Lecture 1

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NPTEL web course

Complex Analysis

A. Swaminathan
I.I.T. Roorkee, India
V.K. Katiyar
I.I.T. Roorkee, India

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Complex Analysis

Module: 2: Functions of a Complex Variable

Lecture: 1: Topology of the Complex Plane

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Complex Analysis

Functions of a complex variable

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Functions of a complex variable

Topological properties

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties of C
Analogues to R2 (a metric space with usual distance metric), C also
has many topological properties similar. We list some of them.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties

Let z0 be a point in the complex plane. Then Neighbourhood of z0 is
defined as
N (z0 ) = z : |z z0 | < , for sufficiently small  > 0 .
This circular neighbourhood is called open unit disc. |z| < 1 is called
the open unit disc.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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|z z0 |


A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties

Interior point
Let D be any subset of C. A point z0 is called interior point of D, if
there is some neighbourhood N (z0 ) which contains only points of D.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties

Interior point
Let D be any subset of C. A point z0 is called interior point of D, if
there is some neighbourhood N (z0 ) which contains only points of D.

In the unit disc |z| < 1, the point z = 1/2 is interior point, since there is
a neighbourbood N1/4 (1/2) that contains only points of |z| < 1.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties

Boundary points
Let D be any subset of C. A point z0 is called boundary point of D, if
there is some neighbourhood N (z0 ) which contains points which are
in S and points not is D.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties

Boundary points
Let D be any subset of C. A point z0 is called boundary point of D, if
there is some neighbourhood N (z0 ) which contains points which are
in S and points not is D.

The point z = i is boundary point of the unit disc |z| < 1. Because, any
small neighbourhood about z = 1 will contains points that are in
|z| < 1 and |z| > 1.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties

Open sets
If every point of D C is an interior point of D then D is called open

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties

Open sets
If every point of D C is an interior point of D then D is called open

The unit disc |z| < 1 is an open set.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties

Closed set
A set is closed if it contains all its boundary points.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties

Closed set
A set is closed if it contains all its boundary points.

The closed unit disc |z| 1 is closed. The unit circle = {z : |z| = 1}
is closed.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties

An open set D is connected if every pair of points z1 and z2 in D can
be joined by polygonal path that lies entirely on D. In other words, D is
connected, if D cannot be vizualized as union of two disjoint open sets.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties

An open set D is connected if every pair of points z1 and z2 in D can
be joined by polygonal path that lies entirely on D. In other words, D is
connected, if D cannot be vizualized as union of two disjoint open sets.

An open connected set is called Domain. This definition of Domain is
different from the concept "domain of definition", which is where a
function is defined.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties

Simply Connected
A connected domain is said to be simply connected, if its complement
is connected. In other words, if the domain can be contracted to a
single point then it is simply connected.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Topological properties

Simply Connected
A connected domain is said to be simply connected, if its complement
is connected. In other words, if the domain can be contracted to a
single point then it is simply connected.

This concept "simply connected" is different from the concept of
These two concepts are not the same.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Simply Connected

The unit disc D = {z : |z| < 1} is both connected and simply
connected. In fact, any open disc of the form
Dr = {z : |z| < r }
is connected and simply connected (D1 = D).

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Simply Connected

The unit disc D = {z : |z| < 1} is both connected and simply
connected. In fact, any open disc of the form
Dr = {z : |z| < r }
is connected and simply connected (D1 = D).
The punctured disc D = {z : 0 < |z| < r } is connected but not
simply connected. In fact, any annular region
D = {z : R1 < |z| < R2 } is connected, not simply connected.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Functions of a complex variable

Examples of complex domains

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Examples of complex domains

Figure : Unit disc

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Examples of complex domains

Figure : Unit disc

The unit disc D := {z : |z| < 1}.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Examples of complex domains

Figure : Right half plane

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Examples of complex domains

Figure : Right half plane

The right half plane H + := {z : Re z > 0}.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Examples of complex domains


Re z = Im z



- x

Figure : The set {z = x + iy : y < x}.

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Examples of complex domains


Re z = Im z



- x

Figure : The set {z = x + iy : y < x}.

The domain given by

{z C : |Im z| < |Re z| }.
A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

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Example of a non-domain


- x


. .

Figure : The set A1

A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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Example of a non-domain


- x


. .

Figure : The set A1

The domain
A1 = {z C : |Re z| a, for some a > 0}
lies between two parallel lines Re z = a and Re z = a is not
connected. But its complement is connected and open and hence the
complement of A1 is a domain.
A.Swaminathan and V.K.Katiyar (NPTEL)

Complex Analysis

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