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The syntax for a scalar variable is $variable_name.

A variable name is set up and addressed in

the same way as Bourne shell variables. To assign values to a scalar, you use statements like

A variable in Perl is evaluated at runtime to derive a value that is one of the following: a string, a
number, or a pointer to scalar. (To see the use of pointers and references, refer to Chapter 3,
To print out the value of a variable, you use a print statement. Therefore, to print the value of
$name, you would make the following call:

The value of $name is printed to the screen. Perl scripts "expect" input from a standard input (the
keyboard) and to write to the standard output. Of course, you can also use the print statement to
print the values of special variables that are built into Perl.

Special Variables
Table 2.1 lists the special variables in Perl. The first column contains the variable, and the second
contains a verbose name that you can use to make the code readable. The third column in the
table describes the contents of each variable.
You can use the verbose names (in column 2) by including the following line in the beginning of
your code:

This statement will let you use the module in your code. (I cover the use of modules
in Chapter 4, "Introduction to Perl Modules.") Not all Perl variables have an equivalent name in
the module. The entry "n/a" in the second column indicates that there is not an
English name for the variable.
Table 2.1. Special variables in Perl.

English Name




The default input and

output pattern searching



The subpattern from the

last set of parentheses in a
pattern match



The last pattern matched




The string preceding a

pattern match (RO)


The string following a

pattern match (RO)



The last bracket matched

in a pattern (RO)



Set to 1 to enable multiline matching; set to 0 by




The current input line

number; reset on close()
call only



The newline by default



If set to 1, forces a flush

on every write or print;
0 by default



Specifies what is printed

between fields



The output record

separator for the print



The separator for elements

within a list



The character for

multidimensional array



Output format for printed




The current page number



The number of lines per



The number of lines still

left to draw on the page



The name of the current

format being used



The name of the current

top-of-page format



The set of characters after

which a string can be
broken up to fill with
continuation characters


The condition in these blocks of code is anything from a Perl variable to an expression that
returns either a true or false value. A true value is a non-zero value or a non-empty string.
Code blocks can be declared within code blocks to create levels of code blocks. Variables
declared in one code block are usually global to the rest of the program. To keep the scope of the
variable limited to the code block in which it is declared, use the my$variableName syntax. If
you declare with local$variableName syntax, the $variableName will be available to all
lower levels but not outside the code block.
Figure 2.1 illustrates how the scoping rules work in Perl. The main block declares two variables,
$x and $y. There are two blocks of code between curly braces, block A and block B. The variable
$x is not available to either of these blocks, but $y will be available.
Figure 2.1 : Scoping rules in Perl

Because block A is declared in the main block, the code in it will be able to access $y but not $x
because $x is declared as "my". The variable $f will not be available to other blocks of code even
if they are declared within block A. The variable $g is not declared as "local" or "my", so it's
not visible to the main module nor to block B.
The code in block B declares two variables, $k and $m. The variable $k can be assigned the value
of $g, provided that the code in block A is called before the code in block B. If the code in block
B is called before the code in block A, the variable $g will not be declared, and a value of
'undef' will be assigned to $k. Also, $m cannot use the value of $f because $f is declared in
block A as a "my" variable. The values of $y and $g are available to code in block B.
Finally, another code block (call it C) could be assigned in block B. Block C is not shown in the
figure. All variables in this new block C that are declared as neither "my" nor "local" would be
available to blocks A and B and the main program. Code in block C would not be able to access
variables $f, $k, and $m because they are declared as "my". The variable $g would not be
available to code in block B or C because it is local to block A.
Keep in mind that variables in code blocks are also declared at the first time they are assigned a
value. This creation includes arrays and strings. Variables are then evaluated by the parser when
they appear in code, and even in strings. There are times when you do not want the variable to be
evaluated. This is the time when you should be aware of quoting rules in Perl.

Quoting Rules
Three different types of quotes can be used in Perl. Double quotes (") are used to enclose strings.
Any scalars in double-quoted strings are evaluated by Perl. To force Perl not to evaluate anything
in a quote, you'll have to use single quotes ('). Anything that looks like code and is not quoted is
interpreted as code by the Perl interpreter, which attempts to evaluate the code as an expression
or a set of executable code statements. Finally, to run some values in a shell program and get its
return value back, use the back quote (`) symbol. See the Perl script in Listing 2.1 for an

Listing 2.1. Quoting in a Perl script.


The output from the code in Listing 2.1 is as follows:


Let's go over the code shown in Listing 2.1. First of all, note that the actual listing did not have
line numbers. The line numbers in this and subsequent scripts are used to identify specific lines
of code.
Line 1 is the mandatory first line of the Perl script. Change the path shown in Listing 2.1 to
where your Perl interpreter is located if the script does not run. Be sure to make a similar change
to the rest of the source listings in this book.
Line 2 assigns a string value to the $folks variable. Note that you did not have to declare the
variable $folks because it was created when used for the first time.
Line 3 prints the value of $folks in between double quotes. The $ sign in $folks has to be
escaped with a backslash to prevent Perl from evaluating the value of $folks instead of printing
the following line:

In line 4, Perl does not evaluate anything between the single quotes. Therefore, the entire
contents of the line are left untouched and printed here:

Perl has several special characters to format text data for you. Line 5 prints multiple blank lines
with the \n character and beeps at the terminal. Notice how the words SOMEBLANK are printed in
lowercase letters. This is because they are encased between the \L and \E special characters,
which force all characters to be lowercase. Some of these special characters are listed in Table
Table 2.2. Special characters in Perl.





Octal number in ooo (for example, \0213).






Inserts the next character literally (for example, \$ puts $).


Inserts control character C.


Next character is lowercase.

\L \E

All characters between \L and \E are lowercase.


New line (line feed).


Carriage return (MS-DOS).




Next character is uppercase.

\U \E

All characters between \U and \E are uppercase.


Hex number in ## (for example, \x1d).

In line 6, the script uses the back quotes (`) to execute a command and return the results in the
$date variable. The string in between the two back quotes is what you would type at the
command line, with one exception: if you use Perl variables in the command line for the back
quotes, Perl evaluates these variables before passing them off to the shell for execution. For
example, line 6 could be rewritten as this:

The returned value in $date is printed out in line 7. Note that there is an extra carriage return in
the text for data. To remove it, use the chop command as shown in line 8.
Then in line 9 the $date output is shown to print correctly. Note how the period (.) is used to
concatenate three strings together for the output.

It's easy to construct strings in Perl with the period (.) operator. Given two strings, $first and
$last, you can construct the string $fullname like this to get "JimSmith":

Numbers in Perl are stored as floating-point numbers; even variables used as integers are really
stored as floating point numbers. There are a set of operations you can do with numbers. These
operations are listed in Table 2.3. The table also lists Boolean operators.
Table 2.3. Numeric operations with Perl.



Adds $x to $y and assigns the result to $r


Subtracts $y from $x and assigns the result to $r


Multiplies $y and $x and assigns the result to $r


Divides $x by $y and assigns the result to $r


Modulo; divides $x by $y and assigns the remainder

to $r


Raises $x to the power of $y and assigns the result to



Shifts bits in $x left $n times and assigns to $r


Shifts bits in $x right $n times and assigns to $r


Increments $x and assigns $x to $r


Assigns $x to $r and then increments $x


Adds $x to $r and then assigns to $r


Decrements $x and assigns $x to $r


Assigns $x to $r and then decrements $x


Subtracts $x from $r and then assigns to $r


Divides $r by $x and then assigns to $r


Multiplies $r by $x and then assigns to $r



is 1 if $x>$y; 0 if $x==$y; -1 if $x<$y



is the logical OR of variables $x and $y



is the logical AND of variables $x and $y



is the opposite Boolean value of $x

You can compare values of variables to check results of operations. Table 2.4 lists the
comparison operators for numbers and strings.
Table 2.4. Comparison operations with Perl.




if $x is equal to $y



if $x is not equal to $y



if $x is less than $y



if $x is less than or equal to $y



if $x is greater than $y



if $x is greater than or equal to $y



if string $x is equal to string $y



if string $x is not equal to string $y



if string $x is less than string $y



if string $x is less than or equal to string $y



if string $x is greater than string $y



if string $x is greater than or equal to string $y


Repeats $x, $y times


Returns the concatenated value of $x and $y


Returns 1 if $xgt$y; 0 if $xeq$y; 1 if $xlt$y


Returns $x if $w is true; $y if $w is false

Arrays and Associative Arrays

Perl has arrays to let you group items using a single variable name. Perl offers two types of
arrays: those whose items are indexed by number (arrays) and those whose items are indexed by
a string (associative arrays). An index into an array is referred to as the subscript of the array.
An associative array is referred to as "hash" because of the way it's stored
internally in Perl.

Arrays are referred to with the @ symbol. Individual items in an array are derived with a $ and the
subscript. Therefore, the first item in an array @count would be $count[0], the second item
would be $count[1], and so on. See Listing 2.2 for usage of arrays.

Listing 2.2. Using arrays.



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