Training Informations

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Information to be provided for Industrial Training


General Information:
Name and location of the mine

Name and address of owner and manager

Surface area, total estimated reserve, life of mine

Average monthly output

Details of administration and organization

2. Geology of the area

Regional geology, stratigraphic succession

Structural features

Mineralogy of the deposits

Nature of mineral deposit

Genesis of mineral deposit

Geological maps and geological sections

3. Details about the Mine

Number of seams present

Number of seams being worked

Depth, thickness and inclination of the seam & direction of the dip

Grade and nature of coal and its analysis

Nature of roof an floor and section of seam adjoining starata

Any other special feature, e.g. seam is gassy, liable to spontaneous heating, sense of
fire etc.

Output per man shift, overall out put, average employment

4. Underground/opencast method

Details of mining system

Size of pillar, blocks, size of panel

Nature of opening, shaft, Incline etc. length, gradient

Support system, details of support system, withdrawal of supports

Face machinery

Haulage system

Transportation system

5. Machinery: All types, their specifications


Type and make

Specification of motors and engines

Dia and length of drill rod

Feed mechanism and details thereof

Type of bit

Energy source

Drilling rate etc


Type of pump, head, quantity, inrush of water per minutes from different districts
and the amount of water raised from the mine

Motor specification

Position of the pump house

Pumping capacity


Type and make

Reason of its choice

Overall dimensions

Specification of motors

Average speed

Power consumption

Details of operating crew

Details about loading and unloading arrangements

Safety devices

Maintenance schedule


Type, Specification of haulage engine or motor, starter


Dimensions and details of haulage drum

Type of break, clutch and speed controller

Type and dia of the rope

Size of tubs, capacity of tubs, coupling arrangement

Layout and crossing of branches

General layout of haulages - main and subsidiary with respective outputs


6. Explosives and blasting practices

Pattern of holes, length and dia of holes

Type of explosives, quantity per hole

Material used for stemming and its amount required

Method of blasting and its order

Amount of coal obtained per shot, powder factor, blasting efficiency

Magazine and its details

Exploder used with details

7. Details of Ventilation

Forcing or exhaust fan, type of fan, capacity

Quantity of air and water gauge

Regulators/auxiliary ventilation

Ventilation Layouts

8. Dust: Measurement, Control, Stone dust barriers etc.

9. Lighting arrangement: General, Face, Cap lamp, Lamp room, Examination of lamps
10. Winding Drum

Type of drum its diameter and width of flanges

Width of brake drum

Type of rope, guides

Speed and depth indicator

Type and details of head gear


11. Pollution Control measures

Sources of air, water, soil and noise pollution

Sampling and analysis of different pollutants

Pollution control measures

12. Safety


Different safety works done

Study of accidents

Accident prevention plans

Accident statistics

13. Miscellaneous




Precautions against fires, Fire fighting

Emergency plan etc.

Sampling, Quality control

Mine Closure Planning

The above is the minimum you have to collect and submit in your report on return. You should
try to collect as much information as possible along with maps, plans and sections etc.


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