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The Word of God1 at five years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New
I have My word come down to you with grace and peace and with a celebration of saints
and angels upon you and with you, children of the manger of My word, as My heaven celebrates
a day of remembrance of the marking with grace and gift of the manger of the word.
Grace and peace to you, and eternal life and comfort, sons! I am. I set down as word into
My book of today and I write Myself down with a feast over Israel, as I have a people in this time
too, and I have a manger of the birth of My word. I have always come in it and I am being born as
the word of eternal life in it, and blessed are those who believe into the Word of God, Who comes
with the clouds from heaven on the earth, as it is the time of His coming, as it is written into the
Scriptures. (See the selection topic: He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the
clouds, r.n.)
Oh, anointed sons, how comes that those who say that know the Scriptures do not know,
for it is written in the law and in the prophets and in the Scriptures about this time of Mine, about
My word of today, about this heavenly work, in which you are also included by Me. And you, get
often together, get together, sons, with the sons of Israel; get together in My Spirit to see the Scriptures, sons, as you need to have a well-founded faith on its rock. You have to understand God; you
have to be the Word of God on the whole earth, sons. That is why I make out this manger of the
coming down of My word visibly, and I came with it at the time established by the Scriptures and
prophets, and the Holy Spirit will clarify these Scriptures in your counsel with Me, sons.
Israel, Israel, it is a celebration in you, son Israel. We celebrate the day when the manger
of the word and My sons sanctified in it were consecrated by My word. I am with you in those
that are seen and in those that are not seen on you. I am with the manger of My word, the visible
and invisible one, as those that are not seen are comprised by those that are seen, spirit and body,
as I am seen and not seen in those that are My visible and invisible, Spirit and Truth, as it is written
into the Scriptures.
Sons, sons, always stay in the spirit of the holiness of spirit and body, as the Holy Spirit
has His dwelling in the holy mind and in its body sanctified by it, kept by it in its holiness. You
should always get used to have a holy mind in which Christ may be born, the Life Giver Who has
come from the Father, as I have come from the Father as word; I Myself have come. I come as
word from the Father, and behold, I come to you, and the multitudes take Me as food from you,
for the multitudes are hungry, sons, and they follow you to take Me as food, and blessed are those
who understand this miracle of the multiplying of the bread of life, as I am the bread of life, the
word of life. Behold, the man feeds on word, not only on bread alone. This is what I said: I am
the bread of life, and behold, I am, as I said, and I multiply Myself, and this miracle is hardly
understood. I was doing miracles by the word of My prayer to My Father, Who I was asking from.
I did miracles and said: He, who believes in Me, will do greater works after I go to My Father,
but the greatest miracle is faith, sons, as it can make everything possible; everything that is its.
Behold, with you it is the miracle of the multiplying of the eternal life, the bread as food to the
hungry multitudes, sons. That is why I brought into being the manger from you. I become word


Gods Word in Holy Citadel New Jerusalem monastery, Glodeni Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A., r.n


among you, children of the manger of My word. I Myself come as word from the Father, and I
come to you and multiply Myself, and you multiply Me and gave Me as food to many.
Sons, sons, the angels of the heaven have come with Me every time I come down as word
to you. The Hymn of the little angels always speaks about the heaven and the earth when I give
birth to My word in your manger. The angels sing glory to Me and say: Glory to God in the
highest, on earth peace, good will toward men!. All the angels listen to My fresh word, whenever
I come to you as word. This is the mystery of the manger from you. It is the place where the
angels sing on the earth to God, Who comes from heaven to become word into His manger.
Love My will in you, sons from Israel, as the angels also love it. The angels are My will
in heaven and on earth, in those that are seen and not seen of Mine. Love obedience, as the
angels love it. Love God by obeying Him, as your obedience is your love of God. Only those who
listen to God, only they love the Lord. You should give yourselves and one another and your life
to Christ, listening to Him, sons. I listen to My Father, and I am. You listen to Me and you are, as
he who is, is in Me, he is in obedience, as I am an example of obedience; I am an example for you,
and he who does not listen, is not.
Sons, sons, work together; be all one bread, one word, one mind and one work with all, all
the faithful, all those who are obedient, all, sons, be all one bread. Give one another to Christ. Be
an example of obedience, giving one another to Me, sons. Work nothing without counsel, without
watching, without being one body, one will, one single word all, one bread, sons, giving one another to Me. Stay in a spirit of celebration; be one spirit with Me, and be always in the Holy Spirit,
as the Holy Spirit has His dwelling in the holy mind and in its body sanctified by it. Always learn,
always stay in the lesson of obedience; stay in the spirit of obedience, so that you may be. Teach
one another to stay always embraced in the Holy Spirit, as the time became painful over the people,
and the people call the sweet bitter, and the bitter they call sweet, but you always stay embraced
in the Holy Spirit; be a house of the Holy Spirit; be the mind of the Holy Spirit, sons.
Oh, Israel, My son! Oh, son, you cannot be both world and Christian; you have to know
that you cannot be even if you can. You cannot be if you can do something like that. Oh, you
cannot put Me off with fine words; you just cannot do it. I meant you to be able to be My child,
My will, My joy, My wealth on the earth and in heaven, an example of obedience and love, as I
was. Let the people of the world hear; let them hear what kind of learning I give you, and let
them take from it and know the heavenly knowledge, the heavenly life on the earth; let them
come and take Me and let them feed on My word, as I have a manger in you, My people, and I
become bread in you as food to those hungry of life.
I have always proclaimed holiness over the manger of My word, as I proclaimed it in
the day of its sealing with the law of the holiness on the earth; for I made a sign among the
people of this little patch of the land, so that everyone may know that he cannot be both with Me
and with the spirit of the world. I showed this sign to the people to see that I can only with Me in
the man, and that the man can succeed only with God. He, who wants to come after Me, can do it,
sons; he can if he wants. (See the selection topic: The sign of the Son of Man, r.n.)
I am with you, Israel, an example in the way of the man, so that the man may see that he
can make it if he wants, but you should stay as My will, an example of My will in the man; this is
how you are to stay before the people, as I am the One, Who can do everything in all who want to
be. Amen, amen, amen.


Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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