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Interesting all clubs tip while the knee is flexed (bent) at address, when you go

into backswing if knee remains flexed, one might end up with head dropping,
swaying rearward and outside/in swing. Let right leg straighten out/brace against a
straighter leg.
1. ***Arms straight, mostly in line with
front foot/left pec
2. ***Both arms tucked into body
3. ***Strong grip, but loose/no tension
4. ***SLOW take-away, wrist flat during
takeaway & swing
5. Dont collapse legs especially front
6. Try to keep left arm straight to prevent
bringing club too far back, push right
arm to keep left arm straight
7. Full shoulder turn as in irons
8. Weight starts on inside of back foot
Weight shifts forward
9. Head remains fixed in space
10.***Hold the finish position, club across
back of shoulder, belly to target, rear
foot on toe
Irons and Fairway Woods
Drill wrist bent forward at address,
bowed to rear at impact.
1. ***Strong grip
2. ***SLOW take-away
3. ***Wrist flat during takeaway and
4. ***60/40 front/back weight distribution
5. ***Full shoulder turn such that shoulder
is in back third closer to back foot
but keep the weight distribution
unchanged 60/40. Dont slide forward
nor shift weight backward. Feel the
stretch/windup in the core.
6. Ball position - 5wood like long iron, 3
wood just a bit closer than driver
7. shoulders turn at an angle, not
horizontal, so that right shoulder
higher than left shoulder.

1. ***If opening stance, make sure hips
and shoulders remain square.
2. Keep left legs flexed and very solid.
Dont let it roll forward during swing.
3. Weight forward always
4. Ball back in stance for low trajectory,
ahead for higher trajectory
5. Hands ahead of club head always
6. Head down ALWAYS because if you
look up it will stimulate turn of the
hips and left leg.
7. Head behind ball thru impact.
8. 20% loose grip, left hand dominant.
9. Front foot aimed toward target
10.***Let gravity swing the club
11.Open club face for deep grass, ball
forward in stance. Slide club face
under the ball. Use 60 degree. Less of
a steep swing.
12.Arms close to body squeeze towel
ends, but if shanking hands may be
to close to body
1. Align feet and shoulders
2. Align putter face perp. to path
3. Follow-thru: Putter face follows ball to
1. Target 1.5 inches behind ball
2. Club face open
3. Crouch bend knees a lot
4. Head down ALWAYS
5. Loose grip
6. Weight on front foot
7. Follow thru high, to the left

8. Stand more upright, not too crouched

9. Arms straight left arm always, can
use right arm to push out left arm
straight at top of takeaway
10.Right arm tucked into body always
11.Squeeze arms together, tucked in
12.Order hips / hands / club head
13.Focus on order during SLOW practice
14.Head down
15.Head remains fixed in space
16.Focus on striking ground ahead of ball
Head on a pillow during follow-thru

Legs on takeaway right leg becomes

pretty straight while left knee can bend a
bit. Allows shoulders to turn at an angle
(not flat and horizontal). On
followthrough, both knees end up facing
forward (right on the toes) towards target
along with your torso.

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