Chapter 29 Review

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Joseph Stalins goal was to [C] turn the USSR into an industrial nation.

Stalins First Five-Year Plan stressed [C] increases in electricity and heavy industries.
The Soviet Union paid for the First Five-Year Plan by [B] squeezing the peasants.
The reaction to collectivization of the better-off peasants, or kulaks, was to [A] burn their crops and kill their
Over 8 million kulaks were arrested, some were executed, and the test starved to death in gulags.
How did the Nazi takeover of Germany affect Stalins Second Five-Year Plan? [A] Stalin intended to produce
consumer goods but decided to produce arms instead.
An example of Stalinist terror in the 1930s was the [A] secret police arresting people accused of party disloyalty.
Despite the Stalinist terror, Soviet women [D] entered jobs and careers previously closed to them.
The stock market crash of 1929 turned into [A] the deepest, most widespread depression in history.
Which two countries were particularly hard hit by the Depression? [E] Japan and Germany
Nationalists during the Depression yearned for autarchy, which was defined as [C] self-sufficiency and economic
independence from the world economy.
The effect of the Depression on non-industrial nations was [D] very uneven.
The South African economy boomed during the Depression because [A] the Depression made gold more valuable.
Why were people attracted to the messages of radical politicians after World War I? [C] They were embittered as
a result of World War I and unemployment, and they were bewildered by modernity.
Italys fasci di combattimento initially comprised mainly [E] unemployed veterans and violent youths.
Which of the following was not one of the actions taken by Benito Mussolini? [A] He took over the press.
What did Adolf Hitler write while in jail in the 1920s? [D] Mein Kampf
The slogan repeated in fascist Italy was Il Duce (the leader) is always right.
Hitlers master race reserved intense hatred for [A] Jews.
Hitlers goal for Germany was [E] all of these.
Hitlers popularity came in large part from the German peoples belief that [C] economic well-being outweighed
a loss of liberty.
Despite the fact that Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles [A] neither Britain nor France tried to stop him.
Italy took advantage of democratic weakness in 1935 when [E] Mussolini invaded Ethiopia.
The major powers at the Munich Conference in 1938 [D] allowed Hitler to annex Czechoslovakian territory.
Which of the following does not account for the British and French policy of appeasement? [C] their desire to end
Many Japanese nationalists thought that the answer to the Depression was to [B] have Japanese colonies.

The Manchurian Incident in 1931 led to the Japanese takeover of Manchukuo.

Mao Zedongs variety of Communism was a radical departure from the traditional ideology because it [C] relied
on the peasantry.
Which of the following was not among Mao Zedongs policies toward women? [C] He put women in leadership
Mao Zedongs 1934 escape from the Guomindang to Shaanxi was called the Long March.
Eventually, Japanese leaders realized that the war with China [E] was a drain on Japanese resources.
At Nanjing, the Japanese troops raped [E] 20,000 Chinese women.
Why did Mao Zedong stop getting aid from Stalin in 1941? [E] Stalin signed a Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact.
The German Blitzkrieg meant, literally, [C] lightning war.
In the early years of World War II, the Soviet Union invaded which of the following countries? [A] Poland and
the Baltic States
The German attack at Stalingrad was important because [C] it was the key to the Soviet oil supply.
The prime motivation for the Japanese invasion of Southeast Asia was [D] its abundant oil and rubber production.
On December 7, 1941 Japanese planes bombed the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor.
The key to victory in the Pacific Ocean was [A] aircraft carriers.
The final defeat of Japan took longer than victory over Germany in large part because [E] the United States had
concentrated its efforts on Germany.
If the allies had agreed sooner to allow the Japanese to retain the emperor, [E] the war might have ended without
the use of the atomic bomb.
The Communist Chinese forces defeated the Guomindang largely through the greed and ineptness of the
Soviet deaths during World War II numbered between [D] 20 and 25 million.
Which of the following scientific and technological innovations were not spurred by World War II? [C] tanks.
The Holocaust is estimated to have killed [D] 6 million Jews.
Which group was not murdered by the Nazis in the interest of racial purity? Aryans
Which of the following was not a result of increased United States production during World War II? [B[ It was
double that of all the Axis nations.
One of the most significant long-lasting consequences of World War II in the United States was the [C]
recruitment of women and minorities into the labor force.
The main cause of environmental stress during World War II was the [A] economic development that sustained
the fighting.

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