The Image We Bear As Women

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The Image we bear

Genesis 1
Each day of creation:
1. Light.
2. Heavens and land vegetation.
3. Stars sun and moon.
4. Sea creatures and birds.
5. Land creatures.
6. Man.
7. He rested.
In the beginning God made everything: the heavens, air,
stars, sun/moon, land, vegetation, creatures of sea, air and
land, yet God was simply laying the setting, the foundation
for the point of all this creation- man. But until he made
man, it was not complete in his eyes.
God does not need us to complete His being.
God made the earth and its laws/characteristics to
perfectly suit our bodies. Ex: how we dont fly away
thanks to gravity, and how our bodies cannot survive
outside of earth. Air to breathe, food to eat, water to
drink, day/sun for light & to be awake, moon for light for
night, night for sleeping)
God rested; the Hebrew word for rested is also defined
as celebrated. It was the first Holiday.
Genesis 1:26-28
We are made in his image. The word for image means
phantom, illusion, resemblance. Mans likeness to God is so
similar he is in a sense, a physical expression of Gods being.
Men and women are made in the image of God, man
was 1st from dust, and Woman 2nd from the side of man.
Man was made by hand from dust, woman by hand
from flesh.
We were made like God; according to His likeness, not
duplicated; we are not clones of Deity (see Deut. 4:35).
We are like God; we are not God. He made us in His
image and we must not attempt to make Him in our

He made us unique, like Him. We have been given a

mind capable of hearing and understanding God's
communication with him, emotions capable of
responding to God in love and devotion, and a will,
which enables us to choose whether or not to obey God.
God says "Be holy, for I am holy," (1 Pet. 1:16)
Sin defiles the image of God. Sin keeps us from
personally realizing the full extent of our resemblance
to God and living in fellowship with Him. But in obeying
the gospel, we are renewed and conformed to the
image of His Son.
Men Vs. Women
Together, men and women make up a composite image of
the living God. Individually, we are incomplete, partial, and
lacking something in our personality. One flesh shows the
complete traits of God.
Masculine traits in the Bible: strength, power, decisiveness,
aggressiveness, provider, ruler, and leader.
Feminine traits in the bible: beauty, grace, mercy,
tenderness, caring, and affectionate
Both men and women need to incorporate all these
characteristics into their personalities. Men should
adopt/learn feminine (not womanly) characteristics such as
tenderness, mercy, and patience. Women need to
adopt/learn masculine (not butch) characteristics such as
strength, assertiveness, and decisiveness. If we look
through Scripture, we would find masculine/feminine traits
of God that are equally distributed.

Isaiah 42:14 God described as a woman in labor.

Isaiah 49:15 God described as compassionate as a
nursing mother.
Hosea 11:3-4 God is described as a mother
Hosea 13:8 & Deut 32:11 God is described as a
mother bear/eagle
Mat.23: 37 & Luke 13:34 Jesus described as mother
Sometimes we become aware of men who want to be
women, and women who want to be men. God created
man in His own image, in the image of God He created

him; male and female He created them. God created

man, in His own image, and the distinction is God's:
male and female. The suitable partner for man was a
woman (Gen. 2:18)
In Romans 1, it describes the behaviors of a people who
have forsaken God.
Women have always had a deeper connection with
man/people. Men have always had a connection with
Throughout the bible we see God/ Holy Spirit lead many
men who sought Him into the wilderness.
There are women in the bible who demonstrate Gods
I. Ruth: connection w/mother-in-law, served
II. Esther: became Queen, intercessor/fasted
for her people, which saved them.
III. Deborah: Was judge/prophetess over her
people and led the general into battle,
deep communication with God
IV. Jael: Woman who took action in strength
and killed Sisera (King who oppressed
Gods people)
V. Mary & Martha: Mary washed Jesus feet
w/nard and Martha served/hospitable.
Mark 10:45 Jesus came to serve.

He made the earth for our enjoyment and managing.

Subdue means to bring into bondage, to dominate or
God is the founder and we are the general managers of
As Gods GMs we are to take care of, steward, govern,
and are responsible for earth. We are to do so
righteously/Godly (govern, steward etc.)

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