had started influencing groups on big islands of Vi
sayas like Cebu and as far north as Bohol and present-day Manila on the island o
f Luzon.[4]
Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the Philippines, they were dismayed to find such
a strong Muslim presence on the island, having just expelled the Moors from Spai
n after centuries of fighting under the Reconquista. In fact, the name Moros (th
e Spanish word for "Moors") was given to the Muslim inhabitants by the Spanish.[
4] Caesarea Caroli was the name given by Villalobos to the island of Mindanao wh
en he reached the sea near it. This was named after the Charles V of the Holy Ro
man Empire (and I of Spain).
Spain was forced to abandon Zamboanga in Mindanao temporarily and withdraw its s
oldiers to Manila in 1662 after the Chinese under Koxinga threatened to invade t
he Spanish Philippines.
After the Spanish-American War the Americans fought numerous battles against the
Moro. At the start of World War II, Japanese forces defeated Gen. William F. Sh
arp's forces, including Gen. Guy O. Fort's 81st Division, after a battle which s
tarted at Malabang, Lanao, on 29 April 1942, and ended near Ganassi, Lanao, on 1
0 May 1942.[5] However, guerrilla forces were active until liberation at the con
clusion of the Battle of Mindanao.
The region is home to most of the country's Muslim or Moro populations, composed
of many ethnic groups such as the Maranao and the Tausug, Maguindanaon the Bang
uingui (users of the vinta), as well as the collective group of indigenous tribe
s known as the Lumad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moro and Lumads controlled an area whi
ch now covers 17 of Mindanao s 24 provinces, but by the 1980 census, they constitu
ted less than 6% of the population of Mindanao and Sulu. Heavy migration to Mind
anao of Luzon and Visayans, spurred by government-sponsored resettlement program
mes, turned the indigenous Lumads and Moros into minorities.[6]
Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilom
eters, and is the eighth most populous island in the world. The island of Mindan
ao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including the Netherlands, Austria, P
ortugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island is mountainous, and is
home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country. Mindanao is surrounded
by 4 seas: the Sulu Sea to the west,[7] the Philippine Sea to the east, and the
Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north. Of all the islands
of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of physiographic develop
ment. High, rugged, faulted mountains; almost isolated volcanic peaks; high roll
ing plateaus; and broad, level, swampy plains are found there.
The Mindanao island group is an arbitrary grouping of islands in southern Philip
pines which comprises the Mindanao mainland, the Sulu Archipelago to the southwe
st, consisting of the major islands of Basilan, Jolo, and Tawitawi, plus the out
lying islands of Camiguin, Dinagat, Siargao, and Samal in other areas.
Mountains and plateaus
The mountains of Mindanao can be conveniently grouped into ten ranges, including
both complex structural mountains and volcanoes. The structural mountains on th
e extreme eastern and western portions of the island show broad exposures of Mes
ozoic rock with ultrabasic rocks at the surface in many places along the east co

ast. Other parts of the island consists mainly of Cenozoic and Quaternary volcan
ic or sedimentary rocks.
Paralleling the east coast, from Bilas Point in Surigao del Norte to Cape Agusti
n in southeast Davao, is a range of complex mountains known in their northern po
rtion as the Diwata Mountains and Mount Makaturing of Butig. This range is low a
nd rolling in its central portion. A proposed road connecting Bislig on the east
coast with the Agusan River would pass through a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) broad s
addle across the mountains at a maximum elevation of less than 250 metres (820 f
t), while the existing east-west road from Lianga, 30 miles (48 km) north of Bis
lig, reaches a maximum elevation of only 450 metres (1,480 ft). The Diwata Mount
ains, north of these low points, are considerably higher and more rugged, reachi
ng an elevation of 2,012 metres (6,601 ft) in Mount Hilong-Hilong, 17 miles (27
km) along the eastern portion of Cabadbaran City. The southern portion of this e
ast coast range is broader and even more rugged than the northern section. In ea
stern Davao, several peaks rise above 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) and one mountain r
ises to 2,910 metres (9,550 ft).
Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.
The east-facing coastal regions of Davao and Surigao del Sur are marked by a ser
ies of small coastal lowlands separated from each other by rugged forelands whic
h extend to the water s edge. Offshore are numerous coral reefs and tiny islets. T
his remote and forbidding coast is made doubly difficult to access during the mo
nths from October to March by the heavy surf driven before the northeast trade w
inds. A few miles offshore is found the Mindanao or Philippine Deep. This ocean
trench, reaching measured depths of 37,400 feet (11,400 m), marks one of the gre
atest depths known on the earth s surface.
A second north-south range extends along the western borders of the Agusan (del
Norte and del Sur) and Davao provinces from Camiguin Island in the north to Tina
ca Point in the south. This range is mainly structural in origin, but it also co
ntains at least three active volcano peaks. In the central and northern portions
of this range, there are several peaks between 2,000 and 2,600 metres (6,600 an
d 8,500 ft), and here the belt of mountains is about 30 miles (48 km) across. We
st of Davao City are two inactive volcanoes: Mount Talomo at 2,893 metres (9,491
ft) and Mount Apo at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft), which is the highest point in the
Philippines and dominates the skyline. South of Mount Apo, this central mountai
n belt is somewhat lower than it is to the north, with peaks averaging only 1,10
0 to 1,800 metres (3,600 to 5,900 ft).
In Western Mindanao, a range of complex structural mountains forms the long, han
d-like Zamboanga Peninsula. These mountains, reaching heights of only 1,200 mete
rs (3,900 feet), are not as high as the other structural belts in Mindanao. In a
ddition, there are several places in the Zamboanga Mountains where small inter-m
ountain basins have been created, with some potential for future agricultural de
velopment. The northeastern end of this range is marked by the twin peaks of the
now extinct volcano, Mount Malindang, which rise behind Ozamis City to a height
of 2,425 metres (7,956 ft). Mount Dapia is the highest mountain in the Zamboang
a Peninsula, reaching a height of 2,617 meters (8,586 feet). Meanwhile, Batoramp
on Point is the highest mountain of the southernmost end of the peninsula, reach
ing a height of only 1,335 meters (4,380 feet); it is located in the boundary of
Zamboanga City.
A series of volcanic mountains is found near Lake Lanao in a broad arc through L
anao del Sur, northern Cotabato and western Bukidnon provinces. At least six of
the twenty odd peaks in this area are active and several are very impressive as
they stand in semi-isolation. The Butig Peaks, with their four crater lakes, are
easily seen from Cotabato. Mount Ragang, an active volcano cone reaching 2,815
metres (9,236 ft), is the most isolated, while the greatest height is reached by
Mount Kitanglad at 2,889 metres (9,478 ft).

Mindanao coast
In southwestern Cotabato, still another range of volcanic mountains is found, th
is time paralleling the coast. These mountains have a maximum extent of 110 mile
s (180 km) from northwest to southeast and measure some 30 miles (48 km) across.
One of the well-known mountains here is Mount Parker, whose almost circular cra
ter lake measures a mile and a quarter in diameter and lies 300 metres (980 ft)
below its 2,040 metres (6,690 ft) summit. Mount Matutum is a protected area and
is considered as one of the major landmarks of South Cotabato Province.
A second important physiographic division of Mindanao is the series of upland pl
ateaus in Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur provinces. These plateaus are rather extens
ive and almost surround several volcanoes in this area. The plateaus are made up
of basaltic lava flows interbedded with ash and volcanic tuff. Near their edges
, the plateaus are cut by deep canyons, and at several points spectacular waterf
alls drop to the narrow coastal plain. These falls hold considerable promise for
development of hydroelectric energy. Indeed, one such site at Maria Cristina Fa
lls has already become a major producer. Because the rolling plateaus lie at an
elevation averaging 700 meters above sea level, they offer relief from the often
oppressive heat of the coastal lowlands. Lake Lanao occupies the major portion
of one such plateau in Lanao del Sur. This largest lake on Mindanao and second i
n the country is roughly triangular in shape with an 18-mile (29 km)-long base.
Having a surface at 780 meters above sea level, and being rimmed on the east, so
uth and west by series of peaks reaching 2,300 meters, the lake provides a sceni
c grandeur and pleasant temperature seldom equaled in the country.[citation need
ed] Marawi City, at the northern tip of the lake, is bisected by the Agus River,
which feeds the Maria Cristina Falls.
Another of Mindanao s spectacular waterfall sites is located in Malabang, 15 miles
(24 km) south of Lake Lanao. Here the Jose Abad Santos Falls present one of the
nation s scenic wonders at the gateway to a 200-hectare national park development
The Limunsudan Falls, with an approximate height of 800 ft (240 m), is the highe
st waterfalls in the Philippines; it is located at Iligan City.
Mindanao contains two large inland lowland areas, the valleys of the Agusan and
Mindanao rivers in Agusan and Cotabato Provinces, respectively. There is some in
dication that the Agusan Valley occupies a broad syncline between the central mo
untains and the east-coast mountains. This valley measures 110 miles (180 km) fr
om south to north and varies from 20 to 30 miles (32 to 48 km) in width. 35 mile
s (56 km) north of the head of Davao Gulf lies the watershed between the Agusan
and the tributaries of the Libuganon River, which flows to the Gulf. The elevati
on of this divide is well under 200 metres (660 ft), indicating the almost conti
nuous nature of the lowland from the Mindanao Sea on the north to the Davao Gulf
The Rio Grande de Mindanao and its main tributaries, the Catisan and the Pulangi
, form a valley with a maximum length of 120 miles (190 km) and a width which va
ries from 12 miles (19 km) at the river mouth to about 60 miles (97 km) in centr
al Cotabato. The southern extensions of this Cotabato Valley extend uninterrupte
d across a 350 metres (1,150 ft) watershed from Illana Bay on the northwest to S
arangani Bay on the southeast.
Other lowlands of a coastal nature are to be found in various parts of Mindanao.
Many of these are tiny isolated pockets, as along the northwest coast of Zamboa
nga. In other areas such as the Davao Plain, these coastal lowlands are as much
as 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) wide and several times that length.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Geography of Mindanao.

From Dipolog City eastward along the northern coast of Mindanao almost to Butuan
City extends a rolling coastal plain of varying width. In Misamis Occidental, t
he now dormant Mount Malindang has created a lowland averaging 13 kilometres (8.
1 mi) in width. Shallow Panquil Bay divides this province from Lanao del Norte,
and is bordered by low-lying, poorly drained lowlands and extensive mangroves. I
n Misamis Oriental, the plain is narrower and in places almost pinched out by ru
gged forelands which reach to the sea. East of Cagayan de Oro, a rugged peninsul
a extends well into the Mindanao Sea.
Political divisions
Main article: Political divisions of Mindanao
A map of Mindanao color-coded by regions.
Northern Mindanao
Zamboanga Peninsula
For the exclaves, see the text.
The island is covered by 6 administrative regions,[8] 22 provinces, and 30 citie
s (27 provinces and 33 cities if associated islands are included).
The Philippine Regions covered by Mindanao Region
Land area
(km2) Regional center
No. of provinces
(including associated islands*)
No. of cities
(including associated islands*)
Ph fil zamboanga peninsula.png Zamboanga Peninsula
(Region IX)
14,811 Pagadian
Ph fil northern mindanao.png
(Region X)

17,125 Cagayan de Oro

Ph fil davao region.png
(Region XI)

Davao Region
20,244 Davao City

Ph fil soccsksargen.png
(Region XII)

18,433 Koronadal

Ph fil caraga.png
(Region XIII) 2,429,224
18,847 Butuan
Ph fil armm.png
in Muslim
(ARMM) 3,256,140

Autonomous Region
12,695 Cotabato City

Region Population
(2010) Land area
(km2) Regional center



*Provinces of Basilan, Camiguin, Dinagat Islands, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are separa
te islands and/or island groups themselves, but are included under the island gr
oup of Mindanao
*Isabela City is geographically the part of Basilan, but is an enclave of the Za
mboanga Peninsula.
NOTE: Although geographically part of SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato City is considered
the regional center of ARMM.
Main articles: Culture of the Philippines, Music of the Philippines and Kulintan
A 1926 photograph of Bagobo (Manobo) warriors.
Mindanao is the most culturally diverse island in the Philippines where people o
f different languages, tribes and races meet. As the Moro and Lumad alliance pro
vided an effective resistance to Spanish rule, Mindanao became a melting pot of
different cultures, it creates a more distinct culture which is not present in o
ther island groups in the country. Mindanao has been the seat of two great Sulta
nates namely the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Maguindanao along with t
he most hispanized city in Asia, strategic Zamboanga City. A considerable number
of Buddhist and Taoist temples and the indigenous tribes known as Lumad people
which makes it more diverse.
Due to the continuous re settlement programs[9] by the Central Government in Man
ila, Cebuano is spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao. Cebuano is general
ly the first language in most regions, except for the Bangsamoro areas on the we
st coast and among the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely spoken among the people. H
iligaynon or Ilonggo is widely spoken in South Cotabato and a large part of Cota
bato Province. English is also widely spoken.
The Spanish-based creole, Zamboangueo Chavacano is the main language spoken in Za
mboanga City and Basilan, scatteredly spoken around Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga
del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The Zamboangueo diale
ct is one of the six dialects of Chavacano language (spoken by a distinct Ethnol
inguistic group, the Zamboangueo). other spoken dialects of Chavacano Language ar
e the following: Cotabate in Cotabato City and Castellano Abakay in Davao Region.
Settlers now form the majority, with 63% of the population; Moro are 32% of the
population; 5% are Lumads and most of them intermarried with the Settlers. The n
ative Maguindanaon and other native Moro or Lumad groups of Mindanao have a cult
ure that is different from the main culture of the Philippines.
Mosque in Basilan
More than 70% of the
icism is the largest
ousehold population.
follows: Evangelical
eventh Day Adventist
Electricity supply

population of Mindanao adhere to Christianity. Roman Cathol

single religious affiliation at 60.9 percent of the total h
Islam comprised 20.44 percent while other religions are as
(5.34%), Aglipayan (2.16), Iglesia ni Cristo (1.66%), and S

Many areas in Mindanao suffer rotating 12-hour blackouts due to the island s woefu
lly inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operat
e new capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has

committed to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border

of Davao City and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018.[11] The A
gus-Pulangui hydropower complex, which supplies more than half of Mindanao s power
supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982 megawatts capacity
due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex. Zamboanga City
, an urbanised center in southwest Mindanao, is expected to begin experience dai
ly three-hour brownouts due to the National Power Corporation s decision to reduce
power supply in the city by 10 megawatts.[12] The Manila Electric Company (Mera
lco), the largest power distributor in the Philippines, and Global Business Powe
r Corp (GBPC), also a major provider, have announced plans to enter Mindanao for
the first time to establish solutions for the power problems within the island.
The Mindanao Question
Unbalanced scales.svg
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Relevant discussion may be f
ound on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is re
solved. (November 2013)
Maradeka women in Human Rights Action
After 70 Decades of Settler biased land tenure laws,[9] changing of traditional
and cultural places to Roman Catholic Saints names and even names of a General b
ringing in Settlers,[13] putting the crucifix on top of Mindanao Mountains, form
ation of religious based Settler militia called Ilaga led by officers of the Phi
lippine Constabulary, connivance of Philippine Armed Forces with the Ilaga as a
tool for counter insurgency resulted in full blown Insurgency led mostly by the
Moro, Lumads and few impoverished Settlers. Cycles of displacement that have aff
ected Central Mindanao for several decades have peaked during the first decade o
f the 20th Century.
After decades of low intensity conflict in Maguindanao between 1976 and 2000, Pres
ident Estrada s All Out War strategy declared in 2000 led to the displacement of mor
e than 930,000 individuals. The decade that followed has been marked by a cycle
of violence and resumption of peace talks between the government and the Moro Is
lamic Liberation Front that sought to establish an independent Islamic state in
Maguindanao. The fighting led to several periods of mass population displacement
at the very latest even until the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo dis
placing another 150,000 individuals mostly of Moro & Lumad communities[14]
Between 2000 and 2010, four out of ten households (41%) reported having experien
ced displacement: 29% reported displacement caused by armed groups movements, 9%
identified ridos (blood feuds), and 9% identified other causes, such as economic
displacement (3%) or natural disasters (2%). Armed groups movements were by far
the most frequent cause of displacement and also the most damageable. Some provi
nces were more affected than others, mostly of the Moro as they are the most act
ive in resistance to what they perceived to be an extension of Spanish coloniali
sm now perpetuated by the hands of the Philippine Government. Areas that suffere
d most damage and displacement are Maguindanao (82%), Lanao del Norte (48%) and
Lanao del Sur (47%). Other forms of violence have also been prevalent. For examp
le, in Maguindanao, 45% of the total population reported the destruction of thei
r home. Other forms of violence reported in that province include the destructio
n of goods (37%), being attacked by someone with a weapon (20%), witness looting
(32%), and witness killing (16%).[15]
See also
Mindanao Development Authority
Caesarea Karoli
Geography of the Philippines
Rido, blood feuds
Bangsamoro Republik
Moro people

Islam in the Philippines

Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
2006 Central Mindanao bombings
July 2009 Mindanao bombings
"Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinc
es, and Highly Urbanized Cities". 2010 Census and Housing Population. National S
tatistics Office. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Calderon, Justin (22 April 2013). "Unearthed gem". Inside Investor. Retrieved 29
April 2013.
Subanon Territories "The History of Subanon since the Neolithic Era or Stone Age
". Retrieved 2013-11-08.
Koerner, Brendan I. (28 January 2005). "How Islam got to the Philippines". Slate
. Retrieved 4 October 2009.
Childress, C., 2003, Wendell Fertig's Fictional "Autobiography": a Critical Revi
ew of They Fought Alone, Bulletin of the American Historical Collection, Vol. 31
, No. 1 (123)
"Islam and the Politics of Identity". University of Hawaii
Center for Philippine
C.Michael Hogan. 2011. Sulu Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P. Saundry & C.J.Cl
eveland. Washington DC
List of Regions in the Philippines
ISSUU - Land Tenure Stories in Central Mindanao by Local Governance Support Prog
ram in ARMM
"Mindanao Comprised About 24 Percent of the Philippines' Total Population". Phil
ippine Statistics Authority. 8 June 2005.
Calderon, Justin (12 March 2013). "Mindanao to face higher power prices". Inside
Investor. Retrieved 13 March 2013.
"Mindanao power problem close to solution". Investvine. 30 January 2013. Retriev
ed 11 February 2013.
General Santos
Norwegian Refugee Council (2009). Cycle of conflict and neglect: Mindanao s displa
cement and protection crisis.
Vinck P, Bell E (2011). Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindan
ao: Challenges for recovery and development. world Bank and world Food Programme
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mindanao.
Look up mindanao in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
information on conflict affected area
Violent Conflicts and Displacement in Central Mindanao: Challenges for recov
ery and development
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Mindanao Magazine[dead link]
Moro Friends Community
The Catalyst for Countryside Development
Mindanao News
Online Mindanao
Taboan Mindanao

Regions of the Philippines
Major islands of the Philippines
Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Islands of the Philippines
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