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15 March 2015

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Weekly lookout

Inside This Issue

By Ajit Chand Bhandari.

Weekly Lookout
Our overview in a nut shell




Risk Disclosure

The Variables in focus this week are


UP TREND looking UP side to us



UNDECIDED No direction technically

DOWN TREND looking down side to us



*The Date & Time mentioned for reversals if any are
Indian Standard Time.

Our over view in a nut shell

Friends please bear in mind that the first quarter of the year is coming to an end this month
end. So there are all chances for variables to change direction. We are trying our best to
give you the best possible insights as far as our technical knowledge goes so that we can
safe guard your financial interests.
Crude is almost on the lower breakout if it cracks 44.85$ then chances are all hell may
break loose. This is something that is to be watched out for. EURUSD looks technically
down. It has already broken all the technical supports on monthly basis. USDCHF looks
technically UP. It has already broken all the technical supports on monthly basis &
negligible is left to clear quarterly levels. GBPJPY is looking technically down. NIFTY
{FUTURES} Looks technically down side a level of 8641 if cracked stay tuned for down side
rally. DOWJONES is our star performer for coming week but the problem is it is not giving
clear indication of the direction it is going to take next week.
Please read "RISK DISCLOSURE" on page # 08

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The Trend
The trend expected to remain Down and

For safe traders Strategy for Down side


If NIFTY opens bellow 8698 the reliable

most exit point would be 8635 and safe

Risk Reward ratio

be 8607 risk exit would be 8525. Initial

1: 2.7

Stop loss to be maintained at 8849

If NIFTY stabilizes above 8635 reverse

For safe traders Strategy for upside

If NIFTY opens above 8875 the reliable
most exit point would be 8938 and safe
exit would be 8966 risk exit would be 9048.
Initial Stop loss to be maintained at 8724

your positions towards 8698 to 8742

For risk traders
Enter trade once market starts trading
below our Risk entry level of 8742 for the
first exit point 8698. Second Exit point
8635 Third exit point 8607. & risk exit 8525

If NIFTY stabilizes bellow 8938 Reverse your
positions towards 8875 to 8831

Initial Stop loss to be maintained at

Possible Reversal time
16 MARCH 2015 14:40 pm

For risk traders

Enter trade once market starts trading
above our Stop Loss level of 8831 for the
first exit point 8875 Second Exit point 8938
Third exit 8966 and risk exit 9048. Initial Stop
loss to be maintained at 8862

Please read "RISK DISCLOSURE" on page # 08

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The Trend

For safe traders Strategy for Down side

If DJI opens bellow 17690 the reliable most
exit point would be 17596 and safe be

Risk Reward ratio

1: 6.8

17553 risk exit would be 17428. Initial Stop

loss to be maintained at 17922

For safe traders Strategy for upside

If DJI opens above 17961 the reliable most


exit point would be 18056 and safe exit

If DJI stabilizes above 17596 reverse your

would be 18099 risk exit would be 18224.

positions towards 17690 to 17757

Initial Stop loss to be maintained at 17729

For risk traders

Enter trade once market starts trading

If DJI stabilizes bellow 18056 Reverse your

below our Risk entry level of 17757 for the

positions towards 17961 to 17894

first exit point 17690. Second Exit point 17596

Third exit point 17553. & Risk exit 17428 Initial

For risk traders

Stop loss to be maintained at 17757.

Enter trade once market starts trading

above our Risk Entry level of 17894 for the first

Possible Reversal time

exit point 17961 Second Exit point 18056 Third

16 MARCH 2015 07:14 AM

exit 18099 and risk exit 18224. Initial Stop loss

16 MARCH 2015 14:40 PM

to be maintained at 17729

17 MARCH 2015 06:19 AM

18 MARCH 2015 23:19 PM

Please read "RISK DISCLOSURE" on page # 08

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The Trend

For safe traders Strategy for Down side

DOWN technically

If EURUSD opens bellow 1.0538 the reliable

most exit point would be 1.0431 and safe be

Risk Reward ratio

1.0384 risk exit would be 1.0248. Initial Stop

1: 1.75

loss to be maintained at 1.0787

For safe traders Strategy for upside

If EURUSD opens above 1.0830 the
reliable most exit point would be 1.0937
and safe exit would be 1.0984 risk exit

If EURUSD stabilizes above 1.0431 reverse your
positions towards 1.0538 to 1.0631

would be 1.1120. Initial Stop loss to be

maintained at 1.1120

For risk traders

Enter trade once market starts trading below

If EURUSD stabilizes bellow 1.0937 reverse
your positions towards 1.0830 to 1.0758

our Risk entry level of 1.0610 for the first exit

point 1.0538 Second Exit point 1.0431 Third
exit point 1.0384 & Risk exit 1.0248 Initial Stop
loss to be maintained at 1.0787.

For risk traders

Enter trade once market starts trading
above our Risk Entry level of 1.0758 for
the first exit point 1.0830 Second Exit point

Possible Reversal time

19 MARCH 2015 12:52 AM
20 MARCH 2015 12:35 AM

1.0937 Third exit 1.0984 and risk exit 1.1120

Initial Stop loss to be maintained at

Please read "RISK DISCLOSURE" on page # 08

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The Trend

For safe traders Strategy for down side

DOWN technically

If GBPJPY opens bellow 179.2 the reliable

most exit point would be 177.86 and safe be

Risk Reward ratio

177.26 risk exit would be 175.53. Initial Stop

1: 2.19

loss to be maintained at 182.41

For safe traders Strategy for upside

If GBPJPY opens above 182.95 the reliable
most exit point would be 184.29 and safe
exit would be 184.89 risk exit would be
186.62. Initial Stop loss to be maintained at

If GBPJPY stabilizes above 177.81 reverse
your positions towards 179.2 to 180.13

For risk traders

Enter trade once market starts trading
below our Risk entry level of 180.13 for the

If GBPJPY stabilizes bellow 184.29 reverse
your positions towards 182.95 to 182.02

For risk traders

Enter trade once market starts trading
above our Risk Entry level of 182.02 for the
first exit point 182.95 Second Exit point

first exit point 179.2 Second Exit point 177.86

Third exit point 177.26 & Risk exit 175.53 Initial
Stop loss to be maintained at 182.41.

Possible Reversal time

18 MARCH 2015 12:25 PM
18 MARCH 2015 10:04 PM
19 MARCH 2015 18:25 PM

184.29 Third exit 184.89 and risk exit 186.62

Initial Stop loss to be maintained at 179.74

Please read "RISK DISCLOSURE" on page # 08

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For safe traders Strategy for down side

The Trend

If USDCHF opens bellow .9876 the reliable

UP technically

most exit point would be .9805 and safe be

.9773 risk exit would be .9680. Initial Stop loss

Risk Reward ratio

to be maintained at 1.0046

1: .73
For safe traders Strategy for upside
If USDCHF opens above 1.0075 the reliable

If USDCHF stabilizes above .9805 reverse

your positions towards .9876 to .9925

most exit point would be 1.0146 and safe

exit would be 1.0178 risk exit would be
1.0271. Initial Stop loss to be maintained at

For risk traders

Enter trade once market starts trading
below our Risk entry level of .9925 for the first
exit point .9876 Second Exit point .9805 Third

If USDCHF stabilizes bellow 1.0146 reverse

exit point .9773 & Risk exit .9680 Initial Stop

loss to be maintained at 1.0046.

your positions towards 1.0075 to 1.0026

Possible Reversal time
For risk traders
Enter trade once market starts trading

19 MARCH 2015 13:14 PM

21 MARCH 2015 17:49 PM

above our Risk Entry level of 1.0026 for the

first exit point 1.0075 Second Exit point
1.0146 Third exit 1.0178 and risk exit 1.0271
Initial Stop loss to be maintained at .9905

Please read "RISK DISCLOSURE" on page # 08

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The Trend
DOWN technically


For safe traders Strategy for down side

If CRUDE opens bellow 45.81 the reliable
most exit point would be 44 and safe be
43.32 risk exit would be 41.37 Initial Stop loss

Risk Reward ratio

1: 1.18

to be maintained at 49.1


For safe traders Strategy for upside

If CRUDE stabilizes above 44.00 reverse

If CRUDE opens above 49.71 the reliable

your positions towards 45.81 to 46.75

most exit point would be 51.52 and safe

exit would be 52.2 risk exit would be 54.15.

For risk traders

Initial Stop loss to be maintained at 46.42

Enter trade once market starts trading

below our Risk entry level of 46.75 for the


first exit point 45.81 Second Exit point 44.00

If CRUDE stabilizes bellow 51.52 reverse

Third exit point 43.22 & Risk exit 41.37 Initial

your positions towards 49.71 to 48.77

Stop loss to be maintained at 49.10

For risk traders

Possible Reversal time

Enter trade once market starts trading

19 MARCH 2015 05:59 AM

above our Risk Entry level of 48.77 for the

19 MARCH 2015 17:06 PM

first exit point 49.71 Second Exit point 51.52

20 MARCH 2015 16:33 PM

Third exit 52.2 and risk exit 54.15 Initial Stop

loss to be maintained at 46.42

Please read "RISK DISCLOSURE" on page # 08

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Risk Disclosure
Risk Disclosure

Futures and options trading have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be
aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options
Trade with risk capital only. The past performance of any trading strategy or methodology is not
necessarily indicative of future results. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and
should not be interpreted as a forecast of future performance.
We make no promise as to the performance of the account and while the investment objective is
major capital appreciation over time no representation is being made or implied that any account
will or is likely to achieve profit.
The value of your investments can decrease as well as increase and, as such, funds invested should
constitute risk capital. The risk of loss in trading commodities and options can be substantial. You
should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial
The high degree of leverage that is often obtainable in commodity trading can work against you
as well as for you. The use of leverage can lead to large losses as well as gains. You should carefully
consider whether your financial condition permits you to participate in futures trading. In so doing,
you should be aware that futures and options trading can quickly lead to large losses as well as
Such trading losses can sharply reduce the value of your investment. All information provided on
these pages is for fair use.

Normal copyright protections apply to all commercial use of any documents or

information. (OR) or any
people associated with it are not responsible for any loss due to inaccuracies in the
information provided. Nothing presented here should be construed as investment
advice or recommendations.

Please read "RISK DISCLOSURE" on page # 08

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