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The Lincoln Park Home Owner’s Association

Minutes of 7/27/09 Lincoln Park Home Owners Association Board Meeting

• Bev Cook
• Ned & Lois Dammeyer
• Gary Holthaus
• Suzi Mallett
• Jeff & Carolyn Schneider
• Tom & Sharon Sweigart

Curent Board Members

Bev Cook President
Mark Bauer Treasurer – Resigning at end of 2009
Gary Holthaus Secretary
Suzi Mallett Trustee
Jim Mankin Trustee

Architectural Committee Members

Bev Cook Chair –Resigning effective 12-31-09 (Accepted President Position)
Ned Dammeyer Member
Larry Vivolo Member
Tony Hefner Alternate
Tom Sweigart Alternate

Nominating Committee Members

Jeff Orphal Member
Sharon Sweigart Member
Bob Gearing Member

Block Party Committee Members

Bev Cook
Lois Dammeyer
Suzi Mallett
Sharon Sweigart
Marilyn Vivolo
Pond Committee Members
Jeff Schneider
Ned Dammeyer
Bill Baker (Condo Owners Association)

Christmas Decorating Contest

Bev Cook
Lois Dammeyer
Tony Hefner
Helen Holthaus
Sharon Sweigart

Future Meetings:
October 19th 7:00pm Location TBD

Meeting Minutes:

Nominations & Elections

• Bev Cook is now President of the Association Board. Suzi Mallett is now a trustee.
• Bev resigned from the Architectural Committee effective 12/31/09 since she is now
President of the Association. This opens up a spot on the Architectural Committee
for a new alternate member.
• Mark Bauer will be stepping off of the board as Treasurer at the end of this year. He
has agreed to attend the October meeting and help his replacement prepare for the
January annual members meeting.
o Gary H. will contact Mark and see if he can prepare a simple job description
of his duties as treasurer to help the transition to a new Treasurer. The new
Treasurer will likely need to be bonded.
• The Nominations Committee is to present nominations for the open positions of
Treasurer and alternate Architectural Committee Member at the next board
meeting. Anyone who is interested in volunteering for one of these positions
should contact any of the Nominating Committee Members prior to the October

Annual Clean-up Week

• Dumpster cost was $290 total for two 12 cubic yard containers. Feedback from
Association Members is that most like the annual dumpster. It was brought up that
we may want to have a dumpster twice a year. Board agreed to stay with once a year
at least for now.
• Ned mentioned he thought some items in the dumpster may have been placed by
people not in our development. Suggestion was made to place the dumpster in a less
visible area from SR501 in the future. Next year the dumpster will be located in the
north end of the development to continue the annual rotation of north to south
• Jeff Schneider thought he may be able to obtain a better dumpster price from Art’s,
Jeff will check.

Ponds – Ned Dammeyer & Jeff Schneider

• Jim Mankin has been working with the Wapakoneta City Engineering to see if the
City will remove silt from the ponds (primarily east pond) and/or help with
maintenance costs. City representatives viewed pond earlier this summer. No
commitments or plans have yet been made by the City. Jim & Ned will continue to
follow. Ned will try to obtain design drawings of the ponds from the city to allow an
accurate determination of silt fill.
• Ponds will be sprayed in the upcoming weeks for algae control.
• Approximately 31 goose eggs were harassed this spring. Population of geese is down
significantly this year over past years indicating control efforts are working.
• Secretary’s Note; The week following the board meeting, Jim Mankin circulated a
document to the Board members asking them to approve $5,500 to purchase an
aeration system for the main pond from Ted Lea. Aeration systems are widely
believed to be much better at increasing oxygen levels in ponds than fountains which
results in a cleaner and healthier pond. This topic has been discussed at several board
meetings and homeowner meetings, and the consensus was to proceed when adequate
funds were available for the purchase. Funds are now available (See financial report
section). All board members voted/signed to approve the purchase. The system is
now installed.

Common Grounds Maintenance – Mark Bauer

• Lawn care costs are up this year due to Sunshine Lawn Care needing to spray
some of the evergreen trees because of a mold on them. Mark Bauer viewed the
trees and verified this was needed.
• Sunshine has not yet mulched around the trees and entrance signs. Mark Bauer
will contact Sunshine to determine when this will be done.

Financial Report – Mark Bauer

• Total account balance as of 7/21/09 is approximately $12,549
• Total expenditures so far this year are $4,556.86.
• All Homeowners have paid their annual dues, total received was $9,800.
• Lot 17 was sold by Sheiplines to the Watts and Gearings, with each having a ½
joint interest.
• Secretary’s Note; Above numbers do not reflect recent purchase of the aeration

• The web address is “”.
• Bev Cook would like to increase use of website and she also showed a sample
calendar of events used by another homeowners association. Items to be shown
on our Calendar of events could include:
o Meeting dates
o Annual Clean-Up Days
o Block Party
o Mowing, Pond Care, Setting Fountains, etc.
o Christmas Events
• Sharon Sweigart expressed interest in helping with web site updates & postings.
Sharon to contact Larry Vivolo for details.

Architectural Committee
• The topic of whether or not sidewalks and lawns need to be installed on vacant
lots owned by homeowners (such as lot 17) was discussed. A conclusion was
not reached. The Architectural Committee is to study the Restrictive Covenants
and City of Wapakoneta sidewalk regulations to make a determination.
• Architectural committee is determining how to best make changes/clarifications
to the restrictive covenants. One option is to make the change directly in the
body of the document. Another is to leave the document as originally drafted
and make separate amendments (like amendments to the Constitution). Target
completion by end of year.
• The committee is studying potential changes/amendments to the Restrictive
Covenants to clarify requirements for pergolas, decks, fences, etc. (any changes
will need approved by Homeowners)

Condo Association Pond Maintenance Cost Sharing

• According to Mark Bauer’s analysis, the Home Owners Association and Condo
Association reached a point where each has spent an equal amount of money on
the ponds in January 2008. Since that time, the Home Owners have paid an
additional $4485 in 2008 and $2000 in 2009.
• Bev Cook will contact Steve Davis of the Condo Association to see if they will
begin to pay the $800/year plus a yearly cost of living increase that was
tentatively agreed to.

Block Party
• The annual Block Party was a big success and was attended by 33 plus people.
Corn hole, horse shoes, face painting (for the kids only) and other activities took
place. Plenty of good food & fun was had by all!
• Thanks to Rob Roser for providing free Pepsi Products.
• Thanks to all the committee members who worked so hard to make the party
successful. Also, thank you to all those who contributed door prizes.
• If anyone has suggestions on how to make the party even better next year, please
contact one of the committee members with your suggestions.

New Business
• Bev asked Board Members and Homeowners to develop goals/ideas for
improving our neighborhood to make it standout. These will be discussed at
future meetings.
o One idea is to form a neighborhood watch group.
• Carolyn Schneider expressed interest in acting as Association Historian after
retirement next year.

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