Part 02 World Realization

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Complete Truth Part II WORLD

[Knowledge of Human Tree or Cycle of
Note:- World is more than an ocean. So
explaining it is not easy. It is explained to the
capacity of the author. Some points are
attached with * mark. They are for future
improvement. Readers can ignore those. The
list of different topics are mentioned below.


















weakness= loss of self respect = bondage

= suicide and violence, illegal and highest

EVERYTHING AS GOD:152)ANY ACTION (without spiritual








should we think good of someone even if
he does bad]?


ho, toh jo chaaho kar saktey ho):243)NO ROOM TO EGO:244)Significance of Viraat Roop:245)SYMPATHY- IS NOT A VALUE:----------- -------1. Meaning of Creation and Creator:
Many believe- Universe is created from empty.
According to them, there was nothing at
BEGINNING. But nothing can be created from
empty. One can only bring change. Even the
law of conservation of energy states energy
can be neither created nor destroyed. It can
only be changed or converted from one form to
another. (Like electrical energy into light
energy, mechanical energy, heat energy, etc).
So- Creation means, something in which
CHANGE occurs. The person(or power) that
brings change in the creation is called as
CREATOR. Eg: An artist creates an art. He
does not create (produce) the art from nothing.
He needs pen, pencil, paper, etc as raw
materials. Through his skill, he changes the

raw materials into a fine art(picture). We call

the artist as CREATOR of the ART and the
art as the CREATION of the artist. But the
artist did not create the art from nothing(zero).
He did not do any magic. He just CHANGED
the raw materials.
So one who brings change is Creator
and one who/that undergoes change is
the Creation. The change can be positive or
negative. But negative change is of no use.
Positive change is useful. Hence the name
creator is usually given to one who brings
positive change (increases value).
In the above example, the artist
INCREASED the value of raw materials. He
made the raw materials to be of more useful.
So, in true sense, there is no creator who
can produce a new thing all by himself.
The creator just converts or transforms
the existing state of an object or a
Let us discuss this matter logically and
spiritually. A scientific theory says- At
minus infinity, the whole universe was
filled with something called ETHER
MEDIA. At some point of time about some
millions of years before from today, it got
compressed and became a red-hot ball.
Then it exploded into smaller particles

and some of them are the sun, earth,

moon and planets around us.
Another theory says- Initially the
whole mass in the universe was
concentrated in a very small volume
called as solid mass or point mass. About
some 100 to 200 million years before
today it got exploded into many pieces
and the expansion took place.
But according to Newton's second law
of motion, unless otherwise an external
force acts on a body, the state of a body
cannot change. So, since there had been
no force at minus infinity, from where the
external force came that compressed the
so-called ether media and caused
explosion of the solid mass? Hence the
above theory is wrong.
Scientists are still confused with their own
theory. After lots of efforts, they just guessed
about the past. There is still confusion in
scientists whether the TIME is cyclic or linear.
Einstien remarked time as cyclic. But nobody
could describe the time cycle properly.
Scientists are bothered about the future of
mankind. They do not know the process of
restoration of the entropy. All are in a state of
fear and confusion. That is why scientists fly to
moon and try to find whether life can be
possible in Mars, etc.

Let us think this matter spiritually. Most

of the religions say- God only had been
present in the beginning. He created the
Universe and all the creatures. Some sayGod first created (gave a form to) Himself
(swayambhu = the one who can create
himself) and then created the other souls and
physical nature. From the physical nature,
bodies for these souls were created. God then
put these souls in those bodies. This put the
souls in cycle of birth and deaths.
Some say- God created human beings to
test them. Some say God got bored and
wanted to play his Maya. Some say initially
God created just Adam(First male). Then he
found Adam getting bored. (Gods creation
getting bored!). So he created Eve (first
female) for company of Adam. Some say a soul
first takes birth in 84 lakhs of animal species
and then gets human birth. There are many
different theories.
Now just think: Why did God create? For
whom did he create? God is one who has no
desire. How can God (Ocean of Bliss) get
God is KNOWLEDGEFUL. He knows all the
three aspects of time- past, present and future.
Then what is the need of testing people? Not
only that- fully being aware of(since God is
knowledgeful)- In future my creation

(human beings) would get split(divided)

into many religions and would quarrel
among themselves. My children(the
creation) would suffer a lot by
innumerable diseases from birth till
death, etc. why did the so-called MERCIFUL,
BLISSFUL God create man? Nobody has answer
to these. (if anyone has they can send to us).
Why did God made some as rich, poor,
handicapped, etc?
No father produces children to test them. A
good father creates children to give his
property. He loves and nourishes his children. If
God creates us, why the first experience is
pain? (during delivery, a baby cries) Why pain
is given for no mistake? Sometimes, there is
death of the baby in the mothers womb itself.
For what reason does this happen?
Any person before production, checks
whether his product is useful or not. Then only
he releases it to the market. At any instant, if
the product is found to be defective, he will
stop the production. But today disease,
sufferings, terrorisms are increasing at an
alarming rate. Still the population is increasing
at a high rate. For whom God is creating? Has
God still not got answer to his tests!? Why is
God creating more handicapped (defective
product) HUMAN BEINGS compared to
animals?! Are physically handicapped babies,

diseased children Gods creation? In that case,

can God be called as a good creator? Can He
be called as Liberator and Mericful? No
manufacturer releases his product into the
market before testing. But God releases
defective product (handicapped children!) into
the market and then tests it!. Hence it is
clear that either science or religious
scriptures do not know about the
Which is the first among egg and hen?
Without one, the other cannot be produced.
Today both hen and egg are present. Hence
yesterday also they should have been present.
Similarly, they will be present even tomorrow.
So Physical nature, body, materials have
no true beginning and ends. That is,
nobody created them. They are eternal.
Only thing is- CHANGE occurs in them.
So creation (anything) in the world has NO
TRUE beginning or ends. But CHANGE occurs
in these. During the change, the value of the
thing changes. Everything changes from its
best state to worst state and this period is
called as its life span.
So the universe as a whole has no
beginning or ends. It always exists. Now- the
life span of every object in the universe is
limited. If the life span of any object is
unlimited, then there cannot be any

significant (observable) change in it

during any limited time duration. There
cannot be any ripple even in our mind and
intellects. In any limited period, ENTROPY
(disorderness) cannot change at all.
Today all the elements of nature are
polluted. Ozone layer has become weak.
Entropy is continuously increasing. All the
resources are getting exhausted. Significant or
huge changes have occurred in limited time.
So, quality of the nature has been decreasing
with considerable speed. Even Sun loses its
energy continuously.
Therefore, in limited time duration
everything in this world comes from its
best state to its worst state. So even
though nature has no true beginning and ends,
the natures state transfers from its best to
worst state in limited time. So at EACH
TIME the quality of nature had come to its
worst state, it should have/had been brought
back to its original(best) {or at least a better}
[More explanation:- Nature or universes
life is unlimited as it is eternal(has no true
beginning and ends). But there is continuous
process(change). At any point of time, this
process cannot stop. If there is COMPLETE
stop(no change) even for a moment, no
change can happen in future (no process can

continue). Because complete stop means total

dead! Then there is no force to bring change.
As per Newtons second law, the body(nature)
will continue in the same(dead) state.
So- quantitatively, there is no beginning
or end. But qualitatively, there are beginning
and ends. So, we can call the best state as
the BEGINNING and worst state as the
This restoration process should have been
occurred unlimited number of times and
hence will also continue in future also without
ending. (Otherwise, we would not have existed
today like this). Since this is a repeatation
process, we can call this period of time as
true beginning, middle or ends to time. But
there is beginning, middle and ends to a
complete change (Time cycle).
It is like this:- During rainy season, clouds
become water. The water then gets evaporated
due to sunlight and becomes cloud. In the next
rainy season, the clouds again become rain.
This process repeats indefinitely. There is no
age (life span) for water molecules. But there is
life span for one complete change (Water
Cycle). It is one year. Nobody created water
molecules. But rain and clouds are
created. Even they are not created from
zero (nothing). That is, there is NO TRUE

CREATION. It is just
creation of cloud, water is needed. To produce
water(rain) cloud is needed. There is life span
for cloud, gaseous/vapour and liquid forms of
water molecules. But there is no life span for
the matter contained in water molecules. All
are different states of water molecules. [Energy
of Sun is the cause (prime mover) for this
Water Cycle].
Similarly, the life span of creation(srushti,
time) is unlimited. But the life span of Cycle of
Creation (srushti_chakra) is limited.
{chakra= cycle}. {Cycle of Creation=
Cycle of Nature= Cycle of Time= Time cycle=
TC}- all mean same.
Now let us think how the entropy can be
restored. The state of physical nature changes
continuously. Even the souls (human beings
and animals) enjoy nature or get influenced by
nature and hence change occurs even in them
(their resolves, habits, character, purity level,
etc). This is already explained in part 01- self
Realization. So, there is influence of
souls(human being) on nature(five physical
elements) as well nature on the souls. Since
change occurs in these, these cannot restore
entropy. That is, since these are influenced by
something, they cannot influence everything

(cannot bring complete positive change in

Hence there should be another power that
is not influenced either by human beings or by
the physical nature. In other words, the real
CREATOR should not be influenced by the
CREATION. In the above example, water is
affected by Sun. But Sun is not influenced by
water. Most of the processes in earth are
influenced by Sun. Hence we can also say thatSun as the creator (responsible to bring change
in earth) and water, earth and other elements
as creation.
Two things to be noted here are: 1)Creation
cannot sustain without creator. That is water
cycle cannot continue by itself. It needs power
from external source (Sun). 2)The external
source (creator= Sun) cannot(should not) be
ifluenced by the creation(water). So, the
creator is the donor and the creation is the
acceptor. In otherwords, creator is one
WHO GIVES PROPERTY to the creation.
But there is small change even in Sun.
Energy of Sun also decreases continuously all
the time. Even Sun cannot restore quality of
earth. That is, Sun cannot cure pollution
completely. Sun cannot bring back the fertility
of soil completely. Hence Sun is not the real

Today, all the elements of nature are

polluted. Reason for this is mans negative
actions or behavior. That is mans character
has degraded. Sun cannot change mans
character. Sun cannot educate man. It implies
that Sun is not the real/final creator. There is
someone who is above it.
So it is clear that the power that restores
entropy fully should never get influenced by
anything. It should also be able to influence
everything! Mans negative actions due to
greed, ego, etc have degraded the universe.
Hence the power that restores entropy should
Mans negative actions have increased
entropy. So to restore the universe (entropy),
mans character has to be restored first.
Because actions of those whose character is
degraded increases entropy to the maximum
extent. They are the most burden to society.
It is very clear that restoring mans
behavior is also part of restoring entropy. If
mans character is not restored, rate of rise in
entropy in the next and subsequent TCs will go
on increasing and in shorter period the world
will degrade from its best to worst stage. And
finally, we will reach a state that man is not fit
for the nature andTC cannot continue. In that

case, we would not have been like this today.

TC would have stopped long before itself.
Now, to change human behavior, education
should be given to human beings. Hence the
power that restores entropy should have
intelligence. SO, IT SHOULD BE ANOTHER
SOUL. That soul should be special, as it has to
improve the QUALITY/character of all the
human souls. Let us call that soul as Supreme
soul. That soul should be completely
pure(stable), everpure and not influenced
by anything. It should be capable of loving and
helping even the most impure soul (otherwise,
education cannot be effective and real).
The power that brings complete change
should not change at all. Everything in this
world either physical or subtle is changing.
Mans mind, body, and every material in this
world is influenced (subjected to change) by
many circumstances. So the one that
enjoys/uses (is dependent on) material things
cannot bring back(restore) nature to its best
state. So it is clear that no object, no human
soul (human being) can restore entropy by
its/his own power. This impies that the

{Existence of BODY and the actions

that occur through a body proves the
existence of Soul. This has been explained in
detail in part I (part 01- Journey from beginning
or Self Realization). Now the existence of
universe and processes that occur in it clearly
proves existence of another intelligent being,
[Everyone in the world believes in some
supreme power. Some people believe God as
father. Some say there is some supreme power
that controls the universe. Some call that
power as nature, etc].
Note that God cannot be physical power.
The reasons are- physical energy can be
converted into mass. Physical power is just
material. It has no intelligence. It cannot
educate. It is live-less.
Physical power cannot take decisions. It
cannot cure human mind. It cannot act by
itself. It will be governed by a fixed law (like
laws of gravitational forces, etc) or should be
operated by some intelligence (Like car is
driven by a driver, a computer by a
programmer). Hence the intellectual power is
the highest power in the universe. That is why
Man is ruling the whole world, is it not?
[Also note that Man has controlled the
nature to some extent as well as disturbed the

nature. (eg: artificial rain, Pollution, global

warming, and other natural calamities].
God is the one who has highest intelligence
(Knowledgeful). He knows past, present and
future. No name is more famous than God.
Even a small child or an illiterate person knows
(or believes) that the highest power in the
world is God. God is so Great! So the Supreme
Power1)should not take birth and deaths like we
human souls. That is, He should not get
affected by time.
2)should have complete knowledge of the time
cycle{like a doctor has complete knowledge of
the body, the builder has complete knowledge
of the building, or an artist having full
knowledge of the art}
3)should have the capacity to purify the souls
and nature.
1) means EVERPURE (Maintains originality
always, uninfluenced, constant, ultimate truth),
2) implies KNOWLEDGEFUL and 3) implies
POWERFUL or PURIFIER. Obviously, that
(influences and purifies all).


restoring entropy should take place at the end
of every TC(time cycle), i.e. at the worst stage
of the world. Gods duty is to restore entropy.
Let us call the best state of the world(TC) as
pure/new world and the worst state as
impure/old world. For example if the life span
of a house is 100 yrs, during the initial 50 yrs
the house is said to be new house and in the
latter 50 yrs, it is said to be old.
But for better and easy explanation, we divide
the life period into four. The first 25 yrs we call
the house as HIGHLY NEW, next 25 yrs as
ORDINARY NEW, the next 25 years as
ORDINARY OLD and the last 25 years as
HIGHLY OLD. [Even life of man is divided in
similar way as- childhood, youth, adult, old
age, etc].

So we will divide the TC into four equal

parts- Golden(completely new), Silver (ordinary
new), Copper (ordinary old) and Iron
(completely old) Ages. In other words, Golden
and Silver ages together can be called as
PURE/NEW WORLD and Copper and Iron ages
together can be called as IMPURE/OLD
WORLD. Gods role/part in the world at the
end of Iron age and his duty is to transform
Iron age into Golden age. SO IT IS CLEAR
END OF IRON AGE. Because if he incarnates
in every age, we cannot degrade much at all. It
should be always just Golden age. [See fig. 01
So we should know our journey from
pure/best state to impure/worst state. Some
may ask why should we bother about all these?
It is necessary for a person to know different
stages of life like infant, childhood, youth, old
age, etc., is it not? One who does not know
these, it is as good as not knowing the human
life itself. He will be considered as a fool and
will not succeed much. Similarly it is necessary
to know the TC fully. Let us begin from the data
we have. ------xxxxx--------------02.FINDING/GUESSING MISSING THINGS:-

Today there are different religions and

cultures. All religions except Hinduism know
who has established their religion. For example
it is known Christ came around 2000 yrs before
and knowledge given by him created
Christianity. Buddha came around 2250 years
before and due to him Buddhism got created.
But nobody knows the creator of Hinduism.
What could be the reason? It is also known that
except Hinduism, all the other religions have
been created by human beings (Ibrahim,
Buddha, Christ, etc). Also, it is very well known
that when the other religion got created, there
had been something which had existing even
before it. So- Hinduism is the oldest.

Also it is well known that ancient culture of

India/Bharat was great. It is also known that
Hindu is not the real name of religion of people
of India. Persians called Indians as hindus.
[Persians tried to call the people who lived
along Sindhu river as Sindhus. But thy could
not pronounce it properly. So they uttered it
like Hindus. From the word Hindus, Indus
Valley name came and finally Indians and
India. Even the language Hindi came from
Hindu]. So the word Hindu is not ancient, but
Hindus are ancient. That is- hindus were not
aware of their religion when Persians visited
India. So it implies that at one period of time,
there was just one religion in the world or India
which is the most ancient.
Now- Golden Age had been created by God
due to his incarnation in the end of the
previous TC and had established religion in the
world. So- there could be only one religion in
Golden Age. Because more than one religion
indicates irreligiousness. They will fight with
each other. A lady needs just one husband.
More than one husband implies that both the
husbands are weak in satisfying her needs.
Similarly more than one religion indicates
weak/impure society/world.

So it is clear that when the world was pure

there had been just one religion. Now, why do
not we have its history? The reason could be
that religion was so powerful (content) that all
were happy and carefree. They were least
bothered about even their identity and fully
egoless. Just think- MEDICINE IS KEPT IF
SCRIPTURE. So it implies that ancestors of
Hindus belonged to that ancient culture of India
and was the best. Since it was best, nothing
was written about it and hence we do not have
its history. So it is necessary to know about the
best if we wish to become best.
bodyless. He does not have body of his own.
He does not take birth through mothers womb.
Because he has no parents. He is unlimited
father for all. But he needs a body/mouth to
speak to give spiritual knowledge to educate
human beings. That is- God will have to enter a
persons body and begin his role of creation of
new world (= transformation of old world).


AS DIVINE BIRTH OF GOD. Entering into a
mothers womb cannot be called as
incarnation. It is ordinary. God will not take
sustenance from human beings like we receive
from our parents. He enters body of an
adult/aged person and gives knowledge. After
giving the knowledge he will leave that body.
He will use that body only to the extent
of this subject or any human being cannot
explain TC all by himself since all are caught by
birth and deaths. All have limited memory and
life spans. Obviously God alone can describe
the TC. So- the author can just arrive to the
conclusion that ancient culture of India was the
best and God is the creator of it. His search
stops there. So from here onwards the author
fails to describe the TC by himself. The author
received the knowledge of TC from an
institution/organization called Prajapita
Brahmakumaris Ishwariya Vishwa
Vidyalaya(PBKIVV) which is also known as
Brahmakumaris World Spiritual
University(BKWSU). BKWSU claims that God
incarnated in a persons body named Dada
Lekhraj and established BKWSU. More details of
the organization is given later*. The author
after studying and practising the knowledge

given by BKWSU got full faith in it is now

writing and explaining the spiritual knowledge
which also includes his churnings.
3.COMPLETE GEOGRAPHY:The infinite space is divided into two partsInner space and Outer Space. The inner
space consists of four elements namely
earth(soil), water, air and heat. The inner
space itself is considered as the fifth element.
It is called as aakaasha (means just space=
empty space). i.e. the first four elements are
situated in the fifth element. Since the inner
space (aakaasha) contains physical elements,
it is called as Corporeal World(CW) or
Physical World(PW) or the World of Five
Elements of Nature. The outer space that is
the region outside the Physical World and is
called as the Incorporeal World(IW).
Hence PW consists of five elements and
these are called as five elements (tatwas) of
nature. {tatwa =element}. Boundary of PW is
the same as that of Aakasha tatwa. Hence
sometimes, the words PW and aakaasha tatwa
are used synominously. A process called
CHANGE continuously occurs in the PW due to
the nature of its elements. This is the world
where we presently live and do action through
our body. There are thoughts, speech and
actions in PW.

The space beyond the boundary of the PW is

the IW. IW does not contain the elements that
exist in PW. No change occurs in IW. (Fig. 2*).
There are two things, soul and body. Soul is
eternal. It can neither be created nor
destroyed. Its form cannot be changed. It
remains as it is. Its quality (power, purity,
resolves) changes. It cannot be cut into pieces.
It has independent existence. Body is
perishable. Its form changes. It can be
completely destroyed (changed in form to such
an extent that it can be turned into totally
different thing. Physical body is made of the
five elements of the PW. Physical body exists in
PW only.
Soul uses the body. i.e, a soul does actions
through its body. Soul acts through the body.
Any action is possible in PW only. The reason isbody cannot exist in IW. Hence no action is
possible in IW. Hence no change occurs in
IW. IW is the home (resting place) of all the
souls and God(The Supreme Soul). Every soul is
free from everything in IW. This state is called
as LIBERATION (Mukti). Since it is also the
place of God (Supreme Soul), IW is also known
as the Supreme Abode. Since there is no
CHANGE, complete/real peace exists there. It is
also called as the original place of every soul.
Every soul will be pure(free from bodyconscious and vices) when it is in IW. Since it is

the real place of soul and there is complete

silence, the IW is also called as Sweet
Silence Home of all Souls.
Since it is the place of The Almighty, the
place is also called as Supreme Abode or
Param_dham (Param = Supreme, Dham =
Place, pronounced as dhaam). As there is
complete peace, it is also called as
Shanti_Dham (Silence World). {Shanti =
Peace, pronounced as Shaanti}.
The Corporeal World(PW= CW) is situated
in the limited space called AKASH TATW.
Rest of the space(outer space) is called as
BRAHM TATW, 6th element,
Maha_Tatw(Mahaa =Great), etc. Hence, the
IW is also called as Brahm_Lok, Brahm_Tatw.
[Lok =World]
Form of a soul never changes. It always
remains as a point. But it can do actions only
when it takes(gets) a body. Hence a soul
has two states, one FREE FROM THE
BODY and the other BEING IN THE
BODY.They are like two states of a
ON DUTY. The former state is called the
The latter state is called as the
Note:- There is a region between PW and IW
called as SW (Subtle World) which is applicable

only during Confluence Age (explained later)

for subtle deities. The subtle deities do not
have physical bodies, but have only subtle
bodies, which are body of light/shadow. For the
time being, you may forget about SW.
------------------ ------------ -------------4.SWADHARMA (ORIGINAL NATURE) OF A
SOUL:The original state of a soul is PEACE. Peace
means no ripples or changes. PEACE =
STABILITY. In another word, peace means
ETERNAL. Soul is eternal. Hence its
original/real nature itself is peace. This is the
reason why all need peace. All need sleep
(100% peace). One may say, I do not need
money. I do not need happiness. But no one
(let him be a great saint) can say, I do not
need peace. I can live without peace. Because
peace is our original quality/nature.
------------------ -------- ---------------5.GODS INTRODUCTION (ATTRIBUTES=
-Incorporeal(Niraakaar)= One who is not
corporeal, has no dimensions. One whose
picture cannot be drawn perfectly. [Fig. 03*].
-Bodyless(Ashareeri) =One who does not
have body of his own. {shareera = body,
ashareera= a_shareera= that is not body,
ashareeri= one who has no body}
-Not physical(A_vyakt) {vyakt=physical}.

-Beyond Pleasure and Pain(A_Bhokta)

{bhoga= pleasure or pain, bhokta= one who
experiences bhoga, abhokta= opposite word of
-Above Birth and Deaths (A_janma and
-A_yonij= One who does not enter
womans womb and take birth through
her yoni.
-Ocean of Knowledge, Love, Bliss, Power,
Purity, Peace, Happiness, etc.
-Purifier, EverPure, Liberator, Preceptor,
Guide Auspicious, etc.
-Spiritual Father, Supreme Father,
Supreme Teacher and Supreme
Sad_Guru(One who gives highest status)
of all human Souls.
Similarities between a Soul and the
Supreme soul:- Like a soul, God is also a
point of divine light and might. i.e. form of any
soul or God are same. Both are eternal. That isno change in form takes place in these. Both
are incorporeal.
The main differences between any soul
and the Supreme Soul are: God is 1)Everpure,
2)Above birth and deaths (bodyless),
3)Knowledgeful, and 4)Purifier.
A note:- God should be accepted by all
religions. Hindus worship him as Shiv,
others as Allah, Jehova, God, Onkar, Sevi,

etc. In all these, God is not given form of

physical body.
------------- ------6.MEANING OF
Some say God has no form. They interpret
the word incorporeal (niraakaar) as
formless. But nir_aakaar means dimensionless
but not formless (aakaar= dimension, nir=
negative). ?
For example- a box has all the three
dimensions- length, breadth and
height(thickness). A thin plane has only two
dimensions, length and breadth. It does not
have thickness. A line has only one
dimension(length). It does not have breadth
and thickness. A point has no dimension.
Hence it is a dimensionless quantity. BUT IT
HAS FORM. That is the POINT. So- all the
objects have both dimensions and forms, but a
point has just form and no dimensions. SoNIRAAKAR means DIMENSIONLESS and
not FORMLESS. It implies that the soul or
Supreme Soul is very small.
All the souls and the Supreme Soul are
incorporeal (bodyless state) in IW. Hence IW is
given that name (Incorporeal World= World of
Incorporeal Souls).
Meaning of TRUTH:

The highest word TRUTH is related to God.

We say GOD IS TRUTH. Why truth is related
just to God? We see and feel many things.
Arent those things true?
Take example of a mango fruit. The fruit
really exists. Hence it is true. But it is true only
in one state of time(for present). In past, it was
something else. In future, it will not remain as
mango. i. e. the mango fruit is not true(stable)
all the times. Hence the word TRUTH is not
associated to mango or any element of nature.
There is change both in its FORM AND
Now consider a soul. It is indivisible and
has independent existence. Fire cannot burn or
knife cannot cut a soul. It is eternal and
immortal. Its FORM never changes. It always
remains point. It never gets mixed with
anything. Mango will rot. Body will perish. But a
soul always remains as a soul. Hence a soul is
true in all the three stages of time (past,
present and future). But the QUALITY of a
soul(resolves) changes. Hence there are the
names pure soul(punyaatma), impure
soul(paapaatma), great soul(mahaatma), etc.
Hence it is not true to the extent of 100%. But
compared to physical elements or objects, a
soul is nearer to the truth.
Since changes occur in body and it gets
destroyed (= undergoes into a change that it

loses its identity), it is called lie. Since soul is

eternal, it is often said- SOUL IS TRUE, BODY
Now, let us realize God. Absolutely no
change occurs in God. Both QUALITY and
FORMs of God remain undisturbed. Hence HE
is TRUE in all respects and all the time.
Hence it is said GOD IS TRUTH. So truth means
both eternal and unchanging (everconstant and
Eventhough people say God is truth, they
do not know the real meaning. They say all are
of Gods forms; God is everywhere; physical
nature (itself) is also God; Soul itself is the
Supreme Soul; Physical father, teacher,
husband are Gods!; snake, plants, trees are
Gods!. etc, etc. If everything is God, then why
should it be said just God is truth? One should
say- everything is truth, is it not?
--------- ----------7.Time Cycle or Real Drama Wheel[World
drama Cycle] or SrushtiChakra or KalaChakra
{Kala =Time, pronounced as kaala} {Chakra =
Study of Water consists of learning
1)Form(structure) of water molecule and
2)Changes that occur in it (ice, water vapor
and liquid states- i.e. water cycle).
Similarly Knowledge of Nature consists of
knowing PW and IW and changes that occur in

them. That is best and worst states of PW and

the process taking place in PW. No change
takes place in IW. In otherwords TC is nothing
but Complete History and Geography.
The Things Under Discussion Are:
1)Nature(physical elements), 2)Animal Souls;
3)Human Souls, 4)God. (IW is just empty space.
Souls just come and go from there. That is all).
Plants and trees are part of nature. There is
no intelligence(soul) in them. There is
intelligence(soul) in animals and human
beings. The intelligence level of animal souls is
very less. Hence the human souls and animal
souls fall into separate categories. [This is
dicussed in detail in Part I].
Animal souls and human souls take body.
The body is built by the natures elements. But
the cause (initiation) for the creation of the
body is the soul. Hence the name creator is
given to the man or parents. We do not say
nature is creator of a child even though
body is created and nourished by food.
We say father is the creator of the child.
[Of course, when we discuss just material, we
say that nature is creator of the body. But
when the accountability is questioned, man is
called as creator].
The main cause for everything is human
souls(beings). History means activities of Man.
So let us discuss about mans activities first.

Mans action (status) is more important than

animals. Even if one knows animals activities
but unaware of mans activities, it is waste. His
level is like animal. Mans activities are more
important than animals.
Similarly, Gods activities are much more
important than just mans activities. If one
does not know Gods auspicious act of purifying
the world, his level will be equal to an
ORDINARY HUMAN BEING. But if one knows
acts of God, his level raises to that of a DEITY.
Divinity enters in his life.
It is already said that the original place of
souls is IW(Incorporeal World). Every soul as
well as God descend from IW to PW at their
own appropriate time (will explained shortly).
Hence, the souls are called as actors. In a
Drama, actors come to the stage from their
home and act. The PW is the drama stage and
the IW is the home place of the actors(souls).
Hence the Complete History and Geography is
also called as World Drama(WD). As you
proceed, you will understand better why words
Drama and actor are used here.
The three processes that occur in Universe
are CREATION (construction or generation),
Take example of a house. Building a new house
is called CREATION. The person responsible for

this is called as CREATOR. As time passes, the

new house gradually becomes old. This is
called OPERATION [or sustenance or enjoyment
period or period of usage]. On the final day, the
old house collapses or is destroyed. This
process is called DESTRUCTION. Of the three
(creation, operation, destruction), CREATION is
the MOST important and challenging.
Always new(best) thing is created. The new
thing gradually becomes old(worst). The old
thing is/gets destroyed. As mentioned before,
the physical world(PW) changes from its best
state to worst state. Now let us see this
From here onwards, the words
beginning, middle and ends of world
mean beginning, middle and ends of
TC(time cycle) and not the beginning of time
or universe. Because Time or Universe(world)
have no true beginning. TC(a full change or
cycle) has beginning, middle and ends(different
stages). The word world will mean PW unless
otherwise specified. There is no body in IW.
Hence there is no action or speech in IW. Hence
generally the world means the Corporeal
World(PW). Let us begin now.
At some point of time, everything in this
world had been pure. i.e. all the souls, their
bodies and the physical nature were pure. We
call this time as BEGINNING (AadiKala)

[aadi=beginning, kaala=time]. At that time,

Nine lakh souls had been in the PW in the
corporeal state as human beings. It is the
Golden Aged period. The rest of the souls were
in IW. That is, nine lakh souls were playing their
role on the drama stage(PW) and the rest of
the souls were taking rest at their home.
No change takes place in IW or in the souls
resting in IW at any point of time. IW always
remains pure. The souls residing in IW also
remain pure and comfortable as there is no
body. These nine lakh souls were present in
Bharat (India). In rest of the countries or
continents there had been no population.
for all in the PW. There were no the vices- lust,
anger, greed, attachment, ego, etc. There was
no defect. During that time, there was One
religion, One kingdom, One language. There
was no pain to mother even during delivery of
a baby. Even the physical bodies of these 9
lakh people were emitting fragrance (good
smell). Some may feel difficult to understand or
believe this. The reason is, man has not seen
such a thing during the last many generations.
Todays man is caught by the five vices (lust,
anger, greed, attachment, ego) to such an
extent that he cannot believe life could be
possible without vices and there is no past
written history about this.

[Many village people may feel difficult to

believe when some special or new incidents
are narrated to them. It is beyond their
imagination. Strange things had occurred in
India during British rule. English people
manufactured train(steam engine) and put into
use for transportation. Many Indians considered
the train as a SMOKING DEMON!
Just few years or decades earlier, people in
villages were not believing when heard of
newly invented things. When new
information/news were given to them, their
initial remark had been negative or disinterest.
Now since TV, computer and mobile phones
have spread to every corner of the world, even
village people believe that science and
technology can do some miracles.
There was no much bribery some decades
before. But now almost everybody believes
that bribery in world cannot be eliminated.
Todays people believe bribery as normal
phenomena. Similarly, these vices were not
present in beginning. They have become
normal later.
Some decades back according to doctors
the minimum criteria to get heart attack were
1)age more than 40 years, 2)heredity,
3)obesity(fatness). But now, doctors say
anybody above 15 years can get heart attack!
See the difference!

Previously, diabetes was considered as a

big disease. Anybody having diabetes would
make big news in that area/village and in his
family. Nowadays, except AIDS, all diseases are
normal. Even AIDS is becoming normal!
There was no electricity some few decades
or centuries back. New generation may not be
able to imagine a world without electricity,
phone or computers.
There was Kingdom some decades back.
Today there is democracy. If there were no
written history or old monuments related to
past history, new generation will not believe
that Kingdom had really existed in the past!
There is no clear written history about a
Kingdom free from five vices. [Even though
some say Adam and Eve had pure life with no
vices, it is limited just to people who believe in
religion. Not only that every religion has
considerable blind faiths]. Almost every man is
addicted to these vices. Hence most people
believe vices are normal and had been the part
of life from the very beginning itself.
But do not get surprise! That is why this
book/package is with you! You are now reading
the real(complete) history. Proceed and you will
understand shortly why such history was not
A new car will not have any defect.
Similarly there cannot be any sort of vice, pain

or discomfort in the new(best) world. That is,

the best state of TC cannot have any
negativity. [Even in todays world, there had
been some cases like- a lady observing
excellent discipline and complete natural diet
had delivered a baby without a drop of blood. If
you take completely raw food, the sweat
coming out of the body, the stools you pass will
not emit bad smell. One can try this. The
amount of sweat also will be less and less
Now we will continue narrating the TC. It
may be difficult for the reader to believe this.
You need not believe this. Just take it as a
story. Possible explanations are given at right
The duration(life span) of the TC is
5000(Five thousand) years. It is divided into
four equal parts each of 1250 years. They are
Golden(completely new), Silver (ordinary new),
Copper (ordinary old) and Iron (completely old)
ages. Beginning of TC means beginning of
Golden Age and end of TC means end of
Iron Age.
In the beginning of Golden Age, the
population was around 9 lakhs in the physical
world. Rest of the souls were resting in the
Supreme Abode (Paramdham). Sri Lakshmi and
Sri Narayan were the empress (Queen) and
emperor(King)s . As mentioned earler, the

whole nine-lakh population was in India only.

There was no population in other continents or
parts of the world (more details given later).
Some of the other parts of the world were
picnic spots for these deities. Since there was
no population in other parts of the world, Sri
Lakshmi and Sri Narayan were empires of the
whole world. India was the Master of the
Universe(world). All these people(deities) were
human beings. But since both the soul and the
body were pure, they are given the titles mangod and woman-goddess (deity,
deva_Maanava or devataa). {deva = deity,
maanava =man}. Actually they were/are NOT
God. But since they had divine qualities and no
vices at all, they have the highest fame. This
was the Golden Era(Age). This is narrated as
Paradise, Heaven, SatyaYuga, swarga, bahisht,
jannat in scriptures of many religions. {Yug=
Yuga= Age}
As time passes, population in PW increases.
If ten people die, 15 take birth(say). The ten
souls get rebirth. Five new(pure) souls descend
from IW). In this way, population increases.
Deities also take birth through mothers womb.
But there the fertilization is not through
physical contact. It is through power of
Yoga(Thought power). That is, through
thoughts. At appropriate time, they get signal
and just by wishing, fertilization occurs.

[Just imagine: when some bad news is

received, some die of heart attack. When a
weak(negative) thought can kill a person, cant
a powerful (pure or positive) thought fertilize?!
Knowledge of purity is needed to understand
and realize this completely.] {More details in
topic - Power of Positive thoughts}
[Birth and Deaths: When a soul sheds its
body, the living body becomes dead. This is
called death. The soul then enters into a new
body (baby) in the womb of another woman.
This process is called rebirth. After the
appropriate time, the mother delivers the child.
The total period of the growth of a body in
a mothers womb is nine months. The soul
enters that body(womb) in around after 4 to 5
months after fertilization. It stays in that womb
till the completion of nine months and comes
out the mothers womb.
A Soul never takes birth or dies. It is
eternal. Birth and deaths are actually for
bodies and not for soul. But it is the soul that
comes in the cycle of birth and deaths. It is the
soul that experiences birth and deaths. Body is
just a matter. (god is the only soul who is
above birth and deaths. This one quality
makes god very much different than us)].
Approximate average life-span of a person
in SatYug(Golden Age) is around 150 years.
Everybody lives up to his full life span. There is

no untimely death. When the persons age

becomes around 150 years, he/she gets
vision/signal of his next birth. He will be most
happy to shed the present old body and to
receive the new body. Like one becomes happy
to give off his old dress(or shoes) when the
new one is ready. There is no pain in death.
Words like death, pain, sorrow, tension, etc
were unknown to deities. EVEN CHILDREN
JEEVANMUKTI. (Jeevan = life,
There is no fear of death. Hence heaven is
called amarlok (amar= immortal, lok= world)the immortal world. But actually no body is
immortal. Since there is no fear of death, the
world is known as immortal world. [People
believe that even bodies of deities are
immortal and they never die. But in real sense,
it is not true. Deities die(shed their body like

us). But there is no disease, pain or worry at

Those who were present in the beginning
of golden age(the nine-lakh souls) take 8 births
in the golden age. In this way SriLakshmi &
SriNarayan and their dynasty rules/d India for a
period of 1250 years. Their dynasty is called as
sooryavamshi (sun dynasty) [soorya=sun,
vamsha=dynasty]. Their glory was
Sarva_Guna_Sampanna (complete in all
virtues), 16 kalaa sampoorna (Full of 16
celestial* degrees), sampoorna nirvikaari
(completely viceless), sampoorna
ahimsaka (completely non-violent) and
maryaadaa purushottama(fully lawful and
best among the souls**).
[(#)Sri Narayan is also called as 'SooryaNaaraayan and/or Satya-Narayan' in scriptures.
This also implies that Sri Narayan belonged to
soorya(sun) dynasty and was King of
Satyug(Golden Age). It also implies that
Narayan was complete. {Sri= great, pure}
{sat =satya =truth}.]
Time continuously moves(TC continuously
rotates). After SatYug, TretaaYug (Silver Age)
comes. The Kingdom is transferred from sun
dynasty to chandravamshi (moon dynasty).
{chandra= chaand= moon}. The names of
rulers of moon dynasty are Sri Sita (Queen) and

Sri Rama (King). Moon dynasty also rules/d for

1250 years.
[(#)SriRama is also called as
SriRamaChandra. {Chandra = moon}. This
indicates that SriRama belongs/ed to moon
dynasty. But people believe that Ram
(pronounced as Raam) belongs/ed to sun
dynasty, which is incorrect. Glory of SriRama is
just maryaadaa purushottama. Moon
dynasty has 14 degrees where as sun dynasty
had full 16 degrees].
Power of soul decreases as it comes in
cycle of births and deaths. Hence life span
decreases. So, number of births increases to 12
in Silver Age (In Golden Age, the number of
births were 8). Even in Silver age, there was no
sin, vices, or any problem. But level of power,
purity and happiness is lesser than those in
Golden age. [Sun and moon dynasty souls
are the hero and heroine actors of the
world drama]
[Q:- Why the soul power deteriorates
in heaven (Golden and Silver Ages) even
though there is no sin?
Ans: Soul is eternal and hence greater
than nature. Even in heaven, the soul comes in
company of physical body and nature. It enjoys
(of course rightfully) the pleasant nature even
though there is no vice. It is like driving a car
lawfully. Eventhough we use a car rightfully,

its value deteriorates. Committing sin (getting

influenced by vices) is like violating the driving
rules which happens in hell(Copper and Iron
In these two ages, there was one religion,
one language, etc. The name of the religion is
Aadi Sanaatan Devi Devataa
dharm(ASDDD) {Aadi= beginning,
sanaatan= santaan =children, devi=
woman_goddess, devataa= man_god,
dharma= religion]. Both POLITICAL and
RELIGIOUS powers were in one hand. That isthe King was both POWERFUL and
RELIGIOUS (pure in actions, free from vices=
righteous). So there was no need of Priests,
Gurus (Religious heads), Temple, Church,
Mosques, Scriptures,. There were no hospital,
civil or criminal courts, police or military forces.
There were no beggars, diseases, etc. In this
way, the initial 2500 years were full of peace
and happiness. The palace, homes were built
from Diamond, Gold and Silver. All were
character-full. Since they were fully
content, history of that period is not
The reason is clear. One does work when
there is need. One keeps medicine if there is
disease or fear of disease. Heaven(Golden and
----------- --------

9.HEAVEN ENDS:Deities do not know about God. There is

not even full knowledge of soul. They do not
know about their own births and deaths. Like a
child does not know full details about human
life, deities do not have knowledge about the
TC of 5000 years. They just know that they are
different than the body and are point of
light(soul). But they do not give importance
even to the point form. They just follow the
flowing water. As mentioned just above, the
soul power goes on deteriorating even from
beginning of heaven. But since they have been
in body/ies for 2500 yrs long period, they
gradually develop attachment with the body
and due to this ego develops. They misuse the
body (commit sins) and this makes deities
experience discomfort in their life.
A rich person does not feel scarcity or
deficiency of money even when he spends it.
He is not conscious of money. He realizes
scarcity of money only after spending a large
portion of it. It is said- by the time one feels
deficiency of hair in the head, 50% hair are
lost. One feels unhealthy only after loss of
50% health!
Similarly it takes 2500 years for these
deity souls to experience slightest
discomfort. Since then the soul begins to get
trapped in the body like a prisoner in jail.

[Both home and jail are buildings made

from bricks. The home gives happiness but jail
gives sorrow. Similarly the body which was
giving comfort in heaven starts giving
discomfort and sorrow after Copper Age. Today
there are countless diseases, medicines and
Resting or depending on something that
always shakes can never give peace. Hence
when the eternal soul considers itself as
mortal body, fear and confusion will
automatically enter. This puts end to
heaven. Later population from Bharat
(pronounced as Bhaarat= India) spreads to the
other parts of the world after Copper Age.
So sin begins with the Copper Age. In
heaven (Golden and Silver Ages) there was no
consciousness of gender. [Like children even
though know difference between a male and
female, but are not conscious about that which
brings lust. They are not even conscious of
Hindu, Muslim, Christianity, religion, etc]. But in
Copper Age due to body conscious, lust enters.
Then slowly, other vices also arise. Small
earthquakes occur. A large part of wealth gets
buried into earth. But the amount of sin was
not much at that time. But they lose their
YOG_bal (power of purity, power of thoughts).
They start giving birth through BHOG (lust).
Pain and sorrow gradually enter due to sin. The

body starts to emit bad smell. Physical health

deteriorates and diseases enter in life. this is
felt by the end of Copper age. That ispercentage of happiness would be much more
than sorrow even in copper age. But the level
of esteem and happiness is decreased. In the
beginning of Copper Age, there was a King
called Vikramaaditya.
So the same pure deities begin to commit
sins and become impure after 20 (=8+12)
births. This is like ageing of soul. Due to sin,
sorrow enters. Human mind and intellects
come under the captivity of the vices. Then
people started to think and discuss about these
problems. They feel necessity of Law and order.
That is, they are forced. Human intellect gets
loaded. Hence, there is no liberation
(carefreeness). In heaven, character existed
naturally and unknowingly so that there
was no need to force law, order, or
But in hell, when character(virtues) is
lost, discipline, law and orders had to be
forced. To maintain order in society, people
started writing scriptures and worshipping
God. They wrote autobiography (life story) of
some comparitively good people they know.
Their aim was to prevent or slow down the
degradation of society.

As usual, population goes on increasing

due to descend of new souls from Paramdham.
From Copper age onwards, due to bodyconsciousness, different opinions arouse in
people. The religio- political power got divided
(separated). King was able to handle (had
authority in)just political matters and religious
powers got transferred to other people who
were not influenced by vices to some extent,
like Sanits, Rushis.
Some pure and special souls, like Ibrahim,
Buddha, Christ, etc descended to earth from
Paramadham at their own time (*see figure at
the end) and performed some special actions.
Ordinary people got attracted towards them.
Formation of such new several groups
created new religions. But since these
religions were creation of human beings
(Ibrahim, Christ, Buddha, etc), these could not
restore peace and happiness in society.
The followers of those religious fathers
(Ibrahim, Buddha, Christ,..) created (wrote)
scriptures of respective religions. There was at
least some level of ego, selfishness and wrong
competition among these religions. Hence
some praised their religious fathers more than
they deserve. For example, Christ praised
God. He said- I am son of God. He had
never said I am God. But many Christians
say Christ is also God! They wanted to show

off that their religion is the best. Some even

quote Bible and say- If you believe in Jesus,
you and your household will be saved.
How silly this is!
As number of religions increased, this
wrong competetion also increased. How can
they be perfect? Hence these religions started
fighting with each other. Religions became
irreligious. Some religions consider other
religions as their enemies and direct to use
violence (physical power and weapons) against
them(Eg:- Jihad).
It is clear that all human religions are
incomplete. These religions cannot explain the
difference between humanity and divinity. They
use word holy, divine but do not understand or
know. One religion accuses another religion.
Religions preaching about peace, love, etc had
wars among themselves.
Later every religion got divided into subdivisions and enmity went on increasing. Hence
it is clear that- NO HUMAN BEING CAN
-------------------- ------------------ ----------10. GLORY AND DOWNFALL OF INDIA:Note:- In short ASDDD can be called as
By copper age, deities lose their divinity. So
they will not understand what their religion is.
They forget their divine religion(divinity). Even

in Golden and Silver Ages(heaven), the words

heaven, religion, sanaatana(= sanaatan),
dietism, etc were unknown. They were not
conscious of word religion. Qualtity was in-built
there as all of them were characterful. It is now
we call the that religion (religion of deities) as
It is like this: I have a new chappal. I have
never seen or felt an old chappal. So I am not
specific about the word new or old. Heaven
is the new(=pure) world. Deities were not
aware of that the heaven would get degraded
into hell in future. Since there was only one
religion and country, they were not using words
heaven, new, sanaatana, religion, etc. They
were neither using nor knowing dual things
(happiness and sorrow, good and bad, etc).
They were good/best by their character itself.
They neither had ego, nor were bothered about
their identity.
Hence they could not understand what to
call themselves (their religion) in Copper Age
when other groups used to call themselves as
Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, etc. They could
not recall the history of 2500 years as exactly
as it was. (because it was too old) Hence
Bharat_Vasis (Indians) did not know what to
call themselves. (Bharat = India, Vasi
=resident} {pronounced as bhaarat and

Later foreigners (Persians) called Indians as

hINDUS (INDUS Valley people = people
belonging or residing near/to SINDHU river).
The Persians were not able to pronounce
SINDHU. Hence they called Bharat_vaasis
(Indians) as Hindus. Poor Indians nodded their
head and then came the names- INDIA,
Indians, Hindu religion, Hindustan, Hindi, etc.
(Hindustan is another name for India, meaning
residing place of Hindus. Hindi is the national
language of India).
[India is the most ancient. Its ancient
civilization is famous. (Some may say about
Egypt or other places **). But richness both in
wealth and culture of any other country cannot
be compared with India. Still Indians do not
know about their real religion. The reason is
clear. Ancient India was full of contentment. So
they did not write any history at that time. In
this way, the (pure) sanaatan religion got
named as Hindu when it became degraded
Actually name of a religion has no
relevance with the name of that country. For
example residents of America are not called
as those belong to American religion. They
are Christians. Then how can it be called as
people residing in Hindustan belong to Hindu
religion? But poor Indians!- since they forgotten

their real, highest glory and accepted the

words Hindu, Hindi, Hindustan, etc!
During the initial period of Copper Age,
people were worshipping God in INCORPOREAL
(bodyless} form and called HIM as SHIV. The
word Shiv (= Shiva) means incorporeal and
auspicious. They started worshipping
Shiv_Ling {the stone(ling) representing Lord
One can easily understand this. Shivling
does not have any bodily form. The idol/statues
of other deities kept in their temple/mandir like
SriKrishna, SriRama, etc are of bodily forms.
But in Shiv temple, just Shiv ling is kept and
worshipped. It does not have hand, leg, eyes,
nose, ears, etc. This indicates that Shiv (God)
has no body of his own whereas all others have
physical personalities(bodies).
Huge and luxurious temples of Shiv were
built from Copper Age onwards. [Eg: Somnath
temple]. Initially, people were worshipping just
God Shiv. Oldest temples in India are Shiva
Temples. This is proof for that. This is
worshipping of ONE GOD. Such worship is
called A_vyabhichaari (pure, dedicated to
one) bhakti(worship). [vyabhichaar= impure,
dedicated or attached to more than one] Then
bhakti (path of worship became diluted and
people started worshipping many deities like
Sri Laksmi, SriNarayan, Sri Rama, SriSita, etc.

Later onwards, they started worshipping

imaginary deities like hanumaan (monkey
God), Ganesh (elephant God). Then they
started worshipping trees, plants, animals like
cow, snakes, etc. Today there is no limit to
number of Gods in India! For wealth there is a
God(Lakshmi). For knowledge, there is another
God(Saraswati). For Monday, there is a special
God. For Tuesday, the God is different, and so
on. In a home if father worships one god,
mother worships another. The child is devotee
of some other god! This is todays scenario of
bhakti in India.
From Copper Age, bhakti started
everywhere in the world. In heaven, both
religious and political powers were in one hand.
But in Copper age, it got split. The King was
able to hold only the political power. He
became religiously weak due to the five vices
in him. So religious power went to the pious
people like Rushis (saints) and religious fathers
who observe celibacy, pure food, non violence,
etc. Hence even King had to give respect to
these saints/rushis in spiritual or religious
Initially, these saints were egoless and did
not have interest in actions of ordinary human
beings. They were brave and used to stay in
forests. All were paying real respect towards
them. People from town(city) used to visit

forest just to get darshan(vision) of them.

People used to offer happlily these saints
flower, fruits, etc.
Later kingdoms got divided. Even there
came different opinions in saints and religious
people. {dvaita, advaita, vishishtaadvaita,
shiyaa, sunni, cathoilic, protestant, etc}. So
these political and religious powers further
went on dividing and weakening, and today we
are at the end of the Iron Age (Kaliyug). There
are no Kingdoms today. There is only
Today there is no real political power.
Todays King (President, Prime Minister, etc) is
living under the grace of citizens!. He is elected
by common man. Fate of the King (highest
position) is decided by vote of a common man!
The King cannot take decision independently.
He has to discuss matters with others (fellow
ministers). His life [time for which he is King(in
power)] is decided by others! The Prime
minister or President is called as politician. But
they do not have power to make policy
independently! Some of them fear to bring
right policy. They dilute the power of policies
due to selfishness! They change the policies
frequently. As their seat is not stable, their
policies are also not powerful.
Even there is no religious power. Today,
Religious heads also come under the influence

of law. In front of political law, the religious

matters have become powerless. They also
need support of law. Today temples, church,
mosques are under attack of terrorists. There is
need of protection of worldly law (police
force)even to these Gods (temples)!
Everything and everybody is dependent on
large number of people and things! There is no
unity and quality even in these religious heads.
Even the physical nature is weak (polluted)
and the natural resources are getting
exhausted. There are threats from all the
directions, from within as well as from outside.
Hence bhakti is the path of downfall.
Symptoms are clearly visible. In a journey, as
you proceed towards goal, the remaining
distance should go on reducing. But in
path of Bhakti, the length goes on
increasing! Initially only one God was being
worshipped. But now number of Gods are
countless. Eevn animals, trees, snake all are
Gods. The number of Gods and religions
have increased from Copper age to Iron
There was no much sorrow in Copper age.
India was the greatest, richest country in
wealth, culture, knowledge and almost in many
other things. Since India was the land of
deities, and Hindu religion is actually the same
sanaatana (deity) religion, Indians had the


OTHER RELIGIONS) and were peace
lovers. {sarva =all, dharma =religion,
sahishnute =tolerance}.
Each ages duration is 1250 years. Since
the soul power continuously decreases, age
decreases. Hence, the number of births
increases. In Copper Age, it is 21 and in Iron
Age, it is 42. [**See the figure of TC].
It is said in Indian scriptures- Religion
(level of purity) has four(100%) legs in/during
the beginning of Satyug (Golden Age) and
three legs(75%) in the beginning of Silver Age.
In the beginning of Copper Age, it reduces to
two(50%) and in the beginning of Iron Age, it
reduces to one(25%). At the end of Iron Age,
that is the present time, religion hardly exists.
That is the time when all the religions become
irreligious. The completely pure heaven
becomes complete hell in almost 5000 years.
That is the time of climax.
At that time, The PURIFIER, God descends
from his Supreme Abode to this sinful, impure
world and begins purification action. He
restores Heaven. After this auspicious duty, he
takes back all the souls back to their home(IW).
Then the next(new) cycle repeats. It takes
5000 years for one complete change (process).
This one cycle is also called as Kalpa.

Even after several attacks by different

countries and religions on India, it still
survived. That is the greatness of sanatan
-------- -11.How population increases?
At the beginning(means at the beginning of TC
or just assume that at some point of time), the
population in physical world was around 9
lakhs. Rest of the souls were in
Paramadham(=IW= Incorporeal world).
Gradually, step-by-step, these souls descend
from there to this PW (physical world). If ten
people die, fifteen may take birth. The ten
people(souls) get rebirth. Five new souls
descend from IW and take their new(first) birth.
In this way, PW population has gone on
increasing from nine lakhs to around or above
600 crores(6000 millions). That is todays
scenario. This is the time of climax. This the
time the entropy is to be restored. This is the
time when all the souls are to be (should get)
So, when the KaliYug (Iron Age) is about to
end(becomes old), the Incorporeal, World
Almighty Authority, Knowledgeful,
Purifier, Most Beloved Supreme God
Father descends from the Supreme Abode to
the physical world. This is called

Gods main duty is to educate and purify

human beings. So, he needs a face(mouth) to
speak. But God is bodyless. HENCE GOD HAS
-------- ----------12.HOW DOES GOD INCARNATE?
All the souls when descend from IW, enter
a mothers womb (few exceptions are that of
religious fathers- topic No. **). But God is the
Supreme Father. He does not have any father
or mother. He does not enter a womans womb.
He is above birth and deaths. He enters a
persons body directly and sits near the soul
(owner) of that body.
That is- there will be two souls in one (that)
body. First = owner of that body = the original
soul in that body; Second is God. It is like
having two drivers for a car. Likewise the
original soul uses the organs of the body, God
also uses the organs of the same body. There
will be harmony between the two.
Gods incarnation is known as Gods
DIVINE birth. It is above nature. Because God
does not get trapped in body. God is free to
leave the body whenever he wishes. God needs
body to give (speak) knowledge. Hence God
uses (stays in) the persons body to a limited
duration only. (say- around one to two hours in
a day to preach spiritual class).
-------- ----


God comes in impure world, and hence
takes/gets impure body only- means the one
that is created from lust, subjected to diseases.
At the end of iron Age, all bodies would be
impure and will have to incarnate in someone.
Paramadham is the Supreme abode. All the
souls residing in Paramadham are completely
pure. But their power (energy, asset) will be
different. Like- Many may be fully healthy. But
their muscle powers would be different. Many
batteries are fully charged. But their voltage
and ampere-hour capacities could be different
or All the vessels are completely filled. But
their sizes are different.
The souls having highest energy (level of
purity) descend first from IW. The reason istheir punya(asset, energy) is maximum. They
have maximum right/capacity to enjoy. So they
come down first to enjoy the BEST heaven. The
hero of the world drama is the New Man(First
Man). He(the first Sri Narayan) is the first
emperor of the Heaven. The second number is
the first empress Sri Lakshmi. Likewise, the
nine lakh population is numberwise. Lesser
rank (energetic) souls descend later.
The initial nine-lakh souls take maximum
number of births. They take(get) 83 physical
births in the four ages. [8+ 12+ 21+ 42 =83].

{Physical birth = normal birth through the

mothers womb} Since these souls descend in
the beginning of Golden Age, by the end of Iron
Age they will be the oldest ones. So, the New
Man becomes Old (Oldest) man. He is the first
(and greatest) hero since he plays(acts) for the
maximum duration in the world drama. GOD
takes body of this HERO soul. So- in the end
end period of 83rd birth of that soul God enters.
In the 83rd birth, his name was DADA
LEKHRAJ KRIPLANI. That is- first Sri Narayan
of Satyug and Lekhraj are one and the same
(same soul). God entered in his body and
established BKWSU.
Soul is eternal. But we have used words
new soul and old soul here. Here New soul
means pure soul, the one that is in
Parmadham or just descended from
Parmadham. Old soul means a soul that had
come in company of body for quite duration till
it is caught up (influenced) by vices. So the old
soul means impure soul.
(DISORDERNESS):As per the Law of Conservation of Energy,
energy can be neither created, nor
destroyed. It can be changed from one
form to another. Then what is the meaning of

scientists saying, Natural resources are

getting exhausted?
Consider a litre of petrol being utilized by a
petrol engine (say a car). In this process, a part
of the chemical energy (petrol form) is
converted into mechanical energy (to move the
car). Rest is converted into heat. But even the
mechanical energy ultimately gets converted
into heat energy due to wear and tear, etc. So
temperature of atmosphere goes on increasing.
This process is not reversible. That is, we
cannot convert heat energy back into (cannot
cool atmosphere and get back) petrol. That is
why heat is said to be the lowest quality of
energy. The petrol form of energy is better than
the heat energy in the atmosphere. It is in right
order for usage. Detailed science is not
discussed here. But the heat energy in
atmosphere is not in the order to use.
Entropy is the scientific word used to indicate
this disorderness. More the disorderness,
more is the entropy and hence bad state.
As we consume natural resources, this
disorderness (entropy) goes on increasing.
Science has invented many things. But it
cannot restore entropy. In fact, modern
scientific processes increase entropy to a
greater extent. This is a clear indication that
just human intellect cannot be useful to the
society. It is dangerous. As technology

increases, more weapons of destruction are

manufactured. Terrorists and other criminals
easily use the technology for crimes. Normal
man also becomes a threat to nature when he
uses the products of modern technology
(plastic, cement, residues of computer or
electronic spares, etc). Mans ego and lazyness
have increased today. This increases
expenditure and wastage.
Nature has capacity to restore entropy to
some extent. Eg:1)A rose plant converts bad
smelling manure into fragrance. 2)Plants
convert carbon-di-oxide back into useful
oxygen. They consume dirty, useless manure
and give us food. But they cannot restore
entropy fully. That is why the quality of todays
fruits and vegetables are inferior than
before/earlier. The fragrance emitted by
flowers around 50 years back had been much
better than todays. The reason is pollution of
nature. Also materials like Plastics, cement,
Electronic disposes, nuclear wastes are highly
Man also has capacity to slow down the rate
of increase of entropy to some extent. It is well
known today that mind (negative thoughts) is
the cause for physical disease. By changing the
thinking habit, diseases can be brought under
control. Right thinking can eliminate some
diseases. Doctors and Scientists have proved

that negative thinking and mental stress are

the cause for more than 95% of the physical
diseases! By developing good habits, man can
at least slow down the process of increasing
[If two friends become enemy, entropy will
increase (they fight, get weak and disturb
others). If two enemies become friends, the
entropy will decrease (become better)! If a
person behaves positively, others will feel
better. If he behaves negatively, others also
will feel negative and act accordingly.
Today most of the human effort is used in
defence and wasteful works. MOST OF MANS
HIMSELF! Need of army, weapons and
ammunitions, police force, security systems is
due to presence of thieves and characterless
So, the output is the result of human
thoughts and actions. In some cases, both
thoughts and actions are necessary to produce
effect (eg: defence applications, fight(war),
theft, wasting natural resources, etc). In some
cases just thoughts produce the effect (some
diseases are effect of negative thinking)]. More
about thoughts and actions are discussed here
as well as in part 01.

A persons thoughts have effect on himself

(his resolves), his physical body, other persons
and the surrounding environment. The reverse
is also true. That is- ones resolves(self), ones
own physical body, other people and the
environment influence ones own thoughts.
In otherwords, my thoughts can affect
everything including me (my mind, intellect
and resolves) and everything incuding myself
can affect my thoughts OR SELF
I am powerful if my influence (=influence of
my thoughts) on these things is more than
their influence on me (my thoughts).
As we think, our personality changes. If I
study law or medicine, I become lawyer or
It is already explained in part 01 that our
thoughts influence our physical body.
Environment also is created by our own
thoughts. Eg: Environment at Temple, school,
private office, government office, market,
cinema hall, graveyard, etc are different and
unique. The reason is we create different
common thoughts at these different places.
ARE VISIBLE:- Assume that forty people died

in an accident. In another incident, assume

that one person was murdered for an internal
issue. In another incidence, assume that
people of another (different) caste or religion
attacked a person. Even though the physical
damage is least in the last case, the
effect is highest in it. The initial incidence
will be forgotten soon. But the impression of
the last incidence will not be erased. Several
meetings may take place on that issue. Instead
of the incident getting aged(old), it may grow
younger! It is due to the negative thoughts of
The fear when we see dead body of an
animal is much less than that when we see the
dead body of a man. The heaven became hell
due to negative thoughts created by human
beings. Hence positive thoughts are needed for
creation of (transformation of hell into) heaven.
Negative thoughts lead to waste and negative
This constructive action should begin at the
end of hell. So God incarnates at the end of
Iron aged world and does this most auspicious
work. (This also implies that God cannot
incarnate in every Age. In such case, the

entropy would get restored at that time itself

and we can never reach Iron Age).
Hence highly (real, completely) pure
thoughts can be created only under Gods
directions. That is why God is called as
PURIFIER (Patit-Paavan). {patit =impure,
paavan=pure. Patitpavan= One who changes
patit into paavan}.
God does not create (does not
transform hell into) heaven just(all) by
himself. Because if He does all by himself, he
will have to give equal property/share to all the
souls. He will have to send all the souls to
heaven (since God is impartial). Then IW will
become empty once for all and population
cannot increase. It will not remain as society.
In heaven, there are different statuses. Some
belong to Royal family. Some are ordinary
citizens. Some will be servants, etc. If God
creates heaven all by his own power and gives
same status to all(since He is impartial). He will
have to make everybody as King(say). Even
then the heaven cannot remain as a society.
Even if God gives same status to all, it will
still not be OK. Because in that case, no
individual will put his effort (try to become
good, divine). If a teacher gives same marks to

all the students (to both intelligent and poor

students), it is injustice to the right students. (It
is as though God favoring evil!)
how this is done, we should first know how the
heaven became hell in more detail.
Knowledge of TC was not available in
heaven. But there was no problem. So the deity
souls were least bothered about anything and
were living casually. When the souls were in the
company body for considerable period(2500
years), they get influenced by the body.
Due to the entry of body-consciousness, the
deity souls were captured (affected) by the five
vices from Copper Age onwards. The deity
souls started committing sin. The other souls
that descend from Parmadham also would get
influenced by the vices and hence they also
commit sins gradually. The repetition of such
wrong actions degraded hell. Even in Copper
Age, there was sufficient wealth. Due to these
vices, we all have become degraded and
valueless (character-less) at this stage. So
mans ignorance, waste &
negative(impure) thoughts and actions
have converted heaven into hell.
So if the same man creates positive
thoughts, heaven can be re-established. So,

God SHOWS the right path and HELPS to walk

on that path. That is, he gives the right
knowledge and directions. Those who follow
Gods directions create right(pure)
thoughts. Pure thoughts lead to pure/elevated
actions. This makes everything pure. The hell is
(will be) changed back into heaven due to their
positive thoughts. Hence they (those who
follow Gods directions) are called as MASTER
CREATORS. They get first class license
(become highly qualified) to enter into heaven.
To the extent one follows trut, he/she gets
appropriate status (King, Queen, Royal family,
rich citizen, ordinary citizen, servants of royal
family, servants of citizens, etc) in heaven.
So, God gives us knowledge of purity
and teaches us how to inculcate it. Man
under the influence of ignorance and
vices creates hell. Similarly man under
the guidance (knowledge) and support of
God creates heaven.
Now- how many will follow Gods directions
and to what extent? There is limit to the
number (population) and quality (status) of
seats in heaven. So the number of people who
follow Gods knowledge will be very less in
number and also all of them will not follow
Gods direction to the same extent. Since the
status in heaven are numberwise, the effort

put by the effortmakers will also be

Whom do I depend on or who depend on
me? For example, I need food. I get salary from
Government or my employer(say). Even
Government gets it by taxes of people and the
employer earns from work of other people. Soeven they are also not true donor/givers. Alsojust money cannot feed me. I need rice or
wheat, etc and for that I need to approach a
grocery shop. But even that merchant or the
shopkeeper does not produce rice by himself.
He gets rice from a farmer. The farmer gets
rice from earth by cultivation. In earth, the
food(rice or wheat) is created by(grown in)
green plants. Even the green plants grow
wheat or rice/paddy under the power of
We need water. Water is also created by
sun. Evaporation of sea water by sunlight
creates cloud and causes rain.
We need oxygen to breathe. It is also a
product of sun. Green plants convert carbon-dioxide into oxygen by the power of sunlight.
Hence in this sense, Sun is father (care
taker, donor or one who nourishes) of all.
But at the end of Iron Age, all the elements
of nature become polluted and weak. Even the

Ozone layer has become weak. Global warming

has become uncontrollable. Sun cannot restore
entropy. Sun cannot change character of
human being. Sun cannot give knowledge to
human beings. Also sun is just an object (has
no intelligence). During such a time, it is GOD
who fills power in them. He incarnates and
restores entropy at the end of Iron Age. HENCE
So, the most important knowledge is- God
alone is the real donor. What I have with me
is in fact given by God. What others have is
also given by God. So, I should not have either
ego(superiority comlex) or fear (inferiority
complex). I should not disturb (try to influence)
or get disturbed (influenced) by others. All are
just agents/distributors in this world. Any
human being is a receiver. The right action is to
become both humble and powerful(stable).
Everybody is like a government
servant who does service to others, gets
service from others but he is paid by the
Government and not by those with whom
he deals. This only can build stable
personality. This is the soul conscious stage.
More one is soul conscious, he is the
nearest(more real) child to God. Hence he gets
more birth-right. Being influenced by anybody

other than God is BOTH FOOLISHNESS AND

Consider a person attending a function. He
is served with dishes. While being served, he
does not get influenced by those who serve
him (distributors, servants, workers). He pays
limited(just to the required extent) respect to
those distributors. He pays FULL RESPECT AND
LOVE to the owner(organizer) of the function.
He loves(enjoys or thinks of) only two
things, the FOOD and the REAL
DONOUR/OWNER. Rest everythings are silly
There is a big chain in the process. I am
dependent on many like my employer (who
pays me salary), merchant, farmer, earth,
plants, Sun, God, etc. as explained above. God
is the only true giver. He gives property of
AND THE FOOD). Others in the chain are just
distributors. Getting influenced by
distributors or having expectations from them
is ignorance and against reality(truth). SUCH
CALLED AS SIN. So one should know and
develop immovable faith that ALL AND


---------------------------------18.CHANGES THAT OCCUR DURING THE
The present time is end of Iron Age. This is
the time of climax. The transformation begins
with the incarnation of God. God descended
from Paramdham in A.D 1936 and took the
corporeal media (physical body) of a man
whose name is Dada Lekhraj. Through his
media, God started giving the knowledge. God
changed his name as Prajapita Brahma
{pronounced as PrajaaPita Bramhaa or
[Prajaa =people, citizens, human beings,
Pita= Father, Brahm=unlimited, Ma =
mother]. God started speaking(giving
knowledge) through face(mouth) of this
person(Brahma) [Brahma is the short name of
Prajapita Brahma].
Initially, around 400 people were in the
organization (BKWSU). The students (followers)
of this knowledge are called as
BrahmaKumars (males) and

BrahmaKumaris (females) or simply BKs.

Today there are more than 13000 branches of
this institution in more than 130 countries
having more than 8 lakhs of
The knowledge given in BKWSU is called
RajaYoga. When BKs become sufficiently pure,
Gods auspicious Mission of creation of heaven
will be completed. That will ring the last bell
and it will be the end of this Iron Age. Iron Age
will get destroyed and New Era, Golden Age
will get re-established.
This transformation will occur by three
processes- 1)Atomic and Civil Wars, 2)Natural
Calamaties like earthquakes, floods, etc and
3)Yog_Bal (Yogic Power = Power of Positive
thoughts = Power of Purity). The first bell
rings(has rung) when God incarnated (A.D
Then all the souls leave their body and fly to
Paramadham in their order and take rest there.
(Some few souls will remain in PW to give birth
to deities). God also goes to the Supreme
Abode(Paramdham). In the meantime, nature
will become completely pure and heaven will
be formed. Then the most pure souls will
descend from Paramadham and take birth in
Heaven(The first Nine lakh souls) as deities.
Then those who gave birth to these deities also
will return to Paramdham. As time moves,

population increases and the heaven gradually

gets old. Like this the cycle repeats.
So God descends once in every 5000 years to
PW and does the most auspicious duty of
transformation of hell to heaven.
All the souls have to become pure before
returning to Paramdham. The souls commit
sins in Copper and Iron Ages. Sins occur due to
thinking of impure body and impure bodily
relations (due to attachment to body). God is
one who is bodyless and is completely
pure(detached). Attachment to God will detach
us from everything and purify us.
YEARS:BK philosophy believes that the age of kalpa
(TC) is 5000 years. This is a surprise for many.
Because in scriptures, it is mentioned life of
each age is many lakhs. Even science believes
it took millions of years to formation of PW. Lots
of contradicting theories/beliefs are available
by different religions and science. But the
authors explanation is as follows.
One begins to feel loss of hair after losing
50% of it. One begins to feel ageing when he
reaches middle of his total life span. One feels
loss of health to considerable extent when he
loses nearly 50% of his health.
We have written history for around 2000 to
2500 years only. Except the ASDDD (sanatan

religion), all other religions have got

established within 2500 years. [Christ came
2000 yrs before, Buddha 2250 yrs and Ibrahim
2500 yrs].
Now- it is easy to understand that power of
ASDDD should have become decreased to
around 50%. Then only other religions could
get established. Else other religions could not
get established. Nobody will get deviated from
it to other religion. Nobody would got
impressed by religious father souls like
Ibrahim, Buddha, Christ, etc.
Written history is available for around 2500
yrs only. Also these (human) religions started
one by one just from 2500 yrs from today. So if
the present time is end of the TC, then 2500
yrs should be 50% of TC. BECAUSE
2500 YRS. Hence 5000 yrs is the best
possible figure that could be selected for
life of TC.
To the extent the mind is free from body
conscious and the vices, one is called pure,
divine. The three pure things are: 1)GOD,
AND 3)HEAVEN. If mind is influenced by

anything other than these three, it is a sign of

Signs of complete purity: It is either
(mind) being in IW or in Heaven. That is
1)having no body at all OR having both pure
mind and body. In heaven, both mind and
bodies are pure. The body is not created by
By thinking(being interested in) impurity (five
vices), we became impure. When we(mind or
soul) became impure, the heaven became hell.
Similarly, by thinking purity, we the souls will
become pure. That is- by engaging mind in
God, IW and Heaven, we(mind) become pure.
The hell changes into heaven. THIS IS REAL
MEDITATION. Complete meditation practice is
given in the end. Complete or real
meditation is nothing but enjoying the
PURE things.
Purity means being under
influence(company) of God and property. The
properties are peace and happiness.
(peace= Paramdham= IW= Silence World=
land of Peace =Mukti= Liberation) and
happiness= Heaven= Jivanmukti= Liberation
in Life). This is like getting interested in just
Owner and Food and not by anything else.
Even while talking or listening to worldly

things, doing actions,we should take care that

our mind (consciousness) is attached at least
more than 50% to these three (God, IW and
heaven). Then we will have control over self
and can come back to these three whenever
we like. [Like while entering into river, if we
have always have a link/rope to the shore, we
would be confident even in the water. So- in a
day, our aim should be such that we should
think these three more than this present world,
body, and people and relation, work, etc. then
we will feel continous growth in our spiritual
(BURN SINS):Those which attach soul to body are
sins. Those which detach soul from the
body purify the soul. In simple words moving
towards truth (DETACHMENT) is purification
and opposite (ATTACHMENT) is sin. Two steps
in moving towards truth are- Understanding the
truth (KNOWLEDGE or LIGHT) and moving in
that path (PRACTICE = YOGA or MIGHT). The
following make the soul to move towards
1)Experiencing (remembering consciously of)
Self and God= SELF AND GOD
REALIZATION. It purifies or recharges the
soul. Like- a battery gets charged when it is
connected to power source. Physically no

matter flows from the source into the battery.

Just electrons circulate which is called as
the flow of current. More the circulation
and the duration of current flow, more is
the battery charged. If the direction of
current is reversed, the battery will get
discharged.What happens there is just the reorganization of the matter (or the structure)
within the battery. Media may be necessary
(conductors) for the flow of electrons. But in
case of radiation (for example- flow of energy
from Sun to earth), even media is not
necessary. But there should not be obstacle in
the path. So- the point here is there should be
some flow. Here, for a soul, thoughts are the
flow. If one is soul conscious, the current flow
will be favouring the soul and it will get
charged [re-organization of sanskaar
(resolves)]. If one is body conscious, the
current flow will be reverse and it will get
discharged. So- more one is soul conscious and
thinks of God, his soul power increases. More
the intensity (awareness, faith and love) and
the duration of the thoughts, more is the
energy stored in the soul. It becomes its asset.
Note:- This (Self Realization and God
Realization) is also explained in different words
as below God and Property or

Liberation (ParamDham= Peace) and

Liberation in Life (Heaven= Happiness).
The only three things are God, Paramdham
and Heaven- So, thinking (remembrance or
conscious) of just these three things will
make us pure.
2)By getting BLAMES OR CRITICISMS from
others:- Even if there had been fault form our
side or not, our past sins will get reduced to
some extent. But if we try to take revenge,
then sins may increase. But if we defend
without becoming body conscious, it is Ok.
3)By experiencing DIFFICULT
CIRCUMSTANCES like getting diseases,
becoming handicapped, getting problems like
poverty, etc. This is called KARM_BHOG. This
also will help in getting disinterest in body.
4)By experiencing PUNISHMENT IN
MOTHERS WOMB {In Copper and Iron Ages)
5)By experiencing PUNISHMENT during
FINAL JUDGEMENT at the end of Kalpa/TC
before returning to IW. Here the person is made
to realize his faults (by vision) and then the
punishment is given. This realization purifies
the soul.
If a person sacrifices sinful actions and
begins to love God, his previous sins also go on
burning. More the intensity and duration of
yoga (= remembrance of God), more sins get

burnt. Till the last bell rings, we have

opportunity to burn sins by the first method.
There is ultimate or highest enjoyment
(bliss = super sensuous joy) in this
method. There is highest reward. There is no
pain in this method. There is the highest profit.
This gives highest knowledge and experience.
One learns and develops(transforms) to the
highest extent. One is not forced here. This is a
self motivated change. The self respect(value)
of a soul increases by company (remembrance)
of God {Like value of a poor person increases
when he gets company a rich friend}. The
battery (soul) charges. The gain is double. Past
sins are cleared without punishment and there
is income for the future (good status in
heaven). But one has to overcome negative
thoughts (vices). So- EFFORT has to be put
here. The person also becomes a guide to
others and SERVES best for the society and it
is like repaying his debts. Due to these reasons
his sins are burnt without experiencing
punishment or sufferings.
In the second method, one has to hear and
face criticisms from within the family, relatives
and/or public. There is no physical loss here.
But if we tolerate the situation without fear and
face it, the situation may turn positive later.
There is also some learning and gain in
experience here.

The third method (karmbhog) is physically

painful, but still better than the fourth and fifth.
The person has to face situations like poverty,
disease, physical accidents, etc. This is also a
forced change to some extent. [Here also if one
takes the situation positively, the change would
be fully natural and the situations will turn
positive and the person will gain as if in
method one] There is some learning. One
learns from bad circumstances.
In heaven, mothers womb is like PALACE
for a baby. It enjoys even in womb. There is no
pain either to the baby or to the mother before,
during and after the delivery. In hell, mothers
womb is like a JAIL. The soul (the baby in the
womb) gets vision of its past sinful actions and
experiences punishment (like in dream). It
repents and begs a lot to God to get out of the
womb. But unfortunately, (due to body
consciousness) as soon as it comes out(after
delivery), it forgets(or ignores) the warning and
starts committing sin again. A percentage of
the accumulated sins get cleared in mothers
womb due to this punishment. This is the
fourth method and is bad. Because the child
does not learn anything. It is a fully forced
change (experience). There is just LOSS AND
After the last bell, if any sin is still left, it
will have to be cleared by punishment. It is

both LOSS AND SHAME. The future is also

affected by the punishment. This is the worst.
This is also a fully forced change. The loss is
double. The punishment is forced and the
future becomes poor = status in heaven will be
bad or no place in heaven.
Of the whole world population, just 108
souls get relieved from punishment fully. This is
the highest state. They are eligible to get the
title SHREE/SRI (Great). They become fully
worship worthy. They are the top rank holders.
[There is no a separate hell burning
continuously as mentioned in scriptures
of some religions. A soul gets vision of its
past sins. It realizes its mistakes and gets
punishment to the required extent. Then it is
relieved from its burden and returns to
The change is natural and there is highest
learning/development in the first method since
there is power from God. Hence one gets
power to rule the body/nature. Hence the soul
rules body for next 2500 yrs in heaven. That is
even being in company of body for 2500 yrs,
it does not get influenced by the body.
But since other souls do not practice soul
conscious stage, they do not get power to rule
the body.
Those who realize God, fill power in them in
the present time(Confluence Age) and return to

Paramdham happily. Their battery (soul power)

gets recharged to higher value and hence they
desecend earlier from Paramdham. They do not
stay in Paramdham for long time. So, one
designs(creates) his own future according to
his own effort(actions and thoughts). Other
souls descend later.
Let us explain this with the help of a story.
Assume that a mother(God) has four (all the
600 to 700 crore population, say) children. The
children(souls) after playing (their roles in
body) outside the home(in PW) become
dirty(impure). The mother directs them to take
bath(keep mind and intellect in ocean of
Knowledge) and get fresh(purified). Some
children (Master Creators) agree happily.
Mother is satisfied and gives food, sweets and
everything(heaven) to those sweet children.
They enjoy even while bathing (purification is
enjoyment to them). Other children are forced
to take bath. As they are not interested in
taking bath, they do not enjoy the bath. They
will be crying while taking bath (punishment
and sufferings). So after the bath, they will be
tired and just take rest(stay in Paramdham for
long time). They descend later in heaven or in
hell (after they are satisfied from their sleep
(state of peace). The deity souls will enjoy bliss
(super sensous joy) in present birth in this
Confluence Age itself while purification. That is

they will experience highest purity, peace and

happiness even in midst of this impure world.
Hence they will not be tired. There is no need
of rest to those souls in Paramdham. They
enjoy state of Paramdham here in PW itself by
meditation since they acquire knowledge. So
they come back soon to the PW(heaven) after
returning to Paramdham. Hence they get
maximum no. of births in World Drama. They
are those who become soul conscious (best
driver) to the highest extent. So they will
play(act) with body to larger duration (=get
more no. of births)].
Note:- In all these methods, the real
effort is present only in method
01(Remembrance of God). Hence that is
the only real way to purification and
hence God is called as Purifier. For the
same reason God is called as Master
Almighty Authority, because just by his
remembrance, sins get burnt. The other
methods are forced and method 01 is the
only truly internal and spiritual. Hence
method 01 only can make a soul
divine(truly spiritual). That alone can
bring a soul closer to God.
Confluence (=Sangam) means coming or
meeting together. God transforms hell into

heaven. So Gods role is at the end of hell and

beginning of heaven. So the transformation
period of hell to heaven is like a meeting
of hell and heaven. So end of Iron Age is
termed as Confluence Age(after A.D 1936 till
establishment of Golden Age). See the figure
In a Kalpa, there are four ages. So there are
four confluences. But in the first three
confluences- (Golden to Silver, Silver to
Copper and Copper to Iron) no auspicious
work happens. Entropy goes on increasing and
all go on degrading. Hence they have no
importance. Hence the name Cofluence Age is
given for the last confluence Age. God
descends during the last Confluence (Iron
Age to Golden Age). And since the it is
the only auspicious one, it is called as
It is during that time (present time) when
confluence (meeting) between God and the
souls occurs. Souls establish real relation with
(realize) God. Souls can see/realize future.
Souls can purify themselves by inculcating
(practicing) the divine knowledge bestowed by
the Divine God Father. {The writer/author got
this divine knowledge in A.D 1982 and is
explaining (writing) according to his capacity}.

Since 1936, Godly knowledge has been

spreading worldwide by BKWSU. People who
accept Godly knowledge (become BKs) put
effort to purify themselves and build up
character in life. They sacrifice vices to their
capacity. When this effort is completed, Gods
duty finishes. This is the signal to begin
physical transformation. Then physical
changes will begin with full force[Rehearsals
are going on now. We can see small wars and
natural calamaties occuring everywhere in the
People will start fighting with each other
and destroy themselves. Earth Quakes will
take main part in the destruction of Iron Age.
Heavy rain will clean the world. Then Golden
Age will begin again. In this way the Time Cycle
rotates forever.
So, Confluence Age is the period when
God himself plays His Role in the World
Drama. It is during the Confluence Age all the
impure religions and relations get destroyed
and the pure religion ASDDD gets re
established. Teachings of God establishes deity
This is the knowledge about the TC. To widen
the intellect different religions are discussed.

a) The deity religion alone exists for the

initial 2500 years; that is from 3000 BC to 500
b)Islamic Religion gets established by
Ibrahim in the beginning or soon after
beginning of hell (around B.C 500).
c)After around 250 years of establishment of
Islam, Buddhist Religion gets established by
Buddha (around B.C 250).
d)After 250 years from Buddha, Christianity
gets established by Christ.
e)500 years later, Sanyaas religion gets
established by Adi Shankaracharya(A.D 500).
f)100 yrs later, Muhammad comes (around
A.D 600).
g)900 yrs later, Sikh religion gets established
by Guru Nanak (Guru Govind Singh) (around
A.D 1500), etc etc.
a)Suns light can exist throughout the world.
But it does not mean that Sun is present at
every point or corner in the world! Similarly
Gods power, virtues can be present/seen in
the world. But it need not imply God is
b)King of a country will/need not be present at
every corner in order to rule the country. He
stays at his palace. When there is need, he if
free to move anywhere in his country. His rule
can be felt through out his country. But it does

not mean that the King himself is present at

each and every corner of his country. Similarly
Gods residing place is IW. During the time of
climax, he descends to PW. God is neither
present in PW always nor present in every
atom or molecule in PW.
c)More the value of a thing, its place also is
special. For example, gold, diamonds are not
kept anywhere we like. They are kept at special
places. Even the bungalows of todays
President and prime Ministers are special. So
definitely Gods place should be very much
special. Then how can we say- God is present
everywhere in dirt, stones, dogs, pigs, etc. Is
this not defaming him?!
d)If we put things in fire, their name, form and
qualities change. So if God is present
everywhere, everything in this world should
have been always pure. There can never be
downfall of anything. There could never be
THE CREATION. He cannot be inside the
creation. For example an artist can never be
inside the creation. Hence creator
(=transformer) of PW can never be inside PW.
f) Those who say God is everywhere, lose right
to worship:- Just think- If God is everywhere,
what is the significance of worshipping? It will
become foolishness. Because if God is present

in everyone, why should one worship other

idols, Gurus, etc? Then all are like identical and
one need not pay any respect to the other.
g)God is called as Supreme Father (Param_Pita)
of all souls. It means mainly we have relation
of father with him. Hence God cannot be
omnipresent. Because no relation can be
established with something that is everywhere.
Hence it is a great blunder to consider God
as omnipresent. It is not only a foolishness or
mistake, but also a great defaming of God. Will
one be happy to say that his father is present
in mud, dirt water, toilets, etc? Similarly if we
believe God as omnipresent, it is also a SIN. IT
SOUL. [Also see topic No- 53. Can we
consider everything to be god?]
If God is present in mud and sugar, both
should have been same value. Then there is no
need of sugar. Just mud should be enough, is it
Many believe God created us and also gave
directions or teachings to put effort to attain
moksha. Let us have a thought on this.
a)God himself has no liberation. He has to
descend into PW during climax. Then how can
others get moksha?

b)Since soul is eternal/immortal, it can never

attain moksha. Because moksha is as good as
getting dead or merging. Then soul is as good
as mortal.
c)Some belive moksha as merging in God or
merging with IW. But soul is also called as
akhanda (indivisible). It is neither made from
something nor can be added to something.
Hence it cannot be created out of something.
So- it also cannot be mixed with something.
IW is liveless. Because it is just empty
space. But soul is chaitanya (one which is
aware of itself. More is explained in part 01).
Then how can a chaitanya entity merge in
liveless thing?
d)If God created us and gave
directions/teachings to attain moksha, it would
be highly foolish and funny. Then, God will be
responsible for all sins. It is as good as God
pouring mud on me (putting me in cycle of
birth and deaths) and giving me water, soap
and cloth to get cleaned (giving directions
through his teachings or scriptures, whatever
they are)! Then Gods level will be lower than
even human beings.
e)Concept of LIBERATION is present in almost
all religions. If some believe in moksha, some
other believe in heaven situated in
separate world. All direct to get liberated
from this present world. Then why all direct to

produce children? Is it not sin? Is it not making

a soul bonded in this PW full of diseases, stress
and worries?
So- those who preach about moksha
should never give birth to children and
also direct the same to others. Then
worries in this world will come to end or at
least reduce to a great extent. Population will
decrease and all will automatically get moksha,
is it not?! Hence it is clear that those who
believe or claim moksha are really ignorant and
body conscious.
Patit= Sin or sinner= sinful or impure soul.
Pavan (pronounced as paavan) = pure thing or
pure soul.
Patit-Pavan= one who transforms patit into
pavan, hence called as PATIT-PAVAN or
Cause for impurity is sin. God alone can
liberate us from sin. Hence God alone is
Purifier. People also pray to God- Oh Purifier,
please come and purify us. This also implies
God alone is the real Purifier. Let us discuss in
a)People believe water of river ganges (some
worship all or many other rivers) as Purifier.
They take bath in such rivers and also drink
believing or hoping that they would get purified
by doing so. Their belief is- by taking bath just

once in the river Ganges, all his/her sins would

get cleared.
If so- then why do they take bath every
year? Why even the so called Jagad_Gurus also
take bath? Does not this clearly imply that
even these Gurus are impure? Then how can
they give sadgati (good or high status) to their
disciples? If just water purifies soul, then what
is the need of God, temples, Gurus, their
matths, scriptures, prayers, etc?
the King SriRam of Silver Age is the Purifier.
But some who believe this also take dip in river
Ganges! Just think- Can one who takes birth
through mothers womb, one who dies one day
purify others? If Ram is purifier then why
should he force his wife to get into fire to check
for her purity (as depicted in Ramayan)?
At present Ram is not here. So who can
purify us? Ok- let us believe that Ram is
present in invisible form with us. If so, then
what is the need of other deities Sri Krishna,
Durga, Kali, etc?
c)Soul is entirely different than five elements of
nature. Then how can mere water purify the
d)After purification, ones mind should become
free from vices. He cannot have interest in sins.

So there should be drastic change in people

after taking bath in such rivers. But is it so?!
e)If river ganges is capable of purifying the
whole world and all the souls, she/it can never
get impure. (Because one who can purify the
whole world can never get impure from
anything of this world). But it had become
impure and government had/have to spend
lakhs/crores of rupees to clean it.
f)If river ganges gives liberation by making us
and everything pure, can we say fish, crocodile,
etc living in it get also get liberation? Or should
they pass through 84 lakh species then get last
human birth for liberation which is according to
some scriptures? I believe fishes living in
ganges would be more uncomfortable than
many other rivers which are clean and hygienic
(because man is throwing dirt in ganges)! They
may be cursing man (if they knew) for making
the water impure.
In reality, the only way to become pure isCONSIDER YOURSELF AS A SOUL
FATHER. This is the real GODLY MESSAGE or
A note:- There is a shloka in Hindu scripture
asKurute ganga saagara gamanam
Vrata paripaalana athavaa daanam,

JNAANAVIHEENA sarva mathena

Kartum na siddhi janma shatena
The meaning is- If you take bath in river
Ganges where it meets the ocean (that is
considered as most auspicious place), do all
sorts vratas(niyam= spiritual disciplines), and
offerings, but WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE
whatever you do, even for 100 births, you
will not attain the fruit.
Even though here it is said so- it is
unfortunate that people still go and take bath
in river ganges to become pure.
Soul is INCORPOREAL. Hence one who
purifies soul should also be INCORPOREAL
(bodyless). So the one who is ALWAYS
INCORPOREAL, most beloved God father of all
souls only can be Purifier. No one else can have
this title.
SPECIES:Some believe (from scriptures)- human
soul first takes birth in 84 lakh species and
then gets the last birth as human being. They
believe human birth is most precious and
animal birth are not. Now- why a soul should be
put in animal births? Because it has not done
any sin so far (since it is beginning). Hence this
belief is wrong, is it not?!

Some believe- if one commits sin, he would

take next birth as animal to experience
sorrow/punishment. According to them- human
birth is fruit for good actions and animal births
is for bad actions. If that is the case, thena)If animal birth is to experience
sorrow/punishment for the sin, then there
should not be sorrow in human births. And all
animals should have sorrow. But in fact, today
sorrow is more for some human beings than
animals. Handicapness, diseases, tortures,
bondages are more in human beings than in
animals. Some animals get excellent
nourishment (eg:- pets of rich people) while
some beggars will be sleeping at streets. No
animal commits suicide. But even intelligent,
healthy, rich people commit suicide. Some
need to pay even to get sleep (sleeping pills)!
b)There are quite a number of human
beings who are handicapped by birth itself. This
clearly implies that such souls had committed
considerable sins in their previous birth/s. Even
then they have got human birth!
c)There is both happiness and sorrow in
human birth as well as in animal births. So why
should a human soul take animal birth to
experience punishment for its sin?
d)Seed of a coconut gives rise to a coconut
tree, not a mango tree. Similarly human soul

gets human birth and animal souls get animal

Heaven is creation of God. It is Gods
property. Without understanding God one is not
true (complete) child of God. Hence he is not
eligible for complete birthright. The effort
makers (those who remember God = BKs) are
less in number. In heaven there is no place for
vices. So those who put effort to sacrifice vices
only become eligible to enter heaven.
[But all other souls will be in Paramdham
(Supreme Abode) when deity souls are in
heaven. Deity Souls experience more
happiness. Other souls get more peace as they
remain in world of Silence (Paramdham). So
during the first 2500 years of a Kalpa(Time
Cycle) there is no pain to any soul].
All neither really wish to go to heaven
nor believe in REAL Heaven:- Aim of
Sanyaasis (saints) is to attain Moksha
(permanent liberation). They do not believe in
heavenly happiness or karma at all. They say
happiness is equivalent to droppings of crow.
Theirs is nivrutttimarg (not household path).
They are mainly for one gender(male). They
say woman is door to hell. Some say I
AM GOD (SHIVOHUM). Some say I am

Jagadguru (Guru of whole world). Some say

human Guru is higher than God!
Some (advaita philosophy) say everything
is illusion. The world does not exist at all! (see
topic no. 132 Sleeping world). They sacrifice
family, and other relations and run away from
the society. But heaven is a society. It is a world
family (vasudhaiva kutumb). So how can they
get seat in heaven?
All are interested in limited material
pleasure in this Iron Aged world. People beg
rain, money, house, good wife/husband, and
wordly things from God. Even in Bhakti,
devotees spend money, time and energy to
perform different special yajnas and poojas (a
method of worship) for fulfillment of limited
pleasures and comforts. No devotee or those
who claim to be believer of God of any religion
puts self effort or suggests others to sacrifice
Most of Hindus believe in heaven there
were beautiful, sexy ladies called apsaras with
whom deities used to enjoy. It is written in
Hindu scriptures that the ruler of heaven (Indr=
Indra) used to disguise himself in different
forms and used to enjoy even wives of Sages.
So- most of the Hindus also do not believe a
world without vices can exist.
Other religions like Christianity and Islam
do not believe REBIRTH IN THIS WORLD.

There is no much knowledge in their scriptures.

Christians say blood of the mortal body of Jesus
purifies sins of others! {eventhough Jesus had
never said so}.
Muslims say to follow orders of Allah. But
they do not know how to remember Allah. They
do not know HIS real form at all! Their
scriptures direct to follow some fixed
disciplines or actions like doing namaaj, giving
jhakaath, observing fast for a month in a year,
going to Haj once in life time. There is no effort
to sacrifice vices in their life. There is no need
to observe celibacy or vegetarian food in Islam.
These two religions do not believe in
rebirth in this world. They believe in all time
heaven and all time burning hells. They believe
God created us to test us.(This is wrong.
Morefully already explained in topic No. 01
Meaning of Creator and Creation).
In Quran, it is written that those who go to
heaven will be served by beautiful ladies. So
even there the heaven is described as being
influenced by lust.
So, it is clear that all are interested in
limited and vicious (sinful) happiness. Followers
of all religions are attached in human beings
(individual religious heads) rather than God
and sacrificing vices.
Heaven is the place where there is
unlimited happiness (complete absence of

sorrow). There is no fear or symptom of any

disease. There is no pain during delivery. The
stool and urines also do not emit bad smell.
The body does not emit bad smell. Husband
and wife live together without lust. There would
be no hospitals, police force, etc. Who can
believe or imagine (think of) such a world?
(This is part of real HIGH THINKING) If one gets
faith that such a high (pure) world could exist,
he will definitely get faith in this knowledge
and become BK. Hence the rest do not get
place in heaven.
Gods descending time is the most
degraded state. So one who develops faith
in the following only gets seat in heaven.
a)At present, I am definitely impure due to
being captured by vices for last many (63)
b)I can become pure by sacrificing vices and
Gods remembrance.
c)A society free from vices does exist. Birth
without lust is possible.
Father is one who CREATES and GIVES
PROPERTY. Father is another name for the
CREATOR. That is why word GOD FATHER is
famous. It is already explained that God does
not create anything physically.
Mainly there are two fathersPhysical(Bodily) Father(PF) And The

Spiritual(Real) Father (= SF= RF). PF is one

who gives birth to(is responsible for the
creation of) the physical body.
As mentioned earlier, Creation means
Change. So father is one who is capable of
bringing maximum change or the one who
has highest influence. Physical father is the
most powerful person in a family. Hence he is
called as the father of the family.
Similarly God is capable of bringing
transformation (change) in the souls as well as
in the nature. Hence he is known as God father
or Universal father or unlimited father.
Another thing- father is one who gives
PROPERTY. Physical father (PF) gives property
for one birth. God gives property/sustenance
for at least 21 births.
So- PF gives or creates(is responsible for)
new body and gives the property for nourishing
the body.
Similarly, God creates soul intellectually
(=creates real awareness of self and Supreme
in a soul). Every soul forgets itself when it
comes in birth and death. It is the most
beloved God father who gives us remembrance
(knowledge) that Oh my sweet child- you are
not the mortal body. You are different than the
body. So soul becomes soul conscious (gets
itself= understands itself= takes a new divine
birth intellectually) due to the knowledge given

by God. In this sense, God is creator of every

soul. So God creates a soul(gives awareness,
awakens a soul from its deep sleep of
ignorance) in its own mind and intellects by
giving the real knowledge to the soul and
nourishes the soul through meditation
(remembrance). Getting birth means creation
of SELF and realization of FATHER (and HOME
and PROPERTY). So- here in spirituality, one
becomes SOUL conscious, SUPREME
conscious as well as PARAMDHAM (HOME)
and HEAVEN conscious.
There is a big chain in the process of giving
and receiving as mentioned before (in the
topic no. 17, UNIVERSAL TRUTH). A person
is dependent on many things and people like
physical father, employer, merchant, farmer,
earth, plants, Sun, God, etc.
But earth, plant, sun are just natural
elements. They are intelligent-less. Relation
with the non-living or intelligence things has no
People (intelligent beings) who help me are
physical father, employer, merchant, farmer,
etc and Godfather. In this chain there are
only two who remain constant and do not
expect anything in return. They love fully.
They give to their children whatever they can.
They are not selfish. They are the PF and RF.

[Nowadays, there may be few

expectations. Some PFs may not give
everything to their children due to lack of
quality in them. Some children even kill
their children just to get property from
them. Some parents create children with
selfish motive (like they will look after me
during my old age). This is the condition
of the deadly hell].
In the above chain, the PF and the RF
remain constant through out the life (except in
case of adoption or similar situations. But even
in adoption, there will be strong bond- if both
are wise or good). The former is for one birth
and the latter is for many births. Rest in the
chain (merchant, farmer, etc) may change their
profession and/or cut the link with me. Today I
may purchase from one shop and tomorrow I
may change the shop. The relation with these
(other than PF and RF) is like a business. They
charge/expect for their service. So, it is clear
everyone depends on these two fathers to a
great extent.
Actually, even physical father or mother do
not create the physical body. Body is developed
in mothers womb due to food consumed by
her. So it is the food/nature that creates the
body. And it is God who creates food (recharges
nature by restoring entropy) once in every
5000 years. Hence God is the only real

creator [already explained in topic no. 17,

Universal Truth].
Note that in a family, father is the most
powerful person. Hence he is called the creator.
Son of a King(Raja) is called RajKumar. Even
though the child remains in mothers
(Queen=Rani) womb for 9 months, we do not
say RaniKumar. {Kumar= Male child}.
Kingdom is the word used. Queendom is not
used. So, the word creator or father
designates the most powerful person.
It is already explained that one does not create
anything in this world. All are products of
nature and it is gods power that
recharges everything. So nothing is mine.
But I create thoughts, and HENCE THOUGHTS
Due to my PERSONAL INTEREST in body
and vices, I have developed bad resolves. By
my own effort/practice I have made the
vices as my own. My nature has become
vicious. So after taking number of births, now
these vices have become MINE.
So in this world, no one really gives
anything to one another. If somebody feels I
have given such and a such thing to someone,
it is actually incorrect.

[For communication purpose in society, one

may/will have to speak so. But in the
consciousness, he should feel as though he has
passed/received the thing to/from the other like
an action in a game or link in a chain].
Since nothing is mine, whatever I give is as
though I have not given at all. BUT IF I ACT
these vices have become part of me (the soul=
resolves) itself. Any other things are related
just to body and materials and I leave them
when I die. But my resolves will come with me
even for next births].
Similarly even the good habits and virtues
developed are also mine. When I deal with
others, I am donating good virtues to others.
ME OR THE RESOLVES IN ME and cause for
these are the thoughts which have been
created by me so far.So what about the
wealth and the body I have? Is it not mine?
have not created anything, they are not mine.
But since I have been given the highest

authority over my body and the wealth I

posses, I am responsible for the usage of these.
Hence they are also mine. But to have ego of
these is wrong. One should consider them as
those belonging to a trust.
One should consider himself as a trustee of
the wealth as well as even his own body. He
should use them according to the law
(rightfully). Hence it is important to know what
is right and what is wrong.
If I consider what all I have (body, time,
money, energy, relations) as are properties of
God then I am a true trustee. THEN ALL MY
TRUTH= thoughts become pure). MY LIFE
Else if I consider (feel) my wealth as earned
by myself, given by so and so, my property
(and life) will become impure. Because I am
mixing body consciousness with the truth. Not
only that, this will attach me more towards my
body, other bodily personalities and materials
(actions performed by me with other
men/materials). This will bond me and I will be
influenced by others and also will need to try to
influence others even if I do not really wish to

do so. In otherwords, I get disturbed as well as

disturb others. That is- even if I do not wish to
commit mistake, the situation will force me to
do mistakes, because I will have no real power
to handle the situation. It is like this- if the
foundation is weak, the building however
designed well is going to fall. So- if internally I
am not a trustee, whatever great my external
work may be, but are likely to become wrong
or ordinary or waste. So- usage or
effectiveness of physical wealth and actions
depend on my thoughts.
Moving deeper towards truth:- Suppose
(say) a devotee performs an offering to God
(say a pooja= a ritual) in his home. For that
function, he invites his friends and relatives.
The food that is offered to God becomes
PRASAD (a sacred gift of God) after offering.
Prasad is considered as highly pure and divine
and has great value. Even if it falls to ground,
many devotees put it onto head and then
take(eat) it.
Note the strange thing here. Even though
the owner of the house spends money for all
the materials for the pooja, the output of the
pooja (PRASAD) does not become his individual
property! It becomes property of God and all
who believe God have right to receive the
prasad! Not only that- the devotee having

highest faith and pure gets highest right on the

So all the things of a person who becomes
trustee become real PRASAD. He (his thoughts,
speech and actions) himself is a sacrifice to
Actually, everybodys property is prasad=
property of God. But they do not have that
faith. Hence their belongings do not become
Like prasad has a great value, such a
trustees every wealth, body, and thoughts
becomes useful to society and gets highest
value. Hence such a trustee becomes pure.
And also he gets highest return(fruit).
A pure devotee (on path of bhakti) tries to
offer (distribute) PRASAD to as many people as
he can. Similarly a true trustee (on the path of
Godly knowledge) would like to give/spread
Godly message as much as he can. Like
devotees realize importance of PRASAD, the
trustee (knowledgeful one) realizes the
importance of the knowledge. Because
So- Thoughts are mine. [Hence in
bhaktimarg it is shown that Ishwar= Shiv =
God begs vices. To make thoughts pure, we
should sacrifice vices and remember god.

Hence in bhagavadgita, both these are

stressed in lot places].
Such a trustee considers himself as an
instrument of God. Like Gods duty is to
make others pure, the trustee also takes the
responsibility to put his thoughts, speech and
actions in that path. Like God showed him the
right path, he also has to show path to others.
Hence his work is FOLLOW FATHER.
He is like a government servant. His
duty is to help/follow the government and
enjoy just what is paid by the
Government. He should not have other
If one expects from others, it is like
defaming the Government itself. It is as
good as the government servant not
satisfied by the payment given by the
government. It is like child of a King
begging in front of others. This is the
situation in hell.
Note:- Actually, everybodys duty is
also same as that of the trustee. Those
who become trustee become purified and
return to IW easily and happily. Others
need to take corresponding punishment
for impurity in them.

There are mainly two types of relations, 1)with

people, and 2)with objects. There is no ego
conflict/clash when we deal with(use)
materials. Hence we do not get much upset
when we deal(work) with objects. But when we
deal with people, we get upset even for silly
matters. The reason is, we are influenced by
the nature of the other person. We cannot
neglect or be carefree (except with close and
good friends) when we deal with people. Since,
nature of every person in this world is
fluctuating (everybody has question marks or
stress or disturbances in his life. Everybody has
desire, ego, fear, and expectations from
others), we also start fluctuating. This makes
us restless or fickle.
So, if we have to be stable, we should
not be influenced by others personality.
This is the most important thing to be
understood. So, we should not be
interested in others personal things,
character or behavior.
Our expressions- for example saying
GOOD MORNING are different when we deal
with different people. Eg: in home, in public,
with boy/girl friends, in Govt. office, in private
office, in private places, in friends houses, with
strangers, with kids, with people of same
nationality, with other nationality or religions,

with different sex, with guests, with beggars,

with superiors, with sub-ordinates, etc, etc.
Just imagine- to what extent I get
influenced! How weak I am! Our mind and
intellects are never stable. The reason is, we
concentrate on physical (external) personalities
rather than the inner(real) personality. External
things are vulnerable to attack. They are less
stable. Body (external) consciousness makes
us unstable. This is our first, highest, last
and the real enemy.
--------------------------------------33. WITHOUT RIGHT KNOWLEDGE, RIGHT
Initially a child does not know about its
parents. It does not love anyone. Even its
mother is just an object to it that feeds milk. It
does not know anything about life.
As time passes, it realizes that the mother
is not a mere object but the one that is most
lovely and needful. This brings change in its
personality. Then it develops attachment to its
mother. Initially there may be no resistance
when others lift it. But when it is attached to its
mother, it starts hesitating and resisting when
others come closer to it.
As it grows further, it realizes that life is not
just being with mother. There are toys, friends
through which pleasure can be experienced.
Then its mind and intellect deviate in that

direction. Initially, it was accepting almost any

food offered to it. But later it starts choosing
and demanding food according its taste.
Still it is not fully aware of the world. It
does not know about different statuses in the
society. As it grows further it realizes- I am
child of a doctor, my friend is child of so and
so, my father has car, we are rich, many
others are not as rich as us, etc, etc. Still
further, it realizes I belong to such religion and
caste. Slowly it realizes the society. As the
intellect grows, the realization becomes
effective or deeper. It realizes its father
completely when it realizes its fathers name,
form, property, duties, etc. Hence knowledge is
first requisite for anything. Without knowledge,
relation cannot be established to the full
Building relation means
1)Understanding(Learning) and
2)Experiencing(Practicing). Experiencing is
giving and taking. One may give/take good/bad
to/from others. That is, one may help or trouble
others. Similarly one may be helped or troubled
by others.
Learning(knowledge) is more related to
intellect. Experience(Practice) is more
concerned to mind. If these two are correct,

then the relation is fully established. So right

what one desires or feels.
Else, the relation is waste, incomplete,
partial, limited, useless, misguiding or even
GOD. I should act according to the relation I
have with them.
One cannot expect sweetness from neem
tree. It would be foolishness to expect money
from a beggar. Also it would be foolishness to
expect even food from a rich man at desert or
during famine. So- even knowledge of time is
also equally important. Similarly, we should
know what we get from God and how to get it.
An officer expects respect from his sub
ordinates. He becomes happy when somebody
calls him Sir. If his subordinates do not pay
respect to him, he may become dissatisfied.
But if his children give him great respect by
calling him as Sir, Director, etc he feels sad!
See the difference!
The reason is- in the first case, he is hungry
of dry respect. In the second case, he is
hungry of (bodily) love (attachment). The
relation in the first case is temporary [official,
lie (=limited)], whereas the second relation is

permanent till the end of present life(body).

That is- the second relation is nearer to truth
(of larger duration and higher intensity)
than the first.
But today inspite of having quite strong
(one being honest to the other) personal
relation, people are not happy. Because they
have lost spiritual values or emotional stability.
Hence one fails to utilize/enjoy/maintain the
things and relations effectively.
Like if a person is disturbed in his family
life, his official work also suffers. Similarly if
one does not have values in his life, his
personal life also suffers. This is the cause for
stress in life today. Rich, young, beautiful,
educated, high class people of the society also
commit suicides because of lack of values in
their life.
So- if a persons personal life is bad, his
achievement in official has no value or less
value. Similarly in front of spiritual relation,
personal matters are/become less important.
In otherwords, one would not ignore his
personal life for his official (name, status and
money) benefits. Similarly one should not
ignore spiritual values for personal matters
(attachments in family relations). Else he is a

The four main relations are: SPIRITUAL,

OFFICIAL, and SOCIAL. All relations are not
alike. Spiritual relation is the strongest and the
others are in the decreasing order.
One may sit very close for many hours to
the next person in a bus or aircraft while
travelling. But they may not talk to each other
at all. Here the relation is SOCIAL. If one is not
interested, he may not communicate. There is
high separation/detachment.
For many years one may be purchasing
grocery items from the same shop. But no
strong relation develops with the shopkeeper.
(due to emotions, there may arise some
feelings- ignore these rare cases). Here the
relation is both SOCIAL AND OFFICIAL.
There is giving and taking (business) in all
types of people of society.
Two persons may be colleagues for years
together and may be working in the same
office sitting near to each other. But they do
not get upset by their separation when one
gets transfer order or quits the job. Here the
relation is OFFICIAL and they have full
knowledge about it and are prepared for
Blood relations are stronger. The son may
be at a far place working in a different country.
The father and the son may not see each other

for months or years together. They may meet

each other just for few days in a year. Still
there is strong relation between them.
One may spend daily 8 hours with his
colleague for years together. They see, talk
with each other. They work together. But no
strong bond gets established with each other!
changes his consciousness even these
relations will change].
In life, the main relations are FATHER,
A mother sacrifices her ego and shyness in
taking care of her child. She is ready to loose
anything for her child. She does not
compromise for her child. See the
determination of a mother. Similarly when one
realizes weightage or importance of the
spiritual relation he can establish and maintain
it. Only then one will be able to sacrifice Ego
(or shyness or Body Consciousness, inferiority,
superiority complex, blames, criticisms,
attachments, etc) completely. Without
understanding and feeling the true (spiritual)
love, one cannot give up body conscious. Effort

should be put to build (understand and

feel) spiritual relation].
Relation with objects is not deep. One may
be staying in a house for many years. But,
when he gets a better home, he instantly
leaves that house. Even if a scientist does
research with the same object or matter for
years, he does not become emotional with the
object. There is no attachment or ego with the
He may become emotional when he
discusses the matter with other human beings.
This is due to ego conflicts, expectations or
lack of understanding between the two.
Emotion is due to the difference in
their(human) nature. He is not emotional with
the thing (or it will be very less). He may
become emotional while discussing the matter
with human beings or thinking about what
other people would comment about his
research. Some scientists may be eager to
announce the success of their research. To
whom do they want to announce? Definitely to
other human beings! That is the cause of
emotions. As there is no intelligence in objects,
there is no war with them.
Since official relationship is lesser
important than blood (bodily) relation, if one is
not aware of blood relation and expects dry
respect from(tries to maintain official relation

with) his family members, he is actually going

to lose! He will not experience love of his
family members!
But, even the body is temporary. The
soul is eternal. One who understands and
realizes this will be able to establish
proper spiritual relation and will receive
the highest enjoyment for the highest
duration. Like blood relation gives more
happiness for larger duration than official
relationship, the spiritual relation gives
more enjoyment for more duration than
blood relation. Soul is eternal. Hence the
spiritual fruit will follow us for many
births (minimum of 21 births or 2500
37. RULES TO ESTABLISH RELATIONS:One should give right importance to each
relation. That is he should give highest
importance to spiritual relationship, next to
blood relationship and then to the others.
If a person wishes to enjoy physical love of
his children- he cannot expect respect from his
children. [dry respect has no meaning in
personal (family or blood) relations. It has
negative value. It is a disturbance].
Similarly if one wants to enjoy spritual love
[bliss(super sensual joy)], he should not expect
bodily love or any sort of limited pleasures,

respect, praise, etc from others. Because al

these are disturbances in the spiritual relation.
This does not imply that one should not eat
when hungry. This implies that one should take
right food in right quantity and then FORGET
the body and think of soul. Like a driver is not
always conscious of the car or petrol. He fills
petrol and forgets. He does not wish to enjoy
petrol! He does not think about the petrol tank
all the time/way! He thinks about his goal (=
destination) most of the time. His level of
consciousness of even car and petrol will be
just to the needed extent. There is no goal for
the car. So we should love, respect our parents
and relatives, friends just to the needed extent
(to fulfil our duty towards them = to take care
of their health and support their growth). No
need to think of them always. Like the driver
fills petrol and forgets the car and just
concentrates on goal, we also should support,
have regard and help each other, but should
not have attachment. If we have attachment,
our spiritual journey gets delayed or may get
diverted in wrong path.
So, the one who wishes enjoyment from
everything and everybody should not expect
anything from anyone and everything (except
from God). Even there is no need to expect
from God, because since God is perfect, the
fruit is certain for the effort.

[Anything from God is spiritual birthright.

Every soul has right to receive its birthright
from Godfather].
So, when the person realizes the
importance of eternal(real= spiritual) relation
that I am a child of God and every individual
soul in this world is a child of my own Father,
all limited emotions, feelings or ego will die.
The person establishes real(best possible)
relation with everybody. DEVELOPING THE
Another thing: A person who gets love from
his blood relations remains happier than others
even in office or in society. That is- one who is
satisfied in personal(family) relations, gets
easily satisfied in his official realtions. Such a
person will not have thirst for respect from
others in society. When personal expectations
are less, he does not become obstacle while
dealing with others. He becomes less
problematic. Then others become comfortable
in dealing with him and communication will be
Usually those who are content with their
family life have fewer expectations even in
official relations. Those who are disturbed in
family life get more disturbed in official
relations also.

The person who has true(spiritual) relation

with everybody enjoys maximum. Since his
satisfaction is the highest, he is least disturbed.
He pardons everybody. He cannot be brought
down from his status (self esteem), since all
others are weaker than him. He becomes a real
model for others. He is a real donor to the
society. He can improve others
personality(life). In this way Self
Tranformation can lead to World
Summary: Everybody has different
relations- social, official, blood and
real(spiritual). Accordingly each has different
moods(stages) in life. Check yourself in these
situations. Am I happy most of the time? Am I
happy when I am alone? Or else do I become
happy when I meet others or get material
The one who gives is more useful to the
society. If I have, then only I can give. If I have,
I should be happy with myself (even when I am
alone and have nothing). Hence I am useful to
the society if I am happy most of the time
without any company (dependency). To the
extent I have satisfaction in my life, I can
satisfy others. If I get satisfaction only when I
am present with others or some materials, I am
like a beggar or definitely is quite far from the
spiritual goal.


1)Knowledge of Self, the Relative and the
Relation. It also includes knowledge of reward,
ouput or outcome of the relation.
2)Goal(expectations) of the relation.
To fire a wooden-stick, kerosene is used.
But a foolish person may use costly coconut oil
or even ghee. This difference is due to the lack
of knowledge (or even an intelligent person
may do the same carelessly or due to ego).
Some may consider woman as mother.
Some may consider woman just as an object of
enjoyment. Some may treat people of other
religion as their friends; some may treat as
Aims of marriage are different. Some marry
for love, some for help and cooperation, some
for lust, some for dowry, and some due to
influence of the society. If we understand the
right(full) knowledge of the relation, the wrong
attitudes, desires can be removed easily.
Every relation has its natural output. One
should know that and act accordingly.
[It is both ignorance and wrong if in a
relation the expectation(goal) is different
than the natural(real) output of that
relation]. In such cases, the fruit will be less
(sometimes may be negative = sorrow). Hence
acquiring knowledge of a relation is the first

step. Else setting of goal itself will be wrong.

Such relation die/break in short periods].
REDUCE:Eg: Relation between two close and good
friends or lovers. There is no ego clash
between them. There is no feeling of giving or
taking between them. All of mine is yours and
All of yours is mine will be their feelings. Each
has full faith both in self and the other about
how they behave. There is 100% acceptancy.
Each is satisfied by the other. There is no need
to beg pardon from the other. There is no
expectation between them even though they
help each other or work for each other. This is
really a good relationship.
But when ego enters, one thinks of offering
useless and silly gifts to satisfy the other. Each
one is bothered about satisfying or protecting
the self more than the other. One tries to
prove his innocence or show about his love to
the other. This creates waste talks and actions
that weaken the communication (relation)
between the two.
Because of ego even if one wishes to help
others, he remains incapable. Ego makes us
susceptible to external things. Ego invites
different sorts of threats. Ego makes small
obstacles big. It amplifies negative things. Ego

does not allow to enjoy naturally and to do the

work to the full extent. Ego does not allow to
do right things even if one is aware and has
very good experience. Any service done with
ego always creates holes inside which will
break it.
Sometimes ego judges right as wrong and
wrong as right. The discrimination power
becomes useless. Ego makes highest
intelligent man as more foolish than an
intelligent-less animal.
If pure love exists, need of actions are less.
In special cases, even if such relations break,
they separate themselves and remain
undisturbed by each other in future. The past
relations will remain as sweet memories in
their life. They do not try to take revenge
against one another. But if there had been ego,
they will quarrel with each other. Each is a
disturbance to the other even after the
separation. The past sweet experiences turn
bitter after separation. Stress will take deep
root in their life.
Hence, if mind and intellects are properly
used (if right knowledge is practised), the need
of organs is less. This will save time, money
and energy. This makes the relation healthy.

Relation with a beggar will yield nothing. In

fact, it will result in loss. Hence no one will wish
to establish relation with a beggar. People just
give alms and leave the space. Anyone having
attachment with a beggar is a fool. Relation
with a King is useful. I GAIN/PROGRESS ONLY
Hence if I wish to become powerful and pure, I
should not have attachment with those who
are weak or impure. So if a person wishes
progress in spiritual path, he has to sacrifice
his attachment with impure things.
Everybody in this world has vices, desires
and/or expectations. So everybody is a beggar.
Even my own body is impure and is subjected
to various diseases and discomforts. Even the
elements of nature are polluted and their
quality has deteriorated. HENCE ANY
VALUE. It will increase body consciousness
and make us weaker. We will lose our real
personality. As mentioned earlier we should
have attachment just in pure things- God, IW
and Heaven.
Consider a person who just passed 10th
standard(say). When I deal with him, I consider

him to be a 10th std student. When I introduce

him to others, I will say- Mr. X has passed
Now suppose say, Mr. Y is a graduate. If I
introduce him to others as- Mr. Y has passed
10th std, it is really true, since a graduate had
definitely passed 10th std also. But even though
I spoke truth, it is wrong. Because introducing a
graduate as 10th pass is like paying dis respect.
Hence it is our responsibility to consider
the highest or full qualification of a
person when we think of him. Hence to
develop spiritual consciousness, limited things
and status that belong just to one birth should
be ignored because soul takes many births.
Also, the present birth is the most degraded
one since we are at the end of Iron age. So-we
should forget all status of the Iron age.
Suppose say, son of a King is a doctor.
When we talk to him, WE DO NOT SEE THE
OF THE KING. Because that is higher
qualification than being doctor. We first
introduce him as son of King and then say- he
is a doctor.

CONSCIOUSNESS. Having any other

consciousness, feeling or attitude is ignorance
and as good as paying disrespect. Hence when
we deal with anybody, first we should have the
knowledge/conscious/feeling that, THIS IS A
SOUL, CHILD OF GOD. Then of course,
come to his qualification, profession, etc just to
the needed extent; i.e.- if we need to do any
transaction officially or need to communicate in
social gatherings, etc.
Suppose say I am thinking of a person for
half an hour. Then I should see (consider, think,
feel, conscious of) him as a soul for the highest
duration (at least more than 50% of the
duration). What I think him as my husband,
wife, father, colleague, etc. should be less than
50% duration. If I practice like this I will be
safer (stable) and be able to detach at any
time. I will be able to discharge my full duties
to that person or work considered. This will
give power of resilence or ability to put fullstop
at any time. In otherwords, this will keep brake
of my vehicle powerful so that I can apply it
and prevent any accident (waste and negative
thoughts and actions). The effort /tiredness
experienced will be much less.
Essence of truth is- all are actors in
this world drama and are children of the
highest, greatest world almighty,
knowledgeful, purifier, most beloved

Supreme God father of all the souls. So as

we go on understanding the truth, we
automatically pay highest respect to each
and every soul in this world.
Hence if we do not see a person as
soul and just consider a person as
Engineer, doctor, male, female, child,
Hindu, Muslim, beggar, rich, etc, we are
committing sin or develop bondage.
This is the reason why without having
spiritual knowledge sin automatically
enters in our actions.
RELATIONSHIPS?:It is said- if character is lost, everything is
lost; if health is lost something is lost; if wealth
is lost, nothing is lost. First preference
should be for character, second to health
and third to wealth.
In other words, physical material and
wealth should be used for the need of the
physical body. Physical body(Life) should be
used according to the Souls needs (to build
real personality, to purify soul, to make soul
powerful, to build divine character).
But today man earns wealth while ignoring
health. He uses body(lives) ignoring the
character (living values). This is cause for all
the problems.

Similarly, when we deal with others, we

should be more conscious about spiritual
relation, then the other relations accordingly as
explained above.
A girl searches for a groom. Girl-side
people meet and talk with the boy-side people
for some minutes or hours. Within few days,
they announce their decision. If the answer is
Yes, a STRONG relation gets established
easily. Else no relation forms.
To start a new business, two persons meet
and discuss the matter for hours. If both
satisfy, they become partners. Otherwise, the
communication ends then and there itself or
shortly. So the time and efforts needed to
establish a relation is always less if each has
the full introduction (knowledge) of the other.
If both the girl and boy like each other,
immediately relation builds up. They start
loving and remembering each other from that
instant itself! Similarly, to establish relation
with God, one needs just few hours to get the
introduction of God and the Self. That is all.
(See topic No. 186** liberation in life in a
second) Just by understanding God and his
attributes, faith and love is generated within us
and we can love and remember God

Even if there is a mediator between

establishing relation between the boy and girl,
he will not waste time of them (boy and girl).
He cannot make them to wait. Hence it is
foolishness to say that one needs to serve a
human guru for years to get introduction of
god. Just knowledge and faith are necessary.
Building relation with Godfather is
understanding God(KNOWLEDGE =jnaana)
and realizing(experiencing) God (Meditation,
Remembrance =YOG). So, first, we should
know introduction of God. Some are already
explained in topic No. 04.Gods Introduction
(attributes= qualities and specialties).
More is given below. Gods
1)NAME is Shiv, {Allah, Jehova, etc can also be
called. But the real name is SHIV. Topic No **}.
2)FORM is Point,
3)Place is Paramadham, the Supreme Abode,
4)TIME (of act=incarnation) is at the end of
Iron Age= Confluence Age
5)VIRTUE(Quality) is Ocean of all virtues,
6)Duty(ACT) is Re-establishment of Heaven =
purifying everything.
Name is not so important in a one to one
relation and that too very close. Form, duties
and qualities are important. Not only that,
there is only one God in universe. So name is
not important. Strictly speaking, God should be

called as SHIV_BABA. Baba means father.

Since God is father, we should call him with
respect as ShivBaba (father Shiv). But BKs call
God as just Baba (father)or Shivbaba.
How to experience God? In any relation,
there is need of mind and intellects. In relation
with objects, we need organs also. When we
take food, we have to eat/taste food. There is
need to touch. In relation with people, the need
of organs reduces. There is no need to touch
each other (except when there is illness or to
take care of a baby). Just physical presence is
enough. This is just to make the
communication effective. Today we
communicate through telephones, internet,
etc. Two close friends or lovers may be at
different places. But they think(remember)
each other. Many times, they experience love
just by remembrance. If their love is pure, the
need of physical presence is lesser. Just a
photo of the person is enough!
The point is- more we become intelligent,
need of physical operation reduces. It is like
this. As the sharpness of a knife increases, the
force required reduces. Similarly, as the power
of thoughts increae, the need of action/organs
reduce. This finally, leads us to the karmaateet
stage, which is also called as liberation in life.
But, if there is ignorance, impurity due to
too much body-consciousness, attachment or

lust, they may feel discomfort or stress during

the absence of the other and may wish
physical presence or contact.
[In lust, one(a soul) does not wish to
establish relation with the other(the other
soul). Each treats the other person as a body. It
is like treating a living body as a dead body =
an object. It is like treating both the souls (self
and the other) as mere objects. IT IS THE ACT
OF LEAST RESPECT. Because each ignores
soul(the owner of the body) fully. Each forgets
himself(the soul) and the other(the other soul).
Each considers eternal being (himself as well
as the other = souls) mortal (mere body). It is
the highest ignorance, carelessness, addiction
and impurity. [Details in topic No. 101 - Lust
the biggest sin].
Hence it is clear that if the bodyconsciousness is more, the need of physical
presence, use of organs also are more. This is
the cause for burden and increase of entropy.
But there is no space for body-consciousness in
spiritual relation. Hence there is no need of
organs to establish relation with God. Just mind
and intellects (thoughts) are enough.
It is the easiest! More one understands
God(intellect) and loves(mind) God, more is the

So just consider yourself a tiny point of

divine light and might- a soul and remember (=
imagine =think of) another similar point who is
God. More details are given in meditation.
Note:- Even photo is not needed and is
waste/forgotten when one is merged in others
love. But initially it may be needed or useful.
Since today people do not have concentration,
they need support of such things. When a
person hears/listens to voice of his/her lover or
a devotee listens to a divine/ Godly song, their
conscious gets deeper and they experience
As practice is done or realization improves,
even these songs useless.
communion. Another meaning of yoga is
When somebody passes away(dies),
Indians say the person got ViYoga (meaning
opposite of yoga) with his children, wife,
relatives. So breakdown of a relation is
termed as ViYoga. Hence the real meaning of
Yoga is being in close relation or
In general, everyone in the world is a
Yogi(= one who performs yoga). A child has its
yoga(relation) with its mother. A student thinks
of his teacher. Two lovers love each other. A

scientists yoga is deeply with his subject of

research. So in simple terms, yoga means
RAJ = RAJA(pronounced as raaj or raaja)
means King. King means the Greatest, the Only
One, unique, the most powerful. King is the
Highest Degree that can be achieved.
Hence RajaYoga means highest
relation, highest effort or highest
achievement or highest status.
All the relations we know in this world are
INCOMPLETE. They are likely to be even
imperfect and even have ignorance. Eg: One
may be father to another but the same person
cannot be mother. One may be teacher to
somebody, but not doctor or lover to the same.
Even the father may not be able to perform his
full duty to his child. If the father is poor or less
intelligent, he may not be able to look after his
children properly. Sometimes, the father may
pass his disease to his children as heredity
(Diabetis, Heart diseases, etc). If one of them
dies, the relation ends. Sometimes, there can
be fights between father and children,
difference in opinions among friends. There can
be misunderstanding or lack of comfort
between those persons. Two friends may
become enemies tomorrow.

Let us see the spiritual or real relation. The

real relation is based on God(real=truth). The
soul gets purified by remembrance of God. This
puts end to all the problems for 2500 years
(heaven). The sins of period of 2500 years
(hell) can be cleared by continuous, loveful,
faithful, knowledgeful remembrance of God. As
there is no bodily relation, Godfather
becomes(is) mother, teacher, guru, lover,
friend, companion, etc, everything to the
Hence, there is the saying- twamEva
maataascha pitaa twamEva, twamEva
bandhuscha sakhaa twamEva, twamEva
vidyaa dravinam twamEva, twamEva
sarvam mama dEva dEva The meaning
is- Oh God, you are my mother, father,
relative, friend, knowledge, wealth. You
are everything (sarvam) to me. This is
the complete relation. This satisfies a
youself as a soul separate than the body
and remember the most beloved bodiless
father.This is the first meaning of

Relation between a Soul and the Supreme

Soul has no beginning or ends. It is present all
the times, either directly or indirectly.
[The battery charging period may be small.
During charging, there is direct contact. During
discharging, even though there is no contact
with the source, it is the same energy which is
received from the source is being utilised.
The Confluence Age is the charging period.
The other four ages are the discharging period.
When the battery charge is full, you get full
enjoyment. When the battery is weak,
difficulties arise. In heaven, the battery power
is high. At the end of heaven battery power
decreases and sorrow begins].
1)During AnaadiKaala [Anaadi= Before
beginning of TC(best time of TC)= before
coming to the PW= before taking human
body= when the soul resides in IW], the souls
will be in Paramadham. So souls and God
reside together. [Of course, this awareness will
not be there].
2)AadiKaala (Beginning) of the Time Cycle
is Heaven. The souls while enjoying in Heaven
do not know about God at all. But, Heaven is
Gods creation. There is no attachment among
deities. Deities are enjoying property given by
God which is for 21 births.
3)From Madhya_Kaala (middle of TC), that
is after Copper Age, worship of God begins and

continues till the end of Iron Age. Even though

there is no full introduction of God, we think of
God in different names and forms.
4)During Antya_Kaala(Antya =End of TC),
God descends and Confluence Age begins.
During that(present) time, direct, true,
complete relation with God can be established.
Hence the Confluence Age is called as
Diamond Age. It is the shortest and highest
During Confluence Age, God is the hero
actor. He plays his role of Director and Principal
Actor. As all the actors are in ignorance, God
gives highest directions (shreemat= srimat).
One who realizes the importance of the
Confluence Age realizes everything. [shree=
highest, mat= math =direction].
So there is always relation with God either
directly or indirectly at any point of time.
Hence we should realize the importance of
God. This relation is eternal, powerful, highest,
holiest, richest, etc. It cannot be compared at
all. It cannot be fully explained in words.
Second meaning:- Relation with
(remembrance of) God gives us complete
control over our sense organs. That is, I
become the real RULER(KING=RAJA) of my
body. Hence yoga with God is also called as

Also, Rajayoga means- doing action with

authority. That is- like driving a car. A driver has
controlling and ruling power. So- a Rajayogi
when considers himself as a soul separate than
the body, he does not get influenced by action.
He gets authority as he practices.
Third meaning:- By practicing RajaYoga
completely, one becomes EMPEROR OR
EMPRESS in Heaven. Real King is the King of
Heaven. King of heaven (Sri Narayan) has no
desires and is not influenced by anything. He
has no dependence. He is the master of the
whole world. In Heaven there is one kingdom in
the whole world. Not only that, even the
physical nature is servant(pleasant) in heaven.
Every citizen loves the King from heart in
Heaven. There is no tax on citizens in heaven.
The King is independent of citizens as well as
the citizens. Hence King of the heaven is the
real King. Kings after Copper Age are not
complete Kings. This is another reason for the
name RajaYoga.
The King in heaven has no attachment at
all. He has no fear of death. When the body
becomes old, the soul is capable of leaving the
old body and gets another birth(new body).
Fourth meaning:- In a living body, the soul is
the King(Owner, Controller, Ruler). The body
consisting of the sense organs is the citizen or
the instrument. RajaYoga means to become

SOUL(KING) CONSCIOUS. That isconsidering myself as King(Soul) and seeing

everybody as King(Soul). This is like sitting in
the throne (maintaining self-respect) and
offering throne to all(paying the
Kings{highest} respect) to others. In this way,
RajaYoga is really GIVE RESPECT AND TAKE
RESPECT. By considering the self as a Soul,
one automatically remembers (establishes
relationship) the all time King, the Almighty
GodFather. This fills power in the King (Soul).
The self-respect goes on increasing. A RajaYogi
sees everybody as child of God. So, he truly
loves everyone. That is he pays full respect and
true love to others. This establishes Universal
Brotherhood. RajaYoga is the only way for
Universal Brotherhood. There is complete love
with zero attachement!
RajaYogi(RY) considers himself as King.
Hence he expects nothing from anybody. He
considers everything in this world as property
of GodFather (See topic No. 17 Universal Truth).
Since every soul is the child of God, he
considers every soul as the one having
birthright towards Gods property. Hence RY
has faith that every soul receives its property
from God according to the extent it realizes
God. Realization increases as purity increases.
More pure we are/become, more we realize
God. As we realize God, our purity increases

due to charging. So, there is 100% coincidence

in both goal and path in RajaYoga. That isthere is fruit in every step of the effort. To the
extent of coverage of the path, the goal is also
[In normal work, study, Education, or
business, the degree is received only if the
study is completed. A child needs around 15
years of study to complete his education. A
tree gives fruit only after a minimum growth.
Before that period, if the person or the tree
dies or the effort is terminated, there is no fruit
at all. The accumulated effort becomes waste.
But in RajaYoga(spiritual), the fruit is
transparent (immediate), unlimited (highest)
and guaranteed. There is no wastage or doubt.
Hence the fruit is truly REAL.
[Since a RY remembers God, there is
highest realization. There is super sensous
joy(bliss) while doing the effort itself. Hence the
fruit is immediate. The fruit is unlimited =
follows for even future till 2500 years].
Since RY considers everything in this world
as Godfathers property and everyone eligible
for the birthright of Gods property, he does not
get ego while helping others. While helping
others, he considers himself as a cashier in a
Bank and the other as the customer (Account
Holder). He helps (establishes spiritual relation,

gives Godly knowledge to) the other person

according to the account(credit = purity) of the
account holder. [Account = fortune. The
fortune of a person is identified by the interest
one has love towards God. It is identified by the
extent one tries to sacrifice vices. Hence a RY
helps others by observing these qualities].
A RajaYogi treats the other person as a
King even while helping him like the cashier
treats customer as King. Even while receiving
help, a RY(RajaYogi) will have no desire. The
reason is- he knows very well that he is
definitely going to get fruit according to his
effort in any form. So a RY does not get
influenced by the person who helps him. That
is, a RY remains King even while receiving help.
He considers everything in this world as gift or
property of God.
As he considers himself as real child, he
considers himself as right holder for the Gods
property. Hence, he is a truly carefree King.
This is called liberation in life.
So, a RajaYogi has no personal or limited
interest in his actions. He is a true trustee in
his life. There are no giving and taking feelings
with human beings. (Being in the state of
purity and remembering God for considerable
duration only can bring this high stage.)
A RajaYogi has complete knowledge about
the World Drama. That is, he knows the future

to the maximum possible extent than others.

So, he will be leading(in the front). He is a
guide and hence is also a King. He considers
everybody in this world as an actor. So, he
considers every person as an actor (right to
play his role in the drama). Hence, he is
capable of treating every person as King (pays
full respect). As we all are actors, he keeps
himself detached from everything (remains
King). That is, he remains at High state when
busy in action, while communicating with
people and as well as during free time. Hence a
RajaYogi is the true KarmaYogi.
Hence, RajaYoga is communion (close
relation) with God. It purifies the soul. It is easy
to understand. There is no need of physical
power or material wealth for this. It is really
religious (= spititual =holy). It is easy to
practice (just remembrance with faith and
love). There is no need of Bodily(Human)
Gurus. There is no need to go to temple,
mosque, churches, etc. There is no need to
study heavybooks or chant mantras loudly.
There is no need to do ritual actions. There is
no need of any educational background or
postion in society. This can be practiced
wherever, however and in whatever the
condition may be. One can love(remember)
God even when he is in toilet. There is no
obstacle or limits. One can do it day and night.

The more you do(remember God), more you

get. Hence RajaYoga is the only real, unlimited
and Easy Yoga. So we call it as EASY
Today many do not know the right meaning
of the word YOGA. They practice physical and
breathing exercises (praanaayaam, etc) and
call them as Yoga! Just see- Yoga (relation) is
concerned with mind (soul). But they are
operating body! They practice Yoga to cure
bodily diseases. But the soul does not get
power to conquer sin (vices). But, it is also
correct since there is also some effort and
relation. But in fact, thw word yoga has very
high value and is not the phyaical level.
But there is some sort of relief to mind due
to improvement in physical health. Most of the
people today do not have right eating habits.
They consume wrong foods or over eat. The
food does not get digested. Some do not get
proper sleep. Such problems are reduced by
these physical exercises. But it will not increase
ones will power in real sense. Physical
exercises will not give power to face serious
situations in life.
Except true RajaYoga (meditation as per BK
philosophy), all the other Yogas being taught
are hathayogas. Attempting to control mind by
some physical action (exercise or breathing) is
hatha (=hath= force) and incomplete. Real

change should be natural. It definitely needs

knowledge of soul, god and Karma Philosophy.
Without real knowledge and right effort real
change is impossible.
A RY can be a true(all time) Yogi. Because
his yoga is just remembering. One can
remember at any time he wishes. A hathayogi
cannot be yogi all the time. His yoga is till the
duration he keeps his body in the specific
postures, till he does praanaayam, exercises,
etc. His yoga (effort) is of limited duration. It
breaks as soon as he gets up from his physical
posture. A hathayogi cannot become
nirantar_yogi (continuous or constant yogi). But
RajaYogi after honest effort will become a
nirantarayogi(will be able to be in
remembrance of God always). A hathayogi is
not a natural yogi. A rajayogi is the true natural
Usually hathayogis do not mix with society
people. They keep themselves away from the
society. They do not teach (or give aim to their
followers) to conquer vices. It is clear that no
physical exercise can help in getting rid of
vices. RajaYogis keep aim and succeed (of
course numberwise and percentage) in this
effort. RajaYogis do open eye meditation. Other
yogis close their eyes during meditation.
Deities eyes are always open. There is divinity
in their eyes. But sanyaasis (saints) eyes are

closed and their level of divinity is very less. A

face with eyes closed is not a sign of
enlightment. They just observe pure diet and
celibacy. But there is no high level thinking.
They concentrate their mind in different parts
of body (kundalini yoga) or try to make mind
blank in meditation. They do not think of God
at all. Many consider God, soul body, mind,
everything same. Then what yoga (relation)
can they establish?! They do not know TC. They
neither believe it. Then how can they be
karmayogis? When they do not know time
cycle, how can they teach karma philosophy?
Hence any sort of Yoga other than RY is a
physical yoga. They just meditate(think) on
different parts of the body. Some(eg: advaita)
consider body, mind, world, space everything
one and the same. Nobody knows that souls
and the Supreme Soul are tiny points. When
one is not at all aware of the self, how his
yoga(relation) can be real? When one thinks of
just material objects or space how can his
relation get established? But by hath(some
forced discipline), the mind wild horse is tied to
some extent. This will reduce the deterioration
of both physical and mental healths to some
extent. Because it is good to do physical
exercises and think in a disciplined manner
instead of having negative thoughts related to

vices. So it is not wrong to say that Something

is better than Nothing.
The saying- Where there is Will, there is
the Way holds good only for spiritual effort,
that too during the present Confluence Age
only. Complete Knowledge is present only
during Confluence Age. The highest aim can be
known and effort can be done during this
period only. During other periods or ages, no
one knows about God. Hence there cannot be
real improvement.
There is no need of any prequalification for
RajaYoga education. The things needed to this
are pure mind and intellects. Thats all. Right
Knowledge and Love towards God is the key to
success. Hence RajaYoga Education is the only
true Easy RajaYoja.
The above saying =where there is will,
there is way) cannot be applicable for other
things all the time, for all. Eg: A person may
wish to become doctor. Can just the strong will
take him to the goal? That too, if he is
physically handicapped or old or very poor?!
God is bodyless. Hence one needs just the
right knowledge. After understanding the
knowledge, one can practice independently. If
not understood, he may have to clarify doubts.
For that he may have to read some literatures
of BKWSU or meet a good RajaYogi during the
initial period. After that he is independent of

any human being or any circumstances. Even a

handicapped, poor, weak person (or even a
thief, prostitute if ready to transform self) can
achieve the highest status just by will
(determination). The knowledge being given in
BKWSU is free of cost for all irrespective of
cast, creed, religion and status of the people.
Fifth meaning:- Rajayoga is- being
conscious of fortune- or full knowledge:Take example of purchasing an item from a
shop. The person will not just think about the
price of the item and cash in hand. He will
compare the price of the item WITH HIS
TOTAL ASSEST. If that is a small percentage
of the total asset, then he will be free from
burden and carefree. This is the reason why the
state/intoxication of rich person is different
than the poor.
So- when a RY does action, if he is
conscious of his total role in world drama, he
becomes carefree in his action. Because he
knows that his role is one of the best in the
world drama. In otherwords, it is know about
fully so that not affected by just present
situation (half).
Summary of Rajayoga:- So- Rajayoga means
being conscious of at least one of the pure and
eternal things- SOUL, SUPREME SOUL,

becomes King, uninfluenced as well as attains

highest fruit and power.
46)Rajayoga- All in One:The famous terms in yoga are Karmayoga and
Gyaanyoga:Gyaan = Jnaan = Knowledge and Karma=
Rajayoga is truly gyaanyoga because it
needs knowledge. The yoga (relation,
expereince) depends on the knowledge.
It is also true karmayoga because one can
do it even while doing action. Karmayoga
means doing yoga while being in action. In
otherwords, it is keeping mind detached from
the karma. It is nothing but isolating mind from
the action or effect of action.
All have experience of karmayoga:Take example of purchasing an item from a
shop. The person will not just think about the
price of the item and cash in hand. He will
compare the price of the item WITH HIS
TOTAL ASSEST. If that is small percentage of
the total asset, then he will be free from
burden and carefree. This is the reason why the
state/intoxication of rich person is different
than the poor.
Similarly- when a RY does action, if he is
conscious of his total role in world drama, he
becomes carefree in his action. Because he

knows that his role is one of the best in the

world drama.
[But since people do not know real
meaning of yoga, they have misinterpreted
yoga wrongly. They believe gyaan_yoga (also
called as saankhya_yoga) means to find/realize
God through knowledge of scriptures and
karmayoga means to find/realize God through
According to them, the saints are
gyaanyogis who do not work or do not have
duty like others. They believe saints realize
God by studying the knowledge given in
For the house hold people who have
regular duties- It is said that they need not
study scriptures, etc. They can find God just by
doing their regular work with duty
consciousness. Even there are stories written in
that way- A Vyaadh/Vyaadh does his duty as he
has receieved from his ancestors. It is believed
that he also attains perfection. Due to not
realizing what is truth, difference between soul
and body, hell and heaven, such stories are
written in scriptures which is a great
unfortunate and misguidance to people]
PHILOSOPHY):Suppose (say) husband of a lady is the
President of a country. The lady has two

relations with him; husband -wife and

President- citizen. The lady will give preference
to the first relation. Because that is stronger
and more real.
In public places when she is with him, she
will pay respect as a citizen just to satisfy
others and maintain discipline. But for her, the
first (husband wife) relation is the main thing.
A son of General Manager will bow his head
in his office to show his respect. But in home,
he may be sitting on his fathers head.
So actually it is like pretending (with
humility) in front of public. Their respect
(shown in public) has no value for both the lady
and the President (or the son and the General
Manager). The reason is simple. Official relation
is silly when compared to personal relation.
Even while being in front of public, the lady will
be (internally) more in husband conscious than
President consciousness. Internally there will
be no hesitation, shy or fear at all.
When a person gets spiritual knowledge,
he realizes spiritual relation. It has highest
value. So a real RY will consider/see his family
members also as spiritual beings (souls). His
consciousness will be soul consciousness. A RY
will consider even his wife (and every blood
relation also) as soul and not as a woman. This
knowledge will help him to conquer lust,
attachment and all the vices.

In the above example, if the lady fails to

maintain official relation with the
President(husband) it will not be treated as
fault. The expectation or requirement is that
she should be a good wife to her husband. So if
her performance is satisfactory in personal
relation (wife), even if she fails to maintain
official relation (project or show off herself in
public as Presidents wife) it is immaterial. No
one can blame her.
Similary if a RY maintains spiritual relation
(Universal Brotherhood), his duty is almost
completed. From this example, the importance
of spiritual relation can be realized.
Now suppose say the husband (President)
is not aware (or forgotten for some time) that
the lady is his wife. Then he will get upset or
surprise by even presence of the lady. Not only
that if the level of conscious in (mutual
understanding between) husband and wife is
not equal, they will face difficulties in dealing
with each other and that will get worsen in
front of others and public.
A RY has to face tough situations in BK
family, lowkik family and in public because of
this. He may try to give more importance to
the spiritual relation, but the other person may
try to establish or maintain personal relation.
Then confusions, stress arise. So- until he
becomes capable to inspire others, he will have

to face conflicts. So- he has to walk cautiously

and keep on developing himself by being in
soul conscious and rememebering God father.
48. BUT WHO WILL BE THE WINNER?:Suppose say- in the above example- The
General Manager (by ignorance) tries to
maintain official relation with his son even at
house. The son tries to maintain personal
relation with the father. Initially there may be
conflicts. But in the end, the son will be proved
Similarly, when a RY tries to establish
spiritual relation with someone, but the other
tries to maintain the same old relationship,
there will be conflicts. But in the end, RY will be
proved to be right.
[So continuous effort is needed till one
attains maturity and the other can realize
-------- -------49.WORLD DRAMA REPETITION:
The population would be around 9 lakhs in
the beginning of the Golden Age. Since power
of these souls is highest, they descend
first(earlier) to act/enjoy on the drama stage.
At that time, the other souls will be resting in
Supreme Abode. As time passes, the other
souls descend and population increases.
During Confluence Age, God incarnates and
recharges everything. Now the same deity

souls have to be recharged to the same

original state (due to repeatation of TC). So,
after the destruction of Iron Age, the same
deity souls should become deities in the next
TC. Then only the cycle will be sustained.
No one can return to Paramdham in the
middle of a Kalpa. Because charging and
complete purification process takes place only
at the end of the kalpa when God incarnates.
Since every soul has to reach same status
after each 5000 years, every action, word
and thought of each soul should repeat
once in every 5000 years. That is- What
I(and everyone and everything) am doing now,
thinking at this instant is just a replica of what
had I done 5000 years before. I will do the
same after 5000 years also. That is, I had done
this present action countless number of times
in the past and will repeat countless number of
times in future.
Not only that- I have relation with my body
as well as nature. If my action is 100% replica,
then changes in every atom in the universe
also should repeat. That is- every process
should repeat. That is- Nothing is New in this

drama. What all are happening now had

already occurred in the last Kalpa. It had
occurred countless no. of times in previous
Kalpas(TCs) and will occur countless times in
Some speak this truth in different words asWORLD HISTORY GEOGRAPHY REPEAT.
famous scientist Einstien also had remarked
Time is Cyclic.
So you are not reading or hearing this
knowledge for the first time. You are wearing
the same dress as you had exactly 5000 years
before. Your physical body, parents and
relations, qualification, job, etc are identical to
those of 5000 years before!
The reader may become surprise to hear
this. But it is very simple to understand. If any
process repeats infinite number of times, every
smallest part (subdivision) of the process
should be just a repetition. Let us view this
point from different angles.
In the initial topics, it is logically explained
that 1)World is eternal, 2)The entropy goes on
increasing from its minimum value, 3) When
the Entropy reaches its maximum value, it is
again brought back to the minimum value,
4)This process repeats, 5)There should be
Supreme power that restores entropy.

Now suppose if the argument is- The souls

of those who had been deities in this kalpa/TC
need not become deities in the next kalpa.
That is, the part of a soul can change in next
kalpas. In such case, karma (action= effort)
will have no value.
The reason is simple. If in the present
cycle, I become Sri Narayan and in the next
cycle, you are going to become Sri Narayan
(say), then both you and me will not put effort
both in the present and every cycle. Because
as a whole, both you and I are sure of the same
property (status). Then no one will put effort
and entropy will not be restored.
In such case, God will have to take 100%
responsiblility. He will have to keep a time table
and allot all the statuses equally to all the souls
in sequence. If the total number of souls is 700
crores(say), God will have to give chance to
each and every soul to become the first King of
heaven. So every soul will become the first
emperor of heaven turn by turn.
There are 700 crores of souls. If each soul
is given chance to become first emperor of
Golden Age one by one, it will take 700 TCs to
complete the time table. What after that?
[Actually the number of different roles is
very high. Because there are different statuses
like citizen, rich, ordinary, poor, servants, etc.
So the number of permutation and combination

will be very large. But whatever it is, at one

point of time, even this time table also will get
else He will have to prepare similar timetables.
After some time, all the similar timetables also
will be completed. Then sequence of those
similar timetables will have to be repeated. IN
Also note that karma/action will have no
value. Karma philosophy gets no value. Life is
nothing but karma(action). Let us assume that
all these things are possible. The anyone will
be ready to commit big sins (since average
fruit for everyone is going to remain same!) In
that case, God becomes like dictator. God
cannot have any positive qualities. God cannot
be called as Purifier, Merciful, Ocean of Peace,
Loveful, Liberator, etc. The glory of God
becomes nil. Then the word divinity has no
meaning. All good and bads should be related
to God.
It will contradict all values. This will imply
that God treats human beings worse than
objects. God becomes/is 100% responsible for

human actions, but human beings are forced to

act and experience pleasure and pain!
Then God should be called as selfish and
egoistic, foolish and having desire. (But
humans pray to God for liberation from sorrow
and God is responsible for sorrow also)! It is
like mother feeding both milk and poison to the
child! This will place God both in the highest
and lowest positions. Placing both in highest
and lowest position is as good as placing in the
lowest position. Mixture of nectar and poison is
Hence it is very important to know that
God does not (cannot) take control into his
hands. If He takes control, He should stop(end)
the drama. Then we would not have been like
this today. God should have stopped this drama
long before. Then creation could not have been
possible at all. Word Creator cannot be related
to God at all. Hence it is clear that God also has
some bondage (limitation) in this drama. God
also has unique role in this drama. He cannot
descend to the world randomly. He has to start
the purification process during Confluence Age
only. He cannot start it in Copper or other Ages.
Till sin reaches its limit, He has to wait in
God is not just the Director of the Drama,
but also the chief actor in the drama.
Descending at any other times would be

paying dis-respect to time or creation! It is as

good as creator neglecting creation or director
himself doing mistakes in a drama. It is like a
law-maker breaking the law.
If good things are seen in a person, people
call him as God. Hence God cannot have any
negative. Many saints have impressed people
in positive way. Even the religious fathers have
impressed the whole community by the power
of purity and not by negativeness. God is
praised even more than deities or religious
fathers. So definitely God cannot have any
negativity. If one has both good and bad, he
cannot impress. He is not be useful to the
society. He will go on becoming worse. Health
and disease cannot remain together. Light and
darkness cannot exist harmoniously. HENCE
Even if we see the past history, those who
were pure(more lawful), have ruled maximum.
They have ruled hearts of millions.
Books(Scriptures) in which their teachings are
written are called as holy and
lawful(considered as truth) books. Eg:
Teachings of religious fathers. They did not
take law into their hand by force. But they were
not having real knowledge and required power.
Hence they could not bring positive change.
But they have done some repair work of the

sinking world from Copper Age and that is their

duty or part in this drama.
Hence one who takes law (controls by
force) will be less powerful and useful. So
the most powerful and most beloved Godfather
does not take law at all. He does not force
anything on anybody else. He has no
expectations. He shows the right path and
helps in reaching the goal.
Else God will not punish him. Punishment is
an automatic result of the process (fruit of the
action) = like disease is an automatic result of
wrong habits.
As power increases, the necessity of
effort/force decreases. For example, a
President need not shout while giving order.
Because he himself has high value. His gross
actions will be less. Previously one had to lift
the weapon by himself to use it. Now just
pressing a button is enough. So, as power
increases, need of action reduces. God is so
powerful that just his remembrance makes us
pure. Just imagine- god is just a point, but the
RajaYogis understand law to the highest
possible extent. Those who follow the laws are
righteous and become law-makers. Hence they
get highest power. They rule heaven. More one
surrenders to truth (follows the law), more is
the fruit(power). RajaYogis teach truth (spread

Godly message) to the maximum possible

extent. The one who know and follow law only
can teach law. Since 1937, BKWSU has been
giving the knowledge to the whole world totally
A note:- Even science believes- STUDY OF
NOT REPEAT. So theory of BKWSU resembles
with one of the most essential things of
science. Just think- if something does not
repeat, what is the use of its study?
Since world drama repeats exactly as 5000
years before- everything is truth. Hence one
becomes able to respect each and everything
in this drama. This makes ones consciousness
sthithapragya (stable).
Some ask If everything repeats exactly
and is already preordained drama, then why
should one put effort in this kalpa? Ans:- since
drama repeats exactly, one will be attentive to
put effort, since that is the one which is going
to repeat even for next kalpa. Else, if the

drama does not repeat, the effort has no value

and no one will put effort (due to no sureity).
Also- note that- even though nothing is
new, everything is new, because we do not
know what we had done in the previous kalpa.
So- the effort is real. But the feeling of
effort/burden goes on reducing since one gets
tremendous push up due to (faith in) repetition
of drama. That is- he feels his fortune is
multifold. So- that is fixed in my soul for all the
subsequent kalpas. This intoxication gives him
a continuous lift in effort.
1)In a drama, actors come from their home,
put on their costumes and play their role on
the stage. Their real nature(life) is different
than that on stage.
Similarly, souls descend from their home
and put on the costume (take birth in physical
body) and play their role. {Body is the costume
of the soul}. Real nature of a soul is peace
(eternal, constant, no need to do anything=
beyond action). But when the soul enters a
body, it does action. That is, the real quality of
soul is different than when it is on stage(in
body in PW). Real quality is silence (beyond
action). But when it is in the body, it has to eat,
drink, bath, etc. The soul starts getting

rusted( degrades) as soon as it comes in

company of the body. Hence this is called as
Silence is the real quality of a soul. This is
the reason why we need sleep. The soul gets
tired after using or thinking the body. Hence it
automatically leaves(forgets) the body and
goes to sleep mode every day!.
2)In a Drama (Movie, film), the second show
is identical to the first show. That is, it just
repeats. Since TC just repeats, it is also called
as Drama.
3)In a drama, there is shooting of the movie.
The actor has opportunity and also has to put
effort. According to the capacity, an actor gets
the role. Even in the world drama, everybody
has choice. One becomes doctor or engineer,
etc according to his effort. Everybody has
intelligence. It is upto the individual how to
play his role.
When one feels thirst, it is upto the
individual to drink water, soft drink or alcohol.
He can also stay without drinking anything.
There is independence. Similarly in world
drama, one has the choice to do actions. He
can choose to become deity or not.
4)In an ordinary/limited drama, the actor
does not really experience the role he plays. He
just pretends his act. In real life, his personality
is totally different.

But in world drama, there is no pretending.

One does action according to his real quality.
Hence the actor really experiences what he
acts. There is real fruit for his actions. Hence
the name REAL is given to the world drama.
5)In an ordinary drama, there is rehearsal.
The actor practices off stage. But in world
drama, everything is on-stage. Hence it is
But there is both off stage and on stage.
The final examination is the deadline. We have
to become pure before the ringing of the last
bell. It is the time when people of the world will
realize incarnation of God. We have chance to
correct ourselves before that. In this sense, the
present situation is like off stage and the time
of declaration of final result is on stage.
So on stage performance= off stage
performance. But there is some margin to
gallop before we die.
6)In an ordinary drama, the director
distributes different roles to different actors.
But in world drama, director gives options
to all. The actor fixes(chooses) his role by his
own action. Hence it is real drama.
7)The ordinary drama consists of limited
number of actors and its duration is also
limited(just a few hours). But in world drama,
every soul is an actor. The duration is unlimited
(5000 years). It has no beginning and ends. It

repeats without any obstacle. Hence it is called

8)In ordinary drama, there is no special goal
or property. There is no question of character
or karma philosophy. The actors are paid salary.
But in real drama an actor fixes his role by his
own action. His action pays him directly. The
actor fixes his goal himself. Hence it is real
Incorporeal, Most Beloved Father of all Souls,
Supreme God Father Shiv is the Highest and
Uncomparable. Next are in the following
a)the first position is DOUBLE
CROWNED(both religious and spiritual **)
sun dynasty deity Kings and Queens. SriKrishna
(= SriNarayan) and Sri Radha (= Sri Lakshmi)
are number one among them. They have full
16 degrees.
b)the second position is moon dynasty Kings
and Queens. They are also double crowned.
But their degree is less by sun dynasty by 2
The above Kings are also called as viceless
Kings. Their both body and soul were pure.
They were ruling the whole world. No
competitors were there for them. Hence the
highest personality.

c)third position is religious fathers, like

Ibrahim, Buddha, Christ, etc. They have single
crown, that is power of purity(just religious
power). They do not have political power
(golden crown).
d)fourth position is single (just political
power) crowned Kings (Kings after Copper
Age). They can be called as vicious kings since
they had vices in their life.
[Souls of religious fathers did not have
vices. Hence even vicious Kings bow to them.
Note that value of crown of purity(crown of
light shown behind the head) has much higher
value than the value of golden crown. That is
RELIGIOUS POWER has higher value than
POLITICAL POWER. In reality, crown of light
does not exist. That is- it is not visible to
physical eyes. But they are shon in pictures to
describe their personality.
Another point is- If you compare the
pictures/photos of deities with the religious
fathers you can see that the brightness of
religious crown of deities is more than religious
fathers. Also power of radiation from face and
eyes of deities is more than the religious
fathers. Anybody would get influenced by the
personalities of Sri Lakshmi and Narayan.
e)fifth position is father of nation, politician,
business people and multimillionaires.

f)then high class people, middle class

people and low class people, so on.
In an organization, each employee should
praise or give highest respect to the
owner(Boss) and then to others numberwise. In
a college, the highest post is of the Principal.
Next stand HODs(heads of department of
different sections- Mathematics, Science,
Commerce, etc- say). Next position is of
Lecturers, next clerks, and so on.
Similarly in this world drama,
Principal(highest position) is the most beloved
Supreme Godfather. HODs are deity souls like
Sri Lakshmi, Sri Narayan, etc. Others stand
In a College function, if the Principal is not
invited and one of the HODs is given the seat
of Principal, name and fame of the college,
Principal, HODs and all employees as well as
the whole student community get spoiled.
Similarly in any religious or spiritual
work(actually in everything) one should keep
God in the first place. Then numberwise to
others. Then it is correct. Else praising others
(without Gods remembrance) is like defaming
God as well as defaming self and everything.

Because by giving the position of God to

these deities(considering Sri Krishna, Rama,
etc), these deities are not going to become
God, nor they will be able to benefit us. [more
in topic No. 53, Can we consider everything to
be God?]
So one should be in the company of just
God or with others THROUGH GOD. That iswe have direct relation with just God only. Any
relation- let it be my body, other people or
objects and materials in this world are through
God only (because it is God who recharges
everything = real donor).
So remembering deities or praising them is
not wrong. But God should be placed in before
them. Else lose our personality and power
which is clearly seen in bhakti. People worship
these deities, then snakes and trees, the list
has gone on increasing.
Some say- by considering everything to be
God, we give highest respect to all. But- A King
alone is fit and has right to sit on the throne.
Placing even a Minister in that place it is a
great mistake. Hence considering SriKrishna,
SriRam as God is a great ignorance and
mistake. Now just imagine what would be the
effect if we place an ordinary citizen on the
throne. The citizen will not get Kings power. He

will not be able to rule effectively. Even all the

citizens will forget the real King and will start
praising this weak King. So the whole country
will get weakened.
Now imagine what it would be if we place a
monkey, snake or liveless objects like tree,
plants on the throne! Is not this silly and
foolishness? This is the present status in India.
Hence bhaktimarg(path of bhakti) is downfall.
This is the reason why saying God is
omnipresent is defaming God(explained in
topic No. 25- God is not omnipresent). Due to
emotions and ignorance people believe they
are paying respect to everybody by considering
everything as God, but they do not realize that
they are paying disrespect to everything
including to self and losing everything!
Truth is simple:- Suppose say my owner has
some properties. He may have some children.
When I deal with his children or his properties, I
pay high respect to his children as well as to
his belongings, but I never replace/substitute
these things in place of the owner.
I will serve his children with full affection
and faith. I will take care of their needs. BUT I
Because they can be ignorant. I SERVE THE


Similarly Bks consider everything in this
world as Gods property and everybody as child
of God. They do world service according to
srimat= (Directions of God)
If a person needs some work get to be
done from the President, and wishes to visit
President, he should have the details of the
President. But instead if he considers everyone
as President, will his work get done? Will he
meet the President? If he has such belief, EVEN
RESPECT HIM. He will be loser. Not only thatthen what the President should think of such
people? He may think- I need not help such
people, because they do not wish to meet me.
They feel every individual is
President/God/Shivohum! (a spiritual joke!)
At the end of Iron Age, all the souls have to
return to their sweet home, Paramdham.
Paramdham is the place of complete purity. So,
before going there, the soul should become
pure. This is the call of (PRESENT) time. Signs
of destruction of Iron Age are clear and the
rehearsal is going on.
Presently the world is in a war-like
situation. Everywhere there is threat of attacks.

Man is acting worse than a beast. God and time

are calling all the human beings to become
Faith is needed for real love. Faith is
needed in three aspects.
1)In Self,
2)In the other person with whom I establish the
relation and
3)The circumstance, environment or society
around us. Because any change in these can
affect the relation.
Today many strongest relations (marriage)
break. The reason is lack of faith between them
and with the society. They married each other
because they did not get better choice than
that. They (their faith) get influenced when
they see another better pair (couple) than
theirs. Due to lack of confidence or faith in self
and the other, too many questions arise in
mind that never keep them comfortable.
Silly doubts that generate due to ego do
not allow healing of even the smallest wounds.
They do not have faith in the circumstances or
lose power of determination and power to face
the external situations.
This happens even in business matters.
Ineffective relation between the two partners
opens door to a competitor. If the partners are
jealous or suspicious of each other, they will

lose comfort and business will get affected.

{What should be the policy in a
relation/business? in topic No. **)
Note that just faith is not enough. Faith
should be in truth. Otherwise, the relation
proves false in a short period. If one considers
a rope to a snake, for a some time he will
experience as though it was a snake. But it will
be for a short period. Having faith in wrong
things or with wrong intention is called
blind-faith. Today everywhere there is blind
faith. If a child considers any woman as
mother, it will not receive milk or affection. If
we consider even a beggar as a King and ask
for help, it is of no use.
So the necessity is- UNDERSTAND AND
Judge properly. If it is ok, then accept( faith and
love) it and put it into the practice. As practice
increases, realization becomes better.
Without love, knowledge(law) is of no use.
Without knowledge, love is of no use.
the path and Love is the practice. Without
knowledge, practice would be wrong.
[explained in part I the story of boy and fish


Life is nothing but using the body. It is called
action. Action is the combination of Thoughts,
Speech and physical actions.
Thoughts are subtle(invisible, non-material
or non-physical, incognito, secret). Speech and
physical actions are direct and open. Mouth is
also a physical organ. Hence speech is
sometimes included with physical action.
Hence broadly Actions can be classified as
Thoughts and Actions.
ACTIONS ARE THE TREES. Effect of a thought
is seen in Speech and Actions. Also we think
with the help of the body. Hence sometimes, all
the three are clubbed together and just termed
as actions.
In some cases, one may not be responsible
for his actions. He may be just executing an
order. Eg: Soldier firing or Police punishing a
criminal. In such cases, the person is not
responsible for the action. But if the attitude is
negative, he also becomes responsible.
Five types of thoughts/actions are:


1)Negative(Paap =Sin): These are the
actions done by the influence of vices- Lust,
Anger, Fear, etc. Negative actions reduce
SOUL POWER drastically. Hence such actions
are called sin or crime. This is like getting a
heavy blow, or occurence of HEAVY FAULTS in a
system. Such actions make soul tired/weak
2)Waste(=Vyarth): These are Waste or
Unnecessary actions. Eg: Thinking emotionally
during a disease: Oh- God! What and why this
disease has come to me? Will I be cured or
not?, etc. If the child did not return home in
time, negative thinking starts- What would
have happened to my child? Where would have
he gone! Might somebody have kidnapped
him?,.. Plenty of questions with negative
emotions arise in waste actions or thoughts.
We see, hear and talk many useless
matters. We do not say to ignore the matter.
We suggest creating thoughts of determination,
which will increase power in action. If the
outside atmosphere is bad, then act wisely. But
if one is alone in home and there is curfew
outside, there is no use of weeping. Inform the
police about the situation and think of God. If
you got hurt in an accident, narrate the

incident to doctor. But narrating with emotions

is waste. That too- narrating to many people
with lot of emotions is foolishness. Do not see a
problem with a convex lens (magnifier). Do not
cry over the spit milk. Commenting about
people who are not related to me (Eg:
Politicians), talking about gossips, etc are
waste things. In waste thoughts, there is
limited negativity. Hence after churning waste
thoughts, we become restless. This is like a
leakage or wandering.
In most of the cases, people after attending
parties, when come home feel tired instead of
being energetic. Even jokes beyond limit will
result in loss of concentration and increase
tiredness. These are like mirch masaalaa.
If negative actions are like consuming
poison and waste actions are like consuming
alcohol, taking burden.
3)Ordinary (saadhaaran): Routine works
such as eating, drinking, bathing, sleeping,
playing with happiness (comfortably), going to
picnic, seeing natures beauty, etc come under
this category. A student studying or a
scientists research work, an employees official
work, cooking food in kitchen, etc also fall
under this category. Here the future is almost
certain or known or like yes or no. There are no
question marks that produce fear or anxiety.
Hence one is able to work daily for eight to ten

hours comfortably. There is no considerable

gain or loss in soul power (actually there is
small loss. It is like ageing). There is no
tiredness to mind. These are the actions
necessary to sustain (related to) the body and
maintain bodily relations (=sharir nirvaah arth
But, if the attitude is wrong, negativity
enters even in ordinary actions. Eg: Students
negative competition, scientists research for
bad deeds, employees being jealous or
suspicious of each other, eating heavily or with
hurry, drinking alcohol, working with greed of
money, fear of Boss or losing job, having fear
about losing the game, working under stress,
lazyness, etc.
Any stress is an indication of waste
thoughts. A person watching a movie of a
cricket match without any attachment is an
ordinary action. But when expectation is
present, negativity enters. This creates waste
thoughts that makes him unstable, heavy and
ACTIONS or ordinarily good actions: Money
donated to temple, mosque, church, charitable
institutions, etc come under this category. Here
one helps another. There is no selfish motive.
There is helping attitude. But this is not a pure
action. Because there is no effort to sacrifice

vices or sins. Even when we donate to poor,

those poor people do not change their habits.
Many beggars have bad habits. They continue
to commit sin and get sorrow. Then how can
they be benifited by the limited donations?
Even if we donate, a lazy beggar will not work.
In fact, the donation may make him lazier. The
beggar will start loving the job of begging.
There are incidents where some beggars
income was equal to a middle class
person! They had opened accounts in different
banks. Hence donating wealth to others is a
limited positive action. The fruit for such
actions are limited and for one (present or
next) birth only.
But, if there is selfish desire or ignorance,
the fruit will become lesser, zero or may even
negative in some cases. Eg: If the donor wishes
his name to be printed in a board, his
action(donation) will yield no fruit. Just to
compete with somebody, or to get publicity, if
a person donates for charity, the action may be
sinful. If we donate some money to a beggar
and the beggar commits sins like purchasing
alcohol, or smoking cigarettes, we will
accumulate sin. That is why there is a sayingdonation should be given to THE ELIGIBLE

This is to become pure and/or helping others to

become pure. This is actually buiding up of
divine character. This is purification of soul.
This needs real knowledge. INCULCATING
CHARITY. There is sacrifice of sinful actions
and thoughts for the future and clearance of
past debits (burning of sins of previous births).
If I become pure, I can help others to
become pure. This chain reaction makes the
world pure. This converts hell back to Heaven.
[Negative action is like committing
accident. Waste action is driving the car nonuniformly, in a disturbing manner. Ordinary
action is like driving car properly. Limited
positive deed is like offering a lift to a person in
my car and driving normally. But in all these
cases, there is no knowledge about the goal.
They are just living(driving). They consume
natural resources. Elevated action is like
driving the car towards goal and guiding(=
offering lift) others towards goal (purification
process). Elevated Soul is like a Light House.
This pure action restores entropy.
6)TOXIC THOUGHTS:- These also belong to
the category of NEGATIVE THOUGHTS, but
their degree is very high. Hence they are
put as separate category. Thoughts like

fear, inferiority complex, feeling of

humiliation, etc belong to this category.
This drains soul power even more than
negative thoughts. Sometimes heart
attack may occur when a bad news is
heard. Sometimes the person may die
itself (by hearing news like death of close
relative, etc). It is due to creation of high
level of stress and such thoughts are
called as toxic thoughts.
Human souls start committing sin from
Copper Age. It took nearly 2500 years or
63(21+42) births to make the deity souls fully
impure. [Actually it takes nearly 5000 years for
a completely pure diety soul to become
completely impure. Because degrading of soul
begins from the very beginning of Golden age
itself. But the soul is powerful and no sin or
negative thoughts occur for the first 2500
years (Golden and Silver Age). It takes 2500
years to make a small hole(initiate first sin) in
the vessel. There after it again takes 2500
more years to drain the vessel of power of the
soul to the minimum].
Just sinful thoughts (sin in mind only)
is not effective:-

Eg: 1)A thief may create a lot of negative

thoughts. But till he commits theft, there is no
real danger or loss. If he does not commit theft,
or does not get opportunity, he does not incur
much sin.
2)Even to express ego one has to wait for
3)Laws prevent or check sinful actions.
4)There is always some fear while committing
sin. While speaking lies, there is fear of
disclose of truth in future. This puts limit, or
checks intensity of sinful actions intermittently.
A sin is completed through organs of the
body. If the body is weak or organs are tired,
sin cannot continue. For example, how much
time one can do lustful actions or express
anger by shouting? In few minutes, the person
will get exhausted and surrender to peace(will
take rest). Poverity, Diseases, Family problems,
handicapness, etc make the sinner weak.
Sometimes, the sinner feels guilty or loses
Due to body-conscious one commits sin.
Original nature of the soul is purity. Hence one
feels restlessness and/or guilty after
committing sin. It is impossible for a soul to
commit sin in the state of soul-conscious.
There is no need of specific physical action
to perform righteous things. RIGHTEOUS


[Simple Living and High thinking]. Just by
remembrance of pure things, purity keeps on
building. God is the one who is everpure.
Hence, just by remembering God we become
The main reason is that the soul is
completely different than the body. Becoming
pure means becoming original. Body is
different than soul. Actions are related to body.
So if a soul develops disinterest towards
impure actions (impure body and bodily
relations) or even any action, it becomes pure.
{Impure body means body created by lust. All
the personalities after Copper Age have impure
bodies. Deities only have pure bodies}.
Originality is the complete Truth. It is being in
the state of self(soul) conscious. Just by
considering self as a tiny point soul and
thinking(loving) God will purify us. That isrealization of Self and the Supreme.
One cannot do sin in a carefreely. There is
always some fear. But there is no fear of
anything in remebrance of God. To remember
God, one has to use just mind and intellects.
They are parts (faculties) of the Soul. Therefore
effect of old age, disease or physical conditions
of body will not become obstacle in positive
thinking as compared to negative thinking.

Ones mind and intellects go on becoming

powerful as he travels on the path of
truth(mind becomes powerful and even the
disturbance from organs reduces due to control
over organs). But the organs go on weakening
as one proceeds in the path of sin. Even the
state of mind becomes weak.
It is like this: As a person advances in the
path of truth, his headload of sin becomes
lighter and muscle power increases. So, both
his speed and confidence go on increasing.
Since he is proceeding towards goal, there is
also the true enjoyment. Another thing is, the
path of truth is straight and is the cheapest.
Hence any person irrespective of cast, creed,
religion, status, health, handicap, etc can do
righteous actions.
But path of sin is not so. The burden on
head increases and the muscle power
decreases. Hence the speed of positiveness is
much higher than negativity.
Even a small candle of light can remove
any amount of darkness in its vicinity. Any
amount of darkness cannot influence the
candle flame. Darkness comes due to the lack
of power in the candle. Hence just by real
knowledge and faith one can remove darkness
in mind.
Positive versus negative: It takes nearly
5000 years to discharge the battery of the soul.

But it takes only one birth to recharge. To

create hell, negative thoughts of all the souls
for large duration are needed. But heaven is
created by the positive thoughts of very less
number of souls that too of very less
duration(one birth). During Confluence Age(end
of hell), when God descends, very few souls
understand God and follow His directions.
Righteous actions or positive thoughts of these
few special souls re-establish heaven. Hence
these souls are called as Master Creators].
As mentioned just before positive will
always influence negative. But reverse need
not be always true. Sun can remove darkness.
Darkness cannot affect Sun. So if one has the
little knowledge and faith that I AM A SOUL
interested in body, he loses power of
knowledge(forgets the real self). Getting
interest in bodyconsciousness is as good as
turning off the candle light(suicide)! Hence all
depend on the knowledge, faith, determination
or effort of self. Hence complaining on others is
usually wrong and waste.
To create negative actions like violence,
wars, etc, one needs support of physical
weapons, help of many other people or
soldiers, etc. That is, a single person cannot
harm society without others support.

But to influence positively, there is no need

of physical weapon or others support. Many
great saints and religious fathers like Ibrahim,
Jesus, Buddha have INDIVIDUALLY influenced
millions of people without any support or
dependency. Hence good deeds are much more
powerful than sins.
It is already said that God does not create
heaven just by his own power. God gives
directions (knowledge) to purify hell. The Hell is
created by negative thoughts. Following Gods
directions means creating positive thoughts.
This purifies self and the environment. So there
is help from God and also the individual effort
of deity souls(= BK souls).
Take example of a farmer. The farmer sows
seed. In development of the seed there is need
of sunlight and water(rain). So, it is the power
of Sun that nourishes. So, sun is the real
creator. But without sowing the seed, it cannot
grow. The farmer sows the seed. So, there is
also farmers contribution. FARMERS EFFORT
Similarly in changing hell into heaven (or
heaven to hell), the seed is positive thought.
Only Rajayogis= BKs create positive thoughts.

In the process of cultivation, the farmer

does not generate any output. He just makes
(or helps) the seed or the plant capable of
absorbing Suns power. He just puts the seed in
the required environment. He does not create
any energy. Hence the role of the farmer is
NOTHING when compared to Sun.
But, when the farmers act is compared
with ordinary, lazy, criminal people, it is GREAT.
The farmers work becomes the most
Similarly, Master Creators are zero (nothing
special) when compared to God. But when
compared with other souls (ordinary human
beings) who are not ready to sacrifice vices,
the deity souls (RajaYogis= Master Creators)
are GREAT. Like the farmer is called the creator
of the tree, these diety souls are called as
Master Creators of Heaven.
[So praising even deities like Sri Krishna,
Sri Ram (farmers in their previous births) by
forgetting Shiv(God) is foolishness].
Sun gives us food. Sun does not eat food.
Similary God creates heaven, but does not
enjoy heaven. Farmer has full right to enjoy the
fruit. Similarly Master Creators get permit to
enter Heaven. Others also eat food produced
by the farmer. Similarly all the souls enjoy the
same physical nature created (recharged=
cultivated) by the Master Creators. That is- the

(left out of the) same heaven is being enjoyed

by all the people in this world even till today.
There is no real creation. It is just
transformation. God purifies the souls. He fills
power in souls. Like a rich person adopts a poor
child and makes him powerful, God also
transforms us from vicious human beings into
viceless human beings.
In adoption, there is great change in the
child. The new father says to the child- Oh
dear child, I am your father. My property is
yours. Gradually the child gets adjusted to
new environment. There is change of father.
The child loses attachment with the old father
and strong relation builds up with the new
Similarly, the souls who hear(receive)
Godly knowledge consider themselves as soul
and feel God as their real father. For them(BKs)
the bodily father becomes less important.
They feel property of the new father
=God(=truth =knowledge, purity, peace,
happiness, power, bliss, tolerance, etc and
heavenly kingdom for 2500 years) as their
birthright. They lose interest in the old house
(hell) and get interested in new house

In normal life, a rich person adopts a child.

Adoption brings great change in a childs life.
Even saints, sanyaasis, Gurus adopt(convert
into their system) normal people. This brings
considerable change in their life. [Usually poor
people do not adopt. Powerful or rich people
adopt. Hence they are like creators].
Change of father( and relations) without
death is called adoption. Here also one (effort
maker) considers God as true father after
realizing Godly knowledge. His relation
becomes spiritual with others after adoption
(getting knowledge).
Drastic change occurs in an adoption. After
adoption, the childs love, property, identity,
etc are changed. Similarly, after getting Godly
knowledge, all these attributes change. In
normal life, the child after adoption, thinks of
the property of its new father. Similarly a RY
develops intoxication of his property of
liberation in life for 21 births.
There is EFFORT in becoming real child of
God. One has to develop faith and develop love
towards God. Even in adoption, there is effort
from the child. It has to tranform its love from
the previous father to the new father. Here also
there is effort in detaching the bodily relations
and establishment of spiritual relation. If the
child is ready to lose (or forget) attachment in
old relations, it becomes easy for it to maintain

new relation. Similarly if a BK gives more

weightage to mind and intellects (soul) than
just the bodily relations, he can get rid of the
attachments and develop faster. Else he would
be a handicapped or fluctuating BK.
In adoption, there is role of both the new
father and the child that undergoes adoption.
To the extent the childs consciousness
changes, the child realizes the new father. If
the child is attached to the old father, it cannot
realize its new father. In this case also, to the
extent one turns into soul consciousness, he
realizes his new father(Godfather). If one does
not put effort to remove body-consciousness
after getting Godly knowledge, he cannot
realize God. He will not realize supersensous
joy(highest bliss).
So, the first step in spirituality is getting
practice(meditation). This change makes the
spiritual birth (adoption) complete.
One who influences is creator and one who
gets influenced is creation. God influences
everything. He is not influenced by anything.
Hence he is just (and Highest) creator. Man
gets influenced as well as influences. Hence
human souls are both creator as well as

When Man surrenders himself to God, he

becomes Master Creator. There after he
remains King of his body and nature for a
period of 2500 years(in heaven). Then man
becomes slave to his body and nature for the
next 2500 years (in hell). The bondage begins
from Copper Age and goes on increasing till
end of Iron Age.
Nature is intelligentless and hence put in
the category of creation. In fact nature is both
creator as well as creation. Because it can
influence others as well as it undergoes
change. But it acts according to human
behavior. Nature is fully pleasant in heaven.
But in hell it causes disturbances by disturbing
weather and natural calamaties. The is- when
man is pure, nature was also pure and when
man is impure, it also loses its quality. Hence it
is put in the category creation.
God is the main actor in Confluence Age. In
the end of Iron Age, everybody has to become
pure. The only way is to establish relation with
God and forget all the bodily relations. Hence
every soul has to surrender(its mind and
intellects) to God to become pure without any
But as soon as a soul surrenders to
God(remembers God with love), it gets real

peace, happiness and bliss. Hence there is

instant liberation from all bondages. Since it
becomes capable of detachment from the
body, all the bondages are removed. Energy
starts filling in the soul. HENCE TO DEPEND
Since God alone is the real donor, we
depend on him.
God fills energy during Confluence Age.
Heaven gets re-established and the whole
universe becomes independent of God.
We have birthright only from God. Hence
dependency on God only is the key for real
independence. But- birth right means freedom.
So- by surrendering/connecting to god, one
gets liberation in life.
God is like power source through which we
souls are charged. So the purpose of
dependency to God is to make us free
(energetic) for the next period. And- God never
forces any law on us. He says- just connect
yourself to me like a battery is connected to
the source. So- there is no experience of force
or burden of surrendering.
In a class, the high scorers would be only a
few. The number of candidates who pass in
I.A.S, I.C.S, I.P.S exams is also less. It needs

high intelligence. As the thinking level goes

high, the level of education also become
higher. Those who cannot develop such high
thoughts will not pass in such exams.
Even in RajaYoga, one has to change a lot.
Since the number of effort makers is less,
population in heaven is less. So less
geographical area is enough for heaven. Sojust India is enough. Let us see why it is India.
1)India is the country that has given shelter to
all the religions. It has loved other religions
more than its own. In India, other religions get
extra benefits by law;
2)Deities are worshipped in India only. In no
country double crowned deities are worshipped
as in India. Indians who have migrated to other
countries may be doing so.
3)Many religions have attacked India and
looted its wealth. They destructed many
monuments of India. They were jealous of
India. Even British people tried to make India
weak by all means. They divided and ruled
India. They made handicapped of those who
had extraordinary talents and arts. Eg: They
cut fingers of weavers of Muslin cloth. But India
did not attack any other country or religions.
Indian Kings have shown greatest mercy and
respect even to the merciless Kings of other
religion and countries (Eg: King Pruthviraj to
Ghori Mohammad)

4)Other religions convert/ed Indians to their

religions by temptation and/or force.
5)One can find wealth only in Temples but not
in church or mosques. This indicates that India
was full of richness. This is an indication that if
a person follows religion (spirituality) richness
will follow automatically! Mohammad of Gazni
looted Indian Temples 17 times!
6)Indian scriptures (Bhagavadgita) say that
purity (celibacy and vegetarian food habits) are
necessary to realize God. Such purity can
never be found in other religions.
7)Above all these, the word Incarnation is
speciality of Indian philosophy. Indians
celebrate Gods divine birth (ShivaRatriexplained shortly **). In other religions, there is
no such thing. They belive God sends prophets.
But Indians believe God himself descends (to
give directions and fruit).
8)Other religions say lust was not in the Gods
creation (Adam and Eve). But their scripture do
not direct to conquer lust. It is only
Bhagavadgita says so.
9)Bhagavadgeeta says One is friend or enemy
of his own. If one sacrifices vices, he is his own
friend; else, one is his own enemy.
10)All other religions got established later. The
dates of Ibrahim, Jesus, Buddha are known. But
the history of India is older than any other

country. This also implies India was the ancient

and hence had been best.
11) Other religions(Eg. Muhammad Gazani,
Tippu Sultan, and many more) have destructed
temples in India. 12)Today in western
countries, deities are defamed. The pictures of
deities are put in chappals and toilets!. People
of such negative mentality shoud be ashamed
of themselves. Famous personality like M. F
Hussain has drawn nude pictures of deities.
How can heaven get established in places
where there is just disrespect for deities!
13)Books of Nalanda University were looted
and destroyed by other nations. In olden days
Nalanda University was famous and lots of
books were looted from it.
14)Indians pray- SARVE JANO SUKHINO
BHAVANTU. The meaning is- let ALL THE
PEOPLE BE HAPPY. But people of many other
countries pray God to bless just people of their
country or religion only. One can see vast
difference National anthem of India and other
15)India never becomes empty. Its ancient
culture is famous. There will be population all
the time. It has given shelter to more than 100
crore population.
16)There is no country like India which has so
many religions and so many democratic

parties, and high population density, still

So by chance or accidentally heaven is in
India. The one who loves India can love the
whole world. As glory of God is unlimited, glory
of India is also unlimited. Hence India is the
birthplace (place of incarnation) of God. India is
the real pilgrimage (sacred place) for all
religions. The place is Mount abu of Rajasthan
state which is the head quarters of PBKIVV (or
Aadi Sanatan Devi Devata Dharm (Deity
Religion) is the highest religion. Everyone
would be viceless in that religion. It is the only
religion that is fully or really related to soul.
Hence, when the deity souls lose their
purity(soul conscious stage) in hell, it loses its
value and gets the name HINDU.
In other religions, it is not possible to find
fully pure and satisfied person. There are
problems and discrepancies in every religion.
That is why they complain about and fight with
other religions. But the Deity Religion did not
had scripture at all (In heaven, there is no need
of scriptures). This indicates that they were
completely religious. Other religions had
manufacturing defect by birth itself. Hence
medicines (scriptures) also were with them by

Bharat(India) has not developed enmity

with other country or religions. It was rich and
cultured till British rule. Today poor India is
begging alms with foreign countries in the form
of Loans. But still India has helped some poor
countries in their crisis.
There is a saying- Religion is Might. It
completely fits to Deity Religion. In heaven,
there was no other religion. There was oneness. There was no disease(Vices) or violence
at all. Such a power is possible only in the
mightiest religion. The deity religion is so
powerful that there is no need of fight at all. It
is carefree about itself. Innumerable attacks
have taken place on India. Still there is extra
ordinary tolerance in Hindus.
Glory of India cannot be compared to
others. Even after countless attacks, India has
been non-violent. India has never attacked any
other country by itself. Foreigners used to
come to India for higher studies. Countless
books of Nalanda University were burnt. So it
can be said there others were jealous of India.
Human Tree:- Tree has mainly three partsroot, trunk and branches. God is the root/seed
and the deity religion is trunk and other
religions are like branches. When storm comes
the trunks movement will be such as to
maintain balance in the branches. Similarly the
deity religion will have such a power of

tolerance to all religions which we see in India

which has given shelter to all other religions.
God does not purify hell all by himself. He
helps in transformation or purtification of the
existing human souls. Change in these souls
(Master Creators) brings the necessary change
in the whole universe. Hence Master Creators
aim is to change self. When they reach the
goal, Gods mission will be completed.
Suppose- say I am an actor acting with
others in a drama. The other actor forgets his
role and is confused or doing wrong actions in
the drama. Then my duty is to remind the
other person about his mistakes such that his
mistakes reduce, but also I should not neglect
myself. That is, my role should not become
wrong while helping/educating him.
Most important thing- If I do mistakes(I am
not playing my part properly), the other actor
will not be able to realize effectively even if I
teach him. So- I should not forget or neglect
my role. That is self transformation should not
be neglected. Not only that- If I play my role
properly, it will be easy for the other person to
realize even his role. Like movements of a
healthy person easily makes a patient realize
and motivate for progress. So- it is like World

Transformation through Self

All are dependent on God in this world drama.
All receive property from God. All love or pray
God in one or other form. Hence, by default, all
souls are children of God.
But the degree of love towards God varies
from person(soul) to person. God does not
differentiate anybody. The variation of love of
individual soul towards God makes it numberwise. One who develops highest love towards
God realizes God to the highest extent. He is
called as the first child of God. That soul is the
first Sri Narayan of Golden Age. It is the same
soul existing in the body of Dada LekhRaj
during its 83rd birth at the end of Iron Age. God
incarnates in his body and changes his name
as PRAJAPITA BRAHMA. That soul scores
highest mark in RajaYoga. It again becomes Sri
Narayan in the coming new Era. It is the
number one hero actor in this world drama. He
is the Father of Humanity or Great Great
Grandfather. The same person is called as
Adam in other religions.
Dada LekhRaj= Prajapita Brahma takes
birth as first prince Sri Krishna in Golden Age.
The same Sri Krishna when grows old(become
youth), weds and becomes Emperor. Then his
name changes as Sri Narayan. That is- soul of

Dada Lekhraj, Brahma, Sri Krishna and Sri

Narayan all are one and the same.
Physical Father = Lowkik Father
God(Supreme) Father =
Paaralowkik Father
Religious Father
National Father
GGGF(Great Great Grand Father)
Prajapita Brahma = Alowkik Father.
In fact, the first two only are the true fathers.
Others are just mediators, guides or models.
Every religion has its own father. Every nation
has its own father. But these fathers do not
give any property. But they are like role models
to others. They have highest influence, hence
have got the name. But all these religious
fathers do not have independent value. They
are seen as agents or instruments of God. This
is the reason why they cannot give property to
others of their own. They have value only when
they guide others towards God. But since they
do social service, they have very high value
when compared to the lowkik father.
Religious Fathers try to uplift in religious way
and national father in political way. But even
though the world has seen lots of religious and
national fathers, the world has gone degrading
only. The reason is absence of knowledge of
God. Gods real instrument is Prajapita Brahma.

Hence he is the only father who is real guide

towards God. Hence he is the third father.
Actually there are only two fathers- One is
unlimited, the Spiritual Father and the other
limited, the Physical(bodily) father as explained
before. Only these two fathers give property to
Every religion is like a family in itself. These
religious fathers are the highest personalities in
their religion. Hence they are called as religious
Mahatma Gandhiji is the father of nation of
India. Every nation has such a father. National
father is the highest personality for the citizens
of that country from a few or more dimensions.
Prajapita Brahma is the No. 1 human actor.
He is NEXT to GOD. Knowledge given by God is
digested fully(maximum possible extent) by
him. He is the most influencing personality. He
is not influenced by any human soul. But all the
human souls are(or will be in near future)
influenced by Brahma and hence their rank is
lower than Brahma.

For example, Brahma is known as first

father (Prajapita or pitaamah) in Hindu
philosophy. Even it is said Adam, Aadam, Adi
Dev, Mahaveer in different religions. He is
called as FIRST MAN/CREATION. So- all the
religions believe that there was someone even
before establishment of their religion. Hence
Prajapita Brahma is father to all other religious
fathers. Hence he is called as Father of
Humanity. In the end(near future, before
destruction of the present Iron Aged world, all
the souls will realize Gods incarnation and at
that time Brahmas position also will be
Hence, (after God) Brahma is the most
efficient personality in showing the right path.
He is the real model to all human beings.
Anybody who follows him will reach the real
goal. He is the one who surrendered fully to
God. Reading his biography will inspire us to
follow Gods directions.
So even though Prajapita Brahma or the
religious fathers do not give us anything of
their own, they do show path towards God or
teach at least morality for life. By their life
history,one gets inspiration, faith or courage to
follow good path in life. They are like good
teachers for human souls. So they have high
impact on society.

But since none of the religious fathers will

have knowledge of god, they are not true
guides. Hence the real useful fathers are God
(Paaralowkik), Prajapita Brahma (Alowkik) and
Physical (Lowkik) fathers.
Since Prajapita Brahma is the first and real
instrument for any religion to get gods
knowledge, he is also called as GGGF.
OF HUMANITY: Incorporeal God father first
adopts Brahma by entering in his body. He
adopts other souls by speaking through mouth
of Brahma. Hence God creates/adopts/awakens
other souls through Brahma. So, Brahma is like
In a family, father creates children through
mother. Similarly, God creates (speaks, gives
knowledge to) children (souls) through
Brahmas mouth. Hence Brahma is like
unlimited Corporeal Mother of the souls.
Hence Brahma is born by incarnation
(entrance into body) of God and all other souls
of divine family (deity souls) are Brahmas
mouth born progeny (children). These souls are
the direct creation of God. They understand
Gods name, form, place, qualities, duties,
time. They listen and follow Godly versions.
Their relation to God is the closest. Hence they
get maximum property.


media or guide. He is like a postman who helps
in getting Godfathers message. Once you
receive the letter, there is no need of postman.
Similarly after realizing God and TC, there is no
need of Brahma. Hence our heartly love should
remember or worship Brahma.
If one is weak and gets confused in the
path of spirituality, then he can get into the
track by Brahmas life history. Because
Brahmas life history is like a clean mirror and
perfect guide. One can realize/compare both
self as well as the goal by reading Brahmas life
history. One will understand how far he is from
the goal.
A human soul can take a maximum of 84
births. The souls that come to the physical
world in the beginning of Golden Age only get
84 births (Others descend later and hence get
lesser births). Those who take 84 births take 8
in Golden Age, 12 in Silver Age, 21 in Copper
Age and 42 in Iron Age. Thus they take
83(=8+12+21+42) physical births (through
mothers womb). At the end of 83rd birth they

receive Godly knowledge and realize Godfather

through the divine knowledge. It is the spiritual
birth. This birth due to adoption by Godfather
Himself is called the spiritual (worthful of
diamond) birth.
A soul sheds the old(present) body and
takes new body by entering into its new
mothers womb. Shedding (leaving) the old
body is called death and taking a new body is
called as birth. So, change of physical body
brings change in all the relations and is termed
as a new physical birth.
Similarly, drastic change in belief is the
spiritual birth. This change in
belief(intellectually) is due to the effect of
Godly knowledge. The relations(feelings=
experience) change completely. Previously he
used to everyone as body. But after getting
Godly knowledge he considers(or starts to
consider) everyone as a soul. He enters into
light from darkness. There is no change of
body. The change is is in the soul(mind and
intellect). This birth is given by God(godly
knowledge). Hence it is the MOST PRECIOUS.
Very few (just BKs) get this birth.
So, Dada LekhRaj is the name of the 83rd
birth. Brahma is the name of the 84th birth. The
physical body is the same in 83rd and 84th birth.
84th birth is the result of Confluence Age
(Spiritual Knowledge).

Note that at present, both Iron Age and

Confluence Age are running together. Those
who practice RajaYoga are in Confluence Age
and those who do not practice are in Iron Age.
Those who are in Confluence Age are charging
their soul battery since they have relation with
the Almighty and establish spiritual
relationship. Others discharge as usual since
their relation is just with body and materials.
It is like this: Sun has risen (God has
incarnated). Those who are awakened are in
brightness (Confluence Age). Those who are in
the sleep of ignorance are blind and are still in
darkness(Iron Age). One can do benefit to self
and universe to the maximum possible extent
only when he gets spiritual birth. Hence such a
birth is called as worthful diamond.
It is said earlier that God fills energy for the
whole period of 5000 years. But after the first
half of the Kalpa (after 2500 years) the heaven
becomes hell. Man becomes body-conscious
and ego enters. There is feeling of I, mine, you,
yours, etc eventhough everything is given by
God. This adds mixture(vices) to the food and
impurity enters.
Hence after Copper Age, karmic account
begins because of wrong consciousness. This
gives way to sorrow. Bondage goes on

increasing. So complete liberation can be

enjoyed only for a maximum of 21 births. One
birth in the present Confluence Age +8 births
in Golden Age +12 births in Silver Age. Purity,
peace and prosperity for 21 births is spiritual
birthright of every soul.
No effort is needed in Heaven. Nature is
servant there. In hell, one has to work to earn
for his livelihood. Hence there is burden, ego,
attachment, bondage, karmic account, etc.
From the topic No. 17- Universal Truth, it is
clear that everything really belongs to God. If I
consider it to be mine, it is wrong. In heaven,
deities cooperate each others. Even though
one gives and takes from each other, there is
no feeling of giving and taking (no ego or
expectation). Hence no karmic account gets
created. {Hence such kings are known as
attachment-free Kings (moh_jeet Raja)}.
After Copper Age, people begin to thinkthis is mine and that is yours, his, etc. Each
considers (or behaves) Gods property (the
nature) as human property. So one gets
influenced by the other and also tries to
influence. This attitude puts end to real
independence (liberation in life) and human
beings try to conquer one another and lose
their energy more faster.

Every soul including the deity souls

becomes devilish at the end of Iron Age. But
the deity souls realize their mistake as soon as
they receive Godly knowledge. They become
interested in purity. Hence they start burning
their sins by remembering THE MOST
BELOVED GOD FATHER. Hence they get full
birthright from God.
Even though by the end of the Iron Age,
they become most impure, many of them
(16108) receive less punishment. The reason is
clear. They become instruments of God in
restoring the entropy. Rest of the souls just
consume (receive) from the nature. Deity souls
consume maximum but also donate to nature
by creating positive thoughts.
Deity Souls accept truth easily. They are
less egoistic. In heaven, there is no ego. They
start worshipping God first and hence worship
God to the maximum extent. As soon as they
receive Godly knowledge, they readily agree
that they are the most impure and start taking
bath(in divine nectar of knowledge).
Other souls do not love God to that extent.
They think of God when they get difficulties.
But deity souls become ready to offer
everything (time, money, energy, vices, bad
habits) to God. They become ready to change
themselves. They do not complain on others.
Please note that all the nine-lakh souls do not

succeed completely in this effort. In a class all

have aim to become doctor. But very few get
high percentage and attain perfection. But
anybody above the minimum marks will get
the degree. Similarly the nine lakh souls get
the degree of deitism with passing
marks(35%). They all become first class(from
beginning) citizens of heaven. The real glory is
of the first 108 souls who do not get any
God restores entropy. If one comes in the
company of(loves and remembers) God, he is
useful to the society. He is a donor. Else he is a
consumer, acceptor.
All the human souls receive(enjoy) from
nature. But very few souls(Master Creators)
cooperate God in purifying the nature. Hence,
they are not just acceptors, but also donors.
They repay to the universe what they have
received. But other souls just receive. They do
not help in restoring entropy.
Commeting negatively on deity souls
is not easy even though they accumulate
maximum sins:- One has to understand time.
When there is sufficient quantity of water,
spending water lavishly is not considered as a
big mistake. But when there is scarsity

(shortage) of water, wasting even a small

amount of water is a big crime. When one has
sufficient money, he may spend money
abundantly. But if one spends in the same way
even when he is poor, he is a fool.
Deity souls commit mistake first. They
commit sins when the nature has
comparatively more resources. Today the
natures resources are exhausted to more
extent. Population has exploded. Deity
Souls(BKs) observe celibacy and do not add to
population. Other souls still add to the
population even at the end period of Iron Age
when there is scarsity for everything. We know
that today if population is decreased, most of
the problems would be solved automatically.
Today man has more information than
before. He knows that all the elements of
nature are polluted. There is stress in every
part and corner of the world. Still people
produce children. See how selfish the
intelligent man is! All know that today new
born child has to face more challenges than
ever before. Still they produce children and
force them to take burden. So man is doing sin
to both society as well as to his own children.
Deities are worship worthy since both their
body and the souls are pure. Other human

souls (who decend after beginning of Copper

Age) are worshippers. Their level of purity is
much less. Hence such souls do not get pure
body. But please note that even the deity souls
become worshippers after 2500 years when
the heaven becomes hell.
Also note that it is deity souls who first
become worshippers since they first become
impure. So they start worshipping God. There
after they start worshipping themselves
(statues of deities). Other souls descend from
Paramdham later and also worship God and
deities (or their respective religious fathers). In
this way, they have chance to become just
worshippers. They do not become worship
worthy since no effort is done by them to
sacrifice vices.
God is always worship-worthy since he
remains everpure. He never becomes
The level of purity of religious fathers like
Ibrahim, Jesus, Buddha is lesser than deity
souls. They do not get pure body. Even the
religious fathers become impure by committing
sins as they come in rebirths and become
worshippers in their later births. At the end of
Iron age, even they will be like beggars.

When the Master Creator (hero, heroines) souls

are pure, the world will be pure(heaven). When
they become impure, the world turns into hell.
So, status of the world is the status of Master
Creator Souls. They are like watch(time) of the
world drama(TC).
One prays to God when there is difficulty.
Difficulty is the result of sins. Hence devotees
are definitely sinners. Anyone who thinks of
God is a sinner. Even BKs are also impure. But
as soon as they become Braahmin (receive
Godly knowledge), they determine to give up
vices. They think of bringing change in the self.
They stop praying to or begging from God like
a devotee since they get direct link to God.
They remember God and burn their sins. An
honest BK is progressing, but all others are
Hence it is clear that a devotee does on
degrading, because he still does not know who
is God. He is like wandering. Once he gets
introduction of God, he can stop praying God
and will enjoy his status (intoxication of being
child of God).
Any soul that descends from IW is a pure one.
It has no sin it. Hence initially it will experience
happiness and no sorrow (even in hell= Copper

and Iron Ages). Top most deities experience

liberation in life for 2500 years. Other souls get
liberation in life at least in the initial period of
their first birth.
This is one of the reasons why some people
today even in the end of Iron Age have good
health, wealth, beauty, power etc. These souls
have descended from Paramdham recently.
Hence they have not accumulated much sin.
When deities play part in heaven
(liberation in life), other souls take/have
rest/peace in Paramadham. So, there is no
problem for any soul during that time.
The aim is to burn past sins. But those who
sacrifice sins and remember God, become
divine. So, automatically they get status in
Heaven. Wishing heaven is not selfishness.
Because one has to put effort to sacrifice vices.
So both aims are good. But the second one is
the real aim.
For example- aim of freedom fighters is to
fight for independence and benefit of the
country and not to enjoy the country. But as
soon as they get freedom, people will elect
them aas their rulers. So- they automatically
become rulers by their efforts. Similarly BKs
contribute their life to eradicate vices in the

world, hence automatically get status in

Hence desire of heaven is not greed. Another
point is- when a Rajayogi gets heaven
(liberation in life), others get liberation. Sothere is benefit for all. Hence having greed of
heaven is not greed, it is selflessness.
Souls of some of the Religious fathers (eg:
souls of Ibrahim, Buddha, Christ) do not enter
mothers womb directly during their first birth.
When they descend from Paramdham, they
enter a persons body and take control of that
Eg: There was a human being called Mr. X
in Copper Age(say). A soul (Mr. Y, say)
descends from Paramdham and takes shelter in
the body of Mr. X. Mr. Y uses organs of the
same body. Due to this entrance of new (and
hence pure) soul, drastic and sudden change is
seen in behaviour of Mr. X. The purity of new
soul(Mr. Y) is seen in the life of the old
person(Mr. X).
Mr. X was called as Jesus and Mr. Y as
Christ. That is- (soul of) Christ descended from
IW and entered directly in the body of Jesus.
Similarly Buddha enetered in body of

This special action or deed attracts normal

human beings, since all other souls would be
impure and weak to a considerable extent at
that time. This creates a group of followers of
Christ. Teachings of Christ were collected and
written by his followers and gave birth to Bible.
Note a):- There will be two souls in one
body (adter the entrance of new soul into the
existing body/person).
b) Christ did not receive any pain while
crossifying. Since the second soul(Christ) is
pure, it cannot get any punishment. But the
first soul(Jesus) had accumulated at least some
sins by that time. Because it had come to PW
before. So when the physical body was
crossified, pain was received by the first =
original soul of that body(Jesus). Christ who
was also present in the same body then
prayed- Oh God- These people do not know
what they are doing. Show mercy on these
Brahma and all the souls by entering Brahmas
body and giving the knowledge. The words
spoken by God through Brahmas mouth create
BKs. So, BKs are created through Brahma. But
Brahma is created directly (by his own mouth).
He is not created through somebodys mouth.
When God speaks through Brahmas mouth,
both BKs and Brahma(Dada LekhRaj) will be

hearing. Body of Brahma is called as chariot of

[A note:- God does not stay in Brahmas
body the whole day. He uses/ stays in Brahmas
body as required. That is to give knowledge =
to speak]
God does not have actions like sleeping,
bathing, going to latrine, etc. God is free to use
or leave the body and does not have any
attachment towards it. But souls of religious
fathers will stay in the body fully. Their power
goes on reducing like any other soul. Later they
come in rebirths and by the end of Iron Age,
they also become degraded.
The souls that receive/hear the knowledge
revealed by God through Brahma are called as
BrahmaKumars and BrahmaKumaris. [Kumar=
male child, Kumari= female child] {Shortly
called as BK}. So BKs are mouth born children
of Godfather through Brahma. They are the
real Brahmins who vow to follow brahmacharya
(celibacy) for the rest of their life. [Celibacy is
the first step in purity**].
It is said in Indian scriptures that Brahmins
are created by mouth of Brahma. It is also said
in the scriptures that Brahmin is a dwija(the
one who receives two births or second birth in
the same body). That is, one who gets second

birth without death. How is it possible to get

second birth without dying? So the second
[When a person changes his religion or an
ordinary person adopts sanyaasa(becoming
monk), the situation is similar. But dwija
(=dwij) name is given just to Brahmins since
there is true(real) change. All the other
changes will not uplift a soul. Only God can
give real birth to the soul(make a soul soulconscious). While converting fromone religion
to another, there is no effort to become soul
[Those who do not receive Godly
Knowledge are also indirect BKs. The reason is
God gives everything to the world at the end of
Iron Age when he incarnates. God incarnates
through Brahma. Hence when one realizes God,
he also realizes the father of Humanity. Every
soul including souls of religious fathers will
salute to both God and Brahma before the near
coming destruction of Iron Age].
Father is one who gives property. Gods
power rejuvenates everything. Human souls,
animal souls as well as the nature get purified.
So, in that sense, God is father of everything.
But nature is intelligence-less. It has no
self-awareness or God awareness. It has no

experience. It is purified by the effort of Master

Creators (positive thoughts and vibrations) and
natural calamaties.
Animals have very less intelligence. They
do not realize God. They do not pray God.
Only human beings pray to God. Hence
God is called as Father of Human Souls. The
World Drama is also called as Human Drama or
Human Tree or Genealogical Human Tree . God
is called as Seed of Human Tree. HISTORY OF
Any soul that descends from IW first
experiences liberation in life. It does not
experience and discomfort. No one can force it.
It will have good health and wealth. It gets
discomfort only after when it gets interested in
vices. Every soul has intelligence. So every soul
is responsible for its actions.
So it becomes responsibility of every soul
to check itself before acting. It should ask itself
why I am here? From where have I come? What
is my duty?, etc.
Even the deity souls do not try to find
answers to these. Hence they consume nature

and become body conscious gradually. It is only

after becoming impure (in Copper Age) people
start thinking about these matters and write
scriptures. But due to impurity and darkness,
they do not find real way. That is why the olden
day rushis said just NETI NETI about
Neti means Na iti= not this. They said God
is not this, not this. So whatever they saw and
felt they said God is not this, God is not this.
They honestly had admitted that they do not
have knowledge fo creator and his creation.
But unfortunately todays Gurus say Shivoham,
I am God, etc due to highest ego and body
The World Drama is eternal. There is no
producer for this. The drama has no beginning
or end. Nobody created universe. In this sense,
there is effect without cause.
But every soul reaps fruit of its own
actions. No one can force (give sorrow to) a
pure soul (just when it descends from
Pramadham). A pure soul has independence
and power. When a soul becomes interested in
vices, it becomes impure. Nobody can make a
soul impure by force. A soul gets sorrow only
after becoming impure. So, every soul is

responsible for its actions. Hence there is cause

for every effect.
It is like this: Consider a farmer implanting
a seed or a plant. The seed or plant grows
naturally by the influence of Sunlight, Water,
Air, soil conditions, etc. This is like there is
effect without cause.
But the farmer has choice of implanting the
seed. He can implant a seed of sweet mango or
neem. He also has influence on the growth of
the plant. The farmer controls the quantity of
supply of water, manure, etc. In this sense,
there(farmer) is cause for the effect.
Similarly, every soul has freedom to use its
opportunity positively or negatively. Because
every soul has intelligence. If it uses for
negative (positive), the opportunities go on
reducing (increasing). These are called as bad
or good lucks.
God descends when all are unfit to live:
Today most of the people commit crimes.
Physical beauty, richness, education, status,
power- all are used for crime. Educated and
rich people commit more crime. If more choice
is given, todays man commits more sin. Today
it is difficult to find qualities even in children
and women. It is seen in may places where
even women doing crimes when they are given
power. It may not be wrong to say more than

99% of the population is unfit to live. Man has

invented weapons to destroy man.
Even poor people have countless bad
habits. No one wishes to become good.
Majority of them spend at least a part of their
income to alcohol, tobacco, etc. Even a poor
person creates children. See how selfish and
weak man is! A poor man knows that he cannot
look after his children properly. Still he creates
children and gives poverty as the first property
to his children.
Rich and educated people also know that
the population is exploding. They also know
that there is stress in every part of life. There
are dangerous diseases. Situations are getting
worse day by day. Still they create children and
make them to suffer! Majority of the people are
non-vegetarians. They have no mercy on
animals. Rich people should understand that
they should support poor. But they do not do it
or fail in it.
Today even if a man is given what all he
desires, still he cannot be satisfied. This also
implies that man has become totally useless or
Hence it will not be wrong to say that
everybody has received sufficient
independence in his/her life. If I misuse my
independence or opportunity and cry later, I
am foolish! Eg:- I have glass of water. I throw it

without understanding its value. Then after

sometime, I cry for water. I have good health. I
get addicted to alcohol. Then I cry for health!]
Like the farmer is responsible for his
method of cultivation, every soul is responsible
for its method of usage of its intellect. A small
child does not commit sin. Later it commits sin.
But man does not sacrifice sin even after
knowing, seeing and experiencing bad effects
of sin! Every soul feels guilty for its wrong
action at least at one or other times. Still man
continues to commit sin. Hence it is clear that
there is cause for every effect. Man himself is
responsible for that.
There are always choices (independency)
and limitations (dependency) in life. There are
both freedom and boundaries in life. Knowing
this is as good as knowing drama. A mango
tree cannot expect to bear jackfruit. Similary
nobody can prevent a mango tree from bearing
mango fruit. Similarly a human soul can never
become God or get animal body. Its maximum
capacity is to become a deity.
A farmer has no control over rain and
sunlight. But he has control over in cultivating
the plant. Similary every soul is bound in
drama. Every soul has to play a unique role in
this drama. But one can make it better by


One is comfortable when the payment (salary)
is more than the effort. If the fruit(salary) is
very much high compared to the effort, the
person does not feel tiredness. If there is good
business, people sacrifice even sleep and food.
There is no tiredness in serving when one has
unconditional love.
A RajaYogi has faith that the fruit on the
path of truth is highest. He gets love from God.
He gets power to face any situation in life. The
purification action inside a RajaYogi gives him
super sensous joy and makes him lighter and
immersed in bliss. So a RajaYogi does effort
happily. A RajaYogis every action moves him
towards liberation. He becomes lighter and
powerful as he moves further. (if he does not
become lazy or careless).
But since there is high impurity in a soul at
the end of Iron Age, one will not be able to
attain 100% concentration within a second. So,
initially a RY will feel the effort as effort. After a
RajaYogi gets considerable control over vices,
he will be able to concentrate easily. Another
point is- the effort is just for mind and
intellects. Hence the effort need not be
considered as effort. Mind and intellects are
parts of soul. They are eternal. If a healthy
body is damaged, it may not be possible to

restore health 100%. But it is possible to tune

or restore mind and intellects in any way
according to our desire if one knows the
way(knowledge) and puts effort(practice).
There is ageing for the body. The life,
health or energy of body continuously
deteriorates. But by the practice of RajaYoga,
the souls health increases. Hence the effort is
not realized as effort. In fact, a RY will consider
or realize the effort as game! If a RajaYogi feels
effort as effort (tirednesss), he is not powerful.
He has not received the real enjoyment. Vices
will be troubling him. It means he is quite far
from the final goal.
Some business people do not put effort
throughout their life. There is effort in business
during initial period. Once the business is set
up (flourished), it will continue automatically.
Then there is no effort. The initial tiredness also
is forgotten. The path of a true RY is similar to
that of a lucky business-man.
Even though God gives knowledge free of cost,
very few people get interest in it. Even among
these(BKs or Rajayogis) even lesser number
(just 16108) love God to a high extent and
sacrifice vices. This is very much less
compared to the world population. Hence they
are special.


EXTENT: A RY realizes God long before the
destruction of hell. He realizes that he is
impure and becomes ready for realization
(change in self).
A RY is an instrument of God in creating
-------------------88)SOMETHING RELATED:
*Actions in which there is no remembrance of
God bring us down. That is why we have come
from the highest state to the lowest state.
*The fruit of remembrance of God even for one
second is uncomparable (very high). A RY
realizes this. For a RY, God is like Super Market
where everything is free of cost (birth right).
Hence, he enjoys in every action. Life is just a
game for RajaYogis. RY has the clear or enough
vision about the future.
*Since he is ready to give up vices happily, he
is capable of enjoying super sensous joy while
doing any action.
*If there is no fruit, nobody offers simplest of
simple services. Eg: Even if there is a waste
material lying on road and the waste paper
basket is nearby, nobody will pick the waste
object and put it in the dust bin. But, a socially
healthy (conscious of social welfare) person will
pick the waste material and put in the dust-bin.


SELF MOTIVATION. A RY is a true spiritual Social
Worker. Hence even if whole of the world are
interested in sin, he will try to conquer sin.
The world is full of patients. Everybody is
caught up in the disease of vices. Everybody
spreads disease by wrong action(sin). A RY
conquers sin. It makes him immune to vices
and helps in curing others diseases. Hence a
RY is a Master Spiritual Surgeon (God is the
Spiritual Surgeon).
*A RY gets all the titles of God in that birth,
since he is instrument of God. He becomes
Master God. This is the reason why the deity
souls are also worshipped (and are considered
as God) in Copper and Iron Ages. **.
more times):Rights and responsibilities go together. A
King has maximum rights. But he also has
maximum responsibilities. A child is not (or
less) punished for its mistakes compared to an
elder. To an educated one, to a government
officer, the punishment is even more. They
have to be extremely careful. Fruit depends on
the intellect of the person. Those who have
higher intellectual power rule less intellectual

A RY is like a spiritual government servant.

Hence he has no right to violate government
rules even if others violate. A RY is like a
soldier. If he disregards directions of God, it is
highly destructive. A RY is like an engineer who
is appointed by the builder (God) to create a
new world (heaven). If he becomes
irresponsible, it is as if he is cause for delay of
the most important construction work.
A RY is one who has highest intellect.
Knowledge of 5000 years sits in his intellect.
He is given highest fruit and also responsibilitySelf transformation and World Transformation.
Hence both are highest for a RY.
A RY has faith that he is one of the most
impure soul in the drama and yet receive least
punishment. Because he gets the highest
opportunity to burn his sin by remembrance of
God. So he should not have ego. He also has
faith in the following.
A RY is fully dependent on God. He is just
an instrument of God. He should not put his
interest in actions. His interests and goals are
set by God. Hence they are the highest
possible status.
A RY has faith that God Himself takes his
responsibility if he honestly follows Godly
directions. The moment he gets ego, he loses
his power and value.

Actually, effort of RY is nothing but killing

ego (body consciousness). Ego is the biggest
impurity. To have ego is a shame to a RY.
A RY committing crime is like son of a judge
committing crime. So a RY has to be more
cautious in his actions. A RY should consider
Gods directions as a military order, a business
option, his original quality, the best option, the
one that cannot be compromised, the one that
is easiest to execute (implement), the one that
is both completely selfish (most beneficial to
self) and most selfless (most beneficial to
society) actions. It is the most enjoyable
moments in world drama.
1)Consider a person who thinks just about
himself and does not bother even about his
family. He does not receive anybodys love. He
is considered as highly selfish.
2)Consider a second person who loves his
family also. To love the family he will have to
get detached (forget= sacrifice his personal
time, money and energy at least to some
extent) from himself and think of his family
members. Then he becomes capable of loving
more people (family members) and also
receives more love.
3)Consider an honest social worker. He has to
detach (forget or think lesser about himself and

his family) even more. He loves more

people(society) and receives more love.
4)Consider a soldier. He serves the whole
country. His detachment is even more. The
whole country loves him. SO MORE THE
God does not have body. His detachment is
highest. He is called as Ocean of Love. Hence
all love God.
People love children because they are not
conscious about body like elders. They are less
attached to the body (not conscious of lust and
ego). They are not aware of religion, position,
status, etc. Hence they easily love others. And
even anybody can love children easily.
When we get detached from our body, that
is when we become soul conscious we can love
anybody irrespective of sex, age, religion, cast,
creed, etc. Master Creator souls achieve this
goal and are praised in most of the homes.
Property is needed to those who have
body. Except god, every soul comes in cycle of
birth and deaths. God alone is independent of
nature. All the souls are dependent on nature.
Hence they need health, wealth and happiness.
God is the one who gives these things to the
souls by bestowing the real knowledge and
purifying souls and nature.

Inculcation of Godly knowledge purifies a

soul. More a soul imbibes the knowledge, more
it becomes pure. The property received is
proportional to the level of purity of the soul.
Hence Godly Knowledge is the real source of
property. This is the real significance of the
Also it is said- purity is mother of peace
of happiness. Originality will have highest
power. And peace and happiness are the
highest powers. Nothing can be more
powerful than peace and happiness and
that is the highest treasure/property of
Narayan) AND SRI RADHA (Sri Lakhmi):In the beginning of BKWSU, there were around
400 BKs (Brahmakumar and Brahmakumaris).
Of these there was a powerful kanya(kumari=
female child= unmarried female). Her name
was Om Radhe. She came to
knowledge(became BK) in 1936 at the age of
around 14.
As per Gods directions, Dada Lekhraj
formed a trust of about 8 people among these
400 students. He surrendered all his wealth to
this trust and made Om Radhe as the head of
the trust.

Brahma and Om Radhe served the whole

yagya (BKWSU) through out their life. They are
the souls who attain the highest status.
Brahma will become first prince SriKrishna in
Golden Age and Om Radhe will become first
princess Sri Radha in Golden Age. During the
wedding ceremony and coronation, they will
receive power of the Kingdom and their names
will get changed as Sri Narayan and Sri
Brahma and Om Radhe served the
braahmin family to the highest extent. Hence
they are called as World father (Prajapita=
Jagatpita) and World Mother(PrajaMata=
Jagadamba) respectively. Om Radhe is also
given the titles as Saraswati. BKs used to call
them as Baba(father) and Mamma(mother).
Brahma and Mamma sacrificed their time,
money and energy in the service of the whole
humanity like parents do for their children.
Hence they get the titles Jagatpita and
Jagadamba. Since Brahma is male, the
practical title of Jagadamba goes to Mamma.
Jagadamba is shown as daughter of Brahma in
scriptures. Mamma is spiritual daughter of
Brahma. This is the reason.
God has no corporeal form. So, he cannot be
worshipped in any physical form. Worshipping
physically (externally) is an indication of

ignorance. (A child does not worship its father.

A child does not pray its father. It loves and
remembers its father).
Right method is to remember God with
purity and love. In Copper Age sorrow began
and Bhakti started. Gods introduction was not
known at that time. Hence, people started
worshipping God in corporeal(stone= ling)
form. When body-consciousness increased,
people started worshipping God in human
form(deities). Later they started worshipping
animals, snakes, trees, plants, etc! Hence it is
clear that Path of Bhakti makes hell deeper.
(Copper Age becomes Iron Age)
Some critisize idol worship and object them
or hate those who do that. But then it becomes
their responsibility to say what is right and do
Do they know form of God? WHERE DO
experience peace and love from God? If one
cannot answer these, he has no right to
criticize idol worship.
If one does not know Gods real
introduction, it is better to do idol worship.
Otherwise, mind will wander and will become
restless. Indians do idol worship. Hence their
mind is engaged in something. They are

harmless to other religions. One can see the

result. Those who hate idol worship hate other
religions. They even become terrorists. We can
see restlessness in them (eg. Some in Islam).
Jesus said, Love others as you love
yourself. But British people divided India. They
made Indian Kings quarrel among themselves
Remembering God is like DRINKING
NECTAR. Doing idol worship of God in the form
of Ling(= incorporeal form = without body
shape) is like DRINKING PURE WATER. Doing
idol worship of deities is like drinking IMPURE
WATER. Idol worship of animals, snakes,
ghosts, trees, plants, etc are like DRINKING
ALCOHOL. But one who does not worship
anything is like FASTING. That too, if one is not
ready to give up vices and complain or object
others about idol worship is like having jealous,
hatredness, ego and ignorance! Their mind is
like wild horse.
[Those who hate Idol worship also do idol
worship! Christians have different Churches,
Colleges in the name of different saints. Some
Christians praise Jesus Christ more than
Godfather. Muslims also highlight Mohammad
Prophet. They put postures of Saddam Hussain.
Many Muslim children have been named as
Saddam Hussain (to keep memory of a vicious
human being)! All are interested in idols

(human beings). Nobody is really interested in

[A highest or an extra ordinary blindfaith
in other religions: They say God will come and
wake up the deadbodies! They preserve
deadbodies! Believeing in deadbodies is one of
the highest idol worship! Is it not?
But all these religions do not consider
these human personalities as God. Hence their
mistake becomes much lesser than Hindus
worshipping snakes, trees, etc. Not only that,
hindus will be thinking of these objects (snake,
tree, etc now and then. They worship these
almost everyday. That is their conscious level
comes down to such a low level oftenly. But the
other relgions who keep names of Saddam
Hussain or do similar things will not be
conscious of those things so oftenly. Hence in
this matter they are stable and comfort to
higher extent].
A note:- Bks celebrate Shiv_jayanti (=
Shiv_ratri = divine birth of God father=
incarnation of God), Sri Krishna Jayanti(birth of
SriKrishna), etc. But that is not idol worship.
Even while celebrating SriKrishna Jayanti,
they remember God Shiv more than Krishna. In
fact they will not consider SriKrishna as God at
all. They will feel that their aim is to become
like SriKrishna in next birth. Their intellect
automatically moves to Shiv because they

know that it is Shiv who made Krishna as

Krishna. That is it is Shiv who transformed
Brahma of Confluence Age into Sri Krishna of
Golden Age.
[While delivering lectures, the author was
asked some questions. So- these are put here].
Some say- in heaven there is no problem.
In the present world, there are problems to
face. So present Presidents and Ministers are
powerful than deities.
A complete healthy person will not be
aware of disease at all. He does not fight wih
disease! It is weak person who fights with
disease! Deities are unaware of vices. Hence
they are really powerful. A Kingdom where
there is no problem is the best Kingdom. There
is no margin for vices to get in. Heaven is such
a powerful fort.
In heaven, both husband and wife live
together, but lust cannot enter at all. They
have all the richness and everything. Still there
is no slightest ego or attachment!
Actually deity souls had already faced and
attained victory (numberwise) over the
problems in their life in their previous birth (in

previous Kalpa= TC of Confluence Age). Hence

they got that status.
A nursery class teacher may have 100
students and a University Professor may have
just 10 students. But the professor is more
Indian Prime Minister may be ruling more
than 100 crore people. American President may
be ruling just around 25 crores (250 million) of
people. But American President has more
value. (In some places, Indian Currency is not
accepted at all!) But all know that American
President is much more powerful than Indian
In heaven, the King rules even hearts of
citizens. All are satisfied. But in hell, there is
always dissatisfaction. Citizens shout slogans
against rulers. They even do not hesitate to
burn picture, poster or photos of the rulers. In
hell, the ruler needs security to protect
himself from even citizens of his own
country! So it is the quality that matters and
not just the quantity. LEADERSHIP IS

The President or Prime Ministers are

elected by common people (their citizens). But
Kings receive power by their own effort, power
or birthright. God himself selects Kings of
heaven. Heaven is Gods property. It is
complete birthright. Hence nobody can shake
In heaven, there is full authority. The
nature is also servant(pleasant, supplies all
needs effectively). It never crosses its
borders(no question of floods, earthquakes,
unpleasant temperature, etc). There is no
enemy at all. Every citizen loves the King.
Hence rulers of Heaven are the Real Kings.
One Rich man is more powerful than thousand
poor people. One healthy person can do more
work than hundred lying on bed. A small piece
of diamond is worth million times than tones of
[Just see- Few numbers of British People
conquered and ruled crores of Indians for
around two centuries!] One deity soul is more
than any number of human beings caught in
vices! That is why todays people worship even
statues of such deities, is it not?]

Would you get bored if you always score 100

marks in every subject? Do you expect change
by failing in one or two subjects?
Will a cricket player get bored if he hits century
all the times?
Would a person get bored if he gets good
sleep(continuous sleep) for the whole 8 hours?
Does he expect his sleep to break two to three
times during every night?
Would the owner of a car wish his car to be in
same perfect condition or expect at least some
accidents, breakdown or damage to his car in
his life?
Consider a person having excellent health. So
far he did not need get any disease at all. Do
you think he expects at least some sort of
illness as a change or challenge?
Life is nothing but playing part in the world
drama (on earth). After understanding the
different personalities (topic No. 51- Different
Personalities), one should put effort to become
highest possible one (Sri Krishna). Else if one
does not get confidence or faith in him, he
should try to become at least a good deity.
If the reader is not interested in spiritual
knowledge and just aims to achive maximum in
this world and lead a strees free life, hints are
given in Package No. 03 Journey From
beginning part III). He can forget(ignore) all

the things given here. Most of the hints given

there (in package 03) are independent of
spiritual knowledge.
Maya is nothing but the vices- lust, anger,
greed, attachment, ego, etc. The root of these
is body consciousness. So Maya, vices or body
consciousness all mean the same. They are
also called as Ravan (in Hindu philosophy) and
Satan in some other religions.
Maya means illusion. So- considering
myself(immortal soul) as mortal body is the
first Maya which in other words is called as
body conscious.
100)STEPS OR STAGES OF PURITY:1)Observe Celibacy.
2)Sacrificing non veg food and bad habits.
3)Take bath after shitting (going to
lavoratory/toilet). The dress put while shitting
should be used only after wash.
4)Avoiding onion and garlics.
5)Avoiding food prepared by those who do not
follow the above steps.
6)With the remembrance of God putting effort
to conquer vices.
7)Conquering all the desires and waste thought
and being merged in Gods remembrance.
------------ -----------101)LUST- THE BIGGEST SIN, ENEMY OR

Cause for problems in society are bad habits.

And vices are the cause for bad habits. Of
these vices, lust is the most dangerous. Usually
one who has no lust will not have other bad
habits like smoking, drinking, etc. So one
should aim at conquering lust if he wishes to
be useful to society. Due to bad habits, people
lose their inner capacity and become
disturbance to others. Lust has highest and
first role in this.
Some say lust is natural and is as
important as food. If so, then why children do
not have lust?. Why is it said(in Indian
scriputres) after 60 years one should sacrifice
lust and become vaanaprasthi? Why children
are called as mahatma (great soul) or equal to
God? Why deities have glory sampoorn
nirvikaari (Completely viceless)? Why lust is
one (that too first) among the vices?
Some say lust is the highest happiness in
life. If so- then there should have been
happiness all over the world, is it not? Because
almost every individual enjoys/experiences it in
one or other ways.
If we see from practical point of view, to
have relation with objects there is need of
touch. But to communicate with people, there
is no need to touch (except in taking care of
small children and patients). Then why should
one expect pleasure by touch? Body is like a

car and soul is the driver. If you touch/rub a car

to clean it, it is ok. But any other touch is like
falling/making dirt on the car or an accident.
Similarly touching a body for caretaking of
body or improvement of health is ok. But if one
wishes to touch for lust, what could be said?
The basic necessities of life are mentioned
lust is not included in the list!). It is said- if
character is lost, everything is lost. LUST IS
In lust, one (a soul) does not wish to
establish relation with the other (the other
soul). Each treats the other person as a body. It
is like treating a living body as a dead body or
an object. It is like treating both the souls (self
and the other) as mere objects. IT IS THE ACT
OF LEAST RESPECT. Because each ignores
soul(the owner of the body) fully. Each forgets
himself(the soul) and the other(the other soul).
Each considers eternal beings [(himself = soul)
as well as the other (other = a soul)] as mortal
(mere body). It is the highest ignorance,
carelessness, addiction and impurity.
If lust is natural (some say like that) and
not bad, why children are kept away from it?
There are several dreadly diseases both caused
and transmitted by lust/sex. Today sexually
transmitted diseases are one of the highest

challenges to human society. There have been

incidences of even 2 year old babies raped.
Lust is not food. It is like alcohol. Once
addicted, it needs lot of effort to come out of it.
101a) HOW LUST IS ENEMY?:Due to lust the natural unity in the society
gets/got lost. In heaven, due to absence of lust
there was real freedom. Now let us think how
the society gets divided due to lust.
Due to lust cooperation among people
become very difficult. For example, the whole
society will suspect a lady if she stays for one
night with a man even if they did not commit
the wrong action.
[In reality, children and old people have
lesser power. But they have lesser stress than
youth, even though youth have higher power.
Due to lust one spends more time, money and
energy in body make up, fashion, for pleasure,
Suppose there is 100% honesty between
two very close friends and their wives(say).
Even then the wife of one will hesitate to take
shelter in the house of the other for few days if
the wife of the second is not present in the
house. (we know story from Ramayan, the
dhobis comment on Sita, the wife of King
Rama!. More explained in part 04. So the
society becomes totally devilish and enemy of
one another due to lust). A girl will be

suspected even if she stays with her brother in

law for sometime in absence of her sister.
AND NATURAL HAPPINESS:- Due to lust, the
area of freedom decreases. A lady hesitates to
talk with any other male even for useful
matters. Even if when she suggests something
good or necessary things, her talks would/could
be interpreted as treated as negative by
others. Due to expectation of pleasure from
lust, the existing natural happiness and peace
gets lost. The little divinity that exists in a soul
also gets depleted fully.
Lust made girl/woman like a prisoner in
home. (Muslims put burkhas due to lust, is it
not?). In Manusmruti (a scripture of Hindus), it
is written Na stree swaatantryam arhati= A
lady is not eligible for independence.
According to Hindu scriptures, a widow has no
right to marry. She should wear ugly or just
white coloured dress, and her hair used to be
cut so that no one should think of marrying her.
She cannot attend auspicious functions! Poor
lady! What mistake she has done? Is it her
mistake if her husband dies? But male can
marry second time! See the double standards
of the male dominant society!

OTHERS. Both the husband and wife will be in

101c) HOW FOOL MAN IS!:In life, husband wife relation is the
strongest. Hence it must be maintained with
highest purity. But man from Copper Age
onwards, spoiled this highly important relation
by adding lust in it! Arey- a wife/husband is so
important to husband/wife. What could be said
Attacking her/him by lust? Man did not realize
at all what is he doing! Both the husband and
wife became impure and made each other also
impure. It is like doing both suicide and murder
together. [If health is spoiled, what remains in
life? what is the use of life? Similarly, if one
spoiles husband wife relationship, how can
other relations give him happiness? He cannot
use even other relations effectively].
When the couple became impure, the
man(husband) lost right to mix with other
women and the woman(wife) lost right to mix
with other men. In this way, barriers entered
into the society. We know that more the
number of religions, less the unity. More the
number of democratic parties, languages, unity
will be less. Religions, these parties, languages,
etc divide a country.

deity souls not had been influenced by lust in

Copper Age, no other religion could have got
established. Because teachings of Ibrahim,
Buddha, etc would have been unnecessary and
waste due to natural quality existing in people.
Not only that, it is not easy (in fact, almost
impossible) to influence such people. Then how
the conversion to other religions can happen!
(So in fact, the wealth of India got looted by
lust and other vices is much more than that
due to Christains or Muslims).
So due to lust undesirable barriers had to
be inserted between two families. People
become narrow minded. Then how all of them
could work effectively?
Some say if lust is not present, how world
can continue? BK philosophy believes that in
heaven generation takes place without lust.
[Even in present world natural birth without
lust is seen in animals. Peacocks and lizards**].
Ok, for the time being, let us consider that lust
is needed to create children.
Those who argue like this, should stop lust
after giving birth. If people had followed at
least to this extent, the society would have
been OK. There could have been no threat or
disturbance to a lady from a man and lady
would have been no burden to husband.
It is because of lust, man needs to take
extra care of his wife and wife cannot

cooperate him openly in society. Due to this

mans financial condition gets weakened. And
dowry becomes a burden on girls father. This
has made the society to hate girl child even
before birth! Many abortions take place.
No scripture says to sacrifice lust and
all the vices, except bhagavadgita. Hence
it is the highest scripture. Even other
scriptures in Hinduism say- a kumari (=
unmarried girl) is better than hundred
braahmins. {Braahmin is the highest caste
according to Hinduism}. Similarly it is also
said- a kumar (= unmarried male child) is equal
to such seven kanyas (=kumaris). Just see how
much importance is given to celibacy in these
scriptures! But who understands or follows
that? They are just like dead books.
It becomes responsibility of every parent to
give such a respect to their as well as all the
children. [But unfortunately how can they give
when they do not have it] Another thing is- if
they are capable, they will sacrifice lust in their
life at least from that point/instant.
Does not these lessons from scripture
clearly say- lust is highly destructive? Several
shlokas in Bhagavadgita say to sacrifice lust,
anger and greed. They say- lust, anger and
greed are doors to hell(**). They also direct to
follow celibacy. Even if truth is in front, how can
a person see if he does not wish to open his

eyes? Even so called Jagadgurus do not stress

on these points. If they stress, no devotee will
come to hear their lectures and they will have
to beg for their life.
Due to lust, a man cannot enjoy his wife.
He just quenches his thirst of lust from his wife.
Like a person who does not have taste cannot
enjoy food. He just quenches his hunger from
the food.
[The author may be writing a little bit hard
for making the readers to understand the
situation. Actually there are also quite a
number of families which live comfortably. But
there are quite a number of cases of divorces,
rapes, murder of women for which the main
cause is lust.
These so called happy families also do not
help society to solve these problems. They do
not give support to those people who are
suffered (rape victims, widows). Family people
keep them away. In this way they are also
indirectly cause for these crimes in the society.
It is more explained below. [It is said- if you are
not part of the solution, you are part of the
IMPURE?:From Copper Age onwards, people start
getting addicted to lust. But they also

reconginzed its bad effects. So they put some

restrictions, that one can have lust with just his
husband or wife.
Now, for the society to continue, it is/was
necessary to say or prove that what they do is
right. Otherwise, they (= society= high class
people= people who had authority) will not
have respect. So the authorities might have
considered/ declared that- IT IS CORRECT TO
WIFE. They also said, LUST BETWEEN
can utilize bodies of each to quench their lust.
In this way, they get/took license to commit
lustful actions.
Of course, they had to announce like that.
That is- a)lust with one is pure to satisfy their
lust and
b)lust with any other is highly impure to
keep at least some control over society. Else
everyone would indulge sex with anyone and
all the disciplines would get lost.
But what happened due to this? Widows
lost their status. Actually a widow, bachelors,
and those who get raped should be respected
and helped by the society. But why society
cannot uplift them?
Because they have considered to have
lust with husband/wife is pure and with
any other is highly impure. Also they

declared that lust is the highest

happiness in life and life of a man or
woman who is not married is incomplete.
So how can they give right status to others? In
this way, the so called disciplined society
(married people) which is major part of the
society has taken away the fundamental rights
of these MOST ELIGIBLE minorities.
So it can be said one who loses his respect
cannot give respect to others. These family
holders lost their respect due to indulging in
sex for years after years. Then how can they
give respect to the bachelors, children, widows
or rape victims? How can a weak student help
(=teach) another student in passing the
Today in most of the places around the
world, the society sees bachelors as second
class citizens (less character one) and
considers married people as more disciplined
one. What is the cause for that? Ans:- Majority
are married. They have power. So what they
say, do is right! (Might is right!).
Actually, it was the responsibility of
married people (who are addicted to lust) to
pay high respect to unmarried people (children
as well as all the bachelors of the society who
are not addicted to lust). But due to
attachment they were interested more in their
well being than the society. Due to selfishness

they forced/tempted their children to get

married as soon as possible and made them
addicted to lust. [=everybody wishes his
children to be married and enjoy lust].
[A few determined people became
sanyaasis and led pure life to a considerable
extent and were of help to the society. These
parents (= the whole society) was paying
respect to these sanyaasis for their celibacy.
But since parents were weak, they could not
build (bring up) their children properly. So all
got addicted to lust].
The society became so bad that if a person
wishes to remain bachelor, married people
started discouraging him/her that- It is not so
easy to observe celibacy, Who will look after
you at your old age?, Celibacy can be observed
after the age of 60 years, Spirituality is needed
after 60 years, Without having a son/child one
will not attain moksha(liberation), etc [many
additions and allterations were done in
[Of course, it is also true that a
considerable percentage of bachelors do not
have good character. They have illicit
relationships with others. Many incidents of
rapes might be being committed by bachelors.
But what made them to do so? One is their
desire (thirst for lust), second is the impure
atmosphere of society. That is- majorities

commit lust everyday at their home. These

bachelors do not get chance. So they do such
crimes. If the married people would have used
lust just to produce children, and sacrifice it
forever afterwards, these bachelors would not
had interest in lust or get courage to rape. Not
only that- there would be mutual respect
between married people and bachelors.
Today homosex is also permitted in many
countries by law. There is also opposition at
present. But one day the majority of the
society may say even that is natural and is like
food. So actually majorities are cause for this
crime. Even though the law (made by human
beings) punishes just a few, in front of spiritual
law, almost all are criminals. That is why the
whole world is degrading and everyone is
suffering by discomfort, stress and diseases.
HOW LUST (highest attachment) TURNS
relationship there should not be any conflict or
misunderstanding. In heaven, due to natural
purity, the husband wife relationship was
perfect. In hell, due to body consciousness man
and woman cross the borders of principles of
life (like a driver disobeying the traffic/driving
It is comparatively easy for two Christians,
two Hindus or two Muslims to stay together.

Because they have a thing common in their

life. That is, religion. But it is almost impossible
for a Christian to have close relation with a
Muslim or Hindu or vice versa.
But it is definitely possible to have close
relation between a Hindu and a Muslim if they
are business partners. Since each gets benefit
from one another, relation remains stable.
Similarly in hell, the relation remains strong
because of need of support of each other. (In
hell, one becomes dependent on the other.
Hence karmic account also gets accumulated).
Another reason for the strong relation islust! Because it is said lust with one
person(husband) is fully pure/right and with
any other person is fully impure. So there is no
choice for a person to look out. [But in this
way, many women have been tortured by
males through out their life].
Even in hell, some disciplines are present.
In the olden days, there was some limit to
sex/lust. Not only that, after the age 60 years,
the parents used to handover all their
properties and resposibilities to their children
and take vaanaprastha (follow celibacy, pure
food, and be in company of Gurus who observe
these qualities). But unfortunately, todays
situation is worse. There are incidences where
some have given birth to children even till 70th

It is said eat to live and not live to eat.

Today the whole society lives to eat. Due to
this(if life is believed to eat), lust is also
considered as food or basic necessities of life
by many people today. As time passes, rules
change. Today homosex is not wrong according
to law! In this way the status of society goes on
SEE HOW DANGEROUS, DIRTY LUST IS:Suppose a person says to the other that- I will
help you only if you bribe me. Similarly today
people marry (give support to one another)
only if each promoses to pay bribe(lust). Else
they cant support each other!
But, probably, THAT IS THE ONLY WAY
TO CONTINUE. Suppose say a leg of a table is
broken. The right thing to be done is it should
be repaired. But if the person is unable to do
that, he will have to cut the other three legs.
By that somehow with reduced efficiency life
can move. Similarly lust makes other issues
(conflicts between husband and wife) small. It
is like alcohol, drug or pain killing tablet, of
course with great side effects! (It is neither
food, nor medicine). So the author does not
complain the society. He just explains the
cause for downfall. For an addicted person,
drug is the first necessity. Similarly when
people get addicted to bodyconsciousness, lust
becomes one of the basic necessities.

Understanding drama:- The world drama

is a play of happiness and sorrow. There are
both. But happiness is much more than sorrow.
In the 5000 years, the sorrow will become
considerable in the last 500 years.
God will have importance only if we
become impure, is it not? Also God comes only
after we become highly impure. So God does
not accuse us for our past sins. But says, in
this last birth, remember me(God). This will
burn your sins and purify you. This is the
Godly message to all given by BKWSU.
101e) A deep point on KARMA
PHILOSOPHY:- What happens when a man is
deeply interested in lust? Ans:- Man gets status
of an animal. It may not be wrong to say that
man who is deeply interested in lust becomes
fit to be raped at least to some extent.
(Because he expects lust from anyone, not just
by his or her life partner). He loses right to live
as a human being.
Just see- rich, high class people need
support/effort of poor, hard working people.
Because they live in buildings constructed by
ordinary, low grade citizens. It is poor people
who work in fields and give others food.
The rich people become capable of hiding
their sins due to the buildings constructed by
poor people. Doing sin inside the buildings is as
good as wasting the effort of the poor people.

101f)LUST MAKES US UNTOUCHABLES:Children are permitted to move and touch

any person. But elders are not so. Because lust
enters mind and body. After marriage, it is
considered as one is made for each other! So
they are like untouchables (with respect to
others), is it not! See- how simple the truth is!
Many times even a brother and sister will
feel discomfort at public places! Because
people will see them with negative attitude.
See how dangerous and ugly the lust is!`
Actually, for a person- who wishes to be
truly spiritual, for him, any vice is poison. But,
lust is separately stressed here. The reason is
explained below.
Body consciousness (= Attachment to the
body) is the seed which takes various forms of
vices. Some are attached to
1)name and fame,
2)some for look/appearance of the body,
3)some for big buildings, some for dress, some
for travelling,
4)Some for food and sleep and comfort- for
example- to get some salvation, they depend
on service from things (eg- electricity, washing
machines ...) or some people (servants of
family relatives or other similar friends), etc.
Accordingly- the above takes various forms1)ego, 2)lust, 3)greed, 4)attachment.

When some form/desire is not fulfilled or we fail

to cope up or adjust with the things, it leads to
5)anger, jealously, hatredness, etc.
Without attachment to body, no vice can enter
us. Due to vices, we misuse our mind, body
and organs. Eg- we think waste and negative,
watch waste and negative, eat and drink more
quantity, or eat bad things that burden the
But, in lust, the degree of attachment
(burden on mind as well as on the body)
and hence the misuse of the body is
maximum. So- it is more dangerous when
compared to other vices.
Further more, all other vices- there is some
excuse for a common man in difficult
situations. For example- food, building, dress,
etc all form part of our real needs of the life
and body. And sometimes- in our official work,
sometimes there is need to be extra assertive
or show off with ego to prove ourselves due to
wrong competition in the present society or
due to failure of other people not able to
understand us properly. So- there is some
excuse for other vices and hence their net
result on us is decreases to some extent. Even

if we earn wealth by working hard, burdening

our body, it later can give us rest to the body.
But, lust has no such excuses. It is not a
need of body. Thirst for lust is like thirst for
salty water. It always brings down our self
esteem with zero gain. Hence it is 100%
If other vices are like small diseases, lust is
like deadly disease like cancer. In lust, there is
100% attachment. One feels himself as body.
(It is like considering driver = car) Hence,
spiritual knowledge cannot enter in such a
person. Because spiritual knowledge means
one has to realize himself as soul which is
separste than the body. So- the act of lust is
fully against spirituality. Hence spiritual
knowledge will not sit in us until we become
ready to sacrifice lust.
So- it is the first step in becoming spiritual.
But, as one climbs the ladde in spirituality, he
will not discriminate between lust and other
vices. For him, anything related to matter/body
is a vice. More is explained later.
For example to study something, there is
need of some basic discipline or concentration.
Without that- nothing can sit in the intellect.
Similarly, determination to sacrifice lust is the
basic discipline necessary in spirituality.


ELDERS? (karma philosophy)
Should a teacher pay (more) respect to
students or students to teachers? Should high
class people give respect to lower class or vice
versa? Soceity (=Majority) may say- students
should give respect to teachers, low class
citizens should pay respect to high class
Actually a teacher should pay more
respect to students and high class people
should pay more respect to low class
people. The logic is very simple. A rich person
pays money to poor and not vice versa.
Because rich person has more money! Even if
the poor pays money to the rich person, it will
not help or influence rich person. Poor person
can express gratitude only in return for the
money received from the rich person.
Now here- the teacher, parents, King,
elders, high class people are those who are
positioned in the seats of HIGHER RESPECTS.
HAS MONEY WITH HIM!). Else they are not fit to
be seated there! [This is the reason why it is
said- if character is lost, everything is lost].
A King should have high respect to all of his
citizens. A parent should have high respect to

children. Then automatically citizens and

children will be able to pay in return. That isthey also will pay both gratitude and respect in
Today parents do not have real self respect
in life. They have lost it by lust, ego, greed, etc.
Kings also lost their power by losing respect
due to enjoying lust and material pleasure
beyond limits. Many Kings lost their Kingdoms
due to lust.
Actually a King (and parents) should have
lesser expectation from the citizens (children)
than vice versa. It is because they have
authority. But today, it is opposite. Remember
the quote- child is father of man. This is the
situation in this world.
Today, even teachers do not have self
respect. Hence students also cannot pay (real
= internal) respect to teachers. In fact, today
students and the children are like nuisance to
teachers as well as parents. In all these very
important relations there are hesitation, stress,
disturbance and ego and a great lack of faith.
The first cause itself is lust which took
away power and respect from parents. When
parents become weak, how can they develop
real personality in their children? Similarly
when Kings misused their power and started
enjoying many wives/ladies, how can they rule
Kingdom properly? This is the reason why Kings

lost their power and today there is democracy

throughout the world.
[Note:- Since a Bk believes that his role in the
world drama is the best, he has responsibility
of paying repect to every soul. This is a high
challenge to any BK. So a BK should always
feel that ball always lies in his court = should
be always attentive.]
103) BEST, MEDIUM AND BAD SOCIETIES:The rule is- rich and powerful people should
commit lesser crimes than weak and poor
people. Because they have much more than
A society is best if no one commits mistake/sin
= Heaven. In a society, if the people who have
higher power and richness commit less sins
compared to the weak and poor people, it is a
medium ordered society.
If the rich and powerful people commit
more sins than weak and poor people it is a
bad society. Highly dangerours conditions
could be expected.
In heaven, the rulers had more virtues than
the citizens and no sin at all. But in hell, people
misuse wealth and power. Of course, there had
been some Kings and politicians who were
quite good even in hell, but their percentage
was less.
Today majority of rich, educated people,
politicians and the holders of religious power

(Gurus, Priests, Mullas, etc) commit more

crimes than poor, weak, uneducated people.
If rich people commit lesser crimes than
poor, the poor people will automatically be
grateful to rich and powerful people and would
co-operate them from mind. Their internal
feelings would be- Let you(rich) eat high class
food, stay in first class buildings. We are happy
in simple food and shelter. In fact, you deserve
the best and we are eligible just for this. Such
a feeling of respect would have come from the
poor people. They will never feel jealous, fear
or hatredness of rich people. Even rich peoples
help would automatically reach to poor people.
When rich and powerful people commit
more crimes, disturbance to the society is
large. Life of poor people gets worsen. They
feel insecurity. They lose faith in the
Government and society. A barrier gets built up
between ordinary citizen and the Government.
This opens door for enemies. Ordinary people
hesitate to give information about thieves,
dacoits, terrorists (usually these criminals
cannot escape from eyes of ordinary citizens)
because of feeling of insecurity. These barriers
make work of criminals easier. These criminals
can easily bribe poor, ordinary people and get
shelter in the country. In this way the whole
society degrades.

It is said- A vegetarian person needs just 30

cents (one cent= nearly 430 square feet) of
land for his living. If he drinks milk also, he
needs 60 cents of land. A non vegetarian
person needs 600 cents of land (because
so much grass has to be cultivated to feed
animals for flesh).
In simple way it can be said, one who has
bad habits consumes more from nature and
becomes more responsible for increase in
entropy. The one who has better character is
useful to the society.
HONEST BK:To become pure and make others pure. In
otherwords, sacrifice vices and guide and help
others to sacrifice vices. Four things/subjects
are associated here. They are a)Knowledge,
b)Yoga (=Remembrance), c)Inculcation Of
Divine Virtues and d)Service.
a)Knowledge makes intellect wide and clear.
It helps to gallop fast and avoids confusions
and darkness.
b)Remembrance of God, IW and heaven is
the only way to become pure. This is the
highest and most important subject among all
these four.
c)This is art of living. Divine virtues bring
perfection in life.

d)Doing service of humanity is also

required. God has come to serve us. I received
Godly knowledge through the Godly service
done by others. Hence I also should take part
in Godly service. That is help in giving Godly
message to whole world. [Godly service =
serving humanity according to Gods
directions]. Hence Godly service means real
service of humanity. It is guiding man to
become pure/divine.
So a trustee should utilize his time, money
and energy to become pure and donate it to
those who wish to become pure.
Any other charitable institution or social
service organization in the world cannot uplift
the society. Because they do not target
purification of soul. So result of their work will
be of limited success and of short duraion.
Rajayoga alone can yield fruit for highest
duration (2500 years) that too unlimited
(satisfying all needs).
Note:- The four things mentioned above are
also called as the SUBJECTS OF RAJAYOGA in
BK Philosophy.
106) UNDERSTAND TIME(call of time),
GODS ACTS and highest goal practically:God descends when human beings fail to
maintain right relations with each other. Gods
duty is to make human relations pure once
again. Impurity has disturbed human relations

by dividing him into different sex, religion,

sects, parties, etc. Souls should be purified for
the relations to be pure. So Gods work is to
purify the souls. Till there the Confluence age
will be running in parallel with Iron age.
[Any other work of charity without aim to
conquer vices will not yield right results. They
are like giving medicine to patient to suppress
symptoms of disease, but not the cause.
Whatever money may be spent and effort
be made on a patient, but if the patients body
is not free from impurity and he does not
cultivate right dieting and related habits, the
result of the treatment will be temporary. This
is the reason why even if governments of
different countries spend millions of dollars,
problems in the world go on increasing. Hence
God directs to sacrifice vices including body
consciousness. (In this way, God is the
Supreme Surgeon and BKWSU is the only real
spiritual hospital)].
Without cheating myself, I cannot
cheat others (or without getting
disturbed myself, I cannot disturb
others):- The cause of all disturbances is
consciousness, I get disturbed by my own body.
This has created lust and other vices, which
have disturbed or made the other human
relations weak. So God gives knowledge to

become soul conscious and direct or cultivate

right habits of life.
Real aim of life is not to conquer just lust,
but to conquer body consciousness(BC)
itself. Because BC is the root cause and seed
of all the vices and evils. So BC is the higher
enemy than even lust.
The effect of BC can be explained and
understood better by explaining the effects of
vices. People know and agree that anger,
greed, ego , etc are bad. But many do not know
that lust is an evil. And they also do not know
lust is the worst among all the vices. Hence
more attention is given to lust among the vices
and explained in detail (in the topic no. 101).
There are two strong relations in life, one with
my own body and the other with husband/wife.
Husband or wife are called as life partners. I
have 100% contact with my own body till the
death and next closest contact or nearness
with my life partner. So these two are the
strongest relations or very important from
many points of view.
INFLUENCED BY LUST. So if a BK takes care
of himself in this, he attains the major part of
his goal. Hence BKWSU teaches to sacrifice and
conquer lust being remained in household life
or in society.

Charity begins at home. So one should begin

practicing to get detached from wrong
attachments of the body of the self and the life
partner (which are closest to him). That is- lust
should be sacrificed. Then only his other
relations or communications can be effective
and beneficial and enjoyable. Child has no lust,
hence its communication is effective. It can
communicate with anybody without any
hesitation, but we elders even after having
knowledge, fail to communicate properly and
misunderstand each other.
[In every other relation, there is detachment at
least to some extent. A mother may have
attachment to her children. But children need
not have to the same extent. There is natural
detachment due to difference in age and the
relationship had got established unexpectedly.
That is- a child had not asked her mother
whether they would like to become its parents.
Even when parents adopt a child there is
detachment. Even in all official relations, there
is detachment by default. (stress due to
attachment also will be maximum in husband
wife relation than due to other relations).
But lust between a husband and wife is not
only considered as fully pure but also is
considered as most important and necessary
by the so called highly intelligent, religious

people of the society. Such a high ignorance is

there in the society.
But todays marriage is like mutually agreeing
to get attached without having power to
detach. It is like jumping into an ocean without
knowing to swim.
WORLD!? The society does not allow. Parents
force their children to marry even against their
wish/will and nobody can question so easily the
husband, however bad he treats his wife.
(anyhow, this is time of hell. Hence the
107)Simple truth (open secret):- MORE
DETACHMENT):For example, I will touch an object only if I can
leave it. If the object gets sticked to my hand I
will not touch it. I cannot even use it efficiently.
I will wear a chappal or shirt only if I can
detach them whenever I need. If they get
attached, they will be of negative use. SO
A doctor is sufficiently detached from the
patient. He keeps his body detached/protected
from germs/diseases in the patients body. He

also keeps his mind firm. He does not become

emotional. [Of course, he may act according to
the need of patient, that is different]. In this
way, he keeps both mind and body detached
from the patient before establishing relation
(treating) with the patient. An electrician
insulates his body from earth before touching
live points.
In lust, the attachment is maximum. Also one
has highest attachment to ones own body.
Both the body of self and that of the life
partner are partners of life. Since these two
bodies (mine and life partners) are going to
stay with me for maximum duration, I should
practice to detach from these two to the
maximum possible extent. Since I am going to
use these two bodies to the maximum possible
extent, I should have capacity to get detached
from these also to the maximum possible
extent. And Rajayoga is nothing but practicing
this detachment and God is the teacher for
Just see- More fast I can attach and detach
from a thing(say a tool) I can use them more
efficiently. We all know how to get attached.
But we cannot get detached. We can
remember (get attached) a thing as soon as it
is shown or known. But we cannot forget
(detach) the same whenever we wish.

Power of detachment means ability to forget an

object even while seeing it, even while being in
its company. So a Rajayogi should develop
power to forget his body even while doing
action, forget body of his life partner, and of
everyones body.
If we ask ourselves what is the highest cause
for disturbance in our life? The answer is ones
own body. Because we cannot forget our body
when we wish. Hence we cannot ignore even
the silly disturbances. Unnecessarily we invite
or think of disturbances and feel it. Suppose
say- somebody said something. Why should I
take seriously? But if I do not have power of
detachment, it will automatically become
serious issue to me and stress will be
In sleep we forget fully (100% detachment) and
hence our body gets full rest. But we do not get
power of detachment by sleep. Sleep just heals
the pain (tiredness). To get natural power of
detachment, we should overcome body
consciousness and that is why we need
If you do not have power to detach, then do
not get attached (=do not build close
relationship with the other). Just have official
relation. You can easily forget the person.
Please note that we are not saying to cut the

relation. We suggest to keep relation healthy,

pure, effective and powerful.
Actually detachment does not mean to become
careless or hate others. It means to maintain
and give freedom, rest and respect to the
other. Never misuse that (object or person). In
another way, detachment means give respect
and take(keep= have) respect. This is rajayoga.
Note that in sleep we give highest respect,
freedom and rest to our body. Hence it
becomes useful to us for the next day.
So one should understand the highest
knowledge that- I SHOULD BE ABLE TO
It is possible to forget the person in
front of us. When we can make the dead
things alive by keeping on thinking about
the same old things, when we can feel
love of a person staying at abroad by past
remembrances or by my own new
imaginatons, when we can feel new
experiences by imagining the things
according to our own desire and
thinkings, we can also forget the things
which are in front of our eyes. Due to

vices, man has lost this power. And now it

is time to regain it through rajyoga. This
is possible only in this Confluence age.
So, now or never.
108)How to give respect to woman?
The gender imbalance increased and womans
status has become very low (at least in India).
Today people speak the woman should be
respected. But what is the real cause of gender
Reservations in school, college, jobs, and even
in political places are given for women to uplift
their status. But can it really empower women?
How many employed women become
ready to marry unemployed men? The
percentage is very less.
What will happen if woman also competes with
man for employement? The status of man in
society comes down. He will have to work for
lesser salary, he may not get some jobs at all.
When both husband and wife work in a family,
they may not be able to bring up their children
properly. Due to mechanical life, children also
develop the same habit and stress will take
deeper root.
Due to independency, woman may threaten
husband taking divorce. When there is already
unemployment problem for youth, reserving
jobs for women will increase imbalance in

The main cause for problems of women is lust.

Due to lust, her status decreased. If lust is
sacrificed, woman will automatically get right
status in society. Until there, rapes, murders,
tortures of women can never end.
In fact, wifes duty is to take care of home and
husbands duty is to earn. But due to lust, man
misused, mistreated woman. He even had
relationship with other women. He began to ill
treat his own wife! Then what should a female
do? She also started to work and
unemployment problem in society increased!
So- the first step to respect a woman is to
sacrifice lust.
109)ABOUT ADVAITA PHILOSOPHY:According to Advaita Philosophy, everything in
this world is just an illusion. The world does not
exist at all. There is just one thing in the entire
universe, called BRAHM ( or BRAHMAN).
They call Brahman as nirgun (propertyless or
virtueless). Nir= nil; gun= property, virtue.
That is- it is neither good, nor bad. They say
actually this world does not exist at all. It is due
to our illusion, we feel that there is world, body,
mind, etc.
Their argument is- In darkness, we
assume a rope to a snake. But when light
comes, we realize the truth. Similarly, due
to ignorance we feel we are different and
all these things exist. But in reality, we all

are one and identical. Mind, body,

materials, Soul, God, everything is just
one and it is brahman. But they do not
have answer from where and how this illusion
came. Let us discuss about this. Illusion means
each should feel the same incident in different
ways randomly. In such a case,
a)When someone feel it is now morning 6 AM,
someone should feel it as 10 AM. Another one
should feel it as 4 PM and someone should feel
it as night, is it not? Because illusion means
many should feel it differently. If all feel the
same, it cannot be said as illusion.
b)When people eat food, all feel that their
hunger is reducing. Illusion means some should
feel their hunger decreasing, and some should
feel their hunger increasing, is it not?
c)Scientists predict that on such and such
a day, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse forms
and it really happens. If the world is
illusion, how is this prediction is possible?
d)There is a definite procedure to repair a
machine, to treat a patient. If everything is
illusion, there should not be any difference
between a mechanic and common man. Even
common man should be able to repair the
machine with more or less same efficiency.
e)the foetus takes 9 months to come out of the
mothers womd. If everything is illusion, this

period should vary drastically from one woman

to another!
f)The gravitational force always acts towards
centre of earth. If illusion, we should feel the
force even outside, is it not?
g)If everything is illusion, why should we put
effort? What is there to realize? Why the
believers of Advaita Philosophy consume pure
diet? Is it not ok even to eat mud? Because
how can there be difference between mud and
food for such people?
h)Just think- we consider rope to be snake
because we have also seen real snake
somewhere else, is it not? So snake also really
exists is it not? What could be said about
Advaita Philosophy which says there is no
snake at all!
So, it can be said that the Advaita philosophy
itself is an illusion, is it not?
[But there is a deep secret in advaita
philosophy. It is- FOLLOW ADVAITA
Intellectually we should discriminate. Else if we
consider (intellectually) everything to be
same/identical, then we will not be able to do
any action. It will be 100% lie. But we should
not get influenced by action or fruit of action.
So emotionally we should feel all as same.
Intellectually we should be aware of that I am
doctor, he is engineer, one is child and another

is aged person, etc. But emotionally we should

feel all as same.
Another example- a teacher emotionally feels
all the students identical. She loves or respects
all. But he/she does not give same marks to all.
She gives marks according to their eligibility.
So- intellectually she discriminates.
Due to lack of clear knowledge, people
failed to absorb real essence of advaita. They
came to the tree, but could not reach the fruit.
In karma/action, we should discriminate;
but in yoga not. Real advaita is karmayoga.
Advaita should be followed in this way. A BK
follows advaita in this way. He considers
everyone in this world as just a soul
irrespective of gender, nationality, religion,
caste, age,status, etc. His yoga(feeling) is
advaita. But while doing action, there is need
to consider name, form, attributes, duties,
place, time of a person and act accordingly.
Such an action becomes YOG_YUKT and
YUKTI_YUKT. Yogyukt means powerful and
Yuktiyukt means accurate.]
110)DEMOCRACY VERSUS KINGDOM:Due to the Kings being in vices, they forgot
their responsibilities. They lost their qualities.
They also fought with each other, became
more weaker and lost their respect and power.
This is the past history. Now let us analyse to
what extent the democracy is right.

Suppose (say)- If there is no right teacher for

the class, is it OK if the students elect one of
the students among themselves and place him
on the seat of the teacher!?
A politician is also a beggar who begs
vote even from the weakest person of the
society. How much powerful a person would be
whose power depends on the citizens of the
country? Does not he need more power than
the citizens to rule, guide the citizens?
A King is all powerful. But a politician is bound
by the law. A Kings period is not limited. But
the period of a politician is limited to 5 yrs. In
some cases, if he loses majority, he will lose
power immediately. There is always threat to
him even by his own people/ministers.
There was more unity in the country during
Kingdom. As the number of democratic parties
increase, the unity in a country also decreases!
This is clearly visible in India where there are
countless democratic parties. A lot of wastage
of time, money and energy takes place
everyday to sustain these parties. These
parties criticize one another. It is main agenda
in their rule.
In Kingdom people had love, respect, fear
for the King. But in democracy people even
throw chappals to the Presidents, Prime
Ministers! The rulers need security to protect
themselves from even their own citizens.

In democracy, every person irrespective of his

intelligence, character has same amount of
votes. The value is just for the body. Not to
character, ability or even the to the intellect!
In many cases, when one party comes to
power, it removes the laws forced by the other
party. A persons file has to travel several
tables before getting finalized.
In kingdom, the kings power is not decided by
the throne. The thrones power/status is
decided by the king. But in democracy the
power of the ruler is decided by the
throne/seat. It is as though the condition of the
owner of the house is decided by the house he
is staying! Actually it should be otherwise. The
condition of house is decided by the person
who resides there.
Actually democracy is weaker than Kingdom.
Today we can see terrorism as a great threat to
society. It can easily grow in democracy. Even
thieves, dacoits, corruptions, etc can grow
easily in democracy. Even a common man
comments about President of his country. A
President is defamed/criticized by even the
newspapers of his own country. When the
citizens of the country have no real respect for
their President or Prime Minsiter, how the
country would be?
Most of the people today consider democracy
the better option than the Kingdom. The author

is not saying, today we should have kingdom. It

is correct that for todays condition, democracy
is the only choice. But we should understand
time. Like when a person becomes old, he
needs stick for his support. Similarly, the
condition of democracy indicates that it is end
of TC. It cannot sustain for long time.
So God descends when both Kings and
religious heads fail in the society. He teaches
Rajyoga and re establishes the divine Kingdom.
Hence the name Rajyoga.
A note:- Heaven is not just Kingdom. It is also
real democracy. All the citizens would be fully
satisfied by the King. There is no need to force
law, since all had character. So- such a perfect
balance existed there.
In todays democracy, the victory is not
true victory. If the person gets more than 50%
of the votes or the one who gets highest
number of votes is considered to be the winner.
But- all the citizens would neither had
given/cast the vote for him, nor would be fully
satisfied from him. But- in heaven there is
contentment about King from heart (of courseeven in hell also- some great Kings had won
the heart of the citizens) by all the citizens.
------- ----------111)SWADARSHAN CHAKRADHAARI(SCD)

Swa= Self; darshan= vision or realization;

chakra =wheel= time cycle= full knowledge;
Dhaari= one who wears or embodiement of.
Therefore Swa_darshan
Chakra_dhaari(SCD) means- one who has
vision or knowledge of Time Cycle, -the one
who continuously churns complete knowledge,
-one who knows past present and future, -one
whose mind and intellects are free to move in
all the three stages of times, -one who
understands or realizes everything or one who
does not get confused, - or one who is
continuously moving or progressing, one who is
not attached(bonded).
Everything is normal to a SCD. There is no
surprise to such a soul. There is 100% stability.
A SCD can realize past as well as future as if he
knows it even before. A SCDs thoughts will be
as follows. It is also real meditation (churning
of positive thoughts).
1)I am a shining point (or glowing star)
residing in Paramdham with my Most beloved
Godfather who is also a point. There are
countless points(souls) in the sweet silence
home. But, now I want to be immersed in Most
beloved Godfathers love. So I ignore(forget) all
other souls and visualize just two points, one
myself and the other Godfather). So now, there
are only two points in Paramdham, myself and
God. I am completely pure, free from all

bondages. Peace, Purity, Bliss, are my

natural(real) qualities. I am self sufficient
(content in myself and has no expectations).
ShivBaba (Shiv =Gods real name, Baba =
Father) is with me. There is so much love,
power emerging from HIM. I am feeling all
those divine qualities in him. Rays of peace,
love, bliss, power, etc are flowing from HIM
towards me. [Visualize rays flowing from one
point(God) to the other(me)]. {This is the most
powerful stage and is called as SEED stage
where there is absolutely no remembrance of
physical body of either heaven or hell. Just
eternal beings are remembered}. God is the
SEED of human tree. Here the soul is
Completely merged in real(incorporeal) formthat is completely unaware of physical
things(body and matter)].
2)At the beginning of new era(heaven), I the
incorporeal soul from the sweet
home(Paramdham) descended to earth and
took a fully pure body.... I feel completely
light even if I am inside the body, because the
body is free from vices and any
negativites. There is purity and
prosperity in everything in heaven. All
are deity souls here(heaven).. I lived for a
period of 2500 years (8 births in Golden age
and 12 births in Silver Age) in this world. (stay
here for around 30 seconds)

3)Now, I have come to Copper age. I got

influenced by bodyconsciousness and hence
started becoming impure. The whole world also
became impure! *I started Bhakti(Worship) of
ShivaBaba in the original form, which is of
Shiv_Linga [Corporeal form(a stone) of
Incorporeal Godfather]. When I started Bhakti,
the others also started Bhakti! *(After some
years) I started worshipping myself. That isstatues of SriLakshmi and SriNarayan(That was
myself in Golden age!). Others also started
worshipping me[(my past-pure status) =
SriLakshmi and SriNarayan.]. In Copper age
also, the amount of wealth was large. There
was no much problem.
4)As time passed, Iron Age came. Bhakti
became impure. Number of religions increased.
Sorrow increased. At the end time, the most
beloved Godfather incarnated and chose me as
one of his sweet children and at present I am in
HIS care. What a fortune!
5)The present time is both Iron age and
Confluence Age. I am in Confluence Age now.
Majorities of the souls are in Iron Age. How
lucky I am!
6)I am now becoming ready to go back to
Paramdham and descend to heaven. Now since
I have knowledge, I can think of feel anything I
wish. [repeating these thoughts is
swadarshana chakradhari stage.]

Note: 1)In a film or drama, one finally

remembers the most enjoyable moments.
Other scenes become unimportant. Similarly
after the above practise, the SCD
(Swadarshana Chakradhaari) becomes capable
of remembering just God, Paramdham and
Golden Age. Other things do not influence his
2)In the first three Ages(1250 x 3 =3750
years), there is sufficient happiness. Till india
was ruled by foreigners there was happiness
and all sorts of comforts. So out of 5000 years,
the last around just 500 years will be
experienced as problematic. That is, happiness
exists even in hell most of the time. So a
RY(RajaYogi) will have the intoxication that he
would be happy for a period of 4500 years in
the drama of 5000 years.
3)Alph(Godfather = creator) and
Be(Baadshaahi, the property= pure creation)
are the two things to be remembered. A child
remembers its father and fathers property.
Properties of Godfather are Paramadham and
Heaven. So, we, the spiritual children have
remember these three (God and the two pure
two worlds.)
4)Nobody will think of old cloth or shoes. When
a person gets new cloth or shoes, his
attachment towards old cloth and shoes die.

Similarly, a RY becomes able to think of new

world (heaven) and forget hell.
5)After winning a lottery, one gets happiness
even if there are still a few days to get money.
Because there is faith that he will get money in
short time. Similarly, a RY will be able to enjoy
heaven even in hell. Say a poor person won a
lottery ticket. He will receive payment only
after one week(say). But the person becomes
capable of facing any problem as soon as the
result is declared. Even when he is hungry, he
will smile of dreaming about the prosperous
future. So knowledge and faith in the future
only can make the present bright.
6)Say, a person gets appointment letter today
for a job. There are still few days left to join the
job. He will receive salary after a month. Still
the personality changes from that instant itself.
This is power of faith. Since there is full
knowledge and faith about the future (about
getting handsome salary), the present time
also changes.
7)For a RY, it is even more than that. There is
continuous and powerful temptation. There is
definite(guaranteed) fruit for every thought,
speech and action. As soon as I spend even a
second in Gods remembrance, some sin is
cleared and I feel divinity to that extent. During
that second also I get peace and happiness.

Since sin is cleared, my troubles for future get

reduced to that extent.
8)The most important thing here is- a RY is
Master Creator. Hence he is the Boss of himself.
(There is no interference of any human being).
God is his only Boss. God is UNLIMITED DONOR.
Hence a RY can increase his salary(fruit) by
himself. As the duration and intensity(love) of
remembrance increases, fruit also increases.
So it is as good as a RY is paid by himself.
There is no need to wait for anything. There is
no limit.
[The limit is reached when one completely
forgets everything, incuding his own body and
completely gets merged in love of God. At that
time, the person will shed his body. They forget
body completely. This highest status is attained
just by eight souls in this world. They become
completely soul-conscious. They get the status
of Equal to God. They are the top rankers.
Out of these the first two are already fixed
(Prajapita Brahma and Jagadamba Saraswati).
These 8 souls and God together are
worshipped as nav_ratan (9 jewels). Next One
hundred Souls conquer sin completely. The first
8 and the next 100 together are worshipped as
jewels of Victory Rosary (Vaijayanti mala). Next
16000 souls also love God to a great extent
and get control over their sense organs
(Become King of Self) to a considerable extent.

These are the souls who can be called as good

or comfortable RajaYogis. The rest of Nine lakhs
get next grade. The first 108 souls do not get
any punishment. The first eight souls are the
scolarship holders. They are called as Pass with
9)The first rank holder in a class will have no
worry. Even if all others fail, he will have pity,
but there will be no sign of worry or tension. A
RY is like a doctor (having immunity) in midst
of many patients. He is a helpful hand to
anybody who wishes to become pure.
10)As a RY is the Master Creator, he is highly
powerful. For the drama to repeat, the entropy
should be restored. These Master Creators do
that with the help of God. Hence the World
Drama is DEPENDENT on these high rank RYs.
God also depends on these souls to trasform
the world. This is the reason why these RYs get
the status of Hero and Heroines in the world
drama. *Unless RajaYogis get purified, the
world cannot become pure. Purity of the world
is nothing but purity of RajaYogi Souls. When
these RYs had been pure, it was heaven in this
world. When they became impure, the world ill
become impure(Copper Age begins).
11)Consider that there is a jewel among
thousand stones. A persons vision falls on the
jewel. He has such a concentration because he
has full knowledge about the jewel and the

stone. There is no confusion in the value of

jewel and stone. Similarly, a RY becomes
capable to love just One invisible God even if
he is in midst of lakhs of people.
Note:- After practice, a RY will not churn
these thoughts mentioned above. He will
become embodiement of these. The final
outcome of this practice will be
STITHA_PRAGY (fully stable conscious)
stage. That is, his consciousness will sit
on the point form- I enjoy for more than
4500 years in this world drama, then
what should I bother! This will make him
a radiating King. This makes him ready
and capable to face any difficulty with
smile. After this achievement RY even
forgets this and becomes able to sit in
SEED STAGE indefinitely where he is fully
merged in Gods love and remembrance.
Philosophy):Are hugging and kissing right? Ans:- yes and
Hugging has a role in the development of a
child. It gives a feeling of understanding,
security, love, etc to the child.
Strictly speaking, parents should/can hug for
the beniit of child, and not to get pleasure from
it. Because they should give to child and not

expect from it. If parents hug in that

consciousness, there will be detachment and
the child also will understand how to pay
respect, real love to parents. Such a hugging
will be soft, smooth and royal. Any person who
sees that action also will appreciate it. This is
the act of giving respect without losing it.
But unfortunately most of the parents hug
children or babies with attachment and like
foolish people. Their touch will not be as soft
and royal. The movement of organs will be
faster and erratic. People who see their action
will not be comfortable to see it.
When parents hug or kiss their children with
attachment for the first time, the child will not
be able to experience it. It just sits or stays
idle. After repeated such hugging and kissing,
the child also starts/learns to behave like a
fool! In this way, parents bring down the self
respect in the child and make it weak. Due to
this attachment, the child loses its natural
power of judgment, creativity and other
qualities and gets addicted to the wrong
culture of the society.
Due to this attachment the child fails to
maintain respect to its own parents sits on
heads of the parents and becomes
unnecessary burden and nuisance to parents
as well as to others in many places.

So hugging with respect is ok. With attachment

is a small failure. As attachment increases,
failure also increases. Lust has highest
attachment and hence the highest failure. This
is more explained below.
No one will wish to hug his child till death. They
also wish their child to grow. A good parent will
never wish his child to be with him always. He
wishes his child to learn, develop more than
himself. A good parent even though gives his
property to his children, would wish his children
become capable of living independently. That
is- let them become capable of generating their
own income. Such a respect, love and
detachment will be present there.
But in lust, there is no goal for future. Even
while taking food, the aim is to get energy for
at least next 6 hours. But in lust, there is no
benefit for future. There is just losing power
and no gain at all! SO ANY ACTION WHICH
TOTALLY WASTE. And lust is such an action.
So- to the needed extent one can hug or kiss
softly his small children, friends, etc. But there
is no need to do both actions for a single
person (except for children). [for others, if we
hug, no need to kiss, if you kiss, no need to
hug]. Even while kissing, there is no need to
touch lips. Such limits are necessary.

Note that hugging or kissing are needed just to

tune the mindset of both the persons to the
same frequency to make their communication
effective. Hence a)there is no need to hug or
kiss a person with whom our relation is already
strong! (eg:- husband-wife, parents with grown
up children).
b)There is no need to hug or kiss even
strangers. Because no strong relation is built
there. Just a smile or nodding head is enough
to avoid stress when we meet strangers very
close to us. A polite talk is enough to ask for a
Suppose we want to develop some important
relations like business relationships, friendship,
then only there is need of hugging or kissing.
Also note that these activites need/should not
of the persons in the communication is very
weak. Eg:- a mental patient or very slow
growing child.
[So, one should understand that these activites
are needed to those who are ignorant, weak,
diseased or not matured people. So these are
just medicines and hence to be used just to the
needed extent and on needed people at right

From the above, it will be more clear how

wrong or foolishness lust is!
In fact, pure drushti (gazing or eye contact) or
smile can bring two persons to the closest
possible extent with the necessary
[But today due to stress and mechanical life,
people fight or become angry over their own
family people. This is normal in iron aged
world. They cannot naturally smile. In such
cases, some soft touches may prove to be
useful for a common man. But aim of a
Rajayogi is to overcome all types of stress].
develop the other person, to clear any
misunderstanding that has or could occur, to
appreciate other, to express gratitude, respect
or love, etc. Hence it should be used only to
the needed extent. The aim is here is not to
make readers upset, but to make better
understanding. At some places hugging and
kissing may be a culture to greet one another.
So there is no need to get upset in such cases,
one may have to negotiate or compromise. But
better try to use other alternatives.
ACCOUNTABILITY:a)Lesser the expectation, need or desire
are, lesser is the responsibility.

b)Lesser the dependency is, lesser is the

c)More knowledgeable I am, more is my
d)Higher my position is, higher is my
e)More wealth/comforts/resources I have,
more is my responsibility.
f)More character I have, lesser is my
responsibility and more are my rights.
g)If I do real social service, my rights increase
and responsibilities reduce.
If my responsibilities become more than my
rights, I am more accountable for my action. In
such cases, I should be extra careful. We will
explain using examples.
Parents should honestly try to bring up their
children properly. But parents cannot expect
their children to look after them at their old
age. Parents should not create children for their
use. That is- parents should not give birth to
children expecting that the children will look
after them during their old age. It is weakeness
and selfishness. They can give birth just to
enjoy with their children, just to give their
property to them, to make/keep them happy. If
they feel they cannot maintain happiness in
their children, they should not give birth.
But the children (especially male children) have
the responsibility of looking their parents in

their old age. Because children have taken

sustenance from their parents. So they have
responsibility to repay it.
Similarly a husband/wife cannot have any
expectation from his wife/husband. That is one
should not marry to fulfil his expectations from
his wife. It is responsibility of a husband to take
care of her. The wife in turn has responsibility
to take care of her husband and home.
Please note that our actions should be like an
honest business man. It is not wrong to have
expectations. But the law is- I SHOULD BE
Eg: I give money to beggar:- Here I do not get
or expect anything. The beggar is benifited by
me. But since I give him very less amount, I do
not lose anything. Hence this is OK.
Eg: Any business (not harming to society) done
without much tension, losing health without
cheating the other or losing. This is OK.

Eg: A person doing job. He gives his time and

energy and gets salary for his living. The salary
gives him back his time and energy (can live
comfortably). This is OK.
Note:- If one fulfils his responsibility, but the
other fails, the former cannot force the other
by violence to do so. Of course, he/she can
suggest, educate the other. If the other person
does not correct himself/herself, the formers
future responsibilities towards the latter
decreases. But the former should not become
emotional due to the mis conduct of the latter.
The person who fails in fulfilling his/her
responsibility develops negative karmic
Q:- I have responsibilities towards my parents.
But my question is why my parents gave me
birth? I had not expected. Is it not their fault?
Why should I be bounded to look after my
A:- In heaven there is no responsibility on
children. Even parents have no expectation.
The whole life is a picnic or game of peace and
happiness. There parents automatically shed
their body at old age. There is nothing to suffer.
No one is dependent on the other.
In hell, I have already become impure. I am
interested in body. I have impure sanskaar with
me. I was a disturbance to my parents during
my childhood. I lacked the virtues a child

should have. I am suffering due to the impure

sanskaar (karmic account, sin) accumulated in
me. Hence I am bound to look after my
parents. Of course, there is one margin. If I
have no interest in this world, in the body, then
I have responsibility even towards his parents
or anybody else. But if I have interest in this
world, then I automatically become responsible
to look after my parents.
It all depends on character level of a person. If
a person is characterful, he has no
responsibility or accountability. He can eat and
live without work. He will not accumulate
karmic account. Such a person will consume
just a minimum from the society and will be
highly beneficial to the society and will not be
lazy in looking after his parents. So let us
My actions should benefit at least one of the
whom I deal and c)THE SOCIETY. Also there
should not be loss to another while doing so. Or
the loss should be very much less compared to
the benefit. Eg:- A useful tree may need to be
cut, a persons property may have to be
acquired for the benefit of the society.
In short, the best action is TO TRY FOR


The things that could be given or received areKNOWLEDGE, FOOD, MONEY, MATERIALS,
two types, spiritual and worldly knowledge.
Spiritual knowledge means full knowledge or
knowledge of TC and the worldly(lowkik)
knowledge is limited to materials or machines,
etc. The highest entity (soul) is neglected
Of these, the spiritual knowledge is not only of
the highest value but also cannot be misused
(nobody can harm the other or commit sin).
The one who is interested in it and receives the
spiritual knowledge automatically puts effort to
become pure. Hence it is said- KNOWLEDGE
But the other things (materials, wealth, etc)
can be misused. Even the material knowledge
of science invented by man can be misused.
Today, criminals, terrorists are misusing these
and have become a great threat to the society.
So there is no problem if we give spiritual
knowledge to anybody (because it directs to
sacrifice vices). Not only that it is the most
needed one also. Hence a person who does this
is the best to the society.

But while donating the other things

mentioned above, it becomes my
responsibility to check whether the other
person is eligible to receive them. If the
person uses them for positive work, I also will
get share of it. If he uses for negative work, I
also will get the negative share.
Eg:- the butcher, the seller of meat, the one
who cooks meat, distributes meat, one who
eats meat- all get shares of the sin.
Eg:- Even if we donate money to a beggar who
has bad habits, we accumulate sin.
The accountability of an action depends upon
the knowledge I have, my position and my
desires and needs. Suppose say, I enter into
a business (or any other work or action of any
type) with a person. The terms and conditions
are also made clear. The other person agrees
with me and business continues. If I had hidden
the risks in the business to the other person, I
am accountable for that. Of course, if it is also
his responsibility to know or find out those, I
am not responsible. But if I had been aware
that the other person is unaware of the
rules, regulations, risks, etc, then it
becomes my responsibility at least to
inform/suggest him to learn those. Else I
am accountable for putting an innocent person
into risk knowingly.

But the other person is also accountable to the

extent he acted with carelessness and desire.
So the fault may be on one side or both the
sides. Usually, in todays world it is on both
sides. Hence all go on degrading.
But if I am forced to do some wrong action by
my higher authorities, I am not accountable for
that. Eg:- executing the order of a Boss. But
still, I have option to quit that job and go for
another. Hence I am accountable to that
extent. (Note that even if one accepts bribe by
threatening of his Boss, he is liable to be
punished under law, may be to lesser extent).
maximum right on the society. Such a person
fits best to rule the society. This is what is
Rajayoga. Hence one who practices Rajayoga
becomes rulers of heaven. THE ONE WHO
(the real sacrifice is sacrifice of vices. Because
they are fully mine. See topic no. 31)
Such a trustee of God fatherly government
(honest BK) will always aim to use his time,
money and energy for the best.
Q:- If I donate money to a beggar and he uses
it for wrong purpose (say smoking or drinking
alcohol), why should I be accounted?

A:- Because I am more knowledgeable and

have higher position/authority than him.
Hence it becomes my responsibility to check
whether he uses it for right purpose. We do not
give money or knife to a child. When we
become sure that it has learnt the right usage
of them, then only we give. Similar is the case
[But, if I am a higher sinner than that beggar,
and use my money in wrong ways, then it is Ok
to donate something to the beggar, because- if
the beggar uses at least a part of that money
for good purpose, that much percentage good
will be there]. The point is- Say I have
donated something to others. Now, what
is the result (taken as a whole = consider
its effect to the whole of the society)
when they use it? (say X). Instead of
donating to them, if I apply myself what
would be the result? (Say Y). If X is more
than Y, then my donation was correct.
Else, inefficient and/or wrong.
[The donation can be even time, energy- not
just money. So- we should take care how we
use our time and energy. We should not waste
even the knowledge. Means do not spend time
in arguing or debating of knowledge. Give
knowledge/message. But, then donate your

time and energy as per the digestive capacity

of the other person.
In simple words- we should check
whether the plant yields good fruit? If yes,
nourish it. Try to change the plant from thron
into a flower. If you can see the transformation,
then support it. But, if no (it remains as thorn),
then leave it. ]
Q:- If I donate money to temple or charitable
institutions, but the poojaari or the authorities
misuse it, am I also responsible?
A:- No. Because their position is higher than
me. Also they should be more knowledgeable
than me in these matters. Hence I will not get
negative share. Not only that, even if they use
it for negative, I will get postitive because of
my good wishes. But if they are highly
corruptive and I already know about it, then I
should not donate money there. It is better to
give it to Government. In fact, today that is the
better option for a common man in many
situations, because most are either ignorant or
corruptive or both. But even Government is
corruptive. But there is no option better than
giving to Government, because it is the one
that serves the nation.
114)KARMIC ACCOUNT:Karmic account means account of an action. It
can also be called as fruit of an action. It can

be positive or negative. The result of good

action is called as punya. The result of bad
action is called as paap (sin).
Some children are physically handicapped by
birth. It is due to sins committed by them in
their last or previous births. Even physical
illness is also result of negative actions. Every
action has fruit.
Usually the word karmic account is used or
negative actions and hence considered to be
burden. Some karmic accounts are special. Eg:murder, rape, etc. In such cases, the account is
more of individual type. In such cases, a
persons action may be as though he is taking
revenge in next birth. For example, I might
have troubled a person in my previous birth.
During this birth, I will have to experience
problems from others even if there is no fault
from my side. The person who is troubling me
may be the same person whom I had troubled
in my last birth. Other things are given below.
Eg: If I am too much attached about my
cloth/dress at present, I may become dhobhi in
my next birth.
If I do not pay respect to my elders, I may be
dis respected by my youngers in my next birth.
If I build a hospital in this birth, I will get less
diseases in the next birth, because I am part of
the process of donating health to others.

If I build a college in this birth, I will get highly

educated in my next birth.
If I do theft, there is possibility that I will take
birth in beggars house.
The author is still an effortmaker. Hence his
knowledge is still not enough.
Q:- Why do we forget what we had done in our
previous births? Is it not good if we know what
we had done in our previous births?
A:- If we remember/know actions of our
previous births, the society cannot continue. I
will fight for the property of my previous birth. I
will say such and such house is mine! I will
remember my previous family members and
will get attachment with them. Then it will be
like having two legs in two boats! Hence it is
very much necessary to forget actions of our
past birth/s.
One more thing- We even forget what we had
done up to around 3 yrs of age. This is also
very much necessary. Because it is not good to
know/remember how our mother has fed milk
to me, how others have lifted/kissed me when I
was small child, etc, etc.
But please note that there are some cases
where children have spoken about their past
births and it is found correct. This proves the
existence of soul. It is a very big puzzle to
great scientist and doctors to understand about
soul. They are doing research.


PHILOSOPHY POINT:Note that there is difference between having
respect/love for others and paying respect/love
to them.
To have respect for a person means to have
good attitude about him. But can we really
pay/give respect? Ans:- Yes and No.
We may have respect towards God. We may
even pay/give respect to God. But in reality, it
is impossible to give respect to God. That iswe cannot elevate/benefit God. We can just
fulfil his orders and our responsibilities.
The same occurs in presence of an honest
King. When a poor person receives a gift from a
King, he pays full love and respect to the King.
But a real powerful King does not become
emotional. He may pretend to be so to make
the poor person comfortable.
In one way, the poor person has given real
respect to King. He has expressed his gratitude
in words and actions. But the point here is it is
of no worth to the King. He has the highest
position. Hence even though the poor person
gave respect, the King did not accept/felt it. [Of
course, intellectually the King has understood
or acknowledged it].
Now, suppose say- a saint comes to the Kings
place. The King gives present, wealth to the
Saint. The King also gives respect to the saint.

The saint may not pay any respect or give any

present to the King. But still the King feels that
he has been paid respect (blessed) by the saint
(he has been elevated!). THIS IS THE POWER
THAT IS:- a SOUL CONSCIOUS person will be
always be GIVING to others irrespective of
whether he is giving or receiving any material
benefit or even physical help from others.
Because his presence itself elevates the other.
In another way, it can be said as- a person who
has VIRTUES will be giving more than what he
takes/receives from the other.
Similarly a body conscious person will be
always TAKING from other even while giving or
receiving. Because his action/presence will
make the other weaker. The other person gets
negatively influenced by him. In another way, it
can be said as- a person who has ego or bad
qualities will be taking more than what he
gives to the other. Because communication or
transaction with bodyconscious people make
us weak. Our mind and intellects get bonded.

Eg:- A person(say X) may GIVE alcohol to

another(say Y). But here, X is actually not
giving (serving= helping) Y. He is TAKING from
Y(making Y weak or emptying him Y).
Eg:- Another example is paying bribe. The
giver is not actually helping the other. None of
them is really benefiting each other. When both
of them are caught by law, they will
realize/experience it.
Eg:- Another example is- committing action of
lust. Both assume that they are giving
happiness to each other. It is like bribing each
other. Here both are stealing the others self
respect as well as losing ones own self
Any transaction/communication with body
consciousness will reduce our freedom. Hence
most of the actions in hell become sin. That is,
philosophy point).
116)HIGHEST CONSCIOUS:The highest conscious is to forget body and all
the bodily relations and remember just most
beloved ShivBaba (Godfather) in Paramdham.
That is- visualing just two points in IW, one
myself and another God. THIS IS CALLED
stage, the person will forget even his name and
form of the body. More the power of

detachment, more easily one can enter into

this stage. Else he will not be able to forget his
[by regular and repeated practice of the first
lesson- I am a soul, different from body,
God is my father only can bring this stage]
117)HIGHEST CONSCIOUS during action =
balance between KING (maalik) and
SERVANT (baalak)stages:While doing action one will have to remember
body at least to some extent. So how should
we be?
During action, one should consider himself as
an instrument of God. He is a TRUSTEE, an
a)Employees of a company work together, help
each other, but there is no attachment at all.
One may be giving/passing materials (from one
stage of production to the next stage) to
another employee. But there is absolutely no
feeling of giving and taking. They just do it as
part of the duty. No one feels that I am helping
the other or receiving any help from the other.
Each work together but have faith that it is
Boss who pays them. Boss may not be in front
of the employee. Still their faith and trust will
be highest for the Boss. In the world drama
(practical life), every human being is
(should be) a trustee and God is the Boss.

b)In a movie, the actor follows directions of the

director, not the actor with whom he plays. He
should never get influenced by the role of other
actor and should never try to influence the
other actor against directors directions. Even
though both are so close to each other, there is
total detachment. They are attached to director
and not to any other actor. Please note that
since there is detachment, they are able to
perform their role accurately in movie/film or
drama. But they fail to perform the same in
their real life due to attachment! In world
drama, all the souls are actors and God is
the director. Hence we should not get
attached to anybody else.
c)When a sportsman plays, there is
detachment. He forgets even the other person
while playing. A batsman sees just ball and is
least bothered about other men on the ground.
TO THE NEEDED EXTENT. That is to prevent
ball falling into their hands. He is not at all
influenced by their beauty, religion, age, dress,
etc. In the above incidences, one is both King
and Servant at the same time.
In a) the employee does action with King
consciousness (no hestation or influence of the
other employee) and also servant (helps the
same employee with full capacity without any

hesitation). Both have respect to COMMON

PERSON who is the Boss.
In b)also the actor plays with full
confidence(King) and gives full support to the
other actor (never disturbs the other actor,
responds fully in synchronism or according to
the other actors act). Director is COMMON
to both the actors.
In c) the batsman pays full respect to the ball
thrown by the bowler (checks for all the
possibilities of the movement of ball =
servant), simultaneously plays the ball
independently in his own way (king). Both the
actors or players are bound to respect a
COMMON THING, that is rules of the
drama or the game.
Similarly, in this world drama, all the souls are
like actors, trustees or employees. We all
have the common thing, who is the Most
Beloved World Almight Authority God
Father Of All Souls. If the common things in
the above incidences are ignored or lost, the
whole activity has no meaning. Similarly if we
forget God, our action has become no
meaning. We will be in descending stage.
Our action will be perfect if both these (king
and servant) stages exist to the highest
possible extent. Note that any attachment will
spoil a king or servant.

Attachment will bring ego, expectation, fear,

lazyness, carelessness, etc which are highly
obstacles for a king or servant. Then the
person can neither enjoy nor use his rights, nor
fulfil his responsibilities. He will be both lesser
useful to him as well as to the society. In
otherwords, he is an ENEMY of HIMSELF
as well as the SOCIETY.
It is very difficult to make people realize
the bad effects of detachment. The whole
of the highest scripture BHAGAVADGITA is
about how to become nashtamoha (lose
Let us explain the power of detachment a little
more. Suppose say X and Y are brothers to
each. M is wife of X.
There is direct or independent relation between
X and Y (since they are brothers) as well as
between X and M (husband and wife).
But relation between Y and M (brother in law) is
not direct. It is through X. If both Y and M are
faithful to X, then only their relation has
meaning. Else their relation will be impure.
In this drama, we all the souls are like Y and M.
X is God. All have direct relation with God, but
any relation among us is through God only.
If both Y and M are conscious of and faithful to
X while being together, their relation will be
healthy and useful to each other. Else it would
be false or dangerous. Similarly if we interact

with each other in the supreme consciousness

(remembrance of God), no sin can occur by us.
If we forget God, our action, our value becomes
low immediately.
SOMETHING RELEVANT:- A doctor is both
king and servant of a patient. He is permitted
to operate the patient. He is not to fulfil the
demands of the patient. But he should operate
only if he can benefit the patient.
A mechanic or driver of a car is also both king
and servant. The driver acts as if he is the king
who has full control over the car. But at the
same time he also the servant of the car,
because he has to use/drive the car according
to its own characteristics and not his wish. The
mechanic also is both king and servant. He
operates (king) the car. But he has to follow the
procedure (servant) to repair the car.
Parents also are king and servants of their
children. They have permission to command
them because they serve them. A mother is
permitted even to beat(King) her child because
she loves and serves (servant) her child. But
due to attachment in family life, this relation
has got spoilt today in the society].
118)DETACHMENT IN PURE LOVE:Just see the detachment in the above love.
That is- between Y and Z in the above
example. Is there real love between Y and Z?
Ans:- yes and no.

Yes:- Because they really love each other. They

will help each other.
No:- because Ys real love is with X(brother)
and Ms real love is also with X(husband). Y
loves M because M loves his lover (X). Similarly
M loves Y because Y loves her lover (X). So it is
as good as saying, I love you because you love
my brother or I love you because you love my
husband. See the duality in this relation. So
one which is pure will always have detachment.
Even in this world it is said, if I have pure love
to a person, I will be happy if someone who
loves her more than me in her life. I will be
happy even if she leaves me and goes with the
other. That is- in pure love detachment is
always present. More the love, more is the
So true love means one should feel no effort in
love. It should be natural quality. Like a child is
pure. But it does not know what is purity.
Similarly pure love means to have love always.
Its level should be same even if the person is
far or near to me.
119)RESPECT AND LOVE:These are the two main qualities/attributes that
play very important role in relations. WE
LOVE. Then only our love will have no negative
effect and more beneficial. To give or have

respect means to clean the vessel. To give love

means to fill the vessel.
Respect is similar to gambheerata
(seriousness, stable, concentration) and love to
ramaneekata(sweetness= not exact word**).
To give respect, there is need of knowledge. To
love, there is need of sacrifice/hard work. In
education, a good student will have high
respect to his study and also put effort.
Respect will keep us on track and love will
accelerate the progress. Respect will reduce
the leakage and love will fill in. Balance
between these will bring success easily.
--------- --------120)WHAT IS MURLI or SRIMAT?
Murli is nothing but real bhagavaanuvaach.
Bhagavaanu_vaach means words of God.
(Bhagavan = God, vaach = words). God
entered in Brahma and has spoken divine
knowledge. This is called as murli.
The word meaning of murli is flute. Gods
words/teachings are so sweet and gives us so
much happiness, hence it is called as murli.
So murli is also ALL IN ONE. It is spiritual
knowledge, food, nectar which removes fear of
death, love letter from God to is brides/souls,
medicine that cures soul, soap that cleans soul,
a magic that converts human into deity.
Originally it is in Hindi language. Now it is
translated into more than 25 languages.

Everyday at BKWSU it is read by nimitt

(incharge) sisters/teachers.
Srimat/Srimath:- Sri= great/high, math=
directions (pronounced as muth) means great
directions. Srimat means Godly directions.
Murli alone is 100% srimat. Srimat is also
known as Ishwar ki math [directions of Ishwar
(Ishwar = shiv = God)].
Other Famous Maths/Directions:a)Brahma Ki Math = Directions Of Brahma.
It is said, Even if Brahma comes, you cannot
be changed/rectified; Even Brahma cannot
make you understand.
Saraswati is called as godess of knowledge.
Hence violin is shown to her. Brahma and
saraswati are like God and Godess of
knowledge. They are next to God. They achieve
100% goal. Hence God has given them full
authority to give directions to others. So- even
though their words are next to srimath, they
have almost the same value as srimath.
b)Man-Math and Par-Math:- Mann = mind,
Par = others. MANMATH means directions of
ones own mind. Following directions of my
mind/desires/feelings is called as following
manmath which is wrong. PARMATH means
directions of others (ordinary human beings). It
can be useful to a limited extent (say
suggestions of good friends, relatives, etc) or
dangerous (bad company). Even directions of a

BK need not be perfect, because he is

incomplete. He is an effort maker. But it will be
much better than others since he has godly
------- ---------121)About BKWSU:It is All In One. BKWSU is a SCHOOL or
UNIVERSITY where complete(wholesome)
knowledge of Universe is given. It is a HOME
or FAMILY where there is relation of just parent
and children. That is- Godfather, Prajapita
Brahma and children (BKs). It is also
SPIRITUAL HOSPITAL where a soul is cured
from diseases of vices. It is also spiritual
BEAUTY PARLOUR where soul becomes
beautiful/pure once again. It is also a
WASHING MACHINE where souls get purified.
It is a WARFIELD where a BK fights over
Maya/vices. It is also a GROUND where RACE
goes on. All the BKs are on race ground to
achieve their goal. It is an OCEAN or RIVER
where souls take bath in the (water) of
knowledge. It is a place of SHELTER where
one feels rest when he remembers God. It is
also a place/choultry where food of
knowledge is given to anybody free of cost,
irrespective of religion, caste, etc. It is a
gymnasium where souls do spiritual exercises.
It is a yagya (fire of sacrifice) where the whole
world will get burnt in it. Before that BKs should

burn their vices in it. This yagya is originated

by the divine knowledge.
Today BKWSU has more than 8000 service
centres spread over more than 130 countries
and has more than 10 lakh students/members.
In 1936/37 when the institution was
established, the instituation was known as OM
was kept. Of the whole BKs, some are
physically surrendered to the institution of
which more than 95% are females. These
women run BK centres. The administration of
BKWSU are women. These surrendered
women/sisters are called as teachers(actually
teacher incharge, because real teacher is just
God) and the other BKs are called as students
just to differentiate. ACTUALLY ALL ARE
Usually the surrendered BK sisters will will sit
on a guddi (a stool similar to a small table) and
read the murli for the other BKs. Since they
read murli/knowledge for others, they are
called as teachers and who listen are called as
students. Actually they are called as
incharge sister/teachers or sister incharge
of such and such BK centre. Because
BKWSU believes that the whole institution is
run by Gods direction and hence he is the only
real administrator or teacher. But God is

bodyless. Hence practically human souls

should run the institution. Any sister who is
given authority of a BK centre should feel that
she is just incharge of the centre. The real
authrority is God himself. Note that BKWSU
is the largest institution in the world
which is administrated run by women.
BKWSU is a family in itself. Because each
practically feels that he has got birth by godly
knowledge, there is just brother and sister
relationship among them. BKs call their family
DIVINE FAMILY (since they believe that they
become deities in next birth by their present
BK IS A STUDENT imbibing knowledge aiming
to become masters of heaven. He is also
TEACHER since he can explain the knowledge
to others.
HE IS A DOCTOR who can guide/help others
to get rid of vices.
fighting with Maya to get victory over it.
HE IS AN ACTOR playing his role in world
HE IS PART OF the spiritual Government in
uplifting the world. In otherwords, he is part of
spiritual salvation army, an instrument of God

or a spiritual Government servant. That is- he

HE IS A BUSINESSMAN doing business on
jewels of knowledge. He receives jewels from
God and sells/gives it to others.
direction to meet God.
HE IS A TRUSTEE in the organization of God
(BKWSU). He is also trustee even in his life and
in everything since everything belongs to God.
A BK IS ALSO A PATIENT aiming to get rid of
diseases from vices.
When a person gets faith in BK philosophy, his
life style changes. He starts to put effort to
follow the steps mentioned in the topic
STEPS OF PURITY (topic No. 100). Usually if a
BK had been already married (before becoming
BK), he will sacrifice lust in his/her family life
and will continue to be in family life. If he is a
bachelor, he chooses to remain bachelor
throughout his/her life. That is- usually married
people continue pure family life and bachelors
remain bachelors. But BK philosophy does not
restrict marriage. There are some cases where
BK bachelors have married and are leading
pure family life. More on this is explained in
coming topics.
123)BKS AND MARRIAGE:At present, in BKWSU, marriages are not
encouraged. Majorities who become BKs before

marriage remain bachelors in their life. This

matter is discussed here. The whole society
believes marriage life without lust is
impossible. Even the sanyaasis (saints) and so
called jagadgurus abandon their family or
sacrifice their parents and wear kafni (= kaavi
= a cloth of orange/yellow colour) to announce
that they had decided to remain celibate
through out their life and are interested just in
God related matters. They also agree and
openly declare that- aag aur kaphoos ikatte
rah nahin sakte = fire and cotton cannot stay
together. That is, they agree- they cannot
lead a lustfree family life and also say
that lustfree life between a husband and
wife is impossible for anyone.
The married people (society) give respect
to such saints since they live separately,
without company of females. Neither the
saints have power to lead a pure
household life nor the society believes in
it. That is- if saints continue to live with their
parents, wife and children whom they had been
while taking sanyaasa, the society will not
respect to them.
So majority of the society do not believe in
pure married life. So the society will
misunderstand more about BKs if they marry.
Some may not understand the importance
of celibacy at all if BKs start marrying

each other. Some may come to BKWSU and

pretend to take BK knowledge, but may be in
search of their life partners!
Till today, people even comment, criticize,
(some even hate) that BKWSU makes/turns
husband wife relation into brother- sister one.
Even though this is a good comment about
proof of purity of BKs in house hold life, the
society will not be happy by introduction of
purity/celibacy in house hold path. Very high
obstacles and threats were put by the worldly
people in the beginning of BKWSU during 193637.
Not only that- BKs are numberwise. All the
BKs do not have enough purity. Sometimes
even if they have enough purity for their life,
they may not be able to face the criticisms
from the society. Such couples may get
disturbed in gatherings or public functions.
Note that to make current to flow
practically in a highly resistive circuit, battery
of small voltage is not enough. The voltage
level should be at least beyond a
threshold value (certain minimum level)
to make others feel the current. Else the
current flowing will be very small or
unnoticeable. So it is not enough if BKs follow
celibacy. They should conquer lust at least to a
considerable extent. Until this threshold level is

not reached, they may not be able to face

[A thought about the threshold value:Suppose say the society has negativity of -10
units. Now, if I need to influence others, my
positivity should be at least +10 units. Since
the society has degraded to a high extent, Bks
also need to become powerful to the same
There have been some incidences where a
BK kumar and BK kumari have got married to
each other. Some have maintained right purity
and are really serviceable/model to society, but
some failed in it.
Not only that, if marriage is encouraged in
BK family, the atmosphere in BK centre itself
would get spoiled. Hence BKWSU does not
encourage marriage among BKs at present. It
is not so easy to run an organization which has
such a high aim.
A government servant can never have
strong/personal relationship even with another
government servant. His relations will be
official. Similarly an honest BK cannot have
attachment even with other BKs. So all the
existing strong bodily relations of a BK will
become weak (get detached) since he loves
God to such a high extent and he is on Godly

BK life is a student life. A student can never

have attachment with another student or
anybody. His relation will be with teacher and
the subject. Of course, he can give and take
cooperation with other students.
A soldier also can never have attachment
with another soldier. But one soldier can help
another soldier. Similarly BKs can help each
other. Both the soldiers may fight together
against enemy. When one gets wound, the
other will/may help. But if one is wounded
heavily (and has very less hope), then the duty
of the other soldier is to ignore the first one
and keep busy in fighting in the warfield. The
first one (the wounded) also will be happy by
the others progress in the warfield instead of
should be able to maintain such a high
detachment between themselves.
Because both husband wife are like two
soldiers on duty of God fatherly service.
A soldier will have intoxication even while
dying. He has faith that his life is already a
success. Similarly an honest BK will have the
intoxication of paanaa thaa so paaliyaa, kaam
kyaa baaki rahaa = whatever was needed, I
have already got them, what else is left!.
A good soldiers action will be like a King
even while living, eating, standing, sitting,

fighting alone or with others. He will have no

ego or fear. Knowledge, power, faith,
enthusiasm will be his assests. SOLDIER WILL
THAN HIS FAMILY. Similarly a BK will give
more importance to God than his life partner.
[Those who are interested can watch the
hindi movie- BORDER. There is a dialogue
from a soldier who cuts his journey to home on
half way and returns back to war filed- main
apney beebi, bachchon ko chod saktaa hun.
Dharti maa ko chod nahin saktaa hun = I CAN
Soldiers are part of society, but are greatly
detached. Since the society recongnizes
soldiers, it has high respect to them. BKs are
the real spiritual soldiers or spiritual salvation
army. But they are also students. They are
being trained by Rajayoga(God).
If the society people are unaware of the
duty of soldiers, they will get surprise by the
actions and life of the soldiers and may laugh
or critize them. Also if the soldiers are not upto
the level, people may do the same.
Since at present the whole world or society
do not know or understand real knowledge and
the work/life of BKs, they get surprised by BKs
life or service functions and criticize. Also by
seeing some weak BKs they get confused.

But these are ordinary and silly for most of

the BKs. Also these are really normal, because
whole world is undergoing transformation.
When one passes through adolescence period,
he gets surprise. Hence it is natural for the
society to get surprise by the movement of BKs
since the society is in ignorance.
A Bks Life Is Like Swimming Against
The Flow Of Water. Hence He Has To Take
Great Care.
WORKERS:Take the example of the President of a country.
He will be more busy in his official work than
his family life. Suppose he attends one hundred
functions in a month(say). Out of these he
alone will be attending such functions. His wife
will not accompany him in most of the
functions. He will be addressing many people
and discussing serious issues. During only a
very few functions, his wife may accompany
him. His wife cannot complain or demand her
husband to give her equal status in his official
Also people will praise work of the husband
(President). In newspapers, photos of the
husband only will come. The wife cannot
say- I am his life partner. So my photo
also should be with my husband! In many
cases, people of a country may not be knowing

even the name of the wife of the President! See

the detachment here. That is even though they
are husband and wife, they cannot share equal
rights and responsibilities. People may not talk
to or see her as much as they talk to her
husband. She cannot say I should also be with
my husband even at stage during public
functions. So- point here is even though they
are couple, most of the time people see them
If the wife is also a social worker- Prime
Minister(say), even then she cannot take equal
participation in her husbands work. She will
discharge her duty independently as
prime minister and not with her husband.
She may have to visit different places and
attend other functions. So please note that AS
Note that the wife of a Prime minister can be
happy in her life only if she is satisfied by the
activities of her husband or if she also does
social service like her husband. She should be
happy with what her husband receives from

public but cannot demand them. That is- she

cannot demand from public the same respect.
In otherwords, as the position of a person
increases, he becomes
lonely/independent/unquestionable. It does not
imply that he will sit in a corner. He will attend
many people. But he will attend DIFFERENT
PEOPLE in each function. That is- there will not
be any strong relation with one/any person. But
That is- he will not spend a lot of time with any
one person in his life. His time will be shared by
many people.
Note that even if such people lead married life,
people will think/remember them individually.
For example, when we think of President of a
country, we do not remember/think of his wife.
A social worker will not depend on anybody for
his personal work.
Note that when people meet an ordinary
citizen, they ask, how are you, what do you
do? Are you married? How many children you
have?, etc, etc. For them, family life is the
most important. But people cannot ask with
President like that. Not only that- even if
someone asks the President, it would be a

disturbance to the President. Because his mind

and intellects would be seriously busy in
matters related to the country rather than his
family life. An ordinary man may be interested
to show his wife, children to others. Because
his personality level is low. He wants to shine
from others personalities. He may wish to
prove that he has all the things to satisfy
himself. But the same would be a silly or
disturbance to social workers.
Suppose say- somebody asks a BK pointing to
his wife, Is this/she your wife?, the BK may
wish to reply she is a soul, hence my
spiritual brother and sister, she is also child of
God. She is your sister also. Now this may hurt
ego of the person who asked and the relation
may get spoiled. NOTE THAT A BK COUPLE
have to face tremendous obstacles or
disturbances from society. Hence better to wait
till the situation ripes.
A BK has high aim in his life. He is the highest
social worker. His aim is to forget even his own
body. Hence there is no place for emotions or
attachment between a husband and wife in BK
When a person is elected as President, the
society immediately reconginzes/ realizes his


POSITION. Hence a BK will have to face
criticisms from society. Another cause is lack of
power in BK.
BK life is student life. Marriage is done after
study. Hence BKs will marry in heaven. They do
not wish/need to marry in hell, is it not? It is
HEAVEN? That is discussed next.
125)MORE ABOUT BKS AND MARRIAGE:The highest human personalities are Sri
Lakshmi and Sri Narayan. If we see their
picture, there is perfect match in them. That isboth in soul and body. Both are equally
beautiful, identical in colour. Both have two
crowns. Both are equally divine. In otherwords,
both mentally and physically the match is
perfect. In hell, we cannot get such a match.
Hence it is said- MARRIAGES ARE
How such a match is possible? The secret
is- During the end of Iron Age, result of efforts
of human souls will get revealed. Then the
human souls will get their rank. Those whose
efforts are almost same, will become couples in
heaven. That is- the souls who secure rank
numbers 1 & 2 will become couple in heaven.
Similarly rank numbers 3 & 4 will form another
couple and so on. Since their efforts match,

their sanskars also match. Hence there is

perfect match in couples of heaven (deities).
There is synchronism between the husband
and wife in heaven. Hence no karmic account is
created between them. In hell, the match is not
perfect. Marriage also introduces
karm_bandhan (bondage of karma).
Since BK life is a student life, their rank is
yet to be be finalized. So how can they marry?
Or even if they marry, if the effort of both of
them is not equal, there is possibility of conflict
between them. But since both of them have
knowledge, they may be able to move
So even though the couple may be
harmonious, adjustable, the match need not be
perfect. Like *a father and child love each
other, there is harmony, but the match is not
perfect. *The master and a servant may be
harmonious, and cooperate with each other,
but not a perfect match. *Relation between two
friends is another example. So BKs who wish to
marry should be ready to adopt the difference
between them so as to prevent conflicts in
their life.
So if the two BKs (who wish to marry each
other) are ready to adopt such a life, then their
life can go smoothly and they will be model to
the society. But since society does not believe
in such a beautiful, wonderful, lovely, detached

relation, and even at present BKs are not

matured till that level, such BKs will have to
face not only the society, but sometimes also
some other BKs.
[Actually society likes such a wonderful
relation. But it is so weak that it cannot accept
it. For example people enjoy/like such things
(pure relationship between a boy and girl)
when shown in movies. But they cannot even
tolerate it when they see someone like that in
practical life, because they do not believe such
things at all. People enjoy movies where a rich
boy loves and weds a poor or vice versa. But in
real life they will not support such things. So
even though there can be relation without
conflict between two persons having difference
backgrounds the atmosphere of society is
highly against it].
Another point is- since BKs are students,
some may fail. Some may lose faith in BK
knowledge and become ex BKs. So- if one of
the life partner turns to be ex Bk in future, then
it would be difficult for the other or both.
Something more about detachment:- BK
life is like racing. Each if them is like an
athlet/sportsman. Consider two persons
climbing a mountain. Even if they are close
friends, each one has to put his/her own effort.
Ones effort will not help (give marks) to the
other. There is detachment even in todays

law. Suppose a person does a crime- does a

murder(say). Law punishes only him. It does
not accuse his wife, parents or children or other
relatives and friends. But people are very
weak. Peoples behavior with wife of that
person will become negative once they come
to know that the person (the husband) is
criminal. Even if wife has done no mistakes,
society punishes her! Society is not interested
in or capable of understanding or accepting the
truth. When living in such a worst society, what
is the need to marry for BKs? Also BKs have the
knowledge of culture/system during different
ages in the Time Cycle.
CHANGED:Some say- marriage is needed to support
one another. But let us see change of
system/culture. In olden days even till some
centuries before, parents were not
dependent on their children during their
old age. Just husband and wife were
dependent on each other. At the age of around
60 yrs, parents used to handover their
properties and responsibilities to their children
and take vaanaprasth (place and company of
those where spiritual effort is put). That is- they
will move out of their house and leave rest of
their life with company of saadhus or saints. So
in olden days parents were not dependent on

their children for their old age. But today it is

difficult to imagine that. Parents are dependent
on their children at their old age.
But in heaven even husband and wife
will not depend on each other! There is full
health, wealth and happiness. Nature also is a
servant. There is no discomfort at all.
Karma/actions would be like playing games. So
marriage in heaven is like a game or just
official relation. Both husband and wife are like
Kings and are not weak. There is no feeling of
burden of karma. When the time of death
comes they get signal (realize) and the soul will
automatically/easily leave the body and enter
into womb of their next mother. It is liberation
in life (jivanmukti). Even children will celebrate
happiness during death of their parents.
Because all are aware that- after death, they
get better/new body! The person who dies
(parents) get vision about his future birth and
hence he happily sheds his body. Since even
children know that their parents get new body,
they also will be happy by depart of their
parents- like parents become happy to depart
from their children when their children get jobs
at abroad. There is such a happiness in
But see how the culture has changed.
Today people consider that marriage is mainly
for lust and they are made just for each other.

Hence in such a society where the best or most

important relation has turned into the worst
relation, marriage is meaningless/silly/difficult
to BKs.
Help of a BK to another BK would be very less
compared to ones own effort. Because BK life
is like a student life or like racing. In student
life, there will be detachment. He has to give
more importance to study than his friends. He
cannot be emotionally attached to another
student even when he receives or gives help
from some of his friends.
If a BK is attached just to one person, he
will be less useful to the class/world. So- BKs
collectively do world service rather than trying
to help single person. In ordinary family life,
earining of a husband can be shared by his
wife. But spiritual earnings cannot be shared.
Of course, one can inspire other or give
spiritual vibrations, but they will be of
temporary effect unless the other person puts
his individual effort. For a Bk, spiritual
life/earning is more important than physical
comfort. Also to inspire others, there is no need
to marry! And a spiritual person is not made to
inspire/guide just one!
126)LIFE OF IDEAL BK COUPLE:A BK is like wife of a King(God). He is devoted
to serve God(follow Godly directions). So even
a male BK or a female BK is like wife of God. So

how can there be Iron aged husband wife

relationship in BK life? For a common man it is
impossible to imagine house hold path without
attachment/lust. He is so weak that he cannot
understand pure detached life.
A male (even a female) BK should consider
himself as wife of God, because all the souls
are like brides and God only is groom. When a
thought of marriage comes in his mind or when
he thinks of his wife, he should think- Oh God,
this lady is also your wife. So she is my sister.
should give first preference to the King and not
for herself. She also should help the new queen
to get closer to the husband and not keeping
under her control. Also her health or
services to the King should not suffer due
to her chit-chat(relation) with the new
queen. If a BK wishes to marry he/she should
be sure that the spiritual progress of both his
and his life partner as well as Godly service are
increasing. Such couple will glorify name of

Even in this world, lust between a brother and

sister is against law. Fathers property is
received by his children. There cannot be any
action of lust between children of one father.
One who has respect to his father can never
commit action of lust with his/her own brother
or sisters.
Now, God is father of all the souls, the whole
[Even the famous saint Kabir has said- Jahaan
kaam hai, vahaan Ram nahin, Jahaan Ram hai,
vahaan kaam nahin = where there is lust, there
cannot be Ram/God and where there is God,
there cannot be lust]. SO IT IS CLEARLY
Like purity (mainly absence of lust) among
brothers/sisters is the basic necessity in a
family life which makes the children eligible for
the fathers property, purity among the whole

humanity is the basic necessity to receive

property from the World Almighty Authority,
most beloved, unlimited God father.
If I have limited purity (just with my lowkik
brothers and sisters), I am eligible for limited
property. That is- my Lowkik(physical =worldly)
father will give me property. Lowkik father can
give limited property only that too for one
birth! If I have unlimited purity (with every
person in this world), I become eligible to
receive unlimited property which is heaven.
The property of heaven is unlimited, because
all the desires are fulfilled there and there is no
pain or discomfort at all.
When God is just one for the whole
humanity, his creation also should be one.
There cannot be vice in Gods creation. In
reality, heavenly sovereignty for 21 births is
God fatherly birthright of every soul/person.
But according to the purity it
inculcates/develops, his eligibility become
number wise. Hence it is said PURITY IS
the purity is- more is the property (peace and
CHILDREN. Then it clearly implies that a
righteous person can absolutely have no lust

with anybody. In fact, one should sacrifice all

the vices. That is the true love to humanity.
Loving God means loving children of God. One
can give love to all only if he has no vices. Any
love which has vices will be dangerous.
Even though this fact is very simple to
understand, even though this is mentioned in
every scripture directly or indirectly, people fail
to admit the truth. This is the reason why
population in heaven is less = All do not get
eligibility to enter into heaven.
No organization or religious heads in this world
teach/direct to sacrifice lust fully in family life.
Hence it is also clear that none of those
really know about God. None of them are
really religious. It is only BKWSU that says lust
should be fully sacrificed. HENCE IT MAY NOT
----- -------128)ALMOST EVERY RELIGION
Hindus have highest scripture Bhagavadgita. It
directly says to sacrifice lust and all the other
vices. It clearly says to observe celibacy and
pure diet in life. But no Hindu tries for that.

Islam and Christianity believe that their

SEX/LUST. Most of them even agree that
Adam and Eve were vegetarians. Most probably
there is no evidence which states Adam and
Eve had non veg food. It is shown as they were
completely viceless. But either Quran or Bible
does not say celibacy and vegetarian diet are
must. That is- even though Adam and Eve were
shown so pure, most of the Christians or
Muslims do not have confidence/interest to
become so.
It is only BKs who say this ultimate but very
simple truth to the whole world. But it is very
difficult to make people realize this. It is like
educating an addicted or mental patient.
129)RIGHT COMPETITION:In this world full of competition, usually one
expects the other to fail so that his position
gets better. In spirituality one can progress only
if he gives way to the other or is ready to help
the other spiritually. This (to give way)does not
imply to become lazy. It implies- one should
feel happy in others progress. One should feel
happiness when he feels somebody have
moved head of him or by seeing good qualities
in someone and help other to progress. Like an
honest soldier will be happy if someone proves
to be more efficient than him. Even in a good

family, one will be happy even if his brother

earns more than him.
In spirituality, one advances not only by his
individual effort, but also by helping others in
that path. One should give preference to the
other if he(the other) wishes (in case the
number of choices is limited) in Godly service
activities or when some fruit is received in the
form of praise/position. PAHLE AAP= YOU
FIRST is the slogan of BK philosophy. (But if
you feel the other person is not capable of
handling the work, and the work is very
important, and you are the person who has
authority to decide, then do it yourself. In other
simpler cases- you may still leave the other
person to do and learn from the failures).
[But the slogan is PAHLE MAIN = FIRST ME
in matter of self transformation. In self
transformation effort is fully individual].
BKs are the only competitors of BKs. So a BK
should hate another BK, is it not? But not so.
The one who has highest degree of good
wishes to others will get highest rank in BK
family. Hence as BKs progress, the gathering
will become naturally powerful. HENCE THE
POWERFUL. This is also the basics of karma

So- love your competitors. Help your

competitors. This is possible only in spirituality.
In spirituality, any progress in self progress aids
the progress of society. But if you help your
competitors in worldly business activities, you
may get ruined or tired. But if you have
spiritual qualtities together, then even worldly
help also will not affect you, because you have
self satisfaction.
A note:- What is the best action? You give food
to poor, help others in their need, etc. But once
the person develops, you should motivate him
to sacrifice vices. Else the help done is not of
real use to society. Hence without real spiritual
knowledge, there is just descending- Let there
be hundreds of religions, scriptures,
Jagadgurus, Popes, Mullas, etc. Nobody can
make people pure. See- how important it is to
realize God for welfare of society. If we do not
realize God the society will be weak.
So right competition means to sacrifice
praises/postions for others, but
change/transform self. As the person
progresses, he will be changing more of himself
than expecting change in outside. That is- he
will become introverted (antar_mukhi). He will
be like out (not conscious) of race. That is- he
will forget(least bothered) about others. He will
attain sthitapragya (carefree) stage. But he will

attain the highest or best rank! So- there is

fortune in sacrifice.
But this does not imply that he ignores others
or Godly service. He becomes like a radiating
sun who need not put any effort to serve
others (does not feel any effort or tiredness in
serving others). His efficiency will increase.
Like an honest teacher will be happy if his
student attains higher level then him.Soshould be the feeling within a Bk when he gives
knowledge to others meet anyone. But, the
teacher will be stable in his position (satisfied).
so- being in swamaan(self esteem) , we should
give respect and help others. It is the most
challenging one.
130)IS THINKING OF GOD WASTE?Some educated modern people say- To think
and discuss about God is waste. Do your
work, live honestly. That is enough. When
you cannot see or prove about God, why
do you believe in such matters.?
Usually such people earn money comfortably in
society. I do not think they will comment the
same at even their old age. I think, if they are
bed ridden, even Oh God, save me will come
out of their mind. Now such such people should
reply for the following.
What is honesty according to them? Why
payment is different for different people? Are
they ready to work of a coolie in the society?Do

they need a system of law for protection or is it

OK for them even if thief enters their home? Do
they believe in family relations? If yes, how and
There is no law and order in animal life. A
tiger is not punished by law even if it kills a
deer. Is it OK for such people to live like that?
Please note that the lower class people believe
in God. That is the reason why they obey law
and order. Else, they would have attacked
higher class people and looted their wealth and
The point- we are bound in social life because
of God or at least belief in God. If there is no
belief of God, every man would have been
worse than animal all the time. [There is a
saying which is something like this. The
sentence is not fully right here- Human being
cannot be a human being unless he is
divine. Because it is paradox .].
When such people need support of law, are
they ready to sacrifice or distribute their
property among poor people?
Please note that we are not criticizing the
people for the above comment. Actually even
they are right. Because today most of the
people do wrong activities in the name of God.
Eg:- Terrorism/Jehad, pollution, wasting of
wealth in rituals, killing animals in the name of
sacrifice to God, and many more such

activities. Since this is time of climax, this is

happening to the highest extent.
By the end of Iron age, God is defamed
highest. God is defamed by people who believe
in him as well as by those who do not believe.
See the tolerating power of God! God is great!
So the point is- God incarnates during the time
of climax when both who believe in god and
who do not believe are threat/burden to the
131)HOW SANYAASIS COMMIT BIG SINS?:They say- woman is like a snake(sarpini).
They say- woman is door to hell (Naari narak
kaa dwaar hai). Actually they should have said
lust is door to hell. Many of them abandon
(sacrifice) their wives and children even though
it is responsibility of the father to look after his
They commit high sins due to their highly
wrong teachings- I AM SHIV, I AM
In fact, bhakti and scriptures are prohibited
for sanyaasis. They have no right to touch it.
Because they believe- I AM GOD(Shivohum).
They do not believe in household path. They do
not believe in heavenly happiness or deities.
Sometimes they consider themselves greater

than God (preach like that). The path of bhakti

is for gruhasthis and not for sanyaasis.
Scriptures are meant for gruhasthis and not for
sansyaasis. When they say the world is illusion
(Brahma satya, jagat mithya), how can they
are eligible for bhakti!
Even the older sages had said neti, neti (=
we do not know about creator). But todays
sanyaasis say I am God! Still many sanyaasis
go and take bath in river Ganges! If they are
God, what is the necessity to take bath in it?
Todays sanyaasis loot peoples money, stay in
luxurious flats. They cannot bring any benefit
to people. Sanyaasis take service from women.
They also beg food prepared from gruhasthis
(house holders). They fight among themselves
and have difference in opinions- dvaita,
advaita, vishishitaadvaita, etc.
Even though sanyaasis sacrifice lust, they
do not teach/preach the same to others. Some
may teach but do not stress it
properly[Because then nobody will come to
hear their speech! Then how can their
organization run?] It is like a doctor not
informing the patient about danger of a
disease even being aware of it! It is like taking
fees from the patient for sustaining the self!
[Sanyaasis know that vices are door to hell.
Hence they have sacrificed them. But they do
not teach others. But even it is not their fault.

Because people are so weak to accept and

follow it. This shows that it is only responsibility
and capcity of God to give real srimath
(elevated teachings) ]. They cannot give same
status to both the genders. Hence they will
remain bodyconscious!
132)SLEEPING WORLD:Most of the things are already explained. There
is no need to say much about this. The whole
world is sleeping. The human gurus and the
scriptures have made man to sleep in
ignorance. The most intelligent animal (human
being) believes in highly stupid things and
believes useless books (scriptures) as holy
books. Even though there are very important
simple truths in scriptures, people are not
interested to see them. One who is not
interested to see is more blind than a person
who is blind by birth. People consider those
who defame as God as religious! They give
titles of Jagadgurus to such people!
People prepare statues of deities, worship it
and then dip it in river. If the statue does not
feet on head of their own Gods!
A note:- The author is not accusing anybody
personally. He is explaining how Maya or vices
have caught people in its clutches. Man without
knowledge becomes worse than an animal!

The completely pure deities commit highest

sins and become completely impure at the end
of Iron age. Similarly, the sanyaasis were useful
to society till some centuries before. But
everything degrades. Hence today even the
sanyaasis also have become burden to society.
This is the time of climax. It is the rule/nature
of world drama that at the end period,
everyone even children lose their character.
means DHAARNAA = those which are to be
inculcated in life. So Dharma represents the
inner quality/nature of a person he has already
gained/practiced or wishes to gain or which is
to be practiced. It represents behavior of a
person. {Dhaarna= inculcation}. So Dharma
means QUALITY.
[In fact everything in this world has its own
dharma of fire is to burn. Dharma of water is to
make wet. Dharma of sugar is sweet. But since
we have lost our original quality (=
swa_dharma) and have acquired some other
impure quality, we need to put effort to
become original].
Human society is divided into several groups
in the name of dharma/religion. Eg- Hindus,

Muslims, Christians, etc. Each group has its

own code of conduct(DHAARNAA) to be
followed so that a person can remain fit in that
dharma/religion. Since each group has its own
dharma, each group has unique name.
SWA_DHARMA: Swa = I= Me= Self = soul.
So swadharma means nature (originality) of
self. The nature of soul is PEACE. Hence all
like/need peace in life.
SADDHARMA: = Sath(True) + dharma =
True religion. ASDDD (Adi Sanatan Devi
Devtaa dharm = Deity religion) is the only true
religion. Because that is the only religion which
is fully pure. Both body and mind are pure in
heaven (Satyug and Tretayug). No sin takes
place there. Every action in heaven is
righteous. Every citizen in that religion is
righteous. God comes to establish saddharma
in this world. It is the only religion where BOTH
SYNCHRONISM. Hence that religion alone is
truly religious (Sath_dharma). It is the only
religion which is fully religious. It observes
complete non violence. There is no hatredness
or vice at all.
PARA_DHARMA: Para= others.
Paradharma means dharma of others. Soul
is me and body is para(other than me). So
actions related to body and bodily relations is
paradharma. One has to follow some

disciplines in his family life as well as in society.

One has to discharge his duties to family
members, in his official relations as well as to
society. Duties to be followed in these relations
A_DHARMA: Adharma means opposite of
dharma. The other word is sin or crime.
Following the wrong path is adharma. Actions
committed under influence of vices(lust, anger,
greed, etc) is adharma.
dharma(religion) has its own scripture which
directs its followers how their DHARNAA
(BEHAVIOR) should be. That book is called as
Peace is not just absence of physical war or
violence. In one words, peace means
STABILITY or ETERNAL. Soul is eternal.
Hence its original/real nature is peace. This is
the reason why ALL NEED PEACE. All need
sleep(100% peace). A saint may say- I do not
need money, I do not need happiness, I am
ready to sacrifice everything, etc. But even a
saint cannot say- I can live without peace.
Now let us understand peace to deeper extent.
Eg. 1)A coolie (person who usually does
physical work throughout in the day) needs 6
to 8 hrs sleep per day. He has work for his
body. But his mind is free(no much load).

Consider a scientist or a student who study

deeply. Their mind has work, but their body is
not loaded. They also need almost same
amount of sleep. Consider a lazy person who
has no work for both his body and mind. He
also needs almost same amount of sleep. So
what is cause for tiredness? Is sleep necessary
more for mind or body?
It is already mentioned is part 01 that mental
rest gives more comfort than physical rest.
That is why a few minutes of sleep in a
MOVING (even though body is still shaking) bus
gives better comfort/rest than just lying in a
STATIONARY bed for hours. Few minutes of
sleep(mental rest, real rest) is better than
some hours of just physical rest.
This also indicates that I am not physical/body.
I am separate than body. Once I get influenced
by the body, I get loaded. Hence when a soul is
playing its role through the body, it gets tired.
It is influenced by para_dharma. That is- soul
is influenced by dharma of body. Hence it gets
tired. It again needs to go back to its
swa_dharma(peace). The soul needs to forget
its body fully. Hence everyone needs sleep
Eg. 2):- Consider a person who sings song for
one hour. Consider a person who gives lecture
for one hour. Consider a person who gossips or
criticizes about others for one hour. Consider a

person speaking or shouting with anger for one

hour. Here all have used their same organ
(mouth) for same duration. But who gets most
The person who sings will be calm and quite.
Because his work is predefined. The
uncertainity is minimum here. The second
person who gives speech needs to check
whether the audience are following him. So the
burden to mind and intellects is comparatively
more here. The third person will get even more
most tiredness. Because his mind wanders in
the name and forms of other people. The last
person will get most tired. Most probably he
will not be able to speak for one hour when his
mind is in the state of anger!
In the case of first person, there is no
relation/bondage with anything. He just sings.
In the second case, the person is analyzing
something. So he is attached to the subject. He
is more conscious about what he speaks. But
his intellect is conscious about the subject but
not people. So- it is like work conscious. In the
third case, the person is attached to a higher
extent. Because he is conscious about people.
Even in the fourth case, the
consciousness is highest. Hence maximum

So we should understand that we are

comfortable when we are not influenced by the
In the first example, all need same sleep
because all are influenced by the body. Even
the lazy person will be thinking of body,
materials and hence would be in the body
conscious stage. Second example shows how
body consciousness drains both our physical
and mental energy. So thoughts play most
important role in our life. Hence we should give
highest preference to the most important
things to attain highest success.
Hence Rajayoga says to add yoga into
every karma/action. Yoga fills power in action.
Rajayoga fills highest power in our action. We
feel silence (peace) is not just a quality/nature
of soul. It is power in life. When we experience
real peace to the full extent, we will be able to
realize that soul is really powerful by its own
nature! This is the goal where we have to reach
from our present stage. First stage is
ignorance= we search or wander for peace
outside. Second stage is we understand that
peace is our own nature. As we practice the
second stage, we reaxch third stage where the
quality becomes power.
violence is the highest religion:-

[himsaa = hinsaa = violence, a_himsaa =non

violence, param =supreme, dharma =religion]
It is said- Non violence is the highest religion.
Let us understand what is violence. The two
highest violences- one is due to LUST and the
other due to ANGER. Hence the words
The first violence is due to lust. It develops
highly negative thoughts which does action of
violence on self as well as on others. Their
drushti (vision, sight) becomes impure. They
would be like harmful arrows/thorns in the
society. Many ladies cover their faces to protect
themselves from these arrows of lust. Some
wear burkhas to protect themselves from these
arrows. Some do not come out of their home at
all when strangers visit their house. See how
dangerous the thorn of lust is.
The second violence is due to anger. It also
gives high sorrow. These two vices are the
most dangerous weapons/fire in this world that
is destroying the whole humanity. But the thorn
of lust is much more dangerous than anger. It
is omnipresent. It wastes time, money and
energy of individual as well as the whole world.
More about this is already discussed in the
topic 101.
The one who sacrifices these two vices is a true
follower of ahimsaa (non violence). He only can

be called as religious. Taking non veg food is

also violence, because such people become
part of in the killing process of animals.
Note:- 1)In Jainism, ahimsaa (non violence)
has highest importance. They do not wish to
cut food from plants and trees! They even
remove their hair from head by their hand.
They do rigorous fasting. But, these are doing
violence to ones own body! Hence in fact, they
do not know the meaning of non violence! They
do not know that plants do not have
intelligence/soul. Please note that deities like
Sri Krishna, Narayan only are
praised/worshipped as SAMPOORN AHIMSAK
never worshipped or praised so. Because their
ahimsaa is incomplete.
2)In fact, one should sacrifice all the vices.
Because then only he can be fully religious
(peaceful, stable). It is only God who can
teach/give such highest directions. Any misuse
of body or mind is violence and vices are cause
for this misuse.
136)ABOUT SCRIPTURES AND RELIGIONS:Scriptures of each religion got created within
short period of the death of their respective
religious fathers. But scripture of Hinduism got
created after 2500 yrs after its establishment;
i.e, 2500 years after its religious father (God)
left this world, that too in the previous Kalpa.

When other religions get created there is no

question of destruction. Hence there is no
much loss of data about their religious fathers
(Ibrahim, Christ, Buddha, etc). But huge
destruction takes place at the end of Iron age
due to which the the whole knowledge is
forgotten. Even all the BKs die in this
destruction. So what data the Hindus will have
during Copper age of the next Kalpa?! Hence
errors and confusions in Hindu scriptures are
much more than those in other religious
Since at least some right data would be
present in the scriptures of other religions, no
one in those religions can create a better or
alternative scripture. Hence all those religions
have just one scripture. Due to single scripture,
there is unity in those religions. Those religions
also have one leadership. Eg: Pope is just one
and common for the whole Christianity
throughout the world. But since there was no
right data and one leadership in Hinduism, they
could not understand what to do, how to
proceed. But india had enough wealth and
comforts even in copper age. All were
comfortable. So many people wrote their
own books and hence there are lots of
jagadgurus and scriptures in hinduism
today. They also have thousands of gods and

goddesses. Due to this, power of unity and

stability in Hinduism is lost.
But some of the souls in Hindu religion
recall what had happened in the previous Kalpa
and and write something. How the recall
happens? Usually we do not remember about
our activities of even the present birth till up to
around the age of around 4 yrs. Because our
intellect is not developed till that age. Hence
we cannot keep those activities in our memory.
But if one needs to know about that, it is
possible. Leave all the work, concentrate and
just think on that. We can recall to some
extent. It may not be fully accurate, but some
of our real activities will come into our mind,
because we had really been so (we were
children of even 1 or 2 yrs). Something unreal
also will come into mind because we are also
trying to guess. Since even that sanskaar is
recorded in the soul, by repeated thinking, one
can find it. But it cannot be 100% truth. It
depends upon the factors like- how old it is,
how much deeply it is recorded and how much
powerful ones present intellect is. Today there
are hypnotic methods by which one can see his
previous births. Many such books are available
in market. Those who are interested can read
those books.
But since intellect is impure after Copper age,
and there was no restriction in Hinduism even

impure stories were written in many epics

including Ramayan, Mahabharat, etc. Indians
had enough wealth and had been bhogis
(interested in materialistic enjoyments like lust,
etc). This is another reason why Indian
scriptures have ugly stories.
Indian scriptures have the best and worst
things. It implies Indian religion is the best and
worst. It attains the highest state and also
reaches the worst state.
It is well known that when religious fathers
of other religions came to the world, already
some religion had been existing before. This
clearly implies other religions are not the
ancient one. Indias ancient culture is highly
famous. Nobody knows what is the true name
of Hinduism. From this it is clear that Hindu
(Deity) religion is the most ancient and the
Some more comments:- It seems that some
religions have copied from Indian scriptures.
For example Christians show crown to INFANT
JESUS. Jesus did not have crown at all when he
was child! Then why do Christians show? In
Hindu scriptures, crown is shown to Sri Krishna.
check photos of any person in this world. Most

probably, Christians were not only surprised,

but also jealous of that personality. Hence they
also put/showed crown on infant Jesus.
Sudden or drastic change was seen in life
of Jesus only at later stage. Hence there is no
speciality of Infant Jesus at all. Jesus had no
crown in his life. Christians do not show crown
to Jesus Christ (for the grown, matured
personality). Then is it not ridiculous to show
crown to Infant Jesus?!
Some other thoughts:- In Indian scriptures, it
is shown that Yamuna river got divided and
gave way to Vasudev when he was carrying his
son Krishna. Christians also showed/wrote
similar incident in their scripture (King Herods
In Indian scripture, it is written that Kunti got
birth without lust. Christians also also wrote
that Jesus got birth from Mary without lust.
In Indian scripture, it is shown that
Kamsa/Kansa ordered to kill many infants and
young children suspecting that one of them is
threat to his life. Similarly it is also written in
Bible that King Herod did similar thing.
HINDUISM/DEITISM:No discipline is forced in India like in other
religions. Because all were characterful in the
beginning (when they were deities) . Note
that If there is truth, there is no need of

law. If there is character, there is no need

of discipline.
For example, in other religious scriptures, it is
said- if a person does theft, his hands should
be cut. If a person rapes one, he should be
killed by throwing stones in public. Such a
rigorous punishment are mentioned in their
scriptures. But in Hinduism, it is not so. This is
a strong evidence that ancient religion of India
was the best.
Indian temples give permission to both genders
without any partiality. There will be heavy rush
in some temples. Males and females move very
closely to each others. It is like a family.
Sometimes males or females may even touch a
little while proceeding towards darshan (to see
God). But most of the devotees will not have
negative thoughts in front of devis or God.
In Churches, there is enough gap between two
persons while praying. But females are not
permitted to enter mosques at all! Can it be
said that male category in Islam does not have
enough concentration to think of God if
females are also together with them!? This is
the beauty of Hinduism. In front of God, they all
will be like brother and sisters (lust will not
enter in most of them).
But see the worst situations also. Devdaasi
tradition was brought in Hinduism. Temples

became place of committing lust. Some will get

negative thoughts in temples.
Even if there are so many castes and sub
castes in hinduism, all live together in one
country. But even though other religions do not
have so many number of sub divisions, they
fight among themselves with even bombs!
No other country can have such an adjusting
power as in India. Every year Hindus celebrate
number of festivals. But other religions have
just a few. This shows the speciality of India.
This also indicates that Indians enjoy maximum
in this world drama. But during the end of the
Iron age, India becomes poor. During the
present condition, one should not waste
money. But Indians still waste lot of money in
these festivals and poojas. Today religious
heads (Human Gurus) of Hindus beg/ask
money at almost from every Hindus home!
Devotees prepare idols of Hindu Gods from
mud, worship them and dip them in water!
Huge quantities of milk, ghee and many more
things are wasted in these poojas (worship).
Blind faiths in Hinduism is unimaginable when
compared to other religions. Of course, every
religion has blindfaiths. But in them most are
just in their beliefs. But in Hinduism, the blind
faiths are played in practical life! This makes
life miserable and foolishness.

The saying, twamEva maataascha

pitaa twamEva, twamEva bandhuscha
sakhaa twamEva, twamEva vidyaa
dravinam twamEva, twamEva sarvam
mama dEva dEva = Oh God, you are my
mother, father, relative, friend,
knowledge, wealth. You are everything
(sarvam) to me is said only in hinduism.
Hinduism gives such a high respect to God.
They consider God to be everything. The above
implies- If I get God I get everything! Another
saying is- Tum maatpitaa, hum baalak
terey = Oh God, You are mother and
father. We are your children. No other
religion praises God so much. They do not
teach how to establish relationship with God.
Some say God expects us to worship him. God
created us to test us! Hinduism is the only
religion which praises God with so many names
(eg:- ShivaSahasraNaama = Thousand names
of Shiv, VishnuSahasraNaama= Thousand
names of Vishnu; sahasra = thousand, naama
= name). Statues of God and deities are
washed and worshipped with full of devotions.
Sarve jano sukhino bhavanthu = Let all
people be happy is the slogan of Hindus
while praying. That is- even while praying they
pray for all. Even the national anthem of India
prays God. But some other nations pray God

begging him to help just citizens of only their

But at the end of Iron age, Hindus do even
opposite also. They give highest disrespect to
God. They say everything is God! Today they
say- Physical father is also God, mother is also
God, snake is also God, trees are also God, old
people (senior citizens) are also God. Some
slogans are written in many places- If you
respect old and handicapped people, it is
as good as giving respect to God. When
a girl marries, she is told- your husband is
your God! See how wrong this is! Even if the
husband is weak, handicapped or addicted
person, criminal, can he be God to his wife? Or
is it enough to have just a husband in life?
There is no need of God at all?!
In some places- photos of deities like Lakshmi,
Ganesh are placed on the walls of buildings on
streets just to prevent people from urinating
there! Because they think that- by seeing
photo/pictures of the deities, people will
hesitate to urinate there. Just think- where the
Hindus brought their Gods! In this way Hindus
themselves have dis respected their own
But other religions have not disrespected God
so much. They neither give highest respect nor
give highest disrespect. But they have paid
highest disrespect to God by killing people

(who are also children of God) in the name of

Jihad and looting their wealth.
Unfortunate:- Hindus have defamed by
putting ugly pictures of deities, that too in
temples (Eg:- Jagannath puri of Orissa). They
do not feel bad when they put ugly pictures of
deities and the ugly stories mentioned in their
scripture. But when the artist M. F Hussain
writes ugly/nude pictures of Hindu gods, they
get upset!
[Of course, M. F Hussain also definitely did
wrong by painting such ugly pictures. But it is
Hindus who did it first. So they should change,
is it not? So ball lies more in the court of
HIGHEST SCRIPTURE:Highest teachings are given in Bhagavadgeeta.
It is beyond all the bodily religions. It gives the
highest aim in life. No other religion directs to
maintain such a high purity in life. It says to
sacrifice all the vices like lust, anger, greed,
attachment, ego. It also directs to consume
pure vegetarian food. It gives directions to
make mind pure even than a child. It saysthese vices are result of body consciousness.
Body consciousness is due to the ignorance of
the Real Self.

Bhagavadgita has the concept of

BHAGAVAANUVAACH. That is, God himself
descends to give knowledge. But other
religions believe God sends prophets who give
Some believe- If we consider everything
to be god, we pay highest respect to all.
But it is wrong as already explained in topic
numbers 25 and 53.
A King alone is fit and has right to sit on
the throne. If we place even the Minister of the
country in that place it is a great mistake.
Hence considering Sri Krishna, Sri Ram as God
is a great ignorance and mistake. Now just
imagine what would be the effect if we place a
normal citizen, beggar, etc on the throne and
consider all of them as King one by one! The
citizen/beggar will not get Kings power. They
will not be able to rule effectively. They will not
be able to serve the country. Even all the
citizens will forget the real King and will start
praising these weak Kings one after the other.
So the whole country will get weak. In fact, the
level of citizens will become weaker than those
beggars also!
Now imagine how would it be if we place a
monkey, snake or liveless objects like tree,
plants in Gods place? Is not this silly and
foolishness? This is the present status in India.

That is- our position has become even lower

than animals.
By considering everything as God, Indians
lost everything! Also by writing ugly stories and
pictures of deities in their religious scripture,
they lost their real religious power. They have
lost even common sense.
But there is one advantage:- Bhaavnaa kaa
bhaadaa miltaa hai = One gets fruit of his
bhaavnaa(feelings). Since one really feels or at
least tries to feel God in these statues or things
he gets fruit of that feeling/faith.
140)THE FIRST/HIGHEST BLUNDER:What is the cause for the above suicide? The
first cause is- PUTTING THE NAME OF SRI
considered Sri Krishna as God himself. How this
mistake happened? Because God is bodyless.
He is the only detached actor in this world
drama. He gives property of heaven to his
children and hides in (returns back to)
THE WORLD. So practically, glory of first Sri
Krishna is next to God. After Copper age,
people become body conscious. So they gave
the title of God to the number one bodily
personality, who is Sri Krishna.
This is the first blunder which polluted the
seat of God [Like giving seat of King to the

Minister]. Indians considered Sri Krishna as

the scripture worthless/useless. Then as
body consciousness increased, Indians began
to consider deity Sri Ram also God. Slowly
many imaginary Gods got created by people
and this brought down the level of Gods seat.
Later Indian gurus started to call
themselves also god! they say shivohum
= I am shiv. Then even trees, plants and
animals became God for Indians.
Today people/scriptures say- anurenu
trunakaashta.. = God is present even in
every molecule. In this way, Gods seat
is brought down to the lowest possible
[Just imagine- The older/ancient saints in
India had said- NETI2 = NA ITI, NA ITI =
agreed that we do not know who God is; They
also have said- Ishwar ke anth paa nahin
saktey= End of God cannot be found. But the
todays Gurus say- I am God! How foolishness
this is!].
Of course, there were some real human
good gurus in India, like Swami Vivekananda,
Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Kabir and many
saints/sanyaasis. They never called themselves
as Param_Poojy, Sri Sri 108 Jagadguru, etc.

Even today Swami Vivekananda is called as

just SWAMIJI Vivekananda. But todays selfish,
highly ignorant, egoistic gurus call themselves
as Parampoojy, Sri Sri 108 Jagadguru. If
anybody asks them are you greater than
Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna
Paramahansa, etc, please let me know what
their reply is.
GOD!:Since the seat of God/father was opened for a
child (Sri Krishna) by the first blunder, then
devotees started considering even deity Sri
Ram as God, and one by one, all were put at
Gods place. Indian Human Gurus got courage
to preach- I AM GOD, I AM SRI SRI SRI 108
JAGADGURU, ETC! And so many Gods further
divided Indians and made them weak.
A person who does effort can never be God. All
the gurus put effort to attain mukti (liberation).
Then how can they be God or Sadgurus? All the
saadhu, sanyaasis have got birth by lust. How
can they be God?
Every religion knows who is their
religious father. No religion places any
human being in the place of god. Hence it
maintains its power and purity to some extent.
Just imagine what would be power of
Christianity if name of Christ is replaced by a

Pope? Such a blunder has happened by putting

name of Sri Krishna in Gita.
Even though some Christians say Christ is
God, they still feel there is some gap between
Christ and God. They say he is the first son. He
was sent by god. They do not say God came in
the form of Christ like Hindus believe God came
in the form of Sri Krishna. So they have not
spoiled the seat of God to that extent. But
Hindus spoiled the seat of both God as well as
their religious father (both are one and the
same). For all the other religions, Religious
father is different than God. But for
Hinduism/deitism, God himself is the Religious
A simple truth:- Sri Krishna is our first
brother, the eldest son of God. Hence he gets
the name of Gita Sermonizer. God is egoless
and is detached actor in this world drama. So
his title goes to the number one, first, eldest
child Sri Krishna. But this causes heavy loss for
Indians. If the real God Shiv WHO IS
placed in the place of Gita Sermonizer, all
would have given full respect to that
scripture and there would have not been
any possibility for rise of other scriptures
and many other gods in hinduism. Even
other religions would have understood Indian

culture and would not have looted India. Note

that Shiv (incorporeal entity) is worshipped or
accepted by all religions but Krishna or Vishnu
is worshipped only by Hindus. Since Indians
failed to understand and discriminate roles of
Shiv and Krishna, seat of God was spoilt.
All the religions in the world have just
one scripture. But hindus have many
scriptures- gita, four vedas, lots of
upanishads, 18 epics, etc, etc. Unity in a
religion can exist only if has one
scripture. Due to rise of more scriptures
in hinduism, different rituals, blindfaiths
came and that divided even more. Not
only that- there is lot of wastage of time,
money and energy in these. Today there
is scarcity for even food. In fact, like Hindus
do not know the real name of their religion,
they even do not know the real significance of
their scripture. Because many Hindus do not
know about gita at all. THEY DO NOT KNOW
Since there is no common dhaarnaa (religious
duties or behavior) in Hinduism, there is no
unity and cooperation. This kept Hindus weak.
This made other religions and countries easy to
attack Indians and loot their wealth. In this way
India lost both its power and wealth. Today
Hinduism has become so weak that other

religions enjoy India more than Indians! In India

itself many Indians are treated as second class
citizens by other religion people! [A note:Indians do not know what their religion is.
Today many Indians say Hindu is not a religion.
It is way of living. But still they cannot explain
how can they accept the name Hindu which is
given by other religion. See the correlation
between the two- not knowing the religion as
well as their scripture. Actually if they knew
one, the other also should be known, is it not?]
So it can be said- BY PUTTING THE NAME
Due to insertion of name of Sri
Krishna in Gita, Gita lost its value twice. 1)Gita
became personal property of devotees of just
Sri Krishna. So those who believe Sri Krishna as
God only got benefited. 2)It lost its universal
values even though it is the highest scripture in
the world. Note that same word spoken by
two different people will not have same
value. For example- If an ordinary/common
person orders me, I may ignore him. But if the
same is said by leader of my area, the King
(government) of my country, I cannot ignore. I
will follow it. Also- the common man cannot
pass/give me any order as he wishes. He
cannot order me Vaccate your house. But

government can order me even to vacate even

my house. See the difference when we replace
the person who teaches us. In
technical/material matters, just what is
said is important, who has said need not
be known. But in religious or matters
related to behaviour, who said is also
equally important. It is also important to
know attributes of that person.
Another point- If government orders
me, it will also pay me well. But what a
common man will give? Similarly when we
realize the fruit we will be able to do the work.
We will get faith and courage to become
viceless only if belive Gita teachings are of God
fathers and not Sri Krishna.[The words- I love
you will have different meaning while dealing
with different people].
If we place a monkey in the seat of
King, monkey will not get power of King. If we
define monkey is god, monkey will not become
god. Similarly, if we say everything (tree,
snake, etc) is God, tree will not get power of
god. If we say/believe A MONKEY IS RULING
REDUCED. Similarly, if we say God of gita is Sri
Krishna, we will not be able to follow/adopt the
teachings of gita. Also our power will decrease
and that is what has happened so far. So- there
is double loss.

So till this first blunder is rectified,

India cannot become powerful. Other religions
cannot understand/realize what is religious
power! And that work is being done by God
himself during present state through BKWSU.
A note:- A child has one father. A
lady should have one husband. If she has more
than one, or she considers some other one to
be her husband, it is great vyabhichaara
(impurity). Similarly to consider anybody as
God is vyabhichaara! Considering Sri Krishna
as God is the first step of Bhakti stepping into
vyabhichara (impurity).
When we consider human being as God,
then we will lose our power fully. In India,
people lie down fully in front of Human
Gurus to give respect to them. When a
person considers himself so weak, how
can there be power in him? It is Ok to
bend our head to our father, because
father will place a son on his head = Give
more respect in return. But do you feel
such Gurus give more respect to their
142)RELIGION IS MIGHT:It is said- Religion is Might. What is the
meaning? So every religion should have might,
is it not? Every religion has at least some
might/stability. But Hindus have least stablility
today. They easily get converted into other

religions. In fact, Hindu is not a religion at all. It

is just a name given for some Indians by
people other country/religion (Persians). So
how can there be stability in Hinduism? This is
the reason why inspite of being the oldest
religion, the population of hindus is lower.
A religion will have might only if people
who belong to that religion have might. That iswhen the person belonging to the religion
knows the charitr (biography) of his religious
father and be able to follow his directions
(scripture) with confidence or faith. Every
religion knows biography of its religious
fathers. Their teachings are also written in their
scripture to some extent. They have high
respect to their religious fathers. They never
defame their religious fathers.
For a religion to have power, they should
know who their religious father is and what his
teachings(the scripture). But Hindus do not
know that.
GREAT PEOPLE:We study biographies of people like Mahatma
Gandhi, some saints, religious fathers people to
become so or to adopt values from their
life/teachings. Otherwise it is waste to study
their biographies.
For example take example of an engineer.
There are two things here- the activities of that

person AFTER becoming engineer and

BEFORE. That is- WHAT BENEFIT he does to
society and HOW TO BECOME valuable like
him. In otherwords WHAT FRUIT he receives
by becoming an engineer and WHAT IS THE
EFFORT to be done to become so. So the goal
is at least one among these- to become
valuable like that person to serve society,
to enjoy life like that person, or get
benefit from him. If none of these is
understood, studying biography of such a
person is waste. The formers are his SERVICE
to the society and HIS STATUS (or the FRUIT,
RESULT, AIM) and the latter his STUDENT
LIFE. This constitues full biography of a
In case of people like Mahatma Gandhiji, we
know/have both their student life as well as
their service to society. In case of religious
fathers like Christ, Buddha, etc, we have these
details to considerable extent.
Now let us see biography of Sri Krishna
from different points of view. As per scriptures,
he was born in jail. He was a butter thief in his
childhood. During his childhood itself, he had
done theft of sarees of gopika girls and played
raas_leela (dance) with them. He had 16108
wives/queens and produced crores of children
from them. He had fought 17 times with
Jaraasandha. He had killed many asuras with

his weapon chakra, bows and arrows, etc. He

cheated Kouravas in Mahabharat war. He
asked/forced even Yudhisthir to speak lie to kill
Guru Dronacharya so that pandavas can win.
He killed vicious Pootnaa when he was just a
baby. He was caretaker of cows. He used to
sing flute which was very sweet to all the
people of his village. He got cursed from a lady
and died just by an arrow of a hunter! Now
Just Think- Of the above, how much a
devotee of Sri Krishna would be able to
perform or follow or get benefit from
Let us compare personality/biography of
SriKrishna with the TEACHINGS OF GITA. In
gita, it is said- all the vices should be
sacrificed. Lust, greed, attachment are doors to
heel. But when Sri Krishnas character is
depicted as butter thief, lustful in childhood,
violent, cheater, who can get confidence of
conquering the vices?
If it would have been said- Incorporeal God
father Shiv spoke/directed to sacrifice these
vices, people would have put control over the
vices at least to some extent. But due to
replacing Father(God) by son (Sri Krishna) and
that too by polluting the charitr(biography) of
Sri Krishna, the highest scripture gita has
become useless and its readers are misguided.


OF SRI KRISHNA IN THAT BIRTH:Practically speaking- Sri Krishnas biography is
totally different. He was neither butter thief nor
had 16108 wives/queens. More of this is
already explained. Sri Krishna knows nothing
about religion. He was fully religious. But he did
not teach anything to anyone. Because in
heaven all were happy and content. What
good/benefit he can do there for others? So
actually there is no charitr (purpose,
greatness) of Sri Krishna at all in that
So by putting the name of Sri Krishna in
gita, no purpose is solved.
Please note that even though Sri Krishna is
next to God it is God who made him so. He is
one (and the best) of the students of God. He
was beneficial to the society in his student life
itself. Sri Krishna was student in his past birth.
At that time, he was not called as Sri Krishna
(he did not have body of deity Sri Krishna) He
was Prajapita Brahma (impure person Dada
Lekhraj). God used his chariot/body to preach
gita (versions of god). Since Sri Krishnas life
was neither student life nor beneficial to
society, it is waste just to praise him. Because
we can get neither get any benefit from it nor
know how to become so. Because when Sri
Krishnas soul was playing the role of Sri

Krishna, he was isolated from God and hence

his level goes on reducing and he descends
into kaliyug. Hence full biography of Sri
Krishnas soul is needed. That is- his student
life should be known. In otherwords,
should be known. Because both are connected
to each other.
A NOTE:- People say- we should surrender to
God, remember god, praise god. But do they
know what would we get from that? Some pray
god for money, some for house, some to get
passed in examination, some even to take
revenge on others. Is capacity of God is just so
Just think- Child of a millionaire would get
property from his father worth millions.
He has right. He need not beg from his
father. So- being children of Ocean of
knowledge, bliss, purity, happiness, etc,
why we his spiritual children lack these
qualities, virtues and powers? Because we
children have given divorce to him. We have
forgotten him. We have become body
conscious. God is father of souls, not body.
Those who consider themselves as soul only
are true children of God. So more one becomes
soul conscious, more is the property received.

In fact, there is everything in Hindu scriptures.

Highest dharma is explained very well in hindu
scriptures. But the biographies of heroes of
Hinduism are also to high extent. Almost every
deity and God is defamed in scriptures. Deities
are depicted as lustful/vicious and violent.
Physical power is given importance (shown)
there. For example, Sri Krishna, Sri Ram, Devis,
Pandavas, kouravas, asuras had powerful
weapons with them through which they fought
fiercefully. They had weapons capable of
destroying even the whole world (Brahmastra).
One of the pandavas (Bheem) and even some
had muscle power equal to that of one
thousand elephants!
Now- what a devotee will receive from these
stories? By studying/practicing hindu
scriptures, can he get weapons like Brahmastra
or muscle power of one thousand elephants? In
Hindu scriptures, it is written that just by
chanting some mantra many rushis (saints)
were able to give either boon or curse to a
person. Now, can a devotee get such power by
practicing hindu scriptures? If not, then what is
the use of these stories and biographies of
such people?
Stories written in Hindu scriptures are like
movies. People watch movies for entertainment
and time passing. Similarly all the harikathas
are like that. They are like novels. Since

biographies of highest personalities are

defamed, it is difficult to imbibe morality from
hindu scriptures for a common man.
But those who had determination had
succeeded in imbibing good qualities in their
life. There had been many such gurus and
saints in India. Even Mahatma Gandhiji, Swami
Vivekananda, etc got considerable benefit from
good scriptures in Hinduism. But they did not
give importance to ugly stories, karmakanda
(rituals), war stories, etc there. They had
determination. But for a common man, it would
be higly difficult because he will be confused
by such stories and only such stories will get
placed in his memory more than other things.
Due to this- even though there had been
such a high personalities in Hinduism, they
could not inspire others, unite and guide the
people for common goal.
SCRIPTURES MISGUIDE PEOPLE?:Some Gurus say- Haranu munidarey Guruvu
kaayuvanu, Guruvu munidarey Haranu
kaayanu = If God becomes angry with you,
guru will take care of you. If the guru
becomes angry with you, even god will
not take care of you. They keep human
Guru above God! Such a high ignorance and
ego is present! Now just think about this- God
is Ocean of Peace, love, bliss, etc. He is praised

as merciful. Then will he get angry over

anyone? Also is human Guru capable of taking
care of people? That too- suppose the
devotee/disciple of Guru is at far place, then
the human Guru will not be aware of the
situation or problems of his disciple. Then
taking care of the disciple is impossible.
They also say- Sadguru ka nindak thowr na
paaye = One who defames true Guru will not
get high status. In this way, they keep their
devotees under their control. But who is
Sadguru (True Guru)? Sath(true) can be only
one. Real guru is just one. This also implies all
the human gurus who call themselves as gurus
are false gurus!
One of the devotees said to the author
about his experience. During his childhood, this
story was taght to him. Once a Guru was
teaching his disciples. While teaching, due to
cough, he had to spit. One of the disciples put
his hands forward and the guru spit into his
hands. Then guru said to the disciple- THROW
SHIV. The disciple searched but since the
belief was that God is omnipresent, he could
not throw it. So he drank it. See how the
teachings of these gurus! [I do not know why
the disciple did not think- God is present even
in my stomach!].

The human gurus even suggest/make

people to drink the water washed their feet!
See how much weak they make others! A
father will always keep his child on his head,
lap. But see- how the human gurus treated
Indians! They misuse the faith of their
disciples. What power Indians will have if they
are made to bow to human beings? They will
become worse, weaker than animals.
A note:- Highest personality is God. He
alone is fit to be worshipped as God. Deities
are worship worthy, because both their soul
and body are pure. But worshipping body is
foolishness, since body is mortal. Hence even
worshipping of deities has no value. But the
human gurus get birth by lust. Their body
emits bad smell. Their urines smell bad. [Urines
of deities will smell good. They have such a
pure body that no extra hair will be there in
their body. Sri Krishna, Narayan etc do not
have beard, moustache, etc]. That is- the
bodies of human gurus are as impure as a
common man like his own disciples. Then how
can they make people to worship themselves!
Totally contradicting teachings can be seen
in scriptures of Hinduism. Such things can

never be seen in any religion. The human

Gurus also say- If a devotee takes guidance
from a guru, he should not take guidance from
another guru! This also clearly implies that
these gurus do not know truth. Else if they
believe all the Gurus speak and guide truth,
why should they say so?
Some preach dvaita, some advaita, some
vishisthaadvaita, . There are countless
opinions from countless Jagadgurus. Finally
they also say- ALL THE WAYS LEAD TO GOD!
The whole effort becomes waste! This once
again proves that these Gurus do not know
truth at all. Hence they say all the ways lead
to God! Then no one can question them! See
the hopeless state, ignorance and
irreligiouness in Hinduism.
Unless the first mistake is rectified these
cannot be repaired. Hence even though India
has witnessed quite a number of good saints,
no one could unite hindus, because they could
not understand the highest scripture belongs to
God. Hence the scripture (dharmashastra) gita
lost its value and hence the hindu dharma also.
Hence neither Hindu gurus nor Hindu scriptures
can fill power in hindus. So how can it be

powerful? Hence it cannot face any other

religion even in its own country.
FOOLISH HINDUS:- Hindus insult defame Sri
Krishna and say it is his leela (spiritual miracle
or deed)! Is stealing butter leela? Stealing
saarees of gopika ladies spiritual leela? Is
killing many people by weapons a spiritual
deed? Even natural calamaties and diseases
can kill lots of people.
In this way Hindus committed spiritual suicide.
Note:- If we praise our children more than
their level, others will not believe/respect it.
But if we insult our own children, others also
will criticize them. They may even misuse our
children. Similarly if we praise Sri Krishna as
God other religions will not accept him as God.
[Because all believe God is incorporeal]
But if we say Sri Krishna was butter thief, had
16108 wives, etc, etc, people of other religions
will take disadvantage and criticize Hindus!
Many foreigners after hearing such ugly stories
get surprised!
Since a corporeal entity (Sri Krishna) himself
was considered to be God, incarnation of God
was hidden at (pushed to) the bottom. People
lost the basic thinking ability or truth- GOD IS

personality is given Gods seat, real God is

totally forgotten/neglected/defamed and this is
the cause of natural downfall of India.
Who might have put name of Sri Krishna in
Gita? One or some of The Kings ruling India
during Copper Age would have done this. Most
probably he/they would be one of the deity
first door for downfall of India was opened by
BK souls.
A note:- Due to ugly stories written in Indian
scriptures it becomes easier for people of other
religion to convert Hindus into their religion.
They say- your Lord Krishna had 16108 wives,
he was butter thief, so and so. But our Christ
was so great, etc! What the poor Hindus can
do? What the Indian human Gurus can reply?!
ETC:This can be understood easily by studying the
principles of dharma/karma
148) DHARMA IN DETAIL:Dharma can be explained in different ways.

a)What I give should be more than(at

least equal to) what I receive. Also what
the other person gets from me should be
more than what he gives to me. In other
is explained in different ways here).
While dealing with anyone, I should not make
him/her weaker. That is- by any of my
transaction or company (let it be a big
business, delivering just an item, selling or
purchasing simple items in a shop or even just
a smile), the power of the other person should
not decrease due to my irresponsibility or
mistakes. Of course, if it happens due to his
fate/mistakes, I am not accountable.
b): Aatmahatyaa mahaapaap (Suicide is a
great sin):- Also I should not make myself
weaker in/by serving a person which may
decrease my future service to society. That is- I
should not lose to such an extent in serving a
person which becomes hindrance in serving
humanity. Dharma here can be said as ONE
himself weak). For example- when a person
donates blood to others, his health should not
get deteriorated. Because then he will become
burden to others and then the effect of loss
would be much more than the gain.

But note that one can sacrifice for

humanity. For example, if a person sacrifices
for just one, two or a few people, it is not
praised. But if a person sacrifices for many (eg:
soldier), then it is correct. So one can take
extra ordinary steps only if he can bring benefit
to many. Because there, the self esteem of ths
oldier increases and the net benefit is positive.
That is- loss of ones life brings benefit to many
c)Giving right priority is dharma:There are three things in life- health, wealth
and happiness/contentment/character.
Happiness/contentment has highest value. One
should not sacrifice his (inner) happiness for
It is correct to sacrifice WEALTH for HEALTH,
but not vice versa. Similarly it is correct to
person who really sacrifices for humanity will
get happiness/satisfaction in his life. But a
person who sacrifices just for his family
members or friends will not get high level of
satisfaction. Hence sacrifice of soldiers or
social service people is great. So one should
give right priority.
But in special cases, it may be necessary to
sacrifice health for wealth for a small period.
For example, during flourishing business

seasons, it is wise to ignore even health to

some extent. It is like this. If health has a
weightage of 10 units and wealth has
weightage of 1, then loss/sacrifice of wealth
should bring at least 10 times more
profit/income. But please note that the person
should be in need of that wealth or use it for
good/right purpose. Eg- poor people. Else the
wealth earned by sacrificing health will give
sorrow at later stage.
d)Another law of dharma is- NEITHER
INFLUENCED. That is- be in swadharma
and do not shake others from the
swadharma (peace). In other words, do
not bring chanchalata (fickle) either in
self or others. In other words, if the
transaction between two persons
increases freedom of both of them or
elevates them, such an action is
But trying to educate for benefit of a person
sometimes may look like trying to influence
him. But in fact, it is not so. The final result will
prove it. Right teaching will help in bringing a
person near to his swadharma (makes him
powerful, stable, peaceful).
i)Everything is Gods property. So any
transaction done between two persons who

have spiritual trustee consciousness only will

be highly positive and the best.
ii)If I give you something to you, you should get
benefited (elevated, happy) as well as get
freedom EVEN FROM ME. I also should get
elevated (happy) as well as freedom even from
you. That is- both of us should become happy
as well as less dependent/burden on even one
Eg:- I give some money to a poor person. Now
I get happiness/satisfaction of doing a good
deed. I accumulate punya. Hence I get
happiness. The poor person also feels
happiness since he is benefited.
Also the poor person should feel/get freedom
from me = I should not have any expectation
from him for the help done= I should make him
feel that the money he received is his own! = I
should make him feel that the money received
by him is given by (property of) God and not
mine! = I should be so egoless and trustee. I
should make his mind surrender to Giod and
not to me. I should be such a trustee. *I also
should get freedom from the poor person = the
poor person should not develop habit of asking
money from me that may make me discomfort.
My dealing with him should teach him that. IT
Also his begging desire/attitude even from
others should decrease (at least should not

increase). Else disturbance to others is going to

increase. I will be indirectly responsible for
even that. So- if I cannot bring better in him,
my action even though looks like benefiting
him, is likely to be waste ordinary or less
So the points to be noted here are- Both
become satisfied and elevated. In positive
transaction, there is no feeling of giving and
taking. Hence it can be said that in dharmaTHERE IS NO FEELING OF GIVING(EGO,
Both of them will come nearer (develop love,
respect or chances of misunderstanding
reduce) to each other as well as move apart
(detachment) from each other. In other words,
they become capable of COOPERATING BETTER
is like increasing the brightness of the lamps or
power of the sources.
Suppose (say) the two communicating sources
are weak. In such case, for communication
between the two, they need to be placed near
to each other. But if their voltage or power is
high, they can communicate even with larger
distance. That is they are capable of loving
each other even when there is detachment.
Another result is, the circle/area of
operation/influence becomes larger and hence
become more useful to society. Their

disturbance to society will decrease. They will

also not get disturbed from society.
ADHARMA:- Suppose say- I helped a beggar
by giving him some money. If he uses that
money for cigarettes or alcohol, I also become
an instrument to increase adharma. Hence that
action (money offered to such a beggar) will
not be considered as real dharma. So offering
of money to any person who is addicted to bad
habits will become adharma. Hence today even
the actions of dharma (done with good motive)
become adharmas.
Hence one should check whether the final total
of dharma and adharma is positive. If not, even
actions of dharma will prove to be adharmas.
Hence knowledge of dharma is essential to
judge properly.
f)SOME MORE LOGICS OF DHARMA:Life is nothing but combination of THOUGHTS,
SPEECH AND ACTIONS. One should/can do
dharma by any of these or all of these.
ACTIONS. The one who is able to do dharma
by creating positive thoughts is the highest
quality of dharma. His face/movements itself
will teach or inspire others. It will be like mirror
to others. Others will realize themselves when
they see him/her. His face/eyes will be pure.

Next is the SPEECH/WORDS. It is about

giving true spiritual knowledge/education. From
this others understand what is dharma
(provided the teacher is really knows. Let us
assume so for the time being).
The next is by ACTIONS. It is
helping/serving others physically. This also
motivates one to do good. Hence by these
ways one can teach (naturally teaches) others
what the dharma is.[Of course, everyone
teaches/shows both dharma and adharma
naturally by means of their thoughts, words
and actions].
Thoughts/virtues are more directed towards
MIND, words to INTELLECT and actions to
ORGANS of the body. Bringing change in a
persons mind is highest achievement, next in
the intellect and then in just organs. Also one
whose thoughts change (become good) will not
commit mistakes even physically. Hence
service by thoughts has highest value.
Note that to serve a person by thoughts is not
easy. One should become embodiment of that
virtue/quality. Else his movements will not
teach others. But by intellect many can
serve/teach/guide. By actions anyone can
serve. Thoughts cannot be copied. But words
and actions can be recorded and multiple
copies can be generated. Hence Thoughts
Only Are 100% Real in all respects.

g)If we expect/suggest/direct a person to

do something even actions of dharma, we
should be doing better than him:- For
example, if I direct a person to do some social
work- say doing a physical work in field for 2
hours, then I should also work in the field like I
expect from him. Else I should do better service
than him, that is give godly knowledge by my
speech/words, else my thoughts should be
highly pure. That is- in case, if I fail to do godly
service by my thoughts, I should do it either by
words or actions. That is- if I direct a person to
do something, I should not waste my assetsmy body (organs) due to being lazy or
carelessness, words and thoughts.
In other words, a person with less quality
should do more physical work than others. For
example a person highly busy in social service
need not do physical works. Because others
cannot do his work. Hence those who do not or
incapable of doing service by thoughts/virtues
should do service by words or actions. So when
a persons thoughts become fully pure, he has
no duties at all. That state is perfect dharma.
h)Another principle of dharma is PAATR
scale to estimate rightness of an action. In
simple words it can be explained as follows. We
plant mango seed and nourish it well. If we

have seed of trees that is worth nothing, we

may not plant them at all! Sometimes we do
not pay any attention to useless trees at all.
Even if the mango plant fails in between to
grow properly we stop nourishing it.
[Hence even Swami Vivekananda has said- It
Is Crime To Give Education To
Characterless People. We can see the effect
of today's education which lacks dharma. There
are many terrorists who are highly educated].
Similarly if a person is useful to the society, we
should donate to him or in the path of social
service according to his directions. We know
that God is the one who benefits to society. His
directions are- CONSIDER YOURSELF AS
Hence while donating in bhaktimarg, people
utter the words- SHIVAARPANAM
(Surrenderring to Shiv) and
KRISHNAARPANAM (surrendering to Krishn,
considering that Krishna is God). Also it is said
in scriptures that one should donate to a pious
braahmin. The reason is- a braahmin who tries

to conquer vices alone can be an instrument of

Even if a good person loses his value after
sometime, we should try to avoid
cooperating/supporting him by physical wealth.
Because there is every chance of misuse of
money. But we can always try to make anybody
realize some virtue or good manners by our
company (if we have the capacity) or guidance.
So- the one who invests his time, money and
energy in Godly path is most intelligent and
pure. His actions are the best and yield best
fruit for both him as well as society. Details
about different actions are already explained
previous topics .
Let us take an example- Suppose say- a
girl/woman is being teased or raped. To what
extent she becomes eligible to be protected
depends on her nature. If she has no desire for
sex/lust in her life, she is fully eligible. Even if
she offers herself to her husband without
desire for sex, but just for fulfilling her
husbands need, she is still eligible (pativrata
stree). But if she gets influenced by others, her
eligibility decreases.
Let us take another example:- We may be
eligible to receive some benefit from the

government. But we are not provided that.

Sometimes it may be getting more delayed. We
become angry against government and give
complaints. But we should first ask ourselveshave we fulfilled our duties according to our
constitution? If we have fulfilled our duties,
then only we become eligible to receive the
benefits. But usually every person would be
doing crimes/mistakes in one or other forms
like- not paying tax properly, etc. Even in such
cases, eligibility becomes lesser.
Take another example:- Suppose say- some(say
Mr. X) beat or criticize me for no mistake from
my side. But if I had done similar
mistakes/crimes to some other (say Mr. Y), I
lose eligibility to question this person(X) now.
Because I also have the same quality. Of
course, I might not have done any bad to Mr. X,
but I had done the same to someone else(Y).
am in a position. If I find a better person than
me to that position, it becomes my
responsibility to sacrifice that position for him.
Not only that- if I find any person capable of
handling that position, it is good for me to give
up that position to him and myself become
Now- question is- how to determine eligibility.
Please note that eligibility is not determined by

physical or material skills. A person may be

highly intelligent and efficient than you. But if
he is a corrupt person, you are the better
person. So even in worldly works,
morality/dharma has value. Each has its own
weightage. That is according to- values,
education, intellect, skills, etc. we need to
decide who is better.
For example if somebody loves my wife better
than me and has better morality/virtues than
me, and more capable of satisfying her needs, I
should not stop even my wife from leaving me.
That is I should sacrifice my position. Similar is
the case if somebody better than me wishes to
adopt my child and my child is also willing the
But these things cannot be done in practical
life, is it not? They can be just said. Suppose
today I find a person better than me and my
wife moves to him. Tomorrow another person
better than that person may meet her and she
would have to change her relation! Just
imagine- how it would be! But here I am trying
to explain dharma. What I mean to say is- it is
impossible to follow dharma in todays society.
Why? Because we all have vices. Just seesuppose say my wife has many brothers (say
four). Now and then they come and meet her,
talk to her. Even if they spend time alone, I will
have no problem, is it not? Nobody will think

negative. Because there is no vice in brothersister relation. HENCE UNTIL WE FEEL ALL ARE
FOLLOW DHARMA. So the first step to follow
dharma is to consider everyone as my brother
or sister. That is- to sacrifice vices. SO IT CAN
thoughts of one who has no vice will be highly
pure and hence he is not bound to do any
actions. That is, a person who follows dharma,
has no duties at all! He becomes karmaateet.
His life will be like liberation in life like heaven.
FOR OTHERS:- a person who does not desire
to sacrifice vices cannot do good. He may do
good for a few people, but will do bad (directly
or indirectly) for many other people. So the net
result would be adharma only.
So- it can be said that one who sacrifices vices
alone follows dharma. He only can really
benefit others. Also one who sacrifices vices
only is eligible to get benefited from
society/others. But one who sacrifices vices
will not expect anything from others. One
who expects from outside cannot follow
dharma. So dharma is full by itself. It is
first internal and then external. Even giving is
automatic (part of experiencing or radiating). It

is fully independent. It is just experiencing and

giving without any expectation. Dharma has
influence on others but nothing can influence
it. It is like a sun. Sun is full by itself.
So if a person expects or fights for his
rights he is not following dharma fully. [Of
course, it is OK to try, but one should do it
without expectation or ego]. Similarly one
should not feel that he has helped somebody
by his good thoughts, speech or actions or the
knowledge he has. Because in dharma there is
no feeling of giving. Giving is a nature. It is just
by-product. Sun glows by itself. It does not
glow for others. But when it glows, others
receive energy as by product. So the one who
follows dharma will have no duties at all. He is
just dancing. His dancing will be best karma.
Without feeling of little burden, his actions can
lift mountains of sorrow.
Even if something is given/donated to a
person who follows dharma, he will not use
them for personal benefit. He will use it to the
benefit of society. Another thing is- a person
who follows dharma will not beg/ask anything
like donations from others who do not follow
SUSTAIN:- This is something important. If we
create something, it becomes our responsibility
to sustain it. For example, if I create a child, I

have responsibility to look after it. Another

example is marriage. I have created a new
relation; hence I have responsibility to maintain
it. Even in business relations, we are bound to
follow the commitments.
break law in two cases- If We Are Above Law
And In Emergencies. For example- a child is
not punished even if it urinates at open places.
Because it is above the law. It has no vices. It
has high value of character.
Another incident is during emergency. An
ambulance can violate traffic rules. Attacking a
thief for self defence and saving our properties
is permitted according to law.
So even speaking lies for benefit of a person
sometimes may be dharma. Sometimes a
doctor may have to hide truth from patients
and parents from their children. Even the
government may have to keep something as
confidential or secrets.
GROWTH:- Suppose say- an employee gets
better opportunity. The present employer
should not prevent the employee from getting
it. Of course, he has right to get return for the
investment he had invested on the employee.
So- he can demand only so much. But if his
policies are such that they do not give any

consideration for benefits of employees, then

he will lose that right.
n)Dharma is clearing debts (karmic
account), putting the resources(time,
money and energy) in the path that
benefits maximum to self and society. In
FOLLOW:A person who follows dharma to the extent of
100% will have zero expectation from others in
following it. A good/rank student will not be
unhappy when his classmates fail. He will be
satisfied with all his classmates however they
are. Because he knows that his rank is highest.
He can adjust with everyone. He will have such
a high self esteem. For example a person who
is free from bad habits will not lose his self
esteem by seeing addicted people.
A good doctor or real healthy person will be
comfortable when with any patient or bad
weather conditions, because he has excellent
immunity power. Similarly one who follows
dharma will be able to pardon/love all.
So- Laws of Dharma fail! It is very simple.
As we sow, we reap. Each one automatically
gets payment/fruit for his work.

If a doctor argues with patient and go on

debating that- you are an addict, you did these
wrong things, I have not done that, I am
greater than you, etc, etc, the level of doctor
comes down and he can never be doctor. The
doctor should treat the patient (come in
company) only if he can benefit the other. Else,
he should not come in the company. But if you
are seeing the situation as a third person and
need to take decision, then those points help.
But still, mentally, you should not feel it.
One more example- If a person puts fire, I
should not put fire. I should put water. So- it
would be incorrect to argue that, such a person
put fire, hence I also have right to put. It would
be foolishness to weigh two persons in the
same platform if we wish to progress or serve
For example, a rich person cannot say- I
am donating 100 Rs. So- each one should
donate so much. A teacher cannot say to
student that- I know the subject. You do not
know. A parent cannot say to his children that
You depend on me, I do not depend on you.
Hence most of the rules of dharma
mentioned here have no importance for a
person who wishes to become spiritual. If we
try to apply these points on others, it would be
like TIT for TAT instead of trying to solve or
progress or serve really. They are useful only in

some special limited situations where we are

bound by law. So- use them just to defend
yourself so that you do not get into trap/trouble
by someone others mistake. We should not
use these points to let others down. [The point
is- if we wish to maintain ourselves or increase
our position, then these rules will not help us.]
Also see topic No. 227- AS WE SOW, SHALL
So- Knowledge is a sword that is sharp on
both sides. If used wrongly, it will hinder our
For that we should think of three aspects of
time instead of just present situation or
consider the matter as a whole and that is why
churning of time cycle develops our intellect.
[But please note that persuading,
requesting others to follow dharma is not bad.
It is right. For example, it is correct even to
force a person to get rid of bad habits. But here
the meaning is- if a person does not agree to
follow dharma even after my requests, I
will/should continue to move in my path
without getting upset (negative feeling).
It is correct to try, request or persuade a little
more even if the other person does not agree.
Because he may feel its importance later. It is
said- better late than never. So- such smooth

attempts may bring change later. Sosometimes it may look as if the person (who
follows dharma fully) expects others to follow
dharma (while persuading or requesting). But
actually it is not so. This is just like bringing the
level to that of the other person. Like a doctor
requesting a patient to sacrifice bad habits.
The doctor may look (or pretend) like
emotional, but actually not so. It will be for a
short period and will be like a line on the
ABOVE DHARMA:A perfect person will have no effort in following
dharma. His actions automatically become
dharma/model for others. He becomes law
maker (King). He becomes a natural King. what
we speak become words of truth. Like when we
become intellectual, we invent new things and
theories. Such theorems become base for
others to follow. Such a status is called as
pass with HONOUR or scholarship.
[Actually, power of intellect is higher than
the knowledge. Because even the knowledge is
just like an instrument and it is we who use it.
The power of intellect is the one that
distinguishes between human souls (human
beings) and animal souls and also between any
two human beings. A student may score just 35
marks and another may 90 marks.

For example, we cannot educate an animal

like a human being, whatever input may be
given to it. Because the capacity in an animal
soul is only to that level. But the intellect of
human being has higher range of influence and
can be developed to a great extent by
knowledge and effort. There are examples
where even highly handicapped human beings
who have achieved a great things in their life
by using their intellect.
Similarly, whatever may be our condition, if
we are determined, we can develop ourselves
by yoga. More is given in the topic No- 156How yoga opens the lock of intellect.
By just remembering anything consciously
(thinking with body consciousness) karmic
account gets created. It can be with my own
body, nature or other physical personalities.
But remembering God (who is bodyless) clears
karmic account since he is everpure and
bodyless. In otherwords by getting influenced
by body, materials and bodily relations, karmic
account gets created. This is the reason why
among the whole world population just 8 souls
pass with honour this spiritual test.
Any expectation or influence creates karmic
account. What about remembering deities?
Even though deities are also physical

personalities, remembering them decreases

karmic account since they are pure and in
heaven there is no feeling of giving and taking
(expectation, influence, etc). Heaven is
godfatherly birthright. It is really mine. Hence
there is no possibility of wrong influence. Also
remembering heaven/deities will ultimately
help in remembering God. But strictly speaking
remembering God is much more better than
heaven/deities, because it is faster. But for
some it is difficult to remember point form soul
and God. Hence for them, it is suggested to
remember heaven together. It is not possible to
stick to point form at once. So- it is better to
rememebre deity form and then remembering
the point form would be easy.
147)Back to the topic once again- WHOM
ELIGIBILITY are the three things to be
considered. If I have RESPONSIBILITY towards
others, I am bound to clear them. Also I should
know which actions are the best and it is wise
to put my resources in those which stand at
high in the PRIORITY list. Also I should check or

try to know ELIGIBILITY before serving or

helping others.
But in some special cases where I am bound or
forced by some rules, these checkings
need/can not be done properly. For example
soldier fighting at warfield. He need not check
everything. He is bound to execute the order of
higher officials. But he is bound to follow
dharma mentally at least to some extent. That
is he should kill enemies as part of his duty and
not by hatredness. Even policemen should/can
beat a criminal as part of their duty and not
with anger/stress/ego.
Even while receiving I should check myself
whether I am eligible for the benefit. If I am not
eligible, I should not receive it. If in such cases
one cannot object what is being given to him, it
is better to use that in the work of charity.
Also it is necessary to check whether the
thing/gift received has come from god/right
source. If it is from wrong source, one should
not receive it. For example when we offer
something to god or deities, we make it sure
that it is pure. During festivals and rituals,
devotees first take bath and then prepare
vegetarian food (that too without onion and
garlic). So pure things only are offered to god.
Similarly it is not advisable to accept donation
from others who do not believe or follow godly

HOW TO LOVE?:- Character has highest

priority, then the health and then wealth. So
when we love others, we should desire/aim
bringing more benefit in character than health
and wealth. That is we should donate/give/act
such that the other persons character/wisdom
increases more than his his health or wealth.
Else there is every chance of wasting the
health and wealth. That is our help to the other
will become less effective or sometimes waste
or even negative. So we should love practically
(come physically closer) only if we feel that we
have capacity to increase any one of these
three without deteriorating the one that has
higher preference than it.
Even in the case of emotions in love, spiritual
emotions should be more than the emotions
due to physical presence/appearance. In fact at
high level of spirituality, emotions die. There
will be balance- between power and humility,
love and detachment.
loves all the students identically, but does not
give same marks to all the students. Parents
have unconditional love towards their children.
Their love is same to all the children. But they
do not give all the things to their children. They
isolate many things (eg- knife, precious jewels,
etc) from small children as well as do not give

abundant money to small children. Parents

fulfil needs of children and not their
As a child grows and parents realize that
the child is capable to handle the things
properly, then only they give those things to
children. Similarly we should be capable of
loving, accepting any sinful soul mentally, but
when it comes to physical action and things,
we should use our intellect (judge properly)
and then act. That is- Love unconditionally, but
Give according to the eligibility/need of the
person. Because thoughts cannot be misused,
whereas materials and body can be misused.
So- we can give/have any amount of good
wishes for any person. But while giving
material things, we should check and then act.
Similarly, before accepting any physical
things from others, we should check the other
person whether his company would be better
or worse. If the person has earned his money
from wrong means we should not accept
money from such person. Also if there is
chance for the person to expect something in
return in future, even then it is better not to
accept from such people.
Also, we put our time, money and energy in
that path that gives maximum fruit. It is better
to donate to Government instead of any one
person, because money donated to

Government will reach the whole citizens as

well as when people receive it fromt eh
government, they will feel it as their right and
will enjoy higher freedom. There is no chance
to develop karmic account between us.
Note that- even the employers give job
according to the level of a person and not
according to the demand/desire of the
A teacher first gives them knowledge,
not marks. According to the marks scored by
the students, they get/find their jobs and stand
on their feet and prosperous in their life. So- it
is always better to give knowledge/education
to people than anything else. Or one who gives
highest education need not bother about giving
other things. He need not do other duties.
BKWSU gives highest education free of cost to
Q:- Suppose you promise a person. Should you
fulfill it?
A:- Suppose say- you have said - I will give
you One thousand rupeesto someone to
whom you are not bound to give money. Should
I keep my promise?
a)First of all- If the other person is eligible for
that, your promise/statement is right. Else your
statement itself is wrong!
b)The second person should not accept if he is
not eligible for that. If he desires money from

you even without being not eligible, both are

c)You later felt- you could not or do not wish to
give money. In this case, you should have and
give the reasons. If you fail, you should beg
pardon from the other person and give him a
part of what he had lost or could have lost due
to your wrong promise/statement. The part is
depends on the person with whom it is
promised. For example- if this is said to an
educated person, there is no much bondage.
Because it depends on the other person to
think and judge before acting. But if I had
committed to weak, innocent people, my
accountability and responsibility increases.
An eg:- A company offered a person job of
monthly salary Rs 30,000/- and he had to join
there after three months. But by that time, the
company could not (due to economic crisis)
give him the job and rejected the offer. But it
paid him around Rs 50,000/- as compensation.
Of course, there was no need for the company
to pay him (because many companies had
rejected the offer due to economic crisis. But
since it could not keep its words, it paid as part
of its reputation). So while acting with a
person- my position, the others position, risk
factors/environment, etc need to be
considered. [But whatever it is- some karmic

account is created if I fail to fulfil the promise

without any valid reason].
YOURSELF:It is said- Love others like you love yourself.
Without understanding karma philosophy
properly it will be dangerous to follow this. Will
you love a thief, criminal like you love yourself?
Does it imply to share your property and
wealth to all without checking who they are?
First of all, what should be loved most? If
someone gives me gift or money, should I love
the gift more or the person? I should love the
person more than the gift, is it not? When the
the person demands the gift from me, I should
be ready to give it back (if I still have it),
because it is not mine. Now- logic here is- What
all we have is given by god. So everything is
gods gift. Hence while doing any action, we
should have highest/first love towards god and
not what he has given to us (=what we have=
body, bodily relations, materials, etc). That iswe should have first importance to God, then
to my body, then to others and then to wealth,
etc. Then there will be right love with all and no
attachment. There is deep point of
dharma/karma philosophy which says- BE
READY TO DIE. Why? Because life is a gift given
by god. So be ready to give it back! One who is
ready to die enjoys best in his life. But people

praise God when they get children and curse

God when their children die. All these are due
to lack of love. In place of real love, we have
filled attachment and lust.
Now- how a person should love? He should love
God first and then those who love God most.
So if your love follows that order, you are
following dharma. Then only you can follow the
above statement- Love others like you love
yourself. Else it is impossible and also wrong to
follow it.
For example, you are a soldier doing duty at
border and have limited food with you. You find
a citizen starving for food. If you follow the
above statement (love others like you love
yourself) blindly, you should distribute your
share of food to him. You will then become
weak and fail to perform the service to the
country which is more important. Hence it
would be wrong to share your food to him even
if you love him.
But if there is a better soldier than you, you
should be ready to sacrifice even your food to
him. Because he is capable of benefiting the
country more than you. So give what you have
excess to spiritual social workers. But you can
sacrifice even those who are your needs only
to those who are better servants than you. Else
you take care of yourself and be busy in

spiritual service. For this- there is need of

balance between knowledge and love.
Due to attachment, we have given last
place to God even though he should be given
the first place. We love and like to be in
company of wealth, our physical friends and
relatives more than to be in remembrance of
god. Most of the time we beg God these things
and for benefit of these people/things only we
pray God! We are not interested in what God
directs us. Hence we never become really
RUPEES OF OTHERS:If you follow dharma better than others, it
means your things have higher value than
others. Your thoughts, speech, action, wealth,
etc all become more valuable than others. So it
is as good as your one rupee is equal to ten
rupees (or thousand rupees or even much
more than) of others. Your one minute is equal
to ten minutes of others. So you should check
whether your action or resources are put in
that path which can yield so.
[ESSENCE:- It can be said that- guide
and help others such that they increase
self esteem.This is the pure love.
Self esteem of both should increase.
This is the best.

If self esteem of anyone increases, it

is second level.
If self esteem of anyone comes down,
then that is third level and is ordinary.
If self esteem of both come down, it is
wrong deed (committing sin,
corruption, etc).
Donating our resources to government
will be the best deed. Because it will
automatically approach the citizens.
Similarly, putting our time, money and
energy in real spiritual government
would fetch highest benefit for self as
well as for the humanity.]
150)ATTACHMENT= BRIBING= impurity=
weakness= loss of self respect = bondage
= suicide and violence, illegal and highest
foolishness:People believe there is need of attachment in
life. But actually love is needed and not
attachment. Attachment immediately spoils
self esteem. Just think- Everyone would like to
live/enjoy on money earned by himself or
grandfathers property (100% birthright), but
on on the fathers property. A good father will
not wish his children to live under his property.
He will wish his children stand on their feet.
Attachment means trying to influence others or
getting influenced by others. In otherwords it is

making others dependent on me as well as

myself wishing to be dependent on others. It is
creating bondage and hence violence. This
attacks our self esteem and the people who act
with attachment go lower and lower day by
day. Since it loses self esteem it is also like
Attachment is also like bribing and
breaking the laws. Attachment supports wrong
person and hence punishes others who are
more eligible than him. For example- If I leave
my job, I do not have right to place or appoint
someone I like there. The government decides
who should be placed in that vacant position.
Attachment is like saying- I would like to give
my place to someone I like or choose.
Attachment is like spreading diseases. For
example, if one has some problem and expects
me to feel that, it is as good as expecting
germs in him to get into me.
When a car moves, its wheels never stick
to road. They are in perfect contact, but never
sticks. And the wheels are moving. So- our
mind should never get stick to somethinh
which we do not like. If it sticks, it means
somewhere we have this wrong attachment.

Highest respect should be given to the

Government and then to the citizens. Like in a
family, parents should be given highest respect
and then the members numberwise. But if we
consider all as same, clarity, truth or essence is
lost. Considering everyone/everything as God
is like taking law into hands. It is also like
giving and taking bribes. Because it is as good
as considering I am the Government/God! Then
one can say- I am God, I can do anything, what
I do is right. So just imagine how foolishness it
is to say- SHIVOHUM(I am Shiv= god), etc.
Actually one should consider himself
and everyone as a government servant
and not as government. Similarly we
should consider everyone as a soul= child
of God and not God. We should see
everything as gods property and act as a
trustee of Gods property. See- how a small
wrong can make big loss/difference!
In fact a country where people give highest
respect to the government will be good. Unless
they pay respect to government the country
will be weak. If a citizen fails to pay respect to
government, he will not be able to respect
other citizens. Not only that if a person does
not pay highest respect to government, he will
be influenced now and then by other common
people and can never be stable. Neither
government can help him nor can he utilize the

help received from the government. Similarly

one will be able to pay respect to the whole
humanity only if he pays highest respect to
spiritual knowledge) IN HELL BECOMES
SIN:Due to the reasons mentioned so far most of all
the actions committed in hell become sin.
Because we get influenced by people and
materials. There is no self esteem in real sense.
Even when a person develops he accumulates
ego and his dependency increases. So- without
true knowledge, it is very difficult to do good
either for self or to others.
FAMILY LIFE:Actually karma philosophy is universal. It is
applicable to everything all the time. But here
it is explained by taking examples of family
Q:- Suppose your children go on wrong path.
What should you do? Should you give them
property or not?
ANSWER:- It is your responsibility to develop
them according to your capacity. But if they
wish to go on wrong path, you need not give
them their full share of the property. This is
explained below.

For example- if your son becomes terrorist.

What does the law do? Law will capture/seize
all his property and put him jail. Similarly when
a person does not follow dharma he is not
eligible for the property. So according to ones
quality/character you have to give
quantity/wealth to them. Even the great saint
Swami Vivekananda had said- It is crime to
give education to characterless people. Today
we see it. Threat to universe is more due to
educated people than the uneducated. So
according to the situation, take decision.
But if you wish to take support from your
children during your old age, you will/may have
to give something to them in return from what
you have if they expect. If they serve you
happily with respect or duty consciousness and
you also be able to remain detached, it is ok.
Else there will be bondage and the karmic
account will not settle. It is likely to become
worse. But in this case, your childrens level of
character should be good at least to the
average level of the society. If they are highly
criminals, it is better not to take anny support
of them.
Q:- You are a married person. You got spiritual
knowledge or somehow realized celibacy is
very important in life and desire to follow. What
should be done?

Ans:- First try to make your life partner realize

importance of celibacy. Every religious book
gives importance to celibacy. Eg:Bhagavadgita in Hinduism. Even Muslims and
Christianity believe Adam and Eve were in real
happiness when they had no lust. They believe
lust was the cause for first pain and discomfort
of life. So no one can say/argue it is wrong to
follow celibacy.
POINT NO. 1)Suppose say- you are working in
a company. If you get a better job, you can quit
it. You can also always try TO IMPROVE your
job prospectus. No one can say you should not
leave the present job for a better one. Similarly
WITH OTHERS, even with your wife or
husband. In fact one should be happy if his or
her life partner sacrifices lust or anger! It is like
giving up alcohol! Assume there are two close
friends who are addicted. When one quits
alcohol, the other usually becomes happy and
develops respect to him. (then only it can be
called as good friendship). SIMILARLY BY YOUR

such a partner/relation is not ones friend, but

[Q:- Who is better among a couple? Ans:- The
one who desires lesser amount of lust or vices
is better].
Now here there are following cases.
CASE A):- Your life partner agrees and also
wishes the same as you:- In this case, there is
no problem. This is like the same company
giving you promotion and all the opportunities
needed for your progress.
CASE B):- Your life partner is not happy about
your decision, but does not or cannot create
any sort of disturbance:- Here also you can
move without any problem if you accept the
CASE C):- Your life partner establishes new
relationship with someone for lust but
physically does not create any problem to you:This situation is quite challenging. You can live
in the same house if you have power of
detachment, but it is better to have have a
separate room for self. But if your financial
condition is good, you have option to live
separately which may be better depending on
the character of the life partner. Else you may
have to compromise with the situation, that is
live together. But you should not develop
hatredness to your life partner by his/her bad

[You should have three feelings togetherWaah, I have come out of this bad habit, I am
fortunate, my husband/wife is still addicted to
it, so feel pity and be isolated from the other
emotionally so that the disease in the other is
not going to affect you.]
CASE D):- Your life partner is against your
decision and creates high disturbance:- If you
are husband/male, there would not be much
problem. Because society is male dominated
and also male is more powerful than female. If
you are female/wife you can take support of
law so that your husband cannot harm you
physically. But these are quite challenging. If
you are wife/female and your financial
condition is good, you may live separately. Else
you need very good amount of determination
to work and live on what you get or earn (if
your husband throws you out of your house).
We can have even more cases in many
relations. Hence karma philosophy is a huge
topic when we discuss about every aspect of
karma/action. But if one follows (gives higher
preference to) yoga more than (feelings of)
karma/action, he need not bother about karma
philosophy. That is he need not bother about
his or othersactions. He will not be influenced
by the actions and also be more comfortable.
Automatically his actions will prove to be right
in the end.


AUTOMATICALLY:Yoga means soul/self
conscious(remembrance of soul) or
supreme conscious (remembrance of god)
or consciousness of birthright
(remembrance of heaven). Many times,
when you think of anyone these, other
two also will follow you like shadow. Yoga
means to think of True Self and Mine. Yoga
means to be conscious of pure things.
Those whose yoga is not ok, will have more
expecation from action, relation, materials or
wealth. Due to lack of satisfaction they will
have lesser authority over their organs and
hence lesser control. Hence their karma/action
is likely to go wrong. But those whose yoga is
good, will be in King conscious and hence will
be able to use their organs better/properly.
Thus they get controlling and ruling power.
Since they have more power and right/positive
desires, their karma automatically becomes
Yoga means to feel the whole world as one
family= all are souls = children of one god=
universal brotherhood. Consciousness of
universal brotherhood will continuously
make ones action better and the person
will automatically move towards
perfection. As yoga of a Rajayogi becomes

better, his mistakes go on reducing and at final

stage or near to it, mistakes and weaknesses
become zero.
A Yogi has knowledge of and believes in
karma philosophy which gives him maturity.
There is no need of the detailed knowledge. For
example to learn driving, there is no need of
knowledge of every part of a car. One needs
knowledge of main parts/things. Similarly one
needs basic knowledge of time cycle. It is
To eat a mango, there is no need of
knowledge of every atom and molecule of
mango or mango tree. One should be willing to
eat mango, should be able to identify mango,
mango tree and pluck/get mango from it.
Similarly to become pure one should know
what are pure things, have interest in pure
things (God, Silence World and heaven) and
practice (conscious of) them honestly.
There is no need to know the accurate date
of establishment of heaven, who will be my
parents in heaven, etc. Like to develop healththere is no need to know how every part of
body works. But the basic knowledge of diet
and precautions are necessary/enough. There
is no need to know about details of calorific
values of food. One should know what food he
should eat. That is all.


soul, spiritual energy, a divine shining
point residing at my forehead. I and every
soul come from the Silence World to this
Physical world to play my (or its) part.
The time cycle is divided into four agesGolden, Silver, Copper and Iron. The first
two ages is the period of heaven and the
last two constitute hell. In heaven there
is no vice and hence happiness. In hell
there are vices and they are the cause for
sorrow. At the end of Iron Age God
descends and Confleunce Age begins
from there. God is also a point of divine
light and might like me, but is bodyless,
everpure, above birth and deaths, above
pleasure and pain, Ocean of all virtues,
liberator of all souls, Purifier of all, etc. A
soul can take maximum of 84 births
I am a soul and see(visualize and feel)
myself in the silence world{ or anywhere
one likes according to the best level of
concentrationwhere you get} with
shivbaba (incorporeal god father). I also
see my bright future in heaven. So i can
just feel god, self as point of lights,
eterenal, light, peaceful, bliss, and feel
liberation(silence world) and liberation in
life(heaven). What all i see in this present

world are worth not a penny. Because

they are like parts of an old aged person.
So- everything in this world are just
waste. I just have to love pure thigs and
have disinterest in all other things and
use those things, including even my body
as just in the duty consciousness, actor
consciousness, or sportsmans spirit,
karmayogi stage where i have no
expectation. Like when we do morning
jogging, or physical exercise, we do not
expect fruit for that, it just gives some
experience, similarly I am in this world
just to witness something or to gain some
experience, that too without any desire.
[Not that, if you cannot concentrate
on soul, God or feel Paramdham and
Heaven, then feel your own body or
anyones bosy as well as the whole world
as dead bodies that emit rotten smell and
graveyard or like hospital full of patients.
This will free you from the downward full
and then you will be able to fly. So- one
can also experience soul by thinking of
body that body is just matter made up of
nothing but proton, neutron and
electrons. So- when we try to feel body as
liveless, we will gradually realize soul

It is the ability to love any sinful soul

in the world as well as feel hatredness
(disinterest) towards(in) any beautiful
body in this Iron aged world.It is the
power of discrimination (between a soul
and the body), which makes us realize
soul or spiritual.
Whatever new may be the car (body),
and however old or diseased the
passenger (driver) inside may be, one
gives higher importance to the driver
than the car.So- we should always give
importance to the soul inside a body and
should any respect for the body should be
much below than the soul. In other
words, respect invisible (eternal) much
much things more than visble(matter)
things. This will make us spiritual.
Just the summary given here is
enough for our life. Rest of the entire thing
what you have read so far and what you are
going to read here are to be forgotten. They
are like Encyclopedia. But real food and
medicine are just the summary given here.
Rest of the points help us in clarifying some of
the things.
Hence there is a great value for mantra in
bhaktimarg (path of devotion). The belief isManthra is a combination of just a few words
that are to be chanted repeatedly which will

fulfil all our needs. So- the real manthra isSoul, God, Paramdham and Heaven. [Note:Mann = mind, thra = free. One that makes
mind free is real mantra!].
Without yoga knowledge will be of no use.
Yoga means practicing of knowledge, eating
and digesting knowledge. If one is not
interested in practice/work or digesting it, what
is the use? So one should have more interest in
yoga than knowledge or there should be
balance between knowledge/law and
yoga/love. Knowledge means to have wealth
and yoga means to enjoy them. Knowledge is
like a weapon and yoga is the sharpness/power
in it.
Knowledge not only removes ignorance,
shows better/best opportunities/aims and also
helps in eliminating conflicts. Knowledge is like
light and yoga is might. Knowledge increases
clarity, reduces confusions or doubts. It
suggests alternative easier paths or different
options in practical situations of life. Hence
movement (= development) becomes easier
which saves lot of time and energy.
When one gets the ability to handle
conflicts, even knowledge also becomes
ordinary to him. He is close to knowledgeful.
Just yoga/remembrance is enough for him. Like
when you are far from the goal, you may need
(or it may be useful) to know more about the

path. But when you approach near the goal (=

the goal is clearly visible), there is no need of
any clarification. Just keep on moving, increase
the speed.
FORGET EVEN THE KNOWLEDGE!:While studying, one may have to remember
many points. But after getting degree, just
essence (main points) of the subject sits in
head. He will not remember (= not be
conscious of) each and every point. There is no
need of all the points. Even if he forgets those
points, he will be able to perform his duty. But
those points will still remain in his head in
incognito form. Whenever the situation
demands, he can recall or refer back and get
them. (And in most of the cases, those points
are not necessary for the work. They are just to
improve maturity).
Similarly when one follows dharma
comfortably, he need not bother what
dharma is! Like initially while learning to
drive, one needs to put his full effort or
concentration in it. But after getting
experienced, he can even eat, drink, attend a
phone call while driving. He becomes master of
that. He becomes carefree.
[As a person moves higher, he will not feel
the small differences among the things which
are at ground. He will feel all as same. Actually

he will not feel them at all. He is detached from

all. This is the reason why people in bhaktimarg
said- Brahmasatya, jagat mithya= The one
Brahman is the only truth and the world is a
lie. But people believed the meaning literally
as- the world does not exist at all and is just an
But in fact, world is not an illusion. It is
there, but it should not be felt. That is the aim.
For example, we wear dress. Dress is not an
illusion. But we should not be conscious of the
dress. Like a driver moves on road, but he does
not touch it. It is the car that touches the road.
He will not be influenced by external
atmosphere. It is car that is subjected to
external situation.
Hence our mind should be free from
external situations. For that- we should not be
conscious of body and materials. Use them, but
do not get attached to them. Even the highest
scripture Bhagavadgita preaches the same and
gives highest importance to self realization,
God realization and detachment from body and
[There is a saying- Life is lost in Living and
Knowledge is lost in information. So- as a
person moves higher, he will feel there is no
need to gain any new experience or knowledge
in life. He feels he is higher than the
knowledge, like a King feels himself above the

law, because he is the law maker. Such a stage

is liberation in life and master knowledgeful.
There are three things- God, Knowledge
and Souls. Highest level is of Knowledgeful
(God= sun = source), next is the knowledge
(light or energy) and last is we/souls, the
discharged or weak batteries), ignorant.
But as we master the knowledge (get
recharged), our level goes above the
knowledge and even the most of the
knowledge (except the essence) become
ordinary to us. Like, when the stomach is full,
even food becomes ordinary to us.
In another way- As a person studies, his
class progresses. He is promoted to next class.
He then forgets the knowledge of the previous
class. But the essence which is necessary for
the higher class remains in him. As the
business improves, the person sacrifices the
older busines that was yielding lesser income.
In another way- as one climbs hill (or in a
journey), the positons which were above him
come down step by step. So they come in the
opposite direction as he progresses.`
So- even in spirituality, one will go
beyond the knowledge. So- a real
knowledgeful person is one who goes
beyond the knowledge and just sticks to
the essence/goal- Self, God,
Home/Paramdham and

fortune/property/heaven (= soul and

supreme Conscious).]
Knowledge is like boat and being in soul
and supreme conscious is the goal/shore.
After reaching the shore, boat is also a burden.
So do not attach to knowledge too much.
Knowledge is like being in student life. It is
necessary to get job. But once you get job
(spiritual experience), then bother about
work/earning/spiritual bliss and not the
Purpose of Knowledge is to establish
relation(yoga). Once yoga is experienced to a
great extent, importance of knowledge
reduces. For example- A person would be
initially conscious of his behavior while
communicating with another. But once their
relation turns into best friends, then there is no
hard and fast rules to be followed in between
them. They become carefree.
When we talk about knowledge of health,
human body, etc, thousands of pages can be
written. But to be healthy, there is no need to
study all those. One should know right diet,
and right living style and precautionary care to
be taken. So- there is no need to read all the
details given in this package.
Relation is more important than
knowledge!:- Essence of knowledge is to make
one maintain right relation and make best and

right use of anything. That happens when one

becomes soul conscious. Esence of knowledge
is to become soul conscious. So- forget the
knowledge means forget the tree and just
enjoy the fruit/essence.
experience SEED Stage at least once, then
there is no much gain even from spiritual
knowledge. We become master. Knowledge is
like sun light but seed stage is like sun itself.
We then know how to tap energy directly from
the main source. As we become matured, we
think of money more than information. Any
knowledge that yields lesser income then
becomes just information for him. So- we
should become like an excellent business man
or sales man who is profit oriented].
---------------- ------------156)HOW YOGA OPENS THE LOCK OF
PURE INTELLECT!Knowledge is similar to food and yoga is like
growth/developing. Unless a person grows he
cannot be educated further. So yoga is
essential for acquiring or imbibing the
knowledge. A yogi can grasp a lot even from a
single point of knowledge whereas for a person

without yoga, even a lot of knowledge would

be waste.
A father will tell secrets of his business to
those children who are capable and love him.
Also only those children who love father will be
able to move in the direction shown by him. So
when we remember God with love, Gods help
will automatically bestow on us which makes
us realize deep secrets of knowledge. [Like as a
person performs well in an organization and is
honest to it, he will be promoted by the Boss
and will come to know the deep secrets of the
A yogi will have better concentration. So he
will be able to grasp knowledge even from
experience and daily activities of his life. He
will be able to grasp yoga(essence) even from
karma(gross). Hence it is said- Knowledge
sits only in pure intellect. Like a swan can
absorb milk from water, a pure intellect can
gain in any adverse situation.
In another way, as we become pure, our
vision becomes better. Like by using a
microscope we can see more details, a pure
intellect can understand much more easily.
Another point is- The purpose of spiritual
knowledge itself is to become pure. If a person
has no desire to become doctor or conscious of
health, whatever effort he puts, he cannot
digest or understand all the secrets of

medicine, diet, etc. Similarly if a person does

not have desire to become pure, spiritual
knowledge will not sit properly in his intellect.
Moreover spiritual things are subtle. So- here it
is fully applicable.
157)CALL OF TIME:There is story of a pundit (one who has
knowledge of scriptures/books) and a boatman.
Once the pundit had to cross river and was
going in a boat. The boatman was driving the
boat. On the way, the pundit asked the
boatman do you know Ramayan (a
scripture)? the boatman replied, Sir, I do not
know. The pundit exclaimed, Oh- dont you
know such a great and famous epic? It is bad.
After some time, the pundit once again asked
the boatman, Have you studied Vedas?. The
boatman again replied, Sir, I do not even
that. The pundit again exclaimed, It is very
bad that you do not know even this. The
pundit went on asking manythings and reply of
boatman was No for all the questions. Then
the pundit said to boatman, YOUR LIFE IS
was simply doing his duty of driving the boat.
After sometime, storm came. The boat was
about to sink. The boatman asked the pundit,
Sir, do you know how to swim? Pundit replied
in fear, I do not know swimming. Except that I
know everything. The boatman replied,


YOU CANNOT save yourself. YOUR LIFE IS
KNOW SWIMMING and he jumped into the
river and saved his life. The poor pundit
drowned and lost his life. So the point here isat the end of Kalpa, that is during climax,
nothing will help us, except swimming (ability
of mind to move = ability to detach from the
body = ability to forget the body). That is- one
who is able to get detached from the body only
will be able to face death easily and happily.
158)DIFFERENCE AND CONFLICTS:The world drama is of variety. i.e. there is
difference. Each one is unique in this world.
Each soul has unique eternal part fixed in it.
Difference is a reality as well as an absolute
necessity. Else it cannot be a society. Conflict
arises when one does not realize the
difference. Then members of the society fail to
accept both self and others as they are. Then
conflict arises.
It is necessary to know the difference.
Here, difference means TRUTH, FULL
DISCRIMINATION. To know the difference
means to know the position of self and others.
Rank of each student is different than others. In

a class it is necessary to know rank of each

student. But fight/conflict is bad condition.
There can be conflict or confusion till the
declaration of results. But once the results are
declared, conflict ends. But difference still
Some say- why should we think of God,
religions, etc. All the religions are same and/or
equal. They say- if we start discussing these,
conflict/fights will increase. Hence it is better
not to discuss about these. Now let us
think- if we say ALL ARE EQUAL, will the
conflict end? Can we really feel all as equal?
Is it really true? If so, why there is competition
in the world? Why are there different classes in
society? Why somebodys earning is more or
lesser than others? Why someone is more
happy than another? Can we feel both a child
and adult same?
In an organization, there are various
positions. Each one is unique. There is need to
know the position of self as well as others and
then accept however they are. It would be
foolishness to say- positions of all is same. The
need is to know the difference and accept
everything according to it. If we are not going
to accept, then better not know the difference.
If we are going to accept, knowing the
difference is good.

[Also note that zero difference (in physical

status) does not mean zero conflict. In many
cases, there is conflict between people of same
level and culture].
So difference is there. Whenever a person
joins or gets job, he will be told what his salary
is. He also knows that different works pay
different salaries. It is good to know this
difference. Else he is like an ignorant or fool in
a society. Actually everyone compares or tries
to get awareness of different jobs, opportunites
available in the society and THEN puts effort in
the path that pays him best. SO BEFORE
effort can go waste.
[This is the reason why in bhaktimarg,
efforts of many saints do not yield real fruit=
Hence knowledge of this difference is
necessary. Hence we should know different
religions if we wish to become really
religious (= spiritual). Hence knowledge of
time cycle is an absolute necessity to become
Some may say- Everything is God. But they
act differently with different things and people,
is it not? We can just say this but cannot feel it
practically since it is not real. So it is
impossible to avoid or resolve conflict just by

saying such things. It can just be in books or

words, but not practical. It would be like
suppressing a disease or ignoring it instead of
curing it. Hence knowledge of truth is
necessary which can also be called as POWER
When discussions may increase conflict?:If we know truth at least to some extent (for
example, if we know the basics) or if the
percentage of truth is more than ignorance in
our beliefs and we really wish to become good
(pure) and there is no selfishness, discussions
would be useful.
Else conflict can increase by discussions.
There is a story of four blind people trying to
explain an elephant. One who touches its trunk
says elephant is like a snake, the one who
touches its tail says elephant is like a rope, the
one who touches its leg says elephant is like a
pillar and the one who touches its body says it
is like a wall. See the huge conflict. Of course,
for such people or situation, discussion would
be bad.
Similar is the explanation of different
people/religions about religion and God. If blind
people try to explain about an elephant, it
would just increase the conflict.
But discussion of those whose vision is
correct will be useful. Hence explanation of
only those who have eye of knowledge (=

whose eye of intellect are open) only can

reduce conflict.
There is need of common goal or one that
benefits for all or at least that does not have
intention to hurt others.
God only is knowledgeful who has the third
eye. Till his incarnation, people will be talking
about God and religions like the blind people.
Hence conflict has continuously increased even
though many religious fathers have come to
the world. It is the responsibility of God himself
to give knowledge and hence he only is called
DIFFERENCE!- For example a doctor should
be aware of the GREAT DIFFERENCE between
a doctor (himself) and a patient to help the
patient. If he considers both the doctor and the
patient as same, he is useless. So- when we
realize the great difference, we
get/develop ability to help others
selflessly, properly, efficiently, naturally
and easily.
For example a rich person gives alms to a
beggar unconditionally. Because he knows
there is a great difference between him and the
beggar/poor. Even though there is great
difference, there is no conflict between a rich
and the poor.

A good student will have high aim. That is

he will see the GREAT DIFFERENCE between
his present state and future. Hence there is
burning desire to grow. So it is highly
important to know the GREAT DIFFERENCE
if we wish to help others or self (to grow).
Since there is large difference in voltage
level between a discharged battery and the
power source, current/energy flows from the
power source into the battery. Hence if we feel
the great difference between human soul and
God, we can draw current from God. Else if we
consider every soul as God (Shivohum, atma so
Paramatma, etc), how can we feel/realize God
and his love? How can we be benefited from
There is GREAT DIFFERENCE between the
deity religion and other religions. Hence the
souls of deity religion (BKs) get faith, power
and interest to serve humanity. There is no
much difference among other religions. Hence
they fight among themselves. They have not
been much useful to society (= they could not
elevate the society). When other religions get
established, number of religions increase and
hence also the conflict. But when deity religion
gets established, all other religions get
destroyed and conflict also ends. New
era(Golden Age) begins.

Even to protect self there is need to know

the difference. For example a doctor should
know the great difference between healthy
condition and the patient/disease so that he
can isolate himself from getting influenced.
Another simple example:- A teacher has to
see all the possible differences among the
students but still should not get into conflict.
Else he would give same marks to all! But he
should give marks according to the eligibility of
the student and hence should know the
difference between the students. THE
A very important thing:- More you
elevate, more you should sacrifice. That
is, more the fortune, more should be the
sacrifice. Else ego will be developed and
there would be conflict.
BKs donate their time, money and energy
in the service of humanity. More they realize
spirituality, more they get elevated, and more
they should sacrifice what they have. So- the
difference is made use to reduce the difference
(= serve those who are at other level). Then
only conflicts can go on reducing.
Just think- Highest difference is always with
reference to God. That is- all are very much
below than Gods level. But no one has conflict

with God! Anyone, irrespective of cast, creed,

religion will praise God. [Of course, today some
may not believe God, because we are at the
time of climax and also God is invisible].
How a BK can resolve conflicts:- A Bk
knows that the biggest cause for his conflicts is
himself! He believes that his own past sins are
real cause for his conflicts. He also believes
that all are actors in this world drama. And the
purpose of spiritual life is not only to purify self
as well as to serve others. If this consciousness
is present, there is no place for conflicts.
Also as a BK progresses, he should use his
time, money and energy and all his spiritual
powers in the service of humanity. Like a
soldier. King or freedom fighter puts his
resources in the service of the country. Else- he
will develop ego and will get affected by
conflicts. So- he should bend his head or
become humble as he grows. Then only he can
resolve conflicts. This is the highest challenge
to any BK.
This applies even in worldly situations.
People reach higher postion and gain self
esteem by working hard. But after reaching
there, if they forget the service motto, ego will
be developed in them. This topic is explained in
a different way in the next topic.
159)COMPARISON AND DETACHMENT:Comparison is useful to realize ones present

state and judge to take right decisions. For

example while buying tomato (or anything), we
compare and select the best/right ones.
Comparison is useful or necessary only in
the beginning stages of life. A child learns by
comparison. But when it becomes matured, it
gains power of discrimination.
There are different aspects in life. viz.
Spiritual, official, social and personal. Or in
other words, spiritual/mind, health/body,
wealth/comfort and relations. In spiritual (and
emotional) aspects, there is no question of
But in other things, we may need to
compare. For example, which food is better for
my physical health, which job is better for me,
etc, even- to whom can I assign this job or can
request for a help, etc
But detachment is necessary while
comparing. Else there can be influence. If there
is detachment, comparison will not develop
superiority or inferiority complex. There will be
continuous progress. And comparision should
be done only when it is felt necessary. If a
comparison increases conflict, it should not be
How a Rajayogi develops highest
detachment?- A Rajayogi has knowledge that
the world drama is preordained and unique role
is fixed in every soul. This is the ultimate truth.

In fact, detachment is the ultimate (first and

last) truth. In a drama, every actor has unique
role to play. There is difference, but no conflict
when each one knows and respects his and
others roles. An actor knows roles of
others. But he thinks consciously and
practices just about his role. He does not
become conscious of others roles.
Similarly a Rajayogi even though having
knowledge of the difference, does not
practice (get influenced by) them. He will
practice (try to be conscious of) just
about his role.
The knowledge of drama (actor
consciousness) helps him to resolve conflicts
when situations arise (like when accidents
occur or anyone violates driving rules). If one
has no knowledge, he will get confused. Hence
even in this world where there are large
number of religions and problems, conflicts do
not arise in BKs. Like a lotus being in water
remains above, a Rajayogi even having
knowledge of vices, different religions, etc, can
remain detached/unaffected from them. He has
knowledge of karma philosophy, but remains
detached from karma. Deities are shown with
lotus, because they are divine. It can be said
that divinity comes from detachment.
One who is on top (highest position) will
have no conflicts. Because his self esteem is

higher than the rest. Since BKs develop faith

that their role is best in the drama, they will
not get influenced by other things.
Note:- See the importance of detachment
once again. The main cause for all the
problems is attachment = wrong mixing. We
mixed soul and body, hence became body
conscious. We mixed God with everything=
considered everything as God, but lost
everything! The knowledge of the great
difference makes us detached and lovely. It
elevates both. It transforms a poor person into
rich and hence the rich person becomes useful
in serving other poor people. So a BK gets
elevated by Rajayoga and becomes capable of
guiding others.
Detachment and love should go hand in
hand:- The first lesson of Rajayoga is
detachment/difference. That is- I am a soul
separate/different than the body. Every soul is
unique in this world, etc. But there is also
love. Rajayoga makes me to love(use
effectively) even the body, but not just one, all
the 84 births.
Two things are joined for cooperation. For
example in a machine two parts are fitted
together. The two parts do not lose their
individuality even if they are closely fitted
together. Molecules of one part do not get
mixed with those of the other= molecules of

one part is not influenced or altered by those of

the other. Such a detachment is present there.
Similarly we should not get influenced by
sanskaar, personality, character or habits of
When the molecules of one part starts
getting to mix with those of the other, it starts
to lose its reality/originality. It is an indication
of ageing. Also from there onwards, it becomes
useless for the purpose. Similarly when we
start getting influenced by others personalities
we start losing ourselves and become less
useful to others or even become disturbance.
Note that while cooperating, first is
detachment and then there is love. For
example- we join two parts together in a
machine. But first there should be detachment
between those two parts (that is, both should
be strong enough to such an extent that they
do not lose their identity (name, form and
quality) when one is brought near to the other.
Only then, we can join/fit them. Else, they will
break, is it not?! So- first is detachment
(stability) and then love (joining, cooperation).
If we are detached/stable, then only we can
love (cooperate) to maximum possible extent.
Else enjoyment of love will go on reducing.
There will be side effects.
A Rajayogi feels that every soul has unique
fixed role in it. Hence he gets detachment. He

also feels that all the souls are tied in one

family. So there is also love. The essence of this
is- Have respect(= realize self) and give
respect(= understand others).
It may not be wrong to say- Detachment
is similar to yoga and love is like
karmayoga (balance between love and
detachment). So- yoga(awareness of soul
= detachment) is always necessary.
[Note that just detachment is not enough.
Because he would not be fully useful to the
society. So detachment and love should go
hand in hand. But the degree of detachment
should be always at least equal to love. There
should be balance between these two.]
A King will have equal attachment (love) to
all of his citizens. There will be no partiality.
This does not imply that he gives equal share
to all the citizens. Like a teacher loves all the
students equally, but while giving marks, he
gives according to the eligibility of the student.
Since there is both love and detachment, the
teacher is able to guide all the students
properly. He overcomes the conflicts even while
discriminating the students.
COMPARE, BUT DO NOT COMPARE! :So- when the comparison is done as a
power of discrimination, then only there can be
detachment and useful. Note that- as the
power of discrimination becomes better,

comparison ends! For example, a car driver

differentiates or compares himself with
movements of other cars on road. But he will
not bother about driving style or features of
cars of others. He will concentrate himself
towards goal. So- practically, there is no feeling
of comparison between them! BECAUSE EACH
Because each one discriminates between
himself as well as his own car. Everyone feels
that there is high difference between himself
as his own car. Whatever may be the price of a
car, but no one will compromise his or others
health/life for car. A cars value can be
estimated, but not the drivers. See the great
difference! Since this inner discrimination is
already experienced inside, the external
differences will not influence him. That is- he
will do the comparison only to the right extent.
Hence they will be able to take right/best
decisions while driving.
So- the basic discrimination (driver is
different than the car) is necessary before
comparision. Else, any comparision would
create conflicts. So- the point is- if we are able
to discriminate soul from body, then the

comparision what we do will not have negative

As a person progresses in his life, the need
of comparision goes on reducing. For example,
a poor person may need to compare many
times- which one should I buy, whether the
quality of this material/commodity is Ok or not,
whether this material is original or duplicate,
whether this has warranty, whether this has
service facility, etc. Because once he pays, his
capacity to do second payment reduces. But a
rich person will not be bothered about such
things. even while enquring these things, he
will not be emotional. Just intellectually only he
will be doing comparisions, and that too to
lesser extent. And even if the material fails, he
will not get upset, because he can afford to buy
another. So- he becomes karmateet (free from
effect of action and its fruit).
Similarly, as we progress in our life,
the amount of comparison goes on
reducing. Finally a yogi becomes digital in his
approach. That is- he will divide the human
beings into two categories. One- powerful
(children of God, who are capable to get power
from God through meditation, those who have
determined to face any situation in life) and
the other as weak (devotees= who have
expectation ). Like a soldier divides the citizens

into two categories- one- soldiers (or say

ADULTS) and the other as citizens (or say
CHILDREN). When a soldier comes in the
company of another soldier he feels a sense of
intoxication (that the other person is like
himself) and others as citizens (to whom he
should serve). So- he will be King or servant. A
soldier does not compare or discrminates
between two citizens. So- practically there is no
comparison which can create conflicts.
Inner respect of a soldier is same for all- to
soldiers, as well as citizens. But externally his
communication and transactions will be
different with soldiers and citizens. Because
ordinary citizens (children) will neither
understand nor can cooperate and adjust with
soldiers. His instructions will be different to
soldiers and citizens. His way of handling
citizens will be different than while being with
other soldiers. But a soldier will never forget
that he is there for the service of the citizens.
(In the same way, BKs should internally
consider everyone as soul. They will feel
another BK as a member in their team and will
do spiritual service of the whole humanity).
Note:- Even law divides people into two
categories- CHILDREN and ADULTS. So- first
there is discrimination before any comparision.
There is also a saying- All are equal, but some
are more equal.

Note:- As we gain discrimination power, the

need to discriminate ends/reduces! People
discriminate or compare (you can use any word
here) between many things. But one who has
used the discrimination power to the
highest/right extent (= one who has clearly
discriminated between soul and body, matter
and mind), is relieved from the burden of
discriminating in silly things, now and then. He
then just discriminates body and soul, karma
(action) and yoga (thoughts). He never mixes
these things, hence remains pure/free from
influence and effects of actions.
Such a person will not feel difference
between good and bad people. The 18th
sloka of chapter 5 of bhagavadgita says
the same. It says- one who is really
knowledgeful will feel- a good brahmin,
cow, elephant, dog or the one who eats
meat of dog as same.
Such a person earns multimillion
(padamaapadam) in his every thought. Hence
materials and actions become silly/ordinary for
him (like a rich person will not be upset by
results of his small business activities, if his
main business is flourishing). He may be doing
small business just for hobby or for benefit of
the society. Similarly, a yogi will feel a very
high uncomparable profit just in thoughts. He
will feel that his life is already a success and

will just see the world as a third person and

give power like a detached and radiating sun.
SECRET:I can give wealth to another. But I cannot
give my body to another. Wealth is common
and has no individuality in it. Hence is
transferable. But body has some individuality
(uniqueness) and is not transferable. (Of
course, some organs/parts of body are
transferable to certain extent). Now- mind and
intellects are parts of soul and hence are totally
(more) unique. Then how can I expect
anothers mind and intellects to change or
follow according to my will? Or how can I give
place to others in my mind? This is the reason
why even while thinking about others, we
should not have interest in them. We should
just do, help in duty consciousness. Else, it will
cause bondage and also bring down our self
I can give food to someone. But I cannot
help him in digesting it. He will have to digest it
by himself. Expecting someone to digest food
in my stomach is foolishness. Similarly if I
expecting someone to make me happy
(without any effort from my side) is a great
foolishness. And attachment is similar to this. I
can ask only food (goods to increase
happiness= spiritual knowledge or suggestions

or even wealth) from others. But I should eat

and digest myself (practice knowledge or use
the wealth given by others properly).
[But injections are capable of giving
effect on a patient without any effort
from his side. Because injection can be
put directly on the blood stream.
Similarly, when we become highly
spiritual, we will be able to benefit others
without any effort from the other side.
Such a stage is called as VARDAANI (one
who gives boons) stage].
Attachment a deadly evil:- No one expects
things from others. Even in society it is
considered that one should use his things and
should not be interested in things of others.
Usually people who have self esteem will not
like to use things of others. They will not be
attached to physical things and materials of
Also in society, majority will not like to
wear dress of others. Each one has his own
individual dress. One will not like to wear dress
used by others. So- just imagine how wrong,
impure and foolishness it is to wear thoughts
(to get influenced by thoughts) of others!
Hence one should not get influenced by nature
(swabhaav and sanskar) of others.
This is the reason why we should not
remember (be conscious of) bodies, name and

form of others. No driver will be influenced by

anothers car. While meeting they will be
conscious of each other but not of ones
vehicle. Of course, he sees the movement of
the other vehicles just to make sure that- he is
not disturbed from others and he will not be
disturbance to others. This very simple logic is
the great truth of life and is also said in
Even though it is considered to be wrong to
be interested in things of others, it is correct to
use Government or public property. For
example- I should not be interested to take
service of vehicle of someone, but I can use
that of Government. But one should follow
government rules. He should use it for
Government Service or should share with other
citizens or Government Servants. So- until we
develop the conscious of World Almighty
government (Supreme consciousness), we lose
right over anything.
160)USE/NEED OF ATTACHMENT?:Attachment is useful when the person to be
helped is very weak or highly ignorant. For
example- to teach children. To teach worldly
knowledge or even spiritual knowledge
sometimes the teacher may need to come
down from his level to the level of the student.
Of course, there is also some detachment
between them, because there is no expectation

from one another for selfish motive. So a

minimum level of detachment is always
necessary and also the attachment should be
for temporary period and to the required level
only. Then only the help given or received
would be effective and free from all negativities
rather than really getting attached. Soattachment is always wrong and will make us
WITHOUT LOOSING SELF ESTEEM?:a)Take/ask help only from those who are
detached:- For example, a good teacher will
not try to influence a student towards him. He
will try to attract or direct the student towards
very well that the student should grow
individually. So take help from only those who
are like trustees and ready to give freedom.
To grow or move ahead, one should be
detached from his present state. For example,
a car should be always be in detached
condition to move ahead. Its tyres should never
stick on to road. A 5th standard student should
be ready to leave his present class if he wishes
to get into sixth standard.

So- we should realize that our relationship

with anyone, let it be with objects or other
people or even with my own body is temporary.
This is the final truth. We should be ready to
leave our present stage (consciousness or
feeling) how ever best it would be if we wish to
become better.
b):- When you need to deal with others
who are not detached, have relation just to the
needed extent and be sure that they do not
develop expectation in return for help given to
you. If they develop expectation, pay them for
the help immediately or as soon as possible
and have freedom.
In some cases, if you cannot repay physically,
try to return it by virtues. This will have highest
positive effect. But this demands a good level
of self esteem in some cases.
c)In some cases where you are in very
difficult situation you may not have other
option. You may need to ask help from wrong
people. In such cases, take help just to the
needed extent and pay them at least later by
money or virtues or any means that are
d)Take help from Government/God:- All
have right over government property (or God).
So- take use of that to the maximum possible

e)Help or support the govt (or godly

service) whenever you can:- This will
automatically relieve you from many burden.
For example, a soldier even if asks any help
from a citizen, will not feel that he owes to that
person. Because he already has dedicated his
full life in govt service. So- even if had taken
help from wrong person, the effect will be
nullified if we become spiritual.
[Because all depend on govt and it is
soldiers who have maximum right over govt
property, since they serve maximum to protect
govt property]. So- Become Spiritual is the
essence of this.
EVERY SOUL:The soul is eternal. Hence its true nature is
detachment. Even while being in ones own
body, the soul is totally different than it. That
is- a soul is totally detached even from its own
property (body). That is I am detached even
from all the things that are MINE! So how can
think to get attached to others? Like a drivereven if his duty is to be with car always- he is
totally different than the car.
Powerful People/things are detached:- Two
light houses will not be close to each other. As
the power of a light increases, its distance from
other sources also increase. Two well paid
employees of the same company or two people

who are rich/royal will not have attachment

even while working together. There will be
mutual trust and respect between them.
An aeroplane or rocket can fly only if it has
power to detach from the ground. Similarly
unless we are ready to detach and practice for
the same, we can never fly and feel real
freedom and power in life.
WORDLY LAW/THINGS:The law does not accuse relatives of a criminal.
For example- law does not see wife of a
criminal with the same attitude. Its respect
towards her will not come down by the crimes
of her husband. But the society sees even her
with weak/negative attitude. The main cause is
attachment. Due to the attachment, even the
wife loses her self esteem and feels guilty
conscious even if there is no need to feel so.
So, it can be said that- Detachment is the basic
necessity and property of anything. More one is
detached, more accurate, and useful it is for
others. Powerful people are more detached
from others.
A Kings palace is more detached from
others. As the voltage level increases, the
need of insulation also increases. Else it cannot
develop to that level. Similarly if we wish to
develop ourselves we need to be ready to get
detached also.

So it can be said that one who fails to

detach will fail to follow both spiritual laws and
worldly laws and will be burden and
disturbance at least to some extent to the
society. Hence the society goes on degrading.
Due to attachment, relatives of a criminal
try to protect him from law. For example in
most of the cases, mother of a thief or terrorist
wishes her son not to be punished. When
criminals are not permitted to stand to election
by law, their wives stand in their place.
When the house becomes old, the person
should be ready to get detached (leave) from
the house. His intellect gets detached from the
old house and gets engaged in the new house.
Since a Rajayogi knows that the whole of the
present world is going to get destroyed
(transformed), he becomes ready to detach
from the world. So he practices to forget the
old world and remember new coming Golden
Aged heaven.
Also when a better thing is given to a
person the old thing is easily forgotten. Since
heaven is uncomparable and much more better
than hell, a Rajyogi aims to forget the hell and
remember heaven which is his god fatherly
Another thing is- Rajayogi is Master
Creator. So he is the one who creates(prepares
for) himself as well as heaven. So he needs to

have disinterest in hell and attachment

b(conscious of) to heaven.
In a drama, the actor will never stay where
he is. He will be continuously moving. So there
is absolutely no attachment. Since there is zero
attachment (even if he practices his role), an
actor becomes able to perfom any act/role in a
drama. Similarly one can play best(positive)
action only if he has no attachment. Unless
attachment dies, no virtue can enter in us.
The two types of signals are- analog and
digital. Analog is one that can have indefinite
values over a given range. But digital/binary
signal has just two(high and low or also called
as fully ON and fully OFF) levels. A digital
device is either fully on or fully off. Hence it is
said that it has two STABLE states. But an
analog signal has no stable state. Moreover
there is no uncertainity in case of digital signal.
But there is always some minimum amout of
uncertainities in analog signal. A digital signal
has much higher noise immunity than analog
[The power dissipation in a device when it
is operating in digital mode is very small. But in
a linear (analog) device, the power
consumption is comparatively large. So more
wastage. Because when the device (take an
example of a transistor) is fully ON, the voltage

drop will be very small(say 0.3 Volt) even

though current is large (say 100 mili amperes).
So power consumption by the device is = 0.3 X
0.1 = 0.03 Watt. Now, when it is fully off, full
voltage will exist across the device(say 50
volts), but current flow will be very small(say 1
micro ampere). Then the power consumption
by the device = 50 X (1 X 10-6) = 0.00005
But in case of linear state, the current may be
10 milli ampere when voltage is around 10
volts. So power consumption = 0.01 X 10 = 0.1
Watt, which is much higher than in the ON or
OFF stages.
Another way of explaining is- To make current
flow between two points, one should be at high
level and the other at low level. So we should
be either King or Servant (hence digital). Then
only we can be maximum use to the society.
That is- we can give maximum, receive
maximum, also increase utilization efficiency of
both self and others to the highest possible
extent. Note that both King and servants are of
highest detached personalities.
The level of a digital signal is precisely
defined, but not that of the analog. Since they
are precisely defined, they are very much near
to truth, much lesser uncertainities in it. Since
a digital can switch between these two
extreme states, its coverage is maximum/full.

Obviously there is need of detachment (from

the present state) to switch to the other.
But while discussing a situation to solve a
problem, we may need to become analog
temporarily. That is- we may have to
understand the situation. So during that time,
try to make just the intellect analog, but keep
the mind in digital. That is intellectually try to
understand and analyse the situation, but not
We should attach ourselves to those that have
highest life/value. Truth is the one that has
highest life. God, Paramdham and the soul are
eternal. So- we should think of (be conscious
of) them to the maximum duration. NextHEAVEN is the one that has highest duration.
Even though real heaven is for just 2500 yrs
and the other part is hell, it is the property of
the same heaven that is enjoyed in hell. That
is, the left out of the heaven is enjoyed in hell.
So- it is as good as saying that the life of
heaven is for 5000 yrs. Since drama repeats
every 5000 yrs, it is as good as saying all enjoy
the same heaven throughout a kalpa(TC). So
even heaven is eternal in this means. So- we
can attach ourselves to heaven. Also heaven is
liberation in life. So- when heaven is really
heaven, there would be detachment. So- we

can attach only to those things that are

detached! But- if we attach just to any part of
hell, we are definitely going to get
disappointed, because there is uncertainity and
burden in hell.
We can attach to hell if we are also
connected to heaven. For example- while
stepping into water, there should a connection
to ground. Then it is Ok. Similarly, in the inner
consciousness we should be in heaven even
while doing our daily activities with the present
worldly people. [This is an open secret:everyone while buying, dealing communicating
something or with someone, he will not forget
his real identity. For example- a rich person will
be in the consciousness that I am rich even
while buying. A President will be in that
consciousness even while communicating with
any citizen of the country. Similarly, a Rajayogi
should be attached to his divinity (Soul, God,
Paramdham or Heaven) even while being in
this world. This is the highest achievement as
well as challenge].
166)NEED TO FORGET EVERYTHING:Suppose say- a mother has 100 children and
out of them just four are in front of her. The
rest 96 are far from her place. Now, she will be
more conscious about those who are far from
her, because their number is much more. While
being with those four children, her mind and

intellect will be thinking more about majority of

the children who are not in front of her.
Similarly, when we become broad
intellected, our conscious will become
unlimited= go beyond limited things. We will
(intellectually) bother lesser about what we see
in front of us or hear about news of one
country or one area. This keeps our intellect
detached from what we see and we wont get
influenced/confused by any situation. This
increases ones stability and also gives power
to discriminate, judge properly. (So these
powers are developed naturally instead of
trying to get/have them when the situation
arises. So it becomes part of ones personality.
For example money is part of a rich person. He
need not try to earn when situation arises. But
a poor, lazy person gets stress when the
situation arises and gets confused). SO, EVEN
Even the King of a country will be more
conscious of the citizens who are far from him
than those who are just visible to him. [Another
example- a person who gets right sleep (=
state of detachment from the body = forgetting
the body) can make best use of his body].

In the above, we had assumed that the

children or citizens had problems. Now- let us
take the case where all the children/citizens are
comfortable. In this case, one need not worry
about anyone. So once again he will not have
attachment with those few who are physically
closer to him.
If all or most of the citizens have
problems- even then the King cannot have
attachment with those who are just in front of
him. What is the duty of King or the mother?
She will help those children who are infront of
her and direct them to support her in service of
the rest of the children. If those four children
are honest, they will utilize mothers service
and support efficiently and will devote their
time and energy in service of others. If not,
such children in those four numbers are
useless. Mother will forget them and stop
supporting them. She will move to other
children or motivate those who are good/loyal
among those four children. In any case, she will
not expect those four children to be physically
always with her. So there is no place for
attachment. Similarly God gives directions to
BKs(who are in front of him) through the
chariot(body) of Brahma and directs them to
move around the world and give the Godly
message to the whole humanity.

Other reasons to forget:- As the person

becomes stronger, he is least bothered about
small problems. Such things become unnoticed
by him. Similarly nothing affects such a
Rajayogi. As a person becomes multi
millionare, he will not see two or three digit
money. He will not even listen to small silly
matters. He becomes ready to lose small
amounts of money instead of bringing down his
self esteem. Similarly, when a rajayogi reaches
level of liberation in life, he forgets life itself.
And that is real divinity or life.
A Rajayogi also knows that he cannot do
any help to anyone against laws of karma
philosophy. Even though he serves others, his
actions would be like a trustee. So he will have
no limited feelings.
Also since the present state is the end of
the TC, there is no essence is this world. The
stage of the world is similar to that of a very
old, bed- ridden patient. No one will get
surprise when such a patient dies.
When new house is being constructed,
the people even though reside in that house,
they will be conscious of the new house. For
example, when my chappal/shoe becomes too
old, I also become happy that in a short period,
I am going to get a brand new one. So- for a
rajayogi, since the knowledge (of opening of
door to liberation and liberation in life) is

crystal clear, he develops the capacity to smile

even in worst situations.
Even when he sees people in difficult
situation, he will not get affected- like a doctor
does not get upset by seeing the bad condition
of a patient. The doctor knows that the cause is
due to wrong actions of the patient. Similarly a
Rajayogi knows that cause for ones condition
is himself. So he just acts like a detached
doctor with anyone. That is- he is the best help
for anyone and least affected from them. There
is a saying- four men can take a horse to pond.
But forty men cannot make it drink. Similarly a
Rajayogi is like a mobile pond to all. He will be
ever ready to serve anyone spiritually. It is upto
each individual to make use of such
Each has its own value. In some cases, the
personality due to effort has extra ordinary
value. Eg- great kings and social reformers and
great thinkers. But, when it is considered to be
fortune, personality gained by birth is much
more powerful than from effort/actions.
Consider two rich persons- one by birth
(ancestors property) and the other earned by
effort. The first person will have better
personality. Because no one can earn lot of

wealth without others help/support. There may

be multimillionaires who have earned later in
their life by effort. But they have not earned all
the wealth by themselves. There would be a
number of employees in their company. They
also need customerssupport to give them
Also they might have done bad to many people
by wrong competition or polluted environment.
So they have attained richness with the help of
many people. But the one who has obtained
wealth by birth will not have such dependency.
IT IS HIS BIRTHRIGHT. Also ego, stress will
be more in the person who has obtained by
Also- personality is not just wealth or
formal education (note that even for education,
one depends on many teachers and books,
etc). It also includes healthiness, beauty,
name, fame, culture/caste, etc which are more
dependent on birth than the effort.
A Rajayogi believes that his personality is
already predetermined in world drama. Hence
he will not have ego or tiredness in achieving
it. A true Rajayogi will not feel that his
personality develops by effort. He believes he
had achieved the same personality even in all
the previous kalpas. Since he believes that
eternal part is fixed in the soul, it is similar to
that of gained by birth itself. [hence this is

called as Easy Rajayoga and this is the one and

only natural yoga in real sense] The drama just
repeats. So he is just repeating what he had
done in previous kalpa/TC. So he does not feel
effort as effort. He just invests what he has in
his life. That is all. His life is not trying to get
something. It is just putting them in best
applications (self enjoyment or development
and world service).
Also a Rajayogi believes in karma
philosophy. Since he believes that fruit is much
more than effort in world drama, he believes
that he is the first cause for whatever
(negative) happens to him. Hence he will
neither accuse others nor get influenced by
them. Hence he can get back to track very
soon all by himself. So- there is auto correct
feature. Due to these, the personality of
Rajayogi becomes natural/real. [Everything
what I need is within my reach! Hence the
highest personality].
A Rajayogi does not get worried even if his
health/life is lost. Suppose if you have insured
your house or property, you will not get upset
when they are damaged. Similarly a Rajayogi
has faith that his future births will be bright.
Hence he will be ready to give up even his
body. He plays the part of being ever-readylike a soldier. He becomes ready to sacrifice
even his health (eg- sleep) for benefit of

humanity and for personal spiritual

effort/progress. So Rajayogi believes that the
fruit of karma is both fully preordained and also
developed by effort.
[For example- if we sow mango seed, the
output is fixed= it will give mango fruit only. So
the output is predefined. It cannot be changed.
It is fixed. Even the life span of the mango tree
also is fixed to a large extent by its own nature
of mango seed. But mango fruit does not come
by itself. One has to cultivate, the farmer has
to support its growth. The amount of fruit
depends on the cultivation also. So it is both
natural/fixed/predefined and also by effort. But
the percentage of effort is much less than the
nature. For example, it is sun that nourishes
plants and trees. The effort of farmer is much
less. ]. Similarly, the destiny is much higher
when ciompared to effort in spirituality.
Because unless time and God cooperate, our
effot has no meaning. Like for a farmer, rain
and sun are most important. His effort will be
of no use if the former are not present.
Similarly in spirituality (or in anything, even
worldly matters or business, one depends on
raw materials , man power and customers. Else
he cannot invent and his invention may go in
What is the effort of a Rajayogi?:- Child of
a multimillionare gets property worth millions.

But suppose if he is not capable of maintaining

the property, the property can be misused by
him. He is likely to loose the property soon.
Also he cannot enjoy the property fully. So he
should become qualified/worthy for that
property. So there is need of education and
guidance to maintain the property. Similarly a
Rajayogi eventhough feels/believes that
heaven is his Godfatherly birthright, he should
be fit for the property so that the property will
be maintained to the best possible extent.
Hence a Rajayogi should become real King.
God creates heaven and gives it to children
(BKs) immediately, the children will not be able
to maintain it as heaven for long time(2500
yrs). It will soon become hell. This is the reason
why ball is still in the court of BKs. That is- till
the time BKs become pure, God waits. Time is
waiting for the master creators to become
So the personality of a Rajayogi is ideal
(balanced) in two ways. -It is both by
birthright and effort. Another thing is- The
fruit is definite for the effort and without
effort, there is no fruit. Hence it is real
(true) personality. So, there is matching
between BIRTH and EFFORT as well as

Effort of a Rajayogi is to develop faith. That is

all. The first step begins with faith and ends in
making this faith to reach 100%. Both the first
and last steps are same. Hence every step is
same or similar (like in journey) to a Rajayogi.
That is- unless a person feels(develops faith)
God as his real father, mother, etc, he is never
a BK. The last step is to merge ones mind and
intellect in God. He should feel that God alone
is his real world. He should surrender himself to
God fully. For complete surrenderness, there
should be complete faith. That faith isThere is a saying- twamEva maataascha pitaa
twamEva, twamEva bandhuscha sakhaa
twamEva, twamEva vidyaa dravinam twamEva,
twamEva sarvam mama dEva dEva The
meaning is- Oh God, you are my mother,
father, relative, friend, knowledge, and even
wealth. You are everything (sarvam) to me.}
This is the complete relation.
So- we should feel that all belong to one family.
This is the highest purity. All belong to One
A Rajayogis aim is to become full trusty.
That is- he should feel that God is the one who
looks after him even if he is paid by his
employer, by anyone or by anything. Even if he
is farmer or agriculturist having own property
and does the whole work all by himself, still he
should feel it is God who gives him and he does

not earn by himself. Because everything

belongs to God. [See the topic No. 17Universal Truth]. To that extent his ego should
die. So- he needs to practice this in his life so
that in case of any situation and disturbances,
his faith remains unaltered.
169)FIRST LESSON IS THE LAST LESSON:Aim of life is nothing but being in state of
peace and happiness (satisfaction) and
doing(trying) to reach higher level of
satisfaction. So the beginning and ends are
In a journey, the first action is to take a step as
well as the last action. It is nothing but putting
steps forward.
What is growth? It is to fill energy in self. It
is just filling from beginning till end. Best
example is charging of a battery where every
step is identical to that of the previous one. If
we know the best, then there is nothing to
know more. Then the only thing remaining is to
practice the best so as to increase the total
earning/ benefit to the maximum possible
extent. When we eat food, the first to last steps
are similar. We just go on eating from
beginning to end.
In RajaYoga, the first lesson is the last
lesson. First lesson is to know what am I, and
the last lesson is to feel myself fully (become

soul conscious). So it is student life. A student

is a student till the announcement of result.
MERCY/LOVE FOR ALL:- A Rajayogi believes
he has got one of the best part/roles in the
world drama. He also believes that he has got
this fortune by chance or accidentally
more/before than his effort. Also he believes
that he is one among the highest sinners in the
world drama. Even then he has the opportunity
to get relieved from the punishment (by gods
remembrance). Hence it becomes his duty to
pardon everyone and help/serve others.
171)WHAT IS MEMORY POWER?:Memory power is not just the ability to
remember or recall the things and incidents.
Suppose say- I had met a bad incident quite a
long ago. Now- I am unable to forget it. Even
till today I become conscious of it now and then
which disturbs me. It cannot be called as
memory, is it not? Because such memories will
make us weaker. It will hinder our progress. So
good memory power is to have ability EVEN
TO FORGET. It is like hans_buddhi (intellect of
a swan). It is the ability to select the best and
forget or detach from mixture [a swan is able
to drink just milk and leave the water as it is].
A Rajayogi has highest memory power. 5000
yrs of world history sits in his memory. He can
catch/feel what he had been 5000 yrs before!

He can also feel that he had been a deity and

hence is also going to become so once again.
Since the time cycle is going to repeat exactly
as the previous one, the memory space of a
good Rajayogi gets utilized to the extent of
100%. Also Rajayogi tries to forget the
impurities and ordinary matters of the Iron
Aged world. His efforts are to remember purity
(=God and property) as well as forget impurity
(curse= hell). So there is balance in
remembering and forgetting and hence the
effort is easy. When you are ready to forget
something, the same space and time can be
taken by new things easily. So transformation is
easy as well as natural and real.
A Rajayogi aims to remember the entity that is
farthest (= invisible God= the most difficult
one) and forget that is closest to him (his own
body and physical substances). Hence his
memory power is highest.
In fact we all have this capacity. Suppose
say- there is a small jewel/coin around
thousands of big stones. Even though size of
and the space occupied by the jewel is very
small compared to those of stones, usually
ones attention is automatically drawn to the
jewel. Because we all know the value of jewel.
Since we all know the great difference in the
values between a jewel and stone, we
choose the jewel. Similarly if we make our

intellect sharp by repeated/right churning of

knowledge, we will get the capacity to select
do best even in worst condtions. Such an
intellect can be called as divine intellect.
Hence spiritual knowledge is called as
divine knowledge.
In this world drama, the milk is heaven
and hell is the water. As the intellect of a Bk
becomes swan like- he becomes capable of just
enjoying heaven and unaffected by hell. But
this needs good practice.
One should follow either laws of dharma
(spirituality) or at least the laws of the worldly
government/constitution. To follow dharma is
the best. The logic is- MORE ONE
Actually- One should try to sacrifice/donate
or distribute what the world has given to him.
For example- he should pay tax to the
government. He should not spoil the property
of the government. He should have highest
respect to the property of government than
even his own. Of course, he may earn for
himself, but he should never spoil name and
fame of the government by his behavior. In
otherwords, one may love himself more than
others, but should give more respect to others
than himself.

In fact, it is a little more than these. For

example, let us take situation in India. Consider
a person getting an annual income of Rs
100000/- (One lakh). The average annual
income of a person in India is just around Rs
15000/- (fifteen thousand) only(say). Now- the
person should feel- Oh- luckily, I have got
better opportunity than many others in my
country. I am paid more than the average
income of a person of my country. I have got
better education than many others, that is why
I am in this position, etc, etc. There are several
people in the country/world who can perform
my job at least equal to me and some who can
do even better than me but unfortunately are
jobless or have no opportunity. So- I should try
to use my income in the benefit of the country
so that the average income of a citizen
becomes better. Such an attitude is required
in the majority of the people of a country. Sotry to elevate others together with you. This is
the aim of life.
From the point of spiritual laws, one should
be a trustee.
173)REAL AND BEST SERVICE:The best way to help a person is to give him
the best education/knowledge, guide and
inspire him so that he can imbibe it easily and
then he will stand on his own feet and also
serve society in future. So he will grow and also

help others to grow. If we give a person just

some money- it will give him just temporary
relief. Not only that, it can also develop wrong
habit in him like begging, expecting from
others and lazyness and he may become
burden to society. So the most important thing
is to make a person realize about himself (what
is the cause for his present condition) and also
give him the awareness (knowledge) of what
he can become and also impart skills (yoga).
Rajayoga gives full education. It gives full
knowledge of karma philosophy. Hence the
person becomes introverted and tries to
develop himself rather than expecting from
others. It is said- EDUCATION IS NOTHING
It is also correct to say- Give to those
who are eligible. We give water, nourish only
those plants that can give fruit, is it not? We
also check whether a plant yields good things
or bad things. If it yields good (fruit and
flowers) we put water. No one will put water to
plants that bear useless things or thorns. So
the first thing to be done is- to convert a thorn
into flower = Make realize about dangers of
thorns(vices) that give sorrow. If the person is
ready to bear fruit(inculcate divine virtues in
life) support them. Else it may be wrong or at

least waste to support such people. So first

give the best knowledge to people and support
them if they wish to change from
thorns/impure into flowers/pure.
174)REAL ACHIEVEMENTS AND POWER:Today man might have achieved many things.
Lots of scientific developments have taken
place. But within few days the existing
technology gets replaced by another new one.
The market is full of (mainly wrong)
competition and stress is increasing at an
alarming rate. Also more the man invents,
more he becomes restless. So are our
achievements real/useful?
If life of an old person is extended by one or
two years, there is no great use in it. Similarly
even though scientific technologies give lots of
comforts, there is no great use to this Iron
Aged world. Because the world is going to get
destroyed/transformed shortly. Even if not, the
highly negative effects of these developments
(atom bombs and hydrogen bombs and
environment pollution, global warming, etc)
and also misuse of these are also clearly visible
which are posing highest threat to even
existence of mankind.
A person might have excellent technical and
managerial skills to run a firm. But due to high
competition and selfish motives, they also face
high threats from all sides and need to struggle

all the time. In fact, all these achievements and

skills do not have real value. They also misuse
or take wrong advantage of weaknesses of
others. They have importance mainly due to
poverty and wrong competition in the world
and to satisfy mans extra unnecessary needs
(due to bad habits and wrong life style).
If there were enough natural resources and
wealth, most of the scientific inventions would
prove to be unnecessary and waste. Most
important thing is- all these people who have
such skills do not have capacity to bring peace
in this world. So what people believe about
achievements, career, success, etc are just
show and ignorance.
Actually there is no necessity to earn/work for
living. Most of the animals do not work like
human beings to live. They just use what
nature gives/has. But man needs to work
everyday 8 hours with stress for his living. See
the pitiable condition of man. Also animals do
not spoil nature like man. Due to vices mans
greed became boundless and is cause for all
the problems.
So- the point here is if we do not have vices,
nature will become our servant (in heaven). In
hell we need to work for our body. That is when
we misuse our body (do vicious/wrong actions)
we also are forced to work (burden our body).

Not only that- whatever we work, we actually

cannot really give(produce) anything. So- it is
nature and God that serves anyone and not
human beings. So- even we work, its
importance is much lesser when compared to
nature and God.
176)VALUE OF AN ACTION:Most of the actions are negative, waste and
unnecessary. Lot of time, money and energy
are spent in defence applications which are
really waste (if we see from unlimited/broad
angle). Because man himself is the cause for
its necessity. Let us take some examples.
a)Police force:- In fact, the police force does
not try to eliminate cause for crime. Its aim is
just to prevent crimes from occurring. It
punishes the criminal, but cannot transform the
criminal into a good civilian.
b)College/Education:- Except the teaching
staff, almost all other staffs in the office are
unnecessary. If the students are honest, there
is no need to conduct exams. They themselves
can evaluate each other. There is no need to
have record of their attendance, etc. If every
staff is also honest, there is no need of much
clerical and administrative staff. But even work
of teachers go waste when the knowledge is
imparted to students who later become like
criminals and terrorists. Another thing is- even
the worldly knowledge/education becomes

negative because it also pollutes environment

to a great extent.
c)There is no need of watchman, etc.
d)Also since most of the actions create
pollution directly or indirectly, all actions have
percentage of negative and waste.
e)Also it is due to poverty and wrong
competition, man is forced to do more work.
So- it is clear that in fact, actions have no value
of their own. It is the quality that is present in
an action that matters and not the amount of
work done by a person. When we speak about
quality, the point once again comes to the old
saying- If character is lost, everything is
lost; if health is lost, something is lost; if
wealth is lost nothing is lost. So any action
that does not improve the first two has no real
value. And the one that improves character has
highest value. The character is built in mind
more than in actions. So in fact, if thoughts of a
person have no quality, then his actions also
will have no value. So JUST PHYSICAL
But once the thoughts become valuable,
actions automatically become worthful. That is
even his simple actions like seeing, sitting,
walking, eating, all guestures will inspire others
towards positive.
There are two things- QUALITY and
QUANTITY. The first is more important. Without

the first latter has no value. Quality is similar to

YOGA and quantity is similar to KARMA
(=action). It is the quality of food that gives
energy. If the quality of food is bad, it will
deteriorate health. Similarly it is the
percentage of yoga in karma that elevates us
and not just gross actions. When there is no
quality (character or yoga), it will degrade.
[A blunder:- Usually people believe the
meaning of karmayoga as finding yoga in
karma. According to them, gyaanyog means
finding yoga (God) in gyaan (knowledge) and
karmayoga means finding yoga (God) in karma
(action). But it is not so. Because knowledge is
needed for both. Worldly knowledge is
necessary for karma and spiritual knowledge is
necessary for yoga. It is said in BhagavadgitaNa hi jnaanena sadrusham = there is nothing
that is similar to (spiritual) knowledge]
Some say- Work is Worship. They believe doing
our routine physical duties and work properly is
the right way to attain God or the highest
status in life. Now- for a thief, theft is his work.
For a butcher, killing is the duty. A prostitute
has her work. Can it be said that all of these
can realize God just by doing and continuing
those actions?
Suppose a person has a low salary job.
Should he continue to do the same work (by

considering work as worship) or should he try

for better? Some do not get employment even
after education. They may not be in a position
to implement what they had studied. So what
work should they adopt?
So, it is clear that just work cannot be
equal to worship. Because worship should
begin in mind. Of course, it is reflected/visible
in actions. But action alone cannot be equal to
worship. If work is equal to worship, liveless
objects like computers which perform much
faster and better should be placed ahead of
human beings!
When man failed to know importance of
soul, his mind started wandering and hence
could not use mind efficiently. So he lost his
respect. Work/money took higher place than
man and we see it today. Today man is bound
to do duty/work. Man has been changed from
human BEING into human DOING. And due to
blind faith, even rituals have become waste.
So- when man does not know about real
worship, then at least be duty conscious, is it
It is said- something is better than nothing.
So if we cannot worship (have positive or right
thoughts), let us at least try to do the physical
work properly. That is- if one cannot keep his
mind properly(character), let him at least keep
his body in discipline. Hence work is placed

ahead of man. So such slogans have some

benefit. Let us respect them (at least work) to
some extent. But they mis guide and put wrong
substitution for spiritual goals. This makes
people unaware of the real highest goal.
Because people fail to realize that real goal is
far beyond these physical actions, relations
and materials and some even think that one
attains the same (even spiritual) benefit by
following such slogans. This also indicates man
does not really know even a bit of God/worship.
Not only that- due to extra and waste
work/activities (which are also termed as part
of work/duty), man has become restless and
nature gets more and more polluted. So- it is
very important to know about real work/duty.
Then only our work can become worship and
get title karmayogis.
Highest respect should be towards God,
next to man and next to work. But due to
bodyconsciouness and vices, man lost his self
esteem and hence failed to give real respect to
other people. Due to body consciousness,
materials took higher place than man and that
is the reason- why work got higher place than
[But there is a secret:- In any action,
one should be conscious of just two things- God
and work (karma and yoga). One should not
get influenced by any human beings nature.

That is- do not get influenced by personalities

and nature (bevavious) of others how ever they
are. One should not get affected even from his
Boss. He should develop such a faith that even
while performing work ordered by his Boss, he
should not get affected by boss. He should not
have fear whether he can satisfy his Boss. One
should just discharge his duties.
Not only that- Life is not just 8 hours of
official life. So one should not be influenced by
any other man in his life, even in his family
relationship or even with his own body. This is
the real secret fo the above slogan. If a person
does not get influenced by any other human
being and have no expectation from human
beings for 24 hours in a day, then it is OK. Elseit is like half knowledge is dangerous- doing
official duty properly, but doing crimes at home
and in society.
detachment free actions)?:It is when we realize the importance of
thoughts (liberation and liberation in life) we
can feel the importance of karmaateet stage.
The highest status are liberation and liberation
in life. So it is clear that just action have no
value/meaning in it. So it is not wise to be
action conscious.

Thoughts become powerful only when we

stop wandering our mind in body
consciousness and sit in our soul conscious
stage. A King need not do any work. He needs
just to pass orders. The servants will carry his
orders. To stop or move a car, there is no need
to hold the tyres or rotate them by hands. It
will not be effective. One needs to press just
the brakes or the accelerator. See the huge
difference between becoming work/action
consciousness and driver/soul consciousness.
So- work will get done best by being in soul
conscious stage than work conscious.
come out of the effect of actions if his thoughts
are powerful. The fruit of positive thoughts is
1000 times that of best service done through
just actions. Suppose say one has two
business- first one MAIN business and the
second one SIDE one. From main business he
earns One thousand dollars and from side
business just ten dollars(say). Now, he need
not use or burden his intellect much in the side
business. It will not burden him. He will not
repent even if there is loss in the side business.
Because, compared to the earnings in main
business, the later is negligible. Not only that-

more one gets detached/free from side

business, he gets more time for the main
business and that 1000 dollars become ten
thousand dollars. In this way he gets freedom
from effect of fruit of actions. Hence he can
experience liberation in life and super
sensuous joy.
When this knowledge sits with full
faith, then only a Rajayogi will move
ahead and proceed towards karmaateet
Let us explain something more. Some say
we should be duty conscious. But what is real
duty? Is it just while being on duty in an
organization or serving our Boss and parents,
relations, etc? We dedicate ourselves to the
organization or the Boss who pays us salary.
But in fact, it is the nature that gives us food.
So we should be more conscious of saving
environment than having dedication to our
employer. [Note that if there is scarcity for food
its price will go up and money will have no
value]. Not only that- it is God who purifies the
whole world. So the real duty consciousness is
not the limited one what man usually thinks.
A lady may look after (serve) her children
or husband with full dedication. Is it enough? If
the husband and/or children turn to be
criminals what should she do? Will her
work/duty be praise worthy? Can she be happy

even if they were criminals? So- just physical

actions will not become praise worthy.
Let us see who gets highest payment. A
person who does highest physical actions (for
example a coolie= physical worker who works
on the strength of his physical power) may
earn around Rs 200/- a day. The one who is
educated will get higher salary. The latter does
less physical action when compared to the
former. As the intellectual qualification of a
person increases, his salary also increases. So
it is clear that intellectual ability fetches higher
rewards than just physical actions. The
administration people get highest payment,
because they guide/direct human beings. This
also implies just actions have lesser value.
Man is intelligent being. So he should be
paid according to his level of intellect and not
by mere action, is it not? The one whose
intellect becomes divine gets highest reward.
Because he is the best guide to the society. Sowe should try to make our intellect as much as
powerful and divine. Now, karmaateet stage
means the same.
The one whose effects last for longest duration
is the one that has highest value. God, Silence
World(IW) and heaven are the ones that have
highest values. It is the left out of the same
heaven what we enjoy even now. So those are

the only things that are valuable. So pick up

(get attached to = remember= be conscious
of) these things to gain real values and to
become valuable.
Even if we think from other point of view,
the life of real heaven is 2500 yrs. It gives
happiness for such a long period. But in hell,
nothing gives happiness for such a long period.
:Many consider meditation as a tool or just a
medicine to increase concentration, decrease
stress, worries, etc. THEY DO NOT CONSIDER
In other meditations, the thoughts developed
are not relevant to daily life. Hence their use is
not so effective in real life. I would like to share
about meditation seen in a personality
development course. The trainer suggested the
following thoughts to the trainees.
Sit in a relaxed position Rest your hands
on your lap Close your eyesFeel that
energy is entering into your body through your
legs from the ground.... Feel your legs,..
feel your hands, . feel your whole body.You
are unique. No one can be better than you for
your role. You are created by God,.. Etc, etc

Personality increases with increase in

health, wealth, happiness and better relations.
By such thoughts (like mentioned above) ,
negative thoughts reduce to some extent and
hence leakage will decrease. But it cannot up
lift a person. They also suggest to develop
positive thoughts. But no one describes
positive fully. What is the cause for stress?
Even these things are not taught/discussed
The main cause for stress is wrong relation with
other human beings. In other words IMPURE
CAUSE FOR problems.
Without preventing or treating the causes of a
disease, a person cannot get rid of the disease.
Hence all such meditations yield much lesser
result and temporary and may also become
obsolete or ineffective later or in a short
A person will become powerful only when he
develops faith that he earns health, wealth and
good relations. Without these, whatever
meditation one does, the result will be poor or
Where should we live? Some say you
should live in present and not in future. They
say- do not waste present by thinking of future.
But can this be implemented properly? One

puts his time, money and energy for education

keeping aim of better future is it not? One
saves money for future. So- it is clear that the
above statement is not true.
But a Rajayogi moves far ahead of this. A
has knowledge of all the three and knows that
the time cycle repeats. Hence (intellectually)
he is capable of moving from present to past
and future with flexibility so that he can enjoy
all the things whenever he wishes.
Since a Rajayogi develops confidence/faith that
he has best part in this world drama (best
health, wealth, happiness and relations), no
situation can affect him. Hence his mind
becomes so stable that nothing can influence
A Rajayogi has belief that both his present and
future are best. For the present, he has highest
knowledge and yoga/meditation. He has God
with him= He can remember God effectively
whenever he likes because he has full
introduction of God. He also believes his future
will be highly bright for 2500 yrs in heaven.
Even in hell, it would be good for nearly 2000
yrs. Just in the last 500 yrs problems are more
effective in life.
The present can be effective only if we
have faith in future. If we are not sure

about our future, we will always be in a

confused state. So- one has to live in both
present and future to get maximum result. For
example a driver should have enough fuel in
his car (or enough money to purchase fuel) to
run for the whole day if he has to be
comfortable while in the morning itself. One
needs to have health to live for at least 10
years from now, if he has to enjoy even his
present life.
DRAMA:The world drama is a real drama/game of
happiness and sorrow. But the happiness is
much more than sorrow. It is only in the last
around 500 years sorrow increases to a high
extent. Till there, people had good health and
wealth and majorities had good level of
conduct. But in the last 100 yrs the world has
felt even scarcity for food.
One has to accept even the sorrow. Then
only his sorrow will get reduced and can enjoy
happiness better. It is not much difficult to
accept even defeat or sorrow when its
percentage is much lesser than victory/sorrow.
Like a woman even though knows in advance
that there is pain in delivering a baby, still
becomes ready to bear a child. In a game, even
the best player cannot expect that he will win

all the times. We all know that we need to face

old age and diseases in our life. But we do not
try to become conscious of old age that and
spoil other activities. Similarly, it is of no use
by crying about the sufferings present in this
drama. A soldier will be ready in advance to
face difficult situations. Similarly BKs
continuously prepare themselves to face all the
types of circumstances. A human soul is caught
in cycle of births and deaths. There is no
escape from it. So what best we can do is to try
to earn maximum and enjoy best in the drama.
So- be sure of the bright future and be ready to
face anything.
Even for any soul, there is no need to
bother. Because when Bks would be in heaven,
they would be in IW resting in peace. They also
will not have any problem. So- there is no need
to worry about anything. Even if you do not get
belief in this knowledge you need not bother
about this. Be satisfied with what you have.
182)REAL MIGHT:Real might is happiness/contentment. If a
person has determined to remain to be
satisfied in all conditions and have absolutely
no wish to complain on any external effects,
nothing can influence him.
It is also said- Might is Right. In fact, if we do
any action with inner happiness, it will be right.
We will not expect anything from our actions

and also will not get tired from actions. Our

actions become a media to spread our
happiness to others, let whatever may be the
actions. Such actions are the best which are
result of karmayoga.
183)DIFFERENT CONSCIOUSNESS:Soul Consciousness, Supreme
Consciousness, Body Consciousness,
Health Consciousness, Duty
Consciousness, Action Consciousness, etc.
Of the above, the first two are fully
needed/correct. Body consciousness should be
fully avoided/wrong. The other three
consciousness are needed to required extent
only. Exceeding the limits, even these three will
turn into body consciousness.
Health conscious means to take care of
health. A driver/soul should take care of needs
of car/body. So- we should be conscious of
health to that extent. But we should not be
over conscious of health. Because then it will
be like trying to maintain health/car and not
enjoy life (take benefit of car).
Similarly about duty consciousness and
action consciousness. Duty consciousness is
directed mainly towards people and action
consciousness is towards a subject or matter or
work. So one should give right preference and
that will maintain balance in life.

One more consciousness is called as Godly

Service Consciousness. A BK sometimes
bothers more about Godly Service (service of
others) than his spiritual progress (Soul and
Supreme Consciousness = remembrance of
soul and Supreme). If this balance between
remembrance and service gets lost, he will get
tired and will get affected by body
consciousness to some extent.
184)THREE ALMIGHTIES:The highest almighty is drama, next is
God and the third is Maya= body
consciousness. God is also bound by rules of
drama. God plays his role according to drama.
Hence DRAMA is the highest. God gives power
to conquer Maya. Maya cannot affect God.
Hence next to drama is God. But except God,
all become addicted to Maya at their own time
in the world drama. Not only that- Just 108
souls conquer Maya even in the end. Hence
Maya is next highest powerful thing.
Since drama is the highest authority, no
one can be accused. When we forget God and
drama, we get influenced by Maya. When we
are conscious of knowledge of drama and
company of God, we conquer Maya. In this way
the time cycle repeats.
Since God is not the first almighty, he
cannot be accused for what happens in drama.
So one who has knowledge of drama cannot

have ego. Also he will not have fear of being

responsible for what he is doing. So he attains
carefree state. The one who understands
drama will play his role in right conscious. That
CONQUER CONFLICTS AND WORRIES:For example, when we see a small child, we get
influenced by its personality of (limited) purity.
We like to hug it. But when we see an elder
person, we get influenced in the other way and
usually get stressed. How to overcome this?
Ans:- We know that human life passes through
different stages- infant, childhood, adult, old
age, etc. So- when you see a child think like
this- of course, now this child is pure and
good. But as it grows, it will lose its purity and
innocence. Then no one will like it so much.
When you think so, you will not get influenced
by the child. When you see an adult think like
this- This person also had been a child in past.
How face of this person would be when he or
she had been a child! Visualize it. You will be
able to remain calm and also pardon that
person even if his present qualities are bad.
Human beings are intelligent creatures. Hence
they should be able to handle situations better
than animals. But even though we have such a

good amount of knowledge, we do not use

even simplest of it. Hence our life becomes
So even by using the available/worldly
knowledge properly, one can protect himself
from stress and also guide others to overcome
negativities. But a Rajayogi has capacity to
move ahead. When he sees a bed ridden
patient or anyone in worst condition, he will not
get upset or worried. He knows that the
whole world is passing through its old
age. So these things are normal- like if a
90 yrs old person gets some disease, no
one will get surprised.
Just think- when a person does crime,
people hate him. But when they see a patient
or handicapped person, they feel pity. But in
fact both belong to same category. That is- a
criminals condition will get worsen in his next
birth. For example a thief in this birth is likely
to become beggar in next birth. People hate
thieves, but develop (limited) pity on beggars.
But in fact, the beggar had been a thief in his
past birth. So a Rajayogi when sees a thief or a
beggar does not get influenced in either way.
But a Rajayogi will be always ready to help
anyone in unlimited way. For example, saythere are many poor, weak and diseased
people in this world. Now how a Rajayogi will
have feelings to such people? Most of the

weak people are not ready to sacrifice vices

and bad habits even being in such miserable
condtions. Then just physical help will not be of
much use to them. Also if anyone sacrifices
vices, he will be able to live happily whatever
his physical condition may be. Else whatever a
person may have, but if he is caught by vices,
his happiness will end in a short period. So- the
real need is to get rid of vices which are due to
body consciousness. All other measures will be
temporary. Hence the spiritual knowledge is
the one that is real medicine for all the
So- a Rajayogi will consider people of the world
as patients and himself as a doctor and will be
able to remain safe from the situations and
also will be best help to the world.
Even when he sees a person in miserable
condition, he will think- in short period, all the
problems will get solved. Because the Iron Age
world is going to transfer. So even people who
do not adopt spiritual knowledge also will get
liberation for at least 2500 yrs. They also will
be comfortable for most of the period in this
Like- A patient may have fear and cry while
being operated. But doctor knows that the pain
is temporary. The patient is going to get relief
for long time even though there is some pain
for some minutes or hours. Similarly a Rajayogi

will feel that everyone in this world will get

long time relief (liberation) after the huge
operation ( final destruction of Iron Aged
world). Since he knows about future, does not
get upset by present.
Every soul becomes pure and also impure
in this drama. The most pure souls becomes
most impure. Hence, there is no place for
inferiority or superiority conflex.
186)LIBERATION IN LIFE IN A SECONDTHE HIGHEST PERSONALITY:It is said- Liberation in life in a second. Let us
discuss. 1)Fruit is definite in Rajayoga for every
fraction/second of effort:- In lowkik/wordly
achievement, there is no guarantee that one is
going to eat the fruit. Suppose say a person
studies medicine. In the first year or before
getting degree or even just beginning the
practice if he dies, all his efforts go waste. In
the next birth, once again he has to begin
study from primary class. But in Rajayoga, one
gets fruit for what he does, let it be any
2)Fruit is immediate:- In Rajayoga, there is fruit
with the effort. There is pratyaksh phal
(immediate fruit). There is inner development
and enjoyment. There is inner growth and
happiness which is beyond level of organs. Of
course even in earthly love, there is immediate
fruit/experience. But it does not liberate; it

creates even bondage. Hence cannot be called

as liberation.
3)One way of explaining this is- for a Rajayogi,
life is like eating food. That is all. Whatever
may be the hunger, if you have full right meal
served on plate, you have liberation from
(pain/stress/worry of) hunger in a second. Of
course, your stomach is not full within a
second. But you enjoy throughout the period of
eating the food. Even during eating, you will
not feel hunger as sorrow. Because you have
faith that you have enough food. The hunger
(empty in stomach) will give enjoyment. That is
hunger also turns positive. Similarly for a
Rajayogi any circumstance in life changes from
karmabandhan into karmayoga and hence due
to continuous yoga, there is always real
enjoyment and liberation/lightness.
4)Another way is- A battery may be fully
discharged. It may take few hours to recharge
it. But once it is connected to source, its
voltage level immediately rises to the highest
value. Since nothing can tie our mind and
intellect, one is free to have contact with
Baba/God. Hence in a second, we can enjoy the
highest bliss practically without getting fully
5)There is no need of full plate of meal(full
knowledge). Just a drop (of knowledge ) is
enough. Because the summary of the whole

knowledge can be said in just two words- God

and property. This is the reason for saying ofTERI EK BOOND KE PYAASE HUM= OH GOD, WE
Because once you get experience of a drop,
you can experience it indefinitely. Just repeat
the experience. That is- the need is just to
repeat what we have felt/done in the first
second. There is regenerative action.
6)First lesson/step is last/step lesson in
Spirituality:- If I have all the things needed for
my work within my reach, there would be no
confusion or hindrances. There is no need to
wander. So for a Rajayogi EVERYTHING IS
WITHIN HIS REACH (hence easiest and
greatest personality). He has two things to
the other is WORLD SERVICE. For self
improvement he just needs knowledge and he
has it. It fully depends on him. So external
situations will not hinder self progress. Because
he has the knowledge to control mind and
But world service depends on many things.
So he may not get immediate success in it. But
he need not bother about that. Because he
feels that he is just one soldier (or a
government servant) of the whole army
(Government). A soldier will not bothered about
the result. He just tries to sacrifice what he has

in the service of the country. He believes that

final victory will be for his army/nation.
Similarly when Bks have faith that it is God who
leads them, they will not be confused even by
intermediate situations. They will proceed as
usual in Godly service. So- even though there is
huge responsibility of world service on Bks,
they are carefree in that work.
As a Rajayogi becomes matured, he will get
faith in- What has happened is for good.
What is happening is very good and what
is going to happen will be definitely very
very good.
DRIVING AND/OR ACTING:A driver is efficient if he can drive even in busy
roads without any accidents and inspire or
guide others to drive properly. Traffic should
not affect his driving style. Similarly if we are
able to cope up with any situation where there
is high traffic of mechanical life style and
mental traffic with least stress, we are efficient.
First lesson taught in driving is to apply
brakes. Brakes are like detachment. Condition
of brakes are given the highest preference and
can never be neglected. Similarly detachment
(I am a soul separate than body) is the first
lesson taught in Rajayoga and that needs
continous attention.

Note that- one cannot take laws into ones

hands while driving. Even if one causes
accident, he cannot take revenge on that
person by violating driving rules. He should
always follow rules of driving. He can overcome
rules only to protect himself, that too in case of
emergencies or mistakes committed by others.
There is no place for attachment in driving.
Two cars even though may be moving very
close together, but there is need to maintain at
least some distance between. One can help
others without losing his self esteem. Even in a
drama, an actor can remind another actor of
his mistakes without spoiling his role. Such a
great attention is needed. Even while driving
one may move out of the track to avoid an
accident, but it should not create another
Our action should not be according to
others direction/expectations. It should be
according to driving rules or directions of
director. For example, I am driving my car, say.
If the driver of a car which is behind me puts
horn to me expecting me to move ahead, I will
advance or move only if there is way ahead of
my car and according to my capacity as well as
the speed limits declared by the driving rules.
That is- my movements will be according to
driving rules not according to the movements

or expectations of other drivers on road. I can

help anyone without breaking those.
Even in a drama, behaviour of an actor is
not according to the movements of co actor. It
is according to the directions of the director.
A very important note:- Seriousness or
patience (NO HURRY OR WORRY) gives
full marks:When we do action slowly, our movements
are natural, then there cannot be any mistakes
or accidents in life. We become master of
everything. No bad can enter us, no waste can
be created from within, no leakage of energy is
possible. It is like the driver riding the vehicle
smoothly, without any JERKs. We will have
highest control and will be in the state of
EVEREADY to handle even emergerncy
situations caused due to external situations.
In addition to the above, we give enough
room for others to correct themselves so that
they do not hit us and help others also to
prevent from accidents (stress). That is- they
also will act slowly with us. Because , just one
hand cannot make noise. They will also calm
down shortly if we remain calm and stable or
move with stability. [This is the real meaning of
RACE ]We will be playing the roles of
excellent teacher/master and servant together.

There are two types of problems- problems of

self and others. Usually we immediately try to
solve the problem when it arises. i.e. we expect
and try to change a situation immediately. But
the first and most necessary thing needed is
DETACHMENT from the problem.
For example, while treating a patient, the
doctor should first isolate himself from the
germs as well as mentally detached so that
condition of patient does not affect him either
physically or mentally. So- first step in solving a
problem of others is to make self uninfluenced
by the problem. Else if we try to solve a
problem in hurry, we are likely to get affected
by it. Also- our efficiency in solving the problem
will be temporary.
And- the world is full of problems. We
cannot solve all the problems or situations. But
we can make ourselves detached from them.
Higher importance should be given to
maintaining healthy life style, developing
power of immunity rather than fighting with
disease. Similarly more importance should be
given to make self powerful and train others to
make their mind powerful. When it rains, we
use umbrella instead of fighting with rain, is it
not? So- put more effort to detach from the
problem than in solving it!
And it is wellknown that 90% of the
problems are actually our reactions towards

the problems and actual problems are just 10%

only. So more weightage should be given to our
reactions than solving the problems.
Summary:- Being detached or effort to
detach is like yoga and trying to solve the
problem is like karma. Give higher weightage
to yoga than karma.
[Q:- Sometimes there will be no time enough to
make yoga powerful. At that time should we try
to make our yoga powerful or do the karma?
A:- The aim is to become natural yogi. That is,
to have yoga all the time. But we are weak at
present. So- if there is no time, than act
according to the situation taking just physical
things and conditions into consideration. But
whenever you get free time, do not waste it.
Practice yoga even during intermittent free
times. This will bring back the train/vehicle
back into track or closer to it. This will build us
and we will get power to use yoga in karma
Note:- In the world, all machines are
deigned to withstand, face, tolerate, adjust
with the problems. No machine is designed to
remove the problems. A building is deisgned to
withstand temperature, wind pressure, force,
etc. An electric insulator is designed to
withstand high (or upto the designed value)
voltages. So- our main aim should not be
removal of problems in life, but to build power

to face, tolerate, adjust, cope up with it. And

most important thing is- we should not become
part of the problem.
So- trying to be detached from the problem
is the best thing so that the self is not
influenced by problems at all. But it may not be
possible to solve problems of others. In such
cases, we should act while being detached
using the available facilities and opportunities
up to the responsibility we are.
189)CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME:It is said- Charity begins at home. For a
rajayogi, this is one of the basic slogans. To
know my home, I should first know what I am.
So- first thing to know is what I am. This is the
first lesson taught in Rajayoga (Self Realizationexplained in part I). First home of me is my
body itself. Through the body, we do/create
thoughts, speech and actions. Rajayoga aims
to bring change in these.
In home, there are me, my parents, my
brothers & sisters and the house and nothing
else. A Rajayogi considers God as real parent
and all the people of the world as his brothers
and sisters and tries to maintain pure relation
with everyone. The whole world is home for a
Rajayogi. Because Rajayogi believes in the
concept of Universal brotherhood.
Real charity is to consider everyone as our
own brother and sister. By maintaining the pure

relation only one can give maximum to one

another = can be of highest help without any
side effects. So in fact, charity begins at home
as well as it ends when the whole world
becomes like a single home = real freedom =
Vasudhaiva kutumb = heaven.
Today the world is like a war field. There is
no harmony either between two families or
within members of a family. But a RY believes,
shortly Golden Age will be established which
will be like a real home for all. There harmony
will be present in every home and all over the
world. So vision and mission of a RY is the real
Another thing is- a RY considers that he has
got new spiritual birth and he is being
nourished by God himself. It can be easily saidGod alone can bring real charity in life. So a RY
feels that unless a person takes new birth
[come to home= realizes his real parent(God)],
charity cannot begin.
And for a RY, there are two pure homesParamdham and heaven. His journey begins
from remembering these homes and ends in
reaching them.
A King is one who donates, serves, loves,
sacrifices, controls, rules and one who is
knowledgeful and powerful. Many have at least
some of these qualities, but most of them have

just to limited extent. For example every

parent serve and sacrifice for their children
(but most of them have expectations). Soldiers
sacrifice for their nation. Hence all (actually not
all; but only those who belong to that nation)
bow to them. Even religious leaders and
fathers serve their religion. But none of these
serve the whole humanity in real sense.
Because they cannot move from limited to
unlimited. No one can give real/full introduction
of God on whom the whole humanity depends.
The specialities in a Rajayogi are- BKs
donate their time, money and energy in the
service of humanity. They spiritually serve all
the people irrespective of age, sex, nationality,
religion, etc. They put their effort to conquer
body consciousness. It is like to conquer nature
itself. Hence they become World Emperors.
Hence they attain state of liberation in life.
Also a Rajayogi obtains these qualities
directly from God. BKs get full knowledge
(light) and also highest power(might).
A BK in his initial spiritual life, may be
doing these service in desire or feeling of fruit.
Still it is not wrong. How? It is not wrong to
expect salary from the government for the
work. But expecting from others is like bribe.
So- if we have clear vision/ knowledge, then
even our desires will not be wrong. Not only
that- a BK has more faith than desire of fruit

(like a government servant has faith that he

will definitely get payment). So- after the work,
there is just intoxication and no desire!
Since every BK does spiritual service in
unlimted attitude, he gets right to enter to
heaven. In heaven, even citizens are like
Kings(carefee, happy). So Gods children
develop qualities of a King, eventhough
It is said LOVE IS BLIND. Why? Because
people do not really know what love is and
what to love and how to love. Since attachment
has taken place of love, they have lost the
ability to understand and feel true love.
God is called as Ocean of Love. There is a
saying- Teri ek boond ke pyaasey hum = Oh
God- the ocean of love, We are thirst of just a
drop of yours
Now can a drop satisfy the thirst? The real
significance is- even if we realize God a little,
the fruit is great. Just a visit with King may be
highly useful.
Also the whole of the spiritual knowledge
can be summarized into two words= God
(creator) and property (creation). Just these
two drops are enough to quench our whole
thirst and tiredness or burden.
Actually true love is not blind. In fact one
who is knowledgeable only can give true love.

God is also called as Ocean of Knowledge. He

gives third eye of wisdom. When we realize
God, then only we can love him and be capable
of loving the whole universe. Else it will be just
blindfaiths and rituals.
Due to ignorance man desires or continues
to love darkness (increase the level of body
consciousness). So for such a person love will
be blind/darkness. It is like the state of an
addicted person.
Actually True Love means cooperating a
person for his progress. So- for true love, there
is need of knowledge. More knowledgeable and
powerful the parents are, more their children
can progress. Hence spiritual knowledge and
its practice are utmost important to love self as
well as others.
Today love is mistaken as below.
Mistaken for Desire- When someone says I
love you, it means I want you. I want to be
with you, I want you to be mine. But true love
does not desire or possess.
Mistaken for Attachment:- When we say- I love
this or that, it is not love. It really means I am
attached to it.
Mistaken for Dependency:- When we say- I
love the food they serve, prepare,. It is not

love. It means dependency. True love is not

dependent on anything.
Mistaken for Identification:- When we say- I
love my nation, again this is not love, but its
identification. We are identifying with a
nationality which itself is a mistake. The Self
has no nationality. Love does not identify with
anything that is not itself which is everything!
As soon as we identify with something that we
are not, the ego takes birth, suffering arises
and love is impossible.
It is these illusions that keep us searching
for love. In search for love people look in
almost every corner of the world. We seek love
as acceptance and approval in our many
relationships. We expect to find love in what we
do, what we acquire, and even in the places we
go. These are always temporary satisfactions
on these roads as well as disappointments until
we realize that they are dead ends.
To search for love is to avoid love. It is only
by opening out our own heart and in the giving
of our self without condition, that love can start
to flow into and throughout our life. Only by
acts of selfless kindness, unconditional
forgiveness and limitless compassion is love
felt. But spiritual power is also necessary so
that someone does not misuse us when we
love them unconditionally.


END- A SECRET IN WORLD DRAMA:India was rich till British people ruled it. In
the end, it should become poor so that its
currency value decreases very low. Then only
people from other parts of the world will be
able to come to India and get experience of
God and his acts.
Also today many Indians go abroad in
search of jobs. This will help in spreading the
godly message to other parts of the world.
TRUTH ALL BY HIMSELF:Man starts to search only after he is
addicted to body consciousness. Body
consciousness is darkness and soul
consciousness is light. How can the search be
successful when it is searched in darkness? So
all efforts of man will continue to lead mankind
to downfall.
Soul is more powerful than the body. If
I(soul) have been captured by a person(body
consciousness) who is weaker to me, how can I
search truth? = If I have surrendered myself to
a weaker person than me, how can I realize
truth? = If I have not understood that my body
is my servant and I am the master, how can
master ever realize himself? So until one is
captured by bodyconsciousness, he cannot find

This is the reason why all the religions call

the physical world as silly or ordinary. Some
say moksha (permanent liberation) is the
highest goal and some others say heaven
beyond this earth is the highest goal of life.
Of course, some saints had said- soul is
separate than the body. But they did
hathayoga = Practice by force which is not
natural. They tried to suppress power of body
by making it weak or becoming karm
sanyaasis. They tried to hate body. Their aim
was not to utilize body, but sacrifice body.
Even though almost all religions say soul is
separate than the body, no religion or scripture
says to practice soul consciousness stage
(except Bhagavadgita). But even in gita, name
of bodily personality Sri Krishna is put in the
place of real Gita Sermonizer- the
incorporeal(who is just a soul and bodyless)
Supreme God father, World Almighty Authority,
father of all the souls SHIV. When the only
(Supreme) soul conscious entity God has been
forgotten and defamed, when the only truth is
neglected, how can people realize themselves
as souls? So- even if people say about words
GOD and SOUL thousands of times, they
will/can remember just bodies.

Since it is impossible for man to find truth all

by himself, there is no use in searching for a
new path. So- it is best to follow the leader/God
or directions or the teachings that direct to our
real nature (peace). This will give opportunity
for highest creativity (= yield best possible
Truth is both absolute and relative. Eternal and
unique role is fixed in every soul in this world
drama that repeats every 5000 yrs. This is the
only absolute truth. Other truths are relative.
196a) BALANCE BRINGS BLESSINGS:To make the topic interesting, let us call
this topic as(limited) truth is lie and lie is truth.
Feel the truth (= what you feel at present
= attachment to present state) as lie and lie
(dis interest from present state) as truth.
What we see (= appears to be true = for
eg- body and materials) are lie (=temporary)
and those which are not seen (souls and God)
are true (eternal).
We get dream because we do not like truth
(= not satisfied by our present state). People
like to read, watch and enjoy lies! (fairy tales,
novels, movies, etc). This also implies that we
are not satisfied in truth (our present state).
In heaven we were not interested in truth
(not attached to life= body). Hence it is called

as liberation in life. So when we are not

attached to (limited) truth (the present state of
that time), we would be satisfied. In hell we get
interested in limited truth (present state),
hence fail to find/reach truth (= cannot become
satisfied). So there is no satisfaction in limited
truth (attachment to the present state of that
time) at any time of life.
these are possible only when we forget our
present state. Movies make others happy;how?
Because- during that time, the actors would
forget or be detached from their real life. Even
the spectators would be in the state of
detached state from their present life. Then
only one can enjoy the movie. Actually it is not
the just the movie that gives enjoyment. It may
not be wrong to say that it is the detachment
from the remembrance of the existing bodily
relations that makes us lighter. So- it is clear
that when one forgets his present life of
attachment, he gets real enjoyment.
But all these (movies, dreams) cannot give
real enjoyment, because they are false/illusion
and are of very short duration. Rajayoga is
watching movie and dreaming all the time in
life and since it is real, a RY really enjoys and
develops power or sanskaar of those according
to the level of faith and practice.

So living in or having attachment to

present state is a failure because it can never
satisfy us. In fact no one can live just in present
(except in heaven*). Everyone tries for better
future. If one lives in present, he will lag
behind. Because time is moving. Since truth (=
time) is continuously moving/changing, we also
need to move. Hence we should always try to
live in future. The one whose speed is more
than time is the master creator. He enjoys
highest power and bliss. [*Even in heaven, we
are not attached ].
We should try to have balance between
present and future. Then go on increasing the
goal to live in future (be future consciousness
and forget even present). That only can bring
upliftment (chadhti kala). Past is 100% lie
(finished ones, already left). Present is 50%
truth and 50% lie (I am there, but I am
leaving). Future is 100% truth/definite (I am
definitely going to reach there). Hence it is
more important to live in future than present
and completely forget (= fully get detached)
the past. But we should have knowledge of
future, is it not? Hence knowledge about future
is utmost important.
Of course even today people live even in
future = they are very much conscious
(actually anxious and worried) of future. But
they are not definite about the future. Hence

they are not ready to give up the present.

When the present world is full of uncertainities,
how can one be comfortable about his future?
Actually we should live in those which
the future is bright, since God has come to
establish heaven. So he will be able to stick to
future easily. But for worldly people it is better
to live in present because otherwise, they will
lose even that by worrying/anxious about
future. But some may mistake this by assuming
that- Ok, then let us enjoy now by all means.
Let us not bother about future. But future is
definitely going to come. If the present habits
are bad, his future will become worse. Suppose
say, one starts to enjoy by bad habits, he may
get disease in future and will have to repent
more in future. So it is very important to have
knowledge and develop faith in that which is
POSITIVE BY ALL MEANS and that is liberation
and liberation in life. Now- since that is
birthright, that is also definite. So unless one
feels that I am child of God and the future is
my birthright, he cannot be stable for long
In Confluence Age we/BKs live more in
future than in present. The highest state would
be living in future = being in the intoxication of
definite bright future. [Please note that living in

future means be ready to accept everything.

That is the EVER READY part/role].
In heaven, deities would be in present state
[= do not think of either past or future]. But
they will not be attached even to their present
state (even if they were rich, beautiful and
health and having all comforts).
In hell, people live more in past (think of
past negative experiences). They are not even
sure of future. But due to past bad experiences
they feel insecurity and anxious about future.
So due to mixture of past, even present
enjoying moments become dull.
In one way, it can be said that sleep is a
state of lie (= similar to death = state of
forgotten). We all need sleep because we get
tired by limited truth [state of awareness of
body]. So everyday we get tired of nearly 16
hours of truth and hence surrender ourselves
to 8 hours lie (sleep).
Hence the highest truth is- there is eternal
role in every soul that repeats every 5000
years. There is no higher truth than this.
A note:- Value of our actions will increase only
when our consciousness go above the action.
We are human beings, and not human doings.
but, body is for the action. [so they appear to
be contradictory].
TWO WAYS. One is considering lie (temporary

things) as lies (= detachment or dis interest in

them). Like- a negative number multiplied
by another negative number gives
positive, so be detached (feel them as lie)
from temporary things (lies). Truth can also be
experienced by considering unlimited truth as
truth. That is by getting attached to unlimited
truth. This is like positive number multiplied
by positive gives positive.
CAN BE INCURRED IN TWO WAYS. That isby having limited/lesser interest in truths (soul
and Supreme) or by having real/higher interest
in lies (temporary things). This is like the
result of a negative number multiplied by
a positive or vice versa is NEGATIVE.
Some more examples about balance are
given below.
196b)MORE ABOUT BALANCE:Life is combination of truth (eternal) and lie
(mortal). The soul is truth(=eternal) and body
is lie (=temporary). So there is need to
maintain balance between these to be best or
Whatever I do is lie (not 100% creation
of mine). Because I need support of many
other things to do. But whatever I do is also
true because I am the one who initiates the
action. Hence there is need of balance.

a)Anything that is happening is lie,

because it is temporary and changing. But it
is also also true, because it repeats eternally
in the world drama. It is eternally fixed in the
b)What all is happening to me is lie,
because, the effect on me actually depends on
how I perceive or react to it. But it is also
true because without it (that material, action
or incident), experience/effect is not possible.
c)Thoughts are real, but also lie:- It is
already explained that thoughts are real
because I experience what I think. But even the
thoughts are not true. Because i)If amount or
traffic of thoughts are more, the fruit will be
less and ii)For a soul, there is no need to think.
It is eternal. It does not need anything. So- as a
soul attains perfection, there is no need to
think consciously. [This is how a RY can attain
carefree stage]. And, now, from physical point
of view, thoughts are lie.
d)A soul is both true and lie! Even though
soul is eternal and totally separate than body,
it is bonded in cycle of birth and deaths. Even
though it is beyond (its existence is not
influenced by its actions) actions, it (its power)
gets affected by actions.
e)Even though a person commits mistake, a RY
should not consider (feel) it as mistake.
Because he believes, that the role is eternally

fixed in that soul. So that soul is not

responsible for its actions. But every soul is
intelligent and has authority and hence is
responsible to its actions (to the extent of
its power and intelligence). Hence while taking
decisions, RY should not have any personal
feeling. This is how a RY gets power even to
forget mistakes done by him. He will feel even
his mistakes as just a role in drama. Then he
will not develop inferiority or superiority
complex. When he gets relieved form the
influence of both, automatically his actions
attain perfection.
f)Everything belongs to God but nothing
belongs to God:- Actually God is the real
master or creator of the world, because he
recharges the drama. But he is not creator
because he has not created even nature or
Eventhough God is master of the universe, he
never rules it. Because he is bodyless. He does
not enjoy nature. So- practically God has
nothing with him! God is the Almighty
Authority in the world drama but does
not take law into his hands even a little!
g)Balance between karma (doing) and
yoga(being):Soul is eternal and body is temporary. We are
human BEINGS. But we are bound to do
actions. Hence we are also like DOINGS.

Karma and Yoga are two things- one is moving

and the other is stationary.
h)In other words, it is like- I AM HERE, BUT I
AM NOT HERE. I am here, because I the soul
is present in the body, but I am not conscious
of the body, hence I am not here. I am there
(conscious of Paramdham and heaven). It is the
state of lotus. Lotus is in the water, but not
attached to it. Hence lotus is shown to deites.
i)Liberation is of two ways. One is like sleep
(stationary) state at Paramdham and another is
like dancing (full of enjoyment =in heaven).
This can be compared like- one is driver at rest
and another like perfect drivers (pure souls)
riding excellent cars (in pure bodies) in
excellent road conditions (in pure world=
heaven) without any traffic jam or
See the balance in the word LIBERATION
IN LIFE. Liberation means free from body
and life means being in the body!
j)Stationary is moving!:- Being in the state
of satisfaction (stationary) is the real progress
k)Be ready to forget what is studied:- An
actor after knowing the whole of the drama,
practices just his role. He gets detached from
the role others. A student after getting his
degree, just essence of the subject will sit in his
head. He concentrates only those things which

are needed for his profession. He forgets other

things. Similarly eventhough the knowledge of
the Time Cycle is vast, a RY after realizing
them, should be ready to forget and immerse
in love, power, beauty of God, IW and heaven.
So- in fact, even if the knowledge if like ocean,
the knowledge that is useful is just a drop
(remember God, Paramdham and heaven).
l) Soul is a zero but also hero:- Soul is
almost zero, just a point. But role of 5000 yrs is
fixed in it! So there is full in nil. A soul keeps on
changing its body birth after births. Its mind
keeps on thinking always which can never stop.
So- eventhough soul is eternal/unchanging, its
sanskaar is continuously changing! Thoughts
can never be stopped in a soul. 5000 yrs of role
is fixed in a tiny point. There is no greater
wonder than this.
m)Need of balance between fortune and
sacrifice:- More the fortune, more should be
the sacrifice. A RY will have to sacrifice (get not
influenced by) even the heavenly happiness.
He should be ready to sacrifice even fruit of all
his spiritual deeds. [Like it is said- more the
education, more is the humility.] Such a person
will have the feeling of the fruit following him
like a shadow.
It is quite logical to say- sacrifice is the
measure of fortune. When one feels his fortune
is naturally bright, he becomes ready to

sacrifice everything. Hence he becomes

karmaateet (free from effect of actions or
totally light from everything).
n)Even in lowkik world, truth (right behavior) is
not showing off what it is. For example, a
person may be rich. But he should not show his
wealth unnecessarily. It becomes bad behavior
(asabhyataa). He will take money from his
treasury or from his pocket only when it is
needed (for self) as well as if he is committed
to give to someone (duty) or he has intention
to help someone. So- even the knowledge
(which is great wealth) should be used for self,
and as a duty to give Godly message or with
the intention to help others. That is why it is
said- more one learns, more humble he
becomes. More one becomes knowledgeful, he
becomes innocent.
Due to the knowledge of extremes (full
knowledge), a RY can maintain balance and
bring win win solutions to both sides. Due to
this a Rajayogi can pick up essence even from
negative or in other words, can convert
negative into positive. He will feel right
(comfort) even in bhakti which is explained
197)BHAKTI IS ALSO RIGHT:o)God is not omnipresent, but the feeling
is omnipresence:- God is not omnipresent,
because he is not. But his effects (power) are

everywhere and hence feeling is like

omnipresence. For example, Sun is not
everywhere, but its rays and energy are felt
everywhere. It is the energy of the Sun that
keeps us alive. Similarly it is the remaining of
Gods power that still runs this world.
p)Advaita philosophy is also right!:Advaita should not be followed
intellectually, but should be followed
emotionally. This is already explained in topic
No. 109- Advaita Philosophy.
q)Is soul present everywhere in the
body?:- Actually soul is present in brain.
Hence it is not present throughout the
body. But its presence is felt throughout
the body. The whole body would be warm
when a person is alive. Also we feel different
parts of our organs. As soon as the soul leaves,
the becomes cool. So- feeling of soul is
throughout in the body.
r)Should God be worshipped? Answer is
once again Yes and No. God need not be
worshipped, because the need is to follow his
directions. A child does not worship its father.
There is need to maiantain relation. Just
worshipping will not elevate us. So there is
need to maintain relation with God (remember
But if we do not know about God, then it is
better at least to worship him, because it will

help us in reducing our sins at least to some

extent for temporary period. Like- any Indian
should follow the national father- Mahatma
Gandhiji. Just praising him will not bring
benefit. But if that is not possible, then at least
praise him sometimes (with respect) in a year
so that some discipline is observed.
[Something is better than nothing].
s)Is it right to worship or praise anyone
other than God?:- Answer- Yes and No. In
fact, no one other than God is fit to be
worshipped or praised. But since God remains
detached in this world drama, and also HE gets
things done through other human souls (mainly
deity souls and other pure souls like saints and
religious fathers), others also become worship
worthy or praise worthy.
In any stage function, it will not be one
person on the stage. It will be group of VIPs
there. So- this world drama, including God,
other souls- deity souls, then religious fathers,
likewise in numberwise become worship worthy
or praiseworthy and are worshipped or
t)Should we beg from God?:- Answer is
again Yes and No. Actually we should not beg
from God. A child need not beg from his
parents. He has birthright.
-Another thing is- begging is also a defaming
God. Because God need not be informed to

give. He need not be reminded his duty. We

should have respect, praise or love God and
follow his directions. Then the return is
-Not only that- There is highest enjoyment or
fruit in love of God more than any material
benefit. So- it is highly foolishness to beg from
-But when we are body conscious, we not only
fail to love God but also cannot be satisfied by
without material benefit. So begging is the only
way to express respect or love.
u)Should we beg material benefits from
God?:- Many beg material benefits from God.
It is once again foolishness, because even man
or nature gives materials. Asking a King some
groundnuts is a foolishness. One should ask
precious gifts from a King. We should beg God
to purify us, clear our sins. For that we need
spiritual knowledge. The physical benefit is a
by-product in spiritual effort.
But if we are not ready to sacrifice sins, or do
not have faith in King (God) we will have
neither courage to ask nor satisfaction in
precious (pure) things from him. So- we will
demand/beg just groundnuts (material benefit).
Another thing is- It is better to beg god instead
of human beings. Hence begging god is right!
But in most of the cases, devotees beg from
both god and human beings. This is a failure.

They are attached more to human beings than

god. They have higher faith in human beings
than God. The former (worshipping one god) is
called as avyabhichaari (pure) bhakti and the
latter (worshipping many) is called as
vyabhichari (impure) bhakti.
v)Is worshipping stones/statues correct?:Answer is again Yes and No. It is foolishness to
worship stone, because they are liveless, how
can they give anything? But there is no other
way. Because by the time of bhakti, no deity
will be in real form. So wither photo or statues
only can be worshipped.
There is some essence in worshipping the
statues made from stones. A stone means
stable, uninfluenced, undisturbing, having no
expectation, carefree, peaceful. One who
attains such a stage will become worship
w)Soul, even though separate than the
body, can enjoy through body to a great
extent. Soul has such a power that it can
feel itself as the body! [See the intoxication,
broadness of intellect, power and knowledge
developed due to balance].
BEAUTY OF BHAKTI:- Lots of festivals, rituals,
functions are performed in the path of bhakti.
This gives a satisfaction, a feeling of dedication
to God, together with entertainment. This
keeps the society live and active. Something is

better than nothing:- In this sense, bhakti is

useful and necessary.
So even bhakti has some essence in it. But
during the end of Iron Age, it loses even that.
Like today almost no one feels any respect to
nation while celebrating independence day or
birthday of national father. If there would have
been respect, its effect will last at least for few
days. Today most of the people go to temples,
etc just to show to others that they follow
something or when they are in problems. There
is no real love to God. The effect of celebrating
visiting temples, etc or independence day, etc
will not last even for a minute after attending
the function. This implies that no one is able to
follow even bhakti.
So- point here to be noted is- God does not
disturb us from even bhakti. He descends only
at the end of bhakti, that is- when bhakti also
becomes useless or dangerous.
KARMA AND DHARMA:- Karma is physical
value and dharma is emotional value.
If there is dharma is karma, it becomes
sukarma (good action).
If there is adharma in karma, it becomes
vikarma (sin).
But, when dharma reaches very high

level, then karma has no value. The

person becomes karmateet (Free from
effect of karma and its fruit]. The fruit is
highest and incomparable with that
attained by karma. Even if the person
does nothing physically, his action
(presence) itself becomes elevated
action. Then what he does is insignificant,
what he is only significant.
This is the reason why there appears
contradictions in philosophy when
knowledge is explained. For example- We
should feel (power of god) god
everywhere, but not assume everything
as god. We should have feeling of
karmaateet (it is the feeling of soul being
nirlep (unaffected), but should have the
knowledge that soul is not nirlep(blank).
That is- we know that karma philosophy
affects us, but finally we should reach the
stage where we are not affected by
But, instead without understanding
fully, if one thinks that soul is not
affected by karma, and begins to do bad
actions, he is going to degrade. For
example- the statement of saying We
should not affect by any food we eat= we

should develop such an immunity is

wrongly interpreted as Everyone can eat
anything. Due to lack of knowledge, people
have mis understood spiritual knowledge and
hence bhaktimarg has caused downfall
Just think what will happen by the above
misinterpretation? People will do wrong things.
Hence in bhakti, some people say- what all we
do, it affects only body, so no sin can affect
soul (it is nirlep) and hence they say- eat and
drink anything you like, live however you
wish. Just failing to realize this small gap has
led others to do wrong things and considered
everything and everyone as God - and this took
away real power, dedication and concentration
from us.
Usually when a President or Prime Minister
when takes his charge newly, he needs to take
oath. It is a mandatory. But a King does not
take. What is the secret in it?
The President or Prime Ministers are
elected by common people (their citizens).
Hence they need to take oath before taking
charge of the position. But Kings receive power
by their own effort, power or by birthright.

In fact, Kingdom begins from heaven.

God himself selects Kings of heaven. God
teaches and according to the eligibility,
one gets status in heaven. It is like giving
right job for the right person. Hence there is no
need to take oath. From Golden Age onwards,
the Kingdom continues to follow till the near
end of hell and at the last period, democracy
enters. In democracy, one is seated according
to votes of the people and not by his capability.
Hence he needs to take oath.
TRANSFORMATION:Supppose say the plane which we are travelling
is highjacked or we are caught by police or
thieves. In such cases, we follow all their orders
perfectly. Because we know that if we donot
follow their orders the outcome would be the
worst. That is- since we are fully aware of our
poor condition, we make our intellect straight.
We do not give margin. We do not try to
take chance. We do not become lazy or
careless here. Our intellect is determined so
that full power on mind is applied. Similarly
when we get full knowledge about karma
philosophy, the real intelligent one should
develop strong determination that should put
his full effort in the path of spirituality. We
should not give margin. Then only we can fly
with high speed.


We cannot serve God because he is
abhokta, above pleasure and pain. We can
serve only human beings. Now, serving is of
two ways- physically and spiritually.
To serve physically, a person should have
either good health or wealth or both. Similarly
to serve anyone spiritually, one should have
either purity or knowledge or both.
No one can serve Government, because it
is not a person. Similarly, god is boddyless,
hence we cannotserve him. But when a person
helps govt and follows govt laws, he will be
best serving the people/society. He will be
called as govt servant. But actually, he is
serving people.
Similarly, when we follow spiritual laws, we
say- we are helping God or doing Godly
service. But, actually, it is serving the
Due to bad politicians people lose faith in
Govt. Similarly, due to not having real spiritual
knowledge, many neither know who is god, nor
have faith in God. Hence some say- it is better
to serve human beings than God. God is
defamed to such a low extent.
Also- one who pays highest respect to
the government only can pay real respect
to all the citizens of a country. Similarly
one who pays highest respect to God only

can pay real respect to the whole

So- it is correct to say RESPECT
THINGS. God is invisible, even Government is
invisible. We need to respect these two. Even
soul is invisible. Body and materials are visible.
When we become body conscious, we fail to
respect most important things, including the
real self. Actually if we respect invisible things,
we will respect even visible things. A person
who does not commit sins while being alone
will not commit sins even while being with
others. This is called as Integrity. We should
respect law and not be influenced by just law
enforcing agency. One who respects law will
respect everything.
[A strange but true- Most of the citizens in
a country will not be knowing full details of
their own government. They will not know each
and every rule of the constitution of their own
country. But they all will be knowing that there
is government that rules them. Similarly most
of the people in the world drama also will not
have full spiritual knowledge of the world
drama. But all believe in God and have highest
faith in HIM.]

There is a saying- HALF KNOWLEDGE IS

DANGEROUS. It is applicable 100% in
One may have half knowledge of cooking
or washing(say). It need not be not dangerous.
Also even if such a person cooks or washes, it
need not be highly dangerous. There will be
loss of some quality or wealth. It need not be
destructive or dangerous. Of course, in higher
responsible positions, it could be dangerous.
For a example- a driver knowing half
knowledge. But, note that- IT WILL BE
A child does not have knowledge of either
SOUL or BODY. It does not know much about
whether it is male, female, Hindu, Muslim, rich,
poor, etc. Hence it is neither useful nor
dangerous to society.
An elderly person gets the knowledge of
just BODY(male, female, Hindu, Muslim, etc),
but lacks knowledge of SOUL. This half
knowledge (just of BODY) creates body
consciousness and is dangerous to the whole
society. If a person has just half knowledge
(body conscious), there is danger even if he
does not commit crimes in actions. He will be
doing sin in his mind and impure vibrations
coming from him will be disturbing others all

the time. That is why people always like

children or old people who have lesser ego of
body. Youths are loved only by their family
members or relatives.
Spirituality gives FULL KNOWLEDGE
(knowledge of both soul and the body =
knowledge of 84 births) and it helps in
eliminating body consciousness which is root
cause of all evils. So- IN SOUL
There are two things, karma and Yoga.
Today man has knowledge of just
karma/actions. Hence it is half knowledge and
dangerous. Spirituality says to include
Yoga in karma and then we become fully
knowledgeful. There will be balance between
karma and yoga.
202)STUDENT LIFE IS THE BEST LIFE:There is a saying- Student Life is the Best
Life. LIFE means continuous, till death.
STUDENT means enthusiastic, egoless, positive
minded, progressing, carefree but not careless,
continuous learner. He is detached.
These qualities of a student can never be
possible in worldly/lowkik education. In lowkik,
a student does study for some years and then
gets job or does some business. His student life

ends there. Not only that- he cannot study

while eating, drinking during his student life.
That is- he may be student just for 8 to 10
hours in a day, rest of the time, he is not
But the aim of RajaYoga(Spirituality) is to
study all the time(continuous effort) and also
till death. That is a Rajayogi should put effort
while doing any action and should continue to
do it till his last breath.
A worldly student needs to spend lot of
money for education and most feel it as burden
today. In many cases, students also learn bad
habits during the periods of their lowkik
education. Then how can that be called as best
life? Also a lowkik student will be eager to
finish his student life and get a job. Will anyone
like to be student till his last breath?
So- the above saying fits to spirituality. In
spirituality, since the fruit is definite for the
effort and there is pratyaksh phal(immediate
fruit) of super sensuous joy) also which is even
higher than the future fruit, one need not hurry
for the fruit. He will be ready to be student till
his last breath.
It is also said, as one learns, his ego should
reduce. It is correct only in a spiritual
student. In lowkik study ego builds up as ones
status increases. But in spirituality, as one
progresses, ego reduces.


KNOWLEDGE BRINGS POWER:It is also said- Knowledge brings happiness.
In lowkik/worldly matters, knowledge itself
does not give happiness. One gets knowledge
and then gets a degree. He gets happiness
only after getting salary or earning from his job
or business. By the time the student gets
degree if the scope for the knowledge
decreases or falls, the student may get sorrow
instead of happiness.
But in Rajayoga/Spirituality, there is
happiness just by remembrance of knowledge.
Hence knowledge itself gives happiness. Hence
it is called jeevanmukti or liberation in life in a
It is also said- Knowledge is power. But
as the material knowledge has increased, fear,
stress and uncertainities also have
increased in the world. Man has become more
knowledgeable, but is about to destroy the
whole mankind.
But spiritual knowledge gives such an
internal power by which a Rajayogi gets power
to face any situation in life (if practiced
honestly). A child has zero knowledge and also
no fear. But as it grows it gains worldly
knowledge and also fear. So- it may not be
wrong to say that in many incidences- Worldly

knowledge brings fear but spiritual

knowledge brings power.
Actually fast and steady is better, is it not? The
story of the tortoise and rabbit shown is
misleading or not fully explained. This is
actually for spiritual or intellectual path and not
physical race.
The point is- slow is necessary to learn
properly. If we are not peaceful, serious,
stable and determined in learning, and
try to learn or practice in hurry, it would
be ineffective.
We are first human beings and then human
doings. So- be in swamaan/swadharm/self
esteem and then do. This is the essence. After
learning, there is no need to be slow. It
becomes natural. Then there is no question of
fast or slow. It will be fastest= most effective.
DROWNING MAN:There is a saying- A stick of grass is enough
for a drowning man. It is easy to understand
that this statement is wrong for a person who
is actually in such situation in a physical river.
Actually this saying is for spirituality. If we have
faith then even just a single point of knowledge
(grass) would be enough to save our life. That
is- just sticking to any one point of knowledge
will make our future bright. That is- even a light

of a small candle will prevent any amount of

darkness entering into its region. Similarly just
being in the conscious of even a very small
amount of knowledge would be enough. And
that is nothing but considering self as a soul
and remembering God father.
Hence the write feels that spiritruality
alone can explain even the worldly sayings.
206)ACT BUT DO NOT REACT:Many psychologists say- We should just
act but not react. But why and how? A Bk can
understand better.
1)Reacting means being influenced or forced
by another. We will have lesser control over
self. Even if one has full control (for exampledancing according to the step in
Bharatanatyaam- say), he will become tired
soon, because he is discharging more
emotional energy.
2)Reacting means acting according to the step
of another. So I am not King of myself.
3)In reacting, there is feeling of len-den (giving
and taking) Hence creates karmic account.
When we feel that our every action is just
repetition of the previous Kalpa, all our
reactions become just actions. Even soul
consciousness or actor consciousness will do
so. Since Rajayoga makes one to maintain self
respect and also give, even actions appear to

be reactive will keep us in the position of

UNKNOWN:ALL PUT EFFORT to get something that would
bring benefit or enjoyment for one birth or
limited period. Effort of a Rajayogi is to get
benefit for unlimited period. That is- for many
births (5000 yrs) and also for every TC,
because TC repeats.
But effort of a Rajayogi is not selfish,
because in his effort, there is sacrifice of
negativity as well as his efforts bring benefit to
all. For example- a freedom fighter fights for his
freedom, but all others also get freedom.
Similarly Rajayogis put effort to liberate this
world from bondage of vices and sorrow. When
they get liberation in life (heavenly happiness),
others also get liberation (peace).
So- here unlimited is in two ways- one for
the BENEFIT OF SELF for unlimited period
Rajayoga is also nothing but moving from
known to unknown or understanding open
secrets, hence it is practically EASY
RAJAYOGA. Many things have already been.
One more thing is explained next.


TYPING:In the beginning for a common man, it
seems that typing without seeing the keyboard
is impossible. But after practice it becomes
very simple. It is just repetition of the simplest
of simple procedures in life. Similarly Rajayoga
is nothing but practicing the same thing/effort
repeatedly. During the initial period of
practicing typing, there will be lots of failures.
But one should not expect results wuring that
time. He should not feel inferior or superiotity
complex. Slowly and slowly victory will come
near to him. There is need of FAITH. With faith
and practice (courage), one will attain victory.
Even if a person has wrong practice of
typing, it can be corrected by right practice.
Similarly any type of bad habits or wrong
sanskar can be rectified by Rajayoga. Please
RACE is very much applicable to typing.
When practice becomes perfect, the
fingers would move automatically without the
knowledge of the intellect. There will be no
burden on the intellect. It (typing habit)
becomes part of resolves. Similarly after
practice the remembrance of God and soul
becomes natural.

An honest government servant is similar to a

karmayogi. He may be doing actions with
someone or a few, but will be conscious of
government (rules). That is- even while being
with others, he is a detached from them, and
attached just to government. So we can sayeven while doing actions (karma), his
yogaintellect or conscious) is with government.
His yoga is never attached or influenced by the
company of people whom he serves.
The slogan Think Globally, Act Locally
is famous. This is like karmayoga which is the
basic thing in Rajayoga. It says to THINK,
serve) according to your capacity and
Why should we think globally? Because
mind has no boundaries. So- for effective use
of mind, we should think of the whole world
from past, present and future (Time Cycle). The
body/action has limitation. One can neither do
many things at the same time nor can move
from one place to another instantaneously. Sowe should act locally and think globally. This is
the maximum and right utilization of both mind
and body.
Anothet point is- even if we exist or live
just at one place, in reality, we are connected

to whole globe. Anything happening anywhere

in the world will also affect us in one or other
way, today or tomorrow. Hence we should think
globally. When we think globally, we neither
become selfish, nor the mind is bound like a
still water which becomes dirty. When we think
globally, our mind and intellects become broad
and free to move anywhere with highest
freedom, range and liberation. This is the
reason why churning of time cycle is very
useful and necessary for self improvement as
well as serving humanity.
Even if we consider about just self, then
also we should think globally- that is- think of
past, present and future and then act. Then we
will act best even locally. That is- when we are
conscious of our role in the drama of 5000 yrs,
then our action will be best.
We all have the experience of THINK
GLOBALLY. For example- a rich person wil not
consider a small loss as loss. He will ignore it.
Because when he thinks of his total income
(global) the problem becomes small for him.
So- when we are conscious of our full fortune in
the world drama, then all the circumstances
become small to us. In this way, we will be able
to handle them easily and better.
Even a wise person will think more globally
and then act. In otherwords, this slogan has
similarlity with the sayings- THINK BEFORE


DANGEROUS. [So- think of the full knowledge
and then act].
RAJAYOGA:The eight main powers that can be acquired by
Rajayoga is explaned below.
1)Power to tolerate:- Rajayoga gives power
to tolerate any situation. Because he feels that
he is different than body. Any situation will
affect just body and not him (if he is soul
2) Power to Adjust:- A RY believes that if his
yoga (conscious) is correct, any action or
situation will not affect him. Also he will gain
power experience by tolerating and adusting to
situations. It is like facing examinations.
3)Power to Discriminate and Power to
Judge:- A RY has unlimited knowledge and
hence does not get influenced by the situation.
More he discriminates between soul and body,
more power he gets to discriminate any
situation. In our daily life, in most of the cases,
there is no need to discriminate= there is no
need to go into every detail.
Take an example. Suppose there is conflict
between two persons. Now there is need to
solve. Actually there is no need to hear each
and every complaints from each other. Just
listen to few things from both sides. Be

uninfluenced while listening. If a RY has self

esteem (soul conscious power), he will be able
to convince both the sides. That is- to make the
faulty person realize/accept his mistakes and
also make the other party to reduce enemity or
pardon him. In this way, he can analyse the
situation and give best judgment.
In many incidents, we waste our time or
feel bored. But power of discrimination helps us
to remain in best track that is best for benefit
of self as well as to others. Because RY knows
which are the best actions and also his duty.
5) Power to Face:- As amount of accumulated
positive thoughts attains significant value, a RY
becomes carefree stage. Fear leaves him. For
example- If I have insured my vehicle, even if it
gets damaged, I will not get fear. Because it is
insured. Similarly when amount of punya (good
deed = positive thoughts and actions) gets
accumulated in me, I will develop the feeling
that even if I die at present, my future would
be bright. This will keep me ready to face any
situation in life.
6)Power to Cooperate:- Since a RY believes
whatever happens in this world drama is
accurate (predordained), he feels no fault of
anyone. So- his reaction will not be negative.
This will keep anyone comfortable in front of
him. His guidance as well as movements
automatically cooperate them for better.

Also due to this fully harmless personality,

others will be willing to cooperate with him. In
this way, he gets cooperation from others.
7)Power to Withdraw:- It is capacity to put
fullstop brake. If the brakes of a vehicle are
powerful then it would be easy to control it.
Similarly it is capacity to get detached from
everything in a second. Since a RY feels his
part in drama is very good, he becomes
carefree and will keep him everready.
8)Power to Pack Up:- It is the power to
absorb ssence from the detail. It saves time,
money and energy and increases efficieny of a
person. Because of detachment and self
esteem developed due to Rajayoga, a Rajayogi
gets power to put his attention (focus) to the
needed aspects and does not get disturbed by
unwanted things.
211)THE MOST PRECIOUS BIRTH:Of all the births, the present braahmin birth
or BK life is the most precious birth, because it
is given directly by God. Some say- human
birth is great. But it is not complete. If any
human birth is great, then today world should
not have been degraded to such an extent.
Man is the most dangerous creature in this
earth. Also some children die at early age itself.
Today man has innumerable diseases and his
life is dependent on countless things. Hence
greatness is of that birth in which a soul

realizes itself, its true father (God) and the

IRRELIGIOUSNESS (CLIMAX):It is said in Bhagavadgita - yadaa yadaahi
dharmasya glaanirbhavathi bharata, =
When there is defame of religion in/of
Bharat(India), I (God) descend/incarnate.
God is defamed. The authority of the highest
scripture Bhagavadgita is given to a human
being. Also the most pure (deity) religion is also
defamed in scriptures. Today deities are
defamed in movies also and even other religion
people also are using pictures of the deities in
wrong way. This is the state of climax
where the highest authority God and the
highest religion are being defamed by all.
In another way it is explained like this:Impure/weak body and mind is the state of
irreligiousness. To have happiness, both mind
and body should be healthy. When both are
healthy. It is best. When at least one is healthy,
it is OK. When both are unhealthy, it is worst.
Nothing can give him satisfaction and he will
be highest burden to society. Today, both body
and mind are weak, impure. But, man has
higher ego and vices than past even if he is
dependency and desires have increased more
than past. 213)HOW A BK BECOMES READY

If we sow a seed, we get more than that.

We do not feel that seed as loss. Similarly a
Rajayogi will be ready to sacrifice his one birth,
because he believes he gets liberation in life
for a period of 2500 yrs.
Also there is burning of past sins as well as
feeling of liberation (lightness) all the time
while a RY is the stage of yoga. The fruit is
definite, immediate as well as long lasting and
real (uplifts and does not degrades) one.
TO GOD AND DRAMA:This is the best thing what one can do. A
farmer does right things for cultivation and
then leaves the rest for nature. But he does it
during right seasons. So- he should have
knowledge of seasons. Similarly we should
have the knowledge of TC and the present
Confluence Age is the right season. So we
should put effort now and then leave it for God
or drama. Be ready to accept the result.
Because there cannot be better fruit/result
than this.
But to leave everything to God, there is
necessity to sacrifice. So- unless one becomes
ready to sacrifice, his fortune cannot become
best. Here there is once again challenge for
any BK.

Some say- The presence of God should be

proved by some miracles. There are some
people in this world who are famous for
miracles. They might have saved some people
from deadly diseases or helped them in getting
material benefits. There are some saints who
have opened many schools, colleges, hospitals,
have developed some villages, etc. People
consider them as God. They may also argue
with us, If God is with you, you should be able
to make a dead person alive. Then we will
Now, some of the logic questions1)If such saints are God, why cannot they cure
diseases of the whole world? Why cannot they
make the whole world peaceful? Is God only for
a few people?
2)If such saints can cure diseases by miracles,
why do they build hospitals? If they have
spiritual knowledge with them, why should
they build schools and Colleges that give
knowledge of materials? They invest more
money in physical service than spiritual.
The easily understandable points here areGod is for the whole world and is praised as
PURIFIER. So- when God comes, the whole
world should be in the impure condition and HE
should transform the whole world pure. He
should give liberation to all. So God should
incarnate at the end of TC and gives liberation

to each and every soul for at least 50% of the

duration of TC. During that period, some will be
in heaven (liberation in life) and others in
Paramdham (liberation). So- no one will have
any problem for half a kalpa.
And God gives everything. He gives health,
wealth, happiness and makes all the relations
good for many births. He even makes nature
pure. He makes us free from desire for 2500
yrs. Can such limited miracles done by human
saints be compared to Gods auspicious duties?
Even though truth is so clear, body conscious
souls will not recognize Gods acts easily.
Because they are influenced by material
RAJAYOGA:In a country, the number of members of royal
family, or the number of top administrative
officers (IAS qualifiers, MLA, MPs, Ministers,
etc) would be less. So- even in heaven the
number of seats in royal family is limited. Somajority of the BKs will not score high. Just
16108 souls only get elibility to become King,
Queen, prince, princess, etc. [Of these, the top
seads the first 108 will get place in the royal
family from beginning of the heaven itself and
the others get place later numberwise as
population increases. By the end of heaven

(Silver Age) there would be 16108 souls in the

royal family].
The citizens at the beginning of heaven
(initial population of 9 lakhs) get at least the
minimum marks for passing- 33%. So- they are
not Rajayogis in full sense. For example- in
govt service, majority will be grade 03 or 04
posts. In the administration position, just a few
would be (Grade 01 and 02 positions). Somajority of the govt servants are not
Even in worldly knowledge only very
few will have 100% knowledge of the subject.
But even those who have lesser knowledge in
the subject will be able to earn his bread and
Like a person at higher position will be
detached from the person at lower position,
detachment is necessary even in BK family.
And also in a good organization, the higher
position people will pay more respect to lower
position people. They will serve them with
respect and love. So- such a detachment and
love should be present even in braahmin
family(BKWSU). Then only one can reach high
Take example of any Political Party. The
members of the party at top level will be very
few. There will be detachment between the top
level people and the lower level members. But

the top level people should have higher respect

and love to the lower level people. Then such
an organization will be perfect. The top level
employees will be working in mind and intellect
(thoughts) and low level employess would be
delievering service more physically.
217)OLD RELATIONS WILL BREAK:The present existing relations in this world are
impure and unrighteous due to body
consciousness and attachment. In the new
world (heaven), there would be no attachment.
So- the present relations will break. This is also
mentioned in Bhgavadgita that- one should
lose all attachments. Hence anyone who
puts right spiritual effort will lose attachment.
Even in this world, when a person changes
his/her religion, his name and old relations
break to a great extent.
And RY aims to bring highest change. But
RY says to break relation in mind (lose
attachment). There is no need to run away
from home. Like a lotus even while remaining
in water, it does not touch it. It remains a little
above from the level of water. So- a RY will try
to mentallydetach from old relation. He will not
break relation physically. But the amount of
physical relations will reduce = waste and
negative talks and actions will reduce. His
relations which had personal and official
content will now become spiritual and official.

Not only for Rajayogis, but in the world, the

relations are getting weak. In olden days,
relations were strong. Today they have become
weak. Previously a marriage was as good as
establishing relation between two families (not
just between a boy and a girl), but today it is
like just between a boy and girl. Not only that,
the cases of divorces are increasing and the
level of satisfaction in the relation go on
decreasing. Even the relation between parents
and children are getting weak. The cause is
deterioration of quality or values in all. Man is
giving more value to body and materials than
the inner self.
In olden days elder people had values. So
they were like models to youngers. They had
been able to guide youngers. But when they
lost their self respect, they failed to give real
respect to youngers. Parents misused their
children for their name, status, etc in the
society. This led to degradation of the society
and children also failed to cope up with
parents, and today we see more love marriages
than arranged marriges. Even in arranged
marriages, parents have lesser importance
than children. But for todays period, it is right.
Because in fast changing society, the older
people may not be able to cope up. But since
the speed of change is faster, the duration of a
relation is becoming lesser.

This is a simple truth, an open secret. Any

old, weak thing is destroyed. So- at the end of
the kalpa, the old relations are also fit to be
broken. This is the reason why one should be
mentally break (detach) himself from the whole
world. Because- suppose say- the plane is
going to crash. The passenger should be ready
to break his relation with plane (=jump out of
the plane) and use parachute for his safety. In
fact every passenger is given this information.
Every passenger should be in ever ready state
to come out of the plane in case of emergency.
Similar is the training given in Rajayoga.
We all are like passengers in a plane. We do not
know when our plane is going to crash (die=
leave our body) but are 100% sure that it is
going to crash (die). The yoga is the training to
use the parachute (mind and intellect).
POWER:As we inculcate a value in our life, it develops
as our virtue and power. But sometimes it will
emerge more like virtue and sometimes power.
If the percentage of virtue is more than power,
others may misuse us. They may use us as
take it for granted. Similary if the percentage
of power is more than virtue, it will hurt others.
Hence there will be conflicts which will reduce
the performance.

Maturity is gained when a value is

experienced both as virtue and power. This is
also a great challenge. For this one has to
respect himself as well as others equally. When
he has respect for himself, the percentage of
power will be more and when he has respect
for OTHERS, the percentage of virtue will be
more. Care should be taken to maintain
balance in these. Else he cannot grow or face
situations effectively. Here OTHERS stands
for other souls, nature as well as ones
own body and materials.
To some approximation, it can be saidVirtue is similar to taste, beauty, purity and
softness (or LOVE or sabhyataa) and power is
similar to AUTHORITY.
Attachment is wrong usage of a thing.
When we have attachment, we lose all the
virtues. Even the power what we have will be
wasted or misused.
219)PURITY AND DIVINITY:Body can be just healthy (DISEASE FREE) or
also powerful. Similarly purity can be of two
types- disturbance free mind and powerful
Healthy mind means free from vices, one
that neirther creates disturbance nor gets
disturbed much (eg- childs mind). It is same
both inside and outside.

But powerful mind is one that is capable of

detaching itself from the body. That power is
received from Gods company or realization.
Purity means being close to nature.
[Impurity means going against nature- to have
desire beyond necessities]. Divinity has
capacity to rule over nature. It is desirefree
state. Divinity gives power of detachment,
power to control and rule. In heaven, deities
shed their body as sson as they desire and
there is no fear or pain of death.
It may also be said like this. The person
who is just pure neither spreads disease, nor is
affected by disease. But he cannot cure. But
the person with divinity can even help curing.
In otherwords, one who is impure is a
burden to others. Who is juts pure is not a
burden, but also cannot uplift others. But the
one who is divine can be support and uplift
Divinity has power to transform negative
into positive like a rose plant converts bad
smelling manure into good smelling flower or a
tree converting manure into fruit.
Divinity makes us worship worthy. It raises us
beyond the level of human beings or human
religions. It brings spirituality.
Note:- Actually, both fall into the same
category- purity. But since the latter has more
value, it is termed as divinity. In otherwords,

just purity means limited purity, divinity means

unlimited purity.
Like strictly speaking- religion and
spirituality are one and the same. the aim and
purpose of both are one and the same. But,
practically, spirituality is at higher level than
---------------------------------220)NEVER NEGOTIATE OUT OF FEAR. BUT
NEVER FEAR TO NEGOTIATE:No need to be over conscious of physical
things. For example- the restriction of food, etc
mentioned in the topic STEPS OF PURITY
(Topic No. 100). If you feel following pure food
in life is difficulty, then do not bother about
that. Be conscious of thoughts. Actually,
spirituality means to follow more in mind than
in physical things. If our thoughts are pure,
then the soul is pure. There is no need of
conscious of these. But, they are also
important since they add to purity of thoughts.
Food and physical cleanliness has effect on
thoughts. And if we do not follow them, they
will act as obstacles to some extent. For
example- the fuel of a car need not be so pure.
But, fuel of an aeroplane should be highly pure.
As we reach higher level/position, we should
become more and more accurate. But, in case,
of emergencies, or difficult situations, do not
bother about them.

For example- if a person is patient or in

some difficult situation- he may need to take
garlic from the point of health. Take it. But, do
not become careless from your side. For
example- we pay attention to cleanliness and
wear clean dress. But, in case of emergencies,
when we enter a place full of dirt, we may go
beyond the permitted level of dirt. But, we do
not worry then. We know that- ok- this is just
for today or one day. From next day, we will be
normal (clean) again.
In some places, some culture, there may
be need to hug, or some people may be
touching us when we stand in a queue or when
there is full of rush (especially in public
transports in poor countries like India). During
those situations, be free and adopt yourself to
those situations. It is not breaking the rule.
There is a story on this.
There was a Guru and he had four
disciples. Guru said to those disciples- from
tomorrow, we are going to follow some vrat
(penace) and we should not touch woman. The
disciples agreed. After a week, a lady was
drowing in a river. The disciples were seeing
this. But did not proceed since touching woman
was against the law. So- they were just
witnessing the situation. The guru jumped into
the river and saved life of the lady. When guru
returned, the disciples told Guru, Guruji, you

have broken the law of penace. The Guru

asked, How?. Disciples said- you touched
the woman. Then Guru said, Was that (the
person who was drowing) lady?! So- the point
here is- the disciples have not understood the
real significance of the spirituality here. But,
Guru even though broke the law physically in
emergency situations, he had passed it. Such
things happen even in spirituality.
The 80 20 rule is famous. One gets 80%
of the fruit/result by following/completing 20%
of his work. It is similar here also. If we are
correct in our thoughts, whatever may be
physical condition, we will be able to achive
80%. So- no need to worry. And you will
become master of yourself and able to judge
yourself. Like taking a deviation from the
straight road when there is traffic jam.
---------------- ---------------221)NEED TO REMEMBER GOD
CONTINUOUSLY:A leaf in a tree should have connection
with root all the time. If its relation with the
root breaks, it will become weak. Its other
relations are temporary or unimportant. Hence
we need not bother about others comments if
our connection with God is correct. Practice of
this conscious takes us towards karmaateet
(liberation in life) stage. If the government is
powerful and a government servant (or a

soldier) does duties according to rules of

Government, he need not bother about
anything, whatever others may criticize.
(others also will realize later that he was right)
Even while doing his duties, all his relations are
temporary. His real relation is with govt only.
It is foolishness if a leaf thinks that it can
have contact with another leaf. At least one of
them should have connection with root. Else
both will fail. This is the reason why we become
degraded once we forget God. And we all are
foolish in hell and at least ignorant even in
heaven. Hence we go on degrading all the time
except in confluence Age.
While driving or being in war field, one
should be attentive all the time. We should
never stop breathing throughout our life. While
driving or in war field, one will be conscious of
two- about position of self as well as goal. They
should give first preference to driving and fight.
Else, they can never succeed. All other things
become lesser important for them during that
period. Breathing is most important, even than
food. Similarly, for spiritual life, we should aim
to be aware of self (soul conscious) and goal
(remember God= Supreme conscious) all the
time. Initially we may feel difficult, but we
should have knowledge, faith and give it first
preference in our life. Then it will gradually
become easy.

When we are in water, we should always

have a continous connection with ground so
that we can be sure that we are not caught in
the stream.
NOT INTELLECTUALLY):In otherwords, this can be said as- Have same
bhaav (feelings) to all, but in action use
The level of spiritual person (aeroplane) is
very high compared to ordinary people
(vehicles on ground). If the highest spiritual
level is one million (say), the range of level of
ordinary people will vary from zero to ten. That
is- the level of the best citizen of a country,
whatever good he is, would be between zero
and ten.
If we take negativities of people also into
account, then it can go up to -10. Some
criminals who are like terrorists, let their count
be -100. Note that power of negativity is
much lesser than power of positivity as
explained in topic No- 57- Power of positive
thoughts is much more than negative
If there are some very good social service
people like Mother Teresa, etc, the level of
positive can go up to +100. So for a person
without spiritual knowledge, the range will be

from -100 to +100. Now, for an honest

spiritual social worker, the count is around
million. A person at the level of one million will
feel almost same for any value that is between
-100 and +100. Hence one who is spiritual, will
develop same attitude to all.
[This is the reason why Gita says- to have
same attitude among a good braahmin, cow,
elephant, dog and one who east flesh of dog.
sloka 05- 18]
Another reason is- the fruit of an action is
not immediate. A person today may be good,
tomorrow may become bad and vice versa. Soit will be wrong to judge about or get
influenced of a person even if he is presently
good or bad. It is the total of his deeds that is
to be counted. And a soul takes its karmic
account to many births. So what right do I have
to give judgement on others? But suppose sayI am working as judge or police or in any
responsible place in an organization, then I am
bound to give judgment. But at that time,
emotionally I should not feel the giving of
judgement. I should not feel bad or good
towards the person to whom I am giving
judgment or passing orders.
One more thing is- karma philosophy is the
highest one and it takes care of everything and
is automatic. If I do some sin, it will
automatically affect me. For example my next

birth will be bad. So when effect of an action is

already recorded in the soul by its own nature,
why should and how can I be interested in
AND RELATIVE. In case of absolute truth, there
is no question of giving new decision from my
side. It is already there. In case of relative, no
individual can pass orders to others, because
even my position is also is a relative one.
Hence due to all these reasons, one should try
to feel same in all situation. That is- to be in
state of soul consciousness. So- it is to go
beyond the feeling of body, material and
actions. Hence it is like following advaita (no
But intellectually we should discriminate to
the needed extent. Else we will not be able to
do karma at all. If we consider both bread and
mud as same, and substitute one for the other,
then we may eat mud also! But aim is to have
same emotions for both. That is- a spiritual
person should have same feelings to both a
good person and a sinner, when in profit or
In a family, it is more important to maintain
a relation than the truth. That is- it is less
important to argue or give judgement on each
other when compared to maintaining relation

and coperation. The feeling of oneness

(advaita) is more important.
So- advaita should not be followed
intellectually. But emotionally we should try to
feel any material as same- let it be living body,
or a dead body or materials. Because any
material or body is made from nature, proton,
neutron and electrons. But it is wrong to say to
feel soul and body as same.
A teacher does not give same marks to all.
She/he intellectually discriminates the
students. But emotionally he/she will be same
with all the students. This is what we need to
have. Intellectually or physically I will have
different duties towards different people. For
example, I will have to physically work, give
time and energy for my employer. But
internally I should have same respect to all,
even to my Boss, to my sub ordinates, and
even to all as- citizens of my beloved
motherland (country) = Souls who are
children of one God father. My internal respect
should be same to all. I should not differentiate
even my Boss and an ordinary citizen of my
country. Externally I have to give extra respect
to my Boss.
------------- -------------223)GOOD WISHES ALL IN ONE [or why
should we think good of someone even if
he does bad]?

Good wishes means seeing good in

anything or good within the bad, or seeing
good more than bad.
It is also having faith that the person or the
incident will develop/transform for better.
It is like seeing/selecting the diamond/coin
in midst of thousands of stone.
It is like seeing the hidden benefit in an
incident even if the present situation is
It is the ability to be like lotus in the dirt.
It is the ability to convert negative into
It is also like building house from the
stones thrown towards you.
It is also part of our duty that makes our
work complete.
Good wishes act like MANY/ALL in ONE.
They act as PAYMENT for a service received (so keeps
us free from debts),
also act as DONATIONS (and hence
INVESTMENT for the self for the future)
as a SOCIAL SERVICE (that motivates
others for benefit of the humanity),
as well as TIPs to satisfy others so that
you leave no room to complain.

gives extra/full OPPORTUNITY for the

other to grow. It actys like a nature that
nourishes plants and trees unconditionally.
Why should we create good wishes?:- They
are like both free and best power, energy,
comfort, happiness. Suppose say, someone
does bad to me. But, if I create good wishes to
him, I am benefited in many ways.
One- I will not be affected by the bad what
he did to me.
I will not create karmic account with that
I will get extra benefit due to giving good
wishes to him.
I will keep the room open ir make it wider
for him to change himself for better.
What we do when we see a beggar? We
donate something to him. Good wishes are like
free and aboundant wealth. In rainy season,
there is no difficulty to donate water, is it not?
Also- if others are helped by water, their
disturbance/burden to me as well as to the
society also decreases. So- good wishes have
all these good effects without any side effect.
More knowledge and remembrance, more is
the amount of good wishes we have and more
we can donate/help to others. In material
things, as we donate, our net amount
decreases. But, here, it increases.

Good wishes are like best habits, best life,

best food, best sleep, all together. It increases
the power of immunity and hence keeps us
healthy, makes us immune to negativities, and
also we do not become part of the channel in
spreading disease. This is the reason why even
if someone does bad to me, I should have good
wishes to him. Because- AS WE SOW, SHALL
WE REAP. So- our feelings should be same for
any person, let him be good or bad. Being in
soul consciousness is the best wishes.
[But, it does not imply to help someone
physically who does bad. It will be like giving
milk to snake or giving more money to a foolish
child. We do not give all the things to a child.
As it realizes more and more, we give it more
access to things and more authority. But, we
will always have good wishes for children. That
never reduces! Similarly, if a person changes
for good, then we should give him physical
things. Else, give knowledge to the extent he
has interest. But, whether you give him or not,
to always have good wishes for all is duty of
----------------------- -------------- -224)HIGHEST FAITH, MATURITY, SERVICE,
POWER or ENJOYMENT:When we have power of discrimination, we can
develop highest faith without any side effects.
The highest faith is- WHAT HAS HAPPENED IS


VERY VERY GOOD. Because we will not only be
able to choose the best one, but also have
power to convert negative into positive.
IS MY VISION, SO IS THE EFFECT/FRUIT]:The outcome/experience of anything depends
on how I perceive a person or an incident. The
same incident is perceived and experienced in
different ways by different people. The reason
is- the internal vision (drushti) of each is
From the power of discrimination I can view
an incident as if I am a third party and hence
can be safe as well as be useful to highest
In otherwords- the highest faith is to
consider/feel everone as 100% pure. That isto feel-GOD IS PURE, I AM ALSO PURE
PURE. Because in short period we all are
going to become pure. Let it be by effort or by
punishment. And every soul will be pure for at
least 2500 years in the world drama. Also- the
eternal/original quality of a soul is purity
(explained in next topic). This
knowledge/discrimination power keeps enables
us to see/catch future/best/highest indvance.

It is like feeling an indicent in advance. For

example- if I get a degree today and a job is
offered, even if there is a gap of a month to
join, I dream about my job today itself, (since it
is 100% certain). A child knows fully that it will
develop. Parents will not consider their child as
silly/useless or ordinary. They will its future also
together. So- this faith is the catching power
which makes us master creators. If we are able
to stick to this highest faith, it means we are
near to our goal.
This highest faith keeps us at top
(liberation in life) and makes us a model for all
and inspires and guides to the highest extent.
This will finally bring angelic stage.
The highest faith can be said in other
words as- I HAVE NO WORK. ALL MY
We will be doing highest service (world
service) if we have these two thoughts- All are
pure (or OK) or let everything become
pure. We will feel even nature as baby or and
serving it by our pure thoughts.
[Actually it is nature that serves us. In that
sense, we are babies or children of the nature.
But actually nature serves only body and not
the real Me/soul. When we become soul
conscious and Supreme conscious, our position
shifts from creation to master creator and
hence we will feel that our thoughts are

purifying the nature. We will be in the

intoxication that, my life is already a SUCCESS
and hence will be in desirefree and carefree
stage and hence the inner feeling will be as if
the nature is getting purified.]
In life, initially a person would be student.
He will be receiving/getting and not giving. But
as he develops and applies that in the job or
work, he begins to serve the society. Initially he
would be a creation/child and receieving
nourishment even from the parent. But later he
will be creator of his family and serving them.
Similarly, in spirituality, at later stage, the
person becomes master creator (master world
benefactor). He feels carefree state in his life
and will devote his time and energy in world
service. He need not bother about self
improvement later. Because he is also part of
the world. When he serves (creates good
wishes) for the whole world, it automatically
serves even him. So- he would be doing double
service. And while doing double service, one
will be free from all bondages, because, there
would be zero conflict since he feels the whole
world as one family and remains double light
stage (soul is light, stage is light). This is the
highest maturity.
When we have connection with the highest
authorities- GOD and DRAMA- then only these
things are possible. We feel that we are

instruments of God (who is parent/donor of the

world) and working according to rules of
drama. Then there is neither burden nor ego.
Because we are not responsible or accountable
for anything (anyones suffering) in this drama.
Hence we will not worry by seeing anything.
Similarly, we need connection with these
two authorities to serve others. Because to
serve someone, we need to have
resources/energy. Similarly, to create elevated
thoughts, we need to be conscious of these two
Then we will be doing our actions just like
instruments- nimitt bhaav (trustee), nirmaan
bhaav (humility). There will be perfect balance,
both authority and love.
[But to stay in this stage ealisy and indefinitely,
We need to clear our debts and karmic
bondages if any or should be sure that no
obstacle can come or affect us.
For example, it is wise to distribute
property, etc to children earlier so that you
become free from any responsibilities and
disputes in future. Or be sure that children
will take care of the settlement of the
property. Do not have any debts, especially
with people.
And in official duty or business, etc, we
should be sure that no one can rule our
mind. We should be in a position to do work

as if I am doing on my own free will and not

by someones order so that there is no
need to hurry or worry in the job. Neither
the work nor result of the work should not
bind our mind. Select such easy and
comfortable jobs even it pays less or live
It is like this. Our life is like driving. If we
have no goal to reach (karm bandhan), we
can follow driving rules, easily and fully
comfortable while driving. Any traffic jam
or road condition will not affect us. Because
we will be ready to wait. We will not be
emotional. So- will be carefree. Else, the
physical condition can affect mind and we
may sometimes break rules when we do
action in hurry or worry.
If there is no option, then we may need to
struggle for some period in the life, but
during that period, be extra attentive,
create good wishes to all as well as self, by
developing spiritual power or by increasing
stock of positive thoughts during free and
available time everyday whenever
possible. Gradually the karmic bondage will
reduce automatically or you will feel your
life is already a success. Other doors will
open to you.
If you are busy in spiritual service
activities, whatever busy you may be,

there is no problem. Because there the

Boss is God himself and his directions are
But, never waste time and energy in waste
and negative things- which gives no
bread/income either to mind or to the
[An open secret:- Unless we consider
everyone as pure or OK, we will fail or are
defective or far from goal.
For example- a King should see everyone
as King (=comfortable). That is- he should
have faith that he can solve any problem of
his citizens. So- even when a citizen
approaches a King, let it be a beggar- the
King will have faith/confidence in himself
that- the beggar will become better in an
instant by my (Kings) company. Else, he is
not a great King. So- TO HAVE FAITH IN SELF
good teacher will not see a student as just a
student. He will see his bright future
A magnet should be able to magnetize iron
when it comes into its vicinity. Else, it is not a
magnet! Similarly, when we become divine,
we should be able to trigger (bring out) the

divinity in others (make others to feel

divinity) at least temporarily (for the period
the other person is in my company).
If we have light in us, we should be able to
make others also see. Or if there is fire,
anyone who comes near to it should
experience heat.
may be the condition of the road or side
scenes, my vehicle should keep on moving. If
I complain on road, I am foolish, because a
good vehicle or vehicle in good condition is
designed (should be able) to handle all road
conditions. Hence it can be said- to have
complaints is not a state of complete.
HIGHEST SACRIFICE can be said in other
OF SPIRITUAL LIFE:- Spiritual fruit is the highest
one. But one will be ready to sacrifice even
that like an honest king is ready to sacrifice his
life for his citizens, parents for their family
unconditionally without expecting anything.
This will happen when the body consciousness
is fully sacrificed and one becomes ready to
live just on thoughts and is enjoying super
sensous joy and has faith that he has already
accumulated enough credit (punya= stock of
positive) so that his future births are bright.
Then only he can be carefree. All these are
related to each other.

Such a Rajayogi will even not be anxious of

heaven. He will feel that since drama has
offered him that post, he is accepting it.
Means- he will feel that he is surrendering
himself to drama and it is drama and God who
direct him to become so. So- there will be
feeling of surrenderness more than receieving
the position. Like when citizens call you to
accept position of Prime Minister or President
(not by your greed and begging votes from
citizens or by tempting them). But here you are
called/selected by the highest almightiesDrama and God. In the end, others too will
accept/certify you.
AS PURE:- Half knowledge is dangerous. Sowe should not be conscious of the present
situation/condition of either self or others. We
should be conscious of full/whole. Since most of
the time, any soul is comfortable in drama, we
should consider feel everything as pure/OK. [As
explained earlier, we should give importance to
the highest qualification of a person.]
And, when we meet a person we should be
conscious of his highest qualification. For
example, when we meet a PhD holder, we
know that he has passed matriculation, degree,
etc. But, we never introduce him to others as
he is a matriculation pass. It will be dis
respecting him. We should say he has passed

doctorate, because that is highest

qualification. Similarly, since we know that the
highest qualification of a soul is purity, if we
are really knowledgeful, we should feel just
purity in any soul.
Jumping to this highest faith is like HIGH
JUMP. That is- you will reach to goal directly
from wherever you are. It is the shortest and
straight path to goal. But we need to detach
fully from everything! Because it is HIGH JUMP!
One should have full courage, sacrifice and
determination for this.
Note (Summary):- The greatest advantage
of this faith are: We become free from all duties/work,
We develop highest self esteem,
We give highest respect to other,
hence becomes free from even the
burden of service,
Since we consider everyone as pure,
no impurity in others will enter us and
we will be safe from negativities of
others as well as nature
Others also will not attached to us
since we do not take credit on us. Soboth we and others will be
independent to each other and not
disturbance to each other.
------------------- ------------225) SWAROOP (Form of Self):-

We say soul is shaanth-swaroop= soul is

peaceful or peaceful soul, prem swaroop =
loveful soul, aanand swaroop= blissful soul,
Now, swa= self and roop = form. Swa_roop
means form of self/soul. Peace, bliss, love, etc
are qualities of the soul, is it not? Then why are
the qualities called as forms of the soul?
The reason is- SOUL IS ETERNAL. That isits form does not change. Due to its constant
form, these qualities are in-built in it. That is,
these qualities are due to eternality of a soul.
There is perfect match between the form and
quality of a soul.
The soul is also chaitany (aware of itself).
Hence the form is also called as SWA_ROOP. A
soul feels itself (these qualities) when it
becomes conscious of its form. That is- when a
soul becomes conscious of its roop/form,
automatically it becomes embodiment of these
qualities/virtues. Hence these VIRTUES are
given the name SWAROOP.
Original nature of any soul is purity:- Due
to eternal nature, the original nature of every
soul is purity. A soul does sin only when it
considers itself as body. No soul can commit sin
when it considers itself as soul. Now- suppose
say- someone has committed sin or done harm
to us. Even if wish to curse that person, we
should curse the soul/driver and not the

body/car, is it not! Now- even if we wish to

curse that soul we should curse the POINT
FORM which is the soul. No one will curse car,
but the driver, is it not? Now- as we try to curse
the point form, we will not be able to develop
negative thoughts. Because we cannot think
bad when we think of soul. In fact, we also will
become soul conscious and the wound will be
healed instantly. So- when we consider/feel a
soul as soul- whether it is impure or pure, we
will experience purity only. Hence there is no
room to complain.
THAT OF IMPURITY:- To feel impurity, there is
need to feel both the body and soul as impure.
If we feel anyone as pure, we will feel purity
only. For example, when we remember
heavenly bodies, we begin to feel purity (even
if do not remember the soul in the body). When
we think of even Iron Aged children, even
though that body is also impure, we feel purity
only. When we think of yogis, even though their
body is impure, we feel purity only.
-------------- -------------------226) POWER AND LIMITATION OF WORDS:In life, what we feel/experience and do are
significant, not what we speak. That is
not WORDS. Words have useful effect only if
they are reflected in thoughts and actions.


WEAK:- We can explain a thing/matter in detail
by words. Hence it is powerful. But, to
understand, the others intellect should be able
to discriminate or judge. Else, they are of no
use. For example- everyone cannot pass
engineering, medical examinations. But, it is
through such education only one reaches high
Even if the process of a machine is
explained in right words, only a few can
understand. Eg:- if we explain the working of a
mobile/cell phone, only a few will be able to
understand and believe. Others will not
believe. They will believe only when they see
the demonstration of the working of the mobile
phone. So- till the purity level of BKs reach to
the deity level, worldly people will not
understand it. They will recognize only in the
end. Still, even in the end, they will not
understand its technology. But will be able to
get benefit of it and understand just its
outlines. Like a common man gets idea of how
to operate it and still will not be aware of how it
works. Similarly, even in the end, people will
not be able to understand the knowledge in
detail, but will get benefit from it, due to the
high spiritual level of BKs at that time.
So- words are helpful only in the beginning
stage. Later, what happens in mind and

intellect of the student are significant. HENCE,

Even in the students, the imibe of
knowledge is numberwise. Some will
understand deeper. Similarly, even in spiritual
knowledge, some only will be able to to go
deep and enjoy the best. Also see topic No.
------------------- -------------227)AS WE SOW, SHALL WE REAP:In a company, the higher grade people
get higher payment, lower grade people
get lower payment. If the higher grade
employee criticizes the lower grade employee
that- Hey you cannot work like me, it would be
foolishness. Because he is meant for that level
of work. So- we cannot criticize or accuse
anyone in this world. Because as ones
action/behavior is, his fruit is fixed. So- how
can I have expectation from the other!
This is the reason- why WE SHOULD BE

[But a government servant has some duty

to pass government service to the public. He
has also duty to inform and make the general
public aware of new government orders and
other related facilities and service. Similarly, a
BK as a spiritual government servant, has the
duty of giving the spiritual message to the
corners of the world so that in the end, no one
should accuse that he had not got the spiritual
In lowkik/worldly matter, a person may
work just for 8 hours a day and will be limited
to transaction or communication with limited
number of people. But, spiritually, one is
always in duty and his relation with every
person also comes in work/duty. Hence, he can
never complain anyone, even if the other is
doing wrong whatever it may be. He can be
assertive, and try to come out of the situation
as a trustee. This will automatically give him
highest payment. [Because spiritual truth/laws
will apply automatically since they are
recorded in us as resolves instantaneously].
This is the reason why realization of truth
becomes more complex as you go higher and
higher. If the spiritual person loses his stage
and comes in attachment, then he is likely to
commit mistakes either due to ignorance or


OTHERS from internally. We can just point any
faults like pointing mistakes in a machine as a
third person.
Due to the same, as we move higher, the
same mistakes will create higher loss. For
example, when the level of water in a tank is
just one meter, holes below the one meter
level only are significant. The holes above are
insignificant. But, as we move higher (when
water level is higher), the leakage through the
same holes will be more. In addition to thatnow- other holes (above one meter level) also
will become significant. So- area coverage to
be checked is now more.
In other words, as our intellect level goes
higher, small mistakes give greater blows/loss.
For example, children are not affected by small
things, but, grown people are affected. And,
the effect on children would be lesser than the
adults. Same theory applies here. HENCE,
In another words, while climbing a
mountain, as we reach higher level, the
attention should be more and more. Else, we
are going to lose (fall down) more.
Initially, company of ordinary (body
conscious people) will not affect us. But, as we

progress, our stage, attitude will change and

we will become introverted. Then while
communicating with others, due to the greater
difference between the internal stages, each
will experience the force of flow between the
two. We should be capable in handling this. We
will not talk, listen waste words. This will make
the other person surprise. Since our efficiency
increases, less amount of words and actions
are now enough.
Now, what happens is- such a spiritual
person will be like parent and others will be
children in front of him. But, due to ego, the
other person will not realize immediately. Sothere will be conflict. The spiritual person
should have excellent power of determination
to handle this. Else, he is likely to come down
from his stage. Such UPs and DOWNs will be
occurring in ones life countless times. It is
when the faith of the effort maker reaches full
level, he becomes fully spiritual. This ups and
downs is the real spiritual war. This is also
-------------- ---------------------------------228)DESIRE FOR FRUIT OF ACTION IS
WRONG:In Bhagavadgita, it is said- desire for fruit
is wrong. Why?

If a government employee desires his

salary, it is foolishness. It shows both ignorance
and lack of faith. Because the government
definitely pays him. There should be faith in
employee. If he has any doubt, confusion about
his fruit/salary, it is foolishness.
Another way of unjderstanding this is:- For
example, consider a farmer planting best
quality seed on best soil, at right weather and
nourishing it properly. Assume that- there are
no uncertainities or chances for disease, flood,
drought or other natural calamaties. Now, in
such a case, the farmer will have no confusion
in him. Faith and happiness will follow him like
shadow. Now, if he has any desire of the fruit, it
shows his weakness or lack of maturity.
Similarly, karma philosophy applies on all
automatically, irrespective of whether one has
knowledge of spirituality or not. Hence desire is
foolishness. But, if one understands spiritual
knowledge, then it becomes easy for him to
sacrifice desire for action.
Another point to be noted is- Soul is
separate than body/action. So- desire for
material pleasure is wrong. soul is complete in
------------- ----------------229)ADVANTAGES OF DOING WORK
WITHOUT DESIRE OR INTEREST:We will not be influenced by the action/work.

We will not get tired by the work.

We will not spoil the work. [sometimes may be
lagging, if we do slowly].
We will not gossip or think negative of others.
Hence lot of time, money and energy are
We will not create karmic account.
Others cannot misuse us.
We will be cool and no one can make us fool.
We will not get addicted to any bad habits or
Environment will not get disturbed/polluted
from us.
We will handle all the materials and relations
without any side effects. Life of even objects as
well as our body will increase. Physical health
will not get deteriorated easily.
------------------ -------------------230)HOW TO WORK WITHOUT DESIRE FOR
We have many desires in life which are neither
related to work nor necessary for health/life.
First, those should be sacrificed. Eg:- Lust. Then
our mind and intellects will start working
better. Now, let us take an example. If my Boss
does not pay me, what should I do? Should I
continue in the same job?
Reply:- Ask Boss with assertiveness and good
wishes and make him realize his fault/duty.

Even after this if he does not pay you, then you

have the following options.
You may approach law (if you are ready to
take head ache of all such matters).
Else, compromise with the Boss (if you are
ready and he also is ready for mutual
Else, change your job even if the next job
pays lesser.
Else, if you have no choice, then stay in the
job and be satisfied with what you get
But, if he is such a cruel Boss and does not
pay you anything, then better quit job]
But, if you have no karmic bondage, and if
you are free from all responsibilities, then
you need not attach yourself to the work.
Be free in your life. You need not worry
about anyone. You may leave the job.
Note:- It depends whether your job is
private or government, and depends on in
what department/country you are working.
There are lots of plus and minus points.
Think ver these and if you feel there is
chance for profit, stay, else quit.
But, note that- there is a saying- spread
your legs till the border of bed. The world is
full of uncertainities. So- do not expand
yourself and make yourself trapped in

karmic bondages. Try to make yourself free

from worldly responsibilities and it will help
you to be like a trustee.
If you like to adopt spirituality, then
remember most beloved god father,
heaven, then the net effect of your
problems on you will reduce. Not only that,
you will be natural happy and pardon
others or be carefree, which will give
energy to others to cooperate with you and
they will become friendly with you.
So- select suitable job or your own
business according your like, capacity, and
the external conditions. but, it is wise not
get into business of bad things like
cigarette, alcohol, etc and other drugs
which gives us bad company and increases
karmic accounts.
----------------- ---------231)DEVELOPMENT OF FAITH:As mentioned in earlier topics, our level
changes as we progress. A wise person should
not come down to lower level or should not be
influenced by lower level people.
There are two dimensions in faith. One
theoretical or intellectual, another
practical/emotional. For example, two children
of parents have same faith that, I am child of
the said/same parents. But, ability to
understand them fully and follow them or their

directions vary. The level of faith of two

students of a class in a college can be same
with respect to the syllabus, College, etc. Both
of them will have same feeling that our college
is the best in state, syllabus is also best, etc.
But, the faith in imbibing the knowledge (in
study) varies from one to another.
Two engineers have studied the same
syllabus/knowledge. But the capacity of
application of the knowledge (skill) varies from
one to the other. Similarly, this application
makes the difference even in spirituality.
In another way, a child comes to know about
his country, world, etc like a world map. His
aim changes as he develops. Also- according to
his faith, he develops. More the faith in
practical is, more he will accept challenges.
One may decide just to serve his family.
Another ones aim would be to go a step above
and serve his community. The third one will
have determination to serve his country. So- as
a citizen, all have same level of faith. But,
practically, there is great difference. Similarly,
even in spirituality, according to the level of
this practical faith, ones inculcation depends
and accordingly his level of consciousness
rises. So- there will be lots of changes in a
spiritual effort maker till his faith reaches the
final level as mentioned in the topic no. 224.
-------------- ----------


FAITH ARE LIKE TWO WINGS OF A BIRD:Discrimination helps us in choosing the
best/right one. Everyone knows importance of
MONEY in life. Even in midst of thousands of
stones, ones vison automatically falls on a
stone there. We do not waste our single
rupee/dollar. We need to develop power of
discrimination in the following. Discrimination
makes us intellectually powerful and faith
emotionally powerful.
i. Feel the discrimination (great
difference) between soul and body:One is eternal and the other is mortal. One
is the self and the other is completely
different than me. So- think of self/soul
than the body. It is the impure body that is
cause for all the burdens. The moment we
try to feel this difference, we begin to
experience liberation.
ii. Feel the great difference self and
God:- There is a great difference between
self and God. Realization of this motivates
us to get attached to God so that our
battery charges and further makes
detachment with body and matter easier.
iii. Realize birthright:- We all have spiritual
birthright over our God father. Hence no
need to hesitate to establish relation with
god. When we feel that every soul has right

on Gods property, we get power to respect

iv. Feel the value of each thought and
second in the Confluence Age:- Present
Age is diamond one and since power of
positive thoughts are much higher than
anything and since it is possible only in
Confluence Age, also- since Confluence age
is the foundation for the whole human tree
and the charging period, feel its
v. Power of Drama:- Drama is pre-ordained.
Everything is fixed. Hence there is no need
to worry about past, present or future. Just
be on right track and move ahead. That is
vi. Feel great difference between karma
(just actions) and yoga (positive
thoughts):- This will give us power to be
in yoga and uninfluenced by actions.
salesman or business man just sees how
he can get profit. He is ready to hear any
comments of people. He is not affected by
criticisms of people. Whatever people may
comment on him, he will calculate just his
profit. He will take other things as silly. He
will not get affected either by praise of
criticisms. He will be able to absorb best
even from worst things. HE HAS THE


viii. Feel the great difference between
heaven and hell:- This will enable us to
think- Soul, God, Paramdham and Heaven.
CENTERED:- In a game (say cricket),
people are least bothered about body
movements of others. Their focus is on ball
and not on people. They will see people
only to the required extent, that is- how
well they paly with ball and not about other
attributes of them. So- power of
discrimination focuses us.
Discrimination keeps us on RIGHT TRACK or
direction and faith increases the
ACCELERATION. Both increase our capacity and
manage and resolve conflicts. Discrimination
keeps us safe from bad company. It also gives
us power to isolate self from external situations
or apply brake during accidents. A vehicles
brake should be powerful. Similarly, power of
discrimination gives us power of detachment
from body and materials and we would be like
having excellent brake system, or like having
parachute or like ability to go underground
(stressfree) within an instant during

Just faith without determination can lead to

blind faith and may be like holding snake
instead of rope. Hence it will be short term
enjoyments with great disappointments. Today
we see this in many relations. Initially, there
would be faith, but it decreases soon and
relations break. It is due to lack of
discrimination. If we keep faith in someone
without having discrimination, they may
misuse us and we may be trapped. So- first we
should have discriminating power and then add
Faith acts like a continuous
feeding/nourishment. We will be like watering
the plants. Faith gives all the benefits of good
wishes. But once again, in absence of right
discrimination, faith can be wrong, and then
the nourishment could be lesser, more or may
have side effects (mixtures) and may also
nourishing the wrong plants (criminals or
useless people). Hence discrimination is highly
Power of discrimination and faith together
means 1+ 1= 11. When there is power of
discrimination, we can serve a person to the
highest extent by just increasing faith. We can
have any amount of faith internally in the
other. The other person cannot misuse our

relation. Because due to discrimination, our

actions will be righteous. That is- we will
neither break any rule, nor have any
expectation from the other.
Due to power of discrimination, we will not
give our work to wrong people. Also- we will
neither ask any service from wrong people.
When a wrong person helps us, there is
need to ignore it. There is need to say a sweet,
stable No to him or bypass WITHOUT
HURTING him. Here, faith helps us. When there
is faith in self and him, we will be able to
handle situations like removing hair from
butter. Hence no karmic account is created.
[Else, sometimes we will have discrimination
power (knowledge that this person is bad). but,
we will not be able to come out of the situation
without conflict. We may have to speak some
hard words to get out of such bad company].
And, even if we accidentally give job to
wrong person, or the right person does
mistake, we will not be affected by the result of
the work. We will be ready to be satisfied
whatever that is happening due to having faith
in drama. but, we will be attentive next time.
Also- our aim is not the physical one, mainly it
is spiritual. So- when we have faith in the
person to whom we had given the job/work, we
will not criticize him like breaking a stick. Due
to having determination and faith, we will make

him realize his mistakes as well as motivate

him rightly. This will give him extra power to
conquer his failures.
Nature is one that has highest
discrimination and faith. For example, sun is
highly DETACHED/FAR from us. It has full FAITH
in all (serves all). Everyone loves nature and
depends on it. Similarly, when we have these
two qualities, we will be doing world service
Knowledge sits in intellect. It is also said
knowledge sits in pure intellect. The final aim is
to make the intellect powerful. The food for
intellect is thoughts. More our thoughts are
divine, more the intellect will become divine.
So- as we practice (do yoga), our faith will
reach perfection and the discrimination will
become natural as our resolves. A student first
reads and understands the subject. But, after
repeating the points enough number of times
in mind or by words, the knowledge sits
permanently in his intellect and he becomes
embodiment of the knowledge
Full power of discrimination means the
powerful brake/lock which will keep us safe
from both committing mistakes as well as safe
from all external situations.
------------- -----------233)MIRACLE OF DETACHMENT (POWER

It gives instant and highest relief or

freedom and power with minimum effort:A shelter gives relief from sunlight, rain, dust,
wind, etc. Instead of fighting with these
obstacles, it would be wise to take shelter. One
who does not know the use of shelter will be
fighting unnecessarily with external situations,
and that too again losing energy than gaining
or saving. Similarly the soul conscious stage
acts like a relief from everything in a second.
An engineer (technical man) directly jumps
to the point where the fault is. A doctor directly
reaches to the point of disease. These all are
power of discrimination what they had
developed in their education and practice.
In fact, power of discrimination is
nothing but understanding or realization
of value of anything and giving them
their right value/position. Character has
highest value, next is health, next is
But when we attach ourselves to wrong
things or in wrong manner (giving higher
importance to wealth than health,
pleasure than character, temporary
benefits than long term benefits), we lose
power of discrimination. Because wrong
attachment is action against

discrimination! It is the only real suicide.

[Hence in Bhagavadgita, it is said- loose
all attachments] .
Knowledge is the base to develop power of
discrimination. Hence in bhagavadgita, it is
said that there is nothing as great as
knowledge- (04-38).
When the power of immunity reaches very
high level, there is no need to bother about
silly matters. Or as one becomes more and
more rich, he need not discriminate (bother
about) small issues. In other words, when a
person is able to earn by thoughts, he becomes
free from burden of actions.
A child does not know anything. As we
grow, we begin to discriminate so that we can
handle the situations ourselves, and stand on
our on feet. Without power of discrimination,
we can never work or earn for self. So- this is
how the world is moving. So- as we grow, we
go on discriminating. But, some discrimination
has side effects. For example, when we
discriminate emotionally between rich and
poor, color, creed, caste, religion, etc it also
begins to create conflicts. In this way, even
though man stands on his own feet, he also
becomes a disturbance to society.
But, if we are able to discriminate between
soul and body, then there is no need to
discriminate (differentiate) in other things. this

is as good as attending the root cause of any

problem. [Because the root cause is body
consciousness]. Else, like in treating a disease,
if we ignore the root cause, the solution would
be temporary and have side effects. Hence
even though todays many has very high level
of knowledge on materials (say technology),
lots of research on psychology, the conflicts in
world is increasing.
[some are addressed already in topic No. 159]
So- the point here is- as we go on develop
power of discrimination, we become lighter and
it is as if we fly above the gravitational pull of
body and materials, and finally, even all
relations would appear similar to us. And, then
we will be able to stick to the highest faith as
mentioned in topic No. 224.
----------- --------234) NISHCHAY_BUDDHI VIJAYANTI
(VICTORY THROUGH FAITH) :It is said- Victory through faith. A thought on
this. Faith means a state free from fear, doubt,
expectation, desire, but in a feeing of
guarantee/intoxiaction and acceptance. It is
one step ahead of determination. If
determination is path, faith is the goal.
When there is intoxication and ready to
accept the situation or person as it is or as
they are, there is no defeat. This is the reason
why rich, healthy people are not happy (due to

lack of faith), and many poor people live

comfortably (due to readiness to accept).
The level of victory we gain depends on
level of faith we adopt. There are both
dependency and uncertainity in life, which are
going on increasing. Due to this, lower level of
faiths will fail soon when the situations change.
But, in Rajayoga, one has the highest
intoxication (feeling that we have got best role
in drama) as well as highest acceptance (ready
to accept anything as drama). Due to
knowledge of karma philosophy, power of god
and drama, and the super sensuous joy what
we get, it shows the way and keeps the door
open always for all these. Hence, highest
victory can be achieved.
Since no uncertainity is going to affect an
honest Rajayogi, he can feel victory (praapti =
fruit= happiness) always like a shadow.
Because his aim is not to expect or desire
material benefit. He keeps aim to become
karmaateet. But, just 108 numbers will be able
to say in this state everlastingly in their life.
The rosary of Vijay_mala represents their
memory which has 108 beads which represents
whose souls who have purified fully.
------------ ------------235)SHOULD WE LISTEN TO WORLDY

Actually there is no need. Because the

world is like a bed ridden patient lying on bed.
There is no special in listening to the condition
of a very old, weak and diseased person in
critical condition lying on bed.
But one can listen or read news papers just
to the extent required in official work and/or to
the need to give godly message.
As said earlier, as the discrimination power
increases, the need to discriminate also
reduces. This is the real power that is working
here. Because when our internal power is hig, it
will give us power to face any higher obstacles.
So- we becomes free from the burden of
listening to the worldly news. Because
everything becomes game to such a person.
In another way, as the sharpness of the
blade increases, there is no need to check the
hardness of the object to be cut. It is almost
sure that the blade is capable to cut most of
the objects. OR small bombs may not be able
to destroy great everything. But, for an atom
bomb, there is no need to discriminate the
external situations. Similarly, when we
experience bodyless/seed stage, it will be
In other words, when the power of
immunity reaches very high level, there is no
need to bother about silly matters. Or as one
becomes more and more rich, he need not

discriminate (bother about) small issues. In

other words, when a person is able to earn by
thoughts, he becomes free from burden of
----------- ---------236)DO NOT CELEBRATE VICTORY:Do not celebrate (limited) victory. Instead
increase your speed and goal. The biggest
mistake which almost everyone does in life is
celebrating the victory (getting influenced by
ones own progress).
Actually, this is one of the main reasons
why the world famous cricket teams fall down
after becoming number one position. Because
due to this celebration (feeling of attachment
or ego of success), the speed reduces or we
develop superiority conflex.
A soldier should not celebrate till the army
attains the final victory. He should not
celebrate if he kills one or two persons in the
opposite party.
Assume that my aim is to reach top of
mountain, 1000 meters height. And, if now, I
reach 50 meters, I should not celebrate it. Of
course, people may praise us when they see
goodness in us. But, we should not accept it
internally. We should bypass it to God. Praises
are highly dangerous in path of spiritual
progress. Hence it is said- a spiritual person
should be above duality- not affected by

success/defeat, profit/loss, praise.criticisms,

[It is also said- student life is best life for
the same reason. Because a student is a
student till he gets his final degree, whatever
however exams he might have passed. If he
develops ego, then he is likely to come down.
But, of course, in worldly life, the effect may
not be much since, a student will be student in
his young age in which period, where his
relations are not built strong enough. He is still
like a plant and not tree so that he can be bent.
The level of brittleness due to ego will be lower
in that age. But, in spirituality, ego is highly
dangerous which will create conflicts in
But using the victory to increase our faith
and determination is good and necessary (like
a student becomes enthusiastic after getting
good marks in a subject). If you can inspire
others by sharing your experiences to others, it
is Ok. But, the other person should be a
student like me who is willing to grow. Hence, it
is said- donate to the eligible one. So- see the
pulse and give medicine.
An open secret:-For example, I get salary
every month. But if I celebrate this every
month, it is foolishness. I celebrate of the day
when I got job. [So- celebrating the day of
getting spiritual knowledge can be celebrated.

That is good. It will refresh us.] Then I will

celebrate only after settling in my life (say
purchased a house, etc). So- till we reach
carefree state, no celebration is useful. And, in
spirituality, when we reach the highest state,
that is the highest enjoyment. What is there to
celebrate then, is it not?! There is pratyaksh
phal(immediate fruit) and complete phal and
liberation in life.
Here comes the need of POWER TO
------------------- --------------237)POWER TO ACCOMMODATE:Just imagine what happens if a small boy
receives a payment of one million dollar a day.
He will get excited. He will not know what to do
with so much money and will not be able to
utilize it effectively. When he realizes that- O- I
such a maturity comes in him, then only he will
save it in bank or preserve it. Else, he is likely
to spend it carelessly. Similarly, in spirutial life,
when our intellect links with God, we enjoy
bliss which is like multi million dollar
enjoyment. But, why a BK does not remain in
the same stage for long time. It is due to lack
of maturity. Unless a BK thinks- O- I HAVE TO


NEXT KALPA , he is likely to become childish
one again. This is why it is said- Boat of truth
wobbles. A BK comes several times ups and
downs in life.
This is why it is said- IF WE ARE IN STATE
GET FULL MARKS. Spining of swdarshan disc
(Drama wheel) helps us to be in this matured
stage. [Mentioned in topic No. 185 and 188].
The faith mentioned in topic No. 224 gives
us controlling power and ruling power. It is like
we become matured in driving vehicle. But,
that is not fully enough. The brake should be
powerful. Else, we will not be able to avoid
accidents or others will get upset by our
movements. Hence, it is said- SLOW AND
STEADY WINS THE RACE. So- the virtue of
seriousness (gambheerata) helps us in making
our brake powerful. In other words, it keeps us
A teacher should not teach students
according to his speed/capacity. Students will
not be able to follow him. He has to
accommodate students. Similarly, even after
development of faith mentioned in 224, we
should slow down ourselves.

In otherwords, it is said- AS A TREE BEARS

Hence there should be attention in our life
always till attention becomes natural/resolves.
It means we should keep on balancing as we
grow or keep ourselves organized.
When we adopt seriousness in our life, the
need to react reduces. Even when others praise
us or criticize, we can remain stable both
internally as well as externally. It will give
double benefit with no effort. It also teaches,
satisfies best to others without any tiredness.
-------------- ----------------238)KNOWLEDGE (AWARENESS) TO
TO POWER:This is the journey. Cause for all failures is
WEAK INTELLECT. As the intellect becomes
divine, we become powerful. Thoughts are food
to the intellect. So- positive thoughts will give
right food and go on increasing the power of
discrimination and other powers.
Initially, when we receive/listen or
understand the knowledge, for some it will just
create an awareness in them. For some, it will
sit deeper (depending on their intellect). It is
like seeing, tasting or eating food/tonic once.
As we create more and more positive
thoughts and sacrifice negative thoughts (like

practicing the same diet and life style), the

knowledge becomes our QUALITY (there is
improvement in health). Our value begin to
increase. As we do it more, it becomes our
VIRTUE. Then finally it becomes our POWER.
It is said- animals have sixth sense.
Because they have some discrimination power
by their own nature. They act according to their
nature. They usually or most of the times do
not think more than their food and shelter.
They do not get addicted either emotionally or
physically like we humans. But we have made
our intellect wandering here and there in
gathering lots of information. We have become
more interested in external things than internal
things. Hence we have lost our sixth sense.
When a virtue is developed as our power, the
power of discrimination sits in us as a
nature/resolves. It is called as VICELESS stage
which will act like a WIRELESS set and will be
highly useful in emergencies.
Note:- Anyone will be effective only if has
power of discrimination. A good teacher knows
where is the discrimination (difference, lacking)
and how should I act so that it can be filled
easily. Even while noting down failures of
students, while exlplaining them to the
students, he never takes it internally. There is
power of discrimination both in the matter as
well as in relations.

Similarly, a good doctor will be able to treat

the patient. While diagnosing, and even while
the treatment, how well he can do so that the
patient can recover with less pain.
Good parents also will try to build self
esteem in their children than just
feeding/supporting/forcing them. There will
always be detachment in any good relation.
When we discriminate properly, we will
automatically pay right respect to all.
SILENCE:Peace = state of comfort, carefree stage.
Silence = state of originality= power.
Peace is needed for the world, silence is
needed for Self/soul.
PEACE means a car with good condition or a
battery capable to handle its normal/rated load
comfortably. SILENCE means a brand new car.
Even if you use car, it is still in the brand new
condition. The usage is not going to affect it. It
is like a battery having connection with power
source and hence can handle any amount of
There is peace in silence. But, the reverse need
not be true. Peace is like subset of silence.
Peace is like having healthy body , where as
silence is the ability to remain comfort even
during painful situation or in a diseased body.
Silence acts like natural anesthesia. It is power.

There is detachment from the body.

Peace is like having intellect of a child, which is
free from many influences. For example- it is
free from effect of vices. but, it cannot conquer
nature. It can tolerate or free from ego or
stress, but cannot face hunger. But, silence is
like golden intellect. It has controlling and
ruling power. It can face any situation with free
from all the influences. Even hunger will not
affect a mind when it is in Silence.
Peace is like having healthy atmosphere- like
conditions of a good society. But silence is like
having power of immunity- like having an AIR
Some individuals may be able to face any
conditions or situation in the society. They can
be comfortable in any country. It means they
have power of silence. But, if a society is free
from many such bad situations, it means there
is (just) peace in the society. A society
consisting of good citizens is a peaceful society.
But, good soldiers are like those having power
of silence. Usually we cannot say- there is
silence in society. Of course, we can say- if
everyone is a good yogi in a gathering, then we
can say- there is silence in that gathering. Such
a gathering can be called as gathering of
angels (completely non violent army).
In Paramdham (as well as in perfect sleep),
there is silence to the extent of 100%. But, it

would be like sleep, and hence no experience.

But, it is also a state where the nature is
conquered - since soul is separate and there is
no body. It gives full rest and just rest, like a
battery with zero discharge.
In heaven, there is full peace or peace is at
comfortable level. Like battery power is above
the threshold value even if it is continuously
decreasing/discharging while devliering to load.
But, after Copper age, peace begins to
decrease due to sin. The battery is getting
stressed. But, still there would be more than
50% peace most of the time in a day until the
last 500 years of kalpa (explaining just
approximately- because quality of peace in
heaven and hell are not comparable). At the
end of kalpa, the stress, ego will be very high
and even rich, healthy people will not be in
peace. We have examples where rich, healthy,
educated people getting upset and some
committing even suicides.
It is easy to explain peace. Like it is said
absence of war is peace. So- if there is no
internal wandering of mind or if the mind is not
stuck in something causing strong
attachment/desire (lagaav, jhukaav) , there is
peace. If a driver moves vehicle comfortably, it
is like peace. But if a driver moves vehicle with

jerks (inexperienced driver), there is lack of

But, silence is extra ordinary. It is not
moving on road! It is flying- example being in
aeroplane. So- the person who is experiencing
silence- his mind would be above this world
(matter) even while being in the body. For
example- we have heard the astronauts in the
spaceship experience weightless stage. That isthey do not feel weight of body due to gravity.
Effect of gravity becomes zero on them.
Silence is in the same way. Being in the body,
we feel we are just like point of light, and body
is not with me or attached to me. Even if
it/body is there, it is following me just like a
shadow, without burdening me. We feel body
as liveless, just a dress. There is relation, but
as if there is not at all. That is- the body is
mine, but I need not attend to it. Its state
cannot disturb me.
-------------------- -----------240:- TRUE VICTORY:True Victory is not to attain victory (= not
to be in feeling of victory). It is to go beyond
the feeling of victory and defeat. That is to go
beyond the feeling of duality.
Similarly, real aim is not to understand karma
philosophy. It is to go beyond effects of karma.
That is to become karmaateet. To have good
health, there is no need to know every detail of

body. It would be waste. The need is to know

healthy diet and life style. That is all. Else, if we
keep on searching and thinking silly/minute
things, it may develop ego of knowledge.
That is why the depth of knowledge is very
deep. For example, knowledge is like water.
But, as we go deeper, we get gems. So- the
aim is not to swim (= not to be in conscious of
knowledge). It is to reach depth of the
knowledge. At final point, one gets gems.
Initially, a person/child develops by using
resources for himself. Later, he grows by
serving others. There is a great change in the
direction of thoughts, speech and actions in his
life. Similarly, even in spirituality, such a great
change will occur when he is going to become
Note that karma philosophy or laws of
karma is different for different people/levels. A
child is not punished for its mistakes, but an
adult is punished. Example- a child may pass
urine in public places, it is not considered as
wrong, but if the same is done by an adult, it
would be considered as wrong.
So- if a spiritual person (BK) commits a
mistake, then the punishment would be more
than other people. Even in BKs, as one
progresses, his accountability (as well as
fruit/earnibg) would be more than others.

So- as we progress rules of karma change.

But, due to attachment or laziness, if we still
stick to old things, position and relations (either
in lowkik, offcial or in spiritual) in the same way
as before, knowingly or unknowingly we are
going to hinder our progress. A good level of
discrimination power without ego is very much
essential here, else we may not understand the
new form of Maya (Question paper of the next
class/stage) at all.
Hence, there should be intention either to
grow or to serve in life. Else, we will not be able
to understand depth. Hence the only way to
understand truth is to grow or serve.
Real Aim is not to win others. It is to handle
others or the situation. And, that can be
achieved only by conquering Maya. So- real
aim is to conquer Maya. And, Maya is nothing
but illusion/ignorance which are the cause for
vices. So- when we win Maya, all illusions and
confusions, fear, etc would die and we would
be above the feeling of victory and defeat or
any duality.
----------------- -----------241)EFFORT TO BECOME EFFORTLESS:We should put effort to become effortless.
This is the highest stage called as karmaateet
stage (free from influence of actions and its
fruit/effects). This is when a person develops
faith that- what all happens is good/truth.

------------- ------------ ----------242) IF YOU ARE FULLY FREE FROM

ho, toh jo chaaho kar saktey ho):Attachment is the root cause for all evils.
When we sacrifice attachment, our capacity
becomes multifold. We all know that we earn
by good thoughts, speech/words and/or
actions. If our thoughts are not good, we need
to bother now and then in our actions and
words. We need to be cautious and check
whether what I spoke is correct or not. But, if
thoughts are Ok, then even if something is
lacking in words and actions, it will
automatically be compensated.
Income earned (Service or progress) by
thoughts (or service to humanity by thoughts
=inspiration, purity) is much more than words
and actions. It is like diamond business
whereas serving through words and actions
(teaching and physical help and support) are
lower levels of business. A diamond business
man will not bother about business of
groundnuts even if it fetches some income.
Similarly, when we realize thought energy, we
become free from influence of words and
actions. This is called as nashta_moha (free
from attachment) and smruti_swaroop (merged
in self swaroop).

In Bhagavadgita also it is said- for one who

is free from attachment, has no benefit from
doing any work, and no loss by doing anything.
Some may question- so can such a person
do crime like killing a person?
Reply:- Such a person will not do such things,
because he will have no vice, hence he will be
fully non violent.
243)NO ROOM TO EGO:In the world drama everyone is dependent
on something or other including God.
God does not have body of his own. So he
cannot reveal himself to the whole world. Also
HE will have to wait till BKs attain perfection.
Only when BKs become pure enough, then only
people will realize God through them (purified
BKs) in the end.
No BK can/should have ego of godly
knowledge. The moment he gets ego,he will
become weak and not be able to cope with the
conflicts in this world. It is only when he
becomes detached and humble, he will be able
to play his role in this drama (grow and serve).
Even BKs are dependent on others for their
world service. They need scientific
technologies, media to give their message.
Even in heaven, the present technology will go.
There will be atomic energy and Pushpak
vimaan (aeroplanes). So- BKs should have good
wishes to all.

Even in heaven, a King is served by

servants. The BKs who study well become
Kings there, those who study less will become
Citizens, Servants, etc. So, even a strong BK
cannot criticize weak BKs.
It is BK souls who first begin to become
impure. In the path of bhakti, BK souls will be
impure and will bow their head to sanyaasis.
So- they are dependent on sansyyaasis during
hell. It is because of purity of sanyaasis, some
vices are getting compensated.
Like in a country or an organization, the top
management is dependent on lower
management, even if it is at higher position. It
should pay respect and have good wishes to all
the lower employees. Then only the
organization will be complete.
God gives vision of deities even in
bhaktimarg, and not of Himself! His vision
would be meaningless or useless since
devotees cannot understand Gods real form.
Even if devotees worship other deities, God will
have to give fruit to the devotees and this will
make the intellect of deities more and more
attached to deities instead of God.
Similarly, when BKs are able to develop
good wishes to all, then only God can be
revealed and also even the BKs. So- there is
both dependency and cooperation. In a drama
each has a unique value and it is a team work.

This variety and team work is shown as Viraat

Roop in bhaktimaarg.
The deity religion is said to be most
powerful religion. But, it never rules any other
religion. And- the population of the deity
religion would be very less. So- it has limits.
And- deity religion(Hinduism) would be ruled by
other religions in the last 400 years of the TC.
But, Hindusim is the only or one of the most
rare civilization in the world- which has kept its
indentity even after several attacks from
others. And- it is the one that has given true
shelter to other religions. It is highly capable of
adjusting with the other religions. Like when
storm or wind comes, the branches of a tree
would shake and are likely to cause imbalance.
But, it is the middle portion/trunk that balances
the them. In this way, India today- even after
having so many languages, culture, religions,
etc- still moving smoothly.
Even though deity religion is the highest
religion, it is the only religion that commits
SPIRITUAL SUICIDE by writing ugly stories
about the deities in its scriptures and placing
name of Krishna as God of Gita instead of
incorporeal Shiv.
In fact, every soul will attain
perfection/pure (at least after pubnishment)
according to its level in the end. For example,
in a perfect/new machine, every part is perfect,

but the price/value of each is different. But

without one, the other cannot have full value.
So- the basic principle of life is- Have Self
Esteem and Give Respect to Others
should be followed. One who follows this fully
becomes King, those who follow to lesser
extent, take lower positions.
244)SIGNIFICANCE OF VIRAAT ROOP:The Viraat Roop depicts variety things of
245)SYMPATHY- IS NOT A VALUE/USEFUL:Sympathy = similar emotions
It is like feeling one person's problem in the
same/similar way as he feels. The need is
to understandthe problem and not to feel the
problem. The more we feel, less power is
left. Sympathy never uplifts consciousness
of either the self or the other, nor cures
the cause. Sympathy is the result of
ignorance or attachment and not love or
wisdom. Sympathy just acts like drug which
gives temporary relief, but has side effects.
Can we express sympathy to a new born
baby or one that is within an year old?
Impossible is it not. And- is there any use of
showing sympathy to them while treating
them? So- We should understand the

problem and treat, no need to feel the

problem, is it not. [Truth is open secret].
But- with elders, we express our sympathy
due to ego, and attachment, etc. Now- do we
feel/have that sympathy all the time? Usually
No (except for blood relatives of close friends).
We express just outside only for majorities of
the people. Now- how do we express? - We may
say- Oh, I am sorry, it is very bad, you should
not have had this, etc. But- just by saying sodoes his problem gets cured or reduced? No.
Actually we are adding to the problem by
saying so. We are reminding the person about
his worry again and again.
[Whatever positively we express sympathy,
we have not open door to relief at all. We are
making the problem more secure/stronger. It is
unfortunate that- the society's level is so
degraded that- if one does not expresses
sympathy, he would be considered as heartless
person]- in this way- positive(real) expression
of sympathy has made others to pretend
sympathy for others and brings down both the
people to a very low level such that- no one is
permitted to feel or spread happiness even if
he has/can.
A good doctor- while attending his patientwill he start expressing sympathy and listen to
the entire story of the patient? Absolutely no.
His attention would be to understand the cause

and the effect, not to feel the person's

emotions. If he is sure that he has understood
the case, then he will not even listen to the
patient. After treating, then he will listen
without sympathy, but with trustee, a friend or
well wisher- without any attachment (eg- good
Soldiers also will have no sympathy while
doing rescue operations. They will act
immediately to the point, but not listen to the
people under problems like listening to stories.
They will attend to the problems which are at
top priority and not individual one. If they
start to react with sympathy, their
discrimination power and efficiency, both
would come much lower.
Danger of emotions:- Suppose say- I have
got fever. Now expecting sympathy from
someone is like- expecting the other also to
get/feel some fever. How wrong I am!
Actually if a person gets disease, he will
think- Oh- I have disease, now I should not
spread this. See- those who are health
conscious have this wisdom. But- we have
forgotten the real happiness inside us. Hence
we do not understand its importance. Hence
we believe/expect, let others also
think/expereince like me. How selfish I am, is it

When people are healthy, they can

mix/meet without any problem. But- if anyone
is not healthy, can he mix with other?
Dangerous, is it not? He should meet doctor.
Similarly, when we are(our mind is)
sad/impure/weak, we should not meet others
(not pass our emotions to them). We should
meet only those who are like doctors (God and
those who can give power to our mind), but
then I should be willing to follow their
directions. I should not expect the doctor to
feel what I have, I should follow the
prescription what doctor gives (Godly
Directions or higher directions than what I have
or know). Then once my mind is free from
worries/impurity, then only I should do
interaction with others. Simple logic, is it not.
So- if I expect/need some help from others,
it means I should meet only doctors (higher or
powerful than me) and I should follow their
advice, not expect them to feel what I have.
So- when there is problem, if we need
physical help, then ask physical help from
friends, or relatives, but do not burden their
mind with expecting sympathy. In case, your
mind is more powerful than theirs, then even
while getting served physically from them, you
can serve them emotionally. Because you will
be happy even while having disease (your

happiness is unaltered by physical conditions)

and hence inspires others.
It is similar to this. In house, there may be
old people having good wisdom. Younger
people will be serving physically them, but they
will be able to serve others with good stories
and great experiences.
So- the point is- if I have physical problem,
then I should/can ask physical help from those
who are more physically powerful than me and
are willing (or bound) to do so, but I should not
burden their mind with emotions (not create
mental problems to them). If I have problems
related to mind, then I should try to get
directions from those who are ready to serve
me so. If I am not satisfied from someone, then
I should say- thank you or good bye to such
doctors and leave or find another such doctor.
*- When someone dies- people start crying.
Does that cry brings him back? No. Then what
is the use? People will then celebrate death
anniversary every year. What is the use?
Nothing (if the aim is just to cry and feel the
246)WHAT IS TAKING CARE OF:Taking care of means fulfilling the needs.
When we handle a machine, there are DOs and
DONTs. Following those are actually taking
care of. We do not feel or hold or be with it all
the time, all the day. We attend as per the

procedure with full attention, but then forget it,

leave it and then keep busy in our work.
Similarly- we should attend our relatives or
friends in this way. If they have mental
problem, then give knowledge for mind. Then
ask them to practice themselves. If they have
doubt, clear them. Is there need to gossip?
If they have health problems, attend them,
if their mind is feeling bad, then tell good
stories, like we speak to children or give Gods
remembrance, but do not repeat the painful
things in face. That will make the atmosphere
Suppse if their health is very bad, then sit
in their side all the time, all the day. But- then
there is once again no need to churn on
negative/pain. Think of God, heaven or any
other positive you have. But expecting the
other persons mind to tune according to me(if
I am sad, weak) is highly wrong*.
Even in scriptures, it is very clearly said- if
someone dies, we should not cry. If we cry, the
soul will not get peace. Even in Bhagavadgita it
is said- if someone dies- why should you cry?
Body is anyhow perishable.
So- do your best, but never take the
feelings inside as it will deteriorate you. That is
karmayoga. Do karma/duty, but let the
yoga(mind and intellects) be at high (not
attached to here).

*- Can we expect the other persons mind to

get tuned to me if I am positive? Still no.
because their mind should grow according to
their own capacity and input. I can only
give/show input/path to them and then leave
them with good wishes.
Now- here a problem arises- what will
happen to the other when we try to remove our
--------------------- ------------------- --247)SPECIALITY IN A FRIEND:In friend, we get/find happiness due to free
from attachment. We can get material help
from parents, brothers, sisters, etc. But a friend
gives happiness. There is no bondage,
expectations. Each one is free to serve other
with freedom. Each one never sees negativity
in the other. Even if he sees, the teaching for
correction or any help is given with full of
respect and detachment without any fear or
burden. That is why inspite of having all the
material comforts and enough people to serve
us at home, still people expect some friendship
Now just imagine how it would be if all of
our close relatives also are like our friends.
That would give an imagination of heaven. Our
each talk with them would give happiness to
each other.

Now, let us move ahead. How would it be if

everyone whom I meet is my friend. That would
be great. A friendship is a pure relation.
Because each one is not affected by negativity
of the other due to detachment. So- where
there is purity, there is peace and happiness.
Let us move further. Suppose say- each
person is healthy, how it would be. Now, if each
person is comfortable with all enough
resources, how it would be. So- heaven is a
society where one is full both internally and
externally. Hence the relations last for longer
But- there is a problem (in this world).
Suppose when I behave as friend to my lowkik
brother, how my brother will feel. Can he
accept me like that? Can he cope up with me?
Can my parents treat me as their friend? If they
cannot, then happiness is gone. Or if I cannot
maintain my same state of detachment,
respect, etc, then it would go wrong.
So- spiritual life is a continuous internal
fight, study, business. How to proceed? Make
your point clear to the other person and act.
Then we will not listen to waste things,
comments, etc. If the other person acts
emotionally, then we will not react. Then other
person will get reminded and then put full stop.
In the initial days, it would be felt as some
conflict at home or in those relations like

adolescent period of growth, but if we are firm

with our determination, then they will
understand us. No one can disturb us. We will
save our time and energy a lot and be a model
to others.
An important point:-In friendship relation,
there is no feeling of rights and responsibilities.
Sorry, not like that. There is no ego of rights or
burden of responsibilities. That is- they are not
defined by anyone in books or by law. That isthey are not felt as rights or responsibilities.
Hence karmic account does not get created. In
heaven it would like that. But- in hell, they get
definitions and mind is brought into limits. This
creates bondage. In hell, there come the terms,
a child has BIRTHRIGHT over his fathers or
grandfathers property. A child has
RESPONSIBILITY to take care of his parents in
his old age, etc, etc. This work/position gives
you these rights, and bounded by these
responsibilities, etc*.
So- it is clear that when purity/friendship is
lost, all these definitions are needed. There is a
That is true. BUT, THEN WHY NOT WE
EVERYONES LIFE? The reason is- we spoil the
relation with attachment and it does not give
us real need (happiness, joy). It develops

karmic account due to lack of detachment and

degrades us. [I am not saying just negative.
This applies only to those where the relation is
full of attachment. There can be some lowkik
parents who have developed esteem in their
children, they can be called as their friends]
Also- in this world- those who make friends,
some of them get spoiled soon due to lack of
purity/detachment in it. Sometimes- those
friends then become enemies and their state
would be lower than that had been earlier
before the friendship. So- was it really
friendship they had? No. It was just a relation
for satisfying some pleasure.
So- when we have all in one, it would be
best and that would be in heaven.
* - In Bhagavadgita, it is said- do work/duty.
But neither get influenced by the work
(responsibility), not the fruit (rights). Do it with
trustee ship. It also says- there is no need to
work if one is nashtamoha (free from
attachment). He can also work do anything.
Any work will not elevate him or degrade him.
This is the true friendship. The actions have
nothing to do with the relation (inner
happiness). It is safe and unaffected by
----------- ------248)PATHY, SYMPATHY, APATHY,

PATHY has come from the word PATHOSFEELINGS usually said for negative or weak
feelings. Soa)Pathy = feelings
b)SYMPathy = Similar/Same Feelings. It is to
have or deveop similar feelings towards the
other when the other is is in bad condition. This
does not have any useful vaue as explained
before. Since the other person has negative
feeling, we also would be adding something
negative to increase the total negativity.
c)Apathy = No pathy = No feelings. It is not
to feel about others. It is like not heard or
understood the situation at all, like a baby. A
baby can neither have sympathy, nor develop
negative feelings towards anyone. So- a person
with apathy means a harmless and useless
d)EMPathy = Empowering pathy
(feelings). Here, the person is really is
uplifted. His negative feelings are empowered.
His problems really get solved at least to some
extent. His self esteem builds at least to some
extent (either in wealth, health or happiness)
This is real taking care of. Any wealth,
knowledge or power/virtue is donated to the
person without any expectation or as per
needs of the person. EMPATHY IS THE ONLY
ONE THAT HAS VALUE. According to the

ability/level of the donor, his

inspiration/empathy towards the other will vary.
-------------------- ---------249)TRUE/BEST FRIENDSHIP: In friendship there are different levels. If a
person gives more than what he takes, he
can be called as friend of the other.
Some may help by giving material benefit.
That also has value, of course. If we move
Just imagine- not demanding anything
from a tree (from the friend), but just
picking only the fallen fruits from it (that
come as a natural output from the
person)- this is a very good level of the
Some get satisfied just by the company
without need to do anything. This is also a
very good level of friendship.
Rajayoga enables any negative output from
a person to transform into positive,
however the person may be. This is the
highest friendship. A true Rajayogi(RY)
feels that every soul would be pure for at
least half a kalpa in the world drama and
would see every soul in this attitude. he
has the knowledge of drama, and karma
philosophy which can keep his intellect
positive and determined. So- however the
other person may behave, a RY can feel

even an enemy as friend. In this way, he

can reap highest benefit from all relations,
and also give highest to all the people. The
other person can be inspired to the highest
------------ ----------250)DRAMA or KARMA:Some incidents occur in life. How to
understand whethere it is drama or karma (due
to karmic account)?
Drama always exists. Karmic account
becomes applicable only if we have karmic
account or sins in us.

HOW TO DEVELOP FRIENDSHIP:The first step is to make sure that I do not

burden the other. Second thing is- I do not see
negativity in the other. So- I should first make
myself full
How to serve?
Limited to unlimited.
Just love and pity only

In this way- our old relations would get

transformed. Sometimes if we are not able to
switch over to this new relation, then there
woud be conflicts in life. And- as per the
success, one attains the status. One who is
able to satisfy many becomes King in heaven.
So- some relations may break (become weak)
during this transformation.

If we can behave like friend, then our

esteem is highest. Today unfortunately Those
who like us will follow us.

Why people expect friend even after

CREATORS:We need to



For example, a thief in this

Three steps in spiritual life

[Meditation means not just remembering

God, but feeling/experiencing God. More
accurately we realize his greatness (more
discriminating power we have) and have
faith in God, more energy can flow into
A baby also remembers its parents.
But initially it does not realize much. It
has good faith, but knowledge of parents
is lesser. As it grows, it understands
(power of discrimination) and hence
realizes better and better. But the first
step is to see (know = knowledge=
visualization) and remember. The child
initially just knows form of parents. Later
it gains knowledge of parent that- my
father is doctor, so rich, very sweet, etc,
As we go on remembering God and
listen to knowledge (murli), we will
realize/feel God better and better. It is
like this- A needle which is rusted, is not
well attracted by magnet. As its rust gets
reduced, the power of attraction
increases. Similarly, initially one may not
feel the greatness of God. But as he
practices regularly, purity is build up
which makes realization better.
Greatness of God:- For exampleassume that President of your country or

your loving child or husband/wife is close

to you. They are nothing in front of God.
Now- can you forget them even while
keeping eyes open when they are in front
of you and be in remembrance of God?If
you can, it means you have galloped well
in spiritual life.
This is like- For example- assume that 100
candles are very near and in front of you.
Now you get lights from them. Sun is very
far from us. But we still feel light of the
sun more than these candles, is it not?
Because light of candles is negligible
when compared to sun light. There is
great discrimination/difference between
sun and candles. Similarly, when our
discrimination power increases, we will
realize God truly and fully. We will be
dancing inside. Even while being with
others, we will be able to enjoy God.].

----------- ----------------- -------------


RELATIVE:- As the thoughts, so are the
actions. Here, it is absolute. But, when
seen just from external view, they are
opposite. As one elevates, he bends. It is
said- as one learns, he becomes humble.
When we become fully knowledgful, we will
also have the quality of become innocent like a
child or calmness like level of an ocean. A tree
when bears fruit, bends down. We can see
here, the action is opposite to the process. That
is as one elevates (internally), he comes
dow(bends) externally.
Hence- it would be difficult to others to
realize the truth. UNLESS ONE KNOWS
AND COMPENSATE:So- We shoud not repent. It is of no use.
Learn from past mistakes and become more
centered and determined better. If you had
done some loss to others, give compensation
for them by words, actions and thoughts. Then

get detached and forget the incident as if it

had happened in your past birth or as if it had
not happened at all.
Even when we get some disease or meet
accident,we will not sit and repent there. We
learn from it, try to get better, forget the
incident and move towards the goal, is it not?
--------------- -------------------------- -------------------227)Knowledge (AWARENESS) TO
TO POWER:This is the journey. Cause for all
failures is WEAK INTELLECT. As the intellect
becomes divine, we become powerful.
Thoughts are food to the intellect. So- positive
thoughts will give right food and go on
increasing the power of discrimination and
other powers.
Initially, when we receive/listen or
understand the knowledge, for some it will just
create an awareness in them. For some, it will
sit deeper (depending on their intellect). It is
like seeing, tasting or eating food/tonic once.
As we create more and more positive
thoughts and sacrifice negative thoughts (like
practicing the same diet and life style), the
knowledge becomes our QUALITY (there is
improvement in health). Our value begin to

increase. As we do it more, it becomes our

VIRTUE. Then finally it becomes our POWER.
It is said- animals have sixth sense.
Because they have some discrimination power
by their own nature. They act according to their
nature. They do not think more than their food
and shelter. They do not get addicted either
emotionally or physically like we humans. But
we have made our intellect wandering here
and there in gathering lots of information. We
have become more interested in external
things than internal things. Hence we have lost
our sixth sense. When a virtue is developed as
our power, the power of discrimination sits in
us as a nature/resolves. It is called as VICELESS
stage which will act like a WIRELESS set and
will be highly useful in emergencies.
Note:- Anyone will be effective only if has
power of discrimination. A good teacher knows
where is the discrimination (difference, lacking)
and how should I act so that it can be filled
easily. Even while noting down failures of
students, while exlplaining them to the
students, he never takes it internally. There is
power of discrimination both in the matter as
well as in relations.
Similarly, a good doctor will be able to treat
the patient. While diagnosing, and even while
the treatment, how well he can do so that the
patient can recover with less pain.

Good parents also will try to build self

esteem in their children than just
feeding/supporting/forcing them. There will
always be detachment in any good relation.
When we discriminate properly, we
automatically pay respect to the person and
-------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------------)SIGNIFICANCE OF VIRAAT ROOP:-

---------------- -----------TWO WAYS OF DOING EFFORT- LIMITED

---------------- -------------------There are two ways- one
[This needs to be improved It will take time]
Truth Inside one, outside another- Truth = Lie

Ego of knowledge
- Hence no one will know full
Why BKs do not do physical service?
Who is eligible- even if others got it by
strike, but one who did not strike is more
eligible, because he did not desire.
Is paap ki duniyaa se le chalo kaheen
Respect evenc criticisms- like manureshit- thorns, mountain, Honda on roadsdo not get upset.
As you sow, shall you reap.
Pay scale changes as one rises.
You cannot see just present state of a
soul- since half knowledge is dangerous.

Good wishes
Job- denies- no right to demand
Donate is good for other people.
Dharma is thoughts more than actions.
Seriousness full marks- earth- trees.
Truth= doing one thing, thinking anotherhence remains incognito even after
And- bks are effort makers, ehence
cannot be saakshaatkaarmurth.
Takkadi , latent heat- incognito

We will realize dharma/truth fully only

we are first soul (thinkers) than body (doers).
We are first human beings then doings.
Thoughts are the seeds to words and actions.
Since thoughts alone are really mine (created

by me to the extent of 100%) and the materials

what I have are not fully mine. I have got them
external things and supports.
A strange truth, but an open secret:- A
person is called bad only if he thinks bad more
than his bad words and actions. Unless a
person had created enough negative thoughts,
he cannot do negative actions. Also- his
negative actions will not be felt as negative.
Without any negativity in mind, even if some
bad actions are committed by a person, it will
be felt as accident and not really bad.
Similarly, our good actions will be effective
only when we have had enough stock of
positive thoughts. Else, even if we do good,
speak truth, they will not be effective and
praise worthy of.

224)METHODS TO CREATE GOOD WISHES:a)Give marks to a person more than what

he values himself. In other words, be
satisfied from others more than the
extent they are satisfied with
A Rajayogi knows that his role is best in the
world drama. Like a teacher has no expectation

from students, a doctor has no expectations

from the patient. But they do their duty and
then become introverted. Similarly, have no
expectation from others even while serving
them or being in their company. This is nothing
but giving right regard to others.
b)See or think of soul more than body.
Since soul is eternal and body is temporary,
soul has higher value and hence should be
given higher importance.
c)Think of heaven more than hell:- Since
heaven has higher value, think of heaven more
than hell. Actually it is heaven that has value,
because we are enjoying the same left out of
the heaven even today.
d)Never forget your fortune (self
esteem):A RY has confidence that he would be happy
for 4500 years of the 5000 yrs in the world
drama. So, be ready to accept anything that
happens in the last 500 years.
e)Rememeber God:When you remember God, everything will get
merged in it and nothing can influence you and
you will automatically radiate just positive to
others. It is like a flower plant giving out
fragrance even from the dirt (manure) supplied
to it.
f)Be in the state of trikaaladarshi (past,
present and future)

Power of discrimination is necessary to create

good wishes. When we differentiate
(discriminate) good (heaven and eternal
things) and bad (hell and temporary things),
we get power to create good wishes. As we go
on doing them, it develops that
sanskaar/resolves in us and then this practice
gradually brings perfection in us. More about
Power of discrimination is explained next.
------------ ------------


FAITH:First, we need highest knowledge or
Knowledge of truth. Then we need purity in our
speech and actions. Here purity means the
right environment inside and at our home and
relations needed so that the seed of knowledge
can grow. It is maintaining a clean atmosphere
at home where our body, organs are not
misused or overloaded- for example- mainly
celibacy, and pure food, good habits, free
from bad company and vices. And like talk
slowly, softly, sweetly, etc. This gives basic
concentration needed for the digestion of the
knowledge. Else, we may sometimes fail to
understand deep points of knowledge (like if a
student is lacking concentration, he may not

understand the subject fully or it is highly

difficult to make an addict to realize reality).
Purity is the foundation on which other
things can stand. Hence we should not become
careless in it. Then to build/grow, we should do
yoga (remembrance of pure things). To have
right yoga, we need faith.
Faith should be in four things. For an actor
to perform well in a drama, he should have
faith is self, the director, the drama story, and
all other actors.
So- there is need to develop faith in
In SELF (that I am a fortune soul),
In the director = GOD (that he is always
helpful to me and will support me in every
situation of life if I follow his directions
which will bring benefit to all others also),
In DRAMA (it is fixed and repeats
indefinitely. So there is no margin for the
question mark to blame anything or
anyone. There is no place to influence
others or getting influenced from others).
In all the souls and any situation, let them
be BKs, non BKs or even diseases to body
or any circumstances. [Since a BK has clear
knowledge that- any soul in drama would
be comfortable for at least 75% of the
time, he will not be upset by any situation
and will be able to come out (can fly) of

any traffic jam. More points are given in

part 05].
This is the complete truth. In one sentence the
complete truth is the absolute truth (i.eeternal role is preordained in every soul
which repeats every 5000 years). The
practice of this highest truth brings highest
purity in us.
----- ----- ----------------DESIRE WRONG- BECAUSE- RAIN,

[quote]Avyakt Sandesh : Jin athmavon ke pas

Advance Party ka janam huva hei un athmavon
ko thayyari karnney nimith ban_ na hai. Voh
variety prakar ki athmaayein hain. Koyi Bhakth
aathmayein hein, koyi rajyadhikari lene ke
sahayogi athmaye hei aur koyi Dhanvan hei,
lekin koyi positionvale nahi hei, lekin
positionvalon ke samparkvale hei. THO IS

Avyakt message:- The advance party souls

have taken birth at such places/people so that
they will become nimitt for the preparation.
They (the familes where advance party souls
have taken birth) will be of variety types. Some
will be devotee souls, some will be of those
who will cooperate in getting kingdom, some
will be rich but have no position- but having
contact with those who have position. Soadvance party souls have taken birth at such

Voh log tho apna bal va yuva sambhandh se

unhon ko aisa mukh se gnan nahi suna
sakenge. lekin APNE VIBRATION aur APNA RAA


'Apne Raay ki authoriti se, sneh se, baal
chrithr se, apnee jeevan kee dharana kee
visheshatha se unhon ko sahayogi bana rahe
hein. Voh athmayein Brahmakumari ban
seedha gnan nahi denge AUR Yoga NAHI
PRABHIVITH KARENGE. sampark me laa sakthe
lekin swayam gnan dene ka nimith nahi
banenge. Yah bi seva ka bhin bhin roop hei.
= They will not be able to give knowledge by
their power or youth(not clear, mostly means
even if they are adult, they will not be able to
give knowledge) relation. But, by their vibration
and their authority of giving
suggestions/directions. Their words/speech of
authority would be such that their parents and
those who are their contact/relation would feel
the directions of them is good. By their
authority of giving directions, by love, by
character of childhood, by the speciality of
dharna of their life, they make others
cooperative. They will not become Bk and give
knowledge directly or teach yoga, but by
practical dharna, they will influence. They will
bring in contact, but will not give knowledge by
themselves. This is also different forms of

Vyse kisi na kisee rupe se, sambandh se seva

ke sahayog se apaas me milthe bi hein, LEKIN
= BTW, by one or other ways, forms, relations
or by relation through service they also
(sometimes) meet together, but without
knowing (each other that they had been BKs in
past birth). The next sentence not clear.

Advantage of highest faith.

Power to accommodate virtue.

---------- ----------Here are a few Murli points that i consider show

that the Advance Party is not just about BKs
leaving their bodies and being reborn into the
Advance Party. If the BK souls leaving their
bodies were complete(as is claimed for Mama
and Baba), and preparing establishment

through their complete stages; why has Baba

said the following things in the Murlis...
"Mama has left. That actor went to perform
another act. There is no need to be confused,
to cry or to become sorrowful in this. She went
to do higher service (through her subtle body
in the Advance Party)." [Mu 25.06.65]
"Your Mama has ascended to the Subtle
Regions. Her karmic accounts of the physical
world ended (but she wasn't complete in
knowledge at this time)." [Mu 21.06.66]
"Although Mama(Om Radhe) doesnt possess a
(corporeal) body, she continues to make efforts
(through her subtle body). She goes out on
service. She enters into the bodies of children
and shows the path to the sinful to become
pure." [Mu 22.07.72]
"If Mama(Om Radhe) and
(Brahma)Baba(Krishna) enter into someone (in
their subtle bodies), then they can sit there
itself and study through them." [Mu 27.08.05]
"Mama(Radhe)-Baba(Krishna) will also go,
many other children will also go(leave their
physical bodies to serve) in (the)
advance(party, via their subtle bodies). It is not

that Mamma-Baba have attained complete

stage. Complete stage will be attained only at
the end(before the start of the Mahabharata
War of the outside world). Presently, nobody
can call himself complete." [Mu 10.11.88]
"Advance Party is doing service by
transforming the corporeal body (nar to
Narayan in this very birth - but BKs are
preparing to leave their old bodies behind after
destruction), but the role of some (souls)
continues till the end through the corporeal
and also the subtle form. What is your role?
Does anyone have a role in the Advance Party?
Does anyone have a role of service through the
subtle body (Antahvaahak sharir)? Both have
different importance (corporeal and subtle
bodied souls). It's not a question of first or
second. It's the importance of variety role (as
both are required). The task of the Advance
Party is also not less important. I had told that
they are preparing their own plans zestfully.
They(Mama-Baba) are well known even there
(in the Advance Party of Farrukhabad, UP)." [Av
"Although someone may be a millionaire here,
but they are still sad, because their body
cannot be rejuvenated.Your body (Ram-Sita
and 450,000 Sun Dynasty souls) is

rejuvenated (after final world destruction, in

2036/7)." [Mu 28.01.73]
"You are not worshipped at this time because
the body is not pure. When you become
completely virtuous(pure), your body gets
transformed(rejuventated, after 2036/7)." [Mu
"If you leave the poison (of sex lust) for this
last one birth, I will transform your body into
Kalp-taru (evergreen tree, in this very birth). It
is a very easy thing." [Mu 20.04.77]
"In this Purushottam Sangamyug only(which
begins in 1976), you become this (Confluence
Age Lakshmi-Narayan, aka Ram-Sita)... With
the power of Yoga, you are becoming so
golden. Both soul and body become golden (or
pure, in this very birth - nar to Narayan, nari to
Lakshmi)." [Mu 14.10.74]
"In the case of snakes, there is no question of
rebirth. It sheds the old skin and gets a new
skin.Similarly, you too have to change
over (Father Shiv is describing the process, that
will take place in the bodies of the 450,000
karmateet souls of the Sun Dynasty, who are
those who recognised the part of Father,
played by Father Shiv through Prajapita-Ram in

the Confluence Age. After final nuclear

destruction in 2036/7; all the impure souls of
the world will have returned to the Soul World;
thus allowing the 5 elements of nature, to
become totally pure... this includes, the old
tamopradhan bodies of the pure karmateet
souls, who will return to them, after a brief visit
to the Soul World)." [Mu 27.07.77]
Just as the actors of a drama know that we
have come from our home to play our part on
the stage... similarly we souls take up this
costume-like body and play our part; then we
have to return (home); we have to leave this
body (at some point - even Shankar). You
should feel happy. You should not be afraid. You
are earning a lot of income. Those who leave
the body can themselves understand as to
what extent they have earned the income. You
can understand as to whose post can be said to
be high among those who have left their
bodies; those particular persons used to do a
lot of service; they went and took rebirth...
they have gone in advance (either to play their
roles through their subtle bodies like Mama and
Baba, or through corporeal bodies, depending
on their part in drama).They had only that
much part (in that particular birth). Even then,
it can be possible that they may come to
obtain knowledge to some extent or the other.

They have become heirs, have they not? They

might have had karmic accounts with someone
to settle; they have gone to settle them. The
soul carries sanskars of knowledge, does it not?
Sanskars are contained only in the soul. They
cannot perish. They might have gone to a nice
place and must be doing service. When they
have gone with the sanskars of knowledge,
they will do service to some extent or the
other. It is not as if every soul would continue
to depart. No. Yes, it is certain that ones age
increases by remaining in (accurate) Yoga(i.e.
one's life expectancy increases, if the Yoga or
remembrance is accurate - i.e. remembrance of
living Ram ShivBaba, and then one can survive
destruction). [Mu 27.03.08]
Ultimately there will be nothing else but this
atomic bomb for the destruction of the world.
For that neither an army is needed nor a
captain. Now-a-days they have made such
arrangements that they will explode the bomb
while sitting there. You obtain Kingship while
sitting here (face to face with Ram ShivBaba Shiv+Prajapita-Ram), and there they destroy
everyone while sitting at one place. Your (the
souls who have recognised Father Shiv in His
especially appointed Chariot, Prajapit-Shankar)
knowledge and Yoga, and their instruments of
death become equal (hence you are able to

survive the final nuclear destruction, to give

birth to the Golden Age children, like RadheKrishna, after 2036/7). [Mu 20.07.09]
Whatever was shown through visions will be
seen through these (very) eyes (in practical
form). We have had visions of Vishnu. We will
also go there (Heaven-Ramraj) in practical (in
this very birth - not through rebirth like RadheKrishna). Then visions will cease to happen. In
the Golden Age and Silver Age there is neither
vision nor Bhakti. All these things start again
from the path of worship. Baba explains such
nice things which children have to then explain
to others. [Mu 19.11.07]
"All the (Brahmin) children have to become
aware (by the end), that the Father who gives
the inheritance has come (in the practical living
form of Prajapita-Ram). They should not remain
deprived (this is the work of the Advance
Party)." [Av 03.04.12]
"The Father is not yet revealed (to the wider
Brahmin family), He is still incognito (but is
present in practical or corporeal form). So the
time is now coming close through you (PBKs of
the Advance Party), whether it is the
instrument teachers or any child, you now have
to reveal the Father. The Brahma Kumaris are

doing very good work, that has already

happened, you have reached this far. However,
now (you PBK children of the Advance Party
have to) show that God Himself has incarnated
in the body of (Prajapita)Brahma(Ram - to play
the role of Father, and give the inheritance of
mukti and jeevanmukti, aka nar to Narayan),
and is making the (Prajapita)Brahma Kumaris
so worthy. This point is now still left. You sing
the song, "My Baba has come"... however, it
should now be revealed to (all Brahmin) souls,
that God Himself has incarnated (in the body of
Prajapita-Ram), and is carrying out this task
through the (PBK) Sisters and Brothers(the
Karavanhaar role of the Advance Party). You
(PBKs of the Advance Party) have to bring
about this revelation, do you not?" [Av
"You know that Baba has come again. He had
come in the previous cycle (Kalpa) too when
there was a rule of Britishers from whom the
Congress had obtained the power. Then
Pakistan was created. This had happened a
Kalpa ago too. These issues are not mentioned
in the Gita. Ultimately they will understand that
certainly it is that very time now. Some feel
that God has come. God had come when the
Mahabharata war was fought. They speak
correctly; just the name has been changed.

Even if they mention the name of Rudra it

would be considered to be OK. Rudra had
established this Yagya of knowledge, through
which the crisis of the world was averted. This
too will be known (to the world) through you
(PBKs) gradually. They will also say that Krishna
was not God. There is still time for that now.
Otherwise such a crowd would gather here that
you would not be able to even study. Crowd is
not the norm here (in the Advance Party)... The
task would continue in an incognito way. Now if
a big person comes here (to listen to Advanced
Knowledge narrated by Ram ShivBaba), he
would say that these people have gone mad."
[Mu 26.01.08]
"They (the Advance Party) are also
strengthening their gathering (sangathan).
Their work will also get revealed along with
your work. Now they are close in respect of
relation and place. That's why they meet in
small groups on one reason or the other...
Those who have to do physical service have
also gone (to the Advance Party). Those
possessing planning intellect for the new world
have also gone. Along with them, those who
increase the courage and joy have also gone...
A nice group is getting prepared. But both
groups will get revealed together... That party
is making preparations on a large scale. Just as

you people are planning a youth rally, so they

are also youth now... They have a lot of zeal
inside but cannot do anything outside. This is
also a role of cooperation in the work of
establishment. Their thoughts are not one.
They are together by force. But there is a
secret in this forcible meeting. The time for
clarifying the secret practices (guhya reetrasam) of establishment is nearing now. Then
you people will know what the Advance Party is
doing and they are also asking questions about
what you are doing. But as per the drama both
are progressing." [Av 18.01.84]

Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwavidyalay means

Advance Party
In the 5000 years old human world drama
cycle consisting of four ages, the Supreme
Father Supreme Soul Shiva enters into an
ordinary human being in the smallest but
highest age, i.e. Purushottam Sangamyug
(Confluence Age) and establishes a unique
Godly University. First of all, the Supreme

Father Supreme Soul Shiva enters into the body

of Sevakram, the business partner of Dada
Lekhraj, (the founder of Brahmakumaris
Institution) in Calcutta in 1936-37 and who
explained the meaning of the divine visions
caused to Dada Lekhraj and establishes a
Godly family, in which Spiritual Mother-Father
and spiritual children are included. The task of
this Godly family (called Om Mandali) shifts to
Sindh, Pakistan, where it expands and gets
publicized. Here, after a few years' work, Dada
Lekhraj's partner, the spiritual mother and
many members of the above mentioned Godly
family expired. Then, this Godly family shifts its
base to Mount Abu, Rajasthan.
The Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva plays
the role of a mother through Dada Lekhraj at
Mount Abu, and establishes the Brahmakumari
Vidyalaya to give the basic knowledge of the
soul, Supreme Soul and the beginning, middle
and end of the world drama wheel in the same
way as any mother in the world gives the basic
knowledge to her child before sending him/her
to school for formal education. But just as a
child who receives only the pampering of a
mother, may also get spoilt, similarly the
mother's role played through Dada Lekhraj
(alias Brahma) led to many of the
Brahmakumar-kumari-like Godly children

getting spoilt. Then, after the death of Dada

Lekhraj in 1969, the Supreme Father Supreme
Soul Shiva changed his place as well as form.
The Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva was
revealed in Delhi in 1976 through the new body
of the soul of the partner, through whom He
commenced the role of a disciplinarian Father.
In order to guide the Brahmakumar-kumaris,
who have strayed from their objectives, to
narrate the advanced and deepest spiritual
knowledge and to accomplish the unfinished
task of world transformation the Supreme
Father Supreme Soul Shiva established the
Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwavidyalay (Spiritual
Godly University), whose Headquarters are
located in Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh.
Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwavidyalay is called
Advance Party because the spiritual mother
and Father and other members of the Om
Mandali who left their mortal bodies or the
Godly family between 1936-37 and 1948 or
those who received the Godly message in the
Sindh area, become members of the Adhyatmik
Ishwariya Vishwavidyalay established by
Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva in 198283 to complete their unfinished spiritual quest
or efforts with the same body or by taking
rebirth with different names and forms. Since
these souls separate from the Godly family

established in the Confluence Age in advance,

i.e. very early and then take rebirth and make
very advanced, i.e. high quality efforts through
a new body, and listen to the advanced (i.e.
highest and deepest) knowledge face to face
from Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva. That
is why the group of these souls is called
Advance Party or Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa
Vidyalaya. Since these souls make efforts to
live like a lotus not in a pure atmosphere of a
hermitage but amidst puddle-like households;
since they, in spite of being vicious like the
monkeys, side with the Supreme Soul Ram,
who is in an ordinary body-like costume; and
since these Souls recognize the Murlidhar
(beholder of flute) Supreme Soul, who plays the
wonderful flute of knowledge in spite of being
banished from the Brahmakumari Ashrams like
the Pandavas, they are praised in the
mythological scriptures written from Copper
Age onwards as the Ram's Army of monkeys or
the Pandava Army of Gita Sermonizer God
(unknown non-violent warriors).
There are direct or indirect references of the
Advance Party in the flutes of knowledge
(muralis) narrated by the Supreme Father
Supreme Soul Shiva through Dada Lekhraj from
1951 to 1969 and in the Avyakt Vanis narrated
by the soul of Dada Lekhraj through the body

of B.K.Gulzar Dadi since 1969, through which

one can recognize the wonderful and beneficial
role of the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva
and obtain the inheritance of Godly knowledge,
virtues and powers.
Related Avyakt Vani and Gyan Murli points:
1. "The beginning of Godly task in Calcutta:
"The land of revelation of Father Brahma is
Calcutta only, is not it.....When the land of
revelation of Father Brahma is Calcutta, then
which land will be the land of revelation of
Baapdada? Will it be Calcutta? The place where
the beginning was made should also bring the
end." - A.V.18.01.05
2. "The role of mother through Dada Lekhraj
(Brahma): "Your elder mother is Brahma, but
many children have not recognized fully."- Murli
dtd 1.5.73
3. "The present corporeal medium of Supreme
Father Supreme Soul Shiva: "Prajapita Brahma
should certainly be present here at the
Confluence Age of the Kalpa (cycle of 5000
years). Only then will the new world of
Brahmins be created." - Murli dated 17.3.78
4. "Shiva does not enter B.K.Gulzar Dadi:
"When the Father is highest then he must enter
into the body of a King or a pure sage. Monks
are pure. Father can come in the body of a pure
spinster, but it is against the rule. He is Father,

then how can he ride in a spinster? Father

explains that in whom do I enter. I come in that
person who takes complete 84 births. Not even
a single day less."- Murli dated 15.10.69
(Gulzar Dadi is a spinster and Dada Lekhraj has
not taken rebirth after leaving his body, then
through which body will the incorporeal Shiva
get revealed in the form of Father?)
5. The present Confluence-Aged task of the
Advance Party is in this world itself:
A. "The group of Advance Party, even in that
party the special famous souls, their gathering
is very strong. The wonderful part of preparing
the ground for the high birth, first birth is
taking place at a fast pace." Avyakt Vani dated
B. "They (Advance Party) are strengthening
their gathering. Their task will also get
revealed along with your task." - A.V. dated
C. "What is the task of Advance Party, which is
going on? They will prepare the entire field for
you people. Whether you go to their family or
not, but they will become instrumental for the
task of establishment, which has to take place,
They will assume such powers, through which
they will become helpful in the task of
establishment." - A.V, dated 10.7.78
D. "Advance Party is doing service by changing
their corporeal bodies, but some souls play

their roles till the end through the corporeal as

well as unmanifest (Avyakt) form." A.V. dated
E. "Many children are going in advance. One
should not feel bad. They will go and receive.
Time is also required to receive. Mother and
Father must depart first, is not it?" - Murli dated
6. "I come in a gathering of monkeys. I never
come in a gathering of deities." - Murli dated
BKs believe real Brahma (Dada
Lekhraj) is the medium of god and god takes
that medium during end of Kaliyug (since
1936) to give knowledge. Those who get
knowledge are like having spiritual birth. Hence
they become children of god through the
medium Brahma.
So- the name brahmakumar is for the living
soul (just for the present one birth - so can also
be termed as name of the body). [Living soul
means soul in a body]
Brahma is also father of all, since he is the
number one soul, the perfect guide/leader for
all others by his practical life who succeeded in
all the four subjects fully.

Since the name is given for the body (one

birth), we are called as Brahma Kumar or
brahmakumari. = BKs
Actually, all are BKs, since in the end all will
realize Brahma as their father. But, at present,
only those who have realized the spiritual
knowledge are BK practically.
Bks believe that without knowing about
Brahma or BKs, no one can realize God. [Since
spiritual knowledge first came through mouth
of brahma and BKs only are the instruments in
delivering it]. So- knowledge that came from
mouth of brahma is the cause for the spiritual
birth, hence BK means mouth born progeny of
Brahma. Since God is bodyless, physical
process for the intellectual/spiritual birth is
through Brahma's mouth, the living souls
(those who listen to knowledge through
physical body) get the title/name BK.

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