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Welfordshire Modification

Welcome to the Welfordshire Modification. The latest UK based mod for
Emergency 4.
Below is a short tutorial on some of the new commands that users may not be
familiar with.

We suggest playing the mod from the saved game titled Welfordshire Mod Freeplay Start
To connect a hose to a fire appliance, you must click on the cab of the
appliance when telling the firefighter where to connect the hose.
If you become fed up with Automatic Fire Alarms, then simply do not reset
the alarm. No more AFAs will actuate but you will still get normal incidents.
If the units are not parking in their locations, you may have to tell them to
Park At Base a few times.

Station Control Panel
Here you will find the commands that mobilise crews for the relevant station, be
that one of the two Fire Stations or the Mountain Rescue Station.
- Each command, with the image of the pager, mobilises the
crews. At the fire stations, these are done depending on which
rank you require. You can mobilise 3 Firefighters, 1 Crew Manager
or 1 Station Manager.
- The Red Phone icon is the command used to book the firefighters back on call.
Pressing this command makes every personnel that is on that stations property
exit the map.
- At the control panel at Welford fire station, you will find this hand icon.
This enables and disables the camera hack.

Fire Appliance Commands

Each pumping appliance has the following commands;
- Each of these commands changes the sirens that the vehicle
uses. These can be found on every emergency vehicle.

- This Think icon opens and closes the lockers and pump bay doors on
the appliance

- This command shows how much water the appliance has left in its
tank. Each pumping appliance can carry 1818 litres of water. Click on

the icon to see an update of how much water is left in the tank. At incidents that
are likely to be protracted, we would recommend sighting each appliance within
reach of a hydrant.

- This command turns on and off the scene lights on the sides of the
appliances. These are recommended for incidents at night.

- This command is only available for Welfords two pumping appliances,

it makes Holmatro rescue equipment appear by the side of the
appliance. This is only for aesthetics.
- Like the Holmatro command, this is only available for Welfords two
pumping appliances. This command makes cones appear by the fire
appliance in the fend off position. This is only for aesthetics.
Personnel Commands
Each firefighter has the following commands;
Change clothes commands;
- This command changes the person into their fire gear

- This command changes the person into their Breathing Apparatus (BA)

- This command changes the person into their Gas Tight Suit. This
enables firefighters to go into contaminated areas to either make
rescues or to extinguish fires.
- This command allows firefighters to take off their tunic, so they are
wearing their leggings, t-shirt and helmet. This is only for aesthetics, for
example for fighting grass fires.
- This command is also only for aesthetics. It makes the firefighter only
have his leggings and a t-shirt on.
- This command changes the person so that they are wearing a High
Visibility jacket. To be used for incidents near or on a road way.
The next four change clothes commands are functional incident command
tabards. These are only for aesthetics at large incidents.
- This command is available for the Crew Managers and makes them put
the Command Support tabard on.
- This command is available for the Crew Managers and makes them put
the Safety Officer tabard on.

- This command is available for the Watch Managers and makes them put the
Incident Commander tabard on.
- This command is available for the Station Managers and makes them
put the Sector Commander tabard on.
Other Personnel commands
- This command allows personnel to open and close the bay doors at the
stations. To do so, you need to move the cursor over the door panel
(which can be found by the relevant door) and click on it.
- This command allows firefighters to lay out a dividing breech, this
allows firefighters to extend a hose as far as required. This can be useful
for fires in locations that the appliance cannot reach or fires in
contaminated areas.
- This command allows firefighters to set up a monitor at the end of a
hose. This is ideal for fires that are too dangerous to commit crews into
the hazard area, such as incidents involving cylinders. NOTE: Do not
use this command to cool objects as you will not be able to make up the monitor.

Welfordshire Fire & Rescue Service
Pumping Appliances
The most common front line appliance deployed to all
emergency calls.
It is a general purpose unit capable of carrying and
pumping water, carrying rescue and cutting equipment
to deal with road traffic accidents and other rescue
operations, a large ladder (for example 13.5m) and
several smaller ladders and roof ladders.
The appliance also carries breathing apparatus, lighting,
tools, trauma care packs, water rescue gear, lines
(ropes), hoses, and possibly chemical protection suits
and foam. The vehicle will be crewed by four to six
There are two types of pumping appliances in
Welfordshire Fire & Rescue Service;
- The Water Tender (or Pump) which is first away
and attends all fire service incidents. A Crew Manager rides in charge of
this appliance.
- The Rescue Pump which is the second away and goes to all 2 pump
incidents or when the Water Tender is already on a call. A Watch Manager
rides in charge of this appliance.

Turntable Ladder
The TL is simply a large telescopic ladder, which can
be used to effect rescues from tall structures and
pump water from a height.
Combined Aerial
Rescue Pump
These new appliances
combines the attributes
of a rescue pump and an Aerial Ladder Platform.
This combination gives an improved level of service
across the county.
Rescue Tender
The rescue tender carries
used to rescue people from
accidents etc. Crewed by a

heavy duty equipment

road, rail and aircraft
firefighter and a crew

Water Carrier
Water Carriers (WrC) are tankers that are used to
provide vast volumes of water to locations that may
not have a nearby hydrant or open water supply.

Incident Support Unit

An ISU carries equipment to support normal fire
appliances and crews, typically at prolonged or major

Chemical Incident
Units carry specialised equipment capable of
decontaminating emergency workers and/or
members of the public who have come into
contact with HazMats. The equipment carried is
wide-ranging and highly technical in nature.
Light Pumping Appliance
This is a smaller version of the front line fire engine.
They are used in rural locations where they can more
easily negotiate tough terrain, narrow streets or remote
access to certain areas.
They carry a condensed quota of the equipment usually
found on a normal-sized fire engine.
Command Support Unit
A fundamental advantage of such an appliance is to
accommodate the many different types of
communication equipment needed at major incidents.
In addition to the wide range of radio frequencies used,
incident commanders often need to communicate via
landlines and send and receive information via satellite
links and CCTV of the ongoing situation.
The command vehicle can essentially be used as an onsite conference centre for command personnel, mapping and planning
firefighting operations and booking-in and directing
crews as they arrive.
4x4 Small Fires Unit
These are small 4x4 vehicles that can access off road
locations that front line appliances cannot. They carry a
condensed quota of the equipment usually found on a
nor mal-sized fire engine.
New Dimensions USAR
New Dimension vehicles are large curtain-side trucks
designed to be deployed at incidents involving CBRN
materials or for urban search and rescue (USAR) use
at the scenes of natural or large scale disasters.
Welfordshire Fire & Rescue Service also use Module 1
as a Rescue Tender.
They do not pump water, but instead carry vast
quantities and stocks of mass decontamination
equipment, scene lighting, chemical protection kits, environmental protection
equipment and general purpose rescue equipment. They are always on standby
to be deployed if local resources may be overwhelmed.

The New Dimension vehicles are owned by the government, rather than the fire
and rescue service and are stationed at strategic locations throughout the UK.

High Volume Pump

High Volume Pumps (HVP) are also part of the New
Dimension scheme. They carry a submersible
pump, supplying water from any open source to
the fire ground; a pump that pumps up to 8,000
litres per minute (twice as much as a standard fire
engine); a hose box module; and ancillary
equipment. This equipment is carried in a pod on
the back of the vehicle, similar to goods on a
flatbed truck. Because the vehicles are standard
across the country, any HVP vehicle can carry any pod, irrespective of the Fire
and Rescue Service the vehicle or pod is operated by. The pods are the same
dimensions as the other New Dimension pods, so a vehicle that is utilized for HVP
operations can carry an USAR pod.
Officer Car
This is a car that officers from Station Manager and
above are provided with to get them to incidents. They
are unmarked vehicles but are fully blue lighted up.

Welfordshire Ambulance Service

Dual Crewed Ambulance
This is the work horse of the
ambulance service. It is staffed by
two crew.
An ambulance is a vehicle for
transportation of sick or injured
people to, from or between places
of treatment for an illness or injury, and in some instances will also provide out of
hospital medical care to the patient.
Rapid Response Vehicle
RRVs can be used to reach a
scene more quickly than a
standard ambulance, as they
may be able to move through
traffic with greater ease, or
travel at greater speed, to bring additional or more skilled resource to a scene, or
simply to avoid sending too many resources to medical problems that do not
require it.
Community First Responder
A Community First Responder
(CFR), i s a person available to be
dispatched by an ambulance
control centre to attend medical
emergencies in their local area.
They can be members of the public, who have received basic training in life
saving interventions such as defibrillation.

The British Association for Immediate Care (BASICS) is a
registered charity which aims to encourage and aid the
formation and extension of Immediate Care Schemes and
strengthen and develop co-operation between schemes
providing Immediate Care and the statutory emergency
services. The organisation relies on volunteer medical professionals and Allied
Health Professionals to provide immediate healthcare assistance in support of
the emergency services.
Hazardous Area
Response Team (HART)
The Hazardous Area
Response Team initiative
seeks to provide medical
care to patients in
hazardous or 'Hot'
environment. They utilize special vehicles and equipment. Hazardous Area
Response Teams originated from a 2004 report on the feasibility of Paramedics
working in the inner cordon or hot zone of major incidents. They are activated to
various incidents, such as:
Building Collapses
Chemical Incidents
Welfordshire Police
Patrol Car
Their primary function is to convey
normal police officers between their
duties (such as taking statements or
visiting witnesses). Patrol cars are also
able to respond to emergencies.
Road Policing Unit (RPU)
RPU officers are responsible for patrolling the main
motorways and large roads throughout the county. In
addition to their general road policing duties, they assist
with various operations aimed at improving road safety
and are also at the forefront in tackling vehicle crime and
the criminal use of the roads network. They are also
available to back up other units, as they are constantly roaming an area as part
of their high visibility patrolling work.
Armed Response Vehicle (ARV)
ARVs are crewed by Specialist Firearms Officers to
respond to emergency calls believed to involve firearms
or other high-risk situations. ARVs are specially adapted
and modified to accommodate specialist equipment,
along with the transportation of armed officers to a scene
of an incident.
Police Vans

Welfordshire Police have different police vans. A "Carrier" - a vehicle used for
Public Order situations and therefore equipped with shields etc. and what is
commonly known as a "Cub Van" - a small van with a cage in the back.
Other Services in Welfordshire
St Johns Ambulance
St John Ambulance employees and volunteers
provide support to the NHS Ambulance Services in
some areas, responding to Patient transport
requests, 9 99 calls at busy times, and assisting the
statutory emergency services during times of major
Welfordshire Mountain Rescue
Voluntary mountain rescue teams in England and
Wales are independent charities whose membership
consists of highly trained volunteers who are called out
by the police (who are responsible for land based
search and rescue but generally lack the resources to
undertake the function). Individual teams are normally
known as an MRT (Mountain Rescue Team) but some
use the term SRT (Search & Rescue Team) or MS&RT (Mountain Search & Rescue
Royal Automobile Club (RAC)
The RAC has around 2,000 patrols that attend
2.8 million breakdowns each year, this includes
overseas breakdowns with RAC Europe. The
RAC cover 7 million roadside assistance
customers with 2.2 million individual members
and 4.5 million corporate customers. Their
breakdown assistance centres operate 24/7 and
deal with approximately 4 million calls a year.
Welfordshire County Council
A county council is the elected administrative body
governing an area known as a county. Welfordshire
County Council engineers have been trained to reset
Automatic Fire Alarms.

Pre-Determined Attendances (PDAs)

Welfordshire Fire Service Control initially mobilise to each incident with a specific
response which is called a Pre-Determined Attendance (PDA). The PDA to an
incident will vary considerably dependent on many considerations, such as:
Type of Incident.
Type of Property (eg High Rise/Hospital).
Crewing (personnel) required.
Equipment required.
Welfordshire Fire & Rescue Service PDAs are as follows;
Incident Type
Car fire
Automatic Fire Alarm
Heath and woodland
Structure Fires, for example;
Bus or coach
Road Traffic Collision Persons Trapped
Hazchem incidents

Make Pump 4+ incidents

On Request Only
These appliances are not on any PreDetermined Attendances and are only mobilised
when the incident command requests them

Pre-Determined Attendance
Nearest Pumping Appliance

Nearest Pumping Appliance and

nearest All-Terrain Vehicle
Two Pumping Appliances

Two Pumping Appliances and either the

Rescue Tender or USAR Module 1
Four pumping appliances, Chemical
Incident Unit, Station Manager,
Command Support Unit
In addition to pumping appliances;
Station Manager, Command Support
Unit, Incident Support Unit, Rescue
Tender or USAR Module 1
Turntable Ladder
Combined Aerial Rescue Pump
Water Carrier
High Volume Pump

It is recommended you print this page off to assist you with gameplay.

Mountain Rescue

Whenever an incident involving a patient on the hills occurs, the Mountain

Rescue must be mobilised. Welfordshire Mountain Rescue are based in Welford
and are on a retained duty system.
It is advisable to mobilise an ambulance to meet to the Mountain Crew at the car
park at the top on the pass between Welford and Rambleside. This way the
Mountain Rescue crew can be equipped with a stretcher before going to the
Welfordshire Police & Ambulance Services
Welfordshire Police and Welfordshire Ambulance do not use PDAs, they mobilise
units based on an individual incident case.
For example, if a RED 1 call comes in in Welford, the running time for an
ambulance to arrive on scene from off map is considerable. As a result there is a
Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) and Community First Responder (CFR) based in
Welford. These should be mobilised if it is expected that there will be a long
response time.

The Welfordshire Modification was created by E34P and Scrivs, we would like to
thank the following people for allowing us to use their work;


We apologise if we have missed anyone out. Please feel free to let us know if we
have missed you and we will include you in the list.

Thank you.
E34P & Scrivs

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