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Theoretical Framework
Related Theory
The present study is anchored to the following theory:
This multiverse theory holds that the universe is a virtual reality matrix (Sir
Martin Rees, 2003). It explores the idea that the universe is a virtual reality created by
information processing, and relates this strange idea to the findings of modern physics
about the physical world. The virtual reality concept is familiar to us from online worlds,
but our world as a virtual reality is usually a subject for science fiction rather than
science. Yet the world could be an information simulation running on a multi-dimensional
space-time screen. Indeed, if the essence of the universe is information, matter, charge,
energy and movement could be aspects of information, and the many conservation laws
could reduce to a single law of information conservation. If the universe were a virtual
reality, its creation at the big bang would no longer be paradoxical, as every virtual
system must be booted up. Ultimately, whether the world is an objective reality or a
virtual reality is a matter for science to resolve.
Therefore, if our world where we live is a virtual reality, a powerful mind of an
individual can imitate it through the use of binary numbers or components that can be
read by the computers that will result in graphics. Graphics that can be converted into
high definition or three dimensional display. Displays that can be used in our research
study which is the virtual reality call with the help of other systems to do a call. And then
with this, a new world is created under the influence or use of our modern technology.

Related Literature
The following literatures help to develop more idea:
An article The Eyes Have It (Menon 2002) states that virtual reality creates a
completely illusory environment - the user is immersed in a computer-generated world
and the physical world is left behind.
Virtual reality systems superimpose computer-generated text, graphics, 3-D
animation or any other digitized data on the real world. And data from equipment that
calculates the direction of your vision, down to an accuracy of a few degrees. Virtual
reality already provides real-time battlefield data in warfare. Virtual reality creates a
completely illusory environment. It supplements the real world with information intended
to make a particular task easier. Therefore, virtual reality sets out to replace the real world
and only supplements it. As with virtual reality, augmented reality tracks the movements
of the user and re-renders the virtual scene accordingly. But the system also needs to
track the movement of real objects in the scene.
It develops the researchers idea about it how the devices visualization works. As
stated in the article, the virtual reality systems provide data that are seem realistic to a
human mind, which is needed in this research. The research wants the user to see and
hear the person he is talking to. And this begins with the user wearing a head-mounted
device with a specialized screen in it that will project realistic graphics that fools and
persuade the brain that what his seeing is true. It comes with a headset to give off the
sound that matches what he is seeing. With your visual and hearing senses, it is enough to
fool the brain and believe he is talking face to face with who he is talking to.

Meanwhile, the article A New World, Right In Front of Your Face (Johnson 2013)
states what a modern virtual reality device that they used in games looks like; its screen
spans across a plastic mask, sitting about an inch away from a users eyes; a barrier
divides the display in two, effectively creating one screen for each eye. Motion sensors
track the position of the wearers head, and then feed this data across an umbilical cord to
a computer.
This enhances the idea of the researchers of the products design. It will have a
goggle-like design which will fully cover the eyes and replace its vision with realistic
graphics. So, the researchers thought that the product will send two perspectives, side by
side, creating the illusion of depth. And then the motion is controlled by the direction in
which the wearer is looking; instead of using a mouse or a controller to direct your gaze
in the 3-D world, a person simply needs to turn his head. It uses optical tricks to create
the realistic sensation, like slightly warping the edges of the view in the computer, which
is corrected by plastic lenses in the goggles. The pixels are more tightly packed directly
in front of the eye, giving the perspective a roundness that feels more like human vision.
Even though you may literally be staring at a tiny image on an L.C.D. panel an
inch from your eyes, the ability to look around fools the brain into thinking that you are
watching a larger-than-life projection and cameras could easily be added to provide a
portal back into the real world from the virtual. It is a call, so there will be a motion
tracker camera in both sides to determine the actions of an individual. The camera motion
tracker rotates 360 degrees and can be bought then it can be just connected to the eye
piece wirelessly so that it can be brought anywhere.

Related Studies
The study of Debevec (2010) presented the development of 3D holograms for
communication, similar in looks to those seen in the Star Wars movies. To further
describe this amazing 3D teleconferencing technology, Debevec displayed a video of
special sensors capturing facial movements of one person while a hologram replicating
the movement and image data appeared to people on the other side of the
conversation. The technology, once thought to be strictly science fiction, has finally
become tangible to our earthly world.
The only difference is they use holograms. And the researchers dont use
holograms but three dimensional and realistic graphics that are embedded in the screen of
the product. It is connected in the sense that holograms and virtual reality uses three
dimensional effects and the research both needs motion trackers and cameras to see a
specific and movement of the object.
It needs a thing that will represent the image, like in holograms; its like a
projector that needs a white screen to project the images. And in this research, needs a
head mounted display to show images to an individual.

Theory copy paste theory
Post written by YouAreDreaming at December 7, 2010 3:19 pm
infos, Multiverse Theory' Holds That the Universe is a Virtual Reality Matrix
Sydney Morning Herald | July 22 2004

The eyes have it; HARIKRISHNAN MENON, TNN May 23, 2002

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