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March 9, 2015


HPG targets 2015 profits after tax of VND2,300 billion (USD108 million)
According to the Board of Directors (BOD)s Resolution dated March 6, 2015, Hoa Phat Group (HPG) set 2015 targets
of VND22.5 trillion (USD1.1 billion) for revenues (down 13 percent compared with 2014 results) and VND2,300
billion (USD108 million) for profits after tax (down 29 percent). However, HPGs actual profits have surpassed the
management targets for each of the past three years.
HPG's business results
vs. management targets


% y-o-y


% target unaudited

% y-o-y


% target


% y-o-y

Total revenues











Profit after tax











% of revenues


Dividend (% on par)

15% in cash, 15% in stock


10% in cash, 20% in stock



The BOD is to propose plans for 2014 dividends of 30 percent on par (including 10 percent in cash, which would
equate to a 2.1 percent cash dividend yield on the current market price), and a bonus share issuance of 30 percent
under which each shareholder who owns ten shares will receive three new shares. According to these plans, HPGs
total shares will increase by 50 percent, leading a 33 percent dilution in EPS in 2015. The record date is expected to
be in Q2/2015. 2015 dividends are then expected to be 20 percent on par.
These plans will be submitted to the annual general meeting of shareholders on March 31 for approval. We will
update more details in our upcoming report.
Todays stock price increased by 3.0 percent to close at VND48,600 per share, trading at a LTM P/E of 7.6x and P/B of

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