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The Lincoln Park Home Owner’s Association

Minutes of 4/20/09 Lincoln Park Home Owners Association Board Meeting

• Mark Bauer
• Ned & Lois Dammeyer
• Gary Holthaus
• Suzi Mallet
• Jim Mankin
• Rob Rosser
• Tom & Sharon Sweigart
• Larry & Marilyn Vivolo

Curent Board Members

Open; President
Mark Bauer; Treasure – 5 Years In Position
Gary Holthaus; Secretary – 1 Year In Position
Open; Trustee
Jim Mankin; Trustee – 2 Years In Position

Architectural Committee Members

Bev Cook; Chair
Ned Dammeyer; Member
Larry Vivolo; Member
Tony Hefner; Alternate
Tom Sweigart Alternate

Nominating Committee Members

Jeff Orphal Member
Sharon Sweigart; Member
Bob Gearing Member

Block Party Committee Members

Bev Cook
Lois Dammeyer
Suzi Mallet
Sharon Sweigart
Marilyn Vivolo
Pond Committee Members
Jeff Schneider
Ned Dammeyer
Bill Baker (Condo Owners Association)

Christmas Decorating Contest

Bev Cook
Lois Dammeyer
Tony Hefner
Helen Holthaus
Sharon Sweigart

Future Meetings:
July 20th 7:00pm Home of Gary & Helen Holthaus
October 19 7:00pm Home of Larry & Marilyn Vivolo

Meeting Minutes:

Nominations & Elections

• Sharon Sweigart (representing the Nominating Committee) nominated Bev Cook
for President. A “from the floor” nomination for Gary Holthaus was made. Gary
initially accepted the nomination during the meeting but then declined the
nomination after the meeting.

• Ned Dammeyer was nominated for trustee by Sharon (representing the
Nominating Committee). Suzi Mallet then volunteered to serve as trustee and
asked to be considered for the position.

Nominating Committee
• Bob Gearing was nominated to the nominating committee. There were no other
nominations. Board unanimously approved Bob.

Election for President & Trustee

• The rules of the Lincoln Park Homeowners Association state that elections to the
board are to be by the homeowners by secrete ballot. Since there are two
candidates for trustee, homeowners will need to vote. Mark Bauer agreed to
send out a ballot with the annual dues invoice to all homeowners. Ballots will
each have a random number to prevent duplication. Each lot gets one vote.
Association Members should place the completed ballot in the glass mailbox
near Mark Bauer’s front door.
Adjoining lots for one residence
• Suzi Mallet asked if Ned had completed the deeding of his two lots into one. Ned
responded that he had not due to his properties being in a trust and the possibility
of silt removal from the east pond.

Annual Clean-up Week

• Board approved a neighborhood dumpster for all residents to put waste items in.
Cost last year was $235 per dumpster. Mark Bauer agreed to research best cost
and arrange to have a dumpster delivered. Since the dumpster was located on the
north end of the community last year it will be located on the South end this
year. Larry Vivolo volunteered to allow the dumpster to be set near his property.
• Mark will try to get the dumpster set near Vivilo’s house the week of May
18th. This is for all association members to use during spring clean up.

Ponds – Ned Dammeyer

• Chemical have been added once so far this year. Fountains are now being
installed. New cables/ropes are needed as the muskrats caused significant
damage to them last year.
• Numerous goose nests have been spotted by homeowners. Jeff Schneider has
obtained permit to harass eggs. Homeowners should not disturb nests/eggs as
only the permit holder may legally harass the eggs. Homeowners should notify
Jeff or Ned where the nests are so they can be harassed properly.
• Adding an aeration system to the center pond was discussed. Estimated cost is
$5,500. Ned stated that the aeration systems added to the east pond did improve
its condition significantly. The pond committee/board needs to determine if
adequate funds are available for purchase & operation of another aeration
system. Gary suggested the board develop an annual budget for how to allocate
association funds and have a capital equipment fund to provide for long term
equipment replacement such as fountains & aeration systems.
• Shore area east of center pond is in need of some repair. Since this is condo
property, they are responsible for repair.
• Silting in of east pond was discussed. Possibility of going to city council to
present issue was discussed. Ned will investigate.

Common Grounds Maintenance – Mark Bauer

• Quote from Sunshine Lawn Care for 2009 care has been accepted. Cost will be
$35/mow and $50 per time to spray stones around pond. Sunshine will mulch
around 14 trees and entrance signs. This is same as last year except mowing cost
was $30/mow. Total cost was about $1,000 last year.

Financial Report – Mark Bauer

• Total account balance is now approximately $7,000

• Invoices for this year’s lot fees will be sent out May 1. Payments to be
returned to Mark Bauer.
• Total collection this year should be $9,800
• 36 of 40 lots have now been sold. New homeowner is Mike Lott family.

Website – Larry Vivolo

• Larry has the website up and running. Thanks Larry! The web address is
• Copies of the By-Laws & Restrictive Covenants are still needed for posting.
Gary will send the by-laws and Bev should send the Covenants to Larry.

Architectural Committee

• No discussion.

Condo Association Pond Maintenance Cost Sharing – Rob Rosser

• Rob arranged and chaired a meeting between the Homeowners Association Board
and the Condo Association Board. The meeting was held on April 18th at the
Coffee Cup Restaurant. The outcome of the meeting was that Steve Davis
(President of Condo Association) agreed to propose to the condo members at their
May 18th meeting that they pay an amount of $800 per year plus a cumulative 5%
per year inflationary adjustment to the homeowners association for pond
maintenance. This is for the cost of chemicals and electricity. Shore line
maintenance of condo property is the responsibility of the condo association.
Agreement is subject to approval of the condo association members.

Block Party
• July 25th was selected as the date for the annual block party. All agreed that it
would be nice to always keep the date as the last Saturday in July to allow
members to easily plan to attend.
• Rob volunteered to provide the soft drinks.
• Location was proposed to be the same as last year at the end of Abraham.
Committee will need to check with the Watt family to see if they are ok with this.
• Vote by homeowners in January approved the $750 maximum for the block party.

Annual Community Garage Sale Week

• Suzi volunteered to research when would be a good weekend to hold it and

New Business
• No topics were brought up by members.

Miscellaneous Information
• Larry Vivolo advised that he checked with the city about adding a separate water
meter for irrigation purposes. This can be done, however the city will not rent the
second meter to the homeowner. The homeowner must purchase the additional
meter for approximately $175 and also pay to have it installed.

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