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Journal #2 (Page 221-229 book Voc1)


According to the text, why is fast fashion so successful?

How much money is spent on clothing in Britain each year?
Why is throwing away old clothes a growing environmental issue?
What is meant by a virtuous circle? What is the opposite of a virtuous
5. Would you consider wearing secondhand clothes? If so why? If not, why
6. What measures do you think were included in the British Governments
sustainable clothing action plan?
Fast fashion retailers are introducing new lines of clothing on a monthly or even
weekly basis and offer low priced clothes that follow the latest trends. Since they are
decreasing the quality of the products and manufacturing prices, they are making
apparel items more accessible and disposable which contributes to serious
consequences in the environment.
In Britain, shoppers spend over $37 billion per year on clothes. However, people
throw away more than 68 pounds of clothing and textiles per year, which are the
fastest waste product. These waste products cause water flow problems and
chemicals cause water poisoning and air pollution, because these synthetic
materials do not break down naturally.
There's a virtuous circle going on due to the fact that developed countries are
providing clothes for those in countries in development but this is only sustainable if
the clothing is well made and durable but if it is not, people throw it away and try to
get more waste. These waste products are being disposed in countries not equipped
to deal with it.
I would consider getting second hand clothes because good brands and good quality
can be found at lower prices. Wealthy families update their wardrobes every season,
but there are plenty of people that need more affordable options and that are where
charity places come handy to the average American families.
The British sustainable clothing action plan encourages everyone to consider the
impact of a fashion in the environment gathering people in big events such as the
London Fashion Week. The Government and the fashion industry are working
together to find eco friendly solutions like increase quality and manufacturing in order
to create well-made and durable clothes.

Journal #3 (Page 230-237 book Voc1)

1. What is an apex predator?
2. Outline the effects on the ecosystem when the number of apex predators
changes. Create one outline for an ocean-based ecosystem and one for a
land-based ecosystem.
3. Why is the portrayal of apex predators as vicious a problem for
organizations trying to save them?
4. Go back to the introduction. Why do you think wildlife protection
campaigns feature lions, wolves, and sharks instead of other species in
the food chain?
5. Is the author of the text largely in favor of or against the protection of apex
predators? How do you know?
6. Do you think it is worth protecting species of animals that are
endangered? Why or why not?
The Apex predator is an animal that is at the top of the food chain, resulting a
menace to the animals above them and can pose a threat to human lives.
The predators preserve the fragile balance of an ecosystem, the sharks eat plenty
amounts of fishes in coral reefs this way they preserve them. Coral kills algae and
keep the reefs under control. If we decrease the amount of sharks in there, the cow
nose rays numbers increase and consume shellfish, the shellfish industry is
damaged and the quality in water decreases; resulting in a decline of young fish.
In the same way the Lions preserve their ecosystem by controlling the number of
baboons and this way protecting the crops and making businesses more profitable.
The balance is kept by the nature and thats the reason why we protect endangered
species, predators conserve the forests by regulating the population of other
Since the Apex predators represent a threat to human lives, these animal species
are in danger and people are against of these kinds of conservation projects. The
cost of protecting these endangered species is tremendous but theres no price for
ecosystems conservation. The protection of these predators leads to better life
conditions and more profitable industries.
The author is largely in favor of the preservation of these Apex predators since the
overall return outweighs each individual loss. I think is worth protecting these
endangered species because they maintain the balance we have manipulated with
our excessive consumption of resources.

Journal #4
Why do we need to protect the environment and Animal Species?
Preserving the environment should be everybodys responsibility. Climate change
and Animal extinction affects the ecosystem and the way we live. Mother nature has
given many examples of what environmental deterioration could lead to and the
consequences we can expect if we don't take immediate action.
The effect of environmental deterioration might not affect our present, at least not
directly in our day-to-day lifestyle. Nevertheless, we are consuming and wasting too
many resources, including non-renewable ones at a fast pace leading our future
generations to pay the consequences.
Some animal species only survive in certain conditions but as we take their land and
consume their resources, many species are disappearing forever and it creates
problems in the long run because apex predators preserve the fragile balance of the
ecosystem and control many human problems like population of certain species that
affect farmers, forests and the environment in general.
Ever since we started taking over their habitat to consume resources and damaging
the environment, animal species are disappearing. This is the reason why protecting
the environment and Animal Species will lead to better life conditions and prolonging
the human lifespan. As we take care of animal species, we preserve the ecosystem
and the nature is able to recover the resources we consume.

Journal #5 (page 238-248)

1. Currently how is the United States tackling the problem of increasing TCG sales
and the resultant waste?
2. Why is disposal of old computer hardware such a big problem?
3. In addition to the growing number of domestic users creating e-waste, why are
some less developed countries facing an additional e-waste burden?
4. In your own words, summarize the three ways to solve the problem of e-waste
outlined in the reading.
5. Which of the three to solve the problem of e-waste do you think is most likely to
have the biggest impact? Explain your reasons.
6. What e-waste disposal facilities are available in your area? Can you think of any
other small-scale solutions that could be introduced in your neighborhood?
The United States is tackling the problem by leaving the computers and hardware
accessories in landfills, storing hardware in warehouses and exporting computers to
developing countries by exchanging technology. Measures that won't contribute to
the problem in the long run because the technology industry moves so fast that
computers become obsolete every 2 or 3 years, resulting in more waste.
The disposal of old computers are becoming a big problem since eco friendly
solutions are being implemented in the new models, but the materials used in old
computers generate even more hardware waste that contains toxic or poisonous
substances. The air and the water are being contaminated by these topics, affecting
our life quality.
Least developed countries are acquiring many computers as technology exchange
and waste disposal, a lack of conditions to deal with this problem is leading to higher
levels of environmental pollution and terrible medical conditions such as cancer in
adults and birth defects in newborns.
The solution for this problem starts with consumer awareness, its important to create
consumer consciousness about the consequences of e-waste and motivate
consumers to use specialists recycling companies in developed countries.
Governments have regulatory and legislative power to reduce the trade in e-waste
and the reduction of these toxics products that are being disposed and as well

companies can contribute by finding eco friendly solutions to replacement and

recycling of technology.
I feel like companies have the biggest impact in solving the problem of e-waste by
regulating the replacement of new technology. Companies could recycle the
computers and accessories and offer discounts to customers, motivating the society
to keep up with technology but preserving the environment.
To be honest I havent seen any e-waste disposal facilities in my area, but I know
that some companies such as Apple are charging recycling fees and are required to
recycle their products.

Journal #6
March 9th, 2015.
What are the major causes of pollution in your country and what are the
government, businesses, and individuals doing to decrease the problem?

Journal #7
E-waste is now being disposed in countries not able to deal with it. The resulting
problem is disposal of the old equipment.
In order to resolve this problem, there needs to be more consumer awareness and
use of specialist recycling companies in developed economies. This will reduce the
amount of waste disposed and help these countries, which are unable to handle this
type of problem.
A second solution could lie with greater global regulatory and legislative power. For
example, equipment could be made with fewer harmful substances, making it easier
and cheaper to recycle. However, to curb this growing tide of e-waste washing up on
the shores of developing economies, green equipment could be designed to have a
greater scope of possibilities in terms of updating, there minimizing the need for
An alternative to these solutions is to shift the burden from consumers and
governments to manufacturers and retailers of high tech goods. Green equipment for
example, could be designed to have a greater scope of possibilities in terms of
updating, minimizing the need for replacement.
Perhaps we are now turning the corner in e-waste management as stronger laws
and penalties and growing corporate accountability are all starting to have an impact.

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