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Beautiful Names of

Mentioned in the Bible

Compiled by
Dr. Syed Mohammed Mohiuddin Habeebi
Syed Ahsan Habibi

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but strictly without making any changes or amendments in the text and
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Beautiful Names of ALLAH

Mentioned in the Bible
Published by
Lulu Enterprises, Inc.
Morrisville, NC 27560
United States of America
ISBN: 978-1-4116-7527-8

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Beautiful Names of ALLAH

Mentioned in the Bible
Dedicated to all the Prophets of ALLAH
from the Prophet Adam to
the last Prophet Muhammad
(Peace and Blessings of ALLAH be upon them)

It is to acknowledge that while adopting the Hebrew letter
"Chet" for the Sacred Names of ALLAH from OT listed at serial
numbers 1, 2, 15, 18, 28, 30, 34, 40, 52, 61, 65, 67, 69, 70, 80, has
been substituted for its variant form as "H" [see p. 24 for more

Beautiful Names of ALLAH mentioned in the Bible

ALLAH the Name of One True God...............................9

Advantages of Semitic languages.....................10

ALLAH is presently pronounced in Hebrew as

Eloh & Elah..........................................................11

Structural formation of Elohim.........................12

Table for conclusive functioning of Elohim....15

Other Attributes of ALLAH in Quran & OT....16

Structural formation & history of Yahweh......17

ALLAH the name of One True God in the

Torah and Psalms................................................19

ALLAH the name of One True God in the


ALLAH the name of One True God in the

Quran (the last revelation of ALLAH)..............22

Calligraphy of Beautiful Names of ALLAH................23

Beautiful Names of ALLAH as mentioned in the
Quran, Hadith and Bible...............................................24

"ALLAH", the Name itself witnesses with all its Glory and
Majesty that "He" is the Only One True Godthe Creator
and the Sustainer of the worlds.
History provides us the evidence that the Messengers of
ALLAH were sent to every nation. It was never the
intention of the Almighty to differentiate people based on
the Messengers and messages. The Holy Quran throws
light on this fact and says (2:213) "(All) people are a single
nation; so ALLAH raised Prophets as bearers of good
tidings and as Warners, and revealed therewith the
Scripture with the truth that it might judge between
mankind concerning that wherein they differed".
The spirit of all messages and missions of every Messenger
has always been the sameshowing the right path. We
know that several Prophets were sent to various nations
with messages in their own languages to create familiarity
and understanding with the addressee. Such as Abraham,
Moses, David, Jesus and lastly Muhammad (Peace and
mercy of ALLAH be upon them) were sent to accomplish
this prestigious Divine mission.
Although their languages in which messages were
conveyed were different, the Name of One True God
ALLAH is found to be the same and intact in spite of
various linguistic mutations.
It is amazing to note that most of the Beautiful Names of
ALLAH mentioned in the Quran and Hadith are also found
in the Bible.
Thus, from the above scenario it is a comprehensible
reality that since beginning of times all the Prophets
proclaimed the Name of One True God as ALLAH with
other Beautiful Attributes.
Whether He was called as the Gracious and the Merciful,
the Sovereign and the Holy One, the Exalted in might and
the Irresistible, the Supreme and the Most High, the
Creator and the Evolver, all these Beautiful Names are still

existent in the Bible indicating the commonality of belief in

the Sacred Names of ALLAH.
Thus, to quench the thirst of spirituality, humanity can
unite itself by virtue of its common beliefs and values as
"Essentials" such as worshipping One True God- ALLAH
with His Beautiful attributes.
The Second Vatican Council, Nostra Aetate (In 3, October
28, 1965), whole-heartedly envisaged, "The Church has
also a high regard for the Muslims. They worship God,
Who is One, Living and Subsistent, Merciful and
Almighty, the Creator of the heaven and the earth, Who
has spoken to men. They strive to submit themselves
without reserve to the hidden decrees of God, just as
Abraham submitted himself to God's plan, to whose faith
Muslims eagerly link their own. Although not
acknowledging him as God, they venerate Jesus as a
prophet, his Virgin Mother they also honour, and even at
times devoutly invoke. Further, they await the Day of
Judgment and the reward of God following the
resurrection of the dead. For this reason they highly
esteem an upright life and worship God, especially by way
of prayer, alms-deeds and fasting."
Thus, Islam gives the complete and irrevocable message of
Monotheism and oneness of humankind in common
beliefs and values as stressed by the Holy Quran in (3:64)
"Say (O Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him): O
People of the Scripture! Come to an agreement between Us
and you: that we shall worship none but ALLAH, and that
we shall ascribe no partner unto Him, and that none of us
shall take others for lords beside ALLAH. And if they turn
away, then say: Bear witness that we are Muslims (who
have surrendered to ALLAH)."
Thus, if ever humanity in the course of history gains the
pleasure of worshiping ALLAH, then one can achieve it
only through this path - the path of total submission to
ALLAH, the One True God.



The Everliving One True God,
The Cherisher and the Sustainer of all the worlds
mentioned in the Arabic Holy
Quran and also found in Hebrew-OT, almost 2526
times and in Aramaic-NT nearly 1320 times.
ALLAH-the Name of One True God is unique with all
the languages of humanity, wherein it was never
applied to any being other than the One True God the
Self-Subsisting One, from Whom all things subsist.
Encyclopaedia Britannica1 defines ALLAH as the
"Standard Arabic word for God, used by Arab
Christians as well as by Muslims. According to the
Quran, ALLAH is the Creator and judge of
humankind, Omnipotent, Compassionate, and
Merciful. The Muslim profession of faith affirms that
there is no deity but God and emphasizes that He is
inherently One: nothing is like unto Him. Everything
that happens occurs by His commandment;
submission to God is the basis of Islam. The Quran
and the Hadith contain the 99 "Most Beautiful
Names" of God, including the One and Only, the
Living One, the Real Truth, the Hearer, the Seer, the
Benefactor, and the Constant Forgiver."
The BBC World service2 admits the reality that the
Quran is the actual word of God and contains the
fundamental beliefs of Islam.


It is interesting to note that ALLAH is the personal

name of One True God in all the languages of all the
Major Prophets like Moses, David, Jesus, and
Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon them).
As the Almighty ALLAH says in Quran (14:4) "Never
did We send a Messenger except (to teach) in the
language of his (own) people in order to make
(things) clear to them." Thus, all the Divine Scriptures
were revealed to the Messengers of ALLAH in the
language of their own people, but the Name of One
True God remained same as ALLAH.
Advantages of Semitic languages
The Semitic languages are considered as the richest
languages of the world; they have a variety of
commonalities with respect to phonetics, meanings,
and grammar. In addition, one of its advantages is
that the consonant written once can be pronounced
twice when the consonant follows vowels. Among
these languages, Arabic occupies the top position on
the merits of its originality and communication
power, even in the present age. The Aramaic and
Hebrew languages have undergone many a linguistic
mutations, whereas the Divine language of Arabic has
lost neither its pronunciation nor its connotation on
accounts of its versatility and adaptability.
ALLAH, the Name of One True God is written in
Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic as
respectively. Here, we find that in Hebrew and
Aramaic languages it uses only one "lam" for the
name of One True God, because this one "lam" is
pronounced twice. The reason for pronouncing
consonants twice in Hebrew has been rightly
explained by the Encyclopaedia of Wiki, as "A long


consonant that follows a checked vowel would have

two peaks of intensity, whereas other long consonants
would have only one. Therefore, these double-peaked
long consonants are called geminates."3 Although the
word may have double consonant pronunciation, it is
written only once.
Since the ancient Hebrew did not use any vowel
pronunciation of the sacred Name is simply
misspelled. Thus, for that reason the Name of One
True God in Arabic is written with Alif-lam-lam-ha as
), providing an evidence that ALLAH Himself
protected its grandeur, viability and pronunciation
forever to set aside any linguistic mutation,
whatsoever, which may creep in by passage of time.
Evidently, we can cogently deduce from the above
facts that the Messenger of ALLAH, Muhammad
(Peace be upon him) has rightly ordered to inscribe in
his sacred seal, ALLAH (
) by the usage of "lam"
twice to educate us to follow the correct and authentic
phonetic expression for the name of One True GodALLAH (Mighty and Sublime be He).
ALLAH is presently pronounced in Hebrew
as Eloh and Elah
"Judaism teaches that while Gods name exists in
written form, it is too holy to be pronounced. The
result has been that, over the last 2000 years, the
correct pronunciation has been lost."4 Subsequently,
the Hebrew people lost the correct pronunciation of
the Holy Name of God resulting in pronouncing
The Book of Moses and David (Peace be upon them)
Torah and Psalms respectively uses the basic Proper


Noun "
" ALAH for One True God, and if the
consonant "lamed" is doubled then it could be rightly
pronounced as ALLAH. All the Semitic languages like
Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic allows the consonants
to be doubled with a grammatical reasons.5 In
Hebrew "Dagesh forte is a dot that can be placed in
any letter, except for gutturals letter (Aleph, Chet,
Ayin) and Resh, to show that the letter is doubled."6
Therefore, evidently we can affirm that the consonant
"lamed" can be doubled when used for the Holy Name
Structural formation of Elohim
The Ancient form of the word ALAH+iym (or
ELOH+iym) is written as " +
" without using
any vowel. However, later after the introduction of
vowels in Hebrew, this word was added with a vowel
"chataf segol and chirik" in the present OT which makes
the present readers to pronounce it as Eloh-iym rather
than ALAH-iym. To be noted "
" - ALAH is the
First Name for God given in the Tanakh.
See Genesis (1:1) without vowel signs if consonant
lamed is doubled it can be read as
Re'shiyth 'ALLAH iym bara' shamayimeh'-rets
This with vowels
is read as Re'shiyth 'Eloh-iymbara' shamayimeh'-rets.
However, in Arabic version you can even find Elohiym translated as ALLAH, because of the fact that
structural formation of Elohim is from ALAH-iym.
Fee al-badi' khalaqa Allahu as-Samaawaat wa al-ard:
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the


It is worthy to note that the Torah has no vowels as

the Hebrew alphabets do not have any. Hebrew
speakers can read Hebrew without the dots. Hence,
the entire Torah, Prophets and Writings, the Mishna
and Talmud and all the classic commentaries were
written without any vowels.7
Hence, in times of Moses and David (Peace be upon
them) Eloh+iym was written as" +
" which
could even be read as ALAH-iym or ALLAH-iym-ma
if consonant "lamed" and "final meem" is doubled.
In Semitic, languages like in Arabic there are two
types of pronouns. (i) Personal pronouns written
separately and (ii) Pronominal suffix always attached
to nouns, verbs and particles.
Thus, ALLAH-humma "
" in Arabic is a
combination of Noun and pronominal suffix hm (i.e.,
ha-meem). This similar formula can also be considered
for Eloh-iym as an amalgamation of Noun and
pronoun, where"
" ELOH (ALAH) is a Noun and
" "-iym is a pronominal suffix which is attached to
the Noun as "the Hebrew Scriptures were originally
written in the form of continuous strings of letters,
with no breaks between the words". 8
However, in Old Testament the Hebrew words
ending with "iym" are sometimes used for the
expression of majesty or excellence, expressing high
dignity or greatness.9
-ELOH (ALAH) is such a Majestic singular
Noun that if we add it to "Yod-final Meem" or suffix
"s" it will never be plural in the sense when it is
followed by a singular verb where this is used to
represent One True God even though this word may
be plural in grammatical sense. Prof. C. L. Seow10
elucidates, "When ELOHIM is used as a proper name,


or when referring to Israel's God, it is treated as

Further, Ethelyn Simon11 confirmed this fact "When
ELOHIM refers to the One True God, singular verbs
and pronouns are used. When the One True God
reaches out to include others in His activities, plural
verbs and pronouns are used. These do not indicate
any plurality of gods or that the true God is more
than one. When [ELOHIM] refers to the God of Israel
it is always singular in concept, even though it has a
masculine plural ending".
The word for "O God" is ALLAH-humma in Arabic
written with these Alphabets Alif-lam-lam-ha-meem
( +
). Such as in the Holy Quran "Jesus, son of
Mary, said: O ALLAH (ALLAH-humma), Lord of us!
Send down for us a table spread with food from
heaven, that it may be a feast for us, for the first of us
and for the last of us, and a sign from Thee. Give us
sustenance, for Thou art the Best of Sustainers"
(5:114). "Say (O Muhammad, Peace be upon him): O
ALLAH! Creator of the heavens and the earth,
Knower of the unseen and the seen! Thou (only)
judgest between Thy servants as to that wherein they
differ" (39:46). See also in Quran (3:26), (8:32), (10:10).
We find that in most of the OT verses, while
translating Elohiym they have rightly considered two
words as the combination of a Noun and pronominal
suffix " +
" i.e. ALLAH-iymma (if consonant
lamed and final meem is doubled).
In Psalms, on most of the occasions David (Peace be
upon him) used ELOH+iym [or ALLAH-iym-ma if
consonant "lamed" and "final meem" are doubled] while
praying to God. Similarly Muslims all over the globe


also say ALLAH-humma = O God while offering

See some of the following references where
pronominal suffix " "-iym of Elohiym (i.e. ALLAHiymma if consonant lamed and final meem is
doubled) was translated in Old Testament as "O God"
in Psalms (4:1), (5:10), (27:9), (144:9). "O my God" in
Psalms (3:7), (5:2), (7:1), (7:3) (22:2), (25:2), (94:22). "My
God" in Isaiah (7:13), (25:1), (40:27). "The God" in Deut
(5:26), "their God" in Isaiah (8:19). "Our God" in Deut
(1:6). "Your God" in Deut (1:10). "Thy God" in Isaiah
(7:11), Deut (1:21).
Table for conclusive functioning of Elohim
Illustration of conclusive functioning of Elohim









is doubled


Pronounced as








In addition, it is a theologically admitted reality that

Elohiym (ALLAH-iym) is used to represent Only One
True God, because "the language has entirely rejected
the idea of the numerical plurality of Elohim
(whenever it denotes the One God), is proved
especially by its being almost invariably joined with a
singular attribute." 12
Thus, " +
" ALLAH-iym in Hebrew does not
mean any plurality in Divinity. As ALLAH the
Almighty Himself declares in His last revelation that,
"They surely disbelieve who say: ALLAH is one of
three in a trinity; when there is no God save the One
ALLAH, and if they desist not from what they say, a
painful chastisement shall befall those among them
who disbelieve" Holy Quran (5:73).
Other Attributes of ALLAH in Quran and OT
The Almighty ALLAH called Himself in His last
revelation to humanity as Elahi and Elah, which was
similarly mentioned in Hebrew script of Old
Testament with the same basic form of letters using
for God i.e., Alef-lamed-heh.
Elahi "Alef-lam-ha (with a vowel Kasra)"
is cited
in the Holy Quran where "our God" or "God of" is
used in the context. As in the Holy Quran (114:1-3),
"Say (O Muhammad, Peace be upon him): I seek
refuge in the Lord of Mankind, The King of Mankind,
The God of Mankind (Elahinnas)".
Similarly, we can find Elohei
using "Alef- lamedheh-yod" like in Exodus (3:15), "The God (Elohei) of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob".
Elah "Alef-lam-ha"
is cited in the Holy Quran
where "your God" or "thy God" is used.
As in the Holy Quran (2:133), "Were ye witnesses
when death appeared before Jacob? Behold, he said to


his sons "What will ye worship after me?" They said:

"We shall worship Thy God (Elahaka) and the God of
thy fathers, of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, -- the One
(True) ALLAH. And unto Him we have surrendered".
Quran (2:163) "And your God is One God! There is no
God but He; He is the Beneficent, the Merciful".
Similarly, we may find Eloah
"Alef-lamed-vavheh" like in Nehemiah (9:17), "God of forgiveness,
Gracious and compassionate".
Structural formation and history of Yahweh
The four consonants Yod, Hey, Vav, and Hey
according to the Jewish encyclopaedia, have various
explanations of the meanings proposed to them. For
example, (1) that it is derived from
("to fall"), and
originally designated some sacred object, such as a
stone, possibly an acrolith, which was believed to
have fallen from heaven. (2) That it is derived from
("to blow"), a name for the god (denoted with
small "g" which signifies false god) of wind and
storm."13 However, "this hypothesis is not intrinsically
improbable, and in Aramaic, a language closely
related to Hebrew, "to be" actually is hawa -- but it
should be noted that in adopting it, we admit using
the name Hebrew in the historical sense, Yahweh is
not a Hebrew name." Encyclopaedia of Britannica 11,
Ed Vol 15, p.321
According to Mankinds Search for God, p.225 "the
four Hebrew consonants YHWH (Yahweh) that in
their Latinized form have come to be known over the
centuries in English as Jehovah." 14
Thus, we can articulate that Aramaic pronoun hawa
"to be" and Hebrew Pronoun huw' "he is" (e.g., in Jer
29:28, Isa 7:14 tr., as "he") was superimposed with
"yah that was identified with the Aramaic Thunder


(false) god"15 giving the origin of a word Yhwh, the

pagan name to be introduced in the Torah, Psalms
and Gospel of Moses, David and Jesus (Peace be upon
them) respectively [e.g., "World wide International
version of Bible Yahweh tr., as Jehovah].
Whereas the fact is that, the tegragrammaton YHWH
NEVER appeared in the original autograph of book of
the Law at any time. These letters were forged and
placed in the scrolls centuries later by Babylonian
occult scribes.16 Originally, the four consonants yhwh
were used by pagans and idolatrous people. We can
trace this fact from the image of fortune wheel of
pagan myths in which these four consonants
engraved in yhwhs web page:
Tarot/Tarot10.htm - 2005.
As Dr. Pastor Cohen, a respected Christian theologist
strappingly censures "What is a Yahwist? They are all
(false) moon god worshipers! A Yahweh believer is
any person who believes Yhwh (the Tetragrammaton
name of Baal) pronounced Yahweh, is the name of
God. Yahweh is a guess name and is NOT THE
NAME OF THE TRUE GOD. Yahweh as it is spelled
IS NOT A HEBREW NAME for God!" (Ibid: 16).
In addition, many theologians assert that the
Yahwism cult is a mere Yahwization of pagan
religions (i.e. what pagan religions attributed to their
gods). [See: Brantley, 1993, 13:50]
However, in the present Hebrew text of OT, the
readers may well notice that these consonants also
came with a formula as " " ya-huwah
Elohiym: Lord our God,
ya-huwah Elohie:
The Lord my God, Psalms (13:3).
El Elyon: The Lord Most High God, Psalms (7:17).
ya-huwah Shalom: The Lord of Peace,


Judges (6:24). Because huwah is a pronoun predicted

to be cited in OT to denote the noun but later its
corruption we assumed, yielded with an addition of
yod as ya+huwah to take the form of YHWH the
pagan methodological name in the Holy Bible.
Hence, we strongly uphold that one should not infer
the unrevealed names for Almighty ALLAH like
Jehovah or Yahweh, where as the Real Name of One
True God is ALLAH (Glorified be He). "That is
because ALLAH - He is the Reality; and those besides
Him whom they invoke, they are but vain Falsehood:
verily ALLAH is He, Most High, Most Great" Holy
Quran (22:62).
ALLAH the name of One True God
in the Torah and Psalms
The first commandment given to the children of Israel
by the Almighty ALLAH is that: "You shall have no
other gods besides Me. You shall not make for
yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven
above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below"
Exodus (20:3-4).
The above explanation of verse no 3 reminds us the
verses of the Holy Quran in which ALLAH says "And
We gave Moses the Book and made it a guidance to
the children of Israel, saying: Do not take a protector
besides Me" (17:2). "Verily, I Am ALLAH. There is no
God but I: So serve thou Me (only), and establish
regular prayer for celebrating My praise" (20:14).
This is the basic teaching of Islam, which denies all
false gods and submits to the reality that there is only
One True God- ALLAH (Mighty and Sublime be He).
ALLAH, the Almighty also states in His last revelation
Quran (2:40) "O Children of Israel! Remember My
favour wherewith I favoured you, and fulfil your
(part of the) covenant, I shall fulfil My (part of the)


covenant, and fear Me". In addition, reminds us the

commandments that were given to the Children of
Israel in Noble Quran. "And (remember) when We
made a covenant with the Children of Israel, (saying):
Worship none but ALLAH (only), and be good to
parents and to kindred and to orphans and the needy,
and speak kindly to mankind; and establish worship
and pay the poor due. Then you turned back except a
few of you and (now too) you turn aside" (2:83).
According to Mankind's Search for God p.225, About
3,500 years ago, God spoke to Moses, saying: Thus
shall you speak to the Israelites: The LORD, the God
of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of
Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you: This
shall be My name forever, this My appellation for all
eternity' (Exodus 3:15; Psalms 135:13)." 16
However, the Hebrew-speaking people historically
lost the exact pronunciation of "ALLAH" and by
passage of time, they mispronounced and misspelled
it and with the addition of "iym" which made it to
read as Elohim, although Old Testament warned
them "Do not use the name of the Lord your God in a
false way. For the Lord will punish the one who uses
His name in a false way" (20:7).
Therefore, the Holy Quran made it very clear: "The
Most Beautiful Names belong to ALLAH: so call on
Him by them; but shun such men who violate the
sanctity of His Names: for what they do, they will
soon be requited" (7:180).
All Praise and Glory belongs to One True God alone,
Who has such an Excellent Name-ALLAH (
) that
there exists no plural form for it in any language.
According to the Hebrew language, which was
believed to be the language of Moses and David


(Peace be upon them) in which Torah17 and Psalms18

were revealed, they uses "Alef-lamed-heh" as the
fundamental alphabets for the proper Name of One
True God spelled as ELOH or ELAH. On the other
hand, if the consonant "lamed" is doubled then it could
be well pronounced as ALLAH.
ALLAH the name of One True God
in the Gospel
According to the Aramaic, text of Gospel19 the
language of Jesus (Peace be upon him) in which
Gospel was revealed, the proper Name of One True
God is
(Alef-lam-ha) presently pronounced as
ALAH, but if the consonant "lam" is doubled like in
Hebrew then it could be well pronounced as ALLAH.
Perceive the following verses of Gospel in Aramaic
the original language of Jesus (Peace be upon him).
: Jesus said to
him, "On the other hand, it is written, you shall not
put the Lord your God (
-ALAH) to the testMatthew (4:7).
: Then Jesus said to
him, "Go, Satan! For it is written, you shall worship
the Lord your God (
ONLY- Matthew (4:10).
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in
God (
-ALAH) - Mark (11:22).
: For with God (
nothing shall be impossible- Luke (1:37).
rejoiced in God (


: And my spirit hath

-ALAH) my Saviour- Luke (1:47).


-ALAH), he could do

If this man were not of God (

nothing- John (9:33).
: God (
-ALAH) is true. John (3:33)

: And Jesus answered him, The

first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The
Lord our God (
-ALAH) is One Lord-Mark (12:29).
ALLAH the name of One True God in the
Quran (last revelation of ALLAH to humanity)
According to the Quran, 20 which was revealed in
Arabic, the language of Prophet Muhammad (Peace
be upon him), the proper Name of One True God
(Alef-lam-lam-ha) read as ALLAH.
Hence, The Eternal and Absolute Entity that calls
upon us to believe in Him and believe in what He
(Quran 2) 28 How disbelieve ye in ALLAH when ye
were dead and He gave life to you! Then He will give
you death, then life again, and then unto Him ye will
return. 41 And believe in what I reveal (i.e. Quran),
confirming the revelation which is with you (Torah,
Psalms and Gospel), and be not the first to reject Faith
therein, nor sell My Signs for a small price; and fear
Me and Me alone.
(Quran 112) 1 Say (O Muhammad, Peace be upon
him): He is ALLAH, the One and Only; 2 ALLAH, the
Eternal, Absolute; 3 He begetteth not, nor is He
begotten; 4 And there is none comparable unto Him.
Thus, the Proper Name of One True God according to
Torah, Psalms, Gospel and Quran is ALLAH.
(Mighty and Sublime be He).


"The Most Beautiful Names Belong to ALLAH:

so call on Him by Them" Quran (7:180).
The above calligraphy 21 shows the specific list of Ninety-Nine Beautiful
Names of ALLAH mentioned in the Hadith of Tirmidhi. 22




Beautiful Names of ALLAH

(Quran 20:8) "ALLAH-there is no God but He; His are
the very best Names".


AR-RAHMAN "Say (O Muhammad (Peace be

upon him) unto mankind): "Call upon ALLAH, or
call upon RAHMAN: by whatever Name ye call
upon Him, (it is the same): for to Him belong the
Most Beautiful Names" Quran (17:110). ALLAH is
the Most Beneficent and the Most Compassionate.
EL-RAHMAN* "Our God is compassionate"
Psalms (116:5).

AR-RAHEEM "All praise is due to ALLAH, the

Lord of the Worlds. The Beneficent, The Merciful"
Quran (1:1-2). ALLAH, the Merciful also, said, "My
Mercy has embraced all things" Quran (7:156).
EL-RAHUWM* "God is Merciful" Psalms (86:15).


*According to Ben-Yehudas Dictionary another form of "Chet" (i.e. ch similar to Arabic Hey)
is "H" in the same manner as "Machmad" can be read as "Mahamad" (Peace be upon him).
Therefore, the variant form of Rachman or Rachum is Rahman and Rahum, providing
evidence that a word written with "Chet" (i.e., ch) in Hebrew can have a variant form as "H".
As Neal Walters (admin of Hebrew resources (USA) and author of "At Home with Hebrew")
said, "The hardest thing is to transliterate a Hebrew sound that does not exist in the English
language. Thus, what do we put in English for a "chet" or a "chaf". Some people use "ch",
some use "kh", some people use an H with a dot under it, some would use a capital "H",
where as a lower case "h" would be a HEI" (as similar to Arabic Hah).



AR-RAB "All praise is due to ALLAH, the Lord of

the worlds" Quran (1:1). "So the magicians were
thrown down to prostration: they said, 'We believe
in the Lord of Aaron and Moses'" Quran (20:70).
"Will ye slay a man (Moses) because he says, 'My
Lord is ALLAH? When he has indeed come to you
with Clear (Signs) from your Lord?" Quran (40:28).
ALLAH is the Cherisher and Sustainer of the
worlds; He is the One True Lord of the worlds.
-Aramaic) tr., as "the Great God
(ALAH)" in Ezra (5:8) and Daniel (2:45).


AL-MALIK "Supremely exalted is therefore

ALLAH, the King, the Truth, and do not make
haste with the Quran before its revelation is made
complete to you and say: O my Lord! Increase me
in knowledge", Quran (20:114). He is the King with
complete authority "Therefore exalted be ALLAH,
The King, The Reality: there is no God but He, The
Lord of the Throne of Honour!" Quran (23:116).
MELEK "For God is the King of all the earth"
Psalms (47:7), See also Isaiah (5:1) and (44:6).


AL-QUDDOOS "Whatever is in the heavens and

whatever is in the earth declares the glory of


ALLAH, -the King, the Holy One, the Mighty, the

Wise" Quran (62:1). The Holy One, The Pure, The
Glorious, The One Who is Pure from all
imperfections & clear from children & adversaries.
QADOWSH "Holy One" Psalms (71:22), Isaiah
(40:25), (43:3), (48:17). This expression as "the Holy
One" has been cited nearly 29 times in the Torah.


AS-SALAM "He is ALLAH, than Whom there is

no other god, the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One,
the Source of Peace (and Safety)" Quran (59:23).
SHALOM "Will give Peace to His people" Psalms


AL-MU'MIN "The Guardian of Faith" Quran

(59:23). The Preserver of Faith, The One Who
witnessed for Himself that there is no God but He.
'EMUWNAH "Will pay each man for being right
and good and faithful" 1 Samuel (26:23).


AL-MUHAIMIN "The Preserver of Safety" Quran

(59:23). The Guardian of all, The Safe-Guarder of
all, The Saviour, The Protector, The One Who
witnesses the sayings and deeds of His creatures.
EL-MOWSHA`AH "God who saves" Psalms-68:20



AL-A`ZEEZ "Ya Sin. By the Quran, full of

Wisdom, Thou art indeed one of the Messengers
(O Muhammad, Peace be upon him), On a Straight
Way. It is a Revelation sent down by (Him), The
Exalted in Might, Most Merciful" Quran (36:1-5).
ALLAH, the One Who is Highly Exalted in Power.
`EZUWZ "Strength full" Psalms (78:4).

10. AL-JABBAR "The Mighty" Quran (59:23). ALLAH

- The Mighty, The Compeller, The Most Powerful,
The Most Dominant, He is the ruler overall, He is
the One that nothing happens in His Dominion
except that what He Wills, He is Supremely
Exalted in Might and able to enforce His Will.
EL-GIBHOR "The mighty God" Isaiah (10:21).

11. AL-MUTAKABBIR "The Superb, Glorified be

ALLAH from all that they ascribe as partner (unto
Him)" Quran (59:23). The Majestic, The Noble, The
Glorious, The One Who is Supremely Great, The
Possessor of all Rights, The Mighty, The One Who
is clear from the attributes of His creation.
'ABIYR "The Mighty God of Jacob" see in Genesis
(49:24), Psalms (132:2), (132:5), Isaiah (1:24).


12. AL-BARI' "And when Moses said to his people: O

my people! You have surely been unjust to
yourselves by taking the calf (for a god), therefore
turn to your Creator (penitently), so kill your
people, that is best for you with your Creator: so
He turned to you (Mercifully), for surely He is the
Oft-returning (to Mercy), the Merciful" Quran
(2:54). ALLAH is the Maker and the Creator of
every thing whether may be hidden or manifest.
BARA' "The Creator" Genesis (1:1).

13. AL-MUSAWWIR "He is ALLAH the Creator, the

Maker, The Fashioner; His are the Most Excellent
Names; whatever is in the heavens and the earth
declares His glory; and He is the Mighty, the
Wise" Quran (59:24). The Fashioner, The One Who
forms His creatures in different forms and
effecting deliverance in different fashion & ways.
EL-MOSHAWAW' "God of deliverances" Psl 68:20

14. AL-GHAFFAR "And He is the Oft-Forgiving, Full

of Loving-Kindness, Lord of the Throne of Glory"
Quran (85:14-15). The Forgiver, The Pardoner, The
One Who forgives without any stint.
KAPHAR "Forgive your people" Deut (21:8).


15. AL-QAHHAR "Which is more reasonable: belief

in the existence of numerous divine lords, each of
them different from the other, or the One ALLAH,
Who holds absolute sway over all that exists?"
Quran (12:39). The Subduer, The Dominant, The
One Who possess Perfect Power over everything.
KOAH "I have allowed you to remain, in order to
show you My power" Exodus (9:16).

16. AL-WAHHAAB "Our Lord! Let not our hearts

deviate now after Thou hast guided us, but grant
us mercy from Thine own Presence; for Thou art
the Grantor of bounties without measure" Quran
(3:8). The Bestower, The Grantor of bounties, The
One Who loves His creation through His love and
mercy, He bestows in plenty without any return,
He is the Merciful His are everything that benefits.
YA-WAHAB Give us help from trouble, Psl-108:12

17. AR-RAZZAAQ The Sustainer of all-"It is ALLAH

Who has made the earth a resting place for you
and the sky a canopy, and has formed you and
formed you so well and provided for you
sustenance out of the good things of life. Such is
ALLAH, your Sustainer: Blessed then is ALLAH,


the Sustainer of all the worlds!" Quran (40:64).

In Psalms: "One Who sustains me" (54:4).

18. AL-FATTAAH "O our Sustainer! Lay open the

Truth between us and our people - for You are the
best of all to lay open the Truth!" Quran (7:89). The
Opener, The Reliever, The Judge, The One Who
opens for His slaves all closed doors of blessings.
PATHAH "Open to me the gates of righteousness"
Psalms (118:19).

19. AL-ALEEM "Such is He Who knows all that is

beyond the reach of a created being's perception,
as well as all that can be witnessed by a creature's
senses or mind; the Mighty, the Merciful" Quran
(32:6). "For ALLAH hath full knowledge, and is
acquainted with all things" Quran (4:35). The Allknowing, The One from Whom nothing is absent.
"The God of Knowledge" 1 Samuel (2:3).

20. AL-QAABID "ALLAH amplifies and straitens the

means of subsistence for whom He pleases; and
they rejoice in this world's life, and this world's
life is nothing compared with the hereafter but a
temporary enjoyment" Quran (13:26). "Do they not
see that ALLAH makes ample provision for whom


He pleases, or straitens? Most surely, there are

signs in this for a people who believe" (30:37).
KABAD "I have hardened his heart" Exodus- 10:1.

21. AL-QABIL "He is the One that accepts repentance

from His Servants and forgives sins: and He
knows all that ye do" Quran (42:25). The One Who
chooses whomever He wills for His blessings.
QABAL The One Who chooses, mentioned in
the 1 Chronicles (21:11).

22. AT-TAYYIB "The Good" the Messenger of ALLAH

(Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Verily,
ALLAH (Most High) is Tayyib (i.e., Good), and He
accepts only that which is good." 23
YATAB "God was good" Exodus (1:20).

23. AR-RAFEEQ "Verily, ALLAH is Rafeeq (i.e., the

Healer), and likes kindness in all matters" said by
the Messenger of ALLAH (Peace be upon him).24
RAPHEKA "Our Healer" Exodus (15:26).

24. AL-MUIZ "Behold! All honour belongs to ALLAH

alone" Quran (4:139). The Giver of honours, The
One Who gives esteem or shelter whom He wills.


MA`OWZ "Thou art the God of my strength"

Psalms (43:2).

25. AL-MUJEEB "Say: Will ye worship, besides

ALLAH, something which hath no power either to
harm or benefit you? But ALLAH, - He it is that
Heareth and Knoweth all things" Quran (5:76).
"My Sustainer is ever near, responding to the call
of whoever calls unto Him!" Quran (11:61).
QASHEB "Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my
King, and my God: for unto Thee will I pray"
Psalms (5:2).

26. AS-SAMEE "Lo! ALLAH is One Who heareth and

knoweth all things" Quran (2:224). "Lo! Truly my
Lord is He, the Hearer of Prayer!" Quran (14:39).
`SHAMA "I have called upon Thee, for Thou wilt
hear me, O God'' Psalms (17:6).

27. AL-BASEER "He (ALLAH) said: "Fear not: for I

Am with you: I Hear and See (everything) [A'raa
the Arabic pronoun used in this verse by ALLAH]"
Quran (20:46). "He it is Who created you, but one
of you is an unbeliever and another of you is a
believer; and ALLAH sees what you do" Quran
(64:2). "Have they not seen the birds above them


expanding (their wings) and contracting (them)?

What is it that withholds them save the Beneficent
ALLAH? Surely He sees everything" Quran (67:19).
EL-RA'AH "God who sees" Genesis (16:13).

28. AL-HAKAM "ALLAH will judge between you on

the Day of Judgment concerning the matters in
which ye differ" Quran (22:69). "My Lord: Grant
me wisdom, and join me with the good" Quran
(26:83). The True and Only Judge, The Full of
Wisdom, The Dispenser of Wisdom and Justice.
HAKAM' My Hakam' tr., as My Wise, in 2 Samuel

29. AL-`ADL "Behold, ALLAH enjoins justice, and the

doing of good, and generosity towards one's
fellows; and He forbids all that is shameful and all
that runs counter to reason, as well as envy; and
He exhorts you repeatedly so that you might bear
all this in mind" Quran (16:90). The Just, The Doer
of Right, The One Who dispenses justice and
In 2 Thessalonians (1:6): "God is just".

30. AL-HANNAAN The Most Compassionate and

Most Gracious in Mercy, the Prophet Muhammad
(Peace be upon him) used to supplicate ALLAH as:
"O ALLAH! Verily, I ask of You, by the fact that to


You belongs all Praise, there is no God except You,

You alone and You have no partners, O Hannaan
(the Compassionate and Gracious), O Badee' (the
Originator) of the heavens and the earth, O Dhal
Jalali wal Ikram (Lord of Majesty, Bounty and
Honour), O Hayy (the Everliving) and O Qayyum
(the Self-subsisting): Indeed I ask of You AlJannah (the Garden of Paradise), and I seek refuge
with You from An-Naar (the Hellfire)."25
HANAN "God is Gracious" Genesis (33:11).

31. AS-SA'IQ "And We shall drive the sinners to Hell,

like thirsty cattle driven down to water" Quran
(19:86). "Surely ALLAH does not do injustice to the
weight of an atom, and if it is a good deed He
multiplies it and gives from Himself a great
reward" Quran (4:40).
SHALACH "He cast upon them the fierceness of
His anger" Psalms (78:49).

32. AL-`AMAAN "And when Abraham said: My

Lord! Make this city secure, and save me and my
sons from worshipping idols" Quran (14:35). "And
We saved Moses and those with him, all of them"
Quran (26:65). "So let them worship the Lord of
this House, Who feeds them against hunger and
gives them security against fear" Quran (106:3-4).
The giver of complete safety, peace and security. 26
EL-'AMAN "A God you can depend upon. He
keeps His covenant of loyal love" Deut (7:9) - MSG


33. AS-SATTAAR The One Who covers faults, The

Prophet of ALLAH, Muhammad (Peace be upon
him) said, "Verily, ALLAH is Hayiyy (i.e., Modest),
and Sattaar (i.e., the One Who covers faults), and
He loves modesty and covering other's faults." 27
CETHER "Thou art my hiding place; Thou shalt
preserve me from trouble" Psalms (32:7).

34. AL-HALEEM "A kind word and the veiling of

another's want is better than a charitable deed
followed by hurt; and ALLAH is Self-Sufficient,
Most Forbearing" Quran (2:263). The Forbearing,
The Clement, The One Who Inclined to be lenient
or Merciful and delays the punishment for those
who deserve it with His love and mercy & then He
might forgive them- Quran (2:225), (2:235), (17:44).
HEMLAH "In His love and in His mercy He
redeemed them" Isaiah (63:9).

35. AL-`AZEEM "His is all that is in the heavens and

all that is on earth; and Most Exalted, Tremendous
is He" Quran (42:4). The Great One, The full of
Might, The full of Strength, He alone is capable,
The One deserving the attributes of Excellence,


Glory and Purity from all sorts of imperfections.

`OZEE "O my Strength" Psalms (59:17).

36. AL-GHAFOOR "Lo! ALLAH is Forgiving,

Merciful" Quran (2:173). "Say (O Muhammad
(Peace be upon him) to My servants): O My
Servants who have transgressed against their
souls! Despair not of the Mercy of ALLAH. For
ALLAH forgives all sins: for He is Oft Forgiving,
Most Merciful" Quran (39:53). The Great Forgiver,
The One Who forgives sins again and again.
"God of forgiveness" Nehemiah (9:17).

37. AL-`ALIYY "His knowledge extends over the

heavens and the earth, and the preservation of
them both tires Him not, and He is the Most High,
the Supreme (in glory)" Quran (2:255). "(ALLAH)
He is the Most High Most Great" Quran (34:23).
EL-ELYON "Most High" Deut (26:19), Psl (78:35).

38. AL-KABEER "That is because ALLAH, He is the

True, and that whereon they call instead of Him, it
is the false, and because ALLAH, He is the High,
the Great" Quran (22:62). "The knower of the
unseen and the seen, He is the Great, the Most


High" Quran (13:9). The Most Great and Most

High, The One Who is truly exalted in Might.
EL-KABBEER' "God is Mighty" Job (36:5).

39. AL-MUQEET "ALLAH hath power over all

things" Quran (4:85). The One Who exercises all
universal power, The Guardian of all things, The
Maintainer, The Sustainer with a Perfect Power.
MAKHASEH' "God is our safe place and our
strength" Psalms (46:1).

40. AL-HASEEB "Verily, ALLAH keeps count indeed

of all things" Quran (4:86). The Reckoner, The One
Who gives the satisfaction, The One Who makest
account of His salves on the day of reckoning.
HASHAB "Thou makest account of him!" Psalms

41. AL-QAREEB "When My servants ask thee (O

Muhammad, Peace be upon him) concerning Me, I
Am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of
every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them
also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in


Me: That they may walk in the right way" Quran

(2:186). "We verily created man and We know
what his soul whispereth to him, and We are
nearer to him than his jugular vein" Quran (50:16).
Thus, He is ALLAH the One Who is ever near to
His creatures and is ever responsive to their call.
QAROWB "God so nigh unto them" Deut (4:7).

42. AL-QADEEM It means that ALLAH is Eternal, i.e.,

He has neither beginning nor end. Nothing is
eternal but ALLAH. The Messenger of ALLAH,
Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him)
supplicates ALLAH as: "I take refuge with ALLAH,
The Supreme and with His Noble Face, and His
Eternal authority (Qadeem) from the accursed
devil."28 ALLAH is the Eternal, the Everliving, the
True Sustainer and Nourisher of the worlds.
QEDEEM "The Eternal God is thy refuge" Deut

43. AL-A'LAA "Glorify the name of thy GuardianLord Most High, Who hath created, and further,
given order and proportion; Who hath ordained
laws. And granted guidance; And Who bringeth
out the (green and luscious) pasture, And then
doth make it (but) swarthy stubble" Quran (87:15). He is ALLAH the Exalted, the Holy, Who is


High above from having any associate or partner.

'ALAW "God: He is greatly exalted" Psalms (47:9).

44. AL-`ALLAAM "In the day when ALLAH gathereth

together the Messengers, and saith: What was
your response (from mankind)? They say: We
have no knowledge. Lo! Thou, only Thou art the
Knower of Things Hidden" Quran (5:109). ALLAH
the Ever-living, Who knows every hidden and
manifest thing. He is Eternal the knower of all
things; His is the kingdom and rule from eternity.
`ALAM (Aramaic) "He is the living God (ALAH) and enduring forever, And His kingdom is
one which will not be destroyed, And His
dominion will be forever" Daniel (6:26).

45. AS-SULTAN "ALLAH gives authority to His

Apostles against whom He pleases, and ALLAH
has power over all things" Quran (59:6). "O
company of jinn and men, if ye have power to
penetrate (all) regions of the heavens and the
earth, then penetrate (them)! Ye will never
penetrate them save with (Our) Authority" Quran
(55:33). The Dominant, The One Who Controls all
affairs, He is the One Who Possesses Authority
and Dominion from eternity and there is none to
share with Him and He gives authority whom He
SHOLTAN (Aramaic) "His dominion is from
generation to generation" Daniel (4:3).


46. AL-MUTAHHAR "Obey ALLAH and His

Messenger (Muhammad, on whom be peace)
ALLAH only desires to remove all impurity from
you, O People of the House, and to purify you
completely" Quran (33:33). The Purifier, He Who
cleanses from idolatry, spiritual evils & impurity.
TAHER "Cleanse me from my sin" Psalms (51:2).

47. AL-MUZAKKAH "Do you not see those who

claim to be purified? No, ALLAH purifies whoever
He wills. They will not be wronged by so much as
the smallest speck" Quran (Surah an-Nisa', 4:49).
ZAKAH "You are justified when You speak and
clear when You judges" Psalms (51:4).

48. AL-MUYASSIR "ALLAH desires ease for you; He

does not desire difficulty for you" Quran (2:185).
"ALLAH desires to make things lighter for you, for
man was created weak" Quran (4:28). "Strive for
ALLAH with the effort due to Him. He has
selected you and has not placed any constraint
upon you in religionthe religion of your
forefather Abraham" Quran (22:78). "We will ease


you to the easy way (O Muhammad, Peace be

upon him)" Quran (87:8). He Who Makes His
servant's path easier in goodness; He Who places
no unbearable burden on anyone of His creature.
YASHAR "Make Your way straight before me"
Psalms (5:8).

49. AR-RAQEEB "O mankind! Reverence your

Guardian-Lord, Who created you from a single
person, created, of like nature, his mate, and from
them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men
and women; - reverence ALLAH, through Whom
ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence)
the wombs (That bore you): for ALLAH ever
watches over you" Quran (4:1). The Watcher, the
One Who Sees all, the One from Whom nothing is
hidden. Thus, He alone is capable to grant good or
harm from His knowledge to Whom He Wills.
RACHAB In Psalms (119:32), "I will run the way
of Thy commandments, when Thou shalt enlarge
(sees) my heart" also in Psalms (4:1), "Thou hast
enlarged (seen) me when I was in distress".

50. AS-SADIQ "And lo! We verily are Truthful (in

Our ordinances)" Quran (6:146). The One Who is
Right, The Bestower of truthfulness, The Truthful,
The doer of justice, He is the One Who will judge
His creation with righteousness; The One Who
alone is the Master of the Day of Judgment.


TSEDEQ "Thy righteousness is an everlasting"

Psalms (119:142).

51. AN-NASEER "He is your Protector - the Best to

protect and the Best to help!" Quran (22:78). "Thus
have We made for every Prophet an enemy among
the sinners: but enough is thy Lord to guide and to
help" Quran (25:31). The Helper, The Protector,
The One Who is Best to Help, The True Helper
Who bestows His mercy, help and protection.
EL-NASAW' "Thou wast a God that forgavest
them" Psalms (99:8).

52. AL-HAKEEM "Lo! As for thee (O Muhammad,

Peace be upon him), thou verily receivest the
Quran from the Wise, the Knowing ALLAH"
Quran (27:6). The All-Wise Who bestows wisdom,
The Judge of Judges; The Giver of intelligence,
The One Who is Full of Wisdom and Knowledge.
HAKKIYM' (Aramaic) "He provides both
intelligence and discernment" Daniel (2:21).

53. AL-WADOOD "And He alone is truly forgiving,

Full of Loving-Kindness" Quran (85:14). The
Loving One, The One Who loves His believing
slaves and with His love towards His slaves that


He sent time after time the Prophets from Adam

to Muhammad (Peace & blessings be upon them)
to guide them on a right path-the path of Islam.
YADEED' "That Thy beloved may be delivered;
save with Thy right hand, and hear me" Psalms
(60:5), see also Deuteronomy (33:12).

54. AL-MAJEED "For He is indeed worthy of all

Praise, full of all Majesty" Quran (11:73). It is
ALLAH to Him belongs all Praise and all Glory;
He is the Excellent, the Superb & the Tremendous.
MEGED "Excellence" Deut (33:13).

55. AL-BAI`TH "And verily the Hour will come:

there can be no doubt about it, or about (the fact)
that ALLAH will raise up all who are in the
graves" Quran (22:7). The Resurrector, the Raiser
from death. It is ALLAH Who made the covenant
with men and jinni that He will raise up all on the
day of judgment and judge between them rightly.
EL-BERITH "My covenant will I not break"
Psalms (89:34).

56. ASH-SHAHEED "He it is Who sent His

Messenger (Muhammad, Peace be upon him) with
the Guidance and the True Religion that He may
make it prevail over all the religions; and ALLAH


is Sufficient for a witness" Quran-48:28. "However

it be, ALLAH Himself bears witness to the Truth of
what He has bestowed from on High upon thee:
out of His own wisdom has He bestowed it from
on High, with the angels bearing witness thereto -although none can bear witness as ALLAH does"
Quran-4:166. The Bearer of testimony of all things,
He is the One from Whom nothing is concealed.
The All Sufficient, The One Who is all Sufficient to
protect, help and to be the witness of Truth. See
also Holy Quran (4:79), (22:17).
EL-SHADDAI "The All Sufficient God" Gen-17:1.

57. AL-HAQQ "This is so, because ALLAH is the

Truth: it is He Who gives life to the dead, and it is
He Who has power over all things" Quran (22:6).
"ALLAH, their Master, the True One" (6:62). The
Truth, The True Reality, The One Who Truly
Exists. See also in Quran (23:116), (31:30).
"The God of Truth" Psalms (31:5).

58. AL-WAKEEL "ALLAH is Sufficient for us! Most

Excellent is He in Whom we trust!" Quran (3:173).
The Trustee in Him all His creatures trust and
hope; The One Who gives the satisfaction and is
relied upon, See also Quran (4:171), (28:28), (33:3).
YAKEL (Aramaic) "Our God (ALAH) Whom
we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of
blazing fire" Daniel (3:17).


59. AL-QAWIYY "(They are) those who have been

expelled from their homes in defiance of right, (for no cause) except that they say, "our Lord is
ALLAH". Did not ALLAH check one set of people
by means of another, there would surely have
been pulled down monasteries, churches,
synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of
ALLAH is commemorated in abundant measure.
ALLAH will certainly aid those who aid his
(cause); - for verily ALLAH is full of Strength,
Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will)" Quran
(22:40). "Gracious is ALLAH to His servants: He
gives Sustenance to whom He pleases: and He has
power and can carry out His Will" (42:19). The
One Who is full of Strength and Power.
TAQQIYPH (Aramaic) "How great are His signs!
And how Mighty are His wonders!" Daniel (4:3).

60. AL-WALIYY "Lo! Those of mankind who have the

best claim to Abraham are those who followed
him, and this Prophet (Muhammad, Peace be
upon him) and those who believe (with him); and
ALLAH is the Protecting Guardian of the
believers" Quran (3:68). The True Protecting
Friend, The One Who deserves to be a True friend.
'EYALUWTH "O My Strength, hasten Thee to
help me!" Psalms (22:19).


61. AL-HAMEED "Alif. Lam. Ra. (This is) a Scripture

(Quran) which We have revealed unto thee (O
Muhammad, Peace be upon him) that thereby
thou mayst bring forth mankind from darkness
unto light, by the permission of their Lord, unto
the path of the All-Mighty, the Praiseworthy"
Quran (14:1). The Praiseworthy, The Owner of
Praise, The One Who deserves to be praised.
HAMAD "God has desired (Hamad also means
praised) His abode" Psalms (68:16).

62. AL-MUHSEE "On the day when ALLAH will

raise them all together and inform them of what
they did, ALLAH hath kept account of it while
they forgot it. And ALLAH is Witness over all
things" Quran (58:6). The Reckoner, The Knower
of all, The One Who takes account of all things.
MAH`ASEH "Consider the work of God, for who
is able to straighten (or able to take account)"
Ecclesiastes (7:13). The counter of deeds on the
Day of Judgment. As in Psalms (66:3), "Say unto
God, how terrible art Thou in Thy work! (i.e., In
reckoning of all things).

63. AL-MUBDI' "Or, Who originates creation, then

repeats it, and Who gives you sustenance from


heaven and earth? (Can there be another) God

besides ALLAH? Say, "Bring forth your argument,
if ye are telling the truth!" Quran (27:64). "ALLAH
originates the creation, then reproduces it, then to
Him you shall be brought back" (30:11).
MEHODE' "How great are Your works" Psl- 92:5.

64. AL-MU`EED "Unto Him is the return of all of

you; It is a promise of ALLAH in truth. Lo! He
Produceth creation, then Reproduceth it" Quran
(10:4). "What! Do they not consider how ALLAH
originates the creation, then reproduces it?
Surely that is easy to ALLAH" Quran (29:19).
MOW`ED "When I select an appointed time, It is I
Who judge with equity" Psalms (75:2).

65. AL-MUHYI "It is ALLAH that gives Life and

Death, and ALLAH sees well all that ye do" Quran
(3:156). "Lo! ALLAH! Unto Him belongeth the
Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He
brings to life and causes to die; and there is not for
you besides ALLAH any guardian or helper"
Quran (9:116). "He gives life and causes death, and
to Him you shall be brought back" Quran (10:56).
The Restorer, the Creator of life and death.
HAYAH' "See now that I, I Am He, and there is no
God besides Me; It is I who put to death and give
life" Deuteronomy (32:39).


66. AL-MUMEET "Say (O Muhammad): O mankind!

Lo! I am the Messenger of ALLAH to you all - (the
Messenger of) Him unto Whom belongeth the
Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. There is
no God but He. He quickeneth and He giveth
death. So believe in ALLAH and His Messenger,
the Prophet who can neither read nor write, who
believeth in ALLAH and in His Words, and follow
him that haply ye may be led aright" Quran
(7:158). The One Who gives life and causes death.
MAW'TH "It is I Who put to death" Deut (32:39).

67. AL-HAYY "ALLAH! There is no God but He, the

Everliving, the Self-subsisting by Whom all things
subsist" Quran (3:2). "He is the Living One. There
is no God but He. So pray unto Him, making
Religion Pure for Him (only). Praise be to ALLAH,
the Lord of the Worlds!" Quran (40:65). ALLAH
the Eternal, Also in Quran (2:255), (20:111), (25:58).
HAY-ALAH (Aramaic) "O Daniel, servant of the
living God (ALAH)" Daniel (6:20).

68. AL-QAYYUM "ALLAH! There is no God but He,the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal" Quran


(2:255). The Self-Subsisting, The Everlasting, The

One Who remains forever, He alone rules from
eternity and there is none to share with Him.
ALAH-QAYAWM (Aramaic) "He is the living God
(ALAH) and enduring forever" Daniel (6:26).

69. AL-WAAHID "Your God is One God; there is no

God but He, the Beneficent, the Merciful" Quran
(2:163). The Unique, The Holy One, The One Who
is Pure from having any associate and partner, He
is the One Who has Perfect Power to gather all His
creatures on an appointed time, which He chooses
for Himself and will judge between them rightly.
YAHAD The One Who is capable to gather and
judge, see Hosea (11:7; 8) and Malachi (12:2).

70. AL-AHAD "Say (O Muhammad, Peace be upon

him): He is ALLAH, the One and Only" Quran
(112:1). The Unique, The Incomparable, ALLAH
the One and Only- the Creator of everything, He is
the One and Only without any partner or helper.
EL-EHAD The Everliving God is only One, see in
Deut (6:4) and Mal (2:10).

71. AS-SAMAD "ALLAH, the Eternal, Absolute"

Quran (112:2). The Eternal, The Independent, The


Absolute, The Exalted Who alone lives forever and

ever. ALLAH is He on Whom all depend.
`AD "God is forever and ever" Psalms (45:6).

72. AL-QAADIR "Have they not seen that ALLAH,

Who created the heavens and the earth and was
not wearied by their creation, is Able to give life to
the dead? Aye, He verily is Able to do all things"
Quran (46:33). The Able, The Capable, The One
attributed with Power. Every thing whatsoever is
in the heavens or in the earth or in between them
submits to His will. There is none Who can deny
His Dominant Power and His Capability to give
life and death. Islam, the religion of submission
was the same Religion that ALLAH had given to
all His Prophets in the ages of History. As ALLAH
Himself says in Quran (2:130-133) "And who
forsaketh the Religion of Abraham save him who
befooleth himself? Verily We chose him in the
world, and lo! In the Hereafter he is among the
righteous. When his Lord said unto him:
Surrender (Thy will to Me)! he said: I have
surrendered (my will) to the Lord and Cherisher
of the Universe. The same did Abraham enjoin
upon his sons, and also Jacob, (saying): O my sons!
Lo! ALLAH hath chosen for you the (True)
Religion; therefore die not save as men who have
surrendered (unto Him). Or were ye present when
death came to Jacob, when he said unto his sons:
What will ye worship after me? They said: We
shall worship thy God, the God of thy fathers,


Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac, the One (True)

ALLAH, and unto Him we have surrendered."
Quran further says (3:83) "Is it then other than
ALLAH's Religion (Islam, submission to His will)
that they seek (to follow), and to Him submits
whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly
or unwillingly, and to Him shall they be returned."
'ADAR "Great in Power" Exodus (15:6) NLV.

73. AL-MALEEK "As to the Righteous, they will be

in the midst of Gardens and Rivers, In an
Assembly of Truth, in the Presence of a Sovereign
Omnipotent" Quran (54:54-55). The Sovereign, The
Supreme Ruler, The Superior, The True King.
MALAK' "God reigns over the nations" Psl (47:8).

74. AL-MUQTADIR "ALLAH is the holder of power

over all things" Quran (18:45). The Powerful, the
Mighty, the Dominant One, ALLAH the One with
the perfect Power that nothing is withheld from
Him. He Dominates over all things, there is none
to compare with Him and to share with Him. He
is the One Who is Alone without any associate.
ADDIYR The Mighty, the Powerful, see in Isaiah
(33:21), Psalms (8:1) and (8:9).


75. AL-MUSTA'AAN "Our Lord is the Beneficent

ALLAH, Whose help is to be implored against that
which ye ascribe (unto Him false deities)" Quran
(21:112). The Giver of Refuge and Protection. He is
the One from Whom protection or help is sought.
MATSUWD' "My Protection" Psalms (18:2).

76. AL-MUQADDIM The Promoter, The Expediter,

ALLAH is the One Who leaves behind and brings
forward whomever He wills. He Who puts things
in a very right place. He makes ahead what He
wills and delays what He wills as in Quran (16:61)
"He respites them till an appointed time". He is
the One Who adjusts all affairs as He likes and
there is none to ask Him about His acts, as ALLAH
says in Quran (74:14-15) "To whom I made (life)
smooth and comfortable! Yet is he greedy That I
should add (yet more)". The Prophet Mohammed
(Peace be upon him) used to invoke ALLAH in
late-night prayer as, "You are Al-Muqaddim" (the
One Who puts things in a very right place).29
M'QADIYM He Who promotes, Psalms (78:26).

77. AL-MU'AKHKHIR "He (Noah) said: O my

people! Lo! I am a plain Warner unto you that ye


should worship ALLAH, fear Him and obey me:

He will forgive you some of your faults and grant
you a delay to an appointed term. Lo! The term of
ALLAH, when it cometh, cannot be delayed, if ye
but knew" Quran (71:2-4). The Delayer, the
Retarder, the One Who delays the chastisement.
MUWCAR The One Who chastises - Isaiah (26:16).

78. AL-'AWWAL "He is the First" Quran (57:3). The

One Whos Existence is without any beginning.
RI'SHOWN "The First" Isaiah (48:12).

79. AL-AKHIR "The Last" Quran (57:3). The Eternal,

the One Whos Existence is without any end.
'ACHAROWN "The Last" Isaiah (48:12).

80. AZ-ZAAHIR "Ascendant (over all) and the

Knower of hidden things, and He is Cognizant of
all things" Quran (57:3). The Manifest, The
Evident, He Who can be perceived through His
creations or He the One Who is recognised
through His acts. He is the most Exalted, His
Existence is obvious by proofs and He is clear
from the delusions of attributes of His creation.
ZARAH The One Who Manifest- Isaiah (60:2).


81. AL-BAATIN "The Hidden" Quran (57:3). The One

that nothing is above Him and nothing is
underneath Him, hence He exists without a place.
He is the Highly Exalted, His Existence is obvious
by proofs and He is clear from the delusions of
attributes of bodies. As in Quran (6:103) "Vision
comprehends Him not, and He comprehends (all)
vision; and He is the Knower of subtleties, the
Aware". He created every manifest and hidden
things, He alone knows the inward and outward.
BETEN Inward- Psalms (139:13) and Job (32:18).

82. AL-MAWLAA "Thou art our Protector; Help us

against those who stand against faith" Quran
(2:286). "He is the Supreme, (watching) from
above over His worshippers, and He sets
guardians over you. At length, when death
approaches one of you, Our angels take his soul,
and they never fail in their duty. Then are men
returned unto ALLAH, their Protector, the (only)
Reality: Is not His the command? And He is the
swiftest in taking account" Quran (6:61-62). "He is
your Protector - the Best to protect and the Best to
help!" Quran (22:78). The Protector, The Deliverer,
The Saviour, The Preserver, The One Who Protects
His creation from every harm and distress.
MAWLAT' "(He) Will Save him in times of
trouble" Psalms (41:1).


83. AL-MUTAA`LI "He knows all that is beyond the

reach of a created being's perception as well as all
that can be witnessed by a creature's senses or
mind -- the Great One, the One far above anything
that is or could ever be!" Quran (13:9). The Most
Exalted, The Highly Exalted, The One Who is
High above from the attributes of His creation.
MA`AL "God is high above heaven" Deut (4:39).

84. AL-BARR "Verily, we did invoke Him [alone] ere

this: [and now He has shown us] that He alone is
Truly benign, a True dispenser of grace!" Quran
(52:28). ALLAH the Source of all Goodness and
Blessings, The One Who bestows, The One Who is
kind to His creatures and covered them with His
sustenance and specified whomever He wills
among them by His support and with His mercy.
BARAKAH "May You bring happiness to Your
people!" Psalms (3:8).

85. AT-TAWWAAB "Our Lord! And make us

submissive unto Thee and of our seed a nation
submissive unto Thee, and show us our ways of
worship, and relent toward us. Lo! Thou, Only


Thou, art the Relenting, the Merciful" Quran

(2:128). "Know they not that ALLAH is He Who
accepteth repentance from His bondmen and
taketh the alms, and that ALLAH is He Who is the
Relenting, the Merciful" Quran (9:104). ALLAHHe is the One Who alone can accept repentance.
TUWB "I will have loving-kindness and lovingpity for anyone I want to" Exodus (33:19).

86. AL-MUNTAQIM "And who doth greater wrong

than he who is reminded of the Revelations of his
Lord, then he turns away from them? Surely We
will give punishment to the guilty" Quran (32:22).
The Avenger, The One Who victoriously prevails
over His enemies and punishes them for their sins.
MAW'AC The One Who cast His enemies away
and reject them completely as in Psalms (78:59)
"When God heard, He was filled with wrath And
greatly abhorred Israel". Also in Hosea (9:17) "My
God will cast them away, because they did not
hearken unto Him".

87. AL-AFUWW "For these, there is hope that ALLAH

will forgive: For ALLAH doth blot out (sins) and
forgive again and again" Quran (4:99). The Mighty
Forgiver, The Constant Forgiver, He the One Who
alone is capable to forgive sins again and again.
APHIEMI "Who can forgive sins but God (ALAH) alone" Mark (2:7).


88. AR-RA'UF "ALLAH is Compassionate to the

servants" Quran (3:30). The Most Compassionate,
The One with extreme Mercy. ALLAH endows His
mercy and help upon whomever He wills.
ROPHE "Your Healer" Exodus (15:26).

89. MALI-KAL-MULK "Say: O ALLAH, Master of the

Kingdom! Thou givest the kingdom to whom so
ever Thou pleasest and takest away the kingdom
from whomsoever Thou pleasest, and Thou
exaltest whom Thou pleasest and abasest whom
Thou pleasest in Thine Hand is the Good; Surely,
Thou hast power over all things" Quran (3:26).
the kingdoms"-2Ch-20:6. Dan 5:21-"The Most High
(ALAH: ) God ruled in the kingdom of men, and
that He appointeth over it whomsoever He will".

90. AL-MUQSIT "ALLAH [Himself] proffers evidence

and [so do] the angels and all who are endowed
with knowledge - that there is no deity save Him,
the Upholder of Equity: there is no deity save
Him, the Almighty, the Truly Wise" Quran (3:18).
The Upholder of Equity, The Firm in Justice, The
One Who is Just in His judgment.
MISHPAT "Judgment belongs to God" Deut-1:17.


91. AL-JAAM'I "Our Lord! Thou art He that will

gather mankind together against a day about
which there is no doubt; Lo! ALLAH never fails in
His promise" Quran (3:9). The Gatherer of all, The
One Who gathers and Judge with equity.
"God will gather you" Deuteronomy (30:4).

92. AL-MUGHNI "ALLAH shall preserve you of His

bounty if He will. Lo! ALLAH is Knower, Wise
Quran (9:28). The Enlarger, The full of Bounty, The
Enricher, Who alone can preserve; He is the One
Who satisfies the necessities of all His creatures.
MAGANE "He is our help and our safe cover"
Psalms (33:20).

93. AL-WAALIY "It is ALLAH Who has raised the

heavens without any supports that you could see,
and is established on the Throne of His
Almightiness; and He it is Who has made the sun
and the moon subservient to His laws, each
running its course for a term set by Him. He
governs all that exists. Explaining the signs in
detail that ye may believe with certainty in the
meeting with your Lord" Quran (Ar-Rad 13:2).
SHALLIYT' "God (ALAH) is ruler over the
realm of mankind" Daniel (5:21).


94. AN-NOOR "ALLAH is the Light of the heavens

and the earth" Quran (24:35). The True Light, The
One Who guides towards the right path.
'ORE "Light" Psalms (27:1).

95. AL-QAYYIM The Maintainer, The One Who Set

up His creation and maintains the same.
The Prophet of ALLAH, Muhammad (Peace be
upon him) used to say in late-night prayer: "O
ALLAH! All Praise belongs to You; You are Noor
(the Light) of the heavens and the earth and all
that is within them. All Praise is due to You, You
are Qayyim (the Keeper) of the heavens and
the earth and all that is within them."30
'ALAH-SHAMAYIN-QUWM (Aramaic) "The God
(ALAH) of heaven set up a kingdom" Da-2:44.

96. AL-BAAD'I "Wonderful Originator of the heavens

and the earth, and when He decrees an affair, He
only says to it, Be, so there it is" Quran (2:117).
"Wonderful Originator of the heavens and the
earth! How could He have a son when He has no
consort, and He (Himself) created everything, and
He is the Knower of all things" Quran (6:101). The
Incomparable, The Magnificent Creator of all.
"The God (
) is of Incomparable" Eph (2:7).


97. AL-BAAQI "But forever will Abide Thy Sustainers

Self, Full of Majesty and Glory" Quran (55:27). The
Reality of ALLAH as in Quran (28:88): "Everything is bound to perish, save His [Eternal] Self".
ALLAH is the One Who Abides forever and ever.
"The Everlasting God (
)" Romans (16:26).

98. AL-WAARITH "And verily, it is We Who give life,

and Who give death: it is We Who remain
Inherited (after all else passes away)" Quran
(15:23). The Supreme Inheritor, The True Inheritor,
The One Whos Existence remains; He is the One
Who gives inheritance to whomsoever He Wills.
YARASH "God giveth you to possess it" Psl-37:22

99. AD-DAYYAAN The True Final Supreme Judge,

The Messenger of ALLAH, Muhammad (Peace and
blessings be upon him) said, "ALLAH (Mighty and
Glorious is He) will gather the people (on the day
of judgement), and call them with a Voice which
will be heard by those who will be far away and
those who will be near, by saying, 'I Am Al-Malik
(the True and Only King), I Am Ad-Dayyaan (the
True and Final Supreme Judge of all)."31
DAYAN "(He) the One to Judge between you and
me" 1 Samuel (24:15).


We have witnessed the glaring and illustrating reality of the
Sacred and Beautiful Names of ALLAH co-existing in the Quran,
Hadith, and Bible. In spite of linguistic differentiation, we find
the wonderful similarity both from phonetic and connotative
point of view.
It is time that we take to heart, the call of ALLAH. We should
give the required attention and response to the global, universal,
humanistic and forward-looking call.
As stressed by the Holy Quran (2:21) "O mankind! Serve your
Guardian-Lord Who created you and those before you so that
you may guard (against evil)". And it also calls upon mankind
(35:3) "O mankind! Call to mind the favour of ALLAH on you; is
there any creator besides ALLAH who gives you sustenance
from the heaven and the earth? There is no God but He; whence
are you then turned away?"
acknowledgment of God's Unity was to remain the heart of
Islam in whichever way it was understood, and the only sin that
cannot be forgiven is shrik, 'associating something to God.'"
"The duty of human beings is to surrender to this Unique,
Omnipotent God, the Merciful, the Compassionate; to surrender
from the bottom of one's heart, with one's whole soul and one's
entire mind. The word 'Islam' means this complete surrender to
the Divine Will; and the one who practices such surrender is a
Muslim" (Islam: An Introduction, State University, NY, 1992, p.14).
Thus, "Islam is not a new religion founded by Prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Muhammad (Peace be upon
him) was chosen by God to deliver His Message of Peace,
namely Islam. He was born in Arabia, and was entrusted with
the Message of Islam when he was at the age of forty years. The
revelation that he received is called Koran, while the Message is
called Islam (A peaceful way of surrendering to God). Muhammad
(Peace be upon him) is the very last Prophet of God to mankind.
He is the final Messenger of God. His Message was also to the
Christians, the Jews and the rest of mankind. He was sent to
those religious people to inform them about the true mission of
Jesus, Moses, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham (Peace be upon them).
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is considered to be the
summation and the culmination of all the Prophets and
Messengers that came before him. He purified the previous


Messages from adulteration and completed the Message of God

for all humanity. He was entrusted with the power of
explaining, interpreting and living the teaching of the Koran"(Oracle Education Library,, Under Koran and
Islam, USA, 1999).
The message given by ALLAH to humanity through His last
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), Al-Quran reminds us
about the presence of an Omnipresent and Omnipotent
Authority Who is ever ready to fulfil mans hopes and
aspirations. The very concept of Unity of God and Mankind
activates the intellect of the man to create enormous urge to take
to the Right path abandoning atheism, polytheism and
The teachings of the Holy Quran are simple and universal. The
principle of Universal Brotherhood has been stressed time after
time in the teachings of Islam.
Thus, one has to embrace this message and Prophethood of
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) who has clearly conveyed the
Divine guidance to guide and regulate the human conduct and
behaviour in all walks of life in accordance with the teachings
and principles of Islam, as envisaged in the Holy Quran (Laws of
ALLAH) and Hadith (Teachings of Prophet). This advocates a
God-bound society but ideal, dynamic and justly balanced
society, which is an essentiality for humanity so that man may
live a Pure, Peaceful and Purposeful life.
We close this elucidation of ALLAH's Sacred and Beautiful
Names by opening the gates of Divine Message and Guidance as
envisaged by the Holy Quran (59:24) "He is ALLAH, the Creator,
the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or Colours). To Him belong
the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on
earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory, and He is the Exalted
in Might, the Wise".
"And thus (O Prophet Muhammad, on whom be peace) Proclaim
the Message (of ALLAH)! Verily, verily, your ALLAH is One! Lord of the heavens and of the earth and all between them, and
Lord of every point at the rising of the sun!" (Quran 37:3-5).
O ALLAH, bestow favours on Prophet Muhammad (Sall ALLAH Hu Alaihi Wa
Aalihi Wa Sallam) and on the family of Prophet Muhammad (Sall ALLAH Hu
Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam) as you had bestowed favours on Prophet Abraham
and on the family of Prophet Abraham. Verily You are the Praised, the Glorious.


1. Encyclopaedia Britannica:
2. BBC World Service, Bush House, London UK :
3. Wikipedia encyclopaedia: Jimmy Wales, 2003. http://en.Wikipedia.
org/ wiki/Samaritan_Hebrew_language.
4. Mankind's search for God / Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A.: Watchtower
Bible and Tract Society of New York: International Bible Students
Association, c1990 (BL80.2 .M2853 1990).
5. Ibid: 3.
6. Andrews University, Michigan, 2005, Lesson 2: On-Line Hebrew.
7. Tractate Succah 49a; See Jerusalem, Eye of the Universe, Rabbi Aryeh
Kaplan, chapter 8:
8. The Holy Tongue Canon Michael Lewis Ed, This article appeared in
The Hebrew Catholic No: 78, pg. 23.
9. Encyclopedia of Thelema, 2005, Ecclesia Gnostica Universalis.
10. C. L. Seow, A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew (Nashville: Abingdon
Press, 1987), p. 19.
11. Ethelyn Simon, The first Hebrew primer for adults, 2nd ed.
(Oakland, CA: EKS Publishing Company, 1983), p. 48.
12. The standard Hebrew grammar, E. Kautzsch, Gesenius' Hebrew
Grammar, 2nd English ed., A. E. Cowley, trans. (London: Oxford
University Press, 1910, 1976), pp. 398, 399.
14. Ibid: 4.
15. The Mythology of All Races, Vol. 5, pp. 42-43.
16. Dr. Pastor Cohen G. Reckart, Yahweh is a pagan name
17. Torah (Taurat) the word of Almighty ALLAH revealed upon
Prophet Moses (Peace be upon him).
18. Psalms (Zabur) the word of Almighty ALLAH revealed upon
Prophet David (Peace be upon him) after the contamination of
Torah (Taurat).
19. Gospel (Injeel) the word of Almighty ALLAH revealed upon
Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon him) after the contamination of
Psalms (Zabur).
20. Quran the word of Almighty ALLAH revealed upon the last
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) after the contamination
of Gospel (Injeel). It is the last revelation of ALLAH for the
guidance of entire creation, and ALLAH Himself took its
responsibility for its preservation, as He said in Quran (15:9) "We
have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will
assuredly guard it (from corruption)".
21. Calligraphy of "The Most Beautiful Names of ALLAH," by Tosun
Bayrak al-Jerrahi al-Halveti, Threshold Books, 1985.
22. Sunan Tirmidhi (5/530, Hadeeth No: 3507), by Imaam Tirmidhi.


23. Reported by Abu Hurairah (may ALLAH be pleased with him):

Shahi Muslim in Kitab 'Zakaah'; and Arba'iin Nawawi, No: 10.
24. Reported by Bukhari and Muslim; also by Riyadh Saleheen of
Nawawi, No: 633.
25. Rep: by Anas ibn Malik, related in Musnad Ahmed Vol. 3,p.158.
26. Duwa-e-az-Hazrat Owas Qarni (radi ALLAHu anh).
27. Related by Abu Dawud, Nasaa'i, and Ahmed; See Sahih Jaami
Sagheer of Albaani, No: 1756.
28. Hadith of Abu Dawud by Shaykh Imam Abu Dawud and also see
Sahih-ul-jamaih, No: 4591.
29. Reported by Ibn Abbaas (may ALLAH be pleased with him),
Related by Shahi Hadith, Volume 2, Book. 21, No: 221.
30. Ibid :29.
31. Reported Abdullah ibn Unais (may ALLAH be pleased with him),
Related by Bukhari, Vol. 9, Kitab 'Tawhid'.
32. Holy Quran translation of Pickthal, Shakir, Md. Asad, and Yusuf
Aliss translation published in the Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah,
KSA. Web Source:
33. Asma al-Husna The Islamic Foundation of North America, 2002.
34. The New American Standard, Bible, 1960, 1962, 1971, 1972, 1973,
1975, 1977, 1995, by Lockman Foundation.
35. The Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon is Brown, Driver, Briggs,
Gesenius Lexicon; keyed to the "Theological Word Book of the OT".
36. The Holy Bible 1611 Edition: King James Version published by
Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1982; reprint of the 1611, KJV.
37. Bible tr., The Message, Eugene H. Peterson, 2002.
38. Bible tr., NLV, by Christian Literature International, 1969.
39. King James 21st century by Deuel Enterprises, Inc. 1994.
40. The World English Bible (WEB) is a Public Domain based on the
American Standard Version of the Holy Bible 1901 by Thomas
Nelson & Sons. The Biblia Hebraica Stutgartensa Old Testament
and the Greek Majority Text New Testament.
41. NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic
and Greek Dictionaries, Copyright 1981, 1998 by Lockman
42. Heart light web page (2001), this site
incorporates dozens of Bible translations, as well as commentaries
concordances, dictionaries, lexicons and more.
43. Hebrew Old Testament, Unicode version of the Hebrew Bible is
derived from the Westminister Leningrad Codex (WLC) of the
Westminister Hebrew Institute. Provided by Christopher V.
Kimball, West Redding, USA:
44. Aramaic/English Peshitta Interlinear Translation by Paul D.
Younan's. 2004, See:
45. Aramaic the Language of Jesus (Peace be upon him), see The
Aramaic Bible Research Directory, (2001) Metamind publications.




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