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Daily Herald the Brown

vol. cxliv, no. 42 | Mecredi, le 1 Avril, 2009 | Servicing the community daily since 1891

Second SDS attempt to storm U. Hall ends in tragedy Herald to

By Trey Boucher
Senior Staff Writer

A male undergraduate student was
rushed to Rhode Island Hospital yes-
terday with severe spinal injuries
after friends launched him from an By Roberta Livengood
improvised catapult at University Hall Senior Staf f Writer
during an unscheduled meeting of
the Corporation. Seeking to cut non-educational ex-
The student, Trevor Demers ’11, penses, the University announced
lost consciousness upon colliding Tuesday it would sell its control-
with the brick face of the historic ling stake in the College Hill Inde-
building, authorities said, and will pendent to The Herald, effective
likely face partial or full paralysis immediately.
from the neck down. The sale, brokered by Execu-
A member of the group Students tive Vice President for Finance
for a Democratic Society, Demers and Administration Beppie Hu-
was reportedly trying to make his idekoper and approved over the
way through a window and into the Carl Marks / Herald weekend by UCS’s Student Ac-
A student was hospitalized Tuesday after a group attempt to storm University Hall.
third-floor room where the Univer- tivities Committee, will save the
sity’s highest governing body was Tuesday wheeling a “catapult-like Esserman described the device that the brick face of the building just left University the $80,000 it spends
meeting. Members of the same activ- machine” and banging drums. Af- launched Demers as “a dangerous of the window. annually to subsidize production
ist student group tried to forcibly en- ter a brief theatrical performance, in weapon that should never have been In a press conference early Tues- of the neo-postcurricular news-
ter University Hall during a meeting which students acted out “old white used to propel a human being.” day evening, President Ruth Sim- magazine.
of the Corporation in October. men crushing the dreams of young The device was aimed at a third- mons expressed her “deep regret” at The move is not without risk.
According to a police report, people,” they positioned Demers in floor window in University Hall, the Demers’ injuries. “This is a terrible Herald business staffers said the
about 14 students gathered on the catapult’s basket. police report said, but the students day for the University,” she said. “Our move carries a risk of declining
the Main Green around 9:15 a.m. Providence Chief of Police Dean misfired and propelled Demers into continued on page 2 revenues — the Independent has
so far demonstrated little appeal

Tutoring program unites football team, Wheeler School

to advertisers outside of the con-
signment clothing sector.
Herald copy editors will be
By Melbourne Coal they become engrossed in their Estes said he noticed low self- chemistr y class,” said Dudez, a required to undergo training in
Senior Staff Writer weekly tutoring session, laughing esteem among his players during 225-pound linebacker. “Going to irony-detection next week, but
and gesturing as they complete the recent practices, leading him to Wheeler has helped me in a way other wise business will proceed
Every Wednesday, Matt Dudez ’10 day’s assignment. propose a way for his team to “get that my TA never could.” as usual, Herald President Steve
enters one of the seventh-grade The program is part of a new back in the game, both athletically But new academic skills are DeLucia ’10 said as he announced
science classrooms at the Wheeler tutoring initiative instituted by Foot- and academically.” not the only fruits of the new pro- the acquisition last night.
School and settles into a plastic ball Coach Phil Estes to “foster a The result was weekly tutoring gram. University officials described
chair next to Erin Spark, who says close-knit, functional, necessary sessions, when students such as “For sure, I mean, I definitely the move as necessar y in light of
she loves Bunsen burners and relationship between today’s youth Dudez go over problem sets or think I’ve made friends with my uncertain economic times.
equations. and my athletically talented — but study for upcoming exams with tutor,” Dudez said. “She made me “Given that we’ve been operat-
The two huddle over a notebook not always school-oriented — ath- the seventh graders.
filled with scribbles and doodles as letes,” he said. “I frequently struggled in my continued on page 5 continued on page 3

sci-li renovations revealed

Romano Prodi brings back Trattoria
By Martin Amore
Staf f Writer

Visiting professor Romano Prodi, a

former Italian prime minister and
president of the European Com-
mission, has arranged to return the
Trattoria to its regular spot in the
Sharpe Refectory rotation, a Uni-
versity spokesperson confirmed
Though critics had characterized
the move as a return to “gastronom-
ic imperialism,” Prodi argued that
“the Trattoria is a cornerstone of the
international cross-understanding Eric Beck / Herald
he hopes to promote at Brown, “Mamma mia!” the former prime minister exclaimed.
and we have obliged him in that and return the pizza and pasta sta- a Prodi spokeswoman.
request,” said Marisa Quinn, direc- tion to its former glory. The Refectory will now also fea-
tor of public affairs and University “It was especially important to ture ambient accordion music and
relations. the prime minister that the Refec- will play a tape of Dean Martin sing-
Prodi had reportedly been in in- tory resume serving on a regular ing “That’s Amore” on continuous
tense discussions with Refectory of- basis both apple pie dessert pizza, loop, she added.
ficials for weeks over how to arrange which is a traditional Italian dish Prodi also hopes to visit Via Via IV
Mary Catherine Lader / Herald a politically palatable demise of the with a great history, and overcooked next week, Dellafishco said, to “pay
The revamped SciLi has received complaints of “phallicocity.” unpopular “Tastes of the World” line fusilli,” said Nandeeni Dellafishco, his respects to the management.”

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Lolcats...6.5 Policy Implemented where Bill Russell Allotted headline Sp-
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Today........8 for time with bros, hos championship ring limit content availability 195 Angell Street, Providence, Rhode Island

Page 2 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Wednesday, April 1, 2009

C ampus o oze “Trevor fought for his two greatest loves — institutional
transparency, and flying.” — Bill Demers, father of Trevor Demers

Facebook: Guy with beard SDS suffers near-casualty after U. Hall seige
not actually a RUE student continued from page 1 spoke on the condition of anonymity.
“In hindsight, fabricated parts might
resolution to prevent further impact-
related disturbances by installing
by Mark Zuckerman prayers are with Trevor.” have been worth the small scrape on sound-proofing material behind the
Contributing Writer The student’s father, Bill Demers, Mother Nature’s knee.” building’s drywall. “We cannot have
also appeared at the press conference. Chancellor Thomas Tisch ’76, who our meetings disrupted like this,” he
According to a recent Facebook Overcome with grief, he spoke about was leading a meeting of the Corpora- said.
search, that guy in history section his son’s “two greatest loves — institu- tion’s budget and finance committee MacDonald said the committee
with a thick beard and growing bald tional transparency, and flying.” inside the building, called the accident was discussing plans “to cut off the
spot is surprisingly not a RUE stu- Members of SDS appeared to “a great tragedy — not least because heat to dorms to free up money for
dent, despite obvious evidence to have built the launching device, Es- we never got to hear what he had to our gold-plated toilets” at the time of
the contrary. serman said, out of “rotting wood, say.” the incident.
The guy, who appears to be at fallen branches and some industrial The impact of Demers hitting the “There was just this awful noise,
least 45 years old, was apparently materials — all recycled.” building sounded like “a big smack,” like someone was crushing a child’s
born in 1989 and graduated from ness and enthusiasm only possible “We wanted to stand up to those he added. skull to scoop out his brains for a
Grand Rapids High School in 2007. from a former cocaine addict — is pigs without compromising our prin- Trustee John MacDonald ’67 stew,” he said. “But that’s another
Sources were unable to confirm apparently not yet old enough to ciples,” said an SDS member who said the meeting concluded with a project.”
that this is clearly bullshit. drink even though he looks old
Apparently you’re supposed to
believe that his business casual get-
enough to be your dad.
Despite being divorced and pay- New fundraiser to ‘develop’ straw into gold
up and shoulder-slung laptop carry- ing alimony for two to three middle- By Hoover Shanley the Departments of Economics, heads, Har vard University an-
ing case are meant to be ironic. school aged children, the guy is Staf f Writer Chemistry and English responded nounced last month that autoparts
The guy — who completes ev- listed as ironically “engaged” to a to the news with a mix of outrage magnate F. Archibald Midas would
ery assignment with a thorough- fraternity brother. Reeling from the loss of one third of and skepticism. But Professor of take over management of its endow-
Brown’s endowment and the pros- Alchemy Arkwynn the Elder called ment, and New York University last

Freshman not drunk, pect of reduced alumni giving for

years to come, University officials
the change “a great idea.”
“I’m glad the University is finally
week announced that renowned
auctioneer Ar thur Sotheby will

freshman says
moved this week to replace Senior heeding the advice of scholars such serve as an consultant on plans to
Vice President for University Ad- as myself,” Elder said. “Her majesty introduce a trial merit-blind admis-
vancement Ronald Vanden Dorpel Ruth Simmons shall not be disap- sions program.
HOPE COLLEGE — Although, lated as to whether or not the per- MA’71 with John Rumpelstiltskin pointed.” Despite widespread criticism
granted, someone — “maybe” him sons in question were not indeed PhD’63. Vice President for Public Affairs from the scientific community,
— puked in the water fountain in homosexual. Sources close to the president’s and University Relations Marisa President Ruth Simmons stands
the hallway, Tom Dooney ’12 is not Beyond questioning the mo- office report that the move was Quinn defended the hiring Tues- behind the decision to hire Rum-
drunk, he told reporters. tives of those who say he is pretty prompted by the troll-like former day, pointing out that peer institu- pelstiltskin. “They say the notion of
“I’m just like, having a good far gone, Dooney accused his critics hedge fund manager’s promise to tions had also sought innovative weaving straw into gold is crazy,”
time,” Dooney, who is wearing of themselves being drunk, argu- weave straw into gold. solutions to cope with the financial Simmons said. “I’ll tell you what’s
only boxers, socks and a baseball ing that “everyone is shitfaced, so Speaking on condition of ano- crisis. crazy — $800 million disappearing
cap, said. like” before leaving to urinate in an nymity, faculty members from In another move that turned into thin air.”

Reader oblivious
“I am not drunk because I am adjacent room.
only have (sic) spicy withs and I am By way of demonstrating his so-
not having not drunk spicies,” he briety, Dooney attempted to walk in
said triumphantly, referring to the a straight line, narrowly but success-
Josiah’s speciality, the Spicy Chicken fully averting a doorframe.
with Cheese. He also located a roommate’s

to all but Sudoku

Further pressed, Dooney ex- introductory Italian textbook and
plained “I don’t drink. I’m not twenty- proceeded to read a randomly se-
one.” lected passage, concluding, “I don’t
Under fire recently from peers even speak Italian and I just spoke
who say he is “wasted,” Dooney Italian, that’s how not drunk I am.”
lashed out at his critics, whom he Dooney’s pants could not be lo-
described as “sluts.” He also specu- cated at press time. by Your hot mom you think you are? Blah blah blah blah it doesn’t
Senior MILF Look, sometimes there’s legit even matter what goes here because
sudoku news in this paper. Maybe UCS you’ve already folded the paper in
HELLOOOO — Hey, you! Yeah, passed a resolution yesterday, or a half so you’re never going to read
you. What if this were an important student is making a documentary. I this unless maybe your folded
article? Why do you always dive don’t know, maybe you should read square of newsprint falls onto the
straight for the Sudoku? Who do the paper to find out. ground by accident and you had
to pick it up then you might briefly
glimpse something informative
before you returned to filling in
your stupid numbers in the grid.
Too bad you’re not going to read
this because we deliberately fucked
with the Sudoku today — it doesn’t
work. Bitch.
Newspapers exist so you can be
free, informed and self-governing!
How could you not want to be free,
informed and self-governing? Who
the hell are you?
Did you even bother glancing
at the front page? Aren’t you even
a little bit curious about what was

Daily Herald
going on with that catapult?
the Brown
You think the prof doesn’t notice
the newsprint on top of your note-
Editorial Phone: 401.351.3372 | Business Phone: 401.351.3260 book? Clearly you’re taking notes
Stephen DeLucia, President Jonathan Spector, Treasurer like everyone else. Puh-leeze. You’re
Michael Bechek, Vice President Alexander Hughes, Secretary no better than the kid next to you
The Brown Daily Herald (USPS 067.740) is an independent newspaper serv-
on Facebook on his laptop. And now
ing the Brown University community daily since 1891. It is published Monday you’re looking at him... HELLO! Still
through Friday during the academic year, excluding vacations, once during talking here!
Commencement, once during Orientation and once in July by The Brown Daily So there you are, scribbling
Herald, Inc. POSTMASTER please send corrections to P.O. Box 2538, Provi-
dence, RI 02906. Periodicals postage paid at Providence, R.I. E-mail herald@
away with your little numbers, un- World Wide Web: informed and uneducated. Serves
Subscription prices: $319 one year daily, $139 one semester daily. you right.
Copyright 2009 by The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. All rights reserved. Whatever, I’m over it.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Page 3

C ampus D UDES “Max, Max, you need to send a fax? Hello, Adam, where is Eve?”
— Jose, Ratty swiper

Student also got into Harvard Idaho blue state unpopular f r o m t h e r at t y

by Shooter mcgavin acknowledge the fact that he is actu- Cashier twitter
Staff Writer ally overqualified to go here, Walsh
from “cash$hos”
cleverly took advantage of an oppor-
PERKINS — Though most of his tunity to reiterate his point. Subscribe at
peers presumably went to Brown “Yeah, I know what you mean
because it was the best school they about the Ratty,” he interjected. “At
got into, Brian Walsh ’12 actually got like, Harvard, the food is a lot better, Hiiiiiiiiaaaahhhhh...
into Harvard, he said Tuesday. although I only know from like, the 6:11 p.m. from gail
“Yeah, I always had (Brown) as re-visit day I went to last spring.”
my top choice, even though I could According to sources in Walsh’s Hiyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy…
have gone to like, Harvard,” he said, medieval history class, the student 3:55 p.m. from gail
unprompted, during a conversation has exhibited similar behavior in the
among hallmates. past, casually mentioning that he al- Long lines today, no idea
“I was waitlisted at Princeton, ways remembers Charlemagne was why! New card flip very
too. It was bullshit though,” Walsh crowned emperor in 800 because popular so far. Behind the
added. that was also his score on the SAT back!
After peers failed to sufficiently writing section. 12:40 p.m. jose

Shaq to replace Nas at

Max, Max, you need to
send a fax? Hello, Adam,
Crash Bandicoot / Herald where is Eve? Adam, Adam,

Spring Weekend Blue State Coffee’s new location near Idaho State has not been successful. Madam. Here, you swipe it

by Alonzo Mourning ment, he stood by the decision the Paper merger to cut U. costs 11:01 a.m. from jose

Senior Staff Writer BCA made. Sidneeeey. Sidney Frank!

“Sure, it’s disappointing for me, continued from page 1 meta-reflection and self-indul- Are you two married? Are
In an eleventh-hour decision yes- but man, this is Shaquille we’re talking gent analysis to the campus. you his mother?
terday, the Brown Concert Agency about, he’s one of the cats that paved ing the econ department without Approached last night while 10:10 a.m. from jose
announced that little-known rapper the way for guys like me,” Nas said. qualified TAs all semester, we taking a smoke break on the
Nas has been pulled from the Spring The decision has not been with- just couldn’t justify the expense steps of the Rockefeller Librar y, Come ASAP if u want ba-
Weekend lineup, to be replaced by out controversy, however. The Fri- of keeping the Independent Indy Managing Editor Maude con, running out fast – go-
none other than rapper, actor and day night concert, which the BCA is afloat,” Huidekoper said. “To be La Joie said the publication was ing to be kielbasa soon!!!
former volunteer police officer Sha- hyping as a sure “Diesel-tastic throw- spending that much for fixed- glad the University was able to 9:15 a.m. from fatima
quille O’Neal. down,” has provoked angry responses gear bicycles and cigarettes just find a buyer.
O’Neal emerged in the public eye from the Asian American Students As- seemed inappropriate.” “As long as someone is willing Good morning… bacon this
with his 1993 debut album “Shaq Die- sociation, who cited O’Neal’s racially The costs, she said, “finally to shell out enough to shield us morning!
sel”, and perhaps hit the height of insensitive remarks, directed towards grew to outweigh the benefits” from our own irrelevance, you 8:04 a.m. from fatima
his fame and popularity with his lead fellow prodigious TV personality Yao of providing a steady stream of know, whatever,” she said.
role in the critically acclaimed 1996 Ming, of whom O’Neal was reportedly
bildungsroman “Kazaam.” jealous after Yao a spot in a T-Mobile
After fading out of the spotlight commercial.
and into obscurity for over a decade, “I sincerely apologize to the Ori-
O’Neal re-emerged last summer ental community, and please know
when, at a New York nightclub, he that y’all are the last group of people
premiered his new hip-hop single, I want mad at me,” O’Neal said in a
“Kobe, Tell Me How My Ass Tastes statement. “I mean, there’s like ten
(Can’t Do It Without Me).” trillion of you in the world, and y’all
O’Neal initially declined a BCA know kung fu, plus I love General
offer due to an anticipated extended Tso’s chicken, so I don’t want any beef
gig in Phoenix beginning in mid-April. with the Asian community.”
But with this previous engagement With the controversy now cleared
looking bleak, O’Neal made the call to up, O’Neal is ready to go.
ask if the offer still stood, and the BCA “I’m pumped. I just hope the ladies
jumped at the chance to bring “a real are ready for me,” he said, accompa-
superstar” to Spring Weekend. nied by a subtle pelvic gesture. “It’s
While Nas expressed disappoint- gonna be one Shaq-tastic night.”
Meet the corporation! – by Milena Suedi

Cruella Sanders
’76 P’04 P’06
Horace Penny- Robert ‘Billy’
Day Job: Aristocrat/Home-

Bagues ’60 Ruth J. maker

Thurston P’03 Favorite food: Definitely the
Simmons fish that my husband catches off Leticia Valenzuela
Day Job: Monopolist Day Job: Oil baron Day Job: Financier our boat in the Bahamas. We only
Worst investment decision: Interests: Country music, Resume: Previously presi- have a rustic little kitchen on the
My daughter convinced me to let trucks and God. Bitches! dent of five other universities, yacht, but boy do our cooks man- ’86
her invest her allowance in High Favorite phrase: “You ain’t oil- including Ohio State Univer- age to fry up the fish perfectly.
School Musical, the company. field, you ain’t shit.” And that’s sity, Vanderbilt University and In terms of ethnic food, I would Day Job: Corporate lawyer
Most embarrassing country God’s honest truth. Brown (during a first, much- say Swedish. Favorite food: Salmon proven-
club moment: Wearing the same Why Brown?: The two I’s: im- troubled stint in the 90s). Inher- Biggest achievement as a cal, filet mignon and ... tacos?
polo shirt two days in a row. My mortality and immorality. I hate ited vast petroleum fortune as a parent: My children have such Favorite memory from home:
golf buddies still won’t let me live this place. It turned my son gay teenager. diverse friends. It’s a joy to see New Jersey outlet malls, visits to
that one down… and costs 50k a year. But I want Favorite beverage: Diet root them learn about different cul- jazz clubs in New York
Best memory at Brown: Meet- a building with my name in big, beer. tures and beliefs. Just yesterday No, your real home: Oh, you
ing all the fantastic kids of the gold letters. Pet peeves: Missing Ratty my son Maximilian was playing mean Argentina? I don’t re-
Brown Investment Group. I To drink?: Starbucks misto cups, Bergeron before her morn- with his little Catholic friends on ally speak Spanish, but I like the
hope you all still have my busi- soy cappuccino with Splenda. ing coffee. the Upper West Side! Imagine! desserts.
ness card! Best place for a quick escape: Most overused word: Not that Hope for Brown’s future: More

Slam, bam, poetry jam

Foxwoods on blackjack night I spoil my children, but my most financial aid, better access to cross-
Biggest Brown regret: Not get- overused phrase is probably “put cultural resources and greater
ting the Sci-Li destruction plan your pony away, Henrietta.” My diversity of foods in Taste of the
By Ezra Kilogram indivisible like some prime number, approved by my fellow corpora- daughter always forgets to put World line.
Contributing Writer and number than ever. Why so empty tion members. her horses in the stables!
and queasy? Not easy to answer, but
Hey. So you bought a thesaurus. Po- wordplay saves the day. Now some-

‘Stonerexia’ an epidemic on campus

rous thesaurus glorious. Got some- one will listen! Your rhymes might be
thing to say so you’ll say it, Roget it ache-worthy, wooden stake-worthy,
risqué it say it. vampire-style. Your verse is nothing
You need to express depress con- but scraps, and still you get snaps — By Mary Jayne is characterized by a person’s unwill- without guilt.
fess — have to share it, you swear NOT claps, that’s so establishment Staff Dealer ingness to consume nourishment “When I’m in that state where I
it, no expense spared on these your — from an audience hooked on bawdi- throughout the day in anticipation of subconsciously find myself methodi-
words, silver words, gold’s kin you just ness. Validation triggers salivation A team of researchers in the Brown what he called “the munchies.” cally dipping my hands into a carton
wrote down in that — (l’appétit vient en Department of Psychology have “After a particularly intense social of goldfish, I don’t want to have to
red Moleskine.
ARTS & CULTURE mangeant) The Ap- identified an alarming trend among event in which marijuana is inhaled, think about the burger I consumed
So much inside you that needs to petite Grows As You Eat — and now college students — stonerexia. ingested, vaporized or bonged, peo- earlier in the day,” said Jay Gold
escape, needs to shed the lead parka you bleat, self-proclaimed aesthete Though the more common forms ple often find themselves desperately ’10, a self-described “connossieur
this stifling silence imposes. (forget about discreet). You bare it all, of “-rexias” are “definitely and totally searching for something cheesy or of herbal refreshments.”
Oh look! A microphone. Now your hope someone will care at all — please known across the country,” said sugary,” he said. These unstoppable “There are few things as pleasur-
filament thoughts shake off their man- please spare us all. You appear sincere, Robert McCamferty, professor of feasts — during which participants able as eating stoned,” echoed Barry
acles, your expressions express and but my ear hears through your cash- psychology and lead author of the can consume entire pizzas or pans Man ’09, who was holding a suspi-
confessions confess your oppression. mere veneer. “Why am I here? Why paper — published in Psychology of cookies before realizing they are ciously pipe-like implement at the
Red blood race race RACE through do I fear? Am I queer?” — oh dear. Today last week — the new trend even eating — can drive “stoners” to time of the interview. “So, I mean,
you, undo you. $46,000 a year. is “particularly alarming.” save on calories throughout the day why would I eat unless food could
“Is this thing on? Cool.” Tear? The “disease,” McCamferty said, so that they can gorge themselves taste three million times better?”
You’re twenty, you’ve got plenty, “Speak Your Mind!: Spoken Word
but down down in your Narcissus ’09” runs Friday and Saturday at 8
places you feel invisible, risible, as if p.m. in the Underground.
43% of UCS members don’t know what UCS does
By Stu Dent-McGovern members with no opinion was “of attend a meeting.
Contributing Writer no concern to (him).” One member said he was unable
UCS Communications Chair to form an opinion of the council
Though a majority of Undergradu- Clay Wertheimer ’10 said “The despite dedicated participation.
ate Council of Students members members that do have an opinion “I attend ever y meeting and
— 54.3 percent — hold a favorable on (UCS) approve of their own take notes,” Samuel Leon ’12, a
opinion of the Council, a signifi- activities over whelmingly. We general body member, said. But,
cant minority have ‘no opinion’ of need to reach out to the rest of he added, “I’m still not sure exactly
UCS, according to a recent Her- the Council (and) let them know what UCS is.”
ald Poll. Only 2.7 percent of UCS what issues they’ve been working UCS is not the only campus or-
members hold a negative opinion on and how they’re affecting life ganization reacting to the poll re-
of the group. on campus.” sults. Students for a Democratic So-
The 43 percent of UCS mem- Several first-year members of ciety member Joe Johns ’10 called
bers without an opinion on their UCS said they did not have enough the poll results “troubling.”
organization is on par with pre- information to form an opinion. “UCS is so closed, they don’t
vious years’s results, though re- “I thought I was circulating a even know what they do. Brown
sponses where phrased differently. petition to legalize same-sex mar- SDS sees it as our responsibility
In the spring 2008 poll, 39 percent riage in the Sudan,” said Anna Vose to bring transparency to the Coun-
of members replied “Don’t know/ ’12, “But instead the signatures got cil,” Howard said. SDS members
Don’t give a shit.” me onto UCS.” forced their way into last week’s
UCS President Brian Becker “I can’t form an opinion of the UCS meeting, where Vice Presi-
’09 said he was “satisfied” by the council until I know their position dent Mike McCombie ’10 escorted
majority approval rating. He added on same-sex marriage in the Su- them to the couches reserved for
that the high proportions of UCS dan,” added Vose, who has yet to members of the public.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Page 5

C ampus N UDES
Winter sports: Blah freaking blah
By Band Ruaca vard and 3-23-3 against ever yone compete anywhere near campus.
Spor ts Editor else. Hell, they practice all the way out
The women were shut out in Warren, which still strikes me
I get tired of leading every article twice, after which Head Coach as a strange place for a farm. And
with the words “It was a rough Digit Murphy all-too candidly be- covering fencing always ends in
weekend for the Bears.” moaned her team’s shortcomings far too many Zorro references.
Each weekend seemed to go to our reporter. Ah, the terrible Sure, the skiing team was al-
something like this: things we could have printed if ways in New Hampshire and we
The men’s basketball team we were vengeful. often couldn’t find the results on-
lost a pair of close games that line for days, but the real reason
slipped away down the stretch. SPORTS we avoided covering them was
That might have had something to my envy. I ski four days a year,
do with the fact that four starters The gymnastics and wrestling but sometimes I dream that if
played at least 38 minutes apiece teams posted a lot of individual I had grown up as a ski bum I
in each game. results, but to be honest none could have become a pretty good
The women’s basketball team of us was ver y good at covering racer.
lost its games by posting scores those teams. Squash just seems too snobby.
that a football team might con- As for the other winter teams, The swimming and diving teams
sider decent, as the leading scorer equestrian, fencing, skiing, were forced to host “home” meets
poured in a whopping nine points. squash, swimming and track and at Wheaton College because the
Robbie Corey-Boulet / Herald But they did show for titude in field, they probably did something Department of Athletics wasn’t
Matt Dudez ’10 and 7th-grader Erin Spark share notes at the Wheeler
School’s cross-registration program.
cutting the deficit to 12-8 at one on any given week that we didn’t forward-thinking enough to flood
point. cover. We don’t have enough re- the gravel pit where Smith Swim
Both hockey teams probably porters, but there are other good Center used to be. And we just
Linebacker, 7th grader enjoy lost twice. The men were schizo-
phrenic, going 2-0-2 against Har-
The equestrian team doesn’t
don’t care that much about track
and field.

cross-cultural exchange
continued from page 1 Since the program began last
month, Estes said he has noticed a
see the importance of balancing marked improvement in his players’
equations for real.” confidence.
Spark shared the sentiment. “I “They’re doing well in their
think Matt is really improving,” she classes now,” he said. “I only hope
said. “He might be able to do well the middle-school students can learn
on the next test if he thinks about something from our physically strap-
it a lot.” ping guys, too.”

Ugh, problem set due

By Anjali (INd. English) 91 average, you briefly considered
Staf f Linguist dropping the problem set, until you
remembered that you already used
SCI LI, 9TH FLOOR — Even though your one drop on Problem Set No. 2
there was a midterm like last week back in January, technically, when
and none of the answers are in the you slept through your alarm and
back of the book, Problem Set No. the fucking TA wouldn’t accept it
11 is due tomorrow, your syllabus after 12 p.m.
reports. Making things worse, you dis-
As of press time, you had not yet covered recently, is the fact that
started the problem set, and while Problem Set No. 11 has no fewer
sources report that chapter 13 ab- than 12 Jesus-flipping problems,
solutely blows, there will not be any some of which are divided into
extensions, according to an e-mail parts a, b, c and even an are-you-
obtained by The Herald from your joking-me c-sub-Roman-numeral-i
TA, Ivana Reginova GS, which was through iii.
obviously written partially with the Sources close to you confirmed
aid of that you were unable to even do the
“In that the homework sets reading for Chapter 13 this weekend
are an essential peel (sic) of your due to an unexpected trove of Sea-
study of the field of mathematics, son 3 episodes of “The West Wing”
you must turn in your homework that turned up on the Internet.
problem set without an extended Your only friend in the class, who
period,” Reginova wrote. also still has your lab book, was un-
Given that you currently have a available for comment — fuck.
Editorial & Letters
The Brown Daily Herald

Page 6 | Wednesday, April 1, 2009

e d i to r i a l

Yes we can!
It’s time to stop beating around the bush: Brown has started down the
slippery slope to state-schoolism, and its students are paying the price. With
the economy in shambles, an Ivy League degree isn’t worth what it once was.
Nepotism is dying, and employers are increasingly concerned with what they
deem “employee production value” — their goodwill towards Brown’s brand
of indolent intellectual-elitism is waning.
It’s time to get real: Surrender dreams of self-employed artistry and half-
hearted philanthropy; break ground in fields once deemed gaudy and shal-
low. What we need are politicians and pundits, execs and entrepreneurs—in
short, difference-makers, people who can pull this country together. Skeptics
will say it’s impossible, that the coma of our liberalism is too deep. But if we
retool and re-motivate — if we start now — there’s still a chance we can turn
things around.
This editorial is meant to inspire, not discourage — we wouldn’t address
a problem if we didn’t have a solution in mind. Though the upcoming battle
with reality is sure to be trying, we at the editorial page board have once again
found your ticket to salvation: Adderall.
A recent Herald poll revealed that last semester 89.9 percent of Brown
students abstained from illegal use of prescription stimulants. All we have to
say is this: What the hell, guys? Honestly. This is just the type of apathy that’s
brought the University to an abysmal 16th in U.S. News and World Report’s
ranking of top national universities. If you want to change the world, if you
want to save Brown’s reputation and maybe, one day, get a job, you’re going
to have to make some sacrifices, bend a few rules. ALEX YULY
Stop whining about your apprehensions. Listen to your hipster L.A./N.Y.
friends: Adderall’s purported side effects are just shallow attempts by THE
MAN to keep you from realizing your potential. We’re sick of watching you
squander Wednesday nights drooling over books in the absolute quiet room
l e t t e r to t h e e d i to r s
or sweating on drunken freshman at Fish Co. The world is falling apart! This
is no time to slack off.
We’d like to highlight the success of Brunonian Sean Quigley as proof of just
what one can accomplish with the help of study drugs; armed with only God’s
U. should seek out profitable business ventures
word and a handful of 30mg extended release tablets, Sean has managed to
beat back the legions of naysaying Trustafarians. While the Cellucci-Stripper To the Editor: such as real estate or hotel management.
scandal of 2008 bars us from advocating recreational use of the drug, take a Dear, I am honourably seeking your assistance in
page out of Sean’s book and cheek one or two next time you’re headed to the Permit me to inform you of our desire of going into the following ways:
library. Speed up — it’s time to make a difference! business relationship with you.I am quite aware that (1) To provide a bank account into which this money
Ready for change? Need help scoring? Call Anish Mitra, dealer to the stars, my message will come to you as a surprise because it would be transferred to.
at (401) 863-3953. is indeed very strange for someone you have not met (2) To serve as a guardian of this fund since I am
before to contact you in this regard.I am Ms.Eve Kone only 22years.
Editorials are written by The Herald’s editorial page fascists. Send comments to the only daughter of late Chief.and Mrs.Dikko Kone. (3) To make arrangement for me to come over to My father was a very wealthy Coccoa merchant in your country to further
Abidjan, the economic capital of Ivory coast, my father My education and also to secure a resident permit
was poisoned to death by his business associates on in your country.
e l b r o w n d a i ly h e r a l d
one of their outings on a business trip . My mother died Moreover,Dear I am willing to offer you 15% of the
when I was a baby and since then my father took me so total sum as compensation for your effort/ input after
special.Before the death of my father on March 2006 the successful transfer of this fund into your nominated
in a private hospital here in Abidjan he secretly called account overseas. Furthermore,Dear please indicate
me on his bed side and told me that he has the sum your options towards assisting me as I believe that this
of(Seven million,five hundred thousand United State transaction would be conclude within seven (7) days
Dollars).USD($7.500,000,00)left in fixed / suspense you signify your interest to assist me.
account in one of the prime bank here in Abidjan, that
he used my name as his only daughter for the next of Anticipating to hear from you urgently.
Kin in depositing of the fund.He also explained to me Thanks and God bless.
that it was because of this wealth that he was poisoned Yours Sincerely,
by his business associates.That I should seek for a Ms.Eve Kone.
foreign partner in a country of my choice where I will March 30
transfer this money and use it for investment purpose

Сосновый лес. Чистое экологичное место

To the Editor: место. Собственность.

Срочно продаю 103 гектара земли по цене 880 рублй Также есть участки по первой и второй линии берега
за сотку. Состоит из 4 участков: 12 га,16 га, 28 га, 47 га. Волги.
Земля находится в 190 км от МКАД. Тверская область.
До Волги 800м. Асфальтированная дорога до участка. Контактный тел.
Электричество по границе. Ведется газификация. (495) 2204-022
Красивый вид. Сосновый лес. Чистое экологичное March 31

C O R R E C T I O N S P olicy
The Brown Daily Herald is committed to providing the Brown University community with the most accurate information possible. Correc-
tions may be submitted up to seven calendar days after publication.
C ommentary P O L I C Y
The editorial is the majority opinion of the editorial page board of The Brown Daily Herald. The editorial viewpoint does not necessarily
reflect the views of The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. Columns, letters and comics reflect the opinions of their authors only.
L etters to the E ditor P olicy
Send letters to Include a telephone number with all letters. The Herald reserves the right to edit all letters for
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advertising P olicy
The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. reserves the right to accept or decline any advertisement at its discretion.
The Brown Daily Herald

Wednesday, April 1, 2009 | Page 7

Listen to The New Order

me with his new power? A little housekeep-
You could have just crumbled like Austria
to Germany (another international refer-
LORD KENNEDY Ever yone at Watson who doesn’t like ence!). But you had to play hard. And now
BY HAROLD legal studies is now fired. Sayonara. That this is happening.
Guest Columnist means “goodbye” in Japanese. I know that Let’s return to The Herald article: Ross
COLUMNIST because I RUN the international scene at Cheit, an associate professor of political
Guest Columnist Brown. science, said about me, “He came to build
I really like the architecture at the Wat- a legal institution.” You don’t know me! No
I have a lot of opinions, so I decided to write Greetings, Brown community: son Institute, but I’ve always found it lack- one does!
this column. I think that everyone should ing a little… I don’t know, pizzazz. Which Professor Cheit likes to study jails, so
know my opinions, because I have a lot of Just before spring break, The Herald explains the throne I’m installing on the I think I’m going to help him — by giving
valuable suggestions for the Brown com- published an article about me and my top floor. It also explains the soldiers now him tenure as the first inmate of the new
munity. plans for the Watson Institute for Interna- patrolling the hallways with swords and Brown Prison.
For one thing, we could improve our tional Studies (“Watson director’s unpopu- Don’t worr y about building costs —
dining halls by having better food. Good lar agenda draws ire,” March 16). it’s in the basement below the Friedman
food is delicious, so we should ask the In this article, I was accused of “push- My official title has Center. You didn’t know that the Fried-
Ratty workers to make some. Some ex- ing a legal studies program staffed by close man Center had a basement? Well, I didn’t
amples of good food include Antonio’s personal acquaintances with non-tradition- been Interim director know I had such a short temper. But I do
Pizza and magic bars, and those spe- al academic credentials” and “alienat(ing) and now we have a prison.
cial brownies my roommate made last many colleagues.” of the Watson Institute. You may be asking yourself, “What will
year on Spring Weekend. They were The article continued with this biting life be like under Lord Kennedy?” It will
also magic. tone, implying that my “romantic relation- Until now. be, like, awesome. For me. Don’t worr y,
We should change the name of the Uni- ship” with my partner of 20 years was inap- though, there’s a role for you as well.
versity, because brown is the color of poop, propriately used as the reason for his hir- You will help me create my kingdom by
and I’m sick of my friends at other elite peer ing. Ouch. daggers. taking “labor” courses. I’ll need engineer-
institutions making fun of me. If we are to At first I was hurt. I’ve only been tr ying Methinks that The Herald has gone too ing students to help design the pyramids
compete with Harvard and Yale, we need to do my job, after all. New and exciting ap- far as well. Thanks to their recent cover- which students will then build with their
to have a more prestigious-sounding name, pointments, an expanded curriculum, may- age, you are now holding in your hands blood and sweat. Other students can build
like “Green,” which is the color of money. be even interdisciplinar y studies. an historical artifact. The ver y last copy of statues of me or learn the proper sacrificial
If we changed our name, I think it would But then I thought, maybe they’re right. the Brown Daily Herald. Enjoy it while you rituals which will make up the new manda-
bring more money to our endowment, Maybe I am being a bit tyrannical. May- can — I’m planning on banning freedom of tor y religion of Kennedy worship.
which is currently very small. This also be… maybe that’s not such a bad thing. speech in a few years. Look, I know this may come as a bit of
should change, but it probably won’t until Which brings me to my next order of busi- This feels good! I think I’m going to go a shock to some readers. Deal with it. And
the members of the Corporation stop eat- ness. a bit higher. Hey Ruth. Yeah, Ruth Sim- remember this: You are helpless to resist.
ing babies. My official title has been “interim direc- mons. You’re gone. I’m president now. And Embrace my rule or flee — here I come!
I also think that, while on the whole the tor of the Watson Institute.” Until now. I’m bringing all my buddies with me. Ev-
New Curriculum is a good thing, there are As of this moment, my new title will be er y person I’ve ever had a crush on is now
some things about it that should be changed simple: Lord. a dean. Including me. Lord Kennedy can be reached by
for the better. The fact that we actually have So what does Lord Kennedy plan to do Ah, it didn’t have to be like this, Brown. thinking seditious thoughts.
to go to classes is definitely against the
spirit of the New Curriculum, and I high-

Statistics say your team sucks!

ly doubt that such a restraint on academic
freedom was not what Ira Magaziner ’69
P’06 P’07 P’10 P’15 P’18 envisioned.
In addition, we should change the Uni-
versity’s motto to “In Science Speramus,” can quantify how bad your team is, we can objects like rocks or dusty trophies. Look
because God is clearly a social construct in- quantify you, and thus measure how what at the evidence, teams with a low PWCA
vented by illiterate medieval peasants. So is BY JONATHAN HAHN you do, causes your team to suck. or no fans win the World Series. The Mar-
sexuality. That is why we need to institute Sports Columnist The real reason the Yankees can’t win is lins (five guys), White Sox (the few smart
mandatory gender-neutral bathrooms. because you root for them. It’s your fault. Chicagoans, like Obama), Diamondbacks
Brown has done a great job letting in lib- It’s official: Your team sucks. They can’t do Their PWCA, People Who Care Average, (Arizona is a state?), Cardinals (they’re only
eral, tolerant students, but there are still a anything right. It’s finally been confirmed which measures the number of people there for the “American” beer), and Phillies
few Republicans in our midst. Since every- and backed by irrefutable statistical metrics around the world who care about the team, (those who got kicked out of Eagles games)
one knows that Republicans spread intoler- from more knowledgeable statisticians at have all won the World Series because no
ance the way illiterate medieval peasants ESPN, the CIA and AIG. You can feel at You care too much. Stop. one cares or roots for them.
spread plague, we should round them all ease knowing that now you can quantify So Yankees fans, the secret to success
up, line them up against the wall and shoot how bad your favorite team or player really Seriously. And if you’re still is to stop caring and your team will win,
them until they agree to become as tolerant is using an obscure stat found somewhere although this strategy hasn’t helped Brown
as we are. on the internet. Your favorite player can be
not satisfied with what the athletic teams, ever. It’s simple math. You
You know who’s great? Ruth Simmons. broken down to a number, a bad one, just stats say, you could always go care too much. Stop. Seriously. And if you’re
She doesn’t need any improvement. I want like you. still not satisfied with what the stats say, you
to have her babies. I hope the Corporation Stats help provide objectivity to sports. old school by getting a real could always go old school by getting a real
won’t eat them. Baseball has lots of impor tant stats like defense in the Bronx. Oh, and of course a
I think that if Brown institutes the Cap/Crotch Adjustment Frequency (CAF)
defense in the Bronx. shortstop that can move farther than two
changes I have proposed in this column, it or Times Stepped Out of the Batter’s Box feet.
will truly be able to live up to its potential. If (TSOBB), but other sports have stats too. is astronomically high at 161m. My mistake,
it doesn’t, it will follow A FIERY PATH OF Take for example, basketball’s focus on that’s the number of dollar menu items CC
DESTRUCTION INTO HELL. Free Throw Line Hand Slaps (FTLHS) or Sabathia can buy to keep his figure slim. Jonathan Hahn ’10 is Royals and
Also, Nas should teach hipsters to be football’s obsession with Thinking Indepen- The actual rating is much higher, like 26 Nationals World Series!
more manly. dent Tackling Statistics (uh, yeah). If we billion people, animals, plants, and inanimate

Herald to reduce headline sp-

In response to decreased print ad revenue
and increased costs in the current eco-
wispy, ephemeral or palpably gay fonts.
Also, editing and layout time will be
Does this bohter you?
nomic crisis, starting today, The Herald reduced, though we remian committed
will begin a series of changes designed to to providing our readerz with the highest Chill out! It’s just a typo.
reduce printing and production costs. qaulity of writin’ and reportign.
Chief among these changes will be Thank you for your continued reader-
a reduction in headline width and text ship and support as we adjust to these
weight, along with the implementation of tough times.
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Новости в изображениях
Cabernet Voltaire | Stephen Lichenstein and Adam Wagner

Vagina Dentata | Abe Pressman

Today, april 1 thursday, april 2

7:30 p.m. — “My weekend vacation in 8:04 A.M. — Loud construction noise
Rhode Island,” with former Sen. Barack outside your room
Obama, Wilson 305.
Enigma Twist | Kevin Grubb
9:00 p.m. — “Lost” party with free 4:00 p.m. — “Loving School: an en-
beer, Dave and Ben’s room. core performance with Katherine
Bergeron,” Salomon 101.

Sharpe Refectory Verney-Woolley Dining Hall

Lunch — Barbeque Sauce, Sweet and Lunch — Predator “The Mad Chef”
Sour Sauce, Honey Mustard Sauce, Jones’s Giant Flipping Couscous
Bleu Cheese Dressing, Nacho Cheese, (bring your own utensils)
Hummus, Maple Syrup, Oatmeal Alien Weather Forecast | Dustin Foley

Dinner — T.I. Prison Send-off Theme Dinner — Polynesian Pork Piglets

Night with Live Music


The One About Zombies | Soojean Kim

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