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Johnson January 2010

T he New Year finds us full of gratitude for the wonderful Christmas we
spent with my Mom, Sammie Johnson. Thanks so much for your faithful and
fervent prayers for her over these last few months. Mom is doing miraculously
well. She seems to be having more good days now that when we arrived in
late September. Her energy level has increased to the point that she is driving
again and has decided to rejoin the church choir. She still receives visits from
Our contact info while in the USA is: her hospice nurse once a week and is taking only minimal medications. In light
621 Autumn Drive of the original 4-12 month diagnosis Mom received in August, she’s confound-
ing the medical experts. Perhaps we’re witnessing a miracle. We’re really not
Harrisburg, NC 28075 sure. At the very least God is graciously granting us more days with Mom than
704-453-1770 Chris we anticipated. During times like these you really understand that every single
704-453-1534 Debbie breath we take is truly a gift from God! Thanks for your concern and prayers for Mom. Please keep it up!

Next weekend, we’ll travel to Chattanooga, TN to host a reunion of

sorts in celebration of Debbie’s Dad’s (Robert Regal) 80th birthday. He had a
medical scare of his own about a year ago and overall 2009 was a tough one
for him physically. We enjoyed spending time with Debbie’s parents over the
holidays as well.

All things considered, we’re doing OK. It’s not easy living on 2 conti-
nents so to speak, but we’re so grateful for our friends who are sharing their
home with us here in Charlotte, NC. We’re still in touch with our missionary
team, Hungarian ministry partners and the schedule in Hungary all the while
trying to report to our supporting churches here. We need to raise significant
The Johnson Family ▪ Fall 2009 additional support ($1200/month) before we can return to Hungary. Besides
monthly support, we could use many one-time special gifts to help defray the
Front: Chris, Valerie (sister-in-law), Mom, Debbie, serious financial shortfall we’ve experience over the last several years. If you
Brianna, Bethanie Johnson Wakefield
desire to help financially, tax-deductible gifts can be sent to:
Back: Dad, Joe Wakefield (son-in-law), Philip (nephew,
now USMC in Afghanistan), Kevin Johnson (brother), ABWE—Missionary Finance Dept.
Caleb (nephew), Mikey (nephew). P.O. Box 8585
Not pictured: Rusty Johnson (1st yr Cadet, Virginia Mili- Harrisburg, PA 17105-8585
tary Institute) Designated account #: 11064

One huge praise from Hungary was news of the salvation of Laci
(pronounced “lot-see”), a young husband for whom the members of one of our
partner church-plants had been praying for several years. His wife was already
a believer when Laci agreed to begin attending the Paulus church along with
her young son. After more than a year of hearing the Word of God preached
and taught, witnessing the intimate fellowship of a home Bible study group and
considering the multiple witnesses
from various men in the congrega-
tion (including Chris), Laci stood up
at the church retreat and professed
His faith in Jesus Christ. He was
baptized in late September along
with 4 ladies from the fellowship who
had yet to take this step of obedi-
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Regal ence. Rejoice with us in this visible
(Debbie’s parents with Brianna) harvest and pray for fruit that re-
mains! Krisztina, Reka, Laci, Anna, Ildiko
Andras (pastor/church-planter)

Hunga ry
Tóth Ilona utca 4. + 2049 Diósd, HUNGARY + +36 23 370-018 + +

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