The Stumblings

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Did you know that the Man Christ Jesus fulfills all the signals of the second coming of God
to Earth?

Luke 7:16-23 talks about John the Baptist (the great prophet) who prepared the way of the Lord.

Jesus lived about 30 years before starting his ministry (Luke 3:23) but when the time came he
was baptized and the Holy Spirit descended upon him as a dove, thus began his calling. So, why
did the manifestation of the Holy Spirit have to be different in Jesus, thru his baptism, and that of
the Man Christ Jesus, revealed in a vision? Because, of the change in covenant. Nowadays,
baptisms in water have no validity. That body which returned to life is of the eternal genre. God
committed himself to a human veil; he REVIVED it and later took it into inaccessible light.

The revived veil had to return to earth (in another veil); in the one of Jose Luis De Jesus (the Man
Christ Jesus, the Son of Man). This is why it is a mystery: “…of God, and of the Father, and of
Christ; in who are hid all the treasures of wisdom….” (Colossians 2:2-3). The wisdom is the
principle of everything. We can have faith, but without wisdom we do not know how to use it. We
can have money, but without wisdom we lose it. THE WISDOM IS FIRST. Just as Jesus of
Nazareth fulfilled his signs while on Earth, now also the Man Christ Jesus:
He married us to a husband and removed us from spiritual adultery (Romans 7:4).

1. He would judge the secrets of men according to the gospel of Paul (Romans 2:16).
2. He has brought everything to light (1 Corinthians 4:5).
3. He has confirmed the church with the gospel of Paul (Romans 16:25).
4. He is the Apostle of our confession according to the gospel of Paul (Hebrew 3:1).
5. He has brought us the throne of grace (Hebrew 4:16).
6. He has removed the elementary teachings (Hebrew 6:1-2).
7. He has removed the conscience of sin from us, “forgetting what is behind”
8. He put us to serve God with the mind and not with the body (kneeling)
9. He demonstrated that the devil was destroyed (Hebrew 2:14).
10. He presented us perfect (Hebrew 10:14).
11. He arrived without relation to sin.

THE MAN CHRIST JESUS HAS ALL THE SIGNS, although the Press only speak of his past:
how he was a drug addict, is twice divorced. They do not see his calling. The same happened
when a Pharisee asked Jesus: - Why do you heal on the day of rest? He responded: This is why
thieves and prostitutes guide us to the kingdom of heaven.

God took from the most vile of the world to shame the wise (1st letter to the Corinthians 1:26-
30), because the lame will take off with plunder (Isaiah 33:23). God said: I will save the lame
(Zephaniah 3:19). This is why we must “… stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36).

Dear Reader: We receive that you are enlightened and you grow in grace like a good soldier,
athlete and agriculturists of the Kingdom. Blessed!

God is on Earth. Investigate:

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