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Sailor Moon - Episode 46: "Usagi's Eternal Wish. A Brand New Life."
(Opening Teaser showing clips of the Episode.)

"Thank you everyone, for giving me the courage to never give up. Evil
Being! I am Princess Serenity! In the name of the Moon, I will now seal
you away forever!"

Sailor Moon

(Sailor Moon stands alone. Her friends and allies have all been taken. Seeing that, now, only
she remains, she changes her plan and makes a resolution.)
Sailor Moon

"So this is the Dark Kingdom's lair. Ami, Rei, Mako, Minako. I'll do my best
until the very end."


TITLE CARD - "Usagi's Eternal Wish. A Brand New Life."

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACT 1
(Queen Beryl has been waiting for this moment.)
Queen Beryl

"So you're finally here. I will personally see to it that you will go straight to

(Something approaches Sailor Moon from behind. She turns.)

Sailor Moon


(A transport field picks her up and carries her away . . .)

Sailor Moon

(Gasping) "Yaaa!"


(. . . to Queen Beryl's throne room, where she is unceremoniously dumped on the floor.)
Sailor Moon


Queen Beryl

"Welcome, Princess. You did good to get this far. I commend you for that."

(Sailor Moon at last gets a firsthand look at the source of all her troubles.)
Sailor Moon

"You're...Queen Beryl?"

Queen Beryl

"Yes, the One and only, in the flesh."

(Endymion is kneeling to Queen Beryl's side, kissing her hand in loyalty. This shocks Sailor
Queen Beryl

"Endymion. Make yourself useful. Kill the Princess."

Prince Endymion

"As you wish.

(He jumps and tries to slice Sailor Moon with his sword. She rolls out of the way.)
(She tries the wand . . .)
Sailor Moon


(. . . but Queen Beryl had anticipated it. She has made sure Darien's brainwashing is complete
this time.)
Queen Beryl

"Useless. Even with the Silver Crystal, you're still inexperienced as a

Princess. You won't be able to dispel Queen Metalia's Dark Energy from
within Endymion's body. Ha ha. Stop your futile efforts and hand over the
Silver Crystal like a good girl.

(Prince Darien tries again, this time, he manages to knock Sailor Moon down. The Crescent
Moon Wand falls out of her hand. She groggily tries to reach it...)
(Prince Endymion holds a black rose before Sailor Moon..)

Prince Endymion

"Sailor Moon..."

(...and he tosses it to her.)

Prince Endymion


(The stalk of the Black Rose wraps around Sailor Moon like a vine. Several Rosebuds bloom on it
and its shocks Sailor Moon with Dark Power, causeing her to scream.)
(Queen Beryl laughs at Sailor Moon's pain and agony.)
(Sailor Moon looks at Endymion, trying to find some glimmer of his regular self.)
Sailor Moon


(Endymion continues to stare at her with a blank look.)

(Sailor Moon sees a flash of Mamoru like she did with each of the Sailor Guardians after they

"Hey, Bun-Head."

(The Rose Vines break off of Sailor Moon as she fall to the ground."
Sailor Moon


(Endymion kicks Sailor Moon across the room.)

(We cut to a quick shot of the Sun, almost covered in sunspots.)
(We cut back to Queen Beryl's Throne Room. Endymion is holding Sailor Moon off the ground
by her neck.He begins shocking her with Dark Power.)
Queen Beryl

"Very soon now the entire Sun will be consumed with darkness and finally
Queen Metalia will be resurrected."

(Endymion continues his assault on Sailor Moon.)

Queen Beryl

"You can stop that now, Endymion."

(Endymion throws Sailor Moon across the room.)

Queen Beryl

"Cut off the Princess's head, now."

(Sailor Moon struggles to reach for her Moon Stick...)

Queen Beryl


"It's no use.Once Queen Metalia is resurrected and back among us, she
will have the strength to unleash the Silver Crystals' full power and she will
fill this world with Dark Energy forever! Everything you and your friends
faught to protect will become meaningless."

(Sailor Moon gasps remembering how her friends died to protect her and the world.)
(Just as Endymion raises his sword, Sailor Moon gathers the last of her strength.Then she pulls
a big surprise: she throws her Moon Tiara at him!)

(He collapses, and the tiara falls to the floor. She pants in relief, but it's short-lived.Endymion, still
driven by the Dark Energy, tries to get up. However, the tiara has weakened him.)
Queen Beryl

"We made sure the Dark Energy seeped into every pore of Endymion's
body. You'll need to come up with more than that to defeat him."

(Endymion rises to face Sailor Moon again.)

Sailor Moon

"Please stop."

Prince Endymion

"Sailor Moon..."

Sailor Moon

"Stop it..."

(Endymion lifts his sword up prepairing to strike Sailor Moon.)

Prince Endymion


Sailor Moon


(She pulls out the Star Locket. This is her last hope.)
Sailor Moon

"Please...Try to remember. It's me, Princess Serenity. Long ago we

pledged our love to each other. I'm Serenity of the Moon Kingdom."

Prince Endymion

"Anyone who dares defy the Dark Kingdom must die!"

Sailor Moon

"You've been poisoned by bad energy that's made you cruel. But kindness
still beats in your heart."

(Endymion begins to stuggle holding the sword..)

Sailor Moon

"I don't want this. Please don't force me to fight you."

(Endymion lowers his sword...)

Sailor Moon


(He touches the locket and is engulfed in bright light.)

Queen Beryl

"What? What is that?"

(Prince Endymion regains his memories and is freed of the Dark Energy.)
(We cut to inside his mind, where he is a six year old boy with amnesia in a hospital bed.)
Young Mamoru

"What happened? Who am I? I can't remember anything. Am I all alone?"

Usagi's voice:

"No you're not.

(Young Mamoru gasps and looks next to him to find Usagi standing there.)

"I'm here for you."

(Adult Mamoru is now the one in the hospital bed.Usagi kneels down next to him and hold his

"You're not alone. I'll always be with you.

(We cut back to Queen Beryl's Throne Room. The light that is engulfing Prince Endymion fades
and he falls to the ground in front of Sailor Moon.)
Sailor Moon


Prince Endymion


(A RED ROSE magically appears next to Prince Endymion.)

Prince Endymion

"Thank you."

Sailor Moon

"Mamoru, you're back."

(Queen Beryl is OUTRAGED!)

Queen Beryl

"You'll pay for this, Princess! I can not and will not forgive you for once
again trying to take Endymion away from me!"

(Well, she knows how to deal with it. She has a large crystal with their names on it! She
launches it.)
Queen Beryl


(But Endymion sees it and throws his charmed rose. It shatters the crystal, continues its flight . . .
and plunges into Queen Beryl. Prince Endymion shields Sailor Moon from the shattered shards
of the crystal which plung into his back.)

Sailor Moon


Queen Beryl

"Endymion...Why must you protect that little girl? If you'd chosen me you'd
now be ruling King of both the Moon and the Earth! What's happening?!"

(Queen Beryl's chest begins cracking, stemming from the Magic Rose.)
(Sailor Moon holds the gravely injured Prince Endymion.)
Sailor Moon

"Mamoru! Don't die!"

(Queen Beryl falls to the floor...)

Queen Beryl

"Why? Why is this rose able to defeat me? Is it his energy? Is the power
of Endymion's love for that girl so strong that it could destroy my whole
body? I refuse...I refuse to beleave that."

(And she disappears into the floor.)

Sailor Moon

"Please, wake up. Mamoru."

(He opens his eyes...)

Prince Endymion

"Leave now. Get out of here quickly."

Sailor Moon


Prince Endymion

"Go back to being an ordinary girl without any worries. Find yourself a
cool boyfriend."

Sailor Moon

"Nobody's cooler than you, Mamoru..."

(He closes his eyes and dies.)

Sailor Moon


(Sailor Moon bursts into tears)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACT 2

(Queen Beryl has had it! She has to destroy Sailor Moon NOW, and she needs the Dark Power
of Queen Metalia to do it!)
Queen Beryl

"Queen Metalia...I beg of you, please grant me your energy. The power to
crush that dispicable girl... Please Queen Metalia! I will do anything!

Queen Metalia

"As you wish. The time has come to insteal hatred and greed into all living
creatures in the universe. Queen Beryl... Eliminate all beings who
attempt to resist and turn the world into complete darkness!"

(Queen Metalia breaks free and merges with Queen Beryl..)

(Back in Queen Beryl's Throne Room, Sailor Moon goes to kiss Mamoru goodbye but stops...)
Sailor Moon

"I'm sorry, but I can't kiss you. Rei...Ami...Mako...Minako... All of them died
without having kissed the boys they liked. Right now, nothing would make
me happier then kissing you, but I can't. I'm sorry, Mamoru. But I'm not
going to run away. I still have something left to do."

(The Throne Room begins to crumble and shake softly...)

Sailor Moon

"Watch over me. I'll do my best."

(The shaking gets worse and Sailor Moon walks away and disappears...)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(In the Arctic, massive energies explode. A massive Flower Bud bursts from the ground next to
the Dark Kingdom. The flower blooms to reveal SUPER BERYL.)
Super Beryl

"Ha ha ha ha. At long last, all the Dark Energy is mine. I will now rule the
entire world! Ha ha ha ha."

(Sailor Moon reappears, too.)

Super Beryl

"You're here, you little irritant."

(Sailor Moon approaches.)

Super Beryl

"I'll finish you off this time. Princess, DIE!!"

(She sends powerful energy at her, raising a column of ice, but the top of that column breaks
open, revealing . . . Princess Serenity! Sailor Moon's facing Super Beryl as the Moon Princess!)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(The entire planet is in an uproar. The lights go out everywhere.)

(Usagi's family watches the events from their home, while on the roof, Luna and Artemis sense

"This is it! The world is coming to an end! Queen Metalia's Dark Energy
has been unleashed upon us."

(Luna starts to scurry off, but is stopped by Artemis.)


"Wait, Luna!"


"Out of my way. I have to go to the D Point now!"


"What for? It won't do any good! There's nothing more we're able to do!"


"Don't you think I know that already? But if we don't somehow stop Usagi,
she's going to release the power of the Silver Crystal! And if she does
that, you know she'll die! Like the way Queen Serenity did!"


"I know that, but there's no other way left to save the world now."

(She cries into the night sky.)


"Don't do it, Usagi! You must not release the power of the Silver Crystal! If
you do, you'll be gone forever!"

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(We cut back to the Arctic...Super Beryl and Princess Serenity face each other. Princess Serenity
opens her eyes and raises the Silver Crystal on the Moon Stick. )
(SONG CUE: (Miracle Romance - full version)
(Super Beryl gathers her Dark Energy....)

Princess Serenity

"Moon Healing..."

(The Silver Crystal gathers power as well.. Super Beryl fires her Dark Energy at Princess
Princess Serenity


(Dark Energy and Moon Power clash, neither giving up ground.The Final Battle begins!)
Super Beryl

"Tell me. Why are you so determined to defeat me? You dream of a lovely
future that will never come to pass. One day you will come to realize this
world is already filled with ugliness and filth!

Princess Serena

"You're wrong! I believe in it! I have faith!"

Super Beryl

"Faith in what? Everlasting love? Indestructable friendships? Ha ha ha ha"

Princess Serenity

"All of it! I beleave in this world and the Guardians that faught for it!"

Super Beryl

"You're a fool. There's nothing worth wild in this putrid world for anyone to
beleave in! AHHH!"

Princess Serenity

"Silver Crystal...Please give me strength! I need everyone's combined

faith and love... To fight for the world we believe in!"

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Princess Serenity remembers special moments she shared with the Sailor Guardians..)

"Love is no laughing matter, but you get a happy feeling from it. Ha ha


"Stop saying I'm in love with him. I just feel bad for Yuichiro, that's all."


"So what if he already has a girlfriend? I think it's worth giving it a shot!"


"It's okay. All that matters is that Alan and Katerina are happy."


Princess Serenity

"My friends..."

Super Beryl

"I won't be sealed by the Silver Crystal now that all the Dark Energy is

Princess Serenity

"Everyone...Give me all your strength, please! Right now!"

(Their spirits reach out and give her a guiding hand.

powers . . .)
Sailor Mercury


Sailor Mars


Sailor Jupiter


Sailor Venus


They lend Princess Serenity their

(. . . to let them all out in one fantastic blast!)

Princess Serenity


Super Beryl

"Huh? What's that?!"

(A powerful ball of energy approaches Queen Beryl, and she can't stop it! It engulfs her, and she
disappears . . . forever.)
(Princess Serenity turns back into Sailor Moon as she collapses..)
Sailor Moon

"Thank you...Everyone."

(Sailor Moon's eyes close as she is dying. She is engulfed by the same energy ball unleashed on
Super Beryl. The Blast evertually consumes the whole area where the Dark Kingdom was and
where the Sailor Guardians died... As we see this, we hear Sailor Moon's wish to the Silver
Sailor Moon

"When I wake up in the morning, I feel the breeze as it rustles the white
curtains in my bedroom. My cookoo clock tells me its 7am, but I hear my
mom say, 'Come on, sleepy-head. Time to get up, or you'll be late.' It's so
hard to wake up, so I think to myself, just three more minutes and I'll get
out of bed. Of course, I'm late for school everyday. Miss Haruna makes
me stand out in the hall and all my tests are covered with red marks. On
our way home from school, we all stop for some crapes and go check out

the party dress on display in the store window... It's those simple things
that made my life so happy and fun. I wish... I wish I could go
being just a normal girl.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(SONG CUE: You Are Just My Love.)

(The next day . . .)

"Yaa! I'm gonna be late again!"

(She grabs her stuff.)



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(What's this? It's like we've gone back to the beginning.)


"It's a miracle. Not only did the dark spots on the Sun disappear, but all of
the girls have been reincarnated."


"It's sad. I feel sorry for them. Every single memory they had of being
together is gone now."

(She's right. They pass each other without a second glance.)


"That's okay."




"They always have the chance to become good friends again."


"You're right."

(We cut to Jubaan Middle School. Test Scores have been posted, and Ami Mizuno is number
Usagi and Naru watch as Ami walks past them.)
(We cut to Jubaan Shopping District.)
"Awww. I guess I should have studied a little bit more. Oh, I hate you, you
stupid test!"
(Usagi crumbles her test up and tosses it over her shoulder and it bounces off Mamoru's head!)


"Watch where you're throwing things, Bun-Head!"

(He reads her test score..)


"Thirty percent? Looks to me like you better study more, Bun-Head."

(Usagi snatches the test back from Mamoru)


"How rude!"

(She gives him the Raspberry.)


"Jerk in purple faded pants..."

(Usagi storms off with Naru...)


"What a strange kid."


"Admit it. He was cool and pretty good looking."


"No way. He's just a stuck up jerk."


"That's what you say now, but who knows? You might have just met your
soulmate back there."


"Eh! Give me a break! I know exactly what my dream guy will look like!"


"You have a dream guy?"


"Yup. In my dream he always comes to my rescue and although I don't

know what he looks like yet, I know nobody in the world is cooler than he

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEXT EPISODE TEASER

"Sailor Moon is all pumped up as we go into an all new story arc!


"We finally return to our peaceful lives when powerful new enemies
suddenly appear!"




"It'll be full of thrills and full of laughs!"


"I guess we'll just have to go as far as we can go!"


"In your case, you've gone too far already."


"Next time, on Sailor Moon R: Moon Returns! The Mysterious Aliens

Appear! The Moonlight is the Messanger of Love."

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This transcript was written by "Robert Eugene Burkhart J.R."

The writer has no affiliation with DIC, Toei Animation, Kodansha, or any other company affiliated
with Sailor Moon. This is purely the time and effort of the writer.
This entire transcript was hand-typed by ear and checked to ensure the highest degree of
accuracy possible, though errors may still exist.
This is intended solely for the viewing pleasure of a private viewing audience and cannot be
published, redistributed, or otherwise publicized in any way.
You may print out one copy for private reading purposes only.

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