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Daily Herald the Brown

vol. cxliv, no. 33 | Tuesday, March 10, 2009 | Serving the community daily since 1891

Concert tickets nearly

sell out first day online
Packaged deals gone in first 4 minutes
By Lauren Fedor was a much easier experience.”
Senior Staf f Writer Most of the complaints Garza
received were about the limited
Though the new online ticketing number of ticket packages for both
system for Spring Weekend was Friday and Saturday’s shows. The
met with mixed reviews from stu- packages sold for $25, while sepa-
dents, organizers are pleased with rate tickets cost $15 each. Many stu-
sales thus far, a representative from dents wanted to purchase packages
Brown Student Agency said yes- to save $5, Garza said, but by 8:04
terday. a.m. they had sold out.
Matt Garza ’11, who designed the Garza said there has always
ticketing Web site with Erik Naza- been a limit on the number of dis-
renko ’11, said that while he has counted packages sold, and that this
received some e-mail complaints year “several hundred” packages
about the service, the general re- were available.
sponse from the student body has While the number of packages
Jesse Morgan / Herald been positive. offered was reduced “slightly” from
Brown’s efforts to partner with teaching hospitals in the creation of a new “translational science” research Tickets for the Fri., April 17 and last year, the extra money earned by
collaboration are moving forward after nearly three years of planning.
Sat., April 18 concerts were made Brown Concert Agency from indi-

‘Translational’ science center on horizon

available exclusively to Brown stu- vidual sales will go toward provid-
dents at 8:00 a.m. Monday. There ing discounted tickets to students
were 1,000 logins within the first with demonstrated financial need,
by Sydney Ember front of medical education by forg- leadership in the field of “bench- minute of the site opening, Garza Garza said.
Senior Staff Writer ing connections between advances to-bedside” research, mentoring said, and at press time, fewer than When Lizette Chaparro ’12 tried
in medical research and clinical programs and effective means of 200 of the 3,000 available tickets purchasing tickets at 8:00 this morn-
Efforts to create a statewide Cen- practice, said Edward Wing, dean of collaboration between research remained for each performance. ing, she received a message that
ter for Clinical and Translational medicine and biological sciences. teams and patient-care providers, Garza said the site — market. read “Web site could not be found.”
Sciences are pressing ahead after Translational science is an Wing said. — After “multiple” attempts at refresh-
nearly three years of planning, as emerging field that seeks to con- The partnership will allow for a provided a “much more effective ing the page, Chaparro discovered
the University and several partners nect innovative medical research collaborative space for a wide range way” for students to obtain tickets that the packages were sold out.
aim to secure a large grant from with the clinical side of patient care, of disciplines, such as biomedical than the conventional box office She ended up buying two individual
the National Institutes of Health quickly joining recent advances in engineering, nanomedicine and system. tickets — one for her and one for a
this fall. bench science to patient thera- computer science. “No one had to wake up early to friend — for Saturday afternoon’s
The new research collaboration, pies. It will offer opportunities for get in line or miss class,” he said, concert.
which will be administered from The center — which includes undergraduates, graduate stu- adding, “Students didn’t have to “The Web site lagged a little,” she
Brown, is critical to bringing the the University of Rhode Island leave their dorm rooms. They were
Alpert Medical School to the fore- and local hospitals — will provide continued on page 2 able to use their credit cards, and it continued on page 2

Study: Mars gully was wet Double trouble: twins stick together
just one million years ago By Jyotsna Mullur
Staff Writer
By Monique Vernon Schon said he and his col-
Contributing Writer leagues had not set out to find Students walking around campus
this specific gully. might encounter two first-year girls
The “serendipitous discovery” of “It’s a lot of geologic good who look shockingly similar. Even
a million-year-old gully on Mars luck,” Schon said. The team though their hairstyles are different,
by Samuel Schon GS may indicate simply stumbled upon the gully, people often do a double take when
that water was present on the which was probably created by they meet Heather and Carly Arison
Red Planet more recently than re- the accumulation of melted water ’12 — twin sisters from Ohio who ar-
searchers previously thought. that originated from ice depos- rived on College Hill last fall.
Funded by NASA, the research its nearby. The original crater
was published in the current is- is thought to be the result of a FEATURE
sue of Geology, an influential high-impact meteor crash.
earth sciences journal. Images Using a technique that in- People “either freak out, or they
from HiRISE — the High Resolu- volved measuring the frequency don’t realize we’re twins,” Heather Matt Weisberg / Herald
tion Imaging Science Experiment and size of craters and the bound- said. Alex and Alicia Hartley ’10 both play on the rugby team and work as com-
munity assistants — on opposite sides of campus.
— were analyzed and provided ary of the gully, Schon said he and Having a twin sibling at the same
key photos of gullies scattered his team were able to pinpoint the school has its benefits, said Alicia importance of simply having someone But how did two siblings get into
throughout Mars. Schon, along date of origin of the site. Hartley ’10. who already knew him well. “Right a school whose acceptance rate hit a
with Postdoctoral Research As- According to the study, the “It was like having a built-in friend,” off the bat, I had a friend, someone I low of 13.3 percent last year?
sociate Caleb Fassett and Profes- gully is located in a crater and said Alicia, whose twin sister Alex is knew,” he said. “We don’t have a policy about
sor of Geological Sciences James consists of multiple lobes — the also her teammate on the women’s Ross and his brother Alexander twins, but in most cases we admit or
Head, sifted through the data and components of the gully’s depo- rugby squad and a fellow residential both participate in Tae Kwon Do and deny them admission together,” wrote
found a gully located in eastern sitional fan — which have been community assistant. “We didn’t have take two classes together, in econom- Dean of Admission James Miller ’73
Promethei Terra which they determined to be of varying ages the same nervousness when we first ics and contemporary art. Ross said in an e-mail to The Herald. It’s “not
were able to date to 1.25 million arrived here,” Alex said. he also finds it helpful to have a study
years ago. continued on page 3 Ross Marino ’12 emphasized the partner. continued on page 3

News.....1-4 News, 3 Sports, 5 Opinions, 7

Editorial..6 best (office) friend? Hockey rocks Corporation Payoffs
Some professors bring their M. hockey had an historic Ben Bernstein ’09 examines
dogs to work and play in weekend, beating Harvard twice the benefits given to unpaid
academic buildings in the ECAC tournament Corporation members. 195 Angell Street, Providence, Rhode Island


C ampus N EWS “This will help us become one of the best medical schools in
the country.” — Edward Wing, dean of medical and biological sciences

Mono infections persist this year New center to promote

By Alexys Esparza
Contributing Writer
Tor Clark, physician assistant at
Health Services, said the number
“and they didn’t think so.” He added
that the number of students with
academic medicine
of cases of mono on campus has mono is “maybe somewhat more continued from page 1 stemmed from an NIH Clinical
Though mononucleosis, a common remained “about the same” as be- in the winter, but it’s pretty steady and Translational Sciences Award
viral disease, seems to have affected fore. throughout the year.” dents and postgraduate trainees Planning Grant that the University
many on campus this semester, the Clark said he “actually asked a Mono is “probably less conta- by providing a “large educational received in September 2006.
number of ailing students is consis- couple other providers” if they had gious than a typical cold,” Clark component” through new master’s The new center, whose adminis-
tent with past years. experienced an increase in cases, said, adding that “saliva spread is and Ph.D. tracks in clinical and trative home will likely be in Arnold
the riskiest of direct contact.” translational sciences, said James Laboratory, will be funded in part
Caused by the Epstein-Barr vi- Padbury, a professor of pediatrics by BioMed, Wing said. The rest of
rus, mononucleosis spreads through who is one of the leaders of the the funding will come from grants,
saliva and is sometimes called “kiss- original proposal for the center. donations and the endowment. But
ing disease,” according to a National The center will also serve as “an Wing said the current financial situ-
Institutes of Health Web site. Com- absolutely mandatory academic ation has forced BioMed — like
mon symptoms include fever, sore home” for spending a Clinical and many University branches — to
throat, swollen lymph glands and, in Translational Science Award — a cut back on the budget for the next
some cases, a swollen spleen. National Institutes of Health grant fiscal year, putting a damper on
Clark said infected students worth up to $25 million over a five- many existing plans.
should avoid consuming alcohol, year period — that the University “We have to be very careful
sharing cups and kissing. They must plans to apply for in October, he where we’re going to put our re-
also avoid contact sports that are said. sources,” Wing said. “But we can’t
likely to hurt the spleen, which tends “The center is going to be a just pull back.”
to be very sensitive and tender dur- clearinghouse — a networking “This is one of the areas that I
ing the period of infection. agency, a research center,” Pad- feel so strongly about,” he added,
As for recovery time, “there’s bury said. “that this will help us become one
no specific amount that everyone Members of the University’s Di- of the best medical schools in the
needs,” Clark said, adding that few vision of Biology and Medicine are country.”
people are so severely sick that they hoping the new center “will anchor In addition to increasing the
cannot attend classes or pursue their a successful application and fund Medical School’s prestige, Wing
other day-to-day activities. this exciting research,” he added. said the award will also provide
Chelsea Macco ’11, who has been Professor of Medicine Timo- money to invest in grants for new
struggling with mono for well over a thy Flanigan also helped draft the faculty projects and new laborato-
month, said that when she first got proposal, which was approved at a ries, such as a genomics laboratory
a cold she went to Health Services, faculty meeting last week. and a statistical core to assist the
only to be told that she would “get Translational science has al- center’s researchers.
better soon.” ready achieved some success in “The clinical faculty and the hos-
But the following week, she had the medical world. For example, pitals are very enthusiastic,” Wing
to go to Health Services again — Padbury said, scientists have con- said. “It’s a real opportunity even in
this time “almost in tears” because ducted research on cellular trans- this time of financial constraint.”
her throat hurt every time she tried port to increase understanding of Nancy Thompson, associate
to eat. ovarian cancer. Medical practitio- dean of graduate and postdoctoral
Like Macco, Matthew Balatbat ners have been able to use new training and a member of the cen-
’11, who recently recovered, said techniques from the research to ter’s executive committee, said the
the symptoms of infection were hard provide improved cancer therapy center will provide a way to connect
to deal with. for patients. people in the medical community
“The worst part of (getting mono) Given the “extraordinar y” who may not necessarily come
was my throat hurting and my glands advancements in medicine, “it is across one another.
sudoku being huge,” he said. “That lasted for important to accelerate the pace “It’s very exciting because it has
about a week.” of those advances into clinical prac- the infrastructure and means to
The students interviewed said tice,” Padbury said. nurture these collaborations and
they were unsure as to how they The approved proposal is a cul- provide a basis that will move ideas
contracted the disease. mination of planning efforts that forward,” she said.

Ticket packages sell out in four minutes

continued from page 1
Spring Weekend tickets still on sale
wrote in an e-mail to The Herald,
before adding “I guess it is Spring Sales continue to Brown students only
Weekend, after all.”
Anthony Urena ’12 also woke up Online ticket sales for the Dap-Kings and Deer
early to purchase tickets, but found Spring Weekend continue Tick. Saturday’s concert will
that it took “forever” to authenticate today. Brown students can include Of Montreal, Santi-
his login and “even longer” to reach buy separate tickets for Fri- gold and Toubab Krewe.
the checkout page, he wrote in an day’s and Saturday’s shows Though 3,000 tickets
e-mail to The Herald. for $15 each, and sales will have been made available for
“I set out to buy a package, but open to RISD students for each concert, BCA will sell
due to the long loading times and the same price on March 16. an additional 1,500 through
the Web site’s request of personal If tickets remain on March conventional box office tick-

Daily Herald
information, the package was sold 18, BCA will offer them to eting 48 hours before each
the Brown
out,” he wrote. the public for $25 a show. show if weather permits the
Urena added that he was scared Friday’s performance will concerts to be held on the
Editorial Phone: 401.351.3372 | Business Phone: 401.351.3260 that separate tickets would sell out feature Nas, Sharon Jones, Main Green.
just as quickly, and ended up buy-
Stephen DeLucia, President Jonathan Spector, Treasurer
ing $15 tickets for both Friday and earlier than the transactions actually with the system.
Michael Bechek, Vice President Alexander Hughes, Secretary
Saturday’s performances. took place, the site was not active “We’re still very excited that stu-
The Brown Daily Herald (USPS 067.740) is an independent newspaper serv- Despite the rush, Garza said at 7:00 a.m. as some students are dents were able to do this online,”
ing the Brown University community daily since 1891. It is published Monday there were “no technical difficul- questioning. Garza said.
through Friday during the academic year, excluding vacations, once during
ties” with the Web site, and the prob- The site is not on an automatic And students saw the bright side
Commencement, once during Orientation and once in July by The Brown Daily
Herald, Inc. POSTMASTER please send corrections to P.O. Box 2538, Provi- lems students had logging on were timer, he said, adding, “We were in of the situation too.
dence, RI 02906. Periodicals postage paid at Providence, R.I. Offices are located most likely the result of the crowded complete control. I physically clicked Urena wrote that despite
at 195 Angell St., Providence, R.I. E-mail Brown network — not that the ticket (to open sales) at 8:00 a.m.” the difficulties he encountered
World Wide Web:
site couldn’t handle the traffic. Even with the sporadic com- with the Web site, “It sure beats
Subscription prices: $319 one year daily, $139 one semester daily.
Copyright 2009 by The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. All rights reserved. Garza also said that though the plaints and student concerns, or- waiting on long lines in this
time stamp on receipts read an hour ganizers were nonetheless pleased terrible weather.”
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Page 3

C ampus N EWS “With all the stress in the air, a dog can provide a sense of lightness.”
— Assistant Professor of English Ravit Reichman, on having a dog in the office

For some professors, it’s a dog’s life

By Shara Azad sense of lightness,” she said. pet insurance initiative, which pro-
Staf f Writer The two professors have never vides pet insurance for employees.
had much of an issue with students “Currently, we have approximate-
On select days, Ravit Reichman’s who are afraid of dogs. Reichman ly 20 employees utilizing this ben-
dogs Lucy and Greta can be found said she purposefully has two small efit and we expect that number to
running down the hallways of 70 dogs because she understands that increase over time,” Ibrahim Essa,
Brown St., relishing the carpet be- some people are afraid of larger ca- benefits communication specialist in
neath their tiny paws. nines. the Human Resources department,
Assistant Professor of English And while Sarat has never asked wrote in an e-mail to the Herald.
Reichman, one of several members a student to dog-sit, Reichman said Essa wrote that while he does
of the University’s faculty and staff she was once “running so late to not think a pet insurance policy is
who bring their dogs to campus, class, I had my TA hold on to Lucy,” something people look for when ap-
said she does so because she doesn’t her tiny sato — the Puerto Rican plying for a job, several universities
want them to stay at home alone for term for a mixed-breed dog. Reich- offer a similar benefit.
too long. man’s other dog, Greta, is a Cairn But even with pet insurance in
“I like having them in my office terrier, the same breed as Toto from place, Reichman said she felt the
— it’s nice,” she said, adding that “The Wizard of Oz.” Brown community could use a few
she has not needed to bring them in more canine companions.
often this year. “I don’t know how my
FEATURE “I wish dogs were more a part of
colleagues feel about it though.” Members of one of Reichman’s the culture here,” she said.
Lauren Sarat, a visiting lecturer classes chose Lucy’s name. Naomi Ninneman, a health edu-
in English, often brings her dog, “I was originally going to name cator who organizes Heavy Pet-
Jade, to campus, but Sarat no longer her Rosa,” Reichman said, “but we ting, an event during which Brown
brings her to class — she suspects were reading Faulkner at the time, faculty and staff bring their canine
Jade “might be bored” by the ex- and the character Rosa was really pals to campus twice a semester,
perience. depressing.” They finally decided said petting dogs is thought to be a
Sarat wrote in an e-mail to The upon the name Lucy instead. stress-reliever. Launched by Health
Herald that she thinks her dog One student said having dogs on Services, the event has been going
makes members of the Brown com- campus is a “great idea.” on for about seven years and allows
munity feel more relaxed. Allissa Wickham ’09 said, “I students to enjoy the psychological
“I notice that people often smile think it creates an informal tone uplift the dogs provide, Ninneman
to see her, especially if she’s run- during class and office hours, al- said.
ning across the Main Green, chas- lowing students to not feel so self- Weather providing, this semes-
ing a squirrel,” she wrote. “The dog conscious.” ter’s Heavy Petting will be held on
seems to humanize things, ironi- She said she fondly remembers April 7 and 28 on the Main Green.
cally. She can provide a source of seeing her gender studies professor Reichman, who brought Lucy
conversation that doesn’t involve walking her “cute” dog and petting and Greta to the event last spring,
academic work, especially when the dogs of Sheila Blumstein, pro- thought the occasion provided “a
she’s in my office while I’m meet- fessor of cognitive and linguistic definite lightening of the mood.”
ing students.” sciences. Ninneman said some dogs enjoy
Courtesy of NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Reichman agreed. “With all the Those who own dogs and other the event so much that “they don’t
The gully system in the Promethei Terra region of Mars appears to
stress in the air, a dog can provide a pets have the benefit of Brown’s new want to leave at the end.” have been carved by liquid water and may be the most recent period
when water was active on the planet.

Twice as nice, twins spend time together Chance discovery hints

at ‘recent’ Mars water
continued from page 1 to be roommates — as it can be a them as a unit.
disadvantageous policy financially “They don’t see us as individual
because we don’t want to separate for families who may need to rent people,” he said. “Sometimes, they
them in our decision process, but two microfridges or purchase two ask us stupid questions like, ‘Can you continued from page 1 mate. The discover y will also aid
in most cases, their credentials are sets of other room amenities,” Basil tell what your twin is thinking?’” in studies of snow and ice deposi-
strikingly similar — even in applica- wrote. Sometimes, the confusion is lit- due to their appearance. The tion on Mars.
tions from fraternal twins.” Alex and Alicia roomed in close eral. outer lobes — unblemished by “It fits into the broader study
Alex said she was specifically in- proximity — at their mother’s insis- “People thought there was one of meteor impacts — indicate that of the water cycle,” Fassett
terested in Brown’s Egyptology pro- tence, they were neighbors in the us for a while,” Alicia said. “We had the melted water that shaped said.
gram, and both she and her sister all-girls hallway in West Andrews to break it to them that there were them was a more recent phe- But Schon and Fassett added
independently decided they wanted Hall during their first year. Later, they two red-headed twins.” nomenon. that the discover y is only mar-
to attend Brown. both became CAs, but on different While the experience of having “We learned something really ginally applicable to future re-
From the start, Carly and Heath- sides of campus. someone who looks nearly identical exciting,” Fassett said, adding search because it is limited to
er aimed to find a place together Heather lives in Hope College, to you can bring its troubles, most that “just being able to add our young craters.
at Brown as members of the golf while Carly lives in Keeney Quad- say they enjoy maintaining a close knowledge” to the body of geo- Due to the specific nature of
team. rangle. Though the distance has relationship with their sibling. logical research was the highlight the million-year-old gully, the
“From the beginning, we were been helpful in maintaining a sense “We’ll make sure to get together of finding the age of the gully. team will not continue research
hoping to be recruited together,” of independence, they both said hav- and go out and eat,” Alicia said. The Fassett said the gullies point on that area but will continue with
Heather said. ing to split up their shared wardrobe sisters recently realized they both to the existence of transient water the analysis of the general pres-
But not all of Brown’s twins in- was a hassle. wanted to attend graduate school and demonstrate that multiple ence of gullies and the existence
tended to attend college together. “Sometimes we’ll see each other for higher education administration. factors led to the prevailing cli- of water on Mars, Schon said.
Juan Vasconez ’10 and his twin walking towards one another dressed While they aren’t sure if they will go
Jose said they would have attended alike,” Carly said. to the same graduate school, they
Brown even if the other had not been Next year, the Arison twins will know they want to stay close.
accepted. “We’re pretty independent,” find it easier to swap their shoes and “If there are extended periods of
Juan said. sweaters ­— they are entering the time when we don’t see each other,
But for twins, being accepted housing lottery together, though they we’ll chill,” Juan said, “but our con-
together is no guarantee that they plan to live in separate rooms. versations really center around the
will stay as close — in where they But while some twins take advan- day-to-day.” Coming to college has
live, that is. tage of having an automatic friend ultimately made each twin more indi-
While first-year housing is as- during the transition to college, many vidualistic and has highlighted their
signed based on a brief questionnaire expressed mixed feelings about hav- distinct interests, he added. Jose is
about living preferences and habits, ing their double on campus. considering a future career on Wall
sibling requests are taken into con- “I don’t see being a twin as a nov- Street, but Juan said his own path is
sideration, wrote Associate Director elty,” Juan said. “Getting confused still uncertain.
of Residential Life Natalie Basil in an stopped being funny a long time Looking to the future, most twins
e-mail to The Herald. ago.” are uncertain what life after Brown
“If siblings are in attendance, He added that it can be frustrating will hold for them.
whether twinned or not, we would when people refuse to treat each twin But being a twin is a lifelong bond,
take into consideration their appeal as an individual and instead think of Carly said. “We’ll always be tight.”
The Brown Daily Herald

Page 4 | Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Two wins for m. lacrosse this weekend

By Elisabeth Avallone giving the Bears a 3-1 lead at the end The Bears dominated from the
Sports Staff Writer of the first quarter. start, as Feinberg put away two goals
The Quinnipiac defense, and goalie and Reade Seligmann ’09 added a
With 1:23 left on the clock and the Kevin Benzing, stymied the Bears in third for a 3-0 lead only five minutes
score tied 11-11, men’s lacrosse captain the second quarter, and with just over in. However, the Pioneers retaliated
Jack Walsh ’09 scored a quick-stick a minute left to play, the Bobcats cut with three goals of their own, leav-
goal off a feed from captain Kyle Hol- Brown’s lead to just one goal. ing the score tied with 5:48 left in the
lingsworth ’09, securing a 12-11 victory Hollingsworth posted his second first quarter. Williams answered with
for the No. 15 men’s lacrosse team (3- goal of the game, the only goal of the his first of three goals, and Jimmy
1) over No. 18 Denver this Sunday. third quarter, to secure a two-goal lead Wittpenn ’11 secured a 5-3 lead for
The win was Brown’s second of going into the final quarter. the Bears, scoring off a one-on-one
the weekend, following a 7-3 victory The Bears dominated the fourth drive.
on Friday afternoon against Quin- quarter, quickly cushioning their score The second quarter went into a
nipiac. with three goals in the first thirteen lull with a series of turnovers, missed
“The first challenge going into the minutes for a 7-2 lead. Of the three shots, and strong defense from both
weekend was to play two games in goals, Feinberg had two, and Nic Bell teams. Late in the half, Seligmann
three days at a high level. The second ’09 the third. fed the ball to Williams on the crease
challenge we faced was more of an “We have to give a lot of credit for another goal, but Denver scored
emotional one,” reflected Head Coach to their goalie — he was simply out- shortly afterwards to end the half with
Lars Tiffany ’90. “We were coming off standing,” Tiffany said. “We have an a 6-4 lead for the Bears.
of two fourth-quarter breakdowns, inexperienced defense, and limiting The Pioneers opened the second Justin Coleman / Herald File Photo
surviving with a one-goal win against them to three goals was certainly a half with three unanswered goals Men’s lacrosse won twice last weekend, beating Denver 12-11 with a last-min-
ute goal from Jack Walsh ’09, assisted by Kyle Hollingsworth ’09 (above).
Lehigh, and giving up a five-goal lead step in the right direction, as we define to gain a 7-6 lead, but the Bears an-
in the fourth quarter, only to lose to who we’re going to be at that end of swered with two of their own in the Walsh’s game-winning goal with just remain “poised and capitalized on our
Hofstra by one. So the emotional chal- the field.” closing minutes of the third, when Hol- over a minute remaining put Brown extra man opportunities.”
lenge may have been more critical.” lingsworth assisted goals by Feinberg back on top. “Last year Denver pressured us
Brown 12, Denver 11 and Hardy. “I thought we maintained our com- early and took us out of our game, but
Brown 7, Quinnipiac 3 The transition to play Denver, a Denver scored two goals to take a posure in the fourth quarter, and some yesterday we focused on playing our
On attack against Quinnipiac, An- top-twenty program, with one day of 9-8 lead early in the fourth quarter, but guys really stepped up and had great game and did not worry about them,”
drew Feinberg ’11 and Hollingsworth rest was certainly an obstacle. But the Williams’ third goal of the game tied plays,” Walsh said. “Kyle made an awe- Williams said. “
combined for five goals and an assist, Bears proved resilient, capitalizing on it up and Hollingsworth’s first goal some pass at the end. And the crowd Looking forward to next Satur-
while captain Jordan Burke ’09 made six of eight extra-man situations to pull on the day gave Brown a 10-9 lead. made a big difference­— it was great day, when the Bears will face UMass-
10 saves in the net. out the 12-11 win. Burke made two key saves to keep to have that support.” Amherst, Tiffany said the Bears will
After an early goal by Quinnipiac Feinberg again had three goals Brown in control, but with 6:30 left, the Denver gained possession of the need to shore up their defense.
less than five minutes into the game, and added three assists, coupling with Pioneers tied the game at 10. Walsh ball with 32 seconds left in the game, “Right now we’re allowing too
Brown built momentum with three Brady Williams ’09, who netted three answered with an impressve goal off but Burke came up with a crucial save, many good shots and too many crease
unanswered goals of its own. Fein- more goals. Hollingsworth supported a feed from Feinberg, as he grabbed locking up the victory. shots to be taken on Jordan,” he said.
berg had the first goal of the series off the attack with four assists, and a goal and fired the ball while falling to the After the game, Williams said the “We need to be tougher in front of
a quick pass from defenseman Jake of his own, while Burke was strong ground in front of the crease, to get main difference between this Sunday’s Jordan. This will be a big test against
Hardy ’10, then Thomas Muldoon ’10 in the net for the Bears, tallying ten the lead back with six minutes left. At victory and last season’s 11-8 loss to UMass’s outstanding attack unit
and Hollingsworth each netted a goal, saves. 4:23, the Pioneers tied it up again, but the Pioneers was the team’s ability to this weekend.”

Strong effort for wrestlers M. hockey upsets Harvard, twice

at EIWA championships By Dan Alexander
Sports Staff Writer
the game’s only goal.
Har vard goalie Ryan Carroll
2-0 playoff game where your team
needs you.”
By Katie Wood spots in the NCAA champion- stayed even with Clemente in the With the man advantage, Har-
Assistant Spor ts Editor ships. Gevelinger found him- The 12th-seeded men’s hockey team first period, stopping all seven shots vard fired shot after shot on Clem-
self in the elite group of four didn’t go into the first round of the he faced. Harvard maintained a 13-7 ente. Doug Rogers shot two one-tim-
The wrestling team finished off 184-pound wrestlers from the ECAC Hockey Tournament trying shot advantage in the scoreless first ers — the first of which Clemente
its season with three four th- region who will make their way to defy history. They went in just period. pushed aside and the second of
place finishes in the consolation to the Gateway City in search of a trying to extend their season — and The Crimson’s six-game un- which sailed wide.
bracket at the Eastern Intercol- national title. Gevelinger returns end 5th-seeded Harvard’s. All signs beaten streak looked like it was in The rebounds kept coming out to
legiate Wrestling Association to nationals for the second year suggested that wouldn’t happen. danger when the Bears came out Harvard, and Crimson assistant cap-
Championships at Penn this past in a row and hopes to come away A 12-seed had never defeated with the first six shots of the second tain Alex Biega got the final chance.
weekend. Many wrestlers lost with more than his guaranteed a 5-seed since the current format period. But Carroll denied every He wound up from the right point
their opening matches and fought two matches. of the tournament began in 2003. shot, and the Crimson regained an and sent a rocket at the goal, but
their way back into contention in “I had the goal of going back Brown (7-21-5, 5-15-4 ECAC) hadn’t 11-10 shot advantage by the end of Clemente maintained his shutout
the wrestle-back bracket, includ- — I’d been working for it all sea- won back-to-back games in over a the frame. with his 39th stop of the night.
ing co-captain Matt Gevelinger son,” Gevelinger said. “I have to year, and Har vard (9-16-6, 9-7-6 The final period was 15-5 for Har-
’09, who qualified for the NCAA be mentally prepared, and above ECAC Hockey) hadn’t been shut vard on the shot charts, but 1-0 for Brown 2, Harvard 0
National Championships, which all, believe in myself.” out at home in consecutive games Brown on the scoreboard. The Bears showed no signs of
will take place March 19 to 21 in Branden Stearns ’09, wres- in 111 years. Just over three minutes into the slowing down on Saturday, as Cle-
St. Louis. tling at 197 pounds, came out of All streaks end sometime. third, Brown’s fourth line produced mente blanked the Crimson again
“Our expectation was to have nowhere to claim fourth place In a best-of-three-game series the game’s only goal. David Brown- with a career-high 47 saves.
as many place winners as pos- in the consolation bracket as an that only needed two contests, the schidle ’11 shot a backhand from “I don’t think I’ve ever had back-
sible,” Gevelinger said. “We all unranked wrestler. He lost his Bears stunned Harvard. In 86 shots close in on Carroll. Carroll denied to-back shutouts” at any level, Cle-
battled and had a lot of pride in opening match, 7-5, to Army’s over two games, the Crimson didn’t the shot, but couldn’t corral the re- mente said.
what we were doing — we never 1st-seeded Richard Starks, but score once on goalie Mike Clem- bound. Zolnierczyk slapped the wild Eric Slais ’09 and assistant cap-
quit.” stormed back and rattled of f ente ’12. puck into the back of the net for the tain Aaron Volpatti ’10 gave Cle-
Gevelinger, the No. 6 seed at three wins of his own entering “Nobody really expected this,” game’s only goal. mente some insurance, scoring a
184 pounds, received a first-round the third-place match. He lost said Harvard captain Brian McCaf- “I thought the fourth line was goal apiece, both of which were
bye, but fell short in the second a hard-fought final match, 5-3, ferty. “But that’s why they play the tremendous,” said Brown’s Head assisted by assistant captain Matt
round, 11-3, to 3rd-seeded Justin to 8th-seeded Lou Miller of Co- games I guess.” Coach Roger Grillo. Vokes ’09.
Kerber of Cornell. He bounced lumbia, and narrowly missed Harvard put the pressure on Cle- Unlike Friday night, Clemente
back with three straight wins, the cut for nationals, as only the Brown 1, Harvard 0 mente in the final minutes — Carroll didn’t have to defend the goal with
wrestling back into the third- top two finishers at 197 pounds Coming into Friday night’s game, left the net with 46 seconds left on a blank scoreboard for long. Less
place match, where his day ended moved on. Clemente had never posted a shut- the clock, giving the Crimson an than three minutes after the puck
with a 10-2 loss to 2nd-seeded Stearns’ resilience came as no out in his young career at Brown extra attacker. dropped, Vokes, skating along the
Ivy League foe Louis Caputo of surprise to Gevelinger. and forward Harry Zolnierczyk ’11 But Clemente, playing in his left boards, spotted Slais cutting
Har vard. “The great thing about wres- hadn’t scored a goal in two years. first collegiate postseason game, from center ice to the left face-off
Before the regional competi- tling is that in this tournament, But when the final buzzer sounded, embraced the pressure. circle, with only one defender stand-
tion this week, each weight class Clemente was a perfect 39 for 39 in “It’s fun,” he said. “When you’re
had a predetermined number of continued on page 5 goal, and Zolnierczyk had scored a little kid, you want to be in a 1-0 or continued on page 5
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Page 5

S ports T uesday
M. icers stun Harvard to Wrestlers place in regional finals
advance in ECAC tourney continued from page 4 seeded Derek Reber of Bucknell. stay in the winner’s bracket. Each
continued from page 4 Carroll left Harvard’s net with Einfrank could not finish off Re- wrestler lost their next match and
2:14 left in favor of an extra attacker. anything can happen,” Gevelinger ber, falling 6-2 and claiming fourth finished the day 1-2.
ing between Slais and the goalie. The Crimson got a two-man advan- said. “It all comes down to these place. Einfrank fell one spot short Ross Baldwin ’09 (133 pounds),
“To be honest with you, I don’t tage when Slais was whistled for matches.” of making his first trip to nation- Stephen DeLorenzo ’10 (141
know how I got around the guy,” hooking with less than two minutes Seventh-seeded Greg Einfrank als, as the top three places pro- pounds), David Foxen ’11 (149
Slais said. “I’m not the fastest on the clock. ’10, wrestling at 125 pounds, did ceed on in competition. pounds) and Jef f Lemmer ’12
skater.” Despite the six-on-four attacker not wrestle until the second Both Stearns and Einfrank are (165 pounds) all lost their open-
But Slais lowered his head, pow- advantage, Harvard couldn’t find round and came up short in his hoping their names will be called ing matches and could not muster
ered forward and came up on Car- the back of the net. The Crimson first match as 2nd-seeded Penn’s when the NCAA announces 52 up another win to advance in the
roll all alone, then backhanded the took the last 11 shots of the game, Rollie Peterkin recorded an 18-1 wildcard berths on Wednesday. double-elimination tournament.
puck through the five-hole to put but Clemente stopped them all, technical fall at the 6:28 mark. He Bryan Tracy ’10 at 157 pounds “We had trained all season for
Brown up, 1-0. bringing his total to 47 saves. won three consecutive matches in and 6th-seeded Zach Zdrada ’09 at this one meet,” Gevelinger said.
Har vard controlled the rest “Their goalie was seeing the the wrestle-back bracket to reach heavyweight both won their first “I wish we could have placed five
of the period, gaining a 15-8 shot puck well,” said Har vard Head the third-place match against 3rd- match of the day, but could not or six guys.”
advantage. The Crimson got their Coach Ted Donato, shaking his
closest chance when Captain Jimmy head. “He was incredible.”
Fraser fired a wrist-shot on a two- With 4.8 seconds left on the
on-one break. The puck hit the top clock, the whistle blew, stopping
right post, ricocheted across the time once more. The small contin-
goal to the left post and bounced gent of Brown fans, wearing team
out. jerseys, stood up and began clap-
Despite the bounce-out, the siren ping. They didn’t stop until after the
lit up as Fraser hoisted his stick in buzzer, while the Bears slapped each
the air. But after a referee huddle, other on the helmets and jumped up
the striped shirts ruled that the puck and down in a huddle.
had not crossed the goal line plane, “There’s just a good feeling in
preserving Brown’s 1-0 lead. the locker room right now, and it
The call looked like it was go- hasn’t been there for a couple of
ing to be crucial after neither team years,” Slais said, while Clemente
scored in the second period, and it added “It’s kind of fun to end some-
remained a one-goal game. one’s season.”
But the Bears made it a two-goal The win sends Brown to New
game just under three and a half Haven, Conn. next weekend for
minutes into the final frame, when another three-game series in the
Volpatti managed to get a shot out ECAC quarterfinals against top seed
of a cluster in the slot in front of Yale (20-7-2, 15-5-2 ECAC Hockey),
Harvard’s goal. ranked No. 10 in the nation.
Editorial & Letters
The Brown Daily Herald

Page 6 | Tuesday, March 10, 2009

e d i to r i a l

A new Chipotle hope

We’re sorr y that Roba Dolce is dead and gone. It was a nice addition
to Thayer Street, and it’s always sad to see a local business flounder.
However, prime commercial real estate should not be left as a memorial,
especially during difficult economic times, and we think there’s a pretty
natural choice to succeed Roba Dolce at 178 Angell St.: Chipotle.
The prospect of a Thayer Street Chipotle was first mentioned in a
Herald article over two years ago, to the delight of many Brown students
who became Chipotle partisans during their high school days. The
low-cost, high calorie, highly delicious burritos are explicitly marketed
to college students, who make up the “sweet spot” of the restaurant’s
18-34 “core demographic.” So they want us, and we want them — what’s
the problem?
Mainly, the other Thayer street restaurants or, to be more specific,
Stonehenge Partners LLC (Johnny Rocket’s) and Dale Dulgarian (An-
dreas, Gordito Burrito). After Chipotle attempted to move in at 2 Euclid
St., this impromptu anti-burrito coalition filed a lawsuit alleging that
Chipotle’s proposed outdoor seating and parking plans violated state
zoning laws. Though the court rejected Stonehenge and Dulgarian’s
claims about parking, it ruled that Chipotle’s outdoor seating pushed
the building unacceptably far away from the sidewalk, ending the Euclid
Street project.
This clearly isn’t the case with the former Roba Dolce spot. Since the
building has operated with an outdoor seating area for some time, the ale x yuly
space could accommodate Chipotle’s needs. Further, the fact that the
court already agreed to Chipotle’s off-site parking plan at the old location
might facilitate the transition and forestall other legal challenges.
But this tit-for-tat over arcane zoning laws obscures the most fun-
l e t t e r to t h e e d i to r s
damental issue at stake in this debate: Brown students’ right to a good

Narrow-mindedness: the real embarrassment

burrito. We’re sorry, Gordito, but for years we’ve been settling for sub-par
burritos that make the Ratty’s usual fare look appetizing by comparison.
No more. The cruel and arbitrar y denial of our right to put on that
Freshman 15 by indulging in food that actually tastes good cannot, in To the Editor: out individuals similar to Rosenbaum — individuals
good conscience, be allowed to stand. It’s time to put on our collective who come to Brown expecting to be coddled and
activist hats and get to work. Chipotle’s cause must be our own. Intelligently designed or not, it was a bit iron- unchallenged intellectually. In truth, Rosenbaum is
ic how Tyler Rosenbaum’s ’11 opinion piece (“An more conser vative than his portrayal of Jindal. His
Editorials are written by The Herald’s editorial page board. Send com- unfortunate embarrassment,” March 3) was about advocacy of suppressing intellectual dialogue, on the
ments to how others shouldn’t have opinions. Despite his at- grounds that the expressed opinion differs from his
tempts to protect the image of Brown, Rosenbaum own, reveals his unwillingness to listen and consider
only succeeded in illustrating the closed-mindedness all views. In the end, isn’t that what so-called liberals
of many students on our campus. While Rosenbaum hate the most about conservatives? Additionally, con-
t h e b r o w n d a i ly h e r a l d is certainly entitled to his opinions, what he needs to trary to Rosenbaum, I believe most people understand
Editor-in-Chief Managing Editors Associate Editors Senior Editors understand is the fact that others, including Bobby that Jindal represents only one view amongst a diverse
Steve DeLucia Michael Bechek Nandini Jayakrishna Rachel Arndt Jindal ’91.5, are as well. spectrum of opinions present at Brown. No one person
Chaz Firestone Franklin Kanin Catherine Cullen
Michael Skocpol Scott Lowenstein Then again, what was I thinking? How dare Jindal can truly represent Brown in its entirety.
editorial Business have an opinion dif ferent from “relatively liberal
Ben Hyman Arts & Culture Editor General Managers Office Manager Brunonian(s)” such as Rosenbaum? I mean there is Chan Hee Chu ’11
Hannah Levintova Arts & Culture Editor Alexander Hughes Shawn Reilly
Sophia Li Features Editor Jonathan Spector a certain truth in the notion that Brown does churn March 8
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The Brown Daily Herald

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 | Page 7

Why the Corporation matters and how they get paid

the community, can govern equitably because has a side gig with the U.S. Treasury Depart- advising them to combine with either Charles
BEN they don’t have any financial interest in the ment (Steven Rattner). U.S. Securities and Ex- Schwab or E*Trade. The letter accused mem-
University” (“A defense of the Corporation,” change Commission Commissioner Annette bers of that company’s board of acting against
BERNSTEIN Feb. 23). Nazareth works alongside financial figures she the combination — and thus against stockhold-
Opinions Columnist I think that such an attitude is a common may one day investigate. er interests — in order to maintain their influ-
one among Brown students. After all, it seems Want truly dizzying connections? Brown ence on board decisions.
to be true. There is no monetary salary for Corporation member and Princeton sociology In a second letter written a few weeks later,
It was a pretentious gathering, even for Brown Corporation members. They don’t seem to professor Marta Tienda is on the board of the Cohen and Rosenstein insisted that leaders of
— the kind of “panel discussion” where each have any financial interest in University ac- Jacobs Foundation, the RAND Corporation, Toronto Dominion, the “TD” of TD Ameritrade,
speaker is allotted five minutes but takes 15 to tions. But of course, as I’m sure any of the bil- the Alfred P. Sloan foundation, TIAA and the were blocking a combination which “could di-
20 due to excessive hand gestures and elon- lionaire members would tell you, nothing in Princeton Healthcare System. minish Toronto-Dominion’s ownership stake,”
gated syllables. The prahhhh-cess by which this world is free. The main point is that Corporation mem- effectively placing their own interests above
we ooorrrr-ganize the diiiiiscipline is viiii-tally The first and most concrete way that Corpo- bership gives one access to power and influ- those of the shareholders.
important. ration members are compensated is through ence in an incredible range of areas, many of At the time, one observer called the letter
With a title like “Scholarship in a Time of admission of their children. Finding Corpora- which overlap, and those kinds of connections “a shot across the bow at the directors, saying,
War: Universities, Associations and the Re- tion members with children who were accept- have legitimate and enormous value outside of you better pay attention to everybody, not just
sponsibilities of Citizenship,” maybe I was ask- ed at Brown isn’t exactly “Where’s Waldo?” Call Corporation meetings. the one who put you on board.”
ing for trouble, but I’d like to think that there it correlation and not causation if you want, but The most salient aspect of the Corporation’s Pay attention to everybody? Not just the
was potential for some enlightenment. Instead, ones you put on the board? Sound familiar?
I received further confirmation that all Brown Almost exactly one year later, Cohen and
roads lead to the third floor of University Hall. The most salient aspect of the Corporation’s Rosenstein were named Corporation members
Perhaps the most interesting panel mem- where they, along with other members, have
ber was Norm Hebert, director of the office of unofficial salary — from relaxed admissions ignored calls for student representation on the
sponsored projects, who spoke about research Corporation or community approval of any of
funding at Brown. After emphasizing his role
standards for their children to networking benefits its decisions.
as “an administrator not a scholar,” Hebert — is that students aren’t the ones paying it. If the Corporation doesn’t answer financial-
went through a list of past research sponsor- ly to the student body, why wouldn’t they act
ships that his office had considered (without like the TD Ameritrade board members that
mentioning whether or not they were accept- the link is undeniable. Of course, Corporation unofficial salary — from relaxed admissions Cohen and Rosenstein were criticizing and act
ed), including a white supremacist organiza- kids aren’t the only ones who benefit from pa- standards for their children to networking ben- primarily in their own interests? Why are Co-
tion and the American tobacco industry. rental connections — I was admitted in part be- efits — is that students aren’t the ones paying hen and Rosenstein worried about damaging
When I asked Hebert how he decided cause my dad is a Brown graduate. it. The result is that the Corporation does not self-interest on TD Ameritrade’s board but not
which sponsors to accept, his superior, Vice Still, regardless of whether or not their chil- answer to the students it is supposed to serve. on the Brown Corporation?
President for Research Clyde Briant, explained dren merited admission — and indeed what it Which brings us to the other part of the ear- Their letter concludes with a telling line:
that the office simply followed the guidelines means to “merit” admission is highly conten- lier quotation: The Corporation as “students’ “We believe that the light of day is a powerful
laid out by the Corporation. But of course. tious — these students faced a lower level of advocates” — that is, a group of altruists look- asset for shareholders and we welcome the
I don’t have a bone to pick with the Corpo- scrutiny in their admission process than stu- ing out for students’ best interests. Conceiv- Board’s opening of a public discussion of these
ration. The only reason I keep bringing them dents whose parents were not directly decid- ably, if the Corporation does not answer to stu- matters.”
up is that they run this school and so I think it’s ing how Brown spends its money. dents, it might act in its own interests instead Cohen and Rosenstein should share such
worth our efforts to understand them as best The second and more beneficial way that of ours. wisdom with their fellow trustees. Advocate for
as possible. Corporation members are paid is through social A particularly relevant case involving self- students by letting us advocate for ourselves.
In a recent Herald column, a student who networking. In what other situation are such a di- interest and future Brown trustees occurred Permit students to sit on the Corporation.
clearly doesn’t understand the Corporation verse range of wealthy and powerful people in less than two years ago.
wrote, “Corporation members are not paid for fields such as finance, medicine, law and gov- In late May 2007, billionaires Steven A. Co-
their efforts but attempt to maintain and im- ernment gathered into one room? hen and Barry Rosenstein, both managers of Former Herald Opinions Editor Ben Bern-
prove this University of ours. They act as stu- Members often sit on other boards such as successful financial firms, teamed up to write stein ’09 is a history concentrator from
dents’ advocates and, unlike other members of Goldman Sachs (President Simmons) and one a letter to online brokerage TD Ameritrade St. Louis, Missouri.

Dare to implement the meal plan off-campus

the dining halls are unprepared to meet our Second, more people would be on the expensive, and so that alone might be a deter-
nourishment needs. So what do we do? meal plan if they knew they could use their rent. Convenience and accessibility are other
JARED LAFER We riot! meal plan at off-campus eateries. After a few factors. Indeed, sometimes it’s just easier to
Okay, maybe not. Instead, I’ll now present years at Brown the dining options really get walk to the Gate than a Thayer restaurant, and
Opinions Columnist
an idea that is by no means original but should old. Accordingly, students abandon the meal most Thayer restaurants aren’t open late at
be in print: We implement the meal plan at plan for the prospect of greater food glory night anyway. However, I don’t see anything
off-campus retail locations. Imagine using off-campus. Under this change, the diversity wrong with Brown putting a cap on the num-
So I was sitting in my room, as I often do, Flex points at Starbucks, or meal credits at of menu options will keep us entertained ad ber of meal credits or Flex points or combina-
trying to determine the next Brown policy Au Bon Pain and East Side Pocket. Is that not infinitum. tion thereof that one can use off-campus. I’m
to deconstruct and criticize. Though I have such stuff as dreams are made of? Third, it would stimulate Providence busi- satisfied so long as I can spice things up even
been a pugnacious opponent of several of this There are three foreseeable advantages to nesses. Imagine how many more customers once in a while off-campus.
great University’s policies, this time around, I Other universities, such as Boston Univer-
won’t be attacking a specific policy but a state sity, Northwestern and NYU have instituted
of affairs. Now, I’ve criticized the meal plan in We should implement the meal plan at retail systems similar to the one I am proposing. In
another one of my columns (“The meal scam,” fact, four Ivy League schools (Harvard, Penn,
Oct. 15). To my surprise, some students found
locations. Imagine using Flex points at Starbucks, Princeton, Yale) have done so, according to
this column disagreeable. or meal credits at Au Bon Pain and East Side their respective Web sites. I think it’s time we
I won’t deny complaints about the quality stepped on board.
and availability of the food at Brown are get- Pocket. Is that not such stuff as dreams are And stepping on board would be as sim-
ting old, but that fact says something about the ple as the University brokering a deal with
inaction of the administration — our voices are
made of? off-campus retailers through which Brown
going unheard. While I would otherwise love monopoly money could be electronically ex-
to be ignored, this is not the case here. this: First, it would make meal plans less of a off-campus retail eateries would get if students changed for cash — makes you wonder why
The greatest innovation from Dining Ser- rip-off. I cranked the numbers in my previous were not bound to Brown dining halls. we never considered it before.
vices of late (or at all for that matter) was column, and something doesn’t add up. Not This would consequently take an operations So maybe, just maybe, when all is said and
the “Tastes of the World” line at the Ratty. It only are our food options limited, but we get strain off the University, as dining halls would done, and years from now your child asks you,
added variation, maybe even a bit of cultural relatively little bang for our buck. If we had service fewer students daily. With Brown “(Father or mother), were you able to use your
character to the lifeless refectory. But pita and to hold the latter constant because Brown trying to be economical during America’s meal credits at off-campus eateries when you
tacos can only add so much character before probably would not want to revise its meal fiscal crisis, this could be a step in the right were in college?” you’ll be able to confidently
students begin to cry out in dissatisfaction. plans, why not take the opportunity to easily direction. respond: “Yes, (child name), yes.”
Of course, we are fickle. Show us some improve the former? Naturally, one might question whether this
hummus and implement a “no tray” policy Of course, there are a few who apparently change would render dining halls obsolete.
and we’re content. But we are only content do not share this sentiment (as their angry After all, why go to a dining hall when you can Jared Lafer ’11 is a philosophy concentra-
for a while. We need a long-term solution to letters will attest). I think it’s safe to say these eat off-campus at no detriment to you? tor from Manhattan. He can be reached
our dissatisfaction. We must realize that, as is, Dining Services fanatics are in the minority. Well, off-campus food is significantly more at
Today 3
to day to m o r r o w
Profs bring canine colleagues to work
The Brown Daily Herald

M. hockey beat Harvard twice last weekend

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

42 / 32 48 / 31
Page 8

the news in images

1 4
c a l e n da r comics
today, march 10 tomorrow, march 11 Alien Weather Forecast | Stephen Lichenstein and Adam Wagner

7:00 P.m. — “At the End of the Road: 7:00 p.m. — Human Consequences
Reporting in the Seams” with C.J. Chiv- of the Economic Crisis, J. Walter
ers, foreign correspondent for the New Wilson 501
York Times, Brown/RISD Hillel
7:30 p.m. — A Reading by Laynie
8:00 P.m. — Brown Lecture Board Pres- Browne, McCormack Family The-
ents John Edwards, Salomon 101 ater

Sharpe Refectory Verney-Woolley Dining Hall

Lunch — Pulled Pork Sandwich, Red Lunch — Baked Manicotti with

Socrates | Luke Jeffrey
Rice, Steak Fries, Cheese Pizza Sauce, Corn and Broccoli Casserole,
White Chocolate Chip Cookies
Dinner — Herbed Turnips, Chicken
Salad, BBQ Chicken Pizza, Chocolate Dinner — Roasted Honey and Chili
Pudding Chicken, Egg Foo Young

RELEASE DATE– Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Los Angeles Times

c r o sDaily
s w oCrossword
rd Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS 2 Not at all 34 Pond floaters 46 Anne Rice
1 Soaks (up), as good-humored 35 Christian chant vampire
with a paper 3 Wash. Huskies’ 36 Get used (to) 48 Surgery beam
towel conf. 37 Pretty woman 49 Like some easy
5 Dept. of Labor 4 Prod 38 Move it questions Cabernet Voltaire | Abe Pressman
division 5 Ph.D. candidate’s 41 The next United 52 Math test
9 Legislative hurdle States one will be question, briefly
bigwigs 6 Serious in 2010 53 Nevada gambling
14 “That’s a __!”: 7 Website offering 42 Giant who wore mecca
director’s cry streaming TV #4 54 100-yard dash,
15 Shellacking video 44 Messiah e.g.
16 Air traveler’s 8 “Up and __!” 45 Tips over 55 Hood’s gun
choice 9 Communion
17 Like Pollyanna’s symbols ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE:
optimism 10 Second word of
19 Parade sight the song “The
20 Multipurpose Sound of Music”
ointment 11 Quarantined
22 Poetic “before” 12 It may be
23 Rev.’s speech followed by a nap
24 Like a “fauxlex” 13 Collector’s goal
watch 18 Prayer beads
26 Rules of sentence 21 __ Bartlet, “The
structure West Wing”
Enigma Twist | Dustin Foley
28 Closings president
30 Felipe’s uncle 25 Animal housing
31 Syracuse 27 Fuss
University team 28 Wading bird
33 Office note 29 Cinematic
34 1975 #1 hit for clownfish
Labelle 32 The Darlings’ dog
38 Big Island port 33 “Buddenbrooks”
39 Many an ex-lib novelist Thomas 03/10/09
40 Sick
41 Mackintosh, e.g.
43 Old Roman
Republic leader
47 Grommet’s
49 Loud laugh
50 Imitate
51 Sanctuaries for
flora The One About Zombies | Kevin Grubb
55 Eponymous
56 Seat belt, for one
57 French farewell
58 __ account: never
59 Common sonata
60 Winter Palace
61 Bust’s opposite
62 Once, long ago

1 Processes during
checkout, as a
credit card By Neville L. Fogarty
(c)2009 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

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