Tropical and Temperate Pyomyositis

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Infect Dis Clin N Am 19 (2005) 981989

Tropical and Temperate Pyomyositis

Lorne N. Small, MD, FRCPCa,
John J. Ross, MD, CMb,*

Division of Geographic Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Tufts-New England Medical

Center, 750 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111, USA
Division of Infectious Diseases, Caritas Saint Elizabeths Medical Center,
736 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02135, USA

Pyomyositis is a primary infection of skeletal muscle not arising from

contiguous infection, presumably hematogenous in origin, and often, but
not invariably, associated with abscess formation. Classically, pyomyositis
is an infection of the tropics, occurring in previously active and healthy
young men. Pyomyositis in temperate countries is often regarded as an infection that occurs in hosts who are immunocompromised or otherwise debilitated. However, this distinction may be somewhat articial, as tropical
pyomyositis may be partly related to underlying infection with HIV or parasites, and temperate pyomyositis has been reported in healthy and athletic
persons. This article discusses the pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management of pyomyositis in the tropical and temperate

Pathogenesis and epidemiology

Pyomyositis, as described in 1885 [1,2], is a primary intramuscular infection, usually with abscess formation. This entity is distinct from clostridial
myonecrosis and necrotizing fasciitis, which tend to be more acute and lethal processes. By denition, pyomyositis is not secondary to a contiguous
infection from another site, probably arising from hematogenous seeding.
Multifocal infection aecting more than one muscle group may be present
in 10% to 20% of cases [3,4]. Most commonly infection is caused by Staphylococcus aureus or group A streptococci [5]. The original descriptions were
from tropical areas, and generally referred to the condition as tropical
pyomyositis or pyomyositis tropicans [4,6].
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.J. Ross).
0891-5520/05/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Pyomyositis has been considered common in developing countries and

rarer in developed countries [6]. However, in the last 3 decades, similar infections have been reported with increasing frequency in temperate areas,
often aecting individuals who are immunocompromised. As the entity is
becoming increasingly recognized in nontropical areas and because abscesses
are not requisite for diagnosis, alternative terms such as infectious myositis
and spontaneous bacterial myositis have been proposed [7]. There is a trend
to consider temperate and tropical pyomyositis as separate entities. However, because pathogenesis is not completely understood, it is dicult to standardize the nomenclature, other than referring to the general geographic
In the classic tropical setting, pyomyositis aects all age groups, with
a predominance in children [8] and between the ages of 20 and 45 years
[1]. In North America, reports of age predominance vary more. The infection appears to be most common in the young adult population, but does
occur with some frequency in infants, children, middle-aged adults, and
the elderly [8,9]. Reviews and case series generally agree that there is some
male predominance [1,810]. In temperate areas, up to 75% of cases occur
in individuals who have some form of immune compromise [7]. A review of
North American cases found that 9% of aected individuals reported recent
travel or immigration from tropical areas [8].
The pathogenesis of pyomyositis is not clearly understood. Diminished
local resistance in the setting of transient bacteremia is usually invoked. Local predisposition to infection, or locus minoris resistentiae, may be attributed to antecedent trauma. In a review by Gibson and colleagues [1],
predisposing trauma, including strenuous exercise, occurred in 50% of cases
in the United States and less than 30% of cases in the tropics. However, in
other reviews, very few cases have been associated with trauma [11]. Trauma
may facilitate hematogenous access to the muscle and provide a critical bacterial nutritional requirement in the form of iron from myoglobin, which is
sequestered under normal circumstances [7]. Formation of a small hematoma may provide a favorable site for the binding of staphylococci and
other bacteria, and the surrounding damaged and devitalized tissue might
also impede the host immune response. The permissive role of minor muscle
damage is suggested by the numerous reports of pyomyositis after vigorous
exercise and athletic activity in previously healthy individuals in temperate
regions [1218].
Other possible risk factors for pyomyositis are malnutrition; concurrent
viral or parasitic infections; more virulent endemic bacterial strains; or
higher local incidences of infection and sepsis. In 1983, Shepherd [10] attempted to characterize epidemiologic factors associated with pyomyositis
by visiting endemic tropical sites. His ndings were only mildly supportive
of these postulated predispositions. Case reports have conrmed bacterial
pyomyositis as a complication of parasite infection in some instances [19].
In Brazilian populations and in animal models, toxocariasis is signicantly



associated with the subsequent development of pyomyositis, perhaps because of predisposing muscle damage and impaired local immunity [20].
More recently, immunodeciencies, including HIV, have been implicated
in the development of pyomyositis in tropical and temperate settings. In
a 1996 case-control series performed by Ansaloni and colleagues [21] in
Uganda, there was a signicant association between pyomyositis and
HIV. In North American cases, over half of patients reported an underlying
medical condition. In about half of these cases, HIV was the predisposing
factor [4,8]. The role of HIV in the development of pyomyositis is unclear,
but the compromised immune system may not be the only predisposing
factor. Muscle damage from HIV itself; zidovudine treatment; higher incidences of parasite and mycobacterial infections; and increased rates of
staphylococcal carriage may also play a role [6].
The most common non-HIV predisposing medical conditions have been
diabetes mellitus, malignancies, rheumatologic disease, cirrhosis, renal insuciency, sickle cell disease, aplastic anemia, and lung disease. Other possible predisposing factors include organ transplantation and iatrogenic
immunosuppression by corticosteroids, chemotherapy, or immunomodulating agents [4]. Dysfunction of T cells may also be a signicant factor leading
to pyomyositis [7].
Intravenous drug use has been implicated in cases of bacterial pyomyositis, perhaps unsurprisingly given the frequency of bacteremia in this condition. Many of these cases may represent local injection site infection and
abscess extension into muscle tissue [22,23], and not true primary pyomyositis. However, there are documented cases of pyomyositis occurring in muscle groups distant and unrelated to injection sites [2325]. Occasionally, such
episodes are associated with endocarditis [24].
Risk factors for pyomyositis in children are similar to those in adults.
One association reported more commonly in children is an underlying
skin condition leading to secondary bacteremia, such as varicella [4,26] or
atopic dermatitis [4].
Microscopic analysis of aected muscle tissue reveals edematous separation of muscle brils and bers. No diuse inammatory process has been
noted in muscles aected by pyomyositis. Rather, patchy myocytolysis ensues and progresses to complete disintegration of muscle bers [1,7,27].
There is interber inltration by lymphocytes and plasma cells. These muscle bers may heal or continue to progress to degeneration and suppuration
with bacteria and polymorphonuclear inltration [1,7,27].

Bacteriologic diagnosis of pyomyositis is traditionally made from cultures
of surgical specimens, although CT- or ultrasound-guided drainage may
be poised to supplant surgery in this regard. Variable rates of bacteremia



are reported in pyomyositis. In tropical cases, only 5% to 10% of blood cultures are positive. Temperate cases are associated with bacteremia in approximately 25% to 35% of cases [4,7,10].
The most common causative organisms in hosts who are immunocompetent are staphylococcal and streptococcal species. S aureus causes up to 90%
of cases in tropical regions, and 75% of those in temperate locales [7]. Recently, virulent strains of community-acquired methicillin-resistant S aureus
(MRSA) have been reported as causing pyomyositis in the United States
[28,29]. Group A streptococci are probably next in frequency. Less common
causes include groups B, C, and G streptococci; pneumococci; Haemophilus
inuenzae; Aeromonas hydrophila; Fusobacterium sp; Bartonella sp; gramnegative enteric ora; and anaerobes [9]. Although rare, tuberculous and
nontuberculous mycobacterial pyomyositis have been described in individuals who are immunocompromised and immunocompetent [3035]. There are
also occasional reports of Salmonella sp [3638] and gonococci [39] as causative organisms, secondary to disseminated infections with these bacteria.
Patients who have suppressed immune systems or underlying medical
conditions, such as diabetes, may be more susceptible to developing infections caused by unusual organisms [4,7]. However, a review of pyomyositis
cases in the United States found that the distribution of causative organisms
were similar among cohorts that were HIV-positive, HIV-negative with underlying medical conditions, or HIV-negative with no underlying medical
conditions [4]. This nding was true of common organisms, such as S aureus,
and less common organisms, such as mycobacteria.

Clinical manifestations
The most common site of pyomyositis is the thigh, with the calf, buttock,
upper extremity, and iliopsoas also commonly involved. The lower extremity is four times more likely than the upper extremity to be involved [4]. The
abdominal wall, chest wall, paraspinal muscles, and pelvic muscles are occasionally aected [10]. Distribution of aected muscle groups is similar in
children compared with adults, with the possible exception of more frequent
involvement of pelvic and psoas muscles in children [26,40,41].
Pyomyositis is heralded by local, crampy muscle pain. These nonspecic
symptoms make early diagnosis dicult, and often lead to misdiagnosis until later in the course of infection. Within a few days of onset, the aected
area becomes edematous and is often described as having a woody or rubbery quality. At this early point, which some have termed the invasive stage,
suppuration of the muscle is not yet seen, but mild leukocytosis and lowgrade fever may be present [42]. As the infection progresses over 1 to 3
weeks, edema, induration, and tenderness increase. Frequently, signicant
fever, constitutional symptoms, and leukocytosis will occur. At this point,
termed the suppurative or purulent stage, frank pus is usually present within



the muscle on aspiration, but the area is generally not uctuant [7]. Most
patients are diagnosed at this stage [42]. In the late stage, often occurring
weeks after initial onset, muscle tissue will contain a large amount of pus,
and uctuation will predominate [6]. Patients may be toxic and have symptoms of sepsis.

Early diagnosis of pyomyositis is dicult, as the initial symptoms are
vague and nonspecic, and a high clinical suspicion is necessary. Initial laboratory data may lack indicators of inammation or infection. As the infection progresses into the second week, leukocytosis with left shift and
elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein are common
[11], but nonspecic. Classical descriptions of the infection from tropical regions often report leukocytosis with signicant eosinophilia [11], lending
credence to parasites as a cofactor. Counterintuitively, creatinine kinase levels are often normal, and frequently remain so throughout the course of
infection [9].
Imaging is the most useful method for diagnosing pyomyositis. Plain radiographs are not sensitive, but in a few cases may suggest muscle enlargement, loss of muscle denition, obliteration of deep fat planes, gas in soft
tissues, and reactive changes in adjacent bone. Plain radiographs are more
useful in excluding other processes, such as osteomyelitis or bone sarcoma
[9,11,43]. Ultrasound of the aected area may identify increased muscle volume with associated uid collections, and hypoechogenicity of broadipose
septa [43,44].
CT will often detect muscle swelling and well-delineated areas of uid
attenuation (Fig. 1) that display rim enhancement with contrast [43]. However, CT is less sensitive than MRI for evaluating the extent of infection.
Typical ndings on T1-weighted MRI are higher signal intensity in involved
muscles, with a rim of increased intensity at the border of the involved region. On T2-weighted images, this rim is of low intensity with gadolinium
enhancement, whereas the aected muscle displays heterogeneous increased
intensity. Foci of homogeneous intensity usually correspond to uid collections. Thickening of fascial planes and reticulation of subcutaneous fat with
overlying thickened skin may also be noted [43].

Treatment and outcomes

Appropriate therapy for pyomyositis varies by risk factors, patient demographics, stage of infection, and obviously, microbiologic results, if
Although uncommonly diagnosed in the preabscess stage, antibiotics
alone are likely eective in this early period. Once an abscess has formed,



Fig. 1. A 39-year-old man who had HIV, a CD4 count of 278, and poorly controlled insulindependent diabetes mellitus presented with several days of high fever and rigors, and left ank
pain radiating into the groin. Psoas sign was markedly positive on physical examination. CT
images with coronal reconstruction show impressive enlargement of the left psoas, impinging
on the left kidney, and causing mild hydronephrosis. Hypodense areas within the psoas likely
represent liquefaction and early abscess formation. Blood cultures and cultures of a CT-guided
psoas aspiration grew methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus.

drainage is likely required for proper therapy. The extent and method of
drainage depends on the size of the aected area and its location. Traditionally, surgical intervention has involved large incisions and wide exposure of
aected muscles. Deeper structures, such as the iliopsoas area, require extensive laparotomies. Many of these heavily invasive methods can now be
avoided with newer suction methods that allow for primary closure of
wounds with continuous suction and drainage [9]. Operative intervention
can often be avoided with CT-guided percutaneous drainage. If extensive
muscle involvement has occurred and signicant necrosis is present, operative intervention is likely still required for recovery. This occurrence is more
common when there has been signicant delay in diagnosis. Depending on
the patients condition, it may be benecial to diagnostically drain the abscess before initiating empiric antibiotic therapy so that Gram stain and culture results may direct specic therapy. However, as with most serious
infections, initiation of therapy cannot always be delayed, and empiric antimicrobial selection must be guided by clinical judgment.
In uncomplicated cases in patients who are immunocompetent, initial
therapy can be directed against staphylococci and streptococci. Oxacillin
or nafcillin are appropriate rst-line therapies [9], with a rst-generation
cephalosporin as an alternative [7]. Coverage for MRSA should be considered if the patient is seriously ill or has risk factors for MRSA, such as recent
hospitalization, HIV infection, intravenous drug use, or residence in a community with signicant MRSA prevalence. In such instances, vancomycin is
generally rst-line therapy [7].



In individuals who are immunocompromised and HIV-positive,

and in severe cases of pyomyositis, broad empiric coverage for resistant
gram-positive organisms, gram-negative organisms, and anaerobes should
be considered [4,7]. In such instances, vancomycin with antipseudomonal
carbapenems or b-lactam/b-lactamase combinations may be appropriate
empiric therapies. Other antimicrobials, such as aztreonam, uoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, or later generation cephalosporins, alone or in combination, have also been used with good results [11].
Intravenous antimicrobial therapy is generally given for at least 7 to 10
days, followed by a variable period of oral antibiotic therapy for a total duration of 4 to 6 weeks, depending on severity and the presence of complications such as osteomyelitis [9]. Patients who have extensive, multifocal, or
poorly drained infection may warrant longer courses of therapy. Results
of follow-up imaging studies, such as CT scanning, are helpful in assessing
response to therapy and delineating length of treatment. Assessment to exclude underlying endocarditis in patients who are bacteremic should be considered, given the obvious impact on duration and route of therapy [7].
In rare cases of infections caused by organisms such as Bartonella or
mycobacteria, several months of organism-specic antimicrobials are frequently necessary for adequate treatment [4,45].
Unlike the more aggressive necrotizing fasciitis and myonecrosis infections, primary pyomyositis infrequently requires amputation for proper
treatment. Surprisingly, even with extensive damage to muscle, there may
be little residual deformity and minimal loss of function. Recurrence of
the infection can occur in a few cases, especially if the infection is a complication of HIV. Overall mortality rates range from less than 1% to reports of
up to 10% [4,7,42].

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