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Derrick Coleman not slowed by hearing Impairment

In life, we dont need to listen to negative issues for us to be successful. That
was the lesson I learned after reading the story of Derrick Coleman.
Derrick was diagnosed with genetic and incurable hearing impairment when he
was born. He thought that his impairment would obstruct him in achieving his goal and
would not permits him to see the best that he could be.
But his disability could not stop him to attain his dreams in life. He became the
first deaf player in NFL history. He played effectively like the other normal players do.
Even though sometimes, his impairment would cause miscommunications, he did not
stop with his career.
In fact his impairment served us his advantage toward the game. Lip reading and
hearing aids are his means of communication. With that fact, he wont be pressured with
the yells, cheers and even the insult of the audiences. He wont hear any of the
criticisms shouted by the audiences. He needs to focus to his group mates for him to
play effectively as possible. Since his attention was focused to his group mates, he can
effectively maneuver the game.
For me, Derricks secret in playing effectively is also effective in dealing life
situations. In every circumstances, we dont need to lend our ears to negative insights
that would cause our down fall. Instead, we just need to focus for us to become
Sometimes, we need to shut our ears to see what we should see. There are
many things that we want to achieve but we failed because we opt to listen to the
negative thought which was thrown to us. Our focus was misled and not to our dreams
anymore that is why we failed.
Neglect negative thoughts and let us focus in our dreams.


Gerry Hughes-inspirational sailor who circumnavigated the globe


He may lost his ability to hear music and sounds but not the ability to walk and
journey around the world. Gerry Hughes is the first profoundly deaf to sail around the
vast ocean of the Earth.
The world is composed of a wide array of water. It is hard to any man to travel
single-handed across the wide ocean. But the courageous deaf never hear the roars of
danger. He hasnt listen to the trembles of his fear. He just saw the wide horizon that
was waiting for him to be explored.
During his childhood, he already started riding a boat and dreamed to
circumnavigate the globe. He was exposed to sailing activities even when he was still
teenager. He already possess the desire of wandering above the deep blue oceans
under the open sky.
He pursue his dream it was very risky and breath-taking journey. But the noises
in his brain was muted and didnt make a single echo. he was very determined to travel
alone. With his determination, he was able to make it.
With his story, he disregard his impairment and took the risk in sailing even
though his life may at stake. I was motivated to do the things, I havent done because I
thought I couldnt make. From now on, I will try my best to handle and explore things
which are new to me to gain new knowledge and skill.
Limiting yourself inside the box will not create a change in you. Let us try
exploring beyond the horizons.


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