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NOTES R.R.RAO [ SAI RAM XEROX AMEERPET ; HYD 98S8s5440924 _ Bl oSNB SAP — DH SAP —- NW — BW 4.3) Latest Verbion SAP —NW-BI #0 Old v SAP — WAS — BH 3.5 Very old 1 (\0%s time) SAP — BO 32 HU 4O with Ds SAP whands Stee Appkiecttonn and Products tee Proctting: . DWH = Date Worehowe NW — Net Weaver BW — Basins Tolhention hloreboure PT — Business DMitallgence BO — Bunirend Obecth Was — Web Applications Sener SAP To unlocl oe os SE ee a eal Oulcte all > yen abe 5 Close Perlotenance Antittance Seren fy SI Sa Yeo A PV Frebpiork coi Oe rome urorid Hien DS — Data Zavvtcen Of ll be locked DTP — Deka Trtegretion RM — td Maths DA — Detar Quality. SAP (Go General) What ie SAP to qed! People Sot ID Edesatds BAAN STEBEL CRM ORacLe leccttton RAMCO MARSHALL (MEDHA) ERP SAP te aloo ac ERP baci cuped be SAP- AG (Active Globe) , WALDORFF (village), Gurroanny to the qoak lat, by 4 pow 78M loge (CoBOL PRAEMING). Pack. ee | CN ‘package ipo ap vp poles moodules deack. to une 3, atloorr customisation. MRP 2 — Mactertal Reguiverrerst Planniar Gt deal csith tape + ee eee postertel hades & moteral ger poobbher’s 5 quality stoodarde , supbleed cond, best pace, best veodd , best tie bo procure, thew rach gers to be wrchared , pleoned quectities 5» actual demande, rooterial, pocnests, Lovestory, shor. Values ete. Sr estll not peo. abot eee bomen hebortce » roatketing , ranofadianing. etc. rr aaa ERPs cone into existence . ERP — Eatterbrtne Rerouree Plant ~ Epterbetbe 1- Ue The lace edhure gou manubac- oa arene are ee ——s tn to mole ‘droits YW there to imnbrove LE sstigle w van 4, the uae Basically, there ove 2 ‘type 4 todustyies. (iy) Meo tastien, Gi) Service Lae Manufacturing — BHEL, Vigag Steel Ploat, a Nege 7 d + q : Lobs® ete. Service, — Bonlet 1 Urbahence, Health Code, Universities, Recrections tte, Renource 1— These ote the banic ops tovolved, to the coernaba chaning 4; o product 7 eee oO bervice. B. 1) the feraices ake hoprereested ab SMy, Man Power Maternal do ‘Reso nochewtal Mak & Monufactistio Sd Machines von! v : Mankeé Rerewrced obro includes veal ustatos (Lands B bead coor, ciclo, telecommunicalions ) tnoerbartations, 33323 Voll internet pepuiced ete.) Planning 1 te oo at fm att te ofpestive > “ohigchien funotees ‘te keep the essterprite « ? tn ow bolarced state. ann tocluders poo phony roctertal monubactetog a prodt ‘Pleontog. eed foe roast “t Whe ERPs 2% Why Comoptternction t Why achorockon ontog combahers ! (or) Why to ure — , xt ore 3 Yearord. 1. To accelerate the process — te peed op the’ wrocebh . a ee 2. Vo Reduce -the cost +, the ceodact Ee - CNe implementation ROBOTICS toy Prete on po thet cre at cpreductividin, & Bone dae nod ann W vl time. 5 coo fell “the prada t ot ls fl 3. Vo eae the ‘proces —- ATM ESENA etc. . oar Piles os Oereen | B. Bees | Carrags ate creer ccocelae Oe Z ant ad htt fer pelle ot rien vendors acceding te hog a. Thin actiuis i also called Parchaning. Qo SAP, ee have helavasst roctertal ernest (MM) , » rake WY bell be pach ar pltear ReLctioonhth Menagerrntt (Sk) , Dnvestday, Gastrolliog, end Accounts “Poxables de. “Mt t Making !- Dn moki ce reed menbovwer, machtees plans, quite renege plat rnonagacnit ete, Qo SAP, we have galavost opp Paely on SAP — HR (Haman Resortce) SAP — PP (Production Planning) SAP — WM (Watehouring Man’ Tx SAP — PM (Plast Marbinened ete. Gelling '— also, called Sales WU Atstrebatson & “wd outs a batshed iprdacte tbo the customers 3 Coburn h- Bo SAP, we hove gelavest opp» pach as ich. oD SAP — ERM SAP — GT( Global Tr ing) SAP — 15 — RETAIL [jonoetal accounts hacevables (PI-AR) ete. To tdtegrete all these burirar obp ( dent ther enn ob + modules) , ae peed SAP beoy SAP && zobtly istegvoted ERP 5 oc | » The te Th Yeonon , ™ jor 4 the induststen (454 bo industiten globally) using SAP evecthougls ct th a coptl tod. Rot — Returms On Povestmect . oO 21. 06. 12 SAP (In Technical) What in sap “technically ? SAP Systems Applicat ars Produchs to Reto. Prosestiag Buus | All the veal fracd called Data (D). The trocesred data ts called Doldmation. ale “technology uned to process dota collid — Vnlarmaktion Technology (27). The pevron or actor cho anes the techoslegsy to cproceahs the deta ts cabled IT Consultast con) AT Profenmional (2Te/ 27°). Barically, there ore teso type + dete. tt ; 1. Master data Eqi- Customer master 2. Transaction deta yo Saber tranraction data With ect to time the data con Le clotted im) ito 3 “type pects ond Bqenes 1. Hostortcal dite ayo Lol\ pobang INR Boooeo /PA 2. Actuol dota , Ey BOIL b INR 10 00000 [PA . Plan date. | Forecasted date Bain pers bahar INR 1200000/PA System i— Tt te the baric terourcee df the project. A nyster ferource rmoitteion bfeo, 6-5 rho, 2p: ha, networking , detabare ete. Pa a cltest —berver envivonmnedt , a pervert ts one cthich takes the [rere the cleest , procer the regueste and velteverd the Serporbe to cthe chive cheese. at bene con berve more than one cliecl- A cleect i ore cho hendn Keg." cto th beret oA tle + administrator. 1. S$ ere 2. DB administrator BNW adminiustvator ‘i the ole wed SAP — ERP 4 som then o% reed SAP adminisstratot ; alo c BAP — BASIS Corsultoct. Role (Resborsstbiletien) l- im Vroube heating peo inptallaction , patch man ements trorvportatzon 4 obj rer dup mest to tésting , “7 w testing ° production, doteabare backups, 4 preudtty » aithdtgetion ete. ‘ Pre-vegutttn A SaP- Oasis Crate. 1. Education ! Ay debloma a. English Coramunicdtion ! phowld be above avg. 3. Exbeternce $ 2-Barh exhertence to bypsteas « re & oe ey db edule ( i Applications | — ae Ly: ’ _ Any. ane k ality Ue cabled application. “ nin mol, we call ee. opp! od lp. modules i (te Snot the covrect ord). 7 So SAP, the app‘ ode clansified zato & re : }. Logistics (19): ¢ Tt tecludes follocse bubtaess oppls. SDA —> Soles U Aastribuion MM —> Matertal Managemest. PP > Production Plann PM —> Plast Maintenance QAM > Quel Managenerst WM —> Walehowe tte, ‘ Aa. Accosting (Ft) : TE includes the follocsi burtness opps. Accounts — PayABAES (FI ~ AP) ACCOUNTS — REcE|VABLES (F2- AR) ASSET AccOUNTING (FS - AA) GENERAL LEDGER ( FI-GL) SPECIAL PURPOSE LEDGER RETAIL LEDGER (FI— RL) CONTROLLING (<5) PRODUCT COST CONTROLLING PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS (co —PA) Cost cENTER ACCOUNTING Peoria. . cosE ELEMENT v 3. HUMAN Resources (HR) / HOMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT (Hem) | GE tnclades the fleeing busine apps Orgoninakionel roan gennnt Parroool adeninustroctiovey Tene pana st Pos Roll (Sotadien, Benelats’) Relratteonal “$ Evect. rnonageroest ete. 4. INDUSTRY - SEcTOR /SPEcIFIc] SOLUTION (Ts) ! TE tadludes the [plowing buntnests @pp-'»- FS — OIL & GAS qs — PHARMA tS — BANKING TS — INSURANCE TS - RETAIL Is- MEDIA £5 — HEALTH CARE DS — EPUcATIONAA SERVICES @S - HIGH TECH TS — UTILITY 2S — SHIPPING 95 — AERONAUTICS TS — AvTaMoRILE {S — FooTWEAR AND APPAREL DESIGN SAP- ERP ww oa ped pocka. fey dk & teady to ure. t . Buk “compen. te cormbaoy ‘the weg changes beog coon et come dt buptncoss prea ip > different No ERP gives loos veadu- made rd.'o. SAP broviden ole ado. j Hence, cde need to customise | conliquhe the as accdds, to the chest reg‘h. v7 tt Te hemo or the actor esho imvolven a6 thio ahea ib called a FoSab aa a Bastrwbr Esubert fo Demets Bacher Mettter Enpert ete. Role i — Ce + the pal eee eee se ete ta ood configuration. Costombraion and cork “2D wnearys a gnt the cleat goaln/ veg.49 and mabbing -ty ay 4 the saP ce! 7 rp. a Sabjedt So thet, the m eps can be poy med outlornale using. the ERP imblemnaritaions. Here, coe jpllews a yYoad coah called ASAP —> Accelerosted” SAP cchich helbs gou to acceberste / to peed of the SAP estakion ASAP wt ao S pharve toad cop: These ove dy Project Preparation diy Burinedd Blue Pest bit) Reakigetion dv) Fenal Prebas ckiora WW) Go- Live! end Continumnd TrnprovernacL 1. Education | Ang relavowst ree /P6 for ye SAP — SAP-SD Grnubtost con be MBA — m rae Fr ——— fiponce, M. dom, IcWlA & helavowt. a. Eng. coro. } above on 3. Dornaio > 3-4 arn wound tevel exb. to the ° ch ine ie 4 d t t= Fox SAP - FICO Comuttast 3-4 4? occourtast Prerequisites po fo'al eonpultant e ib fequived - Steotlosley, SAP— SD Gorbultants 2-Gunn cea exp. ib teqotred « ¢ Pronucts }— Ge SAP, “Product ave alo called ob Obiecty. Every obj: moisteiny tte own cDlrthutip ond beheviows No pyr oy there cttrbedes ave colled ap vat. 0 and i bebaviour ts called ov ipropertces / ; _ Cfo dehire ‘theme ottrcbecten| properties cot ube ABAP/ Gg to NSAP envirencnenst ABAP|4 stands Adveneed Buntnars dipblicaht Pear [ ot wehacton ang: re m8 The perron or “the actor otro dub.Js the obj! uring, ABAP[4 pramtog i called apar/G Technical Contulteart.? t t Rede: Sup meat 5 abj'p ond enhancement 4, obj. ; Dupes means ‘evectiog, “the obj.te preva “the percitchs Boboncemesl rear eilendiog, the pratt 5 c easing. obj. be wing customur exits, saP exits ete. Pre-requisites 1. Educchton ! Any degree ( Setenee /eArrb/ 2. Bag. Gorn.) enust be above ay. Engg) 3. Demin Exb ' mo burinnr exb us required bok lepteol thinking tp tegaived Logeal “thoking: —> | exectivity / predictions ele, ooo Systems Actovt RSAP odoin. eo SAP- BASIS od Role? Pronble eat © Sapte Lede oo Poel eat MW oiLetzon obj. so autth drigakton Pre- vequiniter : Educekion ! ay dibloma + Comm} above i Enxb. 2 ie SAP | Ls : PrRooucts in Data Processing APPLICATIONS Actor, Actor 3 fatal R ABAP/G Technical mpatto unr Baha) Cortubont Dornan Dub ernast 4 " y Customization u obj‘ eo Exhoocenns at Slay “ES TE te eeu Fobsloo] Prager] Reborts Meows/Tr. Any degree Boy degre obove one above ong 3-4 gee apticoal Cost =) These 3 exbertr ode tovolved é procersing the estterprite dete thet co othat sap muon. Why Dete Werehoure i reeded ? jr) Why. SAP- BIN Dota IWlakehoune bb needed ? Detto Soureets v Permoonel Gast-'s, Counbellors, DWH Dernop , Poropletr, oa Tostelleqanea Hallipa] eb, Preads, Gateract ete. 0d decthiot Qn the enterbrines alro dhepton Gu courhe) maki \ on imb. rde to nt ry we hatpan fo a balenad rtete. Hence, ore oeed a dete collection cestve othare con crecle decthten supbdct ‘reporrbe cobled DWH. “tr “t Evewrg OwH aa SAP— DWH Ley SAP- Bi/B) maisteios 3 Ab. 1. Dete model Lr 3. Reporting. i Dato Modeling. - Dasign 4, the db to stove the date. So Se? ,~ BB! ex store master date YW troumac- tion date. For this porpore we need master tobles W tromadion data tablo. Bn general, we abe tole cubes, ODS oly" | 056 obj'» ete. 2. oe Extbradlion tA ‘Palling x “pushin the data t oe pource. cyt end cl rn tk ond d cy loading tates sap torgets ( Sale cubes , 008 obj.» » | O30 obj!» , vranteet dota “tadgets). 3. ox Lt — also coblled chico Prenestation. Bf eet using, “Te exblorers , Leet obj." , a thos CoGNOS ete. ws io) tee te Ps to the user in the chants re roaph, dobbboatds ete. These vi ports coil] helps oe pews vto peel the tomb to “the Lotion Hence, OWH pystero 2b also called “He dacieton roabbacting balers (bss). cube dota , ODS eh jo feat O2%. O06. 12 DWH SAP — DWH SAP- BAB} — |e _, 2DaTA Extraction — A.DATA SREPORTING ACQUISITION MODELING Pak Pulls eed ? (tos. Prerestation) Punh << wee we Je KA Ke Dabo cube Actor 3: Source, Spthen Tool} ADministeaton Reporting Expert) Work BeneH/ Bubtnens Anckyst Actor 2 DATA WAREHOUSING, - E€q¢L Expat WoRK BENcH Actor 4! BW/B) Arche. teat] Designer ETL — Extraction TremAenetion NL Load: BEX — Burieedb Exblover BO — Burinedb Objeéty “t Fo.\e 2 DWH : There ore 3 ple 1. Dota Model 2. Dota Extraction | Pequinction 3. Reporting / Tofp- preestation Data Extraction , ching adtivitios oke dequiak ; went joe ae a / Dotan as te one Time activity. Trompbdnckion } eons charg eh. wthe doko. Source (OLTP) migit’ COLAP) SaP— R/3 oo BI S020 INR —> 100 ERP Mewket WE People Soft = re SAP AETD Edeoords 48 abby BAAN . SIEBEL cRM Most 45 te companies Ramco MARSHALL (MEDHA) : a SAP- ERP beag SAP MS5— DY —j DYNAwae cprortden taht SAP — BW /BI | | ERP DIWH | | ERP DWH Meerkat Monet. OAH Masket Bed Pasty DWH Tole 7 1985" eo TAPORMATICA —> Extraction = ERIN —> Medel. i op CoGgNOS > Repddtirng” A OWH wo grated ERP 6d. ot 4 SAP weer & eet Te ste ER poe bat th presse edly. wl ¢ INFORMATICA + ERWIN + BRIO 4 DWH Aneertial Dota Strcheay _ Grroutth Rede Oracle Werehoube Builder ++ a Octa + + : No 18 Fools SAP — DWH Ssar-aw]ei > 1998 Grroosths Raste erect te ete Ori ele egy ‘ote bao , 2. Provider ‘RICH BUSINESS CONTENT 95%, predefined obj. RICH BUSINESS CONTENT ream SAP - Bri/Bi wroveders re clefined — ree i Te (one te 4 cotontid beg u meed to crecte engthing fer te rorctch, Pre-reguinites fd SAP— Bit] 6) Conmubtast t. Education | Hog ee a 2 corn } eee ose 3. Dolo. +2 Optional (UNet veg.) 4. Nonrle dh Pork St Bustnwss Coroman Gone oo) 04. 06.1% Data Warenouse Ae My. Lillian Hee. fomen te know ob the or + Deda Waterhouse. iP r the Peto Werehowe ab a pubject ovtedted , iettegr sted > non-volatile and time-Vorost collection + data, to tooppht 4 decision mroking. Subject ~ ovested t- Dota inthe dota cooteboure ts onibed olound a moja busines rprocent. Clabpicel eg’ includes the oreo 4 wsterast tothe opp ion. Bgi- SDLip on applicstions Cortomerr “Galles “Delivertes Service shat Dotegrated 1 Data boro dil. subject oteas can be hetioneliged with each ather. & fe SD ‘ oh ea ae Getegrctiton Non -Neletile '- Date tn the dato crorehoure os nat datobh tery once a techd in roperly placed in son Pe ty ook ee abeecty te i ti DI pyptery we dtd oof creche, dota ond we ded act vosdified the dala Time -Vewtadt 1- Datta to the OW bs Aecthe cto a iu romeat dy time Ley eveng hechd maistains date | end tine ite erection. Bueder OW abe , hustdical bold dada dX “bast data. The place chere ictegrite subject - ortersted’ abet dota Ce be ch able and cdhich — helpp to toke the decisions to the Aygooigation %& called Dota Worebowre. A Dota Wodehowse Sayptern to abro called on Dectbion Sapphsiog “Systeen (Oss). Data 3 All the teal tao facts ond | i colled Asta. (0). r tee & The procesred data t called S| ior (2). ,—— cabled — Daformation “Tecloologp (27). The perme A the acter aso unto the techooloag, to pyocebh the dita te called 97 Cormettosst / or voberaslornal, (fre / arp), . Qo the Klanderd todeasting proctice (real tiene) dodo ip clomnified esto tevo typed. 1 Master Dotto 2: Trambaction Dota 1. Mester Data!” ey Cusstornun rooster date : Vendor Plosst Metencal 2. Trombaction Data! &- Sealer Tyarbadion Date, Parchani we . . Bonk, ‘t a ; che. sett time dite can be fyattther clonaified iste 1. Hestoreol dato. / Past dota | Old data » Adtual dota | Cures data | Preset deta ‘Planned data| Forecasted deta / Putinncted deta Ein Por a taledrnan. 7 i ° 20l) oh : SLY (Lakhs Yoo) —HD 201% ‘ : ot culy Zod oy, Ww 2 3 AD — £0 Fundions 4 OW! Every Bit (tndading SAP —BW/BI DWH) bas three ps Ve Dotto Medio. ( Design 4 the db accheling to buninvsb vreqs ‘) 2. Asta Eriteaction | Acquisition ( Pulling | pushing te deta. pore sthe poudece pater’ and headin tcto OW nipleene). 3. Reporting & Sofe- presestakion ( destrtbuting the i th bo 4 raph, chartn , qrapho, end — user or decision Dodie. Lelio (oLaP) Source Sp @) _y Date, Model ( ouTP) @ > Dota Extraction NSS — Deciscon Supphtiog Stix OM — Dezibion Makers “t BEX — Buninedb Explorer (oe tepoiting tool) BO — Business Object C4 > 5) of Cube 1 A coubticdtemnsional data container taned YW corbtruded based on extended ptor peherrrn & BW stod peheme. OLTP — OnLine Transaction Process OLAP — OnLine Anoalesticol “Procention. ETL — Extraction Trans} ction YM Loadin: ete — Pxtract Prantfer | Frommpart Pranfhen Need Model we a one -tinw activ edrore od extheeactior W reporting. ode hequlas. activitier. OLTP ve OLAP : oLTP , OLAP Extradtion SAP-R]a SAP- Bii/a ——)> 1 SAP- CRM : a) MS- B} 1. Detotld dota 1. Gummetined dota 4d aqgeqted deta 2. Currect dota] Ldtet |2. Hostel date | old deta. dota, 7 ' 3 Supports yead W eartte} 3. Ol yetvievel opi (DML) poreitale ( vead ~only)- G. Follows ERM modeling) 4 Follear mbm rvedaling CEettity Relationship “| (Malkt- Ormanstonal Modeling) Mek @) Stor Sel b) Pxtended Stor Scharnef BW Star Scheme $. End uner d ay hee SB. Execattives & decthion roaken. 6. Allow huge pe § 6. Allno very lesb no. concwrrent Unerh: cencurrent wreth- F#. Deals cstth Leos . Handler age voles Volumes 4, deta 4, dette, B. Nheolited dita 8. De-obmolined date. (n° a) Data Meat (DM) Gt te aw brooll AWH ipecike to a. clomoin | domotns. (ev) A bie (4) alice 4 o cectral dy orate OWH ts Ute a P (or) Bt && & ‘sand -clere senrall OWH pectic to an me burinesr interest Ot — "pet 4 cectrol | cAbbote OWH- fa > otar Sap thy OR ae Type 4 Dale Masts There oe 2 eb. 1. Deberdest Dako. Mant: Q. Toodesperodact Dato Mast hk Dependect DateMast | These are the extracted View 4. cuttral fe spat OWH. i Lew : eimizen “Sea oF Gumc LTP) RUB 0B pe Elec. DB h Trartaction f Maite Detabarets Unerr Gn this cate, the cectirall [corporate OWH provides dats. ty the DataMasto. The ‘dete to ‘the Dota Marts us alihied beg them oft confined ( follows) to the cael / corpovete DWH dita slandahde- ee Dodepeodeet Dati Masts $= These can be built divedly agent the ,tremaction db‘x. at iy e-Seva cout P) Eta LOC" ae Elec. DB Elec. Trenbadion Dela, - Database, Mase Gp thy cane, fe tovide, data cocttrah [ coxporste OWH Te dete in the ini edict dite motte te ungraded » bees “there ote nat combined to | the certtval. / corporscte Orin et Htandarde. Adv! — Grd peockast data marty con be deployed cleo ted quickly: foto the Note! — “The t data mots anchitectere fb data csobe- heusing i called ‘Replrectteorns orchitecture to SAP- “BW /o1- The iodaberchest déta mort architecture data, coore hou! on called Agghe dior orchitectuwe % wo SAP ~ au br. w r } Of, 06.12% Dela, Masking! The “process wrebesing, menaging UY becutt dota. roars 3 ra Tae dal. t (oy) The Arocest admisistart datamorts ts aloo ud Bat Masking tT Dota Mme + !— The proces 4 ei ae poled) date frero = dete mat a cvstial | corporete DWH to a Stest — hopbible coy %» colled Datto. Ment ~ * 4 pee vue [Read By Seley aaa Gotoh Grbor AWH Pabort Mine 4 deta ERM - Potty Relethioniche Modaling (umd to OLTP sy er) Batty AN teal bbe obj pach ab cubbometr , venders, rrodentols 5 place cle are called Eetthy Every eatiity rmoaistaind thy oun ottrtbuter. Att bttes bape qo “to “recog nite ot to tcetily dv do 2 or to deertke the eottty. These attvtbates coo be raped to dato bore table. A tab. tb a strachare consisting do sa 4 yous and caduron- The tsterbection + vowh ond calunars 6 collled o cell. Te othbude in the table cell ts colled Feld. The pequence telds détermines header the toble a = AB 4 tthe record. 4 Even field rmeidterm beld techaical Dome. , description, dotet. pe . been, decimel blacer ; olp Jeogth yelerence | ence table ete. This | tao. Ue called Meta Actta( data abot data). Every held maisstaing keld Vohae & eld contest. The pequence 4s jeld Valles % called a Record. Row holds yecord ond the column holds kel4] told values : The collection + necdds constitutes the body We tobe. The combination 4 header and the body ts called! Aectolratre table - ‘t the wis the teble rvebresersts entities aod te it ce ns ology to change breguectle “theo ? és cabled rote ree i t ‘ a Cusstorner matter “tolole , Nendoy proster toble, rnakertal 2 «ete ‘ Evang coaster tobe must mooaidtedn stleasl one eet kaw tp obno called Masten Dota kerr (PK/ MDK) oro unique tdestifier : A pr leap tm ured to ovoid the vedurdancy & dupkcotion in the coster table. Ee Cust. td, ace. 00+) brad. id ete The procebs 4 estecion, deta esto the db toble involves a carte to. Cr to DML SAL: DML is the pre hg 4, OLTP Ay stern « The precept + velweving. deta involver a vead oO as we tn the property + OLAP ystern. a L—LrLrt—~—s——SS erates murmevical, uly: te emousts , osstitions , vadlumus, weighta ete. end kee © changes and maistetas dupheotte reeotds then it “es called Trersachion a he Belen Trarbaction Data Table , Pasehoning X ste. Every ‘tramraction db table mut moistaio ctleast one QO . A tan key % obs called a» ence to matter ae Rape EQi- Cust id pred td, ace oo- ete. To the db oa com qm rout tderstt] te wr it oe ed ? tee = won = pes lito the wAthen, ofp “ ccbsdiog to the sien 4 db man a npn? aes Me FA. Codd, the mate fe. flee | in a db -tabk are nb Te men: no. ke (ee), Fk) oy er de colo. Fe ome cm bap i ‘Relecdionshib im SE ou the orboctattonip bts two er more arttitien. Relactionshids of ettcblished bite the tables untod tthe Kako ar jeinb. vt A jpn & ured to lok the tables tostther. To create the jor the tobles must aoaistain ctleast ane cormmmon kor: . “Ape a Tot 1 include ‘ Ganer doo Outer jer or Left outer jor Self; iced Equi | ete) Ue jor? . cp sie ( ures time choracterisstion) Fret jer nae Relattronshups ove clantifed isto three ty per 1. One — to- one Q. Ane — to — mon B. Mang to coeoy » but RDBMS (Relctional ‘OB Moinagernest Systern)) does nt bo - men pubbot reany velatiorthib corel. « Bt can be berokeen( mpl) into ane - to — eels Q mang ~ to- one. Miodeltog. 1 MH w “the pprocent + chsignin the db to an organinclion of o buriranp edterprioe of & corebard, The denigo 4 tthe dl tovolven the rection 4 chemo. De_ CM The vepresestatiion tt called Scher Nate! — . ERM to oned in the erection 2 data dictonowien ov deta Yeporitoren tn the OLtPe systems. k (Entity) CUSTOMER ¢ toblen and thy velobtons hifp SN—~™” Noene Age Addr Phone t Attribute KIRAN NVASU RATU Colurnn Ho] an emir ) Cell a] 8 Table! customers Tape + ee cid Name > Field Nome cl RATU { Field Vokues | Field Costest (oom RANI Field Nome Deoteo 7 Length ve o| Pp ith AU Meta Datta Denerefstion [ oI Tolle customs Select * korn custprnas chere CID . > aoa a tunigue. record PK] MDK Product Master PID Dese + BRAND } cotok Pa PR Chovec Mourne. Merker Royse Black Zectech | White 06.06.1% Meuster Deda beading, = Mester Date London — Menual Mester Dote ee Achornatic. Master Dato Loading - Manuel : Gn SAP- ~ en fa, moter date hab 3 jive le \ atebde Texts B. Heerarchiers Ea: — Maoster deta. ( attributes) Loads Rog cones using the ke © MAINTAIN rananeee DATA J-copES : REAL, RSHDIORCM, RSAI4, RSDA, Reps, SE4%, SEL6, RsaTR,. __- Pecedure | Suracnor Part AL Deta Medeld Steh 4? Loq@ oN to SAP—NW-BI 4.0 Steb 2! Creote tog obj (T-copés ! RsptoBem, RSA 14, RSD4, REDS) 2A? Crecte Topo Area L.b1 Create Choracterustte Talo ol by. Cotoho: B.S 1 Creote choracterstic ih ob ( PK] wate] Be) _ 2-641 Wino roaster date texte (opt. 2.2 Crecte ottrtbutes te - a Ages Addr ond phon. 00- Syptero Genretes PS toble ond via 'M’ Dota Modekiog complited 1 Deke Leading — Manuele : t wntog the he: “ MAINTAIN MASTER DATA? oe ——— Resutt : Post & Step A Step 2 ? i MDK = Be Bt — C —> Cuttorwr Delt Ester doe mes dictionon P- copes: SE14, SEAG Solermon ( Esttty) a Pk [mpK] Be NAME ASE MDATTR ADDRESS Talla PHONE Table: [Bic/ Psmip SMID | NAME t tobles (P;6 Takin ond vtecs*M?) AGE | ADDRESS 24 | GUNTUR Table | Bic | ssmid Neeos + [Bie] msmip Nomenccagure ( Abbrevations) PK —> Prino. Mouster Delo Banic Chodactenustico Bunimrs Toatelligence Obj» Digits ¢ Oy oy oe ee Syptens Delinad oa Pa Tene todependist roster dota desplog tihuches S—- SID Table SID i Set ID or Surveys ID Gable or Mosster Date Tp M > View +, reotter date attytbutes table Gn BW | 81 ele CL dipeods on the master date kag [ perrony kasp- Newigettion Past A+ Deto Modelts Step 12 Log on ‘to SAP-BI- Doub click om SAP Logon icon. Select wm perver nome “then click Leg an. Chest " O04 Oren bur Pad 3 Eden dn Leng i en at Note: Deatt enter eyo rpeod 3 ever contequuectly ~ tRercstbe We wo ke locked + Gs unlock the urut, use T- Code) SUGL ond by wang adeninittrators ner id , aod he (reed center one and ester’) oa Step & Crt TnfpObjecte (T- Codero(Fronpachon Codes) 1 REDTOBCM, RGAA4, RSPA, RSD Blt DF,06.12 AB Zale Crecke IntoAres Ester T- Code ! RSAIY el Select GnloObyecte ost node | parest nade, top ve : Ip | Preps Gostuct eneou ( stgbt click!) thes sect Grate F Aveo - Gabo Area? TA_ SA Dong Dine! TnfoAua for Solesman el Creche Choracterustic Tfookject Cotalo. a .hCLrté<“—*~C—Cs*~s*~*~s~C~C~s*sé—s~—s~s—s—C—S—S—C—C™C—C™C—CSCSCSCSOSCSN pelect “ Crecte nfo object Catabog Talo Object Cot} LoC__ SA_ CH ; Choradtenutic Info object Catalog p& Sabeoman Sof Objet Tye: System Tbe (Nerout pace, : conn “then © ‘Chow. ©} ear Nomina Convestion) O Key Figure © cog [AR prenstog al Be cus axl) be rdected | Select ~ Crecte’ PY? tcon. Set Activete Preop “FS” Creche. Characteristic: Tyedbject (Pk. /mpk/ Be) Select your Chorocteritic Drpookjet CotaLoy Context mreouw then pcect Create Tnfo Object Crete Chowactertstic Cher $ SMID-SA Looy Deve! Sabeomen TD (J) > Dette Tbe : Ghar ats 3 4 2.45 Dgnore rnaster deta, text (optronah step) Select — raster deta | text tab 4d ptub-bereen lncheck Lr “A Weth beck ( atthtbacten') 28% Creche ottrluter (Gq:- _ a Address, Phone) ond activate Select cttrbutes teb 2 pub peteen ATTRIBUTE Soleomin( SE) t Create Choracterstic Tojo Object Cc. Select gow By Area, context menu M select Crecte fo Object Catel Gaho Object Cat $ 100. SE_CH . Chovactevistic Tnfp Object Cotaleg jb Sabeomass Qako Object. J % Oo char r o Soe : © CVs (Pros a) 0 Kehr ore Select crecte Select Activote Prep EB 1 Create Choradlewstic Tfodbject ( Pk/mDk] B¢) Select your Choradteristic LLoObject Cotaleg, context mene pelect Cece Gnfo Object Cher | SMID_SE Long Dec? Solesnen ID al rr iat 4 Leng 2.4 t Lanote master date text (oft. step) ala nestor datatert tol ov pub seresn E Weth moaster date Of Weth tet (attrilbater), ( tele dé) 2S! Crecte threbutes Select attributes tol ATTRIBUTE PHONE_SE | 2 ear ottycbste. Atly ! NAME SE el Perc i Salesmran Name Dota T. pe 2 Chew Leogt 20 al Create ottwbete Atty | AGE SE et Leong Dese ? Salesman Pee Nome zB a Crake Attribute, Atty .° ADDR _ SE 2 Selescnan Addreeb Che 30 4) Creche. obdstbete Athy | PHONE_SE <2 Long Desc! Phore no Date Type J Nome Langit lo 2 Select Activote VO Actinete depeod inh objects Oo a el Syste (co [plowing tells / Bic] PsmiD_sé | Bic | ssmiD-se \tew! | Bic] memiD_ sé Renult : Osta roodeking complited Post Bi Dato Loads : -—CLrti PK] mpK] Be “ds rr. ice le. MALNTAIN Phone. Table: [Bic /psmip PLANGU —> eo Mp Lr —S— Texts { PTXTSH —> Short Text | Descrbtion Table PTXTMD — > Mediure Text # \ PITXILG —> long Text [Bie] Tsmip NOMENCLATURE (Abbrevetions) !— oe MDK —> Master Oxto Bo —> Babic Characterrati P > (Master Dota) Tene “lek pt Master Dette Dusplog Atitbeters Ts a LULUrCS——C—“‘=EsCe S— SID Table Deto SID! Sect TD of suRRoGATE TO & Mester TD * M > Neo 4 Moser Date Atbibutes Tables B\ —> Businerh Tstelligence C > Cosstorner defined objects Prefix $0, h2,----7 a defined objects Toble 5 / Bic / PSMID px/ sein Il sa MDE Be Table: | Bie] TsmiD LANGU smn BTXTSH PrxTMD PIxT LG SHORT | MEDUN | LoNG texts | Text Raja wi Port A? Dito Modeling Step | ! log on to SAP-NH- 8B) F.0 Doube chek on SAP Logon Kon Select qr peer and ohtcle Legon Cleat $00) Urner t bobwre ? Pusd 2 endtad2r3 5 lone el 2 7 YO : oO < : Shp 2: Coecte Infy Object CT Codes! RepToBem, RSAL4, RSA, REDS) At Crecte Tnho Arex i Enter era AAY Sclect SqeOhjed 40st ood, content rune —r——— GahoAree Avec. TA_ SD (Tech. nome Long Deve ! Sef Prrea. je Sabermmen(si)el 2.2 1 Create, Cheracterstic Tnpooljet Catnlog (T-Code | RSDIOBcM) Select Rea SopeArea 5 Cortert crena then trencte, bolect pinto Object Catalog. GnfoObject Cot | 10C_SD_CH Chorocleristic ‘rfp Object Catalog #50) nfo Olject Tape Systero Type || Nownwspoce. © Chor © SaP (R : a O key Fegure © cvs (Pre O PAR Select Creche Korn TF Select activele eon 23 2G? Grech Chotactewustic Infpobject (Pk/ mb /1B<) Select Chavacertsstte SefoObject Gay context roena theo Aelect Grecte Ifedbjee Creche Choracteristic ! Chet ? SMID_.SD Long Rese? Salesman ID el Data Type t chan _ Do et fot heteen , belect cavigetar 00 [off Maistain master data text Select cnosster dota Heit tol & sub-screso Weth Mester Dato Weth Texby (Attrcbutes ) Fext Tobe: [Bic/tsmip_sp WZ] Short Text excesto ( Otxrsh) Yq Medtisro Lert Tea exiedy (gtxtmp) M) Long Text ent (SrxtLe) A Texts : de fas) CI Texts axe Tene Depeoskst 7q AS% Creote otttrtbetey Eqi- Nome, Ages Addvebn Phone ond activote. Select cttrboeter tab | pub—neteen, ATTRIBUTE NAME_ SD AGE_SD ADDR _SD PHONE_sD e! LF Atte. | NAME_SD 2 Long Desc | Salesenen Nome Dato. Type : Cha Length 120 2 Crecte Atttbute : Atty + AGE_SD 2 Pere } Salesman Doce Tape ¢ Nume Lengths ee el Crete Ativbute | Atty ' ADDR_ SD 2 Deve * Seléno5 Address Dato T. fe + Char sth 2 Zo al ee Atty + PHONE_ SD 16 el Select activele Leon YO oO Oo 3 Syston anaes the fpllecsing teller [Bic | Psmib_SD / Bic | TsmiD_sD /BIc/ SSMiD_sD Vew! | Bic] mSmiD_SD Reoutt ¢ Pat Bt : Ester dota Step | Deda. modeling coroplited Dato Loading —-Menuolliy. ‘MAINTAIN MASTER DATA’ Select — meistain rnouster deta Bt oppo tool box Select Exrectte ccon Select Creche teon Selismon ID? St Long ty en Selesnon Nanne 2 RATU Salsrran Age : 24 Salesmnen Addves $ GUNTUR Phone Noroker 1 23456424 Short description | Ragjus MD Mediuns : 1 RasuS MASTER DATA Long " 2 RATUS MASTER DATA PETAILS Select creck con Soleorron ID! Sr Language 1 eN Sabesrncn Nome I KIRAN At 12S . Addyebb | WARANGAL Phane Nurober | 984654325~ Short dese } KIRANS Mb Mediurs . | KIRANS MASTER DATA Long " 1 KIRANS MASTER DATA DETAILS Crecte attrbuhs Ea Nome, Age Address, Phont and activote’ Systero a hLrLrrt—S—=E=—— 2 Creche External Choracteristic fh nthe Heeradch feo Soles Region and Sales Office Moesstain External charotterustic to the Hierarchy. Result + Dato cnedaltoy cornplited Post BI Data Loading — Man Step I Shep 2 Ester deta moon tog, “the bs MAINTAIN MASTER DATA K MAINTAIN: HIERARCHIES Monitor the dota wm the undurlying dota dictionary tobles (P,T,H,S tables ond view mM) Te Codes 1 SEIA, SEME NOMENCLATURE (Abbrevations) PK —> Pr MDK —> Master Deto Bo —> Baste Chotacterstic P—> Rene ~ Pndebendluct Mester Octo. Ovssplag Tv Ss H BI Cc Pret > — — —> => = ink Attytbute, ‘Table. Mester Data Texbs Table ' SID Table > SID! SET ID & SuRROGATE 1D & MASTER ‘DATA ID . Véecs Master Data Attributes Taber Mester Date Heravchy Table Burners stelle Constornes Defined Objects 10) 2)--- 7 SAP Delinel Object f Sebesrnan (Entity) smip —> PK/ MDK{ Be Name A MD Abvenp ATTR. mn. “Tab: | Bic| Psmid. $8 [smo | Name aaa RATU Lengtts ‘lp ole B LANGU —> Language Ket 4 eae unut GO Mee PIXTSH —> Shovt Text MD Cher(2) A TXTMD —> Medion Teatt Tedd ot eG) PTXTLO —> Long Text Chow (60) Tobe [aic/tsmid. Lengwoge | SMD Short | Meds Tent ane mete EN SA [Raja's Regus Rees ao Meuster ] Mouster Dato Deto = ee = = Detetls fed a) SONY SALES Orqonindhion Level 4! Soles PuleR _ Nove Level 2! Sater ton Novth Soath SREG meee : cr Level 1 Sales Office Dethe Totpur Hyd Bansftove, SoFF pr pea ry 4 Level 4! Salesmers SL Sr S53 54 65 SG SF 5% SMID , SALESMAN’ HIERARCHY = : Level 98( Mace) Table + /Bic/ HsmiD Note: theres indiccte “the eporrerst Y child veicthonshibs lsto — ecititier NW. 06.12 Step 2G. Croke Extetrol Chorocterstion » Soler Region and Salen office Sdedt Creche icon Ches } SREG_ SD Dere + Soles Region a Select Generel tale Date. T. . Chor Lagi lo Seleat activcte Select Create icon chor! SoPFSD Long Desc + Soles Office Dako. Type t Chor ae Select actuate Stop 245 Meistin Exterool Charoctaisticn ro the Heerowrel Ute direction arroob ( Select Rind Search Tex. SokF_sD J Close the Pied ustrdoes Select move to th wigt » Gxtiouw There 2 ate external Select activete Sytheo greratin tHe fplloosrg hietarchy taklis [Bic] HsmiD_ sp } Bic/ KSMID_ 5D / Bic] Ismip_ sp [ Bic/Tsrp_ sD (_ Sstewe ost created’) Result ! Delo rnodelle coroplitud Post B! Date Load: — Manually, Steh 12 Ester et i bales Seleat * Moistato Master Date’ kere Be ofp tod bar Select Exacta Sded Create Leon SALESMAN 1D 2 Sa L EN ea NAME ? RATU SMAN AGE i 23 SMAN ADDR 5 GUNTUR SMAN PHONE? 234564 Cree ee = eeu Mo 7 Medians dese’ QaTUs Mester Osha Long dooce! RATU's MD Détoils Crecte % vecords Itke thes ( $4 to se) Select Sone Nete: The date oo abdated wh PLT, S tables Pa Bhop Os Ester data Is Seles on Use divectton arrow and Select Soles Region Select Meistoin Matter Data Select Exec. Select Create SALES REGION } SouTHERN SALESMAN ID Hetrorcly Nome : HiER_ SD Sheit Desc. SALESMAN HIERARCHY Medions Arse} SALESMAN 'S HIERARCHY Borie Char} SMID_ SD ccon LX Long Rese | SALESMAN'S HIERARCHY STRUCTURE SALESMAN (D Grpert } Select Sa WU Sr : 9 Grstioon, Select Tok puwr Solvrs Office» coctert mann pebect SALESMAN 1D Unset Select $3 WU SY Select activete wor the nodes theo expend the noday ond obrewve the hierorelog procure F3 Press F3 E3 Select tert Exbond Be ode. tS roaster dito. keg SMID_SO thin obpenve “the hievorcl Select the hierarchy , canttadt menu Select Desplong Exberd the nodkb ond obterve the hteranchep. Bhracluve eS Select Htetorchtes tcoan in the of Me tool bor Select we biertobchy, » elect Desh Herxanchys: Exfbod The pods ond obtevwe the, hierorehey structive FS Eder T- Code) ROHL Select your tievorchy.» telect Dorper Exbend “the nodes on obbetve The hienoncly Biya clive Mate We ore ths hterorchy stractuxe tn BEX ofl cto atop { tromaction deta a levels a4 ata BNaclocte - cto Refer me BI Reporting Nates be discusted ) Sth 2 at Monit | chuck data tn “the undurlyng data table (Py 7, H, S tobles W veeco M) Ester T-Code :/osesr < a hr 1 Gnittal Sereen @ Oetobore To : [eic}psmin_ sp ( Atty. Toble) Sdect Deshl Select Corhuebs Selec Exaccte Covtotrts attr. data. © Datobare Table: [Bic rsmip_ sp Gelect Debt Select Contests Select Execitte : Mossteins rotten deta tet fa e3 €3 ODotobare Table! [pic] Hsmip_sp (Herrotchy tobe) Select \ Select chek — ~——rt Motstotas hitrorchy cafe. oie ao © Dstobare Table [Bic] semip_ sp ( Master Dede 1D Select Owe} louy ent Erecute a —rCSs——S—ONN Fa FZ FS © Detobane Tobe : | Bic] ra‘smid_s0{ views + mootster “9 Select Denploy Seleat Gostursts Clie | Pyee de ay le ea et yetyteved kero P table : Fa FZ FS Nete i= Master data (attebuten, texte, hierarchies) Loading — Manual, to BAL 3S, SAP- NW-BW 4-3 using meittein mnostur date, metslin hierorchier ob TH Coden !— RSAIL, RSD, REDS, R5Ar4 ,REDToORem RSATTR, RSH1, SEAN, SEAS Navigation !— Sarre an Eq%-. Follows the some tbe 4 ee ( previews £9.) Master Date |eodog — Adtomakic free FLAT FiLeCPe) ya Master Dotto. ( Athebutus, Texts) Loading kere FLAT FILES( Pc) +o SAP— NW-B) 4-0 GLaAP) T-Codes | RSA4, RSALG, RSEW4r1, REALS, RsAs5, RS5D4, Reds, # RsATTR, RSMO, RSMON , LISTCUBE , SE14, SE1G , RRMX, RSDS,-- Procedure : Surn Step 43 Rt Steb 3! : Create Sof Objects (R5A14, RSB4, RSDS, Step 4 Step BS. Step 6 Steb $? Ss a: Note: OD Part B Steb | * Stub 2° Step 3: sty ete Stab F : Port AL Dota Modealt Crests Flat Ftleo MD ATTR and TexTs Log am “to SAP- BI 4-0 Check. Flat Féle Source Spsteen (RSA 43) RsDf@oBcmM) Creote, Dota Source (REDS & RSAIS) Greve the Idoobjedt iste TolsProvidan by : >, “he Te Chaxaclextstic an D. Cea Gn 3.5)/ ofp Provider (Sn B14. d) (RsA 44) Creche ‘troy ton Show dete flows & exp ophicty che pods cornblited tf Deoto Requisition | attraction Creche, TofpPackage and load deta sto Psa, Monitor ‘deta tn Psa( RSMO, RSMon), Crecte stooderd OTP and tromsber dota PSA to MD Todegl- i bn Monttor dite in “the MD ‘tavget (Listcuse) Chick deta. tn the woderlifog DB Toller Cs€44 or se46) Monitor dsto ing T—Coden: RSMO, RSMON eh LIST CUBE ° Create BEX report oo the MD “toot (RRM). 12.0612 5 ota Flows Dingrrore (AFD) E | \ OP Por MD ATTR; t Ss Pracens Choin Sat, Tent \ {| (RPC RePcay (RsaI; RSA iy} i gercra, RSO4A REDS): Bwiccms): TRA FOR FTRA FOR AITR e § 3 =] R Pe [ws (RSA 1B to BI) NOMENCLATURE (Abbtevations) /— DED —> Dota Flo Atagroro PIP —> Phgnical nko “Provider IP —> Toto Provider MD —> Master Date TRA —> Prorthdenstions DS —> Dota Source: TS —> Trorphur Stractsve F —»> Ceeldy PSA —> Pernistest Staging Area ASk —> Addzttonal “ta Feeldis Thane ote ! west No. Raleal re Osteo Packet No Postition Voluc FE > Flot File FFSS —> Flot File Source, Syston ; Po —> Rew. WS —> Werk Station STD —> Standard NIP —> Octo Trorehur Process Note! Thave are ¢ DTPr. 1s Stondard ove (ay Ie ult) 2. Evverstack ATP 3. OTP eps [eons 4. Realtime deta acquirtien OTP (RDA OTP) GH SAP NIN BI +0 verbien , the data poures ote ovotloble hs mroster dota otty., meter deta texts YM pe Giton cians odor ody ete ee i hizroichy. us ost enaistotned Then how do lood cnosster dota hievorehien wo i} 0 east Patch Level 132 [en es OS alternative bal. : {+ Perhoren SAP- WAS — BW 3.s- navigation end load dot. plot jes into SAP BI (wre TCode RSAL old) 2+ Load enoster dota atty., texts, hierarchies mon Ont moidstets matter dota ke (atte. stexts) and counltate hierarchies ke Ce hitarchion’) Nate — Tf gow perm BUSS navigehton than oe ett a ontgeete Bel soy eledee ewes ota al a dela powreer. Hows to = dota bowrces Be 4 dota pourees aster (to be dencubted) Sn SAP - S- BIN FS (very Lolest vetsion), tt vm ‘posal bo food moster d ctty., texts hierarchioy fon Bot pl 13. 0612 Nostigettion Post A? Dato crodding. Step 1+ Crectte lot files fee cod da othr. , “tebe Oper yeu" Excel Heads Smid NAME AGE ADDRESS ~—- PHONE SA RATU 24 GUNTUR S53BYS S456 SL KIRAN 25 WARANGAL 456489457 Save Ke fle cone 2 SMAN_ ATTRA ONL ob type! CSN (Corona. Sepureted \lecrtelole’) Select Sover Create je jer texto. LANG SsmiD SHORT TXT MEDTxT LNG TXT en 5\ RATU —-RATU MD -RATU MD DET EN SL KIRAN KIRAN MD KIRAN MD DET Sove he fle File rome ! SMAN TEXT Save or pe: csv Select save Clone the {ples Step 3 8 Leg on to SAP-BI 4.0 Double click on SAP Legon ten Double chick on Bi 4.0 Server Clact : 004 Uper 3 fasbuber Pod + indtad 2S Long : EN eat ‘ (> Step 3! Check fpr Flat Pile Source Gipiter Connection Cater To Code: ROAAS Exbond Files Polder Select Po Source Syptene content pnenw then pelect check Meg" Sources, Systrn Connection PC_RATU OK. Nate ! Lf the = Souree Syptern fer flat Ke dos ast exists then cre. et. Select Source Syste yost node, codtertt creou then pelect erect eee ell ete tS “t Pele Saterforce:) vt Grttinas Logical Systers Nome’ Po _ PAVAN Source Systern Neme! FLAT ALE SourRcE sysTem For ‘is PAVAN al Mig: Source Sapte PC_PAVAN creation Peacoat Eufend Rl foldae ond neleat (Pew Source ays cavitet coenu theo Adect check. Neg! s Step 41 Crate Info Objects (T- Coded) RSAIG, REDTOBeM, RSD4, asp5) GA t+ Creste TMhodvea Sekt UnfoObjects onder node Sdect Object» podt node cortex menu, pelect cYveste fetes Qhhe Avex | TAL SL Len Desc » BnloArea hee eal Gt Creche Chodractentustic Fopookject Catalog S—“™OOOCSC—sECSCsCCstssCé«s¥sér creche Soho Object Catalog. Toho Object Cot Loc St_ CH a talg 4 dunadenatc Doh Objet, v “Qalboan Sfp objet Types Sahn Norruxpace Se O Char O SAP Oo ure, @ cus JB “t “4 © PAR Select Create. Select Activate Prop FS Lr ,——C— Ifo obj ed (PK | Mox/ 2 Select or al ee cea coctext rena pelect Cr Chet SmMID_ SL Aase 1 Solermeo ID 2 Dato F Len, Sulect Novigattor 00 [ep 4.42 Moistoin morster data terty Selec Master dota text tab [ZT Vath Mester deta WZ With Textr ) Coktetbutes)) WZ) Shoit Tenth eats (BTxI5¥1) a a r——S— thre o\ Note | 48° W Texts ave : det (¢ Caneol “be TA Texts ave Tew defeodest oh ow choore thin chackbow then syptens cst] fotos 2 additional edit oatomnatticallas 4. DDATEPROM — > Frans date 2. ZOATETA > To dote Creole Attributes Select Attrbuter tole PHONE_ st. Create, Athibuite NAMESL J Dere 1 Salesman Nome ah ye 1 Chol Langit 20. Creote Attribute AGE SL el Loog Deore! Salman Data Tobe $ Namic. Lengtls oe) Create, Mists ADPR _SL J + Solera Raldves’ + Chet oi: a Log Grote Attbibe PHONE SL el i) Long Deve } Phone No. io Dota. Tye, NUMc Lengtts : 40 2 2 pe Athtbutes i Ww a Athy. a 2 Nevtgetion Athy. x Note ! Ty em chore Tme— Defenders potting thea bystern & additonal cdlidy lk PB DATEFROM —> Fron dete Q. PDATETO —> To date , adtownsticahly, tle acer a deberclest Soke abject 0 é Select costiqun _ Syptero gress [dloston atlas [Bic] Psraio_—se [aicf Tsmip_sL [aic/ssmin_ st views 1 Bie] MEmID_ SL Go views there tolly pele mrostter dette tect tals FS Step S! Creche Asta Soree je eS ee ) (T Cod 1 REDS, R5A45) 5+ Creole opp: 0 caroporest (a. folder to orgontne deta pounce info bovhee) Select Deda SourceR under Modalio Select Choore Sowree Syptero écon “thn Adlect Pile» Selec Po_ PAVAN Select Dotasourees vodt mode , carter mann then polect Creche Apb'n Cemsporeest p Gwp: Ac SL Locg Desc: Abplo Camb. [ir Sabena l Note! Obforwe the latter prefee Z dey ZAC SL Bin: Creche Data Source for MA Atty. Select gowr App'o Gomp- cmitert menu pelect Cnatil Dake Source Noto Soure 1 DS_ SLA Souter un Po PAVAN Docka. Type | Master Dato Tentts VMaster Acta. Attibatles Note} Master date, source hierorchies ty pat maidteined in BIB to patch level 13 rooistatned in SAP- NW- BW 4-3 (Rr BH +2 Nosigtion) Select Genero Doprenation tob Short Dene! MD ATTR DS FoR SMAN Medtury Dect MD ATTR PATA SovRcE FOR SMAN Lovey Dere | a + Thin op Select Exttroétion toh Adapter (power) * Load Tent Tbe Ree ror Loeol Werk Station 9 Pill Nome ! Browse YW Cheone qr je nome. SMAN_ ATTR. CSV Header It Rows tho be Bgrored A Dota Formset 1 Pexed sth 2 beberated cath Seperator ( For a scsy Reta Seperetbor « Nemeve 5 UL wy : Select Praporal tob Select ~ Load & le Ato Obperve the pe covtest YU the fatds detotly Select Fields tob Do nat phow this que. in tA Sebpian “ye Abaign the Fal Objels to the fields Field Tops Object ee “| [Ref NAME_SL SmMiD-Ssl NAME —SL [pie [AGE-SL AGE-SL [pie] appe SL. ADDR_SL [Bic [PHone_ st PHONE_SL. —S—Sr—C=s— Pornible’) “to deploy the dete. pelectiton puree ok the time ed loading K pcheduling deta boo tthe the equated v yecords emly con be ss tt : Select Adtivote Note!— Sauter ote ‘brane Hhrackure ! | Bicfeeos_sta PSA Table: | B1¢ [ Ba000438000 To view the PSA Table name felect Monoge PSA icon, Obpewve the nanne Select Cancel &3 Select Proviees Tab Select Read Previews Date Obperve the data Presb FS BB Cresta Dota Soertce MD Texts, Select qo App'o Comp. context menu, sect create, Datta Source Date Soure ! AS_ SLT Sour Systero + Po __PAVAN Type 4 Ate Soura | Agoost, UW Choore MD Tact Short Dee MD FaText OS For smAN Medturn Pere! Leng, Debe ! Select Extraction tab. 8 ih Text-T File [torn Locol Adopter 2 Lond Text Type ty Steckton File Nome ! Brome Y Choor SMAN_TEXT. CSV Ron to be Tgoored : 4 Data. Foversk ' Fined Length VEshotates oath Seberetor er Select Proporal, toh Sdeat™ Load Croenple Dba Obrene the [olde YU deta Select Relds tab Field Dnfo Object LANGU PLANGU [Bic] srm1D_ st SMID_SL TXTSH PtxTSH aa PTxXTMD TXTLG ATXTLG Brocvre VW Choose X% tn the “Selection? cdanag. Gen Select Activate Sphere generetes N Stroctuve } [eic)ccns_sur PSA Poble : [cic] @a0001%¥000 Select Previews tob Select Read Previeco Acta Obputve the dota F3 4-06-12 Sh 6: Goovt the Tol Object ictta Gobo Provider ig the PO Ch eclobe ae tafe rrovidar”? (‘T- Cada! RsAaA) Select TafoProvidews under modelis Select ar ieee 1 coctext menu pelect Datert Charadenstic ab LfsProvider by object: Ext te Pe] MDK/Be SMID_SL. el > J ood mottr dato and obbpewe the ¢ rovden ff atty, UY texte. ‘*t : bre ‘ Step +1 Creche Sonia (relateorehsp: outa iby boto the ‘torgit) (at oped huvel & aA date rowee nay Select othe. & vprovtder » covtert mann pellecd creche, bee onakion Create Tromblovenatbion Foot + the Tremploimetion Object Tape | Goo Oegect e objec nd ome ? SMID_ SL { vy, Vavides de sacesmet ip Souter 4 the tr coation Objet Type: Deda Source Nemec Dato Source | DS_SLA Souxea Spitern ! Po_PAVAN ——___ > Costin Mg! Proporool pots extth Srales automatic. Deto Souter Gal Provider | Frelds Arfo Objects (GENT ee) [Bie] Name_SL = NAME_SL [Bie Jace_se = —__—_ > AGE_SL [orc /AvpR_st ss ADDR _SL [pic] Phone—st = PHoNE_SL how —_———— Stet Adivete Nete— To viewo tHe tromom = gvanau Picfsmo_e. ts = SMID_SL TXTSH > = OTxTSH TxTMD ss = dtxtmp TXILG@ ls = PTXTLG Select adtivale, Select Ty cootion manu Sect Probertters LL Cochinus 3 : Nate: Select Rebverh Exbord deta pource Y Obpene the te rinokiory Step 8: Show dita. love BL clea | hick Select TnfeProvedera under “Ur our Lobo Ave t Expand our Mash Dota nm teh “t Nows exbond YW observe the tr ction , LTP re yr Select MpK SMID_SL context menu select Dixph Data Flow Arobloy Data Plow mi YO foro ©) Ub U Dawn Covtinug Select Technical Names 09 / ahh, pastel Physical BnboProvider SALESMAN ID RspA, Rsps- o P, oi -Lajye Proves Boh Providers Be Texcto Sap oan aie Fexts SenD-6l ATTRIBUTES SMID_SL SALESMAN 1D (TEXTS) SALESMAN (D CATTRIBUTES) W nection th sndegtes Ds_ SLT DS_SLA MD TEXTS DS FOR MD ATTR DS FoR SALESMAN, SALESMAN a aad TW Struc, - Relds— Psa oF ae her Pe —PANAN Dadar Senctee, aaa rape, | PLAT FILE Source | Tordler Sbre./ Roark | SYSTEM FoR PAVAN Pl _ PSA A cal Reo T- a RSDS, Plagne Sah vidur Ka gades REALS Plat File Source Systenn T- Gde) RSAAZ to BI SMID_SL T-CadeiRsA4A, RSAAG, Select clome aophs Rest $ Octa Modding éb computed Post B 1 Dota Hegeinition / Extraction It Creede PofoPacke alt. Y Load dota testo a PSA to th ¢ i Select “Dato Souter under mode - t Eapood 4° ebb. comp. Select re date pourcee AS SLA cacttert menu elect ¥ Crecte Sof ePackoge SnfsTackage aS LLrt—<~—‘“‘“‘“CSCSSCS—s—s—S™—SS SALESMAN MD ATTR Select deta tour DS_SLA Select Contioue Select Bittracieon teb Check fpr “the fle ittongs ( flr norma. ete) Select Process. tol Update Deka oO Ye Onl R. ‘ ‘t “SA Select Opdete tob Opdste Mode 4 FAL update (F) O Dottiabine Delta (c) O Delta, Updete-(0) Select Schedelr tob ( tame 4 loading) YO Stertt Acta Load Dromadeetely. © Staxt toter io Bock arourad Sdlect — Stovt Note! Syiten hip ectraction YU loadtog (EL) but not rontboren tony (T) bea, dota eats loaded to PSA only Steb 2.1 Monitor the data (T-Cobs + Remo, Remon) Select Monitor can Select the request stats Select PSA moistenance A DatoPnc mooidtains & records Continue “t Obrerve the MD Atttbutes FB F3 FB lrmr—EC=e=eE MD Texcty elect gour deta pource DS_ SLT content erenu belect ~ Creste, BohoPacl Gol oPou Desc! QNPOPACKAGE FoR DS_sL FoR i" me SALESMAN MD TEXTS Select the dota sowce DS_ SULT Continue Select Exclroction tol Observe the ple pararod.eng Select Procemsine tob Update dota. oO oO vo cel PSA e@ Select ibdete tob Ubdete Moda. YO Fall opdate & O Grttraline Dette Cc) O Detta, Ubdate. (D) Select Schedule tobe e Stoit date lead iromedestel Select Stost Sypstero sob extyacton W loads bat 00 Mg i Data cod vequuted Step Gt Monitor text date (code | RSMO, RSMON) Select Monitor teon Select th request. Atettius Select PSA eeoidtenance. A Date Pac! cath & ecards Cations Obnerve the tert deter FZ FS FB 6.0612 Step ZS: Creche shondard DTP to bronher the attibutes dite rere PSA + ety, “to the otbebattes IofsProveder Select FnleProvidews und odd: Exjool br eta é ar Master Dato Kup SMID_SL faband otky, TntoProvider Select Det Traveler Process ( OTP) folder, comteatt men Sdeck — Grecte DTP pata sour Souter Sgshen PK Date. Trarther Proc. 7 one re roe} 055A] Pc_BavAn_ssmtp_ se DvP Type Stendd (Can Be Scheduled!) Crostique- Select Extraction tab Extrection Mode + VFL Delta Tey) De ook | Catract yer PSA bit Access Data Source (ler Senell Anourths f Deter) Select Ubdete -tob Exvor hondhtog : Nalid Records Update, No Rebavty D1 Hondle Deoplecote Record Kee Select Execs todo : Procenning Modi! Serial Extraction, Inmediote Paretlel Procerotts Select Acdivshe DTP aT Observe te DTP TD fe, DTP CXNBX-——— 30 characty eng Steb 6! Monitor the déle in the Atty. TofPrevidew Select Eset. Parb bitin to Cucoke Tob Do coost “te ckeploy the request monitor 4 Opens DTP monitor Marttor “the dota Seleet Adeninistor Datartarget teon. Select Regussbe tob sip f Rag. ED ib 18F Regewst cb available her Reports E No. vecards trormlerred | @ No. vecotds added 3 Select Contests tele oy Athy. Tajo Object | SALESMAN (SmiD_SL) Select Deep Corsterite. Select 6 Observe th directs date PS P3 Ps @) Select — Salesman 1D Sdect — Cartests Select Enectte Obrervs the data £32 63 FB come back to modeli Step 41 Creote shoodord DTP tect and tx. ur Be, deta sem kev PSA Text esto the To} gProvider jer Teal Bupend ur “Teacks Toho Provtder nah DIP foldur ere cae Selut Create’ DTP Data Torsher Pree’ Ds_ sit] Po_Pavan—> sMip_ st. DIP Type: Standard (Can Be SehukWed) Gastinue Gelect Extraction tab Extradition Mod! “FAL Delta TL De not Extract fer PSA but Accebs Datn Souter ( kr brook amounts 4 deta’) Select Update tobe Exvor Hondltog 5 Neakid Records Update , No Reporting ( Request Red’ C1 Hondte Dubkeate Record Kup Select Lorcede teb Procastig Mode + Sexol Etracion, Promediote Parattel Procemting. Select Activate DTP DTP ID: DIP_c€xacoP__ — 30 Character nail Select Creecite ipash button Mra i- Do wort tb dk Monitor ? I or Pt a Ste BY Menitor the deta Baec — Administer Data Target kod Select west Tal Obtenve he Reg! stator Select the Beg. TD Select Carsterte tob theo poleck — Gectath Rash batten Select Execotte Bats athebubso W tects ake combt chkablougd to the hrachare- tt pees Steb 4! Check dota inthe andarlye cite. dishing. toblis ( PSA, PT, S tobles ul sea T-Gde } SEA4 oo SEL6 Eater T Code! /O5e44 eJ ABAP Decte de cube rahe} B0000138000 wt CPSA tobe atte) Select Desbl * Select Contes Select Precute Disbloup attributes dite Fa ie fe tole _ De Table : / Bic /B0000134 200 (PSA, fore Tench) Select Ps, lok Sect Costes Select Bxcectle Covtotes Text dito Cos ts th DG Table: [aic/Psmio_ se (Atte? tobe) Select de Sua catat Sele Gucoke Castotns Atty. data Note\—The no. a a L,r——— othere Cos -adt 00 cAy | fe maistoined ba cuttamer er abe $ | pes La» & addttionl cols mirhined by tythen. gies oes |. Object Version ( OBTvERS) Do BI F.0 There ore @ Object Vertntonk These ote} A > Active Version M—> Resined | Mod! ted Nerntar N > Ned Vetrion D —> Gotust | Buse. Conterst | Delivery Newton H —> Hustertc Newnsten TT ‘Prorpovt Version Go BN SS, there ode 4 Object Versions onl bey HUT ase ost craisthined. t ac FI at Vote 3 Voluss > Spree | Blok —> No chang ( Gy default) diy QD sy Cathey roadked fpr Sosertton diy D> Baty marked fpr Deletton Note! The no: 4 woo ot vecordh tn the attr. table Oke R44 cchove R—-> actuol no. 4 srecordls loaded cable 1 > Gritroligalion wcord | A vecord 4 tntiel valuee Te initicl valous aw field edith deckasty fe char ake > | blokes win Nona. ake | Qeton ( OFP---~) The chfoubt vexatonn + Cuthornur defined objects N— Neo ala vexeton SAP i objechs i D D> Deltveng /[ Contest | But. Cortheat Fa FS FB DB Table : |Bic/tsmip_se (Text table) Select deopl cat Soda Sdectt Crrcbe Gotta Text date. Fz F3 FZ DB Table : foie | ssmip_ se Select — denbl Ss pet S Coctatrs MD 1D'b DB Take + /Bic/ Mamid_ st ( vee fo atte’) Sect ep Select Contests Select Enecsite Rebyteves othr. data from °P? ttodole. Step 4+ Monitor +h, dita uso. TE Codes RSMO, RSMON, ListcuBEe Ester “To Code 1 RSMO -> Monitor adeninistroctor Workbench Exband ax Dela Source ae attty. by Sdect Roguast Stake (Select Stator) Select PSA maistenance Continue Obrerve the dato ye ole. FR Re Frond dete. oven tel Select ews Stati Select PSA moistenance Cottinue Obseave the tet data F3 3 FS Ester T- Code 1: RSMON —> Proce Chair spl, | Néeed Exbord — Mentters tnata” Workbench — Erbeod Suleat Load Dat Monitors TE coll clasp RSMoN ten Expand ur DataSource ir obty tothe Reg. Stetick Select PSA rooidterance Gotino Obpeve othr. deka FA 3 Riband Ato Sour hr beac Select the Rag. Status Sd PSA cevidknone Continue Obpewe tect dato F3 3 Eater “T-Code $ LISTCUBE —> Coll ub ist ecoer rahe Prowse [ Dates * bs DolcProvider 1 Enter ur MDK SMID_SL Pee denbloy SID ia} Despl tech. nornek Mm ps Meat i) Precete. Select Rteld Sbectran he ofp , welect Mok smmp_st_ Rnecate X Execute, Durplowys MD Gp\y (s4, s2,--., Se) 3 Step 10: Creche BEX cent on the Sf Provider hy MD ates GW texte Enter T- Code /ORRMX —> BEx Aoaliger Select Tools (BEX) — gece Scbect Grote Neo Suen Select Neco Select Prod beepeeg Sere ted 2 Select of Select — Rowe] Columns Enubewd Fiquates Select No. do records [1 Roc oun] drag M drab ce ronal Exbood — Renenbionb Expood Keg Pact Pree PK sMID SL ood Atte Select PK SMID-SL BDrog W dob ecto © Yous panel Sled othr. a arog Udrab oo PR Select At ? diag w chro on PK Select Ake A fy Select Phone , ’ Note: To velear ths BEx @ _ porting tools a Mena, gel ie Web teen, t Kalido ete. Select Suseng ett eon Baect Advanad tab in Papen Wendews Reber OLE DB bor OLAP ( 6DR0) 71 6 Alles External Access to “this Suny, Select Check Sung LE] Sove & Select Povoritus Denerthtton | Salesmon MD Aetatls Tech. ‘Name i SMID_SL_Q Spl Select Save Buad & Select Bath U Use Quay [A] to The olp i coph to BEx Aoaleyaer. Obretve the mp etoile Note! Obrerve polebrame ID calurnn * Short Text te opined teftiad Kay Neos Rearor BEx derewpte ob pet to Shot Tenet under REx toh at the tinw 4 creshiog, “the Chotoctewtastic Srfookject SMID_SL Nate: a qo coat bo desplog- “the asp Volus (84,$2,--) PB lect“ Sabamemo 2D caluran , cordait came select Place the cuthor on the vebor blot area, pelect tools P r , Sebett Edt Q& Select Solrwrnan ID in “the Default VoLluws poral Select Disple tob && Probes Woda Or Ab)” Browse UY Choose Kes Sduct Chack Q i] Save mt Select Batt UW Ue “the Obperve the Key Veluss (S4, S2,--— 82). SAP- NW- 8) F-0 Cr) SAP- NW 2004 Jp Drorbaction Datta Loading 1. INPocuBe 2. DS0( Data Store object) Il. Sfp Gabe (T-Code! Redevwe, RsAat) Tob 1 RSDeuBE TnfoCulee ooh Designed ond duped bared on “Extended Stax “chen! or SB) Star Schenna’. Egil Trombactton Deta Leads om Flat File to Standard UnfoCube to SAP-NW-BIF.0 sth pod units and ined correncted T-Coden : RSAL, RSALA, RSAL3, RSAAG, REALS, RSD, RSDS, REDS, RSDCUBE, RSMO; RSEMoN, SEAL, SELG, RRMXK Procedure! oe Podt A! “Dela Modebit Step Of Make pure that Mp io leaded ips custome, pducbs, ete S It Create, Flat Pele lyr Fan Data Step 2! Log on ts SAP -NW-Bi F-0 Step 3! Check Flat Pele Source Sypter (T-Code: RSA13) Step 4: Greate ee RSAIG, RSDLOBeM, RED 4, RSD5) Step $: 1 Creche, DebeSowes ie Tro Dato (T codes! faery Create Stow (T- Codes, ReDeuBe, sed ~ Steb 6 feet Stet apd iste ToloProvider fog Qoctgit ‘Qoert Press| BS ab MI Gove] DakcTorgct? (T- Code? RsAsdy Step +: ome “rarshetronkiont (Relatzorths bto Dpeake ( Sof vider) ond the AeitaSource(Souren) Note | ot, call ” th beag, rad onibs Y fond catrencted rts + b Rarolve the eNVOYR Step 8: Shaw deta plow | cenploy qe Reratt : Data Modeling cornplited Pat Bt Data Acquisition Lactraction Lt Create Pov and data isto PsA he Oe td aban he Step 2! Menitey BOL T-Godeb | RSMO, Rsmon) Step 3: Creche, co DTP and transfer deka. from Skeb 4; ok pe a : “te eee LisTcuBe) ath Agger code oe dct: £ S: in deal eee Crsn, ae ak nee Biemarsstory Fables) T- Codes; SE44 or SEAG Step @ + Monitor data T-Codeb ! RSMO, RSMoN, LiSTcUBE Revalt ! Date Bactrackion tw rt yas Post Ct ati » Provertation Steb 4! Creche “BEx ‘ebort on the GoloCabe ond observe “P “the o/p cH RRMX oy Reroakt | Reborting a complited., SAP-NW- G1 .0 DED Fess NomencLatore ( Abbyevatzons) DED —> Delo Plo Diagracn PID —> reol Qab oProvider DS —> Dato Source VS —> Trarbler Strudiare PSA —> Parnes Staging Aven GASP + G Addck. Feels Thee ore! wo Regawst Narober Oi) Record — Nunober (ily Data Packet (DJ No. (iv) Postitioned Value TP—> Toho Pacl DTP ys Vata “Fearler “Procer> <- 7-7-5 ePIP (R5A44) 1 Sterdard GnboCube uy \ CRspeuse ? road) 3 pt ds © NoUpdake, f Tete ove 4 type DIPS G> Standard “DTP ( clefsutt S) diy Ewor—Stack DIP 4 tii) DTP Direct Acced’ thy Realtime Data Acquisition otp( RDADTP) FESS > Flat Fee Source Spiers Po —> Perranal WS —> Work Station NA > Nac Weaver B) —> Bus ated egeree Navigekton ! ait A Dato Modeling Peat az loaded Step 0% Make pure that MD ee data for custorure, wodudts te. Step At Create Flat Rle i tin dete ho ot Excl ep [rip | ay “[saces | Peorir cL PA [o 2000 Goo lon Pr 30 S000 $00 a ae A Select Rie Save “t q Filo Nome ! HPSALES File Type 2 c8V ( Comrow debemited) Clore. the file Step 2: Lag 0 do SAP BI Steb 3: Check. ker Lt fe powrce. eofier conection q Enter T-Gode ! RSAL3 Exbood File Folder Select PO _PAVAN , contert menu pelect check, Mag'- 58 Ps eG byes (Te Coden! ° a3 nfeobjects CT Codes! RSA44, RsDA, RSOS, RspToeem) Gls Creche Aves Cerected ct the trae, $ MD loodkng) Select TnfoObjedds under modele Sdect Tnboobjeds sod node conterct munu Sdect cade Aveo, Ghbohren ! DA MBHS Dere. : DAPOAREA FOR HPSALES belt Creoke Drpoolject : ; Keg Fg: Pary_HS 9 PRopuct QUANTITY J 3 Dadoty ee! O Qari Unit of Meare: Brovane choote. KG, 3 Sdedt Activete Sled Create icon Pig! SALES_H, Meqhgs SALES: Hs SALES REVENUE Data Tybe | Odinaust Unit Meabure ! Fixed Curvy. DINR Sdlect Activate Sdet Create Kegheg: PROFIT_HS PROFIT ON SALES <5 Deka Type : O Aeooust Posed Cesrv SINR Select Activate P3 Step lL jee tun data (T Codes “Revs BAL Creofe opp'o corobonect 3 Select DetaSoutars under modale Select Chooke powtee byblera dean Select File, pelect ‘Pc PAVAN Sdict DataSource vost node, covtedt men Select crecte — Detta Source DetaSousee . DS_ HST Sousee Sphere ! Po PAVAN Type + Dito Source? Tun deta et Sdlect Genwol Dolo. “tele Shoit Deseo ! TR DS FoR HP SALES Mediorn Desc! TR DS FoR HP SALES Leng Dese TRANSACTION DATA Source FoR HP SALES Seluct Extraction tab Adapter | Load Text- Re rere Lecel Workstation FileName ! Brovare 3 Choote qo je HesAces ey DI\RRR SAP B FILES\ HPSALES.csVv Rows to be Tgnored 4 Data, Formnct : Raed Lengtls CSV ~ Deto Sepescakor 7 Select Proborol tob Sdict Load oxen tle dota, pos batten Obpewve the debe WL fete datatls, Sedect Fields tab Da nat thos thi ques ogee tn this nenwsan Yoo M Honig rho Objects to the [elds anpectivey Feld Sof Object ) [Bic] cid cD : [icf P2D_ws PID_ HS : [oic] paty_ns PQN_HS [oicf saces_HS SALES_HS . [oic/ PRoFM_HS PROP IT_HS Note! Browne WU choo x? [pelection possible] tothe ——=—ee— ciabloy the dite relectior screen ot the time loodes bo that the req. wonge stecords only can be loaded into “the dato toaget (Septal) (oft:ond) Select Activahe Magi External hang’ sheciftestion eal! be qoond Cortinas att cwarnd Note! Systens oes hr Bhrudture : |pie]cc DS_HST PSA tobl + [Bic] B0000440000 Nate’ To know the PSA toble nome plect Manage RSA = ace Sdect Previecs tob Sdect Read Previecs Data Obrerve the dota F3 Sth 6: Crecte Atandond TnhoCube (T= code Rspcuwe, R5A44) Select TrfoPeevicrns oily 3 Sale ux Dofpren ZA_HS , act rh Select Cevste TeboCube Gr oCobe 1 SEC_HS STANDARD SNFOCUBE FoR HP SALES UakpProvider Type. O Std. Gofo Cake Select Crecke Gilt Creche, Defoe btrachece using teroplete, ‘Info Oreck Sdect “Lo Objet Cotolog icon Double click on char. foloobj. cat Exper Characertstics folder Obrewe the drradersticn There are 2 chorodiaistich tebabed to 2 antetien. Creote & dinunriong (preduct, custorne) Rename the Dimension 4 Select Dimension 1 , cartext menu Sect Propestey Dimension ? Sic HS4 Deve Rem 1 Une ftem Dtmersion oO High Catdenal, Costinu Creche reco dimension ke predate Select — Qterunstars jplden, caritext enenw Selt Greate News” Dimension Dierennion . SIC HS2 Dec! Produdth Osnenten 4 lr mM all Avpign charactertsticn to the dérensioms Yerpec. oO cud Customer 10 drag Ww drop on SRS oO wo) Sdict customER Dimension covitert munw O q. . t gq io bdlact Boho otyect Deveat Sopa Pater cD ‘ Grtinue 3 Silect PRoducT 1D 5) diag w drop on Produd Dimunsion er) Sdect Product Aieumsion caviterdt awow elect InfoObject Breck Bopit ¢ Ester PID_HS Cotton the equator Select TnloObrectCctalog ton Double click on Kee Cot. Expand Cage el der Tee “rt ab chat oll KP a a =“ X drop en Kay Fegates folder Sedat Ry Ider, cavstertt crann elect Object Devect Sopet Rot = POTY_HS SALES_ HS PRoFIT_ HS Corttour, Fe rrr—~—r————F coandectony to 3 create, TnfoCube : Maintain Nexigabion Atty. 4 exit “then Sdect on /obf redsector Sdact Activote, Sipe aol bt tobles W dimension tables Note. Te veo “the tebls YU ther stabs Select Extyor cnece Salad nfdvostion ( Logs / Ststus) Sdact Aictionany | DB statu GdoCube + SIC _ HS Dictionary [DB Statob! UofoCube, Tables DB Table [Veo Dota Une Fhey DIC. Sthas ope ep! Bie Fsic_ HS oO Active Comprtente] Bicfestc_45 Actte Dato fact J Bic|psic-HsP 1 ie) Active, Tey] Bicfpsic_ HST cl Does ast extst deter! Bic] Dsic_ HSU Cy Oo " Cet Bool Bic] Dsic_Hs4 CO Adve Ped, Pio] Bic] Dsie_HS2 [J o Adie Carsttnus Cortinns F3 Steb +1 Creote Trombownations (\ bts GoboCabe YW deta Source) Te ee a al ° Sebecl Creotte Tr dition Tac the Tr. eaten Gy 4, e ! RNAROcUBE Name 2 SIC_HS Source, 4 ‘the Harnforrnshion Ob). 2 Dota Souter a Dots Sowce | DS_ HST Soren Soften 1 Browsse YW choor PC_PAVAN Gooieu Mpg: . Proporol cama cath S rubs aitomcticall Sdect Adtincte Exver 4 ‘pone, displayed heey f fed onite Y catrenctes be Govurtioo Tepe cating or tovellid No Source Unit Antigned Corthinue TV Yebolve te ervary Double click on PATY_HS Costinne cith meg: Veet : Ltoen caomnetrion No Conversion Select Transfer Velie foable click on SALES_HS Costinue a oy all ‘ con Boenen Conversion, be careeney Comvetbiorry Sduct Forth Vola Sele Double cleck an PROFIT HS Constioue Salt Spey CaNVurbtor J No Crverrion Salect ‘Frome Vekus oo Select Acted. ( trore}Arnckiort) Nate. Jo view ~the trorefvostion 1D tebect ‘trone} boro hon mune Sead Proberties Tren. BD 1 BNS#—- 32 choradtere Coctina 7 Obsene the ‘beartf Beonttoort MR ore pelder S Qi Shaw dato SL dishl. vrabhiets oP led ax Td be ait Tt Select Ashley Nata Flow Dasbh debe oO dt (sor ‘tecraet tho ~epoats) Y@ Down (ror targit te rower) © Ub Y Nowe Lrorn Acura to report ae b “f ) Seloct tech. names om] 4h putts ( EE Papel S\c_HS uso [estes ani STANDARD TNacUBE FoR SALES DATA —— —— St 9. onesie — Updete cate : — rae a CRBocuge, RSAY lon a TON Ubdeta R5AS4, REDA Dabesonee/ [ S_HST Nec rsosjes va ay FRANSACTION DATA Source FoR HP (Reps, R5A45) SALES Plok fila bower PC_PAVAN ster) ELat ALE Source (RSAaB in BI) | SYsTENM FoR PAVAN F3 Result: Dato, Medabing Conapleted 0.06.12. Pat Bt Duta Aegtsition| Excttadtton At Grecte LnfoPack and ab boad date, “t ohak ha wat to PSA ber Sdect DabaSources under coodaling, & Select Choose, Sowtee Systero Select Pele Select At Sousce, Systro Pc_PAVAN Expand at obits cosh, Pome. Select ur dotarource DS_ HST, content eneou Select Credte TLeP. InboPackage Dore “CNPOPACKAGE FOR DS_HST For. HP SALES TXN DATA Select dotarouve DS_HST Salect Seve Select Extraction tale Check ha the je fodorniteny Select Processing tal Uprleste nat } ° YO Ooly PSA 6 Olt Select Update tab Ubdoke Mode! © Full obdeke O Gitttobined Delta ©) O Delte ofdadie( D) Select Schedule tok YQ Stott dota load immmuedtat O Stort lahr to background Sdeat Stoxt Nite! Syslerny eshte extraction U Leasing Mg Dato aos requested. Geb 2! Moniter the data in PSA(T-Coden! Remo, Remon Sdect Monitor icon Place the curbop on the yegowst gtaty thos polect PSA maistenance 4 DetoPacket sith 18 recordy Gotinu Obperve the data Nae: PSA coatoins roa data or enprocented date or ost chanted data or not validited data or oot qualified Se .hU ‘pusified dato FZ FS Fs Steb 3: Crecte slandad OTP ond te i Vo PSA to InfoCube. pr Select TalcProviders under models E “y GafoAvea ioe & ort Tnfocobe Select DTP folder, cm Cohet — Create’ Daher Ty. Process Aad Tronder Proc. } DS_Hst/ Pc _PAVAN —» Sic_HS DTP babe: Standard (con be beheduldd) Gostinu Sdlact Extraction tob Extyoction Mode! Dette Fuh O Do nat extract prone PSA but Accents Rota Sorter fer benell arnowsbs ¢ date) Select Updede. tole g Exvor handling + Nobid records updede, No Reporting CRepusst a) No apdete etthat Master Dato Select Creceitte tb Select Activote Sdect Erect cpash button Mpg" Do yor coerst to claplag the request eoonitoy 2 Mer Seb Gi Manvtor the deta in the SofoGube (T-Gede 3 Lisreuge) Select — Admnenuster Data. Tor icon Spee Deh sFrovidee Adrntoustration sereen Regereste tole Reg. Ip &® AIL Reguarst ds ovoiloble vebarting, No. 4 records ty xed No a records od ‘to Select ayer i SIC_HS to Select Sadect Procansing Mode! Serial Extraction, frmedtode [el precesing SID prere on Lom As rd econ bp Cheetos) Chuck custome Td , Produch Td Sdect Execite ( Selection teres) Zw Deploy enten SQL aes a Deploy execattion pleo Speeection vrelase tybe O Retry ap a List (table prea) Sede Execctte Sfp native SQL. and Bony erxeccition loo Hash SQL Desa obo De lays a “renal. ated aes Nete!- To oe the pte the cd'y poet Ch a eS 4 Select pales » Pale le Coctinae Select Rant ed. , bebect Set in Arscening order feo F3 f& “To anit quickly, ‘elect SAP Logs” on “the tob lft cornar pelect Sth Hansaction. Step 8! Check dots to the underlyes cla cectieransy, tobe (Psa, y Faat { YW Dimartion tables) Ester T-Code! SEAL OdB Table: | Bic] Bd dp Igpooo (Psa toble’) Sdect Duspl Select Costersts , Sect No 4 Extrtor Sdect Egeceite Obprerve “the deta PZ PZ PS ObB Khe! /Ble/PSIC_HS (Uncombrented fact table) Sdect de lo Sdlect cositesty Select Enceceite. Matstains tin data ( kughgq'e dts) f3 FS FS O06 Table. +] BIC/Esic_HS(Combrenred fact toble) Sdect dlesplay Select contests Select Crecude, No dete behave compression F2 F3 FS OdB Toble : [ Bic] Dsic_ H94 ( Castornuts dinunbion table) Sdect dt Select ott SBulect — Execcite, Carstoins Dien ID ( Dirention Teahe ku) 5 sid_cip(mp Dp + cp) F3 FZ PS ODG Table : [Bic] DSIc_ HS2( Prada Dirrureton table) Sdect aexpl Select covtet Select Cneceate, Catatrs Dim@D , SID_PID_HS €Z F3 FS i) ODB Tbe! [Bic] psic_HsP ( Dota. Package Arn Table) Select ceephg Set contest Sduct exacette, FZ Fa FS Odea: [Bic] DSIC_HST(Tine dirs. table) Sdlect displ This table dows nat exists bee; cre haven't moistrio any time chak- © DeTabe : [Bic] Dsic_ Hsu (Unit der table) Select onlay This table dows nat exists beag ose havent moistoin ony unit — chad- 3 A). 0612 Sep 6 Menibor the deta, (T-codes | RSMO, RSMON, ListcuBE) Enter T- Codes RSMO Maenttor Admin. WerkBench ond at dotabowree Ds_HST Rey Select request Atetans Selec PSA coaistenance Corstinus. Obperve the date FZ F3 Evter T-Gode 1 RSMON didesin. Llorkbende — Menttaring 9 BASS wr) Procem Chein Posploy Plonoing Niews ion BHO Exbend Montbord Select Load Dette. Exbend ur dota porter Sdet Request Statins Sdeck PSA roaictenance Costin ne Obnerve the dete &3 Ester T- @de s Listeuse a CM Lt \terer Dato. Torgebs SahoProvider 1 SIC_HS (Tefotabe come) vw Prnply SID DB ogy” [A] Tech. comes Se Sdect Field Slection ber lp ( piajection obst_ felds to Crecte Neca Sas, > News Qeok = Pend SIC HS €! (Search Method)—> Ofeo Sect Row | Ghumns — Brpaod K.P foldur> drag w chop wsto cd, am ¥ ond Dimensions —> Exb. costs dim. > Select Cust. BD» cog YW chop esto ~rouy | 4 7 é | LLrtS—t—s—s—a‘“_es“CO™iCtsCrisCNiC*‘“C (RE “ ork peg Be ares Nate 1 ‘To Yesultt rout | subtstebs duct prods ID > Select despt Rosukt Row ! Brovte WU Choote aAlesays tubbress to properties extrda. Select Check & . Select Dever ! Soave HPSALES REPoRT Fech Name ! SIC_HS_ Q0004 Select Save Select Eat W Une the gute en. 5 Observe the heoubk ) “fronds, SAP-NW- BI +.0 cor) SAP= NWI- 20044 — 2. DSO (Data Store object) 1. VnboCube. (T- Code} REPCUBE, RoA44) GakoGabe dab designed and Aped @ bad on Extended Star Slherne of BI Star Scherna- fz: — Transaction Peto Loading f jtoro bat pe to ‘stondard tnfecube do sAP-NW- B10 etth vartable units and “Vertable aurvencies and dete : F- Coden! REAL, REALL, RSAI%, REALS, RSDA, RSDS, REDS, RSDCUBE , RSMO, RSMON, SEM, 5416, R8RMK AP -NW-BI0 + Serve rors > “ePIP (R5A12) ; ' a Standesd oe eee cman |? | Update Tyhoo, ep, SM RaPo ansactbe eal chau?) Refers, _ (ema) De Bracemey ; - 5] Ds +4ASE {ae 6] Ftelds oe PsA (RSA5) le Trlesfoce (EK relws Nomenctature DED ~> Ata Flo Diagtono PID => Phys The ide DS > Delo Source TS —> Tonle Strudiure PSA —> Pernintant Staging Area GASP > Y Additional Syston Feelds w erst Nos ty Record No. (iii), Dito Povckat No. civ) Pontitioned value BP > WloPa DIP —> Dota Transl Procedh There one “4 DIPS @) Stoodard fe t cy City dy) ‘eegrtion Poot A: Data modal Steb o: Make sure thet MD th loaded her cust. U pred. Step I Coates fet ple lpr tun. deta. Ope ov cID PID PQATY UNITS SALES PROFIT cyRRENcCY DATE cA PA 10 KG 2000 Yoo. INR 20\2.06 O} cL PL 30 Le 3000 S00 USD — 20120602. Sete the [ile File Narre? SIEMENS SALES Type 2 CSV Ceara ddlienited) Save 2 Clore the jue Steb 2! oo to SAP- nw 84 a0 OLAP. Steb 3 Check pw jit i feoucrce. Jaystern connection iter T-code | RSAAS . Expand Fel folder Sdect PE-PAVAN , OM elect check My Sowree ern connection OK Step 4 Cudte Tne obi» (REAIG, RsvL, RsDs; RsploBem!) Gales: (Greate Sofp Aven. Corected ot the tine mpd louie) Select —Tnfadbj-'s under modeling Fare Balect Creche Tofoobject vost cote » om Sdect Crecte TnpoArea TofoAvea | LAS? Bobokveo SIEMENS < Gri Crecte chavadtertstic infoakject catalog (erected at th tow bj Tap loaded Sdet ur TBloAra, om Bde Creche “D Ojeat catalog, Grfo Oby. Cat. : Toc_Sf_cH Chow. Tal Ob). Ger: fpr SIEMENS Bafo Ob}. Tabe tens Ti bee, 4p Syster Type O SAP O KF @ cus O PAR Select create. Select activol , FS G31 Crests cher. tobe! | \5 (erected ot the time, 4 MD Silat we chow coool caloatte Sdacdt creote fee! je . Chex | CID-Sf : Dees cust in d Dota CHAR, a ir 4 Select” activele Salect crest Chex + PIDs? Dec 1 PRoD ID a ligt CHAR ell actinele, GG! Croke Soko Ob; Select th a a Sect — Create Lofy Obj Cok a7) ob. cat } Toc _st_ KF key Oe Lal Ob cot fpr SIEMENS & Soph Spe O Chor oO O KF Oo Select Creche Activote G8" Creche Th Obj b Vor: anths YU vex: com mercies Select call abe - Select Crest’ PofoObyect Ke. Paty st Dede | PROD QUANTITY 2) Dato Type | peIMeO QUANTITY % Unit | Conv + fonir Select Activate Select Create, K.P + SALES 59 Deses SALES REVENLE J Dota Type ! © Amousl Unit] seen. | Posrrency Sect Activete. Select Create KP} PROFIT_-sT Desc | PROFIT ON SALES DotaType | O Amowst Unit] Cotvency | ff currency Select Activate Not t— The dafousbt oqyegton tb SUM ond tube er M — Carnmalotive Une LDAT@ Baa. Oe PAGES Be mee Ste 51 Creche — Dota Source yr tun. deta ( Rsps, RSA) 5.1 Creche oppo coreporeest Select Dott Sowers onder modeli Sclecl Choote sve . en —> Select File —> Pc _PAVAN Select Asta Stel t0dt node, (CM) > Select — Greake oppo cornponest App Connp : Ac_sf Debe + APP.N @ommP. FoR SIEMENS Select Create datosre Deda Sve + DS _8iT Sac Sub

Select Greate PnloCube InfoCaboe Sic_sf } Std Ge her siemens LofoProveder T pe © Std De Select Creche coon 6)! Creede Le strre: abtog template cnfoob catty Select Volo Object cat. ual r “~ : D.C on “char. Dol Ob Cok, alae Choracte rustic folder Ranome the dirnenstar4 Select the dimension 4 CM —> Sudect Prabpertine Rem: Sic STL Dese Cust. din. 0 Ln fhm Om ei Beg Coadtoobtty, Geationn Creote a new dimension Select DRtererriion fel CM ~> Select Create New Dian. Dim 3 Sic_ Sta Dore + Products Dino Mab the obj. Select cid-s! , dag YW dvap en cust. demunsion ee Select Cat: din. cm, —> Suet Uofo obj. Dora ofp CID_ST ot Costinue Sect PID Si drab yY drop on dred. deen’ - pice e Select ‘pred. dirs OM —> Sebect Info Deveat ap PID_SI a Coon « checkboow Note !— Select on/off ce er navigabton otthy. 4 enishy Abbi KER Sdect F Object cattole template, D.c on KF peo ce, Exbend KF a Paty , SALES, PROFIT aq % drop on KP fplder ot Ealeck kKFe folder OM, telect ‘nfooke Derect fp PaTY_s| SALES 5} PROFIT SI J Costious Note! P Oni, Povrreney outoresticall coapped oto Unit — dénnention. Select “Tima dirmantion CM —> Sulect DofoOly Aerect 2/p @CALDAY B CALWEEK CALMONTH B cALYEAR Cottinue Sdlect activele Note Steno qunavaten tables, dio tables To views the ‘tables YW they shtoy Select Entrab rrenu 5 Select Tnlo. Btotay Sdhoct Desleonasy / DB stator e Coy » DB Tobe Reta LineTkrn DDdIC Stabs gg. Jac] Fsic_si Oo Active nephterted Bic] E51C -SI a 4 desta. Pa ee bef Bic] Dsic — iP qQ o Lena, Btn Jere] Dsic —SIT is] oO Jatt Dien [Bic DSic SIV oO aealees 4 Q : ast, O9/@jcf DSic_ Sth o red. Drrofa,yc [DSI SEZ a = Codtinue FS Stab t. Creche ‘tranplormattons ( at id vider level [ds level tos dottenre.s, b ( re | 7 Expand ur apb.o carp ) Srlect ur dinre OS SIT OM > Create Tearshorenation “Tenradt 4 the Trardarcastion Sew Cube K Obj Type + als Obeat a Souct ce, Ope Hubs Dest. Nome! STc_s? Sous ce A the. Translormetion obj Tape 1 Date Scouse” Souter ioe see CE ea Sie Sp ! Po_PAVAN Coctinus Mi Proporol hed ith 6 vules See Def Peeldy BF | Tol oProvider [iofoObjeds, [bic] cio-s). ———> = apes [Bic] Pio-s} ——___s = pip 5 [ore] Pany-st ———_—» = Paty. UNIT /eic/Sales_s} —__j——» = SALES _s} [21¢] PROFIT_s) —> = PRofiT_S| CURRENCY CALDAY == —= > P cacweek N= PB caLMonTH > CAL YEAR Select activete Jo vend the tr roction TD Select Translerenation menw —> Select Propertion Obbeve the tech. norne 2D 4 Corhinas FS Note \ To cepploy the -bramlornectiang , pelect revs y Exbond the dete sre Obburve the ‘brartlotnodtions PA OFNY — --— 32 chowactr sheep Step _— deta. Llone or cepa afk Sdect SnfoPeovidet onder oodal ond “ur TA, & shot Revels Obherve te poldue Sdedt ux Be, om, Select OY leap dota Behl Date Flow * tl pe 7c eoations an DTP Phys — ailtecks | Sy IO Doo Ty. (REALS) Jenn QupacuBe For siemens o Up 2 Doron pet _ Castine. Se f-—— ds_sit Sdedt tech nonub onfolfy posttely TR DATASOURCE FoR RSAAG REb4, Rend SIEMENS es (eepeeke, SAAS — : Update abr for bE Pac edie he be, ~ ——1 RSdS SNS [It ae ELAT FILE Source SYSTEN] Plat Fle Sre RSAA3 HB e3 Rerokt + Date moodaliog Pact B1 Data Acgtattton | Extradkion Steb |! Crcte UboPke Wo load deta fyrern pore bp to PsA Select deta Are’ d efor ur 12 comp: Selozt ort date pre cM, PF Select — Create NofoPacl Desc PNPOPACKAGE FoR DS_SIT PoR SIEMENS SALES TXN DATA Sdact Paedasre Gotious Select Bittvacdttors tol Check. a “the je ppovornitann Sdect ‘Procentiog tal Updethe dota O Oo a Sol PSA a Scect Updote bob Update! enole! Fat ubdate. (P) GQrittoliged Auta () be uae Pe} Sdact Schad : ; O Stet Osta Lood we nop O Sturt Labr to BG ilbst Gage Syptere ‘pesfererts extraction ML loaders Mra Deke coats requested Step 2! Monitor dota to PSA [T-codeb: RSMO, Remon) Selrct rnonitor ico Select Request stobas Sdict PSA moistenane Obrerve the dete Néei= PSA confotns aus data. [urnproconted cea] unclaantes et. ear tS Shp 3: Create td DTP and teordge the data. bron PSA to Tc ieee TnfePreveclurs ander coodel: = v Expand ue TA, Exbaod ur fe, ote ee DIP fob CM , Select Creche. DIP Data TromeerPree ° Ds _ 617) Pc_PavAN —> SIC_SIE OTP Type Stel (eon be tchuduled’) Cortina. Sdect Extraction tb Extracktion mode VFL Delta TL Do ost extract frero RSA but accenb dabosre ( her enol amounts 4 data) Sd Update tole Evvor hoedltog ! Nabid records opdete, A pty (Request [Ne opdoke cothout MD (Te validate tun deta covrtt y MD) + Sdect Exaste tob Procebbing mode's Settal extraction, Immedicte [fel precession Lr Select Enecte feeb button Nig !— Oo a cant ta cieplay the, sega commit a Step G) Check dete to the Le Selec Adeninuster datactangit icon Sdect Reguassts tos SID 4. Reg. 1D 19g Obpervve the request details Sdect TohoCube. Select Contest Sect Pidld Selection he olp Sdect CID, PID , Cobendar wo coors, caeeky dow , Cotrency , anit ( prjection) Seleet L ote. Selection Seren jal Dexplay- SA rep O Danplou. erection pao thication er vtasn pe. Pelee, Ob a ae SAP Lust Viewer Select Creche Desbl nctve SAL; guy exraitten blen abe mt r nlf opto Sal % alt ote dat ae 23.0612 Raps: Observe the debe the qe fp dote fhroat we YyyyMmMDD The olp dete aot & DD. MM-YYYY | Sp anes The conversion ext ‘SDATE? chil be convertion,” the doe fore YYY MMDD |prroct to DD. MM. YY? ele Obpewe the volues pe colendar merth, colindat cock, 3 colander To chg. the portion +e cd fect chy ok a ee eae eet oxveng the [telds to sre 5! Chuck dota tn the underlain dita dictinonty tables (PSA, Ie fact Bh dino. tabled): Eater Te Gade} SEAL lesb DB Tedole sat tiie [Bic] Fic 5} —> Dera > Corstesbb—> Buches > Observe, shrewd Bie] Esic_ SI . wtoRet] Bic/ Dic _SiP tre Pro [Ble] Dsic_ SIT doik feo] 1c] psic_ Sv vets Reo] Bic] psic_ S14 ved Bo] Bic] psic saz Mable] B1C] Bodo0020000 —> Benploy = Cotesbs > Execute Step Gi Morttor the ckite antoy “T-Codes | RSMo, RSMON, Bote RSMO Ustcuge Monitor AWB awe wor dekn ore Select seq palecl PSA moictenance Obberve “the doko Enter RSmon Admin. WB | Monitoring 20 BAL or Procebb Chalo Deaplo. Planning Veeco Eabond Menttors 4 Sedeét Load Debe Exp. Dotasre —> Select Reg, stobub —» PSA meidtenance Costinu P38 Ester LISTCUBE Coll LustViecser AakoStocr ToloProvider | wd ” TA Desploye SID [Z dB Agaregatton a wt Select Execute + Reld Selection fer olp > Brmoute A Quy Pleo De on SQL oor + Bisplew, op Sal, et ple Pz Displays ostive SQL, 3 Obperve the ofp Pont C+ Le capi! code BEx “epost on the Bo YU obtere the date Biter RRMX > BEx Anoliygor Select Tools, kom BEX menu Select — Greate “Neco Suey Select News Suey cor Sduct Pend Seasch Method SICL S| ~> Pend Sdect oben > Sececk Rows} Golly oCUrLr—S—s drop _ F & chavs drag WU d elena Bal Bim > deoq a ads he Nee hee 3B tos ; To! sss wap the" tesatt’ roots > pole ct (prodaat Gsinth ~*~ opurties cstndow —polect dep toh t woe vou | dl Ke rt Fo relieve the pot kr 3rd “porttog toaly tke Bus. obj.p, CR, COGNOS cfc. > Kelok Aebteterted stale > pele & properties Leon —> belect Advanced tob Releake ObBO Aloo external access to this 4 Bdect Check -s Save onder Favourtbes Nome; SIEMENS SALES REPORT Fach. Nome SIC_-SI-QOOA > Sue, Sdec Gah W Une the g Ww K(OLAP engine [processor catll ocebts the, Obpenve the [ree r a Jo estore the bad Dyzl] Doon Select “ kilter 5 pelect calender dog CoM —> Add DxlDocan accdding to Colerdor coup f5 Rowd Obterve the veoult Patjetrn Dall Down her ather chow.'y olpo Note: Derplou Bitar peherna qtabhicd ; Se (rarlonos) dusgred [ coothvucted lated on extended Astaw 4 heen of BWR) Star Scheena. bet he & on maistoined Btox beherne « Enter T- Code | RSORMDR —> Meta deta R osckoras T+ costoing only. actincted objects 4 cost defived y SAP difired : Select QrfoCobe Hybertnk Pace Chr +P (Prod) Ester Sfe_s® cheat, eth Boe tte. ays Unit, chag-'b [eic] nic siz 0 © oo) 20 ty HOY DWH aArcHitecture( Layer Lee) Dobe Sources D-P.L —> Note Provider SPL —> Service Provider Lower LPL > Sofa Preredstation Lower CRepoiting Lupe) “er WHML — > Wore House Mart SAP— BW ARCHITECTURE (Service hese) There ore @ berviced |. ETL pervice S. BW Administration service &. Storage pervice 6 Meta data pervice. 3. Anolysio W dAccen pervice G. Prenentedtion pervtce > 7 a ne a (Deter Ginko. Consurnesth C 4. PS 6: MDS 3 AAS 2. SS Lk om 4. ETLS eH MDR i Dea Sources Metadeta, Sewice !— Metadata $- St &% defined ob the info. obad the data bach an date rouvee type deta + peo cercxiptton, Cnage > heogt, trombotoalions, reco 5) andtt & covitrel Dao abet data & cold Metadata. Pols 4 Metadata 1. Gt ds red to deretbe U chkire the slo atchitec- tectal Nn buch ob antitis(empb's, blasts, accls, « custorrun, Vendors ete) 4; the Kemp P a. Mitadata con be exchen bt cit. Aa compli 4 te deporwation( copy W Seu) = xe oafe GB |. Technical 2. Obfoal 3. Burs. Metadite Techntent MataDate. (71 MID) I— Bt ts ured “to describe a cee obj» by provicing detatybe, » banat, of decimal 1» erence [eld , vebevence abe ni pte pede a stions etc. cmuscreniereinysrenaaneaaninear at ured in th crchion 4 dite chcttonntian « wr dte| maps Q Opesctionel. MataData (OMD) (BLL Statzsticd) Tt te the endhviets ( statestees 4 creannred) (an yo ra ab no dite Yecards moves bron one . to the md hing 2 +t oble doo re in exectition (procenss time), 90. ryrecards vieved com The DB, no. 4 yecores wresbed, n° + records loaded, tiene taker to read deta, Aime “taken to load dota, tine taken to delete dita ate constitutes the Opal Mitedita 3. Buricend MetaDota (BMD) I- FE w defined to “the ctetry’s a common busb. man underttlands. Bt tocludes bub. kownolar, bus cond!n, bur. dibs, boo, yules ete. ‘ i “ ' I i I 1 { i i I 1 mp ( Mée Data Reparitony) 2 MOM (Meta Data M. MDR t_ Th tm @ collection ) obj 4 SAP dafinad Ye cartocnur difined (T Code | RSORMDR) MDM !- Gt i» th ere cchith emengey the flee 4 rote date ab» foro] eat the onctadatn oncory. SAP=BI AREHITECTORE (Object hlene’) 6-MDS q | CAV ay mes | & mos Querten) 5 5 ree Sct eX | NN Se! 2: SS Cost ctl “ Ay ETLS Cafpeclag Rata couse | cnet nenp etna SAP- But] ay CoLaP) ® ens ster (ottP/ovar) CRM —> Castoraur Reletiorshih Manst APO —> Advonced Plann Optireigar SCM —> Phy Chain Mart XML —> Externble Mowe Long DB—> Adabare UPB —> Univeral Databare SAPT —> Sewvice Abba Paging Fasten! TH w& © combinstion + ALE) TREC ‘technologies ALE > Apps Link Erakltog- TRRe —> Tenel Remote Po. Coll SOAP > Strople ob} Accenting Pratocal DBE > Ab Gornactithy UDC —> Universal DB Gonediave PSA —> Paxsistest . Arn MDT —> MD “Toblep( Atty. Texts, Hierarchies) DS0 —> Dcko Store db}: ODS —> Oblnal Acta Sbore To —> BWloCubke DM—> Acta M MDM —> Mate Mets Date MDR —> Meta Data BOS —> Burs. Doc, Stow (A Aton for quavten, quing Meare, wntirn ton, roles , erorkboooks Ooling Ancketical Procerte ote Stens ove wdectehoure pero) nescg (Pep “t “e QLIP —> Online Thos Procenting ( oploal nydterg) OLAP- BAPL —> Repti BaP) Stoging DAPI — > faibrackion BAP) AWB > Adminisstrathr Work Bendy BWR — Acta Hedchowring Work Bend BEx— > Burr. Explorer BExQDN-— > BEx & Desigrae BExA —> BEx Anobyger BEB —> BEX Browher BExW —> BEx WAD WAD > Web Abb'o eta . { BExM —> Bex BO > Bud obj ‘2 COG —> coGNas WF > Web Focur EP —> Front Page (A cach disigeing tocl) | ‘te ee LE > Paternat eee i NN => Net Next Mo2 —> vet e i PE > Pre Pow WEB) —> Web Satuligence MeoBl —> Mobile Gstelk WAS > Web Apb's Server Note!— SAP-BW 3S cob duped on WAS Ards. SAP-NA BI 4.0, SAP-NW-OWF3 ae F sted on Net Weaver Arch. mfr Ste boy Engine T— Weth vel. to SAP- BY, Stage cmatttutes dotarowree / enca ptruchare, tr structure, pel PSA , “transfor rules, ‘ofehowree | commurtcotion shrac/ Tole Object» and pda jalles With veh to SAP ~ B) $0, date sowrer | entia Here chr | strows] pteac / ids, PsA YK trransbhmnetions. Tha uy the trom rules , update rules pee), D There ts devect ! bok bto the eee ee the target = | + the jjelds 4, tbe ane The mobb the DeProviders “ove cabled Fr mnakions pear =r APD —> 24+ 06.12, Analysis Procest Derigner ( aA Dedanining Tool) ‘Transpodation J Objectn T- Coder ! sts, segs, sEd4, SE10 Help Link Op HTML Helb, ond SAP Lebrasty Select SAP Bi & ond §=SAP BW Sdect Search, — Erster tramsperlation <1 Sele. Speen at Trortpot Syteo, “Frornpeit Connection ete, Landmcope 2 The oxy : fips, Mfowt og font, OO Gov order’ to deliver SAP Burr. Costest ond be obk to avb. gour aon contest WW delinen it on cust. contest, o BW systaro contest dv prrnact > needed of a rin: vequine 6 Qn “the BN cavtest test totter, a can check oshthen custonnwrt cific contest US activated. Yor cele, co cortdidated ghedur av dab trovibort ror the testing mystery to the production Te yartbort “the clemente thet gow crest ond edit twthe : wironerent — curttemist dors ‘leon environmed for says Ie pbduct byptern, enw speify “Tbe € ¢ Om ms & ¢ a a a a qr ct » Trartbort Systere [— Go most cater, Bid dvberwet drojects| ore not carted at tn ao pprodudtion bepeen, bok tn one | i ofe move vpement hes g canvg ov Wbmnest projec tn a dvb.awct | Satie | ot fl a fg cup eerste Sint srorinport Ah npn (testing » production Apter) | You. con ane the te A connection ts collect necaly | crchd ac ch. obj» tio the respective dk etd i shy WL then ‘transport thers ning “the Change. Torts pcre aaa | A tubie. Jandy & cnack o dubrut | le a Toate, We “toe | Yor con ‘trombbort the ob» cooly bts | pare kind 4. Shere dey con tr at the obi Ny from | SAP- RIS OLTP “dvb.caast sytern to SAP-RJs ouTp ‘eating or pwodudtion pyttimn. Sraileby, can ty ttre obi fore SAP aS oLar Sup cert rapshern An ©LAP ‘eating or productzons byte. Bek oe | te tthe obj» rere SAP- R{3 otTP sate cto SAP- Gil OLAP ten be., trortportation + oly. es pope bto Hoentgenow cee E The yeblecats on abjd» Lb, date mbsscrs, dota extraction | bto SAP-R]3 and SAP-BW us porsible cntog ALE, TREC connection (SAPT): i ey The standard £ ae Us ade 0 fvp eowsst we fd sen “F 4 diy Testing, riystenn ot Quality Abbistance Syppticn of Sr tne mee ~ ( te ern landsc. chan. 40 corn] to camber . Ba ‘ft & bystenn Ca Pde! 4 teste y production By 4 sastern lardocafe Wbrnt, testing , we- production , redaction P stem exists, / Be a S Byte Lands 1 dbenect, teubieg» Jarl testiog , pre beaadors, pada apshernts ue ¢ maa Be pate a “p “¢. Sond Bow Sphere i GbE tbh aw non-landse stern, TH wb a taysteeo ured kor alk confirmations, aah proctice ete. The connection ured to ty ot te objts bts the hemognows putters th called Fronsboit Goorecttion, Tr in Carbon Joos 2 sh i) CTO > CA UW Tranbort Ougpnieee dy) cTS = Chae W Trantbait Systero Syptero Landacabe for SAP- BH Joy Dupmectt Pela Conteledatoonfosng Production) Live ot, Be CB ao === ALE, ALE, sere |Ree tere | RPC [ere (sary) Gari) sos E> pe eS beet] Conteltdakioo] Testing] Praducteon] Live ° fee pockag- coll be dinplasyed. So thet , gov con edhe ut py oor E . abled difautt Ap. cnsidsinn oo phg called ftrop Local “pha ov terporaty Pig Gh older Vesions, tse flog us also called Ab ienest classe: Sr SAP- BW BI envivenmarts, the ebj.'» exe footed to Fem pla boy defeat To view the name the Pea her ox BW objets , her qe chor. wl object dowd click on uy obj Seusrip helact enttyab enw Flee 2 ole derectong oatey polact Sofa Obperve the : | GE eaast to ch. the pane, Adlect lesb ‘ be camo: Recs at pce YU enter ha | Name ZPKG@_ SONY : Go SAPH BW [at ster csoo't byrembt \ parne | / seal creation, ve Perr mH 1 Apr dvp- caus + oby-'b , we can ape “bye Connection’ ee csork bench axe or DNB | bo thot oe can bpedhe 4 comes Ob» 4 connst be ‘transportable to the systers ed == al “t To ke obk te tx ext bu need to organige tHE oly ln : ander non-local phy _ shar thon $ : er ZPACK__Sony | | 7 c ! actietins (|p ee SAP— oAcis). ‘ An o BWI Corbultant, aw dvb. Be obj.'\s, w ae the obtls You veleare the ob Las by ably, The T- Gd»! SEOL, SEO4, SELO The ptd coentog convention 4 the oye The obj. coming convention tn SAP- BLN] BI, SAP-R5_ SAP- CRM. ete. tapers to ‘tremsboition « by RETR XxKXK YY RB» Bea BS Teer Architectiove 4. SAP Got] Froat and | Promectation tur a. App Server | Middle Teer 3. DB | Backend ot XXXK > Ob. type ( | YIIYY > Nome i the om ee To kano the ; deflpreat obj (the Gofocale, ODS, Tfodb; Saat ole i ete. ‘ B Double“ check on ar objet a ele Select — Extra Select Obj: devectovg ect Select objet Check on the browsrer LoBr ok Type eS D&@oB “po ect (SAP debian Dis SAP debi Dise wo a D@oc al ye Catalog (sar deb ( — Des OrfoCebe (SAP debivers) Dops pso CSAP ddivessq) fowe rfo Ob Cot. (Customer) i fosT To Obj : ser Topeed tsmpP TsEP iho © Bd O62 Tromier Rules connat be tr. te bP SAR BN dybsenect nye to SAP Bi] oi teste i Reapon Beeg t wal hee fe Le, | ‘an hules ote onedted btn the itolnten fron Hel oY a wedge [oom tie [ “hy “i i Sdutton | nO howtee es SAP- aw | BI testing | QA cd adahton tem, are en oy BASIS tate | I a ~ Lester Code ! REAL Sdect Tool menu —> Arsiqgnoedt byYC i to sore: gp Eoter pouree hp ap 4; dp: sonest ton ¢ Pet. Ogi- DE i Whoo aa ttrarnport “the trorsler rules t won't found a nee yp. or olf. beeg, test yp] dest: eyo coll | Boome ob A if ¢ ? Select save > Back’ Goto BW dvbmnedt ster 7 trambottation brocss. At the tine My tedlpttan EE. tw Pr ‘brewsbort i the “transport connathion , there ore 3 vehicle 1 Pu be ae edhan a ave tr “P “the aby tat time wearing YT COD — Grmmon er cl obiedts 3. BEx trartpoit vehicle ey to og Bex ¥ ebukbosks, cool terthdts, Wook. obbins, Nar “45, few abet a a eaey Whet axe the deh. tob > or bub beveere meicttato ie “chara dtewutie irfookjed moistnonw? rm oe tol 1 General (ealed Alafoctl) Bus. faplowe (Bex *pitig sittings) a 3. Mosster dato G. Athrbates S$. Hhevorvelstes 6. Comsbouret [texbs naa v ay Coropoundiy [ Soho obie Coropoursting | peed Atsthate (Schesior § oA object) c 4h there ade dbs the bome chak. i Varios Aoure destical choractenittion voli chreribtog dif, Oy be To} ow ave ‘te convert the Valu 19 tude a coy © SAP- BWA bo ar to moke Them unique N uu L i Eee bo aff, bre. bys'p i You corr corny out contevtirn to ‘the troctfur sues for this bre nyptero or in Hee trarnber touting bor the chatacters of work involved th convertion us too great, con i sund the cholacterstte “to the cond Sour Sp. 1 gp PSOURSYSTEM) . Thi means th ob actorncht jplled estth MD. The AC fyb 2D ts a 2-chatadter i tdatt ft a pte or a at pie \p to BW: The pre eS bb dated wl, “bt al ee spre ~ thet prove the dete. Anbigning the same TD to more — then one bye » etedhey ov ror 4 bre opie he MD Mb, uw anigque ethid each er ate ae - [outP 49] 04 four aa] [ourP2B] 02 [ortP 2A] [oa {oH [eH [oa cue 1A oui AB opal! on OLTP 2B oH 02.) +1) at oie ube chav. pre byb- TD the aie have ‘to akbign an Gp to each pre hyp. af we dédost antian oe aa i ———=—— mostey oto th chotacterintic thet ane are hap 2D ob attr. ot in the com tag. Scamprio di Bo Levers ft otbelkng + Medutel Mord pleat @D ue uved os combound ea her Horagt lotahienrs Qe citing, ctelng ate th uncd ods coenh. tty. for cont - 4. Creche a chow. ‘TpoOk}. cdideeeata Loe - Sdect ur chon SrfoOly Cot, 1M —> Select Create Toots o Chor ? STOR Dere 1 STORAGE Location D-T ot Chow les sy Atty STNAME Actives Ester dato Suet veirtin eens date 5 encth > enate _ : Nome! STEEL Dede eae dd Aveo lee STEEL at Crete Sb 152 Name + CopPER Dese ? Stovog- Aveo her COPPER el Crecte 9$.L+3 oa . Name? ALUMINIUM Deve | Meg Dato. record — wet kay ahead entity MD. should be aboup anigue Ge, MD bhould nt moisten chabltecde secosds Corfhinuw Belact No (Gave) To vrenche this prablern, wre comb. attr [powestog AC Plot 8D pupertor Bafoos et) “Create Ploat 2D ale cheb chet | Re PLIDE Desc: Plast @o d Genetol toto @-F < Chou len 1S 2 > Actinede. Une thth ob} ab othe. Une direction oxvouwr YW come to sBhovage locedtory ston C4 D) poleat Commpowrsio: tob Sepucer Daboobjest Pupe a —» Adivake MZ] West 2 ene Boter the date Select Maistoin MD 5 Buscte > Created PA PA ue” oA SL ae STEEL BRass GoLD SH Storage for ete =e BRass SAP BH c Exbend felect earch » Eater pblettiog 5 D.c on sbktttos, ' sey el ubdate . hb i We can cx enor * excl to | an Te and each aie fa én bs tt Now io SAP — BIF-0 can creche peveral ‘beast nein each KR tn on IC ond cach data. eld 6 00 ‘ DSO obj. ‘ Gor ogi Gn a corobony , He salen emp, s ‘ petite vel. Pee ““h ( ( Yn cthe Tc you wert to apsian 30% d then holes ¢ te (routinet) and 10% to the enh inomnedich pubertor pales cnanager (routine2). There ore 2 evttods thet pee ee LULL ie Cob valor 2 Rockne maak ett return tole revenue to I. Coby Ruler i= You con an update rule nent U con thn 69 om db ubdete méthod to this fol dhe obdate ule. This also oi t. cftion di we tke cath Yeverue assigned to the » to th Le, Coby “the update vale UW matdfain ravines (ior, + Boleb fevenur ontiqnad te the erp ts vomedeche vovitine tab skeb. : : Q. Rowdine catth vhain tele !- Update rouhinws qa only have one tetra Value. However, cathe KP calcula) dies tebstrep y te con crecte a yong by choosing { the Return table” obtion. The cory ing KR wdine | now hab a vetutn, tebe entead a ttarn Volue. Year con noe generale or KE Valuws ots you bike vor ew det eed. a Sa the yeline editor, th calculated chor values ade | phored tn the TeuBE_VALUES Atrae. CI there, i Volues accord (Cin th. above eg. De Pu the 4 a roller { i i i | teld the elevart KP (to te cbove Yevenue) and ure thir te a the RESULT_TABLE return teble - g ale femilior ith ABAP braming, you should ib, thes —-— zt given KA tLe f : ; | vrduettondiog + has a KF tb apdated . | Note: @n SAP-BN ot the time cutting opicte yules, we con creche. an dete rovitineg choot coby rule fo. or choobs ABAP +oukinw West “Wun LS ‘ bp *t Ra ol every ABAP touting vita a teal deoalt o. 1 east “to réluta more than one voult thes e \need to ox o yeturn tobe RESULT_TABLE Refer the ABAP [4 routtaes (to be discunped). 2s: Pode remence Us one oe te keg saccens bastions 4 ote ct r hen Hel + Ope RRTech ans}es DvD ( Dic on on RRTECH cO4 — DiC BN Pea] moarse BM € adminitstrtion ; Dic op Neo Staff, aa D.c on Peformance, Tut c | Th required cax & cont, cttedtion to Ouit * | bub'b and abttag Wo an app og j "t For DWH ect “+o be jolt ethorrnonce. | os have bo be post a oe ce pap | Cy fem x equivennedt oan. Ch neem orga “ite: to “ loyruct Ve pest mys “9 an metatathing, “ts © cabled « ‘ : & % stab ? c| eTPOTONaNce a YoCebh cod PerLotgrance nee ¢ us rt 1. Pedorenance Planntog 1 St te a oot bo: dp uct voce UW tovdves — onttt. Yevieu/y lo | modkbs — chaoren frore a etforoance post 4 seca raging se rls al on othe. wale ton a mamas free fo load - . ae maistenonc rocebbh choir and ls roanagi “the user exbedtations. Ge pt pen: pt oat Bub. AK an oo i yD q L be ve & U met covolve vecesi the { wep ease Woy ep Ty beltticuler mnanagi ober expeitacions phald ott bet Looping the ober accaptan eo. Local tetact “| tueads to a 4 Sal Pt i cance) ation Waking the unerr back Us ver aambersom job. i eq ¢ ¢ \ _ a: Parlormance Meanagenmdl i— PL ty a pat d ongeing | Pe matt tavolves carts enonittoring all brocesbes Wo verourcey to the hee: and events ; Aynt -tKe inin re 9 extaty f ob ea, et cull Pk ee v | veblaced SAP web nerve ait taded version, | adding of lacing bfeo (RAMS, ROMs, Procepasrs ete). Who condadti + planoing cae thoald foll. | fe pect daha Peep oe shell plow | + Ody ane cchat yor ued | 4 Tt & ptore evergthing roa wed in the DWH | Dall sore cast ux ated for vbting ome to athe te. | ont ry ir a. Do ab much ob can to fit 9 ht te conntonine the oiligetton of oor oy penning ier Mapa o deqee f digacort af 1. Be economic ier elerninate oll A oy Q. Keeb t& penoll Le, wedace Yate. vdlin to be procenbed | 3. Do th & Hel bey deploy Iebigckton on alll availolole fevelb, beag [Mel procust ade peolable te, Mel eae abeooys coproves perforrance Detabare Parititiontag cor) Phypicel. Pawrtistion’ DB tables are a isto “penedlar chunks bartittons) DB positions ode available tthe followe, Dams 1 Ran: Postitioning 1 Tt & supported by Oracle, Toharenin, LBM DB25,390- 2. Hoisb Posctttontng | TE %& popborted by Tan dex/oa. | Beaelebs 1- o| Ie Tel acces to bodtttions Ley lel veade, "2. Reads prmellr tebr 4 dita ie, ool regutred partzteorb 3. Fest delatzon artittions bea, drop partchion—__ to tur than” delete ker edhere ~~ - ‘ nec e BS. 06-12 Yeas, Cattorner | Salers al | | parrfos] 214 2000 S gol = | Gooo : pou a foes DB Pastition 4 oi o}} 214 | S000 ‘for Month zo\2.02 | 214 2500 1 = Ss oe ae aes DR Partitionz rer} 21 HOO ; eas) a oe for Month Az, POA DTT a. ASPoatic, Pacititionte Ge qe t toble uw \(cunce auton: byt nyo | lest data hoselng eteelh Qh thin come, -the paititiontcg i erttetia lp request bottle 4 the date). | PsA table a axibornatkt boy tH + deg data loading. Gy thin cone, the petibany crtterto. Us yequest number (rige fd the date). She oos/ ps0 ch tole os paititionead bop “the dust data tow: Gh thin cane the postition evtterta Us request corober(nige dtl date’). ' Una ~ deena | Cusstorew defined Pastitionin Ge fost told pete rooouothy by the omer an a ot vibe oY a os an | om the 22 trae! choractevintics. i 1. BCALMONTH —> Calender Moats | 2 PFISCPER —> Fibcol Yeor Pextod I PISCAL—> Financtal Colander i Peshormecce Gutdutes \. Dastvibation work load a. Other ect |. Bustrebubion dq workload 1 FH toclucbs 2) Bypo poesVer i load belandtng i) Oherction ar ©) Appa _beoes qepe/ bess boolanciog !~ D.C en SAP logon cen Select ur Bt toner. CaM Coordin Type Corstionrs apps aener (finde tever lo Groom buut poolections (afoup sone Ie") Ty ow ume groop purer, thin the csofklood all be | dust buted arhong the ae + Aervens. dled hence , eorkload perbermnaince: veleted fo WHM wraktons (WM | Worehoure et) puch on dataloads , ebbtor > cibctions, RoLAPA de. and OLaAP operation oe “Hoop | activittes eee ool) be eroproved . Logon load b x Via. gf | allocas to didlab be the eth 4 Mya ac bevetel, ( sy pervens- ¢ Dustrtbutton 4 ach utes actos =p peer eon be con to “the = BEX penvice bs the T-code : SLCP eps of | Aso obj. data aativelten us definable jer : i betver q hb. Procesh choind can be procersad om Abectlied petver be Exdvodion io che cop SAP Pogo. np tuds ob sap- Ria, c SAP -—CRM can be pro oo epectied ervey rors : RPC dedinctione in BH/BI to Ar nie reust bee defined , acohd: Me uring T-Code? SMS9 Astalo: to SAP-BW [BE con be Drocerbedl on Hpaaihted beter 4 yb “T-Code | SM594 Data, Staging via Xeol over HPTP/ SOAP com be procented oo pbedlred Joerver rere: b) Operation modes !— Del. Saye reotal query prowess jobn (seperti ») wt deta, bat cal) ee an vt Po Redd mode 2. Coche erode 3. Otierigstion coode, Fe —r—S——r—rs—Ss A > Qusrp to Read All Data at once K —> Buy te Rad Dota day Snigeon Quary to Read When Naxigete or & 7 Heeral chtes o i. oe { uv D Q. Cache mode ! Cache —> a boll memory uted to fpreeanh the data clog exit main cnacomey « There, abe ‘5 Cache modes. O —> Cache && inactive A> Man Cache cstthect Prenabbi am Mein marneny coche estth Awabbi 3B > Pernistoat coche oppo Benes G > Pesmestest cache acrobh each opp'o ater 3: Ofttonigatiton mode 1 Thue ove 3 modes O—> Quam oll be opticriged not ction A> Quer aat| | Lenigation ms load cab Pextode in Q q= aud obtimntgedton Ractive. Te above mods ate mroistained to the Suen Monitor Te Coke: ReaT / RsRTA | ReRI- » Datoload roedes or Updebe moda or Extraction modes or Acquibetion mnodys | \ Batr T Gd 2 RSAS ( Batractor Checker) Update mode! chick on the breuner FP T : Ae oll requested date, D —> Tren “the Delta since Last yequest ( G —> Trent) an tag bolarxe pen-commubebioe, ( we o ir : R= chien tthe troner 4 o doa. packet C —> Unttiligatton fb the Delta tx S > Stmulatton 4 Tnthtoligction qf Qetta trondfer Record mode | BW delta procenb to change lop table obs) ; DS0 1 V ‘t C Seed ox Asof ops jam — beleat oro = : folect costests tol > Select cate Ata ome log tobi) Record mode 2 click om th brouser c| There ore FF Record modes i « cl € G — epee) 7 After Lennge » a 2 aay | Y . Uplate rk (aa fr opdecke) ¢ Updete ey eb ¢ 1s Gor GnfoCube (for KPs) I Tare ove 2 : I+ Addition Cbg defoutt : &. No ted 2 Fer ong] D80 obj.'» { Date. fields — Kes)! The, ote dote types t [. Adsitteo ; ( te oowN aTOY mi tengo L pry areoece temo) ere we dete ‘ ee i Update Metbede/ U + Por KPa: 1. Soutee KP (ey default 2. Forrouba. B. Rovitine Qn ops] Dso dete. elds ( Kee) there owe Subdote Mo popl ese pr aaa Be 3 Above 3 4. Contest 8. Totttal velus paste Rulers (Lo BH Ss) 2. Por cheractertstios ! Thar or 6G Sousce choractur (bi defo i) Contest t MD ottyibate, Foveoule, Reine » Fatttal Veluo 3. et Tema cheradtaxstios | ove =f on é re F Tene dustribation ( nt cobendow Abt Ato Max 31 Ton 4 te Dec 3)) i momeye Ram ay ers ray ser ween se Tare ae i] |. Anfootjet. C ) Sl 3. Revline q. a Wht ave the ake nodes maistaind tn the date. wef by Bruce. tol tm th tnloroures Aoteen aden oste loading data feo non- SAP AY fp (plat ke ml Thete or 3 ote cons 1, Publ Upload (By defect 2. Neo sate as records ( aps ol only) 3B. Addetne Aelta ( ops obj &e) What ove the che modes a MD Hterorchies 2 Thane ote 3 dote modes jPod Update ( By default) 2. Tnnett pubstree ae Update bubstre. 26.06 .\2 a. Other sabia !— TH incl i; Remrgonigatton log tables a. Check unneces trace ond loge thet denpact systern ker perfprrance 1+ Reorganigction of leg tables 2 THSLE2 (are SAP ste! (99154) Bh EDIGO (une sar pate ! 179046) Tolle ¢ RSDDSTAT ~ statistics TABLE ( € 7 salvo vperjorrnance At inchs 6 | We Authovigation log (ove TeGode’ ResmTRACE) 2. Uner trace (ate Tecode ReRTRACE) 3. SAL trace (we TCode! STOS) G. ARAP. sbrace ( wre T-Code! 5€39) S. Stottistich trace c ‘Performance: ond Taunt st Bante To | std. fe i- Check lest i Boric [Std Fo per manck, {crepe [ottgod/ i ae a techniques to tenprove feo ferlgirnance) 2. Dieention redding ary BCho-Line Dters diction 3. Phapical oc tonic ‘. tole 4 Cob sce, 4 Boric Fo'r re BS. Logical. jpaititttociog (Lor nowtithrentduns) & nod. call me Oh F. Obtimigation & Boss o Bx “Fe wh A Archive = ee Stovage (NLS lo. Todt I £C pupermece — fc Lenin 1—- “There are 3 dentan altarnatives on at “i I. De destan “obtesnstive 4 — union time dedeock st nav. tty a. Fe dao obternative 2— using dimension choy.'a Ge dun albenstine 3 — urteg tt dest hie 3. Ie ° tocline B ostoy lea i At othst time | At chat enttonce , gor mrestain the oboe 3 clesigo oltirnctiver ? At the tinw + oreching chow Rfoolyect Demmonsstrattion | Crete o cher Gnfoobject Etec a ee L elect creche infpalgeat ( : Chex } SMID Desc Solesmean TD DT 2 Chox live Credte o ovigakional ctitbube Select Atty. f Atty. Nome) Name : Crecte ditty. Dese | SMAN Nome Oa Cle Len : 20 ans only Cyr oat atte) each fev. athe. onfelt seatttch Sb Tot 4 chor DA Seat Teme at pat ey Select Nov. ditty, TneProvider 5 Select All —> Gratin o7 |i NasTech. care Nov. Atl, 6 xx” -YYY chore XxX "eb MDK/ Boy YYY & coene. Nave atte. L- SMIDL_Neme, Sade Activote stuns &,¥ tbls a ‘ [BicfASMID 5 Q—> Tere Bidet Pepa Atty. Table [Bicf/Ysmip 3) Y—y Sid table for time dependerst Now. ditky. “Toble Nete! A nav. otter. behaves tthe oa ceoplouy athy. ob cael) ab nav. atte. 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LO Select — Creahe Chee! PIDK Desc) Product 2D DT: Chor lan 2 ge MD ‘teits , athe, hierorchies LM Detef tect tol g Vocheck mp , -texts B hierarcdhtes Sdect Activate Nae coe abe “tte choo, PID ( estthouk MD) do the Te Corttwaction thes tk vebresests Te igo olternative a. | B default, MD texts, ott. Q@ hierarchies ave time endst TD) Teere- debeodest (rst pelected) Th se choote “bene - cepeodest thes ‘they wstl|) become ttima —debendesst texbs, “obty., hierorchien Qo this’ com, . metdtaings “tuo addihional ed's |. dDATERROM —> frore date 2. Nov. tty. Thue ane fertther clonsified isto inne —deberdust YM tre - eundio Atty. | A baberior char. Fo abpigned bo anbttber chow. tee of ansther chow. bel wb oat exext abl. to provide conplcte tolo. To make tt man we une cormpowrod otty. — ee som reuktible pee bap and store tothe lea) systinn Jo vebalve this rob abe cacnbound otty. Note! Th any chav LO noistoing MD ‘tenchs, abbr, UL | = |tererchies tt us called MD Barta Chatactertstic | of ang cher does nat meidhto MD texts, attr. herds tho ll tb cobled — Chor. Lof00l jel ( catth mp): r a oy atts. mnetstetes fsthee level oftrg then cb eo» i e Tronattive, ath, “Per eg! — Noma torte obbr for | a Solerron ID. i Furst Nos, Middle Name, Lost Name ave coded Pronsitive, hother level atte thes Name 6 cabled Tromitive, ott. Nate! cA roa 2.84 atte ly com be cortstoined for achat. MD Kea 6 ROG IA Bt every sth. tb a ditbloy attr i By t ever chow. [ac[mpk te a nen. atts. \ By Eyota eee eel tei et A KP com be used ob a MD attvtbute. ; aaail ches obj YW attribute obj maistaics SID table. At whot tiaew SID table. is filled with data? Deak MD leodtng (ott. loading) Hera moan cit. cam be rroictatced re MD Ke asy ott. Paned on the ton behaviowr KP ate 3 |. Cornmulstive ov dditive KE Q. Serni- curmbctive or Serr Additive KE 3. 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