Sky Car

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"Nothing is impossible" this has been proved by the development of new technology
& by proper adaptation of nature. When we see birds flying, the length of the wings to the
body weight is perfect according to a laws of aero dynamics and based on these calculation
we have developed our technology. The sky car is one of the best examples. The term sky car
itself means a car which could touch a new horizon of the sky.

The seed for the foundation of the sky car was laid in 1950 by FELIX WRANKLE by
building up the wankle rotary engine. However with later modification in the engine
developed the freedom engine. The main purpose of engineering is not just to make new
inventions but is to prove how these engines are better then already existing ones. The sky car
has proved this by its V.T.O.L. (Vertical Take off and Landing). OUTBOARD MARIN
CORPARATION was the only company in U.S. to develop these types of engine and
spending about 200 million$ for its modification. Only this engine reduces the total emission
by over 90%.
The wankle rotary engine model was taken by freedom motors on the new engine
developed was freedom Rota power from time to time the technology changed and following
was the improvement made in sky cars
The best & most useful property of the sky car is that it can work on any kind of fuel in
including non fossil fuel.
It has only few (2 to 3) moving parts.
The cost is reduce to large extent
It is vibration free.
The sky car has high power to weight ratio

Moreover it is easily available in wide range of power required.

The best part is that the performance of this car is better than any light weight helicopter.
Speed of this sky car is 3 times faster than helicopter.
It is safer potential.

A M-400 model sky car has the 375 mph maximum speed 750mile range & 36000 foot
ceiling of high performance aircraft and is more flexible then any helicopter. The most
important factor for any engineering model is safety and in sky cars it achieved as follows. At
the time engine failure due to bird ingestion the sky car is completely controlled by multiple
computers & by its VTOL technique it can land suddenly in small area.
Check fuel indicator are provided to provide appropriate warning.
It is aerodynamically stable & has good glide slope
The pilot has to give only direction undesired movement due to wind is prevented.
It has few parts so less maintains is required
The FAA Company has certified M-400 sky car under the power lift normal category
& has also established power lift pilot license
The maximum no. of passenger permitted by FAA name M-400 is 4. Yet FAA has
not purchased it.


Nothing is impossible this has been proved by the development of new technology
and proper adaptation of nature. We see the birds flying in the sky. The body of the birds is
perfect aerodynamically. Men adopted this balanced structure from the nature & invented
machines which could fly aero plane, helicopter etc. One who has tried to eat the peas with
knife can easily tell the requirement of the correct instrument the right job. THE SKY CAR
Is one of the best examples. The terms sky car itself means a car which could touch the new
origins of the sky.
The places where helicopter are not able to reach the flexibility is achieved by the sky
car during nature calamities the relief can be made available easily. No sick and irritating
traffic problems have to be faced. Its like having a charter plane of own with more

The car is similar to the normal car & can be stored in a normal size garage. THE SKY
CAR is made so safe that it is like being at home. The most attractive feature of M-400
model of sky car is multi computer control & 8-Rota Power engine. The new model of the
sky car introduced are M-150, M-400, M-600, & M-800. License is providing by FAA for
driving a sky car. The name of license is Powered Lift pilots licenses. THE SKY CAR
would be available from 31st December 08. The best part of sky car is it can run at any kind
of fuel.


It's the "flying cars" part that this column will examine. I don't know about you, but I'm not
all that disappointed or "letdown" because I know they are coming; it's just a matter of time.
However, if you are feeling dejected and gloomy, never fear; there's a flying car coming right
at you in the near future. A "Jetsons-like" transportation mode is just around the corner.
Steadfastly ignoring all the detractors and naysayers, Dr. Paul Moller has pursued his
beautiful obsession to the hilt; never giving a damn about what Scientific Americanor
anybody else was saying. He just kept right on pushing.
Aeronautical and engineering experts have declared Moller's Skycar as "impossible" and
online flamers have pontificated for years that it's a fraud, laughing and calling names all the
way. But Moller and his company Moller International carry right on, unabated on his 50year plus journey and quest for a flying car to change human life forever.
I'm with him 1000%. I always support the underdog. I like the 'Davids' of this world and their
chances to overcome insurmountable odds. I just love people who pursue their dream and
don't let any of the nattering nabobs of negativism get in their way.
None of the people who love to hate Paul Moller have talked to the man. They haven't done
extensive research on him, his designs or the evolution of his Skycar; they know nothing and
just lie back criticizing. Well here is Paul Moller's story.
Growing up in a very rural part of Canada, Moller says he never really liked school. Being
much more manually inclined, after high school he went to a trade school becoming a
certified airplane mechanic. This necessitated his learning sheet welding and a whole host of
other mechanical trade-oriented skills.
Young Paul liked to build things. He finished his first house at age six and completed the
second, this one a two-story job at nine. By the time he reached 11, he'd expanded his interest
from simple earthly construction to flight, or better said, things which would take him flying.
He then built a Ferris Wheel which was hand-cranked. No slouch this Moller fellow and the
local kids loved the rides too.
Age 15 saw him in a sports car of his own building but even this was not enough as he then
tackled building his own helicopter. However, the inherent dangers of the blades and


difficulty in piloting a helicopter meant that the never-satisfied Moller had to build another,
better type of vehicle.

Paul Moller gives the customary 'pilot's thumbs-up' in his M400

So how did this mechanic and builder become a Master of Engineering and a Doctor of
"McGill University is in Montreal," Dr. Moller began, "and is kind of a Cambridge/Oxfordtype institution. I had the great fortuity to meet a great professor there who motivated me to
seek further education and allowed me to enroll in his graduate program though I had taken
no undergraduate classes at all." It was at McGill that Moller got the aforementioned two
graduate degrees with no undergraduate degree and then began teaching at the University of
California at Davis (near Sacramento) where he set-up the Aeronautical Engineering
program. He is one of the very few people to get these advanced degress without obtaining an
undergraduate degree first.
About the move from freezing Montreal to sunny California, Moller quite naturally but
emphatically says, "I couldn't take one more cold winter."
The moment of truth for Moller that led to his half-century crusade to produce the world's
first flying car happened interestingly enough when he was five years old.
Trying to get to school through feet and feet of snow in British Columbia was the spark
which ignited the search for a different form of transport within Moller's mind. According to

Moller, "a humming bird was the inspiration." At the time, there were no jet planes or
helicopters yet and Moller was really testing the limits of gravity with his thread-pulling type
of thinking.
"My father was a chicken-farmer," he said giving hope to chicken-farmer' children
everywhere, "and I rescued a hummingbird from my father's shed. When I opened the door,
he flew out, hovered for about 30 seconds and then flew away at a high rate of speed."
This, believe it or not, was the one instant where Moller started his cause.
Hummingbirds flap their wings at the same rate of speed whether hovering or in directional
flight--about 80 times per second. Using this aerodynamic principle as the model, Moller
began pursuing the same type of flying research which has yielded theHarrier "Jump Jet."
A vehicle which could take-off from even a small area such as a driveway, Moller reasoned,
then use the same propulsion source to move directionally, would be the most useful
especially for broad consumer use.
"I suppose you could say it started with my first helicopter design in 1951 (partly built before
I realized that I did not have the tools or skills to finish it). The next effort was in 1962 when
I built the first powered scale model of the XM-2. The Skycar model building and wind
tunnel testing began in the late 1980's after the Neuera 200 was demonstrated before the
"The rotary engine is the essence of the Skycar," Moller pointed out excitedly, "when you
think about it, the rotary engine is not very different from a hummingbird in that it has a very
high metabolism rate. Felix Wankel (inventor of the rotary engine which bears his name)
was a genius. We took his principles and because our engines needed to operate efficiently at
a higher power, we made some basic changes."
Whereas Mazda, one of the few car brands to employ these rotary devices uses water to cool
their automobile engines, Moller Corporation the company the Dr. Moller founded in 1983,
uses air as a coolant.
During Moller's childhood, adolescence and adulthood he had pursued this dream doggedly.
Even while he was attending class, teaching or working on other businesses, his mind never
wandered far from the ultimate goal: a skycar.


In 1962, he built a six-to-one scale model of what he called the XM-2 and two years later
completed a full-size prototype in his Davis, California garage. What follows here, are to me,
real "Flash Gordon" type Flying Saucers.

Moller's XM-2 also has caused a bit of a false UFO phenomenon over the years with this
early footage on YouTube.
Models XM-3 and XM-4 followed in 1968 as Moller refined the mechanics of his "beautiful

Many hurdles were encountered along the way but perhaps none more important than the
engine technology; how was this contraption going to be propelled?


Any discovery is based on certain principles, similarly SKY CAR is based on the
wankel rotary engine. Fundamental hardware differences between a 4-stroke piston and a
Wankel rotary

The Rotor replaces the piston engine's piston.

The Eccentric Shaft replaces the piston engine's crankshaft and connecting rods.

The Rotor Housing replaces the piston engine's cylinder.

Intake and Exhaust Ports in the housings replace valves, camshafts, rocker arms,
springs, lifter rods, and timing belts.

4 - Stroke Piston vs. 4 - Stroke Rotary


Freedom's Rotapower engine has all the inherent advantages of existing Wankel-type rotary
engines. In addition, it improves the Wankel-type engine performance as follows:

Emissions and fuel consumption

Uses our proprietary low cost lean burn combustion process together with our patented
combustion surface coating and pre-heated incoming fuel-air charge to greatly reduce both
emissions and fuel consumption. This technology has the potential to eliminate both the
lubrication and cooling systems.

Long engine life in a low-cost design

Uses a new proprietary rotor and rotor cooling technology to reduce rotor weight and
related mechanical stresses throughout the engine. Uses new apex seal material and
proprietary plasma sprayed internal coatings.

Maximum power with minimum weight and size

Uses our proprietary porting design and advanced component development to

generate twice as much power for its weight as most four-stroke competitors.

Modular design allows low cost power growth

One- and two-rotor versions of the Rota power 650 Series engine provide scalable
power for applications with requirements from 75 to 150 horsepower.

Ability to operate on any fuel


Proprietary technology developed to lower emissions and fuel consumption also

allows the use of any type fuel with modest changes in the fuel injection system for
operation with diesel fuel.

While all of the above advantages make the Rota power engine attractive, the ultimate
advantage of this engine is its ability to generate very low emissions.
Freedom's Rota power engine has all the inherent advantages of existing Wankel-type rotary
engines. In addition, it improves the Wankel-type engine performance as follows:

Emissions and fuel consumption

Uses our proprietary low cost lean burn combustion process together with our
patented combustion surface coating and pre-heated incoming fuel-air charge to
greatly reduce both emissions and fuel consumption. This technology has the potential
to eliminate both the lubrication and cooling systems.

Long engine life in a low-cost design

Uses a new proprietary rotor and rotor cooling technology to reduce rotor weight and
related mechanical stresses throughout the engine. Uses new apex seal material and
proprietary plasma sprayed internal coatings.

Maximum power with minimum weight and size

Uses our proprietary porting design and advanced component development to

generate twice as much power for its weight as most four-stroke competitors.

Modular design allows low cost power growth

One- and two-rotor versions of the Rota power 650 Series engine provide scalable
power for applications with requirements from 75 to 150 horsepower.

Ability to operate on any fuel

Proprietary technology developed to lower emissions and fuel consumption also

allows the use of any type fuel with modest changes in the fuel injection system for
operation with diesel fuel.

While all of the above advantages make the Rota power engine attractive, the ultimate
advantage of this engine is its ability to generate very low emissions.


Freedom Rota power Engine

Performance Advantages

High power to weight ratio

More than 2 HP per pound of installed weight in high-performance

Compares with .6 HP/lb. to 1 HP/lb. for 2-strokes and .3 HP/lb. to .65 HP/lb.


4-stroke pistons.

High power to volume ratio

(Power Output / Volume) > 100 HP per cubic foot of installed volume

Compares with 36 HP/ft to 50 HP/ft for 2-strokes and 10 HP/ft to 20 HP/ft for 4stroke piston engines.

Few moving parts


Moving Parts - only 2 for single rotor engine.

Compares to 7 parts for 2-stroke and 25 parts for 4-stroke piston with same
instantaneous output torque.

Solid fuel economy

Specific Fuel Consumption < .45 lb./HP-hr ~ (stratified charge). Expect <.4
lb./HP-hr when both stratified charged and turbo-charged

Compares to .65 lb./HP-hr for 2-strokes and ~ .4 lb/HP-hr for the best 4-stroke

Proven multi-fuel performer

Demonstrated on gasoline, natural gas, alcohol and propane

Spark-ignited diesel, kerosene and jet fuel

Very low emissions levels

See Emissions Performance

Enhanced energy at exhaust

Exhaust temperatures > 1500 F

Acts like a naturally occurring thermal reactor

Ideal for turbocharge/co-generation applications

Low vibration levels

Hard mounted engine can be used as part of the structure

Modular design

Stacking of rotors easily extends range of available power


Any new discovery before it reaches to the common man the most important thing to
be considered is SAFETY. No matter how well an engine is designed it has the potential to
malfunction at some point during its lifetime. The possibility also exists that something
outside the pilot's control, like bird ingestion, could cause an engine or lift fan to fail. If the
proposed VTOL aircraft is to be a practical size, it must use a propulsion system with fairly
high fan or disc loading, which is also necessary for good cruise efficiency. A more highly
loaded fan (>30 LB/ft.) is not capable of auto-rotation. Therefore, any aircraft using higher
disc loading will need a back-up system or systems to ensure passenger survival in case of a
critical component failure. Great care was taken developing a production model volantor
which would provide safety and comfort as well.
The most important issue in aviation is safety. So, the following safety features were
designed into our volantor to help provide a safe alternative to ground transportation:

Dual Engines
In the unlikely event of an engine failure sufficient power remains to ensure a safe
and comfortable landing. Since the M400 has eight engines, one or more can fail and the Sky
car will still operate safely. Unlike any light helicopter or airplane, the M400 Sky car has four
engine nacelles; each with two Rota power engines. These computer-controlled engines
operate independently and allow for a vertical controlled landing should one engine fail.


Redundant Computer Stabilization Systems

The Skycar has redundant, independent computer systems for flight management,
stability and control. Should a computer problem occur backup systems would take over
seamlessly. M400 has multiple independent computers for flight management and the design
prevents a single-point failure from adversely effecting the performance of the aircraft.
Redundant Fuel Monitoring
Multiple systems check fuel for quality and quantity and provide appropriate
Aerodynamically Stable
In the unlikely event that insufficient power is available to hover, the Sky cars
aerodynamic stability and good glide slope allows the pilot to maneuver to a safe area before
using the airframe parachutes.
Automated Stabilization
Since computers control the Skycar flight during hover and transition, the only pilot
input is speed and direction. Undesirable movement of the Skycar due to wind gusts is
automatically prevented.
Inherent Simplicity of the Engines
Rotary engines have very few moving parts and therefore require very little
maintenance and have little opportunity for breakdown and wear.
Enclosed Fans
Each nacelle fully encloses the engines and fans, greatly reducing the possibility of injury
to individuals near the aircraft. The volantor's VTOL lift is obtained via airflow through the
four ducted fan propulsion nacelles which is edirected downward by deflection vanes during
vertical takeoff.


Low noise is clearly necessary for a Skycar to operate near or within highly populated areas.
The Sky cars multiple ducted fan arrangement is designed to generate low fan noise by using
modest thrust loading and tip speeds. Hover tests in the earlier M200X demonstrated a noise
level of 85 decibels at 50 feet, less than 30% of the noise level produced by a Cessna 150
during take-off. The company's on-going work in mutual noise cancellation is expected to
reduce the M400 Skycar noise level sufficiently to eventually allow urban usage.


The Rota power engine produces little NOx, the most difficult pollutant to eliminate. In
addition, using a stratified charge combustion process greatly reduces the unburned
hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide emitted.
The absence of unprotected rotating components such as propellers and rotors makes the
Skycar friendlier to both users and by-standers.
The Sky cars fuel-efficient engines and ability to run on regular automotive gasoline result in
low fuel costs. The Skycar is significantly more fuel efficient in passenger miles per gallon
than the tilt-rotor V22 Osprey, helicopters or many commercial jet airplanes.
Vehicle purchase price is a dominant factor in determining overall cost of ownership. For
example, the Sky cars purchase price per passenger seat is projected to be 10% of that for the
30 passenger V22 Osprey. Mechanically complex machines like the V22 Osprey and large
helicopters are unlikely to undergo significant reduction in manufacturing costs since massproduction of such a large and expensive aircraft is unlikely.
In addition, the Sky cars operating profile is especially attractive given the user's ability to
determine his or her own specific departure time and destination, a great advantage over other
mass transportation systems.


Cost Effective Performance
From its inception the M400 Skycar volantor has been designed to minimize both
direct and indirect costs. The Skycar uses an engine that can burn almost any fuel from diesel
to natural gas so that worldwide refueling can be accommodated by what is locally available.
Using gasoline, the M400 can be expected to get over 20 mpg. With a range of 750 miles, the
logistics associated with refueling the shorter-range helicopter can be eliminated.
The Rota power engines have only two major moving parts, weigh less than 80
pounds and occupy less than one cubic foot. The bulk of the remaining technology is
electronic and replaceable in modules as the onboard redundant systems identify a failed or
failing component.
Vehicle size greatly affects ground mobility and parking space required. The Skycar,
with its compact size, can be stored in a space the size of a standard single car garage. The
landing gear on the vehicle makes roadability possible for short distances.
Initially introduced as the M400, four-seat model, the Skycar technology has the
ability to be both scaled up to a six passenger, M600, or scaled down to a one passenger,
M100. This allows a cost efficient vehicle size to accommodate a variety of military,
paramilitary, and commercial transport missions.

Time Critical Performance

The Sky cars combined VTOL and speed capability make extremely rapid response
possible. Search and Rescue, Emergency Medical, Drug Interdiction, Surveillance, or Critical
Personnel Transport are examples where minutes saved can literally mean the difference
between success and failure, life and death, or thousands of dollars. Helicopters have
traditionally offered the flexibility necessary in these applications allowing for ingress and
egress into a limited space where fixed wing aircraft do not have access. The performance
penalties for using helicopters as compared to fixed wing aircraft have been a low maximum
cruise speed of approximately 125 mph, a limited range of around 300 miles, and a restricted
operational ceiling of less than 15,000 ft.

A M400 Skycar, by utilizing its VTOL capability, has the flexible access of the
helicopter. In addition, it has the 375 mph maximum speed, 750 mile range, and 36,000 foot
ceiling of a high performance aircraft. The M400 can also climb at more than a vertical mile
per minute.


The New M400 Design

The production configuration of the M400 Skycar has gone through a few perturbations as
many hours of wind tunnel testing showed ways to improve the aircraft's performance. One
of the long-term goals has been to find a way to operate the Skycar in hover in the same
configuration as when operating on the ground. This would allow it to land and hover in a
much smaller area, for example on the median strip of a highway as might be done during a
roadside emergency medical mission.
The present M400X came close to achieving this but because the wing/tail is so far back the
lift/drag ratio is only 7.5 and the dead-stick gliding speed is high, making an un-powered
landing very difficult. We have now found a way to move the wing forward and add sweep
so that together with tail extensions on the wing, we achieve a lift/drag ratio of 12.5.


addition to being able to hover with the wings folded, the under carriage wheels are farther
apart for increased ground stability.

This new configuration has less airflow interference

between front and rear nacelles, better visibility from the cockpit for improved ground and air
operations, and dead-stick gliding speed that is substantially lower.


Top speed @ 13,200 ft:

375 mph

Cruise speed @ 20,000 ft:

275 mph

Maximum rate of climb:

6,000 fpm

Maximum range:

750 miles

Payload excluding fuel:

750 lbs

Operational ceiling:

36,000 ft

Gross weight:

2,400 lbs

Engine power (2 min. rating):

1,200 hp

Fuel consumption:

approx. 20 mpg



Dimensions (LxWxH):

19.5' x 8.5' x 7.5'

Takeoff and landing area:

35 ft dia

Noise level at 500 ft (Goal):

65 dba

Vertical takeoff and landing:


Emergency parachutes:


M-150 SKY CAR MODEL:M150 Skycar The Moller M150 Skycar was designed for single person VTOL. The
picture show a prototype of the M150 that was displayed at a motor show in Essen, Germany.







Maximum Speed

604 km/hr

375 mph

326 knots

Cruise Speed

539 km/hr

335 mph

291 knots

Gross Weight

386 kg

850 lbs

850 lbs

Empty Weight

254 kg

560 lbs

560 lbs

Max. Mileage (Gasoline/Alcohol)



/ 39Nmi/gal



Range (Gasoline/Alcohol)

1,086km / 725km


/ 587Nmi / 391Nmi

Take-Off Distance


0 ft


Landing Distance


0 ft


Dimensions (LxWxH)

3.7m, 2.4m, 1.5m

12'x 8'x 5'

12'x 8'x 5'



The Skycars ability to take off and land vertically and still maintain a useful payload and
range, places an extraordinary premium on its use of lightweight components and materials.
Three current technologies govern the Skycars weight and therefore, its viability.

the Companys Rotapower engines provide the required attributes for this type of aircraft.
Their features include small frontal area to minimize duct drag, perfect radial balance to
allow hard mounting, high power for a given weight and volume, a history of reliability, and
most importantly, low cost per horsepower generated.
Materials and material processes
composite materials can have strength greater than the strongest alloyed metals while
weighing less than the lightest metals. Their use provides the opportunity to minimize
airframe weight. Composite materials can be used to generate complex aerodynamic
configurations with minimum tooling. They also provide inherent noise dampening and a
sealed structure for cabin pressurization.
the stabilizing computers, sensors, fly-by-wire controls, communications hardware, etc., must
achieve high performance at a reasonable cost. They must be lightweight, small, reliable, and
require low power if they are to meet the goals of a practical volantor. Avionic components
have undergone dramatic performance and cost improvements and continue to do so.

The Skycar is classified as a powered-lift aircraft. It uses multiple thrust-generating
nacelles. Each nacelle encloses two counter-rotating fans driven by separate engines. This
arrangement ensures that as long as one engine is operating in each nacelle, thrust will be
available to provide stability and control during hover and transition from forward flight.
Sensors that measure angular rate, angular acceleration and attitude are used to determine the

precise position and motion of the Skycar in relation to the desires of the pilot. This sensor
information is used to electronically maintain stability and control by automatically adjusting
power levels of each engine to decrease or increase local thrust as required. Moveable vanes
(variable camber) mounted behind the engines in a patented configuration deflect the thrust to
control the direction of flight: vertical, horizontal, banking, turns, etc. no ailerons, flaps, nor
elevators are neededthe speed of each engine determines the local, instantaneous thrust
level while the vanes provide the local, less timesensitive thrust direction. In addition to the
vane deflection system, the nacelles rotate through approximately 45 during takeoff and
landing. In combination with the vane deflection system this provides very efficient vertical
thrust for vertical takeoff, landing and hovering. As forward speed increases the nacelles will
rotate from their initial position to horizontal followed by reducing the vane deflection from
45 to near 0. Since the nacelles reach the horizontal position at relatively low forward
speed, leading edge lip stall (flow separation) is prevented.

The FAA has established a powered-lift pilots license. This, together with a thorough
familiarization with the flight controls of the Skycar, will be required for its safe operation,
primarily to ensure adequate flight management and navigational skills. A Skycar is not
piloted like traditional fixed or rotary wing aircraft. It has only two hand-operated controls
that the pilot uses to direct the redundant computer control system to carry out his or her
desired flight maneuvers. The left hand control twists to select desired operating altitude and
moves fore and aft to select rate of climb and descent. The right hand control twists to select
direction and moves side to side to provide traverse movement during hover and early
transition. This same control moves fore and aft to determine speed and braking.

Ultimately, the Skycar aircraft is designed for use from existing heliports and new, small
vertiports located in urban and suburban areas. In many cases this will require traveling on
surface streets for short distances, therefore the Skycar has been designed to allow for use
on conventional roads at low speed (< 30 mph). To accommodate this use, the maximum
folded width of the production Skycar 400 is 8.5 ft., which meets the Department of
Transportations (DOT) size requirement for highway use. The Skycar will conform to
other automotive conventions where possible, but, for example, it would not be practical to

meet the crashworthy requirements of the DOT. Fortunately operational requirements are left
up to the states to decide. For example, most states treat three wheel vehicles as motorcycles,
which avoid DOT crashworthy requirements. Virtually all states have a speed limit below
which vehicles can operate without meeting these requirements. Generally this limit is the
city street speed limit. While a future variance may be possible it is comforting to know that
the Skycar will have the legal opportunity to operate on city streets as long as it has
adequate brakes, steering and lighting. It is anticipated that ground motive power will be
provided through the wheels.

It is anticipated that the Skycar will appear in a military role first. For that reason the
following comparison includes some alternatives that are or may be available to the military.
Large helicopters and tilt-rotor aircraft have the one advantage over the Skycar of being
able to carry a large single piece payload. This advantage vanishes for a specific payload if it
can be distributed into smaller packages that can be transported by a Skycar-type volantor.
The following figure shows that the Model 400 and 600 Skycars are far more efficient as
VTOL transport vehicles versus large VTOL aircraft. It is projected that the Skycar 400 can
be sold for $500,000 at levels of 1,000 units per year. Even at an initial unit price of $1
million the Skycar 400 is still five times less expensive than the V-22 Osprey in net tons of
payload delivered relative to its acquisition cost.


From all the above topics we can say that nothing is impossible when men sees a
dream it means it is his ability to full fill it.

The M4OO SKYCAR is a flying car that

promises to let you takeoff from the backyard and fly to our destination at 350mph. It could
be the future air taxi.




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