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Basic information about project o. 312415
Pohyb a Hmat. Fenomenologie politickho
Czech title of project:





Movement and Touch. A phenomenology

of political space.

principal Mgr. Erika Natalia Molina Garca
First applicant:

Erika Natalia Molina Garca

Study programme:

Fakulta humanitnch studi

Programme: Filozofie
Field: Philosophie allemande et franaise
Type of study programme: doctoral




Duration of project:


Social sciences - Theology, Philosophy,



Faculty of Humanities, Jinonice Campus

Status history:

10. 11. 2014 - submitted

Research team
Supervisor's endorsement: endorsed
Full name

of Year
honorarium 2015 Options


Erika Natalia Molina Garca
(doctoral programme)





doc. Karel Novotn M.A.,






Caterina Di Fazio
(doctoral programme)




Description of research team - year 2015:

The research team is composed by professor Karel Novotn and two of his Ph.D.
students who were until now working with him separately for more than a year. The
proximity between the philosophical paths of both students turned out to be evident in
2014, giving birth to a common research project about politics and ethics in the context
of the phenomenology of the body ; area of philosophy that has been the occupation of
professor Novotn for the last couple years. This produces a small but very coherent
research community where the topics and the authors in which each member has
specialized complement each other. Professor Novotn is in this sens a supervisor who
actively contribute to the research. On the other hand the co-researchers cooperate with
their knowledge on Husserl, Levinas and Nancy (in the case of the principal researcher,
Molina Garca), and Merleau-Ponty and Patokas (in the case of the co-researcher, Di
Fazio). This configuration makes possible a wide comprehension of the question of the
body that also takes into account a practical side, both of the Ph.D. students being
dedicated also to performance philosophy. To this we can add that the role of the
principal researcher is not only the research itself, but also organizational and executive,
having experience managing and presiding both the financial and argumentative aspects
of many conferences and philosophical conventions.
Financial requirements

Year 2015

Other non-investment costs


Travel costs


Indirect costs


Personnel costs (salaries) and stipends 100



Structure of financial requirements - year 2015:

Since it is devoted to the philosophical production of the co-researchers (i.e. their
articles, scientific manifestations and the publication of a shared book containing a
common account of both of their thesis), the financial requirements of this project are
derived of two main points : books and scientific meetings, taking place inside and
outside the Czech Republic. The cost of books averages 3.000 CZK per year for each
co-researcher (6.000 CZK total per year). The cost of the organisation and membership
in conferences is estimated in 10.000 CZK per year for each co-researcher and the
supervisor (30.000 CZK total per year). The financial aid asked for the future
publication of the final result of both thesis in a single "opus" is 15.000 CZK. The
researchers hope to have this book translated into Czech language. This makes 6 + 30 +
15 = 51. The travelling expenses on the other hand are calculated taking into account
that both of the co-researchers work in constant contact with France (2 travels per year
for each co-researcher and the supervisor, so 6 travels with tickets and accommodation).
Financial outlook for following years
Year 2016
Total finances 240

Additional information
This project aims to accomplish and join two works of thesis, creating an stable network
of research on Phenomenology of the Body involving 5 European Universities. The
thesis of both of the co-researchers are already in march, being extensions of previous
master processes. In this sense they constitute researchs with already a number of
results. The point of joining them as the two faces of one single project, is to develop in
a vigorous way the network of research in which the principal researcher Molina Garca
has been working. This network includes Charles University and the two Universities to
which each co-researcher is on co-tutelle (Paris 1 University in the case of Di Fazio, and
University of Toulouse II in the case of Molina Garca). The professors linked to this
project are Renaud Barbaras in Paris , Jean-Christophe Goddard in Toulouse and
Karel Novotn in Prague. To this we have to add the University of Barcelona, which
through the professor Begonya Saez Tajafuerce has committed to integrate the network
also (See attached letter in french ), and Murdoch University, Perth, Western
Australia, where the supervisor Lubica Unik of Caterina Di Fazio would also
Current state of knowledge:
The knowledge about the phenomenology of the body specially in relation to politics
and ethics is incipient but evolving fast, specifically in France with philosophers as
Depraz and Nancy, both to which our network can relate through professor JeanChristophe Goddard who has collaborate with this philosophers many times. In the
Czech Republic this area of research is also growing. Let's consider for example the
Workshops Body as Medium supported by Charles University that took place in
October. The main figure is in this sense precisely professor Novotn, supervisor of this
Benefit of the project to the Faculty / University:
The benefits to the Faculty of Humanities in particular and to Charles University in
general, are not only the transcription and translation of some unpublished/rare of
Patokas texts into italian (due to the work of Caterina Di Fazio), and the development
of the study of German and French Philosophy, but the integration on a larger
international network of cooperation and knowledge pioneer on Body studies from a
phenomenological point of view. This project aims not only to continue the work
already begun by professor Novotn, but to give it a turn, extending the theoretical
aspect of his own research project to a practical, performing or even theatrical
Facilities at the project's disposal:
Since it is a philosophy research project the material requirements are not hard to
achieve. Most of the work take place in the austere context of intellectual work.
Nevertheless, the performance side of the project impose the use of conference rooms,
theaters, and auditoria that Charles University can easily provide.
Project's research objectives:
General objectives:
1. Develop the phenomenology of Movement (thesis Caterina Di Fazio) and
phenomenology of Touch (thesis Erika Molina).
2. Read ethically and politically the work of crucial thinkers in the history of

phenomenology: Merleau-Ponty and Patoka (thesis Caterina Di Fazio) ; Levinas and

Nancy (thesis Erika Molina).
3. Building in a well based manner the international network of corporeality studies
With the work of the co-researchers and the network in general (articles, conferences,
performances, etc.) this project aims not only to develop a region of phenomenology,
but to extend a practical and interdisciplinary approach to philosophy that can welcome
arts and sciences in the construction of its knowledge.
Methods of research:
As in every philosophical research, our methods are mainly theoretical, referred to
hermeneutical, historical, philological and logical analysis of authors, texts and
concepts. But it is important to highlight the practical or performing side of this research
in particular represented for the different encounters that will be organized as an
experimentation on the ways that philosophy can dialog with different forms of art,
presenting itself otherwise than what has been its tradition.
Presentation of results:
The presentation of the project's results will be on the format of regular articles (to
which both of the co-researchers are already engaged by their doctoral contracts), and a
final common book with the results of both thesis, the meetings and all the work of the
network. This publications will obviously recognize the support of the Grant Agency.

Novotn CV.pdf (Supervisor's CV) (510.86 KiB, 8/11/2014 19:32:52)

Molina Garca, Curriculum Vitae.pdf (Principal researcher's CV) (575.37 KiB,

8/11/2014 18:38:36)

Letter Goddard for Molina Garca, French.pdf (83.45 KiB, 9/11/2014 10:52:29)

Letter Barbaras for Di Fazio.jpg (239.02 KiB, 9/11/2014 10:51:44)

co-researcher's CV.doc (320 KiB, 8/11/2014 18:07:52)

Letter Lubica Unik, Australia.pdf (289.85 KiB, 10/11/2014 08:52:32)

Letter commitment University of Barcelona to integrate the network.pdf (140.13

KiB, 9/11/2014 09:31:36)

To the top
Mgr. Erika Natalia Molina Garca, personal number: 47161990 Odhlsit
revision: e452791, date of installation: 04/11/2014 14:55:19

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