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ID : F-6-Algebra [1]

Grade 6
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Answer the questions


If there are 48 guavas in a bucket, and there are x number of buckets. How will you write total
number of guavas.


The side of an equilateral triangle is shown by x. Write the perimeter of the equilateral triangle
using x.


Robert bought a total of 21 hens and ducks. He got a discount of $ 0.30 for each hen and a
discount of $ 1.20 for each duck. He saved $ 16.20 in total. How many ducks did he buy?


The side of a regular polygon shown is l. Write the perimeter of this regular polygon using l.

Choose correct answer(s) from given choice


Find the sum of following polynomials





4q3 + 7pq2 - 18pq - 3q + 16 and -2p3 - 2q3 + 8pq2 + 14pq - 5p

a. -2p3 + 2q3 + 15pq2 - 4pq + 5p - 3q + 16

b. -2p3 + 2q3 + 15pq2 - 4pq - 5p - 3q + 16

c. 2p3 + 2q3 + 15pq2 - 4pq - 5p - 3q + 16

d. -2p3 + 2q3 - 15pq2 - 4pq - 5p - 3q + 16

10x3 + 2y3 + 14x2y - 3xy2 - 9xy + 7x - 6y + 10 and 2x3 - 4y3 - 8x2y + 5xy + 2x + 4y
a. 12x3 - 2y3 + 6x2y - 3xy2 - 4xy + 9x - 2y +

b. 12x3 - 2y3 + 6x2y - 3xy2 + 4xy + 9x - 2y +



c. 12x3 - 2y3 + 6x2y - 3xy2 - 4xy - 9x - 2y +

d. 12x3 + 2y3 + 6x2y - 3xy2 - 4xy + 9x - 2y +



if p =3 and q=4, find the value of -5q3 - pq2 - 10q2 + pq - 2q + 8

a. -512

b. -517

c. -507

d. -516

A man donated 14% of his salary to charity and spent 6% of the remaining. He still has $ 14147
left. What was his total salary?
a. $ 17220

b. $ 17500

c. $ 16900

d. none of these

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ID : F-6-Algebra [2]



The number of days left in the month of April are half of the number of days already passed. How
many days are left in the month ?
a. 14 days

b. 10 days

c. 8 days

d. 12 days

if P=6p2 - 7p + 4, Q= -4p2 - 5p - 7 and R=7p2 + 9p + 8, find (P-Q+R)

a. 17p2 + 7p - 19

b. 17p2 + 7p + 19

c. 17p2 - 7p + 19

d. -17p2 + 7p + 19

(10) Find the sum of the following polynomials



-a2 + a - 3 and 4a2 + 9a - 2

a. 3a2 + 10a - 5

b. -3a2 + 10a - 5

c. 3a2 + 10a + 5

d. 3a2 - 10a - 5

-3x2 - 2x + 7 and -4x2 - 4x - 7

a. -7x2 - 6x

b. 7x2 - 6x

c. 7x2 + 6x

d. -7x2 + 6x

(11) Simplify

x2 + 5y2 + 3xy + 6x - 7y + 8 - [ 12x2 - { 14x2 - 9y2 + 4xy + 3x + 9 } ]

a. 3x2 - 4y2 + 7xy - 9x - 7y + 17
b. 3x2 - 4y2 - 7xy + 9x - 7y + 17
c. 3x2 - 4y2 + 7xy + 9x - 7y + 17
d. 3x2 - 4y2 + 7xy + 9x - 7y - 17


-16y2 + xy + 8x - 7y + 4 - [ 18y2 - 5x - { 5x2 - 6y2 + 3y + 6 } ]

a. 5x2 - 40y2 - xy + 13x - 4y + 10
b. 5x2 - 40y2 + xy + 13x - 4y - 10
c. 5x2 - 40y2 + xy + 13x - 4y + 10
d. 5x2 + 40y2 + xy + 13x - 4y + 10

(12) If a number is multiplied by 10, it increases by 135. Find the number.

a. 17

b. 13

c. 15

d. 14

Fill in the blanks


Linda earns $ x daily and spends $ y per week. Her savings for 8 weeks is

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ID : F-6-Algebra [3]

(14) A number if multiplied by 5 and 16 is added to the product. If result is 126, original number was

Check True/False
(15) In an equation we can drop a term from one side and put it on other side with opposite sign.

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ID : F-6-Algebra [4]


Step 1
In order to find the total number of guavas, we should multiply the total number of guavas in
one bucket to the total number of buckets.
Step 2
Thus, total number of guavas = 48 x
= 48x.


Step 1
The value of perimeter of a shape (polygon) is equal to the sum of lengths of all its sides.
Step 2
A triangle has 3 sides and in the case of an equilateral triangle, all sides are of equal length.
Step 3
Therefore, the perimeter is equal to three times the length of the side
= 3x

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ID : F-6-Algebra [5]


Step 1
Let us assume that Robert bought x number of hens.
Since Robert bought a total of 21 hens and ducks.
Therefore Robert bought number of ducks = 21 - x
Step 2
Since he got a discount of $ 0.30 for each hen.
Therefore he saves $ in x hens = 0.30x
Step 3
Since he got a discount of $ 1.20 for each duck.
Therefore he saves $ in (21 - x) ducks = 1.20(21 - x)
Step 4
Since he saved $ 16.20 in total.
Therefore 0.30x + 1.20(21 - x) = 16.20
0.30x + 25.2 - 1.20x = 16.20
0.30x - 1.20x = 16.20 - 25.2
(0.30 - 1.20)x = -9
-0.9x = -9


x = 10
Step 5
Therefore number of ducks he buys = 21 - x
= 21 - 10 = 11

Step 1
The perimeter of a polygon is equal to the sum of the lengths of all its sides.
Step 2
We know that a regular polygon is a polygon whose all sides are of equal length.
Step 3
Looking at the picture, we find that the given regular polygon has 5 sides.
Step 4
Since all 5 sides have equal length, perimeter = number of sides length of each side.
=5 l
= 5l

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ID : F-6-Algebra [6]



b. -2p3 + 2q3 + 15pq2 - 4pq - 5p - 3q + 16

Step 1
To add polynomial 4q3 + 7pq2 - 18pq - 3q + 16 and -2p3 - 2q3 + 8pq2 + 14pq - 5p, first
place like terms in same columns and add as usual.
Like this:
4q3 + 7pq2 - 18pq - 3q + 16
-2p3 - 2q3 + 8pq2 + 14pq - 5p
-2p3 + 2q3 + 15pq2 - 4pq - 5p - 3q + 16

Using columns helps us to match the like terms together in a complicated sum
Step 2
Therefore the sum of polynomial 4q3 + 7pq2 - 18pq - 3q + 16 and -2p3 - 2q3 + 8pq2 +
14pq - 5p is -2p3 + 2q3 + 15pq2 - 4pq - 5p - 3q + 16

a. 12x3 - 2y3 + 6x2y - 3xy2 - 4xy + 9x - 2y + 10

Step 1
To add polynomial 10x3 + 2y3 + 14x2y - 3xy2 - 9xy + 7x - 6y + 10 and 2x3 - 4y3 - 8x2y +
5xy + 2x + 4y, first place like terms in same columns and add as usual.
Like this:
10x3 + 2y3 + 14x2y - 3xy2 - 9xy + 7x - 6y + 10
2x3 - 4y3 - 8x2y + 5xy + 2x + 4y
12x3 - 2y3 + 6x2y - 3xy2 - 4xy + 9x - 2y + 10

Using columns helps us to match the like terms together in a complicated sum
Step 2
Therefore the sum of polynomial 10x3 + 2y3 + 14x2y - 3xy2 - 9xy + 7x - 6y + 10 and 2x3
- 4y3 - 8x2y + 5xy + 2x + 4y is 12x3 - 2y3 + 6x2y - 3xy2 - 4xy + 9x - 2y + 10


d. -516

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ID : F-6-Algebra [7]


b. $ 17500
Step 1
Lets assume the total salary of a man was x.
14% of his salary = x



Step 2
Since he donated 14% of his salary to charity,

remaining salary of a man = x -

100x - 14x

Now 6% of






Step 3
If you look at the question carefully, you will notice that the total salary of a man was equal to
the sum of 14% of his salary, 6% of the remaining salary and 14147,






+ 14147


100 14x + 516x + 10000 14147

1400x + 516x + 141470000
1916x + 141470000

By cross multiplying both sides

10000x = 1916x + 141470000
10000x - 1916x = 141470000
8084x = 141470000


x = 17500
Step 4
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ID : F-6-Algebra [8]

Therefore his total salary was $ 17500.

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ID : F-6-Algebra [9]


b. 17p2 + 7p + 19
Step 1
Subtract Q from P
Step 2
To subtract Q from P, subtract the polynomial -4p2 - 5p - 7 from 6p2 - 7p + 4.
Step 3
To subtract the polynomial -4p2 - 5p - 7 from 6p2 - 7p + 4, first reverse the sign of each term
of the polynomial -4p2 - 5p - 7 like as 4p2 + 5p + 7 (turn '+' into '-', and '-' into '+'), then add as
Like this:
6p2 - 7p + 4
4p2 + 5p + 7
10p2 - 2p + 11
Step 4
Add P-Q and R
Step 5
To add P-Q and R, add the polynomial 10p2 - 2p + 11 and 7p2 + 9p + 8.
Step 6
To add polynomial 10p2 - 2p + 11 and 7p2 + 9p + 8, first place like terms in same columns and
add as usual.
Like this:
10p2 - 2p + 11
7p2 + 9p + 8
17p2 + 7p + 19

Using columns helps us to match the like terms together in a complicated sum
Step 7
Therefore P-Q+R = 17p2 + 7p + 19

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ID : F-6-Algebra [10]

(10) A)

a. 3a2 + 10a - 5
Step 1
To add the polynomials -a2 + a - 3 and 4a2 + 9a - 2, let us first place the like terms in
same columns and add as usual:
-a2 + a - 3
4a2 + 9a - 2
3a2 + 10a - 5

Using columns helps us match the like terms while adding two polynomials.
Step 2
Therefore, the sum of the given polynomials is 3a2 + 10a - 5.

a. -7x2 - 6x
Step 1
To add the polynomials -3x2 - 2x + 7 and -4x2 - 4x - 7, let us first place the like terms in
same columns and add as usual:
-3x2 - 2x + 7
-4x2 - 4x - 7
-7x2 - 6x

Using columns helps us match the like terms while adding two polynomials.
Step 2
Therefore, the sum of the given polynomials is -7x2 - 6x.

(11) A)

c. 3x2 - 4y2 + 7xy + 9x - 7y + 17

c. 5x2 - 40y2 + xy + 13x - 4y + 10

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ID : F-6-Algebra [11]

(12) c. 15
Step 1
Let us assume that be the given number.
Step 2
If you look at the question carefully, you will notice that if is multiplied by 10, it increases by
Therefore 10 = + 135
10 - = 135
9 = 135

= 15
Step 3
Therefore the number is 15.


Step 1
Number of days in 1 week = 7 days
Therefore the number of days in 8 weeks = 8 7 = 56 days
Step 2
Number of $ earned by Linda in 1 day = $ x
or the number of $ earned by Linda in 8 weeks or 56 days = $ 56x
Step 3
Number of $ spent by Linda in 1 week = $ y
or the number of $ spent by Linda in 8 weeks = $ 8y
Step 4
Therefore her saving for 8 weeks = number of $ earned by Linda in 8 weeks - number of $
spent by Linda in 8 weeks
= 56x - 8y

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ID : F-6-Algebra [12]


Step 1
Lets x be the original number.
Step 2
If you look at the question carefully, you will notice that if x is multiplied by 5 and 16 is added
to this product, then result is equal to 126.
or we can say that 5x + 16 = 126
5x = 126 - 16
5x = 110


x = 22
Step 3
Therefore the original number is 22.
(15) True
Step 1
If in an equation we drop a term from one side and put it on other side, then it's sign is
Step 2
Therefore the the statement "In an equation we can drop a term from one side and put it on
other side with opposite sign." is True.

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