The Way To Pious

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Q. 5.

Is the Great ProphetNoor (Light) and did



authorized of the religion?

Q.14: There had been a very severe disagreement

among the Holy Researchers (Muhaqqeqeen)




independent (authorized) and the distributor of His



only proved with the Sahih narrations that the

birth happened on Monday. In the past, the Holy
Researchers attended to the 9th of the Rabi-ulAawal. Do you know that according to the
research of the Egyptian autonomists of the
modern age, the Monday was proved at the 9th of
the Rabi-ul-Awaal not at the 12th?



slaves and does he listen to the Salam of his




about the date of the birth of the Prophet . It is

and Hadith that: is the Great Prophet near to his

Q. 11: Has Allah made His Beloved

Q. 13. Has Allah also made His Beloved the


dress of human nature?

Q.7. Does the Great Prophet have invisible
knowledge? Give the answer with the reference of
the Holy Quran and Hadith?
Q. 8. Do the Holy Saints help by the grant of
Q.9. How is it to cry (call) by saying with to
the beloved servants of Allah. Give the answer
with reference of Quran and Hadith?
Q.10. Reply with the reference of the Holy Quran



he come in the world in Human nature? Reply with

the reference of the Quran and Hadith.
Q. 6. Why did the Great Prophetcome in the


authority of

Q. 12: Has the Great Prophet


Author Expressions
Q. 1. What does Polytheism mean?
Q. 2. How many kinds of polytheism are there?
Q. 3. What is Innovation?
Q. 4. What is Worship (Salah)?

Q: 15. In the age of the Universe Blessing , the

month of Rabi-ul-Awwal came approamately 63
times. By which Hadith is it proved that he
claimed to celebrate the festival of his birthday
(Milad) and he came out with procession and
illuminates as the customary behaviour.
Q:16. Did the Prophet celebrate the birth day of



his grand father Hazrat Ibraheem or any

other prophet if it was Jaiz to celebrate the festival


of birth date of the Holy Prophets .


to act upon the sample of the Great Prophets


Friends not an increament in the

religion and innovation?



by using the name of the Prophet that if the



the sample of the Great Prophet and the Holy

follow his Sunnah?

Q: 25. Is it against the teaching of the Prophet who
has taught us to remove the hindrance in the shape
of thorns and stones through the way, not to block
the road by processing and used his name?
Q: 26. Is it Jaiz that the spendthrift of the sources



mourning at the death day of the Great Prophet

on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal?

Q. 21: Did our brothers not say Barah Wafat
instead of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi to the 12th Rabiul-Awwal?
Q:22. Is to act something which is not proved by


Blessing of the World for spending the life, not

about them in Hadithes?

not the twelveth of Rabi-ul-Awwal in the eyes of

all the Ahle Sunnat consentedly?
Q. 20: Did the Holy Friends not
become senseless or un-controlled because of

life and his offered Islamic principles?

Q: 24. Is the biggest proof of the love of the

saying of the Prophet of Allah and the teachings

Q. 19: Is the Demise day of the Great Prophet


appearance of the Blessing of the universe , not


Q: 17. Did the Holy Friends who loved

the Prophet matchlessly and boundlessly ever
celebrate the Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi festival?
Q:18. Is there narration of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi
and teaching about it in Hadithes as there is the
narration of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adhha in the

Q:23. Is the method of thanking Allah at the great

boons that was granted to us by Allah in the



expenditures may be deposited, thousand of

unemployed can become employed while the
Prophet taught the absoluter of the flowing river
to void the extravagant?
Q: 27. Is the performance of the birth-day not a
ceremony of Jews and Christians whose opposition


has been ordered by the Prophet of Allah?

Q: 28. Are to display the lights and to come out
with the procession not the worships of Hinduism?
Q. 29: Is it Jaiz to illuminate and that is even
done by the stolen electricity?











the Great Prophet, the Holy Friends

and the saints? Reply with the reference of Quran

and Hadith?

Q: 39. Prove the ofference and dedication of the

saints of Allah with the reference of the Quran
and Hadith, and explain.
Q: 40. What does Isal-e-Sawab mean?



Q: 41. Does Isal-e-Swab reach to the deceased

(dead) person?
Q: 42. What is the Islamic capacity of Soem (the
third day) and Chehlum (the fortieth day)?
Q: 43. Why are the day, time and date fixed at the
occasion of Soem and Chehlum?
Q: 44. What is Fateha?
Q: 45. How is to recite Fateha on victuals and to
recite on front of victuals?
Q: 46. How is it to respect elders standing and to
kiss their hands in the Islamic rules?
Q: 47. Is it lawful to construct shrines? Prove with
the reference of the Holy Quran and Hadith
Q: 48. Is it lawful to offer presence at shrines?
Reply with the reference of the Quran and
Q: 49. What is the order about putting the sheath
on shrines?
Q: 50. How is it to put flower and plants on graves
according to Hadith?
Q: 51. Reply against the reason of ill-religious
about the worship of grave?
Q: 52. Is it correct to hold the Urs of saints?
Q: 53. Whether it is Jaiz to write Kalmah-eTayyibah or the Quranic verses at the forehead of
the dead body or his/her coffia?
Q: 54. What is the reality of keeping Shajrah, Ahad



Q. 30: Is it Jaiz to offer Durood and Salam

before Azan?
Q: 31. Which traditioners write Jaiz to Durood
and Salam before Azan?
Q: 32. Is it Jaiz to offer Durood and Salam after
Q: 33. How is to touch the Kissed thumbs with
eyes at the name of Muhammad during or except
Q: 34. The Hadith of kissing the thumbs which
was narrated about Hazrat Abu Baker is
Zaeef (Week).
Q: 35. Is there a proof of kissing the thumbs in
reliable books of Fiqah Hanfi?
Q: 36. How is it in the religion of Islam to offer the
Salat and Salam standly?
Q: 37. When should the Imam and Muqtadi stand
during the Iqamat for the Salah?
Q: 38. Is it Jaiz to hold the means (waseelah) of




Namah and Nale-e-Pak in the grave?

Q: 55. It is said that the Ahad Namah and Shajrah
should not keep over the dead body?



Q: 59. What do you mean by Ummi?
Q: 60. Some people says polytheist to the parents


of the Great Prophet, so prove that they were



Muslims with the reference of the Quran and

Q: 61. Was the father of Hazrat Ibrahim Azar
not an idol?
Q: 62. Will the relation of the Great Prophet
give us any benefit?


know how to

Q: 58. Did the Great Prophet

Q: 63. Some people say that the Holy Prophets

are sinner. Please, reply it.

Q: 64. Some people say about Hazrat Adam
that he could not avoid from the sin then how
can we avoid from sins?
Q: 65. Hazrat Dawood looked at the





(This is mischievous deed). It

was known that he killed cruelly him and that is a

big crime.
Q: 67. It is proved by the Holy Quran that
Zulaikha intended to fornicate which is a big crime
you have said that the Prophets wife is not
shameless, then how is Zulaikha the wife of Yusuf
because she was shameless and evildoer, therefore, accept that their Nikah was not
solemnized or this statement is wrong. Reply.
Q: 68. For what time is the prevalent of the Naat
congregation? Reply with reference of Hadiths.
Q: 69. How is to offer Zikr loudly after the
prayer or except the prayer?
Q: 70. What is the reality of the Holy Shoe (Nal-ePak)?
Q: 71. How is to offer fix and hang at height the
Holy Shoe which is the foot wearing of the Great


have enlarged the dignity of the Prophet than

Q: 57. How is to name Abdul Mustafa, Abdul
Rasool and Abdul Ali, according to the Quran and



Q: 56. You so praise the Great Prophet as you

woman belonging to Oriya with bad vision which

is narrated in Surah-e-Saad and this is surely a
crime. Reply this.
Q: 66. Hazrat Moosa killed a Qibti and


Prophet ?
Q: 72. There is a Hadith in the Mishkat that it
should not be travelled to any place except Masjide-Haram, Masjid-e-Aqsa and Masjid-e-Nabawi.






Q: 79. Prove with the reference of Hadith that the


saw his Substainer at the night of

Q: 80. Prove with the reference of Hadithes the
blessings Meraj Night and arrangement of the
worship specially at this night?
Q: 81. How is it to offer Saum at the day of 27th



Q: 87. Is it proved the Kramat (miracles) of Holy

Men by the Holy Book?
Q: 88. Reply with the reference of the Holy Quran
and Hadith that can we get benefit from the sacred
relics of saints of Allah?
Q: 89. Narrate the dignity of Holy Hair with the
reference of Hadith, further that did the Holy
Friends respect the Holy Hair?
Q: 90. From where have the Holy Hair come? Is




prophets ?


the Great Prophet at the night of Meraj?

Great Prophet

Q: 82. Whats the reality of Braat Night?

Q: 83. By which Hadith, is it proved to go to the
graveyard at Braat Night?
Q: 84. According to the Quran and Hadith, is it
Jaiz to tie or wear Taweez ?
Q: 85. Which Taweezat and threads are prohibited
to tie in the world?
Q: 86. Are the Prophets of Allah the born


Then, why do the people travel to the saints

shrines with the intention of seeing them?
Q: 73. Prove the reality of Wilayat with the
reference of the Holy Quran and Hadithes?
Q: 74. It is the virtue of Almighty Substainer to
give life to the dead. Can the Holy Men give the
life to the dead? Reply with the reference of the
Holy Quran and Hadith?
Q: 75. How is it to take place the days of Holy
Men according to the Islamic teachings?
Q: 76. Here, it is celebrated Gyarwi Shreef of
Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam at the eleventh
night of the Islamic month. Whats Islamic
teaching about it?
Q: 77. Prove the reality of Meraj with the
reference of the Holy Quran?
Q: 78. Reply the Hadith in which Hazrat Aisha
says that she did not lose the body of



there in any Hadith that the Great Prophet

distributed his hair?
Q: 91. How is it to say Shreef (Holy) to a sacred
Q: 92. Does the requital go to dead people if we
convey them? Some people say that the requital
does not go to the dead bodies. Reply with the
reference of the Holy Quraan and Hadithes.


Q: 93. Why is Murshid and Rahnooma (the

religious leader and guide) necessary? Was it
ordered in the Holy Quran?
Q: 94. What is Taqleed and what is the Islamic
reality of Taqleed?
Q: 95. How far should the hands be raised at the
time of Takbeer-e-Tahreemah?
Q: 96. How is to do Rafa Yadain in the Prayer?
Q: 97. At where should the hands be folded in the
Q: 98. Is it prohibited and unlawful (Na-Jaiz) to
recite the Holy Quran behind the Imam?
Q: 99. Should Tasmiyah be said
Q: 100. Is it sunnah for both the Imam and the
Muqtadi to say Ameen slowly?
Q: 101. What times should Tasbeehat be said in
Rukoo and Sujood?
Q: 102. Prove the words Ta shuhhud with
Q: 103. How many sentences are more in Iqamat?
Reply with the reference of Hadith.


Q: 104. How many Rakaat are there in the Witr

Q: 105. How many Rakaat are there in Traweeh?
Q: 106. Is it not Jaiz to recite in Salat-ul Janazah?












Q: 107. Is it Jaiz to say Ghaibanah Salat-ulJanazah?

Q: 108. How is it to say Salah with bare head?
Q: 109. How many days are there for sacrifice and
can we sacrifice in the fourth day?
Q: 110. Is it Jaiz to say Salat-ul-Janazah in
Q: 111. How is it to pray after the Salat-ulJanazah? Some people call it an innovation?
Q: 112. What is the reality of returning the hands
to the face after praying according to the Islamic
Q: 113. Some people say that only Fardh prayers
should be prayed and there is no the Islamic reality
of Sunnat-e-Moakkadah and Ghair Sunnat-eMoakkada. Reply this with the reference of
Q: 114. How is it to say or write with
the non-holy friend?
Q: 115. How is it to beg the second prayer after the
Salah because some people say it an innovation?
Q: 116. Is it Sunnah to say Azan two times for
Q: 117. How is it to say Azan at the grave after the
burial of the dead body? Reply with the reference
of Hadith.
Q: 118. Is it Sunnah to say Azan at the grave?





Prophet ?

Q: 119. It is the Three Divorce to divorce thrice in

one time but some people say it like only One
Divorce. Reply this in detail.
Q: 120. Both Imam Ahmed Raza and
Ashraf Ali Thanwi got education together in Darul-Uloom. One day, they disputed at Halwah
(sweet) and Imam Ahmed Raza built his separated
Dar-ul-Uloom in Braili. Is it true?
Q: 121: When did the Qadiyanism start?
Q: 122. Prove with the refrence of the Holy Quran
Q: 123. Qadeyanis take an objection that in this
verse, it is narrated the word while why do you
make the translation of the word ?
Q: 124. What does mean according to the

our Prophet is ( the last of the Prophets

hood after our Prophet?

Q: 126. Who is the person who claims the prophet-

Q: 127. Is there the Ijma (agreement) of the Holy

Friends at of the Great


Q: 130. Do the Qadeyanis deceive the common

Muslims saying Kufariyah Kalemat?
Q: 131. Due to which claims did scholars of
Ummah issue the Fatwa of infidelity for Mirza
Ghulam Ahmed Qadeyani and his followers?
Q: 132. What is the saying of Qadeyanis about the
person who do not believe in Mirza Ghulam
Ahmed Qadeyani a prophet?
Q: 133. Why is the Hadith needed while all the
principles of the religion Islam are presented in the
Holy Quran?
Q: 134. If the Hadith is needed to recognize the
Holy Quran then, is the Holy Quran needy of the
Holy Hadith?
Q: 135. Has the necessity of the Hadith been
narrated in the Holy Quran?
Q: 136. Was it used to write the saying of the


Q: 129. In the last, you will say that although we

have given all the reasons yet Hazrat Essa
will come and He is also a Prophet. Reply



Q: 125. Prove with the reference of the Hadith that


our Prophet is ?


that our Prophet is ( the last Prophet)?

Q: 128. Do the Ummah Scholars agree at this that

Prophet in the age of the Prophet?










Q: 137. Today, it is being spread in our youth

specially who wears paint shirt that when they
enter into a Masjid they twist their paint legs and
some time, they bend them too much while some
people twist their Shalwar from the upper side.
What is the Islamic teaching about it?

wearing pant shirt and coat & ties and having a very small
beard or has no beard sees as the greatest Mufti of the world.
Only Allah is the Protector of the Islamic teachings where
there is such a condition that such people would teach us the
religion. It is afraid that the youth generation believes in them
being impressed by their sweet talking and pay more attention
to their speech than the Holy Muftiyan and Ulama.

Author Expressions


May Allah empower my pen so that I may take on the



In this dangerous age, everywhere sees misleading,

selfishness, mischievousty and irreligionity. It is being worked
under a strong conspiracy against the Islamic faiths and
believes. It is very wonderful that Jews and Christians are
making their plan fulfilled against the Islamic faiths and
believes through the saying namely Muslims. They do not
appear in the front but they use this media and press to fulfill
their bad intentions.

At media, every person who sings a song, acts in films,

plays roles in dramas, plays musical instruments, sinner,

On the second side, Muslims are being mis-led through

using the name of the Holy Quran and Hadith. Muslims are
being turned away from the Islamic faiths and believes which
have been trusted for Khair-ul-Quroon (the good centuries).
Mis-whisperings are being created against those faiths.
Common and simple Muslims who are far from the religion
knowledge and good surroundings are being inflicted in
sedition because of creating mischief in the religion. Different
types of questions are created in his mind and he appears
disable to reply these questions due to his ignorance and
carelessness of the Islamic teachings. Not only this but also he
knows his true religion and passage (maslak) as untrue or
false. Keeping these affairs in view, therefore, the answers of
one hundred thirty-seven questions with reference to the Holy
Quran, Hadithes and the reliable books of the Islamic
scholars, are presented which study makes you that no devil
mis-whispering may raise in your mind. This book must be
studied for the freshness and firmness of the belief. You must
try to study two pages from this book daily and strengthen the


aware of the religion. Remember! , it will be a cause of

The Way to Pious ()

has been


published more than forty thousand yet, but this has been
enlarged. We expect that you will support us to carry even this
new edition to the public. May Allah grant us the all Muslims
the emotions and passions for truly serving of the religion and
make this book beneficial for Muslims.


I dedicate this book to the Great Prophet , his lovely

friends , his lovely family members , my

Imam-Abu Hanifa and all the reneutor Imams, Ghous-

ul-Azam and all the Holy Saints, Ala Hazrat

and my spiritual guide; and my lovely and dear mother.
Servant of Ahle Sunnat
The Mendicant Shahzad Turabi

Islamic Website:


your salvation and forgiveness if the belief of a Muslim

remains safe by your this deed.

You yourselves study this book and present it to your

friends as well as distribute it for conveying the requital to
your demise people or relatives and more over carry the
Islamic faiths and teachings to the houses of those who are un-

The author has completely tried to avoid from any
mistake in the completion of this book but to err is human. So,
inform the author if you find any mistake in any affair or
statement, please.


answers in your mind appending some time out of your

valuable schedule so that no person or group who has enmity
against Islam may mislead you.

Certified By

Certified By


In spite of without repose I, a mendicant, studied some

topics of the book named (The way to Pious) compiled by my
respected and superior friend Mulana Muhammad Shahzad
Qadri Turabi.


Sheikh of Tariqat, Guide of Shriat, saint full of

Blessing, leader of Ahle-Sunnat, Preacher of the Islamic world
The President of Jamaat-e-Ahle Sunnat Allama Moulana
Shah Turab-ul-Haq Qadri .

The writer of four thousand books and magazines and

the greatest author of the Sub-Continent, the Transliterator of
the Holy Quran and the Shiekh of Hadith, Allama Moulana
Mufti Abu-Al-Saleh Muhammad Faiz Ahmed Owaisi

This mendicant has had a cursory look at the book

(The way to Pious) with reference to the clarifications of
scholars the praise worthy author has given the replies of the
objections taken against Ahle Sunnat-O-Jamaat.


It is prayed to Almighty Allah that He accept this

effort of the praise-worthy author and grant him more strength
to serve the powerful religion and make this book beneficial
for all and sundry.

Allama Moulana Shah Turab-ul-Haq Qadri


What marvelous these topics are! The second is

that they are intangible to all. He has set up nearly 137 topics
and made an effective effort to clear each affair mind in the
It has been stored the knowledge enough for the seeker
of the truth path. Lord accepts the endeavours of the
complier by virtue of His Beloved , make it for the readers
(lookers) and make the pen of the friend more powerful.

Abu-Al-Saleh Muhammad Faiz Ahmed Owaisi Rizwi




When I read the book Sirat-ul-Abrar (the way of

pious), I needed its translation in English language so that the
English might get the benefits of the knowledge of Allama
Shahzad Turabi Qadri as well as recognize the religion Islam
with its reality and know the origin Islamic teaching; and
avoid themselves from the wrong theories of the Ill-religious
people. Everyone must study this book and present it to ones
friends and other relatives. May Allah increase us in our
knowledge and select us for the service of His religion!

Irfan Saleem Turabi


Q. 5. Is the Great ProphetNoor (Light) and did


May Allah bless our noble Prophet Muhammad; and

his progeny and his companions and eulogise him with


In Allahs Name, who is the most affectionate, the

most Merciful. All praises to Allah, the Sustainer of the entire
universe; the Supreme owner of the Day of Judgment.

Author Expressions
Q. 1. What does Polytheism mean?
Q. 2. How many kinds of polytheism are there?
Q. 3. What is Innovation?
Q. 4. What is Worship (Salah)?
he come in the world in Human nature? Reply with
the reference of the Quran and Hadith.


Q. 6. Why did the Great Prophetcome in the

dress of human nature?


Q.7. Does the Great Prophet have invisible

knowledge? Give the answer with the reference of
the Holy Quran and Hadith?
Q. 8. Do the Holy Saints help by the grant of


Q.9. How is it to cry (call) by saying with to

the beloved servants of Allah. Give the answer
with reference of Quran and Hadith?
Q.10. Reply with the reference of the Holy Quran
and Hadith that: is the Great Prophet near to his
slaves and does he listen to the Salam of his



Q:16. Did the Prophet celebrate the birth day of



Q. 12: Has the Great Prophet


his grand father Hazrat Ibraheem or any

other prophet if it was Jaiz to celebrate the festival


independent (authorized) and the distributor of His


of birth date of the Holy Prophets .

authority of

Q. 13. Has Allah also made His Beloved the

authorized of the religion?


saying of the Prophet of Allah and the teachings

about the date of the birth of the Prophet . It is

about them in Hadithes?

not the twelveth of Rabi-ul-Awwal in the eyes of

all the Ahle Sunnat consentedly?


Q: 15. In the age of the Universe Blessing , the

month of Rabi-ul-Awwal came approamately 63

times. By which Hadith is it proved that he
claimed to celebrate the festival of his birthday
(Milad) and he came out with procession and
illuminates as the customary behaviour.



Q. 19: Is the Demise day of the Great Prophet


only proved with the Sahih narrations that the

birth happened on Monday. In the past, the Holy
Researchers attended to the 9th of the Rabi-ulAawal. Do you know that according to the
research of the Egyptian autonomists of the
modern age, the Monday was proved at the 9th of
the Rabi-ul-Awaal not at the 12th?

the Prophet matchlessly and boundlessly ever

celebrate the Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi festival?
Q:18. Is there narration of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi
and teaching about it in Hadithes as there is the
narration of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adhha in the


Q.14: There had been a very severe disagreement

among the Holy Researchers (Muhaqqeqeen)


Q: 17. Did the Holy Friends who loved




Q. 11: Has Allah made His Beloved



Q. 20: Did the Holy Friends not become

senseless or un-controlled because of mourning at
the death day of the Great Prophet on the 12th

of Rabi-ul-Awwal?
Q. 21: Did our brothers not say Barah Wafat
instead of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi to the 12th Rabiul-Awwal?
Q:22. Is to act something which is not proved by



the sample of the Great Prophet and the Holy

religion and innovation?
Q:23. Is the method of thanking Allah at the great
boons that was granted to us by Allah in the


Friends not an increament in the


appearance of the Blessing of the universe , not

life and his offered Islamic principles?

Q: 24. Is the biggest proof of the love of the


Blessing of the World for spending the life, not


was narrated about Hazrat Abu Baker is



follow his Sunnah?

Q: 25. Is it against the teaching of the Prophet who
has taught us to remove the hindrance in the shape
of thorns and stones through the way, not to block
the road by processing and used his name?
Q: 26. Is it Jaiz that the spendthrift of the sources


to act upon the sample of the Great Prophets

by using the name of the Prophet that if the

expenditures may be deposited, thousand of

unemployed can become employed while the
Prophet taught the absoluter of the flowing river

to void the extravagant?

Q: 27. Is the performance of the birth-day not a
ceremony of Jews and Christians whose opposition

has been ordered by the Prophet of Allah?

Q: 28. Are to display the lights and to come out

with the procession not the worships of Hinduism?
Q. 29: Is it Jaiz to illuminate and that is even
done by the stolen electricity?
Q. 30: Is it Jaiz to offer Durood and Salam
before Azan?
Q: 31. Which traditioners write Jaiz to Durood
and Salam before Azan?
Q: 32. Is it Jaiz to offer Durood and Salam after
Q: 33. How is to touch the Kissed thumbs with
eyes at the name of Muhammad during or except
Q: 34. The Hadith of kissing the thumbs which


Zaeef (Week).
Q: 35. Is there a proof of kissing the thumbs in
reliable books of Fiqah Hanfi?
Q: 36. How is it in the religion of Islam to offer the
Salat and Salam standly?
Q: 37. When should the Imam and Muqtadi stand
during the Iqamat for the Salah?
Q: 38. Is it Jaiz to hold the means (waseelah) of



the Great Prophet, the Holy Friends


and the saints? Reply with the reference of Quran

and Hadith?


Q: 52. Is it correct to hold the Urs of saints?

Q: 53. Whether it is Jaiz to write Kalmah-eTayyibah or the Quranic verses at the forehead of
the dead body or his/her coffia?
Q: 54. What is the reality of keeping Shajrah, Ahad
Namah and Nale-e-Pak in the grave?
Q: 55. It is said that the Ahad Namah and Shajrah
should not keep over the dead body?




Q: 56. You so praise the Great Prophet as you


have enlarged the dignity of the Prophet than

Q: 57. How is to name Abdul Mustafa, Abdul
Rasool and Abdul Ali, according to the Quran and





Q: 39. Prove the ofference and dedication of the

saints of Allah with the reference of the Quran
and Hadith, and explain.
Q: 40. What does Isal-e-Sawab mean?
Q: 41. Does Isal-e-Swab reach to the deceased
(dead) person?
Q: 42. What is the Islamic capacity of Soem (the
third day) and Chehlum (the fortieth day)?
Q: 43. Why are the day, time and date fixed at the
occasion of Soem and Chehlum?
Q: 44. What is Fateha?
Q: 45. How is to recite Fateha on victuals and to
recite on front of victuals?
Q: 46. How is it to respect elders standing and to
kiss their hands in the Islamic rules?
Q: 47. Is it lawful to construct shrines? Prove with
the reference of the Holy Quran and Hadith
Q: 48. Is it lawful to offer presence at shrines?
Reply with the reference of the Quran and
Q: 49. What is the order about putting the sheath
on shrines?
Q: 50. How is it to put flower and plants on graves
according to Hadith?
Q: 51. Reply against the reason of ill-religious
about the worship of grave?




Q: 58. Did the Great Prophet





know how to

Q: 59. What do you mean by Ummi?
Q: 60. Some people says polytheist to the parents
of the Great Prophet, so prove that they were
Muslims with the reference of the Quran and
Q: 61. Was the father of Hazrat Ibrahim Azar
not an idol?
Q: 62. Will the relation of the Great Prophet
give us any benefit?
Q: 63. Some people say that the Holy Prophets




Q: 64. Some people say about Hazrat Adam

that he could not avoid from the sin then how
can we avoid from sins?



Q: 66. Hazrat Moosa killed a Qibti and


(This is mischievous deed). It



was known that he killed cruelly him and that is a

big crime.
Q: 67. It is proved by the Holy Quran that
Zulaikha intended to fornicate which is a big crime
you have said that the Prophets wife is not
shameless, then how is Zulaikha the wife of Yusuf
because she was shameless and evil-doer,

therefore, accept that their Nikah was not

solemnized or this statement is wrong. Reply.
Q: 68. For what time is the prevalent of the Naat
congregation? Reply with reference of Hadiths.
Q: 69. How is to offer Zikr loudly after the
prayer or except the prayer?
Q: 70. What is the reality of the Holy Shoe (Nal-e-

Prophet ?


Q: 72. There is a Hadith in the Mishkat that it

should not be travelled to any place except Masjide-Haram, Masjid-e-Aqsa and Masjid-e-Nabawi.
Then, why do the people travel to the saints
shrines with the intention of seeing them?
Q: 73. Prove the reality of Wilayat with the
reference of the Holy Quran and Hadithes?
Q: 74. It is the virtue of Almighty Substainer to
give life to the dead. Can the Holy Men give the
life to the dead? Reply with the reference of the
Holy Quran and Hadith?
Q: 75. How is it to take place the days of Holy
Men according to the Islamic teachings?
Q: 76. Here, it is celebrated Gyarwi Shreef of


woman belonging to Oriya with bad vision which

is narrated in Surah-e-Saad and this is surely a
crime. Reply this.



Q: 65. Hazrat Dawood looked at the

Q: 71. How is to offer fix and hang at height the
Holy Shoe which is the foot wearing of the Great

are sinner. Please, reply it.



Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam at the eleventh


night of the Islamic month. Whats Islamic

teaching about it?
Q: 77. Prove the reality of Meraj with the
reference of the Holy Quran?


Q: 78. Reply the Hadith in which Hazrat Aisha



says that she did not lose the body of the


Great Prophet at the night of Meraj?

Friends respect the Holy Hair?


Q: 79. Prove with the reference of Hadith that the

Q: 80. Prove with the reference of Hadithes the
blessings Meraj Night and arrangement of the
worship specially at this night?
Q: 81. How is it to offer Saum at the day of 27th
Q: 82. Whats the reality of Braat Night?
Q: 83. By which Hadith, is it proved to go to the
graveyard at Braat Night?
Q: 84. According to the Quran and Hadith, is it
Jaiz to tie or wear Taweez ?
Q: 85. Which Taweezat and threads are prohibited
to tie in the world?

there in any Hadith that the Great Prophet




Q: 86. Are the Prophets of Allah the born


prophets ?

Q: 87. Is it proved the Kramat (miracles) of Holy

Men by the Holy Book?
Q: 88. Reply with the reference of the Holy Quran
and Hadith that can we get benefit from the sacred
relics of saints of Allah?
Q: 89. Narrate the dignity of Holy Hair with the
reference of Hadith, further that did the Holy



distributed his hair?

Q: 91. How is it to say Shreef (Holy) to a sacred
Q: 92. Does the requital go to dead people if we
convey them? Some people say that the requital
does not go to the dead bodies. Reply with the
reference of the Holy Quraan and Hadithes.
Q: 93. Why is Murshid and Rahnooma (the
religious leader and guide) necessary? Was it
ordered in the Holy Quran?
Q: 94. What is Taqleed and what is the Islamic
reality of Taqleed?
Q: 95. How far should the hands be raised at the
time of Takbeer-e-Tahreemah?
Q: 96. How is to do Rafa Yadain in the Prayer?
Q: 97. At where should the hands be folded in the
Q: 98. Is it prohibited and unlawful (Na-Jaiz) to
recite the Holy Quran behind the Imam?


saw his Substainer at the night of

Q: 90. From where have the Holy Hair come? Is


Great Prophet


Q: 99. Should Tasmiyah be said

Q: 100. Is it sunnah for both the Imam and the






Q: 114. How is it to say or write with the

Moakkada. Reply this with the reference of






non-holy friend?
Q: 115. How is it to beg the second prayer after the
Salah because some people say it an innovation?
Q: 116. Is it Sunnah to say Azan two times for
Q: 117. How is it to say Azan at the grave after the
burial of the dead body? Reply with the reference
of Hadith.
Q: 118. Is it Sunnah to say Azan at the grave?
Q: 119. It is the Three Divorce to divorce thrice in
one time but some people say it like only One
Divorce. Reply this in detail.




Q: 104. How many Rakaat are there in the Witr

Q: 105. How many Rakaat are there in Traweeh?
Q: 106. Is it not Jaiz to recite in Salat-ul Janazah?
Q: 107. Is it Jaiz to say Ghaibanah Salat-ulJanazah?
Q: 108. How is it to say Salah with bare head?
Q: 109. How many days are there for sacrifice and
can we sacrifice in the fourth day?
Q: 110. Is it Jaiz to say Salat-ul-Janazah in
Q: 111. How is it to pray after the Salat-ulJanazah? Some people call it an innovation?
Q: 112. What is the reality of returning the hands
to the face after praying according to the Islamic
Q: 113. Some people say that only Fardh prayers
should be prayed and there is no the Islamic reality
of Sunnat-e-Moakkadah and Ghair Sunnat-e-



Muqtadi to say Ameen slowly?

Q: 101. What times should Tasbeehat be said in
Rukoo and Sujood?
Q: 102. Prove the words Ta shuhhud with
Q: 103. How many sentences are more in Iqamat?
Reply with the reference of Hadith.




Q: 120. Both Imam Ahmed Raza and

Ashraf Ali Thanwi got education together in Darul-Uloom. One day, they disputed at Halwah
(sweet) and Imam Ahmed Raza built his separated
Dar-ul-Uloom in Braili. Is it true?
Q: 121: When did the Qadiyanism start?
Q: 122. Prove with the refrence of the Holy Quran
that our Prophet is ( the last Prophet)?
Q: 123. Qadeyanis take an objection that in this
verse, it is narrated the word while why do you



make the translation of the word ?


Q: 125. Prove with the reference of the Hadith that


Q: 124. What does mean according to the


our Prophet is ( the last of the Prophets


Q: 126. Who is the person who claims the prophethood after our Prophet?
Friends at of the Great
Prophet ?


Q: 128. Do the Ummah Scholars agree at this that

our Prophet is ?



Q: 129. In the last, you will say that although we



Q: 127. Is there the Ijma (agreement) of the Holy

have given all the reasons yet Hazrat Essa

will come and He is also a Prophet. Reply

Q: 130. Do the Qadeyanis deceive the common
Muslims saying Kufariyah Kalemat?
Q: 131. Due to which claims did scholars of
Ummah issue the Fatwa of infidelity for Mirza
Ghulam Ahmed Qadeyani and his followers?




Q: 132. What is the saying of Qadeyanis about the

person who do not believe in Mirza Ghulam
Ahmed Qadeyani a prophet?
Q: 133. Why is the Hadith needed while all the
principles of the religion Islam are presented in the
Holy Quran?
Q: 134. If the Hadith is needed to recognize the
Holy Quran then, is the Holy Quran needy of the
Holy Hadith?
Q: 135. Has the necessity of the Hadith been
narrated in the Holy Quran?
Q: 136. Was it used to write the saying of the




Prophet in the age of the Prophet?


Q: 137. Today, it is being spread in our youth

specially who wears paint shirt that when they
enter into a Masjid they twist their paint legs and
some time, they bend them too much while some
people twist their Shalwar from the upper side.
What is the Islamic teaching about it?



book Shrh-e-Aqaid-e-Nasfi in this way: Polytheism means to

recognize someone worship able and reasonable being like as
fire worshippers or to admit someone for the worthy of
worship like as idolators.

Q. 2. How many kinds of polytheism are there?

Ans. There are three kinds of polytheism:


(I) ( II) ( III)

(I) Polytheism in Worship: It means that someone is

known for the worthy of worship besides Allah.
(II) Polytheism in Nature: To know the nature of someone
like Allah such as the fire-worshippers believe in
two gods.
(III) Polytheism in Virtues: To admit the virtues of
Allah in any nature and personality.

Satan stops to recognize the reality of polytheism in virues

and creates bad thoughts in adherents. Therefore, you can
understand it by the verse of the Holy Quran:
1. Allah is and :


It was known by the definition of Polytheism that the

believers of two gods like fire-worshippers are polytheists.
Similarly, those who trust in anyone besides God like idol
worshipper are polytheists.

Ans. Allama Taffazani defines Polytheism in his

Hence, if the virtue which belongs to Allah admits in a

prophet or in a saint, in an alive or in a dead, in a near one or
in a far one; polytheism will be polytheism in every case
which is unforgivable crime and great cruelty.


Q.1. What does Polytheism mean?

(Surah Baqarah, Verse 143, Part 2)

Translation: Surely, Allah is and to the mankind.

The Great Prophet is also and .

(Surah Tauba verse: 128, Part 11)

Translation: Surely, there has come to you a Rasool from
among yourselves. Your suffering is felt very heavily by him
and he seriously desires your welfare. To the believers, he is
and .
Consider at the first verse, a question comes into existence that
Raoof and Rahim are the virtues of Allah, and then the Holy


The difference will be recognized in this way that

Allah is Raoof and Rahim naturally or personally while the
Holy Prophetis Raoof and Rahim endowed by Allah.

We shall differ them in this way that Allah has

invisible knowledge personally but all the Prophets
of Allah have invisible knowledge by the endowment of
Allah. So, it is not applied the order of polytheism where the
difference of personally and grantly is clearly explained.
3. Helper is only Allah:


Therefore, the order of polytheism is not applied where the

difference of nature and endowment is cleared.
2. None has invisible knowledge:

Prophets whether is it polytheism?

whether is it polytheism?

one that Allah endowed invisible knowledge to his liked


Prophetwas said Raoof and Rahim in the second verse,

(Surah: Naml, Verse 65, Part 20)

Translation: Please declare, None in the heavens and the
earth knows the unseen except Allah.
The Holy Prophets was granted invisible

(Surah Mohammad, Verse 11, Part 26)

Translation: This is because Allah is the Helper of the
Jibraeel and the Holy saints are also helper.


(Surah: Tahreem, Verse: 4, part: 28)

Translation: He is the knower of the unseen! He does not

reveal his secrets to any O except to him whom He chooses as
a Rasool.

Translation: It is Allah who is their Helper and also Jibraeel

and the righteous believers.

(Surah : Jin, verse: 26 & 27, Part:29)

It was proved by the first verse that invisible

knowledge is a virtue of Allah but it was known by the second

Consider at the first verse, a question comes into being

that to help is the virtue of Allah then Jibraeel and the saints


The adherents and followers of Hazrat Muhammad must

not agree at polytheism in any time.

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Uqbah bin Amir the Prophet


sat on the pulpit and asked, No doubt! I am your assistant

and witness. I swear by Allah! I am seeing my pond of Kauser

at the moment and I have been given the keys of the world
treasure surely and no doubt! I do not feel any danger about
you of polytheism after me. But I am afraid that you will
entrap in the net of the world.
(The Bukhari Vol: 1, Hadith: 1258, Pg: 545,

Published Shabbir Brothers Lahore)

Q:3. What is Innovation?


Ans. Literal meaning of Innovation:

New Work, New Invention, New Talk.
Islamic (Lawful) meaning of Innovation:
Every thing or work which was not at the era of the appeared
life of the Great Prophet and was invented after his era.
There are two kinds of innovation:
Good Innovation
Bad Innovation


of Allah were said helper in the second verse; whether is it

The difference in this matter will be recognized in this
way that Allah is Helper personally while Jibraeel and the
saints are helper by the grant of Allah.
The imagination of equality is impossible between the
Nature who is granting and the Holy Person whom are being
granted and how will the polytheism be when there is no
equality between them?
Just remember! The imagination of polytheism
becomes impossible where the difference of order and
endowment of Allah is defined.


Good Innovation:
It is the manner that was discovered after the appeared
life of the Great Prophet and not against of the
Islamic principles. Such as to
with gathering, to make arch in
the high minerat of Masajid, to
Holy Quran, to offer two Azan
course to make a scholar etc.

say Salat-ut-Traveeh
Masajid, to construct
fix the vowels at the
on Friday, to set the

In the book Vol: 1 Pg: 122, with the reference

of the Hazrat Imam Shafei it is said that the
innovation that will not be against of the book of Allah,


Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah

It was known that Innovation that causes astray and

mislead and that was said Bidat-e-Dhalla or Dhalala
comes to true on this new invention (innovation) that was


the Great Prophet said, The man who has invented

a good manner and then there was acted upon it, has the
requital of own action and the action that was done by the
people who had acted upon his invented manner while they
will not feel any reduction in their requital. And the man who
discovered a bad manner and then the manner was acted, he
has his own sins and the sins of those who acted upon his
invented manner without any decrease in their sins.
(Ref. The Tirmizi, Vol: 2, Ch: Hadith: 872, Pg. 239,


principles. Such as to address the sermon of Jumah in

an other language except Arabic.
In the book Neel-ul-Awtar, Ch: Salat-ul-Traveeh,
Vol:3, Pg: 57: If the innovation belongs to the principles
which is defective in the religion, it is bad innovation.
In the book Istlahtul Fanoon, Vol: 1, Pg:133: Hazrat
Imam Shafai said that the innovation that was
against of the Holy Book, Sunnah and the agreement of the
Holy Friends , is a bad innovation.


Sunnah and the agreement of the Holy Friends ( )is a good



Pub: Farid Book Lahore)

It is narrated in tafseer-e-Rooh-ul-Byan that every
work that was invented by scholars and hermits and that is not
against of Sunnah, is a good manner.
It was known by the Hadith of the Muslim that every
good manner that did not exist in the appeared life of the Great

and that was invented in the after era and was not

Bad Innovation:
It is the manner that was discovered after the appeared
life of the Great Prophet

and against of the Islamic


against of the Islamic Principles, then it is the reason of

requital to invent and to act upon such a work.

against of the Holy Book, Sunnah of the Prophet

and the

agreement of the Holy Friends .

The summary of the whole article is that in religion,
every good manner that does not collide with the Islamic rules
is not an innovation. So, the days of saints of the religion,
worship in the Holy Night, Fortieth Day, Third Day, Death
Annivarsary, Birthday of the Mustafa

- all are good

manners. In all these manners, Allah and His Beloved

Prophet are remembered. If the Fatwa of Innovation is
fixed at these manners, every manner will be innovation that
was not done in the era of the Great Prophet.


(3) Snakes and scorpions will be appointed in the grave of

the un-worshipper.


All these tortures are for the un-worshipper. An unworshipper is not that who does not offer the worship all
the year or the whole month but an un-worshipper is that
who gives up any one time of worship knowingly during
the year or month.

Q. 5. Is the Great Prophet Noor (Light) and did he come


Ans. Worship is the first duty after believing all the necessities
of the religion with heart and soul that is not forgivable in any
case. If you cannot offer it standing, say it by sitting. If you
are not able to offer it by sitting, say it by lying with hints and
this is indispensable Guess the significance of the duty by the
point that a man is blind of eyes, deaf by ear, cannot talk with
tongue, excusable needy by hands and feet; he is to offer
worship in this situation too.

Q. 4. What is Worship (Salah)?

Merits of worship:


(1) Worship portects from shamelessness, grieves and

(2) Worships create blessings and boons in the earning.
(3) Worshipper is granted success in the world, futurity,
grave and (Hashr) congregation.
Demerits of giving up the Worship:

(1) The Commorient of un-worshipper will be performed

with Firawn, Haman, Abui Bin Khalaf and the infidel
like them.
(2) When the un-worshipper will die, he will feel such a
thirsty that if he cause to drink the water of the whole
world then his thirsty will not be finished.

in the world in Human nature? Reply with the reference of

the Quran and Hadith.
Ans.: It exists in the Islamic faith that all the apostles

are the appearance of light (Noor) and the Great Prophet

is also light but he came in the human nature in the world.

So, the lightness of the Great Prophet is his nature and
humanity is his characteristic. Thats why, we must believe on
both the lightness and humanity of the Great Prophet .

(Surah: Maedah, Verse: 15, Part: 6)


had not given the power to murder His Beloved to any one.
that the Great Prophet is Noor.
Noor-e-Mustafa in the light of Hadith:

(Surah: verse: part: )


Translation: And we descanted to you an illuminated

(manifest) Noor.
Transliteration: In this verse, illuminate Noor means the
Great Prophet.

Translation: The Great Prophet said, Allah created my

Noor before creating all the creations.
(Ref: The Tafseer-e-Roohul Bayan, Vol: 2, Pg: 191,
The Madarij-un-Naboowat, Vol: 5, Pg: 135)

(Surah: Taubah, Verse: 32, Part: 10)

). It was explained in the verse of the Holy Quran that Allah

It has been proved by these verses and transliterations

Transliteration: The transliterators write in the transliteration

of this verse that in this verse, Light means the Great Prophet
. The infidels wanted to murder the Great Prophet (


the Great Prophet

Translation: Tafseer-e-Ibne Abbass Pg: 72, Tafseer-e-Kabeer

Pg: 396 Vol: 3, Tafseer-e-Madarike Pg: 470 Vol: 1, Tafseer-eRoohul Maani Pg : 87 Vol: 6, Tafseer-e-Roohul Bayan Pg:
548, Vol: 1, Tafseer-e-Dure Mansoor Pg: 231 Vol: 3, Tafseere-Jalalain, Tafseer-e-Ibne Jareer, Madariju-un-Naboowat and
Mawahib-ul-Ladunya-in all these reliable transliteration, the
transliterators have written that about this verse, Noor means

Translation: They desire to extinguish the Light of Allah with

their mouths and Allah never can let them do so but rather
perfects His light, though the disbelievers dislike it.


Translation: Surely, there has come to you from Allah a Noor

(Light of enlightenment).









Note: The praying of the Great Prophet(increase me in my

Noor) is the indication that he had already been Noor, thats
why he prayed for increament in the Noor.

Translation: I belong to the Noor of Allah and all the creation

belongs to my Noor. (Ref: Madarij-un-Naboowat, author:
Shah abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi.)

was given the dignity of the

Prophetsaid, O Jabir, no doubt! Allah created your

Prophets Noor by the Grace of His Noor before creating all
the things.

Faith: First, the Holy Prophet

(Ref: The Mawhib-ul-Ladunya, The Zurqani, Vol: 1, Pg: 42)

and to help him. They were given this high rank (or post) at
this term only. Our Prophet is the prophet of all the
Prophetsand all the Prophets are the followers of
our Prophet. Moreover, they performed their duties in their
era as the caliph of the Great Prophet. Allah made the Great
Prophet the Muzhar (appearented place) of His nature and
lighted (lit) the worlds with the light of the Great Prophet


Muslim said) There is a long narration after it. By all means,

washing of face and hands are not narrated in it but it is
narrated that he came to the water bag and opened his hole


and then make the absolution of middle position and then he

came to bed. Then, he awake second time, came to the water
bag and absolute completely. (Imam Muslim says that the
words of prayers in this narration are) Increase me in my
Noor not make me Noor

(Ref: The Muslim, Vol: 1, Ch:

Hadith: 1693, Pg: 596, Publisher:

Shabbeer Brothers, Lahore)


were taken promise to believe in the Great Prophet


Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Ibne Abbass , one night, I

stayed at my aunty Hazrat Maimoonah

Prophet hood. In the Agreement Day, all the Prophets

(The Bahar-e-Shreeiat, P:1)

It has been proved by all the above Hadithes that the
Great Prophet is

and all the universe is shining by his


The Philosphy of Human Nature:


In this verse, Allah says the Great Prophet

to say

human like themselves.

Hence, the infidels of the nations of Hazrat Nooh, Hazrat

Quran: (Surah: Kahaf, Verse: 110, Part: 15))

Translation: Please declare, (Apparently in outlook) I am a
person like you.

polytheists followed him and used to say the Prophets

Saleh and Hazrat Hood said to them;

kingdom people, I am your servant. Here, to say servant is

the humbly of the king because he must not make the servant

Quran: (Shooara, Verse: 186, Part: 20)






ProphetHuman Nature by himself.




Some transliterators narrated the meaning of this verse that a

human cannot say a prophet as human nature like the common
man. It is the behaviour of Satan and infidels to say human
nature like themselves to the Prophets .
Satan was the first person who said contemptedly human to
the Prophet . Satan said about Hazrat Adam

Quran: (Surah: Hijr, Verse: 33, Part: 14)

Translation: He replied, It is not befitting me that I should
prostrate before a mortal (human).
It was known that Satan started to say human to the
Prophetscontemptedly. Then, his disciple infidels and

The infidels of the nation of Hazrat Shoaib said,


by saying only. Allah caused the Great Prophet to say


humbly of the Great Prophet, like a king says to his

Quran: (Surah: Ibrahim, Verse: 10, Part: 13)

Translation: You are only mortals (humans) like us.

himself human nature. To say the word Human nature is the

Translation: You are not, but a man like us.

It has been proved by all these verses that it is the behaviour of
Satan and his follower infidels and polytheists to say the
Prophets human like themselves, not the behaviour of the
Q. 6. Why did the Great Prophet

come in the dress of

human nature?
Ans. The traditioner and researcher of the subcontinent Hazrat
Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi replied the question in his
book Madarijun-Naboowwat, Vol:1, Pg: 109 and 110. that
the Great Prophetwas Noor by all means from head to feet
and he shone like the sun and the moon. If the Great
Prophetwas not in the dress of the human nature, no one
could have power to see him.


Give the answer with the reference of the Holy Quran and
Ans.: Allah endowed the awareness of invisible knowledge to
the Great Prophet

(Surah: Hood, Verse: 49, Par: 12)

Translation: O Beloved, these are the news of unseen, We
reveal to you.

have invisible knowledge?

(Surah: Aal-e-Imran, Verse: 44, Part: 3)


Q.7. Does the Great Prophet

Translation: O My Beloved

these are the news of the

things unseen which We reveal to you.


(Surah: Aal-e-Imran, Verse: 179, Part: 4)

By all the above Quranic arguments, it has been

Translation: O common people, and it is not for Allah to

disclose to everyone of you the secrets of unseen. But He
chooses from His Rasools whom He wills.


(Surah: Jinn, Verse: 26 & 27, Part: 29)

Translation: He is the Knower of the unseen! He does not
reveal His secrets to any (26) except to him whom He chooses
as a Rasool.

(Surah: Takveer, Verse: 24, Part: 30)

Translation: And the Prophet is not miser as to disclosing of
the unseen.

proved that the Great Prophet was endowed the awareness

of invisible knowledge. Now, this Islamic faith will be proved

with the reference of Hadith:
Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Anas bin Malik ; One day,

the Great Prophetcame after passing the time of Zawal

(Dechne). He caused to people to say Salat-uz-Zohr. After
offering the worship, he stood upon the pulpit and narrated the
judgment. He said that it would happen a few great indications
before the Day of Judgment. The person who wants to ask
me the question about something can ask me because I swear
by Allah! I shall reply you whatever you ask me until. I stand
here. Hazrat Anas said, We started to cry, listening


the saying of the Great Prophet, And the Great Prophet

swear by Allah! If the Great Prophet

asked again and again this, Ask me something. Hazrat

black face slave, I shall join my genelog to him.

asked me the son of a

(The Muslim, Vol: 3, Ch: Hadith: 5998, Pg: 274,

!Who is my father? He replied, Your father is really only

Publisher: Shabbir Brothers, Lahore)

When the Great Prophet

asked many times this, Ask me


Hazrat Umer knelt and replied respectfully,
and Hazrat Mohammad
requested, the Prophet

is our prophet, When he

kept quit. Then,

caused us to say Salat-ul-Asr.

the Prophet

Then, he stood for

addressing and informed us all the events that would happen

till the Dooms Day. The person who wanted to remember it
remembered it; and the person who wanted to cause to forget


We agree at this that Allah is our owner, Islam is our religion


Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abu Saeed ; one day the



Abdullah bin Hazafah stood and asked, O Prophet

it caused to forget it. One of the saying of the Prophet


that, No doubt! The world is green and sweet.

Okay!, By the Nature who has may life in His


control! Heaven and Hell have just been shown me and I have
never seen the virtue (Heaven) and vice (Hell) between the
shown wall.
(Later) The mother of Hazrat Abdullah bin Huzafah

said to him, I have never heard the unable son like you. Did
you think that your mother might maintain unlawful sexual
relationships with others like the women of the uncivilized
age? You insulted your mother without any reasons in front of

the public. Hazrat Abdullah bin Huzafah replied, I

Allah made you His caliph in the land. So, He sees what you
are doing. Be careful! Avoid from the world and the women!
Further said, Careful! One must not stop to say fact because
of the peoples fear while he knows the fact. Saying this,
Hazrat Abu saeed cried, I swear by Allah! We saw
many actions like this but we feared to say truth and fact. The
Prophet further said, Listen! In the Day of Judgment, there
will be a flag for a treacherous according to his unfaithfulness
and there is no so disloyalty that is greater than the disloyalty
of the Imam (ruler). His flag will be fixed near his seat. We
remember that it was also this on that day, Listen! The


told them the events which would happen till the Qiyamah.
(Ref: The Trimizi,Vol: 2,)
Hadith: Hazrat Jabir narrated that the Great
Prophet was coming from a tour. When he reached near to
Madeenah, a stormy winds blew that was so severe that the



classes. Some of these bore as believers, lived in the position

of belief and will die as believers. Some of these bore as
infidels, lived in the position of infidelity and will die as
infidels. While some of these bore as belivers, lived in the
position of belief but will dies as infidel. And some of these
bore as infidels, lived in the position of infidelity but will die
as believers. Some of these become angry lately but their
anger finish hurrily. Some of these become angry hurrily and
their anger finish hurrily too. So, it is the reward. Listen!
Those are better in these who become furious lately but their
fury went away hurrily and those are worst who become
furious hurrily but their fury went away lately. Listen! Some
people are good at dealing. Some are good at borrowing but
not at paying. Some are good at paying but not at borrowing.
It is this reward. Be aware! Some people are bad in both
lending and borrowing. Listen! Those are good humans whose
dealing is good and those are bad people whose dealing is bad.
Listen! The rage is a spark of the human heart. Did you not
see the redness of his eyes and swelled nerves of his neck? So,
he who feels rage should lie on the ground. Hazrat Abu

time. This Hadith is Hasan. It will be found the narrations

of Mughoiyirab bin Shobah, Abu Zaidal bin Akhtab, Huzeifa
and Abu Mariume too. All these narrated that the Prophet


offspring of Hazrat Adam was created in different

Saeed said, We started to see the sun whether it

remained to set. The Prophet said, Listen! The remaining

time of the world in comparison of the passing time is as much

as that the remaining time of the day in comparison of passing

rider was about to bury in the sands. The Prophet said,

This storm has been sent for the death of a contentious
(discarded person). When the Prophet reached at
Madeenah, it was heard that a ring leader (chief) of the
contentious people has died. (Ref: The Muslim, Vol: 3,
, Hadith: 6911, Pg: 591, Pub: Shabbir
Brothers, Lahore)
Note: The Prophet gave the invisible (unseen) news of the
contentious mans death and the Holy Friends
verified this news.
It is known that the invisible knowledge of Allah is naturally
but the invisible knowledge of the Prophet is grantedly and
this is the Islamic Faith only.


Translation: And appoint for us from Yourself a protector

and appoint from You our helper.

, and believers are supporter. So, it is Jaiz to beg help

from them.

Hadith: Imam Bukhari narrated in his book Adab-ulMufrad, the foot of a Holy Friend Hazrat Ibne Umer
became senseless (quit). Someone said to him,
Remember him who is the most beloved of you. After it,
Hazrat Abdullah bin Umer cried loudly,


(Surah: Tahreem, Verse: 4, Part: 28)

Translation: Surely, it is Allah who is their Helper, and also
Jibrail and the righteous believers, and further more the
Angels are their supporters.

It has been proved that Allah, Prophets, Angels

(Surrah: Maeedah, verse: 55, Part: 6)

Translation: Only Allah, His Rasool and the believers are
your helpers.

Ans. Yes, Holy Saints help by the grant of Allah. They have
been made the helper of the believers by Allah only. Hence,
Allah asks in different places of the Holy Quran:


Q. 8. Do the Holy Saints help by the grant of Allah?

( O Muhammad! Help me). The foot became sensible

at once.

Note: The scholars say that if Alif and Ha use with

Muhammad, it means to beg for help.

The reneuter (Mujaddid) of the thirteenth century Shah Abdul

Surah: Nisa, Verse: 75, Part: 5)


(Surah: Baqarah, Verse: 153, Part: 2)

Translation: O Believers, get assistance from patience and
It is in the Holy Quran that the Holy Friends prayed
to Allah:

(Ref: , Author: Imam Bukhari)

Fatwa of Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlvi :

Aziz Dehlvi said in his book Tafseer-e-Azizi
(interpretation of the Holy Quran) about this verse:


Therefore, it was explained in the light of all the proofs

and arguments that to beg help from besides Allah is jaiz
because the pious servants of Allah help the believers by the
endowment of Allah and this is the true Islamic Faith only.

Your Help.) that to beg the help the pious servants of

Almighty Allah knowing them the appearance of the virtues of
Almighty Allah is to beg the help from Almighty Allah in fact.

(Surah: Muzzammil, Verse: 1, part: 29)

Translation: O you wrapped up.
(Surah: Ahzab, Verse: 45, Part: 22)
Translation: O communicator of unseen.


( we only worship You and we only seek

(Surah: Muddassir, Verse: 1, Part: 29)

Translation: O you have enfolded yourself with in your
mantle (of reforms).

servants of Allah. Give the answer with reference of

Quran and Hadith?

(Surah: Maedah, Verse: 67, Part: 6)

Tranalation: O messenger.

Ans. It is Jaiz to call the beloved servants of Allah by

saying with the word Ya such Ya Rasool Ullah, Ya Nbee,

It was known that it is Jaiz to call the Beloved servants of


Ya Ali, Ya Ghous-e-Azam


Q.9. How is it to cry (call) by saying with to the beloved

In the Holy Quran, Allah speaks to His Beloved with


(Surah: Ahzab, Verse: 50, Part: 22)

Translation: O communicator of hidden news.

Allah with Ya ; and to call the Great Prophet Ya

Rasoolullah, Ya Nabiyllah is proved by the Holy Quran.

Almighty Allah asks all the Muslims who will come till the
Judgment Day with Ya

(Surah: Ahzab, Verse: 41, Part: 22)
Translation: O Believers


Almighty Allah asks the Prophet with Ya

somewhere in the Holy Quran.

It has been proved with the reference of the Holy Quran to

call saints of Allah with Ya is Jaiz.
Hadith: Imam Bukhari wrote in his book Adab-ul-Mufrad


that the foot of Hazrat Abdullah bin Umer became

(Book: )


help us) ! The foot became sensible at once.

Note: The scholars said that where and come with

Muhammad, it means to beg for help.

Calling of the Islamic Scholars to the Great Prophet with


Hazrat Imam Buseeri in
Burda :



Hazrat Imam Zain-ul-Abedeen writes in his



senseless. Someone told him to remember the person who was

the most beloved of himself. Then, Hazrat Abdullah bin Umer
cried loudly Ya Muhammadah O Muhammad,

Translation: O Ibrahim, O Moosa, O Dawood, O Sulaiman,

O Yahya, O Essa.

O the best creation, I have no supporter to protect in the time

of misery.
OR I have no supporter so that I may seek his protection in the
common misery time.


Ya Rahmatallil Alameen (O the Blessing for all the universe),

please help Zainul Abedeen. He has beeen imprisoned by the
cruel men in the crowd of people.
( Qaseeda-e-Zain-ul-Abedeen).

The calling of Imam Jami:

The life of the world is finishing because of the distinction.
Kind to us, O Nabi! Pity on us. Are you not
Then, why are you sitting dis-engaged from criminals?


Ans. The Great Prophet is near to the believers by the

The calling of Imam Abu Hanifa:

Endowment of Allah.

(Surah: Ahzab, Verse: 6, Part: 21)

Translation: The Nabi is nearer to the believers even more
than their own selves.

The Great Prophet is nearer to the Muslim than his /

her soul whether he/she is any part of the world and this
command is for all the Muslims who will come till the
Judgment Day.


O Syed (Chief) of the syed, guide of the guide, I have come

towards you with the heart intention. I hope your kindness and
pleasure and seek refuge against all vices.

I swear by Allah! O the best creation ! Surely my heart is

fond of your sight. Besides you, my heart does not love any
one or anything.

It was proved by the Holy Quran, Hadithes and the

sacred saints that not only it is jaiz to call the sacred subjects


of Allah with the word but aoso it is the Sunnah of the

Holy Friends and the Holy men .

Q.10. Reply with the reference of the Holy Quran and

near to his slaves and

Hadith that: is the Great Prophet

does he listen to the Salam of his slaves?



(Surah: Baqarah, Verse: 143, Part:2)

Translation: And this Rasool is witness over you.
This command is also for the Muslims who will come till the
Qiyamah that His beloved Prophet


witness and

supervisor. So, that will be the witness and supervisor who is

near to the believers.

(Surah: Hujrat, Verse: 7, Part: 26)
Translation: And know that Rasool of Allah is among you.
This command is also for the Muslims who will come till the
Dooms Day that Glorious Susbtainer says to the people that
He does not dismount His Torture upon them because His


can be among us, he is alive.

what will the dignity of the life of the Holy Prophets



(Surah: Nisa, Verse: 41, Part: 5)

Translation: When We will bring from every Ummah a
witness, how it will be felt and O Beloved, you are a witness
against them.
It was known by this verse that the Great Prophet is the

supervisor and witness of all the adherent who will come till
the Judgment Day. The Holy Prophet will the present the

Prophet is present and alive.

Hadith: Hazrat Salma narrates that she came to

Hazrat Ume Salma who was weeping. She asked,
Why are you weeping? Ume Salma replied, I


(Surah: Baqarah, verse: 154, Part 2)

Translation: And those who are killed for the cause of Allah,
do not call them dead. Surely they are alive but you cannot
perceive it.
There is the narration of the life of martyrs in this verse
and the life is the compound of both the body and soul. It is in
the Tafseer-e-Khazin that martyrs remain safe with their
bodies in their graves; and the soil does not injury them. So, it
was known that when martyrs are alive in their graves then

known that the Great Prophet is also among us now and that

evidence of not only his adherent but also all the previous
adherents. It must be remembered that evidence is always
presented by him who is alive and present and aware of every
matter and event. So, it is proved by this verse that the Great


Beloved Prophetappears among them. Therefore, it was

have just seen the Great Prophet in sleeping. His beard and
heard was dusty. I asked him about the reason. He replied that
he had then attended the martyrdom of Hussain

(Ref: The Tirmizi, Vol: 2, Abwabul Manaqib, Hadith: 1706,

Pg: 731, Publisher: Fareed Book Lahore)

Hadith: Hazrat Shaddad bin Aos narrates that the

Great Prophetsaid, Friday is the most superior of your
days. In it, Hazrat Adam was created. In it, the first
and the second Soor will be blown. On this day, send the Drud
plentifully on me because it will be presented in front of me
on that day (while he will have passed away.) He further said,
Almighty Allah has made Haram for the ground to eat the
holy bodies of the Holy Prophets


(Ref: The Ibne Maja, Ch: ,Hadith: 1133 Pg:

to the holy grave of the Great Prophet(after the demise) and

must be requested for the permission and said that this is Abu

said, I passed near by Hazrat Moosa . He was

praying in the grave. These words are added in another
Hadith, In this night, I was carried away for Meraj.
(Ref: The Muslim, Hadith: 6035, Pg: 286, Publisher:

near to you? If he allows, bury me these and if he does not

allow, take me away to Jannatul Baqee. Therefore, he was
carried to the gate of the holy room of the Great Prophet
and said : This is Abu Bakar and he has express his
last testament that we shall enter into the room if you allow
otherwise we shall go back. Hence, it was heard, Enter him.
We heard the voice but did not see anyone. (


Shabbeer Brothers, Lahore)

Hadith: Hazrat Anas narrates; the Great Prophet

Bakar () . O Prophet of Allah should we bury him


314, Publisher: Fareed Book Stall Lahore)

Belief: The Holy Prophets are alive in their graves

Hazrat Ali says in another narration that (when the

Hadith: Hazrat Abu Darda narrates the Great

It was known that such a testament is made at that time


like they were alive in the world. They eat and drink; and
come and go where they want. In fact, they were demised for a
moment for Allahs Promise and then they became alive like
the first. Their life is more superior to the life of the martyr.
(Ref: The Bahare Shreeat, Pg: 1)

Prophet, No doubt!Almighty Allah made Haram for the

ground to eat the bodies of the Prophets.So, they are alive

and given daily provision. (Ref: The Ibne Majah)

Narration: Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa says that her father

be quested her when he suffered from fever, I must be carried

people cried,) I saw that the door just opened and I heard a
speaker saying, Unite the friend to the friend. Surely, the
friend is fond of meeting of the friend.
(Khasaisul Kubra, Vol: 2 Page: 281 and 282)

when one believes that the Great Prophet is alive; and he

listens and talks. About this matter, this is not the faith of
Ahle-Sunnat wal Jamat that the Prophet is here as well as
there. The faith if that he is alive in his grave and by the grant
of his Substainer, he goes with his body when and where he
wants like he went to the ground of Karbla after the demise


(authorized) and the distributor of His Treasure?

Ans.: Surely, Almighty Allah has made His Beloved
Prophetthe independent and the distributor of His treasure:
Allah grants this Courtesy to whom He wants:

(Surah: Ale Imran, Verse: 26, Part: 3)

Translation: Please declare (O beloved Prophet), O my
Allah You are the Master of all sovereignties. You give
sovereignty to whom you will.


The Pious men of Allah are the Owner of Heaven:

(Surah: mariyam, Verse: 63, part: 16)

Translation: This is the paradise which We shall give in
inheritance to those of Our devotees who are duty bound.
No Restriction on Allahs Endowment:

(Surah: Bani Israil, Verse: 20, Part: 15)

(Surah: Luqman, P: 21, Verse: 20)

Translation: that surely Allah has pressed for you in your
service whatever is in the heavens and in the earth and has
completed on you in full His Bounties open and hidden.


Q. 11: Has Allah made His Belovedthe independent

Translation: And there is no restriction on the bestowing of

your Rubb.
Allah has made every thing of sky and land (world) as the
subordinate to His proper servants:


according the Hadith of the Trimizi and this is really our


(Surah: Kauser, Verse: 1, Part: 30)

Translation: O beloved, I have given you in abundance.
Now, study the Hadithes:
Hadith: Hazrat Uqbah narrates the Great Prophet


Translation: I was granted the keys of the world treasure.
(The Sahih Bukhari, Vol: 2, Pg: 585 & 975; The Sahih
Muslim, Vol:2, Pg: 250; The Mishkat, Vol:2, Pg: 547)
Hadith: The Great Prophet said,


named the child Muhammad. They said to him, We must

Translation: I was endowed the keys of the world treasure

while I was sleeping.

to the Prophet and requested, A child was born at my

not allow you to put the name like the Prophet. He came
home and I have named him like you but my tribe do not let
me so until I get your permission. (The traditioner says that)

It was proved by the above Hadithes that Allah has

the Prophet said, You can put the name like mine but not

Q. 12: Has the Great Prophet the authority of


my Kuniyat because I have been sent after making Qasim and

I distribute among you.
(Ref: The Muslim, Vol: 3 Kitab-ul-Adab, Hadith: 5472, Pg:
126, Publisher: Shabbeer Brothers Lahore)


granted His Beloved the keys of His Treasure.


(The Bukhari and the Muslim, Vol: 1, Pg: 100)

Hadith: The Great Prophet says, Allah grants only; and

Ans.: Of course, the Great Prophet has the authority of

distribution. Therefore, he himself says:

only I am Qasim and Khazin (of every blessing of Allah).

(The Sahih Muslim, Vol: 1, Pg: 333)


It was proved by all these Hadithes that Allah grants

Hadith: Hazrat Ameer-e-Maawiyah narrates; the

and the Great Prophetdistributes, therefore, we achieve

whatever that belongs to the Great Prophet.

the religion to whom He intends to give the goodness. No

doubt! Allah is the Grantor and I am the distributor.
(Ref: The Bukhari, Vol: 1, Pg: 16 ; The Mishkat, Pg: 32)

of the religion?

Great Prophet said, Allah grants the acknowledgement of

Hadith: Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah narrates that there

was born a child in the house of a person among them and he

Q: 13. Has Allah also made His Belovedthe authorized

Ans.: Of course, Allah has also made His Beloved

authorized of the religion therefore, see the



Hadithes: Hazrat Nasr bin Asim Laisee narrates by a

member of his tribe that he came to the Prophet


(eastern and western) corners of Madinah Tayyibah. The

Prophet said, Feed your family.
(The Bukhari, Vol: 1,
Hadith: 1809, Pg: 778,

admitted Islam at this condition that he would pray only two

times and the Prophet accepted his condition.

Publisher: Shabbeer Brothers, Lahore)

Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Abu Hurairah one man

(named Salman bin Sehr Byadh) came to the Great Prophet
co-habituated with my wife in Ramadan the sacred month.
The Prophet asked, Do you have the slave whom you may
free? He replied in negative. The Prophet

asked, Do you

have the ability to keep the fasts for two months by and by?
He replied in negative again. The Prophet

asked, Do you


have the food that you could feed it to the sixty poor men?
He replied once again in negative. The traditioner says that a

basket was brought to the Prophet. There were some dates

and Zambeel spirit in it. The Prophet

said, Feed them (to

the poor man) by you.

He requested, Should I give them as charity to the
men who are more poor than us? And no house is poorer than
us? And no house is poorer than ours between both the

but the Prophet changed the rule by the grant of his

Substainer, therefore, it was known that the Prophet


and requested, O Prophet of Allah ! I, disgraceful, have

Note: This is the Islamic rules that it is Wajib to pay Kaffarah

after co-hibating with the wife in the condition of Soum (fast)


(Ref: Musnad Ahmed)


authorized completely.
Hadith: Narrates Abu Baker bin Abi Shaibah, Zaid bin Al
Habab, Maayah bin Saleh, Hasan bin Jabah, Maqadaw bin
Madeekarb Al Kundi ; the Prophet

said, It will

come the age very soon that the man will sit on his crown
putting the cushion. My Hadith will be narrated in front of him
and he will reply: The thing which makes a decision between
you and us is the Book of Allah. We shall recognize it Halal
whatever we shall find Halal in it and we shall recognize it
Haram whatever we shall find Haram in it.
(The Sunan Ibne Majah, Vol: 1, Ch:

Hadith: 12, Pg: 34, Publisher: Fareed Book Stall,



Note: Almighty Allah has given the authority to the Prophets

Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Abu Hurairah Malakul

that either they live in the world or they meet with

Mout was sent to Hazrat Moosa . When he came to

their Substainer.

(Hazrat Abu Hurairah says that)

asked the Prophet, O Prophet of Allah , is Hajj

Fardh every year? He replied in negative and said, If I said
yes, it would become Fardh.
(Ref: The Tirmizi, The Ibne Majah, The Ahmed)
Who can guess the authorities of the Great Prophet whose


Allah fixed his eyes and said, Go to him again and told him
to put his hand on the back of an ox. He will be granted one
year for every of the hair which will come beneath his hand.

came out and he went back to his Substainer and requested,

You have sent me to the person who does not want to die.

Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Ali hat the Holy friends


Hazrat Moosa , he punched him. His eyes

(The angel conveyed this message to Hazrat Moosa .)

yes and no make the rules. In short, the Great Prophet

Hazrat Moosa said, O my Substainer, what will be

the authorized fully by the grant of his Glorious Substainer

and when he wanted, he granted him/her whom he wanted.

happened then? He replied, Then, it will be happened the


death. Then, Hazrat Moosa said, Thats right. Make

here. The Prophet


me so nearer to Palestine that a stone could be thrown from

says, If I was present at there, I

showed you his grave on side of the passage under the red
sandy rock.

(Ref: The Muslim, Vol: 3, Hadith: 6025, Pg: 283,

Publisher: Shabeer Brothers Lahore)

Q. 14: There had been a very severe disagreement among

the Holy Researchers (Muhaqqeqeen) about the date of the
birth of the Prophet. It is only proved with the Sahih
narrations that the birth happened on Monday. In the
past, the Holy Researchers attended to the 9th of the Rabiul-Aawal. Do you know that according to the research of
the Egyptian autonomists of the modern age, the Monday
was proved at the 9th of the Rabi-ul-Awaal not at the 12th?


Proof 1.: Narrates both Hazrat Jabir and Ibne Abbas

, the Prophet of Allah

was born in Amul Feel, on


Proof 5.: The famous Muhaddis of the sub-continent Shah

Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlivi writes in his book
Madarij-un-Naboowwat, Vol: 2, at pg: 15, that the Birth Day
is Monday and the Birth Date is twelve.


Monday and at 12 Rabi-ul-Awwal; and he showed the

prophet-hood on the same day, he went for Meraj on the same
day and he migrated on the same day; and according to all
Islam Believers, this 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal date is famous.
(Ref: Seerat-e-Ibne Kaseer, Vol: 1, Pg: 199)

Proof 4.: According to the Egyptian autonomists, the birth

date is twelve and the Egyptian scholars celebrate the Birth
Festival on 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal.

Researcher, the birth date is proved twelve.

(Ref: Ash-Shamma-matul-Ambaryah Maulad-ul-Khair-ulBariyah, Pg: 7)


Ans.: By saying of the Holy Friends and the Holy

Proof 2.: Imam Ibne Jareer Tibri is a famous and

Q: 15. In the age of the Universe Blessing , the month of

certified historian writes in his book Tareekh-e-Tibree, Vol: 2,

Rabi-ul-Awwal came approamately 63 times. By which

Hadith is it proved that he claimed to celebrate the festival
of his birthday (Milad) and he came out with procession
and illuminates as the customary behaviour.

at page: 125: The Prophet of Allah was born on Monday, at


the 12th of the Rabi-ul-Awwal and in Aamul-Feel year.

Proof 3.: The Proof of the popular scholar of Ahle-e-Hadith:

The famous scholar of Ahle-e-Hadith Nawab Mohammad
Siddiqui Hasan khan writes: The Birth of the Prophet


() .

happened in Makkah tul Mukarramah near Fajr timing, on

Monday, at 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal and in Aam-ul-Feel. All the
scholars (Jamhoor Ulama) agree to this as well as Ibne Joozi

Ans.: First, study the literal and terminal meaning of Milad

Literal Meaning: The word Milad ( )was in fact
Meolad () .
It is changed by because of
So, now, to infinitive is Milad which means to bear or to give
a child birth. Therefore, it was started to use in term because
of the Prophets birth ().


Terminal Meaning: The terminal meaning is to narrate the

Mojizat of the Great Prophet

and Majalise-Soori (good

gathering meeting).

in the old days, the Milad was celebrated in simple way. The
Holy Friends and the Holy Beholders held
gatherings at their homes and gave charities and alms.



(Ref: The Sahih Muslim)

Hadith: It is in the Behqi and Tabrani that once upon a time
after claiming the prophet hood, the Great Prophet
slauqutered the he-goats and invited. The people took the
meaning by this Hadith that the Great Prophet offered his
Aqeeqah. Imam Jalaluddeen Syooti replied this that the
Aqeeqah of the Prophet was offered on the seventh day by
grand father Abdul Mutallib. To invite after slaughtering the
he-goats by the Prophet was infect to celebrate his Milad.

As far as the question of the customary Milad

celebration, the reply of this that as the age made progress, the
people did better deed than the old one. Masajid were quiet
simple, now they are decorated by bulbs and other
illuminations. In the old time the Holy Quran was published
simple but now in beautiful and better condition etc. Similarly,

the birth day of his

grand father Hazrat Ibraheem or any other

prophet if it was Jaiz to celebrate the festival of birth date
of the Holy Prophets .
Ans.: Of course, the Great Prophet


requested to the Great Prophet , O Prophet of Allah! Why

do you keep fast on Monday? He asked On this day, I was
born and I was revealed on the same day.

Q:16. Did the Prophet


Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Abu Qtadah , it was

The Prophet himself celebrated Milad:

himself celebrated the

Wiladat Day of the Holy Prophets as well as he

taught his friends .

Hadith: Hazrat Moosa Ashari narrates that when the

Great Prophet came to Madidnah Munawwarah, he saw the

Jews having Aashoorah fast. When they were asked about it,
they replied, This is the day in which Almighty Allah granted
prevalence (overcoming) to Hazrat Moosa and Bani
Israil. Therefore, we keep fast respectfully on this day.
(Consider! The Great Prophet

did not say, O my friends,

be witness! We shall never keep the fast of Aashoorah because

of the religious custom of jews. But) The Prophet said,
We are more lover of Hazrat Moosa than you.


(Ref: The Bukhari, Vol: 2, Kitabul Manaqib, Hadith: 1126,

Pg: 537, Publisher: Shabbir Brothers, Lahore)
Hadith: Abdul Ashat Sunavi narrates by Hazrat Aos bin Aos
that the Great Prophet said, Friday is the most
superior day of your days because in this day, Hazrat Adam
was created; in this day, he passed from the world; in

requested, O Prophet of Allah ! How will our Drud be

presented to you while you will have passed away? He said,
Almighty Allah has made Haram for the ground to eat the
bodies of the Holy Prophets .


(The Abu Daood, Vol:1,

Hadith: 1034, Pg: 399,

Publisher: Fareed Book Lahore)

Hadith: Hazrat Aos bin Aos narrates that the Great

Prophet said showing the superiority of Friday, Among

your days, Friday is the most superior of the days in which

Hazrat Adam was created and in this day, he passed


because the Great Prophet said; Hadith: When the Great

Prophet was going by Buraq at Meraj Night, Hazrat
Jibrail requested at Bait-ul-Laham, Please, ride out
of it and say two Rakaat here because this is the birth place of
Hazrat Essa .


this day the Soor will be blown and in this day, all will be
come senseless. So, send me the Drud plentifully on this day
because youre saying Drud is presented to me. The people

We celebrate the Milad of Hazrat Adam every Friday

showed the expression of gladness.

(The Abu Daood, The Nisai, The Ibne Majah and The


Then, he directed to keep fast. In this way, the Great Prophet

(Ref: The Nisai, The Tabrani)

When it is Sunnah to say prayer and to visit the birth

place of the Holy Prophets , then what superior will

it be to celebrate the Wiladat Day?

Q: 17. Did the Holy Friends who loved the
Prophet matchlessly and boundlessly ever celebrate the
Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi festival?
Ans.: Of course, the Holy Friends also celebrated

the Milad of the Great Prophet and they held this gathering
in front of the Great Prophet who expressed happiness, not
forbade them to do so. The high valued friend, Hazrat Hassan


Hadith: The Great Prophet himself used to keep the pulpit

for Hazrat Hassan so that he might stand upon it and

say praise worthy verses in the admiration of the Prophet.

Hadith: Hazrat Abu Darda narrates that he went to

the house of Hazrat Aamir Ansari with the Great

Prophet. He was teaching his children the birth events of

the Prophet and saying, This day is today. The Great

Q. 18: Is there narration of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi and

teaching about it in Hadithes as there is the narration of
Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adhha in the saying of the Prophet
of Allah and the teachings about them in Hadithes?


On this occasion, he prayed for Hassan May Allah

help Hassan by Rooh-ul-Qudus!
(Ref: The Bukhari, Vol: 1, Pg: 65)

but we do them because they were not prohibited

therefore, those deeds are jaiz.

saying Qaseedah about the dignity of the Prpophet.

written, The Milad should not be celebrated. While there are

many deeds which were not done by the Holy Friends


bin Sabit used to celebrate the Wiladat festival by

said, at that time, Almighty Allah has opened the


blessing gate for all of you and all the angels are praying for
your forgiveness and the person, who narrates the Milad Event
like you, will be released.

The literal and terminal meaning of Milad is to narrate

the Milad Events by holding gathering (assemblage) which we
have proved by the two Hadithes. Now, show us any one
Hadith about the prohibition of Milad in which it must be

Ans.: Eid Milad-un-Nabi is the festival of the lover and it is

neither Fardh nor Wajib. The loving deeds are not explained
clearly but only they are indicated.
Quran: (Surah: Maedah, Verse: 114, P:7)
Translation: Eesa bin Maryam said, O Allah, our Rubb!
Send down on us a table full of eatables from the heavens
which will be an Eid for us and for our successors and a sign
from your honour.
Proof: By Hazrat Essa , this matter transferred into us

that the day in which the blessing tray is descented should be


Hadith: Hazrat Abu Lubaba bin Abdul Munzir

narrates that the Great Prophet said, Friday is the chief of

the week days and it bears nobility and praise more than all
the days near Almighty Allah and its dignity near Allah, is
greater than Eid and Baqr Eid. It has five main points. (1)
Allah created Hazrat Adam , (2) Allah dismounted

this day.
(The Abu Daood, the Ibne Majah, The Nisai)
The Great Prophet

told indicatedly his servants to consider

that when it is the Eid-Day in which Hazrat Adam

was born, then what will be the dignity of the day in which he

was born in this world?


Hazrat Adam upon the world on this day, (3) In this

day, Hazrat Adam was created and he passed away in

was born not be celebrated as Eid?

the most superior day of the week among your days. In this


celebrated as Eid, then why should the day in which


day, Allah gave Hazrat Adam demise, (4) In this day,

these is a moment in which Allah grants the servant whatever
except Haram he begs to Allah, and (6) it will be held Qiyamat
in this day. Every respected angel, land, sky, airs, mountains
and rivers all become confused and distracted on Friday
because of the fear of the Qiyamah.
(Ref: The Sunan Ibne Majah, Vol: 1, Hadith: 1132,

Pg: 313, Fareed Book Lahroe).

Why is Friday more superior than Eid-ul-Adhha and Eid-ulFitr?

Hadith: Hazrat Aos bin Aos narrates that the Great

Prophet said narrating the superiority of Friday, Friday is

Now, we should know that the day in which the Great

Prophet was born is more superior to Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ulAdhha, Friday and Qadr Night because all these festivals
were granted to us by only this Prophet .

The Great Prophet himself celebrated his Milad. The detail

about it has passed in the previous pages.
Q. 19: Is the Demise day of the Great Prophet not


twelveth of Rabi-ul-Awwal in the eyes of all the Ahle

Sunnat consentedly?
Ans.: It is felt that you have not studied any book of Ahle-eSunnat. Thats why you asked such a question. According to
Ahl-e-Sunnat o Jamat, the Demise day of the Great Prophet


Q. 20: Did the Holy Friends not become senseless

or un-controlled because of mourning at the death day of

Ans.: It has been already narrated that the Demise Date of the
Great Prophet

Prophets demise, the Great Prophetordered us to celebrate

the condolence Day of Hazrat Adam every Friday instead of
celebrating the Nativity (Birth) Day.
All praise be Allah! It is proved in the light of Quran
and Hadith that the Prophets, martyrs and saints are alive in


the Great Prophet on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal?

mourning of the Great Prophets demise and now, after the

fourteen hundred years, which one mourning is there? And tell
further that by which one Hadith is proved to soothe the
mourning while it is proved to celebrate Birth Day?
If there was an order of soothing the mourning of the

the Rabi-ul-Awwal. Therefore, the saying of majority will be


The Holy Friends have soothed the


is the second Rabi-ul-Awwal. The populace scholars agree

that the demise of the Great Prophet happened at the 2nd of

is 2nd Rabi-ul-Awwal Then, you will ask the


question that the month was all about Rabi-ul-Awwal, so why

do you not celebrate the condolence and why do you celebrate
happiness as feast?
There is the grief and mourning of the three days only in

Hadith: We were ordered that we must not soothe mourning

after three days at a dead body except the wife who will
mourn after her husbands death till four months plus ten days.
(Ref: The Bukhari, Vol: 1, Pg: 804; The Muslim, Vol: 1, Pg:

their graves. When the Great Prophet

is alive then why

would we celebrate the condolence of death? The Holy

Friends became only for the Great Prophet not
for the death because the Great Prophet asked, There is the
goodness for you in my life and in my demise too. I am among
you and lead you, so it is the goodness for you and I shall use
to beg forgiveness for you after my disappearance, so it is the
goodness for you too.
Q. 21: Did our brothers not say Barah Wafat instead of
Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi to the 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal?
Ans.: We have heard only a few old men saying Barah
Wafat. We speak as far as Hadith, the writer of Mishkat


The literal meaning of innovation is that it is an action

that has an example at first. And in Islamic Terms, it is the

narrated the Birth Day of the Great Prophet.

action that was said . It means every action which is

It has been written Miladi in place of Rabi-ul-Awwal

in Saudi calendar.
Many traditioners wrote the books. All of them wrote

against of Quran and Hadith. And the Great Prophet


Now, decide yourselves that whether the saying of a

few old men should be accepted or the saying of (many)


Q 22.: Is to act something which is not proved by the

sample of the Great Prophet and the Holy Friends


good to the action that would not be against of Quran and

For example; the Masajid were like the houses in the appeared
era of the Great Prophet. In Masajid, there were not dome
and minerat; and the arch was not so high. There were not
vowels (Zabar, Zer and Paish) in the Quran. After these, a
question is created that these works were not in the appeared


Perhaps, there is none a chapter of Barah Wafat (Twelve

Death) in the educational course but the chapter of Jashn-eEid-e-Milad-un-Nabi (Festival of the Birth Day of the Great


about the Birth Day of the Great Prophet.

wrote a chapter in the Mishkat, Imam Tiremzi classified a

chapter in the Tiremzi and named it Milad-un-Nabi and

age of the Great Prophet

and the Holy Friends

then how have they made jaiz? It will be all about the
reply that these are the works of religious, so these are Jaiz.
In the same way, what is done in Youm-e-Wiladat? The
Holy Quran is recited, Naat is told, the life of Great Prophet

is narrated, Alms and charities are given and the places are
lit. Then, how can the work and action of the religion become

Ans.: We have proved Milad by sunnah. Now, Ill give you

the answer which belongs to innovation.

Hadith: The Great Prophet

not an increament in the religion and innovation?

Definition of Innovation:

asked, The man who invents a

good manner in the religion will find its reward and the reward
of those who will be acting upon it.
(The Muslim, Vol: 3, Pg: 718)


For example: Quran o Hadith conference, Ahle Hadith

conerence, Jihad fi Sabeelillah Conferrence, to arrange the
date and day of these gatherings, to fix the salaries of the
teacher and the books of Dars-e-Nizami. All these were not in
that age!
Today, you are said Deobandi but the Holy Friends

remembrance of the Prophet. The Prophet is a boon and

we narrate this boon. We celebrate the gladness at the boon of
Allah by wearing new dresses, lighting (the houses), giving
alms and charities. Allah himself orders this in the Holy
Quran: (Surah: Yunus, Verse: 58, Part: 11)
Translation: Please declare, Only Allahs Bounty and only
His Mercy, be depended upon. Therefore, let them rejoice.


were not said Deoband Today, you are said Ahle

only to thank Allah. We thank Allah for His Book; Prophet;

mention the book of Allah by holding the sittings of the

not at the age of the Great Prophet and his friends.

Ans.: To celebrate the Birth Day of the Great Prophet is


And now, if you will not accept this, you will entrap by
yourself because the action which are being done by you, were

Hadith but the Holy Friends were not said Ahle

Hadith. They were only said Muslim. You write Salfi with

your names but the Holy Friends did not use to write

Salfi with their names. Your high arch and minerat of


Masajid were not at the age of the Holy Friends .

There, abstain, (you have time) now otherwise you could not
save your religion.

Q: 23. Is the method of thanking Allah at the great boons

that was granted to us by Allah in the appearance of the
Blessing of the Universe , not to act upon the sample of


the Great Prophetslife and his offered Islamic

Q: 24. Is the biggest proof of the love of the Blessing of the

World for spending the life, not follow his Sunnah?
Ans.: To follow the Sunnah of the Great Prophetis really
the basis of love but it should be remembered that the thing
which belongs to your beloved, should be loved by you. This
is not the true affection to act upon the Sunnah having enmity
with Milad but this is defective affection.
Q: 25. Is it against the teaching of the Prophet who has
taught us to remove the hindrance in the shape of thorns


holiday. The procession of the arrival of the Prophet


also been proved by the Holy Friends . In the Hadith

of the Bukhari: When the Great Prophet

arrived at


procession and said loudly Marhabah.

If we speak about the other people, thousand of people
offer Ghaibanah Namaz-e-Janazah blocking the road every
second or third week Moreover, they came out with
procession using the name Istehkam-e-Pakistan all over the
country at the 14th August. At that time, why do you not think
about the teaching of the Prophet?

Q: 26. Is it Jaiz that the spendthrift of the sources by

using the name of the Prophetthat if the expenditures
may be deposited, thousand of unemployed can become

taught the absoluter of the

employed while the Prophet

flowing river to void the extravagant?


so high that it is a little as we illuminate. For extravagant,

remember that the action or work which is done for a good
objective is not extravagant.
For example: Some people fix hundred of tube-lights while
they could fed sufficiency by fixing 5 or 10 tube lights.
Similarly, they build Masajid by 4 crores while the Masjid
could build in 2 crores but they will say that it is a good
object. When that is their good purpose then this is our good
The thought of the orphan, poor and helpless of all the
world comes into your mind in only Rabi-ul-Awwal !
Remember rarely meek and unemployed men in your annual
conference so that it may not show the enmity and hatred with


Madeenah, the Holy Friends came out with

Ans.: You say troublesome to the procession of Milad! This

procession is come out only one day yearly and that was also a

Ans.: The personality and dignity of the Great Prophet


and stones through the way, not to block the road by

processing and used his name?

Q: 27. Is the performance of the birth-day not a ceremony

of jews and Christians whose opposition has been ordered
by the Prophet of Allah?
Ans.: We celebrate the Birth Day of the Prophet and the
celebration of the Birth Day of the Great Prophet is not a
ceremony of Jews and Christians but the Prophet used to
celebrate his own birth day on every Monday. The Great




the Birth Day of Hazrat Adam

eyes today. The Great Prophet

was sitting on his female

camel. Hazrat Abu Baker was sitting behind him and

behind and asked it greater than the two Eids and the argument
on it have passed in the previous pages.

the ruler men of Banu Najar was walking around him as far as
the staying of the Great Prophet in the house of Hazrat Aba
Ayub Ansari .


Q: 28. Are to display the lights and to come out with the
procession not the worships of Hinduism?

in the Hadith of the Abu Daood which has passed

(Ref: The Muslim, Vol: 1,

Hadith: 1075,
Pg: 417, Shabbir Brothers, Lahore)

Hadith: Hazrat Anas bin Malik narrated that when


the Great Prophet came to Madinah (migrating from

Makkah), he stayed at a family in the upper part of Madinah.

The name of that family was Bano Umr Bin Aof. He stayed at
there for the fourteen days. Later, this, he sent the ruler
persons of Bano Najar the message (for transferring to their).
They were wearing hanging their swords (at his welcome or

reception). Hazrat Anas said, That sight is still in my

Hadith: Hazrat Saib bin Yazeed said that he had


Ans.: If to display the lights is the worship of Hinduism then

the people who are fixing this Fatwa, will not save their
houses because there is the brimful illumination in the
religious meetings, conferences Iftar parties, annual
assemblage and jihad conferences and then these are also
called the parts of Hinduism.

gone till Saniya-tul-Wadaee with the children for the

reception of the Great Prophet at the time of returning from
the Gazwah-e-Tabook.
(Ref: The Bukhari, Vol: 2, Hadith: 1563, Pg: 744,
Shabbir Brothers, Lahore)
Hadith: Narrated Mouraq Ajlee, Hazrat Abdullah bin Jafar
said, When the Great Prophet came from a tour,
the people (Holy Friends) took us away for the
welcome. The Prophet caused the child who is the most
ahead in the welcomers, sit ahead in his riding. I was the most
ahead in the welcomers so he caused me sit ahead him on the
riding. Then, Hasan and Hussain welcomed him, so he caused


Publisher: Fareed Book Lahore)

Note: The Holy Friends welcomed



Prophet in the appearance of procession at the occasion of

the arrival of the Great Prophet. Therefore, it was proved

Q. 30: Is it Jaiz to offer Durood and Salam before



that it is the Sunnah of the Holy Friends to come

(Ref: The Ab Daood, Vol: 2, , Hadith: 794, Pg: 300,

Argument 3: The people who fix Fatwa against the

illumination of Milad must sweep before their houses
because do they pay the bill of illumination that is done in
their meetings, conferences and assemblage. The illumination
of Milad is allowed them to illumination their assemblage
because the government only allows to hold the meeting, not
to illuminate. So, they forget to spy their house in the hatred
from Milad.


them behind him on the riding. Hence, we entered into

Madinah in this position.

out with procession at the spot of arrival of the Great

Prophet. If it is Jaiz to process at the arrival of the Great

from Makkah to Madinah then how can it be NaJaiz to process at the arrival of the Great Prophet in this



Q. 29: Is it Jaiz to illuminate and that is even done by

the stolen electricity?

Ans.: Argument: 1 ( All praise be to Allah!) It is

allowed to illuminate in both the festivals 14th August and 12th
Rabi-ul-Awwal according to the act (law) of Pakistan.

Argument 2: Stealing is the action that is done hiddenly while

the lights are illuminated here openly.

Ans: It is Jaiz to offer Durood and Salam every place,

every time, every moment etc. but it is the order of Allah:

(Surah: Ahzab, Verse: 56, Part: 22)

Translation: Surely, Allah and His Angel shower their
Blessings on the communicator of the hidden news. O you
who believe! Send upon him blessing and salute him fully
well with best salutation.
In this verse, any time or any place was not appointed
but asked at all (absolutely) to offer Durood and Salam


abundantly. Then, why is it objected to offer (Durood and

Salam) before Azan?

Slowly slowly, the chain of the prayer before Azan had been
continued. At last, Sultan Nasir Salahuddin Ayubi got
Durood and Salam before Azan started in 781 Hirjri. Imam

Najar said. My house was the highest of all around the

Skhawi writes in his book Al-Qaul-ul-Badee Pg: 192

Fajr at the roof of my house. So, he came at the time

of Dawn and searched the light of Day-Break Hence,
when, he saw that the light of Day-Break had

(O Allah! I praise you and want your help at the point

that the Quraish would found your religion.) Then, he offered
Azan. The Ansari Woman added. By Allah! I do not know
that Hazrat Bilal might leave these words any one



Hazrat Imam Hijr Asqalani said Hasan to

the certificate of this Hadith.

If it is an increase in Azan to offer something or
Durood and Salam; and the Azan becomes defective

invitation, then what will be said about Hazrat Bilal?

The Ansari woman says that according to her knowledge, he

never left these words before the Azan. Will the starting of
Hazrat Bilals Azan be understood with ?

age of Hazrat Salahuddin Ayubi .

Q: 31. Which traditioners write Jaiz to Durood and
Salam before Azan?


spread, he said these

that was used to say before Azan in the


Masjid-e-Nabwi Hazrat Bilal offered the Azan of

Narrated Hazrat Urwah bin Zubair , a woman of Bani

Ans.: Four great traditioners (Muhaddeseen) of his Ummah

(adherent) whom are honoured by all the Muslims wrote
Jaiz to Durood and Salam before Azan:
(1) Hazrat Imam Sherani wrote Jaiz in his
composition Kashaf-ul-Ghammah

(2) Hazrat Imam Hajar Shafei wrote Jaiz in his

book Fatawa Kubra.
(3) Imam Mulla Ali Qari wrote Jaiz in Shrah

Mirqat of Mishkat.
(4) Hazrat Imam Shami wrote Jaiz in Fatawa Shami to
offer Durood and Salam before and after Azan and
The people, who say innovation to Durood and Salam before
Azan, could not present a reference of a traditioner.


Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abdullah ibne Umer , the

Great Prophet

said, When you listened to Azan of

(Ref: The Tirmizi, Vol: 2, , Hadith: 1549, Pg: 669,

Publisher: Fareed Book Stall, Lahore)


In this Hadith, it was ordered clearly to offer Durood

and Salam after Azan.

Q: 33. How is to touch the Kissed thumbs with eyes at the

name of Muhammad during or except Azan?
Ans.: It is Mustahab to touch the kissed thumbs with the

eyes at the name of the Great Prophet Muhammad .

( O Prophet!

You are the coldness (rest) of my eyes.) The Great Prophet

asked after the completion of Azan, O Abu Baker!
Allah will forgive all the new old, appeared and hidden sins of
the man who touches his (kissed) thumbs with his eyes like
you and says what you have said.
(The Tafseer-e-Ruh-ul-Bayan, Vol: 4, Pg: 648)


Moazzan (invitor), say the same sentences. Then, offer

Durood to me because Almighty Allah decreases blessings ten
times at him who offers Durood one time to me. Then, beg
Waseelah for me. It is a place of the Heaven that is for only
one servant of Allahs servants and I hope that he is only I and
the man who will beg Waseelah for me, must be mediated
(recommendated) by me.

during the Azan and said,

Ans.: Yes, it is proved to offer Durood and Salam after Azan.

them on his eyes, listening the name of the Great Prophet


Q: 32. Is it Jaiz to offer Durood and Salam after Azan?

Hadith: Hazrat Abu Bakar kissed his thumbs and put

Hadith: Hazrat Bilal offered Azan. When he said

, Hazrat Abu Baker kissed his thumbs

and then touched with his eyes. Seeing this, the Great
Prophet asked, In the Day of Judgment, I shall mediate the

man who acts like my Siddiq.

(The Maozooat-e-Kabeer, The Maqasid-e-Hasanah, Pg: 384)
Q: 34. The Hadith of kissing the thumbs which was
narrated about Hazrat Abu Baker is Zaeef

Ans.: Its answer, Mullah Ali Qari does give that when the
Rafa (height) of this Hadith is proved till Siddiq then
it is enough to act upon it.



the audience (court) of the Great Prophet .

Hadith: When he passed (apparently), his very pious body

Shrah Waqayah.
Raddul Muhtar Shrah Dure Mukhtar, Vol: 1, Ch: AlAzan, Pg: 267
Tahtawi ala Maraqi-ul-Falah.
It has been known that it is Jaiz and Mustahab to
touch the kissed thumbs with the eyes at the name of

was lied, wearing coffia at the seat (throne). At that occasion,

Muhammad, The saying of the prohibitors is on the

Proof: Every Muslim men, women and children offered Salat

and Salam one by one in standing position.
(The Madarij-un-Nabowwat, Vol:2, Pg: 440)

Hazrat Jibraeel, Mikaeel and Israfeel offered

(standly) Salat and Salam with camps (gathering) of the
(The Behqi, The Hakim and the Tabrani).



Ans.: The name of the reliable books of Fiqah Hanfi in

which it has been written Jaiz and Mustahab to kiss the
thumbs, are following:


Q: 35. Is there a proof of kissing the thumbs in reliable

books of Fiqah Hanfi?

Translation: I call to witness those who range themselves in

close rank.
The transliterators say that in this verse there is the
narration of those angels who offer standly Salat and Salam in


wrong way.

Q: 36. How is it in the religion of Islam to offer the Salat

and Salam standly?
Ans.: It is the respect and honour of the Great Prophet


offer him Salat and Salam standly and Almighty Allah

commanded us to respect this Beloved Prophet .


(Surah: Saffat Verse: 1, Part: 23)

Proof: The famous traditioner and researcher of the subcontinent Shah Abdul Haq Dehlvi said, I offered Salam in
standing position in Mehfil-e-Milad and this action of mine is
splendour (pompful).
(Akhbar-ul-Akhyar, Pg: 624)
Proof: In the congregation of Imam Taqiuddin Subki ,
someone said the like, No doubt! The respected and eminent


people stand hearing the narration of the Great Prophet.

It was known by this that when it was said Iqamat, the

stood. It was felt exhilaration and tranguility at that time.

came out of his room. The Holy Friends

started to stand as the Prophet passed through their



It was proved that it is Jaiz and the Sunnah of the

the Great Prophet to offer Salat and Salam.

Q: 37. When should the Imam and Muqtadi stand during

the Iqamat for the Salah?
Ans.: The Imam (priest) and Muqtadi (followers) should stand
(come towards the Salah) when it is being said



Iqamat (dewelling abode).

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abu Qtadah the Great


said, When it is said Iqamat for a Salah, do not

stand until you may see me.

(The Bukhari, Vol: 1, Ch: Al-Iqamat)

Proof: Hazrat Anas bin Malik used to stand at the

time when Moazzin said,
( Surely! The jamaat of
the Salah has stood.) This is also the saying of Hazrat Imam
Ahmed bin Hambal .


Holy Friends that it is the respected and honour of

(Page: 80, Vol: 1, Seerat-e-Halbeeya)

Great Prophet


Listening to this, Imam Subki and all the scholars and saints

Proof: Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa and Imam Muhammad

said, The people should stand in the lines when (Mukabbir)
says that


(The Ayni Shrh-e-Bukhari, Ala Hdith Abi Qatadah, Vol: 2)

Proof: It is the saying that Imam-e-Azam and the

people of Koofah had been acting upon it that when (the
Mukabbir) said

, they used to stand.

(Noowi, Shrhe-Muslim, Vol: 1, Ala Hadith Abi Qatadah).

It has been proved in the light of all these arguments
that when the Moazzin or Mukabbir says

, the action


both the sayings.

Affairs: When the Iqamat is being said and if the man enters
into the Masajid, he must sit down because it is Makrooh for
him to wait standing. (Almageeri).
Q: 38. Is it Jaiz to hold the means (waseelah) of the Great

the Holy Friends and the saints?

Reply with the reference of Quran and Hadith?

the Great Prophet

Ans.: It is Jaiz,


(Surah: Maedah, Verse: 35, Part: 6)

Translation: O believers, be pious with Allah and seek the
means of approach to him.

Note: In the narrated verse, Means (Waseelah) means the

sacred servants of Allah. Some people denied this and meant it
as good deeds. The saying of the untraditional Shah Abdul
Aziz Dehlwi to cease their misapprehension. He writes
reasonably that it is impossible that here, Waseelah (Means)
means Iman (belief) because here, believers are the addressed

person because of and good deeds cannot mean

Al-Quran: (Surah: Baqarah, Verse: 39, Part: 1)

Translation: And previous to that they prayed for victory over
dis-believers by the means of this Prophet.
Transliteration: In the Tafseer-e-Khazin, before the arrival of



completely till
. In this way, it will be acted upon

because of belonging to piety (Taqwah) because piety is

worship due to following of command and temperance of
prohibition because the strangers rule of Ataf (linking word)
between Matoof and Matoof Alaih is Mutakafi. Similalry, it
can-not mean Jehad because it also belongs to Taqwah.
(Hasbiyah Al-Qaul-ul-Jamil by Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlvi)


of standing should be started so that it may be stood

in this world, the jews prayed for

blessings and the victory over the polytheists of Arab by the

means (waseelah) of him. When they felt difficulty, prayed in
this way, O substainer, help us by the means of the Prophet

who will come in the last era and whose virtues we

find in Tourat. They used to beg this prayer and succeeded.

Transliteration: In the Tafseer-e-Fath-ul-Aziz, Hazrat Shah
Abdul Aziz Dehlwi says that before the decrement of
the Holy Quran, the Jews were confessor and affirmer of the
prophet- hood of the Great Prophet

and his superiority to

all the Prophets . Therefore, they prayed for victory

in the battle and at the time of fear from their defeat. They


believed that the name of the Great Prophethad so blessing

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Anas bin Malik , when the

that they could achieve success & victory by its means.

people suffered into draught (dearth famine) in the caliphity of

Allah for him so that he might be granted cure. He asked, If

you want patience, it is better for you. The narrator says that
the Prophet

ordered him to absolution well and to pray, O

the means of Hazrat Abbas bin Abdul Mutlib . They

said, O Almighty Allah! We used to offer the means of our
Prophet in front of you then you caused to rain and now we
came toward you having the means of the uncle of our Prophet

, so grants us by the blessing rain. Further narrated,

The rain started at them.

(The Bukhari, Vol: 1, Kitab-ul-Istasqa, Hadith: 953, Pg: 425,
Pub: Shabbeer Bros., Lahore)


Allah! I turn towards you by the means of your Prophet of

Blessings. O Prophet of Allah! I am attentive to my Substainer
about my this desire by your means so that it will be fulfilled.
O Allah! Accept the recommendation of the Great Prophet
about me.

man came to the Great Prophetand requested to pray to

Hazrat Umer bin Khattab , they prayed for the rain by


Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Usman bin Hanif , a blind

(The Trimzi,, Hadith: 1504, Pg: 653, Publisher: Fareed


Book, Lahore)
Hadith: Hazrat Jubair bin Nafeer Hazarmi that Hazrat

Abu Darda said that he had listened to the Prophet

saying this, Seek the old men for me. You are given earning
and aid because of the means of the old men.
(The Abu Dawood, Vol: 2, Kitab-ul-Jehad, Hadith: 307, Pg:
307, Publisher: Fareed Book, Lahore)

Hadith: In the Bukhari, the Great Prophet said, You are

given concurrence and employment by the means of holy and

poor men.
(Ref. The Mishkat, Ch: Al-Fuqarah)
It was known that it is the command of the Great
Prophet to hold the means of sacred servants of Allah.

Remember!! Almighty Allah must not be needy of means but

we are the needy of means for reaching to Allah.


Ans.: The people who say Haram to devotion and dedication

offer this verse:

meaning of is that it will be pronounced

the name of an idol instead of Allah at the time of
slaughtering the animal.

5. In the Tafseer-e-Jalalain, the meaning of

that it is the criminal which was slaughtered at the
name of someone else except Allah. It was called
loudly. It was asked Haram (unlawful).


(Surah: Baqarah, Sec: 5, Part: 2, Verse: 133)

Translation: He has made un lawful on you only the dead and
the blood and the flesh of swine and the flesh of the animals
slaughtered invoking some ones else name except Allah.

3. Allama Ismail Haqqi does mean by it that was

slaughtered at the name of idols, in the Tafseer-e-Rohul-Bayan.
4. In the Tafseer-e-Baidhawi (Part: 2, Section: 5), the


Q: 39. Prove the ofference and dedication of the saints of

Allah with the reference of the Quran and Hadith, and


(Surah: Maedah, Sec:5, part: 6, Verse:3)

Translation: You are forbidden to eat the dead and the blood
and the flesh of swine and pronounced, except that of Allah, at
the time of slaughtering.
What does mean?

1. In the Tafseer-e-Waseet Allama Wahedi ,

means the animals which were slaughtered at the name

of idols.
2. Shah Waliullah Dehlwi wrote in his, Tarjaman-ulQuran, It means that was slaughtered at the name of

It was explained in the light of reliable transliteration

that all these verses were decreased for censure of idols, so it
is openly cleared mislead to stitch it to Muslims.

Devotion and Dedication

of Muslims

Muslims know Allah as their Creator and Substainer;

and offer the animals to Allah saying before
slaughtering. Then, they caused to cook and carry its requital
to the soul of Allahs saint. Therefore, there is nothing a


matter of polytheism but it is good and lawful action Relation

of saints for conveying of requital:

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Aishah said; the Great

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Saad bin Abadah that he

would be black. It was offered so that he might sacrifice it.

replied in positive. Hazrat Saad bin Abadah requested.

Which alms is great according to reward? He replied, To

told me, O Aisha! Fetch the knife. Then, he

asked, Sharp it at stone. I did do so. He hold the knife, laid

the ram and then slaughtered it and said,( In Allahs
name) {and then prayed} O Allah! Accept this by
Muhammad, Muhammads family and Muhammads
Ummah. Then, he sacrificed it.
(Ref: The Muslim, Vol: 2, Kitab-ul-Adahi, Hadith: 4976, Pg:
814, Pub: Shabbir Bros. Lahore)


cause to drink water. It has been the Sabeel (water supplier

well or tank) of Hazrat Saad in Madinah yet.
(The Sunan Naisai, Vol: 2, Hadith: 3698, Pg: 577, Publisher:
Fareed Book, Lahore)

The Prophet

to bring the ram whose legs and eyes

Can I convey some charity and alms of her name? He



requested the Prophet, O Prophet! My mother has expired.


Hadith: Narrated Muhammad bin Yahya, Abdul Razzaq

Shouri, Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Aqeel Abu Salman,


Hazrat Aisha and Abu Hurairah : When the

Great Prophet intended to sacrifice, he bought two rams

which were very fat, hornful and dark black. He slaughtered

one for his adherent who believe in Oneness of Allah and is
subdued of his prophet-hood; and the second one was
slaughtered by himself and by his family.
(Ref: The Sunan Ibne Majah, Vol: 2,

Hadith: 907, Pg: 263, Pub: Farid Book Lahore)

Hadith: Hunsh narrated that he had seen Hazrat Ali

sacrificing two sheep and then he asked him , What
is this? He replied, The Prophet advised me to

sacrifice by his side. So (according to his order) I am offering

one sacrifice by his side.
(Ref: The Abu Daood, Vol: 2, Kitab-ul-Adhhaya, Hadith:
1017, Pg: 391, Publisher: Farid Book, Lahore)
Note: There are two kinds of conveying of requital. The first
kind is performed for the religious saints while the second one
is performed for common Muslims so that their goodness may
be increased by the prayers and conveyance of requital and



Hazrat Ali and the carrying out of Hazrat Ali belongs

to the first kind of conveying requital. Some people whose
hearts are full of enemity of sacred saints, use to say, The

because they are not needy of requital to saints and they

continue the trial of conveying the requital to saints. It is felt
that these people worship the saints by saying the conveying
the requital to the saints. These Kharjiyatzdah people
having such a mind should learn the lesson that why did the

Hadith: Hazrat Urwah bin Zubair


Great Prophet ask the last testament of sacrifice to Hazrat

Ali by himself?




Aisha : The Prophet commanded to bring a

hornful ram which horns are black, eyes are black and parts of
body are black. So, it was brought and intended to sacrifice.
Asked, O Aisha! Fetch the knife, and then asked to sharp it

knife away from her. Then, he lay the ram and said at the time
of sacrifice.
I start in name of Allah. O Allah, Accept it by Muhammad,
Muhammads family and Muhammads adherent. Then, he
offered its sacrifice.
(Ref: The Abu Dawood, Vol: 2, Kitab-ul-Adhahaya, Hadith:
1019, Pg: 392, Publisher: Farid Book Lahore)
Note: The Prophet related the animal to his family at the


people who convey requital to saints, have made them

took the

testament (which belongs to sacrifice) of the Prophet

upon the stone. So, she did do so and the Prophet


their futurity life may be good. While this is not the intention
of conveying of requital for religious saints but its purpose is
to link the relationship with the saints because like others they
are not needy of this that some one could try to make their
futurity well by praying and conveying of requital. The last

time of slaughtering and then slaughtered it by saying the

name of Allah . It was known that it does not count in

to relate the animal which was slaughtered saying

Allahs name to sacred saints for conveying of requital. The
animal which will be related to Holy Men for conveying of
requital, will be slaughtered saying Allahs name, the people
gives the proof of cruelty on the Islamic rules and enmity from
Holy men, who (people) say the animal Haram (unlawful)
and Murdar (dead). ( And Allah knows).

In short, it is the name of devotion and dedication but it is the

bases of conveying the requital infact. Therefore, the illnatured people must remove their suspicion and must
understand the Islamic rules because it is the Islamic faith
Shah Abdul Azizs Fatwa:


and at that Fateha, Qul and Drud are offered, is full of

blessings and it is useful to eat this victual.
Q: 40. What does Isal-e-Sawab mean?

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Maqal bin yasar , the Great


Ans.: Isal-e-Swab means conveying of requital. One alive

person, can feed the other person can cause to drink some
water, can cause wear a dress, can convey some requital and
can reach any type of advantage. Similarly, a man can convey
the requital of his goodness to his deceased men after their
death. If the deceased man is sinner, the requital will remove
his sin and if he is pious, the requital will increase his grade.

requital is conveyed to Hazrat Imam Hasan and Hussain

whether it is knowledge that was spread and taught to others

by him or pious son who was left behind him or the Holy
Quraan that was present to others by him or the masjid that
was constructed by him or a guest house that was built or a
canal that was caused to dig (or to flow) or the alms that was
given by him in the way of Allah from his wealth in the
condition of Health.
(Ref: The Ibn-e-Majah)


The intraditioner Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlwi writes in

his Fatawa (Vol: 1, at page: 71): The dedicated victual thats


Q: 41. Does Isal-e-Swab reach to the deceased (dead)


Ans: Isal-e-Swab surely reaches to the deceased person but in


Hadith, the Great Prophethimself directed to reach Isal-e-

A believer man finds his behaviors, and goodness


Hadith: Narrated Abu Huraira , the Great Prophet

Prophetasked, Recite Surah-e-Yaseen at your decreased

(dead) people.
(Ref: The Abu Dawood)

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abu Huraira ,the Great

Prophet asked, No doubt! Allah increases the grades of his

pious servant in Heaven. Then, he requests, O my Substainer,

why are these grades increased? Almighty Allah asks,
Because of your sons Istighfar (forgiveness) that prayed for
you. (Ref: The Ahmed)
It was proved that the deceased man finds not only the requital
of Isal-e-Swab but his ranks are also increased.
Q: 42. What is the Islamic capacity of Soem (the third
day) and Chehlum (the fortieth day)?


Ans.: There is no consequence to fix a day, time and date for a

religious ceremony. There is an expedition to determinate the
day that the people feel easiness to gather at the consonant
date and time. In this way, all of them attend the gathered


Proof: When a Muslim expires, he needs Isal-e-Swab in the

elementary days, so, the traditioner of the Sub-continent and
the reneutor of the 13th Century, Shah Abdul Haq Dehlwi says
that it should be offered Sadqah till the seven days after the
death of the dead body. The soul of the dead body comes to its
home at the night of Friday and sees whether the people of its
house gives alms of its name or not?

Q: 43. Why are the day, time and date fixed at the occasion
of Soem and Chehlum?


Ans.: Soem and Chehlum are the means of Isal-e-Swab. The

chain of recitation of the Holy Quran and charity is started
from the time of the death (transfer-ration) of the dead body.
But as the time of condolence is three days according to
Islamic rules, so in the last day of the condolence, people in a
large number send Isal-e-Swab to the dead body by offering
the recitation of the Holy Quran, Kalmah-e-Tayyibah and
Drud Shareef.



Proof: Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlwi writes in his

Malfoozat at page no. 80 about the Soem of the famous
tradition of the Sub-continent that there was so crowd of
people in his third day that it could not be counted. It was
recited 81 Holy Quran but it might be recited more than it.
Kalmah Tayyibah was so offered that we cant guess that.

The people who deny Soem and Chehlum fix the day
and time of their preaching assemblage, the time for the last
gathered prayer, the day and time for meetings and
conferences, the day and time for Khatm-e-Bukhari, the date
of the salaries of the teachers of schools (Madaris) etc. In
short, these people will not be able to avoid their houses
saying innovation to the days of Isal-e-Swab. So, they should
accept that it is lawful (Jaiz) Soem and Chehlum for the Isale-Swab of dead bodies.
To write Soem and Chehlum as Jaiz by Deobandi Scholars:
Moulwi Ismail Dehlwi Deobandi writes in his book the
Sirat-e-Mustaqeem at page: 221, I pray to Almighty Allah by
the Waseelah (means) of Hazrat Khawajah Ajmairi and Qutbud-Din Bakhtyar Kaki after offering their Fateha daily.


Hadith: Narrated Anas bin Malik the Great

Prophet said some words on the meal which was in front of

him and then he prayed. (The Bukhari, The Muslim)

Hadith: Hazrat Abu Huraira says that when the


The Peer (Sheikh) of Deobandi Scholars Haji
Imdadullah Mahajir Makki says, I do not deny the Chehlum,
Soem, Tenth day, Twentieth day, Fateha and Isla-e-Swab of
(Book: The Kuliyat-e-Imdadiya, Ch: Faislah, Haft Masala,
Pg: 82)

people became hesitated in the Tabook Battle, Hazrat Umer

requested, O Prophet! Please, send for the remaining

Q: 44. What is Fateha?

meal of people and pray to Almighty Allah for blessing at that

meal. The Great Prophet replied him in positive. Then, he


Ans.: The requital of the recitation of the Holy Quran,

Kalmah and Durood and other good treatment like the alms of
meal and clothes etc. that conveys to the Muslim after his
denies is commonly called Fateha because of the recitition
of Surah-e-Fatehah in it. (The Fatawa Rizwiyah)


Q: 45. How is to recite Fateha on victuals and to recite on

front of victuals?

Ans.: The Holy Quran is cure and blessing. Therefore, it

makes the victuals full of cure and blessings on that victuals, it
is recited Quran:
(Surah: Inaam, Verse: 118, Part:08 )
Translation: Then eat the that on which the name of Allah
has been pronounced, if you belive in His Verses.

caused to scatter meal carpet and asked, One must offer me

the remaining thing whatever one has. Someone offered a
handful of corn while someone brought a handful of dates and
someone gave a piece of loaf till the carpet became a little full.
Then he prayed for the blessing and asked all of them to fill
their pots. (Ref: The Muslim)
It was proved that it is the Sunnah of Great
Prophetto offer Fateha or something placing meal in front.
Q: 46. How is it to respect elders standing and to kiss their
hands in the Islamic rules?


Ans.: It is the Sunnah of the Holy Friends and the Holy

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Aisha , when the Prophet

came to Hazrat Fatemah ,she stood up in his respect
and kissed his hand by holding and caused him to sit in her
seat. Similarly, when Hazrat Fatemah came to the

Hazrat Anas bin Malik Have you ever touched the

standing and to kiss their hands.

Proof: Narrated Imam Bukhari, Hazrat Sabit asked

hands of the Great Prophet ? Hazrat Anas replied
him in positive. Then, he kissed the hands of Hazrat Anas


Family to respect saints, scholars and sheikhs by

(Book: The Adab-ul-Mufrad, Pg: 194)

Proof: Narrated Hazrat Shoaib , he said, I saw

by holding and then he caused her to sit in his seat. (And the

Hazrat Ali kissing the hands and foot of (his uncle)


Prophet , he stood up for her respect and kissed her hands

Great Prophet asked to respect the chief of the nation when

he came.)

(Ref: Pg: 192, Author: Imam Bukhari)

Hazrat Abbas : (Book: The Adab-ul-Mufrad, Pg: 195)

It was proved that it is the Sunnah of the Holy Friends

to kiss the hands and foot of saints.

Q: 47. Is it lawful to construct shrines? Prove with the
reference of the Holy Quran and Hadith.

Hadith: A holy friend Hazrat Zare narrated, when

Ans.: It is Jaiz (lawful) to construct shrines as it is present in

the Holy Qurran;


It was known by this that it is lawful (Jaiz) to respect

saints by standing. Now, study some more Hadithes at kissing
of hands.

( The Abu Dawood)

we (Abdul Qais Deputation) reached at Madinah-eMunawwarah, we came down upon our ridings hurrily and
started to kiss the sacred hands and foot of the Great Prophet




(Translation: The people will pray in it and gain blessing
from them.) The Holy Quran narrated their two actions. The
first was to advice about constructing a dome and a building
around Ashab-e-Kahaf, the second was to build Masjid and
did not dishonored any of them. It was known by this that it
was Jaiz to construct shrines and domes and to build Masjid
nearly at that time and it is also Jaiz now. If they were wrong,
the Holy Quran would never order this. The shrine of saints is
the landmark of Allah and to gain blessing from it and its
construction is proved from the Holy Quran.



(Surah: Kahaf, Verse: 21, Part: 15)

Translation: Thus we (Alla) disclosed them that the people
might know that Allahs Promise is true and that in Hour (Day
of Resurrection) there is no doubt. When people began to
dispute among themselves about their affairs, they said, Build
over their cave any building. Their Rubb (Substainer) knows
well about them. Those, who won their point, said, We swear
that we shall erect over them a mosque (Masjid).
Transliteration: It is Jaiz to construct a building near or
around the shrines (grave) of Shiekhs and scholars. It is
proved by the above verse. The Holy Quran says narrating the
true story of Ashab-e-Kahaf that

It was said in the transliteration of


Those, who won their point said, We swear that we

shall erect over them a mosque. Allama Ismail Haqqi

said the transliteration of in the Tafseer-e-Roohul Bayan:

Argument: They said to make the wall that would enclose

their graves and protect their shrines against the entrance of
any body like the walls around the grave of the Great Prophet

but them disagreed at this and then Masjid was built.

Proof: It is proved by the Kitab-e-Usool that the

innocent body of the Great Prophet was put in the room of

Hazrat Aisha . If it was not lawful, the Holy Friends

felled it and buried again; but they did not do so.
Moreover, the decisive of polytheism and innovation Hazrat
Umer got a round wall of the feeble stones around it
in the age of his caliphily. Then, Waleed bin Abdul Maliks
age, a holy friend Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair made this


The Ill-religious people took this Hadith as origin:

presence of the Holy Friends .

Hadith: The Great Prophet ordered Hazrat Ali to

Proof: It is in the Bukhari, Vol: 1, Kitab-ul-Janaiz,

erase the pictures and to make the graves equal.

Waleed bin Abdul Malik , a wall of the Great

Prophets tomb fell, the Holy Friends
became busy in reconstructing the wall.

Reply of the Reason of Ill-religious:


that Hazrat Umer says that in the age of

building very stronger and got the stones fixed in it in the

The graves those were ordered to fell to Hazrat Ali ,

were not of the Muslims but they belonged to the infidels
because the Great Prophet attended by himself in the burial
of every hold friend. Moreover, the Holy Friends


did not do any work without the advice of the Great


Proof: It is in the Bukhari, Vol: 1, and the Mishkat,

that when Hazrat Imam Hasan Ibne Ali

passed, his wife kept making vault on his grave till one

This was also in the presence of the Holy Friends


but no one opposed this.

Proof: In the Tafseer-e-Roohul Bayan, Vol:3, Part of the Holy

Quran: 1, about , he writes that it is
lawful to construct buildings on the graves of scholars and
saints while its objective will be create dignity in the sight of
people so that they may not condemn this grave.

The Reason of Ill-Religious:

Prophet.Therefore, the Muslims graves which were built at

that time, were built in the presence of the Great Prophetor
by his permission then which Muslims graves were there that
had been built unlawful and that had to make equal?
There were certainly the graves of Non-Muslims and Christian
those were commanded to efface by the Great Prophet


Hazrat Ali thats proof is this Hadith.

Proof: It was written a chapter in the Bukhari, Vol: 1, at page:
61 named ( Should the graves of
polytheists of the dark age be destroyed?) Imam Ibne Hajar
Fathul-Bari writes about its transliteration in Sharh-e-Bukhari,
Vol:2, at pg: 26 that all the graves except the Prophets and



Translation: Glory be to Him Who took His devotee for Isra,

the exalted night visit, from Masjid-ul-Haram to the Masjid ul
Aqsa the surroundings of which we have blessed that we
might show him some of Ours grand signs. Surely, He lone is
the Hearing, the Knowing.
In this verse, it was said, the surroundings of which we have
blessed. According to the transliteration, it means the tombs
of the pious servants of Allah around the Masjid Al-Aqsa, so
they are called the place of blessing only.
A leader of Deobandi Ashraf Ali Thanwi says in his
transliteration about


their followers should be destroyed because the destroyed of

Allahs holy mens graves is defame and insult of them.
( All glory due to Allah)! It has been proved with
the reference of the Holy Quran, Hadith, Faqhee paragraphs
as well as standard and reliable books that it is lawful to make
dome etc at the graves of saints. The mind does not want that
it should be lawful. The public have no respect and honour for
the feeble graves and they do not offer Fateha and the
arrangement like it but they trample these graves by their feet.
If they see a grave unfeeble and the sheath (scabbard) on it,
they consider that this is the grave of a saint and their hands
raise automatically. It is in the Mishkat chap: Ad-Dafan and in
the transliteration of the Mishkat named the Marqat that it
should be same respect Muslims both in the life and after the

It has been blessings

around Masjid-e-Aqsa means the shrines of the pious servants

of Allah.
Hadith: (The Governor of Madinah) Marwan came. He saw a
person laying his face on the grave of the Great Prophet .

Marwan hold his neck and asked him, Do you know what
you are doing? He replied in positive. Hence, Marwan paid
attention to him, he looked suddenly that he was a holy friend

Ans.: The Holy Quraan says the shrines of saints full of

blessing, so it is full of blessings to offer the presence them.

of the Prophet


Q: 48. Is it lawful to offer presence at shrines? Reply with

the reference of the Quran and Hadith?

(Surah: Bani Israil, Verse: 1, Part: 15)

named Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari .

He said to Marwan, I did not come hear to a stone but I came

near to the Great Prophet and I heard the Prophet


one should cry on the religion at the time when the religious
ruler his notorious, so I am crying near to my lord.


Note: It was proved that when the Holy Friends had

any problem, they used to cry stinging the grave of the Great
Prophet .

it was proved Means after the demise by this behavior only.

(Ref: Wafa-ul-Wafa).
The action of Akabereen Mukadeseen:

(Ref: The Mustadrak (Imam Hakim) Vol: 4, Pg: 515, The

Musnad-e-Ahmed, Vol: 5, Pg: 422)

1. Hazrat Imam Shafei , I get blessings at the

Hadith: Darmi narrated in his Masnad by Abil Jawaz, the

citizens of Madinah felt severe draught and they complained

to his shrine whenever I need the solution of a

problem. I offer two Rakaat Nafl and pray to
Almighty Allah by his means. Then, my desire is
fulfilled. (Ref: Muqaddama Shami, Pg: 03)


to Hazrat Aisha . The Mother of Believers asked, Go


shrine of Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa . I came

to the grave of the Prophet and rend the proof up in the

shape of circle so that the curtain of roof may not be between

the sky and the Holy Grave. The people did do so. It rained
and it so rained that the grass grew in a large quality, the
camels became so fat that they appeared to be cracked because


of fatness.Thats why that year was named Aaam ul

Note: Al-Fazilul-Muraghi said, The action of the citizen of

Madinah is only this that they attended the shrine of the Great

Prophet whenever there was draught.

2. Hazrat Imam Shafei says that it is a very

good treatise for the acceptance of prayers to come and
then to pray near the shrine of Hazrat Imam Moosa
Kazim .

3. The translation of Bukhari, Allama Ahmed Qustalani

writes in Irshad-us-Sari that the people of Samar Qand
suffered into the difficulty of draught. One pious
person of them came to the Justice of Samar Qand and
narrated his dream that the Justice was travelling to the
shrine of Imam Bukhari with people.

Shiekh As-Samhoodi Al-Madani said, Now-a-days, the gate

of the Prophets shrine of the grave may be appeared. Then,

Allama Qustalani writes that when the Justice listened to

this dream, he said, ( What a good dream you have


Q: 50. How is it to put flower and plants on graves

according to Hadith?
Ans.: It is Jaiz to put flowers and plants on graves.
Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abbass , once the Great

passed near by the two graves. The grave


Ans.: The objective of putting the sheath on shrines is that it

will be felt different from the grave of common people like the
Baitullah was put the sheath so that it may not count in
common Masjid. The Holy Quran is worn sheath so that it
may not count in common books. So, it is put the sheath on the
shrines of saints so that it must differ from the common
peoples grave.

Q: 49. What is the order about putting the sheath on


Note: It is enough to put only one sheath on shrines and it is

better to give the extra (move than one) sheaths as alms.


had!) Therefore, the people attended at Imam Bukharis shrine

with the Justice. It rained till the seven days because of it and
the people felt realse from the draught.
It was known that it is Jaiz to attend the shrines of the Holy
Men and it is also Jaiz to pray by their means.


Proof: It is in reliable book of Hadith named Abu Daood that

(meaning ) it was put the sheath on the shrines of the Great
Prophet , Siddiqe-e-Akber and Umer .

Hadith: Hazrat Ibne Abbas had been narrated that


the red sheath had been put on the grave of the Great

(Ref: The Muslim, Vol: 1, Kitab-ul-Janaiz, Hadith: 2136, Pg:

733, pub: Shabeer Bros Lahore)

keepers suffered from the torture. The Prophet demanded a

refreshed branch of a date tree. He broke into two pieces and

put them on both the graves and asked, The grave keeper
(buried men) felt reduction in the torture by the blessing of the
branches till the refreshment.
(The Bukhari, The Muslim)

Proof: In the Kanzul-Ibad, the Fatawa Gharaib, the Fatawa

Hindiya and Shah Abdul Haq Dehlwi in the transliteration of
the Mishkat named the Ash-a-tul-Lamaat as well as all the
books, it is written a good action to put flowers and refreshed
branch like Marwah on the grave. Till the refreshment, these
things will praise Allah by which the dead will find benefit,
rest and relief.




Ans.: It is the conspiracy of the ill-religious that they

appointed (fixed) the verses which were decreased in the
censure of idols on Holy Men.
The Reasons of Ill-Religiuos:
Quran: (Surah: Nahl, Verse: 20 & 21)
Translation: And those whom they worship besides Allah
create nothing but they are themselves created (20) They are
dead, not alive and they do not know when they will be raised
to life again.
Quran: (Surah: Araf, verse: 194 & 195)
Translation: Surely, those whom you worship besides Allah,
are subjects like you. Therefore call upon them and let them
respond to you, if you are truthful (194). Have they feet to
walk with? Or have they hands to hold with? Or have they
eyes to see with? Or have they ears to hear with? Please
declare, Call upon your associates and then try your tricks on
me and give no time to escape.
Quran: (Surah:Hajj Verse:73)
Translation: Those whom you worship instead of Allah do
not have the power to create even a fly, though all of them get
together for it.
The Reply of the Reasons of the Ill-Religious Men:

All the transliterations say that these verses were

decreased about idols because they are unable and helpless
and it is ignorance to worship them and to make them goods.
Some of the transliterations are:
1. Tafseer-e-Jalalan, Pg: 215
2. Tafseer-e-Jame-ul-Bayan, Pg: 292
3. Tafseer-e-Baidhawi, Vol: 3, Pg: 336
4. Tafseer-e-Nasafi, Vol: 3, Pg: 85
5. Tafseer-e-Sawi, Vol: 3, Pg: 10
6. Tafseer-e-Ibne Kaseer, Vol: 3, Pg: 235
7. Tafseer-e-Kabeer, Vol: 6, Pg: 216
8. Tafseer-e-Khazin, Vol: 5, Pg: 23
9. Maaalam-ut-Tanzeel, Vol: 3, Pg: 23
10. Tafseer Moudhoul Quran, Pg: 350


Q: 51. Reply against the reason of ill-religious about the

worship of grave?

With the reference of the transliterations and Tafseere-Ibne Abbas, it was proved that the Substainer of respect
decreased these verses to humiliate and to contempt idols,
not the Prophets and saints.

Why does the Hindu go to idols:

The Hindu believes in the idols as his god and knows
this statue of stone his lord and creator of his fortune.
Why does the Muslim go to shrines:
Muslims believe in Allah as their real Lord and Creator
and in the Great Prophet

as the truth Prophet.


Two Arguments of Ill-Religious Men:

1. Quran: (Surah: Nooh, Verse: 23)

Translation: and said, By no means leave your gods, nor
leave wadd, nor Suwa, nor Yaghus and Yauq and Nasr
(idols of paganism).


2. Quran: (Surah: Nahl, Verse: 20 & 21)

Translation: And those whom they worship besides Allah
create nothing but they are themselves created. They are
dead, not alive and they do not know when they will be
raised to life again.

The Reply of First Argument:

The ill-religious men blame at Muslims taking the first
proof that infidels have named the idols and they (Muslims)
have made saints and named them separatedly.

But Allah granted saints grades, dignity and Wilayat and then
made their heart the centre of the Luster of His blessings. He
decreased in their dignity and in every age,
sent His perfect subjects. He made some one as Ghous-eAzam, someone as Ghareeb Nawaz and some one as Data Ali
Hijweri. In short, every saint has been given rank by Allah.
When this has been given rank by Allah. When this has been
explained, the suspicious that Muslims have made saints
appointing their different names, has been finished.


Therefore, this is the mis-apprehension of the people

because there is no aspect of polytheism in it.

The blamers have not understood the Holy Quran and

Oneners of Allah. The Hindu makes idols by his own hands
and named it knowing it his own god.

the Holy Books. Whenever they go to shrines, first they

offer Fateha and convey the requital to Holy Men. Then,
they pray to Allah for their desire which is according to
Islamic rules, O Almighty Allah! Fulfill our this desire by
the means and blessing of this pious subject.


Moreover, they trust in all the Prophets and all

The Reply of the Second Argument:

This verse was also descended the censure of idols. A
wise man will not say blind, deaf and dead to his beloved.
When a human cannot do this, then how can Rahman-the
creator of human say His beloved blind, deaf and dead.
Therefore, admit it leaving the obtinacy that all these verses
were dismounted in the censure of idols.
Wrong Actions on Shrines:
The dancing, singing, gathering of smokers, Twaf of
grave, beating of drums, playing of tambourine and coming of


Q: 52. Is it correct to hold the Urs of saints?

Ans.: The celebration of annual remembrance of Holy Men is
called Urs. At this occasion, it is held Mehfile-e-Milad on
their shrines which are conveyed to the saint whose urs is
being celebrated at that moment.



In Pakistan, these wrong deeds are do not at the shrines

which are under the guardian of scholars of Ahl-e-Sunnat, so
the Government of Pakistan should deliver all the shrines to
the scholars of Ahle Sunnat so that all these activities may not
be appeared at a shrine. The Rupees which are collected at a
shrine move to the pocket of the people belonged to Oqaf and
one of these rupees is not spent for the teaching of saints.
The person who does wrong activities at shrines is on
the wrong way and it is dishonesty to call Maslak-e-Ahle
Sunnat names because of his actions. Remember! You will
find thieves, dacoits, robbers, killers and cheaters in Muslims
but we must not say Islam as a wrong religion because these
people are on the wrong way and Islam does not teach wrong
and bad actions.

belief to perform the prostate of worship to besides Allah and

it is unlawful (Haram) and sin to perform the prostrate of
honour to besides Allah by the statement of many Quranic
verses and the fourty Hadithes.


bashless women all these bad activities at shrines do not

belong to Maslak-e-Ahle Sunnat. It is the wickedness of the
people of Oqaf to maintain these behaviours because the
majority of the people of Oqaf do not trust in the shrines of
saints, so they are carrying on these actions to defame

Fatwa of Imam-e-Ahle Sunnat about wrong Deeds

performed at shrines:
Moulana Shah Ahmed Raza Khan Fazil-e-Brailvi has

written in his book that it is dis-

(Surah: Mariyam, verse: 15, Part: 16)

Translation: And peace be upon the day when Yahya born
and the day, when he died and the day when he will be again
raised alive.

(Surah: Mariyam, verse: 33, Part: 16)

Translation: And peace upon me, the day I was born and the
day I die and the day, I shall be raised up alive.
In these verses, the time of demise was narrated with peace
which proves that the peace of the demise day of the Prophets
and saints is the remembrance for the adherents and
followers and the remembrance of this demise day is named
Urs. Therefore, the reality Urswas proved by these verses
and now well prove it with the reference of Hadithes.


Holy graves of the martyrs every year and send them salam.
Similarly, all the four Caliphs used to do so to perform the
Sunnah of the Great Prophet .
(Muqaddama Shami, Vol: 1)
Hadith: The Great Prophet

used to go to the holy graves

of the martyrs of Ohud every year and when he reached near

Q: 53. Whether it is Jaiz to write Kalmah-e-Tayyibah or

the Quranic verses at the forehead of the dead body or
his/her coffia?


to Shoaib, he asked loudly, " Salutation on you for

Imam Bukhari) the Great Prophet used to visit the

Hazrat Shah Abdul Haq Dehlwi writes, Some of the

latest scholars of the west says that it is expected from the day
in which, a Holy man passed to get more blessings and boons
other than the other days. Hence, Urs is said a virtuous
treatment by the latest scholars.


Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Ibne Abi Shaibah (the teacher of

the reward of the patience that you kept. What a good

condition and dwelling you have! Then, Hazrat Abu Bakar
Siddiq used to do the same every year and then Hazrat

Umer and then Hazrat Usman used to come and



(Ref: Rawah-ul-Behqi Shrh-e-Sudoor, Pg: 87)

It is clearly narrated in these Hadithes that the Great

used to go to Ohud every year and used to visit

and the Holy Friends to

of the Great Prophet

the holy graves of the martyrs and he visited at that day which
belonged to their martyrdom. It was proved that it is Sunnah

attend the shrines annually offer the Salutation and pray.

Ans.: The Holy Quran is full of boons and blessings.

(Surah: Bani Israil, Verse: 82, Part: 15)

Translation: And we have revealed the Quran which is
healing and a mercy to the believers; and it only adds to the
loss of the cruel.

(Surah: Yunus, Verse: 57, Part: 11)

Translation: O mankind, there has come to you a warning to
you from your Rubb (Substainer), and healing what is in your
hearts, and a guidance and a mercy for the believers.


in Nwader-ul-Usool, the Great Prophet

said, If a person

Hadith: One day, the Great Prophet


will write this prayer on a paper and will put the paper
between the bosom and Coffia of the dead body, the dead
body will neither find the torture of the grave nor see the
Munkar Nakeer angels.

Proof: Imam Tirmzi Ibne Ali narrated a prayer (Dua)

Ans.: The dead body finds the blessing of Shajrah (spiritual

pedigree table), Ahad Namah (Religious Promise) and Nale-ePak (The shoes of the Prophet) if these were kept in his / her
grave because there is the saying of Almighty Allah in these.
The man finds the blessings of the saying of Allah and sacred
relics of saints.
Quran: (Surah Yusuf, Verse: 93, part: 13)
Translation: Go to this shirt of mine. Place it on my fathers
face. He shall recover his sight.


Proof: The saying of Allah is Mercy and it is dismounted

mercies at the spot where it is recited or written, so it is
merciable for the dead body to write the saying of Allah with
the indicator finger at the forehead on coffia of the dead body.


Proof: In the Fatwa Kubra lil Makki, it was written after

writing this Hadith, The reality of this prayer is this that (and)
Faqeeh Ibne Ajeel directed (to write) this and provided the
Fatwa about its writing that this prayer was written at the
camels of Zakat.

came out wearing

Tahband (Lion Cloth: the cloth worn round the waist).

Someone begged to the Prophet for the Tahband. The Holy
Friends told the beggar, The Great Prophet

needed the Tahband at that time it is no habit of the Prophet

to refuse a beggar then why did you do so? He replied, I
swear Allah that I did not take it for my wearing . I begged it

so that it might be my Coffia. Hazrat Sahl says that

he was worn that Coffia.

It has been proved that it is the Sunnah of the Holy Friends

Q: 54. What is the reality of keeping Shajrah, Ahad

Namah and Nale-e-Pak in the grave?

to take away the thing which belongs to a pious

nature in the grave.


Q: 56. You so praise the Great Prophet

as you have

enlarged the dignity of the Prophet than Allah?


It is our question to the blamers; they must tell the

surroundings of Allah then we must not extend the dignity of
the Prophet


than the surroundings. O blamers!

Would you had thought that you had been appointing the

surroundings of Allah in the enmity of the Great Prophet .

The foolish people are unaware of the dignity of

Mustafa . No one could understand the dignity of Mustafa

(Surah: Alam Nashrah, Verse: 4)

Translation: And We have exalted high your dignity.
Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abu Bakar , the Great


O Abu Bakar! No one knows my reality

except my substainer.

Note: The Great Prophetsaid these words to the personality

more than whom, no one knows the dignity of Mustafa

Ans.: It is blamed at Maslak-Ahle Sunnat. We believe in the

Great Prophet as the beloved of Allah.

except Allah.


Ans.: Yes. Ulma and Fuqaha forbade to keep the Ahad

Namah, Shajrah and other sacred relics over the dead body
because the blowing and bursting of the dead body are its
natural accidents. In this situation it will be the insult of these
words which are full of blessings to be presented there. Thats
why, the holy Fuqaha says that let the place like arch be made
in the grave and the Shajrah and Ahad Namah be placed in it
carefully so that the honour may be regarded.

till now. The reality of the Great Prophet no one knows it


Q: 55. It is said that the Ahad Namah and Shajrah should

not keep over the dead body?


the world. In other words, how shall we be able to know the

reality of Mustafa while Siddiq-e-Akbar cannot know it?
The dignity of the Great Prophet

that has been

narrated by the Holy Friends ,Holy Family and

Holy Men, is the surroundings of their studies, wisdom and
knowledge because the dignity of the Prophet

is the

highest of all these matter.

We proved by narrating the grade and dignity that the
dignity of the Prophet

the beloved and creation of


Rahman is so high that who can guess the dignity of

Rahman the creator of the Prophet!

Abdul Ali means the slave of Hazrat Ali .

(Surah: Noor, Verse: 32, Pg: 18)

Translation: And marry widows among you, and your
righteous male and female servants, fit one (for marriage).


(Surah: Zumr, Verse: 53, Pg: 24)

Translation: Please declare, O My devotees, who have
committed excess against their own selves, be not despaired of
the Mercy of Allah.

There are two probabilities (suspenses) in this ( O My

devotees). First is that Allah asks, O My devotees And the

means the devotee and adherent of the Great Prophet


this is the saying of the saints of the religion only.

Proof: Hazrat Shah Waliullah Dehlwi says in the book
Azalatul Khafa with the reference of Riyadhun Nasr that
Hazrat Umer asked sitting on the pulpit during the


Mustafa, Abdur Rasool means the slave of the Prophetand

According to the second condition in Ibad-ur-Rasool, Abd


Ans.: It is Jaiz to keep these names in the light of the Quran

and Hadith because here, in these names Abd means
Slave. In other words, Abdul Mustafa means the slave of

My beloved say O my devotees.

Q: 57. How is to name Abdul Mustafa, Abdul Rasool and

Abdul Ali, according to the Quran and Hadith?

second is that it was commanded the Great Prophet ,

address, I was with the Great Prophet , so I was his

devotee and servant.

Proof: In Mashnawi, it has been narrated that when Hazrat
Abu Bakar offered Hazrat Bilal to the Great
Prophet , he said, Both we are the devotees of you. I free
Hazrat Bilal in front of you.
Proof: Many people says to others at the time of introduction
of their servants and workers, This is our subject. Here
subject means their servants and workers, not a worshipper.


(Surah: Nisa , verse: 113, Part: 5)
Translation: And Allah has revealed to you the Book and the
wisdom and taught you what you did not know.

It has been explained that it is jaiz to keep and call

upon the names Abdul Mustafa, Abdul Rasool and Abdul Ali.

Ans.: Allah taught the Great Prophet every knowledge then

awareness to His beloved. When every awareness has been

provided then how can it be possible to remain the awareness
of writing?


how can it be possible the knowledge of writing was


Note: Allah says in this verse that He has taught every


Q: 58. Did the Great Prophet know how to write?

o o

the Quran to His beloved Prophet ( 2) He created the life of

(Surah: Ala, Verse: 9 Part: 30)

Translation: We teach you which you never forget.
Note: When the teacher of the Great Prophet is Almighty
Rahman, then which knowledge of the world can be hidden
from him?

the human beings (3) Taught him the of mode of plain

expression (4)

Hadith: Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa says that in the days of

(Surah: Rahman, Verse: 1-4, Part: 27)


Translation: Rahman (the most Affectionate) (1) has taught

Note: There is the acknowledgement of every thing in the

Holy Quran and Almighty Allah taught the Holy Quran to
His Beloved Prophet then how can it be possible to remain the
acknowledgement of writing and reading?

illness, the Great Prophet

asked me, Call your father and

brother. I want to give some written thing to them. I afraid that

lest one should claim as a Caliph after me. Then, he said,
Well, leave it. Almighty Allah has given us the right to make
Abu Bakar as a Caliph and the believers must not
admit one as a Caliph except Abu Bakar .


(Ref: The Muslim, Pg: 95,96)

may write some thing like legacy. It proves that the Prophet

knew how to write, so he asked to write legacy.

the letters written by his own hands.


Ans.: Some people who are far from the religious knowledge
and unaware of reality of Islam say, Ummi means illiterate.
Therefore, the real meaning of it and the wisdom of this title
are narrated in front of you.

First wisdom: Umm means the mother. The mother is called

the Umm because she is the reality or root of the son. One of
the meaning of Makkah-tul-Mukar-ramah is Umm-utQurah thats meaning is the reality of the Earth. Some
people of us appoint the surname of cities or areas like one
born in Mairth, one writes Mairthi with ones names. A man
who was born in Dehli writes Dehlwi with his name. Similarly
the man who was born in Gujrat writes Gujrati with his name.


is the life of the world. In other words, he is the

reality of the universe and all the universe was created by his
Noor, therefore, he is the reality of this world and thats why
he is called Ummi.


knew how to write?

Q:59. What do you mean by Ummi?

the Great Prophet is Ummi because of Umm-ul-Qurah.

Second Wisdom: Umm means the reality. The Great

Proof: The Great Prophet preached Islam to the kings by

It was proved that the Great Prophet

and that land is called Umm-ul-Qurah and the surname of

says that he

was born at the land of Makkah


Note: In the above Hadith, the Great Prophet

The Great Prophet








prophethood in the age of forty. It means, that during the age

of forty years, he lived with the wine-drinkers, dacoits killers
and graves of alive daughters of Arab but he remained his
reality and a bad habit of anyone could not effect the Great
Prophet. It was felt that he had been given birth at the time
by her mother, that is why he is called Ummi.
Fourth Wisdom: Many people could not understand the
meaning of Ummi and said Ummi means un-educated while
its meaning is that who has not got education. In other words,
it means the person who did not get education by a human but
he got it by Almighty Rahman only. The teacher of the


Prophet is Almighty Rahman, so the Prophet


not get

Hazrat Abdullah and the Belly (abdomen) of Hazrat

Amina .

Q: 60. Some people says polytheist to the parents of the

the prostrators to Almighty Allah and believers in Oneness of

Allah, and none of those was infidel and polytheist.

the reference of the Quran and Hadith?

Therefore, the generations of the ancestors in which

the Great Prophet

came into the world, all of those were


Great Prophet , so prove that they were Muslims with

education by someone. Thats why too, he is called Ummi.

You have understood the wisdoms of the word
Ummi, therefore, it was explained that he is the reality of the

Hadith: It is in the Muslim, the Trimzi and the Mishkat that

Hazrat Waelah bin AlAqsa says that he heard the


Ans.: The Prophet came into the world transferring through

the generations of his ancestors, all of those were prostrators
believers and were at Oneness of Allah and no one of those
was infidel and polytheist.

Great Prophet

saying, No doubt! Almighty Allah select

Kananh in the off spring of Hazrat Ismail ; and

Quraish in Kananah; and Bani Hashim in Quraish; and me in

Bani Hashim.
(The Dlail-un-Naboowwat, The Behqi, Vol: 1, Pg: 65, The
Seerate-e-Halbiya, Vol: 1, Pg: 43)

Note: All the generations of the ancestors from Hazrat Ismail

Note: By Abu Naeem, Hazrat Ibne Abbass said,

the Prophet

means . It means the Noor of the Great

believers of Allah.

has been transferring into the generation of his



(Surah: Shurra, verse: 218, 219, 220, Part: 19)

Translation: Who sees you when you stand (for Salat); O
sees your light in the prostrator. O Surely, He is the Hearer,
the Knower. O

ancestors one by one and then it shone into the forehead of

to Hazrat Abdullah and Amina in which


into the world were selected and


Quran: :

(Surah: Baqarah, Verse: 129, Part: 1)


Translation: O our Rubb (Substainer), send from among

them a Rasool (messenger) who should teach them your Book
and wisdom and purify them. You are the most Honourable
and the most Wise.
Note: It was known that Hazrat Ibraheem prayed to
Allah for the Great Prophet

1 Imam Abu Hafs Umer ibn-e-Ahmed bin Shaheen

2 Shiekh Ahmed bin Ali bin Sabit bin Ahmed bin Mehdi
3 Muhaddis Abul Qasim Ali bin Hasan Asakar
4 Imam Abdul Rehman bin Abd Lala bin Ahmed Saheli
5 Imam Saleh ud din Sufyi
6 Imam Allama Shar-fu-din Manawi
7 Imam Fakhru-din-Razi
8 Imam Jalalu-din Syooti
9 Imam Abdul Wahab Sharani
10 Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dhelwi

the Holy Quran in this way:

adherent who wrote lines on the Holy Parents that they were
believers. The names are:


Proof: The prayer of Hazrat Ibrahim was copied in

to send him in the Muslim

adherent so that he might purify the astray people. Can the

who purify the people, stay in the abodomen of a

polytheist? Hence, it was proved that the Prophet



transferred through the Muslims or the believers.

The scholars of Adharents agree that the Holy Parents

were believers:
In his book Shamool-ul-Islam Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed

Raza has written the names of these scholars of the

All of these scholars of the Ummah believe that the

Parents of the Great Prophet




believers and hevenly.

Q: 61. Was the father of Hazrat Ibrahim Azar
not an idol?
Ans.: Because of the far from the knowledge and truth, some
people make a mistake and say that Azar who was an idolworshipper, was the father of Hazrat Ibrahim and they

(people) present this verse as an argument:


the uncle of Hazrat Ibrahim .

in his book Masalak-ul-Hunafa that it was usually
said Father to the uncle in all the countries, specially
in Arabic countries.
3. It is in the Holy Quran:

(Surah: Baqarah, Verse: 133, Part: 1)


In this verse, Hazrat Ismail is said the father

of Hazrat Yaqoob while he is the uncle of

Hazrat Yaqoob .

4. Proof: Now-a-days it is the customs of some nations to

say Big Father to the uncle while he is not the father
but he is the uncle.

that the father name of Hazrat Ibrahim

was Tarikh. It is and according to
there is no discord in this and this is true only.

6. Proof: The generation of Hazrat Ibrahim was

narrated in the Tafseer-e-Haqqani.


2. Proof: Imam Jalalud-Din Suyooti has written

Fath-ul-Bari, Ch: Kitab-ul-Ambiya about

(Surah: Inaam, verse: 74, Part: 7)

Translation: And remember when Abrham said to father,
Azar, do you take the idols for worship?
Reply of the Arguments:
1. Proof: It is written in The Qamoos which is a a
popular Arabic dictionary that Azar was the name of

5. Proof: Hafiz Ibne Hijr Asqalani writes in


Ibrahim bin Tarikh ibne Nakhoor ibne Sazoo ibne Tate

ibne Abir ibne Sale ibne Arfahshaz ibne sam bin Nooh.
7. Proof: It must not be prayed for the forgiveners of the
infidel but Hazrat Ibrahim prayed for his


(Surah: Ibrahim, Verse: 41, Part: 13)

Translation: O our Substainer forgives me and my parents

and all the believers on the Day when reckoning is done.
Note: The prayer of forgiveness is not offered for the infidel,
so it is the proof to beg the forgiveness for his father by him
that his father was at oneness of Allah and he was a believer
and trustee of Allah.


Therefore, the people should turn their strike out and

must accept that the father name of Hazrat Ibrahim

says, How are the people who thinks

that my relation will not give them any benefit; I must mediate
and my recommendation will be accepted.

was Tarikh and Azar who was a worshipper, was his uncle.

The Great Prophet

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abdullah ibne Umer in the

Q: 62. Will the relation of the Great Prophet

give us

said, In the Day of judgement, I shall mediate my family first

and then in the Quraish who are nearer to me step by step and
then Ansar, then Ahle Yaman who believed in me and
followed me, then the remaining Arab; and then the nonArabs. The persons who will be mediated by me at first, are
the greatest of all.
(The Zakkairul Uqma, Pg: 20; The Subulal Huda, Pg: 11/11;
Book: Parents of the Prophet; Pg: 165)


any benefit?


Tabrani, the Kabeer and the Dare Qutbi; the Great Prophet

Ans.: Some people often says in an unsuitable way that the

will not give us any benefit

because the Great Prophet asked his daughter, Your to be
relation of the Great Prophet

Prophet will not give any benefit.


my daughter will not give you any benefit and your

behaviours are with you.
If we study the Hadithes, we find that Quran
Preservors, Pilgrims, Scholars, Martyrs and New Both child;
will mediate the people who are related with them. In spite of
it, what a foolish it is to say that the relation of the Great

Proof: Hazrat Imam Jalaluddin replies this objection in his

book Rasail Tis at page no. 26 and Hazrat Imam Salehi
replies this objection in his book Subulal Huda wr Rashaad
at page no. 3/11 by presenting this Hadith:

Proof: The Deobandi auother Moulwi Zakariyah Kandhalwi

copies this Hadith in his book Fazail-e-Sadaqat, (Part: 2, at
pg: 311)
Hadith: Narrated Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Nameer, Ali
bin Mohammad Waqee, Amash, Yazeed Ar-Raqashi,
Anas ; the Great Prophet said, In the Day of

Judgement, the Heavenly people are classified in a live. A

hellish man will passed near to them. He will indentify a
person of the heavenly people and tell him that he gave the


added, The heavenly man will mediate the hellish

man at this matter. Then, a second hellish man will pass and
remind a heavenly man that once upon a time, he provided
some water to the heavenly man to make the ablution. He will
mediate the hellish man too. A third hellishman will pass and
remind a heavenly man that the heavenly man sent him to do
any acting which he (the hellishman) fulfilled. That heavenly
man will mediate him at this matter.

Q: 63. Some people say that the Holy Prophets

are sinner. Please, reply it.
Ans.: It is an Islamic faith that all the Prophets and all the


(Ref: The sunan Ibne Majah, Vol: 2, Ch: ,


would be negligent from their behaviours and know that they

were the sons of the great saints and hence they would enter
into the Heaven but they should remember that their
behaviours are with them.


heavenly man a draught of water, for drinking. The Great

Hadith: 1477, Pg: 400 Publisher: Fareed Book Stall, Lahore.)

Note: The relation with the Great Prophet is so high


because it is the benefit of the relation with the devotees of his

devotees that the man who are related with them, will be
entered into the Heaven.
Wisdom of the First Hadith:

The saying of the Great Prophet that he cannot give

any gain means that he cannot give any gain without the grant
of Allah and he gives the gain whatever is granted by Allah.

To say to Hazrat Fatima ,Yours behaviours

are with you meant to teach the next Muslims that lest they

angels are innocent and the people who themselves

are astray, say them (the Prophets and the angels) sinners.

(Surah: Bani Israil, verse: 65, Part: 15)

Translation: Surely, those who cure my devotees, you have

no control over them.
Note: In this verse, Almighty Allah says that Satan cannot
control His beloved subjects; and in this world, the most
beloved subjects of Him are the Prophets , so Satan
cannot attack and cheat the Prophets .

o o :


, I would bind him. Then, the children of Madinah-eMunawwarah would play with him in the next morning).
(Ref: The Sunan Nisai, Vol: 1,
Hadith: 1218,

(Surah: Saad, verse: 82 & 83, Part: 23)

Translation: He said, By your Dignity, I shall certainly lead
all of them astray o except those among them who are your
chosen devotees o

Pg: 372, Publisher: Fareed Book Stall, Lahroe)

Note: The most popular servants of Almighty Allah are the

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Aishah one night, the Great

all of His creation, but he cannot mislead His beloved

servants. It was known that how can the sins be made (done)

Prophets went out of her room. She felt too much. When he

them innocent?

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abu Darda when the Great Prophet

stood for

returned to the room, he asked her seeing her behaviour, O

Aisha! What happened? Did you feel something? She replied,
Why shouldnt I feel while there is a woman like me and a


by the Prophets while Satan excuses to cheat them knowing


Prophets and Satan says that he intends to mislead

saying the prayer we heard him saying, I want


Allahs Refuge from you. I send you Allahs Curse. Then, he

extended his hand that he wanted to catch something. We
requested him after he had offered the prayer, O Prophet of

man like you? The Prophet asked her, Did your Satan
come to you? She requested, Is there a Satan with me? He
replied in positive. Then, She requested, him Is the Satan
with every one? He replied in positive. Then, she requested
him, O Prophet of Allah , is there a satan with you? He

Allah we heard you saying the words which you had never

replied, Yes! But my Substainer helped me against him and

he has believed in Islam.

(Ref: The Muslim, Vol: 3, Hadith: 6981,

said, Iblees-the enemyof Allah and rejected by Him-brought

a flame of fire in front of me. I told thrice him that I want the
refuge of Allah from him. Then, I wanted to sieze him. (If I
did not think about the prayer of my brother Hazrat Soleman

Page: 612, Publisher: Shabbeer Brothers, Lahore.)

said and we saw you spreading the hand. The Prophet

Note: The Satan neither inclines the Prophets

towards sins nor touches them and whispers into their heart.


he could not avoid from the sin then how can we avoid
from sins?

The man who is aware of the love taste can understand

this secret. Allah said to satan, ( get out of Heaven)
but He said to Hazrat Adam ,

Q: 64. Some people say about Hazrat Adam that

Ans.: The transliterators and scholars say that Hazrat Adam

named sinner and unfortunate due to this. On this reason; to
say Hazrat Adam a sinner, is a very big sin and
Hazrat Adam will eat the grain forgetfully.
First Expedition:

It was said in the Holy Quran about Hazrat Adam :


Quran (Translation): I am to place (Adam as) My vicergent

in the earth.

It was known by this verse that Hazrat Adam

was created for only the earth, then how could he live in the
Heaven for ever? Therefore to eat the grain of wheat
forgetfully caused to come towards the earth out of the
Heaven so that the saying of Almighty Allah that he is to place
khalifah in the earth might be fullfilled.
Second Expedition:

persons. The Holy men say that Hazrat Adam did


against the Islamic faith because it is Allahs Expedition that

in which it was told, O Adam, you are sending

towards the world for a short time. Then, you will enter into
the Heaven with your millions off-springs. In other words,
you two persons are going but you will bring millions of


. The grains of wheat forgetfully and it may not be

not expel us from the Heaven but we expelled him because

there are the souls of infidels and sinners in his back who were
not able to the Heaven. So, it was ordered, O Adam! Go to
the world and return to the Heaven leaving these bad
characters. Then, your place is the Heaven only.


Third Expedition:
If the coming of Hazrat Adam towards the world is a
torture, the shone crown of vicergency and prophethood would
not be put on him, here and the Prophets and the
saints would not be born in his off-springs. The grain of wheat
which Hazrat Adam ate and then came into the world, was
prescribed for his off-springs.


supposed case and they understand him indicated cause about

Q: 65. Hazrat Dawood looked at the woman

themselves decided. Be Glory to Allah!

belonging to Oriya with bad vision which is narrated in

Surah-e-Saad and this is surely a crime. Reply this.

greatness and respect of the Prophets is in front of

Ans.: The historians have contained some abundance in the

very nicely method!

claimed, I shall whip 160 times him who narrates the

Q: 66. Hazrat Moosa ) killed a Qibti and said,

(This is mischievous deed). It was known that

he killed cruelly him and that is a big crime .


event of Hazrat Dawood as a tale. It means he will

Allah that he (Hazrat Dawood) was understood by


narration of Hazrat Dawood . Thats why, Hazrat Ali

What the

given the double punishment of the imputation which is eighty

(80) whips.
(Rooh-ul-Bayan, Surah: Saad)
The event of Hazrat Dawood was only this that a man
named Oriya sent a message of wedding to a woman. Hazrat


Dawood sent her too the message. She got marry

Ans.: The Qibti was cruel to an Israili and Hazrat Moosa

did not intend to kill him. He wants to set the Israili

free. When the Qibti did not leave the oppressed Israili,
Hazrat Moosa gave the Qibti a slap which he did not

with Hazrat Dawood and Oriya could not marry with

bear. More over, this event happened before the endowment of

her. It is in the Tafseer-e-Ahmadiyah

the prophethood. It is in the Roohul Bayan ,

Moreover, the Qibti was warlike infidel whose kill is not

crime. Hazrat Moosa killed only one Qibti while all
the Qibtis were drowned as if the Qibti was killed before the
time because when the death time of all the Qibtis came, the

hood is so high by this lawful deed that Almighty Allah

increased his greatness by sending two angels who had a

Qibti would die too. You must not deceive and

About the verse: But, the dignity of the prophet


because these words are said at forgetfullness and here,

means the cruelty of the Qibti like this cruelty belongs the


Neither Hazrat Zulaikha was not

Q: 67. It is proved by the Holy Quran that Zulaikha

intended to fornicate which is a big crime you have said
that the Prophets wife is not shameless, then how is

bashless and nor she fornicate ever. Hazrat Zulaikha intended

the habitation in the passion of love and rapture. The Yusufs
elegance made her insane and she intended only in this
condition. When the Egyptian women cut their hands being
raptured of this elegance, Hazrat Zulaikha spoke the truth
impatiently being inflamed with love of this elegance. Then,
there is no narration of astonishment. Moreover, she begged
forgiveness from all these mistakes. It should be remembered

Zulaikha the wife of Yusuf because she was

that she inclined Hazrat Yusuf only not any other

shameless and evil-doer, therefore, accept that their Nikah

was not solemnized or this statement is wrong. Reply.

body. Allah had saved her.



deed of the Satan.

According to the Islamic faith, the Prophets

Yusuf . Her coming into the Nikah of Hazrat Yusuf

are innocent. Their wives are not innocent but they are saved
from fornication and obscene deeds by the blessing of Allah.
Hazrat Zulaikha repented away after this sin and said,

is proved from the Hadiths of the Bukhari and the

Muslim and some transliterations and she herself gave the

birth of two sons named Afra thim and Meesha of Hazrat

admission of the mistake is repentance. Thats why, Almighty

Allah (Substainer) narrated the mistake of Hazrat Zulaikha but
did not narrate the torture or agony upon her because of her
repentance so that it might be known that the mistake had been


Ans.: Hazrat Zulaikha is the respectable wife of Hazrat

Yusuf .


It was explained in some transliterations like the Khazin, the

Kabeer and the Madarik Maalimut Tanzeel. The Great
said to Hazrat Aisha and other Holy wives

(All of you are like the wife of

Yusuf). Swahib is used for the wife. In the Holy Quran it is

she admitted her mistake and the

Therefore, it is a big sin to insult Hazrat Zulaikha her mistakes

because she belongs to the Holy Family of Hazrat Yusuf


Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Saeed bin Al-Musaib;

Prophet .

Hazrat Umar passed near to Hazrat Hassan bin Sabit

Q: 68. For what time is the prevalent of the Naat

congregation? Reply with reference of Hadiths.

who was saying some lines. Hazrat Umer looked at

Ans.: The Naat congregation is not the prevalent of now-adays but the taking place of the Naat congregation has been
continuing for the approximately fourteen hundred years.
Fourteen years ago from today, this congregation was held

said the lines in the masjid at that time when there was the best


Hazrat Hassan . Hazrat Hassan said, I have

personality (of the Great Prophet )among you. Then,
Hassan looked at Hazrat Abu Huraira and said, Have
you not heard (when I offered the lines of the Naat to the


under the guardian or leadership of the Great Prophet while

and her disrespect is the disrespect of this Perfect

the audience of the Naat congregation were the Holy Friends.

Great Prophet )the Prophet prayed for me that Allah

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Aisha , the Great Prophet

might help me by Roohul Qudus jabraeel and Allah


might accept my lines by the means of him

the pulpit for Hazrat Hassan bin Sabit , in

Hazrat Abu

Hurairah replied him in positive.

Hassan bin Sabit stood up it; and he narrated praised-

(Ref: The Sunan Nisai, Vol: 1,


Masjid-e-Nabwi scattered the sheet on it and then Hazrat

worthy and virtues of the Great Prophet ;and he repulsed

and defended the Great Prophet.

( Allah is the Greatest!) The Great Prophet


gladly and merrily for his help O Glorious Allah Help Hasan
bin Sabit by Roohul Qudus.
(Ref: The Bukhari, Vol: 1, Pg: 65)

Hadith: 719, Pg: 219, Pub: Fareed Book Stall, Lahore)

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Arwah bin Zubair; Hazrat Aisha
said, The Great Prophet

placed the pulpit for Hazrat

Hassan and he stood upon it, and defamed those who

had defamed the Great Prophet. The Prophet




that the Prophet

himself caused Hazrat Hassan sat

on his (Prophets) pulpit and asked him to say Naat and

prayed for him, O Glorious Allah! Help Hassan by Rooh-ulQudus.


Allama Abdul Mustafa Azami says, Tell me one of

the Muhaddith (intraditional) who emphasized at Quran

Khawani rejecting Naat Khawani. Did the Great Prophet

ever make such an arrangement for the congregation of Husne-Qiraat? Has the Prophet ever prayed for the Qari (reciter)
presented in the congregation of Husn-e-Qiraat?

been placing the pulpit for the praiser. This


It was proved by the Hadith of the Bukhari that the Great


the medium of Naat. So, the Naat congregation causes

blessings and boons. In this world, what congregation will be
greater than the congregation which the Prophet take place?
Q: 69. How is to offer Zikr loudly after the prayer or
except the prayer?
Ans.: It is Jaiz to offer Zikr loudly after the prayer or besides
the prayer.


It is achieved the dignity to the congregation of Naat

servants who spread the love and respect of the Prophet by

Note: The proof of the congregation of Naat is attained by the

narrated Hadithes. These Hadithes are exemplary whip for the
ill-religious people who interpretate the congregations of
Naat and Milad as innovations.

special kindness proves that the Great Prophet likes his


Roohul Qudus was with Hassan till he (Hassan) would be

quarrelling (replying) by the Prophets side.
(Ref: The Abu Dawood, Vol: 3, Kitab-ul-Adab, Hadith: 1580,
Pg: 570, Publisher: Fareed Book Lahore)

(Surah: Nisa, verse: 103, Part: 5)

Translation: When you complete your congregational Salat,
then remember Allah.
Hadith: Hazrat Abu Zubair narrated, Hazrat

Abdullah bin Zubair said Tehleel in these words

till the finishing and said that the Great Prophet used to
say these words only.
(Ref: The Sunan Nisai Vol: 1,
Hadith: 1343, Pg: 412, Publisher: Fareed Book Lahore)


Hadith: Umr bin Dinar, copied the narration of Hazrat Abu

had been a regular action to offer the Zikr loudly after saying
every Fardh prayer in the holy age of the appeared life of the
Great Prophet. Hazrat Ibne Abbass says

When I listened to the Zikr, I knew that the people had

completed their prayer.

Great Prophet

Pg: 459, Publisher: Shabeer Brothers Lahore)

Hadith: Narrated the Slave of Hazrat Ibne Abbass

named Hazrat Abu Mabad; Hazrat Ibne Abbass

said, To offer the Zikr loudly after completing the Fardh

Salah was popular in the age of the Great Prophet. I knew


that the people had completed the prayer When I heard the
Zikr which was offered loudly.

(Ref: The Bukhari, Vol: 1,

Hadith: 798, Pg: 371,

Publisher, Shabbeer Brothers Lahore)

Narration: Narrated Imam Ahmed bin Humbel , the

Holy Friend Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Masood used to

offer Zikr loudly in his congregation.


the Holy Friends . So, this

offerance should be continued now too.

Q: 70. What is the reality of the Holy Shoe (Nal-e-Pak)?


(Ref: The Muslim, Vol: 1,

Hadith: 1219,

Note: It has been proved with the references of the verse of

the Holy Quran and Hadithes that to offer the Zikr loudly
after praying or besides prayers prevailed in the age of the

Hazrat Ibne Abbass told him (Abu Mabad) that it


Mabad - a servant freed by Hazrat Ibne Abbass that

(Book: The AzZahid, The Shami, Pg: 350)

Ans.: The scholars of adherent say about the Holy Shoe (Nale-Pak)-the foot-wearing of the Great Prophet:
I: It is dismounted blessings in the house in which there is the
Nal of the Great Prophet.
II: Nal is cure and a mean of heal from the disease.
Saying of Ashraf Ali Thanwi about the Holy Shoe:
Deobandi guide (leader) Ashraf Ali Thanwi has written in his
book named Zad-ud-Saeed : One should offer Zikr (Praises
of Allah) in the end of a night then place the picture of the
Holy Shoe ones head respectively and then tread this picture
on the face after praying to Allah by the means of this picture
and then, kiss it lovely. Moreover, it is got cure by the
blessings of this picture.
(Book: Zad-us-Saeed, Author: Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Pg: 45-52,
Publisher: Dar-ul- Ashat)


Ans.: It is quiet lawful to fix the Holy Shoe in the Islamic flag
and to hang this at height because this is only the picture of

Proof: It is a hadith in the Mishkat that the person who walks

in the way of knowledge, is on the way of Allah.
Proof: Imam Shafei says, I come to the shrine of Imam-e-

which is the foot wearing of the Great Prophet ?


Q: 71. How is to offer fix and hang at height the Holy Shoe

the Islamic education to travel for but it

was ordered again and again to travel in the world.

and it is not prohibited to

Azam Abu Hanifa to get the blessings whenever I need

suspend this picture fixing in the flag at height. The orders of

original and duplicate are not same.

the solution of a problem. I offer two Rakaat Nafl and pray

to Allah by his means. Then, my desire is fulfilled.
(Muqaddenah Shami, Pg: 23)


foot-wearing of the Prophet


Q: 72. There is a Hadith in the Mishkat that it should not

be travelled to any place except Masjid-e-Haram, Masjide-Aqsa and Masjid-e-Nabawi. Then, why do the people
travel to the saints shrines with the intention of seeing

Ans.: The asker (questioner) took the wrong meaning after

studied this Hadith. The traditioners explain that it should be
traveled only three of all Masajid with the intention of requital

It has been said requitable (reason for the requital) in

Hadithes to travel to some place except Masajid for the
increament of the requital like to travel for the achievement of

Imam Shafei came to the shrine of Imam-e-Azam

by travelling from Palestine to Iraq.

The saying of Allah: Please declare (O beloved Prophet)
Travel in the land, then abserve what was the end of those
who were the liars
(Surah: Inaam; verse : 11, Part: 07)

Proof: Seventy thousands angels in the morning and seventy

thousands angel in the evening travel to the shrine of the Great

from Arsh to Farsh for only saying Salat and

Salam which will be continued till the Day of Judgment.

Proof: Abu Mohammad says in the Noowi of Shrhe Muslim
that it is Haram to travel to some place except these Masajid
but it is wrong. In Ahye-ul-Uloom, some scholars prohibit to


Hadith: It was requested to the Great Prophet, O Prophet


In short, the meaning of this Hadith has been clearly

explained and the traditioners say in the transliteration of this
Hadith that if it means this only. The travellers of the whole
world will be in fix. Almighty Allah hears at every place but if
it should be prayed near to His Holy Men by their means, the
prayers are accepted by the blessings of them.

Note: All of holy men who will come in this world till the
Judgment Day, are narrated in this verse. Wilayat is proved
with the Sareeh verse of the Holy Quran, so the refusal of
Wilayat is the refusal of the Holy Quran. More over,
Almighty Allah has given the rejoiceful news to His saints
about the life of this world and here after by this verse.

the Prophets grave?

believe and are pious to their duty O For them are the rejoiceful news in the life of this world and in the hearafter.


travel to visit the Holy Places and the shrines of the Holy
scholars; but I have researched that this is not do so because it
is ordered to visit graves. By this Hadith, it is prohibited to
travel a masjid except these three that all masajid are some but
the Holy Places are not same and their blessings differ
according to their greatness. Will the prohibitor forbid to visit


Q: 73. Prove the reality of Wilayat with the reference of

the Holy Quran and Hadithes?

Ans.: The reality of Wilayat is proved by the verse of the Holy


(Surah: Yunus, Verses: 62-64, Part: 11)

Translation: Behold carefully that surely, there is no fear nor
any grief upon the friends of Allah O They are those who

of Allah ! What would you say about the person who performs
good deeds and the people admire him? The Great Prophet
asked, It is a rejoicefull news and pleasure of Allah for the
believer as well as the proof of love of Allah and putting his
love in the heart of the creation.
It was proved by all the statement, that saints have the
great dignity and their popularity in this world and their
affection in the peoples heart are the popular reason.
Q: 74. It is the virtue of Almighty Substainer to give life to
the dead. Can the Holy Men give the life to the dead?
Reply with the reference of the Holy Quran and Hadith?


give life to the dead by the endowment of Almighty

Substainer. It is the Islamic faith thats proved by the Holy
Quran and thats refusal is the refusal of the Holy Quran.


Quran: (Surah: Baqarah, Verse: 260, Part:3)

Translation: And when Ibraheem submitted O my Rubb
(Substainer), show me how you will give life to the dead. He
said Do you not believe so? He submitted, Why not, I just
want to give my heart full assurance (of this truth). Allah
said, well, take four birds and tame them to get attached to
you. Then (after killing them), put a part (of their minced
flesh) on every hill top. Then, call them. They will come to
you running on their feet. Know that Allah is Honorable,

the Holy Friends , and Holy saints can

presented him, he helped the person; and healed him; and told
him the un-visible news and gave life to the dead bodies.


Ans.: The Holy men of Allah the Holy Prophets ,

(Surah: Aal-e-Imran, Verse: 49, Part: 3)

Translation: (Hazrat Essa says ,) I can make for you


out of a clay a figure of a bird, then breathe into it and it will

become alive being by the Command of Allah and I heal the
blinds by birth and the disease of leprosy and I give life to the
dead with Command of Allah. And I can tell you what you
have eaten and what you have in storages of your houses.
Surely in these things, there are signs for you if you have the

Note: It was proved by the Quranic verse that Allah had

endowed Hazrat Essa that whenever he blew in the

figure of an un-alive bird, it got life as well as a person

Note: It was proved by the above verse that the Holy Men of
Allah can give life to the dead by blessings of Allah.
Quran: (Surah: Kahaf, Verse: 60-65, Part: 15)
Translation: And recall, when Moosa said to his companion,
I shall not desist until I reach there where two seas have
joined, or I shall go on for ages in travel. (60) Then, when
they both reached the meeting place of two seas, they forgot
their fish, and she found its way in the sea going away swiftly
to water. (61) And when they had gone further, Moosa said to
his companion, Bring me some food. We have faced great
hardship in this journey. (62) He said, Please see, when we
took rest near that rock then surely, I forgot the fish, and the
Satan made me forgot so that I should mention it to you and it


of Hazrat Moosa whose name was Yoosha bin Noon,

lived in his service and company. He got knowledge from

him to present the fish. The servant excused him telling the
event of the fish life. Listening to this, Hazrat Moosa asked,
The place at which the fish got life, was our destination
which we wanted. They met a man called Hazrat Khizr
who was resting wearing a sheet at there.
We have known three points by these verses of the Holy
1. Although it is a dis-agreement among the


Hazrat Moosa and after his demise, he made as his

time of the another day came. Hazrat Moosa ordered


took its way in the sea in a miraculous manner. (63) Moosa

said, That is what we are seeing. Then, they turned back
tracking their foot steps; (64) so they found a devotee from
Our devotees, whom We gave Mercy from Ourselves and
bestowed him Our inspired knowledge. (65)
Transliteration: The transliterators narrates the complete
event about this transliteration in these words that the servant

(Moosas) caliph. It was promised to Hazrat Moosa to

meet Hazrat Khizr at the place of Majma-al-Bahrain

transliterators about Hazrat Khizr whether he is

Persian Sea and the Roman Sea. So, Hazrat Moosa

whom was blessed by the Glorious

intended to reach there and said that he will carry on his



which is situated in the western of the place, between in the

a prophet or a saint yet there is no disagreement among

all the transliterators that he belongs to saints of Allah

trial till he reaches there. Then, they both left for there having
a leaf and a salted fried fish in a proper box as their food.
These were a rock and a pond of life in the way. They both
took rest there and had dream. The fish which was brought
after frying, got life in the box itself at the spot (and jumped
into the pond). The flowing of water stopped from it and a
place like arch was made in it. Hazrat Yoosha bin Noon forgot

to tell the event to Hazrat Moosa after getting up (that

the fish got life at the place) and they walked until the lunch

2. The place at which Hazrat Khizr presented,

the dead and fried fish got life. Then, when the lover
subject of Allah says with his tongue, Stand
with the command of Allah, why will the dead body
not get life?


Q: 75. How is it to take place the days of Holy Men

according to the Islamic teachings?
Ans.: It is lawful (Jaiz) as well as reasons of requital to
celebrate the remembrance of Holy Men.

Prophet said narrating the greatness of Friday, The greatest

day of your days is Friday in which Hazrat Adam

was created as well as he left in the same day.

(The Abu Dawood, The Ibne Majah, The Nisai)
Note: The greatness of Friday belongs to Hazrat Adam
. Therefore, it has been known that to celebrate the Holy


(Surah: Ibraheem, verse: 5, Part: 13)

Translation: And remind them the Days of Allah.

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Aos bin Aos , the Great

the Holy Men of Allah and to visit to see them.


3. It is the sunnah of the Holy Prophets to meet

Mens days is to celebrate consecutively the day of Allah in


Transliterations: The transliterators says in the transliteration

Q: 76. Here, it is celebrated Gyarwi Shreef of Hazrat

Bani Israil the days in which He descented His boons on them

like the event of drowning Firaun, dismounting Man-w-Salwa

month. Whats Islamic teaching about it?


of the verse that Allah orders Hazrat Moosa to remind

It has been known that we are ordered by Allah Himself to

celebrate the remembrance of the days in which He blessed
His subjects. Therefore, the Holy Men are also blessings of
Allah, so their days and remembrance should be celebrated.
The days of Holy Men were said reason for requital and
reward because Glorious Substainer said these days His own

Ghous-e-Azam at the eleventh night of the Islamic

Ans.: The point has been explained in detail in the answer of

the previous question that it is lawful and reason of requital to
celebrate the remembrance of Holy Men of Allah, so the
taking place of Gyarwin shreef is also one of this kind.
GYarwi Shreef is celebrated as the remembrance of Hazrat
Ghous-e-Azam to convey the requital to him. There


are read the Holy Quran, Daud Shreef and other offerance

doubt! It is famous 11th night in our country now-a-days and

which requital is conveyed to Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam .

this date is introduced in his off-springs and saints.

1. Siraj-ul-Hind Muhaddis-e-Azam, Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz

says about Gyarwi Shreef.
The king, grandees etc. gathered at the Holy Tomb of Hazrat
Ghous-e-Azam at the 11th of the month. From Asr to

Published in Dehli, Pg: 167)

Hazrat Shah Abdul Haq Dehlwi writes in his another

book that Sheikh Amanuallah Panit Patti
(demise: 997 Hijri) celebrated the Urs of Ghous-e-Azam
at 11th Rabi-us-Sani.


Maghrib, they recited the Holy Quran and said Munqabat in

by: Shah Abdul Haq Dehlwi, Arabic-Urdu,



Gyarwi Shreef in the eyes of Saleheen :

(Ref: By: Shah Abdul Haq Dehlwi, Pg: 498, (Urdu

After Maghrib, the spiritual bader sat in the centre and the
devotees and servants offered Ziker loudly, sitting around him.
Some of them suffered into enthusiasm in this condition. After
this, the dedication like a sweet dish, spicy dish etc. was
distributed and the people left for their houses after saying the
Esha Prayer.
(Mal foozat-e-Azizi, Persian, Publisher: Merith, UP, India,
Pg: 62)

Translation), Published in Karachi.)


the praise and admiration of Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam .

2. The thirteenth century renewal, Shah Abdul Haq Muaddis

Dehlwi says about Gyarwi Shreef:

My Peer and Murshid (Spiritual guide and leader) Hazrat

Sheikh Abdul Wahab Mutaqi Muhajir Makki used to hold the

Urs of Ghous-e-Azam at 9th of Rabi-us-Sani. No

Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Wahab Muttaqi Makki, Shah

Abdul Haq Dehlwi, Amanullah Pani Patti and Shah Abdul
Aziz Dehlwi - all of these are the great scholars of the

religion Islam and are counted in the pious men. These Holy
Men did not give the Fatwa of polytheism and innovation after
narrated Gyarwi Shreef.
It was known by all the proves and arguments that it is
the behaviour of saints and holy men to take place Gyarwi
Shreef which is full of requital and reward.


Q: 78. Reply the Hadith in which Hazrat Aisha

says that she did not lose the body of the Great Prophet

at the night of Meraj?

Ans.: Hazrat Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlwi says that the
Great Prophet


(Surah: Bani Israil, Verse: 1, Part: 15)

Translation: Glory be to Him who took His devotee for Isra,
the exalted night visit, from Masjid-ul-Haram to Masjid-AlAqsa, the surroundings of which we have blessed that we
might show him of Our grands signs. Surely, He alone is the
Hearing, the Knowing.

Prophet travelled Meraj with both his soul and body.

Ans.: See the reality of Meraj in the Holy Quran:

But, here, to narrate proves that the Great


Q: 77. Prove the reality of Meraj with the reference of the

Holy Quran?

The Meraj travel of the Great Prophet can be studied


in many verses of the Holy Quran in detail and with

indication. Besides the narrated verse, the first eighteen verse
of Surah-e-Najm (Part: 27) narrates the event of the Meraj
Travel in order.
In the narrated verse, the word was revealed and

it means the servant that makes with both the soul and body

and it would have revealed the world for only the soul.

was travelled Meraj for many times, not for

only one time but one Meraj of them was with soul and body;
and all the remaining were only with soul. The Meraj that
was narrated in the Hadith of Hazrat Aisha was only

with soul.

Q: 79. Prove with the reference of Hadith that the Great

Prophet saw his Substainer at the night of Meraj?

Ans.: The Great Prophet


his Almighty Substainer

with eyes at Meraj Night.

Hadith: Narrated Abdullah Ibne Abbas , the Great


that he looked his Glorious Substainer

(Musnad Ahmed, from: Deedar-e-Ilahi)


Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Jabir , the Great Prophet

says, No doubt! Allah blessed Hazrat Moosa with

Abbas said about, The Prophet

looked Almighty Allah with (the eyes of ) heart.
(Ref: The Trimzi, Vol: 2,
Hadith: 1207, Pg: 519,
Publisher: Fareed Book Lahore)


His Conversation and blessed me with His Sight as well as

Shafaat-e-Kubra and Houdh-e-Kauser.
(Ref: Ibne Asakar, from: The Deedar-e-Ilahi)

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Ikarmah ; Hazrat Ibne

writes in the Khasas-e-Kubra and Allama Abdur Raoof writes

in the Shrhe Jam-us-Sagheer that this is Saheeh Hadith.

Published by Fareed Book Lahore)


About this Hadith, Imam Jalaluddin Syooti

(Ref: The Trimzi, Vol: 2,

Hadith: 1205, Pg: 518,

Hadith: Narrated that Hazrat Ibne Abbass used to say, No

doubt! The Great Prophet looked his Substainer twice; one


times with his this eye and the second time with the eye of
(Ref: The Tabrani, The Mojam Aosat)
Hadith: Narrated Ibne Ikarmah ; Hazrat Ibne Abbass

, said The Great Prophet looked his Substainer.

Hazrat Ikarmah asked him, Did Allah not ask:

Hazrat Ibne Abbass

replied him, Sorrow on you! This is at that time when He

shows himself with his natural Noor. Hence, the Great Prophet

beheld his Substainer two times.

Belief: Meraj belongs to the special (features of the Prophet

that he travelled with his body in a short time at the night

from Masjid-e-Haram to Masjid-e-Aqsa and from there to all
the seven skies, Kursi and then Arsh as well as upon the Arsh
and he achieved the special vicinity that might not be got to
any one; and looked at the Elegance of Allah; and listened to
the Conversation of Allah directly, and inspected every
particle of the creation of the skies and the truth in details.
Q: 80. Prove with the reference of Hadithes the blessings
Meraj Night and arrangement of the worship specially at
this night?
Ans.: Meraj Night belongs to the Beloved of Allah. So,

this night has great blessings as well as the day of this night. It


Prophet said, The worshippers of the 27th of Rajjab get the

requital of hundred years worship.
(The Ahya-ul-Uloom, Author Imam Ghazali , Vol: 1,

Transliteration: Here Blessed Night means Qadr Night or

Braat Night.
(Ref: The Khazain-ul-Irfan)


Pg: 373)

Ans.: Inspect the reality of Braat Night in the Holy Quran:

Quran: (Surah: Dukhan, verse: 2-4, Part: 25)
Translation: I make witness this clear Book (2) Surely, We
revealed it in a Blessed Night. That We should Warn with
surety (3) There in all matters of wisdom are sorted out for
Decree (4).

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Anas bin Malik , the Great

Q: 82. Whats the reality of Braat Night?


is the reason for requital to worship and devote in every night

but in the holy and sacred nights, the blessings of worship
differ from the other nights.

Q: 81. How is it to offer Saum at the day of 27th Rajjab?

Ans.: It is full of blessings to offer Saum (fast) at the day of

the 27th Rajjab. Hence, here are the narrations:

Narration: Imam Behqi has written in Shobul-Imam


that one day and one night are greater in the month of Rajjab.
The man who offered the fast at the day and worship at the
night as if he offered the fasts of hundred years and worships
till hundred years. This sacred night is the 27th night of Rajab.
This narration is although Dhaeef yet the Dhaeef
narrations are popular in features of actions or behaviours.

(Ref: )

It was known that Meraj Night has a lot of blessings,

so you should spend this night in prayers and not listen to the
mis-leader who deceive the public.

In the transliteration of these verses, Hazrat Ikaramah

and some transliterators say that means the 15th night

of Shaban. The names of all the people who will live, die,
perform Hajj etc. are listed in this night and there is no
increase or decrease in its performance. This narration has also
been written by Ibne Jareer, Ibne Munzir and Ibne Abi Hatim.
The opinion of a large number of scholars is that the
classification of the narrated list is completed in
(Qadr Night) although it is started from the 15th of Shaban.


Prophet of Allah said, Say prayers at night and keep the

(Ref: The Sunan Ibne Majah, Vol: 1,

Hadith: 1446, Pg: 398, Publisher: fareed Book Lahore)

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abdah bin Abduallah, Abduallah AKhazaI, Mohammed bin Abdul Malik, Abu Baker, Yazeed
bin Haroon, Hujjaj, Yahya bin Abi Kaseer, Arwah, Hazrat


Aisha said, I did not find the Prophet of Allah one

night, I came out for his search and found him in Baqi, turning
his hand towards the sky. He asked me if I was afraid that
Allah and His Prophet would make cruelty to me. I replied

him in negative and told him that I thought that you had gone
out for other Holy Wives. He said that Allah pays attention to
the sky of the world specially at the 15th night of Shaban and
forgives the people more than the wools of the she-goats of

Hadith: 1447, Pg: 398, Publisher: Fareed Book Lahore)

It was proved with the reference of the Holy Quran and
Hadithes that Braat Night is a sacred and a holy night that
should be celebrated with offerance.
Q: 83. By which Hadith, is it proved to go to the graveyard
at Braat Night?


fast on the day when you find the 15th of Shaban because
Almighty Allah pays attention to (turns toward) the sky of the
world and asks who will beg Him forgiveness so that He may
forgive him and who will beg Him daily provision so that He
may provide him it and who feels misery so that He may give
him refuge. This is asked in this way till the morning.

Abdullah bin Jafar, Abdullah, Hazrat Ali ; the

(Ref: The Sunan Ibne Majah, Vol: 1,


Hadith: Narrated Hasan bin Ali Al-Khalal, Abdur Razzaq,

Ibne Abi Sibrah, Ibraheem bin Mohammad, Mughwiyah bin

Ans.: It is proved to go to the grave yard at Braat Night by

different books of Hadithes.
Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Aisha , one night, she did not

find the Great Prophet, she went to search him and found
him in the grave-yard of Janat-ul-Baqi. The Prophet said to

her, Are you afraid that Allah and his Prophet


deceive you? She replied, O Prophet, I thought that you

might go to another Holy Wife? The Great Prophet said,
No doubt! Almighty Allah appears (according to his dignity)
in the sky of the Earth at the 15th night of Shaban and
forgives the people more than the wools of the Bani Kalbs
she goats.
(Ref: The Trimzi, Vol: 1, Pg: 156 ; The Ibne Majah, Pg: 100,
The Masnad Ahmed, Vol: 6, Pg: 238; The Mishkat, Vol: 1, Pg:


Friends ) such as Hazrat Khalid bin Madan, Hazrat

Makhool, Hazrat Luqman bin Amir and Hazrat Ishaq bin
Rahwiyah gathered in Masjid and celebrated

144 202



It has been proved by the above narrated references

that it is an action of the Holy Beholders (Tabeeen) to arrange
sleeplessness engaging in prayers in Masjid at this sacred
night. Sheikh Shah Abdul Haq says that according Hadithes,
the behaviour of the person who celebrates the sleepless night
at the 15th of Shaban is quiet Mustahab. The action of the
Great Prophet

also proved by Hadithes that he went to

cementary to pray for the forgiveness of Muslims at Braat



Q: 84. According to the Quran and Hadith, is it Jaiz to tie

or wear Taweez ?

(Surah: Bani Israil, Verse: 82)
Translation: And we have revealed the Quran which is
healing and a mercy to the believers; and it only adds to the
loss of the cruel.
The transliterators writes in the transliteration of this verse:
1. Allama Qurtubi writes in Ahkam-ul-Quran that Hazrat


sleepless night at the 15th of Shaban and were engaged in

offerance in Masjid the whole night.

The renewal of the 13th century, Shiekh Shah Abdul

Haq Dehlwi says some dignified Tabeeen (Beholders of Holy

Ans.: It is Jaiz to tie or wear Taveezat in which these are

the verses of Allahs saying because it is the source of
salvation of miseries and diseases. Hence, it was said in the
Holy Quran:


277; The Musannif Ibne Abi Shaibah, Vol: 1 Pg: 237; The
Shobul Iman lil Behqi, Vol: 3, Pg: 379)

Abdullah Ibne Umer used to teach

Maoozat to his (mature) children and hanged them

in written form in the neck of his un-mature children.
(Abi Abdullah Mohammad bin Ahmed Qurtubi,
demised: 668 Hijri, The Tafseer-e-Ahkamul Quran,
Publisher: Darul Kitab, Egypt, Vol: 10, Pg: 22)

2. Allama Syed Mahmood Baghdadi wirtes in his

transliteration Roohul Maani that the saying of the
man who refuses Dum and Taweez from the Holy
Quran, is not reliable. Imam Malik says that the
Taweez in which Names of Allah are written, can
be hanged in the patients neck to get blessings.
Similarly, it is allowed to hang Maoozat and the
verses of the Holy Quran in the neck in written form
by Imam Baqir and Imam Ibne Sereen . The


and Holy Beholders (Tabeeen)





Taweez with the Holy Quranic verses and Allahs Names

and to hang it in the neck of a patient. Now, inspect the

was stung by a snake. They treated their chief by every thing

but the chief did not recover his health. Some of those said,
Why do you not go to the people who stayed near you?
Perhaps some one of them has a prescription that may release
your chief. Some of the tribal people went and said, The
snake has stung our chief and we have treated him by every
prescription but we have not succeeded to get our aim. Does
one of you know to blow Dum? One of the Holy Friends said,
I know to blow Dum but I shall do so till you settle a
reward for me because we requested to feast us and you
refused to do so. Hence, they settled a flock of she-goats. The
Holy Friend came to the chief and blew Dum to him reciting
Surah-e-Fatehah till he released like freed from prison. The
narrator says that they offered him the reward that had been
settled. The friends advised to distribute but he (the Dum
blower) forbade them and told them to ask the Great Prophet


writer of Roohul Maani says the same that in ancient

times, it was the habit of the Muslims in all the
countries to hang written Maoozat, Quranic verses
and Allahs Names in the neck.
(Ref: Abi Abdullah Mohammad, Vol: 10, Pg: 316, Darul-Kitab, Arabic, Egypt)
Therefore, it has been explained by the paragraphs of the
transliteration that the Holy Quran is cure for the spiritual and
physical diseases and it has been the habit of the Holy Friends

Hadith: Hazrat Anas bin Malik says that the Great

Prophet allowed to blow Dum for bad vision and the bite


of poisonous living thing as well as the injured part of the

(Ref: The Muslim; The Mishkat, Pg: 388, Publisher: Saeed
HM Co. Karachi.)

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri , some

friends of the Great Prophetwere in a journey. They passed

near a tribe of Arabs. They requested the tribal people to feast

and the people refused to do so. Hence, the chief of this tribe


order about it. The next day, they presented to the

Prophet and told the event. The Prophet said, How do you
know that it can be blown Dum with it? You have done well
and you must settle my part too (with your parts)
(Ref: The Abu Dwood, Vol: 1, Hadith: 24, Pg: 26,
Pub: Farid Book Stall Lahore)



When one of you

fears into sleeping, he must say these words

( I refuge Allah with His all and complete Words
from his Wrath and Torture, mischief of people, evil whispers
and their presence.) This dream must not harm / damage him.

sons who were adult, this prayer; and hang in the written from
in the neck of his sons who were not adult.
(Ref: The sunan Abu Dwood, Vol: 3, Ch:

grand father, the Great Prophet

Hence, Hazrat Abdullah bin Umer used to teach his

Hadith: 496, Pg: 177, Pub: Fareed Book Lahore)


Hadith: Narrated Amr bin Shoaaib, his father and then his

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umr used to teach these words

Hadith: Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Umer taught these

to his mature children and used to hang them in written form

in the neck of un-mature children.

words only to his mature off-springs and hanged them in

written form to his un-mature off-springs.
(The Mishkat, Pg: 217, Pub: Saeed HM Company Karachi)


(The Trimzi, Vol: 2, Hadith: 1450, Pg: 629, Pub:

Farid Book Lahore)


Note: Not only it is Lawful but also a better deed to hang

Taweez in the neck of children. Only those Taweezat in
which there are written words of polytheism (polytheisnal
words) are prohibited. Therefore, it is an indication of folly
and astray, to say this good deed as polytheism and

It has been proved by the above narrated Saheeh

Hadithes that it is Jaiz and Mustahab to blow Dum after
saying the Holy Quran. Maasoorah Prayers and Holy Names
and tie them in the neck after making Taweez; and the Holy
Friends had been doing so.
Q: 85. Which Taweezat and threads are prohibited to tie in
the world?

Hadith: Narrated the father of Amr (Umr) bin Shoaib by his

used to say these

(Amr) grand father, the Great Prophet

words at the time of confusion, I seek refuge of Allah with

His complete Words from His Wrath mischief of his creation
(subjects) and whispers of satans when they came to me.

Ans.: The magical threads, amulets and enhanctchment which

were written with polytheisted words and blown out in the age
of illation were prohibited.
The Renewtor of the 13th century and the Great
Investigators of the Sub-continent Shah Abdul Haq Dehlwi


Essa promise about the Great Prophet. This verse

proves that the Prophets are born prophets and



Point: It is Jaiz to tie the Taweez in the neck while it was

made of Quranic verses, Allahs Names and prayers; and in
some Hadithes, there is the prohibition of Taweezat that
consist of unlawful words and which were made in the
illeteration age. Similarly, it is Jaiz to cause the patient drink
water with Taweezat, Quranic verses. Hadithes and prayers
writing in a plate with the intention of getting cure. The unbathed man and menstruated woman can tie Taweezat on their
neck and hands while it is covered in cloth and sheet etc.

Tej Kumar Lacknow that the Taweezat which were prohibited

in Hadithes means the amulets of the illeteration age. They
were full of polythiested words. It is Haram to make and use
them. But the Taweez which is made of the Qurani verses and
Allahs Names is not only Jaiz but also Mustahab.

(Surah: Aale Imran, Verse: 18, Part: 3)

Translation: And recall when Allah got promise from all the
Prophets that the Book and the wisdom I bestow to you but
then comes to you the Rasool who confirms what (the Book)
you posses. You should definitely believe in him and
definitely should help him.
The transliterators say about this verse that in the starting
(eternity), Allah got all the Prophets from Hazrat Adam to


writes in Vol: 3, Pg: 611, Publisher:

Q: 86. Are the Prophets of Allah the born


Ans.: Yes, The Holy Prophets are the born prophets

but they claimed their prophet hood later.

Allah does not give them prophet-hood after sending in this

world. Hence, there is a great difference between attainment of
prophet hood and claim of prophet-hood.

(Surah: Marium, Verse: 30, Part: 16)

Translation: The baby said, I am a devotee of Allah. He has
given me the Book and made communicator of unseen news.
The transliterators say about this verse that it was
asked Hazrat Essa who he was. At first, he mentioned

himself as a devotee of Allah so that the people might not

know him as a son of Allah and them he gave the news of
getting the prophet-hood and the Book which means Injeel.
This news was given by him immediately after his birth. It
was known that the Prophets had been bestowed the


Ans.: Inspect the miracles of Holy saints in the Holy Quran:


(Surah: Naml, Verse: 38-40, Part: 19)

Translation: Soleman said, O chiefs, which is of you who
may bring her throne to me before they come to me as
Muslims? (38) One giant Jinn said, I will bring you that
throne before you rise from your seat; and surely, I am
powerful over that, trust worthy. (39) One (believer) who had
knowledge of the Book said, I shall bring it to you before
twinkling of the eye. Then when Soleman saw the throne set
before him said, This is due to the grace of my Rubb
(Substainer) (40)

with the jewels of gold and silver and thats longitude was
eighty yard while latitude was forty yard, from so far so that
he might show Queen Bilquis the Nature of Allah and his
Mojizah. Therefore, he asked his chiefs about it. One giant
Jinn replied him that he would bring the throne to him before
he rose from his seat.
Hazrat Sulaiman asked that he wanted harrier than it.


wanted to cause to bring the throne which is studded

Q: 87. Is it proved the Kramat (miracles) of Holy Men by

the Holy Book?

The transliterator says about these verses that Queen Saba

Bilquis had a very large and vast area throne. Hazrat Sulaiman


prophet-hood in the eternity by Allah but some one of them

claimed the prophet hood after the birth immediately and some
one of them claimed after the forty years and all these are the
commands of Allah. Hence, there is a very large difference
between the attainment and the claim of the prophethood.

Hence, his minister named Asif bin Barkhiya requested that he

would bring it to him before twinkling of the eye and he did
do the same.
It was known that Asif bin Barkhiya who was a saint

of the adherent of Hazrat Sulaiman and had some

knowledge of the Book, presented the too large throne within

twinkling of the eye while there was a large distance between
the places. This is Karamat and it is the Karamt that is not
When this is the dignity of a saint of the adherent of
Hazrat Sulaiman then what will be the dignity of the
saints of the adherent of the lord of all the Prophets?


This is not astonished tale if Ghous-e-Azam, Khawajah

Ajmair and Data show Karamt. So, it was known that
Karamat-e-Oliyah are Haq (truth).

clothes and shoes of the Hazrat Moosa ; and the


the coffin and theirs sacred relics in front of them to get the
blessings when they fought with the enemy in a battle, and
when they prayed to Almighty Allah.
Therefore, it has been proved that it is jaiz to get bounty and
grace from the sacred relics of Holy saints, to respect them
and to pray to Allah by their means.


Ans.: The thing that relates with the pious men of Almighty
Allah, has a great regard and it full of blessings. We must
respect it and blessings are got from it that is proved by the
Holy Quraan:

scepter and turban of Hazrat Haroon . Bani Israil put

Q: 88. Reply with the reference of the Holy Quran and

Hadith that can we get benefit from the sacred relics of
saints of Allah?

models of the houses of the Prophets ; the scepter,


(Surah: Baqarah, verse: 248, Part: 2)

Translation: And their Nabi said to them, The sign of his
(Taloot called saul) sovereignty is that you will get a coffin in
which there will be heart providing tranquility from your Rubb
and the good legacy left by respected Moses (Moosa) and
respected Aaron (Haroon) which the Angels will bring raising
Transliterations: This has been written in the Tafseer-eKhazin, Tafseer-e-Roohul Bayan, Tafseer-e-Madarik and
Jalalain etc. about the transliteration of this verse that the
coffin was made of the wood of a box tree in which there were

(Surah: Saad, verse: 42, Part: 23)

Translation: Strike your foot with the ground. Here is the
cool stream for washing and for drinking.
So, the water that was run by the foot of Hazrat Ayub
caused restoration.

(Surah: Yusuf, Verse: 93, Part: 13)

Translation: Go with the shirt of mine. Place it on my
fathers face. He shall recover his sight. All bring all your
family together.
The shirt of Hazrat Yusuf was full of blessing,
therefore when it was touched with the appeared eyes of


Hazrat Yaqoob , the sight of Hazrat Yaqoob

It has been proved that it is the Sunnah of the Holy Friends

to take away the sacred relics of a holy man in the

Quran: And make the standing place of Ibraheem a


The Holy Quran says to the Beloved Prophet to make the

standing place of Hazrat Ibraheem a prayer platform.
In other words, Allah is ordering to respect this place because
it relates with Hazrat Ibrahim .

Hadith: It is in the Bukhari, Vol: 1,

believed that it causes forgiveness and salvation to use the

thing that belongs to the Holy Prophet as a coffia.
Hadith: It is in the Mishkat, that Hazrat Aisha binte
Abu Baker had a long coat of the Holy Prophet


It was proved by the Holy Quran that the sacred relics of

saints are respectable and full of blessings. Now, inspect the
Hadithes about this matter.

It has also been known that the Holy Friends


prayer platform.

came back.

One day, the Great Prophet came out wearing Tahband.


Someone begged to the Great Prophet for the Tahband. The

Holy Friends told the beggar, The Great Prophet

when someone suffered into fever, she washed the coat and
drank one its water.

Hadith: Hazrat Abu Hajeefah says that the Great Prophet

came to us in the afternoon. Water was brought for abulution.
He abuluted and the people took the remaining water of his
abulution and started to rub it on their faces. Then, the Prophet


two Rakaat of Zohr and two of Asr and

there was Unzah (lance) in front of him. Hazrat Abu Moosa

replied, I swear Allah that I did not take it for my wearing but
I begged it so that it might become my coffia. Hazrat Sahl

bring a bowl of water. He washed his hands and mouth; and

needed the Tahband at that time and it is no the habit of the

Prophet to refuse the beggar, then why did you do so? He

says that he was worn that coffia.

Ashari says that the Great Prophet

ordered to

gargled in it. Then, asked both the (Ashari and Bilal


(Ref: The Bukhari, Vol: 1, Hadith: 186, Pg: 150,

Pub: Shabeer Bros. Lahore)
Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Mohammad bin Seereen ,
Hazrat Umme Atiyah says that the daughter of the
Great Prophet passed. The Prophet

asked, Give her

that belongs to the Prophet causes recovery from diseases.

Similarly, Zam Zam water belongs to Hazrat Ismail ,
so it is sacred too. If someone rubs it ones coffia, it is a mean
of forgiveness and salvation; and if someone rubs it on the
body, it causes heal from diseases. In short, the thing that
relates with the Holy Men is full of blessings.
Q: 89. Narrate the dignity of Holy Hair with the reference


bath three or five times; or more than it (seven times) if you

need. Inform me when you have been free from giving bath.

and the people of Madinah believed that the cloth


It was also known by the Hadith that the Holy Friends


)to drink some of water and rub some with faces and

Hazrat Umme Atiyah says, We informed him after

given her bath. He took out his Tahband and asked us to wrap
her in it.
(Ref: The Bukhari, Vol: 1, Hadith: 1179, Pg: 513,


Publisher, Shabeer Brothers, Lahore)

Note: It was known that the thing that relates with the Prophet
is full of blessings and means of forgiveness; and the

as coffia.

has ordered to respect the related thing and use it


of Hadith, further that did the Holy Friends

respect the Holy Hair?
Ans.: The Holy Hair means the hair of the Holy Prophet.
Remember that it is Fardh on Muslims to respect and
appreciate the thing that belongs to the Great Prophet .

Translation: The man who afflicted my hair, afflicted me and
the man who afflicted me, surely afflicted Allah.
(Ref: The Jame us Sagheer, Pg: 185; by Imam Syooti ,
The Al-Burhan, Pg: 102)


me a bowl of water and sent me to Hazrat Salmah

and it was the habit of my wife that whenever one suffered
into bad vision and fever, she used to send a bowl full of water
to Hazrat Salmah because she had some Holy Hair;

Great Prophet

came Mina from Muzdalfah and hit the

Hazrat Usman bin Abdullah says, My wife gave

Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Anas bin Malik that the

small stones to Jamratul Aqba; then slaughtered the animal;
then came to his place; then call for the hair dresser and made
his hair cut from the right side; then call for Hazrat Abu Talha


It was proved by this Hadith, it is very compulsory to

respect and appreciate the Holy Hair.
Holy Hair as cause of Recovery:

Ansari and bestowed the hair to him; then made the

hair cut from the left side and bestowed them to Hazrat Abu
Talha too and ordered him to distribute all the hair

like box and put them into the water and move them into it and
drank the water to the patient.
(Ref: The Bukhari, The Mishkat, Pg: 391)

among the people.

(Ref: The Bukhari, The Muslim, The Mishkat Pg: 232)


then she came the hair of the Prophet out of the silver bone

It has been proved that the Holy Hair is bountiful.

It was known that the Holy Friends


recognized the Holy Hair as the cause of recovery and

respected them.

Thats why, the Holy Prophet

ordered to distribute them,

so it should be admitted leaving bigotry and enmity that the

Holy Hair are full of bounty and grace and must be respected
and appreciated.

Q: 90. From where have the Holy Hair come? Is there in

any Hadith that the Great Prophet distributed his hair?

Ans.: The Great Prophet himself gave his Holy Hair to the

Holy Friends and asked them to distribute the hair.

Hence, it is in the Hadith that:

Q: 91. How is it to say Shreef (Holy) to a sacred place?

Ans.: It is Jaiz and Mustahab to say Holy to the sacred place.

(Surah: Maeda, Verse: 21, Part: 6)


Translation: The land which has been said Holy, is the hand
of Bait-ul-Muqaddas because it is the place of living of the
The famous transliterators Hazrat Imam Sawi

says in his transliteration The Tafseer-e-Sawi that the land

became Holy and Sacred because of the living the Holy
Prophets .


So, it was proved by the verse of the Holy Quran to say

Holy and Sacred to those places which achieved dignity
because of living the Holy Men and Holy saints of Allah. So,
it is Jaiz and Mustahsan with out any doubt to call Baghdad
as Holy Baghdad (Baghdad Shreef), Ajmair as Holy Ajmair
and other places where Holy Men are resting as named with
Muqaddas, Mutahharah and Shreef etc.

Q: 92. Does the requital go to dead people if we convey

them? Some people say that the requital does not go to the

(Surah: Taubah, Verse: 103, Part: 11)

Translation: And pray for them. Surely, your prayer brings
good relief for them.


Prophets and the believers.

Ans.: It is whisper of the Satan that the requital does not go to

the dead bodies while it is proved in the light of the Holy
Quran and Hadith that conveying of requital reaches at the
dead bodies.

dead bodies. Reply with the reference of the Holy Quraan

and Hadithes.


Translation: (Moses said to Jews,) O my nation, enter this

Holy Land.
Transliteration: It was written in the Baidhawi about the
transliteration of this verse:

Transliteration: It is in the Tafseer-e-Madarak, Pray about

them and be kind to them saying prayers for them because
your prayer causes peace and heart providing tranquility for
them. No doubt! Allah has accepted their repentance and He
Knows and Hears your prayers.
(Madarak, Pg: 110, Verse: 12)
Hadith: Narrated Abu Hurairah ; when the human

dies, his action stops but three actions do not stop Sadqah-eJariah, the knowledge from which the benefit gets and the
good off-springs who pray for him.
(Ref: The Bukhari, The Muslim, The Abu Dawood, from the
JameSagheer, Vol: 1, Pg: 29)


was not present at that time. He requested O Prophet of

Allah, will she gain if I give something as charity by her
name? The Prophet

replied in positive. Then, he requested,

Saying of Holy Men about the Requital Conveying:

1. Fatwa of Shah Abdul Aziz:

In the Tafseer-e- Azizi, Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz

says telling Fateha (conveying of requital) as


compulsory for the sinner that let the sinner believer be

given bath after his death as the Muslim and recognize
necessary the Istighfar, Fatehah, Durood, Sadqat and
Khairat for him.
(The Tafseer Azizi, Pg: 182)
2. Radd-ul-Muhtar Shami Says:
It is better for him who gives Sadqah-e-Nafl that he
should make the intention of all the Muslim men and
women that they will receive the requital and there will
not be any decrease in his reward.
(Vol: 1, Pg: 37)

Great Prophet then to Syed Ahmed Bin Alwan.

It was proved by all these arguments that it was
advised to convey the requital to dead bodies and this
is not only Jaiz but also Mustahsan according to the
Quran and Hadithes and behaviours of Holy Men.


I make you witness at that my Mukhraaf Garden is Sadqah

from her.
(Ref: The Bukhari, from: Shrhus Sudoor, Pg: 128)

In the Fatawa Shami, Vol: 3, Pg: 334; he orders to

offer Fatehah before teaching the action for the lost
thing, Then, he must stand upon a high place facing
Qiblah and offer Fatehah and convey its requital to the

mother of Hazrat Saad bin Abadah passed and he

3. Imam Shami Says:


Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Ibne Abbass not doubt, the

Q: 93. Why is Murshid and Rahnooma (the religious

leader and guide) necessary? Was it ordered in the Holy
Ans.: Murshid and leader is very necessary because a Muslim
needs a leader and a guardian in his life. So, it should be tried
to let the hand be delivered to the hand of a holy man.

(Surah: Bani Israil, Verse: 71, Part: 15)
Translation: (Remember) the day when We shall call every
people with their Religious leaders.
Transliteration: In the Noorul Irfan, Mufti Ahmed Yar Khan
Naeemi says transliterating this verse, It was
recognized that one should make ones Imam to a pious man


Taqleed is like the protection candle of Islam and in it light,

the Holy Friends got bounty.
The Holy Friends taught the religious to the Holy
Beholders (Tabeeen) and the Holy Beholders taught this to
the Holy Followers (Tabe Tabeeen) because their way
carries to Almighty Allah and about it, Ala Hazrat says:


(Surah: Kahaf, Verse: 17, Part: 15)

Translation: and whom He leaves astray, for that one you
will never find a supporter to guide.

the Muslim follow Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifah .

In this verse, this is the proof of all the things

Taqleed, Baiat and Mureedi.

Ans.: The real meaning of Taqleed is to follow like we


by following in Islamic Rules and by making homage in

Islamic Spiritual Rules so that Commorient will be held with
the pious men. Satan will be the Imam of the man who has no

In this verse, means the supporter to guide. So, it was

proved the reality of Murshid by the Holy Quran. Therefore,
it should be done Baiat at the hand of a good faith (Sahih-ulAqeedah) prayer, pious and perfect person.


After the Great Prophet , every Holy Man has achieved the

dignity of homage and every Holy Man has been religious


Q: 94. What is Taqleed and what is the Islamic reality of


Translation: It is the way of Allah to follow your servants.

How can he who walks with this light be misled?
The man who follows them, can never be deceived. Through
the Holy Followers , Hazrat Imam-e-Azam Abu

Hanifa, Imam Shafei, Imam Ahmed and Imam Malik

recognized us the religion easily.
The Holy Quran and Taqleed (Following) :
1. Translation: O believers, obey the Command of Allah
and obey the command of Messenger and of these
changed with authority among you.
(Surah: Nisa, Verse: 59, Part: 5)
In this verse, Allah ordered to obey Him, His Prophet

and the Holy Men.

2. Translation: And follow him who turns to Me.


The Holy Friends used to learn the

Book? Replied , I shall make on effort with my

opinion and shall not make a mistake to reach at the fact. The
Prophet gave him pat on his chest and asked, Thanks for
Almighty Allah who grant the thing that make the Prophet

glad to man, sent by the Prophet

(The Sunan Abu Daood, Vol: 3, : Hadith:

196, Pg: 78, Publisher: Fareed Book Lahore)


knowledge of religion directly, so they did not need to

copy any one. After the appeared demise of the Great

Asked, If you could neither find in the Sunnah nor in the


(Surah: Luqman, Verse: 15, Part: 21)

In this verse, Allah orders to obey and to follow every
one who helps you to contact Him.
3. Translation: O people, ask the followers if you do not
know it.
(Surah: Ambiya, Verse: 7, Part: 17)
The necessity of following (Taqleed) is also proved by
this verse.

Prophet, the Holy friends and the Holy

Beholders used to follow the Holy Friend


who was more senior to them in Islamic teachings

among them.

Hadith: The nephew of Hazrat Mughiyirah bin Shobah

named Haris bin Amr narrated from many Hams friends of
Hazrat Maz bin Jabl ; when the Great

Prophetintended to send Hazrat Maz to Yemen, he

asked, How will you make the decision when the case will be
brought to you? He replied, I shall decide by the Book of

Allah. Asked, If you could not find in the Book of

Allah? replied , By the Sunnah of the Prophet.

Hadith: Hazrat Abu Moosa Ashari said about Hazrat

Abdullah bin Masood Do not ask me problems

until this scholar is present among you.
(The Bukhari)
This is Taqleed-e-Shakhsi (Copying the person) that was also
presented in the age of the Holy Friends .

So, it was proved by all the proves and arguments that it is

Jaiz to follow the person (or Taqleed is Jaiz).
Q: 95. How far should the hands be raised at the time of
Ans.: At the time of Takbeer-e-Tahrimah, it should be raised
the hands till the attachment lobe of ears.


hands till both the thumbs reached at the lobe of the ears.
(Ref: The tahtawi, The Abu Dawood)
Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Malik bin Hwairas ; when
the Great Prophet said Takbeer, he raised his hands till both
they reached at the ears. (The Muslim)

and said, The Sanad (chain) of this Hadith is Sahih

(true) and this is according to the shart (terms) of the Bukhari
and Muslim and there is no Dhoaf (feebleness) in this.
(Ref: The Mustadrak lil Hakim, Vol: 1, Pg: 226 ; The Sunan
Dar-e-Qutni, Vol: 1, Pg: 345)


Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abu Saeed Sadi that he

Hadith: Hazrat Wait bin Hijr said, I saw that the

Great Prophet

Imam Hakim narrated similarly by Hazrat Anas bin Malik

Great Prophet said Takbeer to start the prayer, he raised his


Hadith: Hazrat Bra bin Azib narrated; when the

(Ref: The Nisai, Vol: 1, Pg: 102 ; The Abu Daood, Vol: 1,
Pg: 104; The Sunan Kubra lil Behqi, Vol: 2, Pg: 25)

used to raise the hands upto the ears to start


the prayer.
(Ref: The Sahih Muslim, Vol: 1, Pg: 173; The Musnad Imame-Azam, Pg: 82)
This Hadith was also narrated by the Nisai, Tabrani,
Dar-e-Qutni and Behqi.

(Zujajtul Masaabeeh, Ch:

Vol: 1. Pg: 569)

Hadith: Hazrat Abdul Jabbar bin Wail says that his

used to say to the Holy Friends, I know the prayer of the

Great Prophet the most of you. When he stood for the
prayer, he said Takbeer and raised his both the hands upto his
face. (The Tahtawi)
Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Wail , the Great Prophet

said, Raise your hands till your ears when you start


prayer and women should make their hands equal to their

(Ref: The Namaz-e-Habeeb-e-Kibriyah, Pg: 79; The Mojam
Tabrani Kabeer, Vol: 22)

started the prayer,

It was proved by all the Hadithes that at the time of

he raised his hands so high that both the thumbs of his hands
reached at the lobes of the ears.

Takbeer-e-Tahrimah, the Great Prophet raised his hands till

father saw that when the Great Prophet

the lobe of the ears, not till the shoulders. Now, the arguments


First Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Ali that the Prophet

defect, disease) because Ibne Khazeenah narrates this

Hadith with the chain of Ibne Abi Az-Zanand but there is no
narration of raising the hands in Hadith. Similarly, there is no
narration of raising the hands in the Hadith of Asim Ibne
Kaleeb. The second method is that there is a Khata (mistake)
in the Hadith of Ibne Abi Az-Zanad and it does not need to
reply the Hadith in which there is a mistake.
Reply of the 2nd & 3rd : Both the Hadithes are excusable


raised his hands upto his shoulders when he said Takbeer for
the Maktoobah (the prayer for which the Takbeer is said)
prayer. (The Tahtawi)

methods. The first method is that this Hadith is ( flaw,

The Arguments of Ghair Muqaledeen:

The saying of Ghair Muqaledeen is that at the time of
Takbeer-e-Tahreemah, it should be raised the hands upto the
shoulders and they present three hadithes in this matter.

Reply of the 1st Hadith: It has been replied this Hadith by two


of Ghair Muqalediin and their replies will be presented in

front of you:

Second Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Salim by his father named

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umer that he saw that the Great

Prophet raised his hands upto his shoulders when he started


the prayer. (The Tahtawi)

Third Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Jabir ; I saw Salim bin

Abdullah that he raised the hands upto the shoulders

when he started the prayer. So, I asked him about this matter.
He replied, I saw Abdullah bin Umer doing so and asked him
about this. He replied that he had seen the Prophet

The Replies of the Arguments of Ghair Muqaledeen:


because the Great Prophet was offering the prayer putting

the sheet on his head because of the very severe cold, so it was
very difficult to come out the hands. Hazrat Wail bin Hijr
explains in his Hadith which is prevented in the

Q: 96. How is to do Rafa Yadain in the Prayer?

Ans.: The hands should be raised upto the ears at the time of
Rafa Yadain means to raise the hands at the Takbeer-eTahrimah; and before and after the rukoo.


started the prayer, he raised his hands upto

the ears and then he did not raise his hands.

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Ulqmah ; Hazrat Abdullah bin
Masood said, Shall I not cause you to say the
prayer like the Prophets ?Then, he caused to say the prayer

Imam Tirmzi says that this Hadith is Hasan and many

subdued to this.

and their followers are


friends of the Great Prophet

offering the prayer most of all and he

said that the Prophet only one time raised his hands upto the
looked the Prophet

ears at Takbeer-e-Tahreemah in the starting of the prayer, then

he did not raise his hands during the whole prayer.
Hadith: Hazrat Bra says when the Great Prophet

(Ref: The Jame Tirmzi, Vol: 1, Pg: 64)

Note: We act upon the Hadith of Hazrat Abdullah Ibne
Masood in all the traditioners because Hazrat

Abdullah Ibne Masood was the nearest of all to the

started the prayer, he riased his hands equal to the ears and
then he did not do so, again.


and did not raise the hands at somewhere besides Takbeer-eTahreemah.

(The Sunan Abu Daood, Vol: 1, Pg: 109 ; The Sunan Nisai,
Vol: 1, Pg: 119; Sharh-e-Maani-al-Asar, Vol: 1, Pg: 132;
The Musannaf Abdur Razzaq, Vol: 2, Pg: 77; The Musannaf
Ibne Abi Shaibah, Vol: 1, Pg: 236)

, he

Great Prophet

So, when he became the nearest to the Great Prophet


According to Hdithes, Rafa Yadain is not Jaiz but; when the

(The Abu Dawood, Vol: 1, Pg: 109, The Sharah-e-Maani al

Aasrar, Vol: 1, Pg: 132, The Sunan Dare-Qutni, Vol: 1, Pg:
293; The Ibne Abi Shaibah, Vol: 1, Pg: 236)

Hadith: Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Masood says says, I

offered the prayer behind the Great Prophet

Hazrat Abu

Bakar and Farooq-e-Azam . None of them offered

Rafa Yadain except Takbeer-e-Tahreemah.
(The Sunan Dar-e-Qutni, Vol: 1, Pg: 295; The Sunan Kubra
lil Behqi, Vol: 2)

that the

Hadith: Hazrat Mujahid says that he offered the

Holy Friends recognized him as a member of the Holy Family.

prayer behind Hazrat Ibne Umer who did not raise his

Great Prophet. He was so near to the Prophet


hands during the whole prayer besides Takbeer-e-Tahreemah.

(The Tahtawi)

(Ref: The Sahih Muslim, Ch:

Vol: 1, Pg:

Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Asim with his father

Hadith: Hazrat Mujahid says, I offered the prayer behind

Hazrat Kalaib that Hazrat Ali did not offer Rafa

Hazrat Ibne Umer . He did not offer RafYadain

Yadain besides only Takbeer-e-Tahreemah. (The Tahtawi)

during the whole prayer besides Takbeer-e-Tahreemah.

Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Abbass , the

Imam Tahtawi says that this is the Abdullah Ibne

said, It is the Sunnah to raise the hands at

Umer who saw the Great Prophet offering Rafa

the seven places. (1) At the time of Takbeer-e-Tahreemah (2)

At the time of Istalam-e-Hijr-e-Aswad (3) at Saffa (4) at
Marwah (5) in Arafat (6) in Maqamain and (7) near to

Yadain (which is narrated in the Bukhari and the Muslim).

Then, he himself left Rafa Yadain because it had been
(The Shrh-e-Maani-ul-Asrar, Vol: 1, Pg: 133; The Zujajah,
Vol: 1, Pg: 577; The Musannaf Ibne Abi Shaibah, Vol: 1, Pg:

Jamarat. (Ref: )

It was proved by all these Hadithes that the Great


Prophet raised the hands only at Takbeer-e-Tahreemah and

he did not raise the hands again.

RafaYadain was in the introductory age of Islam but repealed

Hadith: Hazrat Jabir bin Samrah says that the Great




Great Prophet

1181; The Sunan-e-Nisai , Vol: 1, Pg: 176)

came to us and asked, I see you offering

RafaYadain during the prayer like rebel horses turning their

tails. You must offer the prayer with peace.

Hadith: Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Abbass says that none

of Ashrah-e-Mubashirah -- the Holy Friends whom had been

given the good news of Heaven by the Prophet

did not

use to offer Rafa Yadain except in Takbeer-e-Tahreemah.

(The Umdatul Qari Shrhe Sahih Bukhari, Vol: 5 Pg: 272)
It was proved by all these Hadithes that Rafa Yadain
was offered in the introductory age of Islam and it was
repealed later. Therefore, now it is prohibited and against of
Sunnah to raise both the hands before and after the Rukoo.


Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Abu Wail , Hazrat Abu

Hurairah says that it should be put the hand at the
other hand below the nevel in the prayer.
(The Abu Daood, Publisher: Bairoot)
Hadith: Hazrat Anas says, Three things belong to


Hadith: Hazrat Hajeefah says, No doubt! Hazrat Ali

Ans.: The hands should be raised upto the ears at Takbeer-eTahreemah.

It is the Sunnah for the man in the prayer to fold the palm of
the right hand at the back of the left hand below the navel.


Q: 97. At where should the hands be folded in the prayer?

putting the right hand at the left below the nevel, in the
(The Musannif Ibne Abi Shaibah, Vol: 1, Pg: 390)

said that it is Sunnah to put a palm at another palm

below the navel, in the prayer.

(The Abu Dawood, Vol: 1, Ch:

Hadith 751, Pg: 305,

Publisher: Fareed Book Lahore)


Embezzlement of the Ill-Religious:

The above Hadith of the Abu Dawood that we referred,
is present in copy of Bairoot but the ill-religiuos people
expelled the Hadith so that the Muslim may forget this Hadith
after passing the hundred years.

Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Alqamah bin Wail bin Hijr

by his father that he said, I looked the Great Prophet

the manner of the prophet hood. (1) To breah the fast hurrily,
(2) To keep the fast lately and (3) To put the right hand at the
left below the nevel in the prayer.
(Mergin: the Abu Daood, Umdatul Qari)
Hadith: Narrated the Dar-e-Qutni and Abdullah Ibne Ahmed
by Hazrat Ali that it is Sunnah to have a hand at

another hand; and according to one narration; to have the right

hand at the left one below the nevel.
It was proved by all theses Hadithes that it is Sunnah to fold
the hands below the nevel.
Q: 98. Is it prohibited and unlawful (Na-Jaiz) to recite the
Holy Quran behind the Imam?


(Surah: Araf, Verse: 204, Part: 9)

Translation: And when the Quran is recited, hear it patiently
and be silent so that you may get mercy.
Transliteration: Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbass says

said, You must be quiet when the Imam recites

the Holy Quran. Imam Sakhi said, This Hadith is Sahih

(The Sahih Muslim, Vol: 1, Pg: 174)
Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abu Hurairah , the Great


Imam is appointed so that he may be

followed. Therefore, he says Takbeer, you must say takbeer

and when he recites the Holy Quran, you must keep quiet.
(I : The Abu Daood, Vol: 1, Pg: 89, II: The Nisai, Vol: 1, Pg:
93; III: The Ibne Majah, Pg: 63; IV: The Musnad Ahmed, Vol:
2, Pg: 376)


that it is explained from this verse that when the Holy Quran
is recited in the prayer, it is wajib (compulsory) to be quiet and
to listen to it carefully.


Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abu Hurairah , the Great


Ans.: It is strictly prohibited and Najaiz to recite the Holy

Quran behind the Imam during the prayer with Jamaat
(gathering); and the Muqtadi; must be silent.

All the Holy Friends and Holy Beholders agree at


this point that the order which is narrated in this verse, is for
the prayer with Jamaat. It means the Muqtadi (followers)
must not recite the Holy Quran in the prayer behind the

Now, Inspect the Holy Hadithes:


Hadith: Hazrat Abu Moosa says that the Great

taught them the prayer and asked them to keep

quiet when the Imam started recitation.

(The Sahih Muslim, Vol: 1, Pg: 174)

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Jabir ; the Great Prophet

said, The recitation of an Imam is the recitation of him who
follows the Imam and who is behind him. (The Ibne Majah)
It was proved by all these Hadithes that when the
Imam recites the Holy Quraan, the follower (Muqtadi) must
be quiet. Now, we copy the arguments of Ghair Muqaledeen
in front of you and then we will reply them:
The Arguments of Ghair-Muqaledeen:
The saying of the Ghair Muqaledeen is that the Imam
recites the Holy Quran as well as the Muqtadi recites. In this
matter, the Ghair Muqaledeen presents these three Hadithes:


recite Surah-e-Fateha and a Surah, is not perfect. (The Abu

2nd Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abu Hurairah ; the Great


The prayer of the person who offers the

The second reply is that Hazrat Sufiyan is in the

Sanad (chain) of this Hadith. Imam Abu Daood writes after
copying this Hadith that Hazrat Sufiyan said, This
Hadith (who does not recite Surah-e-Fatehah and a Surah) is
only for him who offers the prayer alone. Therefore, this
Hadith can become a proof for Ahnaf, not for Ghair
Muqaledeen because according to them, Qiraat is Fardh
behind the Imam while according to Ahnaf, Surah-e-Fatehah
is Wajib for the single and Qiraat is at all Fardh.


prayer but does not recite Surah-e-Fateha is like a dead body;

is like a dead body; is like a dead body. It means Imperfect.
(The Muslim, The Abu Daood)
3 Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Ala bin Abdur Rahman, he
heard the freed slave of Abu Saib Hasham bin Zahrah surely.

Great Prophet said, The prayer of the person who does not

addition to it not any other Surah. The words of Hadith that

was presented, are that who does not recite Surah-e-Fatehah
and a Surah. So, this Hadith can not become their proof
because this is against their faith.


1 Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abadah bin Samit ; the


He (the freed slave) heard Hazrat Abu Hurairah that


he said; the Great Prophet said, The person who offers prayer
without saying Surah-e-Fatehah, his prayer is like a dead
body; is like a dead body; is like a dead body; means an

imperfect. I asked, O Abu Hurairah some time I am

behind the Imam. He replied, O Persian, recite it in your

heart. (The Abu Daood)

The Replies of the Arguments of Ghair Muqaledeen:

Reply of 1st Hadith: The faith of Ghair Muqaledeen is that the
Muqtadi must recite only Surah-e-Fateha behind the Imam, in

Reply of 2nd & 3rd Hadith:

It is in the second and third Hadith that the prayer
remains imperfect without Surah-e-Fatehah and the affairs that
cause the prayer are Wajibat. So, it was proved to recite
Surah-e-Fatehah as Wajib but not as Fardh by both the
Hadithes while according to Ghair Muqaledeen, it is Fardh to
recite Surah-e-Fateha. Therefore, both these Hadithes are not
useful for their favour but both the Hadithes are proof of the
faith of Ahnaf that Surah-e-Fatehah is Wajib.


It was narrated the saying of Hazrat Abu Hurairah in

Hadith: Ibne Abi Shaibah narrates by Hazrat Abdullah

Ibne Masood that Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Masood

the third hadith, O Persian, recite it in your heart. It means

that Consider and think about it (in your heart).

(The Nisai, The Tahtawi, The Ibne Habban)

used to say Taooz, Tasmiyah and Tahmeed slowly.

Q: 99. Should Tasmiyah be said slowly?
Ans.: The prayer should say before Surah-e-

Hadith: Hazrat Anas bin Malik narrates, I offered

prayers behind the Great Prophet

Siddiq-e-Akbar and


Farooq-e-Azam . I did not hear none of them saying.

(The Muslim, The Bukhari, The Imam Ahmed)

It was recognized that he did not hear saying
Tasmiyah. If they said it loudly, he would hear but they said
slowly so he could not hear it.
Hadith: Hazrat Anas bin Malik says, I offered the

prayer behind the Prophet , Abu Bakar and Umer .

I did not listen to none of them saying Tasmiyah loudly.

It was proved by all these Hadithes that

should be said slowly. In addition to, the wisdom

demands that should not be said loudly


Fatehah. It is sunnah. Then, he should start recitation with



(The Ibne Abi Shaibah)

because the Tasmiyah which is written before Surah, is not the

part of these Surahs but it is written to separate the Surahs
Q: 100. Is it Sunnah for both the Imam and the Muqtadi to
say Ameen slowly?
Ans.: Every prayer whether he offers as Imam or Muqtadi or
he offers as a single and whether he offers Jahri Salah or he
ofer Sirree Salah, must say Ameen slowly. He must say
Ameen so slowly that only his ears listen to Ameen and the
prayer who is offering beside him, could not even listen.

(Surah: Arat, Verse: 55, Part: 8)


This Hadith was also narrated by Imam Hakim, Imam

Ahmed, Abu Daood, At Tayalsi, Tabrani and Dare Qutni.
Imam Hakim said, This Hadith is Sahih (true) according to
the condition fixed by Bukhari and Muslim.
(The Mustadrak lil Hakim, Vol: 2, Pg: 232; Zujajatul
Masabeeh, Vol: 1, Pg: 652)
Hadith: Hazrat Abu Wail says that Hazrat Umer


Translation: Call your Rubb humbly and secretly (slowly).

Surely, He does not like those who cross the limits.
Transliteration: It was proved by this verse that it is
Mustahab to pray slowly. The meaning of Ameen is, O
Allah! Accept it. Hence, Ameen is prayer (Dua) and it should
be said slowly.

and Hazrat Ali did not use to say Tasmiyah and

Ameen loudly.

Hadith: Hazrat Alqamah bin Wail narrates by his

it is dismounted with Jibreel but it is Dua and Zikr.

, he said slowly.


father that when the Great Prophet



(Surah: Baqarah; Verse: 186, Part: 2)

Translation: O beloved Mohammad, when My devotee ask
you about Me, I am very near to them. I answer their call
when they submit to Me.
It was known that Allah is nearer to us than our nerve
and the subject who is far from us, is called loudly. So, it is
against the Quranic teaching to say Ameen loudly after Surahe-Fatehah during the Salah because Ameen is prayer (Dua).
Now, I am going to prove to say Ameen slowly with the
references of Hadithes.

(The Jame Trimzi, Vol: 1, Pg: 63)

(Ref: The Umdatul Qari Shrh-e-Bukhari)

Hadith: Hazrat Umer says that the Imam should say

four things (or sentences) slowly Sana, Taooz, Tasmiyah
and Ameen.
(The Musannaf Abdur Razzaq, Vol: 2, Pg: 87)
Therefore, it was proved in the light of all the statement to say
Ameen slowly. The mind also desires that Ameen should be
said slowly because neither it is a Quranic verse or word nor
Hence, Ameen should be said slowly as Sana, Tasbeehat-eRukoo and Sujood, At Tahiyyat, Durood-e-Ibrahimi and Duae-Masoora to say Ameen loudly and shrillingly.


Great Prophet

recited , he said Ameen making his

Its second reply is that to say Ameen loudly is by

chance not intentionally because it is proved to say Ameen
slowly according to general condition.

1st Hadith: Hazrat Wail bin Hujr says that when the

upon both the Hadithes and Ahnaf say slowly Ameen acting
upon this correspondence.


Arguments of Ghair Muqaledeen:

The saying of Ghair Muqaledeen is that Ameen should
be cried loudly. In this matter, it will be copied their
arguments and their replies.

2nd Hadith: Hazrat Ata said that Ameen is a prayer.

asked Did Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Zubair say Ameen at

Then, Ibne Zubair and the people who were behind

the ending of Surah-e-Fatehah? He replied, Of course! And

the people who were behind him also said Ameen as far as the
Masjid resounded. He father said that Ameen is Dua (prayer).

him said so loudly Ameen that the masjid resounded.

(The Bukhari)


Replies of the Arguments of Ghair Muqaledeen.


voice long. (The Tirmzi)

Reply of the 2nd Hadith: Instil the whole narration in your

mind to recognize this Hadith of the Bukhari which is that
Narrated Hazrat Ibne Jareeh bin Hazrat Ata; I (Ibne Jareeh)

Reply of the 1st Hadith: We have copied the narration of

Hazrat Wail bin Hujr that the Great Prophet said

Ameen slowly but it was said in this Hadith that he raised his
voice. So, the correspondence between both these hadithes,
was come out in this way that he said Ameen with Madd-eAridh, not with Madd-e-Qasr. In this situation, it will be acted

After narrating the whole narration, it feels doubt that there is

no narration of the Salah in the narration. When the Qari
(recitor) recites, he and his listeners say Ameen at the ending
of Surah-e-Fatehah. It is possible that it is the same condition.
The remaining is that something is indicated by

that it

means to say Ameen in the prayer. But, this indication is

expelled in this way that the people sit around the Qari when
he recites. In this condition, some people are behind. It may
say them

that the people who were behind. After this


probability (doubt), the reason can not be taken from the

narrated Hadith.

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Huzaifah that surely he

If the narrated condition is not accepted, we can say

that this tradition (narration) is even against to the luster
because at that time, the roof of the Masjid was built with
leaves of date and the voice cannot resound in such a roof.
Therefore, this narration is against to the wisdom.


his Sajdah and did not come to the verse of blessings but took
a pause and asked Allah about it and did not come to the verse
of wrath but took a pause and seeked refuge of Allah from it.
(The Trimzi, The Daood, The Nisai, The Ibne Majah)

Q: 101. What times should Tasbeehat be said in Rukoo

and Sujood?

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Uqbah bin Amir that when

Ans.: It is Sunnah to say thrice in Rukoo

Great Prophet asked, Put it in your Rukoo and when (the

(bows) and

verse of the Quran) was descended, the Great

Hadith: Narrated Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Masood;


Surely the Great Prophet said, When a person of you

in his Rukoo and said




thrice in Sujood (prostration). All the

prayer which are narrated besides them, are for Nawafil.

offered the prayer with the Great Prophet. Hence the Great

(the verse of the Quran) was descended the

Prophet asked, Put it in your Sajdah.

(The Abu Dawood, The Ibne Majah)

performs Rukoo , he should say thrice times in his

Q: 102. Prove the words Ta shuhhud with Hadith?

Rukoo. Hence, his Rukoo has been completed and this is its
inferior space and when he performs Sajdah, he should say

Ans.: Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Shafiq bin Salmah by

three times in his Sajdah. Hence, his Sajdah

makes perfect and this is its inferior measure (size).

(The Trimzi, The Abu Daood, The Ibne Majah)

Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood ; when we offered Salah

behind the Great Prophet, we said,


Hence, the Prophet paid attention to us and

asked, No doubt! Allah is Salam. One of you who offers the


prayer, should say ( the whole tashuhhud.). When

you have said this, your Salam (salutation) will reach to the
pious subject of Allah, in the earth and sky. Then you must

Hadith: Hazrat Abdullah bin Zaid narrates that the

sentence of the Azan of the Great Prophet were said two
times both in Azan and Iqamat.

Muslim, The Trimzi, The Abu Dawood, The Nisai, The Ibne

Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Aswad that Hazrat Bilal

Hazrat Khaseef says that he saw the Great

(The Trimzi).

used to say the sentences two times in Azan and Iqamat,

(The Tahtawi)


Blessing of Ibne Masoods Hadith:

say; ( The Bukhari, The

Hadith: Hazrat Abu Mahzoorah narrates that surely,

severely dis-agree at the words of Tashuhhud, which Hadith

the Great Prophet taught him to say the sentences of Iqamat


Prophetin sleeping. He requested, O Prophet,the people

should it be acted upon? He replied, It must be acted

upon the Hadith of Ibne Masood

( )


Q: 103. How many sentences are more in Iqamat? Reply

with the reference of Hadith.

Ans.: Iqamat is like Azan. Only, there is an addition of the

said two times like Azan.

sentence in Iqamat. The sentences of Iqamat are

two times.

(The Tahtawi, The Tirmzi)

Therefore, it was explained with the reference of
Hadithes that Iqamat is like Azan and there should be said the
sentences of Iqamat two times like Azan.
Q: 104. How many Rakaat are there in the Witr prayer?
Ans.: There are three Rakaat with one Salam in the Witr
Hadith: Hazrat Aisha says that the Great Prophet

did not offer the Rakaat more than Eleven in Ramadan and


(Ref: The Bukhari, Vol: 1, Pg: 154; The Muslim, Vol:

It was recognized that Witr has three Rakaat, not only

one; and the Great Prophet and the Holy Friends
had been acting upon it.

without Ramadan. He offered four Rakaat (as Tahujjad) and

then three Rakat (as Witr).
1, Pg: 254)
Hadith: Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Abbass copies a long

Q: 105. How many Rakaat are there in Traweeh?

Tahujjad) by dividing into three parts and then he offered

three Rakaat as Witr.
(The Muslim, Vol: 1, Pg: 261)

Ans.: There are twenty Rakaat in Traweeh and at this, the


Hadith that the Great Prophet offered six Rakaat (as

Great Prophet and the Holy Friends used to act.


Hadith: Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Abbass narrates that

in Ramadan, the Great Prophet surely used to say twenty

Prophet recited Surah-e-Ala in the first Rakaat, Surah-e-

Rakaat besides Witr.

Kaferoon in the second and Surah-e-Ikhlas in the third Rakaat

of the witr prayer and turned Salam in the end of the third
(The Sunan Nisai, Vol: 1, Pg: 175)

Hadith: Hazrat Saib bin Yazeed , narrates that the


Hadith: Hazrat Ubi bin Kaab says that the Great

Hadith: Hazrat Ali says that the Great Prophet

Holy Beholders .

used to say three Rakaat of Witr. Imam Tirmzi says that this
is the faith of the acknowledged Holy Friends

(The Jame Tirmzi, Vol: 1, Pg: 110, The Zujajatul

Masabeeh, Vol: 2, Pg: 263)

(Ref: The Behqi

Pg: 42)

twenty Rakaat Traweeh were used to say in the caliphity of

Hazrat Umer as well as Hazrat Usman and Ali
(Ref: The Mauta Imam Malik, The Behqi)
Hadith: Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Abbass said that in
the month of Ramadan, the Great Prophet offered twenty
Rakaat Taraweeh without Jamaat and the prayer of Witr.


Hadith: Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood says that the

Great Prophet did not prescribe some thing from the Holy
Quran in the Salat-ul-Janazah.

of the Great Prophet.

Hazrat Imam Tirmzi says that some learned people

(The Jame Tirmzi, Vol: 1, Pg: 139)

The Hadith of Eight Rakaat which is presented by
some people, does not mention Taraweeh but these eight
Rakaat are of Tahujjud and this is narrated in severd

has said that there is no recitation in the prayer of Janazah, but

the prayer of Janazah is the name of praise for Almighty

Q: 106. Is it not Jaiz to recite in Salat-ul Janazah?


Ans.: Yes, It is not Jaiz to recite Surah-e-Fateha and another

surah as Qiraat. It is Sunnah to say Sana, Drud and the prayer
of forgiveness in it.


Allah, saying Durood at the Prophet and praying for the

forgiveness of the dead body.


Hadithes. So, this was proved that it is Sunnah of Mustafa

to say twenty Rakaat Taraweeh.

(Ref: The Musannaf Ibne Abi Shaibah, Vol: 2, Pg: 394, The
Zujajatul Masabeeh)
Imam Tirmzi says that this is the faith of many learned
people to say Salat-ul-Taraweeh twenty Rakaat which is
narrated by Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Umer and other Holy Friends

(The Jame Tirmzi, Vol: 1, Pg: 199)

Q: 107. Is it Jaiz to say Ghaibanah Salat-ul-Janazah?

Ans.: According to Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifah ,
Ghaibanah Salatul Janazah is not Jaiz. So, the Hanfees should
avoid to say the Salatul-Janazah of a disappeared dead body.
Hadith: Narrated Ibne Majah by Amir bin Rabeeah;

did not use to recite the Holy Quran in the prayer of

the Great Prophet said, Inform me when some one of you

(The Mauta Imam Malik, Pg: 210; The Musannaf Ibne Abi
Shaibah, Vol: 3, Pg: 299)

die because at one my prayer causes blessings (for one).

Hadith: Hazrat Nafe says that Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Umer

Note: In the appeared age of the Great Prophet, hundreds of

the Holy Friends passed but it cannot be proved by a


Sahih Sareeh (true and explained) Hadith that the Great

offered Salatul Janazah vanishedly. If it was jaiz to

Salatul Janazah disaparently, the Prophetcould have


Proof: In the Sahih Abu Amarah, narrates he himself,

We offered Salah behind the Great Prophet and we had


this faith that the dead body was lying ahead.


(Book: The Ghaibanah Namaz-e-Janazah, Pg: 40)

Ala Hazrat)

Proof: It was said in Asbab-e-Nazool-e-Quran by
Imam Wahedi about the Hadith-e-Mursal-e-Usooli which

Wisdom in saying of Ghaibanah Salat-ul-Janazah of Najashi:


Proof: When the Great Prophet caused to say the

was narrated by Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Abbass that:


Salat-ul-Janazah of Najashi vanishingly, the Holy Friends


(Book: the Ghaibanah Namaz-e-Janazah, Pg: 38/39, (Author:

saw with their eyes that the dead body (janazah) of

Najashi was presented in front of Him and it is His

The dead body of Najashi was appeared for the Great Prophet

. He looked it and said Salat for him.

Q: 108. How is it to say Salah with bare head?


Proof: In Sahih Ibne Habban, narrates Hazrat Imran
bin Hussain and many Holy Friends , the Great Prophet
asked, Your brother Najashi passed. So, stand and say Salat

stood. The Holy Friends

made lines (Safs) behind him. The Prophet said four
for him. Then, the Prophet


The Holy Friends looked that the death body of

Najashi was in front of the Great Prophet

Ans.: From the Great Prophet


the Holy Friends, Holy

Beholders and Holy followers

did not say to offer the prayer with bare head and no one from
Khair-ul-Quroon has issued the fatwa yet about offering the
prayer with bare head.
The Fuqaha has written Makrooh to say Salat with bare head.
(The Dure Mukhtar, Vol: 1, Pg: 151; The Bahr-ur-Raiq, Vol:
3, Pg: 34)


said, Surely, Allah and His angels send blessings on those

who put Amanah on Friday.
Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Anas bin Malik , the Prophet
said, To say Salat with Amamah is equal to ten thousand

Q: 109. How many days are there for sacrifice and can we
sacrifice in the fourth day?
Ans.: the people have been sacrificing in only three
days at Eid-ul-Adhha for the fourteen hundred years and only


Hadith: Narrates Abu Darda , the Great Prophet

If one says Salah with bare head due to humble, it is
But, it is afraid that now-a-days, the people do not put
the hat on their head because of shame and laziness as far as
saying of Salah.


It is very graceful to say Salat with putting Amamah

on the head. There are boons and graces about Amamah in

this is the Sunnah of the Prophet

goods. (Delmi)

Hadith: Narates Hazrat Jabir , the Great Prophet

said, Two Rakaat with Amamah are greater than seventy


Rakaat without Amamah (Turban).

(The Musnad-ul-Fridous).

Three kinds of Bare Headed Prayers narrated by the Fuqaha:

A person thinks in his heart that the prayer is not such
a worship that he may cover his head. It means that he
condemn the Salah, so according to this, it is Kufr to say Salah
with bare head.
It is Makrooh to say Salah with bare head because of

Hadith: Narrates Imam Malik , Hazrat Abdullah Ibne

Umer said, The Sacrifice (Qurbani) can be

performed in Yaum-udh-Dhuha (the tenth of Zil Hajjah) and
the two days after it. (The Mishkat).

Hadith: Hazrat Ali says that there are three days for
the sacrifice and the first day is graceful.
(Ref: The Mouta Imam Malik)
In all over the world Haramain Tayyibain, Pakistan,
India, Indonesia, Iraq, Egypt, Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Sudan, Oman, Jordan and Lebnon the sacrifice (Zabah) is
performed for only three days the tenth, eleventh and twelveth
of Zil Hajjah.



Q: 110. Is it Jaiz to say Salat-ul-Janazah in Masjid?

Ans.: According to Hadith, the man who offers or causes to

offer the Salat-ul-Janazah in the Masjid, has no reward.
Hadith: Narrates Abu Hurairah ; the Great Prophet

said, The man says Salatul Janazah in the Masjid, has no


(Ref: The Sunan Abu Daood, Vol:2, Pg: 454, Maktab-eHaqqaniyah, Peshawar)

because the Great Prophet said, There is no requital for

the man who said Salatul Janazah in the Masjid because the
Masjid is saying for the Fardh Salah.
(Ref: Hidaya Awaleen, Pg: 161, Pub: Ziauddeen Lahore)


So, remember that the Sacrifice Days do not depend on

the Tashreeq Days. The Sacrifice Days are only three - from
the tenth of Zil-Hajjah to Asr of the twelveth of Zil-Hajjah and
it cannot be sacrificed on the fourth day.

Allama Abul Hasan Ali bin Bakar Merghevani
(demise: 593) writes that it should not be offered the Salatul
Janazah in the Masjid in which there is offered the Jamaat


Some people say making the Tashreeq days on basis

that as the Tashreeq is said at the fourth day of Eid-ul-Adhha
so it is Jaiz to sacrifice at the fourth day. If it is made the
Tashreeq Days as origin, the Tashreeq Days starts from the
nineth of Zil-Hajjah then it will have to sacrifice at the nineth
of Zil Hajjah.

The Fuqaha have written Mutlaqan (quite) Makrooh-eTahreemi to say Salatul Janazah in the Masjid.


Allama Kamaluddeen bin Hammam( demise:

816) says that the Masjid is built for saying the Fardh prayer,
so it is Makrooh to say Salat-ul-Janazah in the Masjid.
(Fatah-ul-Qadeer, Vol: 2, Pg: 91, Publisher: Maktab-eHaqqaniyah, Peshawer)
It was explained by all these statements that it is quite
Makrooh-e-Tahreemi to say Salat-ul-Janazah in the Masjid. If
Salat ul- Janazah is offered in the Masjid, Fardh Kifayah will
be performed but the requital will not be achieved. The people
who say Salat-ul-Janazah in the Masjid are on the wrong way.
According to the Islamic teaching, only this is the true
command and solution that the Salat-ul-Janazah should be
offered outside the Masjid.


Shaibah-the teacher of Imam Bukhari that Hazrat

Ans.: It is Jaiz to pray after the Salat-ul-Janazah and the

people who say it an innovation, are far from the Islamic

Ref: It is in the third volume of the book named The

Musannaf Ibne Abi Shaibah whose author is Ibne Abi
Umair bin Saeed says that he offered the Salat-ulJanazah of Yazeed bin Mukaffaf with Hazrat Ali .
Hazrat Ali said four Takbeerat at him. Then, he went


Q: 111. How is it to pray after the Salat-ul-Janazah? Some

people call it an innovation?

to his (Yazeeds) bedstead and begged the narrated prayer for

him. When he was going his (Yazeeds) bed stead, the Salatul-Janazah had been offered.
It was known that it is proved to pray after the Salat-ul-

Hadith: Imam Abu Daood Sulaiman Ibne Ashat

. So, now it should not be felt doubt in this matter.

copies the Hadith that the Great Prophet said, Pray


(Surah: Baqarah, Verse: 186)

Translation: I answer their call when they submit to Me.
This verse is absolute in the order of begging the prayer and
when it is Jaiz to beg pray at all then it is also Jaiz to pray after


sincerely for the dead body when you have said the Salat-ulJanazah.

(The Abu Daood, Vol: 2, Pg: 456, Publisher: Maktaba-eHaqqaniyah, Peshawar, Pakistan)
Hadith: Hazrat Abu Hurairah says that he himself
listened to the Great Prophet

saying this, When you have

Janazah by Hadithes and the behaviour of Holy Friends

Q: 112. What is the reality of returning the hands to the

face after praying according to the Islamic teaching?
Ans.: It is Sunnah to return the hands to the face after begging
the prayer.
Hadith: Hazrat Ibne Umer says tthat when the

Great Prophet raised his hands, he did not leave his both

(Ref: The Ibne Majah)

(Ref: The Tirmzi; The Mishkat ,)

offered the Salat-ul-Janazah, Pray for the dead body


hands down till they touched the face.


Note: The Great Prophet used to come to Masjid-e-Nabawi

from his room after offering two Rakaat Sunnah. So, it is
Sunnah to go to Masjid for Jamaat of Fajr after offering two
Rakaat Sunnah at home.
Proof of Zohr Sunnah & Nafl:


were filled with the Holy Blessings and Holy Graces, so he

touched them with his face so that the face might get the same
blessings and graces too.

Rakaat are more beloved to me than the entire world. (The


was to get the good objectives as if the hands of the Prophet

said about the two Rakaat Sunnah of Fajr, These two


By this Hadith, it was proved Sunnah to return the

hands to the face after praying.
Hikmat of Returning the Hands at the Face:
It was narrated the wisdom (Hikmat) of returning the
hands to the face in the Shrh-e-Mirqat of the Mishkat that it

Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Aisha , the Great Prophet

Q: 113. Some people say that only Fardh prayers should be

prayed and there is no the Islamic reality of Sunnat-eMoakkadah and Ghair Sunnat-e-Moakkada. Reply this
with the reference of Hadith.


Ans.: The reality of Sunnat-e-Moakkadah and Ghair Sunnat-eMoakkadah besides Fardh is proved with Hadithes and the
people who refuse it, are far from the Islamic leading.
Proof of Fajr Sunnah:
Great Prophet


Hadith: Hazrat Aisha Siddiqah narrates that the

not use to manage a prayer in Nwafil

(and Sunnah) as he managed the two Rakat Sunnah before the

Fajr prayer. (The Muslim)

Hadith: Hazrat Umme Habibah narrates that the

Prophet of Allah said, Almighty Allah makes Jahunnam
Fire Haram to the man who offer four Rakaat before Zohr
and four Rakaat after Zohr regularly.
(Ref: the Nisai)
Note: The four Rakaat before Zorhr means Sunnat-eMoakkkadah while four Rakat after Zohr means two Rakaat
Sunnat-e-Maoakkadah and two Rakaat Nafl.
Proof of Asr Sunnah:


Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Abdullah bin Umer , the

Prophet of Allah

said, May Allah mercy on him who says

Q: 114. How is it to say or write with the non-holy


Note: Here, four Rakat before Asr means four Rakaat

Sunnat-e-Ghair Moakkadah which offering causes reward but
leaving is no sin.

Ans.: It is proved with the reference of the Holy Quran and


with only the Holy Friends.

(Surah: Biyyinah, Verse: 8, Part: 30)
Translation: Allah is well pleased with them and they are
well pleased with Him. This is for him who fears his Rubb


Hadith: Hazrat Aisha Siddiqah copies the saying fo


the saying of the scholars of Islam that is not specific

Proof of Maghrib & Eisha Sunnah:

the Great Prophet

four Rakaat before Asr! (The Abu Daood)

Almighty Allah makes a palace in

the Heaven for him who says twelve Rakaat regularly-four

Rakaat before Zohr, two Rakaat after Esha and two Rakaat
before Farj. (Ref: The Nisai)


Note: Here, four Rakaat before Zohr means the four Rakaat
Sunnat-e-Moakkadah before Zohr. Similalry, two Rakaat
after Zohr means two Rakaat Sunnat-e-Moakkadah after the
four Rakaat Fardh, two Rakkaat after Maghrib means the
two Rakaat Sunnat-e-Moakkadah after the three Rakaat
Fardh, two Rakaat after Esha means two Rakaat Sunnat-eMaoakkadah after the four Rakaat Fardh and two Rakaat
before Fajr means two Rakaat Sunnat-e-Moakkadah before
the two Rakaat Fardh. You (should) say these twelve Rakaat
according to the direction and get a place in the Heaven.

It has been known by this Hadith that is for

those who fear their Substainer. As the Holy Friends, Holy

Family, Holy Beholders and Holy Men are the people who
fear their Substainer, so it is said and written with

their names.
Proof: It is in the Durr-e-Mukhtar with Shami, Vol: 5, at page
no. 480 that it is Mustahab to say for the Holy
Friends and for the Holy Beholders (Tabeen) and its
inversion such as for the Holy Friends and for


Holy Beholders, Holy Men and scholars is also jaiz at Rajeh

(better) religion.

Proof: Syyid-ul-Ulamah Hazrat Syyid Ahmed Tahtawi

Proof: Allama Shahbuddeen Khaffaji writes in


Naseem-ur-Riyadh Sharhe Shifa, Vol: 3, that is should be said

(Istambol) , Pg: 11.

Prophets are remembered (narrated) with Gufran

and Ridha

, published in Qustantuniyah


when Holy Men besides the Holy

wrote for Imam Abu Hanifah in his famous book

Proof: In the Sharhe Mirqat of the Mishkat, Vol: 1, at pg: 27;

Imam Mullah Ali Qari has written for Hazrat

Shiekh Abdul Haq Dehlwi has written for

It was explained by all these statements that is

Hazrat Owais Qarani although he is a Holy Beholder (Tabei).

not particular for the Holy Friends . If it was


Proof: In his popular book, Vol: 4, Pg: 743; Hazrat

Abdullah Ibne Mubarak, Hazrat Lais bin Saad, Imam Malik,

Daood Tai, Ibraheem bin Adham and Fuzail bin Ayaz etc.
although none of them, is a holy friend.

Proof: Hazrat Imam Razi has written for


Hazrat Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa in the Tafseer-e-Kabeer,

Vol: 6, Pg: 382.

particular for them, and not jaiz to write for non holy

friends, such a great investigators who were expert and skillful

in religious awareness had not to write for non-holy


Proof: Imam-ul- Muhaddeseen Hazrat Imam Mulla Ali Qari

has written for Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa and

Imam Shafei; in the Mishkat Sharhe Mirqat, Vol: 1, Pg: 3,

Published: Mumbai)

Q: 115. How is it to beg the second prayer after the Salah

because some people say it an innovation?
Ans.: The prayer (Dua) is pit (kernel) of the worship. To pray
after the worship is to find the real soul of the worship. The


and he beheld a large number of people, he caused to start

another Azan before the Azan of sermion (Khutbah) in the
presence of the Holy Friends and none of them
objected this. According to the saying of the Great Prophet


narrated Azan enters into the Sunnah of the Holy

Caliphs and it is the mis-understanding of the people


Sunah: Baqarah, Verse: 186)

Translation: I answer their call when they submit to Me.
This verse is absolute in the order of begging the prayer and
when it is Jaiz to beg pray at all and it is ordered to pray
every time then how can it be prohibited to beg the 2nd prayer
after the Salah?

when the caliphity of Hazrat Usman Ghani became

Proof: It is the Fatwa of the Shiekh of Ahle-e-Hadith Mian

Nasir Hussain Dehlwi and his Shiekh Sanaullah Amartasri that


time for the prayer was not appointed. Almighty Substainer

commands to pray every time in the Holy Quran:


Islam is the only one religion of the world in which

there is an order to pray before and after every deed, such as
the prayer before and after eating, the prayers before and after
drinking; and the prayers for entering into the house and
coming out of the house. In short, pray every time because
there is no appointed time for begging prayers.

By which Hadith will the people who say the second

gathering prayer after Salah as an innovation prove the
gathering prayer in their meetings, their preaching assemblage
and their conferences?
Q: 116. Is it Sunnah to say Azan two times for Jumah?

Ans.: It is Jaiz to say Azan twice for Jumah prayer. It was

started in the caliphlity of Hazrat Usman Ghani .

who say it an innovation.

(Ref: The Dastoor-ul-Muttaqi, Pg: 89, The Fatawa Sanayah,
Vol: 1, Pg: 436)
, We-the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat believe that it
is Sunnah to say the Azan for Jumah Prayer two times, and
the people who say it an innovation ; are astray because it is
Fardh on us to obey the Holy Friends .

Q: 117. How is it to say Azan at the grave after the burial

of the dead body? Reply with the reference of Hadith.
Ans.: Azan is the Zikr of Almighty Allah. It is in the Hadith
that Azan is a mean to flee the Satan because the dead body is
buried, the Satan comes near to him/her. Hence, inspect the


Substainer? The Satan appears at him and indicates himself

that he (the Satan) is his (the dead bodys) substainer. So, it is
ordered to pray for firmness in belief of the dead body.
(The Tirmzi, Book: Pg: 9)

Q: 118. Is it Sunnah to say Azan at the grave?

Ans.: It is Sunnah to say Azan at the grave after buring the

dead body.


Hadith: Narrates Imam Ahmed Tabrani and Behqi by Hazrat

Jabir bin Abdullah ; when Hazrat Saad ben Maaz

died and his grave had been built, the Great Prophet

as well as the Holy Friends had been saying

for a long time. Then, the Great Prophet as well as

the Holy Friends had been saying for a

long time. Then, he asked, The grave of this goodman has

Allama Tayabi writes in the Shrhe Mishakat that the Great


said after buring the dead for the

easiness and these words are in Azan, so it proved Sunnah to

say Azan at the grave.
Q: 119. It is the Three Divorce to divorce thrice in one time
but some people say it like only One Divorce. Reply this in


It was known by this Hadith that when a human dies,

the Satan comes to him/her. So, it should be said Azan
immediately after buring him/her so that the Satan may flee
away listening to Azan and not deceive the dead.

The Tabrani, The Behqi; from: Pg: 10 &11)

Suri that when the dead body is asked, Who is your

been made narrow as far as Almighty Allah remove this

trouble from him and made the grave wide. (Ref: the Ahmed,


Hadith: Narrates Imam Tirmzi by Hazrat Sufiyan

Ans.: Three Divorces are really three Divorces:

It is explained that when the husband divorces his wife, he
remembers any Molwi after some minutes. In other words, his
passions become cold after some seconds and he started to
seek Molwi and Mufti. In this situation, some Molwi named
Ahle Hadith give the Fatwa that three divorces are not three
but they are only one, to gain some takka (coin worth two
Problem: In fact, this is the problem that the saying of the
Ghair Muqaledeen named Ahle Hadith is that if a man divoces
his wife thrice in one time, it will happen only one. It means

and consider at this point that this is


like the matter that if a man hits another three sticks and the
second one goes to the Police Station, as the S.H.O will say
that he (the second one) was hit three sticks in only one time,
so the FIR will be written for only one stick. This can be

prevailed in the appearance of the Prophet

All the Ummah (adherent) agree at this point that three

divorces in one time are really three. The Holy Friends and all
the Four Imam also agree at this point.

Rukanah divorced but his words have been copied in

The Arguments of Ghair Muqaledeen:

The Ghair Muqaledeen presents the Hadith of Hazrat

The Great Prophet forbade His friends to divorce

because the

rule of three divorces was changed by Hazrat Umer .


These are the two arguments of Ghair Muraledeen.

Reply of the Arguments of Ghar Muqaledeen:
If we consider at the first Hadith, it will recognize that Hazrat
the Hadith that he said, . He divorced


in this way, so the Prophet said, Bent your wife.

Rukanah , narrates the grand son of Hazrat Rukanah

that his grand father (Rukanah) divorced his

the wife thrice. So, it was the habit of the Holy Friends
that they did not divorce thrice ( except what

wife thrice. After divorcing thrice, he came to the Prophet

Allah Wills) but their words were, It means

and requested, O Prophet of Allah, I have divorced my

that they divorced only one but they repeated it by two. No

one can show these sentences that the Holy Friends

one divore. The Prophet asked him to bent and he

might say, I divoce you, I divoce you, I divoce you. In other

words, they divorced only one but they review it twice.


wife in this way. Although I divorced thrice yet I had intended

(Rukana) bented his wife.

The Second Argument: There is in the Hadith of the Abu

Daood that three divorces are said one but it became a rule in

the caliphity of Hazrat Umer that three divorces

would happen three. So, we should act upon that which was

Example: If I come at you to have Iftar and say, I am to have

Iftar; Iftar, Iftar. Will you put the Iftari in front of me three
times that I have said three times? I am to have Iftar only one
time but I reviewed two times.


divorce existed in plentitude. He felt that the divorce

This decision can be made with the reference of all these

proves that no Hadith means that one may live with ones wife
after divorcing three times. This is a capital problem. The wife
will be Haram after three divorces and the Nikah of the Qazi
(courtier) who makes their Nikah, will be broken and he
(Qazi) will have to make the renewal of his belief and Nikah


would spread abundaulty. The real problem that when the case
was brought to the courtier, the divorcer said, I have divorced
one time but reviewed it two times. It means that they sought
(seeked) pretence taking this Hadith after divorcing thrice. It is

Sunnah of the Holy Caliph.

When Hazrat Umer became the Caliph,

The Great Prophet asked, Hold fimly my Sunnah and the


Example: I shall go to Sadar, Sadar, Sadar. It does not

mean that I shall go to Sadar three times but it means that I
shall go only one time and I reviewed this two times.

narrated that Hazrat Umer said, Almighty Allah and

Q: 120. Both Imam Ahmed Raza and Ashraf Ali

His Prophet granted you the recommendation divorce one

Thanwi got education together in Dar-ul-Uloom. One day,

they disputed at Halwah (sweet) and Imam Ahmed Raza
built his separated Dar-ul-Uloom in Braili. Is it true?

time and review two times but you gained from this
recommendation unlawfully.
Then, Hazrat Umer made the rule that saying of one


should not be accepted, I have divorced one time but

reviewed two times. He asked, Now, it will be

admitted three divorces by the man who will divorce three

times. At that time, the whole Jamaat (gathering, class) of

the Holy Friends agreed at this point with him. The

Ghair Muqaledeen who have learnt these two Hadithes,

criticize at the saying of Hazrat Umer . Have these

people not heard this Hadith of the Holy Prpohet:

Ans.: This is a rumour that is surroundings among the public

and its reality is this.
Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza was born at the tenth
of Shawwal 1272 Hijri according to the eleventh of June 1856
A.D. in Braili (U.P. India)
He got the education of Dars-e-Nizami and other educations
from his father-Shiekh-ul-Islam Hazrat Allamah Moulanah
Naqi Ali Khan . He issued the first Fatwa in the age of


Ahmed Raza had become Mufti before the Dar-ulUloom was built.

Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband was built in 1880 AD and its reason

(proof) is that it was celebrated the diamond jubilee (Hundred
Years) festival of Dar-ul-Uloom in 1980 A.D. And at this
occasion, it was held a large ceremony which witnesses are all
the news-papers. Now, observe yourself that Ala Hazrat Imam

been disagreement and un-peace (un-comfort) in the Muslims

against the Qadeyanis yet at that time Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
Qadeyani had not made a clear (explained) claim.
But in 1902 A.D., Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadeyani
claimed the false prophethood clearly under the guardian of
the Jews and the Christians. After claiming, the British
Government strengthens the false claims of this wretch and
helped him. Due to this, the disagreement between the
Muslims and the Qadeyanis became firm.


fourteen (14th Shaban 1386 Hijri according to 1869 A.D) and

this Fatwa belonged to the matter of fosterage.


Q: 122. Prove with the refrence of the Holy Quran that

It was not known that when did Ashraf Ali Thanwi admit into
the Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband and in how many years, did he get
his education! In short, you have known that there is no truth
in this matter and it is a type of rumor that Ala Hazrat Imam
together in Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband.


Ahmed Raza and Ashraf Ali Thanwi to the education

Q: 121: When did the Qadiyanism start?

Ans.: The dis-agreement between the Qadeyanis and the

Muslims started from the beginning of the 20th century. Till
the ending of the 19th century, although Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
Qadeyani used to make different claims on which there had

our Prophet is ( the last Prophet)?

Ans.: The whole adherent (Ummah) agrees at this point that
the Great Prophet is the last prophet (of Allah) and the man

who refuses it, is infidel.

(Surah: Ahzab, verse: 40, Pg: 22)

Translation: Mohammad


not the father of any of your

men. He is the Rasool (Messenger) of Allah and the last of the

Umbiya (Prophets). And Allah is cognizant of all the things.


(the last prophet) and the stealing of the

finishing of the Prophet chain.

Q: 123. Qadeyanis take an objection that in this verse, it is
narrated the word while
why do you make the
translation of the word ?

no prophet will come after our Prophet. The dictionary

depends on this meaning too. According to Arabic language
dictionary and proverbs means to close and to before after
doing any deed.


Prophethood chain of and must be recognized that


It has been proved by this Holy verse that the Great Prophet

Example: means

Ans.: It is in the Qiraat (recitation) narrated by the

to be free after doing the

action. means the book has been stealed after

closing so that it (the book) may be preserved. Similarly

defined by this recitation that the Prophethood Ending Faith is

proved by the Holy Quran as well as the reply of the
objection of Qadeyanis. Moreover, it is also proved the ending

Now, this door will be opened for none till the Judgement


Holy Friend Abdullah Ibne Masood . It is clearly

of the prophethood at the Great Prophet by the recitation of

( with Fathah of )like explained in literal and terminal


research of the word in the

answer of the question no.


Q: 124. What does mean according to the

Ans.: If we take the context, it wants wholly this matter that

here, it must be taken the meaning of the ending of the

means who ended the prophethood and stealed at this.

Q: 125. Prove with the reference of the Hadith that our

Prophet is ( the last of the Prophets?)

Ans.: Here are the sacred Hadithes:

Hadith: Narrates Abu Hurairah ; certainly the Great
Prophet said, I have been endowed superiority in six
points or matters to all the Prophets first is that
Jawame-ul-Kalam was granted to me, the second is that awe
was granted, the third is that regarding of war spoils was made


Ans.: Inspect this answer in the Hadith of the Great Prophet

Halal for me, the fourth is that the land was made chaste and
prostratable for me, the fifth is that I was sent the apostle for
all the creations and the sixth is that the prophethood was
ended at me.
(The Muslim)

And this that there will be thirty liars (Kizzab) in my Ummah

Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Abu Hurairah ; the Great

and there is no prophet after me. (The Abu Dawood)

said, The Holy Prophets ruled over

in which every one will claim the prophethood while I am

If the person claims the prophethood after our Prophet, he is
Dajjal and Kizzab.


Bani Israil. When a prophet passed away, an other prophet

came after him and infact, there will not be any prophet after
me and the Caliph will be found nearly and they will be in
majority. (Ref: The Bukhari)

Hadith: Narrates Hazrat Sauban ; the Prophet said,



Many same Hadithes were narrated by many Holy Friends

Q: 127. Is there the Ijma (agreement) of the Holy Friends

at of the Great Prophet?

Ans.: In the religion Islam, the agreement of the Holy Friends

Muhaddeseen (traditioners) have copied with many firm

creditional diplomas which study shows that the Great

has the third important grade after the Quran and

Prophet said in different words, various ways and at

Hadith. This matter is proved with the reliable reasons and

historical statements that the Holy Friends raised


from the Great Prophet and a large number of

separated occasions that he is the last prophet and there is no

prophet after him. In short, the claim of the prophethood has
been ended after him and has been sealed at this world.

after our Prophet?

Q: 126. Who is the person who claims the prophet-hood

the flag of Jehad against the Dajjals who had claimed the
prophethood after the demise of the Great Prophet

as well

as their followers.
In this matter, the great apostate Musailmah Kazzab is
specially narratiable. Not only Musailma Kazzab was a unbeliever of but also he claimed that he had written to


this way:
From Musailmah-the prophet of Allah to Muhammad
the Prophet of Allah. Salute on you, you should know
that I have been made the partner with You in the deed of
prophethood. ()

this century, at which point are the Holy Scholars of the

religion Islam agree?
Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifah :

before His demise and its words were in

A person claimed the prophethood in the age of Imame-Azam Abu Hanifah and said, Give me the chance


the Great Prophet

so that I may show the indications of my prophethood. At

this, Imam-e-Azam said, The person who demands an
indiction of prophethood from him, will become an infidel

(Ref: The Tabrani, Vol: 2, Pg: 399, Published in Egypt).

because our Prophet has said that there is no prophet after


The historic Tabrani further narrates that it was said

in the Azan that was offered in the area of

Musailmah. Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq raised the flag

of Jehad against him.Only ten thousand Muslims fought with

one lakh troops of Musailmah and all the Holy Friends


said him Kazzab because no prophet can be born after

our Prophet.

Q: 128. Do the Ummah Scholars agree at this that our

Prophet is ?

Ans.: The scholars of Ummah have a regard after the Holy

Quran, Holy Hadithes and the Holy Friends .

According to this classification, well see that from the first to


(Ref: Vol: 1, Pg: 161, Publisher:

Hyderabad, 1321 A.D)

Ibne Jareer Tabri :

He writes the meaning of the verse
in his famous transliteration of the Holy Quran, Who
ended the prophethood and sealed it. Now, this door must not
be opened for any one till the Judgement Day.
(Tafseer Ibne Jareer, Vol: 22, Pg: 12)
Imam Muhayideen As-Sannah Bagwi :


is of the Prophet and the saying of Hazrat Ibne Abbass

is that Alimghty Allah has made the decision (in this
verse) that there will no be prophet after our Prophet .
(Vol: 3, Pg: 153)

there is no prophet after him .

Almighty Allah ended the prophethood by him. So, he

agree at this point that our Prophet is the last prophet and

Q: 129. In the last, you will say that although we have

given all the reasons yet Hazrat Essa will come


He writes in his transliteration Maaalim-un-Najeel

and he is also a Prophet. Reply this.

Allama Ibne Najeem :

If a man does not know that Mohammad

is the last


prophet, he is not a Muslim because this point belongs to these

matters which knowing and believing is a part of the demand
(necessities) of the religion. (Page: 179)
Imam Ali Qari :

He writes in his Shrah-e-Faqah Akbar that it is

to claim the prophethood after our Prophet.

We have presented the refrences of the five great scholars who

are agreely respectable personalities near to the Islamic world.
Not only all of them but also millions of Ummah Scholars

Ans.: Hazrat Essa will not descent the second time as


He writes in the famous book of the principles of Fiqah

a prophet. Neither any revealation will be dismounted upon

him nor he will fetch a new order or message from Almighty
Allah. Neither he will make any increament or decreament in
the system of Mustafa nor he will be sent in the world for
the renewal of the religion. Neither he will preach the people
to believe in himself nor he will make his followers a
separated Ummah.
He will be only sent for the special deed that
he may conclude the selection (mischief) of Dajjal. For this
performance, Hazrat Essa will descent among the
Muslims at the time that they must not fall in doubt whether
he is Essa or not. They will know that he is Essa
who has arrived at the fixed time according to the saying
of the Great Prophet


that he has come back once again to perform the

duties of prophethood with his previous Prophet Power
(Ability). Seeing all these matters, no questions will create to
break the sealing of prophethood. Here are some quotes of
Holy Scholars about this:

He writes in the Shrahe Aqaid-e-Nasafi, Publisher in

Egypt, at page: 135 that Muhammad is the last Prophet. If it
is said that there is the narration of the descent of Hazrat Essa
in Hadithes well say that it has certainly narrated but


he is subordinate to our Prophet

Imam Jalaluddin Sayooti :

He writes in h is Tafseer-e-Jalali at Page: 768 about

that Almighty Allah knows that there is no

prophet after our Prophet ;and when Hazrat Essa


will descent he will follow the religion of our Prophet .

Imam Hafizuddin An-Nasfi :

Imam Taftazani :

the Muslims. Then, he will say Salah behind the Imam of the
Muslims so that it may not remain the space for a little doubt

The Holy Scholars of Ummah narrated this point with

complete explanation.


He will come and conclude in the Jamaat of

He writes in his Tafseer-e-Madarik-un-Tanzeel at

page: 417.

because his religious

principles have been cancelled. So, neither it will be revealed

to him , nor he will appoint the commands. In

other words, he will perform the duty as a caliph of

our Prophet.

Now, see the Hadith about the Arrival of Hazrat Essa :

Hadith: Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah says that he

is ( the last Prophet of all). No prophet

will be sent after him . If we talk about Hazrat Essa

Marium will descent. The leader of the Muslims will say to

he belongs to the Prophets who have come

him, Go ahead and cause to say Salah, but He will

and when he will descend, he will

before our Prophet

And he

belong to members of our Prophets Ummah .

listened to the Prophet

saying this that then Essa bin

say, You yourselves are the leader of one another (means:


Q: 130. Do the Qadeyanis deceive the common Muslims

saying Kufariyah Kalemat?

Muhammad. (Saying of Mirza Qadeyani, contained: Qasre-Huda, Writer: Qamaruddin Jehlemi, Pg: 58)
Q: 131. Due to which claims did scholars of Ummah issue
the Fatwa of infidelity for Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
Qadeyani and his followers?


Ans.: The Qadeyanis entice the common Muslims very wisely

as far as they have made the sticker at which there has been
written the complete Kalmah-e-Tayyibah. Hence, they seduce
the common Muslims of the entire world that we have the
same Muslims faith but we are recognized as Non-Muslims or
out of Islam by appointing (firming) the false blame now, see
their Reasons from their Books only:
Proof: Mirza Qadeyani writes that we send curse at him who

Proof: Mriza Ghulam Ahmed Qadeyani writes that this unable

(and weak) person is neither a prophet nor an apostle but an
inferior slave and follower of his innocent Prophet

this, seeing the regard endowed by Allah to his Ummah.

(Ref: The Muslim, Bayan Nazool-e-Essa bin Marium; The
Musnad Ahmed).


Your leader should belong to you only). He will say


claims the prophethood and we are subdued to

and we believe in Khatm-e-Naboowat (Prophethood End)
of Muhammad

and we trust in the revealation of Wilayat

which is granted to Holy Saints under the shadow (shelter) of

the Prophethood of Mustafa not in revelation of

prophethood. In short, we claim only Wilayat (Allahs

friendship) and Mujaddediyat (renewality), not the
prophethood. (Advertised by Mirza Qadeyani contained:
Tableegh-e-Risalat, Vol: 6, Pg: 302)

Ans.: There are hundreds of such claims which show that

Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadeyani was the Dajjal of his age and
the people, who believe in him, are also Satan.
Some Matters from the Book of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
Umati & Nabi: Later, the revealation of Almighty Allah came
down upon me like (heavily) rain. It did not let me to stand
upon this faith and granted me the title of prophet but in this
way that from one side I am a prophet while from the other an
(Ref: Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadeyani, Pg:
Ghair Sahab-e-Shreeat: Now, all the prophethoods are
closed except the prophethood of the Great Prophet. Divine


(Ref: Tajalliyat-e-Ilahiyyah, Mirza Ghulam Qadeyai, Pg: 24)

Ending of Prophethood at Mirza: Only I was selected
specially to grant the regard of the prophet in this adherents
and all the remaining people are not able to this grade .

Statement: 3. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadeyani writes, The

person who will not admit our conquer (means: who will not
believe in the claim of the prophethood) will be recognized
certainly that he is fond of being unlawful off-spring.
(Ref: The Anwar-ul-Islam, Pg: 30)


(Ref: Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadeyani, Pg:

Because of these false claims, Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
Qadeyani and his believers were said Kafir (infidel).

Statement: 2. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadeyani writes, The

person who opposes me, is a Christian, Jew, polytheist and an
able of Hell. (Ref: The Nuzool-ul-Maseeh, Pg: 4; The
Tazhirah, Pg: 227; The Tofah-e-Golrwiyah 31, Tableegh-eRisalat, Vol: 9, Pg: 27)

am a follower (Ummati) as well as a prophet () .

(Ref: Aaeenah-e-Kamalat, Pg: 54)


(law of religion) one prophet cannot arrive and without divine,

one cannot be a prophet but the person who has already been a
follower of the Prophet. Therefore, because of this reason, I

The person, who does not believe in Mirza, is Kafir


Q: 132. What is the saying of Qadeyanis about the person

who do not believe in Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadeyani a

Ans.: The person who do not believe in Mirza Ghulam Ahmed

Qadeyani as a prophet, is the astray and the off-spring
unlawfully. This matter is present in the book of Mirza
Ghulam Ahmed Qadeyani.

Statement: 1. All the Muslims have believed in me and have

certified (confirmed) my preaching but the off-springs of
wicked and evil-doer people did not believe in me.

() :

When Ahle Sunnat Scholars started the movement to say the

Qadeyanis as Kafir (infidel), a member of the National
Assembly (Pakistan) said to the Ahle Sunnat Scholars, Why
are you running after the Qadeyani? At that time, Hazrat
Allama Abdul Mustafa AlAzhari Azmi a member
of the National Assembly, was also present there. He said,
Stop! It will be made the decision, now.



Proof: In the Holy Quran, It was commanded to pay Zakah.

Tell me How much should we pay? When does it become
Fardh? At whom is it Fardh? Similarly how to perform Hajj?
How to perform Umrah? How to perform Salat-ul-Eid? etc.
How could we act upon a great many commands like all
Certainly, we are to beg help from the Hadith and we
shall have to need the Holy Hadith. Without the Hadith, you
cannot act upon all these matters which want detail (evidence).
In short, the Hadith of the Prophet is the explanation


Allama Al-Azhari called a responsible person of the

Qadeyani and asked, What will you say if a person does not
believe in Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadeyani?
The Qadeyani replied, We recognize him as an infidel
(Kafir). Listening to this, the National Assembly member
who were saying why they were running after the Qadeyani,
Stood up and said, He is saying infidel (Kafir) to all of us!
In short, it was proved that according to the Qadeyani,
the person who does not believe in Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
Qadeyani, is Kafir.
Q: 133. Why is the Hadith needed while all the principles
of the religion Islam are presented in the Holy Quran?


Ans.: Certainly, the narration of every moisture and dry is

presented in the Holy Quran and no Muslim can disagree at
this. All the sciences and principles from starting to ending of
the universe and the matter or thing besides them are
presented in the Holy Quran but we have not the ability that
we could recognize the sciences and the commands and could
act upon them.

Proof: It was commanded to say Salah in the Holy Quran but

how should we say Salah? How many times should we say?
What should the method of Salah be? Can we search evidently
in the Holy Quran?

of the Holy Quran and the Holy life of the Holy Prophet


the practical specimen of the Holy Quran.

Q: 134. If the Hadith is needed to recognize the Holy
Quran then, is the Holy Quran needy of the Holy
Ans.: The Holy Quran is the treasure of wisdoms, science
and the recognisation. It must not be the needy of the Holy
Hadith. But, we say that we are the needy of the Holy Hadith
to recognize the Holy Quran and the treasure in it.
Recognise this point in this way that the Holy Quran
is the Ruler of life but how to act upon it? For this evidence
and explanation, Almighty Allah sent the Great propeht as


Therefore, the Holy Quran is not the needy of

someone or something; and it is also wrong to say that if we
act upon the Hadith, the Holy Quran will become needy
because the Holy Quran is the book of Almighty Allah and
the Great Prophet is the messenger of Allah.

Ans.: In the Holy Quran, it has been commanded many times

to admit and to act upon the saying of (Hadith) of the Great


(Surah: Aale Imran, Verse: 32, Part: 3)

Translation: Please declare, Obey Allah and His Rasool. But
if they turn away then Allah does not like the believers.

(Surah: Aale Imran, Verse: 31, Part: 3)

(Surah: Nisa, Verse: 80, Part: 5)

Translation: He who obeys the Rasool, he indeeds obeys


Q: 135. Has the necessity of the Hadith been narrated in

the Holy Quran?

to carry out the order (Hadith) of His Beloved .

Prophet is actually from Allah.

you and will forgive your faults. And Allah is Forgiving,

In those verses, Almighty Allah has commanded to obey and


a messenger to us; and the explanation made by the Great

(Surah: Najm, Verse: 3 and 4, Part: 27)

Translation: And he does not speak of his own desire (3) It is
only through the revelation that is sent to him (4).
By these verses, it was known that every word which was said
by the Great Prophet

is Hadith and the Islamic principles

and it is proved to act upon it by the Holy Quran. Therefore,

it was explained that the Hadith has a great dignity.
Q: 136. Was it used to write the saying of the Prophet in
the age of the Prophet?
Ans.: It was used to write the Hadithes in the Holy Era of the

love Allah, you should follow me. (Only then) Allah will love

Great Prophet. Many Holy Friends used to save

Translation: (O beloved Prophet) , please declare If you


Prophet. The heart burning passion of their retirement and

Hence, see a Hadith:

the working passion of their display; and their awakening of

the night and a few sleeping (resting) of the afternoon all

Hadith: Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas says, I

were submissive to the sayings of the Prophet and can it be

used to write whatever I listened to the Holy Tongue of the

forgotten the saying which is attached to the action every


to write. Then, I asked the Prophet

about it. The Great

Prophet asked, You must write whatsoever you listened to

me. I swear the Holy Nature in Whose Hands, there is my

spirit (life)! Nothing come out of my tongue except Haq.
(Ref: The Tafseer-e-Ibne Kabeer, The Sharah-e-


Najm, Vol: 4, Pg: 247)

It was known by the Hadith that the Holy Friends

arranged to write every saying of the Great Prophet

and recollected it. The whole life of the Great Prophet

including each moment was subordinate to the sayings of

the Great Prophet The physical desires of the Holy Friends

were also subordinate to the Hadithes of the

It must not be. No saying or command of the Great

Prophet was forgotten by these sacred people. It was proved

with all the matters that the Holy Friends believed


condition. (Being impressed after listened to them) I gave up


. But, the Quraish forbade me and said, You

use to write whatever you listen to the Great Prophet while
some times the Great Prophetsays something in the wrath
Great Prophet

whatever they listened to their lord-the Great Prophet.

that the saying of the Prophet are the Islamic principles and
disputation (Hujjat) after the appeared demise of the Prophet

too. Therefore, the Holy Friends made an

arrangement of this safety which we have with certificate

today and this direction and green life rule was saved for the
Muslims who would come till the Judgment Day.
Q: 137. Today, it is being spread in our youth specially
who wears paint shirt that when they enter into a Masjid
they twist their paint legs and some time, they bend them
too much while some people twist their Shalwar from the
upper side. What is the Islamic teaching about it?


Hadith: Hazrat Ibne Abbass narrates the Great



Makrooh-e-Tahreemi (and) Wajib-ul-Aaadah in the situation

of twisting the cloth whether it is twisted from the upper side
of the Shalwar or the lower side and it is the same order in
case of twisting the sleeves were than the half of the wrist and
scattering the dress.
(The Shareh Bukhari, Ainee Jild, Pg: 90)
It is in the Durr-e-Mukhtar and about it Allama

Badruddin says that it is Makrooh to twist the dress

like to twist the sleeves and the shirt due to avoding them from
the dust. It will also be Makrooh when a person enters into the
prayer in the condition of folding the sleeves or the shirt. By
this saying, it is wanted to attend at this point that it is not
specially with the inside of prayer but it is Makrooh in both
the case whether the cloth is twisted before starting the prayer
or after starting (or inside) the prayer. (Vol: 1, Pg: 598)


Ans.: When we intend to say Salah as if we are presenting in

the Audience of Allah who is the Authority of all the
authorities and no court is greater than His. So, we should
present in His Audience very respectively, politely and putting
on well-defined dress like the example that when we go to an
officer of the world, we make our appearance well. Then, we
make our dress well carry the sleeves if they are up and down.
When so respect is given to the world audience, what respect
should be given to the Audience which is superior to all of the
audiences. Now, see the Hadith about folding the paint from
the lower side and twisting the Shalwar from upper side.

says, I was ordered to prostrate at seven bones


(one face, two hands, two kneels, two toes) and not to twist the
clothes and hair.
(The Bukhari, Vol: 1, Pg: 113; The Muslim Vol: 1, Pg: 193;
The Tirmzi, Vol: 1, Pg: 66)
The Shareh-e-Bukhari Allama Baduruddin Ainee

says that but in the Islamic term it is more harmful and

dismerit to twist the dress and to carry it up at the time of
prostrating than to keep the dress down from the ankle without
pride intention because the Salah is Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi or
will be Khilaf-e-Uola in the first case that to keep the dress
down from the ankle without pride intention while it is

It was known that it will be tried to make the Shalwar,

Pajamas and trouser (pantloon) sewn up from the ankles.
Suppose, if the Trouser (pant) or the Shalwar is longer against
the ankles, it must not be folded from up or down because it is
Makrooh-e-Tahreemi and if a person says prayer in this
condition, it will be Wajib to say the prayer again after
correcting the pant or the Shalwar.
Command about keeping the Dress up from the Ankles:



At the Judgment Day, Almighty Allah will

not bless the person who hangs the dress down proudly.
Listening to this, Hazrat Abu Bakar requestd, O
Prophet of Allah, my Tahband (cloth worn round the waist)
falls down except at the time when I take care of it specially.
(Infact, the Tahband slipped and did not stop at his belly.) The

Therefore, it should be tried not to make the pant sewn

so long that it may hang down from the ankles because not
only it is bad in the prayer condition but it is bad in the general
condition as in the prayer condition. In Hadithes, it was
commanded to carry the pant up from the ankles but not to
make the pant short that may appear bad to the looker and the
people may know that the person has worn the pant of his
younger brother.


Great Prophet said, You do not belong to those who hang



Hadith: Hazrat Ibne Umer says that the Great

the pant hangs down with the intention of pride, it is Haram

and the part of body could not avoid from the flame of
Jahannam (the Hell) and in this condition, the prayer will be
Makroo-e-Tahreemi and if it is not with the intention of pride,
it is not able to the torture and wrath; and the prayer is
Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi but Khilaf-e-Uola.


down the Tahband proudly. It means that this warning is for

the people who keep down the Tahband with the pride
intention knowingly. (Ref: The Bukhari, Vol: 2, Pg: 860)
It was explained by this Hadith that there are two conditions of
keeping down the dress from the ankles:
(1) With pride and (2) Without pride.
The first condition is Haram and in it, the prayer is Makroohe-Tahreemin Wajib-ul-Aada while it is Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi
but Khilaf-e-Uola to keep down the Tahband or the Shalwar
without pride intention. The action of Hazrat Abu Bakar

was not with the intention of pride because the Tahband

slipped down because of his holy belly. Thats why the Great

Prophet said, O Abu Bakar ! You dont belong to

those who hang down the Tahband. In short, if the lower of

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